The page lists 161 projects related to the topic "biotech".
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1 | BIOCASCADES | BIOCASCADES- Sustainable and Scalable Biocatalytic Cascade Reactions Training Network | 2015 |
2 | PROCROP | Professional cross-priming for ovary and prostate cancer | 2015 |
3 | eDrug | Drug eDesign: Building the next generation of software solutions for drug design | 2015 |
4 | EpiPredict | Epigenetic regulation of endocrine therapy resistance in breast cancer: A systems medicine approach to predict treatment outcome | 2015 |
5 | PRECeDI | Personalized PREvention of Chronic DIseases | 2015 |
6 | eyePoC | Clinical validation of a new diagnostic and monitoring PoC medical device based on quantification of biomarkers in tear fluids to improve the quality of eye health care | 2014 |
8 | SEA-MORE-YIELD | Sea-More-Yield: A Blue Biotechnology Solution for the Reduction of Pod Shatter in Bio-Oil Producing Crops | 2014 |
9 | INNOVATIONOPTIONS | Valuing Innovation Options and Policy Flexibility Under Uncertainty | 2016 |
10 | Micropod | MICROPOrous Devices for next-generation therapeutic delivery | 2015 |
11 | GDAPIV | Genomics Data Analysis Pipelines with Interactive Visualizations | 2015 |
12 | BIOCURE | Novel Biomaterial for Improved and Cost-efficient Wound Healing | 2015 |
13 | URO-BEST | UROthelial carcinoma Biomarker based diagnostic tEST | 2015 |
14 | FACTs | Fast Acting Virus Control Strategies for Production Animal Diseases | 2015 |
15 | ADHESION | Development of new biotech AdvanceD materials based on Hyaluronic acid and nanoparticlEs to prevent Surgical adhesIons and pOst surgical infectionNs | 2015 |
16 | EDePDAC | Feasibility study for the validation and industrialization of two diagnostic kits in both ELISA and CLIA formats for the early detection of pancreatic cancer based on the novel biomarkers EZR and ENOA | 2015 |
17 | INPACT | Innovative peptides against cancer and pathogenic bacteria, with advances in science, biopharmaceutical drug development, product market targeting, training , and communication. | 2015 |
18 | PCSP | Odour-GPCRs based technology for detection and stratification of cancer: Prostate Cancer Smell Print as first vertical market | 2015 |
19 | MELGEN | MELanoma GENetics - understanding and biomarking the genetic and immunological determinants of melanoma survival | 2015 |
20 | CARBOSURF | New processes for the fermentative production of glycolipid biosurfactants and sialylated carbohydrates | 2015 |
21 | REP-BIOTECH | European Joint Doctorate in Biology and Technology of Reproductive Health | 2015 |
22 | EVOluTION | European Vascular Interventions and Therapeutic Innovation Network | 2016 |
23 | MASSTRPLAN | MASS Spectrometry TRaining network for Protein Lipid adduct ANalysis | 2015 |
24 | FRAGNET | FRAGments training NETwork | 2016 |
25 | CerviVax | New Generation Therapeutic vaccine for the Treatment of HPV infections and Cervical Dysplasia | 2015 |
26 | COMbAT | Commercialization of a novel tool for designing personalized nOvel MelAnoma Therapies | 2015 |
27 | pp2EMBRC | European Marine Biology Resource Centre preparatory phase 2 | 2015 |
28 | FIDOs | Development and market launch of novel technology for production of nutritionally complete plant proteins called FIDOs - “Functional (Protein) Isolates Derived from Oilseeds”. | 2015 |
29 | EPIC | Exploiting Protein Complexes that Induce Cell-death | 2016 |
30 | BIOCURE | Novel Biomaterial for Improved and Cost-efficient Wound Healing | 2016 |
31 | SATBIOFUN | Genome editing for spatiotemporal analysis of centriolar SATellite BIOgenesis and FUNction in cellular stress responses | 2016 |
