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H2020 projects about "cardiac"

The page lists 217 projects related to the topic "cardiac".

# achronym  title  year 
1 CATCH ME Characterizing Atrial fibrillation by Translating its Causes into Health Modifiers in the Elderly 2015
2 PHOCNOSIS Advanced nanophotonic point-of-care analysis device for fast and early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases 2015
3 EU-CaRE A EUropean study on effectiveness and sustainability of current Cardiac Rehabilitation programmes in the Elderly 2015
4 BETA3_LVH A multi-center randomized, placebo-controlled trial of mirabegron, a new beta3-adrenergic receptor agonist on left ventricular mass and diastolic function in patients with structural heart disease 2015
5 MODELAGE Is your heart aging well? A systems biology approach to characterize cardiac aging from the cell to the body surface 2015
6 MUSICARE MUltiSectoral Integrative approaches to CArdiac care 2015
7 VPH-CaSE VPH-Cardiovascular Simulation and Experimentation for Personalised Medical Devices 2015
8 SCIENCE Stem Cell therapy in IschEmic Non-treatable Cardiac diseasE (SCIENCE) 2015
9 PATHway PATHway: Technology enabled behavioural change as a pathway towards better self-management of CVD 2015
10 smart-MEMPHIS Smart MEMs Piezo based energy Harvesting with Integrated Supercapacitor and packaging 2014
11 CARDIS Early stage CARdio Vascular Disease Detection with Integrated Silicon Photonics 2015
12 AMMODIT Approximation Methods for Molecular Modelling and Diagnosis Tools 2015
13 WASTCArD Wrist and arm sensing technologies for cardiac arrhythmias detection 2015
14 CP2 CP2 is a project to develop a new wrist placement technology that can detect anomalies with both the Cardio and Vascular systems simultaneously. 2014
15 STEMCELLTRACK Assessment of Global and Regional Cardiac Functional Improvements in a Murine Model of Myocardial Infarction following Stem Cell Treatments 2015
16 DTI4micro Quantitative characterization of cardiac tissue microstructure from Diffusion Tensor Imaging 2015
17 CARDI-ACHE The cardiovascular consequences of endurance exercise 2015
18 LQTS-HORSES Platform for diagnosing long QT syndrome in horses - Step II: Identification of long QT syndrome 2015
19 REDOxHEART The Role of Adipose-Tissue Derived wnt-ligands in the Regulation of Myocardial Redox Signalling 2015
20 PULVAD Pressure Unloading LVAD: An Explantable and Cost-Effective Bridge to Recovery in Heart Failure 2015
21 DYS_FUNCTION Novel use of exon skipping technology to study structure-function relationship of dystrophin 2016
22 Magnetic HEART Targeting the Human Myocardial Remodeling Process Using Novel Magnetic Force-Based Human Heart Tissue 2016
23 FCSM Human myosins 2015
24 RAISED Raman and AFM Integrated Stem Cell Exploration of Differentiation 2015
25 COSMOS Optical point of care system for heart failure mass screening 2015
26 RISTRAD Risk Stratification for Sudden Cardiac Death 2015
28 CNAP HD Continuous Non-invasive diagnosis of Arterial Pressure and Hemodynamics 2015
29 eKuore eKoure: the world´s first wireless stethoscope of the mhealth market. 2015
30 CARDISENSE Innovative sensor for continuous monitoring of heart function during and after surgery 2015
31 LONGHEART Exploring selected long non-coding RNAs as diagnostics and therapeutic targets for heart failure 2015
32 CIRDvalid CIRDvalid – Clinical validation of a set of 11 biomarkers and a system of diagnostic and therapeutical devices for the resuscitation of patients suffering from long-lasting cardiac arrest 2015
33 CARDYADS Controlling Cardiomyocyte Dyadic Structure 2015
34 SmartCardiacPatch Next-Generation Cardiac Tissue Engineering: Smart Self-Regulating Patches 2015
35 CardioFunXion Towards a novel paradigm for cardiac function assessment from imaging 2015
37 MaTissE Magnetic approaches for Tissue Mechanics and Engineering 2015
