The page lists 174 projects related to the topic "accomplished".
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1 | B-CAST | Breast CAncer STratification: understanding the determinants of risk and prognosis of molecular subtypes | 2015 |
2 | CARBAZYMES | Sustainable industrial processes based on a C-C bond-forming enzyme platform | 2015 |
3 | CHIME | The Role of Cortico-Hippocampal Interactions during Memory Encoding | 2015 |
4 | ROBOTAR | Robot-Assisted Flexible Needle Steering for Targeted Delivery of Magnetic Agents | 2015 |
5 | CRASK | Cortical Representation of Abstract Semantic Knowledge | 2015 |
6 | Fingers4Cure | Zinc finger gene therapy in the brain for treating Huntington's disease | 2015 |
7 | DEFNET | DEFect NETwork materials science and engineering | 2015 |
8 | iSwitch | Integrated self-assembled SWITCHable systems and materials: towards responsive organic electronics – a multi-site innovative training action | 2015 |
9 | INTEGRATE | Interdisciplinary Training Network for Validation of Gram-Negative Antibacterial Targets | 2015 |
10 | ENACT | Enhancing sustainable chemical technologies through the synergy of computer simulation and experiment | 2015 |
11 | AutoPost | Deformable Surface Tracking and Alpha Matting for the Automation of Post-production Workflows | 2015 |
12 | MAMEM | Multimedia Authoring and Management using your Eyes and Mind | 2015 |
13 | SARAFun | Smart Assembly Robot with Advanced FUNctionalities | 2015 |
14 | NonMinimalHiggs | Non Minimal Higgs | 2015 |
15 | WMF2015 | World Manufacturing Forum 2015 | 2015 |
16 | GRANN | Graphene Coated Nanoparticles and Nanograins | 2015 |
17 | TRIBE | TRaIning Behaviours towards Energy efficiency: Play it! | 2015 |
18 | MPSAT | Multi-Payload satellite as an innovative service for technology experimentation in space | 2014 |
19 | EFICONSUMPTION | Innovative System for Electrical Energy Efficiency in industrial plants | 2014 |
20 | ProZero | ProZero - Carbon Based fast boats for professional use | 2014 |
21 | ReCRED | From Real-world Identities to Privacy-preserving and Attribute-based CREDentials for Device-centric Access Control | 2015 |
22 | KGBVIFEF | Utilizing the fusion machinery of Herpes Simplex Virus to unveil the general process of membrane fusion | 2015 |
23 | EVOPRIMPOL | Artificial evolution of a novel multifunctional human polymerase | 2015 |
24 | HydroCat | Understanding the Collective Behaviour of Catalytically-Driven, Self-Propelled Colloids: From Fine-Grained Hydrodynamic Simulations to Effective Field-Theoretical Descriptions | 2015 |
25 | EpiNKT | Transcriptional and epigenetic control of innate-like T lymphocyte development | 2015 |
26 | SYNPT | The role of autophagy in presynaptic protein turnover | 2015 |
27 | SMI REP | Investigating eukaryotic replisome dynamics at the single molecule level | 2015 |
28 | Intentions in Action | Intentions in Action: Establishing the neural causes of intentional action | 2015 |
29 | CREAM | Control of Energy by Advanced Artificial Materials | 2015 |
30 | NEW4NEW | New methods for new materials | 2015 |
31 | MIP4CELL | Molecular Imprinting mediated regulation of cell behavior and related biomedical applications | 2016 |
32 | MARSS-5G | Modeling and Analysis of Random Spatial Systems for 5G Networks | 2015 |
33 | NEARCONTROL | NEARshore geological CONTROL on coastal morphodynamics: monitoring and modelling in high-resolution | 2016 |
34 | VETBIOMAT | Advanced material for the regeneration of joints in veterinary medicine | 2015 |
35 | NAV4VIP | 3D Sound Navigator Assistant for Visually Impaired People | 2015 |
