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H2020 projects about "urgently"

The page lists 270 projects related to the topic "urgently".

# achronym  title  year 
1 SELFIE Sustainable intEgrated care modeLs for multi-morbidity: delivery, FInancing and performancE 2015
2 SILNE-R Enhancing the effectiveness of programs and strategies to prevent youth smoking: a comparative realist evaluation of 7 European cities 2015
3 REDMUD European Training Network for Zero-waste Valorisation of Bauxite Residue (Red Mud) 2014
4 PRODIAS PROcessing Diluted Aqueous Systems 2015
5 EWIT EWIT: Developing an e-waste implementation toolkit to support the recycling and the secondary raw material recovery strategies in metropolitan areas in Africa 2015
6 HPC-LEAP High Performance Computing in Life Sciences, Engineering And Physics 2015
7 AURES Auctions for Renewable Energy Support: Effective use and efficient implementation options 2015
8 EntreLab The Entrepreneurial Laboratory for teachers’ training. A Capability Approach for Entrepreneurship Education in Vocational education 2015
10 HRPCDMECH Investigating how pathogen effector recognition by the host plant activates cell death 2016
11 SilhouetteOfSeaweed Overcoming barriers in estimating toxicity of arsenic species in seaweed 2015
12 S-OS Exosomes as microenvironmental cue for engaging mesenchymal stem cells in osteosarcoma progression 2016
13 FOMBIST Fibre-Optic Multi-parametric BIochemical Sensing Technology 2015
14 BinCosmos The impact of Massive Binary Stars through Cosmic Times 2015
15 MorphoVES-PoC Morphogenetically active blood vessels: Proof-of-Concept 2015
16 Ebola_Tx Emergency evaluation of convalescent blood and plasma for Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) in affected West African countries. 2014
17 i2D i2D – intelligence to drive 2015
18 SAFARI Scalable And Flexible optical Architecture for Reconfigurable Infrastructure 2014
19 NanoREG II Development and implementation of Grouping and Safe-by-Design approaches within regulatory frameworks 2015
20 ECLAIR Emulation of subgrid-scale aerosol-cloud interactions in climate models: towards a realistic representation of aerosol indirect effect 2015
21 proLungPlasma Validation of a Lung Cancer Plasma Reflex Test Using Epigenetic Biomarker for Cancer Detection 2015
22 BIGWHEAT An innovative approach to boost wheat yields 2015
23 COMAL COMAL:COhesin Mutations in Acute Leukemia: from modeling and mechanisms to novel therapeutics 2015
24 EUCALL European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources 2015
25 MASSTRPLAN MASS Spectrometry TRaining network for Protein Lipid adduct ANalysis 2015
26 ANSWER ANtibioticS and mobile resistance elements in WastEwater Reuse applications: risks and innovative solutions 2015
27 REE4EU REE4EU: integrated high temperature electrolysis (HTE) and Ion Liquid Extraction (ILE) for a strong and independent European Rare Earth Elements Supply Chain 2015
28 CholangioConcept Functional in vivo analysis of cholangiocarcinoma development, progression and metastasis. 2015
30 MMAF Novel multimodal approach to atrial fibrillation risk assessment and identification of targets for prevention by interdisciplinary exploitation of omics, advanced electrocardiography, and imaging 2016
31 PROMOTION PROMOTioN - Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks 2016
32 IntelGlazing Intelligent functional glazing with self-cleaning properties to improve the energy efficiency of the built environment 2016
33 MOBILITY4EU Action Plan for the future of Mobility in Europe 2016
34 CRADL Continuous Regional Analysis Device for neonate Lung 2016
35 ERA-GAS ERA-NET for Monitoring and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases from Agri- and Silvi-Culture 2016
36 PEARRL Pharmaceutical Education And Research with Regulatory Links: Innovative drug development strategies and regulatory tools tailored to facilitate earlier access to medicines 2016
38 By-BM By-products for Building Materials 2016
