The page lists 285 projects related to the topic "intended".
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1 | EcoPROLIVE | Ecofriendly PROcessing System for the full exploitation of the OLIVE health potential in products of added value | 2015 |
2 | SAMT | Sustainability assessment methods and tools to support decision-making in the process industries | 2015 |
3 | MefCO2 | Synthesis of methanol from captured carbon dioxide using surplus electricity | 2014 |
4 | ROBOTAR | Robot-Assisted Flexible Needle Steering for Targeted Delivery of Magnetic Agents | 2015 |
5 | BEYOND | Building EGNSS capacitY On EU Neighbouring multimodal Domains. | 2015 |
6 | BioMOre | New Mining Concept for Extracting Metals from Deep Ore Deposits using Biotechnology | 2015 |
8 | POPART | Previz for On-set Production - Adaptive Realtime Tracking | 2015 |
9 | HUMANE | HUMANE: a typology, method and roadmap for HUman-MAchine NEtworks | 2015 |
10 | TOPWOOD | Wood phenotyping tools: properties, functions and quality | 2015 |
11 | GoMyTri | Golden Mycological Triangle – joining forces to exploit mycological biodiversity for novel anti-infectives and other beneficial metabolites | 2015 |
12 | SUPERCONCRETE | SUstainability-driven international/intersectoral Partnership for Education and Research on modelling next generation CONCRETE | 2015 |
13 | NanoPilot | A Pilot Plant for the Production of Polymer based Nanopharmaceuticals in Compliance with GMP | 2015 |
14 | EEPLIANT | Energy Efficiency Complaint Products 2014 | 2015 |
15 | SPS_TFP_Strut | Application of tailored fibre placement technology in integral composite structures for ultra-lightweight space applications | 2014 |
16 | PREMADES | Preterm Feeding Maturity Measurement and Evaluation | 2014 |
17 | Briareo | Implementation of a vertical axis micro-wind turbine capable of working at high efficiency even at a low wind speed. | 2014 |
18 | PROIntensAfrica | Towards a long-term Africa-EU partnership to raise sustainable food and nutrition security in Africa | 2015 |
19 | MARGIN | Tackle Insecurity in Marginalized Areas | 2015 |
20 | WISER | Wide-Impact cyber SEcurity Risk framework | 2015 |
22 | GREST | Getting Ready for EST | 2015 |
23 | Digiseal | Byzantine seals in a digital age: new tools for European research | 2015 |
24 | HISTHEOL | History and Theology | 2015 |
25 | DoRoThy | Donating Robots a Theory of Mind | 2015 |
26 | Space-Time from Info | Space-Time from Information Flow | 2015 |
27 | APCINTERACTIONS | Molecular basis for securin and cyclin ubiquitylation by the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C) | 2016 |
28 | ERIN | Europe's Reception of the Irish Melodies and National Airs: Thomas Moore in Europe | 2015 |
29 | Project Sense | Enforcement of the environmental regulations on sulphur emissions from ships using drone technology. | 2015 |
30 | ID_MOBILE | Solution to authenticate and read ID documents using mobile devices at point of origin in real-time, eliminating manual handling and providing better, more secure services. | 2015 |
31 | eMediCare2 | Promoting sustainable patient treatment by an intelligent online medicine dispenser for home care use. | 2015 |
32 | Timtrace | Tracing tropical timber | 2015 |
33 | HTPush | Universal and compatible system for plumbing and heating | 2015 |
34 | ERMOS | Enhanced Resolution MRI Ocular Scanner (ERMOS) | 2015 |
35 | Neural Designer | A high performance solution for predictive analytics | 2015 |
36 | TES | Total Energy System: innovative in-farm cogeneration plant for manure valorisation viable even for small farms | 2015 |
37 | BEEP-WATER | “Biosensor for Effective Environmental Protection through the on-site, automated monitoring of a large set of chemical contaminants in Water.” | 2015 |
