Progetti FP7 coordinati da "The university of sheffield"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 LONGEVITY EVOLUTION Evolution of longevity and senescence in long-lived Asian elephants and humans 0 209˙033.00 209˙033.00
2 MICARTREGEN Multi-biofunctional implants for in-situ cartilage regeneration for traumatic and early osteoarthritic lesions 0 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
3 BIOTACT BIOmimetic Technology for vibrissal ACtive Touch 2008 7˙778˙998.00 5˙399˙913.00
4 ProTest Property-based Testing 2008 3˙639˙030.00 2˙709˙821.00
5 IPODD IBD: proteases offer new targets for drug discovery 2008 3˙878˙507.00 2˙999˙250.00
6 HUMAN LIFESPAN "Mothers, grandmothers and the evolution of prolonged lifespan in humans" 2008 1˙143˙824.00 1˙143˙824.00
7 ADAPTIVE SPECIATION Evolution of reproductive barriers and its implications for adaptive speciation 2008 168˙823.00 168˙823.00
8 SPECIATION Understanding the evolutionary origin of biological diversity 2008 2˙110˙117.00 2˙110˙117.00
9 TRANSHESC Generation of stable transgenic embryonic stem cell lines 2008 243˙268.00 243˙268.00
10 AVIANEGG Evolutionary genetics in a ‘classical’ avian study system by high throughput transcriptome sequencing and SNP genotyping 2008 1˙560˙770.00 1˙560˙770.00
11 NSINK Training in sources, sinks and impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the Arctic 2008 2˙656˙767.00 2˙656˙767.00
12 CONANX Consumer culture in an age of anxiety: political and moral economies of food 2009 1˙684˙460.00 1˙684˙460.00
13 EUKNOW European Universities in the area of Knowledge. Collaboration and networks in teaching and research 2009 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
14 QUAKEOPTIWRAP Optimal seismic rehabilitation of reinforced concrete buildings using FRP composites 2009 180˙216.00 180˙216.00
15 NSYS "Nonlinear System Identification and Analysis in the Time, Frequency, and Spatio-Temporal Domains" 2009 1˙947˙104.00 1˙947˙104.00
16 ERA-AGE 2 ERA-AGE Extension 2009 1˙906˙760.00 1˙699˙998.00
17 LIGHTSWITCHES Multifunctional DNA light-switches: sensors and devices 2009 169˙957.00 169˙957.00
18 GREEN ROOF SYSTEMS Collaborative research and development of green roof system technology 2009 1˙185˙261.00 1˙185˙261.00
19 INTERATING DEFENCES Facing multiple predators - phenotypic integration in multiple antipredator traits 2009 168˙823.00 168˙823.00
20 MOLCALM molecular and computational analysis of the leaf margin 2009 181˙350.00 181˙350.00
21 FUTURAGE FUTURAGE: A Roadmap for Ageing Research 2009 1˙964˙885.00 1˙751˙791.00
22 ICARUS Hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructures for photonics and optoelectronics 2009 2˙803˙715.00 2˙803˙715.00
23 SOILTREC Soil Transformations in European Catchments 2009 9˙160˙384.00 6˙974˙572.00
24 COPERNICO Cooperation Environment For Rapid Design prototyping and New Integration Concepts for Factory of the Future 2010 7˙171˙438.00 5˙200˙000.00
25 EFIREVAL Efficient and Effective Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems 2010 172˙240.00 172˙240.00
26 ATOMICROBIOLOGY Elucidation of the architecture and dynamics of the bacterial cell wall by an interdisciplinary approach 2010 239˙289.00 239˙289.00
27 LIVEDIFFERENCE Living with Difference in Europe - Making Communities out of Strangers in an era of super-mobility and super-diversity 2010 2˙181˙400.00 2˙181˙400.00
28 EVOLVINGROBOT Autonomous evolution of robotic organisms 2010 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
29 MACE Maternal Communication with embryo 2010 172˙434.00 172˙434.00
31 ANCID The role of animals in late Iron Age and Roman life: cultural identity and the relationship between Italy and Britain 2010 240˙289.00 240˙289.00
32 SEMEP Search for Electro-Magnetic Earthquake Precursors combining satellite and ground-based facilities 2010 728˙376.00 452˙514.00
33 PATHS Personalised Access To cultural Heritage Spaces 2011 3˙071˙963.00 2˙300˙000.00
34 ANOLIS GENOMICS Identification of genes underlying a colour polymorphism in Anolis lizards using next generation transcriptome sequencing and SNP genotyping 2011 189˙474.00 189˙474.00
35 HFEN1DYNAMICS Defining the Role of Flap Endonuclease 1 Conformational Dynamics in Catalysis 2011 232˙427.00 232˙427.00
36 ARCOMEM ARCOMEM: ARchive COmmunities MEMoriesnnFrom Collect-All Archives to Community Memories – nLeveraging the Wisdom of the Crowds for Intelligent Preservation 2011 8˙009˙198.00 6˙000˙000.00
37 PHOTOTRANS Evolvability and drivers of photosynthetic transitions in flowering plants 2011 261˙334.00 261˙334.00
