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H2020 projects about "handle"

The page lists 267 projects related to the topic "handle".

# achronym  title  year 
1 dasQ Atomic-Scale Dynamics of Quantum Materials 2015
2 VIROGENESIS Virus discovery and epidemic tracing from high throughput metagenomic sequencing 2015
3 ProteinFactory Engineering of new-generation protein secretion systems 2015
4 BigStorage BigStorage: Storage-based Convergence between HPC and Cloud to handle Big Data 2015
5 COSSIM A Novel, Comprehensible, Ultra-Fast, Security-Aware CPS Simulator 2015
6 KConnect Khresmoi Multilingual Medical Text Analysis, Search and Machine Translation Connected in a Thriving Data-Value Chain 2015
7 MMT MMT will deliver a language independent commercial online translation service based on a new open-source machine translation distributed architecture 2015
8 ENATRANS Enabling NAnomedicine TRANSlation 2015
9 SOLACYLIN A preparative approach to geometric effects in innovative solar cell types based on a nanocylindrical structure 2015
10 VIPREP MAGPIE POLYMERS: Vertical Integration into PGM Refining Processes 2014
11 Elastomer Recycling World`s first innovative method for recycling of elastomers and plastics from industrial waste 2014
12 EasyEBC Easy-to-Implement Energy-Based Control Design for Systems of Conservation Laws 2015
13 WhereWolf The history of wolves, and their contribution to adaptation and phenotypic diversity in dogs 2016
14 Quokka Maturation A mature Quokka for everyone – advancing the capabilities and accessibility of numerical solar cell simulations 2016
15 StillNoFace Identity matching from still images without face information 2015
16 USES Understanding Social-Ecological Systems: Coupling population and satellite remotely sensed environmental data to improve the evidence base for sustainable development 2015
17 COSMIC SHEAR Cosmic Shear Analysis of the Kilo Degree Survey: Cosmological Constraints 2016
18 GLOBE All Organic Redox Flow Batteries 2015
19 EpiSil-IBC Epitaxial silicon foil solar cells with interdigitated back contacts 2015
20 FOODWASTE Food Waste In Denmark and Sweden - Understanding Household Consumption Practices to develop Sustainable Food Care 2016
21 ProLeMAS ProLeMAS: PROcessing LEgal language in normative Multi-Agent Systems 2015
22 MorphoVES-PoC Morphogenetically active blood vessels: Proof-of-Concept 2015
23 TruckSecurity Truck Security_ Fuel and cargo theft detection alarm system 2015
24 INE IAPS Intelligent active protection system for motorcyclists: saving lives through optimum use of latest advances in sensor technologies, wireless communication, Smartphone platforms, real-time analysis. 2015
25 DGC SEPA in your pocket – development of a mobile payment solution based on a disruptive SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Credit Transfer approach for banks and the payment industry. 2015
26 CORSAIR Increasing the quality mindset of COnstruction workers involved in building Refurbishment processes through a Software Application capable of using among others visible or InfraRed pictures of defects 2015
27 Eco-UV Low carbon footprint and eco-innovative UV water disinfection 2015
28 CutLoops Loop amplitudes in quantum field theory 2015
29 IQFT Integrable Structures in Quantum Field Theory 2015
30 HyBurn New high temperature in-situ premix gas combustion systems for more efficient and cleaner combustion of hydrogen and lean gases 2015
31 FMCONTAINERS Fast Moving Containers Caming Solutions 2015
32 TailorFit TailorFit; The Integrated “made to measure” workflow automation for menswear 2015
34 TCBL TCBL – Textile and Clothing Business Labs Transformative Business Models for the Textile Clothing Sector 2015
35 ToothPic ToothPic, a large-scale camera identification system based on compressed fingerprints 2015
36 TUCLA Towards a deepened understanding of combustion processes using advanced laser diagnostics 2016
37 5G NORMA 5G NOvel Radio Multiservice adaptive network Architecture 2015
38 LASSO Learning, Analysis, SynthesiS and Optimization of Cyber-Physical Systems 2015
39 EXTRA Exploiting eXascale Technology with Reconfigurable Architectures 2015
40 COMNACTSS Controlling micro- and nano-channel transport with selective solvation 2015
41 BioExcel Centre of Excellence for Biomolecular Research 2015
