The page lists 169 projects related to the topic "preserve".
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1 | JSPEC | Josephson Junction Spectroscopy of Mesoscopic Systems | 2015 |
2 | PSYMBIOSYS | Product-Service sYMBIOtic SYStems | 2015 |
3 | aLzINK | Alzheimer's disease and Zinc: the missing link ? | 2015 |
4 | HERITAGE | Cultural Heritage and Economic Development in International and European Law | 2015 |
5 | RELOS | Reducing empiricism in luminescence geochronology: Understanding the origins of luminescence from individual sand grains | 2015 |
6 | ELAASTIC | European Location As A Service Targeting International Commerce | 2015 |
7 | BIOSURF | BIOmethane as SUstainable and Renewable Fuel | 2015 |
8 | InvGroGra | Asymptotic invariants of discrete groups, sparse graphs and locally symmetric spaces | 2015 |
10 | Elastomer Recycling | World`s first innovative method for recycling of elastomers and plastics from industrial waste | 2014 |
11 | FORENSOR | FOREnsic evidence gathering autonomous seNSOR | 2015 |
12 | EUDAT2020 | EUDAT2020 | 2015 |
13 | MEPOL | The role of plant primary and secondary metabolism in pollination | 2015 |
14 | FEEC discretizations | Structure-preserving discretization of hierarchically-structured rotating covariant shallow-water equations using finite element exterior calculus | 2016 |
15 | YAKUT | Genomics, epigenomics and transcriptomics of Yakutian horses, a unique domestic breed adapted to life in the Arctic | 2015 |
16 | YAKUT | Genomics, epigenomics and transcriptomics of Yakutian horses, a unique domestic breed adapted to life in the Arctic | 2015 |
17 | ABRUPT | Quantifying Abrupt Biotic Responses to Palaeoclimate Change | 2016 |
18 | seQureNet | Secure information processing in quantum networks | 2015 |
19 | EPICA | Exploring Photon-photon Interactions with Cold Rydberg Atoms | 2015 |
20 | REALISM | Reducing Early Atrophy with Leucine during Immobilization of Skeletal Muscle | 2015 |
21 | IDEA | Investigating Dishonesty with Experimental Applications: Evidence from the Lab and the Field | 2015 |
22 | BLACKBINDER | Black Binder, all-in System of Digital Scores | 2015 |
23 | WINTHERWAX | WINdow based on THERmally modified wood with high performance WAX coating | 2015 |
24 | Efficient Cooking | Substainable and efficient food processing and cooking sytem | 2015 |
25 | DDRNA | DDRNA-based cancer therapy targeted telomeres | 2015 |
26 | NACCA | New Approaches in the Conservation of Contemporary Art | 2015 |
27 | MF-RADAR | Multi-frequency RADAR imaging for the analysis of tropical forest structure in the Amazon | 2016 |
30 | LSFM4LIFE | Production and characterization of endocrine cells derived from human pancreas organoids for the cell-based therapy of type 1 diabetes | 2016 |
31 | AniAge | High Dimensional Heterogeneous Data based Animation Techniques for Southeast Asian Intangible Cultural Heritage Digital Content | 2016 |
32 | SponGES | Deep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantic: an integrated approach towards their preservation and sustainable exploitation | 2016 |
33 | Quaco | QUAdrupoleCOrrector | 2016 |
34 | ReadyToGo | Analysis of the regulation of stress tolerance and growth to improve stress responses under water scarcity in crops | 2016 |
35 | CLIMCONFLICT | Historical Dynamics of Violence, Conflict and Extreme Weather in Medieval Ireland | 2016 |
36 | SiLaSpaCe | Si based Layer Stacks for Rear-Side Passivation and Enhanced Reflection of GaInP/GaInAs/Ge Triple-Junction Space Solar Cells | 2016 |
38 | ECOTRAIT | Understanding the links between functional traits and ecological processes in lake Arcellinida (testate amoebae) (‘ECOTRAIT’) | 2016 |
39 | iCARE | MobIle health-Care system for monitoring toxicity and symptoms in cAncer patients ReceivingdiseasE-oriented therapy | 2016 |
40 | NEPTUN | Novel closed-cage system for high-value marine aquaculture | 2016 |
41 | INTEGRATE | Central integration of metabolic and hedonic cues in metabolic health | 2016 |
42 | OLEUM | Advanced solutions for assuring the overall authenticity and quality of olive oil | 2016 |
43 | CODECHECK | CRACKING THE CODE BEHIND MITOTIC FIDELITY: the roles of tubulin post-translational modifications and a chromosome separation checkpoint | 2016 |
44 | OMIP | Improved Over-The-Counter (OTC) Market Integrity and Privacy via cryptographic proofs of computational integrity | 2016 |
45 | PKAS-MW-DRY | Low Energy Dryer for Agricultural Products | 2016 |
