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H2020 projects about "competition"

The page lists 431 projects related to the topic "competition".

# achronym  title  year 
1 Science at Aveiro Science@Aveiro, General public and researchers – Closing the Gap. 2014
2 OurFuture European Researchers' Night: Researchers' For a Better Future 2014
3 MONTENIGHT2014-15 Researchers Night in Montenegro 2014/2015 2014
4 AquaSpace Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture 2015
5 HYPROGEO Hybrid Propulsion Module for transfer to GEO orbit 2015
6 AEROGUST Aeroelastic Gust Modelling 2015
7 EXTREME EXTREME Dynamic Loading - Pushing the Boundaries of Aerospace Composite Material Structures 2015
8 SYMPLEXITY Symbiotic Human-Robot Solutions for Complex Surface Finishing Operations 2015
9 ProPAT Robust and affordable process control technologies for improving standards and optimising industrial operations 2015
10 INFO TECHNOLOGY Information Technology and Institutions Supporting Human Capital Accumulation and Exchange 2015
11 MESOPROBIO Mesoscopic models for propagation in biology 2015
12 TRA VISIONS 2016 TRA VISIONS 2016 2014
13 ERSAT EAV ERTMS on SATELLITE – Enabling Application Validation 2015
14 ProteinFactory Engineering of new-generation protein secretion systems 2015
15 INNO RO 4 EUROPE Enhancing economic impact in SME's in Romania by building innovation management capacity 2014
16 ACE Creative ACE Creative: Harnessing the strengths of innovation multipliers to accelerate creative industry growth through an integrated ecosystem of supports in finance, market access and technology exploitation. 2015
18 CloudSocket Business and IT-Cloud Alignment using a Smart Socket 2015
19 EU-XCEL Accelerating Entrepreneurial Learning across European Regions 2015
20 POPART Previz for On-set Production - Adaptive Realtime Tracking 2015
21 FURNIT-SAVER Smart Augmented and Virtual Reality Marketplace for Furniture Customisation 2015
22 ICTIP ICT Inducement Prizes Design for Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2015
23 I3U Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union 2015
24 SECURECHAIN Securing future-proof environmentally compatible bioenergy chains 2015
25 MathModExp The Evolution of Competition and Cooperation: how polymorphisms in microbial populations optimise virulence and mediate drug resistance 2015
26 FIRES Financial and Institutional Reforms for the Entrepreneurial Society 2015
27 Save at Work save@work - The Energy Saving Contest for Public Authorities 2015
28 SWaM Smart Water Manager SCADA system for entire grid of water wells management. 2014
29 SignSigma Launching the next generation of mobile and multi-platform signature system based on biometric parameters 2014
30 TISSUE Tissue In Stroke Stratification Using e-ASPECTSTW 2014
31 EB2BSN Let us build the first European Business-to-Business Social Network 2014
32 OILMOD Optical Injection Locked Modulator 2014
33 WITHDRAWAL AFTERMATH The Aftermath of a Drug Withdrawal: Modeling Spillover Effects Across Countries and Across Categories 2015
34 BiBiCrossLang Language activation and control in the unimodal and bimodal bilingual lexicon 2015
35 EMOTIONS FIRST EMOTIONS FIRST. Feeling reason: the role of emotions in reasoning 2016
36 UFOX Unveiling complexity in Functional hybrid OXides 2015
37 KinCoop Do plants cooperate in reproduction? The effect of sharing pollination services on plant reproductive strategies 2015
38 MASIEGE Multilateral adverse selection in industrial economics and general equilibrium 2015
39 NAP-QDYS Nitroaromatics photophysics and photochemistry: a quantum dynamics study 2016
40 LORENZLIDAR Classification of Forest Structural Types with LiDAR Remote Sensing Applied to Study Tree Size-Density Scaling Theories 2016
41 MUCDIFF Competition between the enteric pathogen Clostridium difficile and the commensal members of the gut microbiota for mucosal sugars 2015
42 SymPathInfect Symbiont-mediated defense of amoebae against Legionella pneumophila - molecular mechanisms and pathogen ecology 2015
43 SuperMag Cooperation between Superconductivity and Magnetism in Mesoscopic systems: towards Majorana states 2015
44 WATER INCENT Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Water Scarce and Drought Prone Irrigated Areas 2015
45 SiPhoN Single-Photon Non-Locality 2015
46 IDEA Investigating Dishonesty with Experimental Applications: Evidence from the Lab and the Field 2015
47 BigDataScore Improving loan quality and acceptance rates by predicting credit behavior through social mediadata. 2015
48 MeshAnalyzer Analysis Tool for Mesh Design of Leading Edge Design of Integrated Circuits 2015
49 SmartDesalt Smart Pressure Vessel for water desalination with reverse osmosis membranes 2015
50 Pathogens detection Antibiotics reduction with early mastitis pathogens detection for @ point of animal care usages 2015
51 MED1C MED1C : Video Management in Medical practice 2015
52 FREEWAY FREEWAY : safely and effortless commute in an urban environment 2015