42 West-Life World-wide E-infrastructure for structural biology 2015
43 VIPER VIbro-acoustics of PERiodic media 2016
44 SFSysCellBio Slow-Fast Systems in Cellular Biology 2016
45 PHRESCO PHotonic REServoir COmputing 2015
46 MicroParticleControl Controlled synthesis of particulate matter in microfluidics 2016
47 NGTMod Next generation technologies for modeling the full complexity of living and designed structures 2016
48 HElAIrcOPT Helicopter Engine Air Intake OPtimization Tool 2016
49 CARAT Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CARs) for Advanced Therapies 2016
50 STARS4ALL A Collective Awareness Platform for Promoting Dark Skies in Europe 2016
51 SYSMICS Syntax Meets Semantics: Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics. 2016
52 Evopark A disruptive software solution guiding users to available parking spots and making interactionwith the parking infrastructure quick and easy 2016
53 ICEWIS Intelligent and cost-efficient wind turbine power production using optical sensors 2016
54 PACAS Participatory Architectural Change Management in ATM Systems 2016
55 CMDrive Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Drive-Trains via Non-Contact Acoustic Sensors 2016
56 HetScaleNet Analysis and control of large scale heterogeneous networks: scalability, robustness and fundamental limits 2016
57 FUNBIT Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Fungal – Bacterial Interplay 2016
58 DIPLOFACE Diplomatic Face-Work - between confidential negotiations and public display 2016
59 IPLATFORM Implementation of a dynamical Pollen Module and the transformations of the pollen including feedbacks in a numerical Weather Forecast Model 2016
60 BosQuanTran Quantum simulation of transport properties in arbitrary shaped potential landscapes with ultracold bosonic atoms 2016
61 InfGroups Foundations for computing with infinite linear groups 2016
62 PMOHR Probabilistic modelling of electronic health records 2016
63 FabricMetrics Computer-Aided Fashion with Yarn-Level Fabric Models 2017
64 TMS Cloud ePos Revolutionary secure payment management system to integrate the different elements of the payment industry with the use of SEPA 2016
65 MID Molecular Information Dynamics 2016
66 MINIMA MItigating Negative Impacts of Monitoring high levels of Automation 2016
67 PROTECTIVE Proactive Risk Management through Improved Cyber Situational Awareness 2016
68 CIPSEC Enhancing Critical Infrastructure Protection with innovative SECurity framework 2016
69 SafeWaterAfrica Self-Sustaining Cleaning Technology for Safe Water Supply and Management in Rural African Areas 2016
70 NUHGD Non Uniform Hyperbolicity in Global Dynamics 2016
71 POWVER Power to the People. Verified. 2016
72 TaCo Take Control 2016
73 INE IAPS Intelligent active protection system for motorcyclists: saving lives through optimum use of latest advances in sensor technologies, wireless communication, smartphone platforms, real-time analysis 2016
74 Safe Hydrogen Fuel Safe Hydrogen-On-Demand Fuel for E-Vehicles 2016
76 PhotoCloth PhotoCloth: A framework to synthesize real-time photorealistic cloth animation from video input. 2016
77 LANGBOOT Language bootstraps cognitive complexity 2017
79 GEPPS Globalization, Economic Policy and Political Structure 2016
80 QR-PATROL PRO A cost effective cloud-based platform for delivering the highest level of security, supervision and management for security companies utilizing Push-to-Talk and Internet of Things technologies. 2016
81 FerroHub A modular power electronic inverter based on a local DC nanogrid for solar, storage and smart grids 2016
84 ICE2LAST Innovative stunning technology based on a natural anesthetizing agent in ice to improve animal welfare and extend shelf-life of farmed fish 2016
85 SYNBIOMAN Demonstration of a synthetic biology-driven biomanufacturing platform for adaptable cost-effective production of high-value low volume biologics opportunities. 2016
86 ProCovar Exploring new applications of amino acid covariation analysis in modelling proteins and their complexes 2016
87 COROMA Cognitively enhanced robot for flexible manufacturing of metal and composite parts 2016
88 SPOTLIGHT Single Point Of aTtachment communications empowered by cLoud computing and bIG data analytics running on-top of massively distributed and loosely-coupled Heterogeneous mobile data neTworks 2017
