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H2020 projects about "generally"

The page lists 408 projects related to the topic "generally".

# achronym  title  year 
1 NEWHORIZONS New Horizons Festival 2014
2 Ageing with elegans Validating C. elegans healthspan model for better understanding factors causing health and disease, to develop evidence based prevention, diagnostic, therapeutic and other strategies. 2015
3 SUSTAIN Sustainable tailored integrated care for older people in Europe 2015
4 PRECIOUS PREvention of Complications to Improve OUtcome in elderly patients with acute Stroke 2015
5 FracRisk Furthering the Knowledge Base For Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Shale Gas Development (FracRisk) 2015
6 FLEXILOG Formal lexically informed logics for searching the web 2015
7 Q-CEOM Quantum Cavity Electro- and Opto-Mechanics 2015
8 COLOUR PATTERN Morphogenesis and Molecular Regulation of Colour Patterning in Birds 2015
9 ALH Alternative life histories: linking genes to phenotypes to demography 2015
10 Disasters Market Beliefs and Optimal Policy in the Presence of Disasters 2015
11 CLC Cryptography with Low Complexity 2015
12 MONITOR Forecasting and Monitoring Economic Indicators 2015
13 GRACeFUL Global systems Rapid Assessment tools through Constraint FUnctional Languages 2015
14 SUPER-RESOL Extracting Super-Resolution from Classical Fluorescence Microscopy 2014
15 Fingers4Cure Zinc finger gene therapy in the brain for treating Huntington's disease 2015
16 WETFEET Wave Energy Transition to Future by Evolution of Engineering and Technology 2015
17 RELIEF RELIability of product Environmental Footprints 2015
18 PARADISE Precise and Robust Navigation enabling Applications in Disturbed Signal Environments 2015
19 COSMOS Complex Oscillatory Systems: Modeling and Analysis 2015
20 SAFURE SAFety and secURity by design for interconnected mixed-critical cyber-physical systems 2015
21 WeHubs The European network of Women web Entrepreneurs Hubs 2015
22 REC Root zone soil moisture Estimates at the daily and agricultural parcel scales for Crop irrigation management and water use impact – a multi-sensor remote sensing approach 2015
23 EPAF Role of Epithelial Apoptotic Force in Morphogenesis 2015
24 PQC Photonic Quantum Computing 2015
25 EPC_PLUS Energy Performance Contracting Plus 2015
26 RESFARM Developing and implementing financial instruments for the mobilisation of investments in renewable energy in the agrarian sector 2015
27 STEAM-UP STEam And Management Under Pressure 2015
28 Stefy Sensor Technology for Food analYsis 2014
29 FLOTA Floating Offshore Photovoltaic systems 2014
30 ECOROADS Effective and COordinated ROAD infrastructure Safety operations 2015
31 MICEXPRESS Understanding how selection for body weight in mouse operates at the RNA level 2015
32 ITNUN Family, Power, Memory: Female Monasticism in Italy from 700 to 1100 2015
33 IILSCFLP The Influence of Ionic Liquid Solvation on the Chemistry of Frustrated Lewis Pairs 2015
34 MuMoSiSt Multidisciplinary approach to multilayer monumental sites studies: the case of the Quirinal Hill in Rome 2015
35 Quokka Maturation A mature Quokka for everyone – advancing the capabilities and accessibility of numerical solar cell simulations 2016
36 Syncrip_2014 The molecular basis of learning and memory: uncovering the link between neuronal activation and localized translation at the synapse. 2015
37 IPSIBiM Improved Patient Safety through Intensive Biosignal Monitoring 2015
38 Nu14Mig Generation and Application of Nucleophilic Allylmetal Species by Catalytic 1,4-Metal Migration 2015
39 AROSYN Reflexive Clitics in Aromanian 2015
40 PEARS Predicting the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae 2015
41 ABRUPT Quantifying Abrupt Biotic Responses to Palaeoclimate Change 2016
42 RareFunctions RAREFUNCTIONS: The causes and consequences of spatial and temporal variation in rare traits. 2016
44 breast cancer dormancy Molecular characterisation of a clinical model of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer dormancy 2015
45 EFTA DEVELOPMENT The ‘other’ Europe: the formation and development of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), 1958–92 2016
46 INTERMESTIC Anglo-American Relations and the 'Intermestic', 1977-81: A Case Study of the Influence of National Parliaments on Foreign Policy 2016
47 SymPathInfect Symbiont-mediated defense of amoebae against Legionella pneumophila - molecular mechanisms and pathogen ecology 2015
48 Irish Merchants and Bordeaux Irish Merchants and Bordeaux: The Irish Role in the Invention of Grands Crus Wines 2015
49 GABACODEV Role of GABAergic microcircuits with different embryonic origins in the orchestration of early cortical dynamics in the awake mouse pup 2015
50 KRF-CY The Kaehler-Ricci flow and Singular Calabi-Yau manifolds 2015
