The page lists 1011 projects related to the topic "political".
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1 | ERCSC-VPRES-SUP2014 | Support to the Vice-Presidents of the ERC Scientific Council 2014 | 2014 |
2 | PEGASUS | Public Ecosystem Goods And Services from land management - Unlocking the Synergies | 2015 |
3 | Prominent | Promoting Innovation in the Inland Waterways Transport Sector | 2015 |
4 | FATIMA | FArming Tools for external nutrient Inputs and water MAnagement | 2015 |
5 | SIS-RRI | Science, Innovation and Society: achieving Responsible Research and Innovation | 2014 |
6 | ELIPTIC | Electrification of public transport in cities | 2015 |
7 | Co-FACTOR | Cooperate, Communicate and Connect to boost smart Components for tomorrows Industry | 2015 |
8 | STIGMATICS | Between saints and celebrities. The devotion and promotion of stigmatics in Europe, c.1800-1950 | 2015 |
9 | ENHANCEDQMMR | Enhanced Qualitative and Multi-Method Research in Political Science | 2015 |
10 | SoSGlobal | Stories of Survival: Recovering the Connected Histories of Eastern Christianity in the Early Modern World | 2015 |
11 | aidsocpro | Aiding Social Protection: the political economy of externally financing social policy in developing countries | 2015 |
12 | CORPNET | Corporate Network Governance: Power, Ownership and Control in Contemporary Global Capitalism | 2015 |
13 | CALI | The Cambodian Archaeological Lidar Initiative: Exploring Resilience in the Engineered Landscapes of Early SE Asia | 2015 |
14 | DOLFINS | Distributed Global Financial Systems for Society | 2015 |
15 | GRACeFUL | Global systems Rapid Assessment tools through Constraint FUnctional Languages | 2015 |
16 | ThermoDrill | Fast track innovative drilling system for deep geothermal challenges in Europe | 2015 |
17 | BlueSCities | Blueprints for Smart Cities: Developing the methodology for a coordinated approach to the integration of the water and waste sectors within the EIP Smart Cities and Communities | 2015 |
18 | CHIBOW | Children Born of War - Past, Present and Future | 2015 |
19 | GlOPID-R-Sec | Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness (GloPID-R) Secretariat | 2015 |
20 | HEIM | Higher Education Internationalisation and Mobility: Inclusion, Equalities and Innovations | 2015 |
21 | ASSESS CT | Assessing SNOMED CT for Large Scale eHealth Deployments in the EU | 2015 |
22 | CRACKER | Cracking the Language Barrier: Coordination, Evaluation and Resources for European MT Research | 2015 |
23 | REMINE | Reuse of mining waste into innovative geopolymeric-based structural panels, precast, ready mixes and insitu applications | 2015 |
24 | PARTY | Participatory Tools for Human Development with the Youth | 2015 |
25 | INCAS | Understanding institutional change in Asia: a comparative perspective with Europe | 2015 |
26 | DIGIWHIST | The Digital Whistleblower. Fiscal Transparency, Risk Assessment and Impact of Good Governance Policies Assessed | 2015 |
27 | greenGain | Supporting Sustainable Energy Production from Biomass from Landscape Conservation and Maintenance Work | 2015 |
28 | EuroMED-IMWC | EuroMED Cooperation. Inland and Marine Water Challenges | 2014 |
29 | GEMM | Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets | 2015 |
30 | FIRSTRUN | Fiscal Rules and Strategies under Externalities and Uncertainties | 2015 |
31 | MOVE | Mapping mobility – pathways, institutions and structural effects of youth mobility in Europe | 2015 |
32 | EUENGAGE | Bridging the gap between public opinion and European leadership: Engaging a dialogue on the future path of Europe. | 2015 |
33 | SET IT | Organization and Delivery of the Italian Presidency Conference on the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) – the SET IT Project | 2014 |
34 | HERA JRP UP | HERA Joint Research Programme Uses of the Past | 2015 |
35 | ADEMU | A Dynamic Economic and Monetary Union | 2015 |
36 | PARTISPACE | Spaces and Styles of Participation. Formal, non-formal and informal possibilities of young people’s participation in European cities. | 2015 |
37 | TransSOL | European paths to transnational solidarity at times of crisis: Conditions, forms, role-models and policy responses | 2015 |
38 | FairTax | Revisioning the ‘Fiscal EU’: Fair, Sustainable, and Coordinated Tax and Social Policies | 2015 |
39 | CULTURALBASE | Social Platform on Cultural Heritage and European Identities | 2015 |
40 | ENLIGHTEN | European Legitimacy in Governing through Hard Times: the role of European Networks | 2015 |
41 | TransCrisis | Enhancing the EU's Transboundary Crisis Management Capacities: Strategies for Multi-Level Leadership | 2015 |
42 | STEP | Societal and political engagement of young people in environmental issues | 2015 |
43 | EMU Choices (former EMU_SCEUS) | The Choice for Europe since Maastricht. Member States' Preferences for Economic and Financial Integration | 2015 |
44 | CATCH-EyoU | Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions | 2015 |
45 | EUth | EUth - Tools and Tips for Digital and Mobile Youth Participation in and across Europe | 2015 |
46 | ARCGATE | ARCGATE: maximizing the potential of Arctic Ocean Gateway array | 2015 |
47 | CONFAM | Confronting sexual pluralism: the regulatory dilemmas and policy challenges of non-monogamous family formations | 0 |
48 | EMEHOC | Enriched Minimal Expressivism and Higher-Order Concepts | 2015 |
49 | RESOLUTE | RESilience management guidelines and Operationalization appLied to Urban Transport Environment | 2015 |
50 | Phil-Threats | The Representation of External Threats in the Configuration of Spanish Power in the Philippines (1600-1800) | 2016 |
51 | PWP | Power and Powerlessness | 2015 |
52 | TANDEM | TransAfrican Network Development | 2015 |
53 | Chinese Labour | Shifting Dynamics of Chinese Labour in a Global Perspective | 2015 |
54 | TRANSLATIS | Translating from Latin: Contacts, Transfer, and Rewriting of Historiographical Texts in Medieval Iceland | 2015 |
55 | DAM-NET | Dam-nations? A study on dams, nation-building and transboundary water relations through case-studies from Ethiopia and Tajikistan | 2015 |
56 | ALHIS | Archaeology, Landscapes and Heritage in the Iberian Southeast | 2015 |
57 | ITNUN | Family, Power, Memory: Female Monasticism in Italy from 700 to 1100 | 2015 |
58 | StrategicVillages | Violent settlements: strategic villages and clandestine burial sites in Latin America | 2016 |
59 | EUP | The implementation of the EU employment policies in Germany, Italy and Denmark | 2015 |
60 | DebtRisks | Public Debt: Risk Management and Restructuring Optimization | 2016 |
61 | PmSust | The project of Sustainability: the role of Project Management in developing a more sustainable economy and society | 2015 |
62 | PEDIGREE | Pluralistic Economics for Development in Green Economic Enhancement | 2016 |
63 | ADRIA | Adriatic Perspectives: Memory and Identity on a Transnational European Periphery | 2016 |
64 | BIBLACE | The Bible and the Law in Carolingian Europe: Scriptural Exegesis and Royal Legislation from Charlemagne to Charles the Bald (ca. AD 780-880) | 2016 |
65 | Voice Modulation | Faking It: The production, perception, and function of social voice modulation | 2016 |
67 | BeSec | Beyond the Secular: Narrativizing religious change in contemporary German novels | 2016 |
68 | TRANSIT | The daily governance of transit migration in Turkey at European Union borders: The two-way influence of Turkish-European Union border and migration management practices | 2015 |
69 | ISHTAR | The travelling astronomers. International collaborations after World War II and the reorganization of European astronomy (1953-1985) | 2015 |
70 | DISAGROUP | The Role of Groups in Complex Disagreement | 2016 |
71 | EARMEDCASTILE | The formation of the state in Early Medieval Castile: craft production and social complexity | 2015 |
72 | InterDemo | Intercultural Democracies: insights from mining conflicts for environmental justice in plurinational Bolivia and Ecuador. | 2015 |
73 | INHABIT Cities | Investigating Natural, Historical, And Institutional Transformations - Cities | 2015 |
74 | Ethics and Ageing | Ethics and Ageing | 2015 |
