The page lists 325 projects related to the topic "running".
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1 | Science in the City | Science in the City | 2014 |
2 | ERNI2014 | European Researchers' Night 2014 and 2015 in Israel | 2014 |
5 | AMANAC | Advanced Material And NAnotechnology Cluster | 2015 |
6 | ACCEPT | Assistant for Quality Check during Construction Execution Processes for Energy-efficienT buildings | 2015 |
8 | SYNTECH | Synthesis Technologies for Reactive Systems Software Engineers | 2015 |
9 | SENECA | Software ENgineering in Enterprise Cloud Applications systems | 2015 |
10 | MED4INNO | French MEDiterranean Support for INNOvative SMEs | 2014 |
11 | CloudLightning | Self-Organising, Self-Managing Heterogeneous Cloud | 2015 |
13 | CRYDIS | Driving innovation in pharmaceuticals: integrated studies of physical dissolution properties of crystalline and amorphous forms using enhanced orthogonal monitoring techniques | 2015 |
14 | IOSTACK | Software Defined Storage for Big Data | 2015 |
15 | HyVar | Scalable Hybrid Variability for Distributed Evolving Software Systems | 2015 |
16 | RAPID | Heterogeneous Secure Multi-level Remote Acceleration Service for Low-Power Integrated Systems and Devices | 2015 |
17 | SCISSOR | Security In trusted SCADA and smart-grids | 2015 |
18 | DICE | Developing Data-Intensive Cloud Applications with Iterative Quality Enhancements | 2015 |
19 | EDFx | European Digital Forum Thought Leadership and Policy Network Exchange | 2015 |
20 | BISON | BIg Speech data analytics for cONtact centres | 2015 |
21 | ORCHESTRA | Optical peRformanCe monitoring enabling dynamic networks using a Holistic cross-layEr, Self-configurable Truly flexible appRoAch | 2015 |
22 | Learn | Learning From Failing and Passing Executions At the Speed of Internet | 2015 |
23 | STERCP | Synchronisation to enhance reliability of climate predictions | 2015 |
25 | SETRIS | Strengthening European Transport Research and Innovation Strategies | 2015 |
26 | Silver Stream | Social innovation and light electric vehicle revolution on streets and ambient | 2015 |
27 | Soft Gluons | Soft Gluon Physics and Multi-Loop Calculations | 2015 |
28 | NANOCARB | Self-selection of a multivalent nanosystem for carbohydrate recognition | 2015 |
29 | TWISTER | ToWards the Identification of Sesquiterpene TransportERs | 2015 |
30 | NEXTGENPDF | Parton Distribution Function determinations for the future of particle physics phenomenology | 2015 |
31 | GLANCE | calculatinG heaLth impActs of atmospheric pollutioN in a Changing climatE | 2015 |
34 | FlexiHyLift | A flexible hybrid forklift that utilizes advanced power technology and electronics to offer high performance and efficiency in both indoor and outdoor applications for the logistics industry. | 2015 |
35 | MIIMETIQ | Telemetry and Telecontrol for the Internet of things (IoT) | 2015 |
36 | ETA4B | Energy Trusted Advisor for Buildings | 2015 |
37 | NIRIS | Non-Intrusive Resident Identification Sensor | 2015 |
38 | SOLID | Satellite-based Observation of Land Infrastructure Deformations | 2015 |
39 | OPTi | OPTiOptimisation of District Heating Cooling systems | 2015 |
40 | HiLASE CoE | HiLASE Centre of Excellence | 2015 |
41 | Eco-UV | Low carbon footprint and eco-innovative UV water disinfection | 2015 |
43 | ShaMROCK | ShaMROCK – Secure professional Mobile Radio Over Commercial networKs | 2015 |
44 | PASTEURDOC | Institut Pasteur International Docotal Program | 2015 |
45 | Project Buffer | Project Buffer ― a new solution to fast charging electrical vehicles “on the road”. | 2015 |
46 | RISE | Research Centre in Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies | 2015 |
47 | SONATA | Service Programing and Orchestration for Virtualized Software Networks | 2015 |
48 | RUNSAFER | Market introduction of an innovative wearable device, consisting of a novel running shoe with embedded electronics providing real-time biomechanical feedback to reduce risk of injuries | 2015 |
49 | DA RIGA 2015 | Digital Assembly 2015 Riga | 2015 |