89 OLTITA O.M.P.M. LiferCraft Tail Innovative Tool Assembly 2016
90 OLFITT O.M.P.M LiferCraft Fabrication Innovative Tool Tail 2016
91 MOBISTYLE MOtivating end-users Behavioral change by combined ICT based tools and modular Information services on energy use, indoor environment, health and lifestyle 2016
92 ATTRACkTIVE Advanced Travel Companion and Tracking Services 2016
93 HEF Higher Epsilon-Factors for Higher Local Fields 2016
94 OrmoSys Orthopaedic Modular System for a systematic diagnosis and treatment of foot and related musculoskeletal deformities 2016
95 MOR-PHON Resolving Morpho-Phonological Alternation: Historical, Neurolinguistic, and Computational Approaches 2016
96 InFuse Infusing Data Fusion in Space Robotics 2016
97 AEGIS Advanced Big Data Value Chain for Public Safety and Personal Security 2017
98 ODYCCEUS Opinion Dynamics and Cultural Conflict in European Spaces 2017
99 PJ11 CAPITO Enhanced Air and Ground Safety Nets 2016
100 AMORE A distributional MOdel of Reference to Entities 2017
101 SPECIAL Scalable Policy-awarE linked data arChitecture for prIvacy, trAnsparency and compLiance 2017
102 MULTIDRONE MULTIple DRONE platform for media production 2017
103 PJ10 PROSA Controller Tools and Team Organisation for the Provision of Separation in Air Traffic Management 2016
104 MODHET Modelling 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructures 2017
105 Biofficiency Highly-efficient biomass CHP plants by handling ash-related problems 2016
106 PJ25 XSTREAM Cross Border SESAR Trials for Enhanced Arrival Management 2017
107 HapticCell Haptic micromanipulation system for low cost autonomous microinjection tasks 2017
108 TERAWI-LESS TERAWI-LESS : A New Ultra High Speed Network 2017
110 IoT4ALL Global cellular connectivity for small and medium-sized IoT device makers 2017
111 CTFMAUTOMATION Automation of Correlative Optical Tweezers-Fluorescence Microscopy Experiments 2017
113 ML-TEXTSUM Multi-language text summarization 2017
114 NESTOR Next gEneration Sequence sTORage 2017
115 Hydrogenlogistics Enabling the Hydrogen Economy 2017
116 LocationWise LocationWise Payment Card Validation: A cloud based location verification system that willsignificantly lower cost of payment card cyber security 2017
117 AMPLITUDES Novel structures in scattering amplitudes 2017
118 QUAKE4PRELIMAT Quantum Kinetic Equations for Pre-thermal Light and Matter 2018
119 STEADY SaTEllyte synthetic Aperture radar interferometry to model Dam stabilitY 2017
120 NascenTomiX Ribosome inhibition by nascent or antimicrobial peptides 2017
121 PCMNano Using Phase Change Materials for the Base Suspension in the Creation of NanoFluids 2018
122 VirBAcous Virtual building acoustics: a robust and efficient analysis and optimization framework for noise transmission reduction 2017
123 MAWAMOSCA Mass-waste modelling across scales 2017
124 TECAM Theory, Computation and Application of Characteristics Modes 2018
125 KISS ME Key Inorganics for Spintronics and MagnetoElectrics 2017
126 LIB STRESS In situ stress analysis of lithium-ion battery cell 2018
127 MEDEA-CHART The Medieval and Early Modern Nautical Chart: Birth, Evolution and Use 2017
128 MaaS4EU End-to-End Approach for Mobility-as-a-Service tools, business models, enabling framework and evidence for European seamless mobility 2017
129 Fireworks Celestial fireworks: revealing the physics of the time-variable sky 2017
130 COMPECON Complexity and Simplicity in Economic Mechanisms 2017
131 ENCOPOL Encoding information into polymers 2017
132 VICTORIA Video analysis for Investigation of Criminal and TerrORIst Activities 2017
133 MAP Mapping Ancient Polytheisms Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agency 2017
134 DSSC Data Science and Systems Complexity Research Training Programme 2017
135 SafeConsumE SafeConsumE: Safer food through changed consumer behavior: Effective tools and products, communication strategies, education and a food safety policy reducing health burden from foodborne illnesses 2017
136 EUNORS Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in Republika Srpska 2017
137 ZapGoCharger Rapid charging of cordless appliances using graphene-based supercapacitors 2017
138 CASCAde Confidentiality-preserving Security Assurance 2017
139 ONE5G E2E-aware Optimizations and advancements for the Network Edge of 5G New Radio 2017
