The page lists 459 projects related to the topic "decrease".
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1 | OurFuture | European Researchers' Night: Researchers' For a Better Future | 2014 |
2 | PRO-CF-MED | Clinical Proof of concept for a RNA-targeting Oligonucleotide for a Cystic fibrosis-F508del MEDication | 2015 |
3 | Prominent | Promoting Innovation in the Inland Waterways Transport Sector | 2015 |
4 | EfficienSea 2 | EfficienSea 2 - Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea | 2015 |
5 | MaMMoTH-Up | Massively extended Modular Monitoring for Upper Stages | 2015 |
6 | C4T | Climate change across Cenozoic cooling steps reconstructed with clumped isotope thermometry | 2015 |
7 | COALA | Comprehensive molecular characterization of secondary organic aerosol formation in the atmosphere | 2015 |
8 | STEPWISE | SEWGS Technology Platform for cost effective CO2 reduction the in the Iron and Steel Industry | 2015 |
9 | CannaPreg | Development of pregnenolone derivatives as allosteric inhibitors of CB1 cannabinoid receptors for the treatment of schizophrenia and psychotic syndromes | 2015 |
10 | FlowMachines | Flow Machines | 2015 |
11 | Real-Time-Mining | Real-time optimization of extraction and the logistic process in highly complex geological and selective mining settings | 2015 |
12 | MoreGrasp | Restoration of upper limb function in individuals with high spinal cord injury by multimodal neuroprostheses for interaction in daily activities | 2015 |
13 | RobDREAM | Optimising Robot Performance while Dreaming | 2015 |
14 | Vaccinesurvey | Monitor population immunity against vaccine preventable diseases | 2015 |
15 | C-FOOT-CTRL | Developing on line tools to monitor, control and mitigate GHG emissions in WWTPs | 2015 |
16 | POPSTAR | Low power consumption silicon optoelectronics based on strain and refractive index engineering | 2015 |
17 | SOLIDUS | SOLIDUS: “Solidarity in European societies: empowerment, social justice and citizenship” | 2015 |
18 | GreenPlay | Game to promote energy efficiency actions | 2015 |
19 | BUStoB | BUILD UP Skills to Business | 2015 |
20 | BEenerGI | Bundling sustainable energy investments for GIrona´s municipalities | 2015 |
21 | SMARTGEARBOX | Development of a new gearbox without lubricants for low OM costs, higher efficiency, and oiless applications | 2014 |
22 | SignSigma | Launching the next generation of mobile and multi-platform signature system based on biometric parameters | 2014 |
23 | AGRAL | Development of the optimum AGRAL cermet manufacturing process for aluminium inert anode application and fuel cell interconnect plates. | 2015 |
24 | NANOLIPID | Understanding key factors for the use of bioactive lipid nanoparticles to modulate the functionality of complex food systems | 2015 |
25 | AdaptClim | Genomic and epigenomic signatures of climate-mediated selection in cattle | 2015 |
26 | ATMCinsituNMR | Next level real-time characterisation of Li- and Na-ion batteries by – Automatic Tuning Matching Cycler (plus Goniometer) – ATMC(+G) in situ NMR | 2015 |
27 | CEFOW | Clean energy from ocean waves | 2015 |
28 | EARLYSTART | Short and long-term consequences of the early environment | 2015 |
29 | Safe and Sound Drive | Design of a serious game for cars to help increase driver skills and lower fuel consumption | 2015 |
30 | TIME | Time of damage in classic galactosemia: is prenatal toxicity a determinant factor? | 2015 |
31 | TRANSFORMERS | Creating transformation-stable microstructures through shared crystallographic motifs | 2015 |
32 | NeuroEE | Delineation of a brain circuit regulating energy expenditure to impact body weight | 2016 |
33 | CARDIOTOX | Predicting Cardiotoxicity Induced by Kinase Inhibitors: From Systems Biology to Systems Pharmacology | 2015 |
34 | RACe | The impact of climate change on the uptake of arsenic into rice | 2016 |
35 | AquaPure | Detergent-free process for dishwashers with cleaning and disinfecting properties | 2015 |
36 | Spoilage Down | Increasing the efficiency of European food supply chain through in-memory supply chain planning | 2015 |
37 | IDEAL | InDustrializing Elcogen’s Affordable and durabLe SOFC stack | 2015 |
38 | D-Orbit | Smart propulsive device for controlled satellite reentry and reorbit.Type of funding scheme: SME Instrument | 2015 |
39 | THEMOTION | TheMotion: Revolution in Motion | 2015 |
40 | Ebola_Tx | Emergency evaluation of convalescent blood and plasma for Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) in affected West African countries. | 2014 |
41 | Eciwind | Cost effective wind turbine of 40 kW of rated capacity | 2015 |
42 | CNAP HD | Continuous Non-invasive diagnosis of Arterial Pressure and Hemodynamics | 2015 |
43 | DEFLUG | Development of Environmentally Friendly Flue Gas Purification Solution | 2015 |
44 | Aerowash II | InnovAtive automatic battERy pOwered WASHing robot for the aviation industry – Aerowash II | 2015 |
45 | FILMCO | Greenhouse film covers with tailor-made properties for enhanced performance | 2015 |
46 | PolyHalter | Development of Polymer Halter for Oil Filters | 2015 |
47 | Collect and Reflect | Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint by implementing Collect and Reflect(TM) blinds for solar energy collection and reflection (Collect and Reflect) | 2015 |
48 | HybridFarm | Eco-innovative housing solution for efficient production of slaughterpigs with limited environmental impact. | 2015 |
49 | Trash-2-Cash | Trash-2-Cash: Designed high-value products from zero-value waste textiles and fibres via design driven technologies | 2015 |
50 | IntraMEMS | Microfluidic platform for intra-operative tumor immunohistochemistry | 2015 |
52 | AIRCRANE | New building methodology for improved full-concrete wind towers for wind turbines. | 2015 |
53 | TailorFit | TailorFit; The Integrated “made to measure” workflow automation for menswear | 2015 |
54 | e-Furnace | Intelligent Hot Dip Galvanizing furnace for better energy use, low environmental impact and extended kettle lifespan | 2015 |
