# | ||||
1 | NANOHY Novel Nanocomposites for Hydrogen Storage Applications | 2008 | 3˙402˙945.00 | 2˙399˙629.00 |
2 | GETMAT GEn IV and Transmutation MATerials | 2008 | 13˙959˙123.00 | 7˙500˙000.00 |
3 | RECOSY REDOX PHENOMENA CONTROLLING SYSTEMS | 2008 | 6˙199˙293.00 | 3˙500˙000.00 |
4 | INSILICODRUGDISCOVER Incorporating protein backbone flexibility and induced-fit in drug discovery | 2008 | 159˙828.00 | 159˙828.00 |
5 | PEPLASER Combinatorial synthesis of peptide arrays with a laser printer | 2009 | 4˙028˙614.00 | 2˙988˙450.00 |
6 | RECBREED Recombination: an old and new tool for plant breeding | 2009 | 4˙174˙447.00 | 2˙997˙147.00 |
7 | EUMINAFAB Integrating European research infrastructures for micro-nano fabrication of functional structures and devices out of a knowledge-based multimaterials’ repertoire | 2009 | 7˙910˙792.00 | 5˙999˙868.00 |
8 | GEOMDISS Geometric phases, pumping, and dissipation in quantum devices | 2009 | 2˙733˙693.00 | 2˙045˙034.00 |
9 | EU-NMR-AN Towards a European Competence Centre for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) on Actinides | 2009 | 172˙635.00 | 125˙300.00 |
10 | GDT-BURNER A plasma neutron source based on the gas dynamic trap for incineration of radioactive wastes | 2009 | 173˙567.00 | 173˙567.00 |
11 | SOFI Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits | 2010 | 3˙515˙110.00 | 2˙499˙926.00 |
12 | NANOCONTACTS Structural and electronic properties of nanoscale metallic contacts fabricated by thermally assisted electromigration | 2010 | 1˙513˙000.00 | 1˙513˙000.00 |
13 | LACOMECO Large Scale Experiments on Core Degradation, Melt Retention and Containment Behaviour | 2010 | 783˙100.00 | 500˙000.00 |
14 | THINS Thermal-hydraulics of Innovative Nuclear Systems | 2010 | 10˙592˙854.00 | 5˙941˙810.00 |
15 | ZF-HEALTH Zebrafish Regulomics for Human Health | 2010 | 15˙313˙507.00 | 11˙375˙000.00 |
16 | INFLAM Regulation of Inflammation | 2010 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
17 | RENDER Reflecting Knowledge Diversity | 2010 | 4˙432˙086.00 | 2˙957˙914.00 |
18 | MMM@HPC Multiscale Materials Modelling on High Performance Computer Architectures | 2010 | 4˙261˙167.00 | 2˙980˙000.00 |
19 | DESERTSTORMS Desert Storms - Towards an Improved Representation of Meteorological Processes in Models of Mineral Dust Emission | 2010 | 1˙355˙024.00 | 1˙355˙024.00 |
20 | MINAM 2.0 "Paving the ground for the second generation of a highly effective, application oriented MicroNano Manufacturing community in Europe" | 2010 | 791˙447.00 | 615˙200.00 |
21 | CROCK CRYSTALLINE ROCK RETENTION PROCESSES | 2011 | 1˙789˙230.00 | 1˙057˙927.00 |
22 | Xperience Robots Bootstrapped through Learning from Experience | 2011 | 10˙046˙377.00 | 7˙634˙000.00 |
23 | NERIS-TP Towards a self sustaining European Technology Platform (NERIS-TP) on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery | 2011 | 2˙722˙760.00 | 1˙455˙747.00 |
24 | MUSICA Multi-platform remote sensing of isotopologues for investigating the cycle of atmospheric water | 2011 | 1˙500˙000.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
25 | RELATE Trans-European Research Training Network on Engineering and Provisioning of Service-Based Cloud Applications | 2011 | 5˙088˙156.00 | 5˙088˙156.00 |
27 | PEPDIODE Peptide-based diodes for solar cells | 2011 | 3˙643˙131.00 | 2˙749˙966.00 |
28 | COMREC Designed Plant Breeding by Control of Meiotic Recombination | 2011 | 2˙493˙000.00 | 2˙493˙000.00 |
29 | ALMA Architecture oriented paraLlelization for high performance embedded Multicore systems using scilAb | 2011 | 4˙430˙522.00 | 3˙200˙000.00 |
30 | HPMC High performance Monte Carlo reactor core analysis | 2011 | 880˙610.00 | 550˙906.00 |
31 | H2FC "Integrating European Infrastructure to support science and development of Hydrogen- and Fuel Cell Technologies towards European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy" | 2011 | 10˙282˙531.00 | 7˙999˙977.00 |
32 | NAVOLCHI Nano Scale Disruptive Silicon-Plasmonic Platform for Chip-to-Chip Interconnection | 2011 | 3˙393˙437.00 | 2˙400˙000.00 |