53 Gamesmondo Gamesmondo Affiliation and Monetisation Ecosystem 2015
54 Q-Tales A Collaboration Ecosystem enabling EU Creative SMEs to exchange multi-media content and create multi-plot, interactive Apps for Children, curated according to Reader ability and educational value. 2015
55 IPHYC-H2020 EU market research for an innovative algae based tertiary wastewater treatment system 2015
56 PersoNews Profiling and targeting news readers – implications for the democratic role of the digital media, user rights and public information policy 2015
57 LIFES 50plus Qualification of innovative floating substructures for 10MW wind turbines and water depths greater than 50m. 2015
58 APESA Advanced Pump Engineering for Severe Applications 2015
59 FLOATMAST An Innovative Wind Resource Assessment Tension Leg Platform for combined Cup Anemometer and Lidar Reliable and Bankable Wind Measurements for Offshore Wind Parks 2015
60 ITI Intelligent Trading Interface 2015
61 NAV4VIP 3D Sound Navigator Assistant for Visually Impaired People 2015
62 BELS Building European Links toward South East Asia in the field of GNSS 2015
63 EcoMultiCloud Hierarchical Approach for Green Workload Management in Distributed Data Centers reducing energy bill and carbon footprint 2015
64 OTTOCONFESSION The Fashioning of a Sunni Orthodoxy and the Entangled Histories of Confession-Building in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire, 15th-17th Centuries 2015
65 GreenLight Cost effective lignin-based carbon fibres for innovative light-weight applications 2015
66 FIRST2RUN Flagship demonstration of an integrated biorefinery for dry crops sustainable exploitation towards biobased materials production 2015
67 AIMS Accessible, Impactful, Measurable and Socially responsible tutoring 2015
68 NICENAV NICENAV Navigation-grade ITAR-free Certifiable Equipment for the Navigation of manned and unmanned Air Vehicle, based on FOG technology 2015
69 Salesdat Unlock the full power of your Point of Sales 2015
70 MultiDiag Rapid, cost-effective, multiplex point of care diagnostic immunoassay system 2015
71 LIFEOMEGA Innovative highly concentrated Omega 3 food supplement 2015
72 MidFrontalTheta2.0 MidFrontal Cortex Theta Oscillations: Causes and Consequences 2015
73 BIOCONT6SS Inter-bacterial competition mediated by the type VI secretion system (T6SS): promising role in the biocontrol properties of Pseudomonas putida 2016
74 MARKETING EXPENDITUR Marketing Expenditure Budgeting: from the Upper Echelon to the Lower Echelon 2015
75 WATERGUARD Safeguarding Water Distribution Systems from Contamination Threats using the SmartTap Platform 2015
76 IntelServBus Intelligent Hydraulic Systems Enabling Service Business in Heavy Transport 2015
77 SalThApp Psychology and Economic Behavior: Theory, Tests and Applications 2015
78 ARCADES Algebraic Representations in Computer-Aided Design for complEx Shapes 2016
79 FineSol Assembly of miniaturized PCBs by using low cost hyper-fine solder powders 2015
80 DigiRead Digital readout of protein detection via super rolling circle amplification of DNA tags 2015
81 ISPNET Intelligent System for Pressure Networks 2015
82 ACMC Advanced Contactless Multifunction Control unit with gesture detection 2015
83 DryCoolerSeeds Optimum, sustainable solution for seed drying and conservation 2015
84 CORTIME CorTime, a Cloud-based intelligent optimization engine for 3D-CAD 2015
85 LoCOPS Low Cost Onshore Power Supply (LoCOPS) 2015
87 ISECO Information services: competition and externalities 2015
88 SEE.4C SpatiotEmporal ForEcasting: Coopetition to meet Current Cross-modal Challenges 2016
89 NICH Novel interactions and species’ responses to climate change 2016
90 COMPAIR COMPetition for AIR traffic management 2016
91 SusAn European Research Area on Sustainable Animal Production Systems 2016
92 TOREADOR TrustwOrthy model-awaRE Analytics Data platfORm 2016
93 FourCmodelling Conflict, Competition, Cooperation and Complexity: Using Evolutionary Game Theory to model realistic populations 2016
94 SABRE Transforming the biodiesel industry to meet Europe’s need for sustainable aviation fuel: business feasibility study, technical validation and real-world demonstration 2016
95 Mass-Customization Mass-customization of implants: the business model 2016
96 FERTISSIMO Oxidative Stress as a biomarker for Embryo Selection in IVF Process 2016
97 BestRES Best practices and implementation of innovative business models for Renewable Energy aggregatorS 2016
98 FutureFlow Designing eTrading Solutions for Electricity Balancing and Redispatching in Europe 2016
99 FORBIO Fostering Sustainable Feedstock Production for Advanced Biofuels on underutilised land in Europe 2016
101 Perceptual Dominancy Using Psychophysical And Neuroimaging Tools To Identify The Mechanism Underlying Perceptual Dominancy In Vision 2016
102 POMEGRANATE Practice-Oriented Security Models and Granular Designs for Future-Proof Authenticated Encryption 2017
103 COCOAPRO COCOA In Vitro PROpagation 2016