38 MOvE-ECG Moving from genome wide association to elucidating causal mechanisms of electrocardiographic traits 2015
39 Titin Signals Molecular dissection of titin-based mechanisms in charge of cardiomyocyte dysfunction in terminal feart failure 2016
40 SIRENE Silencing miR-199b to attenuate the progression of heart failure. 2015
41 MOPHIMPOC Optical Ultrasound Imaging for Real-time Guidance of Intracardiac Procedures 2015
42 AFib-TrainNet EU Training Network on Novel Targets and Methods in Atrial Fibrillation 2015
43 BE-OPTICAL Advanced BiomEdical OPTICAL Imaging and Data Analysis 2015
44 STEMCARDIORISK Stem Cells for Cardiac Arrhythmia Risk Assessment 2015
45 MMAF Novel multimodal approach to atrial fibrillation risk assessment and identification of targets for prevention by interdisciplinary exploitation of omics, advanced electrocardiography, and imaging 2016
46 EU-rhythmy Molecular strategies to treat inherited arrhythmias 2015
47 Infarnosys Novel biomarker diagnostic system for the assessment of the prognosis of acute myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury and infarction and the effectiveness of the treatment 2015
48 HYPERQTOTAL “Diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease by means of innovative and highly accurate high frequency QRS electrocardiogram analysis” 2016
49 aNtHESIS Novel heart regeneration strategies 2016
50 HYPMED Digital Hybrid Breast PET/MRI for Enhanced Diagnosis of Breast Cancer 2016
51 MYOCURE Development of an innovative gene therapy platform to cure rare hereditary muscle disorders 2016
52 TECHNOBEAT Tools and TECHNOlogies for Breakthrough in hEArt Therapies 2016
53 BRAVIUS Brain-viscera interactions underlie subjectivity 2015
54 CleverGenes Novel Gene Therapy Based on the Activation of Endogenous Genes for the Treatment of Ischemia - Concepts of endogenetherapy, release of promoter pausing, promoter-targeted ncRNAs and nuclear RNAi 2015
55 Digi-NewB Non-invasive monitoring of perinatal health through multiparametric digital representation of clinically relevant functions for improving clinical intervention in neonatal units (Digi-NewB) 2016
56 CellStretch A Cardiomyocyte Workout:Using Dielectric Elastomer Actuators for Mechanical Stimulation of in-vitro Cells 2016
57 ZEBRA-VALVE “Quantitative analysis of the molecular and cellular behaviors associated with cardiac valve morphogenesis in pathological and regenerative contexts” 2017
58 microCardio Functional high-throughput analysis of the role of microRNAs in cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury 2016
59 channelopathies Type 1 reyanodine receptor Structure and regulation by post-translational modifications and small molecules. 2016
60 inHForm Integrative omics of heart failure to inform discovery of novel drug targets and clinical biomarkers 2016
61 CAVE Challenges and Advancements in Virtual Elements 2016
62 ENDYVE ENgineering DYnamic ViscoElasticity to study cell response 2016
63 RECORDER Rare Earth based Upconversion Luminescent Nanomaterials as novel bioprobes for the detection of cardiac biomarkers 2016
64 HeartAtaK Targeting the Anti-Target: From Structure to Drug in the heart Kv11.1 channel 2016
65 CAMEOS Cardiac micro-engineered tissue for high-throughput screening 2016
66 EHT-CaMKII CaMKII over stimulation in engineered heart tissues (EHTs) made from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs): a parameter involved in the immaturity of hiPSC EHTs cardiomyocytes? 2016
67 MPIPETrace Clinical performance validation of a novel biomarker for quantitative imaging of coronary artery disease. 2015
68 MIR-CHROM-C Investigating the microRNA-chromatin remodelling circuitry in cardiac development 2016
69 CureCKDHeart Targeting perivascular myofibroblast progenitors to treat cardiac fibrosis and heart failure in chronic kidney disease 2016
70 DMD2CURE Correction of duplications in the DMD gene by a CRISPR/Cas9 approach 2017