51 NETPAC Microbial networks for PAC cycling in polluted soils 2015
52 COSMOS Optical point of care system for heart failure mass screening 2015
53 RISTRAD Risk Stratification for Sudden Cardiac Death 2015
54 GENENET Gene networks to investigate lateral gene transfer in parasitic protozoa 2015
55 EGRET European Glaucoma Research Training Program 2015
56 PReDicT Predicting Response to Depression Treatment 2015
57 RodBot Automated Microhandling System for X-ray Crystallography 2015
58 NoisyAgeing Beyond genotype to phenotype: how ancestor lifestyle impacts on lifespan variation in descendants 2015
59 E-JADE Europe-Japan Accelerator Development Exchange Programme 2015
60 MASSIVE Multinationals, Institutions and Innovation in Europe 2015
61 LCODA Electronic scanning MIMO Radar for railway level crossing obstruction detection alerting 2015
62 MtbTransReg Translational regulation in the persistence and drug susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2015
63 LOFAR Searching for The Origin of Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos with LOFAR 2015
64 LIFES 50plus Qualification of innovative floating substructures for 10MW wind turbines and water depths greater than 50m. 2015
65 WiVi-2020 Wireless Visionaries for 2020 2015
66 Family Justice Justice and the Family: An Analysis of the Normative Significance of Procreation and Parenthood in a Just Society 2015
67 NEWCARBOVAX New generation of carbohydrate-based vaccines via rational understanding of their immunological mechanism 2017
68 DEDALE Data Learning on Manifolds and Future Challenges 2015
69 PEGASUS-2 [PEGASUS]², giving wings to your career. 2015
70 TEMARA Teaming to Extend Maltese Ambitions in the Aerospace Sector 2015
71 INTRANSYS Delivering next generation Transport Management System to European transport SMEs 2015
72 VIDOCK 2D Conformal mapping of protein surfaces: applications to VIsualization and DOCKing software 2015
73 NACCA New Approaches in the Conservation of Contemporary Art 2015
74 PULTAR Delivery of PULmonary Therapeutics through TARgetted Delivery using Phononics 2015
75 ABCvolume The ABC of Cell Volume Regulation 2015
76 INTERACT INTerEthnic Relationships in contemporAry CommuniTies: How does ethnoracial diversity affect in- and out-group trust, solidarity, and cooperation 2015
77 RegulHox Topological organization of vertebrate regulatory landscapes: The Hox genes paradigm 2015
78 LASSO Learning, Analysis, SynthesiS and Optimization of Cyber-Physical Systems 2015
79 Baby Beat Providing Clarity of Fetus Heartbeat Through Baby Beat Bracelet Measuring Fetal Arterial Pulse Wave 2015
80 CHeaP Cost-effective Combined Heat and Power generator for camping vans 2015
81 INDUCT Interdisciplinary Network for Dementia Utilising Current Technology (INDUCT) 2016
82 Macro Identification New Approaches to the Identification of Macroeconomic Models 2015
83 1stProposal An alternative development of analytic number theory and applications 2015
84 ChromatidCohesion Establishment of Sister Chromatid Cohesion 2015
85 TOPAs Tools for cOntinuous building Performance Auditing 2015
86 RATCHETCOG The Cog in the Ratchet: Illuminating the Cognitive Mechanisms Generating Human Cumulative Culture 2015
87 FormGram Form-frequency correspondences in grammar 2015
88 ANT Automata in Number Theory 2015
89 NuQFT The Hall Plateau Transition and non-unitary Quantum Field Theory 2015
90 FLAME FLow of Ancient Metals across Eurasia (FLAME): New frameworks for interpreting human interaction in Later Prehistory 2015
91 ELFBAD L-form bacteria, biotechnology and disease 2015
92 ScienceSquared ERC = ScienceSquared 2015
93 CAT-CAM The Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR): an Historical Analysis Between US and Europe 2016
94 HYPERQTOTAL “Diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease by means of innovative and highly accurate high frequency QRS electrocardiogram analysis” 2016
95 NanoPacks NanoPacks: Assembling nanoparticles via evaporation-driven droplet collapse for ultrasensitive detection techniques 2016
96 Click-It “In Vivo Click PET Imaging Agents”: Improving clinical companion diagnostics 2016
97 EvoGenMed Evolutionary genomics: new perspectives and novel medical applications 2016
98 MARKLIM Markets and their limits 2016
99 NVS Nano Voltage Sensors 2016
100 SYSMICS Syntax Meets Semantics: Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics. 2016
101 EQUINOX A novel process for manufacturing complex shaped Fe-Al intermetallic parts resistant to extreme environments 2016
102 KEEPFISH Knowledge Exchange for Efficient Passage of Fishes in the Southern Hemisphere 2016
103 PRUV Preparedness and Resilience to address Urban Vulnerability 2016
104 DESTRESS Demonstration of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs 2016