39 GCG-T3 Dyslipidemia Validation and Molecular Characterization of Novel Glucagon-Thyroid Hormone Conjugates for the Efficient Management of Dyslipidemia and Fatty Liver Disease 2016
40 EARTHSCAPES From Landscapes to Earthscapes: Understanding Visual Cultures of Global Environmental Crisis and the Making of Global Environmental Images, 1945-present (EARTHSCAPES) 2017
41 NEBU-ONE NEBU-ONE : A revolutionary method for anatomic pathology slides staining 2016
42 OUTERMOST Towards Autonomous Large Area Mass Production Sputtering Plants 2016
43 IRONLAKE Establishing stable IRON isotopes of laminated LAKE sediments as novel palaeoclimate proxy 2016
44 Expectancy learning Enhancing expectancy formation in healthy aging through statistical and sensorimotor learning 2016
45 ReCETT Remote Control of Electrical Transmission Tower 2016
46 YnotSing Evolution of sexual dimorphisms: all about losing not choosing? 2016
47 SC-square SC-square - Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation: uniting two communities to solve real problems 2016
48 CityNet Cities in Global Financial Networks: Financial and Business Services and Developmentin the 21st Century 2016
49 STEM-BCPC Signal Transduction and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Breast Cell Plasticity and Cancer 2016
50 TENSION Targeting replication stress recovery pathways in oncology 2016
51 GEMH Video games for the prevention of depression and anxiety: A 21st century approach to emotional and mental health in adolescents 2016
52 Scale-FreeBack Scale-Free Control for Complex Physical Network Systems 2016
53 SuccessfulGovernance Success in Public Governance: Assessing and explaining how public problems are sometimes addressed remarkably effectively 2016
54 CUSTOMI Arch New materials for revolutionary, branched, non-supported stents (CUSTOMI™) for aortic-arch endovascular repair 2016
55 SEQUOIA-DD Boosting productivity and performance in drug discovery with SEQUOIA - Semantic Query of Information Assets 2016
56 DouxSweet Novel Flavour Delivery Technology for Sugar Reduction 2016
57 DILIPHO Diffusional limitations to C4 photosynthesis 2017
58 FoodSmartphone Smartphone analyzers for on-site testing of food quality and safety 2017
59 TREATMENT Training European Network: Metabolic Dysfunctions associated with Pharmacological Treatment of Schizophrenia 2017
60 PAIN-Net Molecule-to-man pain network 2017
61 Train2Target An integrated mulTidisciplinary appRoach towards a new generAtIon of aNtibiotics: Targeting function and cross-talk of bacterial Envelope proTein machineries 2017
62 PROTECTED PROTECTion against Endocrine Disruptors; Detection, mixtures, health effects, risk assessment and communication. 2017
63 NEW-MINE EU Training Network for Resource Recovery through Enhanced Landfill Mining 2016
64 NITROS Network for Innovative Training on ROtorcraft Safety 2016
65 AVA Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics 2017
66 RE-SERVE Renewables in a Stable Electric Grid 2016
67 ENERGISE European Network for Research, Good Practice and Innovation for Sustainable Energy 2016
68 Hidden life Host-microbe interactions involving microbial dark matter: Biology and evolution of a ubiquitous group of intracellular bacteria. 2017
69 14Constraint Radiocarbon constraints for models of C cycling in terrestrial ecosystems: from process understanding to global benchmarking 2016
70 AlCat Bond activation and catalysis with low-valent aluminium 2017
71 ECSTATIC Electrostructural Tomography – Towards Multiparametric Imaging of Cardiac Electrical Disorders 2017
72 Smartaxi Innovative customer forecasting system with 32% savings in Taxi operational costs 2016
73 FAFC Foundations and Applications of Functional Cryptography 2017
74 VISIRday VISible to far-IR optical tuning: passive DAYtime cooling by hierarchical structures and hybrid materials 2017
75 MERA Mechanism of Enzyme Rhodopsin Activation 2016
76 INNOVATION Authority and Innovation in Early Franciscan Thought (c. 1220-56) 2017
77 BioCHANGE Biodiversity Change: an open access data resource supporting societal responses to the biodiversity crisis 2016