71 DeCISIoN Drug CandIdates ScreenINg 2016
72 SEIZSAFE Patient-self-adaptive system for detection, recording and alert to caregivers of night-time seizures, linked to private cloud platform for patient tracking and big data exploitation. 2016
73 Nyxoah Ultra-small implanted neurostimulation device for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea 2016
74 StandBy-U Real Time Response System towards Safety and Emergency Management Improvement in critical infrastructures and soft targets 2016
75 RAMBO Mitochondrial DNA degradation and sterile inflammation in the heart 2016
76 MMDYNASYS Molecular Motors, powering dynamic functional molecular systems 2016
77 CardAPcells Cell therapy for patients with chronic heart failure with proprietary cardiac-derived cells (CardAP cells) – “From the Heart to the Heart” 2016
79 4DHeart 4D analysis of heart development and regeneration using advanced light microscopy 2017
80 isitFlutter dIagnoSIs app for regular aTrial arrhytmia like Flutter 2016
81 CIRDinnova Shifting the limits of resuscitation with “CIRD Controlled Integrated Resuscitation Device” 2016
82 RITMOCORE Arrhythmias monitoring and comprehensive care 2016
83 CResPace Adaptive Bio-electronics for Chronic Cardiorespiratory Disease 2017
84 ECSTATIC Electrostructural Tomography – Towards Multiparametric Imaging of Cardiac Electrical Disorders 2017
85 InCa InCa - Cardio Watch for Continuous Intra-Cardiac Blood Pressure Sensing 2016
86 CUPIDO Cardio Ultraefficient nanoParticles for Inhalation of Drug prOducts 2017
87 pCPR Personalized cardiopulmonary resuscitation device for emergency teams 2016
88 EVALVE Biomechanics and signaling in models of congenital heart valve defects 2016
89 Neuroheart Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging for Personalized Tailored Treatment 2017
90 ANATOMY-FOUND Novel Imaging of the heart for new structural and metabolic diagnosis 2017
91 CAVEHEART Heart regeneration in the Mexican cavefish: The difference between healing and scarring 2017
92 INTRICARE International Network for Training on Risks of vascular Intimal Calcification And roads to Regression of cardiovascular diseasE 2017
93 ESCAPE-NET European Sudden Cardiac Arrest network: towards Prevention, Education and NEw Treatment 2017
94 HeartRater HeartRater: Tools for the systematic evaluation of interoceptive ability 2016
95 miRCaP Innovative nanoparticle formulation for a miR-133 based treatment of cardiac hypertrophy 2016
96 Bio-ICD Biological auto-detection and termination of heart rhythm disturbances 2017
98 VascArbor Vascular Tree Formation in Multi-Structural Tissue Engineering 2017
99 AXONE Commercial multiple electrode lead technology for cardiac disease 2017
100 Mitomorphosis Metabolic regulation of mitochondrial morphology 2017
102 InsiliCardio Image-based High-resolution In-silico Modeling of Total Cardiac Function 2017
103 HeartATAC Epigenetic regulation of cardiac regeneration after injury. 2017
104 MICROS Probing local ROS distributions in Calcium signaling microdomains after myocardial infarction 2017
105 CMRPredict Patient specific magnetic resonance image guided biomechanical modelling of the heart – Anovel tool towards personalized medicine in heart failure 2017
107 iHEART An Integrated Heart Model for the simulation of the cardiac function 2017
108 NanoBeat Developing Smart 3D Scaffolds based on Conductive Polymers and Carbon Nanotubes for Cardiac Tissue Engineering 2018
109 MY-ATRIA MultidisciplinarY training network for ATrial fibRillation monItoring, treAtment and progression 2017
110 EVICARE Extracellular Vesicle-Inspired CArdiac Repair 2017
111 PIC Personalised In-Silico Cardiology 2017
112 HybridHeart Development of the first fully biocompatible, soft actuated heart: combining in situ tissue engineering and soft robotics 2017
113 CHANNELMAT Microchannels for controlling cellular mechanotransduction 2017
