The page lists 697 projects related to the topic "empirical".
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1 | SELFIE | Sustainable intEgrated care modeLs for multi-morbidity: delivery, FInancing and performancE | 2015 |
3 | HUCO | Human Cooperation to Protect the Global Commons | 2015 |
4 | SenseX | Sensory Experiences for Interactive Technologies | 2015 |
5 | RDRECON | Risky Decisions: Revealing Economic Behaviour | 2015 |
6 | Objectivity | Making Scientific Inferences More Objective | 2015 |
7 | CHIBOW | Children Born of War - Past, Present and Future | 2015 |
8 | CASPIAN | Around the Caspian: a Doctoral Training for Future Experts in Development and Cooperation with Focus on the Caspian Region | 2015 |
9 | HEIM | Higher Education Internationalisation and Mobility: Inclusion, Equalities and Innovations | 2015 |
10 | CloudLightning | Self-Organising, Self-Managing Heterogeneous Cloud | 2015 |
11 | Geopark | Geoparks: Heritage, Education and Sustainable Development - an Innovative Methodology for Southern Countries. Case Study in Morocco (Atlas Mountains, Marrakech) | 2015 |
12 | INCAS | Understanding institutional change in Asia: a comparative perspective with Europe | 2015 |
13 | AURES | Auctions for Renewable Energy Support: Effective use and efficient implementation options | 2015 |
14 | MathModExp | The Evolution of Competition and Cooperation: how polymorphisms in microbial populations optimise virulence and mediate drug resistance | 2015 |
15 | SpoKiGen | Spore killer genomics: elucidating causes and consequences of a fungal meiotic drive element | 2015 |
16 | ISIGrowth | Innovation-fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth | 2015 |
17 | GEMM | Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets | 2015 |
18 | EUENGAGE | Bridging the gap between public opinion and European leadership: Engaging a dialogue on the future path of Europe. | 2015 |
19 | RE-InVEST | Rebuilding an Inclusive, Value-based Europe of Solidarity and Trust through Social Investments | 2015 |
20 | CATCH-EyoU | Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions | 2015 |
21 | BRISKEE | Behavioural Response to Investment Risks in Energy Efficiency | 2015 |
22 | Solar Bankability | Improving the Financeability and Attractiveness of Sustainable Energy Investments in Photovolatics: Quantifying and Managing the Technical Risk for Current and New Business Models | 2015 |
23 | MOLECOPS | International mobility, local economics and European cooperation policies in the central Sahara | 2015 |
24 | USIFlux | Unveiling Stomata 24/7: Using Stable Isotopes and COS to quantify diurnal and nocturnal carbon and water vegetation-atmosphere Fluxes under future climate scenarios | 2016 |
25 | INNOVATIONOPTIONS | Valuing Innovation Options and Policy Flexibility Under Uncertainty | 2016 |
26 | STRATNARRA | Russia's strategic narrative of the West: A study of influence in Ukraine | 2015 |
27 | ToEfDeCo | Towards Guaranteeing the Right to Effective Assistance of Defence Counsel in Member States in Trans-border Criminal Cases | 2016 |
28 | GETUI | Gestures in Tangible User Interfaces | 2015 |
29 | PREDICTIVEMEMORY | Multimodal neuroimaging of mechanisms supporting memory-based predictions in the human brain | 2015 |
30 | EUP | The implementation of the EU employment policies in Germany, Italy and Denmark | 2015 |
31 | SHARE | Shared Emotions, Group Membership, and Empathy | 2016 |
32 | PEDIGREE | Pluralistic Economics for Development in Green Economic Enhancement | 2016 |
33 | Art and Brain | Art and Brain: An integrated approach to causative analysis of neural function in perception of art using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation | 2015 |
34 | GENOMIC FOOTPRINT | Does a moving hybrid zone leave a genomic footprint? | 2016 |
35 | NNL | An exploration into the feasibility of simultaneously achieving ‘No Net Loss’ of biodiversity and ecosystem services, in an uncertain and changing world | 2015 |
36 | KinCoop | Do plants cooperate in reproduction? The effect of sharing pollination services on plant reproductive strategies | 2015 |
37 | CONSCRISIS | Households’ Consumption during the Great Recession: A structural analysis on the role of expectations | 2015 |
38 | BeSec | Beyond the Secular: Narrativizing religious change in contemporary German novels | 2016 |
39 | ClauSeInTEL | Clausal Selection: Integrating Theoretical with Experimental Linguistics | 2015 |
40 | AutismRigidPercept | Investigation and modification of atypical dynamic brain activity underlying perceptual inflexibility of autism spectrum disorders | 2015 |
41 | EBUCAI | European Banking Union and Current Account Imbalances | 2016 |
42 | PERS-RELICT-CLIM | The persistence of relict populations under climate change | 2016 |
43 | STATE CAPACITY | Neither Dwarf nor Leviathan: Explaining Territorial and Functional Variation in State Capacity | 2016 |
44 | Carnap and the Limits of Metaphysics | Carnap and the Limits of Metaphysics | 2015 |
45 | EARLYSTART | Short and long-term consequences of the early environment | 2015 |
46 | INHABIT Cities | Investigating Natural, Historical, And Institutional Transformations - Cities | 2015 |
47 | Behaviour-Connect | Behaviour-Connect: Testing hypotheses on the behavioural drivers of connectivity in the marine environment through novel Bayesian models | 2016 |
48 | PYROCHEM | Biopolymers 13C tracking during fast pyrolysis of biomass-A 2-level mechanistic investigation | 2015 |
50 | REE Value Chain | Rare Earth Supply Chain and Industrial Ecosystem: A Material Flow Assessment of European Union | 2015 |
51 | PEERS | Peer effects and endogenous network formation | 2015 |
52 | QuantumLaP | Quantum Effects in Multicolor Ultrafast Laser Processing: Broadening Boundaries of Classical Descriptions | 2015 |
53 | MTT | How does future thinking work? Uncovering its evolutionary and developmental origins | 2015 |
54 | ECECWorkforce | Knowledge, Skills and Attitudinal Competences for Quality Early childhood Education and Care | 2015 |
55 | BETAPEV | Beyond Empathy: Toward a phenomenological Ethics of Vulnerability | 2015 |
56 | MIGWAR | Investigating the interactions between civil wars and migration. | 2015 |
57 | ABRUPT | Quantifying Abrupt Biotic Responses to Palaeoclimate Change | 2016 |
58 | NESSY | NEw Science from the phase space of old stellar SYstems | 2015 |
59 | ATCK-HER | Cross-cultural heritage. Understanding cultural heritage in a globalized world | 2015 |
60 | MARCS | A Markedness Account of Romance Clitic Systems | 2016 |
61 | PS-IRAQ | Performing a State: State-building in Iraq (2003-2006). | 2016 |
62 | BAP | A dynamical view of binding affinity | 2015 |
63 | Pathologies | Pathologies of temporality. Abnormal experiences of time in mental disorders | 2016 |
64 | cRISys | Innovation Systems in Financial Crisis: Technological Dynamics, Industrial Structure and Business Cycles | 2015 |
65 | GLANCE | calculatinG heaLth impActs of atmospheric pollutioN in a Changing climatE | 2015 |
66 | EpiSpec | “EPIgenetic impacts on early-stage SPECiation and adaptive radiation” | 2015 |
67 | IRC | Imagination and Religious Credence | 2015 |
68 | BayesianHumanCortex | Bayesian computations in the human neocortex: deciphering the neuronal mechanisms of perceptual and syntactic inferences. | 2015 |
69 | ReaDoubt | Reasonable Doubt: An epistemological and psychological approach | 2015 |
70 | TransHI-Rom | Risk and MigrationA Transnational History of Romanian Migration to Western Europe (2002-2013) | 2015 |
71 | Art market | ‘The re-privatization of the contemporary art world: private collectors and artist-entrepreneurs in the changing geographies of European art’ | 2017 |
72 | WATER INCENT | Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Water Scarce and Drought Prone Irrigated Areas | 2015 |
73 | BBP | Bridging Belief and Practice | 2015 |
74 | CONGO | Hybrid Political Orders and Violent Exchanges in the Eastern Congo | 2016 |
75 | IMAGINACTIVISM | Cultural production, social movements and virtuous spirals; Using cultural production to influence social transformation. An ethnographic case study of a transmedia and translocal experiment. | 2015 |
76 | NoWork | The long-term effects of unemployment on older workers: Studying life-course influences in social context | 2016 |
77 | PARACORT | The role of macroPARAsite COinfection in Rodent-borne microparasite Transmission | 2015 |
78 | SENet | Social and ecological networks supporting biodiversity and food security | 2016 |
79 | CONRICONF | Contentious Rights: A Comparative Study of International Human Rights Norms and their Effects on Domestic Social Conflict | 2016 |
80 | DecentLivingEnergy | Energy and emissions thresholds for providing decent living standards to all | 2015 |
81 | SEXSEA | Origin and evolution of the sexes and reproductive systems: novel insights from a distant eukaryotic lineage | 2015 |
82 | PersoNews | Profiling and targeting news readers – implications for the democratic role of the digital media, user rights and public information policy | 2015 |
83 | VITAL | The Vitality of Disease - Quality of Life in the Making | 2015 |
