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H2020 projects about "measuring"

The page lists 444 projects related to the topic "measuring".

# achronym  title  year 
1 FLIRT Fall in Love wIth Research Tonight 2014
2 I-MOVE-plus I-MOVE+ Integrated Monitoring of Vaccines Effects in Europe: a platform to measure and compare effectiveness and impact of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines and vaccination strategies in the elderly 2015
3 ADVOCATE Added Value for Oral Care 2015
4 JSPEC Josephson Junction Spectroscopy of Mesoscopic Systems 2015
5 DISIRE Integrated Process Control based on Distributed In-Situ Sensors into Raw Material and Energy Feedstock 2015
6 ProPAT Robust and affordable process control technologies for improving standards and optimising industrial operations 2015
7 PRISTINE High precision isotopic measurements of heavy elements in extra-terrestrial materials: origin and age of the solar system volatile element depletion 2015
8 NSECPROBE Probing quantum fluctuations of single electronic channels in model interacting systems 2015
9 CSINEUTRONSTAR The physics and forensics of neutron star explosions 2015
10 PlusOne An ultracold gas plus one ion: advancing Quantum Simulations of in- and out-of-equilibrium many-body physics 2015
11 complexNMR Structural Dynamics of Protein Complexes by Solid-State NMR 2015
12 M4ShaleGas M4ShaleGas: Measuring, monitoring, mitigating managing the environmental impact of shale gas 2015
13 ERSAT EAV ERTMS on SATELLITE – Enabling Application Validation 2015
14 Nano-Tandem Nanowire based Tandem Solar Cells 2015
15 IQCC Integrated quantum correlation counter 2015
16 MISTRALE Monitoring of SoIl moiSture and wateR-flooded Areas for agricuLture and Environment 2015
17 CoExAN Collective Excitations in Advanced Nanostructures 2015
18 RAIS Scalable, point-of-care and label free microarray platform for rapid detection of Sepsis 2015
19 Film265 Improving European VoD Creative Industry with High Efficiency Video Delivery 2015
20 TOPWOOD Wood phenotyping tools: properties, functions and quality 2015
21 PROPHETIC PROPHETIC:An innovating Personal Healthcare Service for a holistic remote management and treatment of Parkinson patients. 2015
22 MobiliSense Air pollution and noise exposure related to personal transport behaviour: short-term and longer-term effects on health 2015
23 NChIP Chromatin dynamics during DNA replication 2015
24 SURVEIRON SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures 2014
25 NiGlucoMon A Non-Invasive GLUCOse MONitoring device for diabetics based on Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy in a quick, cheap and painless method. 2014
26 MIGOSA Modified Internal Gate image sensor for low light optimised Out-door Security surveillance Applications 2014
27 iBoard Large scale interactive multi-touch displays 2014
28 BEVSTREAM High Pressure Processing (HPP) equipment for large beverage productions 2014
29 eyePoC Clinical validation of a new diagnostic and monitoring PoC medical device based on quantification of biomarkers in tear fluids to improve the quality of eye health care 2014
30 LAST CHANCE New super-energy efficient non-volatile memory manufacturing – bringing Europe back on the semiconductor track 2014
31 GLOBIS-B GLOBal Infrastructures for Supporting Biodiversity research 2015
32 NMOSPEC Experimental Nuclear Magneto-Optic Spectroscopy 2015
33 BREAKING THE MOULD Breaking the Mould: A cross-cultural analysis of the character of bronze smiths and craft diversity in late Bronze Age Europe (1300-800 BC) 2015
34 Metabolic cost of walking Stepping forward in understanding the Metabolic Cost of Human Walking 2015
35 MeaSuRe Following Protein Diffusion in Photosynthetic Membranes with Super Resolution 2015
36 THISTLE Transformation and the management of HIStorical foresT. Landscapes of the Eugaean Hill (Padua, Italy). Fresh perspectives through spatial analyses and dendro-anthracology 2016
37 FE-RUS-Blast Finite Element Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy to Characterize Maturation of Cortical Bone Elastic Properties 2015
38 COSMIC SHEAR Cosmic Shear Analysis of the Kilo Degree Survey: Cosmological Constraints 2016
39 NextGen RiBiomics Next Generation Proteomic Analysis of Pre-Ribosomal Proteome Dynamics Coupled to Glucose Metabolism in Caner Cells 2016
40 PEERS Peer effects and endogenous network formation 2015
41 SMI REP Investigating eukaryotic replisome dynamics at the single molecule level 2015
42 NBSC Neural basis of semantic control 2016
43 PolAME Polarimetry of Anomalous Microwave Emission: Implication for B-mode Polarization Detection and Galactic Science 2016
44 STABLE_FABRY Calibration of Astronomical Spectrographs with Stabilized Fabry-Perot Etalons 2016
45 SHOALS The Swift GRB Host Galaxy Legacy Survey: Understanding the Link between GRBs and Star Formation from the Nearby to the Early Universe 2015
46 EPICONNECT Functional brain networks in epilepsy 2016
47 CP-RehOP Responding or not responding to training; prediction of balance rehabilitation outcome from structural and functional brain networks in Cerebral Palsy. 2016
48 SuperMag Cooperation between Superconductivity and Magnetism in Mesoscopic systems: towards Majorana states 2015
49 FLORALWOOD Selecting non-crop flowering plants for enhancing natural enemies of crop pests in agro ecosystems under climate change perspective 2016