36 | SETinSTONE | Set in Stone - A retrospective impact assessment of human and environmental resource usage in Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Monumental Architecture, Greece | 2015 |
37 | SYNCAT | Synergistic Gold Carbene Catalysis | 2016 |
38 | CySTEM | Cyprus Solar Thermal Energy Chair for the Eastern Mediterranean | 2015 |
39 | FANTASTIC-5G | Flexible Air iNTerfAce for Scalable service delivery wiThin wIreless Communication networks of the 5th Generation | 2015 |
40 | CARDYADS | Controlling Cardiomyocyte Dyadic Structure | 2015 |
41 | PROTEOMICAN | Discovery of breast cancer aggressiveness markers using topo-proteomics mapping | 2015 |
42 | ACTOMYO | Mechanisms of actomyosin-based contractility during cytokinesis | 2015 |
43 | VIRMETAL | Virtual Design, Virtual Processing and Virtual Testing of Metallic Materials | 2015 |
44 | GENEVOSYN | Reshuffling genes and genomes: from experimental evolution to synthetic biology in plants | 2015 |
45 | Allelic Regulation | Revealing Allele-level Regulation and Dynamics using Single-cell Gene Expression Analyses | 2015 |
46 | DendroBAP | Green and robust approaches towards dual-purpose dendritic adhesives: Novel minimally invasive methodologies for bone fracture fixation applications | 2015 |
47 | GLIOMARK | Validation of blood-brain-barrier permeability as a glioma biomarker by means of the radiotracer 99mTc-tetrofosmin and single-photon emission computer tomography | 2015 |
48 | AFib-TrainNet | EU Training Network on Novel Targets and Methods in Atrial Fibrillation | 2015 |
49 | MyFUN | Myopia: Fundamental understanding needed | 2016 |
50 | ProNANO | Protein-based functional nanostructures | 2016 |
51 | EDAX | Beating Complexity through Selectivity: Excited state Dynamics from Anti-Stokes and non-linear resonant inelastic X-ray scattering | 2016 |
52 | VET-TWIN | Strengthening of scientific excellence of the National Veterinary Research Institute in animal health and food chain safety | 2016 |
53 | HurdlingOxoWall | Late First-Row Transition Metal-Oxo Complexes for C–H Bond Activation | 2016 |
54 | PEARL | Periodically bent crystals for crystalline undulators | 2016 |
55 | LEFAPO | Lead free automotive SLI power | 2015 |
56 | PVSITES | Building-integrated photovoltaic technologies and systems for large-scale market deployment | 2016 |
58 | NoCut | Detection of Chromatin Bridges during Cytokinesis | 2016 |
59 | ANaPSyS | Artificial Natural Products System Synthesis | 2016 |
60 | INNOVATE | The innovation journey of tourism entrepreneurs: evidence from the UK and Spain and policy implications | 2016 |
61 | MOPTOPus | Metal oxide nanocrystals as optically driven dynamic manipulators of local (opto)electronic properties | 2016 |
62 | ESTIMABLeNANO | External Stimuli Triggered Self-assembly of Dynamic Nanomaterials | 2016 |
63 | FCSSSLP | First Chemoselective Synthesis and Structural Studies of Lasso Peptides | 2016 |
65 | MRCKa in cancer | Targeting Cancer Cell Invasion and Metastasis by Inhibition of the Serine Kinase MRCKa | 2016 |
66 | IoSense | Flexible FE/BE Sensor Pilot Line for the Internet of Everything | 2016 |
67 | DRIVE | Quantifying the relative importance of natural and anthropogenic drivers of spatial variation in vulnerability to predict species extinction risk | 2016 |
68 | FricWeld | Friction Welded Valve for Enhanced Hygiene in Food and Beverage Industry | 2016 |
69 | REPLICONSTRAINTS | Dissecting the constraints that define the eukaryotic DNA replication program | 2016 |
70 | GuppY | Recombination, sex-specific adaptation and evolution of the poeciliid sex chromosomes | 2016 |
