Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Institut national de la recherche agronomique"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 METAHIT Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal Tract 2008 21˙355˙988.00 11˙400˙000.00
2 ANAEE Structuring Infrastructures for the ANAlysis and Experimentation on Ecosystem 2008 1˙170˙611.00 893˙976.00
3 SHARCO Sharka Containment 2008 3˙823˙038.00 2˙935˙674.00
5 NOVELTREE Novel tree breeding strategies 2008 6˙674˙815.00 4˙150˙000.00
6 COGEPRBN Molecular characterization of the PrBn locus and some other QTLs controlling homeologous recombination in Brassica napus 2008 163˙076.00 163˙076.00
7 TRITICEAEGENOME Genomics for Triticeae improvement 2008 7˙524˙584.00 5˙300˙000.00
8 FUNRESO FUNctional-structural plant models for improved estimation of crop and soil status based on REmote Sensing Observations 2008 117˙432.00 117˙432.00
9 CISSTEM Cis-regulatory logic of the transcriptional control in neural stem cells 2008 4˙002˙786.00 2˙984˙169.00
10 ARIMNET Coordination of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean 2008 1˙236˙758.00 999˙999.00
11 ERIN Support study for the identification of potential needs and possibilities for an integrated European infrastructure network of animal facilities in ruminant physiology and breeding 2008 510˙724.00 460˙000.00
12 BACCARA "Biodiversity And Climate Change, A Risk Analysis" 2009 4˙063˙759.00 2˙998˙014.00
13 ANAMIX A two year exchange programme on ANAerobic MIXed cultures to study and improve biological generation of chemicals and energy carriers from organic residues generated by agro-industrial activities 2009 0.00 68˙400.00
14 EMBARC European Consortium for Microbial Resource Centres 2009 5˙645˙342.00 4˙191˙844.00
15 TRANZFOR Transferring Research between EU and Australia-New Zealand on Forestry and Climate Change” 2009 870˙400.00 396˙000.00
16 DREAM Design and development of REAlistic food Models with well-characterised micro- and macro-structure and composition 2009 8˙521˙333.00 5˙995˙786.00
17 NADIR The Network of Animal Disease Infectiology Research Facilities 2009 9˙321˙228.00 7˙495˙313.00
18 LATIS Linking the Atmosphere and Terrestrial biosphere carbon and water cycles using oxygen ISotopes 2009 173˙401.00 173˙401.00
19 RURAGRI Facing sustainability: new relationships between rural areas and agriculture in Europe 2009 1˙208˙730.00 999˙565.00
20 SHAPE Control of cell morphogenesis: Bacterial cell wall and actin-cytoskeleton 2009 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
21 SUSY Protein SUlfenylation in Medicago truncatula – Sinorhizobium meliloti SYmbiosis 2009 30˙000.00 30˙000.00
22 FORESTTRAC Forest ecosystem genomics research: supporting Transatlantic Cooperation 2010 1˙189˙479.00 991˙206.00
23 HABEAT Determining factors and critical periods in food habit formation and breaking in early childhood: a multidisciplinary approach 2010 3˙821˙352.00 2˙998˙799.00
24 DECODE Decoding the complexity of quantitative natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana 2010 1˙742˙113.00 1˙742˙113.00
25 BIOCORE Biocommodity refinery 2010 20˙522˙739.00 13˙920˙237.00
26 SOLIBAM Strategies for Organic and Low-input Integrated Breeding And Management 2010 7˙820˙955.00 5˙999˙000.00
27 MULTISWARD Multi species swards and multi scale strategies for multifunctional grassland based ruminant production systems 2010 4˙030˙775.00 2˙997˙595.00
28 MIF/IMAGENE MIF genes: key regulators of floral meristem termination at the cross talk of multihormonal pathways 2010 50˙000.00 50˙000.00
29 BASYNTHEC Bacterial Synthetic Minimal Genomes for Biotechnology 2010 4˙823˙326.00 2˙993˙162.00
30 DROPS Drought-tolerant yielding plants 2010 9˙720˙024.00 5˙999˙866.00
31 EXPEER Distributed Infrastructure for EXPErimentation in Ecosystem Research 2010 9˙414˙736.00 7˙400˙000.00
32 STONE "Genetic diversity of Stone Fruit trees (Peach, Apricot and Cherry) in Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia" 2011 223˙200.00 223˙200.00
33 ECOFINDERS Ecological Function and Biodiversity Indicators in European Soils 2011 9˙985˙223.00 6˙999˙930.00
34 IPRABIO Integrating new practices in programs of Biological Control against Agricultural pests 2011 181˙900.00 181˙900.00