38 DNA SPLICING Dynamic genome architecture in ciliates: an analysis of the evolution of internal eliminated sequences (IESs) in the Paramecium aurelia species-complex 2011 173˙240.00 173˙240.00
39 RIIFERT Regulation of innate immunity in the female reproductive tract 2011 173˙240.00 173˙240.00
40 WASTE PREVENTION Analysis of Waste Prevention Behaviour through a Conceptual Statistical Model and Scenario Simulation 2011 173˙240.00 173˙240.00
41 VPH-Share Virtual Physiological Human: Sharing for Healthcare - A Research Environment 2011 14˙332˙963.00 10˙699˙995.00
42 ADVOCATE Advancing Sustainable In Situ Remediation for Contaminated Land and Groundwater 2011 3˙445˙531.00 3˙445˙531.00
43 EM ZF OTIC 082010 Regulation of ventral otic patterning and integration with general programmes of neurogenesis in the zebrafish embryo 2011 210˙092.00 210˙092.00
44 EOA The Evolutionary Origins of Agriculture 2011 1˙999˙388.00 1˙999˙388.00
45 PCSSIB Post-copulatory sexual selection in birds: sperm production, sperm selection and early development in birds 2011 1˙700˙000.00 1˙700˙000.00
46 METAL WEAPONS CHANGE "Metals, weapons and social change around the Adriatic and Ionian seas 2000-1000 BC: A longue durée vista on the impact of military praxis on technology, politics and communication networks" 2011 199˙549.00 199˙549.00
47 SEXUAL SELECTION Ecological and life-history bases of sexual selection and sex roles in birds 2011 273˙480.00 273˙480.00
48 TRIPMAP Mapping Terrorist Risk Perceptions Comparatively 2011 194˙849.00 194˙849.00
49 MECHANOBIO Finite element simulations of mechanobiology in tissue engineering 2011 1˙498˙497.00 1˙498˙497.00
50 THEOSTRICHPROBLEM ‘The ostrich problem’: When and why people fail to monitor their goal progress and the development of a new focus for behaviour change interventions 2011 755˙082.00 755˙082.00
52 QUANTATEC Novel Short Wavelength Quantum Cascade Lasers for HIgh Sensitivity Gas Detection 2011 1˙021˙370.00 1˙021˙370.00
53 NATHISGEN Species formation from beginning to end: integrative tests of competing hypotheses for the origins of diversity 2011 1˙882˙858.00 1˙882˙858.00
54 TAIN Treatment of Adrenal Insufficiency in neonates- Development of a Hydrocortisone Preparation for the treatment of Adrenal Insufficiency in neonatesand infants 2011 5˙517˙693.00 4˙197˙147.00
55 REFORM Resource-Efficient Factory Of Recyclable Manufacturing composite components 2011 7˙090˙917.00 4˙999˙995.00
56 3TO4 3to4: Converting C3 to C4 photosynthesis for sustainable agriculture 2012 8˙940˙658.00 6˙806˙560.00
57 S^3NANO Few Spin Solid-State Nano-systems 2012 4˙000˙024.00 4˙000˙024.00
58 WIFEEB Wireless Friendly Energy Efficient Buildings 2012 2˙145˙330.00 2˙145˙330.00
59 GTNCTV Gene therapy and nanotechnology based CNS targeted vectors 2012 2˙499˙958.00 2˙499˙958.00
60 SEXUAL CONFLICT Genetic architecture of intralocus sexual conflict in a wild bird population 2012 209˙033.00 209˙033.00
61 TOXICITY IN MND Screening of candidate targets for astrocytic toxicity in motor neurone disease 2012 271˙943.00 271˙943.00
62 NBC-REGEN4 Nanostructured & Biomimetic Ceramic-Polymer Composites for Bone Tissue Regeneration 2012 200˙371.00 200˙371.00
63 ALBTUSMED II The Alberese Archaeological Project (AAP): new research techniques for understanding the Roman period in southern Tuscany (2nd century BC – 6th century AD) 2012 200˙371.00 200˙371.00
64 WESENSEIT WeSenseIT: Citizen Observatory of Water 2012 6˙966˙223.00 5˙423˙764.00
65 WINDOW Towards Pervasive Indoor Wireless Networks 2012 611˙100.00 611˙100.00
66 IISEMG Investigating Intermediate Structures in the Economy of Mycenaean Greece (c. 1400 - 1200 BC) Through Archaeological and Textual Data 2012 200˙371.00 200˙371.00
67 PROWESS Property-based testing of Web services 2012 4˙424˙115.00 3˙389˙158.00
68 INNOVAGE Social Innovations Promoting Active and Healthy Ageing 2012 3˙720˙773.00 2˙989˙877.00
69 DYNAMITO The analysis of mitochondrial dynamics in ageing and neurodegeneration 2013 1˙486˙761.00 1˙486˙761.00
70 ECHONET Expanding Capability in Heterocyclic Organic Synthesis 2013 2˙881˙334.00 2˙881˙334.00
71 PRIME-A-PLANT Priming of plant immunity: from its onset to trans-generational maintenance 2013 1˙307˙407.00 1˙307˙407.00
72 FOODFUTURES Food Futures: Providing Independent Research and Advice to Food Businesses and NGOs 2013 162˙258.00 148˙652.00
73 VICTIMS AND RJ Victims and their justice motives in a restorative intervention 2013 209˙033.00 209˙033.00
74 PISA Polymerisation-induced self-assembly 2013 2˙480˙300.00 2˙480˙300.00
75 IMPUNEP Innovative Materials Processing Using Non-Equilibrium Plasmas 2013 2˙499˙283.00 2˙499˙283.00
