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H2020 projects about "footprint"

The page lists 373 projects related to the topic "footprint".

# achronym  title  year 
1 Prominent Promoting Innovation in the Inland Waterways Transport Sector 2015
2 FATIMA FArming Tools for external nutrient Inputs and water MAnagement 2015
3 nextBioPharmDSP Next-generation biopharmaceutical downstream process 2015
4 PROTEIN2FOOD Development of high quality food protein through sustainable production and processing 2015
5 iSQAPER Interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience 2015
6 I2MPECT Integrated, Intelligent modular power electronic converter 2015
7 Manutelligence Product Service Design and Manufacturing Intelligence Engineering Platform 2015
8 ProRegio Customer-driven design of product-services and production networks to adapt to regional market requirements 2015
9 ECO-Binder Development of insulating concrete systems based on novel low CO2 binders for a new family of eco-innovative, durable and standardized energy efficient envelope components 2015
10 SHEER SHale gas Exploration and Exploitation induced Risks 2015
11 ShaleXenvironmenT Maximizing the EU shale gas potential by minimizing its environmental footprint 2015
12 We4SMESLO Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs (by EEN), Slovenia 2014
13 MARIO Managing active and healthy aging with use of caring service robots 2015
14 OpenAIS Open Architectures for Intelligent Solid State Lighting Systems 2015
15 REC Root zone soil moisture Estimates at the daily and agricultural parcel scales for Crop irrigation management and water use impact – a multi-sensor remote sensing approach 2015
16 C-FOOT-CTRL Developing on line tools to monitor, control and mitigate GHG emissions in WWTPs 2015
17 SECURECHAIN Securing future-proof environmentally compatible bioenergy chains 2015
18 NChIP Chromatin dynamics during DNA replication 2015
19 EURECA Datacenter EURECA Project 2015
20 SPS_TFP_Strut Application of tailored fibre placement technology in integral composite structures for ultra-lightweight space applications 2014
21 SmartAct-2-3 Scaling of a midsized patented low energy, light weight, highly efficient actuator to meet the demands of smaller and larger scale functions 2014
22 EFICONSUMPTION Innovative System for Electrical Energy Efficiency in industrial plants 2014
23 VSM Validated Surge Model 2014
24 NIR-PERFECT Non-contact Near Infra-Red insPEction and monitoRing For Evaluation of ComposiTes 2014
25 SINTRAN Safe and INtegrated thermal TRANsformation of humid organic waste resulting in green energy and valuable remainders 2014
26 I-Fusion Innovative FUel Sensor for engIne OptimisatioN 2014
27 BAG-FS Biopolus Aero Green - Feasibility Study 2014
28 HEATBOOST Sorption Heat-pump Component Boosting Energy-efficiency in Gas-fired Boilers 2014
29 URBANCO2FLUX Quantifying the impact of the urban biosphere on the net flux of CO2 from cities into the atmosphere. 2015
30 GENOMIC FOOTPRINT Does a moving hybrid zone leave a genomic footprint? 2016
31 BioEnergyTrain BioEnergyTrain 2015
32 HESFIRE Drivers and projections of global fire activity and intensity under future climate and societal changes. 2015
33 OsciLEDs New Disruptive Platform Technology for Water Treatment and Process Intensification 2015
34 BAMBENG New BAMboo ENGineered bio-material for sustainable building components 2015
35 enControl-Intuo ENergy-efficient CONTROL with INternet-of-Things connected home solUtiOn 2015
36 HEALEX HEALEX – High Efficiency Air Liquid Heat ExchangerAn innovative, new heat exchanger that improves energy efficiency in cooling and ventilation systems 2015
37 SCALEPHA Industrial and commercial SCALE-up of Bio-on technology for the production of PHA polymers from sugar industries waste, co- and by-products 2015
38 ESW European Structural Wood - for sustainable building components 2015
39 CaNE-HiP-LA Carbon Nano Materials Enabling High-Performance Lead Acid Batteries 2015
40 SmartGridEnable SmartGrid Distributed Monitoring, Synchronization and Active Management 2015
41 e2CORK Efficient and Eco-friendly Construction Of Revolutionary surfboard blanKs 2015
42 DWT-I4FEDW DWT- Impregnation for Fireproof Excellent Durability Wood 2015
43 EBBR Commercialisation of expanded bed biofilm reactor technology for the treatment of waste-, used- or contaminated-water and for improved protection of the aquatic environment and atmosphere. 2015