50 | VOICEGALILEO | Navigator and global interface applications for visually impaired people using Galileo satellite technologies | 2015 |
51 | ExCAPE | Exascale Compound Activity Prediction Engine | 2015 |
52 | LEONID | Lung cancEr fusiOn geNes: a new dIagnostic Device | 2015 |
53 | EFD | The e-wallet Fraud Detection | 2015 |
54 | POP | Performance Optimisation and Productivity | 2015 |
55 | MAYA | Multi-disciplinArY integrated simulAtion and forecasting tools, empowered by digital continuity and continuous real-world synchronization, towards reduced time to production and optimization | 2015 |
56 | OPENMIND | On-demand production of entirely customised minimally invasive medical devices | 2015 |
57 | PRONTO | PRONTO: PROcess NeTwork Optimization for efficient and sustainable operation of Europe’s process industries taking machinery condition and process performance into account. | 2016 |
58 | FishDirector | Automatic Scalable VM Management for Data Centre Optimisation | 2015 |
59 | ANGEO2 | For cognitively-impaired or visually-impaired persons suffering from spatial disorientation, a smartphone-based navigation aid that is both reliable and safe for urban pedestrian mobility. | 2015 |
60 | LCSAC | Low cost solar absorption cooling | 2015 |
61 | HERCULES | High-Performance Real-time Architectures for Low-Power Embedded Systems | 2016 |
62 | Be-IoT | The business engine for IoT pilots: Turning the Internet of things in Europe into an economically successful and socially accepted vibrant ecosystem | 2016 |
63 | JUMPAIR | JUMPAIR: Decubitus Ulcers Diseases Diagnoses by means of Smart Anti-Decubitus System based on known Ulcers Activity Biomarkers | 2015 |
64 | ShopStar | Image learning to create a new online marketing tool | 2015 |
65 | p-DRIVE | Pyrolysis of Derived Residues of waste, providing Improved gas for Vehicle Engines | 2015 |
66 | DiDi-FaCT | Diode Die Fatigue Characterisation and Testing | 2016 |
67 | ARCTIC | Advanced Bearing Technologies to Increase Capabilities | 2016 |
68 | NEVERMIND | NEurobehavioural predictiVE and peRsonalised Modelling of depressIve symptoms duriNg primary somatic Diseases with ICT-enabled self-management procedures | 2016 |
69 | uP_running | Take-off for sustainable supply of woody biomass from agrarian pruning and plantation removal | 2016 |
70 | Sharing Cities | Sharing Cities | 2016 |
71 | ENERFUND | An ENErgy Retrofit FUNDing rating tool | 2016 |
72 | TOTAL | Technology transfer between modern algorithmic paradigms | 2016 |
73 | CIRCUS | An end-to-end verification architecture for building Certified Implementations of Robust, Cryptographically Secure web applications | 2016 |
74 | SmartCOMBI | Energy savings in residential buildings using a modular platform to control an all-in-one unit for water heating, climate control, and ventilation | 2016 |
75 | OXM | Patent pending gearboxA patent pending gearbox for ships that decrease fuel consumption with 25% (appr 500 ton fuel and 1500 ton carbon dioxide per ship and year) | 2016 |
76 | EDGE | Cutting Edge Training - Cutting Edge Technology | 2016 |
77 | NATURAL_BAT_NAV | Neural basis of natural navigation: Representation of goals, 3-D spaces and 1-km distances in the bat hippocampal formation – the role of experience | 2016 |
78 | DEPP | Designing Effective Public Policies | 2016 |
79 | ECOPULPING | Valorising the straw waste stream through a novel bio-mechanical process which converts 100% of the waste into three high value products including bleached paper pulp. | 2016 |
80 | TREGS4DM1 | Commercialization of TREG cells sorting and proliferation in vitro for the production of vaccines for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. | 2016 |
81 | SuperEh | Super Variable Vector Combnation for Voltage Optmisation Energy Saving Hub | 2016 |
82 | STEAM | STEAM- Making Sense of Science through Art | 2016 |
83 | KATANA | KATANA - Emerging industries as key enablers for the adoption of advanced technologies in the agrifood sector | 2016 |
