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H2020 projects about "modalities"

The page lists 167 projects related to the topic "modalities".

# achronym  title  year 
1 CDS-QUAMRI A Clinical Decision Support system based on Quantitative multimodal brain MRI for personalized treatment in neurological and psychiatric disorders 2015
2 MAShES Multimodal spectrAl control of laSer processing with cognitivE abilities 2014
3 ROBOTAR Robot-Assisted Flexible Needle Steering for Targeted Delivery of Magnetic Agents 2015
4 AdapTT Real time therapy planning for Thermal based therapy modalities in oncology care. 2015
5 RAMCIP Robotic Assistant for MCI patients at home 2015
6 MixedEmotions Social Semantic Emotion Analysis for Innovative Multilingual Big Data Analytics Markets 2015
7 SmokeBot Mobile Robots with Novel Environmental Sensors for Inspection of Disaster Sites with Low Visibility 2015
8 Financial Transparency Platform for the Public Sector 2015
9 EMEHOC Enriched Minimal Expressivism and Higher-Order Concepts 2015
10 EACISD Embodied and Abstract Concepts in Sensory-motor Deprivation 2015
11 FOREMOTIONS Formal Frameworks for Modal Notions Conceived as Predicates 2016
12 EUMIGRE New European Mobilities at times of Crisis: Emigration Aspirations and Practices of Young Greek Adults 2015
13 CURAS Cetacean Use of Representational Acoustic Signals 2015
14 NETEEG Spatial super-resolution of electrophysiological measurements 2015
15 ERA-LEARN 2020 Strengthening joint programming in Europe 2015
17 WIRE2015 Week of Innovative Regions in Europe 2015 (WIRE VI) 2014
18 EngineeringPercepts Reverse engineering sensory perception and decision making: bridging physiology, anatomy and behavior 2015
19 ENCOMOLE-2i Endoscopic Comprehensive Optical Multimodal Molecular Intelligent Imaging 2016
20 SENSORTHALAMUS Thalamic control of Neuroplasticity 2015
21 RegulHox Topological organization of vertebrate regulatory landscapes: The Hox genes paradigm 2015
22 LEGO Multimodal glycoconjugates: a molecular Lego approach for antitumoral immunotherapy 2015
23 Phd Deciphering PI3K biology in health and disease 2015
24 OPENMIND On-demand production of entirely customised minimally invasive medical devices 2015
25 LeukoTheranostics Harnessing Targeted Nanotheranostics to Reprogram Activated Leukocytes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2015
26 CyberCare Integrated Sensing Architectures and Tools for Health Care 2016
27 NOMA-MRI Novel materials to improve magnetic resonance imaging 2015
28 EAVI2020 European AIDS Vaccine Initiative 2020 2015
29 KareShare KareShare Platform for Effective Collaborative Clinical Care Management 2015
30 Tomo-FPS Tomosynthesis is a low-dose alternate to has CT already transformed Breast Imaging, our vision is to reduce the costs, further enhance sensitivity and reduce dose, and transform portability. 2015
31 WhoLoDancE Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education 2016
32 HERCULES Comprehensive characterization and effective combinatorial targeting of high-grade serous ovarian cancer via single-cell analysis 2016
33 SETA SETA: An open, sustainable, ubiquitous data and service ecosystem for efficient, effective, safe, resilient mobility in metropolitan areas 2016
34 MURAB MRI and Ultrasound Robotic Assisted Biopsy 2016
35 MECHANOGENOMICS Unravelling mammalian mechanosensor diversity by functional genomics 2016
36 SmartNet Smart TSO-DSO interaction schemes, market architectures and ICT Solutions for the integration of ancillary services from demand side management and distributed generation 2016
37 ARCA Analysis and Representation of Complex Activities in Videos 2016
38 TransModal Translating from Multiple Modalities into Text 2016
39 ChildGesture Neural Bases of Multimodal Integration in Children 2016
40 MUSE 'Multisensory Ecology': Understanding adaptive trade-offs between vision and olfaction 2016
41 Thalamic Circuits Circuit analysis of thalamic visual processing and its modulation by long-range projections 2017
