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H2020 projects about "topological"

The page lists 262 projects related to the topic "topological".

# achronym  title  year 
1 GEOFLUIDS Geometric problems in PDEs with applications to fluid mechanics 2015
2 JSPEC Josephson Junction Spectroscopy of Mesoscopic Systems 2015
3 GAN Groups, Actions and von Neumann algebras 2015
4 RelRepDist Relative representation theory and distributions on reductive groups over local fields 2015
5 TUNNEL Tunneling Spectroscopy in van-der-Waals Device 2015
6 MolStruKT Molecular structure and cell cycle regulated assembly of the kinetochore 2015
7 STATOPINS Theory of statistical topological insulators 2015
8 MIRAGE 20-15 Mid Infra-Red near-field control by Adiabatic frequency Generation Enabling 20fs/15nm resolution 2015
9 SENSQUID Scanning SQUID view of emergent states at interfaces 2015
10 QUIC Quantum simulations of insulators and conductors 2015
11 Fractional Fractionalized quantum matter: Characterization, realization and generalization 2015
12 LIMB NETWORKS Network Analysis of Musculoskeletal Evolution and Modularity during the Fin-to-Limb Transition 2015
13 ARTE Atomic Research for Topological Engineering 2015
14 GREAT Deformations of fundamental Groups of REpresentATions 2016
15 GEOGRAL Geometry of Grassmannian Lagrangian manifolds and their submanifolds, with applications to nonlinear partial differential equations of physical interest 2015
16 PFCCMS Pattern Formation in Catalytic Colloidal Microswimmers 2015
17 ILDS Integrability and Linearization of Dynamical Systems 2016
18 SynOptic Synthetic Gauge Fields in Quantum Optics 2015
19 Super MagneFiQuE Superconducting magnetic-field compatible quantum electronics 2015
20 INVLOCCY Invariants of local Calabi-Yau 3-folds 2015
21 OATP Operator algebraic approach to topological phases 2015
22 FEEC discretizations Structure-preserving discretization of hierarchically-structured rotating covariant shallow-water equations using finite element exterior calculus 2016
23 CompositeSPTphases Composite-particle approach to Symmetry Protected Topological Phases 2015
24 TOP-DOL Topological physics in tunable optical lattices 2015
25 EVOREL Evolution of Regulatory Landscapes in Chordates 2016
26 HELICOMBX Quantum spin Hall insulator with two dimensional crystals 2015
27 SuperMag Cooperation between Superconductivity and Magnetism in Mesoscopic systems: towards Majorana states 2015
28 SYMULGAS Synthetic magnetism with ultracold Fermi gases of strontium 2015
29 TOPOZOO Free-standing three-dimensional topological structures in geometrically confined chiral nematic liquid crystals: fundamentals and applications 2016
30 Topological superfluidity Topological superfluidity in ultracold gas of Dysprosium atoms 2015
31 TOSSIBERG Theory of Stein Spaces in Berkovich Geometry 2015
32 QuantGeomLangTFT The Quantum Geometric Langlands Topological Field Theory 2015
33 TopFront Expanding the Topological Frontier in Quantum Matter: from Concepts to Future Applications 2015
34 Phonton Phon(t)on-induced phase transitions 2015
35 DuaLL Duality in Formal Languages and Logic - a unifying approach to complexity and semantics 2015
36 PROTEOMICAN Discovery of breast cancer aggressiveness markers using topo-proteomics mapping 2015
37 ISOTOP Interactions, Spins and Edges in Optical Lattices with Topological Band Structures 2016
38 RegulHox Topological organization of vertebrate regulatory landscapes: The Hox genes paradigm 2015
39 QuDeT Quantum devices in topological matter: carbon nanotubes, graphene, and novel superfluids 2016