105 ABRACADABRA Assistant Buildings’ addition to Retrofit, Adopt, Cure And Develop the Actual Buildings up to zeRo energy, Activating a market for deep renovation 2016
106 COHESIFY The Impact of Cohesion Policy on EU Identification 2016
107 BIOACTIVECOATINGS BioActive Coatings in multi-well cell culture plates 2016
108 PREWArAs The Dark Side of the Belle Époque. Political violence and Armed Associations in Europe before the First World War 2016
110 WideBrainImaging Development of high-speed microscopes to study wide-scale neural activity 2016
111 INTERTRAP Integrated absolute dating approach for terrestrial records of past climate using trapped charge methods 2016
112 CONTREX Controlling Triplet Excitons in Organic Semiconductors 2016
113 COSI Cerebellar modules and the Ontogeny of Sensorimotor Integration 2016
114 GrDyAp Groups, Dynamics, and Approximation 2016
115 LODIS Looking Through Disorder 2016
116 OptoNMDA Optical strategies to investigate NMDA receptor functional diversity and its therapeutic potential 2016
117 IPLATFORM Implementation of a dynamical Pollen Module and the transformations of the pollen including feedbacks in a numerical Weather Forecast Model 2016
118 Spin1D Spinor Bose Gases in 1D: Equilibrium properties, Dynamics, and Spin-orbit coupling 2016
119 Supra-CNT Supramolecular assembly of Janus Carbon Nanotubes into functional 3D microparticles 2016
120 EStoPARENTING Individual Differences in Environmental Sensitivity to Parenting 2016
121 ENDYVE ENgineering DYnamic ViscoElasticity to study cell response 2016
122 TOPOPOLIS Topological Polaritons in Semiconductor Photonic Crystal Structures: Exotic band structures and topological polariton states for quantum simulation and future optoelectronic devices 2016
123 ANSWER Autonomous Soft Robots Without Electronics 2016
124 Tribocharge Control of Triboelectricity from Micro to Macro as a Principle ofSticking, Particulate Contamination and ESD Prevention of Micromachines 2016
125 WORKRETHINK Rethinking Work: Intellectual Responses to the 2008 Financial Crisis in French Film and Media 2016
126 IN VIVO MOSSY Is the hippocampal mossy fiber synapse a detonator in vivo? 2016
127 Eye Light Eye fundus colour images enhancement service for Diabetic Retinopathy diagnosis 2016
128 CFUC Calabi flows with unbounded curvature 2016
129 BiCyHePepDi Bicyclic hetero peptidimer - a novel molecule format for therapeutic peptides 2016
130 EvolVir Evolution of virulence in immune-compromised hosts and the adaptation of emerging viruses 2017
131 SHADOWBANKING Monetary Policy and Shadow banking: global micro-evidence from ABCPs 2016
132 ASAGIP Ancient scholarship on archaic Greek iambic poetry 2016
133 EURAXIND EURAXESS for Industry 2016
134 SALTGAE Demonstration project to prove the techno-economic feasibility of using algae to treat saline wastewater from the food industry. 2016
135 INTRANSYS Delivering next generation Transport Management System to European transport SMEs 2016
136 GPSART Geometric aspects in pathwise stochastic analysis and related topics 2016
137 SAGDESOR The Second Avant-Garde: Design of Domestic Objects in Soviet Russia, 1953-1991 2016
138 DMD2CURE Correction of duplications in the DMD gene by a CRISPR/Cas9 approach 2017
139 AFFORDS-HIGHER Skilled Intentionality for 'Higher' Embodied Cognition: Joining forces with a field of affordances in flux 2016
140 VIREX Mumps VIRus EXploitation of the human adhesion receptor GPR125 2016
141 PORTIS PORT-Cities: Integrating Sustainability 2016
142 BAYNET Bayesian Networks and Non-Rational Expectations 2016
143 SOS Jelly An advanced biological remedy against jellyfish stings 2016
144 C-SENSE Exploiting low dimensional models in sensing, computation and signal processing 2016
145 PSI Personified Self Interaction 2016
146 TagIt A Minimal-Tag Bioorthogonal Labelling Approach to Protein Uptake, Traffic and Delivery 2016
147 DomEQUAL A Global Approach to Paid Domestic Work and Social Inequalities 2016
148 RAGTIME Risk based approaches for Asset inteGrity multimodal Transport Infrastructure ManagEment 2016
149 HITSUPERJU Higher-dimensional topological solids realized with multiterminal superconducting junctions 2016
150 RIGVIR Feasibility study for registration of medicine RIGVIR with the European Medicine Agency 2016
151 AstroWireSyn Wiring synaptic circuits with astroglial connexins: mechanisms, dynamics and impact for critical period plasticity 2016
152 UTOPIAE Uncertainty Treatment and OPtimisation In Aerospace Engineering 2017
153 MANTEL Management of Climatic Extreme Events in Lakes Reservoirs for the Protection of Ecosystem Services 2017
154 NuWaSim On a Nuclear Waste Deep Repository Simulator 2016
155 NanoMEMC2 NanoMaterials Enhanced Membranes for Carbon Capture 2016
157 Symbcompat Determing symbiont factors that affect compatibility with a novel host 2016
