The page lists 160 projects related to the topic "spreading".
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1 | ReN2014-15 | 2014-2015 Researchers' Night: The Greek events | 2014 |
2 | BS_Night_140926_150925 | Crossing Borders - In jedem steckt ein Forscher / European Researchers Night 2014 + 2015 | 2014 |
3 | PROPAG-AGEING | The continuum between healthy ageing and idiopathic Parkinson Disease within a propagation perspective of inflammation and damage: the search for new diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic targets | 2015 |
4 | ENGRes2014 | EU2014 Conference on the Empowerment of the Next Generation of Researchers - “Promoting talents, spreading excellence” | 2014 |
5 | CITYLAB | City Logistics in Living Laboratories | 2015 |
6 | NCP_WIDE.NET | Transnational Network of cooperation for WIDESPREAD NCPs | 2015 |
7 | CIMPLEX | Bringing CItizens, Models and Data together in Participatory, Interactive SociaL EXploratories | 2015 |
8 | YDS | Your Data Stories | 2015 |
9 | HTSew | Use of HTC technology as an innovative reuse method for sewage sludge | 2014 |
10 | FACADE FIRE | Numerical characterisation of fire growth in external facades and other vertical spaces | 2016 |
11 | SCDCDC | Design of Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converters Suitable for Wireless and Bio Sensor Applications | 2015 |
12 | CICCI | Characterization of Intestinal Cancer Cell Invasion | 2015 |
13 | SchmaVirusVacDiag | Novel vaccine and diagnostic strategies against Schmallenberg virus | 2015 |
14 | ISPADMEC | Integrin specificity in rigidity sensitive proliferation, activation and directional migration of endothelial cells | 2015 |
15 | RemoteControl Device | Remote Controllable Devices | 2015 |
16 | IF-EBOla | Control of the Ebola Oubreak by both innovative Ultrasensitive Detection of EBOV and therapy | 2014 |
17 | Remote Sanitation | Remote Sanitation – New sustainable sanitation solution for remote areas | 2015 |
18 | PASS | Paleozoic Seafloor Spreading | 2015 |
19 | MAGIC | Middleware for collaborative Applications and Global vIrtual Communities | 2015 |
20 | CEMEA | Building-up Centre of Excellence for advanced materials application | 2015 |
21 | LiNaBioFluid | Laser-induced Nanostructures as Biomimetic Model of Fluid Transport in the Integument of Animals | 2015 |
22 | CEZAMAT-Environment | CEZAMAT-Environment - Self-Organizing Networks for Real-Time, Wireless Monitoring of Natural Environment | 2015 |
23 | ARTEMIDA | Advanced Regional Translation of Excellence into Medical Innovations for Delayed Aging | 2015 |
24 | TEMARA | Teaming to Extend Maltese Ambitions in the Aerospace Sector | 2015 |
25 | FET-Event | Ensuring the success of the next FET Conference and exhibition at a key period for FET | 2015 |
26 | WIRE2015 | Week of Innovative Regions in Europe 2015 (WIRE VI) | 2014 |
27 | FERROHUB | FERROHUB | 2015 |
28 | HEIRRI | HEIRRI (Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation) | 2015 |
29 | HTCycle | Sewage sludge reuse Phosphate recovery with an innovative HTC technology (HTCycle) | 2015 |
30 | OSIRIS | Optimal SIC substR ates for Integrated Microwave and Power CircuitS | 2015 |
31 | DEPURGAN | Swine-farm revolution | 2015 |
32 | CIAO | Central Iran Amphibole-bearing Ophiolite | 2015 |
33 | TWIN-CONTROL | Twin-model based virtual manufacturing for machine tool-process simulation and control | 2015 |
34 | Oligomers | Characterising protein oligomers and their role in neurodegenerative disease in humans | 2015 |
35 | SCENT | SCENT: Hybrid Gels for Rapid Microbial Detection | 2015 |
36 | MicrobioS | Exploring the human gut microbiome at strain resolution | 2016 |
37 | UPTAKE | Building Research Excellence in Russian and East European Studies at the Universities of Tartu, Uppsala and Kent | 2016 |
38 | VET-TWIN | Strengthening of scientific excellence of the National Veterinary Research Institute in animal health and food chain safety | 2016 |
39 | RENOIR | Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing | 2016 |
40 | AniAge | High Dimensional Heterogeneous Data based Animation Techniques for Southeast Asian Intangible Cultural Heritage Digital Content | 2016 |