78 NEIGHBOURCHANGE Social innovation and urban revitalization in hyperdiverse local societies 2017
79 MagBURST Exploding stars from first principles: MAGnetars as engines of hypernovae and gamma-ray BURSTs 2017
80 iNAPS Illuminating Neuronal-Astrocytic Pathways for Sleep homeostasis 2017
81 LACEGAL Latin American Chinese European Galaxy Formation Network 2017
82 LEAF-FALL What makes leaves fall in autumn? A new process description for the timing of leaf senescence in temperate and boreal trees 2017
83 Apolitical Advancing the Best Ideas and People in the Public Service 2017
84 Targeting TopoII Mechanistic studies of metal-dependent DNA cleavage in Type II topoisomerase toward therational design of novel anticancer drugs 2017
85 CoLiDR Collision of Light in Dielectric Resonators - Optically Induced Symmetry Breaking 2017
86 StrainBooster Enforced ATP wasting as a general design principle to rationally engineer microbial cell factories 2017
87 BOSS-WAVES Back-reaction Of Solar plaSma to WAVES 2017
88 SEACRIFOG Supporting EU-African Cooperation on Research Infrastructures for Food Security and Greenhouse Gas Observations 2017
89 REVERSING TAUOPATHY Identifying and deciphering the mechanism of the cellular machinery responsible for disaggregation of intracellular prion-like Tau aggregates 2017
90 BYONIC Beyond the Iron Curtain 2017
91 AMPLITUDES Novel structures in scattering amplitudes 2017
92 CO2 Intermediates From CO2, Water and Sunlight to Valuable Solar Fuels: Tracking Reaction Intermediates in Solar Fuel Generation with Ultrafast Spectroscopy for More Efficient Catalysis 2017
93 RAMP RAtionalising Membrane Protein crystallisation 2017
94 MSCHIPBIO Multiscale computational modelling for natural hip biomechanics and tribology 2017
95 MiRCHOL Mechanistic and therapeutic implications of microRNA deregulation for drug resistance in bile duct cancer 2017
96 DECRON Development of eco-friendly ironmaking processes based onGPU-enhanced DEM-CFD modelling 2017
97 TimePresCompBridge Time-dependent design and assessment of prestressed steel-concrete composite bridges with external FRP tendons 2017
98 BICEPSvsHIV Novel strategies for anti-HIV-1 therapy: Small molecules targeting RNA partners of the nucleocapsid protein 2017
99 PresWoodenHeritage Preserving Wooden Heritage. Methods for monitoring wooden structures: 3D laser scanner survey and application of BIM systems on point cloud models 2017
100 SCAN-Deep Systematic Characterisation and Archiving of megafauNa on a regional scale in a Deep-sea area threatened by mining 2018
101 EVACUATION Testing communication strategies to save lives in emergency evacuation 2018
102 THAT IS HUNT Triggering Haematological Adoptive T-cell Immunotherapy Strategies by HUnting Novel T-cellreceptors 2018
103 CYCLOMB Disruptive Cyclone-based technology for effective and affordable particulate matter emission reduction in biomass combustion systems 2017
104 DDD Diffusive Droplet Dynamics in multicomponent fluid systems 2017
105 DesignEng Designing Engineers: Harnessing the Power of Design Projects to Spur Cognitive and Epistemological Development of STEM Students 2018
106 BLMs 4 TB Beta-lactams for Tuberculosis Treatment 2018
107 DYNAMINT Dynamics of Probed, Pulsed, Quenched and Driven Integrable Quantum Systems 2017
108 FRAGMENT2DRUG Jigsaw puzzles at atomic resolution: Computational design of GPCR drugs from fragments 2017
109 MetaboMARKER A metabolism-based prognostic biomarker for prostate cancer 2017
110 EU-JUSTICE Building EU civil justice: challenges of procedural innovations bridging access to justice 2017
111 PanaMast Progressing a non-antibiotic antimicrobial treatment for Bovine Mastitis towards market - PanaMast 2017
112 SYNEXTRACT All Aqueous, continuous, Solid-Liquid SYNergisticEXTRACTion of rare earth elements 2017
113 ITUL Information Theory with Uncertain Laws 2017
114 COSINE Training network for COmputational Spectroscopy In Natural sciences and Engineering 2018
115 ETAP Tracing Evolution of Auxin Transport and Polarity in Plants 2018