35 IHMS International Human Microbiome Standards 2011 2˙289˙894.00 1˙998˙886.00
36 ECOBIOCAP Ecoefficient Biodegradable Composite Advanced Packaging 2011 4˙235˙859.00 2˙999˙780.00
37 AQUAEXCEL AQUAculture infrastructures for EXCELLence in European Fish research 2011 11˙845˙202.00 9˙200˙000.00
38 SG1_EPI_VAR "Functional characterization of Shoot Growth 1, a novel QTL-based epiallele." 2011 30˙000.00 30˙000.00
39 PURE Pesticide Use-and-risk Reduction in European farming systems with Integrated Pest Management 2011 12˙354˙824.00 8˙999˙828.00
40 FRUIT BREEDOMICS Integrated approach for increasing breeding efficiency in fruit tree crops 2011 10˙246˙243.00 5˙999˙296.00
41 ANIMALCHANGE AN Integration of Mitigation and Adaptation options for sustainable Livestock production under climate CHANGE 2011 12˙673˙093.00 8˙999˙535.00
42 FACCE CSA "Agriculture, Food Security, and Climate Change" 2011 2˙317˙025.00 1˙998˙873.00
43 EADGENE_S Strengthening the implementation of durable integration of EADGENE 2011 1˙248˙524.00 999˙810.00
44 INTEGRREGULFESPLAST Regulation of iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster assembly in plastids and coordination with plant physiology 2011 239˙034.00 239˙034.00
45 WALLTRAC The Plant Cell Wall Training Consortium 2011 3˙385˙273.00 3˙385˙273.00
46 MIRTROUT MicroRNA and metabolic programming in rainbow trout 2011 197˙064.00 197˙064.00
47 NEUROSENS Reactive Oxygen Species and Hypothalamic Glucose Sensitive Neurons: a new mechanism in glucose homeostasis 2011 75˙000.00 75˙000.00
48 NONCOLLINEARGENES "Origin, fate and function of wheat genes noncollinear with the other cereal genomes" 2011 186˙748.00 186˙748.00
49 INTEREST Intercontinental and temporal research studies on transgene engineered in plums 2011 133˙380.00 44˙100.00
50 TREES4FUTURE Designing Trees for the future 2011 9˙116˙687.00 7˙000˙000.00
51 SUSFOOD Sustainable Food 2011 2˙327˙438.00 1˙999˙320.00
52 ARRAINA Advanced Research Initiatives for Nutrition & Aquaculture 2012 8˙003˙364.00 5˙999˙803.00
53 MEIOSIGHT MEIOtic inSIGHT: Deciphering the engine of heredity 2012 1˙492˙663.00 1˙492˙663.00
54 CANTOGETHER Crops and ANimals TOGETHER 2012 4˙185˙199.00 2˙995˙768.00
55 SUSCLEAN Sustainable Cleaning and Disinfection in Fresh-Cut Food Industries 2012 3˙859˙568.00 2˙999˙992.00
56 ANIHWA Animal Health and Welfare 2012 2˙256˙338.00 1˙999˙918.00
57 TERIFIQ "Combining Technologies to achieve significant binary Reductions in Sodium, Fat and Sugar content in everyday foods whilst optimising their nutritional Quality" 2012 4˙019˙954.00 2˙994˙363.00
58 KINPLANTS Regulation of inward K+ channel activity in Arabidopsis by the Shaker subunit AtKC1: molecular mechanisms and role in control of stomatal opening and plant adaptation to water stress 2012 185˙748.00 185˙748.00
59 GENEARLY Genetic determination of early male parr maturation in Atlantic salmon natural populations 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
60 TREE CAPACITANCE Insights into the ecophysiological and molecular significance of xylem hydraulic capacitance in Populus under drought stress 2012 193˙594.00 193˙594.00
61 MORPHODYNAMICS Morphodynamics in Plants: from gene to shape 2012 2˙368˙004.00 2˙368˙004.00
62 SYMOBIGUT Synergy of milk oligosaccharides and Bifidobacterium infantis in modulating gut epithelial cell function; impact on gut barrier function and the brain-gut axis 2012 121˙177.00 121˙177.00
63 THYROREPRO Deciphering the role of thyroid hormones in seasonal reproduction 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
64 LOGISTEC Logistics for Energy Crops' Biomass 2012 5˙085˙664.00 3˙499˙390.00
65 AGREENSKILLS International Mobility Programme to Strengthen Skills and Excellence in Research for Agriculture 2012 12˙425˙932.00 4˙970˙372.00
67 ANAEE Infrastructure for Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems 2012 4˙726˙069.00 3˙400˙000.00
68 INNOVINE Combining innovation in vineyard management and genetic diversity for a sustainable European viticulture 2013 8˙489˙665.00 5˙999˙990.00
70 COLBICS Intersectoral Collaborations to Boost Research and Development Dynamics in Biological Control of Agricultural pests 2013 2˙669˙145.00 2˙669˙145.00
