Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Technische universitaet dresden"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 MIMAX Advanced MIMO Systems for Maximum Reliability and Performance 2008 3˙721˙797.00 2˙860˙428.00
2 MODEL FOR ICE FEVER "Establishing a mouse model for ICE Fever, a novel autoinflammatory syndrome associated with procaspase-1 mutations" 2008 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
3 DIAPREPP "DIAbetes type 1 PRediction, Early Pathogenesis and Prevention" 2008 7˙794˙397.00 5˙999˙200.00
4 PHENOXIGEN A systems approach linking genotype and environment to phenotype: oxidative stress response mechanisms in fission yeast 2008 3˙242˙580.00 2˙475˙460.00
5 IFLOW Intake Flow Simulation and Optimisation for Hydropower 2009 0.00 168˙717.00
6 WAVE PROPAGATION Realistic computational modelling of large-scale wave propagation problems in unbounded domains 2009 147˙798.00 147˙798.00
7 RISKCYCLE Risk-based management of chemicals and products in a circular economy at a global scale 2009 1˙196˙714.00 996˙148.00
8 NANOTRANS Biomolecular Motor Systems: From Cellular Function to Nanotechnological Applications 2009 1˙956˙000.00 1˙956˙000.00
9 SAPHYRE Sharing Physical Resources – Mechanisms and Implementations for Wireless Networks 2010 5˙276˙200.00 3˙850˙000.00
10 CREC Coastal Research Network On Environmental Changes 2010 267˙600.00 250˙200.00
11 SYBOSS Systems Biology of Stem Cells and Reprogramming 2010 13˙670˙200.00 10˙530˙000.00
12 PPI-MARKER Interruption of protein-protein interaction and network to cancer biomarkers and therapeutic targets 2010 172˙800.00 172˙800.00
13 ANTIINFLDEL The anti-inflammatory actions of Developmental Endothelial Locus-1 (Del-1) 2010 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
14 IMPACT LOADS Impact Loads on Concrete Structures 2010 214˙828.00 214˙828.00
15 HESMOS ICT Platform for Holistic Energy Efficiency Simulation and Lifecycle Management Of Public Use Facilities 2010 4˙646˙330.00 2˙699˙850.00
16 CSP-COMPLEXITY Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Algorithms and Complexity 2011 830˙316.00 830˙316.00
17 MOLREGNEUROGEN Characterisation of molecules regulating adult hippocampal neurogenesis 2011 226˙945.00 226˙945.00
18 NUDEV New Organic Semiconductor Device Concepts 2011 1˙953˙280.00 1˙953˙280.00
19 OLDMASONRYREPAIR Exchange of Experience on the Preservation of Historic and Old Water Masonry Structures 2011 501˙600.00 501˙600.00
20 FLEXIBILITY Flexible Multifunctional Bendable Integrated Light-Weight Ultra-Thin Systems 2011 7˙016˙076.00 4˙899˙000.00
21 GEOMANGROUP Geometry and Analysis of Group Rings 2011 900˙000.00 900˙000.00
22 MOMOLIB "Modelica Model Library Development for Media, Magnetic Systems and Wavelets" 2011 291˙892.00 218˙919.00
23 ENDHOMRET Endothelial homeostasis and dysfunction in metabolic-vascular retina disease: The role of endothelial cell-intrinsic and endothelial cell extrinsic inflammatory pathways 2011 1˙488˙480.00 1˙488˙480.00
24 ISES Intelligent Services for Energy-Efficient Design and Life Cycle Simulation 2011 4˙794˙049.00 3˙243˙986.00
25 ACTMECH Emergent Active Mechanical Behaviour of the Actomyosin Cell Cortex 2011 1˙500˙000.00 1˙500˙000.00
26 PHASEFIELD Approximations to dynamic density functional theory - phase field simulations on atomic scales 2011 203˙400.00 124˙200.00
27 LIGHTTOUCH Feeling with Light – Development of a multimodal optofluidic platform for high-content blood cell analysis 2012 1˙385˙683.00 1˙385˙683.00
28 AED Attention and Emotion in Decision Making 2012 50˙000.00 50˙000.00
29 REGOTHICVAULTDESIGN "Design Principles in Late-Gothic Vault Construction - A New Approach Based on Surveys, Reverse Geometric Engineering and a Reinterpretation of the Sources" 2012 1˙091˙160.00 1˙091˙160.00
30 COMMEC Computational Geometry for efficient Motion Design by implementation through mechanisms 2012 136˙788.00 136˙788.00
31 REGENERATEACROSS A Cross Species Approach to Understand the Mechanism and Evolution of Limb Regeneration Capacity 2012 2˙447˙600.00 2˙447˙600.00
32 GECZENGLOTT Glottalizations in German and Czech English 2012 167˙390.00 167˙390.00
33 2DMATER Controlled Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials for Energy Storage and Conversion 2012 1˙500˙000.00 1˙500˙000.00
34 DIWINE Dense Cooperative Wireless Cloud Network 2013 3˙846˙800.00 2˙633˙000.00
35 DISRUPTION The Principle of Disruption. A Figure Reflecting Complex Societies 2013 1˙291˙000.00 1˙291˙000.00
36 SYNPHOS Highly-Reactive (Regenerative) Phosphorus Building Blocks - New Concepts in Synthesis 2013 1˙422˙000.00 1˙422˙000.00
37 DELPOWIO Delegation of Power to International Organizations and Institutional Empowerment over Time 2013 1˙293˙400.00 1˙293˙400.00
38 ADDAPT Adaptive Data and Power Aware Transceivers for Optical Communications 2013 4˙775˙856.00 3˙138˙508.00
39 IBDLIPIDS Lipid antigens in intestinal inflammation and tumor development 2014 1˙500˙000.00 1˙500˙000.00
40 VIDFLEX Vertical TransIstors for Driving Flexible Displays 2014 160˙934.00 146˙424.00
41 AEROCAT Non-ordered nanoparticle superstructures – aerogels as efficient (electro-)catalysts 2014 2˙194˙000.00 2˙194˙000.00
42 FASTTOUCH High-throughput real-time characterisation of cell-mechanical properties 2014 165˙775.00 149˙549.00

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