40 Com4Com Collective modes in 4d-metal compounds and heterostructures 2016
41 KL2MG-interactions K-theory, L^2-invariants, manifolds, groups and their interactions 2015
42 ChromatidCohesion Establishment of Sister Chromatid Cohesion 2015
43 POLTDES Interacting polaritons in two-dimensional electron systems 2015
44 DOQS Many-Body Physics with Driven Open Quantum Systems of Atoms, Light and Solids 2016
45 ULT-NEMS Ultra-Cold Nano-Mechanics: from Classical to Quantum Complexity 2015
46 UBPDS Unfoldings and Bifurcations of Polynomial Differential Systems 2016
47 DFLOW Duality For Logic On Words 2016
48 NuQFT The Hall Plateau Transition and non-unitary Quantum Field Theory 2015
49 SORBET Spin Orbitronics for Electronic Technologies 2015
50 TENSORNETSIM Accurate simulations of strongly correlated systems with tensor network methods 2016
51 QUANTUM DYNAMICS New Geometry of Quantum Dynamics 2016
53 TopDyn Probing topology and dynamics in driven quantum many-body systems 2016
54 QUANTMATT Dynamics and transport of quantum matter --- exploring the interplay of topology, interactions and localization 2016
55 DYNAP Dynamic Penetrating Peptide Adaptamers 2016
56 HBMAP Decoding, Mapping and Designing the Structural Complexity of Hydrogen-Bond Networks: from Water to Proteins to Polymers 2016
57 TOPOLOGICAL Topological Light at Structured Surfaces 2015
58 TopInSy Novel phases of matter emerging from topology, interactions, and symmetries 2016
59 NHQWAVE Non-Hermitian Quantum Wave Engineering 2016
60 FLOWTONICS Solid-state flow as a novel approach for the fabrication of photonic devices 2016
61 RyD-QMB Rydberg dressed quantum many-body systems 2016
62 SEAQUEL Structured Ensembles of Atoms for Quantum Engineering of Light 2016
63 CyclAr Cyclic Arylenevinylene Polymers 2016
64 DefAlgS Deformation theory of algebraic structures 2016
65 Magintlec Controlling interfacial spin effects in magnetic devices through applied electric fields 2016
66 IPAHOT-PVC Integral p-adic Hodge Theory and p-adic Vanishing Cycles 2016
67 INDEX Rigidity of groups and higher index theory 2016
68 GRAPHCPX A graph complex valued field theory 2016
69 GrDyAp Groups, Dynamics, and Approximation 2016
70 SIRPOL Strongly interacting Rydberg slow light polaritons 2016
71 Topological-Plasmonics Robust light manipulation in plasmonic nanostructures assisted by topological protection 2016
72 Spin1D Spinor Bose Gases in 1D: Equilibrium properties, Dynamics, and Spin-orbit coupling 2016
73 FLATOPS Flat bands and topology in superconductive materials 2016
74 OEMBS Out-of-equilibrium entangled many-body systems 2016
75 TopOutEq Topological and Correlated Quantum Systems out of Equilibrium 2017
76 BosQuanTran Quantum simulation of transport properties in arbitrary shaped potential landscapes with ultracold bosonic atoms 2016
77 TOPACT Topological defects in nematic liquid crystals of active colloidal rods 2016
78 GROUPNIP Model theory of groups in NIP theories 2017
79 MASSS Manipulation of a Single Spin in a Superconductor 2016
80 TOPOPOLIS Topological Polaritons in Semiconductor Photonic Crystal Structures: Exotic band structures and topological polariton states for quantum simulation and future optoelectronic devices 2016
81 MECHANOCHECK ATR-mediated mechanotransduction and connections with the actin cytoskeleton 2016
82 Dynasore Dynamical magnetic excitations with spin-orbit interaction in realistic nanostructures 2016
83 REPSUMODDT Mechanisms and regulators coordinating replication integrity and DNA damage tolerance. 2016
84 TOPVAC From Topological Matter to Relativistic Quantum Vacuum 2016