44 Lt-AD Low-temperature anaerobic digestion treatment of low-strength wastewaters 2014
45 Colibri The compact LIBS module for advanced materials analysis 2015
46 CLOUD-VAS Cloud based Vessel Allocation Decision Support System for Vessel Chartering 2015
47 Collect and Reflect Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint by implementing Collect and Reflect(TM) blinds for solar energy collection and reflection (Collect and Reflect) 2015
48 Eco-UV Low carbon footprint and eco-innovative UV water disinfection 2015
49 CABRISS Implementation of a CirculAr economy Based on Recycled, reused and recovered Indium, Silicon and Silver materials for photovoltaic and other applications 2015
50 ECWRTI ECOLORO: Reuse of Waste Water from the Textile Industry 2015
51 iBUS iBUS – an integrated business model for customer driven custom product supply chains 2015
52 LIVIN Light-Vapour Interactions at the Nanoscale 2015
53 HyFast HyFast - Fast hydrogen fueling and long range for fuel cell vehicles 2015
54 FRISCO Food Retail Industry Supply Chain Optimization (FRISCO): Food Discount Intelligence to Reduce Food Waste through the implementation of the FoodLoop Platform 2015
55 EcoMultiCloud Hierarchical Approach for Green Workload Management in Distributed Data Centers reducing energy bill and carbon footprint 2015
56 MIGRATE Research and training network on MIniaturized Gas flow for Applications with enhanced Thermal Effects 2015
57 HYDRACTVAL Low-energy leak-proof double seat control valve based on a water hydraulic actuator system 2015
58 Flex5Gware Flexible and efficient hardware/software platforms for 5G network elements and devices 2015
59 5GEx 5G Exchange 2015
60 SWORD Advanced Analytics Platform for Stroke Patients Rehabilitation 2015
61 PUFOOTCO2 Sustainable Polyurethane Elastomers for Footwear based on CO2 with improved properties 2015
62 PVFINAL Photo Voltaic Fully Integrated and Automated Line 2015
63 BLOSTER Innovative biopesticides production: valorisation of endemic plants and green industrial residues 2015
64 GenoSpec Insights from Population Genomics to the Evolution of Host Specificity in Insect Fungi 2015
65 DEMOS DEMOnStrators of micro waves efficiency for agrifood industry 2015
66 NewBusFuel New Bus ReFuelling for European Hydrogen Bus Depots 2015
67 ExaHyPE An Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine 2015
68 I-KAM2EU enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU 2015
69 We4SMESLO Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs (by EEN), Slovenia 2015
70 SmartAct-2-3 Scaling of midsized, patented, low energy, light weight, highly efficient actuator to meet the demands of smaller and larger scale applications 2015
71 ambliFibre adaptive model-based Control for laser-assisted Fibre-reinforced tape winding 2015
72 Indus3Es Industrial Energy and Environment Efficiency 2015
73 SCENT SCENT: Hybrid Gels for Rapid Microbial Detection 2015
74 SIZE Size matters: scaling principles for the prediction of the ecological footprint of biofuels 2015
75 PHRESCO PHotonic REServoir COmputing 2015
76 SPS_TFP_SQ TFP Strut Qualification 2015
77 SPIRYT Platform for envIRonmentallY Sustainable Textile processing, to be replicated worldwide in the fashion industry Feasibility Study 2015
78 Tomo-FPS Tomosynthesis is a low-dose alternate to has CT already transformed Breast Imaging, our vision is to reduce the costs, further enhance sensitivity and reduce dose, and transform portability. 2015
79 WHEY2VALUE Whey2Value: Valorising waste whey into high-value products 2015
80 SWAPOUT Smart Wireless Access Point with Objective User-Targeting 2015
81 GN4-1 GN4-1 Research and Education Networking - GÉANT 2015
82 COMPSULE COMPostable capSULE for instant coffee delivery based on an innovative chemical functionalization of biobased plastics 2015
83 LASIG-TWIN Laser Ignition - A Twinning Collaboration for Frontier Research in Eco-Friendly Fuel-Saving Combustion 2016
84 REMINDER Revolutionary embedded memory for internet of things devices and energy reduction 2016
85 HELIOtube Inflatable solar collectors for a low cost CSP Plant with irreducibly small carbon footprint 2015
86 LEILAC Low Emissions Intensity Lime and Cement 2016
87 European Framework Initiative for Energy and Environmental Efficiency in the ICT Sector 2016
89 STREAMS Smart Technologies for eneRgy Efficient Active cooling in advanced Microelectronic Systems 2016
90 RESET Re-use of Thermoplastic Composite 2016
91 NOVOFLOP Non-Volatile Magnetic Flip Flop 2016