32 | ThruBlood | Clinical validation of Trop-2 as a serum biomarker for monitoring of disease-course in patients affected by breast and colon cancer | 2016 |
33 | DD-DeCaF | Bioinformatics Services for Data-Driven Design of Cell Factories and Communities | 2016 |
34 | FUNDCELERATOR | FUND raising acCELERATOR for long time-to-market path SMEs | 2016 |
35 | RAD | A study for the technical and business feasibility of a fast-acting consumer test to detect gluten and other contaminants in food. | 2016 |
36 | EDGE | Training network providing cutting-EDGE knowlEDGE on Herpes Virology and Immunology | 2016 |
37 | IcoCell | Cell line development platform for SMEs to reduce the length and cost of biologic drug development | 2016 |
38 | DeCISIoN | Drug CandIdates ScreenINg | 2016 |
39 | USONIPRO | Ultrasonic technology for bioprocess enhancement | 2016 |
40 | DrugSynergy | DrugSynergy: A data-driven systems biology approach to optimize drug combination strategies | 2016 |
41 | BrainModes | Personalized whole brain simulations: linking connectomics and dynamics in the human brain | 2016 |
42 | BETASCREEN | A Unique Pancreatic Human Beta Cells to revolutionize the Diabetes Drug Discovery | 2016 |
43 | Train2Target | An integrated mulTidisciplinary appRoach towards a new generAtIon of aNtibiotics: Targeting function and cross-talk of bacterial Envelope proTein machineries | 2017 |
44 | New Gluten World | A Revolutionary, Safe and Cost-effective Industrial Process for Gluten Detoxification in Cereals | 2016 |
45 | SZ_TEST | Towards Early Molecular Diagnostics of Schizophrenia | 2017 |
46 | NOC | Nerve-on-Chips | 2016 |
47 | UTILE | The EU-HEALTH INNOVATION MARKETPLACE, the valorization platform for (FP7 Health and H2020 SC1) research results | 2017 |
48 | OptiMalVax | Optimizing a deployable high efficacy malaria vaccine | 2017 |
49 | Ultimate | The best drug discovery platform | 2016 |
50 | TRACY | Innovative RFID-UHF Traceability Platform for Human-Derived Products | 2016 |
51 | AQUOLIVE | Improving Aquaculture production with bioactives from olive oil processing by-products. | 2017 |
52 | RELEASE | Nanofiber based drug delivery for surgical therapy of adult and paediatric solid tumours | 2017 |
53 | Rhizomia | A novel cost-efficient bioreactor to accelerate growth of valuable plant roots for nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals cosmetics | 2017 |
54 | DePharm | A cost-effective and energy-efficient water treatment technology to remove pharmaceutical pollutants from urban wastewater | 2016 |
55 | LentiFactory | MAGIC (MAnufacturing of Gene delivery tools for Industrial and Clinical applications) | 2017 |
57 | PROZE | Using a protein approach with Waddlia chondrophila and zebrafish as model organisms to conquer the female tubal factor subfertility market | 2017 |
58 | CRISP-4-CROPS | CRISPR/Cas9 technology implementation for improved resistance to Abiotic Stress in cereals | 2017 |
59 | BrainChip | Human on Chip : Microsensor unit and control algorithm integration for brain on a chip drug testing applications and development | 2017 |
60 | EGGR | EGGR - becoming the Eggspert in egg based bioreactors | 2017 |
61 | DELLATECH | New DELLA-based biotechnological tools for sustainable Agriculture | 2017 |
62 | NARCOREADER | Novel electrochemical strategies for rapid, on-site multiscreening of illicit drugs | 2017 |
63 | XTOnE | Use of Extremophile Bacterium XT1 in Biological Approach to Promote Plant Growth and Tackle Pathogens | 2017 |
64 | iEBDD | A Software Interface for Interactive Ensemble-Based Drug Design | 2017 |
