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H2020 projects about "centers"

The page lists 320 projects related to the topic "centers".

# achronym  title  year 
1 BONVOYAGE From Bilbao to Oslo, intermodal mobility solutions and interfaces for people and goods, supported by an innovative communication network 2015
2 RCMS Rethinking Container Management Systems 2015
3 Co-FACTOR Cooperate, Communicate and Connect to boost smart Components for tomorrows Industry 2015
4 FlyContext Neural processing of context-dependent innate behavior 2015
5 NCP_WIDE.NET Transnational Network of cooperation for WIDESPREAD NCPs 2015
6 TheLiRep Exploring the Potential for Therapeutic Lineage Reprogramming of Diabetes 2015
7 GEO VISION GNSS driven EO and Verifiable Image and Sensor Integration for mission-critical Operational Networks 2015
8 CREEP Complex RhEologies in Earth dynamics and industrial Processes 2015
9 TREGeneration Repair of tissue and organ damage in refractory chronic graft versus host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation by the infusion of purified allogeneic donor regulatory T lymphocytes 2015
10 MoreGrasp Restoration of upper limb function in individuals with high spinal cord injury by multimodal neuroprostheses for interaction in daily activities 2015
11 CREATe-Network Processing and Characterization of Advanced Nano-Composites for Resource-efficient Applications and Technologies 2015
12 MIXMAX Development and Implementation of new generation of Pseudo Random Number Generators based on Kolmogorov-Anosov K-systems 2015
13 CPSELabs CPS Engineering Labs - expediting and accelerating the realization of cyber-physical systems 2015
14 ENDEAVOUR Towards a flexible software-defined network ecosystem 2015
15 ACINO Application Centric IP/Optical Network Orchestration 2015
16 BISON BIg Speech data analytics for cONtact centres 2015
17 ENATRANS Enabling NAnomedicine TRANSlation 2015
18 EUth EUth - Tools and Tips for Digital and Mobile Youth Participation in and across Europe 2015
19 MICROAB Micro machining with abrasive waterjets 2014
20 iMUC Improving the Management of Unexplained Chest-pain 2014
21 BMEVLP Biomarkers for clinical assessment of lungs intended for transplantation 2014
22 EeHPC Energy efficient High Performance Computing 2014
23 iNEXT Infrastructure for NMR, EM and X-rays for translational research 2015
24 EMYNOS nExt generation eMergencY commuNicatiOnS 2015
25 URBANCO2FLUX Quantifying the impact of the urban biosphere on the net flux of CO2 from cities into the atmosphere. 2015
26 Leucophyl Total Synthesis of Leucophyllidine 2015
27 AsymHalogenation Intermolecular Asymmetric Halogenations of Olefins 2015
28 DISC Distributed storage based on sparse-graph codes 2015
29 QuantumPhotosynth Quantum coherence in photosynthesis: towards single-molecule light-conversion devices 2015
30 Ni-CAT Ni-CAT 2015
31 OP3C On board Processing for Compression and Clouds Classification in hyperspectral data 2015
32 AstroFIt2 Astronomy Fellowships in Italy 2 2015
33 EbolaVac Development of a Chimpanzee Adenovirus Type 3 Ebolavirus Zaire Vaccine 2014
34 ERMOS Enhanced Resolution MRI Ocular Scanner (ERMOS) 2015
35 DISA medical Diagnosis Support Armchair project 2015
36 EarthServer-2 Agile Analytics on Big Data Cubes 2015
37 Fidzup-Retargeting Physical Retargeting, innovative mobile marketing services for traditional retailers 2015
38 S4F Setting the Stage for Solar System Formation 2015
39 CY-Biobank Biobanking and the Cyprus Human Genome Project 2015
40 EcoMultiCloud Hierarchical Approach for Green Workload Management in Distributed Data Centers reducing energy bill and carbon footprint 2015