84 | DAWNDINOS | Testing the locomotor superiority hypothesis for early dinosaurs | 2016 |
85 | GreenDrive | A molecular fuel modifier for ships able to reduce the costs related to fuel and maintenance for fleet operators. | 2016 |
86 | Quotanda | Quotanda - a lending-as-a-service (LaaS) platform that enables schools and lenders to set up student financing programs to make education more affordable | 2016 |
87 | sSM | Sensefinity Social Machines | 2016 |
88 | ERNI2016 | Reaserchers' Night Project 2016-2017 in Israel | 2016 |
89 | NIMBLE | Collaboration Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe | 2016 |
90 | SPOTLIGHT | Single Point Of aTtachment communications empowered by cLoud computing and bIG data analytics running on-top of massively distributed and loosely-coupled Heterogeneous mobile data neTworks | 2017 |
91 | vf-OS | Virtual Factory Open Operating System | 2016 |
92 | FFL4E | Future Freight Loco for Europe | 2016 |
93 | FR8RAIL | Development of Functional Requirements for Sustainable and Attractive European Rail Freight | 2016 |
94 | ICN2020 | ICN2020: Advancing ICN towards real-world deployment through research, innovative applications, and global scale experimentation | 2016 |
95 | RePower | RePower: Maintenance-free and cost-efficient fuel for wireless sensors to energy- and resource-saving solutions | 2016 |
96 | Eye-O-T | Cyber security system with a high IoT network visibility and fast vulnerability detection for Smart Homes. | 2016 |
97 | SunAqua18 | Sustainable Desalination System | 2016 |
98 | SIRCAH | Secretariat for the International Research Consortium on Animal Health | 2016 |
99 | PYCSEL | PYroelectric Conformable SEnsor matrix for Large area applications in security and safety | 2017 |
100 | DYNAFREIGHT | Innovative technical solutions for improved train DYNAmics and operation of longer FREIGHt Trains | 2016 |
101 | PaPaAlg | Pareto-Optimal Parameterized Algorithms | 2017 |
102 | E2mC | Evolution of Emergency Copernicus services | 2016 |
103 | SHEPHERD | Energy-Efficient Activated Sludge Monitoring for Wastewater Treatment Plants | 2016 |
105 | CloudPerfect | Enabling CLoud Orchestration, Performance and Cost Efficiency Tools for QoE Enhancement and Provider Ranking | 2016 |
106 | LightKone | Lightweight Computation for Networks at the Edge | 2017 |
107 | SynchroniCity | SynchroniCity: Delivering an IoT enabled Digital Single Market for Europe and Beyond | 2017 |
108 | ShaMROCK | ShaMROCK – Secure professional Mobile Radio Over Commercial networKs | 2016 |
109 | SaaStified | Simulation-as-a-Service Tool for Industrial Furnaces Innovative Engineering Design (SaaStified) | 2016 |
110 | Second. R.I. | Secondment for the development of Research Innovation in Biomaterial Rapid Prototyping | 2017 |
111 | certMILS | Compositional security certification for medium- to high-assurance COTS-based systems in environments with emerging threats | 2017 |
112 | EXPOVIBE | Exposure to Political Violence and Individual Behavior | 2017 |
113 | time-data | Time-Data Trade-Offs in Resource-Constrained Information and Inference Systems | 2017 |
114 | LoCOPS | Low Cost Onshore Power Supply | 2017 |
115 | WOW | Digitalization of outdoor advertising | 2017 |
117 | BioPackNet | Manufacturing of biodegradable and compostable packaging nets through a conventional one-step extrusion process | 2017 |
119 | PEAC | Provably-Correct Efficient Algorithms for Clustering | 2017 |
120 | CF-Web | ClowdFlows Data and Text Analytics Marketplace on the Web | 2017 |
121 | ADVICE | ADvancing user acceptance of general purpose hybridized Vehicles by Improved Cost and Efficiency | 2017 |
122 | Urban Innovation Lab | Innovation Associate for Urban Innovation Lab project | 2017 |
123 | PERMETFIT | Personalized Metabolomics for Fitness and Training | 2017 |
124 | GraTA | Graphene Tunneling Accelerometer | 2017 |
125 | DECRON | Development of eco-friendly ironmaking processes based onGPU-enhanced DEM-CFD modelling | 2017 |
126 | SmartCells | Smart Lab-On-Chips for the Real -Time Control of Cells | 2017 |