84 | CD-LINKS | Linking Climate and Development Policies - Leveraging International Networks and Knowledge Sharing | 2015 |
85 | MOSTOPHOS | Modelling stability of organic phosphorescent light-emitting diodes | 2015 |
86 | MACROUNCERTINEQ | Uncertainty, Risk and Inequality: The Role of Macroeconomic Policies and Institutions | 2015 |
87 | EUROHERIT | Legitimation of European cultural heritage and the dynamics of identity politics in the EU | 2015 |
88 | LITTLE TOOLS | Enacting the Good Economy: Biocapitalization and the little tools of valuation | 2015 |
89 | CLIMSEC | Climate Variability and Security Threats | 2015 |
90 | BIOSTASES | BIOdiversity, STAbility and sustainability in Spatial Ecological and social-ecological Systems | 2015 |
91 | TVOF | The values of French language and literature in the European Middle Ages | 2015 |
92 | ExCAPE | Exascale Compound Activity Prediction Engine | 2015 |
93 | FICKLEFORMS | Fickle Formulas. The Political Economy of Macroeconomic Measurement | 2015 |
94 | ARTIST | Advancing Rechargeable-Batteries Through In Situ Techniques | 2015 |
95 | INDIMACRO | Individual decisions and macroeconomic robustness | 2015 |
96 | CompSCHoice | A Comprehensive Approach to School Choice and Education | 2015 |
97 | WEIGHTANDVALUE | Weight metrology and its economic and social impact on Bronze Age Europe, West and South Asia | 2015 |
98 | Drug-Seq | Unravelling the Genomic Targets of Drugs Using High-Throughput Sequencing | 2015 |
99 | NEGEVBYZ | Crisis on the margins of the Byzantine Empire: A bio-archaeological project on resilience and collapse in early Christian development of the Negev Desert | 2015 |
100 | UnPrEDICT | Uncertainty and Precaution: Environmental Decisions Involving Catastrophic Threats | 2015 |
101 | HySEA | Improving Hydrogen Safety for Energy Applications (HySEA) through pre-normative research on vented deflagrations | 2015 |
102 | BigDataFinance | Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management | 2015 |
103 | SEDAL | Statistical Learning for Earth Observation Data Analysis. | 2015 |
104 | SOWELL | Social Preferences, Well-Being and Policy | 2015 |
105 | MADE | Migration as Development | 2015 |
106 | RATCHETCOG | The Cog in the Ratchet: Illuminating the Cognitive Mechanisms Generating Human Cumulative Culture | 2015 |
107 | EUBorderCare | Intimate Encounters in EU Borderlands: Migrant Maternity, Sovereignty and the Politics of Care on Europe’s Peripheries | 2015 |
108 | SHARECITY | SHARECITY: Assessing the practice and sustainability potential of city-based food sharing economies | 2015 |
109 | ROMIA | Research on Microeconometrics: Identification, Inference, and Applications | 2016 |
110 | SIZE | Size matters: scaling principles for the prediction of the ecological footprint of biofuels | 2015 |
111 | NOVEL | Emergence of novel phenotypes in co-evolving biological systems: allelic diversification and dominance at the Self-incompatibility locus in Arabidopsis. | 2015 |
112 | POLITICALMIND | Explaining Politicians' and Voters' Behavior | 2015 |
113 | TRODITIES | Trust, Global Traders, and Commodities in a Chinese International City | 2015 |
114 | FLAME | FLow of Ancient Metals across Eurasia (FLAME): New frameworks for interpreting human interaction in Later Prehistory | 2015 |
115 | OPTIMISED | Operational Planning Tool Interfacing Manufacturing Integrated Simulations with Empirical Data | 2015 |
116 | AntibioDx | AntibioDx: A groundbreaking in vitro diagnostic device with a billion-dollar sales potential | 2015 |
117 | TheoryDL | Practically Relevant Theory of Deep Learning | 2016 |
118 | FluctEvol | Fluctuating selection, evolution, and plasticity in random environments | 2016 |
119 | TAX4INNO | OECD Study on the Incidence and Impact of Tax Support for Research and Innovation | 2016 |
120 | MACROPMF | Macroeconomic Dynamics with Product Market Frictions | 2016 |
121 | SocialMedia | Social Media, Political Participation, and Accountability | 2016 |
122 | SCANS | Social Cognition in Adolescents: Brain Networks and Social Networks | 2016 |
123 | MARKLIM | Markets and their limits | 2016 |
124 | ALLEGRO | unrAvelLing sLow modE travelinG and tRaffic: with innOvative data to a new transportation and traffic theory for pedestrians and bicycles | 2015 |
125 | ISECO | Information services: competition and externalities | 2015 |
126 | UNREST | Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe | 2016 |
127 | KeyDynamics | Addressing key challenges for forecasting climate change effects on biodiversity: an assessment of dispersal limitation, priority effects and intra-species trait variation in range dynamics | 2017 |
128 | REPCOR | The Role of Reputation and Corruption in Procurement | 2016 |
129 | AMO-dance | Strong Field Dynamics of Atoms and Molecules: History-dependent Functionals and Exact Kohn-Sham Potentials of the Time-dependent (multi-component) Density Functional Theory | 2016 |
130 | ComplexSex | Sex-limited experimental evolution of natural and novel sex chromosomes: the role of sex in shaping complex traits | 2016 |
131 | VADEMA | Doctoral Industrial School for Vaccine Design through Structural Mass Spectrometry | 2016 |
132 | TIMBER | Northern Europe's timber resource - chronology, origin and exploitation | 2016 |
134 | DYNAMICSS | Labour market dynamics and optimal policies | 2016 |
135 | FAMSIZEMATTERS | Family size matters: How low fertility affects the (re)production of social inequalities | 2016 |
136 | BPI | Bayesian Peer Influence: Group Beliefs, Polarisation and Segregation | 2016 |
137 | LEGA-C | The Physics of Galaxies 7 Gyr Ago | 2016 |
138 | MALET | Development of MODELICA Libraries for ECS and Thermal management architectures | 2016 |
139 | CAR | Context-Active Resilience in Cyber Physical Systems | 2016 |
140 | PEEK | Mobilisation and transformation of personal educational knowledge for teaching: An ethnographic account on teacher knowledge | 2017 |
141 | THE VERBAL APE | The primate precursors of human consonants and vowels | 2017 |
142 | GranD Cities | Green and Diverse Cities. The social impact of urban policies for sustainability in comparative perspective. | 2016 |
143 | PHILANTHROPIC RULE | International Authority and Intellectual Domination: External Donors and Local Organizations in Latin American Social Sciences (1945-1973). | 2017 |
144 | Neighbourhood Change | Neighbourhood Change in a Comparative Context: a Social-Mobility Approach | 2016 |
145 | TOFNITW | Transformation of Family Norms in a Transnational World: How LGBT Migrants can Affect Change through Social Remittances | 2017 |
146 | MUSLIM-NLNO | Muslims condemning violent extremism - An interdisciplinary analysis of public initiatives in the Netherlands and Norway 2001-2015 | 2016 |
147 | BrainCrossTalk | Large-scale cortical communication: Brain oscillatory mechanisms of attention allocation and selective inhibition | 2017 |
148 | Degrees of Belief | The Nature of Degrees of Belief | 2017 |
149 | EStoPARENTING | Individual Differences in Environmental Sensitivity to Parenting | 2016 |
150 | ERcontext | How to deal with how you feel: Understanding and training context-dependent emotion regulation | 2016 |
151 | Dynamic Perspectives | Unravelling perspective-taking: Examining the influence of multiple constraints on perspective selection and multimodal behavior through a dynamical systems' approach | 2016 |
152 | UPR | Unconditional parental regard: Its nature and its consequences | 2016 |
153 | BIC | Bilingual inhibitory control: N-2 language repetition costs unchained | 2016 |
154 | cOMPoSe | Optical Metamaterials by Polymer Self-assembly | 2016 |
155 | ANTILGBT | Anti-LGBT organising and its transnational dynamics: The case of the Balkans | 2016 |
156 | | European early warning system for systemic risk. | 2016 |
157 | MARDIV | 'Marriage and Cultural Diversity in the German Empire' | 2016 |
158 | MetricIMo | The Econometrics of Intergenerational Mobility | 2017 |
159 | SRR | Sovereignty and the Right to Regulate | 2017 |
160 | PSYCHOCONTEXT | Contextualising psychosocial wellbeing and mental health within sociocultural dynamics | 2016 |
161 | QDM | Quantum Decision Making | 2016 |
162 | TraCTUs | Tracing European Copper Age Social Dynamics through Pottery Technology and Use | 2016 |
163 | ForestRege | Tree generation replacement in a European natural forest– unravelling the role of canopy gaps using a spatially explicit approach | 2016 |
164 | CSR_MEMORY | Corporate (ir)responsibility and the politics of collective memory. | 2016 |
166 | PALEODEM | Late Glacial and Postglacial Population History and Cultural Transmission in Iberia (c.15,000-8,000 cal BP) | 2016 |
167 | CANVAS | Constructing an Alliance for Value-driven Cybersecurity | 2016 |
168 | TAKEDOWN | Understand the Dimensions of Organised Crime and Terrorist Networks for Developing Effective and Efficient Security Solutions for First-line-practitioners and Professionals | 2016 |
169 | SHADOWBANKING | Monetary Policy and Shadow banking: global micro-evidence from ABCPs | 2016 |
170 | Future4Oceans | Window to the future: Understanding and assessing the vulnerability of marine biodiversity to ocean acidification | 2016 |