42 TACT Towards an objective and quantitative Assessment of human Corneal Transparency 2017
43 PROTECT Pervasive and UseR Focused BiomeTrics BordEr ProjeCT 2016
44 Immune-senescence Dual targeting of senescence and tumor immunity for cancer therapy 2016
45 L2STAT Statistical learning and L2 literacy acquisition: Towards a neurobiological theory of assimilating novel writing systems 2016
46 C-SENSE Exploiting low dimensional models in sensing, computation and signal processing 2016
47 ACoolTouch Neural mechanisms of multisensory perceptual binding 2016
48 BCM-UPS Dissecting the role of the ubiquitin proteasome system in the pathogenesis and therapy of B-cell malignancies 2016
49 GlobalBioIm Global integrative framework for Computational Bio-Imaging 2016
50 CoBCoM Computational Brain Connectivity Mapping 2016
51 STRATIFY Brain network based stratification of mental illness 2016
52 FBI Multimodal, Functional Bio-Photonic Imaging 2016
53 InterWiring Wiring up the SomatoSensory Cortex 2016
54 CORREL-CT Correlative tomography 2016
55 MultimodalCellTrack Multimodal preclinical imaging probes to evaluate the safety and efficacy of regenerative medicine therapies 2016
56 CONQUEST CONQUEST: Enabling advanced medical imaging 2016
57 weDRAW Exploiting the best sensory modality for learning arithmetic and geometrical concepts based on multisensory interactive Information and Communication Technologies and serious games 2017
58 CORPLINK Corporate Arbitrage and CPL Maps: Hidden Structures of Controls in the Global Economy 2016
59 VOSTARS Video Optical See-Through Augmented Reality surgical System 2016
60 PADUA Perception–action based design for urban accessibility: principles for inclusive design grounded in an understanding of first-person control of locomotion in the urban setting 2016
61 PREMSOT Precision Multi-Spectral Optoacoustic Tomography for Discovery Diagnosis and Intervention 2017
62 SIMULTAN Aging-related changes in brain activation and deactivation during cognition: novel insights into the physiology of the human mind from simultaneous PET-fMRI imaging 2017
63 RewardedPerception Functional circuits mediating the effects of reward value on perception within and across sensory modalities 2017
64 PIMS Mechanistic studies of long chain omega-3 fatty acid supplementation and inflammation in metabolic syndrome. 2017
65 MSIOAM Multifocal structured illumination optoacoustic microscopy 2018
66 FusionPAMPs New generation of chimeric TLR2-NOD agonist compounds for vaccine adjuvants 2017
67 MobileDeaf Deaf mobilities across international borders: Visualising intersectionality and translanguaging 2017
68 TRIBBLES Characterizing the clinical relevance and the mechanism underlying TRIB2-mediated drug resistance to MEK inhibitiors in the context of melanoma 2018
69 INDIV-STAT Statistical learning and second language acquisition: individual differences and neurobiological underpinning. 2017
70 CMRPredict Patient specific magnetic resonance image guided biomechanical modelling of the heart – Anovel tool towards personalized medicine in heart failure 2017
71 FLUOSWITCH Pushing the frontiers of biological imaging with genetically encoded fluorescence switches 2017
72 OpaqueFlows Flows Unveiled: Multimodal Measurement in Opaque Two-Phase Flows 2017
73 CAM-RIG ConfocAl Microscopy and real-time Rheology of dynamIc hyroGels 2017
74 STYDS Seeing things you don't see: Unifying the philosophy, psychology and neuroscience of multimodal mental imagery 2017
75 X5gon X5gon: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network 2017
76 BioProbe-PIT Local molecular profiling of tumor tissue sections: towards personalized immunotherapy 2017
77 u-PBeam Microdosimetry study of a new radiation therapy method based on proton minibeams 2017
79 HYBRID Innovative Training Network towards raising and supporting the next generation of creative and entrepreneurial cross-speciality imaging experts 2017
80 iPLACENTA Innovation in modelling Placenta for Maternal and Fetal Health 2018
81 SFICAM SFICAM: Ultrafast Fiber-Based Single-Photon Camera for Advanced Microscopy 2017
