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H2020 projects about "shelf"

The page lists 198 projects related to the topic "shelf".

# achronym  title  year 
1 FRESH-DEMO Waste reduction and quality improvement of fruits and vegetables via an innovative and energy-efficient humidification/disinfection technology 2015
2 HIPSTER Deployment of high pressure and temperature food processing for sustainable, safe and nutritious foods with fresh-like quality 2015
3 MaMMoTH-Up Massively extended Modular Monitoring for Upper Stages 2015
4 ThermoTex Woven and 3D-Printed Thermoelectric Textiles 2015
5 WAPITI Water-mass transformation and Pathways In The Weddell Sea: uncovering the dynamics of a global climate chokepoint from In-situ measurements 2015
6 MACIVIVA MAnufacturing process for Cold-chain Independent VIrosome-based VAccines 2015
7 FLEXMETER Flexible smart metering for multiple energy vectors with active prosumers 2015
8 BEVSTREAM High Pressure Processing (HPP) equipment for large beverage productions 2014
9 PREMADES Preterm Feeding Maturity Measurement and Evaluation 2014
10 Briareo Implementation of a vertical axis micro-wind turbine capable of working at high efficiency even at a low wind speed. 2014
11 Briareo Implementation of a vertical axis micro-wind turbine capable of working at high efficiency even at a low wind speed. 2014
12 DARWIN Expecting the unexpected and know how to respond 2015
13 BlaC E-assay Portable electrochemical assay system for on-chip quantitative estimation of bladder cancer biomarkers in real samples 2015
14 3F-FutureFreshFruit Elucidating the molecular basis of fruit resistance to desiccation: The cuticle as a key factor 2015
15 FOODWASTE Food Waste In Denmark and Sweden - Understanding Household Consumption Practices to develop Sustainable Food Care 2016
16 RejuvenateBone Enhancing the regeneration of bone defects in elderly: Rejuvenation of bone microenvironment 2015
17 SIDEW Seabed Imprint of Dense Shelf Water Cascading 2016
18 CARiPSCTcells Generation of safe and efficient, off-the-shelf, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-engineered T cells for broad application 2015
19 OceanIS Ocean Interaction with Antarctic Ice Shelves 2016
20 IVANCA IntraVenous ANtibiotic Compounding Automation 2015
21 Space-COTS High-tech commercial-off the-self electronics low-cost qualified for space 2015
22 AINARA Automation and INtelligence solutions for Automated Road trAnsport systems 2015
23 CLAYMBAR Injected Moulded barriers for cost effective food packaging 2015
24 ADHESION Development of new biotech AdvanceD materials based on Hyaluronic acid and nanoparticlEs to prevent Surgical adhesIons and pOst surgical infectionNs 2015
26 TRANSFR-Q Transcriptional RegulAtory Network controlling Strawberry Fruit Ripening and Quality 2015
27 IRIS Infrared imaging and sensing: the single-photon frontier 2015
28 DIADEM Low-Cost Diagnostics Monitoring Technology 2015
29 VATech Virtual AntennaTM Technology: the Next Generation Antenna for Wireless Devices 2015
30 SCHOCKO3 Novel Ozone and Thermal Shock Conservation Process for Vegetables 2015
31 MEDMICO Moving to Efficient Diabetes care: Multimode Integrated CO-morbidity diagnostics platform 2015
32 JointPrinting 3D Printing of Cell Laden Biomimetic Materials and Biomolecules for Joint Regeneration 2015
34 CLEANPACK UltraCLEAN thermoforming equipment for ultraclean PACKaging of foods, and in-situ production of aseptic trays. 2015
35 PUFOOTCO2 Sustainable Polyurethane Elastomers for Footwear based on CO2 with improved properties 2015
36 BuildHEAT Standardised approaches and products for the systemic retrofit of residential Buildings, focusing on HEATing and cooling consumptions attenuation. 2015
37 DigiTech Development of a novel generic digital controller for hydraulic load profiling control systems to significantly reduce costs and time in aircraft test rig development and commissioning 2015
38 ACTICAPS Actiwhey based microencapsulation solution for sustainable food manufacturing 2015