92 SOLPART High Temperature Solar-Heated Reactors for Industrial Production of Reactive Particulates 2016
93 EFICONSUMPTION Innovative System for Electrical Energy Efficiency in industrial plants 2016
94 EuPRAXIA Proposal for a Horizon 2020 Design Study on the “European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications“ (EuPRAXIA) 2015
95 PLASMOfab A generic CMOS-compatible platform for co-integrated plasmonics/photonics/electronics PICs towards volume manufacturing of low energy, small size and high performance photonic devices 2016
96 INTMET Integrated innovative metallurgical system to benefit efficiently polymetallic, complex and low grade ores and concentrates 2016
97 SOLSA Sonic Drilling coupled with Automated Mineralogy and chemistry On-Line-On-Mine-Real-Time 2016
98 DESTRESS Demonstration of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs 2016
99 TAIS TES App Issuing Software 2015
100 REScoop Plus REScoop Plus 2016
101 SmartEnCity Towards Smart Zero CO2 Cities across Europe 2016
102 InstaGreen Bringing Local and Sustainable Produce Back to the City 2016
103 STOREandGO Innovative large-scale energy STOragE technologies AND Power-to-Gas concepts after Optimisation 2016
104 TranslationRegCode Cracking the Translation Regulatory Code 2016
105 EGYWINE Ancient Egypt’s Wine Rebirth 2016
106 By-BM By-products for Building Materials 2016
107 Insight An accounting integrated carbon management tool for supply chain decarbonisation of SMEs. 2016
108 EUWaste Ecological Utilization of Waste 2016
109 ICARUS Integrated Climate forcing and Air pollution Reduction in Urban Systems 2016
110 ifoodbag gen2 Unique, low-cost, low-footprint, reusable hybrid carrier bag system that enables food to be kept cold/frozen for up to 24 hours 2016
111 AMECRYS Revolutionising Downstream Processing of Monoclonal Antibodies by Continuous Template-Assisted Membrane Crystallization 2016
112 SPICE Spintronic-Photonic Integrated Circuit platform for novel Electronics 2016
113 ECO-TURBINE Development of lamella type of wind turbine made of bio composite polymers 2016
114 iProcell Commercial validation of iPROCELL: a novel modular assembly practice 2016
115 SpaceInvader SpaceInvader – Gain value from empty and unused cargo space 2016
116 Safe Hydrogen Fuel Safe Hydrogen-On-Demand Fuel for E-Vehicles 2016
117 PlastDeink Topic identifier: SMEInst-11-2016-2017 2016
118 Lt-AD Low-temperature Anaerobic Digestion treatment of low-strength wastewaters 2016
119 COHERENCE Exploiting light coherence in photoacoustic imaging 2016
120 HOLISHIP HOLIstic optimisation of SHIP design and operation for life cycle 2016
121 MERCURY Meeting 100Gbps Ethernet Requirements with CMOS Integrated Circuit Chipset to Dramatically Cut Energy Use in Data Centres 2016
122 SSL Novel microfiltration technology for emissions reduction 2016
123 HyPump Enabling Sustainable Irrigation through Hydro-Powered Pump for Canals 2016
124 ThermoHeart A revolutionary Stirling engine to use low and medium temperature waste heat to generate electricity and to reduce CO2 emissions 2016
125 VEEP Cost-Effective Recycling of CDW in High Added Value Energy Efficient Prefabricated Concrete Components for Massive Retrofitting of our Built Environment 2016
126 ReWaCEM Ressource recovery from industrial waste water by cutting edge membrane technologies 2016
127 FRESH FRESH - Fully bio based and bio degradable ready meal packaging 2017
128 ENIGMA European training Network for In situ imaGing of dynaMic processes in heterogeneous subsurfAce environments 2017
129 BuyZET BuyZET – Procurement of innovative solutions for zero emission urban delivery of goods and services 2016
130 ATTRACkTIVE Advanced Travel Companion and Tracking Services 2016
131 ACTIonRCraft Anti-Crash lightweight fuel bladder Tank Integrated on a new RotorCraft 2016
132 SELMUS The Formex® raft: Towards the revolution of the European mussel farming 2016
133 HOT Hybrid Optomechanical Technologies 2017
134 IntAir Cheaper, Lighter, Safer Composite Materials for Aircraft Interiors 2016
135 DRYNET Setting an interdisciplinary/sectorial/international research network to explore dry storage as an alternative strategy for cells/germplasm biobanking 2017
136 UFPCC Scale up of the Continuous Production Method for Nano-sized Precipitated Calcium Carbonate, and market Introduction for Industrial End Use 2016
137 OWANDBO Smart secure system to share resources between OWners AND BOrrowers in a peer-to-peer collaborative consumption market 2016