41 RABIOPRED RABIOPRED - Clinical validation of BIOmarker assay to PREDict treatment response in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients 2015
42 PaRaDeSEC Expanding Potential in Particle and Radiation Detectors, Sensors and Electronics in Croatia 2015
43 CIGUALERT Reference standards for a specific, reliable and early detection of the marine toxins that causes ciguatera disease 2015
44 CRAGSMAN The Impact of Cosmic Rays on Galaxy and Cluster Formation 2016
45 HYPHEN HYPHEN: Hybrid Photonic Engines for Massive Cloud Connectivity 2015
46 RELEVANCE Regulation of red cell life-span, erythropoiesis, survival, senescence and clearance 2015
47 ModLife Advancing Modelling for Process-Product Innovation, Optimization, Monitoring and Control in Life Science Industries 2015
48 OMA Optimization of Medical Accelerators 2016
49 HUGS HUmins as Green and Sustainable precursors of eco-friendly building blocks and materials 2015
50 ARCADES Algebraic Representations in Computer-Aided Design for complEx Shapes 2016
51 NoMaD The Novel Materials Discovery Laboratory 2015
52 SUSPIRE Sustainable Production of Industrial Recovered Energy using energy dissipative and storage technologies 2015
53 OPATHY From Omics to Patient: Improving Diagnostics of Pathogenic Yeasts 2015
54 UBPDS Unfoldings and Bifurcations of Polynomial Differential Systems 2016
55 RETMUS The interpretation of retinal activity by the visual thalamus. 2015
56 EQUEMI Entanglement and Quantum Engineering with optical Microcavities 2015
57 BEinCPPS Business Experiments in Cyber Physical Production Systems 2015
58 I4MS-Growth Support and stimulation of dynamic and organic growth of pan European ICT for Manufacturing SME Innovation Ecosystems 2015
59 BIO-CHIP BIOengineered grafts for Cartilage Healing In Patients (BIO-CHIP) 2015
60 NEREID NanoElectronics Roadmap for Europe: Identification and Dissemination 2015
61 NET- MARKET- FLUIDICS Networking and market approach to tackle the bottleneck of deploying micro and nanofluidics in Europe 2016
62 RecoveriX Motor Recovery with Paired Associative Stimulation (RecoveriX) 2016
63 LEAF LINE The first ground stations network enabling real-time, cost-effective, and easy access to micro/nanosatellite data 2015
64 ATHENA Remote Sensing Science Center for Cultural Heritage 2015
65 UP-Drive Automated Urban Parking and Driving 2016
66 EUROPRACTICE 2016 EUROPRACTICE training, CAD and prototyping services for European universities and research institut 2016
67 COSMICC CmOs Solutions for Mid-board Integrated transceivers with breakthrough Connectivity at ultra-low Cost 2015
68 REMINDER Revolutionary embedded memory for internet of things devices and energy reduction 2016
69 OPERA lOw Power heterogeneous architecture for nExt generation of smaRt infrastructure and platforms in industrial and societal Applications 2015
70 ImMoRiSt Immune Monitoring for RIsk STratification in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients 2016
71 Teraboard High density scalable optically interconnected Tb/s Board 2015
72 TETRAGON TEchnology TRAnsfer for GrOwth with twinNing 2016
73 Click-It “In Vivo Click PET Imaging Agents”: Improving clinical companion diagnostics 2016
74 CleverGenes Novel Gene Therapy Based on the Activation of Endogenous Genes for the Treatment of Ischemia - Concepts of endogenetherapy, release of promoter pausing, promoter-targeted ncRNAs and nuclear RNAi 2015
75 ASSET Instant Gratification for Collective Awareness and Sustainable Consumerism 2016
76 EVA EVA - patient ventilation beyond limits 2015
77 eHERITAGE Expanding the Research and Innovation Capacity in Cultural Heritage Virtual Reality Applications 2015
80 HEMOTECT Hemozoin Detection using Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in Diamond 2016