50 FOMBIST Fibre-Optic Multi-parametric BIochemical Sensing Technology 2015
51 SQZOMS Squeezed Light Enhancement of Optomechanical Systems 2015
52 Global eHealth Creating an evaluation and research strategy and an evidence base for eHealth systems to improve the quality of data collection and care in low and middle income settings 2015
53 SOCIAL COST Differential costs of social living in nature 2016
54 ICH-Bildung The Impact of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in formal, non-formal and informal education and its contribution to the Key Competences for Lifelong Learning in the EU Reference Framework 2015
55 MagicTin Exploring the shell structure of exotic Sn isotopes with an Active Target 2016
56 Bacticon1 BACTerial detection and CONtrol of urinary tract infection 2015
57 REFEREE pREcise Fluids mEteRing EquipmEnt 2015
58 SCATMET Developing a multispectral volume scattering meter for measuring the optical properties of sea andocean water 2015
59 eco-railjacket Total Full Ecologic Embedded Railways Jacket System 2015
60 PCT Plant CT - Making Plants Healthier 2015
61 BioValue Quality determination of solid biofuels in real time 2015
62 LOUISA-3D Clinical validation of Laser Optoacoustic Ultrasonic 3D Imaging System Assembly for breast cancer detection and characterization through endogenous biomarkers. 2015
63 MCTDC Multi-channel time-to-digital converter sensor with ultra high resolution 2015
64 BRAINSPECT Ultra high resolution Single Photon Computed Emission Tomography for the molecular imaging of brain disease 2015
65 DryEye Validation of a Novel Diagnostic Biomarker for Dry Eye Syndrome based in nucleotides detection 2015
66 VITAL The Vitality of Disease - Quality of Life in the Making 2015
67 IMPROVER Improved risk evaluation and implementation of resilience concepts to critical infrastructure 2015
68 nuClock Towards a nuclear clock with Thorium-229 2015
70 QuantOnCal Feasibility study for clinical validation of an innovative point of care assay for the detection of low-grade-infections in joint replacement 2015
71 MEMEMTUM Neurological evaluation with simple tools to track evolution and perform early detection of neurodegenerative issues 2015
72 FLOATMAST An Innovative Wind Resource Assessment Tension Leg Platform for combined Cup Anemometer and Lidar Reliable and Bankable Wind Measurements for Offshore Wind Parks 2015
73 DIADEM Low-Cost Diagnostics Monitoring Technology 2015
74 ProCanEx Prostate cancer diagnostic assay based on protein kinase activity profiling in exosomes 2015
75 QualiLine-C-2.0 Quality and Production Control with Integrated Machine Vision 2015
76 Safe Gestation Feasibility study for clinical validation of NTproCNP as a novel biomarker for pregnancy complications 2015
77 BIOELECPRO Frontier Research on the Dielectric Properties of Biological Tissue 2015
78 CALIPRI CALIPRI - an easily customisable all purpose optical gauge for 2D-profiles. 2015
79 EXDCI European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative 2015
80 ART Feasibility assessment on Alarm Resolution Technology, using X-Ray Echo Methodology 2015
81 ASICA New constraints on the Amazonian carbon balance from airborne observations of the stable isotopes of CO2 2015
82 CIAO Central Iran Amphibole-bearing Ophiolite 2015
83 CTCPlus Multi-Parameter Monitoring and Control System for Grain Silo Plants (CTC+) 2015
84 PERFoRM Production harmonizEd Reconfiguration of Flexible Robots and Machinery 2015
85 DuaLine The validation, certification and industrial testing of advanced road marking retro reflectance (RL) measuring equipment (RetroTek-M) for the global market. 2015
87 ULT-NEMS Ultra-Cold Nano-Mechanics: from Classical to Quantum Complexity 2015
88 NPTEV-TQP2020 Uncovering New Phenomena at the TeV Scale With Top Quarks 2015
89 ObesityDevelop Effects of maternal gestational adiposity on fetal development and perinatal, postnatal and next generation health. 2015
90 BRAINCOMPATH Mesoscale Brain Dynamics: Computing with Neuronal Pathways 2016
91 BioBarPro A Hot-Spot Bio-Barcode Strategy for Prognostic Biomarkers In Colorectal Cancer 2015
92 SOCRATIC SOcial CReATive IntelligenCe Platform for achieving Global Sustainability Goals 2016
93 VIGI-LEAK A Smart Technology Trained for Preventing Leakages from Sewer Systems 2015
94 VIPACO Increase Energy Efficiency rates in buildings and white goods through advanced Vacuum Insulation Panels Quality Control 2015
95 Infarnosys Novel biomarker diagnostic system for the assessment of the prognosis of acute myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury and infarction and the effectiveness of the treatment 2015
96 papabuild Advanced physical-acoustic and psycho-acoustic diagnostic methods for innovation in building acoustics 2016
97 NCUscan Rapid Defect Characterisation by Non-Contact Ultrasonic Scanning 2016
98 TUMAPOS Using TUnnel Magneto Resistance Technology for MAgnetic POSition MeasurementTUMAPOS 2015
99 REFEREE pREcise Fluids mEteRing EquipmEnt 2015
100 MOSAIC Multi object spectrometer with an array of superconducting integrated circuits 2016
101 VanderSat High Resolution Soil Moisture Mapping 2015
102 WASABI Towards the Wider uptake of Arterial Stiffness As a BIomarker for cardiovascular diseases 2015
103 BILISTICK BILISTICK: A low cost point-of-care for early diagnosis of hyperbilirubinemia in newborns 2016
104 AnTraQuGa Anderson Transition in a Quantum Gas Signatures and Characterization 2016