158 PJ03b SAFE Airport Safety Nets 2016
159 INNOPATHS Innovation pathways, strategies and policies for the Low-Carbon Transition in Europe 2016
160 SYRIANBORDERS The Fall of a Colonial Legacy: A Modern History of Syrian Borders (1920-2015) 2016
161 PLATYPUS PLAsticiTY of Perceptual space Under Sensorimotor interactions 2017
162 INpaCT An interdisciplinary approach to uncover the mechanisms of progression of cartilage damage at the cellular and tissue levels 2017
163 CollectSwim Individual and Collective Swimming of Active Microparticles 2017
164 GESINNE PRO Intelligent Power Supply Regulator 2016
165 EVOMICROCOMM Evolving interactions in microbial communities 2017
166 FLAG-ERA II The Flagship ERA-NET 2016
167 TPI-MIM Thixotropic Piston Injection system for Metallic Injection Moulding 2017
168 Perform 2 scale Strengthening management at district level to support the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (PERFORM2scale) 2017
169 TISuMR Integrated Tissue Slice Culture and NMR Metabolomics – A Novel Approach Towards SystemicUnderstanding of Liver Function And Disease 2017
170 ChipScope Overcoming the Limits of Diffraction with Superresolution Lighting on a Chip 2017
171 TRANSPOS-X Transposable elements, their controllers and the genesis of human-specific transcriptional networks 2017
172 OHS On Human Shielding 2017
173 TIC-AUV Towards Intelligent Cognitive AUVs 2017
174 PINQ The psychology of inequality: Understanding the social, cognitive and motivational foundations of people's attitudes towards the distribution of power and resources in society. 2017
175 HIGH-GEAR High-valent protein-coordinated catalytic metal sites: Geometric and Electronic ARchitecture 2017
176 Mathador Type and Proof Structures for Concurrent Software Verification 2017
177 VIVAVE Viral Vaccine Vectors in Personalized Medicine 2017
178 LOCARP4EU potential analysis of Ecov's short-distance real-time carpooling stations relying on roadside connected hardware 2017
179 M2M mapKITE to market 2017
180 Nano-SHINE Nano-based Anti-Tarnishing Technology for Precious and Non Precious Metal Protection 2017
181 SOCOSYS Sensors for Oil COoling SYStem 2017
182 Ground Drone Affordable Robots to Democratize Film and Video Motion Control 2017
183 FungArth Role of intestinal fungal communities in arthritic pathology 2017
184 Anticancer-PAM Anticancer activity of plasma activated medium and its underlying mechanisms: Combined experimental and computational study 2017
185 SUCCESS The earliest migration of Homo sapiens in Southern Europe: understanding the biocultural processes that define our uniqueness 2017
186 QTReproART Towards an Inclusive Common European Framework for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): Queer Transgender Reproduction in the Age of ART. 2017
188 QUANTIVIOL Quantifying Quantum Gravity Violations of Causality and the Equivalence Principle 2017
189 Ti-EM Methodological developments for time-resolved single particle cryo-EM 2017
190 Magyc Integrated rational design of cell factories for high value compounds 2017
191 UNISLAND Towards a unified mechanistic model of oceanic island biogeography 2017
192 MIGWEB A Comparative Diachronic Analysis of Post-Byzantine Networks in the Early-modern Europe (15th-18th c.) 2017
193 IDENTITIES Integrative Approaches to Dental Wear: Non-Masticatory Tooth-Use Across the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition Among Iberian Foraging and Farming Societies 2017
194 ADAPTOMICS Adaptations to temperature regimes in sponges: Genomic insights into the developmental and physiological evolutionary changes of early-branching metazoans 2017
195 2D-COF-WS Designing and screening two dimensional covalent organic frameworks for effective water splitting 2017
196 NASCENT Nutritional labelling software and claims: service, training and innovation offering to SMEs and industry in Europe 2017
198 WILDGUT GUT biota indices: a new tool for WILD animal conservation 2017
199 TRAIN SPOTTING Mapping the Intraflagellar Transport - A High-resolution Study of Intraflagellar Transport Trains in Chlamydomonas Cells 2017
200 GirlsInScience Building an Evidence-Base for Reducing Gender Bias in Educational Pathways 2017
201 CAP-ICE CArbon Production of under-ICE phytoplankton blooms in a changing Arctic Ocean 2018
202 Urban Informality Capital Accumulation Through Informal Urbanization in India 2017
203 DatA ESPerT Database Analysis for Evaluation of Seismic Performance Assessment Tools 2017
204 NanoMOFdeli Design of NanoMOFs Capsules for Drug Delivery and Bioimaging. 2017
205 I-CONSENT Improving the guidelines for Informed Consent, including vulnerable populations, under a gender perspective 2017
206 TEAM-Coast Toward a new generation of Ecological Assessment tools for the Management Coastal environment 2018