38 | BI-MARK | Clinical validation of the CD32b biomarker on the European market | 2015 |
39 | TyRec process | TyRec process: Whole Tyre Recycling within 30 Minutes with Molten Zinc – towards a circular economy | 2015 |
40 | DGC | SEPA in your pocket – development of a mobile payment solution based on a disruptive SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Credit Transfer approach for banks and the payment industry. | 2015 |
41 | EHW15 | High Level eHealth Conference 2015 | 2015 |
42 | ZEBCOM | Zero Emission Robot-Boat for Coastal and Inland Water Monitoring | 2015 |
43 | Bio-HyPP | Biogas-fired Combined Hybrid Heat and Power Plant | 2015 |
44 | NORTEXCEL2020 | Creating a Centre of Excellence on Medical Devices in the Norte Region to boost RDI excellence | 2015 |
45 | PASTEURDOC | Institut Pasteur International Docotal Program | 2015 |
46 | QuantOnCal | Feasibility study for clinical validation of an innovative point of care assay for the detection of low-grade-infections in joint replacement | 2015 |
47 | OrchardMan | A novel vision based orchard system to maximize fruit tree yields and Class 1 quality by 20% while reducing waste by 50% | 2015 |
48 | FLEXCOLD | Demand flexibility for cold appliances for supermarkets and retail stores | 2015 |
49 | Project Buffer | Project Buffer ― a new solution to fast charging electrical vehicles “on the road”. | 2015 |
50 | Smart firearm safety | Project iP9 Smart firearm safety Introduction of the first smart firearm safety to the institutional market (police) | 2015 |
51 | HybridBatteryPack | Hybrid Battery Pack | 2015 |
52 | OsteomiR | OsteomiR-Test – An In-Vitro Test for the Diagnosis of Osteoporosis and associated Fracture Risk | 2015 |
53 | ActIng | Addiction of Insects for Biosensoring | 2015 |
54 | MorePheno | Collider Phenomenology and Event Generators | 2015 |
55 | RVT | The Reversible Variable Transmission – Visionary Transmission for unprecedented Fuel, CO2 and Cost Savings | 2015 |
57 | We TAP IN | Weaving Technology based Automated Production Processes in the Composite Industry (We TAP IN) | 2015 |
58 | Polydome | Proposal for innovative and sustainable polyculture greenhouse system Polydome | 2015 |
59 | RapidEx | Validation of a point-of-care H-FABP test for a rapid exclusion of Acute Myocardial Infarction in patients with cardiac complaints. | 2015 |
60 | Fishtimator | Continual Acoustic Based Multifunctional Cage Mounted Fish estimator Deigned To Reduce Feed Waste, Fish Mortality, and Predator and Fish Escape Control | 2015 |
61 | BrailleJet | Digitally controlled Braille jet printing | 2015 |
62 | MultiCO | Promoting Youth Scientific Career Awareness and it Attractiveness through Multi-stakeholder Co-operation | 2015 |
63 | MeLiLoN | Metabolic Networks that Link Longevity to Reproduction in Response to Nutrition | 2015 |
64 | DendroBAP | Green and robust approaches towards dual-purpose dendritic adhesives: Novel minimally invasive methodologies for bone fracture fixation applications | 2015 |
65 | ISPIC | Image-Guided Surgery (IGS) and Personalised Postoperative Immunotherapy To Improving Cancer Outcome | 2016 |
66 | Eco-Solar | Eco-Solar Factory - 40%plus eco-efficiency gains in the photovoltaic value chain with minimised resource and energy consumption by closed loop systems | 2015 |
67 | MASAM | New tools for key questions in plant development: using qualitative and quantitative proteomics for direct determination of the set of DNA and RNA-binding factors regulating single copy genes | 2015 |
68 | LANGDYN | Language dynamics: a neurocognitive approach to incremental interpretation | 2015 |
69 | ERA-CVD | ERA-NET on cardiovascular diseases to implement joint transnational research projects and set up international cooperations | 2015 |