85 HIEXP High Dimensional Expanders, Ramanujan Complexes and Codes 2016
86 GoCADiSC Genomics of Chromosome Architecture and Dynamics in Single Cells 2017
87 DYNAMAG Exploring high-frequency DYNAmics in artificial MAGnetic frustrated systems 2016
88 NUTS Nuclei Using Topological Solitons 2016
89 LIMAStruct Light-matter interaction with structured light 2016
90 SCEON Scanning Electron Optical Nanoscopy 2016
91 Smartphon Small - and nano - scale soft phononics 2016
92 UTOPES Unifying concepts in the topological design of non-crystalline materials 2016
93 HITSUPERJU Higher-dimensional topological solids realized with multiterminal superconducting junctions 2016
94 HEF Higher Epsilon-Factors for Higher Local Fields 2016
95 TOPSIM Topology and symmetries in synthetic fermionic systems 2016
96 NovelTopo Novel topological phases of matter: From topological invariants to experiments 2016
97 TOPEX Philosophical Foundations of Topological Explanations 2016
98 QUESTDO Quantum electronic states in delafossite oxides 2017
99 SWING Patterning Spin-Wave reconfIgurable Nanodevices for loGics and computing. 2016
100 MiTopMat Microstructured Topological Materials: A novel route towards topological electronics 2017
101 TopoCold Manipulation of topological phases with cold atoms 2017
102 CombiTop New Interactions of Combinatorics through Topological Expansions, at the crossroads of Probability, Graph theory, and Mathematical Physics 2017
103 Quasicrystal An Optical Quasicrystal for ultracold atoms 2017
104 DiGGeS Discrete Groups and Geometric Structures 2017
105 3D-Plant2Cells Exploring the Impact of Pesticide on the 3D Metabolome and the Microbiota from the Whole Plant to the Cell Scale 2017
106 ATOM Advanced Holographic Tomographies for Nanoscale Materials: Revealing Electromagnetic and Deformation Fields, Chemical Composition and Quantum States at Atomic Resolution. 2017
107 3D-REPAIR Spatial organization of DNA repair within the nucleus 2017
108 HAIRD Hybrid AIRcraft seating requirement specification and Design 2017
109 COMPUS Civic community and public space in the ancient Near East. The case of Hittite Anatolia at the end of the Late Bronze Age (14th-13th centuries BCE). 2017
110 TOPOQDot A bottom-up topological superconductor based on quantum dot arrays 2017
111 MELODIC Molecule for low diffusion TPCs for rare event searches 2017
112 NONLINMAT Functional extreme nonlinear nanomaterials 2017
113 SKDWONTRACK Room temperature stabilization and all-electrical manipulation of chiral spin structures in metallic multilayers 2018
114 SQALE Integrating Superconducting Qubits with Two-dimensional Electron Systems 2017
115 sharpEDGE From Bulk to Edge: Realization and Characterization of Fractionalized Quantum Matter 2017
116 QuPoPCoRN Quantum Particles on Programmable Complex Reconfigurable Networks 2017
117 DiracEntangler Cooper pair splitter based on Dirac materials 2017
118 BH-STRING-HOLO Black Holes in String Theory and Holography 2017
119 quasiTENS Quantum Systems Investigated through Tensor Network States 2017
120 ISOPARAMETRIC Geometric and analytic aspects of isoparametric hypersurfaces 2017
121 TOPONANOP Topological nano-photonics 2017
122 BISTRO-LIGHT Bichromatic Structures for Robust propagation of Light 2017
123 SREACEP Sparse Robust Expander with Applications in Combinatorial Embedding Problems 2018
124 TopoInMulTermJJ Multi-Terminal Josephson Junctions as a novel platform for high dimensional topological matter 2017
125 TopSpiD Topological states with Spin-Dependent potentials for ultracold lithium 2018
126 hyControl Coherent optical control of multi-functional nano-scale hybrid units 2017