138 INTEGRID An INTEgral optimisation toolbox for smart GRID data communication network design and planning 2016
139 GEOTHERMICA GEOTHERMICA - ERA NET Cofund Geothermal 2017
140 VirtualNet VirtualNet 2016
141 FlexBuild Market maturation of innovative Flexible modules for temporary sealing of construction Buildings 2016
142 SMILE Smart Measuring and Inspection for industrial Legacy Equipment 2016
143 QD-NOMS Elementary quantum dot networks enabled by on-chip nano-optomechanical systems 2017
144 CAPID Capacitive Identification Tokens 2017
145 ColdNano-X ZnO-nanotech cold cathode x-ray tube for the security market 2016
146 PRESSURE Effectiveness of Terrestrial Protected Areas in Reducing Human Pressure 2017
147 ECOLUP Smart collect points as an innovative logistic solution to shorten fruit and vegetables supply chain 2017
148 ECOLED Efficient and Low CO2 footprint B2B turnkey LED module with an innovative thermal solution 2017
149 ProDairyWelfare smaXtec 4.0 – multifunctional Dairy Cattle Sensor System for a proactive productivity and health management in Dairy Farming 2017
150 H2MOVE Hydrogen generator for higher fuel efficiency and lower carbon emissions in maritime transport 2017
151 Steora Steora - next step to a smart city 2017
152 KAM2EastPoland Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland 2017
153 We4SMESLO_3 Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs (by EEN), Slovenia 2017
154 NExtNCNaBatt Novel Extended solids based on N=C chemistry for future Na-ion Batteries 2017
155 KAM2CentralPoland-2 Enhancing the innovation management capacity of the SMEs in Central Poland-2 2017
156 DRYSTORE Exploring dry storage as an alternative biobanking strategy inspired by Nature 2017
157 WhiteShift A calcifying phytoplankter’s response to climate change and its role in sinking carbon in the Subarctic Ocean using spaceborne and in situ observations and ecological modelling 2017
158 MicroPhan Rol of obligate bacterial symbiosis in the diversification of a globally distributed aphid genus 2018
159 V-ChiralSpin Voltage Control of Chiral Spin Structures 2018
160 CoupledDB High-Performance Indexing for Emerging GPU-Coupled Databases 2017
162 4REFINERY Scenarios for integration of bio-liquids in existing REFINERY processes 2017
163 VegWaMus CirCrop Developing commercial mushroom and vegetable production in an integrated food to waste to food biosystem. 2017
164 CHIMERA A novel instrument to identify chiral molecules for pharmaceutics and bio-chemistry. 2017
165 Water2REturn REcovery and REcycling of nutrients TURNing wasteWATER into added-value products for a circular economy in agriculture 2017
166 PerformFISH Consumer driven Production: Integrating Innovative Approaches for Competitive and Sustainable Performance across the Mediterranean Aquaculture Value Chain 2017
167 CIRC-PACK Towards circular economy in the plastic packaging value chain 2017
168 UMWP-CHIP Universal microwave photonics programmable processor for seamlessly interfacing wireless and optical ICT systems 2017
169 NAFTI Noise Abatement Fms with Tactile Interface 2017
171 LeydenJar Boosting Battery Energy Density in Electric Vehicles 2017
172 NextWind Harvesting airborne wind energy using rigid kites. 2017
173 CORTEX Core monitoring techniques and experimental validation and demonstration 2017
174 iPROCELL Commercial validation of iPROCELL: a novel modular assembly practice 2017
175 FINEPRINT Spatially explicit material footprints: fine-scale assessment of Europe’s global environmental and social impacts 2017
176 POLYWOOD Combining wood and polymers to produce a translucent, reinforced and ecological material 2017
177 Multiscreen Multiple cellular screens using microfluidic droplets 2017
178 INTELLICORR Intelligent corrosion management underpinned by advanced engineering science 2017
179 METALLICA Metallurgical patented Process Transforming Residues from the Electronic Industry into Valuable Precious Metals 2017
180 PORTAFACT Sustainable, Ecological PolyUrethane Foam Panel Construction System, integrated into an Innovative Portable Factory Solution 2017
181 Carbon4PUR Turning industrial waste gases (mixed CO/CO2 streams) into intermediates for polyurethane plastics for rigid foams/building insulation and coatings 2017
182 HOMEBIOGAS Turning food industry's organic wastw into value 2017
184 Eco-sleeve Eco-sleeve is a propellant-free technology for Aerosols, generating high pressure to provide the familiar consumer experience of continuous dispensing. 2017