116 IT-DED3 Integrated Training in Dry Eye Disease Drug Development (IT-DED3) 2018
117 MUMMERING MUltiscale, Multimodal and Multidimensional imaging for EngineeRING 2018
118 PurinesDX Interdisciplinary training network on the purinergic P2X7 receptor to control neuroinflammation and hyperexcitability in brain diseases. 2017
119 Dam2Age DNA Damage and Repair and its Impact on Healthy Ageing 2017
120 FORMICA Microclimatic buffering of plant responses to macroclimate warming in temperate forests 2018
121 transMed Educating the next generation of scientists in translational medicine: Focus on eye diseases 2017
122 A4B Analytics for Biologics 2017
123 GLIOTRAIN Exploiting GLIOblastoma intractability to address European research TRAINing needs in translational brain tumour research, cancer systems medicine and integrative multi-omics 2017
124 ECHOES European Colonial Heritage Modalities in Entangled Cities 2018
125 Hi-ThermCap High-capacity and high-performance Thermal energy storage Capsule for low-carbon and energyefficient heating and cooling systems 2017
126 SENTIFLEX Fluorescence-based photosynthesis estimates for vegetation productivity monitoring from space 2018
127 VIP Véhicule Intelligent et Propre ( Green and Smart Vehicle) 2017
128 FIT4FOOD2030 Fostering Integration and Transformation for FOOD 2030 2017
129 CLIMLAN Novel multivariate, high-resolution mapping of the exposure of ecosystems to climate and land use change 2018
130 CONVINCE The Comparison of High-Dose Heamodiafiltration (HDF) versus Haemodialyse 2018
131 FODEX Tropical Forest Degradation Experiment 2018
132 COGNAP To nap or not to nap? Why napping habits interfere with cognitive fitness in ageing 2018
133 MicroBar Microsatellite Barcoding: reconstructing the family tree of hematopoietic cells 2018
134 CHIPS Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Acrylamide on Health: Prospective Biomarker-Based Studies 2018
135 STRATO Stress as a modifier of atherosclerosis - Novel mechanistic insights and therapeutic avenues - 2018
136 SPEEDER Supercapacitive Polymer Electrodes for Directing Epithelial Repair 2018
137 EpiCBiome Development of an innovative Airway-on-Chip microbiome cell culture model to investigate host-microbiome interactions at the airway epithelial surface 2018
138 NovAnI Indentification and optimisation of novel anti-infective agents using multiple hit-identification strategies 2018
139 MRS in diabetes Novel methods in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to investigate mechanisms underlying metabolic disease 2018
140 XHaLe Hanover experimental lung research project 2018
141 AFIRMATIVE Acoustic-Flow Interaction Models for Advancing Thermoacoustic Instability prediction in Very low Emission combustors 2018
142 MYCO-CARB FUNCTIONAL BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF PLANKTONIC MARINE FUNGI – Revealing the mechanistic basis of the roles of mycoplankton in the marine carbon cycle 2018
143 KeepWarm Improving the performance of district heating systems in Central and East Europe 2018
144 LIMA Controlling light-matter interactions by quantum designed 2D materials 2018
145 NovInDXS Development of novel inhibitors of the anti-infective target DXS using dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) 2018
146 Perfect Fresh Intelligent storage and transport solutions with integrated monitoring to optimize the international fresh produce supply chain, significantly increasing shelf life and preventing food waste 2018
147 MISFIRES Misfires and Market Innovation: Toward a Collaborative Turn in Organising Markets 2018
148 FINDER FINDER: FIghtiNg DEngue viRus, a novel strategy for the development of fully protective antiviralsthat act by disrupting the DENV NS3/NS5 interaction 2018
149 ClinGen-PsychTx Identifying Clinical, Demographic, and Genomic Risk Factors for Treatment-Resistant Psychiatric Disorders 2018
151 DMSWet Microbial Dimethylsulfide Degradation in Anoxic Wetland Sediments 2019
152 SEA The Social Epistemology of Argumentation 2018