114 5D Heart Patch A Functional, Mature In vivo Human Ventricular Muscle Patch for Cardiomyopathy 2017
115 EURO SHOCK Testing the value of a novel strategic approach and its cost efficacy to improve the poor outcomes in Cardiogenic Shock 2018
116 MUSE Multi-perspective Ultrasound Strain Imaging & Elastography 2018
117 DIAMONDCOR A molecular approach to treat diabetes mellitus onset dependent coronaropathy 2018
118 ISSD The Implantable Subcutaneous String Defibrillator, an innovative subcutaneous cardioverterdefibrillator for a new paradigm in cardiac rhythm management. 2017
119 SUMMA Stimulating mir-106b expression to regenerate the myocardium 2018
120 LifeCall LifeCall Wearable EKG Heart Health Monitoring, Analysing and Warning System 2018
121 iPS-ChOp-AF Combining induced pluripotent stem cells, tissue engineering, optogenetic and chemogenetic concepts for the study and treatment of atrial fibrillation 2018
122 ACOUSTIC Assessment of cardiac function by new ultrasound imaging strategies: towards a reliable clinical routine 2018
123 ROCKSOFT Rho GTPase cross-talk with syndecan-4 regulates pro-fibrotic mechanotransduction in the heart 2019
124 DYNAMICE DYNAMICE: An integrated framework for biomechanical phenotyping of arteries to disentangle mechanical causes of arterial stiffening in diabetes 2019
125 GENESIS GENetics and the Electrocardiogram for predicting Scd rISk 2019
126 HI-SiMed Hemodynamics in an Infarcted heart: from multi-physics Simulations to Medical analysis 2019
127 NaKStruc Structural studies of Na,K-ATPase isoforms and mutants 2018
128 PREMEDiCARE PREcision MEDicine with induced pluripotent stem cells for Cardiac Arrhythmias Risk Evaluation 2018
129 COAGULANT CK2-dependent cytoskeletal regulation and molecular signaling of Neutrophil Extracellular Trap (NET) formation 2018
130 Human Glymphatics Effects of sleep deprivation and adrenergic inhibition on glymphatic flow in humans 2018
131 IN-3D-CAN Instrumented 3D-Printed Miniature Muscles for Cardiotoxicity Screens of Cancer Therapies 2018
132 EuroXpand EUROpean clinical validation of a new ex vivo eXpanded stem cell theraPy for cArdiac regeNeration after acute myocarDial infarction: EUROXPAND 2018
133 BIORECAR Direct cell reprogramming therapy in myocardial regeneration through an engineered multifunctional platform integrating biochemical instructive cues 2018
134 SILICOFCM In Silico trials for drug tracing the effects of sarcomeric protein mutations leading to familial cardiomyopathy 2018
135 CardHeal Novel strategies for mammalian cardiac repair 2018
136 CodingHeart Novel Coding Factors in Heart Disease 2019
137 COSMOS COSMOS: Computational Shaping and Modeling of Musical Structures 2019
138 ProbeFix ProbeFix: an Innovative MedTech Solution to improve the use of ultrasound for better Cardiac diagnosis in the EU 2018
139 SMARTRIOX Disruptive targeted drug delivery system via synergistic combination of intelligent DNA molecular machines and gated mesoporous nanoparticles 2018
140 CAtALySt NeurescueTM: Computer- controlled aortic occlusion device for the treatment of cardiac arrest 2018
141 AuriGen Next Generation Left Atrial Appendage Implant to Treat Persistent Atrial Fibrillation 2018
142 AGLYC The First In Vitro Diagnostic Device for the Early Detection of Cardiac Ischemia 2018
143 HeartWatch HeartWatch - contactless patient vital signs monitoring 2018
144 AI4EMS Artificial Intelligence for Emergency Medical Services: a smart digital assistant for faster and more accurate cardiac arrest recognition during emergency calls 2018
145 ISSD The Implantable Subcutaneous String Defibrillator (ISSD), an innovative subcutaneous cardioverter defibrillator for a new paradigm in cardiac rhythm management. 2018
146 NEVADA Novel microengineered environments for mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) differentiation towards cardiomyocytes 2018