76 | CoEvolFramework | Unified Framework for the Analysis of Co-evolutionary Systems | 2016 |
77 | TEACHPOL | Freedom of Teaching and Political Control: The Case of Thomas Aquinas’ Assimilation in William of Peter Godin’s Lectura Thomasina (14th C.) | 2015 |
78 | MIGMED | Migration in the early modern world: the Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land as afacilitator of the circulation of people in the Mediterranean | 2016 |
79 | EWTEK | Empowering Women with Traditional Ecological Knowledge | 2015 |
80 | ICONOPHILIA | Religion, Politics and the Arts in Early Medieval Italy Against the Background of the ‘Image Struggle’ (680-850) | 2015 |
81 | EcoDA | Experimental co-Design Approaches: Investigating possibilities for creating networks of resilient citizens and civic actions of urban resilience through hybrid platforms | 2015 |
82 | BETAPEV | Beyond Empathy: Toward a phenomenological Ethics of Vulnerability | 2015 |
83 | ACTUS | ACcelerating Transition in Peri-Urban areaS in East Africa | 2016 |
84 | MIGWAR | Investigating the interactions between civil wars and migration. | 2015 |
85 | Hadza communication | Communication Development in Infants: the Case of the Hadza Hunter-Gatherers of Tanzania | 2015 |
86 | FUTURESYRIA | Mapping an uncertain future: Social and spatial change in conflicting Syria | 2015 |
87 | CHRISLAS | Christian Diversity in Late Antique Sirmium (ca 350 – ca 450): A Historical, Literary and Theological Study | 2016 |
89 | EFTA DEVELOPMENT | The ‘other’ Europe: the formation and development of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), 1958–92 | 2016 |
90 | FertilityPolicies | Fertility, Public Policies, and Women in Turkey in Comparative Perspective | 2016 |
91 | MigrWorkers | The Race, Class and Gender of Transnational Urban Labour: Romanian Workers in the Cities of London and NYC | 2015 |
92 | PS-IRAQ | Performing a State: State-building in Iraq (2003-2006). | 2016 |
93 | INNOVCITIES | Institutional Innovation for Adapting to Climate Change in Water Governance within Cities | 2015 |
94 | FREE_TEEN_DESIRE | Contributing to identify causes of gender violence among teenagers | 2015 |
95 | ssmscaifa | The Making of Modernist Resistance, 1880-1950 | 2015 |
96 | EMPIREHURIGHTS | Empire and Human Rights: Colonization and Sovereignty in a global Iberian Empire (1580-1640) | 2016 |
97 | CONTESTEDWATERS | Contested Waters: Rio de Janeiro’s Public Water Supply and the Social Structuring of the City | 2015 |
98 | ENGAGE | Encouraging Network Generation’s Accountability and Global Engagement | 2015 |
99 | SCME | Selecting, Creating and Modifying Embryos: the ethics of new reproductive genetic technologies | 2015 |
100 | TransHI-Rom | Risk and MigrationA Transnational History of Romanian Migration to Western Europe (2002-2013) | 2015 |
102 | AdoDigitFamX | Adolescents, Parents and Digital Media: Looking for the pattern that dis/connects | 2015 |
103 | EVI | 'Feeling European'. The Visual Construction of EU Identity. | 2015 |
104 | CONGO | Hybrid Political Orders and Violent Exchanges in the Eastern Congo | 2016 |
106 | DRESSINGTHENEWWORLD | Dressing the New World. The Trade and the Culture of Clothing in the New Spanish Colonies (1600-1800) | 2015 |
107 | CMCG | Engaging Urban Youth: Community, Citizenship, and Democracy | 2016 |
108 | IMAGINACTIVISM | Cultural production, social movements and virtuous spirals; Using cultural production to influence social transformation. An ethnographic case study of a transmedia and translocal experiment. | 2015 |
109 | FRAGMENTATION | State Fragmentation and Sub-State Actors in Comparative Perspective: Somalia and Afghanistan | 2015 |
111 | REACTION | Evaluation of the efficacy and of the antiviral activity of T-705 (favipiravir) duringEbola virus infection in non-human primates humans | 2014 |
112 | Cydar PaaS | Disrupting the real-time medical imaging market, and accelerating innovation, with cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) | 2015 |
113 | CONRICONF | Contentious Rights: A Comparative Study of International Human Rights Norms and their Effects on Domestic Social Conflict | 2016 |
114 | CEPPI 2 | Coordinated energy-related PPIs actions for cities (CEPPI) | 2015 |
115 | ProBIO | Professional support to the uptake of bioeconomy RD results towards market, further research and policy for a more competitive European bioeconomy | 2015 |
116 | DOS | Domestic Servants in Colonial South Asia | 2015 |
117 | PersoNews | Profiling and targeting news readers – implications for the democratic role of the digital media, user rights and public information policy | 2015 |
118 | MenWomenCare | Men, Women and Care: The gendering of formal and informal care-giving in interwar Britain | 2015 |
119 | CD-LINKS | Linking Climate and Development Policies - Leveraging International Networks and Knowledge Sharing | 2015 |
120 | Family Justice | Justice and the Family: An Analysis of the Normative Significance of Procreation and Parenthood in a Just Society | 2015 |
121 | HoNESt | History of Nuclear Energy and Society | 2015 |
123 | First InnovativeWeek | This 3 day conference will be focused to the financial instruments, facilities and measures launched under Horizon 2020 to enhance access to finance for research, innovation and SMEs. | 2015 |
124 | OPTEPLA | Open OBDII Telematics Platform - OPTEPLA | 2015 |
125 | RG | Reading Global. Constructions of World Literature and Latin America | 2015 |
126 | SETinSTONE | Set in Stone - A retrospective impact assessment of human and environmental resource usage in Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Monumental Architecture, Greece | 2015 |
127 | Smart firearm safety | Project iP9 Smart firearm safety Introduction of the first smart firearm safety to the institutional market (police) | 2015 |
128 | OTTOCONFESSION | The Fashioning of a Sunni Orthodoxy and the Entangled Histories of Confession-Building in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire, 15th-17th Centuries | 2015 |
129 | EUROHERIT | Legitimation of European cultural heritage and the dynamics of identity politics in the EU | 2015 |
130 | EUTHORITY | Conflict and Cooperation in the EU Heterarchical Legal System | 2015 |
131 | DEMSEC | Democratic Secrecy: A Philosophical Study of the Role of Secrecy in Democratic Politics | 2015 |
132 | CLIMSEC | Climate Variability and Security Threats | 2015 |
133 | InfoAggregation | Information Aggregation in Elections | 2015 |
134 | PEMP | Political Economy with Many Parties: Strategic Electorate and Strategic Candidates | 2015 |
135 | FICKLEFORMS | Fickle Formulas. The Political Economy of Macroeconomic Measurement | 2015 |
136 | GREYZONE | Illuminating the 'Grey Zone': Addressing Complex Complicity in Human Rights Violations | 2015 |
137 | ToxicExpertise | Toxic Expertise: Environmental Justice and the Global Petrochemical Industry | 2015 |
138 | Intimacy | Doing Intimacy: A Multi-sited Ethnography of Modern Chinese Family Life | 2015 |
139 | LuxFaSS | Luxury, fashion and social status in Early Modern South Eastern Europe | 2015 |
140 | EXCHANGE | Forensic Geneticists and the Transnational Exchange of DNA data in the EU: Engaging Science with Social Control, Citizenship and Democracy | 2015 |
141 | PanEur1970s | Looking West: the European Socialist regimes facing pan-European cooperation and the European Community | 2015 |
142 | NewBusFuel | New Bus ReFuelling for European Hydrogen Bus Depots | 2015 |
143 | BayesianMarkets | Bayesian markets for unverifiable truths | 2016 |
144 | SalThApp | Psychology and Economic Behavior: Theory, Tests and Applications | 2015 |
145 | EUDEMOS | Constrained Democracy: Citizens’ Responses to Limited Political Choice in the European Union | 2015 |
146 | nEU-Med | Origins of a new Economic Union (7th to 12th centuries): resources, landscapes and political strategies in a Mediterranean region | 2015 |
147 | NEGEVBYZ | Crisis on the margins of the Byzantine Empire: A bio-archaeological project on resilience and collapse in early Christian development of the Negev Desert | 2015 |
148 | TRANSPOP | The Transformation of Popular Politics in Europe’s Long Nineteenth Century | 2015 |