127 | SABRE | Shape Adaptive Blades for Rotorcraft Efficiency | 2017 |
128 | PHOTON-NeuroCom | Photonic-assisted Neuromorphic Computing system | 2017 |
129 | IoBee | Beehive health IoT application to fight Honey Bee Colony Mortality | 2017 |
130 | | Enhancing the Responsible and Sustainable Expansion of the Science Shops Ecosystem in Europe | 2017 |
131 | DEEP-EST | DEEP - Extreme Scale Technologies | 2017 |
132 | ROCK | Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities | 2017 |
133 | ORION | Open Responsible research and Innovation to further Outstanding kNowledge. | 2017 |
134 | WEYCAP | Low Energy WEt and DrY CAPsule Filling Machine | 2017 |
135 | RGH2 OSOD system | OSOD - 1 step process hydrogen generator for highly efficient, safe and cost competitive production and storage of hydrogen | 2017 |
136 | GreenSoft | Toolset for development of high performance and energy-efficient software, realising the potential of ubiquitous computing and the Internet of Things | 2017 |
137 | EDEC | Enhanced Diesel Engine Control | 2017 |
138 | RBM-Screen | Professional Urinary Screening | 2017 |
139 | DIAG-PANTOGRAPH | Train Pantograph equipped with diagnostic system for reduction of faults and maintenance cost | 2017 |
140 | Domo4mAI | Domo4m: Scalable Intelligent home office automation for energy savings | 2017 |
141 | ALELION | Trucks as a part of the grid, energy storage made easy | 2017 |
142 | COLLABORATRICITY | Utility-in-a- box software platform connecting local electricity producers and consumers to foster Collaborative Energy Ecosystems | 2017 |
143 | MILDTECH | MILDTECH- Low cost, low temperature, rapid and energy efficient dual frequency microwave assisted vacuum system for drying and cooking foods | 2017 |
144 | AlgoRNN | Recurrent Neural Networks and Related Machines That Learn Algorithms | 2017 |
145 | 5G-MEDIA | Programmable edge-to-cloud virtualization fabric for the 5G Media industry | 2017 |
146 | EDIFLO PRO | Smart video for smart devices | 2017 |
147 | serverChill | Server liquid cooling for Data Centres... done right! | 2017 |
148 | Hi-OMICS | High Performance Genomics for Software Defined Infrastructures | 2017 |
149 | SYNEXTRACT | All Aqueous, continuous, Solid-Liquid SYNergisticEXTRACTion of rare earth elements | 2017 |
150 | TX3 | High speed and high torque electric transaxle enabling unprecedented use in agricultural applications | 2017 |
151 | SENSE | Affordable CFD simulation software for SMEs in the transportation industry | 2017 |
152 | SHOKA | Community-based cyclist navigation solution to increase safety of utility bikers | 2017 |
153 | STREAM | STREAM - Sonar Technology for Remote Environmental Monitoring | 2017 |
154 | verv | verv: advanced home electricity analytics | 2017 |
155 | SOLARIS | Solaris energy tobacco for the creation of a European sustainable biojet fuel value chain | 2017 |
156 | COLHD | Commercial vehicles using Optimised Liquid biofuels and HVO Drivetrains | 2017 |
157 | DRIVE | Demand Response Integration tEchnologies: unlocking the demand response potential in the distribution grid | 2017 |
158 | RUN2Rail | Innovative RUNning gear soluTiOns for new dependable, sustainable, intelligent and comfortable RAIL vehicles | 2017 |
159 | CGinsideNP | Complexity Inside NP - A Computational Geometry Perspective | 2018 |
160 | openEO | openEO - a common, open source interface between Earth Observation data infrastructures and front-end applications | 2017 |
161 | SleepSynapses | The role of sleep in synaptic plasticity | 2018 |
162 | INSIST | IN-Silico trials for treatment of acute Ischemic STroke | 2017 |
163 | TRUFUS | MAZARO’s innovative transmissions for unrivalled electricity and fuel savings in transport | 2017 |
164 | HYPERNETS | A new hyperspectral radiometer integrated in automated networks of water and land bidirectional reflectance measurements for satellite validation | 2018 |
165 | PIVOT | Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track | 2017 |
166 | BigDataStack | High-performance data-centric stack for big data applications and operations | 2018 |