147 BIOCARD Deep BIOmodeling of human CARDiogenesis 2018
148 RedStroke Smart ICT-solution to cost-efficiently detect atrial fibrillation to Reduce Europe’s burden of Stroke 2018
149 NeuHeart A neuroprosthesis to restore the vagal-cardiac closed-loop connection after heart transplantation 2019
150 HD4HF Heart Damper: a revolutionary device for Heart Failure 2018
151 TRICARIX Minimally invasive transcatheter system for tricuspid heart valve replacement 2018
152 SAMBAfun System for AcceleroMeter-Based Assessment of cardiac FUNction 2018
153 TransTempoFold A need for speed: mechanisms to coordinate protein synthesis and folding in metazoans 2019
154 BUBBLE CURE Targeted microbubble vibrations to accurately diagnose and treat cardiac device-related bacterial biofilm infections 2019
155 CuRE Cardiac REgeneration from within 2019
156 SmartVista Smart Autonomous Multi Modal Sensors for Vital Signs Monitoring 2019
157 CARDIACSENSE A new clinically proven and reliable medical solution for continuous heart arrhythmia and blood pressure monitoring 2018
158 LAA-START Left Atrial Appendage Electrical Isolation via Bio-photonic Optical Confirmation to Treat Persistent Atrial Fibrillation 2019
159 CardioReGenix CardioReGenix: Development of Next-Generation Gene Therapies for Cardiovascular Disease 2019
160 TransReg Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of cardiac regenerative capacity in the zebrafish 2019
161 LION-HEARTED Light and Organic Nanotechnology for Cardiovascular Disease 2019
162 Oximonitor The first portable monitoring medical device providing accurate prognosis for patients with circulatory failure 2019
163 EGM A disruptive life-saving solution for early detection of lung edema in heart failure patients 2019
165 HepEDOT Conductive, self-doping and biodegradable oligoEDOT-heparin biomaterial for improved electromechanical coupling, cardiac cell retention and delivery of paracrine factors 2019
167 SAECG Prediction of AF incidence using PR interval measurements, echocardiographic data and biomarker profiles: Analyses within epidemiological Framingham Heart Study and LIFE Health Care Study cohorts 2019
168 AmnioticID Understanding the identity of the amniotic fluid stem cells 2019
169 CRUZIVAX Vaccine for prevention and treatment of Trypanosoma cruzi infection 2019
170 MATRIX Novel mitochondria-targeted therapies for cancer treatment-induced cardiotoxicity 2019
171 SiGNATURE Selection of human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes by sinGle cell geNe expression and pAtch clamp for a maTUre caRdiac modEl 2020
172 CVD in RA Mechanistic links between rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular complications: investigation on inflammation induced alterations in induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes 2020
173 Optoheart All-optical framework for the correlative imaging of cardiac meso-scale cytoarchitecture and multi-scale electrical conduction 2019
174 REMAKIN REstoring myocardial repair capacity via the modulation of MAcrophage-mediated cytoKINe secretion. 2019
176 FS-UNIT FS-UNIT: Light-weight, portable medical Field Suction Unit to disrupt the pre-hospital market 2019
177 ZeNewCardio ZeNewCardio: Discovering Heart Regeneration Therapies Through Zebrafish 2019
178 APPLAUSE Advanced packaging for photonics, optics and electronics for low cost manufacturing in Europe 2019
180 DEEPDREAM A Data-drivEn computational mEthod for PersonalizeD healthcare in chronic REspiratory diseases through big-dAta analytics and dynamical Modelling. 2020
181 AGLYC The First In Vitro Diagnostic Device for the Early Detection of Cardiac Ischemia 2019
182 HeartService ECG patch and diagnostic service center for efficient and accurate ECG home monitoring 2019
183 MARCIUS MARie Curie Intelligent UltraSound 2019
184 MAREP MAssive intracellular REcording for Pharmacology 2019