55 | HISPOB | HISPOB- High Speed Potato Breeding: securing healthy food for the future | 2015 |
56 | HYDRACTVAL | Low-energy leak-proof double seat control valve based on a water hydraulic actuator system | 2015 |
57 | VALID-SCREEN | Validation of PreCursor-M for enhanced Cervical (Pre)Cancer detection | 2015 |
58 | NewFert | Nutrient recovery from biobased Waste for Fertilizer production | 2015 |
59 | PUFOOTCO2 | Sustainable Polyurethane Elastomers for Footwear based on CO2 with improved properties | 2015 |
60 | CleanTechBlock | CleanTechBlock | 2015 |
61 | We TAP IN | Weaving Technology based Automated Production Processes in the Composite Industry (We TAP IN) | 2015 |
62 | BLOSTER | Innovative biopesticides production: valorisation of endemic plants and green industrial residues | 2015 |
63 | INNOPREFAT | Natural Food formulation for the prevention and treatment the Obesity and Metabolic syndrome obtained with herbal extracts | 2015 |
64 | OSIRIS | Optimal SIC substR ates for Integrated Microwave and Power CircuitS | 2015 |
65 | SoMoPro 3 | South Moravian Programme for Distinguished Researchers 3 | 2015 |
66 | RapidEx | Validation of a point-of-care H-FABP test for a rapid exclusion of Acute Myocardial Infarction in patients with cardiac complaints. | 2015 |
67 | Predictive Vision | Predictive Vision Saving lives in dangerous working environments with Predictive Risk Management software | 2015 |
68 | STARS | Strategies Targeting Thyroid Hormone in Athrophy Related Syndromes | 2015 |
69 | CHeaP | Cost-effective Combined Heat and Power generator for camping vans | 2015 |
70 | BIONICO | BIOgas membrane reformer for deceNtralIzed hydrogen produCtiOn | 2015 |
71 | D2Service | Design of 2 Technologies and Applications to Service | 2015 |
72 | SyDAD | Synaptic Dysfunction in Alzheimer Disease | 2015 |
73 | WITRO | Wind and Turbulence Radar for Offshore wind energy | 2015 |
74 | ERIGrid | European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid Systems Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out | 2015 |
75 | Colodetect | Development of a novel blood-based diagnostic test for colorectal cancer | 2015 |
76 | NSETHIO | Nodding Syndrome: a trans-disciplinary approach to identify the cause and decrease the incidence of river epilepsy | 2015 |
77 | NEURON Cofund | ERA NET NEURON in the area of brain-related diseases and disorders of the nervous system | 2016 |
78 | JPI-EC-AMR | ERA-NET for establishing synergies between the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Horizon 2020 | 2015 |
79 | NANOTUN3D | Development of the complete workflow for producing and using a novel nanomodified Ti-based alloy for additive manufacturing in special applications. | 2015 |
80 | AM-SENSE | A Rapid Point-of-Care Breath Ammonia Sensor for Diagnosis of Helicobacter Pylori | 2015 |
81 | OMIS | Optical Mid Infrared Spectrometer | 2015 |
82 | ARVisS | Augmented Reality Vision for Surgery | 2015 |
83 | GREAT | heteroGeneous integRated magnetic tEchnology using multifunctional standardized sTack (MSS) | 2016 |
84 | BIOWYSE | Biocontamination Integrated cOntrol of Wet sYstems for Space Exploration | 2016 |
85 | ReSpirA | Olive oil wastewater Reuse for the production and commercialisation of Spirulina Alga | 2015 |
86 | JUMPAIR | JUMPAIR: Decubitus Ulcers Diseases Diagnoses by means of Smart Anti-Decubitus System based on known Ulcers Activity Biomarkers | 2015 |
87 | GFeed | Safe and discrete gastrostomy tube for enteral feeding improving the delivery of nutrition and patient care. | 2015 |
88 | HYBRID_BOATS | An innovative hybrid propulsion and generation system for yachts | 2015 |
89 | STREAMS | Smart Technologies for eneRgy Efficient Active cooling in advanced Microelectronic Systems | 2016 |
90 | REDISH | CROR Engine Debris Impact SHielding. Design, manufacturing, simulation and Impact test preparation | 2016 |
91 | NOVOFLOP | Non-Volatile Magnetic Flip Flop | 2016 |
92 | SMARTGEARBOX | Development of a new gearbox without lubricants for low OM costs, higher efficiency, and oiless applications | 2016 |
93 | PowerKite | PowerKite - Power Take-Off System for a Subsea Tidal Kite | 2016 |
94 | ComMUnion | Net-shape joining technology to manufacture 3D multi-materials components based on metal alloys and thermoplastic composites | 2015 |
95 | DRAGY | Drag Reduction in Turbulent Boundary Layer via Flow Control | 2016 |
96 | FAMilyDECisions | Family formation decisions and gender attitudes in crisis times: an international, historical and longitudinal comparison. | 2016 |
97 | HERCULES | Comprehensive characterization and effective combinatorial targeting of high-grade serous ovarian cancer via single-cell analysis | 2016 |
98 | NanoHybrids | New generation of nanoporous organic and hybrid aerogels for industrial applications: from the lab to pilot scale production | 2015 |
99 | Digi-NewB | Non-invasive monitoring of perinatal health through multiparametric digital representation of clinically relevant functions for improving clinical intervention in neonatal units (Digi-NewB) | 2016 |
100 | SCODEV | Scooping Device for Aerial Forest Fire Suppressant | 2016 |
101 | EnerSHIFT | Energy Social Housing Innovative Financing Tender | 2016 |
102 | SCOoPE | Saving COOPerative Energy | 2016 |
103 | ODEON | Online DEposition over OceaNs: Modeling the effect of air pollution on ocean bio-geochemistryin an Earth System Model | 2016 |
104 | PROVICOL | Using a neonatal immunostimulant to reduce mortality and increase productivity in poultry farms | 2016 |
105 | PROTECT-2 | PeRsonnel lOcation and Tracking for safEty of Critical InfrasTructures | 2016 |
106 | DIALOY | Mosaic loss of chromosome Y (LOY) in blood cells - a new biomarker for risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease in men | 2016 |
107 | MATChING | Materials Technologies for performance improvement of Cooling Systems in Power Plants | 2016 |