185 Auto-Anode Automated Anode Fork Repair System for the Aluminium Rodding Plant 2017
186 CLTRe The Cybersecurity Behavioural Toolkit 2017
187 evapEOs2 New cold and low-energy concentration technology (evapEOs2) for liquid food products 2017
188 BIOPANELS Biocomposite panels for transportation 2017
189 CATALYST Converting DCs in Energy Flexibility Ecosystems (CATALYST) 2017
190 ECOMOBI Eco-friendly Modification of Bitumen (ECOMOBI). Recycling end of life tyres into an efficient bitumen modifier 2017
191 FIBRESPIN New Generation of High Speed FIBRE SPINning machines 2017
192 S4CE Science for Clean Energy 2017
193 NECOS Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing 2017
194 eForcis and BeForcis Wave Energy Generators for Marine Buoys and Aquaculture Fish Farms 2017
195 QAMeleon Sliceable multi-QAM format SDN-powered transponders and ROADMs Enabling Elastic Optical Networks 2018
196 BioRECO2VER Biological routes for CO2 conversion into chemical building blocks 2018
197 ATOS Advanced Technological Solutions for X band Earth Observation Systems 2018
198 NanoFEED Nanostructured carriers for improved cattle feed 2018
199 PASSION Photonic technologies for progrAmmable transmission and switching modular systems based on Scalable Spectrum/space aggregation for future agIle high capacity metrO Networks 2017
200 plaCMOS Wafer-scale, CMOS integration of photonics, plasmonics and electronics devices for mass manufacturing 200Gb/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) transceivers towards low-cost Terabit connectivity in Data Centers 2017
201 PICTURE High Performance and High Yield Heterogeneous III-V/Si Photonic Integrated Circuits using a Thin and Uniform Bonding Layer 2018
202 HyPump Enabling Sustainable Irrigation through Hydro-Powered Pumps for Canals 2017
204 STRONGRCRAFT Safe, Technically Robust and Optical New Generation fuel system to be integrated on new RotorCRAFT 2018
205 PASSPORT Part Specific Process Optimization in SLM 2018
206 LoCoLight Low cost coherent light sources from nanoparticle array surface plasmon polariton systems 2018
207 ShellJeTTPlus Automated System for Total Fouling Removal of Heat Exchangers 2018
208 PRS PRS, a disruptive technology for the industrial repair of large series of reusable plastic articles in the circular economy 2018
209 HouseBuildR Build your house exactly as you imagined it 2018
210 XLS CompactLight 2018
211 SEMS Smart Energy Management System 2018
212 Perfect Fresh Intelligent storage and transport solutions with integrated monitoring to optimize the international fresh produce supply chain, significantly increasing shelf life and preventing food waste 2018
213 Digiteal Digiteal: Next generation e-invoicing and e-payment platform, one-click and automatic invoice payment anywhere in the SEPA zone 2018
214 COREALIS Capacity with a pOsitive enviRonmEntal and societAL footprInt: portS in the future era 2018
215 Nutri2Cycle Transition towards a more carbon and nutrient efficient agriculture in Europe 2018
216 AMACONOE Advanced modelling and control of nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater treatment plants 2018
217 RECOVERY Water Recovery from Industrial Gas Streams at Moderate Temperatures 2018
218 5G-DRIVE 5G DRIVEn Resource Efficient Mobile Aggregation Networks 2018
219 MAPIC Microfluidic Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Capture (MAPIC) System 2018
220 HEAF High-Efficiency Axial Flux Machines 2018
221 MPDCA innovative hot chamber Medium Pressure Die Casting process for Aluminium 2018
222 SOFTCAR The cleanest and lowest cost car ever! 2018
223 SHui Soil Hydrology research platform underpinning innovation to manage water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems 2018
224 GLOPACK Granting society with LOw environmental impact innovative PACKaging 2018
225 GeoRes Geomaterials: from Waste to Resource 2018
226 GAIN Green Aquaculture Intensification in Europe 2018
227 Hexafly Hexafly Black Soldier Fly Protein and Oils for Fishfeed 2018
229 Clean City Improve urban cleanliness while optimising resources and environmental footprint 2018
230 Teraloop ESS A highly scalable grid-scale energy storage system utilising 3rd generation flywheel technology for effective integration of renewable energy. 2018
231 Print4Caps Printing cap system with LED UV drying system with improved efficiency and quality 2018
233 OHMIO Transparent and flexible conductive polymers to boost the photovoltaic industry in Europe 2018