70 | IZADI-NANO2INDUSTRY | Injection moulding, casting and coating PILOTS for the production of improved components with nano materials for automotive, construction and agricultural machinery. | 2015 |
71 | MCEP | Launching the Maritime Copernicus Enablement Platform | 2015 |
73 | MOBNET | MOBile NETwork for people's location in natural and man-made disasters | 2016 |
74 | USharePark | USharePark: smart secUres system to SHARE PARKing places in private garages | 2015 |
75 | ClearSalmonLice | ClearSalmonLice | 2016 |
76 | OriginStories | Chinese Heritage Tours and Adoptive Origin Stories: Towards a Transnational Adoptive Field | 2016 |
77 | NanoHybrids | New generation of nanoporous organic and hybrid aerogels for industrial applications: from the lab to pilot scale production | 2015 |
78 | CoHERE | Critical Heritages: performing and representing identities in Europe | 2016 |
79 | ABRACADABRA | Assistant Buildings’ addition to Retrofit, Adopt, Cure And Develop the Actual Buildings up to zeRo energy, Activating a market for deep renovation | 2016 |
80 | ReDSHIFT | Revolutionary Design of Spacecraft through Holistic Integration of Future Technologies | 2016 |
81 | YOUNG_ADULLLT | Policies Supporting Young People in their Life Course. A Comparative Perspective of Lifelong Learning and Inclusion in Education and Work in Europe | 2016 |
82 | AML-VACCiN | Clinical development of a dendritic-cell vaccine therapy for acute myeloid leukaemia | 2016 |
83 | EKO_MEMOF | Ekoservis Membrane Modular Filtration system | 2016 |
84 | CROSSCULT | CrossCult: Empowering reuse of digital cultural heritage in context-aware crosscuts of European history | 2016 |
85 | ISG | Induction Starter Generator | 2016 |
86 | MATChING | Materials Technologies for performance improvement of Cooling Systems in Power Plants | 2016 |
88 | GranD Cities | Green and Diverse Cities. The social impact of urban policies for sustainability in comparative perspective. | 2016 |
89 | TNS | Developing the Next Generation Framework for Testing Nonlinear Dynamic Structures. | 2016 |
90 | CKD AKI | Chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury – evaluation of EU and global epidemiology | 2016 |
91 | MAGPLANT | Localized Corrosion Studies for Magnesium Implant Devices | 2016 |
92 | MIRNANO | Multifunctional miRNA-targeting nanodevices for pluripotent cancer theranostics | 2017 |
93 | PROCEED | PROCess-based sEamless development of useful Earth system predictions over lanD | 2017 |
94 | cOMPoSe | Optical Metamaterials by Polymer Self-assembly | 2016 |
95 | Field Ion Mass Spec | Field Ion Quadrupol-Mass Spectrometer | 2016 |
96 | EpiHelmet | Clinical validation of a mobile EEG medical device for diagnosis and remote monitoring in epileptic patients | 2016 |
97 | The Invisible Helmet | Airbag bicycle helmet based on One Piece Woven technology | 2016 |
98 | RESPONSIVENESS | The Microfoundations of Authoritarian Responsiveness: E-Participation, Social Unrest and Public Policy in China | 2016 |
99 | UrbanOccupationsOETR | Industrialisation and Urban Growth from the mid-nineteenth century Ottoman Empire to Contemporary Turkey in a Comparative Perspective, 1850-2000 | 2016 |
100 | NNI | Neuroscience and Narratives of Intimacy | 2016 |
101 | DYNAPORE | Dynamic responsive porous crystals | 2016 |
102 | IoSense | Flexible FE/BE Sensor Pilot Line for the Internet of Everything | 2016 |
103 | TM Academy | TM Academy - intelligent transport control and monitoring system | 2016 |
104 | ID-Lyme | A novel immunity-based test for early diagnosis of Lyme disease | 2016 |
105 | Sencell16 | Lifecare’s Sencell sensor is an implantable micro-sensor for subcutaneous location, long time, continuous, wireless, real time monitoring of interstitial glucose for diabetes management. | 2016 |