105 EFICONSUMPTION Innovative System for Electrical Energy Efficiency in industrial plants 2016
106 Local State State Formation Through the Local Production of Property and Citizenship 2016
107 FORCE Imaging the Force of Cancer 2016
108 hackAIR Collective awareness platform for outdoor air pollution 2016
109 Making Sense Making Sense 2015
110 IDENTITY Computer Vision Enabled Multimedia Forensics and People Identification 2016
111 ProFatMRI Magnetic resonance imaging platform for probing fat microstructure 2016
112 GREinGC General Relativistic Effect in Galaxy Clustering as a Novel Probe of Inflationary Cosmology 2016
113 CASSPIN Comparative Analysis of Social Spaces in Post-Industrial Nations 2016
114 MultiCellSysBio Deconstructing complexity to reveal quantitative systems-level principles that enable multicellular systems to coordinately regulate genes over space and time 2016
115 BUILDUP Galaxy Buildup in the Young Universe: from the First Billion Years through the Peak Activity Epoch 2016
116 HYMNS High-sensitivitY Measurements of key stellar Nucleo-Synthesis reactions 2016
117 HYADES Hydrostatic pressure and prokaryotic activity in the deep sea 2016
118 ORCA Oscillatory long-Range Coherence in Attention 2016
119 QLO-QG Quasi-local observables in quantum gravity 2016
120 SMART-LANLIGHT New Scanning nearfield Microscopy method bAsed on Radio-frequency Trap and LANthanide nanoprobe for LIGHT matter interaction. 2016
121 RATE RATE: Respiratory Acoustics To estimate Energy in wild cetaceans 2017
122 MetricIMo The Econometrics of Intergenerational Mobility 2017
123 MOCCA Mobile context-aware cross-cultural applications 2016
124 MS Fatigue_Therapy Objectively Measuring MS Fatigue 2016
125 MPIPETrace Clinical performance validation of a novel biomarker for quantitative imaging of coronary artery disease. 2015
126 OCEAN-IDs OCEAN in-situ Isotope and Dissolved gas sensing 2016
127 COSMOFLAGS Cosmology with future large-scale surveys 2016
128 INVISIBLE WATERS Visualizing aquifers: sustainable water use in the Atacama Desert and beyond 2017
129 3DRM Accurate Full-Field 3D Shape Measurement Technique of Specular Surfaces by Phase-to-Depth Deflectometry 2016
130 iEcoH Integrating Ecosystem Heterogeneity to Enhance ESM Performance 2016
131 E-SAVING ULTRASONICS Game-changing Ultrasonic Technology for Energy Saving in Predictive Maintenance 2016
132 BBRhythms Brain and body rhythms: on the relationship between movement and percept 2016
133 ORACLE Origins of Alzheimer's disease across the life-course 2016
134 SCATAPNUT Scattering and tapping on soft-hard-open nuts 2016
135 CALIPRI Smart CALIPRI Smart - the easy to use and failsafe handheld optical gauge for 2D-profiles. 2016
136 SET - Chronic Pain SET – The defibrillator for Chronic Pain 2016
137 Glucoset Boronic acid hydrogel sensor for intravascular (arterial) blood glucose monitoring 2016
138 SmartRAIN SmartRAIN: an IoT-based solution for real time rain mapping 2016
139 CBTC The Resurgence in Wage Inequality and Technological Change: A New Approach 2016
140 REALISM Reproducing EArthquakes in the Laboratory: Imaging, Speed and Mineralogy 2016
141 RESPONDER Resolving subglacial properties, hydrological networks and dynamic evolution of ice flow on the Greenland Ice Sheet 2016
142 CONPOL Contexts, networks and participation: The social logic of political engagement 2016
143 TurboNoiseBB Validation of improved turbomachinery noise prediction models and development of novel design methods for fan stages with reduced broadband noise 2016
144 BABYRHYTHM Oscillatory Rhythmic Entrainment and the Foundations of Language Acquisition 2016
145 SMALLDIS The impact of small-scale disaster events: an exploration of disaster related losses, extensive risk management and learning at the institutional and community level in Italy 2016
146 PROCEEDS Probing Complex Dynamical Structures in Three Dimensions 2016
147 WheelWatcher Advanced wheel measuring system for greater rail sector’s profitability 2016
148 SMARTICK Disruptive learning through the integration of mathematics and cognitive trainining 2016
149 OTOLOG Otoliths as metabolic loggers: Examining the physiological basis for climate resilience in wild populations of marine fish 2016
150 STAR4BBI Standards and Regulations for the Bio-based Industry 2016
151 FiBreMoD Fibre break models for designing novel composite microstructures and applications 2016
152 HyproCell Development and validation of integrated multiprocess HYbrid PROduction CELLs for rapid individualized laser-based production 2016
153 BRIDAS Brillouin Distributed sensor for Aeronautical Structures 2016
154 IN2SMART Intelligent Innovative Smart Maintenance of Assets by integRated Technologies 2016
155 EURO-EXPERT Cultural Expertise in Europe: What is it useful for? 2016
156 Neurogenesis Exploration and promotion of neurogenesis in the adult brain 2016
157 WATER DROP Droughts and Water Scarcity in the EU: Economic Impact, Adaptation, Policy Implications and Integrated Assessment Modelling 2016
158 MAGIC Metal Assisted chemical etching of Gratings for X-ray InterferometriC systems 2016
159 SunAqua18 Sustainable Desalination System 2016
160 CepBin A sub-percent distance scale from binaries and Cepheids 2016
161 uPROPHET uPROPHET: Urinary PROteomics in Predicting HEart Transplantation outcomes 2016
162 STARS Empowering Patients by Professional Stress Avoidance and Recovery Services 2017
