Progetti FP7 coordinati da "The university of birmingham"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 BI-NANO PT/HYDRO CNF “New Bi-Functional Catalyst and Meso-porous Layer for PEM Fuel Cells: Low Loading of Pt Nanoparticles on One Side of a Hydrophobic CNF Layer” 0 200˙371.00 200˙371.00
2 NGDL Novel gas diffusion layer for PEM fuel cells 0 200˙371.00 200˙371.00
3 AA Adrenal Androgens 2008 169˙390.00 169˙390.00
4 DEMHOW Demographic Change and Housing Wealth 2008 1˙647˙273.00 1˙262˙193.00
5 PROCAVET Proxies from cave deposits: testing their sensitivity using the current period of global change 2008 169˙390.00 169˙390.00
6 CogX Cognitive Systems that Self-Understand and Self-Extend 2008 8˙846˙820.00 6˙799˙947.00
7 CODDE Co-ordination for optimal decisions in dynamic environments 2008 3˙170˙278.00 3˙170˙278.00
8 M3-2S Multiscale Modelling for Multilayered Surface Systems 2008 4˙714˙267.00 3˙447˙883.00
9 DETECTER "Detection Technologies, Terrorism, Ethics and Human Rights" 2008 2˙424˙419.00 1˙869˙684.00
10 RESRUSENVHISTORY Changing attitudes towards living natural resources in the Russian/Soviet Empire and the exchange of knowledge with Europe: an environmental history perspective 2009 127˙158.00 127˙158.00
11 PAPA Promoting Adolescent health through an intervention aimed at improving the quality of their participation in Physical Activity 2009 3˙785˙303.00 2˙980˙680.00
13 MEIOSYS Systematic analysis of factors controlling meiotic recombination in higher plants 2009 6˙223˙215.00 4˙499˙920.00
14 BOLD Biology of Liver and Pancreatic Development and Disease 2009 3˙719˙150.00 3˙719˙150.00
15 SURFING A Survey of Feedback in Nearby Galaxy Groups 2009 232˙170.00 232˙170.00
16 NINA Neuroendocrine Immune Networks in Ageing 2009 3˙034˙226.00 3˙034˙226.00
17 SEACOAT Surface Engineering for Antifouling - Coordinated Advanced Training 2010 3˙281˙108.00 3˙281˙108.00
18 INDICSER Indicators for evaluating international performance in service sectors 2010 3˙041˙081.00 2˙349˙725.00
20 SERVICEGAP The Impact of Service Sector Innovation and Internationalisation on Growth and Productivity 2010 3˙105˙513.00 2˙399˙740.00
21 THYROGENE Identification of new causative genes for congenital hypothyroidism 2010 241˙289.00 241˙289.00
22 PEX Testing for plant extinction across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary 2010 172˙740.00 172˙740.00
23 AT-PSEUDOVIR "The role of Autotransporters in the virulence, colonisation and biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa" 2010 182˙103.00 182˙103.00
24 CYLREC Novel Supramolecular cylinders and their interaction with DNA; probing effects of cylinder structure and targeting DNA junctions 2010 180˙603.00 180˙603.00
25 SHIRMAN Ecology and Evolution of Shifting Range Margins in Glacier-fed Streams 2010 173˙240.00 173˙240.00
26 iSense Integrated Quantum Sensors 2010 3˙329˙055.00 2˙451˙999.00
27 SUPPORTING FAMILIES Understanding and Supporting Families with Complex Needs 2010 243˙000.00 243˙000.00
28 ESAMY Efficient Synthesis using Alkynes as Masked Ylides 2010 172˙240.00 172˙240.00
29 MOBILE OPTICAL CLOCK Mobile Optical Clock with Neutral Atoms in a Blue Magical Optical Lattice 2010 231˙427.00 231˙427.00
30 FC-EUROGRID Evaluating the Performance of Fuel Cells in European Energy Supply Grids 2010 805˙931.00 588˙982.00
31 PROEXGRA Problems in Extremal Graph Theory 2010 165˙540.00 165˙540.00
32 TRAINHY-PROF Building Training Programmes for Young Professionals in the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Field 2010 381˙370.00 269˙105.00
33 COLTS Casting of Large Ti Structures 2010 3˙682˙785.00 1˙500˙000.00
34 V-STIR Visual-spatiotemporal integration for recognition 2010 181˙103.00 181˙103.00