108 | NOVAMAG | NOVel, critical materials free, high Anisotropy phases for permanent MAGnets, by design. | 2016 |
109 | BigERRORS | Exploring the promise of big data for medical error elimination | 2016 |
110 | R2R-3G | Towards Roll-to-Roll Production of Third Generation Solar Cells | 2016 |
112 | MOFMAP | Tailored Metal-Organic Framework: From Hybrid to Multifunctional Flame Retardant Polymer Nanocomposites | 2017 |
113 | GLUTORHIV | Glucose metabolism and mTOR pathway role in CD8+ T cell control of HIV-1 | 2016 |
114 | ULKCOND | Zero damage Ultra-Low-K etch using the precursor CONDensation technique | 2016 |
116 | CALBATT - ASSET | Advanced Solutions for Smart Energy storage and electric Transportation | 2016 |
117 | SmartCOMBI | Energy savings in residential buildings using a modular platform to control an all-in-one unit for water heating, climate control, and ventilation | 2016 |
118 | Desolenator | Green and Affordable Water Supply for All | 2016 |
119 | OUTERMOST | Towards Autonomous Large Area Mass Production Sputtering Plants | 2016 |
120 | ADAPT | Adaptive Decision support for Agents negotiation in electricity market and smart grid Power Transactions | 2017 |
121 | Feel your Reach | Non-invasive decoding of cortical patterns induced by goal directed movement intentions and artificial sensory feedback in humans | 2016 |
122 | WADI | WADI | 2016 |
123 | DECISIVE | A DECentralIzed management Scheme for Innovative Valorization of urban biowastE | 2016 |
124 | AMECRYS | Revolutionising Downstream Processing of Monoclonal Antibodies by Continuous Template-Assisted Membrane Crystallization | 2016 |
125 | MagnonCircuits | Nano-Scale Magnonic Circuits for Novel Computing Systems | 2016 |
126 | DEBUNKER | The Problem of European Misperceptions in Politics, Health, and Science:Causes, Consequences, and the Search for Solutions | 2016 |
127 | Drygair20 | Energy efficient greenhouse dehumidifier for warm climate operating at wide temperature ranges (4-40° C) and free of fluorinated gases | 2016 |
128 | EVOTRANS | Advanced Transmission System for Bicycles | 2016 |
129 | HPEM2GAS | High Performance PEM Electrolyzer for Cost-effective Grid Balancing Applications | 2016 |
130 | HyGrid | Flexible Hybrid separation system for H2 recovery from NG Grids | 2016 |
131 | SpaceInvader | SpaceInvader – Gain value from empty and unused cargo space | 2016 |
132 | USONIPRO | Ultrasonic technology for bioprocess enhancement | 2016 |
133 | SOLVE | new machine tool for SimultaneOus pLate beVElling on all material types | 2016 |
134 | AGLARIS | AGLARIS: The First Fully-automated Bioreactor for Large Scale Human Stem Cell Production through an Iterative Process. | 2016 |
135 | StemProteostasis | Mediation of stem cell identity and aging by proteostasis | 2016 |
136 | STEM-BCPC | Signal Transduction and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Breast Cell Plasticity and Cancer | 2016 |
137 | ENGINENCY | A Holistic System for Building Inspection and Energy Efficiency Management | 2016 |
138 | CHROMIUM | CHROMIUM | 2016 |
139 | ZESMO | ZEolitic reactor hosting Subphthalocyanines and Metal Oxides as photocatalytic system for opto-electronic applications | 2016 |
140 | INTHER | Clinical validation and commercialization of innovative immunostimulating Interstitial Laser Thermotherapy | 2016 |
141 | AERFOR | Advanced Forecasting System for Proactive Airport Passenger Flow Management | 2016 |
142 | VR4Health | Revinax platform for 3D Virtual Reality Learning Techniques for Complex Medical Applications | 2016 |
143 | Lattice Cage | Titanium based Cervical Spine Implants manufactured using 3D laser sintering to produce a structure optimised for graft-free bone in-growth | 2016 |
144 | ERYTHROAG | A new ICT-based device (RHEO-01) for fast point-of-care analysis of acute ischemic stroke and other emergency situations. | 2016 |
145 | OILBLOCK | Immediate Oil Spill containment to mitigate impact on the marine ecosystem | 2016 |
147 | HIPER | Heterogeneous Integrated Platform for Electronic system Redistribution: A revolutionary I/O Planning Solution for Micro/Nano 2.5-D Electronic Systems Design | 2016 |
149 | MATRICAN | Matrix during cancer progression | 2016 |
150 | BIOTREM | BIOTREM - processing wheat bran into packaging products | 2016 |
151 | PIPS | Passive Ice Protection System | 2016 |
152 | FUEL DEOX | Optimisation of an on-board adsorbent/catalyst unit for aviation fuel thermal stability improvement | 2016 |
154 | EAGLE | Efficient Additivated Gasoline Lean Engine | 2016 |
155 | TREATMENT | Training European Network: Metabolic Dysfunctions associated with Pharmacological Treatment of Schizophrenia | 2017 |
156 | ALFA | Advanced Laminar Flow tAilplane | 2016 |
157 | EFFORTE | Efficient forestry by precision planning and management for sustainable environment and cost-competitive bio-based industry | 2016 |
158 | 4RinEU | Robust and Reliable technology concepts and business models for triggering deep Renovation of Residential buildings in EU | 2016 |
159 | ExcEED | ExcEED – European Energy Efficient buildingdistrict Database: from data to information to knowledge | 2016 |
160 | OPTIFUEL | Smart and reliable solid biofuel quality control solution | 2016 |
161 | RACE | Rate of Adaptation in a Changing Environment | 2017 |
162 | DiReC-IL | Computer Simulation of the Dissolution and Regeneration of Cellulose from Ionic Liquids | 2017 |
163 | UWIT | UnderWater Information Technology (UWIT) | 2016 |
164 | ELE | Evolving Language Ecosystems | 2016 |
165 | CL-Windcon | Closed Loop Wind Farm Control | 2016 |
166 | ThreatMark | Advanced Fraud Detection System - Protecting digital transactions against cyber attacks | 2016 |
167 | SMART | Smart Automation of Rail Transport | 2016 |
168 | FReSMe | From residual steel gasses to methanol | 2016 |
169 | NIGHTINGALE | Connecting Patients and Carers using wearable sensor technology | 2016 |
170 | 2O2ACTIVATION | Development of Direct Dehydrogenative Couplings mediated by Dioxygen | 2017 |
