Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Goeteborgs universitet"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 INFECTION GLYCOMICS Exploring the glycosylation process during infection 2008 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
2 UNICELLSYS Eukaryotic unicellular organism biology – systems biology of the control of cell growth and proliferation 2008 15˙436˙639.00 11˙700˙000.00
3 DIFFUSIVE XRAY Time-resolved diffusive X-ray scattering for the study of cell membrane transport 2008 177˙320.00 177˙320.00
4 RESPECT Relating Expectations and needs to Participation and Empowerment of children in Clinical Trials 2008 560˙144.00 500˙000.00
5 CAAXPROCESSINGHUMDIS CAAX Protein Processing in Human DIsease: From Cancer to Progeria 2008 1˙689˙600.00 1˙689˙600.00
6 FUTURESYSBIO Tackling the future challenges in Systems Biology 2008 560˙748.00 500˙000.00
7 ELCAT Surface Electrochemical Reactivity in Electrocatalysis: A combined Theoretical and Experimental Approach 2008 3˙135˙208.00 3˙135˙208.00
8 ROS IN INFLAMMATION Characterization of Reactive Oxygen Species as Innate Immune System Mediators that Control Inflammation 2009 178˙454.00 178˙454.00
9 LIFECYCLE "Building a biological knowledge-base on fish lifecycles for competitive, sustainable European aquaculture" 2009 8˙753˙000.00 5˙995˙801.00
10 ASSEMBLE Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories 2009 12˙400˙864.00 8˙700˙000.00
11 CARNIVOROUS ZOO Carnivorous zooplankton – their role in Swedish marine food webs 2009 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
12 FORMATH Formalisation of Mathematics 2010 2˙391˙473.00 1˙811˙426.00
13 NEUROFAST "The Integrated Neurobiology of Food Intake, Addiction and Stress." 2010 7˙976˙148.00 5˙999˙984.00
14 MARIBACT "Occurrence, distribution and cost of antibiotic resistance in marine sediment bacteria" 2010 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
15 MATHFOR Formalization of Constructive Mathematics 2010 1˙912˙288.00 1˙912˙288.00
16 ALIPS Alignment of Liquid Crystals on Patterned Surfaces 2010 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
17 HALOGEN Understanding Halogen Bonding in Solution: Investigation of Yet Unexplored Interactions with Applications in Medicinal Chemistry 2010 1˙495˙629.00 1˙495˙629.00
18 EUROMARINE Integration of European marine research networks of excellence - Euromarine 2011 1˙198˙853.00 999˙636.00
20 THE RISE "Travels, transmissions and transformations in the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC in northern Europe: the rise of Bronze Age societies" 2011 2˙488˙264.00 2˙488˙264.00
21 QUALIAGE "Spatial protein quality control and its links to aging, proteotoxicity, and polarity" 2011 2˙371˙262.00 2˙371˙262.00
22 VISDYNAMICS Visualizing Molecular Structural Dynamics 2011 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
23 LEARNING AND MEMORY "The zebrafish as a new vertebrate model for molecular and cellular mechanisms of learning and memory, including synaptic dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease" 2011 231˙852.00 231˙852.00
24 LARVDEVOPTI "Larval quality in oyster hatcheries: Effects of ocean acidification, temperature change and food availability on reproductive success and survival of the European flat oyster" 2011 193˙266.00 193˙266.00
25 ISOLATE Developing single cell technologies for systems biology 2012 2˙994˙929.00 2˙994˙929.00
26 DASISH Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities 2012 8˙304˙039.00 5˙991˙052.00
27 DESMA Design as driver of innovation and competitiveness 2012 3˙422˙641.00 3˙422˙641.00
28 STRUCTDYN ‘Filming’ excited state structural dynamics in photosynthesis and organic semiconductors 2012 1˙690˙465.00 1˙690˙465.00
29 ANTICORRP Anticorruption Policies Revisited. Global Trends and European Responses to the Challenge of Corruption 2012 10˙395˙386.00 7˙999˙182.00
30 ALPHA CANCER THERAPY "Targeted conformal radiotherapy of disseminated cancers, using the alpha-particle emitting radionuclides astatine-211, bismuth-213 and actinium-225." 2012 259˙065.00 259˙065.00
31 HALOPHORE Development of Reporter Tools for an Improved Understanding of Pharmacophore–Protein–Interaction 2012 174˙016.00 174˙016.00
32 CELNIC Role of gene silencing pathways in C. elegans nicotine dependence 2012 241˙042.00 241˙042.00
33 HALOCHIRAL Asymmetric Halogenation of Olefins Involving Intermolecular Nucleophiles 2012 174˙016.00 174˙016.00
34 PREVENTROP New approach to treatment of the blinding disease Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) 2012 7˙590˙759.00 5˙990˙236.00
35 NEOTROPICS The Past, Present and Future of Neotropical Biodiversity 2013 1˙499˙855.00 1˙499˙855.00
36 NANOMEM Membrane Protein Nanocrystallography 2013 2˙814˙628.00 2˙814˙628.00
37 MUSTANG "Magnonics Using Spin Torque, spin caloritronics, And Nanoplasmonic engineerinG" 2013 1˙500˙000.00 1˙500˙000.00
39 CRUCSCHANGE The crustacean chemosensory system: Consequences of climate and environmental change 2013 206˙350.00 206˙350.00
40 WE-CARE Towards a Sustainable and Affordable Healthcare 2013 566˙952.00 499˙690.00
41 UNIVACFLU Universal Flu Vaccine 2013 4˙116˙701.00 4˙116˙701.00
42 MUCUS AND METABOLISM The relationship between the intestinal mucosal barrier and gut microbiota in metabolic diseases 2014 197˙811.00 197˙811.00
43 EPIBRAIN The importance of the epigenome in tumour development and recurrence 2014 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
44 ALFALFAEVOLUTION Adaptation and evolution of wild alfalfa: a genomic approach 2014 197˙811.00 197˙811.00
45 PERDEM The Peformance of Democracies 2014 2˙499˙475.00 2˙499˙475.00
46 ANISOPROTEINXRAY A structural mechanism of photoreceptor protein signalling by time-resolved anisotropic X-ray solution scattering 2014 197˙811.00 197˙811.00
47 HELICOMARK Antibody-responses to Helicobacter pylori and tumour proteins as biomarkers for early gastric cancer 2014 390˙265.00 390˙265.00
48 METABASE Metagenome and Bariatric Surgery - New Avenues to Treat Metabolic Disease 2014 2˙000˙000.00 2˙000˙000.00
49 MEETGOV Meeting governance: the enactment of social skill in inter-organizational meetings 2015 271˙023.00 271˙023.00

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