41 | GRACE | Integrated oil spill response actions and environmental effects | 2016 |
42 | SAL ETHVI | Innovative, easily applicable vaccine for poultry industry against five Salmonella serovars: Enteritidis, Typhimurium, Hadar, Virchow and Infantis – SAL ETHVI | 2016 |
43 | ArCH4ives | Unlocking the methane cycling archives from Arctic lakes: a biological fingerprint | 2016 |
44 | HyGlio | Theranostic Injectable Hydrogel for Glioblastoma | 2016 |
45 | NEUROTUNN | Mechanisms of α-synuclein spreading, implications for synucleinopathies | 2016 |
46 | RESOLVE | antibiotic RESistance and mObile genetic eLements dissemination in enVironmEntal conditions | 2016 |
47 | TESNinSAB | Fate and Toxic Effects of Silver Nanoparticles and Its Transformation Products in Soil Applied with Biosolids | 2017 |
48 | REFORMED | Reforming Schools Globally: A Multi-Scalar Analysis of Autonomy and Accountability Policies in the Education Sector | 2016 |
49 | BioMicroGels | Innovative environmentally-benign wastewater treatment reagents offering a step change in efficiency in the cleaning of water from oils and metal ions and in liquidation of emergency oil spills | 2016 |
50 | OILBLOCK | Immediate Oil Spill containment to mitigate impact on the marine ecosystem | 2016 |
51 | BMX-11 | Providing Antifouling Additives for Marine Paints Inspired by Nature and Engineered for Industries | 2016 |
52 | GreenProtein | Revalorisation of vegetable processing industry remnants into high-value functional proteins and other food ingredients | 2016 |
54 | VULKANO | Novel integrated refurbishment solution as a key path towards creating eco-efficient and competitive furnaces | 2016 |
55 | AgriDemo-F2F | Building an interactive AgriDemo-Hub community: enhancing farmer to farmer learning | 2017 |
56 | SECID | Spreading Excellence and Crossing Innovation Divide Conference | 2016 |
57 | ArrestAD | 3-O-sulfated heparan sulfate translocation in altered membrane biology: A new strategy for early population screening and halting Alzheimer’s neurodegeneration | 2017 |
58 | ACTING-NOW | Algorithmic Containment of Threats in Graphs, Networks or Webs | 2016 |
59 | SPG | Seafarm Pulse Guard | 2017 |
60 | FIMBUG | Heterogeneity in fimbrial length and abundance as a generic regulator of E. coli surface colonization | 2018 |
61 | EVORULES | The cultural evolution and ecology of institutions: An integrated evolutionary approach to the interrelated rules that regulate human social organization and cooperation | 2017 |
62 | EbolaMoDRAD | Ebola Virus: Modern Approaches for developing bedside Rapid Diagnostics – Sofia ref.: 115843 | 2015 |
63 | NeuroTRACK | Tracking and predicting neurodegeneration spreading across the brain connectome | 2017 |
64 | MicroCONtACT | Microglial control of neuronal activity in the healthy and the injured brain | 2017 |
65 | ONCOSYSTEMS | Phenotypic characterization of Liver-derived exosomes populations associated with liver metastasis in pancreatic cancers | 2017 |
66 | SEMANTAX | Form-Independent Semantics for Natural Language Understanding | 2017 |
67 | AlbaSolar | Developing perovskite-based solar panels | 2017 |
68 | BETACONTROL | Control of amyloid formation via beta-hairpin molecular recognition features | 2017 |
69 | BREEZE | HyBRid photocatalyitic air filtEr for rEmoving pollutants and odours from aircraft cabin ZonE | 2017 |
70 | HoldCancerBack | What Holds Cancer Cells Back? | 2017 |
71 | OpenOceanFC | The Open Ocean Fish Cage | 2017 |
72 | STEMS | Spatiotemporal multimode complex optical systems | 2017 |
73 | ANADEL | Analysis of Geometrical Effects on Dispersive Equations | 2018 |
74 | INSIKT | Novel Social Data Mining Platform to Detect and Defeat Violent Online Radicalization | 2017 |
75 | SWINOSTICS | Swine diseases field diagnostics toolbox | 2017 |
76 | PANACEA | A thematic network to design the penetration PAth of Non-food Agricultural Crops into European Agriculture | 2017 |
77 | LNEXPANDS | The Mechanisms and Dynamics Controlling Cycles of Lymph Node Expansion | 2018 |
79 | ENABLING | Enhance New Approaches in BioBased Local Innovation Networks for Growth | 2017 |