171 | PJ03b SAFE | Airport Safety Nets | 2016 |
172 | DeeBMED | Deep learning and Bayesian inference for medical imaging | 2016 |
173 | FLICs | Enabling flexible integrated circuits and applications | 2017 |
174 | CareSTOR | Market Uptake of Sustainable and Competitive Carbons for Energy Storage | 2016 |
175 | TENBRIN | Application of high power ultrasounds (HPUs) to improve the sustainability in meat TENderize and BRINe processes | 2016 |
176 | WISH | Wearable Integrated System for Early Detection of Preterm Labour | 2016 |
177 | DiGas Dual fuel | A novel dual fuel system for diesel locomotive modernisation to CNG or LNG operation | 2016 |
178 | URBACH-ALZ | Hyper-emotionality after neurodegenerative loss of inhibition of the amygdala | 2017 |
179 | GALAHAD | Glaucoma – Advanced, LAbel-free High resolution Automated OCT Diagnostics | 2016 |
180 | PROSFET | Promoting Sustainable Freight Transport in Urban Contexts: Policy and Decision-Making Approaches | 2017 |
181 | TPI-MIM | Thixotropic Piston Injection system for Metallic Injection Moulding | 2017 |
182 | GATEKEEPER | Keeping insects out of the greenhouse gate with odor-masking natural extracts | 2017 |
184 | SMART.MET | PCP for Water Smart Metering | 2017 |
185 | INSIGHT | ImplementatioN in real SOFC Systems of monItoring and diaGnostic tools using signal analysis to increase tHeir lifeTime | 2017 |
186 | Mini Brains | Cerebral organoids: human mini brains in a dish open up new possibilities for drug development in neurodegenerative and developmental diseases | 2017 |
187 | SOFTOX | Carbon dioxide utilisation as a soft oxidant in alkene production | 2016 |
188 | PAPA-ARTIS | Paraplegia Prevention in Aortic Aneurysm Repair by Thoracoabdominal Staging with ‘Minimally-Invasive Segmental Artery Coil-Embolization’: A Randomized Controlled Multicentre Trial | 2017 |
189 | CH2P | Cogeneration of Hydrogen and Power using solid oxide based system fed by methane rich gas | 2017 |
191 | MacroReflEx | Macro Experiments on Reflexivity and Economic Crises | 2016 |
192 | THz-FRaScan-ESR | THz Frequency Rapid Scan – Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy for spin dynamics investigations of bulk and surface materials (THz-FRaScan-ESR) | 2018 |
193 | NeuronAgeScreen | A Drug Discovery and Target Identification Screening Platform for Age-Associated Neurodegenerative Disorders | 2017 |
194 | AXONE | Commercial multiple electrode lead technology for cardiac disease | 2017 |
195 | GMP | Green Marine Propulsion | 2017 |
196 | MePlat | Application of Cold Plasma Treatment for Antimicrobial Contact Lenses | 2017 |
197 | PROXITRAK | PROXITRAK – next generation IoT tracking solution for a connected logistics – collect, analyse and visualise big data in a true real time | 2017 |
198 | SAFER | Innovative Concrete Barriers for Forgiving Road Infrastructure | 2017 |
199 | SUNINBOX | Portable SolUtioN for dIstributed geNeration in a BOX | 2017 |
200 | LiSDMA | Liver steatosis drives muscle atrophy in type 2 diabetes patients. | 2018 |
201 | ECOSEA | Effects of contaminants on seabirds: an energetics approach | 2017 |
203 | XtremelY | Numerical modelling of reinforced slender wooden window elements | 2017 |
205 | Mitogression | Generating yeast biodiversity by mitochondrial introgression for wine innovation | 2017 |
206 | STRAIN | fault STRength breAkdown and Implications for earthquake Nucleation | 2017 |
207 | NEPSpiNN | Neuromorphic EMG Processing with Spiking Neural Networks | 2017 |
208 | Prolifimeter | Growth detection and quantification (GDQ) | 2017 |
209 | NI2D | NI2D: Software for nonlinear vibration analysis: From identification to design. | 2017 |
210 | GlobChangeBehav | Effects of global change on the social behaviour of marine organisms | 2018 |
211 | UBIGNSS | GNSS for mass-market Internet-of-Things tracking applications | 2017 |
212 | eNOTICE | European Network Of CBRN TraIning CEnters | 2017 |
213 | BECOOL | Brazil-EU Cooperation for Development of Advanced Lignocellulosic Biofuels | 2017 |
214 | BITRECS | Biomedicine international training research programme for excellent clinician-scientists | 2017 |
215 | B-shelf | Edible coating for preventing loss of water and fungi proliferation in fruits and vegetables | 2017 |
216 | BIKE | Bioconductive Iongels for Cutaneous Electrophysiology | 2018 |
217 | CLEANTECHBLOCK2 | Market maturation of CleanTechBlock technology | 2017 |
218 | PlaSSteel | Plasma Nitriding and Nitrocarburising for high wear resistance and high corrosion stability Stainless Steel | 2017 |
221 | AUTOCOMPLEMENT | The role of complement in the induction of autoimmunity against post-translationally modified proteins | 2017 |
222 | INOVER21 | Mass-customisation of custom-made medical implants | 2017 |
223 | ComFyt | The revolution of the Compression Therapy Market: an easy-to-wear and comfortable compression stocking based on Electro-Active Polymers technology. | 2017 |
224 | MechAGE | In Vivo Single-Cell Mechanomics of Bone Adaptation and Regeneration in the Aging Mouse | 2017 |
225 | NB4WASTE | Narrowband IoT for Waste Collection in Rural Areas | 2017 |
226 | NOVUM | Pilot line based on novel manufacturing technologies for cellulose-based electrical insulation components | 2017 |
227 | OR-HMC | Assay for cancer diagnostics by quantification of 5hmC | 2017 |
228 | PORTAFACT | Sustainable, Ecological PolyUrethane Foam Panel Construction System, integrated into an Innovative Portable Factory Solution | 2017 |
229 | z-BURN | Zero-Emission Catalytic Burner for heating in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles | 2017 |
230 | ESSIAL | Electrical Steel Structuring, Insulating and Assembling by means of the Laser technologies | 2017 |
232 | A-FOD | SAFER and TIMELY FLIGHTS with Automated Foreign Object Detection System | 2017 |
233 | BrainEnergy | Control of cerebral blood flow by capillary pericytes in health and disease | 2017 |
234 | CRESTING | CiRcular Economy: SusTainability Implications and guidING progress | 2018 |