71 BACEMO Bacterial Cell Morphogenesis 2013 1˙650˙050.00 1˙650˙050.00
72 PROLIFIC Pluridisciplinary study for a RObust and sustainabLe Improvement of Fertility In Cows 2013 5˙926˙344.00 2˙999˙531.00
73 SEPARATE Identification of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Effector Proteins mediating virulence on Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
74 CELLCOM-GBS Control of Streptococcus agalactiae virulence genes via peptide-based cell to cell communication 2013 194˙046.00 194˙046.00
75 GENDER Molecular mechanisms monitoring sex determination in Arabidopsis thaliana 2013 202˙405.00 202˙405.00
76 APHISPIT Are saliva proteins key determinants of host plant specificity in the pea aphid complex? 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
77 IBIS Identification of Basal Immunity mechanismS against plant pathogenic viruses 2013 194˙046.00 194˙046.00
78 APHID-BORNE VIRUSES Blocking the transmission of aphid-borne plant viruses 2013 152˙474.00 152˙474.00
79 WASTE2BIOHY Sustainable hydrogen production from waste via two-stage bioconversion process: an eco-biotechnological approach 2013 194˙046.00 194˙046.00
80 INCITE "Integrated response of plant, microbial and N Cycling InTEractions to precipitation patterns" 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
81 OPTIFEL Optimised food products for elderly populations 2013 4˙449˙172.00 2˙999˙409.00
82 FACCE ERA NET PLUS "Food security, Agriculture, Climate Change ERA-NET plus" 2013 12˙121˙212.00 4˙000˙000.00
83 VARIWHIM Understanding White Mold disease quantitative resistance using natural variation 2013 1˙499˙899.00 1˙499˙899.00
84 MODEXTREME MODelling vegetation response to EXTREMe Events 2013 2˙643˙841.00 1˙999˙998.00
85 MARS Marker Assisted Resistance to Sharka 2013 1˙591˙507.00 999˙250.00
86 C-IPM Coordinated Integrated Pest Management in Europe 2014 2˙608˙542.00 1˙998˙215.00
87 WHEALBI Wheat and barley Legacy for Breeding Improvement 2014 6˙904˙176.00 4˙999˙996.00
88 BIOMODICS Biological Control as a model system to investigate the factors affecting the establishment and dynamics of introduced populations 2014 180˙600.00 180˙600.00
89 AVFLU Interactions between avian and influenza virus proteins 2014 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
90 ARIMNET2 Coordination of the Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean 2014 2˙310˙312.00 1˙998˙716.00
91 SOLCA "Carbonic anhydrase: where the CO2, COS and H2O cycles meet" 2014 1˙701˙882.00 1˙701˙882.00
92 TREEPEACE From Holocene to Anthropocene: the pace of microevolution in trees 2014 2˙498˙971.00 2˙498˙971.00
93 APHIWEB "Structure, strength and invasibility of aphid food webs" 2014 394˙800.00 394˙800.00
94 NORACHEM Novel radical chemistry for complex peptide synthesis and engineering 2014 1˙984˙218.00 1˙984˙218.00
95 STRESS AND DEV Investigation of the interplay between the developmental responses induced by growth hormones and the response to biotrophic pathogens 2014 202˙405.00 202˙405.00
96 SEXYPARTH Unraveling sex determination and parthenocarpy mechanisms to improve crops 2014 2˙500˙000.00 2˙500˙000.00
97 FIXSOIL Understanding how plant root traits and soil microbial processes influence soil erodibility 2014 202˙405.00 202˙405.00
98 POLYMEIO The Role of ASY1 in Promoting Meiotic Stability in Polyploid Arabidopsis 2014 279˙780.00 279˙780.00
99 AGREENSKILLSPLUS AgreenSkills+ 2014 21˙548˙408.00 8˙619˙363.00
100 MECHANODEVO Mechanical signals in plants: from cellular mechanisms to growth coordination and patterning 2014 1˙869˙823.00 1˙869˙823.00
101 IGIFA Impact of Gluten properties on Immune system and development of Food Allergy 2014 202˙405.00 202˙405.00
102 TRIANON Transcriptional regulation of oil accumulation in the endosperm of oilseeds 2014 261˙384.00 261˙384.00
103 HYDROPIT Plasticity and adaptation of hydraulic traits to overcome climate change 2015 375˙597.00 375˙597.00
104 FISHEGG Proteomic Profiling and Knock-out Analysis of Key Components of the Zebrafish Egg: Discovering Vitellogenin Contributions to Fish Egg Quality 2015 194˙046.00 194˙046.00

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