71 | LocomotorIntegration | Functional connectome of brainstem circuits that control locomotion | 2016 |
72 | SES-BI | SESCOM Business Intelligence platform for energy saving and smart facility management | 2016 |
73 | GreenCarbon | Advanced Carbon Materials from Biowaste: Sustainable Pathways to Drive Innovative Green Technologies | 2016 |
75 | FLEDGED | FLExible Dimethyl ether production from biomass Gasification with sorption-enhancED processes | 2016 |
76 | TOPEX | Philosophical Foundations of Topological Explanations | 2016 |
77 | AMATHO | A.dditive MA.nufacturing for T.iltrotor HO.using | 2016 |
78 | KARMA2020 | Industrial Feather Waste Valorisation for Sustainable KeRatin based MAterials. | 2017 |
79 | CORE | An innovative web-service to securely issue, store and verify online academic credentials | 2017 |
81 | EuroNanoMed III | ERA-NET ON NANOMEDICINE | 2016 |
82 | URBAN-EU-CHINA | EU-China Innovation Platform on Sustainable Urbanisation | 2017 |
83 | RODEO | Robotized Orbital Drilling Equipment and Optimized residual stresses | 2017 |
84 | VestibVis | Visual and vestibular processing in secondary visual cortex | 2017 |
85 | EGYPTOMICS | Paleoproteomics for cultural heritage conservation: biomolecular analysis of ancient Egyptian paint binders | 2017 |
86 | ADVICE | ADvancing user acceptance of general purpose hybridized Vehicles by Improved Cost and Efficiency | 2017 |
87 | MSIOAM | Multifocal structured illumination optoacoustic microscopy | 2018 |
88 | ACRoNNIM | Aerosol and Climate Response to NH3 in the NMMB/BSC Inter-Scale Model | 2017 |
89 | PEP | An Empirical Foundation for Understanding Positive Emotions | 2017 |
90 | VALENCE-REPLAY | Disentangling amygdala contributions to replay-mediated, hippocampal-dependent memory consolidation | 2017 |
91 | DisMolGels | Dissipative Self-Assembly: A powerful but unexplored tool to create temporary supramolecular hydrogels | 2017 |
92 | CoMRAde | A Collaborative Mobile Robot Arm that can Learn Impedance Critical Tasks from Humans | 2017 |
93 | SmartMOFs | Smart Metal Organic Frameworks for Sensing Volatile Organic Compounds | 2017 |
94 | NanoVoltSens | Voltage-sensing nanorods for super-resolution voltage imaging in neurons | 2017 |
95 | REFOREST | The Role of extreme drought and legacy EFfects of long-term manipulatiOn of water availability on growth and REproduction of ScoTs pine REFOREST | 2017 |
96 | ICED | Initial conditions of exoplanet formation in protoplanetary disks | 2017 |
97 | MIGRANT LAW RUSSIA | Migration, Shadow Economy and Parallel Legal Orders in Russia | 2018 |
98 | TRIWIND | A novel and versatile 3-tower maritime structure for the cost-efficient installation of all-sizes offshore wind turbines. | 2017 |
99 | ImmuneCheckpointsAD | Immune checkpoint blockade for fighting Alzheimer’s disease | 2017 |
100 | NOSCEMUS | Nova Scientia. Early Modern Scientific Literature and Latin | 2017 |
101 | WMF2018 | World Manufacturing Forum 2018 | 2017 |
102 | EMERGE | Tuning Emergent Phases in 2D Materials | 2017 |
103 | INDEX | Integrated nanoparticle isolation and detection system for complete on-chip analysis of exosomes | 2017 |
104 | RTCure | Rheuma Tolerance for Cure | 2017 |
105 | SoftBeam | Modular Platform for Controlled Ion Beam Generation | 2018 |
106 | SOCRATCES | SOlar Calcium-looping integRAtion for Thermo-Chemical Energy Storage | 2018 |
107 | THEMPO | The missing link between Perception and Cognition: The case of multiple-person scenarios | 2018 |
108 | ENACT | Development, Operation, and Quality Assurance of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems | 2018 |
