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H2020 projects about "correlations"

The page lists 189 projects related to the topic "correlations".

# achronym  title  year 
1 InDeV InDeV: In-Depth understanding of accident causation for Vulnerable road users 2015
2 QUEST QUantum Hall Edge State Tunnelling spectroscopy 2015
3 ULEED Observing structural dynamics at surfaces with Ultrafast Low-Energy Electron Diffraction 2015
4 SENSQUID Scanning SQUID view of emergent states at interfaces 2015
5 QuProCS Quantum Probes for Complex Systems 2015
6 IQCC Integrated quantum correlation counter 2015
7 SKEMAS Share Knowledge for Effective Management of Aviation Safety 2014
8 Fractional Fractionalized quantum matter: Characterization, realization and generalization 2015
9 Q-METAPP Quantum Metrology in Applications 2015
10 UFOX Unveiling complexity in Functional hybrid OXides 2015
11 ETAB Entangled Twin Atom Beams 2015
12 SIBG Strongly Interacting Bose Gases 2015
13 SN-STM_FM Shot noise scanning probe microscopy: probing the dynamics at the atomic scale 2015
14 EVOLMARIN Rapid evolution and geographic ranges: predicting marine species persistence and distribution in a changing ocean 2015
15 THSExposure Thirdhand Tobacco Smoke: Chemical Characterization, Human Exposure and Urinary Carcinogen Biomarkers 2015
16 SuperMag Cooperation between Superconductivity and Magnetism in Mesoscopic systems: towards Majorana states 2015
17 DENE Dynamical effects on neutral excitations 2015
18 OPERACQC Operational characterization of quantum correlations 2015
19 SOX10mutants Investigating genotype-phenotype correlations in SOX10 neurocristopathies 2015
20 MtbTransReg Translational regulation in the persistence and drug susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2015
21 NANO-CATHEDRAL Nanomaterials for conservation of European architectural heritage developed by research on characteristic lithotypes 2015
22 TopFront Expanding the Topological Frontier in Quantum Matter: from Concepts to Future Applications 2015
23 VERTICAL CITY Versatility of scaffold complexes in vivo to control synaptic plasticity 2015
24 Com4Com Collective modes in 4d-metal compounds and heterostructures 2016
25 MC-SUITE ICT Powered Machining Software Suite 2015
26 SUPERAID7 Stability Under Process Variability for Advanced Interconnects and Devices Beyond 7 nm node 2016
27 DELASTI DEvelopment of advanced LASer based technologies for the manufacturing of TItanium HLFC structures 2016
28 LocalOrder Localization and Ordering Phenomena in Statistical Physics, Probability Theory and Combinatorics 2016
29 PNICTEYES Using extreme magnetic field microscopy to visualize correlated electron materials 2016
30 DYNAMIQS Relaxation dynamics in closed quantum systems 2016
31 BEACON Hybrid Digital-Analog Networking under Extreme Energy and Latency Constraints 2016
32 TopInSy Novel phases of matter emerging from topology, interactions, and symmetries 2016
33 ProACT Integrated Technology Ecosystem for ProACTive Patient Centred Care 2016
34 DYNA-MIC Deep non-invasive imaging via scattered-light acoustically-mediated computational microscopy 2016
35 RCSB Regulation of cell size and shape in bacteria 2016
36 SPINCAD Spin correlations by atomic design 2016
37 MALET Development of MODELICA Libraries for ECS and Thermal management architectures 2016
38 CSASG Comparative Study on Ancient Syriac Grammars 2016
39 PCCDX Breaking the curse of dimension in heavy-element chemistry 2016
40 N-MuQuaS Non-locality in Multipartite Quantum Systems 2016
41 THERMOSTALL High Performance Seasonal Solar Energy Latent Heat Thermal Storage Using Low Grade, Low Melting Temperature Metallic Alloys 2016
42 Prionomics Systematic profiling of molecular changes during prion disease progression 2016
43 PIQUANT Photonic Quantum Network with an Ultrafast Frequency Comb 2016
44 t-Clinic An innovative medical device for early diagnosis based on a disruptive body temperature monitoring and analysis scheme-t-Clinic 2016
45 DIET-SEX-GENOMICS Linking genotype to phenotype - Role of diet on sex-specific reproduction 2016
46 SEEWHI Solar Energy Enabled for the World by High-resolution Imaging 2016
47 TempoQ Temporal Quantum Correlations 2016