153 DREAM Drafting and Enacting the Revolutions in the Arab Mediterranean.In search of Dignity, from the 1950’s until today 2018
154 SuperPests Innovative tools for rational control of the most difficult-to-manage pests (super pests) and the diseases they transmit 2018
155 CEN-CE CEN standard Certified ExpertsEU-wide qualification and training scheme based on EPBD mandated CEN standards 2018
156 NanoMop Smart Cholesterol-Mopping Polymer Nanoparticles in Niemann-Pick Disease Type C 2018
157 SECurITY Social-ECological Interdependencies in TransboundarY water resources systems 2019
158 SunPro Sunflower: Durable Resistance to Broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) 2019
159 NEUROTARGET Treatment of traumatic brain injury using dye-loaded polymeric nanoparticles 2018
160 FORWARD Exploring the drivers of tropical forest responses to variability of water availability in space and time through a model-data fusion cycle 2018
161 THREAT The threat status of endemic Atlantic Forest trees 2018
162 WET MARS Hydrological processes on late Mars: water under the telescope and under the microscope 2018
163 FATarget Drugs targets in sympathetic neurons controlling adiposity. 2019
164 ARC-for-CORE Artificial Compartment for Coenzyme Regeneration 2019
165 TRuST TRanscriptomic analysis improving models to predict microbial SafeTy of ready-to-eat foods 2019
166 NanoBBB Transport of Engineered Nanomaterials across the blood-brain-barrier 2018
167 UNNAMEd-2 Unraveling the conceptional novel ADAM17 regulation by PP2A in metastasis formation. 2019
168 KILNEV Killing Senescent Cells as a Novel Method to Eliminate Nevi 2018
169 HDAC6_GEMM Development of a novel genetically engineered mouse model to study the role of HDAC6 in oncogenesis and metastasis of non-small cell lung cancer. 2018
170 WELL-BEING The dynamics underlying Well-being; Understanding the Exposome-Genome interplay 2018
171 ACCOPT ACelerated COnvex OPTimization 2018
172 NanoTBTech Nanoparticles-based 2D thermal bioimaging technologies 2018
173 GOLF EC-Asia Research Network on Integration of Global and Local Agri-Food Supply Chains Towards Sustainable Food Security 2018
174 ATTACK Pressured to Attack: How Carrying-Capacity Stress Creates and Shapes Intergroup Conflict 2018
175 Have a BLaST Disruptive Bike Logistic Smart Trailer for efficient, painless and zero nuisance last mile delivery in cities 2018
176 Pirocrack Integrated pyrolisis and thermal cracking technology to revolutionise the MSW treatment market 2018
177 VitaminBlock Development of antibacterial compounds that block essential transport function 2018
178 LOGIC LAB Molecular logic lab-on-a-vesicle for intracellular diagnostics 2018
179 READIT Reading Literature in a Digital Culture 2018
180 MaeBAia Mechanisms of adverse effects of Beta-Agonists in Asthma 2018
181 AquapHOx The first high-performance, all-in-one optical sensor technology to monitor the health of our oceans 2018
182 INNOVATEDIGNITY Training the next generation of leaders to deliver innovations in dignified sustainable care systems for older people 2019
183 MLFPM2018 Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine 2019
184 CropBooster-P Preparatory action to Boost Global Crop Yield for Food & Nutrition Security and fueling a Bioeconomy 2018
185 MOVES Migration and Modernity: Historical and Cultural Challenges 2019
186 PEP-NET Predictive Epigenetics: Fusing Theory and Experiment 2018
187 MORPHEUS Deciphering Bacteria-induced Morphogenesis and Protection in marine Eukaryotes 2019
188 pvDesign A Cutting-Edge Software for the Feasibility Analysis and Design of Photovoltaic Power Plants 2018
189 EMBEDDIA Cross-Lingual Embeddings for Less-Represented Languages in European News Media 2019
190 TRICARIX Minimally invasive transcatheter system for tricuspid heart valve replacement 2018
191 5E Federating European Electronics Ecosystems for Competitive Electronics Industries 2019
192 NGI0-PET NGI Zero - Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2018
193 PedSarc Targeting genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in pediatric sarcomas. 2019