171 | INSTINCT | Inhibiting Stress in the Construction Industry | 2017 |
172 | OCGN | Traditional Organised Crime and the Internet: The changing organization of illegal gambling networks | 2017 |
173 | PainDynamics | PainDynamics: Research on the dynamics of attention bias for pain in daily life. | 2016 |
174 | GenderJust | Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the Political Economy of Gender Justice: Discursive Power, Authority and the Subaltern | 2017 |
175 | COMPASS | Evidence and opportunities for responsible innovation in SMEs | 2016 |
176 | POSEC | Postsecular Conflicts and the role of Russian Orthodoxy in the transnational alliances of moral conservative traditionalists | 2016 |
177 | MIDLAND | Developing middle-range theories linking land use displacement, intensification and transitions | 2016 |
178 | Endogenous_Info | Financial Decision Making with Endogenous Information Acquisition | 2016 |
179 | HOW2WALKAGAIN | Mechanisms of recovery after severe spinal cord injury | 2016 |
180 | YouthCult | The Cultural Experience of International Students: Narratives from North and South Europe | 2016 |
181 | EPIDYN | Life on a leaf: species interactions and community dynamics in epiphyll communities | 2016 |
182 | SOGICA | Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum: A European human rights challenge | 2016 |
183 | AIDSsilences | The Power of Silence: A Medical Anthropological Approach to AIDS Care Narratives | 2017 |
184 | AFFORDS-HIGHER | Skilled Intentionality for 'Higher' Embodied Cognition: Joining forces with a field of affordances in flux | 2016 |
185 | MACROTRADE | Research on Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Trade | 2016 |
186 | Outgroup | Consequences of out-group conflict | 2016 |
187 | FOLLOW | Finance/Security practice after 9/11: Following the Money from Transaction to Trial | 2016 |
188 | GROUPVIOLENCE | Groups and Violence: A Micro-sociological Research Programme | 2016 |
189 | EDWEL | Empirical Demand and Welfare Analysis | 2016 |
190 | UTOPES | Unifying concepts in the topological design of non-crystalline materials | 2016 |
191 | Film Tourism | Worlds of Imagination. A Comparative Study of Film Tourism in India, Brazil, Jamaica, South Korea and the United Kingdom. | 2016 |
192 | CONPOL | Contexts, networks and participation: The social logic of political engagement | 2016 |
193 | IFAMID | Institutional Family Demography | 2016 |
194 | Gradual_Change | Gradual and abrupt environmental change: connecting physiology, evolution and community composition | 2016 |
195 | COSMOS | Semiparametric Inference for Complex and Structural Models in Survival Analysis | 2016 |
196 | PolEc | The Political Economy of Power Relations | 2016 |
197 | DYNURBAN | Urban dynamics: learning from integrated models and big data | 2016 |
198 | chemech | From Chemical Bond Forces and Breakage to Macroscopic Fracture of Soft Materials | 2016 |
199 | ONE | Unified Principles of Interaction | 2016 |
200 | MSG | Making Sense of Games: A Methodology for Humanistic Game Analysis | 2016 |
201 | INFIMOP | International Finance and Monetary Policy | 2016 |
202 | HOUSREG | Social Art as a Tool for Empowerment: Housing Deprivation and Citizen Initiatives for Change | 2016 |
203 | PABIR | Policy analysis with beliefs about identifying restrictions | 2016 |
204 | NARRATIVENSCIENCE | Narrative Ordering and Explanation in the Sciences: Historical Investigations and Perspectives | 2016 |
205 | SMJCY | Single Molecule Junctions With Non-Conventional Architectures, Crafted In Silico | 2016 |
206 | RuKNOW | Knowledge on International Relations in Russia | 2016 |
207 | E2D3S2 | Education and Engagement for inclusive Design and Development of Digital Systems and Services | 2016 |
208 | TransMID | Translational and Transdisciplinary research in Modeling Infectious Diseases | 2016 |
209 | GEOFIN | Western banks in Eastern Europe: New geographies of financialisation | 2016 |
210 | Pod Yield | “Can bean yield losses caused by drought, heat stress and climate change be ameliorated by enhancing pod-specific stomatal conductance?” | 2017 |
211 | FORECASTING | Forecasting with large datasets: A time varying covariance matrix | 2016 |
212 | CHEETAH | Changing Energy Efficiency Technology Adoption in Households | 2016 |
213 | PENNY | Psychological, social and financial barriers to energy efficiency | 2016 |
214 | IQCE | Improving Quality of Care in Europe | 2017 |
215 | CONSEED | CONSumer Energy Efficiency Decision Making | 2016 |
216 | 1toStopVax | RNA virus attenuation by altering mutational robustness | 2016 |
217 | HOME_EU | Homelessness as unfairness | 2016 |
218 | COSMIC-DANCE | Unraveling the origin of the Initial Mass Function | 2016 |
219 | WATER DROP | Droughts and Water Scarcity in the EU: Economic Impact, Adaptation, Policy Implications and Integrated Assessment Modelling | 2016 |
220 | IMAJINE | Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe | 2017 |
221 | REMINDER | Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates and EU Reforms | 2017 |
222 | MUSES | Towards middle-range theories of the co-evolutionary dynamics of multi-level social-ecological systems | 2017 |
223 | Q-RAPIDS | Quality-Aware Rapid Software Development | 2016 |
224 | REELER | Responsible Ethical Learning with Robotics | 2017 |
225 | Ps2Share | Participation, Privacy and Power in the Sharing Economy | 2017 |
226 | IACG-QFIIs | Institutional Activism in Corporate Governance: Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors in China | 2016 |
227 | MiMo | Inference in Microeconometric Models | 2017 |
228 | REINVENT | Realising Innovation in Transitions for Decarbonisation | 2016 |
229 | MNR4SCell | Micro/Nano Robotics for Single Cancer Cells | 2017 |
230 | SMILE | Statistical Mechanics of Learning | 2017 |
231 | DRYNET | Setting an interdisciplinary/sectorial/international research network to explore dry storage as an alternative strategy for cells/germplasm biobanking | 2017 |
232 | PADUA | Perception–action based design for urban accessibility: principles for inclusive design grounded in an understanding of first-person control of locomotion in the urban setting | 2016 |
233 | ROBUST | Robust Mechanism Design and Robust Prediction in Games | 2016 |
234 | QUALIDEM | Eroding Democracies. A qualitative (re-)appraisal of how policies shape democratic linkages in Western democracies | 2017 |
235 | FORCE | Formulations and Computational Engineering | 2017 |
236 | DisCont | Discontinuities in Household and Family Formation | 2017 |
237 | GLOBALPROD | The Global and Local Organization of Production | 2017 |
238 | LatinNow | The Latinization of the North-western Roman Provinces: Sociolinguistics, Epigraphy and Archaeology | 2017 |
239 | IKID | Institutions for Knowledge Intensive Development: Economic and Regulatory Aspects in South-East Asian Transition Economies | 2017 |
240 | TO-REACH | Transfer of Organisational innovations for Resilient, Effective, equitable, Accessible, sustainable and Comprehnsive Health Services and Systems. | 2016 |
241 | BIOSEC | Biodiversity and Security: understanding environmental crime, illegal wildlife trade and threat finance. | 2016 |
243 | IllegalPharma | Competitive Dynamics in the Informal Economy: The case of Illegal Pharmaceutical Drugs | 2017 |
245 | CLLS | Analysing coherence in law through legal scholarship | 2017 |
246 | EmergingWelfare | The New Politics of Welfare: Towards an “Emerging Markets” Welfare State Regime | 2017 |
247 | MUSDEWAR | Music in Detention during the (Post) Civil-War Era in Greece (1947-1957) | 2017 |
248 | SocParPhenoEvol | Insect social parasites: behavioural genomics models for understanding the basis of phenotypic evolution | 2017 |
249 | SocParPhenoEvol | Insect social parasites: behavioural genomics models for understanding the basis of phenotypic evolution | 2017 |
250 | APROCS | Automated Linear Parameter-Varying Modeling and Control Synthesis for Nonlinear Complex Systems | 2017 |
251 | EPP | Econometrics for Public Policy: Sampling, Estimation, Decision, and Applications | 2017 |
252 | MEME | Memory Engram Maintenance and Expression | 2017 |
253 | SWORD | Security Without Obscurity for Reliable Devices | 2017 |
254 | EDST | Economic Development and Structural Transformation | 2017 |
255 | RE-FASHIONING | Re-fashioning the Renaissance: Popular Groups, Fashion and the Material and Cultural Significance of Clothing in Europe, 1550-1650 | 2017 |
256 | Alexander Krauss | The limits of the sciences in identifying causes and scientific laws | 2017 |
257 | QTReproART | Towards an Inclusive Common European Framework for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): Queer Transgender Reproduction in the Age of ART. | 2017 |
258 | AVAST | Advanced Volcanic Ash characteriSaTion | 2017 |
259 | DARE | Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality | 2017 |
260 | CANCERSCREEN | Screening for cancer in the post-genomic era: diagnostic innovation and biomedicalisation in comparative perspective | 2017 |