46 | INTERSTELLAR | Building the next generation high-speed data converters to strengthen European excellence and competitiveness on space applications and beyond | 2016 |
47 | H-CCAT | Solid Catalysts for activation of aromatic C-H bonds | 2017 |
48 | HPE1 | New high-performance excipients in pharmaceutical industry: an innovative solution for a more efficient and sustainable drug manufacturing process. | 2016 |
49 | ExtremoChem | Chemically synthesised novel compounds for the stabilisation of biologics | 2016 |
50 | SLIM | Strong, Lightweight and Indestructible Marble | 2016 |
51 | 3D-REPAIR | Spatial organization of DNA repair within the nucleus | 2017 |
52 | Matryoshka | Fast Interactive Verification through Strong Higher-Order Automation | 2017 |
53 | LightFasTR | Understanding the light-fastness of heritage Turkey Red textiles through modern dye chemistry and historical dyeing technology to inform sustainable display and access | 2017 |
54 | Waterscales | Mathematical and computational foundations for modeling cerebral fluid flow. | 2017 |
55 | EGYPTOMICS | Paleoproteomics for cultural heritage conservation: biomolecular analysis of ancient Egyptian paint binders | 2017 |
56 | XeMoon | Sources and sinks for excess Xe and Ar on the Moon | 2018 |
57 | ENDANGEREDHORSES | Conservation genomics of endangered indigenous European horse breeds | 2017 |
58 | FRISH | Development and apparatus implementing a method for rapidly and already ends freezing and defrosting fish with the use of sound waves and aerosol humidification for high quality fish. | 2017 |
59 | MAP | Inside the Mind of Ancient People: the tangible and constructed landscape of the western Delta in the Late Period (664-332BC) | 2017 |
60 | PROM | Pregnancy and Reproduction Organ-on-a-chip Models | 2017 |
61 | LIVEWELL | Living Well: Provisioning Systems for Sustainable Resource Use and Human Well-Being | 2017 |
62 | KEEPERS | Keepers: The Key to your Child’s Safety | 2017 |
63 | PHOTOPEROVSKITES | Photoexcitation Dynamics and Direct Monitoring of Photovoltaic Processes of Solid-State Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells | 2017 |
64 | ORFORCREA | Locked between formulas: creativity in oral and transitional poetic texts | 2017 |
65 | MINORG | The role of minerals in the oceanic carbon cycle | 2017 |
66 | INIMUD | Impact of Neuromedin U in type 2 immunity and mucosal defence | 2017 |
67 | LANDRACES | Exploiting the legacy of Central European wheat landraces for improving the ecological adaptation ability of wheat | 2017 |
68 | AutoDrive | Advancing fail-aware, fail-safe, and fail-operational electronic components, systems, and architectures for fully automated driving to make future mobility safer, affordable, and end-user acceptable. | 2017 |
69 | OpenPhilology | Open Philology: The Composition of Buddhist Scriptures | 2018 |
70 | TAPAS | TArgeting Platelet Adhesion receptors in thrombosiS | 2018 |
71 | NESTORE | Novel Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activities | 2017 |
72 | QuSCo | Quantum-enhanced Sensing via Quantum Control | 2017 |
73 | AMPLITUDES | Manifesting the Simplicity of Scattering Amplitudes | 2018 |
74 | CIRCASA | Coordination of International Research Cooperation on soil CArbon Sequestration in Agriculture | 2017 |
75 | CLIMLAN | Novel multivariate, high-resolution mapping of the exposure of ecosystems to climate and land use change | 2018 |
76 | BILITOLERANCE | Control of disease tolerance to infection by Biliverdin Reductase A | 2018 |
77 | PapyGreek | Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri | 2018 |
78 | NEMOSINE | Innovative packaging solutions for storage and conservation of 20th century cultural heritage of artefacts based on cellulose derivate | 2018 |
79 | PREMIUM | Preservation of microorganisms by understanding the protective mechanisms of oligosaccharides | 2018 |
80 | Warmest | loW Altitude Remote sensing for the Monitoring of the state of Cultural hEritage Sites: building an inTegrated model for maintenance. | 2017 |
81 | Io-EMP | Tissue-derived acellular micro-scaffold technology reducing or eliminating diabetics’ dependence oninsulin therapy | 2017 |
82 | TheTocharianTrek | The Tocharian Trek: A linguistic reconstruction of the migration of the Tocharians from Europe to China | 2018 |
83 | TFM | The First Integrative Fisheries Management System | 2018 |
84 | CHOPIN | Coatings with Hydrophobic and/or Omniphobic Properties against INsect contamination. | 2018 |