185 MrDoc Development and commercialization of a semi-supervised learning AI for robust diagnosis in real world settings. 2019
186 Cardio-kit A disruptive medical device to enable proton therapy as non-invasive and automated treatment of heart arrhythmias 2019
187 CathVision Cube CathVision Cube: disruptive data-driven guidance for successful cardiac ablation therapy 2019
188 STRICT SN: The first blood biomarker to accurately STratify mortality Risk In patients with Cardiac arrhyTmia 2019
189 PersonalizeAF Personalized Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation. A Translational Approach 2020
190 MATPASE Developing new MATerial solutions for cardiac PAce lead and SEnsor encapsulation 2019
191 SN-marker Secretoneurin (SN): the first blood biomarker to accurately stratify mortality risk in patients with cardiac arrhythmia 2019
192 PLS Perinatal Life Support System: Integration of Enabling Technologies for Clinical Translation 2019
193 MOLEC ANTI-ARRHYT Resilience and Trigger Factors in Cardiac Arrhythmia: Risk Stratification and Drug Design 2020
194 SAFE-CAB Laser-Assisted Surgical System to Revolutionize Cardiac Bypass Surgeries 2019
195 Neuron-AFib Commercialising cardiac autonomic modulation to treat Atrial Fibrillation 2019
196 BioTrace World's First Real-Time Monitoring System for Ablation Procedures 2019
197 InSiDe Integrated silicon photonics for Cardiovascular Disease monitoring 2020
198 uHeart A beating Heart-on-Chip for pre-clinical early detection of drugs cardiac safety 2019
199 SYNBIO.ECM SYNBIO.ECM: Designer extracellular matrices to program healthy and diseased cardiac morphogenesis 2020
200 ROG Real Organ Generation 2019
201 CRUCIAL MiCrovasculaR rarefaction in vascUlar Cognitive Impairement and heArt faiLure 2020
202 LONGITOOLS Dynamic longitudinal exposome trajectories in cardiovascular and metabolic non-communicable diseases 2020
203 BRAV3 Computational biomechanics and bioengineering 3D printing to develop a personalized regenerative biological ventricular assist device to provide lasting functional support to damaged hearts 2020
204 PICSOHF PICSOHF, A minimally invasive cardiac intervention medical device to regenerate a damaged heart and extend the life of patients with Heart Failure 2020
205 PROFID Implementation of personalised risk prediction and prevention of sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction 2020
206 REANIMA New-generation cardiac therapeutic strategies directed to the activation of endogenous regenerative mechanisms 2020
207 PDPcardio Protein phosphatase 1-disrupting peptides: Scope and mechanism of action in the treatment of heart insufficiency 2020
208 MiNeMI Micronnedle-assisted nanovector skin patch for immunomodulation of the inflammatory response upon occurrence of myocardial infarction injury (MiNeMi) 2020
209 EPmIC Controlling the susceptibility of biological cells to pulsed electric field treatment by using ion channel modulators 2021
210 SmartHeart SmartHeart, a 3D in vitro assay for improved assessment of cardiac drug efficacy and toxicity 2020
211 ChaConGen Exploring the role of host-parasite genotypes in the congenital transmission of Chagas disease: an emergent infectious disease in Europe 2021
212 UNCARIA UNCARIA: UNcertainty estimation in CARdiac Image Analysis 2020
213 CardioZoom High-fidelity Cardiovascular Modeling from Super-Fast Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2020
214 ACQUIRE Assessing cardiac Contractility and Quantification of Underlying mechanisms In vitro via Response in Excitation-contraction coupling 2020
215 Heart Fi-Re HEART FIne REgulation through mechanosensing in myosin filaments: merging theory and experiments into a multi-scale heart simulator 2021
216 MATBFOB MAThematical modelling of Biofilm FOrmation on Biomaterials 2020
217 MAP-IN-HEART Computed tomography targets for efficient guidance of catheter ablation in ventricular tachycardia 2020