167 | Access2Europe | Help startups to scale by leveraging the access to European markets offered by four major startup hubs | 2018 |
168 | FABULOS | Pre-Commercial Procurement of Future autonomous bus urban level Operation Systems | 2018 |
169 | Track and Know | Big Data for Mobility Tracking Knowledge Extraction in Urban Areas | 2018 |
170 | PREDESA | Non-invasive technology for remote screening and personalised therapy of sleeping disorders: EU piloting and commercialisation project | 2017 |
171 | HyPump | Enabling Sustainable Irrigation through Hydro-Powered Pumps for Canals | 2017 |
172 | GameInfluencer | Launching the GameInfluencer Marketing Platform to Connect Game Publishers With The Best Matching Influencers Who Create the Most Effective Let’s Plays | 2018 |
173 | QLEX Creo | QLEX Creo – Bringing reach to the drone market. | 2017 |
174 | PMT4NIIS | Predictive Maintenance Tool for Non-Intrusive Inspection Systems | 2018 |
175 | ForestValue | ForestValue - Innovating forest-based bioeconomy | 2017 |
176 | JUMPAIR | Decubitus Ulcers Diseases Diagnoses by means of Smart ICT Anti-Decubitus System based on known Ulcers Activity Biomarkers | 2018 |
177 | mPOWER | Municipal Action, Public Engagement and Routes Towards Energy Transition | 2018 |
178 | Nanodevice | Nanostructure-based label-free biomolecular binding kinetics assay | 2018 |
179 | Mega-Inliner | High tech Inliner for ISO tank containers | 2018 |
180 | Reficient | Innovative upright Refrigerator with Improved Efficiency Fully Aligned With The Eu Legislation ToControl The F-GASES” | 2018 |
181 | BLUESKY | Robust kit to convert diesel vehicles to Natural Gas and Biogas for extended life and reducedcontaminants emission | 2018 |
182 | LEDHEAD | Low-cost LED headlamp system for increased safety, efficiency and sustainability in automotive lighting | 2018 |
183 | ENIGMA | Supervisor Control for ENhanced electrIcal enerGy MAnagement | 2018 |
184 | lif-E-Buoy | Compact hydro generator for electric vehicles charging stations (to serve as an energy lifebuoy) | 2018 |
185 | HIPERFAN | HIgh PERformance Journal Bearing Technology for new geared TurboFAN generations | 2018 |
186 | RENShip | Hybrid Carbon-free electrically driven fishing longliner with low power methanol combustion enginefor propulsion back-up and auxiliary equipment | 2018 |
187 | RD-ADVANCE | Advancing Econometric Methods for Analyzing Data from Regression Discontinuity Designs | 2018 |
188 | MICMAC | Bridging MICroevolution and MACroevolution in sticklebacks | 2019 |
189 | TNFL-TMML | Topological New Fermions under Laser and New Topological Material Exploring via Machine Learning | 2018 |
190 | NEW_WAY | New speakers and use of Russian in the Northern Norway | 2018 |
191 | BRIDGING | The function of membrane tethering in plant intercellular communication | 2018 |
192 | DESlRE | Data-Efficient Scalable Reinforcement Learning for Practical Robotic Environments | 2018 |
193 | InfoSampCollectJgmt | The Implications of Selective Information Sampling for Individual and Collective Judgments | 2018 |
194 | SOLWARIS | Solving Water Issues for CSP Plants | 2018 |
195 | NEUROTARGET | Treatment of traumatic brain injury using dye-loaded polymeric nanoparticles | 2018 |
196 | VESTEC | Visual Exploration and Sampling Toolkit for Extreme Computing | 2018 |
197 | ASPIDE | ASPIDE: exAScale ProgramIng models for extreme Data procEssing | 2018 |
198 | BP3 | Beatriu de Pinos-3 Postdoctoral Programme | 2018 |
199 | PANOPTIS | Development of a Decision Support System for increasing the Resilience of Transportation Infrastructure based on combined use of terrestrial and airborne sensors and advanced modelling tools | 2018 |
200 | COCAN | Complexity and Condition in Algebra and Numerics | 2019 |
201 | FindMEMO | Functional contribution of visual features to hippocampal memory encoding | 2019 |
202 | P2P Digital | P2P Digitalisation Support to SME | 2018 |
203 | ONE-MIX | Mid-infrared optical dual-comb generation and spectroscopy with one unstabilized semiconductor laser | 2019 |