194 Novel Jack Automatic Hydraulic Jack with improved capacity, safety and efficiency for agricultural implements 2018
195 Dust2Planets Unveiling the role of X-rays in protoplanetary disks via laboratory astrophysics 2020
196 CuRE Cardiac REgeneration from within 2019
197 HY-NANO HYbrid NANOstructured multi-functional interfaces for stable, efficient and eco-friendly photovoltaic devices 2019
198 Smart Cylinder Smart Cylinder: Breakthrough hydraulic solution to boost productivity, increase energy efficiency and lower emissions in heavy-duty industrial applications 2018
199 TUNNEL VISION Novel Subsurface Inspection Radar to Inspect Tunnels and Tunnels Linings for improved maintenance. 2019
200 kINPen Developing a high-innovative portable cold plasma device for efficient healing of chronic wounds in veterinary medicine 2019
201 FURTHER Focused Ultrasound and RadioTHERapy for Noninvasive Palliative Pain Treatment in Patients with Bone Metastasis 2019
202 NOVIRUSES2BRAIN ''One size fits all'' unique drug to eradicate multiple viral species simultaneously from the central nervous system of co-infected individuals 2019
203 NGI0-Discovery NGI Zero Discovery 2018
204 SOLID Suppression of Organelle Defects in Human Disease 2019
205 The MATRIX Inflammatory resolution and remodelling of the adipose extracellular matrix: key determinants of a metabolically healthy phenotype? 2019
206 Cat-In-hAT Catastrophic Interactions of Binary Stars and the Associated Transients 2019
207 LION-HEARTED Light and Organic Nanotechnology for Cardiovascular Disease 2019
208 POCON Proof-of-Concept of a nanobody targeting Osteopontin to inhibit colorectal cancer development 2019
209 ReCoDE Reshaping cortical circuits to decrease binge eating 2019
210 POEMS Physics of Extreme Massive Stars 2019
211 GLU-IMAGE Glutamate dynamics during visual stimulation and ketamine challenge in the human brain 2019
212 Time Machine Time Machine : Big Data of the Past for the Future of Europe 2019
213 EV-2C Structural and functional studies of enterovirus 2C proteins: promising targets for antiviral therapy. 2019
214 MOVES MOnitoring VEgetation status and functioning at high spatio-temporal resolution from Sentinel-2 2019
215 NeuroAPA Neurodevelopmental outcome in offspring conceived by parents at advanced parental age 2019
216 ChOLLATERAL Generation of an adverse outcome pathway network on cholestatic liver injury for mechanism-based in vitro testing of chemicals. 2019
217 NPsVLCD Natural Product-Inspired Therapies for Leishmaniasis and Chagas Disease 2019
218 TackTDEs Tackling the complexity of Tidal Disruption Events 2020
219 3D NKCC1 Interdisciplinary approach to characterize the structure and the ion transport mechanism of NKCC1, a key target for brain disorders. 2019
220 Food-PPP-NAFLD Discovery and characterization of food bioactive compounds modulating the Pentose Phosphate Pathway against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 2019
221 PANI WATER Photo-irradiation and Adsorption based Novel Innovations for Water-treatment 2019
222 FEN INHIBITORS Development of Kinetoplastida Flap Endonuclease Inhibitors in Search for Novel Therapeutics 2020
223 BITFORM Multiplexed biosensing and tissue-on-a-chip integrated platform for breast cancer biomarkers monitoring 2019
224 VASA Vaccine Against Schistosomiasis for Africa. A Phase I clinical study of the SchistoShield® anti-schistosomiasis vaccine in adults in endemic areas of sub-Saharan Africa 2019
225 TiPES Tipping Points in the Earth System 2019
226 spike Unique Virtual Reality solution recreating live indoor sports to increase audience 2019
227 HYSOTIB Global dynamics of hydro-sociality in river heritage landscapes of the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau. 2020
228 Anti-L1CAM Anti-L1CAM antibody: A novel efficacious immunotherapy for pancreatic and ovarian cancer patients 2019
229 VIEW-AHEAD Virtual Image Holographic Optical Elements for Windscreens, Enabling the Next Generation of Automobile Head-up Displays 2019