104 PureBlade Clean Sheet Compressor design to supply pure air for the food and pharmaceutical industry 2016
105 CHAMPIPACK Active packaging for extending lifespan of champignon 2016
106 MITOPLASTICITY Mitochondrial regulation of structural and functional plasticity within adult neurogenic circuits 2016
107 INFORMATIVEPRICES Market Selection, Frictions, and the Information Content of Prices 2016
108 FLUDYCO Fluid dynamics of planetary cores: formation, heterogeneous convection and rotational dynamics 2016
109 DrugSense Ribo-regulators that sense trace antibiotics 2016
110 STIMEY Science Technology Innovation Mathematics Engineering for the Young 2016
111 TECNIOspring PLUS ACCIÓ programme to foster mobility of researchers with a focus in applied research and technology transfer 2016
112 COFUNDfellowsDTU H.C. Ørsted Fellows Programme – co-funded by Marie SkÅ‚odowska Curie Actions (COFUNDfellowsDTU) 2017
113 REvivED water Low energy solution for drinking water production by a REvival of ElectroDialysis systems 2016
114 SMART-Plant Scale-up of low-carbon footprint material recovery techniques in existing wastewater treatment plants 2016
115 EPIDYN Life on a leaf: species interactions and community dynamics in epiphyll communities 2016
116 DENSE aDverse wEather eNvironmental Sensing systEm 2016
117 NANOFACTORY Building tomorrow’s nanofactory 2016
118 SENSE SENSE - a roadmap for the ideal low light level sensor development 2016
119 MACROTRADE Research on Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Trade 2016
120 biowater AQANAT® biowater: Advanced sustainable residue free sanitation system for post-harvest food processing resulting in a 70% reduction in water usage and a 50% reduction in post-harvest losses 2016
121 CANEFF Development of a new palletiser/depalletiser control system for optimum efficiency 2016
122 CLOUD DIAGNOSIS Development of Low Cost Cloud Monitoring for the Diagnosis and Prognostic of the Wind Turbines 2016
123 IMPAX Inline/Instant Measurement for PhArma eXtrusion 2016
124 HERO High Efficiency electrical motor 2016
125 FAST Functionality by Structure 2016
126 PolEc The Political Economy of Power Relations 2016
127 AMETIST Advanced III-V Materials and Processes Enabling Ultrahigh-efficiency ( 50%) Photovoltaics 2017
128 SNAPTRACE Fishing in the dark: unravelling the global trade and traceability of the ‘snappers’ 2016
129 SCOUT Safe and COnnected aUtomation in road Transport 2016
130 QR-PATROL PRO A cost effective cloud-based platform for delivering the highest level of security, supervision and management for security companies utilizing Push-to-Talk and Internet of Things technologies. 2016
131 OnceForAll Streamline the european business environment with first class disruptive technology 2016
132 BioPellets Integrating food waste into wood pellets to convert waste grease to a useful biofuel. 2016
133 ESCaPE A game-changing light aircraft enabled by advanced materials and novel production menthods 2016
134 Chatgrape Chatgrape. The world’s most advanced team chat meets enterprise search. 2016
135 sSM Sensefinity Social Machines 2016
136 MOON-MEMS speaker Development of the most advanced audio systems enabling the production of a revolutionary generation of MEMS micro speakers that will be deployed in the world's top mobile applications 2016
137 IOTI4.0 Integral Open Technology for Industry 4.0 2016
138 GREATMILLING Gentle Rice Separation Technology for Smallholder Milling 2016
139 NIMBLE Collaboration Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe 2016
141 SCALAiR Scaled Test Aircraft Preparation and Qualification 2016
142 FFL4E Future Freight Loco for Europe 2016
143 CITADEL Empowering Citizens to TrAnsform European PubLic Administrations 2016
144 TRA VISIONS 2018 TRA VISIONS 2018 2016
145 isitFlutter dIagnoSIs app for regular aTrial arrhytmia like Flutter 2016
146 SCR Disruptive Cybersecurity SaaS for SMEs and freelance developers 2016
147 IDAaaS Trusted online service for identity assurance 2016
148 WOODnat Second generation of planted hardwood forests in the EU 2016
149 ADST Advanced Digital Stuttering Therapy Tools 2016
151 ProEmpower Procuring innovative ICT for patient empowerment and self-management for type 2 diabetes mellitus 2016
152 GENIALG GENetic diversity exploitation for Innovative macro-ALGal biorefinery 2017
153 MicroBeeOme Evolution of the honey bee gut microbiome through bacterial diversification 2017
154 CholAminCo Synergy and antagonism of cholinergic and dopaminergic systems in associative learning 2017
155 HEALTHSTOCK Fodder for healthier animals and improved livestock production 2016
156 Adapptise Redefining the way brands and game developers reach audiences - A fresh approach to advertising and customer retention. 2016
157 Copernicus App Lab Stimulating wider uptake of Copernicus Services by making them available as linked open data 2016
158 GOAL Games Of Active Life 2016
159 GATES Applying GAming TEchnologies for training professionals in Smart Farming 2017
160 Data Pitch Accelerating data to market 2017