140 BLOOMEN Blockchains in the new era of participatory media experience 2017
141 HYDROBLOOD Innovative processing plant for optimal production of Decolourised Hydrolysed Protein (DHP). A secure, cost-effective and eco-friendly blood by-product solution. 2017
142 PPPL Novel paper pallet and manufacturing technology 2017
143 DABCAST Digital radio game changer 2017
144 INTELLICORR Intelligent corrosion management underpinned by advanced engineering science 2017
145 Autonomous Autonomous – Novel Smart Home and facility management solution from embedded robots and indoor navigation 2017
146 Corvid AI-based autonomous flight control for the electric passenger aircraft of the nearest future 2017
147 EmpoweredLifeYears The Demography of Sustainable Human Wellbeing 2017
148 OpenOceanFC The Open Ocean Fish Cage 2017
149 REWAM Next generation renewable energy portfolio asset management based on predictive analytics 2017
150 CARTNET Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance Training Network 2018
151 COSY-BIO Control Engineering of Biological Systems for Reliable Synthetic Biology Applications 2017
152 SoftBeam Modular Platform for Controlled Ion Beam Generation 2018
153 CM3 Controlled Mechanical Manipulation of Molecules 2018
154 HToMS Homotopy Theory of Moduli Spaces 2018
155 ROMI RObotics for MIcrofarms 2017
156 SONGBIRD SOphisticated 3D cell culture scaffolds for Next Generation Barrier-on-chip In vitro moDels 2018
157 MELOA Multi-purpose/Multi-sensor Extra Light Oceanography Apparatus 2017
158 HySTOC Hydrogen Supply and Transportation using liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers 2018
159 MeMAD Methods for Managing Audiovisual Data: Combining Automatic Efficiency with Human Accuracy 2018
160 PASSION Photonic technologies for progrAmmable transmission and switching modular systems based on Scalable Spectrum/space aggregation for future agIle high capacity metrO Networks 2017
161 PICKPLACE Flexible, safe and dependable robotic part handling in industrial environments 2018
162 3D-MUSE 3D Multi-Process Sequential Integration for Smart Sensor Interfaces 2018
163 ECO-Thrust Green Reaction Control System (RCS) 2017
164 ZAP ZAPINAMO – Affordable, future-proof rapid charging infrastructure for electric vehicles from stored[clean and economical] energy 2017
165 ImmuneHunter Bioinformatics platform for profiling of health: allowing early and accurate detection of multiple diseases simultaneously 2017
166 OPTOFORCE Robot Learning for Unprecedented Quality and Efficiency Improvements in the Manufacturing Industry 2017
167 4DRepLy Closing the 4D Real World Reconstruction Loop 2018
168 peLabDisk Point-of-care molecular diagnostics of psoriasis and eczema – peLabDisk 2018
169 ODALISS Optical Data Payload for Small Satellites – A complete satellite platform with integrated optical communications system for increased data transfer rates. 2018
170 3DProSeed 3DProSeed: the first ready-to-use, pre-assembled, hydrogel microtiter plate for 3D cell culturess 2018
171 Kjuicer Knowledge Juicer: Readers get Superpowers 2018
172 GenTime Temporal structures of gender inequalities in Asian and Western welfare regimes 2018
173 Freq4Num The neural signature of numerosity: Tracking the cerebral correlates of numerical and continuous magnitude extraction with a frequency-based approach 2018
174 AXO-MATH Imaging and analyzing dynamics of reward-related long-range axons during decision-making in behaving mice 2018
175 COREALIS Capacity with a pOsitive enviRonmEntal and societAL footprInt: portS in the future era 2018
176 GuEst New Directions in Guaranteed Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and Their Applications toChemical Engineering Problems 2018
177 GRANDPA GeometRic ANalysis of Dilute PlasmAs 2018
178 EPEEC European joint Effort toward a Highly Productive Programming Environment for Heterogeneous Exascale Computing (EPEEC) 2018
179 ASPIDE ASPIDE: exAScale ProgramIng models for extreme Data procEssing 2018
180 RECIPE REliable power and time-ConstraInts-aware Predictive management of heterogeneous Exascale systems 2018
181 METAdiag Detecting serious diseases due to abnormal cellular energetics 2018
182 O.M.J. Origin and Magnetization of astronomical Jets 2018
183 PRECRIME Self-assessment Oracles for Anticipatory Testing 2019