235 | ETVAX | ETVAX – the first oral vaccine for protection against traveller’s diarrhoea caused by ETEC | 2017 |
236 | GlymphEye | The Ocular Glymphatic System | 2017 |
237 | SpdTuM | SPD nanostructured magnets with tuneable properties | 2018 |
238 | EuroAgeism | An international, multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral training network on ageism | 2017 |
239 | SIDERWIN | Development of new methodologies for industrial CO2-free steel production by electrowinning | 2017 |
240 | Efficoil | Integrating Punching and Laser Coil Technology for Metal Manufacturing Industry | 2017 |
241 | GLUCOSTAT | Automatic Control of Blood Glucose Concentration for Intensive Care patients | 2017 |
242 | ALGOA | Novel algorithm for treatment planning of patients with osteoarthritis | 2018 |
243 | TreeMort | Redefining the carbon sink capacity of global forests: The driving role of tree mortality | 2018 |
244 | PANTHEON | Precision Farming of Hazelnut Orchards | 2017 |
246 | ENSUREAL | Integrated cross-sectorial approach for environmentally sustainable and resource-efficient alumina production | 2017 |
247 | Trans C4 | Deciphering Regulatory DNA and Transcription Factor Binding Sites in C3 and C4 Species with Varying Water Use Efficiencies | 2018 |
248 | PANBioRA | Personalized And/Or Generalized Integrated Biomaterial Risk Assessment | 2018 |
249 | MEMBER | Advanced MEMBranes and membrane assisted procEsses for pre- and post- combustion CO2 captuRe | 2018 |
250 | HYFLIERS | HYbrid FLying-rollIng with-snakE-aRm robot for contact inSpection | 2018 |
251 | SARAS | Smart Autonomous Robotic Assistant Surgeon | 2018 |
252 | OMVCRC | Engineered bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) for colorectal cancer immunotherapy | 2018 |
253 | GO-GA | Go-Lab Goes Africa, Deploying Contextually Engaging Digital Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Educative Content in Africa by Adapting the Proven Go-Lab Ecosystem to Local Needs | 2018 |
254 | N-IF | The N-IF mouse – a new and unique fibrosis model for preclinical efficacy studies | 2017 |
255 | ePersonam | The simplest and most efficient platform to unify medical records and manage health careprofessionals. | 2017 |
257 | PMT4NIIS | Predictive Maintenance Tool for Non-Intrusive Inspection Systems | 2018 |
258 | FuRIC | Future Recycled Inert Concrete Made of Steelworks Residues | 2017 |
259 | ECOLAND | Development of ECO-friendly protection procedures for LANDing gear aluminium alloys | 2018 |
260 | BEE LABEL | Bee Label: A new remote beehive surveillance for better bee health and secured pollination | 2018 |
261 | TrueTalent | TrueTalent - Creating the new artist economy | 2018 |
262 | CARBOMART | Trading Platform for Sustainable Carbon Credits | 2018 |
263 | InSPIRe | Innovative Systems to Prevent Ice on Regional Aircraft | 2018 |
264 | SWS-HEATING | Development and Validation of an Innovative Solar Compact Selective-Water-Sorbent-Based Heating System | 2018 |
265 | xFATE | The Fate of Excitation Energy in Photoinhibited Chloroplasts | 2018 |
266 | Safer ACC | ACC – An efficient harmless Plant Growth Regulator for fruit/vegetables RIPENING | 2018 |
267 | CABUM | An investigation of the mechanisms at the interaction between cavitation bubbles and contaminants | 2018 |
268 | CRASCI | Spatial-temporal characteristics of Cortical Reorganization after Spinal Cord Injury and the role of interneurons and astrocytes | 2018 |
269 | DenCity | Density assemblages: intensity and the city in a global urban age | 2018 |
270 | MegaRoller | Developing the PTO of the first MW-level Oscillating Wave Surge Converter | 2018 |
271 | COREALIS | Capacity with a pOsitive enviRonmEntal and societAL footprInt: portS in the future era | 2018 |
272 | DAWN4IoE | Data Aware Wireless Networks for Internet of Everything | 2017 |
273 | ROBOTGENSKILL | Generalizing human-demonstrated robot skills | 2018 |
274 | AMACONOE | Advanced modelling and control of nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater treatment plants | 2018 |
275 | FIRE | Fire Impacts in Rainforest Ecotones | 2019 |
276 | HTS-STABTHERAPRO | High-throughput directed evolution to engineer thermostable therapeutic proteins | 2018 |
277 | iCHEMGENODRUGS_TB | Chemogenomics and in silico repurposing as an innovative approach for rapid drug discovery in tuberculosis | 2018 |
278 | NORMAL-LOAD | NORmalize MusculoskeletAL LOadings to Avoid bony Deformities in children with cerebral palsy | 2018 |
279 | HARVEST | Healthy Apples Research: Valuing Environmental Sustainability of Topsoil | 2019 |
280 | MRI COMIQSUM | MRI COntrast using MIcrobubbles in Quantitative SUsceptibility Mapping | 2018 |
281 | AIRCRANE | New Concrete-Towers Assembly system for taller Wind Turbines. | 2018 |
282 | ReMAP | Real-time Condition-based Maintenance for Adaptive Aircraft Maintenance Planning | 2018 |
283 | PACIFIC | Passive seismic techniques for environmentally friendly and cost efficient mineral exploration | 2018 |
284 | GTRACK | Hybrid quantum dot and graphene wearable sensor for eye tracking | 2018 |
285 | ZooRoMed | Supplying ancient empires and medieval economies: Changes in animal husbandry between the Late Roman period and the Early Middle Ages in the Rhine Valley | 2018 |
286 | SPAGAD | Speech Acts in Grammar and Discourse | 2019 |
287 | AgrowFab | Far Infrared Radiation Smart Fabric Heating Element for GreenHouses | 2018 |
288 | Aladin | Aladin: A Smart Home-Care Solution for the Elderly. | 2018 |
289 | S2S | Signals to Solutions: a change of paradigm in predictive maintenance market | 2018 |
290 | HypoSkin | Unique breakthrough ex vivo human skin model to predict efficacy and toxicity of subcutaneous drugs | 2018 |
291 | Print4Caps | Printing cap system with LED UV drying system with improved efficiency and quality | 2018 |
292 | LIGHTSENSE | Breakthrough Laser Technology for Dermatologic Healthcare | 2018 |
293 | AeRoTwin | Twinning coordination action for spreading excellence in Aerial Robotics | 2018 |