261 | MacroStability | Stability and dynamics at different spatial scales: From physiology to Alzheimer's degeneration | 2017 |
262 | TEA | Theory and Empirics of Asymmetry | 2017 |
263 | NET | Nanoreactivity at drastically Extended Timescales | 2017 |
264 | EROSIVE | The influence of Earth-surface processes on solid-Earth, ice-sheet, and sea-level interactions for Scandinavian Ice-Sheet collapse | 2018 |
265 | REPCAT | The Role of the Ethnic Majority in Integration Processes: Attitudes and Practices towards Immigrants in Catalan Institutions | 2018 |
266 | LEEP | Longitudinal employer–employee perspectives on the role of human capital investments for retirement transitions | 2017 |
267 | SufisEthicsDemocracy | Sufis Ethics and Democracy | 2017 |
268 | PODARCIS | Potential Oxygen Limitation of Distributions And Responses to Changing Climates In Ectotherms | 2017 |
269 | PEP | An Empirical Foundation for Understanding Positive Emotions | 2017 |
270 | OWNERS | ‘This country is ours’: Collective psychological OWNERShip and ethnic attitudes | 2017 |
271 | TreeGraSP | Tree rewriting grammars and the syntax-semantics interface:From grammar development to semantic parsing | 2017 |
272 | BEHAVE | New discrete choice theory for understanding moral decision making behaviour | 2017 |
273 | LIDISNO | Linguistic Dimensions of Sexual Normativity | 2017 |
274 | LABOREP | Labor Market Segmentation and Political Participation | 2018 |
275 | ATRA | Atlas of Renaissance Antiquarianism | 2017 |
276 | HRMN | Human Rights, Memorialization and Nationalism | 2017 |
277 | SimSolidAM | Simulation of metal Solidification in Additive Manufacturing processes | 2017 |
278 | ISEBI | Individual Specialisation in Established Biological Invasions: importance and Ecological Impact | 2017 |
279 | RefBORDER | Reflexivity as capacity in EU’s border security: a contribution to theory and practice through the case of Polish Border Guard training | 2017 |
281 | M-TRAIT | Modelling Tree Response to Aridity Increase with Traits | 2018 |
282 | RELMED | Electricity in the Mediterranean: Promoting good regulatory governance | 2017 |
283 | ModelingCommonGround | Modeling Common Ground | 2017 |
284 | CACHEM | CACHEM: Probing Clustering of X-ray AGN using Chandra and Semi-Empirical Models | 2018 |
285 | ISSP | Infrastructuring SuStainable Playbour | 2018 |
286 | TIMEGG | TIMING FERTILIY- A Comparative Analysis of Time Constructions and the Social Practice of Egg-Freezing in Germany and Israel | 2018 |
287 | SELFCONTROLHEALTH | Childhood Self-Control, Social Conditions, and Adult Health | 2018 |
288 | ESPSI | Eruption Source Parameters for Explosive Eruptions in Iceland Over the Last 3 ka | 2017 |
289 | Demeco | Default meanings in compound interpretation | 2017 |
290 | EcoEvoProspectS | Ecology and Evolution of Prospecting Strategies | 2017 |
291 | ARTEFACT | The Global as Artefact: Understanding the Patterns of Global Political History Through an Anthropology of Knowledge -- The Case of Agriculture in Four Global Systems from the Neolithic to the Present | 2017 |
292 | ChildAct16 | Shaping a Preferable Future: Children Reading, Thinking and Talking aboutAlternative Communities and Times | 2017 |
293 | GaSLS | The Role of Global and Sectoral Factors in Labour Share Fluctuations | 2017 |
294 | EaRL | Expert Rule? Judges, Lawyers, and the Practices of Interpretation in International Criminal Law | 2018 |
295 | CONPLEX | The Constitutional Place of Expertise | 2018 |
296 | GENSEG | Understanding the impact of parental occupation on gender differences in field of study choice in Germany | 2017 |
297 | MOOC_DaSI | Patterns of diffusion and social implications of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): A comparative study between United States and Europe | 2017 |
298 | CPR | A cross-country comparison of Communications designed to Prevent Radicalisation | 2017 |
299 | Road Diplomacy | Road Diplomacy: International Infrastructure and Ethnography of Geopolitics in 21st Century Asia | 2018 |
300 | EU-FER | Economic Uncertainty and Fertility in Europe | 2017 |
301 | FLASH | Heterogeneous Effects of Fiscal Consolidation on Firms' Balance Sheets | 2017 |
302 | INITIATE | INnovation through bIg daTa and socIal enTreprEneurship | 2018 |
303 | PASS | A Place for the Asylum Seekers. European migration policies and their socio-spatial impacts | 2018 |
304 | TRADEPOWER | Power in international trade negotiations | 2017 |
305 | AlgoFinance | Algorithmic Finance: Inquiring into the Reshaping of Financial Markets | 2017 |
306 | GLOBALMACRO | Global Production Networks and Macroeconomic Interdependence | 2017 |
307 | SPEM | Semi-Parametric Econometric Models: Health, Obesity and Patient Expenditures | 2018 |
308 | POLITRAITS | Politicians’ traits and public policies: learning how personal features influence fiscal outcomes | 2017 |
309 | RURECO | Institutions for Resilient Groundwater Dependent Rural Economies | 2018 |
310 | MIGRANT LAW RUSSIA | Migration, Shadow Economy and Parallel Legal Orders in Russia | 2018 |
311 | FRAGCLIM | The Combined Effects of Climatic Warming and Habitat Fragmentation on Biodiversity, Community Dynamics and Ecosystem Functioning | 2017 |
312 | TreasureDrop | Directed Evolution of Enzyme for Applied Biocatalysis at Ultrahigh Throughput in Picoliter Droplets | 2017 |
313 | FORENSICS | Illicit Markets, Unobserved Competitors, and Illegal Behavior | 2017 |
314 | LETS-CROWD | Law Enforcement agencies human factor methods and Toolkit for the Security and protection of CROWDs in mass gatherings | 2017 |
316 | M and M | Generalization in Mind and Machine | 2017 |
317 | WESTRAT | Western Strategies in East Asia. The Reconfiguration of US, British and French security policies in the Pacific Century | 2017 |
318 | LiquidHouseCycle | A Unified Framework of Business Cycles and Household Portfolios: Income Risks, Asset Liquidity, and Inequality | 2017 |
319 | | Abiota, Biota, Constraints in Macroevolutionary Processes | 2018 |
320 | GLOBALFIRMS | Global Firms and Global Value Chains: Measurement and Mechanisms | 2018 |
321 | MAPS | MAPS – Migrants And People Smugglers: A Comparative Study of Smuggling Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Central American corridors | 2017 |
322 | STYDS | Seeing things you don't see: Unifying the philosophy, psychology and neuroscience of multimodal mental imagery | 2017 |
323 | INSPYRE | Investigations Supporting MOX Fuel Licensing in ESNII Prototype Reactors | 2017 |
324 | SPACE | Space-time structure of climate change | 2017 |
325 | Struct. vs. Individ | The ‘Declining Significance of Gender’ Reexamined: Cross-Country Comparison of Individual and Structural Aspects of Gender Inequality | 2017 |
326 | DISCRETION | Discretion and the child´s best interests in child protection | 2017 |
327 | VERSUS | Violence Elites and Resilience in States Under Stress | 2017 |
328 | lending | Drivers of Growth in Bank Lending and Financial Crises | 2017 |
329 | FIRMNET | Firms and Their Networks | 2017 |
330 | SCONE | Simulations of CrOr and fan broadband NoisE with reduced order modelling | 2017 |
331 | LETHE | Levels and Trends of Health Expectancy: Understanding its Measurement and Estimation Sensitivity | 2017 |
332 | ROCKY | Forests and Trees: the Formal Semantics of Collective Categorization | 2017 |
333 | DIVERSE-EXPECON | Discriminative preferences and fairness ideals in diverse societies: An ‘experimental economics’ approach | 2018 |
334 | CSRS | A Comparative Study of Resilience in Survivors of War Rape and Sexual Violence: New Directions for Transitional Justice | 2017 |
335 | GeoViSense | GeoViSense: Towards a transdisciplinary human sensor science of human visuo-spatial decision making with geographic information displays | 2017 |
336 | HERA-JRP-PS | HERA Joint Research Programme Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe | 2017 |
337 | PASTRES | Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Resilience: Global Lessons from the Margins | 2017 |
338 | SALTGIANT | Understanding the Mediterranean Salinity Crisis | 2018 |
339 | REVEAL | The Resilience and Evolution of Economic Activism and the Role of Law | 2017 |
340 | COLSOC | The Legacy of Colonialism: Origins and Outcomes of Social Protection | 2018 |
341 | POWDER | Protest and Order. Democratic theory, contentious politics, and the changing shape of western democracies | 2018 |
342 | FORMICA | Microclimatic buffering of plant responses to macroclimate warming in temperate forests | 2018 |
343 | ANTHUSIA | Anthropology of Human Security in Africa | 2018 |
344 | EPIDIVERSE | Epigenetic Diversity in Ecology | 2017 |
345 | CRIMTANG | Criminal Entanglements.A new ethnographic approach to transnational organised crime. | 2018 |
346 | PASSIM | Patents as Scientific Information, 1895-2020 | 2017 |
347 | SYNCOG | Syntax shaped by cognition: transforming theories of syntactic systems through laboratory experiments | 2018 |
348 | InTo | Intergroup toleration: It’s Nature, Processes, and Consequences for Culturally Diverse Societies | 2017 |
349 | SCALAR | Scaling up behavior and autonomous adaptation for macro models of climate change damage assessment | 2018 |