164 FACILITATORS Facilities for testing orbital and surface robotics building blocks 2016
165 CosNeD Radio wave propagation in heterogeneous media: implications on the electronics of Cosmic Neutrino Detectors 2016
166 CHEOPS Consortium for Hall Effect Orbital Propulsion System 2016
167 An.Dy Advancing Anticipatory Behaviors in Dyadic Human-Robot Collaboration 2017
169 CellSON Launching the next generation of Self Organising Networks for Telecoms 2016
170 NanoPhennec Nanophononic devices: from phonon networks to phonon CQED 2017
171 SMILE Smart Measuring and Inspection for industrial Legacy Equipment 2016
172 COSMOS Control and measurement of single macromolecules in space and time 2018
173 THZCALORIMETRY Time Resolved THz Calorimetry explores Molecular Recognition Processes 2016
174 ULTRACHIRAL Ultrasensitive chiral detection by signal-reversing cavity polarimetry: applications to in-situ proteomics, single-molecule chirality, HPLC analysis, medical diagnostics, and atmospheric studies 2017
175 TEMPTATION Thermometry and Photoacoustic-Imaging Outstanding Nanoprobes 2017
176 DIMO6FIT DIMO6FIT: Extending the Standard Model -- Global Fits of Optimal Variables in Diboson Production 2017
177 RECEPT Real-time precision tests of lepton universality 2017
178 SmartSense New Method of Magnetic Field Integration and its Smart Grid and Industrial Applications 2017
179 BACCO Bias and Clustering Calculations Optimised: Maximising discovery with galaxy surveys 2017
180 iMDx Microfiber Electrofluidics for Integrated Molecular Diagnostics 2017
181 3DQuant Understanding long-range transcriptional regulation in the context of the 3D genome organization 2017
182 CellStructure Structural cell biology in situ using superresolution microscopy 2017
183 PROZE Using a protein approach with Waddlia chondrophila and zebrafish as model organisms to conquer the female tubal factor subfertility market 2017
184 AMPLITUDES Novel structures in scattering amplitudes 2017
185 Justhood (Un)Just Neighbourhoods Socio-Spatial Justice in Urban Neighbourhoods 2018
186 LakeMP Spatial and temporal biotransformation of micropollutants in a lake ecosystem 2017
187 GRAMAS Graphene-Manganite Nanostructures for Novel Pulsed Magnetic Field Sensors 2017
188 InPhoTime Insect Photoperiodic Timer 2017
189 RECHARGE Photon-recycling for high-efficiency energy harvesting in GaAs photovoltaic devices on silicon 2017
190 PCMNano Using Phase Change Materials for the Base Suspension in the Creation of NanoFluids 2018
191 NEPSpiNN Neuromorphic EMG Processing with Spiking Neural Networks 2017
192 FLIGHT The true costs of bird flight: From the laboratory to the field 2017
193 3DMUCHO Investigation of 3D Functional Connectivity in Mouse Visual Cortex using Holography and Optogenetics 2017
194 VHPC Optical valley Hall effect in gapped graphene for infrared and terahertz light photodetection 2017
195 ATM-METFIN Quantifying atmospheric ice nucleating particle (INP) concentrations via advances in measurement techniques and field studies of ice nucleation 2017
196 BioALFA The effect of pro-aging and pro-youthful blood factors in normal ageing and Alzheimer’s disease: a multimodal approach 2018
197 DRiveR How does dopamine link QMP with reproductive repression to mediate colony harmony and productivity in the honeybee? 2018
198 BRAINCODES Brain networks controlling social decisions 2017
199 CAD WALK CAD WALK: Enabling Computer Aided Diagnosis of Foot Pathologies through the use of Metric Learning 2017
200 TRADEPOWER Power in international trade negotiations 2017
201 PyroTRACH Pyrogenic TRansformations Affecting Climate and Health 2017
202 TERMITES 'Total E-field Reconstruction using a MIchelson TEmporal Scan' for spatio-temporal metrology of ultrashort laser beams 2017
203 ARTHUS Advances in Research on Theories of the Dark Universe - Inhomogeneity Effects in Relativistic Cosmology 2017
204 SMel Electric field imaging of single molecular charges by a quantum sensor 2017
205 CHIMERA A novel instrument to identify chiral molecules for pharmaceutics and bio-chemistry. 2017
206 GOCART Gauging Ocean organic Carbon fluxes using Autonomous Robotic Technologies 2017
207 SOCCERMATICS Soccermatics: data for football fans and clubs 2017
208 TIMEJ Time in Medieval Japan 2017
209 ATM-GTP Atmospheric Gas-to-Particle conversion 2017
210 Eat2beNICE Effects of Nutrition and Lifestyle on Impulsive, Compulsive, and Externalizing behaviours 2017
211 SmartNiBP SmartNiBP: Non-invasive continuous blood pressure monitoring during surgery 2017
212 MetalJet Liquid-metal jet X-ray source for high performance non-destructive testing 2017
213 AGRI-DRONE Unique radar-drone used for subsurface water detection for precision agricultural irrigation 2017
214 GIservice GI.service: Asset performance optimiser 2017
215 NOVIMAR NOVel Iwt and MARitime transport concepts 2017
216 BrainConquest Boosting Brain-Computer Communication with high Quality User Training 2017
217 HIGCC Search for Higgs bosons decaying to charm quarks 2017
218 HotPolitics Politics isn’t cool, it’s hot! Do emotions influence political attitudes? 2017
219 BRIOAGRO Intelligent low-cost, scalable, adaptive ecosystem for intelligent irrigation and fertilization ensuring high performance and quality crops 2017
220 CLTRe The Cybersecurity Behavioural Toolkit 2017
221 TECSOME Technologies for Supporting Online Music Education 2017