161 PIXAPP Photonic Integrated Circuits Assembly and Packaging Pilot Line 2017
162 INTERSTELLAR Building the next generation high-speed data converters to strengthen European excellence and competitiveness on space applications and beyond 2016
163 WEAR Wearable technologists Engage with Artists for Responsible innovation 2017
164 BioAXOS A novel cost-effective process to produce prebiotics from by-products of the ethanol industry 2016
165 KRG-250 A fuel saving, emission reducing and cost effective Continuosuly Variable Transmission for European passenger vehicles 2016
166 TRIPOD The transition to a renewable electricity system and its interactions with other policy aims 2017
167 DYNMECH Dynamic Mechanisms 2017
168 REDOX SHIELDS Protection of Redox Catalysts for Cathodic Processes in Redox Matrices. 2017
169 FI-NEXT Bringing FIWARE to the NEXT step 2016
170 PTO-SAFE innovative yoke for Power Take-Off SAFEty 2016
172 HEXKIN Healing Exosomes for sKIN 2016
173 Market Design Market Design: Theory and Applications in Development 2016
174 IllegalPharma Competitive Dynamics in the Informal Economy: The case of Illegal Pharmaceutical Drugs 2017
175 DEGOO Degoo backup – the first back-up service based on dynamic routing of transfer data to data centres 2016
176 Halo Development and Application of a New Class of Halogenated Reagents to Commercially Valuable Targets 2017
177 I-MUST A handheld, ultra-sensitive device for rapid contactless explosive vapour detection in open air, based on Ion Mobility Universal Sensor Technology 2016
178 PhotoPHYTOMICS Photosynthesis in PHYTOplankton Mixtures to Investigate Community Structuration. 2017
179 LoCOPS Low Cost Onshore Power Supply 2017
180 NinZA Theranostic molecular zipper based switchable nanomedicine for overcoming drug resistance 2017
181 CFED Unravelling the mechanisms regulating cellular fitness during embryonic development 2017
182 Waste Compactor Green Automatic Waste Compactor 2017
183 GLYCONTROL Understanding and Controlling Glycosylation Reactions 2017
184 MultiLevelLandscape Multilevel Selection for Specificity and Divergence in Bacteria 2017
185 BRINE MINING Applying circular economy solutions in industrial wastewater management: request of SME Associate to develop the necessary energy simulation tools for recovery of waste heat from industrial operations 2017
186 NEUROMICRONICA Neuromicronica: Modular behavioural neuroscience 2017
187 ISEBI Individual Specialisation in Established Biological Invasions: importance and Ecological Impact 2017
188 DesignShots Design Driven Innovation For SMEs 2017
189 StrongCoPhy4Energy Strongly Correlated Physics and Materials for Energy Technology 2017
190 RELMED Electricity in the Mediterranean: Promoting good regulatory governance 2017
191 ELWar Electoral Legacies of War: Political Competition in Postwar Southeast Europe 2017
192 BCRdangerCOMPETITION The role of danger signal and cellular competition in the elimination of B cells lacking the B cell receptor. 2017
193 MixAmox Understanding nitrogen metabolic interactions in mixed anammox-based microbial communities 2017
194 SOLISYNTH Synthesis of Low Noise Microwaves Using Solitons Locked to an Ultra-Stable Cavity 2017
195 TRADEPOWER Power in international trade negotiations 2017
196 SAVES2 Students Achieving Valuable Energy Savings 2 2017
197 COMPCON Competition under (niche) construction 2017
198 MyTherapyTools SME Innovation Associate: matching MyTherapyTools up with a talented researcher 2018
199 European Unions Labour Politics and the EU's New Economic Governance Regime 2017
200 Laelia Due A smart pellet stove that combines efficient heat generation with IoT 2017
201 ReLaDe Reusable Laundry Detergent 2017
202 C2C-NewCap Towards a safe, reliable and cost competitive transport sector in Europe 2017
203 TAKEMI5 Technology Advances and Key Enablers for Module Integration for 5 nm 2017
204 MegaMaRt2 MegaModelling at Runtime - scalable model-based framework for continuous development and runtime validation of complex systems. 2017
205 SOURCE Self Organization in Competition and Diversity 2017
206 HCG Honour in classical Greece: esteem, status, identity, and society in ancient Greek literature, life, and thought 2018
207 BIOMOTIVE Advanced BIObased polyurethanes and fibres for the autoMOTIVE industry with increased environmental sustainability 2017
208 MediaRoad MediaRoad – European Media Ecosystem for Innovation 2017
209 FEAR-SAP Function and Evolution of Attack and Response Strategies during Allelopathy in Plants 2018
210 L3Pilot Piloting Automated Driving on European Roads 2017
211 Connections Oligopoly Markets and Networks 2017
212 FuturePulse FuturePulse: Multimodal Predictive Analytics and Recommendation Services for the Music Industry 2017
213 HRadio Hybrid Radio everywhere for everyone 2017
214 Umem4QC Ultrafast charge density wave memory for quantum computing 2017
215 Story Maker Story Maker 2017
216 BEATIK E-ClassicalMusic for everyone 2017