184 AIC24 Sustainable Datacenters Through Immersed Computing 2018
185 POC PieceOfCake: an AI-driven chatbot to manage complex business data 2018
186 PulSAR The incident management tool to use when everything goes wrong 2018
187 iMEC Real-time assessment of toxic sulphide in wastewater – market maturation of an Industrial Micro Electrochemical Cell 2018
188 GRoW The first high-performance robotic system for automated harvesting of vegetables greenhouses 2018
189 AIASGA The Unparalleled AI Platform using High-Performance Computing to Scale Industrial Operations 2018
190 a tool for security assessments of emerging and legacy platforms 2018
191 AQRATE Breakthrough technology for managing and purchasing translation services guaranteBreakthrough technology for managing and purchasing translation services guaranteeing transparency, savings and quality 2018
192 Barbara-IoT Barbara is an Operating System Software Platform which enables IoT device manufacturers to boost their level of security, reduce time-to-market, and reduce costs. 2018
193 InCaseIT in EU Emergency response made easy. Expansion to EU. 2018
194 OptimalFetch Highly scalable, easily integrated pre-fetching technology that provides instant content while saving on battery, data and bandwidth usage. 2018
195 SOLIMER Low cost, water Soluble, Injection Moulded polyvinyl alcohol polymer for laundry detergent capsules 2018
196 PowerData Energy Data Management system to support the smart grid 2018
197 PME Instrument v2 Second generation chatbot development platform 2018
198 SEASCANN Integrative vision and real-time communication system for onboard sorting of fish species 2018
199 THERMONANO Nanoassemblies for the subcutaneous self-administration of anticancer drugs 2018
200 oilywatertreat The most effective and economically attractive solution for treating oily waste water on vessels and keeping our oceans cleaner 2018
201 Quiske RowP The RowP system by Quiske Ltd is a game changing rowing technique measuring and coaching system for any level of rowers or crew both outdoor and indoors. 2018
202 Mp-Filler Universal Multi-Purpose Automated Glass Jar Filler for the Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry 2018
203 Free-AI Free AI-assisted customer service for small businesses 2018
204 Touchless Automation A touchless microcomponent gripper for precision handling and microassembly 2018
205 Smartmushroom Smart MAnagement of spent mushRoom subsTrate to lead the MUSHROOM sector towards a circular economy 2018
206 HDEM High Definition Electron Microscopy: Greater clarity via multidimensionality 2019
207 HSciRO Handle with Science 2018
208 LOGIC LAB Molecular logic lab-on-a-vesicle for intracellular diagnostics 2018
209 WINDMILL Integrating wireless communication engineering and machine learning 2019
210 SmartCOOLBOX Smart modular passive cool boxes for sustainable logistics 2018
211 CORRO STOP EDS 2500 - Cold degassing of boiler water for a corrosion-free water pipeline network to minimize repair costs 2018
212 PASQuanS Programmable Atomic Large-Scale Quantum Simulation 2018
213 MPA Mobile Application for Hybrid Internet 2018
214 RETINA Miniaturised Photonics Enabled Next Generation SAR 2018
215 ACOUPLASMA Market maturation of a blood plasma separation module enabling plasma based diagnostic point-of-care devices 2018
216 APICUS Artificial Intelligence approach for Product Inspection through the use of Cobot enabling quality control of Unshaped products Solution 2018
217 SPEAR Supporting and Implementing Plans for Gender Equality in Academia and Research 2019
218 BOXBOT A fast and powerful 3D cargo space usage optimization service for logistics industry 2018
219 KING An avant-garde measuring principle based on the potentiometric method using signals from the kidney to monitor hospitalised patients water-volemic state 2018
220 LightCoce Building an Ecosystem for the up-scaling of lightweight multi-functional concrete and ceramic materials and structures 2019
221 VHFMoDRAD Viral Haemorrhagic Fever: Modern Approaches for developing bedside Rapid Diagnostics 2019
222 Echophone Launching the Point-of-Care Ultrasound Technology of the Future 2019
223 FOReSEE Market replication of a cutting-edge FlOod Risk ScrEEning Tool 2019
224 HQMAT New Horizons in Quantum Matter: From Critical Fluids to High Temperature Superconductivity 2019