48 EDU-DEM Democratization through Education? The role of education in strengthening civil agency and voice in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Case study: Uganda) 2016
49 NIRV_HOST_INT Population genomics of co-evolution between non-retroviral RNA viruses and their hosts 2016
50 MultisensoryIntegration Multisensory Integration in Time and Space 2016
51 DENOVOMUT An integrated approach to understanding the impact of de novo mutations on the mammalian genome 2017
52 PHOSPhOR Photonics of Spin–Orbit Optical Phenomena 2016
53 IMAGIT Information gain in Multi-pixel Acquisition Ghost Imaging Techniques 2017
54 Tropical lichens Symbionts and changing environment: Lichen diversity and photobiont associations in tropical mountain ecosystems 2016
55 INSEETO In-situ second harmonic generation for emergent electronics in transition-metal oxides 2017
57 SEQUOIA-DD Boosting productivity and performance in drug discovery with SEQUOIA - Semantic Query of Information Assets 2016
59 PEMs4Nano Portable Nano-Particle Emission Measurement System 2016
60 FLATLAND Electron-lattice-spin correlations and many-body phenomena in 2D semiconductors and related heterostructures 2016
61 ERQUAF Entanglement and Renormalisation for Quantum Fields 2017
62 DeepLight Deep imaging with time-reversed light 2017
63 TRAPLAB Lab Based Searches for Beyond Standard Model Physics Using Traps 2016
64 ERIDIAN Ensured Randomness Integrity in Device-Independent Networks 2016
65 IPFLOW Inverse Problems and Flows 2017
66 MAGNETIC-SPEED-LIMIT Understanding the speed limits of magnetism 2017
67 MicroCyFly Microcircuitry of the Drosophila visual system 2017
68 AQSuS Analog Quantum Simulation using Superconducting Qubits 2017
69 ROSETTA Robust self-testing with applications to device-independent cryptography 2017
70 LATO Large-Area Transparent Opto-Electronics using 2D Materials 2017
71 QuPoPCoRN Quantum Particles on Programmable Complex Reconfigurable Networks 2017
72 QSB Quantum Sensing for Biology 2017
73 Tau-SYNERGIES Closing in on New Physics in light-quark flavour transitions: from tau decays to the LHC 2017
74 RE-mapping Tackling early school leaving and low school performance through working with students’ representational spaces. The case of 15 years old students in France, Italy and Greece. 2017
75 QuStA Quantum State Assembler 2017
76 IMME-NEM Imaging the Motion of Magneto-Excitons in New Emerging Materials 2017
77 QUSON Quantum Sensing with Quantum Optical Networks 2018
78 QFPROBA Quantum Fields and Probability 2017
79 EVOSOM Evolution of multicellularity and somatic cell specialization 2017
80 DYNAMINT Dynamics of Probed, Pulsed, Quenched and Driven Integrable Quantum Systems 2017
81 Voices of Belonging Voices of Belonging: Minority Identities, Language and Education in the Netherlands 2017
82 NOMAD Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) System for the Inspection of Operation-Induced Material Degradation in Nuclear Power Plants 2017
83 DarkGAMBIT Global searches for dark matter and new physics with GAMBIT using effective field theory 2018
84 ErasmusBlink ErasmusBlink: A low cost and easy to use measurement system for medical research with diagnostic potential 2017
85 PARATOP New paradigms for correlated quantum matter:Hierarchical topology, Kondo topological metals, and deep learning 2018
86 CORFRONMAT Correlated frontiers of many-body quantum mathematics and condensed matter physics 2018
87 QGP-MYSTERY Demystifying the Quark-Gluon Plasma 2018
88 CASTLES Charge And Spin in TopologicaL Edge States 2018
89 QuantumNet A Scalable Quantum Network based on Individual Erbium Ions 2018
90 LUCCA Land Use and Climate Change Attribution for biodiversity impact assessments 2018
91 ToMeTuM Towards the Understanding a Metal-Tumour-Metabolism 2018
92 OaSIS Optimizing Support for Innovating SMEs 2017
93 PRESLHY Pre-normative REsearch for Safe use of Liquide HYdrogen 2018
94 COMANFLO Computation and analysis of statistical solutions of fluid flow 2018
95 QRES Transforming the limits of resolution by utilizing quantum information 2018
97 NATHENA New Additive manufacTuring Heat ExchaNger for Aeronautic 2018
98 STREAM Statistical Tools for Reaction Efficacy AssessMent: Prediction and Understanding in Organocatalyst Discovery 2018