149 | AnCon | A Comparative Anthropology of Conscience, Ethics and Human Rights | 2015 |
150 | COMPEN | Penal Policymaking and the prisoner experience: a comparative analysis | 2015 |
151 | ETFA | Enough to feed an army. Carthaginian rural exploitation during the late third century BC | 2015 |
152 | SUSPLACE | SUSPLACE | 2015 |
153 | AdaptEconII | Adaptation to a New Economic Reality | 2015 |
154 | DIAPHORA | Diaphora: Philosophical Problems, Resilience and Persistent Disagreement | 2016 |
155 | HHFDWC | The History of Human Freedom and Dignity in Western Civilization | 2016 |
156 | EUROPINIONS | Causes and consequences of change in public opinion about Europe | 2015 |
157 | MADE | Migration as Development | 2015 |
158 | SWLCONNECTIVITY | Sheep, Wool, Landscape and Connectivity | 2016 |
159 | Econ_Prejudice | The Economics of Ethnic Prejudice | 2015 |
160 | Becoming Men | Becoming Men: Performing responsible masculinities in contemporary urban Africa | 2015 |
161 | DISABILITY | Rethinking Disability: the Global Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Historical Perspective | 2015 |
162 | POLITICALMIND | Explaining Politicians' and Voters' Behavior | 2015 |
163 | MALMECC | Music and Late Medieval European Court Cultures: Towards a Trans-Disciplinary and Post-National Cultural Poetics of the Performative Arts | 2016 |
164 | NorFish | North Atlantic Fisheries: An Environmental History, 1400-1700 | 2016 |
165 | ScienceSquared | ERC = ScienceSquared | 2015 |
166 | CAPTOR | Collective Awareness Platform for Tropospheric Ozone Pollution | 2016 |
167 | PresConfLuxDec | Innovative Enterprise Conference on Circular Economy and Access to Risk Finance | 2015 |
168 | CHEOPS | Production technology to achieve low Cost and Highly Efficient phOtovoltaic Perovskite Solar cells | 2016 |
169 | NOTRE | Network for sOcial compuTing REsearch (NOTRE) | 2016 |
170 | DISCOVERY | Dialogues on ICT to Support COoperation Ventures and Europe-North AmeRica (Canada and USA) sYnergies | 2016 |
171 | SocialMedia | Social Media, Political Participation, and Accountability | 2016 |
172 | MigrantParents | Reproducing Europe: Migrant Parenting and Questions of Citizenship | 2015 |
173 | WORKINMINING | Reinventing paternalism. The micropolitics of work in the mining companies of Central Africa | 2015 |
174 | COMPROP | Computational Propaganda:Investigating the Impact of Algorithms and Bots on Political Discourse in Europe | 2016 |
175 | Local State | State Formation Through the Local Production of Property and Citizenship | 2016 |
176 | K4U | Knowledge For Use [K4U]: Making the Most of Social Science to Build Better Policies | 2015 |
177 | MARKLIM | Markets and their limits | 2016 |
178 | CIVILWARS | Social Dynamics of Civil Wars | 2016 |
179 | AFRIGOS | African Governance and Space: Transport Corridors, Border Towns and Port Cities in Transition | 2016 |
180 | ASSET | Instant Gratification for Collective Awareness and Sustainable Consumerism | 2016 |
181 | ProACT | Integrated Technology Ecosystem for ProACTive Patient Centred Care | 2016 |
183 | PRUV | Preparedness and Resilience to address Urban Vulnerability | 2016 |
184 | SEEMLA | Sustainable exploitation of biomass for bioenergy from marginal lands in Europe | 2016 |
185 | COURAGE | Cultural Opposition: Understanding the Cultural Heritage of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries | 2016 |
186 | CoHERE | Critical Heritages: performing and representing identities in Europe | 2016 |
187 | POWER | Political and sOcial awareness on Water EnviRonmental challenges | 2015 |
188 | FEUTURE | The Future of EU-Turkey Relations. Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios | 2016 |
189 | EU-STRAT | EU-STRAT - The EU and Eastern Partnership Countries: An Inside-Out Analysis and Strategic Assessment | 2016 |
190 | SIREN | Securing Internet Routing from the Ground Up | 2016 |
191 | MedReset | MEDRESET.A comprehensive, integrated,and bottom-up approach to reset our understanding of the Mediterranean space, remap the region,and reconstruct inclusive, responsive,and flexible EU policies in it | 2016 |
192 | FAB-MOVE | For a Better Tomorrow: Social Enterprises on the Move | 2016 |
194 | SuperSmart | Expertise hub for a market uptake of energy-efficient supermarkets by awareness raising, knowledge transfer and pre-preparation of an EU Ecolabel | 2016 |
195 | GLOBUS | Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice | 2016 |
196 | YOUNG_ADULLLT | Policies Supporting Young People in their Life Course. A Comparative Perspective of Lifelong Learning and Inclusion in Education and Work in Europe | 2016 |
198 | COHESIFY | The Impact of Cohesion Policy on EU Identification | 2016 |
199 | UNREST | Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe | 2016 |
200 | PREWArAs | The Dark Side of the Belle Époque. Political violence and Armed Associations in Europe before the First World War | 2016 |
201 | guarantEE | Energy Efficiency with Performance Guarantees in Private and Public Sector | 2016 |
202 | GEMCLIME | Global Excellence in Modelling of Climate and Energy | 2016 |
203 | War and Supernature | War and the Supernatural in Early Modern Europe | 2016 |
204 | EL-CSID | European Leadership in Cultural, Science and Innovation Diplomacy | 2016 |
205 | MICA | Mineral Intelligence Capacity Analysis | 2015 |
207 | IMMIGRANTS | The Effects of Media News about Immigrants on Majority’s Attitudes and Behaviors towards Immigrants | 2017 |
208 | LONGPOP | Methodologies and Data mining techniques for the analysis of Big Data based on Longitudinal Population and Epidemiological Registers | 2016 |
209 | SOILCARE | Soil Care for profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe | 2016 |
210 | PROFIT | Promoting Financial Awareness and Stability | 2016 |
211 | STOREandGO | Innovative large-scale energy STOragE technologies AND Power-to-Gas concepts after Optimisation | 2016 |
212 | WPolitical | Wittgenstein and Political Theory | 2016 |
213 | CASSPIN | Comparative Analysis of Social Spaces in Post-Industrial Nations | 2016 |
214 | POLICIES_FOR_PEACE | The economics of lasting peace: The role of policies and institutions | 2016 |
215 | Token Communities | Token Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean | 2016 |
216 | INATTENTION | Behavioral and Policy Implications of Rational Inattention | 2016 |
217 | JUDI-ARCH | The Rise of Judicial Self-Government: Changing the Architecture of Separation of Powers without an Architect | 2016 |
218 | SNSNEWS | The new flow of news : how social network sites transform news organization and citizens political behavior | 2016 |
219 | MMS-II | The Mamlukisation of the Mamluk Sultanate II: historiography, political order and state formation in fifteenth-century Egypt and Syria | 2017 |
220 | BPI | Bayesian Peer Influence: Group Beliefs, Polarisation and Segregation | 2016 |
221 | CONSERVATION | The Economics and Politics of Conservation | 2016 |
222 | ArtMedGIS | Analysis of the Artistic Exchanges in the Medieval Mediterranean between 12th and 15th Centuries through the Geographical Information Systems (GIS): A Critical Review of Centre and Peripheries | 2016 |
223 | RE-FRUIT | “Rehabilitation: Family Role within the UK in comparison to Turkey” | 2016 |
224 | SCALABLE DEMOCRACY | Can Direct Democracy Be Scaled? The Promise of Networked Democracy and the Affordances of Decision-Making Software | 2016 |
225 | IGATO | The introduction of the glaze in al-Andalus: technological waves and Oriental influences | 2016 |
226 | Female Empowerment | “The Role of Urbanization in Female Empowerment: the Turkish Case in Comparative Perspective” | 2016 |
227 | FRANCOBRIT | The Outbreak of the Wars of Religion: a Franco-British History (1547-1572) | 2016 |
228 | COEED | The Court of Elizabeth I – A European Drama | 2016 |
229 | URBANet | Urban networks: multidisciplinary research into the formation of early urban societies in Campania (Italy) | 2016 |
230 | AGENTSEGET | Itinerant Cultural Agents in Early Modern Europe and the Scotsman Thomas Seget: A Case-Study | 2016 |
231 | Phenclass | Ancient Philosophy and the Emergence of European Thought: Phenomenology in Conversation with Classical Studies | 2016 |