204 | PRECRIME | Self-assessment Oracles for Anticipatory Testing | 2019 |
205 | EVE | Eve – From ‘black box’ to yellow box: full insight technology for chicken hatcheries | 2018 |
206 | AIC24 | Sustainable Datacenters Through Immersed Computing | 2018 |
207 | e4SME | Utilities engaging SMEs with end-to-end Energy Management Experiences | 2018 |
208 | DAYUSE | DAYUSE: the European game changer that creates a disruptive value-adding exploitation model for Hotels. | 2018 |
209 | ibbu | Connecting expert enthusiasts with potential shoppers within a shared economy model | 2018 |
210 | AQUA4D | AQUA4D - For an efficient use of irrigation water | 2018 |
211 | HuMaInn DataMall | DataMall (Behavee) is an open ecosystem for the eCommerce cyberspace | 2018 |
212 | DeLiver | FISH-LIVER-HARVESTER (FLH) Project - an automated fish liver harvesting machine | 2018 |
213 | Intigriti | The Ethical Hacking Platform - Sharing Economy for Security Testing | 2018 |
214 | REEN | REEN: Virtual pacesetter for runner’s performance improvement. | 2018 |
215 | EFOEUPATI | Ensuring the future of EUPATI beyond 2020 | 2018 |
216 | ERNI2018 | European Researchers' Night in Israel 2018&2019 | 2018 |
217 | Cork Discovers | Cork Discovers: Learn, Live, Love Research | 2018 |
218 | EUCYS2018 | European Union Contest for Young Scientists' 2018 | 2018 |
219 | Tips in SCQFT | Lattice gauge theories studies of timely theoretical and phenomenological questions in strongly coupled quantum field theories. | 2019 |
220 | QDOOZ | An innovative digital crowdsourced platform to foster soft skills development to boost Europe’s productivity and economic growth. | 2018 |
221 | AgroBioHeat | Promoting the penetration of agrobiomass heating in European rural areas | 2019 |
222 | XILforEV | Connected and Shared X-in-the-loop Environment for Electric Vehicles Development | 2019 |
223 | CellsBox | CellsBox: a modular system for automated cell imaging experiments | 2019 |
224 | WINDMIL RT-DT | An autonomous Real-Time Decision Tree framework for monitoring and diagnostics on wind turbines | 2018 |
225 | UncertainENV | The Power of Randomization in Uncertain Environments | 2019 |
226 | BREAK BIOFILMS | Breaking Bad Biofilms. Innovative Analysis and Design Rules for Next-Generation Antifouling Interfaces | 2019 |
227 | QIA | Quantum Internet Alliance | 2018 |
228 | QFlag | Quantum Technology Flagship Coordination and Support Action | 2019 |
229 | includeOS | The Operating System for the Internet of Things | 2019 |
230 | MPA | Mobile Application for Hybrid Internet | 2018 |
231 | AIMS-2-TRIALS | Autism Innovative Medicine Studies – 2 – Trials | 2018 |
232 | PEGGASUS | Pilot Eye Gaze and Gesture tracking for Avionics Systems using Unobtrusive Solutions | 2019 |
233 | UECGA2 | Use of Ethanol Containing Gasoline in Aviation | 2018 |
234 | CloudButton | Serverless Data Analytics Platform | 2019 |
235 | 5G-MOBIX | 5G for cooperative & connected automated MOBIility on X-border corridors | 2018 |
236 | ELG | European Language Grid | 2019 |
237 | Bergamot | Browser-based Multilingual Translation | 2019 |
238 | DigiMAT | Smart solution for connecting process with material characteristics to achieve new generation of digital materials for the automotive industry. | 2019 |
240 | Enjoint | An intelligent exercise machine for measurable and motivational neuro-muscular rehabilitation therapy | 2018 |
241 | BX Platform | BX Platform Converting real time data into more efficient trucking operations | 2018 |
242 | AutoCPS | Automated Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems: A Compositional Approach | 2019 |
243 | VHFMoDRAD | Viral Haemorrhagic Fever: Modern Approaches for developing bedside Rapid Diagnostics | 2019 |
244 | UTOPEST | Unified Theory of Efficient Optimization and Estimation | 2019 |
245 | NMRT | Using Nano-Magnetic Resonance to deliver the world’s most cost-efficient system for the treatment of toxic industrial and landfill wastewater | 2019 |