39 O3MET Vegetable ozone therapy for the defense of greenhouse crops 2015
40 SWAPOUT Smart Wireless Access Point with Objective User-Targeting 2015
41 HERCULES High-Performance Real-time Architectures for Low-Power Embedded Systems 2016
42 CargoMill The CARGOMIL, an innovative self propelled all terrain vehicle for mobilising “where and when the biomass is”. 2015
44 hackAIR Collective awareness platform for outdoor air pollution 2016
45 BEVSTREAM High Pressure Processing (HPP) equipment for large beverage productions 2016
46 AML-VACCiN Clinical development of a dendritic-cell vaccine therapy for acute myeloid leukaemia 2016
47 EnerTwin EnerTwin: A different approach to micro CHP 2016
48 FreshProof A real-time forecast decision support system for the food supply chain 2017
49 FRESHRAP Feasibility study for an innovative “Regenerative Atmosphere Packaging” for fresh chicken 2016
50 CHAMPIPACK Active packaging for extending lifespan of champignon 2016
51 FACTORY New paradigms for latent factor estimation 2016
52 E-TEX All-organic devices in textiles for wearable electronics 2016
53 THAWSOME THAWing permafrost: the fate of Soil Organic Matter in the aquatic Environment 2016
54 BIOCOMPLACK Eco-friendly food packaging with enhanced barrier properties 2016
55 PARAGEN Biomaterials with incorporated MSC-secreted PARAcrine molecules for bone reGENeration 2017
56 NIPUNA Novel metrology tool for more flexible and affordable 3D validation of large industrial components 2016
57 RiCaMo Innovative oxygen-free wine bottling process 2016
58 CC-TOP Cryosphere-Carbon on Top of the Earth (CC-Top):Decreasing Uncertainties of Thawing Permafrost and Collapsing Methane Hydrates in the Arctic 2016
59 ICECHILLING Ice Chilling System for Enhanced Food Cooling 2016
60 Lattice Cage Titanium based Cervical Spine Implants manufactured using 3D laser sintering to produce a structure optimised for graft-free bone in-growth 2016
61 sSM Sensefinity Social Machines 2016
62 ICE2LAST Innovative stunning technology based on a natural anesthetizing agent in ice to improve animal welfare and extend shelf-life of farmed fish 2016
63 VOLT Innovative high VOLTage network battery concept 2016
64 HYPERBIOCOAT High performance biomass extracted functional hybrid polymer coatings for food, cosmetic and medical device packaging 2016
65 CONQUEST CONQUEST: Enabling advanced medical imaging 2016
66 PhasmaFOOD Portable photonic miniaturised smart system for on-the-spot food quality sensing 2017
67 RotorDEMO Norsepower Rotor Sail Solution demonstration project 2017
68 VITASEED the ultimate priming solution scaling up seed storability length 2016
69 REFILLS Robotics Enabling Fully-Integrated Logistics Lines for Supermarkets 2017
70 MoveCare Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARgiver for the Elder 2017
71 NanoPack Pilot line production of functional polymer nanocomposites from natural halloysite nanotubes: demonstrating controlled release of active antimicrobials in food packaging applications. 2017
72 SMILE Smart Measuring and Inspection for industrial Legacy Equipment 2016
73 PACE A multicenter phase IIb study using HLA-unmatched allogeneic placenta-derived stromal cells (PLX-PAD) for the treatment of severe critical limb ischemia accompanied by mechanistic studies 2017
74 TRUST TRUck Suistanable Transport - Innovative project for management of Contract Logistics 2017
75 StruViMan Structural Visualization of Medieval Manuscripts 2017
76 SIMPLE Spacefibre IMPLementation design test Equipment (SIMPLE) 2017
77 FRESHTRAY New corrugated cardboard for active packaging to extend shelf-life of fresh fruits and vegetables 2017
78 IoT4ALL Global cellular connectivity for small and medium-sized IoT device makers 2017
79 ARION A reusable launch system of small payloads to suborbital space 2017
80 FUNGISEI Liquid biopesticide for integrated and effective pest control 2017