81 PROTASIS Restoring Trust in the cyber space: a Systems Security Proposal 2016
82 SEQOO Single-Emitter Quantum Optics and Optomechanics 2016
83 AROMA-CFD Advanced Reduced Order Methods with Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics 2016
84 SELDOM SElective Deposition Of 2D Materials 2016
85 FPGA Accelerators Energy Efficient FPGA Accelerators for Graph Analytics Applications 2016
86 MolecularEVOLUTION Molecular Evolution of the Primary Structure of Single Chain Polymer Nanoparticles via Dynamic Covalent Chemistry 2016
87 CAMEOS Cardiac micro-engineered tissue for high-throughput screening 2016
88 DCNextEve LV DC microgrids for evolved energy communities 2016
89 DIDSON Paracoustics : System active sound reducing system against noise pollution due to transport 2016
90 FCSSSLP First Chemoselective Synthesis and Structural Studies of Lasso Peptides 2016
91 COPQE Composite Pulses for Quantum Engineering 2016
92 FeREDCOUPLS FeREDCOUPLS - Reduced Iron Catalysts for Reduction and Coupling Reactions 2016
93 TReX Transient Relativistic eXplosions 2016
94 CentSatRegFunc Dissecting the function and regulation of centriolar satellites: key regulators of the centrosome/cilium complex 2016
95 Waste4Think Moving towards Life Cycle Thinking by integrating Advanced Waste Management Systems 2016
96 TiDrugArchitectures Highly Competent and Safe Titanium(IV) Therapeutic Frameworks that are Cancer Targeted based on Complex 1, 2, and 3D Chemical Architectures 2016
97 PIWI-Chrom Understanding small RNA-mediated transposon control at the level of chromatin in the animal germline 2016
98 Descent Control of Action Diversification by Descending Motor CircuitsControl of action diversification by descending motor circuits 2016
99 Polarsol Phase Two Polarsol - a disruptive hybrid heat management solution for global markets 2016
100 Fox-IT Fitting-to-Outcome eXpert for semi-automated cochlear implant fine-tuning 2016
101 Plasmapower PlasmaPower: hydro-catalytic plasma gasification for high-efficiency energy generation 2016
102 HypoFlam Targeting hypothalamic inflammation in obesity and diabetes 2016
103 TRANSMIT TRANSlating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis 2017
104 SPM2.0 Scanning probe microscopies for nanoscale fast, tomographic and composition imaging 2017
105 ZAero Zero-defect manufacturing of composite parts in the aerospace industry 2016
106 AVA Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics 2017
107 ICN2020 ICN2020: Advancing ICN towards real-world deployment through research, innovative applications, and global scale experimentation 2016
108 InterWiring Wiring up the SomatoSensory Cortex 2016
109 OPRECOMP Open transPREcision COMPuting 2017
110 Q-DIM-SIM Quantum spin simulators in diamond 2017
111 Spin-off growth Peer learning on technology transfer companies support 2016
112 BDVe Big Data Value ecosystem 2017
113 GaNonCMOS GaN densily integrated with Si-CMOS for reliable, cost effective high frequency power delivery systems 2017
114 INTEGRAL INitiative to bring the 2nd generation of ThermoElectric Generators into industrial ReALity 2016
115 HP4all Persistent and Transportable Hyperpolarization for Magnetic Resonance 2017
117 MUSIC Multisystem Cell Therapy for Improvement of Urinary Continence 2017
118 HarmonicSS HARMONIzation and integrative analysis of regional, national and international Cohorts on primary Sjögren’s Syndrome (pSS) towards improved stratification, treatment and health policy making 2017
119 SynFoNY Synthesis and Formulation of Nanoparticles for pinning in YBCO coated conductors 2017
120 MedEye Accelerated market launch of MedEye, a plug-and-play medication safety solution 2017
121 PJ27 IOPVLD Flight Object Interoperability VLD Demonstration 2016