232 | JUSECON | Legal rights and the political economy of debt and austerity in Europe | 2017 |
233 | EvoNIN | Unraveling key genetic innovations behind the emergence of the root-nodule symbiosis | 2017 |
234 | HURIME | Human Rights in the Post-Uprisings Middle East: Emerging Discourses and Practices in Egypt and Tunisia | 2017 |
235 | FFABFORCE | The Free French and the British Forces: a case study of transnational military cooperation, 1940-1945 | 2016 |
236 | Garibaldinism | Garibaldinism and radicalism: Traditions of transnational war volunteering in Southern Europe, 1861-1936 | 2016 |
237 | EUROSOCIAL | Connected Transitions: Social Democratic Party Networks and the Crisis of the Keynesian Compromise in Europe | 2017 |
238 | Labour and Migration | British workers emigrating to industrialising Europe, 1815-c.1870 | 2016 |
239 | Exile and Technology | Austro-German exile in America 1930-45: interrogating the relationship between science, technology and modern selfhood in cultural and musical discourses. | 2016 |
240 | DINEQ | Tracking discoursal shift in news media representation of economic inequality: developing and applying corpus linguistic and critical discourse analysis methods | 2016 |
241 | STUSOCSTA | Students, social change and the construction of the post-independence Algerian state, 1962-1978 | 2016 |
242 | NARS | Novel ecological adsorbent using Schwertmannite material for Removal of Selenate and Selenite from contaminated water | 2016 |
243 | Mapping Anna | The Politics of Cultural Exchange: Anna of Denmark and the Uses of European Identity | 2017 |
245 | ANTILGBT | Anti-LGBT organising and its transnational dynamics: The case of the Balkans | 2016 |
246 | TRANSITION-FRICTION | Transition Friction in the Ecuadorian Amazon: A Green Economy Ethnography | 2017 |
247 | ChroMoLEME | The Character of Monastic Landscapes in Early Medieval Europe | 2016 |
248 | eLection | Evaluating the performance of local climate policies in Mexico (2009-2018) | 2017 |
249 | EARTHSCAPES | From Landscapes to Earthscapes: Understanding Visual Cultures of Global Environmental Crisis and the Making of Global Environmental Images, 1945-present (EARTHSCAPES) | 2017 |
250 | HealingFromEnclosure | Healing from Enclosure: A Political Agroecology of a Science-and-Society Potato Controversy in Belgium | 2017 |
251 | WORKRETHINK | Rethinking Work: Intellectual Responses to the 2008 Financial Crisis in French Film and Media | 2016 |
252 | GATED | Segregated education in post-conflict Bosnia and the possibilities of future conflicts in Europe | 2016 |
253 | CLIMCONFLICT | Historical Dynamics of Violence, Conflict and Extreme Weather in Medieval Ireland | 2016 |
254 | SRR | Sovereignty and the Right to Regulate | 2017 |
255 | BIGSSS-departs | Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences - Doctoral Education in Partnerships | 2016 |
256 | Open Science | NESCIO: NEtherlands Science Conference on Inclusive Open science | 2016 |
257 | LCCMcons | Using Land Cover Change Models to Address Important Conservation Issues | 2016 |
258 | INDSOC | Individualising Socialism. Individual Agency and Social Change in Socialist Yugoslavia's Periphery, 1950s-1970s | 2017 |
259 | INVISIBLE WATERS | Visualizing aquifers: sustainable water use in the Atacama Desert and beyond | 2017 |
260 | CSR_MEMORY | Corporate (ir)responsibility and the politics of collective memory. | 2016 |
261 | TECHSUS | Technology for Sustainability in Organisations: Case Studies on Agricultural Production | 2017 |
262 | TibArmy | The Tibetan Army of the Dalai Lamas (1642-1959) | 2016 |
264 | WATERSPOUTT | Water - Sustainable Point-Of-Use Treatment Technologies | 2016 |
265 | PROMISE | PROMoting youth Involvement and Social Engagement: Opportunities and challenges for 'conflicted' young people across Europe | 2016 |
266 | CLISEL | Climate Security with Local Authorities (CLISEL) From insecurity takers to security makers: mobilizing local authorities to secure the EU against the impacts of climate change in Third Countries | 2016 |
267 | | Strengthening the Capabilities and Training Curricula for Conflict Prevention and Peace Building Personnel with ICT-based Collaboration and Knowledge Approaches | 2016 |
268 | FLAME | Fragility and Geopolitics in the Middle East and North Africa | 2016 |
269 | PrinTeam | Political knowledge as teamwork: The Academy of Zamość print shop (1594-1627) | 2016 |
270 | YOUTHBLOCS | Youth illegal political involvement in an intergenerational perspective | 2016 |
271 | EDU-DEM | Democratization through Education? The role of education in strengthening civil agency and voice in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Case study: Uganda) | 2016 |
272 | SAMA | Spaces of Anti-Muslim Acts in the Greater Paris and Greater London regions | 2016 |
273 | DSMM | “(De) Securitising Muslims in Cyber space: Social Media, Civil society and Marginalisation After Charlie Hebdo and the Islamic State” | 2016 |
274 | Legitimacy | Legitimacy, Sovereignty and the Public Sphere | 2017 |
275 | IEA | International Environmental Agreements -An Integrated Approach | 2017 |
276 | GROUNDHR | Challenges of Grounding Universal Human Rights. Indigenous epistemologies of human rights and intercultural dialogue in consultation processes on natural resource exploitation | 2016 |
277 | PROPERA | The Profanation of Opera: Music and Drama on Film | 2017 |
278 | POSEC | Postsecular Conflicts and the role of Russian Orthodoxy in the transnational alliances of moral conservative traditionalists | 2016 |
279 | DAFNE | DAFNE: Use of a Decision-Analytic Framework to explore the water-energy-food NExus in complex and trans-boundary water resources systems of fast growing developing countries. | 2016 |
280 | DemocInChange | Effects of Institutional Change on Participatory Democracy and the Involvement of Civil Society Organisations | 2017 |
281 | BroWoun | Brothers in Wounds: Italy's Disabled Veterans in Transnational Perspective (1917-1939) | 2016 |
282 | TRACER | Tree Roots: an analytical ‘culture’ of economy and religion – case-study Egypt 2050-1550 BC. | 2016 |
283 | INCOMMON | In praise of community: shared creativity in arts and politics in Italy (1959-1979) | 2016 |
284 | BAR2LEGAB | Women travelling to seek abortion care in Europe: the impact of barriers to legal abortion on women living in countries with ostensibly liberal abortion laws | 2016 |
285 | RomaInterbellum | Roma Civic Emancipation Between The Two World Wars | 2016 |
286 | LAWALISI | Law, Authority and Learning in Imami Shi'ite Islam | 2016 |
287 | DySoMa | The Dynamics of Solidarity on Madagascar: An Ethnography of Political Conflicts and Appeasement Strategies in the Context of a Pronounced Consens Norm | 2016 |
288 | BUSWEL | Why is Business in Some Countries More Hostile to Social Redistribution than in Others? | 2016 |
289 | VAMOS | The value of mothers to society: responses to motherhood and child rearing practices in prehistoric Europe | 2016 |
290 | Outgroup | Consequences of out-group conflict | 2016 |
291 | DEBUNKER | The Problem of European Misperceptions in Politics, Health, and Science:Causes, Consequences, and the Search for Solutions | 2016 |
292 | EMBEDDING CONQUEST | Embedding Conquest: Naturalising Muslim Rule in the Early Islamic Empire (600-1000) | 2017 |
293 | PROGRESS | Priorities for Addressing Opportunities and Gaps of Industrial Biotechnology for an efficient use of funding resources | 2016 |
294 | MINDPICS | When a Profile is worth more than a Thousand of Hashtags: Automatic Inference of Personality Traits based on Images Shared in Social Networks | 2016 |
295 | GW-FortyForty | Gaia-Wind's Advanced Small Wind Turbine FortyForty | 2016 |
296 | PRODRIVE | Production-Ready Oriented Development of Radically Innovative Vehicle Electric drive | 2016 |
297 | STATE | Lordship and the Rise of States in Western Europe, 1300-1600 | 2016 |
298 | ComparingCopperbelt | Comparing the Copperbelt: Political Culture and Knowledge Production in Central Africa | 2016 |
299 | SFS | Situating Free Speech: European parrhesias in comparative perspective | 2016 |