127 MajoranaTopIn Majorana Fermions in Topological Insulator Platforms 2017
128 QUENOCOBA Quantum Emitters in non-conventional baths 2017
129 4-TOPS Four experiments in Topological Superconductivity. 2017
130 TOPMAT Topological Materials: New Fermions, Realization of Single Crystals and their Physical Properties 2017
131 MAGTOPRECON Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy: from Topological Defects to Reconfigurable Magnetic Devices 2018
132 HEMs-DAM Hybrid Epitaxial Materials for Novel Quantum State Detection and Manipulation 2017
133 ASPIN Antiferromagntic spintronics 2017
134 HiTIMe High Frequency Topological Insulator devices for Metrology 2018
135 ETOPEX Engineering Topological Phases and Excitations in Nanostructures with Interactions 2018
136 PARATOP New paradigms for correlated quantum matter:Hierarchical topology, Kondo topological metals, and deep learning 2018
137 ODDSUPER New mechanisms and materials for odd-frequency superconductivity 2018
138 CORFRONMAT Correlated frontiers of many-body quantum mathematics and condensed matter physics 2018
139 TOPP Topological phononics through nano-optomechanical interactions 2018
140 CASTLES Charge And Spin in TopologicaL Edge States 2018
141 CLOTHILDE CLOTH manIpulation Learning from DEmonstrations 2018
142 HD-App New horizons in homogeneous dynamics and its applications 2018
143 TOPODY Exploring topological matter with atomic Dysprosium 2018
144 AGEnTh Atomic Gauge and Entanglement Theories 2018
145 ISCQuM Imaging, Spectroscopy and Control of Quantum states in advanced Materials 2019
146 TopATLAS Topological Atlas: Mapping Contemporary Borderscapes 2018
147 DerSympApp Derived Symplectic Geometry and Applications 2018
148 CoCoSym Symmetry in Computational Complexity 2018
149 TopMechMat Topological Mechanical Metamaterials 2018
150 SynarchiC Investigating the functional architecture of microbial genomes with synthetic approaches 2018
151 topDFT A topological approach to electron correlation in density-functional theories 2018
152 MSCIH Moduli spaces of curves and integrable hierarchies 2018
153 StringHom String topology and group (co)homology 2018
154 NATHENA New Additive manufacTuring Heat ExchaNger for Aeronautic 2018
155 TNFL-TMML Topological New Fermions under Laser and New Topological Material Exploring via Machine Learning 2018
156 PRESS-CHESS-KHS The effect of pressure and chemical substitution on the Kitaev Heisenberg system alpha-RuCl3 2018
157 TiPS-DNA Transcription-induced Plectonemic Supercoiled DNA 2018
158 ToPSeCRET Topological properties of sub-wavelength crystalline metamaterials 2018
159 XFab Xene Fabrication for a Two-Dimensional Nanotechnology Platform 2018
160 ADMIRE Atomic-scale Design of Majorana states and their Innovative Real-space Exploration 2019
161 ADOR Assembly-disassembly-organisation-reassembly of microporous materials 2018
162 LEGOTOP From Local Elements to Globally Ordered TOPological states of matter 2018
163 TCDL Topological Colloidal Double Layers 2018
164 INTSYS Algebraic, Geometric, and Field-Theoretic Aspects of Integrable Many-Body Systems 2018
165 SOT-2DvdW Spin-Orbit Torque in 2D van der Waals Heterostructures 2018
166 ESTIMA Electronics and Spintronics of Topological Insulator/MAgnetic Insulator heterostructures 2019
167 FunSilting Functorial techniques in silting theory 2018
168 ToPol Topological Polaritonics 2018
169 VESTEC Visual Exploration and Sampling Toolkit for Extreme Computing 2018
170 ThermoQuantumImage Thermal imaging of nano and atomic-scale dissipation in quantum states of matter 2018