65 | PASSAGE | Centre of Plant Synthetic Biology for Bio-engineering and Sustainable Agriculture | 2017 |
66 | ULTIMATE | The best online drug discovery platform, Building the Ultimate chemical database for drug discovery | 2017 |
67 | evapEOs2 | New cold and low-energy concentration technology (evapEOs2) for liquid food products | 2017 |
68 | SYN1002 | A New Therapeutic Option to Protect Central Nervous System against Acute Ischemic Stroke | 2017 |
69 | PhotoBioCat | Light-driven sustainable biocatalysis training network | 2018 |
70 | MossTech | Advanced use of mosses for biotechnological solutions | 2017 |
71 | transMed | Educating the next generation of scientists in translational medicine: Focus on eye diseases | 2017 |
72 | CONTRA | Computational ONcology TRaining Alliance | 2018 |
73 | IMMUNISA | A Next Generation Immunotherapy for Human Papilloma Virus induced Cervical Cancer | 2017 |
74 | OLEFINE | OLEAginous yeast platforms for FINE chemicals | 2018 |
75 | ImmuneHunter | Bioinformatics platform for profiling of health: allowing early and accurate detection of multiple diseases simultaneously | 2017 |
76 | BTech | Novel human neurodegenerative disease specific 3D cell-models with applications in drug development and toxicity testing | 2018 |
77 | BESIDE | Bile acids and epithelial stem cells in intestinal development | 2018 |
78 | Quake | QBeast Utility Analysis to marKet and Enterprise | 2018 |
79 | iMED | International Doctoral Programme in Molecular Mechanisms of Disease | 2019 |
80 | PFS | A cost- energy-efficient treatment technology to remove pharmaceutical pollutants from water | 2018 |
81 | MATURE-NK | MAnufacturing of TUmour-REactive Natural Killer cells | 2018 |
82 | PARADIGM | Patients Active in Research and Dialogues for an Improved Generation of Medicines: Advancing meaningful patient engagement in the life cycle of medicines for better health outcomes. | 2018 |
83 | BIOCOPY | BIOCOPY: the new biomolecule copying and screening solution for diagnostics and therapeutics | 2018 |
84 | ARM-B | The ARM-B skin-allergy diagnostics patch is a compact, easy to apply, low-cost allergy testing product. | 2018 |
85 | PICARD | Disruptive GPCR Lead Discovery Platform Delivering New and Safer Therapeutics | 2018 |
86 | L2L | Leap-to-Lead platform for expanding Drug Discovery beyond its current limits | 2018 |
87 | Rosalind | Scale-up for Next Generation Enzymatic DNA Synthesis | 2018 |
88 | SeroStrat | The first blood test for the early detection and prognosis of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia | 2018 |
89 | EXCornsEED | Separation, fractionation and isolation of biologically active natural substances from corn oil and other side streams | 2018 |
90 | TETHIS-SBS-CTC | TETHIS-SBS-CTC: An innovative diagnostic testing platform to identify and characterize circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in blood samples. | 2018 |
91 | ENDONANO | Quantitative detection of bacterial endotoxin by novel nanotechnological approaches | 2019 |
92 | FORMBECC | LaminarPace System: a breakthrough technology for dry-formulation of sensitive pharmaceuticals at room temperature enhancing their stability beyond the cold chain | 2018 |
93 | SECReTE | Enhancing biological drug production through protein secretion | 2018 |
94 | DELIVER | DELIVERy of advanced therapies for diabetes training network | 2019 |
95 | V.A. Cure | A multidisciplinary approach towards sustainable improvement in rare diseases care uniting Europe's top class vascular research to find new treatment strategies for vascular anomalies | 2019 |