106 | ICECHILLING | Ice Chilling System for Enhanced Food Cooling | 2016 |
107 | MEDIATE | Middlebrow Enlightenment: Disseminating Ideas, Authors, and Texts in 18th-century Europe | 2016 |
108 | ReFocuS | The Road to Friday of Science | 2016 |
110 | ANGI-HUD | Next Generation Cockpit HUD Integration | 2016 |
111 | 9eGEN | 9eGEN - Development of innovative lightweight HVDC 9-phase Brushless/Generator for Clean Sky Rotorcraft | 2016 |
112 | THOMSON | Mild Hybrid cOst effective solutions for a fast Market penetratiON | 2016 |
113 | VIPERCON | Emulating visual perception of contrast for image capture, post-production and synthesis | 2016 |
114 | Eclipse | Ecological Low Impact Production Sport Elastomer | 2016 |
115 | SaferAfrica | Innovating dialogue and problems appraisal for a safer Africa | 2016 |
116 | OpenMaker | Harnessing the power of Digital Social Platforms to shake up makers and manufacturing entrepreneurs towards a European Open Manufacturing ecosystem | 2016 |
117 | LOLITA | Information Theory for Low-Latency Wireless Communications | 2017 |
118 | ULPEC | Ultra-Low Power Event-Based Camera | 2017 |
119 | e-IRGSP5 | e-Infrastructure Reflection Group Support Programme 5 | 2016 |
120 | e-IRGSP5 | e-Infrastructure Reflection Group Support Programme 5 | 2016 |
121 | ECOSOCPOL | Social and Political Economics: Theory and Evidence | 2016 |
122 | Nexus | The Nexus: an experimental system to study marine larval dispersal | 2017 |
123 | MMpredict | Validation of a personalised medicine tool for Multiple Myeloma that predicts treatment effectiveness in patients | 2016 |
124 | RobMoSys | Composable Models and Software for Robotics Systems | 2017 |
125 | SmILES | Smart Integration of Energy Storages in Local Multi Energy Systems for maximising the Share of Renewables in Europe’s Energy Mix | 2016 |
126 | ULPIoT | Ultra-Low Power and Highly-Scalable Interfaces for the Internet of Things | 2017 |
127 | Odex | A new process for removal of odour from Post Consumer Waste Polymer for non-food applications – ODEX | 2016 |
128 | PJ03a SUMO | Integrated Surface Management | 2016 |
129 | BEAM-EDM | Unique Method for a Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Search using a Pulsed Beam | 2017 |
130 | BiofoulRepel | Biofoulant-repelling surfaces for catheters and other biomedical devices | 2017 |
131 | PATH | Plasma Antenna Technologies | 2017 |
132 | EDUHEALTH | Educating for Equitable Health Outcomes- the Promise of School Health and Physical Education | 2017 |
133 | INCAT | Innovative production system for work boat catamarans | 2016 |
134 | VACCELERAID | A novel vaccine technology leading to accelerated availability of vaccines and improved delivery | 2016 |
135 | NO-ICE-ROTOR | Development and demonstration of materials and manufacturing process for ultra high reliability electric Anti-ice/De-ice thermal layers for high strain rotor blades and helicopter airframe sections | 2017 |
136 | LYO-CHECK | Automatic inspection of lyophilized preparations through innovative ICT control system | 2016 |
137 | Spatialec | Developing methods to model local area temporal domestic electricity demand | 2017 |
138 | SSIIE | Sanskrit Åšaiva Intellectuals in the Empire: Innovations, Textual Practices and Religious Interactions in the Late Vijayanagara Period | 2017 |
139 | ARAB PARLIAMENTS | The role of national parliaments in the Arab transformation processes | 2017 |
140 | Signs for Europe | Business innovation through qualifying and (re-)employing of deaf people | 2017 |
141 | LIGNINFIRST | The Lignin-First Approach for the Full Valorisation of Lignocellulosic Biomass | 2017 |
142 | PREMADES | Preterm Feeding Maturity Measurement and Evaluation | 2017 |