35 METAFLUX Metabolic Flux Analysis and Cancer 2010 4˙384˙122.00 4˙384˙122.00
36 QRGRAPH Quasirandomness in Graphs and Hypergraphs 2010 742˙749.00 742˙749.00
37 INFLAME Indoor Contamination with Flame Retardant Chemicals: Causes and Impacts 2011 3˙631˙363.00 3˙631˙363.00
38 CAFEGROUPS "Cooling, AGN Feedback and Evolution in Groups" 2011 133˙200.00 133˙200.00
39 CARTILAGE LOADING Dynamic mechanical properties of cartilage: influence of loading conditions on properties and structure 2011 171˙740.00 171˙740.00
40 EMOTION REGULATION Cultural and genetic variation in emotion regulation 2011 207˙616.00 207˙616.00
41 ADRENAL ENZYMES Extended studies into the molecular pathogenesis of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia - towards novel therapeutic approaches 2011 172˙740.00 172˙740.00
42 PGR SECURE Novel characterization of crop wild relative and landrace resources as a basis for improved crop breeding 2011 3˙652˙921.00 2˙999˙389.00
43 CRITICS Towards targeting chemokine receptors CCR7 and CCRL1 to control the crossroads of tumor-host interactions 2011 209˙592.00 209˙592.00
44 LEPTON UNIVESALITY Precise test of Lepton Universalty with decays of the charged kaon at the NA62 experiment at CERN 2011 209˙092.00 209˙092.00
45 NICAIA Nature Inspired Computation and its Applications 2011 799˙200.00 799˙200.00
46 ECONENDLIFE The economic evaluation of end of life care 2011 999˙177.00 999˙177.00
47 PEACE Local ownership and peace missions 2011 192˙849.00 192˙849.00
48 FOOD ATTENTION Paying attention to food: investigating the mechanisms underlying individual differences in the attention grabbing properties of food 2011 101˙024.00 101˙024.00
49 CLUSTERCAT "NanoEngineering of Model Catalysts Based on Supported, Size-selected Nanoclusters" 2011 209˙592.00 209˙592.00
50 HYPERBOLIC GRAPHS Hyperbolic random graphs 2011 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
51 NPN Molding the Brain: Drosophila Neurotrophins in Brain Plasticity and Neurodegeneration 2011 201˙049.00 201˙049.00
52 NEURO-GLIAL SYNAPSES Neuronal Activity: Targets for Stimulating Myelin Formation and Repair in the Brain 2011 72˙916.00 72˙916.00
53 WW1 ALLIED CULTURES Inter-Allied Cultures and Identities during World War 1 2011 279˙680.00 279˙680.00
54 ESCALATE Evaluating Social Capital Effects on PoLicy Adaptation to Climate change in Coastal Zones of England 2011 203˙892.00 203˙892.00
55 PHDBINA Computing Phase Diagrams of Binary Nanoalloys 2011 201˙392.00 201˙392.00
56 COMPAUL The Earliest Commentaries on Paul as Sources for the Biblical Text 2011 1˙499˙233.00 1˙499˙233.00
57 28 JUNE 1914 28 June 1914: A Day in European History and Memory 2011 264˙436.00 264˙436.00
58 BMDF Bilattices meet d-Frames 2011 193˙349.00 193˙349.00
59 CogWatch Cognitive Rehabilitation of Apraxia and Action Disorganisation Syndrome 2011 4˙513˙612.00 3˙649˙658.00
60 MODNANOTOX "Modelling nanoparticle toxicity: principles, methods, novel approaches" 2011 1˙279˙137.00 999˙899.00
61 INTERFLAME Synergising INTERnational Studies of Environmental Contamination with Organic FLAME Retardant Chemicals 2012 199˙100.00 199˙100.00
62 MMLRC=SOFC Working towards Mass Manufactured, Low Cost and Robust SOFC stacks 2012 4˙727˙248.00 2˙067˙975.00
63 KNOWING_EACH_OTHER "Knowing each other: everyday religious encounters, social identities and tolerance in southwest Nigeria" 2012 1˙497˙520.00 1˙497˙520.00
64 VISE Vertebrate isotopes and the environment 2012 201˙049.00 201˙049.00
65 DIAZOFREE Efficient Synthesis of N-Heterocycles using Ynamides as Diazo Equivalents 2012 200˙371.00 200˙371.00
66 RECOIN Studying the Mechanisms of Enhanced Pathogenesis in Polymicrobial Respiratory Co-Infection 2012 209˙033.00 209˙033.00