350 | MICROTOMACROANDBACK | Micro Heterogeneity and Macroeconomic Policy | 2017 |
351 | SUNMAG | SUNMAG: Understanding magnetic-field-regulated heating and explosive events in the solar chromosphere | 2018 |
352 | GENDEMOTION | The Gendered Politics of Emotion in Austerity Ireland | 2017 |
353 | ENERGYA | ENERGY use for Adaptation | 2018 |
354 | RESPECT | Realizing Europe’s Soft Power in External Cooperation and Trade | 2018 |
355 | SWAMI | Space Weather Atmosphere Model and Indices | 2018 |
356 | CIO | Common Interactive Objects | 2017 |
357 | EEC | Economic Engineering of Cooperation in Modern Markets | 2018 |
358 | EIRENE | Post-war trasistions in gendered perspective: the case of the North-Eastern Adricatic Region | 2017 |
359 | TRAUMA_CONTEXT | Looking at it from a different angle: The role of viewpoint-dependency in traumatic intrusions. | 2018 |
360 | INVASIMMUN | The unseen adaptation of a non-native: A unique spatiotemporal study of infection dynamics and immunogenetics at a bioinvasion front | 2018 |
361 | ViMoAct | Modelling cortical information flow during visuomotor adaptation as active inference in the human brain | 2017 |
362 | MINDTOMIND | From mind to mind: Investigating the cultural transmission of intergroup bias in children | 2018 |
363 | NoTape | Measuring with no tape | 2017 |
364 | CoQuake | Controlling earthQuakes | 2018 |
365 | GLO | Refiguring Conservation in/for 'the Anthropocene': The Global Lives of the Orangutan | 2018 |
366 | EVOTONE | The emergence and evolution of linguistic tone | 2018 |
367 | INFLUENCE | Influence-based Decision-making in Uncertain Environments | 2018 |
368 | DEVTAXNET | Tax Evasion in Developing Countries. The Role of Firm Networks | 2018 |
369 | PIVOTAL | Predictive Memory Systems Across the Human Lifespan | 2018 |
370 | BSP | Belief Systems Project | 2018 |
371 | ReSEED | Rescuing seeds’ heritage: engaging in a new framework of agriculture and innovation since the 18th century | 2018 |
372 | COMED | Pushing the boundaries of Cost and Outcome analysis of Medical Technologies | 2018 |
373 | TBornotTB | What is Tuberculosis? Challenging the Current Paradigm of Tuberculosis Natural History using Mathematical Modelling Techniques | 2018 |
374 | ANTSolve | A multi-scale perspective into collective problem solving in ants | 2018 |
375 | Machine Vision | Machine Vision in Everyday Life: Playful Interactions with Visual Technologies in Digital Art, Games, Narratives and Social Media | 2018 |
376 | CAPABLE | Enhancing Capabilities? Rethinking Work-life Policies and their Impact from a New Perspective | 2018 |
377 | LIMA | Controlling light-matter interactions by quantum designed 2D materials | 2018 |
378 | DARETOMODEL | DAta-dRivEn, low-rank, jeT-nOise MODELling | 2018 |
379 | TextileLab | Race to the bottom? Family labour, household livelihood and consumption in the relocation of global cotton manufacturing, ca. 1750-1990 | 2018 |
380 | EUGenDem | Gender, party politics and democracy in Europe: A study of European Parliament's party groups | 2018 |
381 | CogLit | Literature as a Cognitive Object; Cognitive infrastructure and human cultural transmission | 2018 |
382 | CHILECTO | Measuring Convergence and Divergence in Varieties of Chinese: A Lectometric Approach | 2018 |
383 | EpiLog | The Unknown Science: Understanding the Epistemology of Logic through Practice | 2018 |
384 | METAGE | Metamorphosis as a re-set mechanism of the ageing clock: is early-life stress bypassed by morphogenesis? | 2019 |
385 | MISFIRES | Misfires and Market Innovation: Toward a Collaborative Turn in Organising Markets | 2018 |
386 | RD-ADVANCE | Advancing Econometric Methods for Analyzing Data from Regression Discontinuity Designs | 2018 |
387 | MetaBil | Metacognition and bilingualism in linguistic and non-linguistic domains | 2018 |
388 | ReCitYu | Reclaiming the Cities in the post-Yugoslav space | 2018 |
389 | REJREG | Rejection Regimes: An Ethnographic Study of the Social Life of Intra-EU Border Regimes | 2018 |
390 | DIPLOWAR | Hybrid Practices of Diplomacy and Warfare | 2018 |
391 | PVB-ASD | The Predictive Visual Brain in Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2018 |
392 | NovoFold | De novo protein discovery as a tool for understanding the folding conundrum | 2019 |
393 | LocalCom | Digital Local Public Sphere and Local Communication Online: A Comparative Study of Four European countries | 2019 |
394 | PROTECT | Propagation of atmospheric ROssby waves - connection to prEdictability of Climate exTremes | 2018 |
395 | BEHAVFRICTIONS | Behavioral Implications of Information-Processing Frictions | 2018 |
396 | BEMAR | Protection-induced selection and evolution of behavior within marine reserves and the impact on fisheries sustainability | 2018 |
397 | BetweenTwoBrains | Between Two Brains: Brain oscillatory basis of human collaboration | 2018 |
398 | CLAIMS | CLAIMing land in early medieval localitieS: an interdisciplinary study of land claims and property regimes in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula (9th-11th) | 2019 |
399 | CLAMOR | environmental Conflicts through the Lens of Artwork and Multimedia in waterscape transfORrmations | 2018 |
400 | CliRSnow | Statistically combine climate models with remote sensing to providehigh-resolution snow projections for the near and distant future. | 2018 |
401 | Competing Forecasts | Comparing the Predictive Ability of Forecasting Models | 2018 |
402 | CRIMETIME | Crime and Time: How short-term mindsets encourage crime and how the future self can prevent it | 2018 |
403 | CultureLabs | Culture Labs: recipes for social innovation | 2018 |
404 | CYBERSECURITY | Cyber Security Behaviours | 2018 |
405 | DeepGeo | Deep Gaussian Processes for Geostatistical Data Analysis | 2018 |
406 | DOPANF | Dopaminergic midbrain modulations by (adaptive) neurofeedback | 2018 |
407 | EcoLabSS | Ecovillages as Laboratories of Sustainability and Social Change | 2018 |
408 | ELECTRIC CHALLENGES | Current Tools and Policy Challenges in Electricity Markets | 2018 |
409 | EMOMETER | EMOMETER: Developing an Integrated Toolbox for the Assessment of Emotional Functioning in Dogs | 2018 |
410 | EmoPun | How the expression of moral emotions affects third party punishment | 2018 |
411 | EmpowerMarginalized | Empowerment of marginalized convicted women through social enterprises | 2019 |
412 | ESEARCH | Direct Empirical Evidence on Labor Market Search Theories | 2018 |
413 | HETERO | What does it mean to be heterosexual? | 2018 |
414 | COGOV | Co Production and Co Governance: Strategic Management, Public Value and Co Creation in the Renewal of Public Agencies across Europe | 2018 |
415 | HydroSocialExtremes | Uncovering the Mutual Shaping of Hydrological Extremes and Society | 2018 |
416 | Urban Sharing | Urban Sharing: Sustainability and Institutionalisation Pathways | 2018 |
417 | NEW_ABC | New issues in the Analysis of Business Cycles | 2018 |
418 | JUSTINT | Justice Interactions and Peacebuilding: From Static to Dynamic Discourses across National, Ethnic, Gender and Age Groups | 2018 |
419 | GlacialLegacy | Glacial Legacy on the establishment of evergreen vs. summergreen boreal forests | 2018 |
421 | STOP | Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy | 2018 |
422 | NISIHealth | Digital Nudges, Incentives and Social Influence in Habit Formation of a Global Health Behaviour | 2019 |
423 | INCARE | Social and gender inequalities in care: childcare-related policies and parenting practices in the post-Yugoslav countries and the role of policy ideas | 2018 |
424 | PROTAX | New Methods to PRevent, Investigate and Mitigate COrruption and TAX Crimes in the EU | 2018 |
425 | RiConfigure | Reconfiguring Research and Innovation Constellations | 2018 |
426 | GOTaM Cities | GOTaM Cities - Geography Of Talents in Metropolitan Cities | 2019 |
427 | HACKIT | Hacking your way to IT expertise: What digital societies can (and need to) learn from informal learning in hackerspaces | 2019 |
428 | Worldsoflabour | Entangled Worlds of Labour: The Advance of Flexible Capitalism in Eastern Europe | 2019 |
429 | SeReNa-SEA | The Divine Tragedy of Securing the Sacred: Religion, Security and Nationalism in Southeast Asia | 2019 |
430 | ANTICORPOL | New dimensions and approaches to anti-corruption policy | 2018 |
431 | Queer Muslim Spaces | Queer Muslim Asylum Spaces: Between Righfulness and Rightlessness within Germany's Hetero- and Homonormative Asylum System | 2018 |
432 | ReClaim | Urban Gamification for City Reappropriations | 2018 |
433 | MInMUS | Migration Policy in Multilevel Political Settings. City Network in Europe and North America | 2018 |
434 | FriendCoop | The role of friendship in cooperation: a comparative and cross-cultural developmental approach | 2019 |
435 | IAL | Imagination As A Lens | 2018 |
436 | SCOUT | Supporting Causal Conclusions from Observational Survival Studies | 2018 |
437 | REMEDHY | Researching Environments that Magnify Health Everyday (REMEDHY) | 2018 |
438 | MetaBot | Robotic embodiment of a meta-learning neural model of human decision-making | 2018 |
439 | PBDM | Payoff-Based Decision-Making | 2018 |