143 | TramOpt | A Traffic Management Optimization platform for enhanced road network efficiency | 2017 |
144 | EyeSynth | Audio-Visual System for the Blind Allowing Visually Impaired to See Through Hearing | 2017 |
145 | ImmerDrive | Virtual IMMERsion for DRIVEr training and evaluation | 2017 |
147 | REsiliENCe | Research and development of innovative Enamels and Nanocoatings for the Cooking appliances market | 2017 |
148 | THEcore | Thermally efficient, cost-reduced nanostructured foams for vacuum insulation panels | 2017 |
149 | SPEAKER DICE | Robust SPEAKER DIariazation systems using Bayesian inferenCE and deep learning methods | 2017 |
150 | CONSUMEHealth | Using consumer science to improve healthy eating habits | 2017 |
151 | T.A.MA | 'Sharing without Solidarity: Politics, Heritage and Pilgrimage in a Divided European Society' | 2017 |
152 | TreeGraSP | Tree rewriting grammars and the syntax-semantics interface:From grammar development to semantic parsing | 2017 |
153 | LEAF-OF-LIFE | Photosynthetic energy balance, chloroplast integrity, carbon flow and epigenetic regulation of isoprenoid biosynthesis during leaf development and senescence | 2017 |
154 | Apricale | The impact of literary translation funding on the transnational mobility of minor European literatures. | 2017 |
155 | GYSIART | A cultural history of comparative art practices and receptions in Cold War Europe (1945-1991) | 2018 |
156 | CROWD_USG | Crowdsourcing Urban Sustainability Governance. Exploring innovative governance models for addressing urban sustainability through ICT-people interaction | 2017 |
157 | EBOVAC2 | Development of a Prophylactic Ebola Vaccine Using an Heterologous Prime-Boost Regimen: Phase II - Sofia ref.: 115861 | 2014 |
158 | DysTrack | Brain-speech tracking in noisy conditions: towards the identification and remediation of dyslexia. | 2017 |
159 | SKELETON-ID | Soft Computing and Computer Vision for Comparative Radiography in Forensic Identification | 2018 |
160 | FIT4RRI | Fostering Improved Training Tools For Responsible Research and Innovation | 2017 |
161 | MeBeSafe | Measures for behaving safely in traffic | 2017 |
162 | BRISK II | Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge II | 2017 |
163 | ToSubC | Towards Submarine Landslides and Their Consequences | 2017 |
164 | 3D-SMoHC | 3D SMART MODELS FOR HERITAGE CONSERVATION An Open Science project for documentation, management and representation of Cultural Heritage | 2017 |
165 | PLATGENE | Development of a platform for a new model of interaction between geneticists and patients with Mendelian diseases. | 2017 |
167 | USE | User behavior Simulation in built Environments | 2017 |
168 | CRiSTA | Multifunctionnal Cabin ReST Area | 2017 |
169 | PoCOsteo | PoC in-office device for identifying individuals at high risk of Osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture | 2017 |
170 | World RePORT | World RePORT Refresh, the Global Biomedical Research Project Database, Technology and Functionality, 2017 (Phase 2) | 2017 |
171 | BP24 | A unique life-saving smart-watch for high quality, not-invasive, continuous blood pressure monitoring. | 2017 |
172 | BIOPANELS | Biocomposite panels for transportation | 2017 |
173 | Therapnea | Therapnea: Novel Therapy to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea based on Thomas Oro-Pharyngeal Stent | 2017 |
174 | EEPLIANT2 | Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 2 | 2017 |
175 | SLIM | SLIM: Strong, Lightweight and Indestructible Marble | 2017 |
176 | Censoring Chaucer | Censoring Chaucer: Canonicity and Obscenity in Manuscripts and Print Editions of the Canterbury Tales (c. 1400 - 1831) | 2018 |
177 | OPTICS2 | Observation Platform for Technological and Institutional Consolidation of research in Safety and Security | 2017 |