99 PWAQUTEC Phononic Waveguide-based Platforms for Quantum Technologies 2018
100 BrainBehaviourModel Understanding decision making by linking brain and behaviour 2018
101 COSMIC-LITMUS Turning cosmic shear into a litmus test for the standard model of cosmology 2018
102 cureCD Function of long non-coding RNA in Crohn Disease Ulcer Pathogenesis 2018
103 DeepGeo Deep Gaussian Processes for Geostatistical Data Analysis 2018
104 DURCWAVE amending the Design criteria of URban defences in LECZs through Composite-modelling of WAVE overtopping under climate change scenarios 2019
105 InfoSampCollectJgmt The Implications of Selective Information Sampling for Individual and Collective Judgments 2018
106 ANITA Advanced tools for fighting oNline Illegal TrAfficking 2018
107 HALOS2020 Accurate halo masses in the precision cosmology era 2018
108 GROUP MOVEMENT Vocal and visual mechanisms behind coordinated group movement 2018
109 INMIfungi Interactions of insect and soil microbial communities with insect pathogenic fungi 2018
110 QQT Identification of quantum resources in thermodynamic systems 2018
111 MECoCaM Human gut Microbiome, gene Expression and Colorectal Cancer: Assigning causal roles from a novel Mendelian randomization perspective. 2018
112 Joint-probe analyses Cosmological joint-probe analyses: constraining the effect of baryon physics on the matter distribution 2018
113 EvolBehavGenArch The composition and evolution of C. elegans behavioural genetic architectures 2018
114 IDEAA Techniques, methods and tools for Issue-Driven European Arena Analytics: supporting citizens to easily explore the trove of publicly available data to build a viewpoint on a specific issue. 2018
115 VEILA Identifying the source of unknown volcanic eruptions in Late Antiquity 2019
116 TRANSREG Dissecting the role of Translational Regulation in Tumorigenesis 2018
117 CausalStats Statistics, Prediction and Causality for Large-Scale Data 2018
118 FunctionalProteomics Proteomic fingerprinting of functionally characterized single synapses 2018
119 ExQuiSid Extreme Quantum Matter in Solids 2018
120 TRANSFORMER Structural transformations and phase transitions in real-time 2018
121 EQFT Emergence from Quantum Frustration and Topology 2018
122 LABPATCH Lab-in-a-patch for PKU self-assessment 2018
123 TopoGraph Towards topological hybrid states in graphene 2018
124 RG.BIO Renormalization group approach to the collective behaviour of strongly correlated biological systems 2018
125 MICAWA Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and Associated Wave Activity 2019
126 Qosmology Quantum Effects in Early Universe Cosmology 2018
127 CONSENT Causes and consequences of senescence in wild insects 2018
128 PaSION A longitudinal assessment of treatment experience, symptoms and potential associations with biomarkers in cancer patients undergoing immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy 2018
129 ANYON Engineering and exploring anyonic quantum gases 2019
130 MapCat High spatial resolution mapping of catalytic reactions on single nanoparticles 2019
131 EUROoC Interdisciplinary training network for advancing Organ-on-a-chip technology in Europe 2018
132 StrEnQTh Strong Entanglement in Quantum many-body Theory 2018
133 WASTE2ROAD Biofuels from WASTE TO ROAD transport 2018
134 FACT Factorizing the wave function of large quantum systems 2019
135 3D-PXM 3D Piezoresponse X-ray Microscopy 2019
136 MEGANTE MEasuring the Gravitational constant with Atom interferometry for Novel fundamental physics TEst 2019
137 EULOSAM II EUropean LOw Speed Aircraft Model at high Reynolds II 2018
139 ANTI-ATOM Many-body theory of antimatter interactions with atoms, molecules and condensed matter 2019
140 HERO Hidden, entangled and resonating orders 2019
141 STRONG Nanoscale magnetic and thermal imaging of strongly correlated electronic materials 2019
142 COQCOoN COntinuous variables Quantum COmplex Networks 2019
143 MultiplexGenomics Exploring the Epigenome by Multiplexed Physical Mapping of Individual Chromosomes 2019
144 REMINISCENCE REflection Matrix ImagiNg In wave SCiENCE 2019
145 ACCENTO ACCENTO (Active Clearence Contol dEsigN and characTerizatiOn). Advanced investigations on different Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control (LPTACC) system by means of CFD and experiments. 2019