76 EXCIPOL Exciton-Polaritons: New Physics and Long Term Applications 2013 2˙100˙000.00 2˙100˙000.00
77 BUPESA Building Performance Evaluation for Sustainable Architecture 2013 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
79 VPH-DARE@IT VPH Dementia Research Enabled by IT 2013 18˙097˙612.00 13˙393˙565.00
80 MYCOCROP Using mycorrhizal-induced resistance as a sustainable alternative to chemical pesticides in cereal agriculture 2013 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
81 RUFF GENOMICS Genomics of reproductive strategies in ruffs 2013 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
82 MAMBO Methodologically Accurate Modelling of BOne: new experimental methods for the validation of cortical bone tissue computer models 2013 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
83 CDREG Carbon dioxide regulation of Earth’s ecological weathering engine: from microorganisms to ecosystems 2013 2˙271˙980.00 2˙271˙980.00
84 TRAMLANES Transition-metal / lanthanide dyads for two-photon cellular imaging 2013 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
85 MIGGOV 'Knowledgeable' Governors of Uncertainty? International Organisations in the Absence of a Global Migration Regime 2013 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
86 GEOPOLYCONC Durability of geopolymers as 21st century concretes 2013 1˙495˙458.00 1˙495˙458.00
87 ENDOSIGNAL Endosignal 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
88 CONTROL-CPS Reactive control protocols for cyber-physical systems 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
89 GREY "Out of the shadows: developing capacities and capabilities for tackling undeclared work in Bulgaria, Croatia and FYR Macedonia" 2013 1˙263˙163.00 1˙263˙163.00
90 Avicenna A Strategy for In-Silico Clinical Trials 2013 1˙179˙029.00 991˙723.00
91 ENDURE European Network for Durable Reinforcement and Rehabilitation Solutions 2013 3˙870˙520.00 3˙870˙520.00
92 RARBETA2 IN OSCC Understanding the functional role of Retinoic Acid Receptor Beta2 in the development of oral cancer 2013 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
93 COSSHNET Complementary Synthetic Strategies toward Heterocyclic Boronates 2014 587˙133.00 587˙133.00
94 PHEME Computing Veracity Across Media, Languages, and Social Networks 2014 4˙269˙938.00 2˙916˙000.00
95 HIPERCAM HiPERCAM: A high-speed camera for the study of rapid variability in the Universe 2014 3˙491˙335.00 3˙491˙335.00
96 ANAGENNISI Innovative Reuse of All Tyre Components in Concrete 2014 4˙499˙466.00 3˙119˙689.00
97 MICBS Modeling International Cooperation Between States 2014 75˙000.00 75˙000.00
98 SYNTHPHOTO Powering cells with light: the synthetic biology of photosynthesis 2014 2˙484˙955.00 2˙484˙955.00
99 MULTI-ROBOT Multi-Robot Systems 2014 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
100 MIGPROSP Prospects for International Migration Governance 2014 2˙127˙926.00 2˙127˙926.00
101 HUMANSCAPES The origins of intensive pastoralism and the creation of cultural landscapes in North-Eastern Spain 2014 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
102 TOLERATES Understanding evolutionary rates on the Tree of Life in time and space 2014 1˙717˙624.00 1˙717˙624.00
103 QUICS Quantifying Uncertainty in Integrated Catchment Studies 2014 4˙058˙233.00 4˙058˙233.00
104 FLEXFORM Novel Flexible Sheet Forming for High Value Manufacturing 2014 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
105 BALMORAL Variational Basis Learning for Statistical Motion Atlases: Application to Quantitative Dynamic Cardiac Imaging 2014 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
106 HUBIR Human-bird interactions from the Roman period to the end of the Middle Ages: Italy and England in their European context 2014 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
107 ARNIIF Asymmetric reactions of nitrile compounds: an approach to the synthesis of bioactive molecules 2014 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
108 D3I4AD Diagnostic and Drug Discovery Initiative for Alzheimer’s Disease 2014 2˙208˙897.00 2˙208˙897.00
109 MRIGRAINE Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and immunohistochemical investigations of CNS activity in a novel preclinical migraine model 2015 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
110 DESISTANCE IN PRISON Desistance from crime by restorative justice practices in prisons. A qualitative comparative research between the UK and Belgium 2015 231˙283.00 231˙283.00

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