109 | FLOWCAASH | FLOW Control Actuators at Aircraft scale manufacturing by SLM with high aerodynamic performance for using in Harsh environment | 2018 |
110 | MOTIVE | Multi-physics mOdelling of high Temperature engIne ValvEs | 2018 |
111 | SOPMEN | Correlating the 3D atomic structure of metal anisotropic nanoparticles with their optical properties | 2018 |
112 | ReCitYu | Reclaiming the Cities in the post-Yugoslav space | 2018 |
113 | NeuroBid | Inside the bi-dialectal mind and brain: An electrophysiological study on executive functions | 2018 |
114 | BREFMC2017 | Deciphering the function(s) of the C-type lectin DCIR/CLEC4A in tuberculosis | 2018 |
115 | OsciLang | OsciLang: A neurofeedback system based on oscillatory activity for diagnosis and intervention in language and reading impairments | 2018 |
116 | SenPET | Innovative cancer management: First in human senescence imaging | 2018 |
117 | PEAI | Public Epigraphy in Ancient Italy (third-first centuries BCE) | 2018 |
118 | THALLMORPHAL | Insight into the Symbiotic Chemical Communication of Algae and Bacteria: Thallusin and Dedicated Analogues | 2018 |
119 | NeMESIS | Neuron-based Monitoring Electrochemical Bio-Sensor Interface System | 2019 |
120 | NINTCORDEV | NIPBL and Integrator function and dysfunction in human cortical development | 2018 |
121 | MONMETAL | Generation of monolayer thin 2D nanosheets of noble/semi-noble metals: Investigation of their structural, electronic and catalytic properties | 2018 |
122 | CUDAN | Cultural Data Analytics | 2019 |
123 | NanoMedTwin | Promoting smart specialization at the Technical University of Moldova by developing the field of Novel Nanomaterials for BioMedical Applications through excellence in research and twinning | 2018 |
124 | PECREGEN | Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production from H2S in a Regenerative Scrubber | 2019 |
125 | Myel-IN-Crisis | Myelin at the crossroads of Development and Disease | 2018 |
126 | Active-DNA | Computationally Active DNA Nanostructures | 2018 |
127 | NGI4ALL | Next Generation Internet for All - Promoting Global Visibility on the Human-Centric Internet | 2019 |
128 | ENDOSCAPE | ENDOSCAPE, a clinically applicable non-viral gene delivery technology | 2019 |
129 | BEATS | Beamline for Tomography at SESAME | 2019 |
130 | DaPhNIs | Role of the Maternal Gut Microbiota in Immune Activation at the Maternal-Foetal Interface: Impact on Preeclampsia and Offspring's Immune Development | 2019 |
131 | DIAPASoN | Differential Program Semantics | 2019 |
132 | BIOSCENE 2019 | Organising the European Bioecononomy Scene 2019 Conference during the Finnish EU Presidency in July 2019 in Helsinki | 2019 |
133 | Sodium_Ion_Batteries | Safe, fast-charging long-life Sodium-ion batteries for vehicles and power storage | 2018 |
134 | PURE-WATER | Improved Estimation Algorithms for Water Purification and Desalination Systems | 2019 |
135 | CLAYONRISK | Bricks manufacturing technologies to increase built heritage resilience and to raise common identities of peoples | 2019 |
136 | STEP | Solving The Entrainment Puzzle | 2019 |
137 | BB-SLM | Polychromatic digital optics for structured light | 2020 |
138 | WIMPACT | Late medieval visionary Women's IMPact in early modern Castilian spiritual Tradition | 2019 |
139 | PTANOIS POSIN | Following the paths of itinerant professionals of the arts in the epigraphic sources of the Hellenistic period | 2020 |
140 | GEOMED | Geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean: A multidisciplinary investigation of the Sicily Channel region | 2019 |
141 | MacMeninges | Control of Central Nervous Sytem inflammation by meningeal macrophages, and its impairment upon aging | 2019 |