440 | ParAdapt | Theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding Parallel Adaptation | 2018 |
441 | EUSKOR | Europe, the United States and the Crisis on the KORean Peninsula: Between a Rock and a Hard Place | 2018 |
442 | MaLeR | Machine Learning applied to Reactivity: combination of HDNNs with ReaxFF | 2018 |
443 | VISSATO | Visual Search and Cognitive Control of the Speed-Accuracy Trade-off | 2018 |
444 | FEMAGREE | Female Agricultural Entrepreneurs: Identifying Institutional Barriers to Equality | 2018 |
445 | PEREDEP | Promoting E-Rulemaking in the EU through Deliberative Procedures | 2018 |
446 | TaxInfoProcessing | Information Processing in Tax Compliance Decisions | 2018 |
447 | LIAE | Laughing in an Emergency: Humour, Cultural Resilience and Contemporary Art | 2018 |
448 | EMO - FIT | Emotional Fit in Intercultural Interactions: Studying mimicry and emotional grounding as micro-processes of (intercultural) belonging. | 2018 |
450 | SECCON | Security controversies: exploring the governance of knowledge, innovation and techno-scientific risks | 2018 |
451 | GlobaLISe | Global Value Chains and Local Innovation Systems in Southern Europe:The Coevolution of Technology, Trade and Finance, and the Technological Divide | 2018 |
452 | EthnoCODICES | Oracles of the Other World: Using Ethnography to Study Depictions of Human Remains in Mexican Precolonial Codices | 2018 |
453 | NeOtStraTurkBalk | Neo-Ottomanism? New Strategies of Turkey and the Impact of Foreign Aid to Post-War Cultural Reconstruction in the Balkans | 2018 |
454 | RoadNet_Andes | Road networks and territorial dynamics: a geospatial approach to Andean cultural heritage in motion between the Altiplano and the Pacific coast | 2018 |
455 | TheSocialBusiness | The advantages and pitfalls of elicitated online user engagement | 2018 |
456 | FORCe | Forensic Culture. A Comparative Analysis of Forensic Practices in Europe, 1930-2000 | 2018 |
457 | WELL-BEING | The dynamics underlying Well-being; Understanding the Exposome-Genome interplay | 2018 |
458 | CharFL | Characterizing the fitness landscape on population and global scales | 2019 |
459 | PaDC | Property and Democratic Citizenship: The Impact of Moral Assumptions, Policy Regulations, and Market Mechanisms on Experiences of Eviction | 2018 |
460 | INSITE | Development and use of an integrated in silico-in vitro mesofluidics system for tissue engineering | 2018 |
461 | LawsOfSocRep | Laws of Social Reproduction | 2018 |
462 | eCAPE | New energy Consumer roles and smart technologies – Actors, Practices and Equality | 2018 |
463 | ValueChange | Design for changing values: a theory of value change in sociotechnical systems | 2018 |
464 | AMDROMA | Algorithmic and Mechanism Design Research in Online MArkets | 2018 |
465 | ACCUPOL | Unlimited Growth? A Comparative Analysis of Causes and Consequences of Policy Accumulation | 2018 |
466 | OCIAN | Ownership, competition, innovation, and antitrust | 2018 |
467 | CellTrainer | Low Cost Real-time Multi-Physics Virtual Reality Training System For In-vitro Fertilisation Microinjection Tasks | 2018 |
468 | DynaMORE | Dynamic MOdelling of REsilience | 2018 |
470 | CRYOSOCIETIES | Suspended Life: Exploring Cryopreservation Practices in Contemporary Societies | 2019 |
471 | FAIR | Fairness and the Moral Mind | 2018 |
472 | RISE | Prevention of child mental health problems in Southeastern Europe - Adapt, Optimize, Test, and Extend Parenting for Lifelong Health | 2018 |
473 | DLEDA | Do Legislatures Enhance Democracy in Africa? | 2018 |
474 | CONT-END | Attempts to Control the End of Life in People with Dementia: Two-level Approach to Examine Controversies | 2018 |
475 | Nanosynex | Ultra-fast Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test for diagnosing antimicrobial resistance to provide personalized antibiotic treatments | 2018 |
476 | PlantEmulGel | Emulsions in Plant-based Edible Cellulose Microfibril Gels: Structure, Texture and Stability | 2018 |
477 | SHAPINGENERATIONS | How changing social contexts shape solidarity and adjustment between generations | 2019 |
478 | EMPCONSFIN | Empirical Analyses of Markets for Consumer Financial Products and their Effects | 2018 |
479 | QuickMIC | QuickMIC™ - an ultra-rapid diagnostic system for Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing (AST) | 2018 |
480 | ReduceSearch | Rigorous Search Space Reduction | 2019 |
481 | RePAST | Strengthening European integration through the analysis of conflict discourses: revisiting the past, anticipating the future | 2018 |
482 | GREASE | Radicalisation, Secularism and the Governance of Religion: Bringing together European and Asian Perspectives | 2018 |
483 | ORISEM | Sources of Meaning: Grounding Formal Semantics | 2019 |
484 | LINKS | Kick-starting global cLimate Investments:uncovering hidden liNks in climate finance and exploring dynamic evolution of investment networKs for policy deSign | 2019 |
485 | AURES II | Auctions for Renewable Energy Support II | 2018 |
486 | OPEN | Outcomes of Patients’ Evidence With Novel, Do-It-Yourself Artificial Pancreas Technology | 2019 |
487 | INNOVATEDIGNITY | Training the next generation of leaders to deliver innovations in dignified sustainable care systems for older people | 2019 |
488 | CLaSS | Climate, Landscape, Settlement and Society: Exploring Human-Environment Interaction in the Ancient Near East | 2019 |
489 | SUSTINNO | Sustainability Innovations in Global Production Networks – Addressing Socio-Ecological Challenges in the Global Economy | 2018 |
490 | MARIPOLDATA | The Politics of Marine Biodiversity Data: Global and National Policies and Practices of Monitoring the Oceans | 2018 |
492 | TECHNEQUALITY | Technological inequality – understanding the relation between recent technological innovations and social inequalities | 2019 |
493 | MICROPROD | Raising EU Productivity: Lessons from Improved Micro Data | 2019 |
494 | GLOBALINTO | Capturing the value of intangible assets in micro data to promote the EU's growth and competitiveness | 2019 |
495 | EULOSAM II | EUropean LOw Speed Aircraft Model at high Reynolds II | 2018 |
496 | MANAGLOBAL | Globalised governance norms and local management and business practices in Africa and on the Arab peninsula | 2019 |
497 | VIRTUALTIMES | Exploring and Modifying the Sense of Time in Virtual Environments | 2019 |
498 | MacroEntrepreneurs | Entrepreneurs, Firms and the Macroeconomy | 2018 |
500 | BALANCED LETHALS | Untangling the Evolution of a Balanced Lethal System | 2019 |
501 | BROKEX | Brokering China’s Extraversion: An Ethnographic Analysis of Transnational Arbitration | 2019 |
502 | FIT2GO | A toolbox for fitness landscapes in evolution | 2019 |
503 | COSMOLOCALISM | Design Global, Manufacture Local: Assessing the Practices, Innovation, and Sustainability Potential of an Emerging Mode of Production | 2019 |
504 | CriticalMaaS | Concepts, theories and models for planning , operating and evaluating the dynamics of Mobility as a Service | 2019 |
505 | RIVERS | Water/human rights beyond the human?Indigenous water ontologies, plurilegal encounters and interlegal translation | 2019 |
507 | EvolvingEconomics | Human motivation: evolutionary foundations and their implications for economics | 2019 |
508 | COMPLEXDYNAMICS-PHIM | On the Origin of Complex Dynamics in Multi-strain Models: Insights for Public Health Intervention Measures | 2019 |
509 | CRACK | Cracking the neural code of human object vision | 2019 |
510 | MindSpaces | MindSpaces - Art-driven adaptive outdoors and indoors design | 2019 |
511 | OFF-SITE | Violence, State formation and memory politics: an off-site ethnography of post-revolution Iran | 2019 |
512 | NEUROEPIGENETHICS | Epigenetics, Experience and Responsibility: Implications for neurodevelopmental disorders | 2019 |
513 | Digital Good | The Digital Disruption of Health Research and the Common Good. An Empirical-Philosophical Study | 2019 |
514 | ReaxPro | Software Platform for Multiscale Modelling of Reactive Materials and Processes | 2019 |
516 | UTOPEST | Unified Theory of Efficient Optimization and Estimation | 2019 |
517 | CLD | China, Law, and Development | 2019 |
519 | TechChild | Just because we can, should we? An anthropological perspective on the initiation of technology dependence to sustain a child’s life | 2019 |
520 | MaMiLabor | Macro- and Microeconomic Analyses of Heterogeneous Labor Market Outcomes | 2019 |
521 | LHCtoLISA | Precision Gravity: From the LHC to LISA | 2019 |
522 | ECOFEED | Altered eco-evolutionary feedbacks in a future climate | 2019 |
523 | FUMI | Future Migration as Present Fact | 2019 |
524 | ICE GENESIS | Creating the next generation of 3D simulation means for icing | 2019 |
525 | WEIRD WITNESSES | Beyond WEIRD Witnesses: Eyewitness Memory in Cross-Cultural Contexts | 2019 |
526 | DISEASE | Disease Risk And Immune Strategies In Social Insects | 2019 |
527 | NBEB-SSP | Nonparametric Bayes and empirical Bayes for species sampling problems: classical questions, new directions and related issues | 2019 |
528 | METABODY | METABODY: Body Metacognition, Mentalization and Metamorphosis | 2019 |