67 COMPLEX3D Neural substrates of depth perception: from surfaces to complex 3D forms 2012 200˙371.00 200˙371.00
68 MAGPLASIMAG Developing reconfigurable sub-diffraction-imaging devices using magnetized plasma 2012 75˙000.00 75˙000.00
69 RAPID Rheumatoid Arthritis and Periodontal Inflammatory Disease (RAPID) 2012 4˙312˙151.00 4˙312˙151.00
70 SIRUE Sustainable Infrastructure for Resilient Urban Environments 2012 278˙680.00 278˙680.00
71 PRENCTUM Protein tyrosine phosphatases as regulators of N-cadherin-mediated tumor cell migration 2012 209˙033.00 209˙033.00
72 BDWM Brum Dine With Me: The Science of Food 2012 64˙618.00 59˙812.00
73 EC-HVEN Europe-China High Value Engineering Network (EC-HVEN): Shaping Sustainable Engineering Sectors in Europe and China 2012 837˙900.00 837˙900.00
74 PIMMS Proton Ionization Molecular Mass Spectrometry 2012 4˙134˙042.00 4˙134˙042.00
75 TICS Temporal Information in Crossmodal Stimuli 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
76 H13P Hilbert's 13th Problem 2012 209˙033.00 209˙033.00
77 LUNG REPAIR MODEL Modelling lung repair in health and disease 2012 200˙371.00 200˙371.00
78 CARIBIOLIT "Caribbean Biopolitics of Literature. Shaping Life, History and Community through the Transformative Power of Literature" 2012 209˙033.00 209˙033.00
79 CAWRBP Children and War: Resilience Beyond Programmes 2012 209˙033.00 209˙033.00
80 VADER Vaccine Design and Immune Responses 2012 1˙174˙366.00 1˙174˙366.00
81 HIERATIC Hierarchical Analysis of Complex Dynamical Systems 2012 2˙429˙435.00 1˙899˙967.00
82 MODSIGN Modification of receptor tyrosine kinase signalling during tumour cell migration 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
83 TMHA Transversal Multilinear Harmonic Analysis 2012 1˙042˙293.00 1˙042˙293.00
84 EPHEMERAL GSI How do groundwater-surface water interactions control recharge from ephemeral streams? 2012 294˙929.00 294˙929.00
85 HETIRIDIUM Tris-heteroleptic cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes for white electroluminescence 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
86 EURO-TEAM Towards Early diagnosis and biomarker validation in Arthritis Management 2012 7˙609˙029.00 5˙777˙374.00
87 EMOTE EMbOdied-perceptive Tutors for Empathy-based learning 2012 3˙747˙274.00 2˙898˙747.00
88 EVE Extreme Events Variability over Europe 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
89 APGRAPH Asymptotic Graph Properties 2012 818˙413.00 818˙413.00
91 SYNHET Convergent and Efficient Synthesis of Novel Heteroaromatics 2013 209˙033.00 209˙033.00
92 DECOST Diesel Engine Cold Start and Transient Improvement 2013 278˙807.00 278˙807.00
93 KINETICCF Mathematical Theory of Kinetic Equations and Applications to Coagulation and Fragmentation processes 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
94 DECIDE Decision-making within cells and differentiation entity therapies 2013 3˙313˙022.00 3˙313˙022.00
95 PaCMan Probabilistic and Compositional Representations of Objects for Robotic Manipulation 2013 4˙490˙320.00 3˙420˙000.00
96 NANOMILE Engineered nanomaterial mechanisms of interactions with living systems and the environment: a universal framework for safe nanotechnology 2013 12˙948˙445.00 9˙624˙979.00
97 EWSB Study of the ElectroWeak Symmetry Breaking and the Higgs Sector with the ATLAS detector at the LHC 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
98 STRANDS Spatio-Temporal Representations and Activities For Cognitive Control in Long-Term Scenarios 2013 10˙774˙552.00 8˙234˙543.00
99 FASTER "Fundamental Studies of the Sources, Properties and Environmental Behaviour of Exhaust Nanoparticles from Road Vehicles" 2013 2˙394˙959.00 2˙394˙959.00