178 | Go SIV | Support SMEs innovation and initiatives within Smart Industrial Villages (SIV), an approach for renovating traditional urban industrial areas | 2017 |
179 | InSilc | InSilc: In-silico trials for drug-eluting BVS design, development and evaluation | 2017 |
180 | CANCER | Personalised Postoperative Immunotherapy To Improving Cancer Outcome and improving quality of life | 2018 |
181 | COVR | Being safe around collaborative and versatile robots in shared spaces | 2018 |
182 | SiNBioSys | Luminescent silicon nanocrystals as bioimaging systems | 2017 |
183 | MIRACLE | Mid-infrared arthroscopy innovative imaging system for real-time clinical in depth examination and diagnosis of degenerative joint diseases | 2018 |
184 | Glyco-DeCon | Decontamination by glycosylation based wipes | 2018 |
185 | EeDaPP | Energy efficiency Data Protocol and Portal | 2018 |
186 | neuronSW | Early detection and prediction of mechanical malfunction of machinery by sound analysis | 2018 |
187 | CogLit | Literature as a Cognitive Object; Cognitive infrastructure and human cultural transmission | 2018 |
188 | BJW | When saying the world is just backfires: elites' expression of the belief in a just world, perceived immorality, moral outrage and punishment wishes | 2018 |
189 | INSPIRE | Instrument Shape Sensing for Minimally Invasive Interventions | 2018 |
190 | FemTHEATRE | Through Her Own Looking Glass: Rethinking ‘Woman’ in Italian Feminist Dramaturgy | 2018 |
191 | ACElab | Alpine Community Economies Lab: Bringing together multi-level stakeholders to co-produce sustainable alpine futures in the light of economic globalisation and climate change | 2019 |
192 | 4D-POLYSENSE | 4D-POLYpropylene meshes as SENsitive motion SEnsors | 2018 |
193 | XQCR | Electronic structure and energy descriptors for molecular crystals from quantum crystallography and X-ray charge density analysis | 2018 |
194 | CaMMEgy | Christians among Muslims in Medieval Egypt | 2018 |
195 | ECOMIG | Ecological Migration During High Imperialism. German Qingdao As Meeting Point of International Species, 1898-1914. | 2019 |
196 | EXPO | Citizens exposed to dissimilar views in the media: investigating backfire effects | 2018 |
197 | LadinoProverbs | Ladino Proverbs: Edition, Recovery and Dissemination of the Endangered Cultural Heritage in the post-Holocaust Yugoslavia | 2019 |
198 | POPULARITAS | Popularitas : pursuit of consensus and populism in ancient Rome | 2018 |
199 | Tick ThaNK | Tick-borne encephalitis Targeted by Human Active NK cells | 2019 |
200 | PEAI | Public Epigraphy in Ancient Italy (third-first centuries BCE) | 2018 |
201 | ReCiModel | Multimodal characterization of the visual word form area: An integrative computational model | 2018 |
202 | MoMenT | Modelling and Measurement of Thermal Phenomena in Metal Cutting | 2018 |
203 | SCIMOD | Foundations of Model Based Science | 2018 |
204 | ENSEMBLE | ENabling SafE Multi-Brand pLatooning for Europe | 2018 |
205 | SHADOW | SHADOW: An exploration of the nature of informal economies and shadow practices in the former USSR region | 2018 |
206 | sFilm-FS | Fibrin sealant for anastomotic leaks and haemostasis | 2018 |
207 | AXIS | Assessment of Cross(X)-sectoral climate Impacts and pathways for Sustainable transformation | 2018 |
208 | REG GAM 2018 | Regional Aircraft | 2018 |
209 | IVS | Affordable airless packaging system to disrupt the airless packaging market | 2018 |
210 | EBOVAC3 | Bringing a prophylactic Ebola vaccine to licensure | 2018 |
211 | BrewiePro | The first fully automated brewing machine for the bar and restaurant industry | 2018 |
212 | KAM Patch | KAM Patch, the Smart Sweat Patch: a breakthrough platform for hydration monitoring | 2018 |