207 M and M Generalization in Mind and Machine 2017
209 WESTRAT Western Strategies in East Asia. The Reconfiguration of US, British and French security policies in the Pacific Century 2017
210 Nutri4g A disruptive nutrigenetic solution for ageing well 2017
211 VERT Vertex switch – the foundation for a more sustainable and reliable railway transport system 2017
212 MECHIDENT Who is that? Neural networks and mechanisms for identifying individuals 2017
213 FamilyTies Family ties that bind: A new view of internal migration, immobility and labour-market outcomes 2017
214 lending Drivers of Growth in Bank Lending and Financial Crises 2017
215 ALGSTRONGCRYPTO Algebraic Methods for Stronger Crypto 2017
216 SPIDI Star-Planet-Inner Disk Interactions (SPIDI): unveiling the formation and evolution of inner planetary systems 2018
217 Epiherigans Writing, reading and managing stress with H3K9me 2017
218 DIVERSE-EXPECON Discriminative preferences and fairness ideals in diverse societies: An ‘experimental economics’ approach 2018
219 FATIGUE Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe 2018
220 FORJET2035 ATS Level Business Jet 2035 Forecast 2017
221 FORROT2035 ATS Level Rotorcraft 2035 Forecast 2017
222 FORSAT2035 ATS Level SAT 2035 Forecast 2017
223 MI-BIKE World's Most Individual Bikes and e-bikes 2017
224 SESPer Solar Energy Storage PERovskites 2017
225 blackQD Optoelectronic of narrow band gap nanocrystals 2018
226 BioNet Dynamical Redesign of Biomolecular Networks 2018
227 COSY-BIO Control Engineering of Biological Systems for Reliable Synthetic Biology Applications 2017
228 CURE Constructing a ‘Eubiosis Reinstatement Therapy’ for Asthma 2017
229 PETER Plasmon Enhanced Terahertz Electron Paramagnetic Resonance 2018
230 StroMaP Stromal stress networks underlying phenotypic plasticity and tumor fitness 2017
231 RISK Republics on the Stage of Kings. Representing Republican State Power in the Europe of Absolute Monarchies (late 16th - early 18th century) 2018
232 DORMANTOOCYTE Understanding the Balbiani body: A super-organelle linked to dormancy in oocytes 2018
233 TeRrIFIC Training in Quantum Photonics Design Fabrication and Characterisation 2018
234 INVICTUS IN VItro Cavitation Through UltraSound 2017
235 X-TAM Dissecting Cross-Regulatory Interplays in Tumor-Associated Macrophages 2018
236 safenolaTiCancerDrug Highly and Widely Effective, Water Stable, and Non Toxic Titanium-Phenolato-based Anticancer Chemotherapy 2017
237 Precaution Being precautionary: how rational? How ethical? 2018
238 PRESTIGE-AF PREvention of STroke in Intracerebral haemorrhaGE survivors with Atrial Fibrillation 2017
239 INSITUMUT Direct detection of cancer-causing mutations in tumour specimens 2018
240 CounterLIGHT Interaction and Symmetry Breaking of Counterpropagating Light 2018
241 SOTUF SOot in TUrbulent Flames: a new look at soot production processes in turbulent flames leading to novel models for predictive large eddy simulations 2018
242 THEKAISERSMOSQUES Islamic architecture and Orientalizing style in Habsburg Bosnia, 1878-1918 2018
243 MicroBar Microsatellite Barcoding: reconstructing the family tree of hematopoietic cells 2018
244 THEMPO The missing link between Perception and Cognition: The case of multiple-person scenarios 2018
245 GRIEVANCE Gauging the Risk of Incidents of Extremist Violence Against Non-Combatant Entities 2018
246 ISCQuM Imaging, Spectroscopy and Control of Quantum states in advanced Materials 2019
247 REPO-TRIAL An in silico-based approach to improve the efficacy and precision of drug REPurpOsing TRIALs for a mechanism-based patient cohort with predominant cerebro-cardiovascular phenotypes 2018
248 PIVOT Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2017
249 REVIVE Refuse Vehicle Innovation and Validation in Europe 2018
250 Andromeda Predictive Maintenance for railway switches. Smart sensor networks on a machine learninganalytics platform 2017
251 LexsemLexcat The lexical semantics of lexical categories 2018
252 APOGEE Atomic-scale physics of single-photon sources. 2018
253 EMERGE Epigenetic and metabolic regulation of endothelial heterogeneity 2018
254 HEROe Bearing High Efficiency ROller Bearing - NTN-SNR hybrid tapered roller bearing solutions for aerospace applications 2018
255 METACELL Metabolism of a cell pictured by single-cell approach 2018
256 InnovOleum An innovative business model: turning domestic used cooking oil into renewable “fuel” for education and entrepreneurship 2018
257 NAIL Adsorption and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids on Surfaces in Ionic Liquid Environment 2018
258 WISDOM The autonomous floral pathway: a WIndow to Study the tight link between non-coDing RNA and chrOMatin regulation 2018
259 LiLa Linking Latin. Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin 2018