33 | COMBIPATTERNING Combinatorial Patterning of Particles for High Density Peptide Arrays | 2011 | 1˙494˙600.00 | 1˙494˙600.00 |
34 | ENTERAPIC Energy-Efficient Multi-Terabit/s Photonic Interconnects | 2012 | 1˙498˙800.00 | 1˙498˙800.00 |
35 | FIRST-NUCLIDES Fast / Instant Release of Safety Relevant Radionuclides from Spent Nuclear Fuel | 2012 | 4˙741˙261.00 | 2˙494˙513.00 |
36 | BIOBOOST Biomass based energy intermediates boosting biofuel production | 2012 | 7˙097˙298.00 | 5˙088˙531.00 |
37 | TARGETBINDER Target binders | 2012 | 5˙553˙931.00 | 3˙988˙730.00 |
38 | EU-BRIDGE Bridges Across the Language Divide | 2012 | 10˙368˙777.00 | 7˙875˙000.00 |
39 | IMKA Impact of hydrological extremes on alpine karst groundwater resources | 2012 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
40 | MOLSURMOF MOlecular Loading and SURface anchoring of Metal-Organic Frameworks: a training and career development action | 2012 | 174˙475.00 | 174˙475.00 |
41 | DBCAR Decisions and Behaviors for Cognitive Automobiles Research | 2012 | 167˙390.00 | 167˙390.00 |
42 | HYSM Hydraulic Stimulation Modeling in Geothermal Systems | 2012 | 167˙390.00 | 167˙390.00 |
43 | ALISA Access to Large Infrastructures for Severe Accidents | 2012 | 1˙644˙231.00 | 1˙000˙000.00 |
44 | NMCEL A modular micro nuclear magnetic resonance in vivo platform for the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans | 2012 | 3˙396˙960.00 | 3˙396˙960.00 |
45 | SMARTLAM Smart production of Microsystems based on laminated polymer films | 2012 | 3˙633˙791.00 | 2˙673˙000.00 |
46 | SKILLPRO "Skill-based Propagation of ""Plug&Produce""-Devices in Reconfigurable Production Systems by AML" | 2012 | 5˙109˙801.00 | 3˙840˙000.00 |
47 | SAVVY Self-assembled virus-like vectors for stem cell phenotyping | 2013 | 4˙857˙066.00 | 3˙782˙729.00 |
48 | PREPARE Innovative integrative tools and platforms to be prepared for radiological emergencies and post-accident response in Europe | 2013 | 6˙501˙033.00 | 4˙000˙000.00 |
49 | HIGH-TOOL Strategic high-level transport model | 2013 | 3˙294˙849.00 | 2˙499˙060.00 |
50 | SYN-ENERGENE Synthetic biology – Engaging with New and Emerging Science and Technology in Responsible Governance of the Science and Society Relationship | 2013 | 4˙590˙081.00 | 3˙960˙810.00 |
51 | CAPS "Capillary suspensions: a novel route for versatile, cost efficient and environmentally friendly material design" | 2013 | 1˙489˙617.00 | 1˙489˙617.00 |
52 | SUSANA SUpport to SAfety ANalysis of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies | 2013 | 2˙119˙669.00 | 1˙159˙124.00 |
53 | DPNLIPIDMEMBRANES In depth characterization of bio-mimetic lipid membrane structures generated by dip-pen nanolithography | 2013 | 168˙794.00 | 168˙794.00 |
54 | xLiMe xLiMe – crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction | 2013 | 3˙897˙357.00 | 2˙987˙000.00 |
55 | LUC4C "Land use change: assessing the net climate forcing, and options for climate change mitigation and adaptation" | 2013 | 8˙005˙363.00 | 5˙999˙079.00 |
56 | DACCIWA Dynamics-aerosol-chemistry-cloud interactions in West Africa | 2013 | 11˙508˙227.00 | 8˙746˙951.00 |
57 | MATHERO New materials for highly efficient and reliable organic solar cells | 2014 | 5˙051˙500.00 | 3˙611˙691.00 |
58 | DROPCELLARRAY DropletMicroarrays: Ultra High-Throughput Screening of Cells in 3D Microenvironments | 2014 | 1˙499˙820.00 | 1˙499˙820.00 |
59 | HELMETH Integrated High-Temperature Electrolysis and Methanation for Effective Power to Gas Conversion | 2014 | 3˙809˙972.00 | 2˙529˙352.00 |
60 | ATOMS Advanced Tools to Observe Magnetic and dynamical properties of Skyrmions and vortices down to the atomic scale | 2014 | 161˙968.00 | 161˙968.00 |
61 | SAFEST Severe Accident Facilities for European Safety Targets | 2014 | 4˙511˙858.00 | 3˙190˙000.00 |
62 | COSMICMAG Evaluation of the Uncertainties of the Galactic Magnetic Field to Elucidate the Origin of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays | 2014 | 338˙362.00 | 338˙362.00 |
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