81 AutoMonoDroplet Development of a commercially-viable system for the automatic generation of high-throughput well-defined microdroplets 2017
82 CAP-SAliPharm Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) sterilization of powdered products: optimization and validation at alimentary and pharmaceutical levels 2018
83 ProFrost Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Antifreeze and Ice Nucleator Proteins:Coarse-Grain Approach for Multiscale Study and Bio-Engineering 2018
84 THAT IS HUNT Triggering Haematological Adoptive T-cell Immunotherapy Strategies by HUnting Novel T-cellreceptors 2018
85 PHRD The development of Personalised Host Response Diagnostic kit 2017
86 SEAL Sound and Early Assessment of Leakage for Embedded Software 2017
87 COGTOM Cognitive tomography of mental representations 2017
88 BIOSMART Bio-based smart packaging for enhanced preservation of food quality. 2017
89 Fresh Solutions Fresh Solutions –‘A fresh approach to food packaging’ 2017
90 B-shelf Edible coating for preventing loss of water and fungi proliferation in fruits and vegetables 2017
91 COMPASS COMPASS: Climate-relevant Ocean Measurements and Processes on the Antarctic continental Shelf and Slope 2017
92 WACSWAIN WArm Climate Stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet in the last INterglacial (WACSWAIN) 2017
93 BioBarr New bio-based food packaging materials with enhanced barrier properties – BioBarrier 2017
94 REFUCOAT Full recyclable food package with enhanced gas barrier properties and new functionalities by the use of high performance coatings 2017
96 VRTogether An end-to-end system for the production and delivery of photorealistic social immersive virtual reality experiences 2017
97 Lyfta Lyfta: an immersive educational storyworld platform 2017
98 - Holding back Amazon and Google from the global grocery retail market 2017
99 ULTIMATE The best online drug discovery platform, Building the Ultimate chemical database for drug discovery 2017
100 CleanPack UltraCLEAN thermoforming equipment for food PACKaging, a cost-effective alternative to clean rooms 2017
101 UtilitEE Utility Business Model Transformation through human-centric behavioural interventions and ICT tools for Energy Efficiency 2017
102 EVICARE Extracellular Vesicle-Inspired CArdiac Repair 2017
103 HybridHeart Development of the first fully biocompatible, soft actuated heart: combining in situ tissue engineering and soft robotics 2017
104 RUN2Rail Innovative RUNning gear soluTiOns for new dependable, sustainable, intelligent and comfortable RAIL vehicles 2017
107 Net2DG Leveraging Networked Data for the Digital electricity Grid 2018
108 POSIDON POlluted SIte DecontaminatiON - PCP 2018
109 GRASSHOPPER GRid ASsiSting modular HydrOgen Pem PowER plant 2018
110 SARAS Smart Autonomous Robotic Assistant Surgeon 2018
111 ABC-S Acoustic Blood Cells Sorter 2018
112 Starcounter In-Memory Computing and Artificial Intelligence Platform for Building Next Generation Enterprise Software 2017
113 I-Cuvette Smart cuvette and portable Time-Resolved FRET for fast analysis of milk 2017
114 NCN Nite Carbon Nanoclusters, a natural antioxidant for the food industry made from agricultural waste 2018
115 SLADCORE SLADCORE as the new generation table sugar 2018
116 KEEP-IT-UP KEEP-IT-UP: Redefining shelf life monitoring in the global food industry with a new intelligent Time-Temperature Indicator for perishable products 2018
117 Perfect Fresh Intelligent storage and transport solutions with integrated monitoring to optimize the international fresh produce supply chain, significantly increasing shelf life and preventing food waste 2018
118 AutoDropProd Development of a commercially-viable system for the automatic generation of high-throughput well defined single and double microdroplets 2018
119 SEA-TITAN SEA-TITAN: Surging Energy Absorption Through Increasing Thrust And efficieNcy 2018
120 DOVuFRIS Detecting Ocean Variability under Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf 2018