260 PARADA Parallel Donor and Acceptor Semiconductor Crystals for Organic Field Effect Transistors 2018
261 OASES Outcomes Assessment of Sensory Education in Schools 2018
262 CHROMABOLISM Chromatin-localized central metabolism regulating gene expression and cell identity 2018
263 CLAMOR environmental Conflicts through the Lens of Artwork and Multimedia in waterscape transfORrmations 2018
264 CoMoRoC Comic Motifs in Romances of Chivalry of Spanish Golden Age 2018
265 DNAcheck Mechanistic analysis of DNA damage signaling and bypass upon replication of damaged DNA template in human cells. 2018
266 ECHO Harmonization of Regulation of Abusive Non-Judicial Debt Collection in the European Union: Models, Benefits and Challenges 2019
267 EDIOS Evolutionary development of the insect olfactory system 2018
268 ELECTRIC CHALLENGES Current Tools and Policy Challenges in Electricity Markets 2018
269 FLEXSEM Graded constraints in semantic cognition: How do we retrieve knowledge in a flexible way? 2018
270 SPICE Spectroscopy in cells with tailored in-vivo labelling strategies and multiply addressable nano-structural probes 2018
271 GENTES Genesis of Ethnicities and Nations in Textual Evidence for Scandinavia, c. 750-c. 1000 2018
272 IPMRB Imprecise Probability Models of Rational Belief 2018
273 MInMUS Migration Policy in Multilevel Political Settings. City Network in Europe and North America 2018
274 MigRural Return mobilities to rural Portugal: an assessment of the production of place 2018
275 Humanist Marxism “The Humanist Marxist Tradition”: The Humanist Legacy of Marx’s 1844 Manuscripts 2018
276 FANC A Faster Approach to Network Control 2019
277 MECHANOIDS Probing and controlling the three-dimensional organoid mechanobiology 2019
278 EvolBehavGenArch The composition and evolution of C. elegans behavioural genetic architectures 2018
279 GARDENCITYIDEA Idea, Ideal, Idyll: Garden Cities in Central Europe 1890s-1930s 2018
280 SATYRANDO Insults in Italian City States.Criminal Literary History 2019
281 OSCILLOGEL An enzyme-based self-oscillating gel 2019
282 SCIMOD Foundations of Model Based Science 2018
283 HelpUS Pioneering focused Ultrasounds as a new non-invasive deep brain stimulation for a causal investigation of empathy related brain processes in moral learning and decision making 2018
284 SWIRup HOT III-V II-VI Focal Plane Arrays for Space Applications in the Upper SWIR Band 2018
285 GeoRes Geomaterials: from Waste to Resource 2018
286 IntelliAQ Artificial Intelligence for Air Quality 2018
287 MicroWars The Evolution of Bacterial Warfare 2018
288 IoTree IoTree, a cutting edge low-cost, low-energy and highly sensitive solution for early detection of pests attacking trees. 2018
289 BioBalanced Feasibility study for Bioapplications – BioBalanced Farm probiotic 2018
290 BUTANOVA Novel technology for biobutanol production 2018
291 CB1-18 CB1-18 Chatbot tool for automatic job interview 2018
292 Global Horizons Global Horizons in Pre-Modern Art 2018
293 Qosmology Quantum Effects in Early Universe Cosmology 2018
295 Microguard A neural network based counterfeit detection system to verify the authenticity of products 2018
296 ABC-EU-XVA Valuation Adjustments for Improved Risk Management 2018
297 LoCoMacro Local Control of Macroscopic Properties in Isolated Many-body Quantum Systems 2019
298 E3I ECLAUSion Excellence, International, Intersectoral and Interdisciplinary doctoral training at Ecole Centrale Lyon in cotutelle with royal melbourne institute of technology AUStralia 2019
299 RiZeSisT Discovering susceptibility genes to Rhizoctonia solani in rice as breeding targets for sheath blight disease resistance 2018
300 CEVOLVER Connected Electric Vehicle Optimized for Life, Value, Efficiency and Range 2018
301 CLaSS Climate, Landscape, Settlement and Society: Exploring Human-Environment Interaction in the Ancient Near East 2019
302 SAS Safer Autonomous Systems 2018
303 SexMeth Establishment, modulation and inheritance of sexual lineage specific DNA methylation in plants 2018
304 AxScale Axions and relatives across different mass scales 2018
305 SusDrug Sustainable Approach to Drug Discovery 2019
306 Dawex GDM Dawex Data Marketplace deployment: unlocking European companies’ data value 2018
307 TERIFIC Targeted Experiment to Reconcile Increased Freshwater with Increased Convection 2018
308 GrowBot Towards a new generation of plant-inspired growing artefacts 2019
309 BinCola Evaluation of the Benefits of innovative Concepts of laminar nacelle and HTP installed on a business jet configuration 2018
310 ERINHA-Advance Advancing European Research Infrastcuture on Highly Pathogenic Agents 2019
311 DecodeDiabetes Expanding the genetic etiological and diagnostic spectrum of monogenic diabetes mellitus 2018
312 Dust2Planets Unveiling the role of X-rays in protoplanetary disks via laboratory astrophysics 2020