82 NANOCARGO Photo/magnetic stimulated nanocargos for superior cancer treatments 2018
83 MUSE Multi-perspective Ultrasound Strain Imaging & Elastography 2018
85 nTRACK Multimodal nanoparticles for structural and functional tracking of stem cell therapy on muscle regeneration 2017
86 NEXIS Next generation X-ray imaging system 2018
87 MEMMO Memory of Motion 2018
88 THING subTerranean Haptic INvestiGator 2018
89 MERLIN Multi-modal, multi-scale retinal imaging 2017
90 MSH The one-stop-shop for urban and regional mobility 2017
91 MetaBil Metacognition and bilingualism in linguistic and non-linguistic domains 2018
92 CORLINK The therapeutic potential of Genipin as a corneal cross-linking agent: Unlocking a new pathway for the treatment of corneal infection and disease. 2019
93 DeeViSe Deep Learning for Dynamic 3D Visual Scene Understanding 2018
94 THESIS The Single Optical Fibre Scalpel 2018
95 WEBOING UWB wearable apparatus for bone fracture imaging and recovering monitoring 2018
96 NanoFEITH Nanoparticles for Fluorescence-Enhanced Imaging and Therapy of Breast Cancer 2018
97 LowD-CT Low-dose Computed Tomography for pediatric applications 2019
98 TeSP Temporal Structure of Perception and Neuronal Stimulus Processing 2018
99 TRANSIMAMS Spreading Whose Word? Transnational Imams, Religion and Politics in Turkey’s Mosques Abroad (France, UK, USA) 2018
100 simpetmr Development of quantification procedures for simultaneous PET-MR data for human brain imaging 2018
101 TRANSURBICIDE Transition urbicide: Post-conflict reconstruction in post-socialist Belgrade 2018
102 EMERALD ElectroMagnetic imaging for a novel genERation of medicAL Devices 2018
103 TROMPA Towards Richer Online Music Public-domain Archives 2018
104 NeuralCellTypeEvo Cellular innovation driving nervous system evolution 2018
105 ULTRACEPT Ultra-layered perception with brain-inspired information processing for vehicle collision avoidance 2018
106 SELF-UNITY The Unity of the Bodily Self 2019
107 CLINICOVERY CLINICOVERY, a versatile, high quality, environmental-friendly, easy to use e-Clinical solution for clinical research 2018
108 CATPERCCOL Perception of signals under varying conditions: implications of proportional processing of signal magnitude for signal design 2019
109 TRESSPASS robusT Risk basEd Screening and alert System for PASSengers and luggage 2018
110 ULTRAFORS Ultracoherent force sensors 2018
111 MgSafe Promoting patient safety by a novel combination of imaging technologies for biodegradable magnesium implants 2018
112 EDIFY European Doctorate in Indium Phosphide PIC Fabrication Technology 2018
113 DYNACEUTICS Remote control healing: Next generation mechano-nano-therapeutics 2019
114 PCSCT Photon Counting Spectral Computed Tomography 2018
115 GE Academy Gender Equality Academy 2019
116 DELPHI Computing Answers to Complex Questions in Broad Domains 2019
117 IntegraBrain Integrated Implant Technology for Multi-modal Brain Interfaces 2019
118 Homo.symbiosus Assessing, preserving and restoring man-microbes symbiosis 2019
119 UltimateCOMPASS Navigating the most challenging habitats on earth:unravelling the architecture of a universal compass system 2019
120 Urban MAESTRO URBAN DESIGN GOVERNANCE - Exploring formal and informal means of improving spatial quality in cities across Europe and beyond 2018
121 VictPart Righting Victim Participation in Transitional Justice 2019
122 NewSense Perception with New Sensory Signals 2019
123 INHuMAN Intra-tumoral heterogeneity in NRAS-driven metastatic melanoma 2019
124 scTALLmap Single-cell map of the composition and evolution of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia 2019
125 Kinaddict Vulnerability of esophageal cancer to their addiction to kinase activities: evaluation and prediction of eSCC tumors responsiveness to kinase inhibitors. 2019
126 REFINTEG The Canadian model of the public-private sponsorship for the integration of refugees: the case of Syrians and possible application in EU countries 2019
127 RoboTexTherapy Textile-based Wearable Mechanotheraphy Device with Liquid/Vapor Phase Change Actuation 2019
