Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Technische universitaet wien"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 FORWARD Managing Emerging Threats in ICT Infrastructures 2008 889˙938.00 889˙950.00
2 GENESYS Generic embedded system platform 2008 2˙790˙739.00 1˙850˙000.00
3 COMPAS Compliance-driven Models, Languages, and Architectures for Services 2008 5˙602˙803.00 3˙917˙723.00
4 PTASNCL Proof-theoretical and Algebraic Study of Nonclassical Logics 2008 219˙494.00 219˙494.00
5 HQS Hybrid Quantum Systems - Integrating Atomic/Molecular and Solid Sate Quantum Systems 2008 163˙017.00 163˙017.00
6 ARC Architectural Freeform Structures from Single-Curved Panels 2009 1˙128˙459.00 1˙128˙459.00
7 QUANTUMPUZZLE Quantum Criticality - The Puzzle of Multiple Energy Scales 2009 2˙100˙043.00 2˙100˙043.00
8 SRAFI Spatially resolved atom fluorescence imaging 2009 162˙500.00 162˙500.00
9 SOLINMIX Bright Solitons and Dynamics in Bose-Fermi Mixtures 2009 160˙182.00 160˙182.00
10 SKNOWINNOV Building a concept of strategic knowledge management in small and medium-sized enterprises based on innovation transfer 2009 153˙201.00 153˙201.00
11 BIO-CT-EXPLOIT "Innovative simulation tool for bone and bone biomaterials, based on enhanced CT-data exploitation" 2009 1˙203˙272.00 925˙737.00
12 MULTIPLAT Biomimetic Ultrathin Structures as a Multipurpose Platform for Nanotechnology-Based Products 2009 3˙374˙425.00 2˙598˙329.00
13 COMPLEX REASON The Parameterized Complexity of Reasoning Problems 2010 1˙421˙130.00 1˙421˙130.00
14 CROSS TRAP Coherently-enhanced Raman One-beam Standoff Spectroscopic TRacing of Airborne Pollutants 2010 2˙962˙278.00 2˙227˙529.00
15 ENVIROCATHYDRO Application of in situ techniques to real environmental catalytic processes 2010 0.00 163˙067.00
16 MOSILSPIN Modeling Silicon Spintronics 2010 1˙678˙500.00 1˙678˙500.00
17 PHOCAM Photopolymer based customized additive manufacturing technologies 2010 3˙609˙446.00 2˙455˙362.00
18 MICROBONE "Multiscale poro-micromechanics of bone materials, with links to biology and medicine" 2010 1˙493˙399.00 1˙493˙399.00
19 ISU-DEP Intelligent Sanitary Unit for Disabled and Elderly People 2010 1˙206˙486.00 935˙674.00
20 NAC Nuclear Atomic Clock 2010 1˙245˙884.00 1˙245˙884.00
21 PATOV Process Analytical Technology Unit for Online Verification of the CIP Process in the Pharmaceutical Industry 2011 1˙776˙190.00 1˙246˙355.00
22 NDMANCL Non-deterministic Matrices and their Applications for Non-classical Logics 2011 163˙781.00 163˙781.00
23 PERFEDPAT Pluggable Platform for Personalised Multilingual Patent Search 2011 235˙990.00 235˙990.00
24 MUSCULAR Multi-Color Sculpted Light Waves for HHG Control 2011 183˙106.00 183˙106.00
25 RANPHYS Randomness ad Irreversibility in Physics 2011 44˙100.00 44˙100.00
26 SINGPERTDYNSYS Singularly Perturbed Dynamical Systems 2011 75˙000.00 75˙000.00
27 HOBBIT HOBBIT - The Mutual Care Robot 2011 3˙824˙573.00 2˙830˙000.00
28 CYFI Cycle-Sculpted Strong Field Optics 2012 980˙000.00 980˙000.00
29 OXIDESURFACES Microscopic Processes and Phenomena at Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces 2012 2˙496˙100.00 2˙496˙100.00