313 ASIMIA Advanced High-Order Simulation Methods for Industrial Applications 2019
314 ANTI-ATOM Many-body theory of antimatter interactions with atoms, molecules and condensed matter 2019
315 WHO-PENatScale Scaling up the WHO-PEN package for diabetes and hypertension in Swaziland: a nation-wide cluster-randomised evaluation of three strategies in Swaziland (WHO-PEN@Scale) 2019
316 LIMONA New Water Softener System for vending machines, minimizing hardness without altering natural water pH nor minerals 2018
317 IRIS AI IRIS.AI: The Artificial Intelligence-powered R&D assistant 2018
318 BX Platform BX Platform Converting real time data into more efficient trucking operations 2018
319 C123 Methane oxidative conversion and hydroformylation to propylene 2019
320 BIZEOLCAT Bifunctional Zeolite based Catalysts and Innovative process for Sustainable Hydrocarbon Transformation 2019
321 BIOMORPHIC Brain-Inspired Organic Modular Lab-on-a-Chip for Cell Classification 2019
322 SafeWaterpark Ensuring the safest conditions in waterparks, public pools and hotel pools and facilitating crowd-based prevention across the world 2019
323 HydraMechanics Mechanical Aspects of Hydra Morphogenesis 2019
324 Innovation.NRW_1 Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2019 2019
325 REMINISCENCE REflection Matrix ImagiNg In wave SCiENCE 2019
326 CiliaTubulinCode Self-organization of the cilium: the role of the tubulin code 2019
327 ONCOFUM Integrating the tissue-specificity and chronology of hereditary renal cancer predisposition 2019
328 ADMITTED Advanced Data Methods for Improved Tiltrotor Test and Design 2019
329 PhotoArM Directed Evolution of Photoredox Powered Artificial Metalloenzymes for Stereodivergent Catalysis 2019
330 cQMM circuit Quantum Magneto-Mechanics : interfacing single molecular spins with nanomechanical resonators in the quantum regime. 2019
331 The Damned Algeria, antifascism, and Third Worldism: An anticolonial genealogy of the Western European New Left (Algeria, France, Italy, 1957-1975) 2020
332 THERMOGUIDE Optimizing delivery and effectiveness of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients using thermotherapy under image-guidance 2019
333 FLAG-ERA III The Flagship ERA-NET — FLAG-ERA III 2018
334 MAGYC MigrAtion Governance and asYlum Crises 2018
335 SMART THEME Surface-supported Molecular ARchiTectures: THEory Meets Experiment 2019
336 CrossLingference Cross-Linguistic statistical inference using hierarchical Bayesian models 2019
337 HEGS Hydrologic Extremes at the Global Scale: teleconnections, extreme-rich/poor periods, climate drivers and predictability 2019
338 BRAINY The role of behavioural flexibility on the generation and maintenance of diversity 2020
339 ReFraMed Histories Rewriting and (Re-)Framing Memory in Late Medieval Historiography. The Case of Brabant (14th-15th c.) 2019
340 EarlyVertEvo Unravelling the scenario of early vertebrate evolution through computational analysis of the fossil record 2019
341 DAMAGE seismic off-fault Deformation: A multi-scale iMAGing to constrain Earthquake energy budget 2020
342 SOOCCESS SOciO-eConomiC failurE and aSpiration biaseS 2020
343 Coh2Shape Modeling of partially spatially coherent distributed sources: derivation of an extended reciprocity theorem, creation of a numerical tool and experimental validation. 2019
344 miRhythm Understanding mechanisms and functions of miRNA oscillations during development 2020
345 Widow Spider Mating Immature mating as a novel tactic of an invasive widow spider 2020
346 Cal-Mate Automated Preparation of Ultra-Precise Chemical Solutions. 2019
347 SACRASEC Sacralizing Security: Religion, Violence and Authority in Mega-Cities of the Global South 2019
348 ScalableControl Scalable Control of Interconnected Systems 2019
349 MitoWild Counting the cost of living: mitochondrial efficiency, environmental conditions, and performance in the wild 2019
350 BioSIGNAL Biological pump Sensitivity and climate change: InterroGatiNg past environmentAL perturbations 2019
351 NotToKill-NotToDie Unrevealing dry season Plasmodium falciparum replication biology 2019
352 MICROX Microscopy of living cancer cells at physiological oxygen levels: the MICROX platform 2019
353 DGLC Domain-general language control: Evidence from the switching paradigm 2019
354 HYDROBLOCK Discrete Multi-physics modeling of hydrate blockage in pipelines 2020
355 SSF-value Valuing the socio-cultural and economic contributions of small-scale fisheries to coastal communities 2020
356 HarmonizATforms Defining the antithrombin measurand: role of proteoforms in harmonisation of diagnostic tests in thrombosis 2019
357 SuperVGE Supersonic Variable Geometry Turbine Expanders for High-Efficiency, High Temperature, Organic Rankine Cycle Applications 2019
