Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Stiftelsen sintef"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 SHAPE Semantically-enabled Heterogeneous Service Architecture and Platforms Engineering 2007 5˙712˙503.00 3˙907˙685.00
2 SMARTFREIGHT Smart freight transport in urban areas 2008 3˙044˙211.00 2˙200˙000.00
3 DiVA Dynamic Variability in Complex, Adaptive Systems 2008 4˙966˙794.00 3˙510˙409.00
4 SMARTIEHS Smart inspection system for high speed and multifunctional testing of MEMS and MOEMS 2008 3˙783˙986.00 2˙850˙000.00
5 LORE-LCA Low Resource consumption buildings and constructions by use of LCA in design and decision making 2009 1˙035˙524.00 841˙650.00
6 HISVESTA HIgh Stability VErtical SeparaTion Altimeter instruments 2009 3˙136˙667.00 2˙208˙250.00
7 SAFE@SEA Protective clothing for improved safety and performance in the fisheries 2009 4˙187˙847.00 3˙148˙224.00
8 HIPERSOL Modelling of interfaces for high performance solar cell materials 2009 4˙548˙295.00 3˙399˙990.00
9 PIEZOVOLUME High volume piezoelectric thin film production process for microsystems 2010 5˙140˙345.00 3˙750˙000.00
10 ENVISION ENVIronmental Services Infrastructure with ONtologies 2010 5˙483˙504.00 4˙165˙084.00
11 THINSI Thin Si film based hybrid solar cells on low-cost substrates 2010 6˙358˙888.00 4˙416˙582.00
12 NEXPEL Next-Generation PEM Electrolyser for Sustainable Hydrogen Production 2010 3˙068˙183.00 1˙256˙286.00
13 KEEPEMALIVE Knowledge to Enhance the Endurance of PEM fuel cells by Accelerated LIfetime Verification Experiments 2010 2˙874˙206.00 1˙264˙582.00
14 universAAL UNIVERsal open platform and reference Specification for Ambient Assisted Living 2010 14˙921˙152.00 10˙775˙000.00
15 POLLUX Process Oriented Electrical Control Units for Electrical Vehicles Developed on a Multi-system Real-time Embedded Platform 2010 32˙939˙301.00 5˙500˙863.00
16 ANIKETOS Secure and Trustworthy Composite Services 2010 13˙908˙219.00 9˙600˙000.00
17 NEFFICS Networked Enterprise transFormation and resource management in Future internet enabled Innovation CloudS 2010 4˙051˙734.00 2˙897˙739.00
18 REMICS REuse and Migration of legacy applications to Interoperable Cloud Services 2010 5˙682˙236.00 4˙371˙981.00
19 HOLA! Initiative to enHance cOLlaboration and promote Advancement of future ICT services in Europe 2010 577˙773.00 441˙000.00
20 NANOPV Nanomaterials and nanotechnology for advanced photovoltaics 2011 5˙153˙458.00 3˙853˙315.00
21 BRIDGE BRIDGE: Bridging resources and agencies in large-scale emergency management 2011 18˙355˙598.00 12˙983˙143.00
22 EM-SAFETY EM safety and Hazards Mitigation by proper EV design 2011 3˙098˙311.00 2˙249˙830.00
23 IOE Internet of Energy for Electric Mobility 2011 44˙564˙253.00 7˙442˙230.00
24 DEMOCLOCK Demonstration of a cost effective medium size Chemical Looping Combustion through packed beds using solid hydrocarbons as fuel for power production with CO2 capture 2011 8˙193˙828.00 5˙304˙509.00
25 TERRIFIC Towards Enhanced Integration of Design and Production in the Factory of the Future through Isogeometric Technologies 2011 5˙213˙450.00 3˙496˙000.00
26 PROMYSE Products from methanol by synthetic cell factories 2012 3˙876˙091.00 2˙968˙759.00
27 NANOBARRIER Extended shelf-life biopolymers for sustainable and multifunctional food packaging solutions 2012 10˙038˙467.00 7˙207˙600.00
28 STAMPEM STAble and low cost Manufactured bipolar plates for PEM Fuel Cells 2012 5˙223˙807.00 2˙576˙505.00
29 NOVEL "Novel materials and system designs for low cost, efficient and durable PEM electrolysers" 2012 5˙743˙445.00 2˙663˙357.00
30 CloudScale Scalability management for Cloud Computing 2012 4˙707˙176.00 3˙271˙000.00
31 RASEN Compositional Risk Assessment and Security Testing of Networked Systems 2012 4˙515˙254.00 3˙069˙335.00
32 IQmulus A High-volume Fusion and Analysis Platform nfor Geospatial Point Clouds, Coverages and Volumetric Data Sets 2012 10˙922˙399.00 8˙100˙000.00
34 SAPPHIRE System Automation of PEMFCs with Prognostics and Health management for Improved Reliability and Economy 2013 3˙269˙417.00 1˙745˙140.00
35 MATESA Advanced Materials and Electric Swing Adsorption Process for CO2 Capture 2013 5˙709˙173.00 2˙965˙707.00
36 HEADS Heterogeneous and Distributed Services for the Future Computing Continuum 2013 5˙219˙091.00 3˙460˙000.00
37 CoSSMic Collaborating Smart Solar-powered Micro-grids 2013 4˙267˙061.00 3˙299˙404.00
38 ProaSense The Proactive Sensing Enterprise 2013 4˙206˙877.00 3˙172˙000.00
39 DaPaaS Data Publishing through the Cloud: A Data- and Platform-as-a-Service Approach for Efficient Data Publication and Consumption 2013 2˙173˙746.00 1˙499˙000.00
40 BYEFOULING Low-toxic cost-efficient environment-friendly antifouling materials 2013 9˙969˙964.00 7˙447˙584.00
41 HIPERCAP High Performance Capture - HiPerCap 2014 7˙732˙350.00 4˙890˙111.00
42 NANOSIM A Multiscale Simulation-Based Design Platform for Cost-Effective CO2 Capture Processes using Nano-Structured Materials (NanoSim) 2014 5˙109˙949.00 3˙888˙000.00
43 FASTCARD FAST industrialisation by CAtalysts Research and Development 2014 11˙922˙930.00 8˙234˙108.00
44 MEGASTACK Stack design for a Megawatt scale PEM electrolyser 2014 3˙912˙286.00 2˙168˙543.00

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