122 SELAPHOR Semiconductor laser with photonic crystal reflector for energy-efficient optical links 2017
123 MultiSense Multisensory signal processing: From brain-wide neuronal circuits to behavior 2017
124 TownHall24 A 24/7 platform providing access to services for isolated communities and reduced mobility residents 2017
125 We teach to walk The Prodrobot authomatized gait trainer software developement and the EU market research 2017
126 EMTECH Emotional Machines:The Technological Transformation of Intimacy in Japan 2017
127 PANTREAT Pancreatic cancer as a treatment target of Dwarfbody-Therapeutics 2017
128 ChiPyrNMR Better tools for combating insect borne diseases by understanding influences on the fate of common pesticides in paint formulations 2017
129 ERA-MobilCar.GR ERA Mobility and Researchers Career Days in Greece: A contribution to decrease brain drain 2017
130 HISMACITY-pro Historical Small Smart City Protocol for integrated interventions. 2017
131 CONSUMEHealth Using consumer science to improve healthy eating habits 2017
132 NETBIO-GE Quantitative brain network biomarkers for patient-specific diagnostics in idiopathic generalized epilepsy 2017
133 SCOOTER Silicon-Organic Hybrid Transceivers for Terabit/s Data Network 2017
134 innoPROCUR Improving support services to foster SMEs’ participation to PCP and PPI 2017
135 CrowdHEALTH Collective wisdom driving public health policies 2017
136 Glyco-Platforms Novel smart glyco-nanomaterials as targeted therapeutics. 2017
137 WILDCAT Wildcat Economics: Informal Mining and Gold from the Global Margins in Contemporary Latin America 2017
138 PROIRICE Proton-Irradiated Ice: Dynamics and Chemistry from First Principles 2017
139 RoyalCities The King’s City: A Comparative Study of Royal Patronage in Assur, Nineveh, and Babylon in the First Millennium BCE 2018
140 ESPSI Eruption Source Parameters for Explosive Eruptions in Iceland Over the Last 3 ka 2017
141 GEOTRIBE Generation and Evolution Of Transform-Ridge Interaction and Behavior on Earth 2018
142 ERA Expanding Rights in an Age of Retrenchment: Women, Social Movements and the Politics of Family Leave 2017
143 InsideLoops Colour and Kinematics of Quarks and Gluons inside Loops 2017
144 SKELETON-ID Soft Computing and Computer Vision for Comparative Radiography in Forensic Identification 2018
145 ZNEOPSIN_II The role of novel opsins in non-visual light detection in the zebrafish brain 2018
146 PFIMDULA Post-translational modifications during floral initiation: molecular dissection of the UFO-dependent LFY activation 2017
147 STARS SupercompuTing And Related applicationS Fellows Program 2018
148 MoQuOS Molecular Quantum Opto-Spintronics 2017
149 InnovAfrica Innovations in Technology, Institutional and Extension Approaches towards Sustainable Agriculture and enhanced Food and Nutritional Security in Africa 2017
150 TAKEMI5 Technology Advances and Key Enablers for Module Integration for 5 nm 2017
152 5G-MEDIA Programmable edge-to-cloud virtualization fabric for the 5G Media industry 2017
153 DIATOMIC Digital Innovation Hubs boosting European Microelectronics Industry 2017
154 VNL Virtual NanoLab (VNL), a Cross-disciplinary Open Nanotechnology Simulation Platform 2017
155 CSRC Center for STEAM Education Research, Science Communication and Innovation 2017
156 u-PBeam Microdosimetry study of a new radiation therapy method based on proton minibeams 2017
157 HYCOAT A European Training Network for Functional Hybrid Coatings by Molecular Layer Deposition 2018
158 MIDIH Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs 2017
159 RealVision Hyperrealistic Imaging Experience 2018
160 STIMULATE Simulation in multiscale physical and biological systems 2018
161 MIDNIGHT Neural mechanism underlying vocal interactions in duetting nightingales 2018