80 | GLOMODAT | Enhancing data fusion, parallelisation for hydrological modelling and estimating sensitivity to spatialparameterization of SWAT to model nitrogen and phosphorus runoff at local and global scale | 2019 |
81 | ProTeAN | Production and Testing of humAn-derived Neurons and brain organoids: advanced model probing in neurodevelopmental disorders | 2018 |
82 | Alpha-Synuclein | Blocking the prion-like disease propagation in Parkinson’s disease and related disorders – model development and identification of cell-autonomous and cell non-autonomous factors. | 2019 |
83 | FINDER | FINDER: FIghtiNg DEngue viRus, a novel strategy for the development of fully protective antiviralsthat act by disrupting the DENV NS3/NS5 interaction | 2018 |
84 | BEAT | regulation of B-cell Epitope migration and Autoimmunity by T follicular helper cells | 2018 |
85 | CAYMAN | Illuminating Ultra-Slow Spreading Centres: a seismic approach to the Cayman Trough | 2019 |
86 | ProLiCell | Engineered Protein Nanosheets at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces for Stem Cell Expansion, Sorting and Tissue Engineering | 2018 |
88 | MIONIÑO | Resolving the debate on a permanent El Niño-like state in the late Miocene: establishing equatorial Pacific conditions, driving forces and global impacts. | 2019 |
89 | MechanoSpectrin | Dynamic and Mechanical Role of Spectrin in Membrane-CytoskeletonInterplay | 2018 |
90 | HeLLo | Heritage energy Living Lab onsite | 2018 |
91 | M4D | Metal Microstructures in Four Dimensions | 2018 |
92 | BactoBubble | Microscale investigation of key bacterial phenotypes enhancing collection by rising bubbles and aerial dispersal | 2018 |
93 | NanoTBTech | Nanoparticles-based 2D thermal bioimaging technologies | 2018 |
94 | QuantOCancer | Leveraging the unique organismic approach to health and disease of the Champalimaud Foundation through the inception of a quantitative biomedicine research programme focused on cancer | 2018 |
95 | LAMatCU | Establishing Laboratory of Advanced Materials at the Comenius University | 2018 |
96 | CUDAN | Cultural Data Analytics | 2019 |
97 | PITBUL | Point-of-Care implementation of TB testing with ultra-fast Local Heating PCR | 2017 |
98 | EVERYWH2ERE | Making hydrogen affordable to sustainably operate Everywhere in European cities | 2018 |
99 | SSR | Smart Shoot Remover | 2018 |
100 | AeRoTwin | Twinning coordination action for spreading excellence in Aerial Robotics | 2018 |
101 | VECMAP IPM | VECMAP IPM, a one-stop-shop for the sustainable prevention of urban pests of public health Importance | 2018 |
102 | Voico | Development of a telephone headset with voice diminishing technology | 2018 |
104 | HTCycle | Sewage sludge reuse with Phosphate recovery and heavy metal absorption with an innovative HTC technology. | 2018 |
105 | SAW-SPIN | Pure SPIN currents generated by Surface Acoustic Waves | 2019 |
106 | OILBLOCK | Immediate Oil Spill containment to mitigate impact on the marine ecosystem | 2018 |
107 | DYMOCHRO | Dynamics of modified chromatin domains | 2019 |
108 | WIREDETECT | High resolution X-ray detectors based on nanowire arrays | 2019 |
109 | GoodNews | Fake news detection in social networks using geometric deep learning | 2018 |
110 | ZeroR | Resistance-free charge spreading for LEDs and solar cells | 2019 |
111 | CUHL | Controlling Ultrafast Heat in Layered materials | 2018 |
112 | DYMOLAMO | Dynamic Modeling of Labor Market Mobility and Human Capital Accumulation | 2018 |
113 | PowerShare | Charging network optimized for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) | 2018 |
114 | GRACE | Grounding RRI Actions to Achieve Institutional Change in European Research Funding and Performing Organisations | 2019 |
115 | LAMPAS | High throughput Laser structuring with Multiscale Periodic feature sizes for Advanced Surface Functionalities | 2019 |
116 | INITIO | INnovative chemIcal sensors for enanTioselective detectIon of chiral pOllutants | 2019 |
117 | YMPACT | The Yamnaya Impact on Prehistoric Europe | 2019 |
118 | Epilepsy_Core | The core and effects of epilepsy: from chronic disease to curable disorder through innovative guided surgery | 2019 |
119 | ThermoEye | ThermoEye an innovative system for pigs' fever early detection | 2019 |