234 TS3.0 New Technology for Multi-Axial, Slim and High Performance Timber Structures 2018
235 AQUA PUR TM Development and market penetration of an innovative water purification technology for industrial applications 2018
236 FACT Falex Application Center for Tribology 2018
237 DG Island Mode Deep Green Island Mode 2018
238 Sugar Free Sorbos An edible and biodegradable, ZERO SUGAR straw to accompany cold drinks or cocktails, preventing plastic residues. 2018
239 ProPeeler ProPeeler: Enhanced shrimp peeling machine with full control and optimisation of the process to enable full automation of the shrimp peeling industry 2018
240 MYFOOD An Innovative Smart Greenhouse System based on Aquaponics, Bioponics and Permaculture for Self-Production of Safe and Ultra-Fresh Food. 2018
241 CoolHEMT Next Generation GaN Power Amplifiers 2018
242 Woodoo Woodoo Augmented Wood - transforming wood into construction material strong as concrete and translucent as amber 2018
243 Rosalind Scale-up for Next Generation Enzymatic DNA Synthesis 2018
244 ULTRAWAT Ultrapure Water Technology - nanoparticle free water for the advanced nanoelectronics industry enabling further miniaturization of electronic devices 2018
245 NEXTLEDs Chemical Engineering of Atomically-Flat Colloidal Quantum Wells for Next-Generation Light- Emitting Devices 2018
246 Njord Rugged durable small wind turbine for powering telecom towers residential buildings in extreme weather conditions areas 2018
247 BICAR The definitive 100% energy autonomous, CO2-free and recyclable last mile solution 2018
248 UNRAVEL UNique Refinery Approach to Valorise European Lignocellulosics 2018
251 FLUO Industrial implementation of a step-change technology to measure fluorescence 2018
252 IIAMS Innovative Infusion Airframe Manufacturing System 2018
253 SRM SRM: Synchronous Reluctance Motor. Introducing a new lifting technology in the elevator market 2018
254 DESTINY Development of an Efficient Microwave System for Material Transformation in  energy INtensive processes for an improved Yield 2018
255 Morocco International Energy Agency Joint Work Programme with the Kingdom of Morocco to support the transition away from to a decarbonized energy system. 2018
256 SULACHANGE Microplastic-free Sulapac-material challenges plastic 2018
257 CODOBIO Continuous Downstream Processing of Bioproducts 2019
258 iCAREPLAST Integrated Catalytic Recycling of Plastic Residues Into Added-Value Chemicals 2018
259 DuRSAAM PhD Training Network on Durable, Reliable and Sustainable Structures with Alkali-Activated Materials 2018
260 TOPCL Table-top cathodoluminescence microscope 2019
261 MUSE GRIDS Multi Utilities Smart Energy GRIDS 2018
262 includeOS The Operating System for the Internet of Things 2019
263 HARVESTORE Energy HarveStorers for Powering the Internet of Things 2018
264 MoViD Brownian Motor Based Virus Detection 2019
266 LIMONA New Water Softener System for vending machines, minimizing hardness without altering natural water pH nor minerals 2018
267 ForeCast Ground-Breaking Software for Sustainable Smart City Planning 2018
268 Nuventura Novel medium voltage switchgear with zero environmental footprint 2019
269 MollyMawk Continuous business process assurance for the age of digital transformation 2019
270 LightCoce Building an Ecosystem for the up-scaling of lightweight multi-functional concrete and ceramic materials and structures 2019
271 CLD China, Law, and Development 2019
272 BIZEOLCAT Bifunctional Zeolite based Catalysts and Innovative process for Sustainable Hydrocarbon Transformation 2019
273 NANOSMART NANO components for electronic SMART wireless systems 2019
274 TERMINUS in-built Triggered Enzymes to Recycle Multi-layers: an INnovation for USes in plastic-packaging 2019
275 DECOAT Recycling of coated and painted textile and plastic materials 2019
276 WATERMAX First European Aeration Systems based on NANOBUBBLES TECHNOLOGY for Waste Water Treatment 2019
277 NANOPOLY Artificial permittivity and permeability engineering for future generation sub wavelength analogue integrated circuits and systems 2019
278 KAM2EastPoland2019 Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland 2019 2019
279 We4SMESLO_4 Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs (by EEN), Slovenia 2019
280 RE-MATCH Creating artificial turf yarns with new recycling technologies for circular economy 2018
281 SPIRE A Photovoltaic Plant with thermal co-generation 2019
282 DiSeTCom Dirac Semimetals based Terahertz Components 2019