230 RWEal Real-World Evidence (RWE) analytics to increase efficiency of clinical product development 2019
231 InAir An Air Quality Monitoring Station in a Chip 2019
232 GRAPHCOAT New generation of polymeric films, LDPE-Graphene based, for industrial applications 2019
233 LNC Making Earth Green Again with Liquid Nano Clay 2019
234 MechanoGPER Development of GPER agonists as a novel therapeutic option for pancreatic cancer 2019
235 INSECT DOCTORS A joint doctoral program to educate tomorrow’s insect pathologists: Solving disease problems in the upcoming insect rearing industry. 2019
236 FertiCycle New bio-based fertilisers from organic waste upcycling 2020
237 GRAPES learninG, pRocessing, And oPtimising shapES 2019
238 MyWave Efficient Millimetre-Wave Communications for mobile users 2019
239 QUDOT-TECH Quantum Dots for Photonic Quantum Information Technologies 2020
240 TIPAT Training towards Personalized Antibiotic Treatment 2020
241 RSENSE Revolutionizing disease and environmental detection with portable optoacoustic sensing 2020
242 PyroLife PyroLife - training the next generation of integrated fire management experts 2019
243 GMOS-Train Global Mercury Observation and Training Network in Support to the Minamata Convention 2020
244 optiSLATER optiSLATER: Automated Classification System for the categorization of slate slabs. 2019
245 SN-marker Secretoneurin (SN): the first blood biomarker to accurately stratify mortality risk in patients with cardiac arrhythmia 2019
246 TAMING CORROSION Towards mastering the long-standing challenge of ageing infrastructures in corrosive environments 2020
247 SUNCOAT Protecting wind-turbine leading edges with nanoengineered superhydrophobic urethane coatings 2019
248 mfloDx Adaptable Multiflow Diagnostic Platform to Genetically Identify Drug Resistant Infection 2019
249 BD Body Dryer A reliable, fast and comfortable body dryer 2019
250 DISSECT DISSECT: Evidence in International Human Rights Adjudication 2020
251 BANYAN Big dAta aNalYtics for radio Access Networks 2019
252 HAP2 Host-targeted Approaches for the Prevention and the treatment of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia 2020
254 discovAIR Discovering the cellular landscape of the airways and the lung 2020
255 PROFID Implementation of personalised risk prediction and prevention of sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction 2020
256 PRIVATETRACK PRIVATETRACK: Privacy-friendly, low-power intelligent room occupancy detection and people counting. 2019
257 DAN High-performance, kiosk-solution for forensic darknet analysis to gain cyber threat intelligence for companies and greatly enhance efficiency and capabilities of European investigation authorities 2019
258 METAFOAM Towards acoustic metafoams for broad-range sound insulation 2020
259 UnDark New Approaches to Uncover Dark Matter in the post-WIMP Era 2020
260 ABIONYS Artificial Enzyme Modules as Tools in a Tailor-made Biosynthesis 2020
261 NUCLEARREV Towards a Third Nuclear Age? Strategic Conventional Weapons and the Next Revolution in Global Nuclear Order 2020
262 ROCOCO2HP Real-time optimal control of the CO2 heat pump system for residential use 2020
263 GENPOP Genes, genealogies and the evolution of demographic change and social inequality 2020
264 PregnancyAD Antidepressant discontinuation during pregnancy and relapse risk in the perinatal period 2021
265 Nature-In New sustainable Nature-inclusive architectural devices for the transformation of our dwelling interior space: through selected case studies. 2020
266 FluAttack Validation of a novel antiviral drug candidate against influenza 2020
267 PSust-MOF Metal-Organic Frameworks as multifunctional materials toward P-sustainability 2020
268 Electroscopy Electrochemistry of All-solid-state-battery Processes using Operando Electron Microscopy 2020
269 CardioZoom High-fidelity Cardiovascular Modeling from Super-Fast Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2020
270 ACQUIRE Assessing cardiac Contractility and Quantification of Underlying mechanisms In vitro via Response in Excitation-contraction coupling 2020