120 | VESSEL CO-COPTION | Vessel co-option and radioresistance in glioblastoma | 2019 |
121 | MF 2019 | MANUFUTURE 2019 - Sustainable Smart Manufacturing | 2019 |
122 | CoSiLiS | Developement of compact single-cycle light sources | 2019 |
123 | BrEXo-Apt | Non-invasive and accurate diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. | 2019 |
124 | NanoMechShape | Molecular control of actin network architecture and mechanics during cell shape changes | 2019 |
125 | MHT-ImmunoEnhancer | Stimuli-Responsive Nanoplatform to Combine Magnetic Hyperthermia with Immunemodulators Delivery for Glioblastoma Treatment | 2019 |
126 | FAKEOLOGY | Fake news and pseudo-science as post-modern mythology: The case of the anti-vaccination movement | 2019 |
127 | CAOS | Containment, Avalanches and Optimisation in Spreading-processes | 2019 |
128 | COMETS | COllective action Models for Energy Transition and Social Innovation | 2019 |
130 | INFORM | Innovative Electrochemical Multiplex Biosensor for Detection and Quantification of Clinically Relevant Circulating miRNAs | 2020 |
131 | CE2019 | The sustainable transition to a low carbon, climate-resilient circular economy: Creating the knowledge base | 2019 |
132 | EPISWITCH | Mechanistic basis of nucleation and spreading underlying a Polycomb-mediated epigenetic switch | 2019 |
133 | UnsatPorMix | Impact of structural heterogeneity on solute transport and mixing in unsaturated porous media | 2019 |
134 | SGA3 | COST - Maximising impact | 2019 |
136 | UNA4CAREER | UNA Europa, an alliance of universities FOR the emergence of talent and the development of research CAREERs | 2020 |
137 | VALI | Conversion of manure to energy with the VALI solution | 2019 |
138 | BIOPOLIS | Teaming to Upgrade to Excellence in Environmental Biology, Ecosystem Research and AgroBiodiversity | 2019 |
139 | CallMechanics | The Impact of Callose Metabolism on the Mechanical Properties of Cell Wall during Tomato Ripening | 2020 |
140 | HELoS | Health.E Lighthouse Support Initiative | 2019 |
141 | V-Chiller | Next Generation refrigeration Technology based on vacuum rapid cooling | 2019 |
142 | DIMOFAC | Digital Intelligent MOdular FACtories | 2019 |
143 | FreeATPOC | Towards an instrument-free future of molecular diagnostics at the point-of-care | 2020 |
144 | WAVESCOPE | Wavefront shaping system for nonlinear fiber-based microscopy and endoscopy | 2019 |
145 | TOX-ANT | Toxin-antidote selfish elements in animals: from gene drive to speciation | 2020 |
146 | MUCUS | Modelling revolUtion for Complex flUid flow over Surfaces and walls | 2020 |
147 | SUBMODULAR | The Power of Randomness and Continuity in Submodular Optimization | 2019 |
148 | mfloDx | Adaptable Multiflow Diagnostic Platform to Genetically Identify Drug Resistant Infection | 2019 |
149 | KINMATRIX | Uncovering the Kinship Matrix: A New Study of Solidarity and Transmission in European Families | 2020 |
150 | TOPOCELL | A cell separation microfabricated platform for cell migration and invasion assays | 2020 |
151 | IN2SMART2 | Intelligent Innovative Smart Maintenance of Assets by integRated Technologies 2 | 2019 |
152 | BARRIER BREAK | Breaking the barrier: How inflammation spreads from skin to joint | 2020 |
153 | mARs | mARs: Mobile DNA driven antibiotic resistance spreading: molecular strategies, control and evolution for broad distribution | 2021 |
154 | SUFISM | Contemporary Sufi spirituality of the middle classes - global forms and regional peculiarities | 2021 |
155 | cONCReTE | DevelOpmeNt of Cancer RNA TherapEutics | 2020 |
157 | DYNAMOD-VACCINE-DATA | A new method for dynamic opinion modelling of surveys applied to vaccine hesitancy data | 2020 |
158 | LySyT | Understanding the role of lysosomes in the intercellular TNT-mediated spreading of α-synuclein and the impact of lysosomal dysfunction | 2020 |
159 | AscNet | Favorable Conditions of the Spread of the Cult of Asclepius across the Transportation Network of the Roman Mediterranean: A Quantitative Evaluation | 2020 |
160 | ONCO-VAX | A multifaceted cancer immunotherapy based on an immune checkpoint-modulating chimeric oncolytic virus vector in combination with a dendritic cell vaccine | 2020 |