294 | HIPER | A revolutionary I/O Planning Solution for 2.5D & 3D Nanoelectronic Systems Design | 2018 |
295 | Tactonom | Reducing the unemployment rate amongst blind people by introducing a working tool that increases their autonomy and productivity. | 2018 |
296 | ExitAplasia | Reg-X310: new disruptive medicine for faster exit from aplasia afetr agressive chemotherapy of hematologic malignancies | 2018 |
297 | BDVB Oil-Stick | “BDVB Oil Stick” – Key enabling technology for online monitoring of crucial electric grid infrastructure. Striving for global market leadership | 2018 |
298 | PowerData | Energy Data Management system to support the smart grid | 2018 |
299 | SQ Building | SQ Building – Solving the Trilemma of Comfort, Energy and Operational Costs in Buildings | 2018 |
300 | HistologTM Scanner | Intra-operative microscope for tumor margin assessment | 2018 |
301 | PreSpeech | Predicting speech: what and when does the brain predict during language comprehension? | 2018 |
302 | PLEVOCON | Pleiotropy and Evolutionary Constraint | 2018 |
303 | QuickMIC | QuickMIC™ - an ultra-rapid diagnostic system for Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing (AST) | 2018 |
304 | Simecos | A New Adjuvant Nutraceutical from the North Atlantic Ocean for Breast, Lung and Pancreatic Cancer Patients | 2018 |
305 | ViSOT | Infrastructure for Virtuosity Services Over the Top | 2018 |
306 | BEYOND | Best in class Deep Learning Predictive Model | 2018 |
307 | StarLink | StarLink: The World's First Intelligent Vacuum Pump System | 2018 |
308 | Klimator-RSI | Connected cars for real time smart road maintenance and increased driving safety | 2018 |
309 | WOUNDCOM | Interactive biomembranes for wound management – exploiting the unique wound healing and antimicrobial properties of human collagen VI | 2018 |
310 | ENTWINE | The European Training Network on Informal Care | 2018 |
311 | IIAMS | Innovative Infusion Airframe Manufacturing System | 2018 |
312 | ROLL-IT | Radically innovative technology for efficient manufacturing of preforms for ceramic matrix composite (CMC) brake disks | 2018 |
313 | OILBLOCK | Immediate Oil Spill containment to mitigate impact on the marine ecosystem | 2018 |
314 | Grass Paper | Grass Fibre as raw material for innovative Grass Paper products: the new economic and ecological resource for the European paper industry | 2018 |
315 | Treat-HSP | Development of new therapy for rare motor neuron diseases | 2018 |
316 | TeamUp5G | New RAN TEchniques for 5G UltrA-dense Mobile networks | 2019 |
317 | EDIFY | European Doctorate in Indium Phosphide PIC Fabrication Technology | 2018 |
318 | EcoSail | Eco-friendly and customer-driven Sail plan optimisation service | 2018 |
319 | PANDA | Powerfull Advanced N-Level Digitalization Architecture for models of electrified vehicles and their components | 2018 |
320 | FLEXGAN | Ka-band GaN-based SSPA for flexible payloads and multicarrier operation for 5G satellite concept | 2018 |
321 | NanoMed-CKD | Feasibility of mCura1: A kidney-targeted nanomedicine that promotes self-healing of Chronic Kidney Disease with messenger RNA. | 2018 |
322 | PIPPI | Platform for Innovation of Procurement and Procurement of Innovation | 2018 |
323 | ACCWA | Accounting for Climate Change in Water and Agriculture management | 2019 |
324 | E-LAND | Integrated multi-vector management system for Energy isLANDs | 2018 |
325 | LCE-Tool | Improving Resource-efficiency in Manufacturing | 2018 |
326 | PYROTECH | Climate Positive Drying System for Coffee Industries using a highly disruptive Pyrolysis Technology | 2018 |
327 | Multi RoboDOP | Multi-camera autonomous robotic cameramen at the fingertips of all live video productions | 2018 |
328 | NEXT | Neutron-rich, EXotic, heavy nuclei produced in multi-nucleon Transfer reactions | 2019 |
329 | ENHANCEplayer | An Artificial Intelligence Enhancing Video Quality Locally to Limit Internet Traffic Tied to Video Streaming | 2018 |
330 | INSTABRIQ | Resource-efficient Machine for the Recycling of coal dust into High-calorie Briquettes | 2018 |
331 | MycoVAP | Bacterial chassis for treating ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) | 2019 |
332 | FACTA | An innovative process to extend commercial bioprosthetic heart valves lifespan. | 2018 |
333 | TERMINUS | in-built Triggered Enzymes to Recycle Multi-layers: an INnovation for USes in plastic-packaging | 2019 |
334 | DECOAT | Recycling of coated and painted textile and plastic materials | 2019 |
335 | ADVERSARY | Digital platform for hands-on cybersecurity training | 2018 |
337 | Lazaero | One box to measure all the most important air pollutants and greenhouse gases | 2019 |
338 | RE-MATCH | Creating artificial turf yarns with new recycling technologies for circular economy | 2018 |
339 | Fine Birth | Diagnosis of preterm birth risk and success of induced labour | 2019 |
340 | FOTOKITE-SME-P1 | Aerial Situational Awareness for Every Firefighter | 2019 |
341 | EJP RD | European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases | 2019 |
342 | iLIVE | Living well, dying well. A research programme to support living until the end | 2019 |
343 | V-eliminator | V-eliminator, innovative solution for varroa fighting | 2019 |
344 | AutoRay | New solution for fully automated analysis and reporting of routine musculoskeletal X-rays | 2019 |
345 | Change Dyslexia | Development and scale-up of cognitive detection and stimulation platform for dyslexia by using automatic learning and scientific validations in educational environments | 2019 |
346 | ARFM | Automated Remote Foetal Monitoring | 2019 |
347 | MAYA | MAnufacturing of the lining panel using hYbrid technologies; Additive manufacturing, injection moulding and thermoforming | 2019 |
348 | ELCOCOS | Enhanced Low-cost COmplex COmposite Structures | 2019 |
349 | NovelNMDA | Novel NMDA receptor signaling in cortical synaptic depression | 2019 |