300 | PERCEIVE | Perception and Evaluation of Regional and Cohesion policies by Europeans and Identification with the Values of Europe | 2016 |
301 | EMoBookTrade | The Early Modern Book Trade: An Evidence-based Reconstruction of the Economic and Juridical Framework of the European Book Market | 2016 |
302 | PROTEGO | Procedural Tools for Effective Governance (PROTEGO) Patterns, Outcomes and Policy DesignProcedural Tools for Effective Growth: Patterns, Outcomes and policy Design | 2016 |
303 | PHOTODEMOS | Citizens of photography: the camera and the political imagination | 2016 |
304 | CBTC | The Resurgence in Wage Inequality and Technological Change: A New Approach | 2016 |
305 | ASYFAIR | Fair and Consistent Border Controls? A Critical, Multi-methodological and Interdisciplinary Study of Asylum Adjudication in Europe | 2016 |
306 | BROKERS | Participatory Urban Governance between Democracy and Clientelism: Brokers and (In)formal Politics | 2016 |
307 | PERFORMART | Promoting, Patronising and Practising the Arts in Roman Aristocratic Families (1644-1740). The Contribution of Roman Family Archives to the History of Performing Arts | 2016 |
308 | APOLOGY | Political Apologies across Cultures | 2016 |
309 | MAPLE | Measuring and Analysing the Politicisation of Europe before and after the Eurozone Crisis | 2016 |
310 | Persia and Babylonia | Persia and Babylonia: Creating a New Context for Understanding the Emergence of the First World Empire | 2017 |
311 | CONPOL | Contexts, networks and participation: The social logic of political engagement | 2016 |
312 | GEPPS | Globalization, Economic Policy and Political Structure | 2016 |
314 | IFAMID | Institutional Family Demography | 2016 |
315 | partydemocracy | The Birth of Party Democracy. The Emergence of Mass Parties and the Choice of Electoral Laws in Europe and North America (1870-1940) | 2017 |
316 | CROSSLOCATIONS | Crosslocations in the Mediterranean: rethinking the socio-cultural dynamics of relative positioning | 2016 |
317 | PolEc | The Political Economy of Power Relations | 2016 |
318 | BodyCapital | The healthy self as body capital: Individuals, market-based societies and body politics in visual twentieth century Europe. | 2016 |
319 | SENSOTRA | Sensory Transformations and Transgenerational Environmental Relationships in Europe, 1950–2020 | 2016 |
321 | MWDIR | Media Warfare and the Discourse of Islamic Revival: The Case of the Islamic State (IS) | 2017 |
322 | BMX-11 | Providing Antifouling Additives for Marine Paints Inspired by Nature and Engineered for Industries | 2016 |
323 | OurMythicalChildhood | Our Mythical Childhood... The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges | 2016 |
324 | MEDIATE | Middlebrow Enlightenment: Disseminating Ideas, Authors, and Texts in 18th-century Europe | 2016 |
325 | PrivatePieties | Private Pieties, Mundane Islam and New Forms of Muslim Religiosity: Impact on Contemporary Social and Political Dynamics | 2016 |
326 | HypoFlam | Targeting hypothalamic inflammation in obesity and diabetes | 2016 |
327 | Operation Condor | Operation Condor: Accountability for Transnational Crimes in Uruguay | 2016 |
328 | RuKNOW | Knowledge on International Relations in Russia | 2016 |
329 | ARTIVISM | Art and Activism : Creativity and Performance as Subversive Forms of Political Expression in Super-Diverse Cities | 2016 |
330 | CAPRI | Children and Adolescents with PaRental mental Illness: Understanding the ‘who’ and ‘how’ of targeting interventions | 2016 |
331 | GEOFIN | Western banks in Eastern Europe: New geographies of financialisation | 2016 |
332 | Gandhian Politics | Re-Exploring the Logic of Gandhian Violence: Gandhi and his Followers in the Quit India Movement, Bengal 1942-45 | 2016 |
333 | LandGrab | Processes of indigenous community resistance to large extractive projects and their struggles for autonomy in Chile and Peru | 2016 |
334 | PENNY | Psychological, social and financial barriers to energy efficiency | 2016 |
336 | EIPIN IS | European Intellectual Property Institutes Network - Innovation Society | 2017 |
337 | PLATO | The Post-crisis Legitimacy of the European Union European Training Network | 2017 |
338 | CONTEXT | COllaborative Network for Training and EXpertise in psychoTraumatology | 2016 |
339 | CHEurope | Critical Heritage Studies and the Future of Europe_Towards an integrated, interdisciplinary and transnational training model in cultural heritage research and management | 2016 |
340 | ETHOS | Towards a European THeory Of juStice and fairness | 2017 |
341 | IN2TRACK | Research into enhanced tracks, switches and structures | 2016 |
342 | COFFERS | Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators | 2016 |
343 | EURYKA | Reinventing Democracy in Europe: Youth Doing Politics in Times of Increasing Inequalities | 2017 |
344 | EURO-EXPERT | Cultural Expertise in Europe: What is it useful for? | 2016 |
345 | ShaleSafe | Development of a monitoring system for inspection of soil and aquifer contamination by shalegas and fracking chemicals | 2016 |
346 | OBSTETRICVIOLENCE | Obstetric violence.The new goal for research, policies and human rights on childbirth | 2016 |
347 | ROBUST POLICY | Developing a robust decision making framework for climate change policy under uncertainty | 2016 |
348 | IMAJINE | Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe | 2017 |
349 | REMINDER | Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates and EU Reforms | 2017 |
351 | ENERGISE | European Network for Research, Good Practice and Innovation for Sustainable Energy | 2016 |
352 | ViEWS | The Violence Early-Warning System: Building a Scientific Foundation for Conflict Forecasting | 2017 |
353 | POLEMIG | Being a politically active emigrant. The political structuring of the French and Italians abroad: a comparative analysis of mobile citizens | 2017 |
355 | DIAL | Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-Course: structures and processes | 2016 |
356 | urban-rev politics | The Urban Revolution and the Political | 2016 |
357 | EU-MACS | European Market for Climate Services | 2016 |
358 | WELFAREPRIORITIES | Welfare state politics under pressure: Identifying priorities, trade-offs and reform opportunities among citizens, political and economic elites | 2017 |
359 | INJECT | Innovative Journalism: Enhanced Creativity Tools | 2017 |
360 | SABINA | SmArt BI-directional multi eNergy gAteway | 2016 |
361 | ECOSOCPOL | Social and Political Economics: Theory and Evidence | 2016 |
362 | SYRIANBORDERS | The Fall of a Colonial Legacy: A Modern History of Syrian Borders (1920-2015) | 2016 |
363 | TRANSNATIONALaw | Transnationalism and Unofficial Law: The Case of Kurds in Turkey and Germany | 2017 |
364 | CORPLINK | Corporate Arbitrage and CPL Maps: Hidden Structures of Controls in the Global Economy | 2016 |
365 | AGATM | A Global Anthropology of Transforming Marriage | 2017 |
367 | RICA | Reputation Matters in the Regulatory State: Re-thinking the Fundamentals of Regulatory Independence, Credibility and Accountability | 2017 |
368 | TRIPOD | The transition to a renewable electricity system and its interactions with other policy aims | 2017 |
369 | QUALIDEM | Eroding Democracies. A qualitative (re-)appraisal of how policies shape democratic linkages in Western democracies | 2017 |
370 | GoOpti | GoOpti – Profitable, Smart and Professional DRT over Long Distances | 2016 |
371 | Octopus Technology | Octopus Technology: Shale gas and tight oil drilling technology evolution - 100’s micro laterals drilled simultaneously to maximise well productivity | 2016 |
372 | ONLINERPOL | Faith Online: Transnational Religious Politics on New Media in India and Europe | 2017 |
373 | SOCIALBOND | Social integration and boundary making in adolescence | 2017 |
374 | LEVIATHAN | Taming the Leviathan? Legal and Political Accountability in 'Post-Crisis' EU Economic Governance | 2017 |
375 | STRENGTHS | Fostering responsive mental health systems in the Syrian refugee crisis | 2017 |
376 | BIOSEC | Biodiversity and Security: understanding environmental crime, illegal wildlife trade and threat finance. | 2016 |
377 | TARICA | PoliTical And socioinstitutional change in NoRth AfrICA: competition of models and diversity of national trajectories | 2017 |