213 | Njord | Rugged durable small wind turbine for powering telecom towers residential buildings in extreme weather conditions areas | 2018 |
214 | ASPIVIX | Vacuum Medical Device for Safe and Gentle Cervix Grasping Gynecological Applications | 2018 |
215 | REEN | REEN: Virtual pacesetter for runner’s performance improvement. | 2018 |
216 | BRIGHT | Brilliant Researchers Impact on Growth Health and Trust in Research | 2018 |
217 | GAMMAVISION | Gamut mapping technology based on vision models | 2018 |
218 | WEO | International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook analysis of the implications of the European Union’s Energy Union on key energy sector indicators. | 2018 |
219 | SuWaNu Europe | Network for effective knowledge transfer on safe and economic wastewater reuse in agriculture in Europe | 2019 |
220 | COMBUSS | Composite tooling for business jet lower wing stiffened panel manufacturing | 2018 |
221 | CAFYR | Constructing Age for Young Readers | 2019 |
222 | HAZARDOmics | Liquid Chromatography-Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry and Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry as ground-breaking approaches to expand the boundaries of metabolomics in chemical risk assessment | 2018 |
223 | QUICK | Quick Disconnect System | 2018 |
224 | wecHomeAI | wecHomeAI – The first AI-powered interior designer | 2018 |
225 | HD4HF | Heart Damper: a revolutionary device for Heart Failure | 2018 |
226 | ORTIKA | Toward sustainable fashion: nettle and blueberry garments to promote sustainable development of mountain areas and to boost young talents | 2018 |
227 | CONQR | Translation and Commercialization of a QSOX1-inhibitory Antibody Targeting the Tumor Microenvironment in Breast Cancer | 2018 |
228 | OSCAR | Open ScienCe Aeronautic & Air Transport Research | 2019 |
229 | MaMiLabor | Macro- and Microeconomic Analyses of Heterogeneous Labor Market Outcomes | 2019 |
230 | SKIDLESS | Enhancing car safety through accurate and real time side-slip angle assessment | 2019 |
231 | EEN-Innovate Plus PT | EEN-Innovate Plus Portugal | 2019 |
232 | SWEETWOODS | Production and deploying of high purity lignin and affordable platform chemicals through wood-based sugars | 2018 |
233 | URBAG | Integrated System Analysis of Urban Vegetation and Agriculture | 2019 |
234 | DLyte PRO | The first DRY Electropolishing technology for high-precision components | 2019 |
235 | MUSSILAMS | Mussila MS (Mussila Music School) - An innovative solution in Music Education | 2019 |
236 | e-SPECS | Market maturation of the first electric superbike with digital technology for tuning control and improved safety | 2019 |
237 | ELIPORT | Autonomous, self-loading and unloading ground-based robots | 2019 |
238 | DELTA | Development and Execution of innovative test procedures for vaLidation of Thermoplastic Aircraft fuselage panels | 2019 |
239 | SAVANA | Massive reutilization of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) through AI to enhance clinical research and precision medicine | 2018 |
240 | WoodSpec | Rapid quality assessment of wood-based materials through spectroscopy | 2019 |
241 | Predictive Robots | Predictive processes for intelligent behaviours, sensory enhancement and subjective experiences in robots | 2019 |
242 | B2B-sync | Brain to Brain Synchronization and the role of the shared semantics | 2019 |
243 | PTANOIS POSIN | Following the paths of itinerant professionals of the arts in the epigraphic sources of the Hellenistic period | 2020 |
244 | CAR-OAC | Carotid-artery-on-a-chip device to model thromboembolisms induced by vascular lesions and perform drug screenings | 2020 |
245 | UrBIOfuture | Boosting future careers, education and research activities in the European bio-based industry | 2019 |