121 IceDynamO The dynamics of sea ice variability – role of the oceans 2018
122 MIMOP Modelling Ice-shelf Melting and ice-Ocean Processes via the phase-field method and direct numerical simulation 2018
123 ICE2LAST Innovative technology based on the integration of natural substances in ice to improve animal welfare and extend shelf-life of farmed fish 2018
124 GLOPACK Granting society with LOw environmental impact innovative PACKaging 2018
125 ACROSS Australasian Colonization Research: Origins of Seafaring to Sahul 2018
126 IVS Affordable airless packaging system to disrupt the airless packaging market 2018
127 OLEICAStarter Application of multifunctional lactic acid bacteria in large-scale fermentation of spanish-style table olives 2018
128 FRESHTRAY New multi-active cardboard packaging solution to extend the shelf-life of fresh fruits and vegetables by 40%. 2018
129 Is it fresh Is it fresh. Keeping it fresh digitally 2018
130 OHMIO Transparent and flexible conductive polymers to boost the photovoltaic industry in Europe 2018
131 Proteus 25 Developing the world’s first food wrapping machine with organic film 2018
132 ALOEco ALOe vera Edible Coating: effective, safe and sustainable post-harvest treatment to enhance shelf-life of vegetables 2018
133 Bac-Tracker Empowering food manufacturers with a novel device for fast, accurate and cost-effective food safety testing 2018
134 HeartWatch HeartWatch - contactless patient vital signs monitoring 2018
135 CreamOlive Industrial scale-up of the first all-natural solid fat based on olive oil to produce healthier bakery foods 2018
136 C-TCS A Disruptive Treatment Control Software for Particle Therapy Centers 2018
137 ORTO Ocean Reef Tower Oases: Feeding the World, Restoring the Oceans 2018
138 PairElOx Paired Electrochemical Oxidation process for feasible industrial production of the crucial FDCA building block for the bioplastic industry 2018
139 Endive Container The 1st turnkey container solution for organic ENDIVE growing based on cost-efficient rail gutters. 2018
140 AIRSCAN A customised low-cost ultralight aircraft for survey, filming and animal tracking in wild environments. 2018
141 SOPaaS Smart Ordering Plan as a Service 2018
142 TAWNY TAWNY - An Artificial Intelligence Project to Make Things Empathic 2018
143 CiViQ Continuous Variable Quantum Communications 2018
144 nanoICE Optimisation and Large-scale Commercialisation of Next Generation Cooling Equipment for Food Industry 2018
145 ALFOAM Turning non-recyclable aluminum waste into metal foams with multiple applications 2019
146 FreshIndex Trust and Transparency for The Food Supply Chain 2018
147 ColorSensing A quantitative, multifunctional, non-invasive and cost-effective food freshness indicator to reduce food waste 2018
148 APICUS Artificial Intelligence approach for Product Inspection through the use of Cobot enabling quality control of Unshaped products Solution 2018
149 DNAFoil Rapid DNA screening to secure the global food supply chains 2018
150 MollyMawk Continuous business process assurance for the age of digital transformation 2019
151 POLYMMUNE Off-the-Shelf Polypeptide-based Immunotherapy for Advanced Melanoma Treatment 2019
152 SPECTROPLAST Introducing silicone to the world of additive manufacturing 2019
153 DuraCap The first ultra-thin, flexible and durable pseudocapacitor fully integrated in a device for low power applications 2019
154 SteriWeed The first bioherbicide blocking germination of herbicide-resistant weeds 2019
155 KUBBI Cost- and Climate-Efficient Milk Cooling Using Slurry Ice and Natural CO2 2019
156 AgroShelf Extending fresh food shelf-life through novel plant-derived biofungicides for post-harvest treatments 2018
157 SUPRAVACC Supramolecular engineering of glycan-decorated peptides as synthetic vaccines 2019
158 SYNKIT Synthetic Natural Killer Cells for Immunotherapy 2020
159 ACES Antarctic Cyclones: Expression in Sea Ice 2019
160 ANTICE Antarctic Ice Sheet Response to Past Warmer than Present climates 2019