358 CrowdLawLab CrowdLaw: Towards a More Inclusive Lawmaking Through Technology 2020
359 VINCI The Value of Information and Choice to Improve Control. 2020
360 SCHEME Sewage chemical information mining – development of a novel concept for the assessment of human exposure to pollutants through wastewater analysis 2019
361 HighResCells A synergistic approach toward understanding receptor signaling in the cell at very high resolution 2019
362 AMAREC Amenability, Approximation and Reconstruction 2019
363 MINDTHEGAP Mind the gap: understanding the drivers of intention-behaviour gaps in the consumption of meat and single-use plastics 2019
364 Coldab An innovative Pulsed Laser Deposition process for next generation of Li-ion batteries 2019
365 SAPPHIRE South American population history revisited: multidisciplinary perspectives on the Upper Amazon 2019
366 EAR Audio-based Mobile Health Diagnostics 2019
367 WearHealth Worker 4.0 – Connected. Empowered. Safe and Healthy. The first intelligent and interoperable platform based on AI and wearable/IoT devices for real-time workers safety and health monitoring 2019
368 DNA-DOCK Precision Docking of Very Large DNA Cargos in Mammalian Genomes 2019
369 THIAZOLIUMenzyme Enzyme design and engineering by implementation of non-canonical amino acids in protein scaffolds 2019
370 Breeze A cloud-based big data analytics platform for air quality sensing using distributed sensors and an unparalleled AI-powered decision support system 2019
371 EvolSexChrom Testing new hypotheses on the evolution of sex-related chromosomes 2019
372 TRANSPACIFIC The Structure and Impact of Trans-Pacific Trade, 16th to 18th Centuries: The Manila Galleon Trade Beyond Silver and Silks 2020
373 CRESCENT CRESCENT: Adaptive hands-free controller for people with disabilities 2019
374 Zero1 A unique suite of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to battle cashflow problems in SMEs 2019
375 XPU Extensible Processing Units (XPUs) as Enablers of the High-Performance Low-Power Embedded Market 2019
376 IMMUNOTRAP Diagnosis test for immuno-oncology therapies. 2019
377 NOVA-MRI Novel Applications in 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2020
378 PRE-ECO A new paradigm to re-engineering printed composites 2019
379 Back2theFuture Back to the Future: Future expectations and actions in late medieval and early modern Europe, c.1400-c.1830 2020
380 CENTRAL ASIAN LAW Legal Cultures and Business Environments in Central Asia 2020
381 CohoSing Cohomology and Singularities 2019
382 HoloHair Information Encoding in Quantum Gravity and the Black Hole Information Paradox 2020
383 Ocean-DAS Ocean-Bottom Distributed Acoustic Sensors: new tools for Underwater Seismology 2020
384 DEVMEM Learning to remember: the development of the neural mechanisms supporting memory processing. 2020
385 Fotokite Aerial Situational Awareness for Every Firefighter 2019
386 FUME Future Migration Scenarios for Europe 2019
388 TheraLymph Gene Therapy to restore lymphatic flow lymphedema 2020
389 PLASTINET Plasticity of the Pluripotency Network 2020
392 EAGRE Eagre/Aegir: high-seas wave-impact modelling 2020
393 PDPcardio Protein phosphatase 1-disrupting peptides: Scope and mechanism of action in the treatment of heart insufficiency 2020
394 PP-MAGIC (Photo-)Control of Persisters: Targeting the Magic Spot 2020
395 SENATOR Staff Exchange for Novel applications in 19f magnetic resonance imaging 2020
396 Innovation.NRW Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2020-21 2020
397 SCFTAlg Algebraic Foundations of Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory 2020
398 EnerMaps Open Source Tools to Share, Compare, and Reuse Low-Carbon Energy Data 2020
399 Design2Flow Disposable well-plate inserts and perfusion chambers for easy-to-use and generic microchannel creation in 3D tissue culture 2020
400 LOSS Narratives of Loss: Unravelling the Origins of Support for Socially Conservative Political Agendas 2020
401 Pollenity Introducing the Internet of Bees: A Smart Beehive System 2020
402 H2O-SurfaceProbe High Throughput Second Harmonic Method to Probe Biological Surfaces at Real-World Conditions 2020
403 GlycoSpec Unravelling Glycochemistry with Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Gas-Phase Spectroscopy 2020
404 AETSOM Engineering a solution to the “resolution gap” problem for probing local optoelectronic properties in low-dimensional materials 2021
405 NMPLED New emitting proteins and all-bio matrices for Bio-WLEDs. 2020
406 RED-OPEN Unravelling Discoloration Mechanisms of Red Organic Pigments in Historical Art Works. 2021
407 LySyT Understanding the role of lysosomes in the intercellular TNT-mediated spreading of α-synuclein and the impact of lysosomal dysfunction 2020
408 SAVIJU Saharan Visions of Jesus. Poetics of Muslim-to-Christian religious conversions 2020