100 PROTOTOUCH Virtual Prototyping of Tactile Displays 2013 4˙061˙242.00 4˙061˙242.00
101 MULTSENS "Limits and prerequisites of information integration in the human brain: attention, awareness & vigilance" 2013 1˙498˙659.00 1˙498˙659.00
102 HCV-AKAP The role of PKA in the Hepatitis C virus life cycle 2013 200˙371.00 200˙371.00
103 MULTHIC Multiphosphorescent emitters based on Tris-Heteroleptic Iridium Complexes 2013 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
104 PTMETMRI Probing the tissue microenvironment of tumours by Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2013 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
106 MOST Modelling Steroidogenesis 2013 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
107 DQDPROT On-the-fly nonadiabatic quantum dynamics suitable for large biomolecules: Developing the DD-vMCG method 2013 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
108 SCORED 2:0 Steel Coatings For Reducing Degradation in SOFC 2013 3˙656˙757.00 2˙183˙023.00
109 GEN-META Generating metaphors using a combination of AI reasoning and corpus-based modeling of formulaic expressions 2013 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
110 PBCTRAN Primary Biliary Cirrhosis-Translating genetic discovery into patient benefit 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
112 CHEERS Chemical and Physical Properties and Source Apportionment of Airport Emissions in the context of European Air Quality Directives 2013 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
113 COALWSUPER Design of new Co-Al-W-based alloys 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
114 MISAMS Modelling Inhabited Spaces of the Ancient Mediterranean Sea 2013 299˙558.00 299˙558.00
115 VAMPIRE Vascular antibody-mediated pharmaceutically induced tumour resection 2013 1˙467˙958.00 1˙467˙958.00
116 ANALYSIS Analysis of Natural Language for Real World Applications 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
117 SAST Social Anchoring in Superdiverse Transnational Social Spaces 2013 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
118 ZYXIN A Structure-Function Approach to Understanding the Role of Zyxin 2013 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
119 MULTI-SURF Towards Novel Multi-Functional Surfaces – Development of Innovative Plasma Surface Alloying Technologies 2013 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
120 SUSNANO Sustainable Nanocomposites for Photocatalysis 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
121 SRANC Self Reporting Asymmetric Nucleophilic Catalysis 2013 278˙807.00 278˙807.00
122 FACT FUTURE ATOMIC CLOCK TECHNOLOGY 2013 3˙865˙448.00 3˙865˙448.00
123 NEUROSCISOCPOL Applying neuroscience to social policy and the law: neuromaturation and young adult offending 2013 388˙538.00 388˙538.00
124 ELUTE Elucidating Sources & Pathways of Environmental Contamination with Brominated Persistent Organic Chemicals Using Advanced Instrumental Tools (ELUTE) 2013 1˙173˙886.00 1˙173˙886.00
125 POLOGEN Polarized light from highly phosphorescent metalomesogens 2013 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
126 SID Spinal Implant Design 2013 1˙174˙367.00 1˙174˙367.00
127 INTERFACES Ecohydrological interfaces as critical hotspots for transformations of ecosystem exchange fluxes and biogeochemical cycling 2013 3˙787˙007.00 3˙787˙007.00
128 COMREC Control of meiotic recombination: from Arabidopsis to crops 2013 3˙645˙642.00 3˙645˙642.00
129 FLUORO-BOOST Fluorescence-Based Optimisation Of Sewage Treatment 2013 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
130 METHDRE Distal regulatory elements in cancer progression and treatment: focus on DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