85 | PROTECTNICHE | Understanding the role of intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of loss in species niches, to inform conservation planning under climate change | 2019 |
88 | DFitHH | Digital Forensics in the Historical Humanities: Hanif Kureishi, The Mass Observation Archive, Glyn Moody | 2018 |
89 | HETERO | What does it mean to be heterosexual? | 2018 |
90 | LUDEME | The Digital Ludeme Project: Modelling the Evolution of Traditional Games | 2018 |
91 | Mind4Stormwater | Innovative stormwater asset management in future cities | 2018 |
92 | PolyHeal | Autonomously Healable Thermoplastic Polymer Coatings based on Cooperative Interactions | 2018 |
93 | LadinoProverbs | Ladino Proverbs: Edition, Recovery and Dissemination of the Endangered Cultural Heritage in the post-Holocaust Yugoslavia | 2019 |
94 | GAP | Global dynamics of mountain diversification and persistence | 2019 |
95 | MEDLAND_HORN.AFRICA | Medieval landscapes in the Horn of Africa. State, territory and materiality of the Adal Sultanate (15th-16th centuries AD). | 2018 |
96 | EXTINCT | The interaction of environmental conditions and species traits as drivers of species extinctions and community homogenisation | 2019 |
97 | MECHANOIDS | Probing and controlling the three-dimensional organoid mechanobiology | 2019 |
98 | EpiTFeb | Deciphering the Transcriptional Logic of TFEB activation in cell identity and cancer | 2018 |
99 | SMARTFAN | Smart by Design and Intelligent by Architecture for turbine blade fan and structural components systems | 2018 |
100 | AIRPOXY | ThermoformAble, repaIrable and bondable smaRt ePOXY based composites for aero structures | 2018 |
101 | CarE-Service | Circular Economy Business Models for innovative hybrid and electric mobility through advanced reuse and remanufacturing technologies and services | 2018 |
102 | AUTO NERVE | Tracers for targeting nerves in the autonomic nervous system | 2018 |
103 | INTERFACE | paINTed mEtal aRteFActs ConsErvation | 2018 |
104 | ACROSS | Australasian Colonization Research: Origins of Seafaring to Sahul | 2018 |
105 | FACT | Falex Application Center for Tribology | 2018 |
106 | LIFESPAN | Early-life influences on suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and suicide mortality: a life-courseperspective to inform prevention | 2018 |
107 | SEAGEM | Developing a process to bring a unique Icelandic natural food sea gem worldwide | 2018 |
108 | FAERSK | FAERSK – Innovative fish processing and logistics solution | 2018 |
109 | 4Sure | Sulphites' substitute in wine; natural and safe | 2018 |
110 | eDCaseMAN | Defendable legal cases through an affordable, easy, integrated and reliable case management software | 2018 |
111 | SOCIETY | How do you spell RESEARCH? SOCIETY - Science, histOry, Culture, musIc, Environment, arT, technologY | 2018 |
112 | MiniMasonryTesting | Seismic Testing of 3D Printed Miniature Masonry in a Geotechnical Centrifuge | 2019 |
113 | DYMOCHRO | Dynamics of modified chromatin domains | 2019 |
114 | ETIP OCEAN 2 | European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy | 2019 |
115 | THEMISS | Thermal Evolution Modeling of Icy objects in the Solar System | 2019 |
116 | SCIPER | Studying Cancer Individuality by Personal and Predictive Drug Screening and Differential OMICs | 2018 |
117 | Mingei | Representation and Preservation of Heritage Crafts | 2018 |
118 | Biodentify | Oil and Gas Exploration Made Greener and Cheaper | 2018 |
119 | MUSKETEER | Machine learning to augment shared knowledge in federated privacy-preserving scenarios | 2018 |
120 | LEDGER | decentraLizEd Data Governance for nExt geneRation internet | 2018 |
121 | RESEARCH | REmote SEnsing techniques for ARCHaeology | 2018 |
122 | ILUCIDARE | International network for Leveraging sUccessful Cultural heritage Innovations and Diplomacy, cApacity building and awaREness raising | 2018 |
123 | ASCLEPIOS | Advanced Secure Cloud Encrypted Platform for Internationally Orchestrated Solutions in Healthcare | 2018 |
124 | Bergamot | Browser-based Multilingual Translation | 2019 |
125 | MDOT | Medical Device Obligations Taskforce | 2019 |
126 | MapModern | Social Networks of the Past: Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1898-1959 | 2018 |
127 | LION-HEARTED | Light and Organic Nanotechnology for Cardiovascular Disease | 2019 |