96 | E3I ECLAUSion | Excellence, International, Intersectoral and Interdisciplinary doctoral training at Ecole Centrale Lyon in cotutelle with royal melbourne institute of technology AUStralia | 2019 |
97 | SmartCOOLBOX | Smart modular passive cool boxes for sustainable logistics | 2018 |
98 | GenCoder | The first MPEG-G compliant software tools for efficient compression, storage, transport and analysis of genomic data enabling systems interoperability | 2018 |
99 | SWEET CROSSTALK | Training interdisciplinary glycoscientists to get a molecular-level grip on glycocodes at the human mucosa–microbiota interface | 2019 |
100 | ProMeTeus | Membrane protein integrated technologies development for drug design | 2019 |
101 | BiopSense | Proof of concept and pre-commercialisation of personalised liquid biopsies in cancer therapy | 2018 |
102 | WoodZymes | Extremozymes for wood based building blocks: From pulp mill to board and insulation products | 2018 |
103 | INTEGRATA | Integrating chemical and biological approaches to target NAD production and signaling in cancer | 2018 |
104 | CIRCLES | Controlling mIcRobiomes CircuLations for bEtter food Systems | 2018 |
105 | PanCaVax | Personalised Pancreatic Cancer Vaccination Therapy derived from Autologous Tumor Cells and Neoantigens | 2018 |
106 | Medicortex | Launching the First Non-Invasive Point of Care Diagnostic Test for Traumatic Brain Injury | 2018 |
107 | RESHAPE | Reshaping undesired Inflammation in challenged Tissue Homeostasis by Next-Generation regulatory T cell (Treg) Approaches – from Advanced Technology Developments to First-in-Human Trials | 2019 |
108 | ENDOSCAPE | ENDOSCAPE, a clinically applicable non-viral gene delivery technology | 2019 |
109 | Citrus | End-to-End Remote Site Monitoring and Clinical Trial Management Solution | 2018 |
110 | CancerQR | Next generation cancer therapies targeting cancer networks | 2019 |
111 | MIAMi | Refactoring monoterpenoid indole alkaloid production in microbial cell factories | 2019 |
112 | SynBio4Flav | Synthetic microbial consortia-based platform for flavonoids production using synthetic biology | 2019 |
113 | TERMINUS | in-built Triggered Enzymes to Recycle Multi-layers: an INnovation for USes in plastic-packaging | 2019 |
114 | incPRINT-DRUG | incPRINT as a platform for RNA-targeted drug discovery | 2019 |
115 | AQUOLIVE | Improving Aquaculture production with bioactives from olive oil processing by-products. | 2019 |
116 | HAIKU | A breakthrough alternative to antibiotics for preventing and curing infectious diseases at Intensive Care Units | 2018 |
117 | ViR | We are developing ground-breaking therapeutics to cure currently untreatable respiratory infections affecting children and the elderly | 2019 |
118 | TRAIN-HEART | TRAIN-HEART | 2019 |
119 | MImETIC INDiRECT | MIcrovascularizED Tumour-on-chip for Cellular ImagiNg of Drug Response and Cell moTility | 2019 |
120 | BoVLP-BVD | Tagged (DIVA) polyantigenic vaccine against Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus (BVDv) based on virus-Like-Particles | 2019 |
121 | FGen | The NanoLiter Reactor sequencing -- Quick and cost-effective method to develop microbial strains | 2019 |
122 | GENE-SWitCH | The regulatory GENomE of SWine and CHicken: functional annotation during development | 2019 |
123 | USABLE PACKAGING | Unlocking the potential of Sustainable BiodegradabLe Packaging | 2019 |
124 | VIP-2 | Vienna International Postdoctoral Program | 2020 |
125 | COMMER-CELL | Commercialisation of neuronal cell co-cultures | 2019 |
126 | SUSPENCE | SUSPension ENvironment for CEll culture | 2019 |
127 | HEMOSNOW | HEMOSNOW: A revolution in haemostatic technology to stop bleeding in delicate surgery and enhance patient recovery | 2019 |