161 SHEALTHY Non-Thermal physical technologies to preserve fresh and minimally processed fruit and vegetables 2019
162 iProcureNet innovation by developing a European Procurer Networking for security research services 2019
163 INGREEN Production of functional innovative ingredients from paper and agro-food side-streams through sustainable and efficient tailor-made biotechnological processes for food, feed, pharma and cosmetics 2019
164 RHODOCAR Global and local impacts on Atlantic RHODOlith beds: Implications for estimates of blue CARbon ecosystem services 2019
166 Hologlass A New Generation of Augmented Reality Smart Glasses 2019
167 VARIANT Multiband miniature antenna for Open Hardware IoT Platforms 2019
168 SE3DPASTE Structurally Engineered 3D Printed Architectures for Scalable Tissue Engineering 2019
169 CHAMPION Cartilage Healing Approach Merging Polymer InnOvation with Nature 2019
170 EPSTech Elevated Pressure Sonication (EPS) for the non-thermal processing of new Extended Shelf Life products for adding value in the Dairy industry 2019
171 EXPERT EXpanding Platforms for Efficacious mRNA Therapeutics 2019
172 DECONIZER Disrupting the food safety chain. The decontamination unit that removes more than 99% of pathogenic bacteria during poultry meat slaughtering and processing 2019
173 CallMechanics The Impact of Callose Metabolism on the Mechanical Properties of Cell Wall during Tomato Ripening 2020
174 LUBRIGONE The first lubrication- and coating-free stoppers for Prefillable Syringes 2019
175 FRAME FRAME - tumor genome-based personalized anti-cancer vaccines off-the-shelf 2019
176 KITOGREEN The World's first vegetal chitosan biostimulant from non-GMO and renewable source on an industrial scale 2019
177 CAPSULTEK Unlocking the potential of thermo-sensitive bioactive ingredients through a disruptive encapsulation method 2019
178 Waste reduction Freshness and expiration date measurement 2019
179 ICHTHYS OptImization of novel value CHains for fish and seafood by developing an integraTed sustainable approacH for improved qualitY, safety and waSte reduction 2020
180 SURPRISE SUper-Resolved comPRessive InStrument in the visible and medium infrared for Earth observation applications 2020
181 AUTOSITE100 Autonomous cranes based on computer vision and AI to increase productivity and safety on construction sites 2019
182 FOODWATERH2020 Water treatment and reuse technology based on constant water quality monitoring thanks to multi-censoring and AI-Deep Learning software for the Food Industry 2019
183 Evolift Evolift - Getting people out of harms way 2019
185 ICPstatu Non-Invasive Technology for Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Measurement 2019
186 BioMainca Innovative and cost-effective 100% natural sausage/burger/processed meat producing machine 2019
187 SmartShower Cost-effective and resource-saving smart shower 2019
188 MILDTECH Affordable, low temperature, rapid and energy efficient dual frequency microwave assisted vacuum system for drying and cooking foods 2019
189 FFEs Frozen Fried Eggs: Industrial process for the manufacture of frozen fried eggs 2019
190 DATASET Advanced manufacturing though data analytics and intelligent insights 2019
191 ExocyTher Extracellular vesicle production and engineering by turbulence for fistula therapy in thermoreversible hydrogels 2020
192 EVEREST Extracellular Vesicles for Bone Regeneration – alternatives to Stem-cell Therapy 2020
193 SELENE SELENE: Self-monitored Dependable platform for High-Performance Safety-Critical Systems 2019
194 RoBUTCHER A Robust, Flexible and Scalable Cognitive Robotics Platform 2020
195 Lacto-Be Advancing Lactobacillus’ beneficial potential 2020
196 JERICO-S3 Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability - JERICO-S3 2020
197 Cells in Matrix Cells in Matrix – an innovative 3D model for R&D of Diabetes 2020
198 FRA-PET Fully Recyclable A-PET (FRA-PET): a sustainable and cost-effective oxygen barrier food packaging 2020