129 | PanCareFollowUp | PanCareFollowUp: Novel, patient-centred survivorship care to improve care quality, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and accessibility for survivors and caregivers | 2019 |
130 | COOL-SENS | Advanced monitoring solution to prevent losses and assure full transparency along the cold chain | 2019 |
131 | REBELLION | Light-REsponsive Nanomachines for Targeted Eradication of BactErial Pathogens in LocaLised InfectIONs | 2020 |
132 | PDX-PC | Elucidation of tumour cell plasticity mechanisms associated to treatment in metastatic prostate cancer | 2019 |
133 | BeBamb | Beyond the Bamboo Hypothesis. A microscopic exploration of plant processing practices in prehistoric Palawan, Philippines, and their relationship to lithic technology. | 2019 |
134 | SEDILAND | Sediment regime disturbance of river catchments in a changing land cover context: Geoenvironmental and population dynamics | 2019 |
135 | RIPARIONS | Transferring hydrological and biogeochemical concepts from boreal to Mediterranean RIPARian zones: developing a broad knowledge framework across ecoregIONS | 2020 |
136 | MigrEnAb | Encoding, Absorption and Abandonment of Cultural Material during Migration: : The Case of Judeo-Spanish Songbooks | 2020 |
137 | TeloRNAging | The role of damage-induced non coding RNA in the control of DNA damage response activation at telomeres in aging | 2019 |
138 | GWFP | Geometric study of Wasserstein spaces and free probability | 2019 |
139 | RepDiff | Revealing novel molecular mechanisms linking DNA replication and cell fate decisions | 2020 |
140 | CUSTOMER | Customizable Embedded Real-Time Systems: Challenges and Key Techniques | 2019 |
141 | NEXTER | Next generation eco-friendly, microbiome preserving and reduced resistance therapeutics | 2019 |
142 | COMMIOS | Communities and Connectivities: Iron Age Britons and their Continental Neighbours | 2019 |
143 | EvolSpliceKinetics | From co-transcriptional splicing kinetics to the evolutionary impact of exon and intron definition | 2020 |
144 | ELAPHARMA | A novel approach of organ preservation using anti-necrosis agent before transplantation. | 2019 |
145 | DEFGROUP | Definable and pseudofinite groups | 2020 |
146 | TReSPAsS-ETN | TRaining in Secure and PrivAcy-preserving biometricS | 2020 |
147 | OLIGOARCHIVE | Oligoarchive - Intelligent DNA Storage for Archival | 2019 |
148 | PRE-ECO | A new paradigm to re-engineering printed composites | 2019 |
149 | ASTORIA | Advanced Steady and unsTeady distORtion sImulAtor | 2019 |
150 | ATLANTIS | Whales, waste and sea walnuts: incorporating human impacts on the marine ecosystem within life cycle impact assessment | 2020 |
151 | Fotokite | Aerial Situational Awareness for Every Firefighter | 2019 |
152 | TRACTION | Opera co-creation for a social transformation | 2020 |
153 | Numii | Numii: A real-time and non-invasive monitoring tool for the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders | 2019 |
154 | EcoFoil | Innovative, sustainable and globally unique storage method for food preservation | 2019 |
155 | MAIA | Models and Methods for an active ageing workforce: an international academy | 2020 |
156 | TECTONIC | TEchnological Consortium TO develop sustaiNabIlity of underwater Cultural heritage | 2020 |
157 | DNA DS | DNA Data storage | 2019 |
158 | GREAT | Greener Air Traffic Operations | 2020 |
159 | GAF | The First non-cancerogenic Glyoxal Acid-Free fixative for a Formalin-free hospital | 2020 |
160 | PSOTI | Privacy-preserving Services On The Internet | 2020 |
161 | RESILIENCE | REligious Studies Infrastructure: tooLs, Experts, conNections and CEnters | 2019 |
162 | RECYPION | Resurrecting the Carboxyl Polyether Ionophores | 2020 |
163 | Ru4EYE | Ruthenium-based photoactivated chemotherapy against eye cancer | 2020 |
164 | IC-CCD-qHSC | Intrapopulation communication and collective cell decisions of hematopoietic stem cells | 2020 |
165 | WildFishGenes | New insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying behavioural variation in wild marine fish | 2020 |
166 | DECRYPT | Drivers of Ecosystem Collapse and RecoverY across the Permo-Triassic | 2021 |
167 | SUBIMAP | SUBduction Initiation at Magma-poor rifted margins: an Atlantic Perspective | 2021 |
168 | OMR | X-Ray Fluorescence, Shape recognition & Machine Learning for Efficient and Economic Recycling of Mixed Metals from Co-mingled Waste. | 2020 |
169 | IDENTIS | Identity-scapes of Sardinia: productivity, burials, and social relationships of AD 100-600 west-central Sardinia | 2020 |