378 | HPHS | The History and Politics of Human Shields | 2018 |
379 | CITIZINGLOBAL | Citizens, Institutions and Globalization | 2017 |
380 | CoSaQ | Cognitive Semantics and Quantities | 2017 |
381 | ALICE | AcceLerate Innovation in urban wastewater management for Climate changE | 2017 |
382 | EXPOVIBE | Exposure to Political Violence and Individual Behavior | 2017 |
383 | TransIt | Translating science in the long Italian Eighteenth-Century. The role of translators and publishers as “cultural mediators” (1760-1790s) | 2017 |
384 | OHS | On Human Shielding | 2017 |
385 | EmergingWelfare | The New Politics of Welfare: Towards an “Emerging Markets” Welfare State Regime | 2017 |
386 | RINGO | Readiness of ICOS for Necessities of integrated Global Observations | 2017 |
387 | Spatialec | Developing methods to model local area temporal domestic electricity demand | 2017 |
388 | MEXRES | Restoration and Faith: practicing religion and conservation in Mexico's historic churches | 2016 |
389 | COMPUS | Civic community and public space in the ancient Near East. The case of Hittite Anatolia at the end of the Late Bronze Age (14th-13th centuries BCE). | 2017 |
390 | PINQ | The psychology of inequality: Understanding the social, cognitive and motivational foundations of people's attitudes towards the distribution of power and resources in society. | 2017 |
391 | MICROFOUNDATIONS | Microfoundations of International Order | 2017 |
392 | TechPolChange | Technology and Political Change: Nuclear Power in the Post-Soviet Union | 2017 |
393 | ARAB PARLIAMENTS | The role of national parliaments in the Arab transformation processes | 2017 |
394 | ProcessCitizenship | Processing Citizenship: Digital registration of migrants as co-production of citizens, territory and Europe | 2017 |
395 | QUALITY | Qualitative and Quantitative Social Science: Unifying the Logic of Causal Inference? | 2017 |
396 | EURECON | The Making of a Lopsided Union: Economic Integration in the European Economic Community, 1957-1992 | 2017 |
397 | OCEAN_2G | Second Generation technologies in ocean Energy | 2017 |
398 | DemandDemoc | Demand for Democracy | 2017 |
399 | IDEM | In Defence of Experimental Medicine: Emotional Appeals and Medical Didacticism in Germany,Britain and North America, 1870-1914 | 2017 |
400 | ConflictNET | The Politics and Practice of Social Media in Conflict | 2017 |
401 | STRISOC | Mass Strikes and Social Movements in India and Brazil | 2017 |
402 | INWELCHAV | Intersectional Analyses of Welfare Chauvinism in Europe | 2017 |
403 | EUTWIC | European Travel Writing in Context. The Socio-Political Dimension of Travelogues 1760-1850 | 2017 |
404 | WARCAP | Fiscal capacity and warfare in Europe and Latin America in the long nineteenth century (1789-1913). | 2017 |
406 | CANCERSCREEN | Screening for cancer in the post-genomic era: diagnostic innovation and biomedicalisation in comparative perspective | 2017 |
407 | FASDEM | Failing and Successful Sequences of Democratization | 2017 |
408 | HETEROPOLITICS | Refiguring the Common and the Political | 2017 |
409 | BRINE MINING | Applying circular economy solutions in industrial wastewater management: request of SME Associate to develop the necessary energy simulation tools for recovery of waste heat from industrial operations | 2017 |
410 | INSPIrE | Intellectuals in History: Political Process and Cultural Impacts in Medieval Europe (14th and 15th centuries) | 2017 |
411 | LandsOfMeaning | Lands of Meaning. A Geographical Information System Study of Space and Social Praxis in Ancient Attika, Greece, from the Mycenaean Age to the birth of Democracy (1200-480 BC) | 2017 |
412 | AGORA | Alternative Grassroots Organizations as a Response to Austerity: perspectives from Southern Europe | 2017 |
413 | MYSOBIO | MYcenaean SOcial BIOarchaeology: Deciphering the interplay of funerary treatment and social dynamics in the Mycenaean period | 2018 |
414 | PE-FECATS | Pasteur's Empire - French Expertise, Colonialism, and Transnational Science | 2017 |
415 | REPLICIAS | Architectural replicas in the scramble for the past: Politics of identity in Istanbul, Athens, Skopje | 2017 |
416 | AJAPP | Writing Jewish History: Ancient Judaism as a Political Problem in Central Europe at the Rise of the Nation State | 2017 |
417 | CANT | Prepared for Every Fortune:Cynicism as an Analytical and Normative Perspective in Democratic Theory | 2017 |
418 | SufisEthicsDemocracy | Sufis Ethics and Democracy | 2017 |
419 | ConscriptedVolunteer | Conscripted Volunteering: An Ethnographic Study of Community Engagement Schemes in the Israeli Military | 2017 |
420 | T.A.MA | 'Sharing without Solidarity: Politics, Heritage and Pilgrimage in a Divided European Society' | 2017 |
421 | IMEX | Images in Exile:Gender and representations among Syrian Kurdish women in Norway | 2017 |
422 | ZooMWest | Zooarchaeology and Mobility in the Western Mediterranean: husbandry production from the Late Bronze Age to Late Antiquity | 2017 |
423 | LABOREP | Labor Market Segmentation and Political Participation | 2018 |
424 | PriWa | Prisoners of war between Bourbon nations and United Kingdom during the 18th Century: ways of life and humanity in misfortune | 2017 |
425 | MedRoute | On the route of multiculturalism(s). Marking and hybridizing identities in the late 17th and early 18th centuries Mediterranean port cities | 2017 |
426 | GeoMOP | Modern Geospatial Practices for Ancient Movement Praxis | 2018 |
427 | COPWOM | The Continuation of Politics with Other Means: War and Protest, 1914-2011 | 2017 |
428 | SABER CULTURAL | SAfeguarding Biodiversity and Ecosystem seRvices by integrating CULTURAL values in freshwater management: learning from MÄori | 2018 |
429 | Apricale | The impact of literary translation funding on the transnational mobility of minor European literatures. | 2017 |
430 | ILBIB | Ireland and Late-Georgian British Imaginings of Belonging: With Particular Reference to William Wordsworth | 2017 |
431 | TRAVELLING SOUNDS | Travelling Sounds: A cultural analysis of sonic artefacts in postcolonial Europe | 2018 |
432 | EUROFRONT | European Frontiers: Rural Spaces and Expanding States | 2017 |
433 | UNREP | Who Should Have a Say? Preferences for Unequal Representation | 2017 |
434 | GYSIART | A cultural history of comparative art practices and receptions in Cold War Europe (1945-1991) | 2018 |
435 | MigSol | Migration Solidarity and Acts of Citizenship along the Balkan Route | 2017 |
436 | TRANSCLASS | Transnational meanings and makings of class: Polish labour, capital and the state | 2017 |
437 | EVORULES | The cultural evolution and ecology of institutions: An integrated evolutionary approach to the interrelated rules that regulate human social organization and cooperation | 2017 |
438 | WEALTHPOL | The Politics of Wealth Inequality and Mobility in the Twenty-First Century | 2017 |
439 | CROWD_USG | Crowdsourcing Urban Sustainability Governance. Exploring innovative governance models for addressing urban sustainability through ICT-people interaction | 2017 |
441 | AGenDA | Civil society organizations and the politics of long-term care reform: coalitions and multiple inequalities | 2018 |
442 | EUEaPRU | Strategic U-Turns between the EU and Russia: Explanatory Prospects of Prospect Theory | 2018 |
443 | URBANiTE | Post-crisis urban governance transformations in Southern Europe: a comparativist approach | 2017 |
444 | RELMED | Electricity in the Mediterranean: Promoting good regulatory governance | 2017 |
445 | ATFM | Articulating the free market: A cultural history of the economic transformation in Central Europe, 1989-1999 | 2018 |
446 | RoyalCities | The King’s City: A Comparative Study of Royal Patronage in Assur, Nineveh, and Babylon in the First Millennium BCE | 2018 |
447 | MOBER | Maternal Obesity and Epigenetic Reprogramming: from Gametogenesis to Early Embryonic Development | 2017 |
448 | GLAZE | The use of glazing traditions to examine the dynamics of interaction between cultures in contact: A case study of Cypriot glazed wares from the 11th to 17th centuries AD | 2017 |
449 | IGR-IDS | Intergovernmental relations in divided societies | 2018 |