217 Repro-light Re-usable and re-configurable parts for sustainable LED-based lighting systems 2017
218 Uno-sport Delivering contextual information in a hands-free experience, optimized for users engaged inaction sports 2017
219 FibreNet A Training Network on Designing Novel Bio-based Fibre Products for Targeted Advanced Properties and New Applications 2017
220 FreeBC_Orgs The Freebird Club organisational membership portal 2017
221 Home2nite Home2nite is an innovative guest engagement platform that aims to empower the independent hotels as AirBnb did for the travel hosts. 2017
222 PureBlade PureBlade - Clean Sheet Compressor Design, Low Energy Air Supply for Food Drinks Production 2017
223 UneqDems Unequal Democracies 2017
224 AIM Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystem improvement 2017
225 4D-GenEx Spatio-temporal Organization and Expression of the Genome 2018
226 CoSpaDD Competition for Space in Development and Diseases 2018
227 ecoSave Market maturation of a packaging concept for sustainable and resource efficient food packaging 2017
228 ENSUREAL Integrated cross-sectorial approach for environmentally sustainable and resource-efficient alumina production 2017
229 DOIT Entrepreneurial skills for young social innovators in an open digital world. A European Initiative 2017
230 GREENPATROL Galileo Enhanced Solution for Pest Detection and Control in Greenhouse Fields with Autonomous Service Robots 2017
231 CoastObs Commercial service platform for user-relevant coastal water monitoring services based on Earth observation 2017
232 BIGlobal Firm Growth and Market Power in the Global Economy 2017
233 OxiGEN Next-generation Solid Oxide Fuel Cell stack and hot box solution for small stationary applications 2018
234 Mont-Blanc 2020 Mont-Blanc 2020, European scalable, modular and power efficient HPC processor 2017
235 ITHACA Immuno-targeting of human AML quiescent cells by a novel phage display approach. 2018
236 TheyBuyForYou Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence 2018
237 LymphoDrain First subcutaneous implant to treat lymphedema. Definitive solution for chronic lymphedema 2017
238 PATHOLYTIX-GI PATHOLYTIX: Using Artificial Intelligence to Transform Clinical Diagnostic Pathology 2017
239 CIRCLENERGY Production of renewable methanol from captured emissions and renewable energy sources, for its utilisation for clean fuel production and green consumer goods 2017
240 SNM4P2PE Connect the unconnected: smart nanogrid management for peer-to-peer energy sharing 2017
241 GLOBTAXGOV A New Model of Global Governance in International Tax Law Making 2018
242 IDAaaS Trusted online service for identity assurance 2017
243 TT-Battery Low cost, long durability rechargeable Green Battery based on Zn and MnO2 electrodes. 2018
244 SmartEye The most accurate 3D scanner for boosting the uptake of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) 2018
245 Skypull Harnessing the power of high altitude winds - the biggest energy resource yet unexploited by humankind 2017
246 SME LOYALISER SME LOYALISER: fostering SME retailers through LOYALty Integrated SERvices 2018
247 WAI Wiraya Activation Intelligence 2018
248 HIV B Cell Function Understanding HIV-specific B cell function and viral immunogenicity 2018
249 QSIMCORR Quantum Simulation of Strongly-Correlated Systems 2018
250 FERHAZ Multiscale Investigations on Si-integrable Ferroelectric Hafnia-Zirconia Systems: From Fundamental Understanding to Everyday Electronics 2018
251 DryCoolerSeeds Optimum, sustainable solution for seed drying and conservation 2018
252 PAALD Passive and Active Acoustic Leak Detection System 2018
253 BriCoFra New ideas for the Variational Approach to Brittle and Cohesive Fracture 2018
255 ECOFOULPEST From marine molecules to eco-friendly tools for agriculture 2018
256 PLATFORM Competition and Regulation of Platform Markets 2018
257 SOIL-4-CONTROL Linking plant-soil feedbacks to aboveground-belowground interactions for noxious weed control 2019
258 FMSystem The European Fiscal-Military System 1530-1870 2018
259 MechDeath Study of the mechanical cues driving cell competition and its role in pretumoral cell expansion 2019
260 SOLWARIS Solving Water Issues for CSP Plants 2018
261 PROTEXPO Protection and Exports 2018
262 OilandEmp Crude Empire. British 'Oil Imperialism' and the making of the modern Middle East (c.1901-c.1935). 2019
263 UVSIGNAL Unravelling the mechanisms underlying the evolution of ultraviolet signals 2018
264 SKRDC Architecture as a Cross-Cultural Exchange:The Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition, 1965-2017 2018
265 NANOBIOME Gradient NANOcluster Screening Arrays for SERS Analytics of Wound MicroBIOMEs 2018
266 IntegraSea Integrated offshore cultivation of high value seaweed and their potential use in controlling harmful algal blooms. 2019
267 TECNIOspringINDUSTRY ACCIÓ programme to foster mobility of researchers with a focus in applied research and technology transfer 2019
268 FUELSAVE FS MARINE+: Hydrogen syngas injection unit for ships to save fuel and cut emissions 2018