162 CellPrintArray CellPrintArray – on-demand nano-scale printing of live cells and compounds for miniaturized cell screening applications 2017
163 AIM Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystem improvement 2017
164 POP-R Parallel Orthographic Processing and Reading 2017
165 BLOOM Boosting European citizens knowledge and awareness of bioeconomy 2017
166 BOUNCE Predicting Effective Adaptation to Breast Cancer to Help Women to BOUNCE Back 2017
167 ACTPHAST 4.0 ACceleraTing PHotonics innovAtion for SME’s: a one STop-shop-incubator 2017
168 EU_FT-ICR_MS European Network of Fourier-Transform Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance Mass Spectrometry Centers 2018
169 PRESTIGE-AF PREvention of STroke in Intracerebral haemorrhaGE survivors with Atrial Fibrillation 2017
170 GENESIS High performance MOF and IPOSS enhanced membrane systems as next generation CO2 capture technologies 2018
171 OpenGTN Open Ground Truth Training Network : Magnetic resonance image simulationfor training and validation of image analysis algorithms 2018
172 ATOS Advanced Technological Solutions for X band Earth Observation Systems 2018
174 OxiGEN Next-generation Solid Oxide Fuel Cell stack and hot box solution for small stationary applications 2018
175 PODIUM Proving Operations of Drones with Initial UTM Management 2018
176 ICARe International Cooperation in Aviation Research 2017
177 QRES Transforming the limits of resolution by utilizing quantum information 2018
178 LIMA Controlling light-matter interactions by quantum designed 2D materials 2018
179 AMFIL Autonomous magnetic field-based indoor location 2018
180 POLYPHEM Small-Scale Solar Thermal Combined Cycle 2018
181 xFATE The Fate of Excitation Energy in Photoinhibited Chloroplasts 2018
182 One Health EJP Promoting One Health in Europe through joint actions on foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and emerging microbiological hazards. 2018
183 BEAT regulation of B-cell Epitope migration and Autoimmunity by T follicular helper cells 2018
184 BRIDGE Labour Market Integration: Consequences of Cross-Border Commuting 2019
185 DUSTDEVILS The Dust Devils in Galaxy Centres 2018
186 EARLYRIDERS Tracking the temporal and geographic origins of modern domestic horses 2018
187 QNETWORK Quantum networks wired by multi-spin entanglement 2018
188 ResolveStroke Stroke diagnostic imaging performed with ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy (uULM) 2018
189 REACT REactively Defending against Advanced Cybersecurity Threats 2018
190 RiConfigure Reconfiguring Research and Innovation Constellations 2018
191 SHINE Self-Healthcare for breast cancer detection using an INtegrated paper-based Electrochemical device 2019
192 PROTEXPO Protection and Exports 2018
193 ReCurse Beyond Resource Curse: examining the socio-environmental impact of the mining boom in Colombia in a context of EU energy import dependency 2018
194 rDNAstress Novel insights into DNA damage and stress responses in the nucleolus: Mechanisms and relevance for genomic (in)stability and cancer 2019
195 SupraCopCat Asymmetric cooperative catalysts constructed on supramolecular helices 2018
196 MOCCA Metal-Organic Cages for Catalysis Applications 2018
197 EXA2PRO Enhancing Programmability and boosting Performance Portability for Exascale Computing Systems 2018
198 RECIPE REliable power and time-ConstraInts-aware Predictive management of heterogeneous Exascale systems 2018
199 Leaf Line The First Global Ground Station Network to Fully Exploit Microsatellites Data 2018
200 SOFTCAR The cleanest and lowest cost car ever! 2018
201 OSTEOproSPINE Novel Bone Regeneration Drug Osteogrow: Therapeutic Solution for Lumbar Back Pain 2018