283 SRRP A disruptive pre-assembled Self-Regenerating solvent Recovery Plant based on the vapor recompression principle in order to diminish the emission of volatile organic compounds to environment. 2019
284 Wi-MCA Wireless for Mission Critical Applications 2019
285 BATTERY 2030 BATTERY 2030+ At the heart of a connected green society 2019
286 AIRSHADE Sustainable Responsive Shading System 2019
287 SCOPE Surface-COnfined fast-modulated Plasma for process and Energy intensification in small molecules conversion 2019
288 NADiA Novel Air Distribution Approaches 2019
289 FITCoW Full-scale Innovative integrated Tooling for Composite material Wing-box 2019
290 ENERGY-X ENERGY-X: Transformative chemistry for a sustainable energy future 2019
291 EARTH@LTERNATIVES Sustainability, efficiency, equity and resilience of land and water use for global food and energy security: synergies and fundamental trade-offs 2019
292 ERMADA Illuminating Earth’s microbial diversity and origins from metagenomes with deep learning 2019
293 SElectiveLi Conceptual Study of Electrochemical based novel process using Lignosulfonates to produce bio-based monomers & polymers 2019
294 BIOnTop Novel packaging films and textiles with tailored end of life and performance based on bio-based copolymers and coatings 2019
295 SMARTBOX Selective Modifications of ARomatics through Biocatalytic Oxidations 2019
296 Biogas2Syngas Rational Design for Coke-resistant Dry Reforming Catalyst using Combined Theory and Operando Raman Experiments 2019
297 SANDLINKS Framing sand sustainability in a telecoupled world 2019
298 Teraloop EES A scalable and sustainable grid-scale energy storage system utilising 3rd generation flywheel technology for effective integration of renewable energy. 2019
299 FLEXBUILD Market maturation of innovative Flexible modules for temporary sealing of construction Buildings 2019
300 ActiveMatter Active Matter: From Fundamental Science to Technological Applications 2019
301 PARSEC Promoting the internAtional competitiveness of European Remote Sensing companies through Cross-cluster collaboration 2019
302 UltimateGaN Research for GaN technologies, devices, packages and applications to address the challenges of the future GaN roadmap 2019
303 USABLE PACKAGING Unlocking the potential of Sustainable BiodegradabLe Packaging 2019
304 FRAMTID Sustainable food packaging technology as an alternative to plastic 2019
306 DLIVER DLIVER - Digital B2B marketplace for fast and efficient parcel delivery 2019
307 SIMCARE SImulation-assisted Minimally invasive CAncer tREatment using the gosmart environment 2019
308 RE_CREATE Eco-innovative building products for sustainable construction 2019
309 ModCat Nanoparticle size selection tool for new generation Model Catalyst 2019
310 GOLIATH PRO The first portable and automated milling robot tool enabling professional manufacturers to produce large-size objects in whatever place 2019
311 RAPTOR RIS And Purification Traps for Optimised spectRoscopy (RAPTOR) 2019
312 GeoSmart Technologies for geothermal to enhance competitiveness in smart and flexible operation 2019
313 INFINITECH Tailored IoT & BigData Sandboxes and Testbeds for Smart, Autonomous and Personalized Services in the European Finance and Insurance Services Ecosystem 2019
314 RumenShield Dairy RumenShield Dairy - Non-Medicated Feed Additive to Improve Milk Yield in Dairy Cows 2019
315 Cool Wool Box Lowering the environmental impact of fresh fish logistics 2019
316 HYDRACTFLEX Full-scale demonstration of a flexible inline production concept for breweries, drawing on water hydraulics 2019
317 GN4-3 Horizon 2020: H2020-SGA-INFRA-GEANT-2018 (Topic [a] Research and Education Networking) 2019
318 MAXIPLAN Cultivated barnacle offspring – the solution for realizing marine aquaculture growth 2019
319 Wooden Tower Wooden structured telecommunications tower for the complete mobile network coverage 2019
320 HighLite High-performance low-cost modules with excellent environmental profiles for a competitive EU PV manufacturing industry 2019
321 UNIFY UNconventional Integrated quantum nanophotonic sources From spontaneous sYmmetry breaking 2019
322 SAAFE Soil quality Assessment in Agriculture For life cycle assessment-based Eco-design 2020
323 SPARC First chemical free, sustainable & scalable disinfection system for intense agriculture in greenhouse facilities 2019
324 Kolibri Kolibri – Ultra-Small Plasmonic Modulators for Terabit Communications 2019