529 | CAPTURE | CApturing Paradata for documenTing data creation and Use for the REsearch of the future | 2019 |
530 | NewMonEc | Monetary Economics and Communication: New Data, New Tools, New and Old Questions | 2019 |
531 | DrivenByPollinators | Driven by mutualists: how declines in pollinators impact plant communities and ecosystemfunctioning | 2019 |
532 | PANEDA | High-Dimensional Inference for Panel and Network Data | 2019 |
533 | BIT-ACT | Bottom-up initiatives and anti-corruption technologies: how citizens use ICTs to fight corruption | 2019 |
534 | ReligSpace | The Effect of Manifestations of Religion in the Public Space on Sociopolitical Integration of Minority-Religion Immigrants | 2019 |
535 | Enhancement SGA3 | Enhancing Innovation Management Capacities and Key Account Management (KAM) services for Greek SMEs | 2019 |
536 | SUExp | Strategic Uncertainty: An Experimental Investigation | 2018 |
537 | PGErepro | How to break Mendel’s laws? The role of sexual conflict in the evolution of unusual transmission genetics | 2019 |
538 | SOPs4RI | Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity | 2019 |
539 | Open ENTRANCE | Open ENergy TRansition ANalyses for a low-carbon Economy | 2019 |
540 | Coevolution | The genomic signature of rapid coevolution within a wild host-parasite system | 2019 |
541 | E-Waste Challenge | Tackling the Electronic Waste Challenge in Emerging Economies | 2019 |
542 | TRAFIG | Transnational Figurations of Displacement: Connectivity and Mobility as Solutions to Protracted Refugee Situations | 2019 |
543 | T-LICS | Transfer of Linguistic Intonation in Contact Situations | 2019 |
544 | SOCIALEU | The missing pillar. European social policy and Eurosceptic challenges (SOCIALEU) | 2019 |
545 | METAPoF | Metaphor as the Purpose of the Firm | 2019 |
546 | LNOB | Leave No One Behind: Youth in Protracted Crises | 2019 |
547 | LIMEN | Legal Liminality: An Inquiry Into the Cognitive Foundations of the Law | 2019 |
548 | PLEDGEDEM | Pledges in democracy | 2019 |
549 | ElectroThermo | New Paradigm in Electrolyte Thermodynamics | 2019 |
550 | BigTime | Big Time Series Analytics for Complex Economic Decisions | 2019 |
551 | Transcendence | The Nature of Transcendence | 2019 |
552 | CReDItIs | Critique and Reformation of Doctrine in International Investment Law: Legal Theory and Empirical Legal Studies | 2020 |
553 | PinCER | Personality in Community Ecology Responses: Integrating the behaviour and species interactions of a marine invader | 2020 |
554 | SpeSex | Does natural selection align with sexual selection to promote reproductive isolation in different environments? An experimental approach | 2020 |
555 | PersVR | Unraveling the persuasive power of 360º-video Virtual Reality narratives | 2019 |
556 | ItalianWoolf | Virginia Woolf and Italian Readers | 2019 |
557 | TRIDOS | Targeted Radiotherapy Internal Dosimetry: A platform for individualized patient dosimetry and radiobiological assessment | 2019 |
558 | PreCoASD | Assessing the predictive coding accounts of autism spectrum disorders | 2019 |
559 | SemioMaths | Towards a theory of mathematical signs based on the automatic treatment of mathematical corpora | 2019 |
560 | SOLFORPLAS | A solution for plastic waste pollution | 2019 |
561 | EXPAND | Examining pan-neotropical diasporas | 2019 |
562 | ShaRe | The potential of Sharing Resources for mitigating carbon emissions and other environmental impacts | 2019 |
563 | GENDANGERED | Measuring GENomic diversity change over time in avian enDANGERED species | 2020 |
564 | DLH | Disability benefits, labour force participation, and health: Evaluating the effect of social protection policies | 2020 |
565 | CLIMB | Calibrating and Improving Mechanistic models of Biodiversity | 2019 |
566 | RES | Rights for Ecosystem Services (RES): a framework to protect the environment and sustainable local communities in the EU. | 2020 |
567 | SOOCCESS | SOciO-eConomiC failurE and aSpiration biaseS | 2020 |
568 | IPG_CORE | Looking for the Impersonal Core -- Impersonal Pronouns across Germanic languages | 2019 |
569 | SignEd.Math | Signs of Mathematics: Fostering the Emergence of Conceptual Gesture Among Deaf Students | 2019 |
570 | PROSPER | Politics of Rulemaking, Orchestration of Standards, and Private Economic Regulations | 2019 |
571 | UNI4ST | University education as a driver for sustainability transitions | 2020 |
572 | EDGE | Cutting edge technology: understanding Palaeolithic stone tool design and use from a modern mechanical engineering perspective | 2020 |
573 | JAL | Uncovering the Behavioural and Neural Correlates of Joint Action Learning | 2020 |
574 | EpiEcoMod | Through the eye of a mosquito: theoretical modelling of vector-borne zoonotic pathogens | 2020 |
575 | SONNET | SOCIAL INNOVATION IN ENERGY TRANSITIONS: Co-creating a rich understanding of the diversity, processes, contributions, success and future potentials of social innovation in the energy sector | 2019 |
576 | EFFECT | Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting | 2019 |
577 | LIFEMODE | Possible Life: The Philosophical Significance of Extending Biology | 2019 |
578 | NEW MARKETS | New Market: an exploration into the changing nature of business environments, informal barriers and emerging markets in the post-Soviet region | 2019 |
579 | MAPPOLA | Mapping out the poetic landscape(s) of the Roman empire: Ethnic and regional variations, socio-cultural diversity, and cross-cultural transformations | 2019 |
580 | MIRROR | Migration-Related Risks caused by misconceptions of Opportunities and Requirement | 2019 |
581 | MitoWild | Counting the cost of living: mitochondrial efficiency, environmental conditions, and performance in the wild | 2019 |
582 | CONDISOBS | Contain, Distribute, Obstruct. Governing the Mobility of Asylum Seekers in the European Union | 2020 |
583 | ECAW-ISO | Past, present and future Exchanges of CArbon and Water between the vegetation and the atmosphere: new insights from analysis and modelling of stable carbon ISOtope data | 2019 |
584 | VISUAL | The Visual Politics of Recognition: Understanding the Role of Images in Recognition Encounters | 2020 |
585 | EUSOCDIV | Public attitudes towards Social Europe: Diverging interpretations and support within and across EU member states? | 2019 |
586 | COEXIST | Co-creating change: experimenting with values for sustainability transformation | 2020 |
587 | DISCOURSEVAX | Institutional Theory and Discourse Analysis: an empirical investigation of the rhetoric of Anti Vaccination movement | 2020 |
588 | InterTJRPB | The Interplay between Transitional Justice and Reconciliation in Peacebuilding | 2019 |
589 | FINGOV | Financial Governance: Policy Implementation and Solidarity through EU funding | 2019 |
590 | LTCpolicies | Optimizing access to long-term care? Impact of long-term care policies on use, health and equity among the elderly | 2020 |
591 | PolyPath | Insights from within-host dynamics on the coexistence of antibiotic resistant and sensitive pathogens | 2019 |
592 | RHODOCAR | Global and local impacts on Atlantic RHODOlith beds: Implications for estimates of blue CARbon ecosystem services | 2019 |
593 | SciTEr | History and Philosophy of Scientific Thought Experiments and Scientific Practices | 2019 |
594 | Language Use | Languages and Language Use | 2019 |
595 | TyphiNET | A global multi-institutional Typhoid fever genomic surveillance network to improve global public health outcomes | 2020 |
596 | PARTOWNEU | The dark side of partial ownership and financial investment in Europe: What price to pay for consumers and society? | 2019 |
597 | SPECIMEN | Depicting Species: The Role of the Image in Modern Biology 1750-1950 | 2019 |
598 | LitRivus | Assessment of riverine litter (plastics) inputs to the marine environment | 2020 |
599 | PROMPT | PRemature Obsolescence Multi-Stakeholder Product Testing Program | 2019 |
600 | POLAR | Polarization and its discontents: does rising economic inequality undermine the foundations of liberal societies? | 2020 |
601 | MCLPS | The Migration Challenge: Labour Markets, Policy Reforms, and Social Cohesion | 2019 |
602 | PEMB | The Political Economy of Media Bias | 2019 |
603 | DEXSAGE | Daily Experiences of Successful Ageing | 2019 |
604 | DYNNET | Opinion Dynamics | 2018 |
605 | M-POWER | The Aggregate Implications of Market Power | 2019 |
606 | GenPercept | Spatio-temporal mechanisms of generative perception | 2019 |
607 | RESpECT | RESpECT - Public Actions, Private Rules at the Margins: Ensuring Respect for Human Rights by Private Security Companies | 2019 |
608 | PantEOn | A Multi-Scale Earth Observation Indicator System for Land Degradation Assessment of Transitional Mediterranean Climates | 2020 |
609 | FictDial | What do we learn from dialogues in fiction? | 2020 |
610 | STUDIOTEC | Film Studios: Infrastructure, Culture, Innovation in Britain, France, Germany and Italy, 1930-60. | 2019 |
611 | MAU | Making Africa Urban: The transcalar politics of large-scale urban development | 2019 |
612 | LPIGMANN | Labour Policies for Inclusive Growth | 2019 |