450 | CSPIWB | Learning under Conflict: Effects of political violence on the educational attainment of Palestinian students in the West Bank | 2017 |
451 | EGap | Epistemological Gaps in Cultural Theories of the Soviet East and Democratic West in the 1960s and 1970s | 2017 |
452 | UCOC | Understanding the Commitment in Organized Crime | 2018 |
453 | ACTrans | Accelerating Clinical Translation. Charting the Politics of Translation in the European Union | 2018 |
454 | ELWar | Electoral Legacies of War: Political Competition in Postwar Southeast Europe | 2017 |
455 | ARTEFACT | The Global as Artefact: Understanding the Patterns of Global Political History Through an Anthropology of Knowledge -- The Case of Agriculture in Four Global Systems from the Neolithic to the Present | 2017 |
456 | ERA | Expanding Rights in an Age of Retrenchment: Women, Social Movements and the Politics of Family Leave | 2017 |
457 | SOPRISEKEN | The Socialization of Private Sector Elites in Kenya | 2017 |
458 | PODI | Realizing the political rights of persons with disabilities | 2017 |
459 | TRANSFAIR | Unfair transitions? A critical examination low-carbon energy pathways in the EU from a domestic energy vulnerability perspective | 2018 |
460 | SARSESNA | Sustaining A Regional Screen Ecosystem In A Small Nation: Aarhus and the West Danish Film Fund, 2002-2019 | 2018 |
461 | BRASILIAE | Indigenous Knowledge in the Making of Science: Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648) | 2018 |
462 | BantuFirst | The First Bantu Speakers South of the Rainforest: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Human Migration, Language Spread, Climate Change and Early Farming in Late Holocene Central Africa | 2018 |
463 | SYRMAGINE | Syrian Imaginations of Europe | 2017 |
464 | UNCERTAINPOWER | Uncertain Power: Representing the king in the Portuguese empire (1640-1750) | 2017 |
465 | Trust Radius | The radius of Generalized Trust among different educational groups: Are those 'most people' out-groups? | 2018 |
466 | PASS | A Place for the Asylum Seekers. European migration policies and their socio-spatial impacts | 2018 |
467 | Lawforms | Forms of Law in the Early Modern Persianate World, 17th-19th centuries | 2017 |
468 | TRADEPOWER | Power in international trade negotiations | 2017 |
469 | POLBUSNETWORKS | Political and Business Networks | 2017 |
470 | VIRTUE | Wealth, Virtue and Social Justice in Contemporary Tibet | 2017 |
471 | CALOSEMA | Central Authority and Local Strenght in Early Middle Ages: Comparing social complexity in Northern Iberia and Central Italy (8th – 10th centuries) | 2017 |
472 | POLITRAITS | Politicians’ traits and public policies: learning how personal features influence fiscal outcomes | 2017 |
473 | REGAIN | REGionalism And INstututional dynamics in the EU | 2017 |
474 | USLAMISM | USLAMISM:The United States and Political Islam: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective. | 2017 |
475 | MIGRANT LAW RUSSIA | Migration, Shadow Economy and Parallel Legal Orders in Russia | 2018 |
476 | ULP.PILAEMA | Urban Landscapes of Power in the Iberian Peninsula from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages | 2018 |
477 | TARGET | TAking a Reflexive approach to Gender Equality for institutional Transformation | 2017 |
478 | InSPIRES | Ingenious Science shops to promote Participatory Innovation, Research and Equity in Science. | 2017 |
479 | SKILLNET | Sharing Knowledge In Learned and Literary Networks. The Republic of Letters as a Pan-European Knowledge Society | 2017 |
480 | FAIR LIMITS | Can Limitarianism Be Justified? A Philosophical Analysis of Limits on the Distribution of Economic and Ecological Resources | 2017 |
481 | AEGIS | Accelerating EU-US DialoGue for Research and Innovation in CyberSecurity and Privacy | 2017 |
482 | DAREnet | DAnube river region Resillience Exchange network | 2017 |
483 | RoadToBio | Roadmap for the Chemical Industry in Europe towards a Bioeconomy | 2017 |
484 | WoRD-DoME | Women's Economic Rights and Cultural Difference: Defining Development for the Middle East | 2017 |
485 | FarFish | Responsive Results-Based Management and capacity building for EU Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement- and international waters | 2017 |
486 | PATHS | The Paths of International Law: Stability and Change in the International Legal Order | 2017 |
487 | Group Agency | The Normative and Moral Foundations of Group Agency | 2017 |
488 | BaSaR | Beyond the Silk Road: Economic Development, Frontier Zones and Inter-Imperiality in the Afro-Eurasian World Region, 300 BCE to 300 CE | 2017 |
489 | PLANAGE | The Age of Planning. Planning as a paradigm for policy history of post-war Europe: national cases and the European integration process (1940s-1960s) | 2018 |
490 | POLITICO | Political Concepts in the World | 2018 |
491 | ENERGY ETHICS | The Ethics of Oil: Finance Moralities and Environmental Politics in the Global Oil Economy | 2017 |
492 | Struct. vs. Individ | The ‘Declining Significance of Gender’ Reexamined: Cross-Country Comparison of Individual and Structural Aspects of Gender Inequality | 2017 |
493 | POLITICS | The politics of anti-racism in Europe and Latin America: knowledge production, decision-making and collective struggles | 2017 |
494 | VERSUS | Violence Elites and Resilience in States Under Stress | 2017 |
495 | PRACTICIES | Partnership against violent radicalization in the cities | 2017 |
496 | STRCHANGEINEQ | Effects of Structural Change on Income Inequality | 2017 |
497 | EExres | Estonian Presidency Research Policy Conference ‘European Research Excellence - Impact and Value for the Society’ | 2017 |
498 | NBS2017 | Nature-based Solutions: From Innovation to Common-use | 2017 |
499 | Locus Ludi | Locus Ludi: The Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity | 2017 |
500 | MAT_STOCKS | Understanding the Role of Material Stock Patterns for the Transformation to a Sustainable Society | 2018 |
501 | POWERSHIFTS | Shifting political power: the nature and consequences of distributed renewable energy transitions | 2017 |
502 | Pydro Turbine | Energy-Recovery Turbine for Water Pipes | 2017 |
503 | Realist | Why do We Need a Realist Constitutional Theory to Study the Politics of Constitutional Change in the Middle East? | 2017 |
504 | ALTERUMMA | Creating an Alternative umma: Clerical Authority and Religio-political Mobilisation in Transnational Shii Islam | 2018 |
505 | EarlyModernCosmology | Institutions and Metaphysics of Cosmology in the Epistemic Networks of Seventeenth-Century Europe | 2017 |
506 | ACOSA | Breaking the Ice: INGOs as Arctic Council Observer Status Applicants | 2018 |
507 | HotPolitics | Politics isn’t cool, it’s hot! Do emotions influence political attitudes? | 2017 |
508 | SwiftC | A technology marketplace for hospitality compliance services that integrates with public sector authorities and relieves the burden of regulation for businesses | 2017 |
509 | UtilitEE | Utility Business Model Transformation through human-centric behavioural interventions and ICT tools for Energy Efficiency | 2017 |
510 | WEGO | Well-being, Ecology, Gender, and cOmmunity | 2018 |
511 | FATIGUE | Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe | 2018 |
512 | SALTGIANT | Understanding the Mediterranean Salinity Crisis | 2018 |
513 | BORDER | Towards a decentred history of the Middle East: Transborder spaces, circulations, frontier effects and state formation, 1920-1946 | 2017 |
514 | UneqDems | Unequal Democracies | 2017 |
515 | URBAN_CHINA | Urbanization in China's South-western Borderlands. The case of Jinghong, Xiguangbanna | 2018 |
516 | ENTPAR | Entangled Parliamentarisms: Constitutional Practices in Russia, Ukraine, China and Mongolia, 1905–2005 | 2018 |
517 | POWDER | Protest and Order. Democratic theory, contentious politics, and the changing shape of western democracies | 2018 |
518 | IneqPol | Inequality - Public Policy and Political Economy | 2018 |
519 | ANTHUSIA | Anthropology of Human Security in Africa | 2018 |
520 | EU-LISTCO | Europe's External Action and the Dual Challenges of Limited Statehood and Contested Orders | 2018 |