269 HRP-IAEA Living with Radiation: The Role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the History of Radiation Protection 2019
270 CRISEA Competing Regional Integrations in Southeast Asia 2017
271 TAPES3 Technology Advances for Pilotline of Enhanced Semiconductors for 3nm 2018
272 GemX Towards a ton-scale Ge-76 observatory for neutrinoless double beta decay 2018
273 MicroWars The Evolution of Bacterial Warfare 2018
274 OCIAN Ownership, competition, innovation, and antitrust 2018
275 EUROLAB4HPC2 Consolidation of European Research Excellence in Exascale HPC Systems 2018
276 ZYMVOLVER Launching A Unified Cloud-Based Platform for Next Generation Protein Editing 2018
278 S2S Signals to Solutions: a change of paradigm in predictive maintenance market 2018
279 EVOOLUTION Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Advanced Sorting Solution 2018
280 WindiBox A novel shrouded vertical axis wind turbine for power generation in buildings 2018
281 SmartHire Online and unbiased skills assessment for a smarter hiring process 2018
282 e4SME Utilities engaging SMEs with end-to-end Energy Management Experiences 2018
283 ECOWIFI Cooperative, Greener, Multivendor Cognitive Software to Maximize the Performance of Next-Generation Wireless Networks 2018
284 Composite Gloves Protective Composite Gloves for Health Care 2018
286 EMPLOBOT The First Recruitment Bot to Integrate Labour Market in the EU 2018
287 Safe-Blood A cost and time effective blood test to detect multiple bloodborne diseases 2018
288 MATTERHORN Electronic Thruster Controller for Underwater Vehicles and Robots 2018
289 T-CONTROL Novel catheter to reduce Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) 2018
290 MoDELS Metadata Distillery and ExpLoitation System 2018
291 Intigriti The Ethical Hacking Platform - Sharing Economy for Security Testing 2018
292 CB1-18 CB1-18 Chatbot tool for automatic job interview 2018
293 Horizon Cableway based Photovoltaic Retractable Folding Roof for Dual Usage of Spaces 2018
294 4Sure Sulphites' substitute in wine; natural and safe 2018
295 PriMO-5G Virtual Presence in Moving Objects through 5G 2018
296 RiNG-18-19 European Researchers' Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018-2019 2018
297 Humanities Rocks Humanities Rocks! Science on stage in Ljubljana for 100 years 2018
298 AROBMACH Cognibotics: driving the revolution in accurate robotic machining 2018
300 OpenDoTT Open Design of Trusted Things 2019
301 GlucoSet Microsensor for continuous arterial blood glucose monitoring 2018
302 Growth regulation The wide-spread bacterial toxin delivery systems and their role in multicellularity 2019
303 EUCYS2018 European Union Contest for Young Scientists' 2018 2018
304 OptiVerter Solving the triangle for solar mass adoption – Cost, Efficiency and Simplicity 2018
305 FASTFACEREC FAST track 2 FACE REcognition Camera dominance 2018
306 HIPNOSIS Hardware Implementation of Pilot-Non-intrusive cOgnitive States Identification System 2018
307 PATH-TOX Artificial Intelligence to transform Drug and Chemical safety testing 2018
308 TRA VISIONS 2020 TRA VISIONS 2020 2018
309 PREFET Proactive FET Observatory for early trends, project building and social responsibility 2018
311 Fed4IoT Federating IoT and cloud infrastructures to provide scalable and interoperable Smart Cities applications, by introducing novel IoT virtualization technologies 2018
312 CHARMING Chemical Engineering Immersive Learning 2018
313 BIM-SPEED Harmonised Building Information Speedway for Energy-Efficient Renovation 2018
314 PANDA Powerfull Advanced N-Level Digitalization Architecture for models of electrified vehicles and their components 2018
315 MOSAR MOdular Spacecraft Assembly and Reconfiguration 2019
316 vmRail The on-board railway track & vehicle monitoring system 2018
317 GASTEJO Decentralized Travel Apartment Distribution Platform 2018
318 BioFlex Second life of wood: technology to dissolve waste wood to get raw materials 2018
319 5E Federating European Electronics Ecosystems for Competitive Electronics Industries 2019
320 ACCWA Accounting for Climate Change in Water and Agriculture management 2019
321 SYNCANO 2.0 Accelerating software development, empowering rapid innovation 2018
322 Smart Cylinder Smart Cylinder: Breakthrough hydraulic solution to boost productivity, increase energy efficiency and lower emissions in heavy-duty industrial applications 2018
323 eFactory European Connected Factory Platform for Agile Manufacturing 2019
324 Aerosint Reinventing 3D printing into a true multi-material process 2019
325 BOXBOT A fast and powerful 3D cargo space usage optimization service for logistics industry 2018
326 AERO Improving jet fuel efficiency through automated, high-precision and performance of engine manufacturing 2018
327 AI-MICADIS Artificial Intelligence System for Multi-Cancer Detection Support 2019
328 RELAX-MAX Launching high-resolution relaxometry - A powerful new analytical tool for industry 2019