171 TRENSCRYBE TRapped ENSembles of Circular RYdBErg atoms for quantum simulation 2018
172 TopSupra Engineered Topological Superconductivity in van der Waals Heterostructures 2018
173 ProMotion Probing Majorana quasi-particles and ballistic spin-momentum locking in topolocical insulatornanostructures 2018
174 ALPHA Alpha Shape Theory Extended 2018
175 COMPLEXORDER The Complexity Revolution: Exploiting Unconventional Order in Next-Generation Materials Design 2018
176 E-DESIGN Artificial designer materials 2018
177 EQFT Emergence from Quantum Frustration and Topology 2018
178 Topo Ins Laser Topological Insulator Laser 2018
179 CoPEC Colloidal particles in elasto-capillary fields 2019
180 TopoGraph Towards topological hybrid states in graphene 2018
181 SanDAL ERA Chair in Mathematical Statistics and Data Science for the University of Luxembourg 2019
182 MagDirac Magnetic Doping of 3D Dirac Semimetals 2019
183 COLLHEAR 3D printed COLLagen type I-Hydroxyapatite prostheses for the middle EAR 2018
184 SiMS Simulated Majorana states 2019
185 BeyondA1 Set theory beyond the first uncountable cardinal 2018
186 EntangleUltraCold Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Quantum Many-Body Systems with Ultracold Atoms 2019
187 StrEnQTh Strong Entanglement in Quantum many-body Theory 2018
188 REPLISOMEBYPASS Challenges on the road to genome duplication: Single-molecule approaches to study replisome collisions 2019
189 Tips in SCQFT Lattice gauge theories studies of timely theoretical and phenomenological questions in strongly coupled quantum field theories. 2019
190 MaMBoQ Macroscopic Behavior of Many-Body Quantum Systems 2019
191 LaGaTYb Exploring lattice gauge theories with fermionic Ytterbium atoms 2019
193 TMCS Topological Matter and Crystal Symmetry: From Microscopic Structure to Phenomenology 2019
194 Topo2DEG Topological states in superconducting two-dimensional electron gases 2019
195 OPTNETSPACE Optimal Transport Networks in Spatial Equilibrium 2019
196 beyondRCFT Beyond Rationality in Algebraic CFT: mathematical structures and models 2019
197 SKYTOP Skyrmion-Topological insulator and Weyl semimetal technology 2018
198 TOCHA Dissipationless topological channels for information transfer and quantum metrology 2019
199 PHiVe Power Electronics High Voltage Technologies 2018
200 NonlinearTopo Nonlinear Optical and Electrical Phenomena in Topological Semimetals 2019
201 SCHINES Spatially-Separated Chirality Inspired Networks 2019
202 QUCUBE 3D integration technology for silicon spin qubits 2019
203 DYNASNET Dynamics and Structure of Networks 2019
204 ENFORCE ENgineering FrustratiOn in aRtificial Colloidal icEs:degeneracy, exotic lattices and 3D states 2020
205 IGOC Interactions between Groups, Orbits, and Cartans 2019
206 MaGnum Majorana bound states in Ge/SiGe heterostructures 2019
207 OPTOSOL Interacting optical and topological solitons in frustrated cholesterics 2019
208 ONTOP On-demand Non-hermitian TOPology 2019
209 TOPOCIRCUS Simulations of Topological Phases in Superconducting Circuits 2019
210 ANYONIC Statistics of Exotic Fractional Hall States 2019
211 Topo-circuit Exploring topological phenomenon in RF circuits 2019
212 ULTRADISS Ultra-sensitive mechanical dissipation in classical, quantum and non-equilibrium nanocontacts 2019
213 TOPSPIN Topotronic multi-dimensional spin Hall nano-oscillator networks 2019
214 BB-SLM Polychromatic digital optics for structured light 2020
215 SELPH2D Spin Electron-Phonon in 2D materials 2019
216 EMOF Synthesizing and Investigating the Exotic Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Frameworks 2020