350 | PsychAID | Psychiatric Disorders: ATX-inhibiting drugs as a new therapeutic option: Proof-of-Concept | 2019 |
351 | ULTIMATE | ULtra-ThIck Multi-mAterial baTtery Electrodes | 2019 |
352 | DENOX | Innovative Technologies of Electrochemical Suppression and Electromagnetic Decomposition for NOx Reduction in Aeroengines | 2019 |
353 | LOWCOST-IC | Low Cost Interconnects with highly improved Contact Strength for SOC Applications | 2019 |
354 | FOCUSIS | Focal volume Control Using Structured Illumination Sources | 2020 |
355 | LNOB | Leave No One Behind: Youth in Protracted Crises | 2019 |
356 | THERAPROBES | Biodegradable fluorescent nanoprobes for early detection of (pre)malignant lesions of the gastrointestinal tract | 2019 |
357 | Need2immune | Personalized liposomal cancer vaccines within days by rapid formulation screening | 2019 |
358 | SafeCEREAL | Safe Copper Engineered for Release and Efficacy on Agricultural Land | 2019 |
359 | PRESQUE | A predicting platform for designing semiconductor quantum devices | 2019 |
360 | SOOCCESS | SOciO-eConomiC failurE and aSpiration biaseS | 2020 |
361 | EPIC | Evolution of Planktonic Gastropod Calcification | 2019 |
362 | DENMARK | DNA, Environment, Mineral Association: Reaction Kinetics | 2020 |
363 | COZMOS | Efficient CO2 conversion over multisite Zeolite-Metal nanocatalysts to fuels and OlefinS | 2019 |
364 | Prion Respiration | The Role of Complex I Assembly Factors during Prion Diseases: Insights into Mitochondrial Neurobiology | 2019 |
365 | BuildERS | Building European Communities' Resilience and Social Capital | 2019 |
366 | BIOnTop | Novel packaging films and textiles with tailored end of life and performance based on bio-based copolymers and coatings | 2019 |
367 | SMARTBOX | Selective Modifications of ARomatics through Biocatalytic Oxidations | 2019 |
368 | NotToKill-NotToDie | Unrevealing dry season Plasmodium falciparum replication biology | 2019 |
369 | BiMetaCat | Two Are Better Than One: Bimetallic Catalysts for the Conversion of Lignin-Derived Aryl-Ethers | 2019 |
370 | FreeDigital | The impact of 'free' digital offers on individual behavior and its implications for consumer and data protection laws | 2019 |
371 | TargetGBM | Generating a targeted, brain-permeable and stable polymeric nanoparticle for systemic gene delivery to glioblastoma | 2019 |
372 | NeuroFreezing | Biophysical Properties of the Neuronal Cytosol and their Dynamics upon Nutrient Starvation, Aging, and in Neurodegenerative Diseases. | 2019 |
373 | DEMOquality | Differential demographic behaviour by education and its links with the reproduction of educational inequalities in Europe | 2020 |
374 | 3DX-LIGHT | 3D X-ray Light-Field: low-dose X-ray imaging with X-ray wavefront sensors | 2019 |
375 | B4TDM | Making Contracts Digital with Civilised Blockchain | 2019 |
376 | ROCS | Moving Towards Sustainable Mining With ROCS Real-Time Ore Composition Monitoring | 2019 |
377 | SANISTABILIZER | multi-purpose waste reducer | 2019 |
378 | ROADMAP | Rethinking Of Antimicrobial Decision-systems in the Management of Animal Production | 2019 |
379 | PureNano | A purification/regeneration process of spent plating baths base on functionalized magnetic nanoparticles. | 2019 |
380 | CASCAT | Catalytic cascade reactions. From fundamentals of nanozymes to applications based on gas-diffusion electrodes | 2019 |
381 | Mitobetes | The role of Von Willebrand Domain-containing Protein 8 in mitochondrial physiology | 2020 |
382 | FUTrailer | Full-equipped electric trailer to boost the implementation of efficient, eco-friendly and resilient last-mile delivery | 2019 |
383 | VIDMIZER | The first video content management platform integrated with machine learning to centralize, organize and collect data from marketing videos | 2019 |
385 | TailWind | Revolutionary electric plane technology that can be used for new build aircraft as well as to convert existing non-electric turboprops into fully electric aircraft. | 2019 |
386 | GAIA-Health | GAIA-Health: microbiome suite for personalized medicine | 2019 |
387 | MDURANCE | Pervasive muscle response monitoring for everyone, a physiotherapy revolution | 2019 |
388 | Starborne | Novel map-population and rendering techniques for reinventing massively multiplayer online computer games | 2019 |
390 | ANAERGY | Advanced Multistage Sequential Wastewater Treatment Technology | 2019 |
392 | CTI | A novel, efficient and minimally invasive medical procedure to treat anastomotic leakage during colorectal cancer surgery. | 2019 |
393 | fonYou | Technology platform for telecom carriers to identify and predict mobile user behaviour by means of analytics and deep learning | 2019 |
394 | OCHRE | Oat CHRomosome Evolution and drivers enabling widespread terminal intergenomic translocations in polyploid species | 2019 |
395 | M-CTS | The disruptive Multifunctional Container Transfer System, a seamless & horizontal transfer of containers - low cost, more efficient utilisation in cargo freight and with care for the environment | 2019 |
396 | 3D-NANOFOOD | Advancing frontiers in personalised foods for seniors through nanotechnology and 3D printing aiming enhanced nutrition and superior flavor | 2020 |
397 | COGDEC | Quantifying ageing related cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment | 2019 |
398 | NEXTER | Next generation eco-friendly, microbiome preserving and reduced resistance therapeutics | 2019 |
400 | FarmConners | FarmConners - Paving the Way for Wind Farm Control in Industry | 2019 |
401 | XFLEX | Hydropower Extending Power System Flexibility | 2019 |
402 | UNIFY | UNconventional Integrated quantum nanophotonic sources From spontaneous sYmmetry breaking | 2019 |
403 | PRIMESYST | PRecise Instrument MEtering SYSTem | 2019 |
404 | Presque | Smart Nursing Bra | 2019 |
405 | CITRUS-PORT | Global advisory DSS platform for citrus fruit growers | 2019 |
406 | SIM Crowd | Social Innovation Matched Crowdfunding (SIM Crowd) | 2019 |