329 MULTIPLY Municipal peer-to-peer learning in integrating transport, land-use planning and energy policy at district level 2018
330 EEN-Innovate Plus PT EEN-Innovate Plus Portugal 2019
331 P2L Innovative Acrylic(PMMA- Polymethyl methacrylate) Recycling Technology Complying with Regulations 2019
332 DigitalComp Algorithms, Digital Platforms and Competition 2019
333 FirmIneq Wage inequality within and across firms: The role of market forces, government and firm policies 2019
334 WoodCircus Underpinning the vital role of the forest-based sector in the Circular Bio-Economy 2018
335 AURORAX Advancing cancer detection through metabolism-based diagnostics 2019
336 HORIZON Redefining solar technology with RETRACTABLE SOLAR POWER FOLDING ROOFS. Unlocking photovoltaics for waste water treatment plants towards self-sufficient plants. 2019
337 MyKite Fly with Big Data 2019
338 Joey Democratizing humanoid robots in customer service 2019
339 B25Tr B25Tr - New and innovative turbocharged engine 2019
340 MUNDOARTI International leagues of art for creative people 2019
341 PLATOSCIENCE Personalized Neurostimulation Approach for the Treatment of Depression 2019
342 Circlenergy Production of renewable methanol from captured emissions and renewable energy sources, for its utilisation for clean fuel production and green consumer goods 2019
343 SQP Opening new markets for Single Quantum Photodetectors 2019
344 FETFX Stimulating effects of Future and Emerging Technologies through communication and outreach 2019
345 FELTWOOD The advanced eco-technology manufacturing of materials as a way of competitiveness for Europe's industrial business 2018
346 EventAI Revolutionary Artificial Intelligence Platform for Managing and Optimising Event Planning 2018
347 TRANSCAMUS NGOs, Transnational Networks and the Transformation of Muslim Communities in Cambodia 2020
348 GVI Green Vehicle Index Project 2019
349 EpiNet Understanding how biotic interactions influence the distribution of epiphytic orchids in tropical forests: An integrated network approach. 2019
350 COLEX Coopetition and Legislation in the Spanish Netherlands (1598-1665) 2019
351 Finding VENomS Venom Evolution in Nemerteans: Connecting Functional Morphology, Gene Expression and Proteome through Spatial Omics 2019
352 CULTUS Public Cults in Private Hands: the Appropriation of cult sites from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD 2019
353 PERCEPSION Sexual selection in plants: testing new ideas on the perception of the mating environment and on the mate choice physiology 2020
354 MINKS Conserving our wildlife heritage: comparative biomechanics of feeding in native and introduced minks 2019
355 PARTOWNEU The dark side of partial ownership and financial investment in Europe: What price to pay for consumers and society? 2019
356 FreezeM Revivable freezing solution for the insect farming market 2019
357 SimplyData Unlocking unstructured data towards intelligent wotk automation for the banking industry 2019
358 Hologlass A New Generation of Augmented Reality Smart Glasses 2019
359 WaMoS Wastewater Treatment Monitoring and Advisory System 2019
360 EMPOWER EMpowering transatlantic PlatfOrms for advanced WirEless Research 2018
361 CASCAT Catalytic cascade reactions. From fundamentals of nanozymes to applications based on gas-diffusion electrodes 2019
362 PEMB The Political Economy of Media Bias 2019
363 iLCA Intelligent Live Cell Analysis [iLCA] to transform disease management through faster, and more regulatory robust, discovery, manufacture and monitoring of biologic drugs & cell therapies 2019
364 BrainMatter Enterprise Grade Lean AI platform 2019
365 gradar Job Evaluation made easy for European SMEs. Unique innovative solution to perform digital job evaluation, compensation analytics and management in an easy, transparent and cost-effective way. 2019
366 HERC HERC Chip for More Efficient Natural Gas Based Industrial Heating Systems 2019
367 TACITROOTS The Accademia del Cimento in Florence: tracing the roots of the European scientific enterprise 2019
368 ScleroTest A rapid and cost-effective point-of-care diagnostic kit able to predict treatment response for appropriate Multiple Sclerosis management 2019
369 InsoFeet Cutting-edge insoles with advanced characteristics for medical and sports applications 2019
370 HeatTank HeatTANK – The cool way to store heat. Energy efficient solution for cooling telecommunication data centers 2019
371 TaxiDriver The EU platform to reinforce traditional taxi drivers and face the challenging competition of digital era 2019
372 MIRAGE Independence and quality of mass Media in the InteRnet AGE 2018
373 PD2PI From Postdoc to PI: Future leaders of ERA 2019
374 Formulate Artificial Intelligence SaaS for prescribing optimal retail merchandising decisions 2019
376 aEro The future of aviation is electric 2019
377 HYDRACTFLEX Full-scale demonstration of a flexible inline production concept for breweries, drawing on water hydraulics 2019
378 LPIGMANN Labour Policies for Inclusive Growth 2019