217 TOPCHEM Topological Chemistry in Ternary Compunds 2019
218 GRISOTO GRaphene-Interfaced heterostructures for Spin Orbit TOrques 2020
219 ExcitingTopology Topological order beyond the equilibrium ground state: driven quantum matter and magnon excitation spectra 2019
220 TOPLASMON Experimental study of plasmon polaritons in topological insulators and Weyl Semi-Metals. 2019
221 MajoranasAreReal Search for mechanisms to control chiral Majorana modes in superconductors 2019
222 NOQIA NOvel Quantum simulators – connectIng Areas 2019
223 Q-Skyrmions Engineering the dynamics of magnetic skyrmions using non-equilibrium protocols 2019
224 CATALYSTNH3SYNTHESIS Synthetically Tuned Atomic Ordering and Electronic Properties of Nano-Intermetallic Compounds for the Ammonia Synthesis. 2019
225 TOPOMIE Active topological photonic insulators based on Mie-resonators 2020
226 QuanToPol Quantum Topological Polaritonics 2020
227 H2LSPC High-Voltage High-Current Lightweight Solid-State Protection Circuit for Avionic Applications 2019
228 AMAREC Amenability, Approximation and Reconstruction 2019
229 TOCINA Topological Crystalline Insulator Nanowires 2019
230 BALLISTOP Revealing 1D ballistic charge and spin currents in second order topological insulators 2020
231 WATCh Characterization and Active Control of Weyl Semimetals 2020
232 SYZYGY Syzygies, moduli and topological invariants of groups 2020
233 FATMOLS FAult Tolerant MOLecular Spin processor 2020
234 SPRING SPin Research IN Graphene 2019
235 ORIGENAL Origami electronics for three dimensional integration of computational devices 2019
236 FLATBANDS Exploring strong correlations in flat bands 2020
237 HMS Homological mirror symmetry, Hodge theory, and symplectic topology 2020
238 ConsQuanDyn Constrained Quantum Dynamics 2020
239 METACOUSTIC Computational design and prototyping of acoustic metamaterials for tailored insulation of noise 2019
241 QUIST Quantum information transfer between hole spins and topological states 2019
242 TWISTRONICS Probing topological valley currents by angular layer alignment in van der Waals heterostructures 2020
243 HSD Homeomorphisms in symplectic topology and dynamics 2020
244 MELON Memristive and multiferroic materials for emergent logic units in nanoelectronics 2020
245 ATTOSTRUCTURA Structured attosecond pulses for ultrafast nanoscience 2020
246 FRACTAL Electrons in Fractal Geometries 2020
247 NONLOCAL Foundations of nonlocal and nonabelian condensed-matter systems 2020
248 TORI In-situ Topological Reduction of Scientific 3D Data 2020
249 PTEROSOR PT-symmetric electronic structure theory 2020
250 NOTICE Novel Oxides and Topological Interfaces for quantum Computing Electronics 2020
251 SEE_QPT Imaging phase transitions in quantum materials 2020
252 SUPERGRAPH Topological Superconductivity in Graphene 2020
253 TORYD TOpological many-body states with ultracold RYDberg atoms 2020
254 SCFTAlg Algebraic Foundations of Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory 2020
255 emergenTopo Emergent topology in photon fluids 2020
256 EXAFONIS Exploring antiferromagnetic order at the nanoscale with a single spin microscope 2020
257 MATTER MAcroscopic quantum Transport maTERials by nanoparticle processing 2020
258 SOTMEM Topological Insulator-Based Spin Orbit Torque MEMories 2020
259 SPINHALL Computing with mutually synchronized topological insulator based spin Hall nano-oscillators 2020
260 ARCTIC Air Transport as Information and Computation 2020
261 LISEDIDYS Limit sets of discrete dynamical systems 2020
262 MM-CAHF Combinatorial aspects of Heegaard Floer homology for knots and links 2021