202 EMERALD ElectroMagnetic imaging for a novel genERation of medicAL Devices 2018
203 SuCoHS Sustainable and Cost Efficient High Performance Composite Structures demanding Temperature and Fire Resistance 2018
204 TAPES3 Technology Advances for Pilotline of Enhanced Semiconductors for 3nm 2018
205 EURAXESS TOP IV Open EURAXESS – To strengthen the effectiveness and optimize the services of all partners in an innovative and open EURAXESS network 2018
206 Hi-FrED High-Frequency Spin Entanglement Generation in Diamond 2018
207 PHINDaccess Strengthening Omics data analysis capacities in pathogen-host interaction 2018
208 PITBUL Point-of-Care implementation of TB testing with ultra-fast Local Heating PCR 2017
209 GI-BCT Disruptive imaging technology for accurate and painless breast cancer diagnosis 2018
210 Community Cloud Cubbit. The first distributed data-center. 2018
211 ONDINE Development of the first Water-based industrial chiller cooled by ambient air 2018
212 AIC24 Sustainable Datacenters Through Immersed Computing 2018
213 QTrobot QTrobot Autism Therapy Store 2018
214 GLOBESCAPE Enabling transformation: Linking design and land system science to foster place-making in peri-urban landscapes under increasing globalization 2018
215 EPiGRAM-HS Exascale Programming Models for Heterogeneous Systems 2018
216 DECENTER Decentralised technologies for orchestrated cloud-to-edge intelligence 2018
217 ERNI2018 European Researchers' Night in Israel 2018&2019 2018
219 Ammune Mitigating botnet DDoS attacks with an artificial intelligence powered solution 2018
220 WeCreate European Researchers' Night We Create Science and History 2018
221 FUNGLASS FUNctional GLASS 2019
222 RNADIAGON Excellence in research and development of non-coding RNA DIAGnostics in ONcology 2019
223 Lung EpiCheck Blood Samples and DNA-an Innovative Technique for Lung Cancer Diagnostics 2018
224 KG Pro 2.0 The world’s first remote, automated training tool and autonomous diagnostics solution for independent and OEM car dealerships and automotive education centers 2018
225 BiopSense Proof of concept and pre-commercialisation of personalised liquid biopsies in cancer therapy 2018
226 Phys2BioMed Biomechanics in health and disease: advanced physical tools for innovative early diagnosis 2019
227 QMiCS Quantum Microwave Communcation and Sensing 2018
228 SHIVADHARMA Translocal Identities. The Åšivadharma and the Making of Regional Religious Traditions in Premodern South Asia 2018
229 MICROCOMB Applications and Fundamentals of Microresonator Frequency Combs 2019
230 MetaboliQs Leveraging room temperature diamond quantum dynamics to enable safe, first-of-its-kind, multimodal cardiac imaging 2018
231 VITAE VIrTual BrAin PErfusion: Assessing cerebrovascular function by High Performance Computing from 3D brain vessel network data for vascular-targeted drug development in neurodegenerative diseases. 2018
233 TRINITY Digital Technologies, Advanced Robotics and increased Cyber-security for Agile Production in Future European Manufacturing Ecosystems 2019
234 Caladan Micro assembled Terabit/s capable optical transceivers for Datacom applications 2019
235 EASI-Genomics European Advanced infraStructure for Innovative Genomics 2019
236 ChEESE Centre of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth 2018
237 TinniMizer TinniMizer : A Patient-specific Novel Approach for Tinnitus Treatment 2018
238 DeepHealth Deep-Learning and HPC to Boost Biomedical Applications for Health 2019
239 SELNET Sarcoma as a model to improve diagnosis and clinical care of rare tumors through a European and Latin American multidisciplinary network 2019
240 SERUMS Securing Medical Data in Smart Patient-Centric Healthcare Systems 2019
241 MDOT Medical Device Obligations Taskforce 2019