30 FLOODCHANGE Deciphering River Flood Change 2012 2˙263˙565.00 2˙263˙565.00
31 QUSWITCH A Quantum Switch for Light 2012 242˙193.00 242˙193.00
32 TERACOMB Quantum Cascade Lasers Based TERAhertz Frequency COMB 2012 2˙867˙584.00 2˙192˙598.00
33 NOLACOME Nonlinear Optics and Lasing in Complex Media 2012 261˙853.00 261˙853.00
34 SIMPLI-CITY SIMPLI-CITY - The Road User Information System of the Future 2012 4˙917˙917.00 3˙591˙991.00
35 VISCERAL VISual Concept Extraction challenge in RAdioLogy 2012 1˙593˙016.00 1˙424˙879.00
36 ISOINEQINTGEO Isoperimetric Inequalities and Integral Geometry 2012 982˙461.00 982˙461.00
37 VINDOBONA VINyl photopolymer Development Of BONe replacement Alternatives 2013 187˙888.00 187˙888.00
38 SOLAR DESIGN On-the-fly alterable thin-film solar modules for design driven applications 2013 3˙712˙054.00 2˙716˙423.00
39 ABINITIODGA Ab initio Dynamical Vertex Approximation 2013 1˙491˙090.00 1˙491˙090.00
40 IMPALA IMProved multivariate frequency Analysis of flood extremes by copuLAs in a non-stationary environment 2013 187˙888.00 187˙888.00
41 TEFFMA Towards Experimental Full Field Modal Analysis 2013 242˙193.00 242˙193.00
42 PARFUZGENQ Paraconsistent Fuzzy Logic with Generalized Quantifiers 2013 249˙890.00 249˙890.00
43 NEWS Development of a Next generation European Inland Waterway Ship and logistics system 2013 2˙241˙287.00 1˙760˙096.00
44 LEBMEC Laser-engineered Biomimetic Matrices with Embedded Cells 2013 1˙440˙594.00 1˙440˙594.00
45 QUANTUMRELAX Non Equilibrium Dynamics and Relaxation in Many Body Quantum Systems 2013 2˙025˙400.00 2˙025˙400.00
46 Harvest4D Harvesting Dynamic 3D Worlds from Commodity Sensor Clouds 2013 3˙483˙770.00 2˙730˙670.00
47 MODESEC Model-based Design of Secure Cyber-Physical Systems 2013 272˙443.00 272˙443.00
48 DIALON From Dicke States to Anderson Localisation of Light in Optical Nanofibres 2013 179˙137.00 179˙137.00
49 PROCESSILLVIS Illustrative Visualization of Processes 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
50 SUCCESS Industrial steam generation with 100% carbon capture and insignificant efficiency penalty - Scale-Up of oxygen Carrier for Chemical-looping combustion using Environmentally SuStainable materials 2013 9˙929˙982.00 7˙089˙324.00
51 SQUIRREL Clearing Clutter Bit by Bit 2014 8˙476˙755.00 6˙359˙989.00
52 AUTOFLOW Automation of Flow Cytometric Analysis for Quality-Assured Follow-up Assessment to Guide Curative Therapy for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in Children 2014 1˙638˙478.00 1˙638˙478.00
53 PHOCLUDI Photonic Cluster States from Diamond 2014 179˙137.00 179˙137.00
54 LUMINOS Long-wave Ultrafast Multipurpose Intense Nonlinear-Optical Source 2014 168˙224.00 150˙000.00
55 NANOQUANT Nanofiber Quantum Networks 2014 1˙993˙526.00 1˙993˙526.00
56 SIMDALEE2 "Sources, Interaction with Matter, Detection and Analysis of Low Energy Electrons 2" 2014 3˙399˙600.00 3˙399˙600.00
57 SINT-NAS Sintering Behavior in Steels containing New Alloying Systems 2015 186˙783.00 186˙783.00

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