613 | PREDICT | The Future of Prediction: The Social Consequences of Algorithmic Forecast in Insurance, Medicine and Policing | 2020 |
614 | PROPHET | oPtoelectROnic Properties of Hybrid pErovskiTes | 2020 |
615 | rid-O | Improving collective decisions by eliminating overconfidence: mental, neural and social processes | 2019 |
616 | ELIT | Empirical study of Literature Training Network | 2020 |
617 | Ethno-ISS | ETHNO-ISS: An Ethnography of an Extra-terrestrial Society: the International Space Station | 2019 |
618 | Back2theFuture | Back to the Future: Future expectations and actions in late medieval and early modern Europe, c.1400-c.1830 | 2020 |
619 | RRUSHES-5 | Commodity & land rushes and regimes: Reshaping five spheres of global social life | 2019 |
620 | OPTIMISE | Open data: improving transparency, reproducibility and collaboration in science | 2020 |
621 | CENTRAL ASIAN LAW | Legal Cultures and Business Environments in Central Asia | 2020 |
622 | STARFISH | Sociolinguistic typology and responsive features in syntactic history | 2020 |
623 | MEImpact | The Consequences of Mismeasuring Economic Activity | 2019 |
624 | RUSINFORM | The Consequences of the Internet for Russia's Informational Influence Abroad | 2019 |
625 | GEMS | Genetically Evolving Models of Science | 2019 |
626 | REDIAL | Re-thinking Efficiency in Deep Learning under Accelerators and commodity and processors | 2020 |
627 | GEOPRO | Accurate Geofluid Properties as key to Geothermal Process Optimisation | 2019 |
628 | CORE | CORE - Children Online: Research and Evidence. A knowledge base on children and youth in the digital world | 2020 |
629 | SWING | Signals, Waves, and Learning: A Data-Driven Paradigm for Wave-Based Inverse Problems | 2020 |
630 | SCALE | Projecting global biodiversity responses from first biological principles | 2019 |
631 | EnTrust | Enlightened trust: An examination of trust and distrust in governance – conditions, effects and remedies | 2020 |
632 | SmartCulTour | Smart Cultural Tourism as a Driver of Sustainable Development of European Regions | 2020 |
633 | PAGER | Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic Storms and Energetic Radiation | 2020 |
634 | ECOLBEH | The Ecology of Collective Behaviour | 2020 |
635 | ATLOMY | Anatomy in Ancient Greece and Rome: An Interactive Visual and Textual Atlas | 2020 |
636 | PAVE | Preventing and Addressing Violent Extremism through Community Resilience in the Balkans and MENA | 2020 |
637 | VULNER | Vulnerabilities under the Global Protection Regime: how does the law assess, address, shape, and produce the vulnerabilities of protection seekers? | 2020 |
638 | ARTIS | Art and Research on Transformations of Individuals and Societies | 2020 |
639 | PEriTiA | Policy, Expertise, and Trust in Action | 2020 |
640 | POLIVERNACULARS | India's Politics in Its Vernaculars | 2020 |
641 | MIDEBT | The Micro-foundations of Debt Crises | 2020 |
642 | COOKIES | Economic Consequences of Restrictions on the Usage of Cookies | 2019 |
643 | ThinkAhead | Thinking Ahead: human planning from a predictive processing perspective | 2020 |
644 | ALIGNING MINDS | When, and how, do team members’ minds align? A dynamic perspective on shared mental models in teams with different levels of task and outcome interdependence | 2020 |
645 | CONNEKT | CONtexts of extremism iN mEna and balKan socieTies | 2020 |
646 | KEYNESGROWTH | Economic Fluctuations, Productivity Growth and Stabilization Policies: A Keynesian Growth Perspective | 2020 |
647 | LITCOM | Literary Activism in sub-Saharan Africa: Commons, Publics and Networks of Practice | 2020 |
648 | GEOCEP | Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies | 2020 |
649 | CONTESTED_TERRITORY | From Contested Territories to alternatives of development: Learning from Latin America | 2020 |
650 | WorkFREE | Slavery, Work and Freedom: What Can Cash Transfers Contribute to the Fight for Decent Work? | 2020 |
652 | EPIDEMIC | Experimental Epidemiology in Ant Societies | 2020 |
653 | EXTREME | The Epistemology and Ethics of Fundamentalism | 2020 |
654 | FORESTDIET | Reinterpreting how forests support people's dietary quality in low-income countries | 2020 |
655 | EvoBias | Sex-specific demography and the evolution of gender-biased harmful cultural practices | 2020 |
656 | State Silence | The Silence of States in International Law | 2020 |
657 | POPULIZATION | Behavioral Foundations of Populism and Polarization | 2020 |
658 | INDIVISUAL | Individual differences in human gaze behaviour and the visual system | 2020 |
659 | EMPOCI | Governing sustainable energy-mobility transitions: multi-level policy mixes, transformative capacities and low-carbon innovations | 2020 |
660 | PIPESCANNER | Precise Condition Assessment of Metallic Pipes Dramatically Reducing Maintenance and Investment Cost in District Heating and Drinking Water Pipe Networks by pinpointing Pipe Segments to be replaced | 2020 |
661 | DigitalGovernance | Governing with Data: Local Experimentation in Authoritarian China | 2020 |
662 | RadicalHOUSING | Radical Housing: Cities and the global fight against housing precarity | 2020 |
663 | ELISA | The Emergence of Language in Social Interaction | 2020 |
664 | LOCAL KNOWLEDGE | Local Ecologies of Knowledge: Towards a Philosophy of Ethnobiology | 2020 |
665 | ResilienceBuilding | Social Resilience, Gendered Dynamics, and Local Peace in Protracted Conflicts | 2020 |
666 | IndDecision | A neurally-informed behavioural modeling framework for examining individual and group difference in perceptual decision making | 2020 |
667 | LOSS | Narratives of Loss: Unravelling the Origins of Support for Socially Conservative Political Agendas | 2020 |
668 | CHANGINGELITES | Changing elites: how social and institutional change has altered the processes of elite formation over time? | 2020 |
669 | EQUIPRICE | Equilibrium methods for Resource Allocations and Dynamic Pricing | 2020 |
670 | EVaP | Elections, Violence, and Parties | 2020 |
671 | Urb-TWin | Urban air temperature and wind speed variability: Empirical modeling to improve planning applications | 2020 |
672 | DEVCOM | The Developing Communicator: Pragmatics, Sense Conventions and Non-Literal Uses of Language | 2020 |
673 | BeePath | Impact of vector-mediated transmission on the evolution and ecology of a bee virus | 2020 |
674 | PARTYOPINION | The Informational Role of Political Parties in Citizens’ Opinion Formation | 2020 |
675 | INPUT | Investigating Proxies for Understanding Trajectories: Heritage Language Maintenance and Child Second Language Acquisition in Refugee Contexts | 2020 |
676 | EvolInfome | The sources of historical signal in the genomes of birds | 2021 |
677 | ClimateWeb | The Effects Of Climate Change on the Web of Life | 2020 |
678 | FINSEIS | Quantitative analysis of the structural controls of faults on induced seismicity magnitude | 2021 |
679 | PLanTra | Plain language for financial content: Assessing the impact of training on students' revisions and readers' comprehension | 2020 |
680 | ReKnow | Research Knowledge Documentation, Analysis and Exploration in Empirical and Descriptive Sciences | 2020 |
681 | DYNAMOD-VACCINE-DATA | A new method for dynamic opinion modelling of surveys applied to vaccine hesitancy data | 2020 |
682 | LEAF-2-TBM | From LEAF to Terrestrial Biosphere Model: Integrating multi-scale observations of highly diverse tropical ecosystems for global scale simulations | 2020 |
683 | CooPMacaque | Why do individuals cooperate? Exploring the behavioural, cognitive, and hormonal mechanisms governing cooperation in macaques. | 2020 |
684 | comfortA | A better understanding of thermal Alliesthesia and thermal Adaptation for correctly predicting dynamic thermal comfort | 2021 |
685 | MBMsforDOC | Model-based biomarkers for the characterization and quantification of global states of consciousness | 2021 |
686 | ArCAN | An Archaeology of Exchange Networks in Central Africa. The Cases of the Copperbelt and Niari Basin Copper Deposits | 2020 |
687 | EUDIC | EU Foreign Policy Differentiation and Integration: Informal Groups in EU Approach to Conflicts and Crises | 2021 |
688 | CYBERGEN | Negotiating gender across online and offline social spaces. A study of cyber-mediated gendered norms, practices and aspirations among women of Moroccan and Turkish descent in France and Germany. | 2021 |
689 | ReMiCom | The Challenges of Return Migration in Africa in the Age of Complex Emergencies: Comparing Multilevel Governance Systems in Ethiopia and Nigeria | 2020 |
690 | DIGILEAD | Digital leadership, well-being and performance in organizations | 2020 |
691 | CANALS | Changing Water Cultures | 2021 |
692 | BOAR | Veterinarization of Europe? Hunting for Wild Boar Futures in the Time of African Swine Fever | 2020 |
693 | GALSIZE | Galaxy Sizes as Tracers of Dark Matter | 2020 |
694 | HYPERDIVERSE | Keys to evolutionary success: untangling drivers of hyperdiversification | 2020 |
695 | GENCARGAP | Gender Career Gap and Firm Composition | 2020 |
696 | GeMeTIC | Gestural Meanings: Typology and Interface Constraints | 2020 |
697 | ExoMAC | Exoplanets Molecular Atmospheric Composition | 2020 |