128 | GAIA-Health | GAIA-Health: microbiome suite for personalized medicine | 2019 |
129 | O-POINTED | Osteoarthritis patient cohorts in the dish - personalised cellular drug development tools for osteoarthritis precision medicine | 2019 |
130 | SPLITVAC | Harnessing the innate and adaptive immune system with targeted neoantigen based cancer vaccines | 2019 |
131 | NextGen-O2k | Next Generation Instrument for In-Depth Analysis of Mitochondrial Fitness | 2019 |
132 | ALSEOS | Technology to turn waste from rapeseed oil production into valuable food protein. | 2019 |
133 | Anti-L1CAM | Anti-L1CAM antibody: A novel efficacious immunotherapy for pancreatic and ovarian cancer patients | 2019 |
134 | TRANSTEM | TRANSTEM: ERA Chair in Translational Stem Cell Biology | 2019 |
135 | AlgaHealth | AlgaHealth: novel cultivation technologies of unique microalgae strains for high quality of fucoxanthin-based products. | 2019 |
136 | FRAME | FRAME - tumor genome-based personalized anti-cancer vaccines off-the-shelf | 2019 |
137 | BIOXPLOR | BioXplor’s AI/Cognitive Software Platform accelerates and greatly reduces the cost of discovery research and clinical trials, with a primary focus on rare and inflammatory diseases data. | 2019 |
138 | SINERGIA | advanced technologieS for drug dIscovery and precisioN mEdicine: in vitRo modellinG human physiology and diseAse | 2019 |
139 | MAGELIA | A disruptive Magnetically Enhanced Library preparation platform for Next Generation Sequencing | 2019 |
140 | 3DCanPredict | Predicting clinical response to anticancer drugs using 3D-bioprinted tumor models for personalized therapy | 2019 |
141 | MYCure | Innovative cancer therapy through Myc inhibition: taking OMO-103 to market | 2019 |
142 | INTERfaces | Heterogenous biocatalytic reaction cascades training network | 2020 |
143 | GRANROSE | Using a blood cell-based approach to determine gluten responsiveness and to bring a novel, less invasive assay on the market to diagnose celiac disease. | 2019 |
145 | MaxONCO | A cancer vaccine to boost body’s natural defences to fight chordoma and head and neck cancer | 2020 |
146 | CAESAR | Developing Therapeutic Antibodies for Pets | 2019 |
147 | PEPPER | Industrial-scale plant-based protein production in a cell-free platform | 2019 |
148 | ImOPac | GemciTest: An innovative In Vitro Diagnostic for the decision-making process of pancreatic cancer treatment | 2019 |
149 | InterTAU | Integrative structural biology of pathological tau protein, an appealing therapeutic target for Alzheimer´s disease modifying drugs | 2020 |
150 | BRAINTIME | Molecular atlas of the brain across the human lifespan | 2020 |
151 | RePLAy | Reinventing bioplastic: CO2 + sunlight = PLA | 2019 |
152 | ARON | Assay-Ready Organ Network | 2020 |
153 | EATRIS-Plus | Consolidating the capacities of EATRIS-ERIC for Personalised Medicine | 2020 |
154 | M6AQuantKit | Development and commercialization of kit for quantitative interrogation of a key RNA modification | 2020 |
155 | CCedit | Coiled-coil mediated exonuclease tethering technology for the enhancement of CRISPR gene editing | 2020 |
156 | NATURE-ETN | Nucleic Acids for Future Gene Editing, Immunotherapy and Epigenetic Sequence Modification | 2020 |
158 | e-MICROBe | Energizing microbes with redox mediators for new bioproductions | 2020 |
159 | PHERA | PHEromones for Row crop Applications | 2020 |
160 | DiStRes | Disentangling the stringent response to engineer novel anti-persister drugs | 2020 |
161 | FuelVesicles | Commercialization of open vesicles to fuel downstream reaction networks | 2020 |