222 u-PBeam Microdosimetry study of a new radiation therapy method based on proton minibeams 2017
223 CRESTING CiRcular Economy: SusTainability Implications and guidING progress 2018
224 GridEye For a rapid transition to Smart Grids 2017
225 SSID Soundscape Indices 2018
226 LEDA The challenging quest for low-mass dark structures 2018
227 ATMOSPHERE Adaptive, Trustworthy, Manageable, Orchestrated, Secure, Privacy-assuring, Hybrid Ecosystem for REsilient Cloud Computing 2017
228 POP-R Parallel Orthographic Processing and Reading 2017
229 TRANSDESIGN Design of Phase Transition Kinetics in Non-Equilibrium Metals 2018
230 IntScOmics A single-cell genomics approach integrating gene expression, lineage, and physical interactions 2018
231 EPIC Energy transfer Processes at gas/wall Interfaces under extreme Conditions 2017
232 CLIMLAN Novel multivariate, high-resolution mapping of the exposure of ecosystems to climate and land use change 2018
233 CHIPS Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Acrylamide on Health: Prospective Biomarker-Based Studies 2018
234 ORGANOMICS Reconstructing human cortex development and malformation with single-cell transcriptomics 2018
235 ANTIViR Molecular mechanisms of interferon-induced antiviral restriction and signalling 2017
236 IMPACT HTA Improved Methods and Actionable Tools for Enhancing Health Technology Assessment 2018
237 HYDRAITE Hydrogen Delivery Risk Assessment and Impurity Tolerance Evaluation 2018
238 DSISCALE Supporting the scale and growth of Digital Social Innovation in Europe through coordination of Europe’s DSI and CAPS Networks 2018
239 SDK4ED Software Development toolKit for Energy optimization and technical Debt elimination 2018
240 DataBench Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance 2018
241 PhytlSigns Real-time plant monitoring based on bioelectrical signals 2017
242 HEMERA Integrated access to balloon-borne platforms for innovative research and technology 2018
243 PASIPHAE Overcoming the Dominant Foreground of Inflationary B-modes: Tomography of Galactic Magnetic Dust via Measurements of Starlight Polarization 2018
244 IceCommunities Reconstructing community dynamics and ecosystem functioning after glacial retreat 2018
245 InvECAT Investor Energy-Climate Action Toolkit - Developing the framework and platform for non state actors' contribution to the Paris Agreement 2018
246 GigaFemto Towards matchbox-size GHz femtosecond lasers for frequency combs generation: ‘a femtosecond laser fabricating a femtosecond laser’ 2018
247 INSULYNC INSULYNC: Changing the way diabetes is treated 2018
248 ATTOLIQ Attosecond X-ray spectroscopy of liquids 2018
249 PRODIGE PRediction of aerOdynamics and hinge moment loaDs at hIgh mach and fliGht rEynolds number 2018
250 SISCAN Single-shot dispersion-scan device for the characterization of ultrashort laser pulses 2018
251 VERIFY Observation-based system for monitoring and verification of greenhouse gases 2018
253 NOCO2 Novel CO2 condensation and separation in supersonic flows contributing to carbon capture and storage (CCS) 2019
254 Re-MAPMATH Re-Mapping the Numerical Brain. 2018
255 ACOSVA Advanced Characterization of Organic-rich Shales using Vapour Adsorption 2018
256 METAGE Metamorphosis as a re-set mechanism of the ageing clock: is early-life stress bypassed by morphogenesis? 2019
257 The insect cochlea The Insect cochlea: a non-invasive path towards enhanced sound detectors 2018
258 BTBnano Do Particle Properties Modulate bioaccumulation, Trophic Transfer and biomagnifications of engineered nanomaterials: Role of Particles size, shape and surface coating? - BTBnano 2018
259 DYNAVOLC Transitions in Rheology and Volatile Dynamics of Magmas: Mapping the Window to Explosive Volcanism 2018
260 RSCmemory Network representations of contextual memory in a neocortical circuit 2018
261 DCI A new method for theoretical spectroscopy of strongly correlated materials - dynamical configuration interaction 2018
262 SONORA The Spatial Dynamics of Room Acoustics 2018
263 MMED Development of a Microfluidic Microbial Ecology Device and Mathematical Model to Study Antibiotic Response of Individual Cells 2019
264 CCI Cutting Crime Impact – Practice-based innovation in preventing, investigating and mitigating high-impact petty crime 2018
265 COSMICLENS Cosmology with Strong Gravitational Lensing 2018
266 OPTOSENSE Optical sensing of relative humidity using photoswitchable molecules 2018
267 pANUCSTR Study of the distribution of gluons and quarks inside the nucleon through ultra-peripheral collisions 2018
268 RadonACCURACY Accuracy assessment of the annual average indoor radon concentration based on measurements of different duration 2018
269 ErMIR Mid-infrared erbium cascade lasers for the remote detection of carbon dioxide 2018
270 PREMOTHER PREvention of MOther-to-child Transmission of HIV and Syphilis using an Electrochemical Readout based on DNA Switches 2019
272 SOT-2DvdW Spin-Orbit Torque in 2D van der Waals Heterostructures 2018
273 TreEsilience Global patterns of intraspecific variation in tree resilience to drought 2018
274 MECHANOIDS Probing and controlling the three-dimensional organoid mechanobiology 2019
275 Joint-probe analyses Cosmological joint-probe analyses: constraining the effect of baryon physics on the matter distribution 2018
276 TOMMY Tomography of the Milky waY 2018