225 Flaner Flaner, a memory enhancement software platform 2018
226 QuAnGIS Question-based Analysis of Geographic Information with Semantic Queries 2019
227 CerQuS Certified Quantum Security 2019
228 LINCHPIN A platform to LINk between CHemistry and PhysIcs of colloidal Nanomaterials 2020
229 SoundID The Smart Broadcast Monitoring and Management System 2019
230 EPS55 Electric Propulsion System for the Air Transportation of Tomorrow 2019
231 Sodium_Ion_Batteries Safe, fast-charging long-life Sodium-ion batteries for vehicles and power storage 2018
232 Bac-To-Fuel BACterial conversion of CO2 and renewable H2 inTO bioFUELs 2019
233 SafePASS Next generation of life Saving appliances and systems for saFE and swift evacuation operations on high capacity PASSenger ships in extreme scenarios and conditions 2019
234 SATIE Security of Air Transport Infrastructure of Europe 2019
235 Infobel Infobel Business Data Hub = GET + USE + IMPROVE 2019
236 LOCARD Lawful evidence collecting and continuity platform development 2019
237 THEIAUAS Threod THEIA Vertical Take-Off and Landing UAS: Solving unmanned aircraft challenges at sea and elsewhere 2019
238 DISPERzero High performing microgranulated Biopesticides for plants protection 2019
239 GBG System Innovative tank design and groundbreaking infrastructure model to enhance the availability of renewable energy by collecting, storing and transporting hydrogen, biomethane, nitrogen and LNG 2019
240 PREVISION Prediction and Visual Intelligence for Security Information 2019
241 NGI Next Generation Imaging 2019
242 REMAT A new patented technology to turn currently non-recyclable waste into recyclable composite products for a truly circular economy 2019
243 EpiShuttle 2.0 EpiShuttle: Isolation and Transportation of Infectious Disease Patients 2019
244 SuPREmE Ship performance monitoring and simulation to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. 2019
245 MAAS MOBILITY AS A SERVICE PLATFORM for employers and individuals. 2019
246 AT Interactive and Accessible Sign Language Translation - AccessibleTranslation 2019
247 SOFTMANBOT Advanced RoBOTic Technology for Handling SOFT Materials in MANufacturing Sectors 2019
248 BioCombs4Nanofibers Antiadhesive Bionic Combs for Handling of Nanofibers 2019
249 W2W Waste to Wealth (W2W): A total solution for municipal solid waste incinerated ash in geopolymer concrete 2020
250 GeoHex Advanced material for cost-efficient and enhanced heat exchange performance for geothermal application 2019
251 COALA COALA - Cloud-based AI-driven and Language-agnostic Customer Support Assistant 2019
252 MERGING Manipulation Enhancement through Robotic Guidance and Intelligent Novel Grippers 2019
253 CENSE Enabling the continuous monitoring of drinking water with an all-in-one sensor 2019
254 Proxipel Mobile pelletizing unit 2019
255 SmartGUIDE SmartGUIDE - Enabling a New Standard of Care Through a Smart Guidewire Device to Fight Stroke and Save Lives 2019
256 TAPPXSSAI Development of a system for automatic ad insertion into on-demand streaming video to provide new monetization mechanisms to the media industry 2019
257 EVEREST Extracellular Vesicles for Bone Regeneration – alternatives to Stem-cell Therapy 2020
258 Codasip RISC-V Digital Architecture for the Next Generation of Connected Era 2020
259 DISKIFAS Ground-breaking rotating biological contactor concept for small WWTP 2020
260 PODCAST Predictions and Observations for Discs: Planetary Cores and dust Aggregates from non-ideal MHD Simulations with radiative Transfer. 2020
261 DAN High-performance, kiosk-solution for forensic darknet analysis to gain cyber threat intelligence for companies and greatly enhance efficiency and capabilities of European investigation authorities 2019
262 TORYD TOpological many-body states with ultracold RYDberg atoms 2020
263 AVeriTeC Automated Verification of Textual Claims 2020
264 RECOBIN-PROTACs Reversible Covalently Binding PROTACs Technology for Protein Degradation in Cancer Therapy 2020
265 ReKnow Research Knowledge Documentation, Analysis and Exploration in Empirical and Descriptive Sciences 2020
266 feelware Computational Design Solutions for Touch Interfaces 2020
267 Smart-WiFi Proposal title SMART Wi-Fi : Management of the Wi-Fi Spectrum and Performance 2020