128 OPTIMAR OPTical Imaging of Molecular and signalling Activity in Real-time: application to flatfish metamorphosis 2020
129 TransOcean Transoceanic Fishers: Multiple mobilities in and out of the South China Sea 2019
130 MARS Versatile mass and rheological sensing platform 2020
131 BeBamb Beyond the Bamboo Hypothesis. A microscopic exploration of plant processing practices in prehistoric Palawan, Philippines, and their relationship to lithic technology. 2019
132 WEARTUAL Designing and Developing Wearables for Virtual Reality Environments with a Research Through Design Process 2019
133 NumBraInf The Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Functional Brain Organization of Number Processing in Infants 2019
134 VISUAL The Visual Politics of Recognition: Understanding the Role of Images in Recognition Encounters 2020
135 SUPERBRAIN Magneto-Plasmonic, Raman active Nanocapsules for Superior Pediatric Brain Cancer Therapy 2020
136 CALCHAS Computational Intelligence for Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Analytics 2019
137 CrowdLawLab CrowdLaw: Towards a More Inclusive Lawmaking Through Technology 2020
138 CALCULATORES Imaginable Impossibilities and Thought Experiments. The Tradition of the Oxford Calculators and its Influence on Early-Modern Logic and Natural Philosophy 2019
139 Pop-Machina Collaborative production for the circular economy; a community approach 2019
140 CAN-IT-BARRIERS Disruption of systemic and microenvironmental barriers to immunotherapy of antigenic tumors 2020
141 SCANRESIST Reversal of anti-cancer drug resistance 2019
142 PRECIOUS Making and wearing semi-PRECIOUS stone beads in the Near East and the Nile Valley during the Neolithic: A biographical perspective and microwear approach 2020
143 IMAGE-IN Imaging infections: integrated, multiscale visualization of infections and host response 2020
144 INJURMET Impact of tissue injury induced by diagnostic biopsies and surgery on cancer metastasis 2019
145 SpreadMRI Ultra-Fast, Spread-Spectrum Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2019
146 MAAS MOBILITY AS A SERVICE PLATFORM for employers and individuals. 2019
147 THERADNET International NETwork for training and innovations in THErapeutic RADiation 2019
148 SoMMoR Soft-bodied Miniature Mobile Robots 2019
149 CHANCE Structure guided inhibition of IDOL to treat atherosclerosis and the metabolic syndrome 2019
150 DEEP-RADAR Learning efficient millimeter wave radar imaging for autonomous vehicles 2019
151 SONOBOTS Acousto-Magnetic Micro/Nanorobots for Biomedical Applications 2019
152 SWING Signals, Waves, and Learning: A Data-Driven Paradigm for Wave-Based Inverse Problems 2020
153 PROSCOPE Point-of-care instrument for diagnosis and image-guided intervention of Colo-Rectal Cancer 2020
154 ONCORELIEF A digital guardian angel enhancing cancer patient’s wellbeing and health status improvement following treatment. 2020
155 FUME Future Migration Scenarios for Europe 2019
156 FORCE-UI Force-responsive Deformable User Interfaces 2020
157 DEXIM Deeply Explainable Intelligent Machines 2019
159 NEoteRIC NEuromorphic Reconfigurable Integrated photonic Circuits as artificial image processor 2020
160 TINTIN Visual narratives as a window into language and cognition 2020
161 COGNITIVE THREADS Separating parallel threads of cognition to better explain behaviour 2020
162 Brillouin4Life Development of advanced optical tools for studying cellular mechanics at high spatial and temporal resolution 2020
163 DyNeRfusion Dynamic Network Reconstruction of Human Perceptual and Reward Learning via Multimodal Data Fusion 2020
164 RECOBIN-PROTACs Reversible Covalently Binding PROTACs Technology for Protein Degradation in Cancer Therapy 2020
165 CISBOOM Convergence of Information from Separate Brain Areas to Orchestrate Orienting Movements 2021
166 MAESTRO Magneto-Acoustically Engineered Steerable Robots 2020
167 SocialNAc Circuit and synaptic plasticity mechanisms of approach and avoidance social behavior. 2020