379 COSA Contagion Spread Awareness System in Neonatal Intensive Care Units 2019
380 Dust BioSolutions Weed control in row crop farming through natural biocementation 2019
381 Smart Farm 4.0 the eye and ears of the farmer - Smart monitoring system for intensive livestock farming management 2019
382 EUCYS2019 European Contest for Young Scientists 2019 2019
383 MANTICA Fully Scalable Platform for Neuroscience Consumer Research and Product Development, Based on User-Friendly EEG-Headset and Cloud-Based Data Storage/Analysis. 2019
384 OPTAPHI European Joint Doctorate Programme on Optical Sensing using Advanced Photo-Induced Effects 2020
385 TEEMothyTS Simulator Commercialization of simulator for interventional echocardiography, specializing in the field of minimally invasive medical therapies. 2019
386 InReady Designing the Service to Improve the Investor Readiness of Start-ups 2019
387 SeaTwirl The first robust and cost-effective floating vertical axis wind turbine for deep water offshore 2019
388 SIRA A disruptive machine to enable mass production of composite parts 2019
389 De-RISC De-RISC: Dependable Real-time Infrastructure for Safety-critical Computer 2019
390 MOBI Modern Bigness : Challenges for European Competition Law 2020
391 Epishine LEH Next Generation Indoor Light Harvesting: Wireless power for Wireless IoT Sensors 2019
392 SCF Smart Cash Flow – Getting back on track 2019
393 FARCROSS FAcilitating Regional CROSS-border Electricity Transmission through Innovation 2019
394 PACE The leading manufacturer-independent connected-car platform, disrupting value creation and customer communication in the automotive aftermarket 2019
395 DISTRACT The Political Economy of Distraction in Digitized Denmark 2020
396 Ph.D. Phase map of dynamic, adaptive colloidal crystals far from equilibrium 2019
397 B-DOMINANCE B Cell Immunodominance in Antiviral Immunity 2019
398 DIPVAR Digital Platforms: Pricing, Variety and Quality Provision 2020
399 CTSM Competition, time pressure, public speaking and multitasking: The role of willingness and ability to cope with pressure in explaining individual differences and inequality in career outcomes 2019
400 METRICS Metrological Evaluation and Testing of Robots in International CompetitionS 2020
401 ReCreo Sustainable Use of Metallic Resources: Industrial Waste Prevention 2019
403 CodeAll The development of an innovative toolkit for learning programming with the use of the Internet of Things sensors and actuators 2019
404 innosabi GALAXY The Agile Innovation solution to revolutionise the way people connect, collaborate and create disruptive innovations throughout a company’s ecosystem to unlock its full potential 2019
405 LT LaserTrain 2019
406 BIOMAP2SOIL Biological analysis of soils and advanced data analytics for precision agriculture maps 2019
407 MediaMotorEurope Media Motor Europe 2020
408 MORPHEMIC Modelling and Orchestrating heterogeneous Resources and Polymorphic applications for Holistic Execution and adaptation of Models In the Cloud 2020
409 EU-PEARL EU Patient- cEntric clinicAl tRial pLatform 2019
410 Bio-TUNE Fine tune of cellular behavior: multifunctional materials for medical implants 2020
411 AI-Inspect AI-Inspect - an artificial intelligence tool for instant inspection of commercial properties 2020
412 SensorM3D Artificial Intelligence and Privacy Enabled Multi-Sensor Smart Cameras for 3D Analytics 2019
413 SepsiCare A disruptive multi-sensor chip for fast and effective management of Sepsis at the point of Care 2020
414 DATASET Advanced manufacturing though data analytics and intelligent insights 2019
415 Lottare GBM LOcalized Targeted Therapy to Avoid REcurrent GlioBlastoma Multiforme 2019
416 4 4 - Leveraging Asia for European GNSS 2020
417 AI4Cities AI accelerating Cities transition to carbon neutrality 2020
418 MITOvTOXO Understanding how mitochondria compete with Toxoplasma for nutrients to defend the host cell 2020
419 ProExcer Projectile exciter for noiseless environment 2020
420 OnTarget Deciphering the principles governing robust targeting of proteins to organelles 2020
421 PROMISE PROgrammable MIxed Signal Electronics 2020
422 uDEVOPS Software Quality Assurance for Microservice Development Operations Engineering 2020
423 AimingT6SS Mechanisms of dynamic localization of the bacterial Type 6 secretion system assembly 2020
424 EEN-InnovationJourne EEN-InnovationJouney PT 2020
425 STEP4WIND Novel deSign, producTion and opEration aPproaches for floating WIND turbine farms 2020
427 IC-CCD-qHSC Intrapopulation communication and collective cell decisions of hematopoietic stem cells 2020
428 Project Racoon Ultra-Fast Reliable Radio Control Systems for Avionics 2020
429 EAST Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Understand and Secure Web/Enterprise Systems 2020
430 MiMoZa Microbiota modulation through horizontal gene transfer. 2020
431 FASHION IN IR The Dematerialization of Fashion and France's Couture Propaganda during the 1960s and 1970s 2020