407 | Addionics | Innovative 3D electro-printing method to improve power, capacity and safety of lithium ion-batteries | 2019 |
408 | Trials@Home | Trials@Home: Center of Excellence – Remote Decentralised Clinical Trials | 2019 |
409 | GreenTRIBOS | GreenTRIBOS | 2020 |
410 | EDEM | Experimentally Validated DNS and LES Approaches for Fuel Injection, Mixing and Combustion of Dual-Fuel Engines | 2019 |
411 | 3DCanPredict | Predicting clinical response to anticancer drugs using 3D-bioprinted tumor models for personalized therapy | 2019 |
412 | IMPRESS | Integration of efficient downstreaM PRocessEs for Sugars and Sugar alcohols | 2019 |
413 | SNIPER | Water Mist Fire Protection Systems for Engine Compartments in Buses and Coaches | 2019 |
414 | UncorrelaTEd | Solid-liquid thermoelectric systems with uncorrelated properties | 2020 |
415 | Cell2Cell | What makes a successfull pathogen? Understanding the impact of cell-to-cell heterogeneity in chromatin structure on infection and adaptation | 2019 |
416 | FORESTMAP | Quick and cost-effective integrated web platform for forest inventories | 2019 |
417 | SUSINCHAIN | SUStainable INsect CHAIN | 2019 |
419 | SHADES | Scintillator-He3 Array for Deep-underground Experiments on the S-process | 2020 |
420 | BISANCE | Biphasic Heat Transport integration for efficient heat exchange within Composite materials Nacelle | 2019 |
421 | 3DScavengers | Three-dimensional nanoscale design for the all-in-one solution to environmental multisource energy scavenging | 2020 |
422 | CAPABLE | CAncer PAtients Better Life Experience | 2020 |
423 | EGO Portable | EGO Portable: A Portable, small size, modular solar water heater suitable for different applications with do-it yourself installation | 2019 |
424 | Obsidian | Obsidian Anastomotic SafeGuard – A powerful and efficient tissue sealant method for reducing the anastomotic leak rate in colorectal surgery | 2019 |
425 | OCTOBER | Control of cell identity in pluripotent and germline cells by OCT4 orchestration of chromatin binding and enhancer regulation | 2019 |
426 | DeBug | Effective and environmentally friendly mechanical treatment for salmon delousing | 2019 |
427 | EVIE 2.0 | A slow release insemination that doubles the success rate of the most common first line treatment of infertility. | 2019 |
428 | ContiTRACE | Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring and automated therapeutic closed loop medical device for Intensive Care Units | 2019 |
429 | ADAMO Robot | The future of precise personalised robotic physiotherapy | 2019 |
430 | IBDetect | Point of Care Diagnostic Test for the Differential Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease | 2019 |
431 | PJ18-W2 4D Skyways | 4D Skyways | 2019 |
432 | OXYPREM | Precise brain oxygen monitoring for high-risk preterm infants | 2019 |
434 | Teraseya Prime | Adaptive intelligence technology giving complete crop control to farmers | 2019 |
435 | SBTech | Innovative Stirring Blade Technology to increase profitability in the industry of algae culture based on CFD techniques (SBTech) | 2019 |
436 | P-Gear | A revolutionary approach to mechanical transmission: the new gear-free, lubrication-free gearbox | 2019 |
437 | SmartGUIDE | SmartGUIDE - Enabling a New Standard of Care Through a Smart Guidewire Device to Fight Stroke and Save Lives | 2019 |
438 | Predictive sigma | Predictive maintenance platform for industrial assets based on AI and IoT | 2019 |
439 | SMA-TB | A novel Stratified Medicine Algorithm to predict treatment responses to host-directed therapy in TB patients. | 2020 |
441 | E-Optimum | Energy leading-edge technology for high performance gear shaping machines | 2020 |
442 | ANIONE | Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis for Renewable Hydrogen Production on a Wide-Scale | 2020 |
443 | Project Tracworx | Tracworx is a data analytics tool that allows you to establish bottlenecks in your patient flow, while understanding your efficiencies and ultimately your true capacity. | 2019 |
444 | LAF-GRAFT | An Investigation into the viability of employing lipoaspirate fluid as a cellular source in the production of small diameter tissue engineered vascular grafts | 2016 |
445 | Worlds of Lithium | A multi-sited and transnational study of transitions towards post-fossil fuel societies | 2020 |
446 | LuSH Art | Luminescent Solar Heterostructures for Artificial photosynthesis | 2020 |
447 | STEP4WIND | Novel deSign, producTion and opEration aPproaches for floating WIND turbine farms | 2020 |
448 | SUPERB | StructUral ProtEins foR Biomedical materials | 2020 |
449 | PTSD Neurofeedback | Regulating Pathological Neural Connectivity in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder | 2020 |
450 | ProArc | The protein archive: preservation potential of ancient human diets and diseases. | 2020 |
451 | Absent Presences | Absent Presences: an ethnographic study of the uncounted lives of people affected by leprosy in Latin America | 2020 |
452 | EPmIC | Controlling the susceptibility of biological cells to pulsed electric field treatment by using ion channel modulators | 2021 |
453 | ESRS-EMS for CO2RR | Mechanistic Studies of Catalytic Activity in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Reaction by Operando Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Coupled with Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry | 2021 |
454 | 2DTriCat4Energy | 2D Trifunctional Catalysts for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage | 2020 |
455 | POLINFO | Information encoding to polymers | 2020 |
456 | BlueFlowCell | Synthesis of methylene blue and some new thioether derivatives with an enhanced electrochemical microflow cell | 2020 |
457 | PAST | Paleoenvironmental Assessment of climate and other STressors on long-term dynamics of waterbird populations. | 2020 |
458 | INVENTOR | INnoVative dEsign of iNstalled airframe componenTs for aircraft nOise Reduction | 2020 |
459 | CAESAR | Integrating Safety and Cybersecurity through Stochastic Model Checking | 2020 |