246 | WhisperSense | Whispering Gallery Modes (WGM) for label free bioanalytics | 2019 |
247 | EUNOMIA | User-oriented, secure, trustful & decentralised social media | 2018 |
248 | UNICORE | A Common Code Base and Toolkit for Deployment of Applications to Secure and Reliable Virtual Execution Environments | 2019 |
249 | Scanfly | Scanfly – The payload lidar not for UAS | 2019 |
250 | CASSANDRA | Accelerating mass loss of Greenland: firn and the shifting runoff limit | 2019 |
251 | M2O | MAke RAil The HOpe for protecting Nature 2 future OPERATION | 2018 |
252 | ARREST-TB | Accurate, Rapid, Robust and Economical diagnostic technoliogieS for Tuberculosis | 2019 |
253 | MorSR | Integrating morpho-phonology in speech recognition | 2019 |
254 | Racefox | Making better runners & cross-country skiers by real-time AI coaching | 2019 |
255 | LEGO | A “movement digitisation” sensor as a brick for disruptive IoT services | 2019 |
256 | DOCKNROLL | Tackling Idleness and Under-utilization of Heavy-Machinery with a new fully Automated and Versatile Docking System | 2019 |
257 | RECENT | Ultra-Dense Unsupervised Heterogeneous Wireless Cloud Coded Networks for 5G/B5G | 2018 |
258 | FR8RAIL II | Digitalization and Automation of Freight Rail | 2018 |
259 | Solar Cofund 2 | SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2 | 2018 |
260 | DEBRA | Diamond Element BeaRings with Air-cooling | 2018 |
261 | PoliticalPrisoners | Political prisoners: a transnational question in 19th century Italy | 2019 |
262 | MOVINGRAIL | MOving block and VIrtual coupling New Generations of RAIL signalling | 2018 |
263 | DOUBLE-TROUBLE | Replaying the ‘genome duplication’ tape of life: the importance of polyploidy for adaptation in a changing environment | 2020 |
264 | anti-CRISPR | Selection and evolution of phage-encoded anti-CRISPR genes | 2019 |
265 | NEUTON | NEUTrino OscillatioN analysis at T2K and SuperKamiokande experiments: Can neutrinos explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe? | 2019 |
266 | RESILIENCE | RESILIENCE: Understanding the role of resources in building resilience in marketing systems of refugee-run businesses in Europe | 2019 |
267 | IMMUcan | Integrated IMMUnoprofiling of large adaptive CANcer patients cohorts | 2019 |
268 | REVERE | Revisiting the Seventeenth-Century Republic of Letters | 2019 |
269 | FuSy | The world’s first Full-System Simulation tool to revolutionize software programming in autonomous driving, aviation, embedded vision and further highly innovative applications | 2019 |
270 | Furhat | The Human Face of AI | 2019 |
271 | AFactory | THE FUTURE OF FOOD: Disrupting protein production with microalgae | 2019 |
272 | BovReg | BovReg - Identification of functionally active genomic features relevant to phenotypic diversity and plasticity in cattle | 2019 |
273 | MDURANCE | Pervasive muscle response monitoring for everyone, a physiotherapy revolution | 2019 |
274 | Starborne | Novel map-population and rendering techniques for reinventing massively multiplayer online computer games | 2019 |
275 | SRoCS | A Swarm Robotics Construction System | 2019 |
276 | InsoFeet | Cutting-edge insoles with advanced characteristics for medical and sports applications | 2019 |
277 | M-Runners | Modal Nonlinear Resonance for Efficient and Versatile Legged Locomotion | 2019 |
278 | NP-SPAD | Uncooled Nanopillar Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes (NP-SPADs) at Telecommunication Wavelengths | 2020 |
279 | MAFIn | Module for Aberration Correction and Fast Volumetric Imaging in a Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscope | 2019 |
280 | InDx | InDx - an innovative implant that restores natural motion to patients with thumb base joint arthritis | 2019 |
281 | 5G-DIVE | 5G-DIVE: eDge Intelligence for Vertical Experimentation | 2019 |
282 | REPLAY_DMN | A theory of global memory systems | 2019 |
283 | TEMPIX | A miniaturized system to secure the cold chain | 2019 |
284 | Cortx | Intelligent debt recovery platform. | 2019 |
285 | Pacefish | GPU-accelerated CFD software - Highest accuracy in unparalleled speed | 2019 |