277 EyeTREAT Innovative tool for personalized treatment of patients with neovascular age-macular degeneration: dosage optimization for long term efficacy treatment 2018
278 TICTOCGRAV Exploring Gravity with Ultracold Cadmium and Strontium Optical Clocks and Bragg Interferometers 2018
279 NEOGENE Archaeogenomic analysis of genetic and cultural interactions in Neolithic Anatolian societies 2018
280 BioMonitor Monitoring the Bioeconomy 2018
281 ProMotion Probing Majorana quasi-particles and ballistic spin-momentum locking in topolocical insulatornanostructures 2018
282 EPOCHS The Formation of the First Galaxies and Reionization with the James Webb Space Telescope 2020
283 NICI Non-Invasive Chemistry Imaging in the whole human body 2018
285 ONE-MIX Mid-infrared optical dual-comb generation and spectroscopy with one unstabilized semiconductor laser 2019
286 NovaTests The first predictive test for radio-sensitivity. A step towards an improved and personalised radiation therapy cancer treatment. 2018
287 EVE Eve – From ‘black box’ to yellow box: full insight technology for chicken hatcheries 2018
288 Lab-on-Skin Lab-on-Skin: A wearable medical device for improved clinical trial monitoring 2018
289 Sensa Effortlessly Diagnosing Sleep Apnea with the Sensa Platform 2018
290 ASSYSt A reliable CXCL4 biomarker assay to improve diagnosis and treatment of Systemic Sclerosis 2018
291 iMEC Real-time assessment of toxic sulphide in wastewater – market maturation of an Industrial Micro Electrochemical Cell 2018
292 Medika Commercialisation of dental medical device for measuring salivary pH 2018
293 cPET Tackling the global plastic waste issue, by upcycling no value streams into 100% virgin material and enabling new plastic circular economy 2018
295 DRAMS Drone-based Radio Aid Measuring System 2018
296 ARCHIMEDES Feasibility study for the further development and market launch of the Archimedes Universal Decision Support System for irrigated crops growers 2018
297 SIGAGuard Cybersecurity anomaly detection solution for critical infrastructures 2018
298 FAMAS The first magnetic angular sensor which integrates high accuracy for high rotational speed 2018
299 ILO Innovative dual cycle tracking system for contraception and conception on a single device 2018
300 SmartDtd Smart Household Waste Management 2018
301 SensPD SensPD: Early Diagnosis of Autism 2018
302 GlucoSet Microsensor for continuous arterial blood glucose monitoring 2018
303 FLUO Industrial implementation of a step-change technology to measure fluorescence 2018
304 HECTOR Τhe New Generation of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors for Critical Infrastructures 2018
305 MUSIQ Multiphoton Microscopy and Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Imaging meets Quantum 2019
306 IDERPLANE Innovative DEsign for Reliable PLANEt bearings 2018
307 StrEnQTh Strong Entanglement in Quantum many-body Theory 2018
308 IIAMS Innovative Infusion Airframe Manufacturing System 2018
309 Dielec2DNanoLiquids Dielectric measurement of two-dimensional nanoconfined liquids 2018
310 NEAT Neutron based Elemental Analysis Technology 2018
311 Tips in SCQFT Lattice gauge theories studies of timely theoretical and phenomenological questions in strongly coupled quantum field theories. 2019
312 PulseTester Next-Generation Thyristor pulse technology for testing of high power magnetic components in DC Smart Grids 2018
313 iConsensus Integrated control and sensing platform for biopharmaceutical cultivation process high-throughput development and production 2018
314 DeltaScan Public private partnership to revolutionize delirium care in hospitals 2018
315 COTOFLEXI Computational Modelling, Topological Optimization and Design of Flexoelectric Nano Energy Harvesters 2019
316 AIR-NB Pre-natal exposure to urban AIR pollution and pre- and post-Natal Brain development 2018
317 3D-PXM 3D Piezoresponse X-ray Microscopy 2019
318 PIONEERS Planetary Instruments based on Optical technologies for an iNnovative European Exploration Using Rotational Seismology 2019
319 TECHNEQUALITY Technological inequality – understanding the relation between recent technological innovations and social inequalities 2019
320 PLUS Platform Labour in Urban Spaces: Fairness, Welfare, Development 2019
321 SIMBA Sustainable innovation of microbiome applications in food system 2018
322 SSH Impact Conference on the “Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities for a European Research Agenda - Valuation of SSH research in mission-oriented research” 2018
323 TopSurgeons Understanding the influence of human and organizational factors on surgeon performance to enhance patient outcomes: experimental evaluation of a customized coaching program 2019
324 Finger Port A non-invasive portable device that measures and tracks several physiological parameters in real-time to determine cardiovascular and health conditions 2018
325 CARDIACSENSE A new clinically proven and reliable medical solution for continuous heart arrhythmia and blood pressure monitoring 2018
326 CONTROL Behavioral Foundations of Power and Control 2019
327 Liquid2DM Two-dimensional liquid cell dielectric microscopy 2019
328 IBERIA XRF Compact X-Ray Fluorescence borehole probe for uniquely flexible, efficient and complete underground material analysis 2019
329 Winegrid Fibre optic sensor that can be placed inside a barrel or vat to give real time analytics of the critical parameters for vinification. 2018