246 | ETE SPEAKER | Robust End-To-End SPEAKER recognition based on deep learning and attention models | 2019 |
247 | SmOoC | Smart organ-on-chip platform based on higher order multimode acoustic Lamb waves | 2020 |
248 | BioProMarL | Bio-inspired Protection of Marble with Lasers | 2019 |
249 | SCAFFOLD-NEEDS | Commercialization of 3D scaffold platforms for neuronal cell culture models | 2019 |
250 | Better Juice | pioneer technology for the reduction of natural fruit sugars in 100% juices | 2019 |
251 | DIAS | Smart Adaptive Remote Diagnostic Antitampering Systems | 2019 |
252 | H2LSPC | High-Voltage High-Current Lightweight Solid-State Protection Circuit for Avionic Applications | 2019 |
253 | MCLPS | The Migration Challenge: Labour Markets, Policy Reforms, and Social Cohesion | 2019 |
254 | COMMER-CELL | Commercialisation of neuronal cell co-cultures | 2019 |
255 | PEARL | Programme for EArly-stage Researchers in Lille | 2019 |
256 | MYODM-FSMP | New food for special medical purposes to nutritionally manage Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 | 2019 |
257 | WineALaCarte | Commercial appliance for an on-demand & custom reduction of alcohol in wine | 2019 |
258 | GluttonZen | The First Driver-Minded Electric Compact Street-Sweeper | 2019 |
259 | Perfuze | A simple, repeatable way to completely remove a clot from the brain in one pass | 2019 |
260 | ELAPHARMA | A novel approach of organ preservation using anti-necrosis agent before transplantation. | 2019 |
261 | ECOFIPS | ECOFIPS: Ecological Fibres for Insulation, Pulp and Substrate | 2019 |
262 | KnowGraphs | Knowledge Graphs at Scale | 2019 |
263 | EcoFLEXY | Innovative nanocellulose bioplastic film from fruit waste | 2019 |
264 | VIMS | Virtual IoT Maintenance System | 2019 |
267 | CS-Track | Expanding our knowledge on Citizen Science through analytics and analysis | 2019 |
268 | COOKIES | Economic Consequences of Restrictions on the Usage of Cookies | 2019 |
269 | VEO | Versatile Emerging infectious disease Observatory | 2020 |
270 | CRISPRcombo | Interrogating native CRISPR arrays to achieve scalable combinatorial screens and dissect genetic redundancy | 2020 |
272 | RRTB | Recovery and Return-To-Base European Reusable Micro-Launcher Project | 2020 |
273 | PRHYDE | Protocol for heavy duty hydrogen refuelling | 2020 |
274 | INNCASTHUR-20_21 | Services addressing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in Thuringia | 2020 |
275 | EEN-InnovationJourne | EEN-InnovationJouney PT | 2020 |
276 | APII-H2020-GA4-20-21 | Establishing services to “Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs that are members of the EEN Tunisia. | 2020 |
277 | LearningEmotions | Emotion Recognition: A Statistical Learning Approach | 2020 |
278 | Ether | Development ecosystem intended for engineers and researchers looking to invent, build, verify, evaluate, and release application-tailored storage systems faster and more reliably | 2020 |
279 | MAESTRO | Magneto-Acoustically Engineered Steerable Robots | 2020 |
280 | AETSOM | Engineering a solution to the “resolution gap” problem for probing local optoelectronic properties in low-dimensional materials | 2021 |
281 | RED-OPEN | Unravelling Discoloration Mechanisms of Red Organic Pigments in Historical Art Works. | 2021 |
282 | CATKERB | Total Syntheses of Catharanthine and Keramaphidin B by an Iridium-Catalyzed Reductive Cyclization Cascade | 2020 |
283 | ASINA | Anticipating Safety Issues at the Design Stage of NAno Product Development | 2020 |
284 | EASIER | Electric Aircraft System Integration Enabler | 2020 |
285 | IDENTIS | Identity-scapes of Sardinia: productivity, burials, and social relationships of AD 100-600 west-central Sardinia | 2020 |