325 P200 Developing an Improved High Level 2nd Stage Regulator for Scuba Divers 2019
326 ngCon Building concrete solutions. A unique additive for the ideal concrete. 2019
327 APS On-site and On-demand Flexible Packaging System 2019
328 Cumucore An innovative virtual software-defined mobile packet core to enable optimized and flexible user-centric services for next generation mobile networks 2019
329 ECOFIPS ECOFIPS: Ecological Fibres for Insulation, Pulp and Substrate 2019
330 MagnEFi Magnetism and the effects of Electric Field 2019
331 INCITE Innovative Chemoenzymatic Integrated Processes 2019
332 INTERfaces Heterogenous biocatalytic reaction cascades training network 2020
333 POCSEL Portable infrared biochemical sensor enabled by pixelated dielectric metasurfaces 2020
334 SOLAR2CHEM Training the next generation of scientists in solar chemicals for a sustainable Europe by hybrid molecule/semiconductor devices 2020
335 FlexPlan Advanced methodology and tools taking advantage of storage and FLEXibility in transmission and distribution grid PLANning 2019
336 FPPAs Field Programmable Photonic Arrays 2019
339 OriginIoT OriginIoT - Expediting Cellular IoT Device Development 2019
340 BISANCE Biphasic Heat Transport integration for efficient heat exchange within Composite materials Nacelle 2019
341 AWE Harvesting Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) using Rigid Kites 2019
342 OptiSpec Bringing automated, real-time process control into starch-processing industries 2019
343 Woodywood pickering Bio-based (fully renewable) cost effective Polymer for new generation of ecological Coatings leveraging a disruptive innovation in the use of Pickering emulsion. 2019
344 CyanoSmart Reliable, real-time process monitoring solutions for gold mines to reduce costs, reagent use and increase gold production 2019
345 NANOLED Toward single colloidal nanocrystal light-emitting diodes 2020
346 SWOP The first non-toxic bio-based polymer resin to revolutionize the wood panel industry 2019
347 DIONE DIONE: an integrated EO-based toolbox for modernising CAP area-based compliance checks and assessing respective environmental impact 2020
348 HYPOS HYdro-POwer-Suite 2019
349 TWILIGHT Towards the neW era of 1.6 Tb/s System-In-Package transceivers for datacenter appLIcations exploiting wafer-scale co-inteGration of InP membranes and InP-HBT elecTronics 2019
350 Mashcream Launching the Mashcream Lifestyle With the In-Home Cool Plate Ice Cream Maker 2019
351 BUGBOX BugBox: Mass Rearing & Production Technology to Produce Protein Powder & Other Sub-Products from Edible Insects 2019
352 FOODWATERH2020 Water treatment and reuse technology based on constant water quality monitoring thanks to multi-censoring and AI-Deep Learning software for the Food Industry 2019
354 ELVER Energy from Limited Velocity Estuaries and Rivers 2019
355 SAFE-PUR Disruptive polyurethane foams with improved passive fire protection to increase energy efficiency & safety in buildings, houses and transport. 2019
356 HEGIAS The World’s First Browser-based and Automated High-end Virtual Reality Content Management System 2020
357 PlasmoniAC Energy- and Size-efficient Ultra-fast Plasmonic Circuits for Neuromorphic Computing Architectures 2020
358 AI4Cities AI accelerating Cities transition to carbon neutrality 2020
360 PICOMB Photonic Integrated Comb Source 2020
361 Codasip RISC-V Digital Architecture for the Next Generation of Connected Era 2020
362 TPV 2500 High performance hydraulic pump for off road mobile equipment 2020
363 COPI Carbon Offset Plug-in 2020
364 NewSOC Next Generation solid oxide fuel cell and electrolysis technology 2020
365 NEWELY Next Generation Alkaline Membrane Water Electrolysers with Improved Components and Materials 2020
366 PERCISTAND Development of all thin-film PERovskite on CIS TANDem photovoltaics 2020
367 KAM2EastPoland2020-2021 Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland 2020
368 CrioFlex Cri/oFlex: The missing link towards large scale quantum computing 2020
369 SHADE Spin Hall-Based Analog to Digital Encoder for Ultra-Compact Sensor Nodes 2020
370 SusCat Stereoselective CO2 Capture through Sustainable Organocatalytic Alkene Activation 2020
371 C[Au]PSULE Crystal phase engineering of Au nanoparticles for enhanced solar fuel generation 2020
372 DiverseNile Cultural diversity in the Middle Nile Valley. Reconstructing biographies in the periphery of urban centres in northern Sudan during the Bronze Age 2020
373 i-CARE Disruptive high-performance polymers 2020