131 KAONLEPTON Precision Lepton Flavour Conservation Tests in Kaon Decays 2014 1˙617˙546.00 1˙617˙546.00
132 SEISMOLOGY IN RGB Asteroseismology to constrain physic of transport processes occurring in red giant stars 2014 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
133 NEWGENSOFC New Generation Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 2014 921˙566.00 921˙566.00
134 PROMOS Probabilistic Models in Pseudo-Euclidean Spaces 2014 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
135 COOPERA-TB Hit to lead optimisation of novel anti-TB scaffolds through an academic-industrial partnership 2014 1˙174˙366.00 1˙174˙366.00
136 MERLIN MEsenchymal stem cells to Reduce Liver INflammation 2014 7˙026˙727.00 5˙382˙958.00
137 MITOFUN Mitochondria as regulators of fungal virulence 2014 1˙991˙629.00 1˙991˙629.00
138 EAGLE Exploring quantum Aspects of GravitationaL wavE detectors 2014 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
139 ARCHOSAUR RISE The early Mesozoic rise of archosaurs: New insights into an exemplar evolutionary radiation 2014 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
140 ASPIRE-PC A novel Androgen Synthesis Pathway in treatment-REsistant Prostate Cancer 2014 110˙803.00 110˙803.00
141 MECHAIP Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis-induced cell proliferation 2014 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
142 NHERMPHOTON Studying the physics of exceptional points using metamaterials 2014 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
143 KON-TIKIGENET Kon-Tiki gene network for CNS regeneration 2014 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
144 RELEXDSS The Teacher of Righteousness and Religious Experience in the Dead Sea Scrolls 2014 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
146 DGHOST Ghosts in parthenogenetic daughters - epigenetic effects on clonal organisms can reveal the degree of phenotypic plasticity due to biotic cues 2014 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
147 ECOFRIENDLYNANO An integrated ecosystems approach to the design of safer nanomaterials for a nano-enabled society 2014 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
148 BRAINCIROXCON Functional and structural changes of brain circuitry in altered oxygen conditions 2014 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
149 HIIT AGEING The impact of High Intensity Interval Training on inflammatory state and immune function in elderly individuals 2014 294˙219.00 294˙219.00
150 MMMDT Multi-scale Modelling of Mechanical Damage to Tomatoes 2014 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
151 PERFECT Pragmatic and epistemic role of factually erroneous cognitions and thoughts 2014 1˙900˙075.00 1˙900˙075.00
152 GLYCOSURF Surface-Based Molecular Imprinting for Glycoprotein Recognition 2014 1˙894˙046.00 1˙894˙046.00
153 MICP Monitoring Intracranial Pressure 2015 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
154 COOPERATIVECAPITAL The Governance Capacity of Cooperative Housing: The Role of 'Linking Social Capital' 2015 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
155 ISMINO Facilitation and Inhibition of Multisensory Integration via Neural Oscillations 2015 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
156 GRAB-A-META Graphene Based Active Metamaterials 2015 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
157 GESTRANSCULT "The origins of gestural imitation: insights from evolution, development and cultural transmission" 2015 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
158 SUPERDIVERSITY Civil society and new migrants in superdiverse contexts 2015 299˙558.00 299˙558.00

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