242 SPHINX A Universal Cyber Security Toolkit for Health-Care Industry 2019
243 Revotree An automated, machine learning, IoT agronomic platform for optimal irrigation, pesticide and fertilizer utilization at farms. 2018
244 PalliativeSedation The use of proportional palliative sedation for the relief of refractory symptoms: an international multicenter study 2019
245 JustSites The Global Sites of International Criminal Justice 2019
246 UNICORE A Common Code Base and Toolkit for Deployment of Applications to Secure and Reliable Virtual Execution Environments 2019
247 MEUS Multi-Religious Encounters in Urban Settings 2019
248 CIRCUS Crosspoint In-memoRy CompUting Systems 2019
249 UCTIL Urban Chemical Threat Location and Identification 2019
250 BITNET-INNOSUP Improvement of Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs from Bosnia and Herzegovina 2019
251 Capsulight The first ingestible capsule for eradicating Helicobacter pylori infection through photodynamic therapy 2019
252 ZEOCAT-3D Development of a bifunctional hierarchically structured zeolite based nano-catalyst using 3D-technology for direct conversion of methane into aromatic hydrocarbons via methane dehydroaromatization 2019
253 EJP RD European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases 2019
254 ABLE Home use, affordable and lightweight exoskeleton for people with lower-limb paralysis 2019
256 ARSS Accessible, Reliable and Simple Screening of stress- and memory-related diseases 2018
257 SECONDS On Time Emergency Response System 2019
258 CARB-City Physico-Chemistry of Carbonaceous Aerosol Pollution in Evolving Cities 2020
259 Tech4Win Disruptive sustainable TECHnologies FOR next generation pvWINdows 2019
260 GEARING ROLES Gender Equality Actions in Research Institutions to traNsform Gender ROLES 2019
261 CoCoUnit CoCoUnit: An Energy-Efficient Processing Unit for Cognitive Computing 2019
262 STRATASCAPE Modelling and inverting the deep marine sedimentary record to constrain Atlantic Passive Margin landscape evolution 2019
263 BiREDOX Bi(III)/Bi(V) Redox Catalysis for Organic Synthesis 2019
264 Foldmetcat Bioinspired Catalytic Metallofoldamers 2019
265 CAOCD Comparative functional and neuroanatomical analyses of olfactory circuit in drosophilids 2020
266 D3AiSF Screening Database to Discover Donor-Acceptor copolymers for intramolecular Singlet Fission 2020
267 PersVR Unraveling the persuasive power of 360º-video Virtual Reality narratives 2019
268 MagnetoVirology Diamond Magnetometry: A Versatile Tool for Virology and Medicine 2019
269 PRISENODE PRISENODE: Privacy- and secuRity-aware solutIons in SoftwarE-defiNed fOg Data cEnter 2020
270 EndoReproTox Embodied Ecologies: An Ethnographic Study of Reproductive Toxicity, Infertility, Endometriosis and Delayed Childbearing 2019
271 NeT-HiDeA New Times at Work. Rethinking History and Politics through Delay and Anticipation 2020
272 STOPFOP Saracatinib Trial tO Prevent FOP 2019
273 IMMUcan Integrated IMMUnoprofiling of large adaptive CANcer patients cohorts 2019
274 IELECTRIX Indian and European Local Energy CommuniTies for Renewable Integration and the Energy Transition. 2019
275 BiMetaCat Two Are Better Than One: Bimetallic Catalysts for the Conversion of Lignin-Derived Aryl-Ethers 2019
276 MonasByz The Making of the Byzantine Ascetical Canon: Monastic Networks, Literacy and Religious Authority in Palestine and Sinai (7th-11th centuries) 2020
277 GenEl General readout electronics for cross-sectoral application in European research infrastructure 2020
278 Caraffee Pioneering the Fourth Wave of Coffee 2019
279 HIEIC Heavy ion collisions: collectivity and precision in saturation physics 2019
280 IQubitNet Integrated multi-qubit devices for scalable quantum networks 2019