142 | CuDiCy | Power through Attraction: British, Greek and Turkish Cultural Diplomacy in Cyprus, 1945-1974 | 2019 |
143 | HIEIC | Heavy ion collisions: collectivity and precision in saturation physics | 2019 |
145 | NanoPSYCH | Neuropsychiatric disorders are a heterogeneous group of mental pathologies that demand prolonged and treatments that are frequently ineffective. Elucidating the cellular and molecular mechanisms under | 2019 |
146 | PEROGAN | Novel Light Emitters based on Nanostructures of III-Nitrides and Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals | 2020 |
147 | ARTimmune | Programmable ARTificial immune systems to fight cancer | 2019 |
148 | FAT4BRAIN | Networking for excellence in functional pharmacology to study the role of fatty acid metabolism in neurological disorders | 2019 |
149 | INTEGROMED | Integration of knowledge and biobank resources in comprehensive translational approach for personalized prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders | 2019 |
150 | ELICSIR | Enhancement of Sceintific Excellence and Innovation Potential in Electronic Instrumentation for Ionising Radiation Environments | 2019 |
151 | MaNaCa | Magnetic Nanohybrids for Cancer Therapy | 2019 |
152 | ANDROMEDA | An EnhaNceD Common InfoRmatiOn Sharing EnvironMent for BordEr CommanD, Control and CoordinAtion Systems | 2019 |
153 | MaaSive | Enabling MaaS in the IP4 Ecosystem | 2018 |
154 | INSENSE | Incentive salience in human cognition during health and disorder | 2019 |
155 | SCilS | Studying Ciliary Signaling in Development and Disease | 2020 |
156 | PRIMOGAIA | Prepolarized MRI at Earth Field to seek new contrasts linked to molecular events for very early detection of pathologies | 2019 |
157 | ENCATFLOW | Encapsulated catalysts in flow chemistry for continues chemical processes | 2019 |
158 | OASyS | Overall Air Transport System Vehicle Scenarios | 2019 |
159 | TiNT | Titles of the New Testament: A New Approach to Manuscripts and the History of Interpretation | 2020 |
160 | Bug-Flash | Coherent Back-Lasing from Atmospheric Insects | 2020 |
161 | Waste reduction | Freshness and expiration date measurement | 2019 |
162 | FASTCORR | Ultrafast dynamics of correlated electrons in solids | 2020 |
163 | AMASS | Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture | 2020 |
164 | ErgThComplexSys | Ergodic theory for complex systems: a rigorous study of dynamics on heterogeneous networks | 2020 |
165 | PEROGAN | Novel Light Emitters based on Nanostructures of III-Nitrides and Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals | 2020 |
166 | PANACHE | Production of next generation modulators of pannexins and connexins as novel therapeutics in the treatment of inflammatory cardiovascular, hepatic and joint diseases. | 2020 |
167 | MKD | Mine Kafon Drone: An Unmanned Airborne Demining System | 2020 |
168 | DNAGAM | DNA-guided self-organized active materials | 2020 |
169 | LAMININ | Light-switchable proteins and Adhesion Micropatterns to Illuminate the Navigation machInery of Neurons | 2020 |
170 | UNCARIA | UNCARIA: UNcertainty estimation in CARdiac Image Analysis | 2020 |
171 | SWaG | Freshwater production from seawater and atmospheric moisture enabled by a solar-driven water generator | 2020 |
172 | Photo2Bio | Photo-Organocatalytic CO2 Valorisation into Bioactive Added-Value Molecules | 2020 |
173 | ROSETTA | Deciphering the Role of aberrant glycOSylation in the rEsponse to Targeted TherApies for breast cancer | 2020 |
174 | THEIA | Themistius, Heavens and Elements. Interpretations of Aristotle’s Cosmology Across the Ages | 2020 |