330 iGame Multi-dimensional Intervention Support Architecture for Gamified eHealth and mHealth Products 2019
331 Gov4Nano Implementation of Risk Governance: meeting the needs of nanotechnology 2019
332 Smart-tyre "Real time measurement of wear and damage in tyres to reduce accidents and enable the ""tyre as a service"" model" 2019
333 OXiNEMS Oxide Nanoelectromechanical Systems for Ultrasensitive and Robust Sensing of Biomagnetic Fields 2019
334 MesoPhone Vibrating carbon nanotubes for probing quantum systems at the mesoscale 2019
335 OPTIMA PrOcess intensification and innovation in olefin ProducTIon by Multiscale Analysis and design 2019
336 EngineeringBAP Engineering brain activity patterns for therapeutics of neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders 2019
337 H2S Analyzer Market launch of an autonomous and online based hydrogen sulfide (H2S) Analyzer for the implementation of IIoT - digitalization of the sewer system 2019
338 SoundID The Smart Broadcast Monitoring and Management System 2019
339 NANOFLOWSIZER Developing a disruptive and revolutionary tool for real time inline nanoparticle size measurement, for superior quality control and process efficiency. 2019
340 PLATOSCIENCE Personalized Neurostimulation Approach for the Treatment of Depression 2019
341 ERGOVIAkinematix New wearable measurement devices for Industry 4.0 based on gaming motion-capture system 2018
342 GSYNCOR Graphene-syncronized coherent Raman scattering laser and microscope 2019
343 MaGnum Majorana bound states in Ge/SiGe heterostructures 2019
344 SSST-BD Smart Specialization Strategy Tools with Big Data 2019
345 Laminar-PL Ultra-high field imaging of perceptual learning and human brain plasticity 2019
346 GROWING Geophysical Roots Observation for Water savING in arboriculture, viticulture and agronomy 2020
347 CARES City Air Remote Emission Sensing 2019
348 ULTRADISS Ultra-sensitive mechanical dissipation in classical, quantum and non-equilibrium nanocontacts 2019
349 EROS ExploRing the surface slopes Of aSteroids 2020
350 MagnetoVirology Diamond Magnetometry: A Versatile Tool for Virology and Medicine 2019
351 MetAeAvIm The Role of the Metabolism in Mosquito Immunity against Dengue virus in Aedes aegypti 2019
352 MOSTAPDE MOde-localized mass Sensors with Thermal Actuation and Piezoresistive DEtection 2020
353 OPTIMAL-D Development and Application of Mass Spectrometry Methods for Analysis of Optimal Vitamin D 2019
354 InvADeRS Investigating the Activity of transposon Derived Regulatory Sequences in the placenta 2019
355 MARS Versatile mass and rheological sensing platform 2020
356 PaTreME Partioning Tree Methane Emissions 2020
357 JAL Uncovering the Behavioural and Neural Correlates of Joint Action Learning 2020
358 EPIC Evolution of Planktonic Gastropod Calcification 2019
359 MitoWild Counting the cost of living: mitochondrial efficiency, environmental conditions, and performance in the wild 2019
360 ISOTOPEST ISOtope TOols for assessing PESticide faTe in the environment 2019
361 WetSlide WEaThering in bedrock landSLIDE deposits 2019
362 INFANTPATTERNS Development of kinematic and muscle patterns in preterm infants 2019
363 MEC Mercury Emissions Control (MEC) technology to enable thorough assessment of combustion and waste incineration plants to meet upcoming legislation directives for the reduction of mercury emissions 2019
364 i4case The first accurate, portable and easy-to-manage pulse oximeter located on the user´s mobile for the prevention and monitoring of COPD disease 2019
365 AVIATOR Assessing aViation emission Impact on local Air quality at airports: TOwards Regulation 2019
366 NAIADES A holistic water ecosystem for digitisation of urban water sector 2019
368 Bio Ring Diagnostics Bio Ring Diagnostics 2019
369 VINOQUANT11SUPERPLUS A digital based system for measuring, showing and regulation of the complexe system of wine feremtation with high precision via a Bluetooth -Refractometer, a Software and a Bluetooth Thermostat 2019
370 SynapSeek Learning the shape of synaptic plasticity rules for neuronal architectures and function through machine learning. 2019
371 Nanostress Probing stresses at the nanoscale 2019
372 InsoFeet Cutting-edge insoles with advanced characteristics for medical and sports applications 2019
373 Perovskite-QDD Innovative Quantum Dot material technology for stunning colours and energy efficiency in QLED televisions 2019
374 PREDICT Big Data EEG-Analysis for Advanced Personalised Medicine in Depression 2019
375 BriFace Novel assessment of bridge retrofitting measures through Interface Efficiency Indices (InterFeis) using a Guided Wave-based monitoring method 2019
376 INNOVA MEASURE IV Econometric analyses and indicators on Research, Excellence and Impact of Research and Innovation 2019
377 Breeze A cloud-based big data analytics platform for air quality sensing using distributed sensors and an unparalleled AI-powered decision support system 2019
378 Pexaconnect The First Global Renewable Trading Platform 2019
379 ProBioMem Molecular Probes for Biofouling monitoring in Membrane Processes 2020
380 DropletScan Scanning Droplet Tribometer for Characterizing Surface Wetting Properties 2019
381 TOPAS Exploiting the Tumor Proteome Activity Status for Future Cancer Therapies 2019
382 MatManager MatManager - New standard in road construction efficiency 2019
383 COBRAS COvariance Based RAman Spectrometer (COBRAS) 2019