146 QTONE Quantum Plasmomechanics with THz Phonons and Molecular Nano-junctions 2019
147 AD ASTRA HArnessing Degradation mechanisms to prescribe Accelerated Stress Tests for the Realization of SOC lifetime prediction Algorithms 2019
148 SOIROpenVenus SOIR instrument Open science of the Venus upper atmosphere 2020
149 INDITOL Individual variation in tolerance of hypoxia and high temperatures in teleost fish: mechanisms and implications 2019
150 HyTunnel-CS PNR for safety of hydrogen driven vehicles and transport through tunnels and similar confined spaces 2019
151 CLaQS Correlations in Large Quantum Systems 2019
152 MOSAiC Multimode cOrrelations in microwave photonics with Superconducting quAntum Circuits 2019
153 SuperCoop Unconventional Superconductivity and Strong Electron Correlations: a Cooperative mechanism 2019
154 SUMAC Interplay between High-Temperature Superconductivity, Magnetism and Composition in Doped Cuprates 2020
155 InvADeRS Investigating the Activity of transposon Derived Regulatory Sequences in the placenta 2019
156 UCSMT Unconventional Superconductivity at Microkelvin Temperatures 2019
157 MMQIP Molecular Magnets: Coordination Cages, Frameworks and Multifunctional Materials 2020
158 SATIE Security of Air Transport Infrastructure of Europe 2019
159 UnsatPorMix Impact of structural heterogeneity on solute transport and mixing in unsaturated porous media 2019
161 HIEIC Heavy ion collisions: collectivity and precision in saturation physics 2019
162 PrISMoID Photonic Structural Materials with Controlled Disorder 2019
163 CORRELATION Characterization and prediction of service-level traffic for future sliced mobile network 2020
164 DBP Create a business plan for implementing the data-analysis software DatenBerg Backpack in the manufacturing site in the rubber processing industry. 2019
165 InDiQE Infinite-dimensional quantum effects 2019
166 FrEQuMP Frequency-encoded quantum multi-photon interference devices 2019
167 SIMULTANEOUS DBTMI Preclinical and Pilot Co-Clinical Evaluation of Simultaneous Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Mechanical Imaging 2019
168 COBRAS COvariance Based RAman Spectrometer (COBRAS) 2019
169 UNIFY UNconventional Integrated quantum nanophotonic sources From spontaneous sYmmetry breaking 2019
170 PROPHET oPtoelectROnic Properties of Hybrid pErovskiTes 2020
171 DIMMs Durable Infrastructure Materials Modified by self-assembled hollow nanostructured materials 2020
172 MetALS Investigating the pharmacokinetic properties of toxic metals and heat shock proteins as risk factors in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 2019
173 FLATBANDS Exploring strong correlations in flat bands 2020
174 SCORPION Strongly CORrelated Polaritons In Optoelectronic Nanostructures 2020
175 SeaClear SEarch, identificAtion and Collection of marine Litter with Autonomous Robots 2020
176 PRD-Trigger Precipitation triggered rock dynamics: the missing mesoscopic link 2020
177 NQTPS Nonequilibrium Quantum Transport, Probes and Simulations 2019
178 OptimHist Optimization and historical contingency in living systems: a biophysical approach 2020
179 BIOMAP2SOIL Biological analysis of soils and advanced data analytics for precision agriculture maps 2019
180 SuperTwist Understanding unconventional superconductivity in twisted flatlands 2020
181 ATTIDA Attosecond space-time imaging of coherent quantum dynamics 2020
182 STUOD Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics 2020
183 SEE_QPT Imaging phase transitions in quantum materials 2020
184 AMI Animals Make identities. The Social Bioarchaeology of Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Cemeteries in North-East Europe 2020
185 LSSgrav Testing the law of gravity with novel large-scale structure observables 2020
186 MolecularMAGNET Molecular Magnetic Materials Based on Nanographenes: Controllable Synthesis and Characterization 2020
187 MulHaRes A probabilistic decision framework for MULti-HAzard RESilience of residential building portfolios subjected to floods and landslides 2020
188 TETCOLON Dissecting the role of the epigenetic regulator TET2 in colorectal cancer 2020
189 HYPERDIVERSE Keys to evolutionary success: untangling drivers of hyperdiversification 2020