286 | Trials@Home | Trials@Home: Center of Excellence – Remote Decentralised Clinical Trials | 2019 |
287 | FeedS First | Feedback for Small Companies and Firsttimers (FeedS First) | 2019 |
288 | REScala | A Programming Platform for Reactive Data-intensive Applications | 2019 |
289 | DIMOFAC | Digital Intelligent MOdular FACtories | 2019 |
290 | SCAN and WORK | Full Stack Digital Plant Scan and Work | 2019 |
291 | myPAL-NET | Underwater passive aquatic listening network system for smart monitoring of high impact weather events - myPAL-NET | 2019 |
292 | PexyEazy | PexyEazy® - an innovative surgical device for treatment of haemorrhoids. | 2019 |
293 | FIBRING | Fibring of manifolds and groups | 2020 |
294 | Citibox | Revolutionising the way in which parcels are delivered | 2019 |
295 | INNODEC | Innovation Radar Data-based Identification & Commercialisation | 2019 |
296 | PERSIST | Patients-centered SurvivorShIp care plan after Cancer treatments based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies | 2020 |
297 | FIDA | Scale-up of our disruptive antibody analytical platform based in flow-induced dispersion analysis (FIDA) to increase efficiency in the research of new antibodies and vaccines | 2019 |
298 | LifeChamps | A Collective Intelligence Platform to Support Cancer Champions | 2019 |
299 | DataPorts | A Data Platform for the Cognitive Ports of the Future | 2020 |
300 | CS-Track | Expanding our knowledge on Citizen Science through analytics and analysis | 2019 |
301 | INFINITE 2.0 | Revolutionary laser machine for industrial engraving & 3D texturing | 2019 |
302 | Evolift | Evolift - Getting people out of harms way | 2019 |
303 | aiVision | Innovative AI-based Ophthalmologic Diagnosis | 2019 |
304 | OXYPREM | Precise brain oxygen monitoring for high-risk preterm infants | 2019 |
306 | Pledger | Performance optimization and edge computing orchestration for enhanced experience and Quality of Service | 2019 |
307 | GloPID-R SEC 2 | GloPID-R Secretariat | 2020 |
308 | BLACKJACK | Fast Monte Carlo integration with repulsive processes | 2020 |
309 | SINO-EU-PerMed | Widening Sinoâ€EU policy and research cooperation in Personalised Medicine | 2020 |
310 | MILDTECH | Affordable, low temperature, rapid and energy efficient dual frequency microwave assisted vacuum system for drying and cooking foods | 2019 |
311 | OPTIMA | cOmmunication Platform for TraffIc ManAgement demonstrator | 2019 |
312 | Translate4Rail | Translation for breaking language barriers in the railway field | 2019 |
313 | AMBRPAY | Decentralized subscription payments with cryptocurrency | 2019 |
314 | Ofi | Ofi, pool management at your fingertips! | 2020 |
315 | AVIAZE | The social network for pilots, to make flying safer and cheaper | 2020 |
316 | Reexen | Ultra-low cost & ultra-high efficiency AI processor for enabling fast and cost-effective deployment of edge-computing applications | 2020 |
317 | NEXTGEAR | NEXT generation methods, concepts and solutions for the design of robust and sustainable running GEAR | 2019 |
318 | SIPhoDiAS | Space-grade Opto-electronic Interfaces for Photonic Digital and Analogue Very-high-throughput Satellite payloads | 2020 |
319 | PREP-IBISBA | Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator Preparatory Phase | 2020 |
320 | PIVOT2 | Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2 | 2019 |
321 | SPEAR | Standard model Precision Electroweak tests at Acute Rapidities | 2020 |
322 | RAIKA | A.I. enabled knowledge analysis automation to increase resilience, security and performance of Enterprise ICT systems. | 2019 |
323 | TankSensor | Smart monitoring solution for better procurement and supply chain management - Speeding up chemical industry digitalization | 2020 |
324 | PhantomAiD | Phantom Possession. The New Authoritarian Personality and its Domains. | 2020 |
325 | ACQUIRE | Assessing cardiac Contractility and Quantification of Underlying mechanisms In vitro via Response in Excitation-contraction coupling | 2020 |