384 CA3ViAR Composite fan Aerodynamic, Aeroelastic, and Aeroacoustic VAlidation Rig 2019
386 DrugPhosphoProfiler Accelerating drug and biomarker discovery through a new proteomic service: DrugPhosphoProfiler 2019
387 DEMPREV Dementia Prevention: Imaging risk in primary care and catalysing behaviour change 2019
388 PRIMESYST PRecise Instrument MEtering SYSTem 2019
389 ActLight Delivering a new, key enabling technology that will drive the development of far-reaching advances in photonics, nanotechnology and advanced manufacturing 2019
390 Presque Smart Nursing Bra 2019
391 ConnectToBrain Connecting to the Networks of the Human Brain 2019
392 SiC-MOSFET Gas Sensors for future Ultra Low NOx Emission Legislation – Euro 7 2019
393 TaMIE Targeting MarA to Inhibit Efflux 2019
394 SELMA Trial Ready Small Vessel MRI Markers: Proof of Concept 2019
395 CMBLENS CMB Lensing at Sub-Percent Precision: A New Probe of Cosmology and Fundamental Physics 2020
396 ContraVib Chemical Control of Vibronic Coupling for Magnetic Materials 2020
397 MIMATOM Paleomagnetism and rock-magnetism by Micro-Magnetic Tomography 2020
398 SHADES Scintillator-He3 Array for Deep-underground Experiments on the S-process 2020
399 GIGSTATS Real-time economic statistics tool for measuring the online gig economy 2020
400 IVANHOE Installed adVAnced Nacelle uHbr Optimisation and Evaluation 2019
401 MAGLEV Measurement and Analysis of Generator bearing Loads and Efficiency with Validation 2019
402 MEImpact The Consequences of Mismeasuring Economic Activity 2019
403 NIFTI Non-Intrusive Flow distortion measurements within a Turbofan Intake 2020
404 Ocean-DAS Ocean-Bottom Distributed Acoustic Sensors: new tools for Underwater Seismology 2020
405 SYSAGING A platform for rapidly mapping the molecular and systemic dynamics of aging 2020
406 DIONE DIONE: an integrated EO-based toolbox for modernising CAP area-based compliance checks and assessing respective environmental impact 2020
407 H2OMon In-situ Total Nutrient Analyser System for Natural Waters 2019
409 AD-TO-STORE Public Marketplace Platform for Digital Marketing applied for driving in-store Sales. 2019
410 Mashcream Launching the Mashcream Lifestyle With the In-Home Cool Plate Ice Cream Maker 2019
411 NQTPS Nonequilibrium Quantum Transport, Probes and Simulations 2019
412 inDemand-RCT Demand-driven and business co-creation for a new innovation business model 2019
413 PEriTiA Policy, Expertise, and Trust in Action 2020
414 SWORD Smart Wound monitoring Restorative Dressings 2020
415 ABI Energy Energy Efficiency Technology for Pipeline Transportation 2019
416 ReHyb Rehabilitation based on Hybrid neuroprosthesis 2020
417 Equal-Life Early Environmental quality and life-course mental health effects 2020
418 ATTIDA Attosecond space-time imaging of coherent quantum dynamics 2020
419 3D-PIV Valorization trajectory of a 3D particle image velocimetry instrument 2020
420 DiversiPHI Predicting the evolution of complex phage-host interactions 2020
421 MultiSeroSurv Algorithms and multiplex assays for integrated serological surveillance of malaria and neglected tropical diseases 2020
422 SPEAR Standard model Precision Electroweak tests at Acute Rapidities 2020
423 THERA Therapeutic Drug Monitoring with Smartphone-integrated Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy 2020
424 BEAMOLED Beam-forming OLED with nanostructured fluorescence layer 2020
425 IBERIA XRF Compact X-Ray Fluorescence probe for uniquely flexible, efficient and accurate underground material analysis 2020
427 Proteomes-in-3D Three-dimensional dynamic views of proteomes as a novel readout for physiological and pathological alterations 2020
428 HarmHoney HeAlth Regulation by the gut Microbiota in the Honey bee 2020
429 FuncDis3D Deconstructing gene regulation through functional dissection of the 3D genome 2020
430 AEONS Advancing the Equation of state of Neutron Stars 2020
431 POSEIDON Petrographic and vOlatile SignaturEs of prImitive and Differentiated achONdrites 2020
432 EnergUP Development of alga-based photovoltaic devices: Electron transport from photosynthesis via the cell wall to electrodes 2020
433 STARSS Super Time-resolved Fluorescence Anisotropy with Switchable States 2020
434 SUPD Sizing Up PD: Cavity-enhanced Characterisation of Single Biomarkers in Human Biofluids 2020
435 TEARAID From TEARs to AID: the effects of emotional tears in images of refugees on helping through crowdfunding actions 2021
436 Immuno-Predictor Mechanical Biomarkers for Prediction of Cancer Immunotherapy 2020
437 MaP Material properties in the strong light-matter coupling regime 2021
438 Transparent3D Intuitive, rapid and efficient in-situ measurement of complex transparent 3D objects with a focus on cultural heritage artifacts 2021
439 BioScal Monitoring functional traits by combining multi-scale and multi-temporal remote sensing data to assess biodiversity across Europe 2021
440 IRTEMS Instantaneous Road Traffic Emissions Modelling System for cities 2020
441 MICROSCOPE Molecular dIffusion of organiCs in secondaRy Organic aeroSols and impaCts On Particle chEmistry 2020
442 TweeTERS Coupling of Optical tweezers with Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for single-molecule investigation of supramolecular systems 2020
443 ExoMAC Exoplanets Molecular Atmospheric Composition 2020
444 UTPE PEB Ultrahigh-throughput protein evolution for polyethylene biodegradation 2020