Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Technische universitat berlin"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 VISIT VISIT - Vertically Integrated Systems for Information Transfer 2008 3˙227˙754.00 2˙350˙000.00
2 EURODRG EuroDRG – Diagnosis-Related Groups in Europe: towards Efficiency and Quality 2009 3˙700˙051.00 2˙809˙732.00
3 DMASD4CA Distributed Multi-way Analysis of Stream Data for Detection of Complex Attacks 2009 148˙048.00 148˙048.00
4 MATLAN High relative accuracy matrix techniques for linear and non-linear structured eigenvalue problems and applications 2009 111˙036.00 111˙036.00
5 TRANSANTIAGO2008 Constructing Users for Public Transport: The Case of Transantiago 2009 0.00 136˙421.00
6 PATS Privacy Awareness Through Security Branding 2009 1˙080˙607.00 964˙594.00
7 FIMCAR Frontal Impact and Compatibility Assessment Research 2009 6˙063˙276.00 3˙804˙598.00
8 CONTEMP Self-Learning Control of Tool Temperature in Cutting Processes 2009 3˙406˙722.00 2˙374˙645.00
9 AFC-TEFL-HLC Active flow control application on trailing edge flap for high-lift configuration 2010 299˙990.00 224˙993.00
10 SEOCA GEO capacity building initiative in Central Asia 2010 646˙560.00 576˙516.00
12 TEMSPIG Testing mechanisms of species invasion in Galápagos: role of resource competition and species traits 2010 238˙099.00 238˙099.00
13 PUBLIC PUT IN MOTION "Public participation and urban transport innovation. The European light rail renaissance and user involvement, city revitalization, urban mobility agenda." 2010 216˙782.00 216˙782.00
14 GREENEST Gas turbine combustion with Reduced EmissioNs Employing extreme STeam injection 2010 3˙137˙648.00 3˙137˙648.00
15 ROSES Robust and Self-organizing Networks 2010 207˙628.00 207˙628.00
16 SHPEF Stability and hyperbolicity of polynomials and entire functions 2010 880˙000.00 880˙000.00
17 RPT "Rough path theory, differential equations and stochastic analysis" 2010 850˙820.00 850˙820.00
18 XSHAPE Expressive Shape: Intuitive Creative and Optimization of 3D Geometry 2010 1˙348˙000.00 1˙348˙000.00
19 CCCAN Characterizing and Controlling Carbon Nanomaterials 2010 1˙468˙960.00 1˙468˙960.00
20 VEL-WAGON "Versatile, Efficient and Longer Wagon for European Transportation" 2010 1˙107˙704.00 831˙687.00
21 CACOMEL Nano-carbon based components and materials for high frequency electronics 2010 153˙000.00 153˙000.00
22 MEDEO Methods and tools for dual access to the EO databases in the EU and Russia 2011 619˙468.00 499˙436.00
23 SIAM Security Impact Assessment Measure - A decision support system for security technology investments 2011 2˙772˙122.00 2˙168˙640.00
24 FLOWSENSYS Flow sensor system for the separation detection at low speed in view of flight 2011 102˙000.00 76˙500.00
25 FLOCOSYS Efficient System for Flow Control Actuation 2011 60˙600.00 45˙450.00
26 DT-FA-AFC Development and Test of Fluidic Actuators for Active Flow Control Applications 2011 259˙760.00 194˙595.00
27 MODSIMCONMP "Modeling, Simulation and Control of Multi-Physics Systems" 2011 1˙899˙923.00 1˙899˙923.00
28 PERCQUALAVS A Model for Predicting Perceived Quality of Audio-visual Speech based on Automatic Assessment of Intermodal Asynchrony 2011 155˙542.00 155˙542.00
29 POPDAT Problem-oriented Processing and Database Creation for Ionosphere Exploration 2011 1˙712˙528.00 1˙374˙209.00
30 METACODE Code-engineered new-to-nature microbial cell factories for novel and safety enhanced bio-production 2011 3˙892˙149.00 2˙996˙938.00
31 ORGZEO Organic Zeolites 2012 1˙500˙000.00 1˙500˙000.00
32 MOPIT Molecular photoacoustic imaging of stem-cell driven tissue regeneration 2012 1˙622˙736.00 1˙622˙736.00
33 PROFITS Bridging the world of fungi and dementia 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
34 CFMLHA Development of Modern Density Functional Methods: Combining the Correlation Factor Model and the Local Hybrid Approach 2012 221˙718.00 221˙718.00
35 FUNMOPS Functional Microporous Organic Polymers 2012 167˙390.00 167˙390.00
36 RACE2050 Responsible innovation Agenda for Competitive European transport industries up to 2050 2012 1˙324˙516.00 1˙203˙158.00
37 ROBUSTAFC Performance Evaluation of a highly robust Fluid Actuator for AFC 2012 398˙600.00 298˙950.00
38 POLYBRUSH Dynamics in polymer brush-nanoparticle systems 2013 161˙968.00 161˙968.00
39 IPODI International Post-Doc Initiative of the Technische Universität Berlin (IPODI) 2013 3˙405˙990.00 1˙362˙396.00
40 QUANTFUNG Quantitative Biology for Fungal Secondary Metabolite Producers 2013 3˙859˙189.00 3˙859˙189.00
41 FORTRESS Foresight Tools for Responding to cascading effects in a crisis 2014 4˙716˙316.00 3˙400˙665.00
42 EXQUISITE External Quantum Control of Photonic Semiconductor Nanostructures 2014 1˙999˙800.00 1˙999˙800.00
43 HYPERSCANNING 2.0 "Hyperscanning 2.0 Analyses of Multimodal Neuroimaging Data: Concept, Methods and Applications" 2014 209˙463.00 209˙463.00
44 HOME Habitability of Martian Environments: Exploring the Physiological and Environmental Limits of Life 2014 2˙494˙214.00 2˙494˙214.00
45 CDN-H Improving Performance and Cost of Content Delivery in a Hyperconnected World 2014 349˙047.00 349˙047.00

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