281 MRI PADS Dielectric pads for high field MRI 2019
282 ECOEXTENDER An alternative to antibiotics in porcine semen doses 2019
283 RESPONSE RESPONSE - to society and policy needs through plant, food and energy sciences 2020
284 VERTIGO VERy high Throughput Satellite-Ground Optical Link 2019
285 GOLIATH PRO The first portable and automated milling robot tool enabling professional manufacturers to produce large-size objects in whatever place 2019
286 2D-QuEST Chemical Structure, Photo Physics and Emission Control of Single-Photon Emitters in Two-Dimensional Materials 2019
287 BE Therapy A revolutionary digital therapeutics platform for personalized and effective neurocognitive rehabilitation 2019
288 CY-BIOBANK Biobanking and the Cyprus Human Genome Project 2019
289 PhoMEC Photonic Integrated Microcombs as Multi-wavelength Sources for Edge Data Centers 2019
291 MATTER ERA Chair position in Materials Research in Extreme Environments 2020
292 cRGS Cognitive Rehabilitation Gamming System (cRGS): a novel Virtual Reality-based system for the conjunctive training of stroke-derived cognitive impairments 2019
293 SimBionics Neuromechanical Simulation and Sensory Feedback for the Control of Bionic Legs 2019
294 DIMOFAC Digital Intelligent MOdular FACtories 2019
295 ETIQMEDIA Counterfeiting and Piracy will not affect to our firms in the EU any longer. 2019
296 COBRA COnversational BRAins 2020
297 Met_Cav Metal-Functionalized Cavitands for a Site-Selective C-H hydroxylation of Aliphatic Compounds 2019
298 CLARA The first superbot to audit calls 2019
299 QUNET A quantum network for distributed quantum computation 2019
300 BacterOMIC Intelligence for precision therapies against antimicrobial resistance: The first diagnostic panel that probes all the clinically relevant antibiotics at once 2019
301 BREAK Blue light remote analgesia with K+ channels 2019
302 DEMAND Density Modulated Silicon Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries 2019
303 ARTIS Art and Research on Transformations of Individuals and Societies 2020
304 MIDEBT The Micro-foundations of Debt Crises 2020
305 MindBot Mental Health promotion of cobot Workers in Industry 4.0 2020
306 ORGANTRANS Controlled Organoids transplantation as enabler for regenerative medicine translation 2020
307 PREPARE Ships PREParE SHIPS - PREdicted Positioning based on Egnss for SHIPS 2019
308 OPTIMA cOmmunication Platform for TraffIc ManAgement demonstrator 2019
309 SAFELiMOVE advanced all Solid stAte saFE LIthium Metal technology tOwards Vehicle Electrification 2020
310 Instand-NGS4P Integrated and standardized NGS workflows for Personalised therapy 2020
311 CLAUSTROFUNCT Claustrum function in cortical processing and putative claustral dysfunction in schizophrenia 2020
312 LuSH Art Luminescent Solar Heterostructures for Artificial photosynthesis 2020
313 HumanLand Human Landscapes: agricultural intensification and peasant resilience in medieval Southern Greater Syria. 2021
314 TRAPS-2D Understanding The Role of the defects to Accomplish high Performance and Stable Two Dimensional Devices 2020
316 PICTURING Post-Industrial Chimneys seen Through Urban Regeneration Imaginaries: toward a Networked GeoHumanities 2020
317 CATKERB Total Syntheses of Catharanthine and Keramaphidin B by an Iridium-Catalyzed Reductive Cyclization Cascade 2020
318 MolecularMAGNET Molecular Magnetic Materials Based on Nanographenes: Controllable Synthesis and Characterization 2020
319 StartAct Controlling forelimb actions through basal ganglia to brainstem signaling 2021
320 DiverseNile Cultural diversity in the Middle Nile Valley. Reconstructing biographies in the periphery of urban centres in northern Sudan during the Bronze Age 2020