521 | RESPOND | RESPOND: Multilevel Governance of Mass Migration in Europe and Beyond | 2017 |
522 | CRIMTANG | Criminal Entanglements.A new ethnographic approach to transnational organised crime. | 2018 |
523 | EUROPOPULISM | European Integration, Populism and European Cities | 2017 |
524 | CCLAD | The Politics of Climate Change Loss and Damage | 2018 |
525 | RISK | Republics on the Stage of Kings. Representing Republican State Power in the Europe of Absolute Monarchies (late 16th - early 18th century) | 2018 |
526 | REF-MIG | Refugees are Migrants: Refugee Mobility, Recognition and Rights | 2018 |
527 | MIGRADEMO | Migration and Democratic Diffusion: Comparing the Impact of Migration on Democratic Participation and Processes in Countries of Origin | 2018 |
528 | EUCHILD | Understanding the impact of EU policies on the deinstitutionalization of child care in non-EU Eastern European countries | 2018 |
529 | Aural Paris | Aural Paris: The Changing Identities of The City of Sound in Music, Film and Literature, 1870-1940. | 2018 |
530 | GENDEMOTION | The Gendered Politics of Emotion in Austerity Ireland | 2017 |
531 | CALLIOPE | voCAL articuLations Of Parliamentary Identity and Empire | 2018 |
533 | N-T-AUTONOMY | Non-Territorial Autonomy as Minority Protection in Europe: An Intellectual and Political History of a Travelling Idea, 1850-2000 | 2018 |
534 | SWFsEUROPE | Legitimacy, Financialization, and Varieties of Capitalism: Understanding Sovereign Wealth Funds in Europe | 2018 |
535 | CEASEVAL | Evaluation of the Common European Asylum System under Pressure and Recommendations for Further Development | 2017 |
536 | TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA | Transition towards urban sustainability through socially integrative cities in the EU and in China | 2018 |
537 | SIRIUS | Skills and Integration of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Applicants in European Labour Markets | 2018 |
538 | RESPECT | Realizing Europe’s Soft Power in External Cooperation and Trade | 2018 |
539 | LEA | The first Large European Antenna with a diameter larger than 5 meters | 2017 |
541 | EIRENE | Post-war trasistions in gendered perspective: the case of the North-Eastern Adricatic Region | 2017 |
542 | MEDIACHINA | Social Media and Traditional Media in China: Political and Economic Effects | 2018 |
543 | MANANDNATURE | Man and Nature in Developing Countries | 2017 |
544 | MRECS | Managing Risk in Early Complex Societies in Syria-Palestine: An Investigation of Changing Animal Herding Strategies through the 4th-2nd Millennia BC Using Multi-Element Isotopic Analysis | 2018 |
545 | GEMS | The World of the Gáidhealtachd and the origins of the Early Modern British State, 1513-1594. | 2018 |
546 | BOOST | Building social and emotional skills to BOOST mental health resilience in children and young people in Europe | 2018 |
547 | HumanTrafficking | Human Trafficking: A Labor Perspective | 2018 |
548 | WorkOD | Work on Demand: Contracting for Work in a Changing Economy | 2018 |
549 | HEFT | Hidden Emissions of Forest Transitions: GHG effects of socio-metabolic processes reducingpressures on forests | 2018 |
550 | POLEMIC | Politics and Emotions Investigated Comparatively | 2018 |
551 | SCHOOLPOL | The Transformation of Post-War Education: Causes and Effects | 2018 |
552 | BSP | Belief Systems Project | 2018 |
553 | DISCOMPOSE | Disasters, Communication and Politics in South-Western Europe: the Making of Emergency Response Policies in the Early Modern Age | 2018 |
555 | INFACT | Innovative, Non-invasive and Fully Acceptable Exploration Technologies | 2017 |
556 | MIREU | Mining and Metallurgy Regions of EU | 2017 |
557 | ECDP | European Cohort Development Project | 2018 |
558 | RESISTANCE | Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries | 2018 |
559 | ASUNDER | Environmental subjects, conflicts and commodity frontiers | 0 |
560 | BETWEEN THE TIMES | “Between the Times”: Embattled Temporalities and Political Imagination in Interwar Europe | 2018 |
561 | ASA | Understanding Statehood through Architecture: a comparative study of Africa's state buildings | 2018 |
562 | BELS-PLUS | Continuing Building European Links toward South East Asia in the field of GNSS - PLUS | 2018 |
563 | FANDANGO | FAke News discovery and propagation from big Data ANalysis and artificial intelliGence Operations | 2018 |
564 | READCHINA | The Politics of Reading in the People’s Republic of China | 2018 |
565 | INDILANGHISTCULT | Indigenous Language, History and Culture: Politics, Writing and the Decolonization of Knowledge amongst the Maya in Chiapas, Mexico, 1970-2015 | 2018 |
566 | TEEWood | Technologically Enhanced European Wood for Substituting Endangered Tropical Woods | 2018 |
567 | PROSEU | PROSumers for the Energy Union: mainstreaming active participation of citizens in the energy transition | 2018 |
568 | TextileLab | Race to the bottom? Family labour, household livelihood and consumption in the relocation of global cotton manufacturing, ca. 1750-1990 | 2018 |
569 | EUGenDem | Gender, party politics and democracy in Europe: A study of European Parliament's party groups | 2018 |
570 | BJW | When saying the world is just backfires: elites' expression of the belief in a just world, perceived immorality, moral outrage and punishment wishes | 2018 |
571 | CHILECTO | Measuring Convergence and Divergence in Varieties of Chinese: A Lectometric Approach | 2018 |
572 | NetRom | Early Marriage between Dynamism of Social Network and Legal Autonomy: The case of transnational Romanian Roma | 2018 |
573 | CRAFT | To Craft an Authoritarian Regime: Politicisation of Civil Society and the Judiciary in Turkey | 2019 |
574 | AFFIRMATIVE | Affirmative Post-Cinema: Narrative and Aesthetic Responses to Gender and Power | 2018 |
575 | INFRAGLOB | AFRICA's ‘INFRASTRUCTURE GLOBALITIES’: Rethinking the Political Geographies of Economic Hubs from the Global South | 2018 |
576 | MISFIRES | Misfires and Market Innovation: Toward a Collaborative Turn in Organising Markets | 2018 |
577 | KurdishWomen | From Kurdistan to Europe: Kurdish Literary, Artistic and Cultural Activism by Kurdish Women Intellectuals | 2018 |
578 | REJREG | Rejection Regimes: An Ethnographic Study of the Social Life of Intra-EU Border Regimes | 2018 |
579 | DIPLOWAR | Hybrid Practices of Diplomacy and Warfare | 2018 |
580 | CULTRAMACY | Normalizing a Difficult Past? Cultural trauma and collective memory in Austria and Croatia | 2019 |
581 | SPACES | Sex, disPlacements, And cross-Cultural EncounterS | 2018 |
583 | The Human Imprint | The Human Imprint: Western and Chinese Anthropocene Fictions | 2018 |
584 | SPIKE | Specialization in the Knowledge Economy | 2018 |
585 | NEW_WAY | New speakers and use of Russian in the Northern Norway | 2018 |
586 | LEADERPROFILE | Assessing positive and destructive leadership on multiple dimensions: How to better understand and improve the behaviour of the people who lead us. | 2018 |
587 | BIVIUM | Standing at the Crossroads: Doubt in Early Modern Italy (1500-1560) | 2018 |
588 | CHANCE | Climate cHange mitigAtioN poliCies and Equality: distributional implications for different socio-economic groups | 2019 |
589 | CIOP | Centrifugal Instability in the Orkney Passage | 2018 |
590 | COINE | Counterfeiting Empire: Money, Crime, and Politics in the British Atlantic World | 2018 |
591 | CUREORCURSE | Non-elected politics. Cure or Curse for the Crisis of Representative Democracy? | 2018 |
592 | DECON | Deconstruction as Critical Method in Political Theory | 2019 |
593 | DEPART | DEmocratic PARticipation in Territorial states | 2018 |
594 | DESIGN | Design Thinking in Defence Organisations: The Promises and Dangers of Intellectual Emancipation in the Management of Violence | 2019 |
595 | DFitHH | Digital Forensics in the Historical Humanities: Hanif Kureishi, The Mass Observation Archive, Glyn Moody | 2018 |
596 | Divided communities | Communities Under Siege: Everyday Challenges in the Divided City of Jerusalem | 2018 |
597 | DYCODE | The Dynamics of Constructive Deliberation | 2018 |
598 | EXPO | Citizens exposed to dissimilar views in the media: investigating backfire effects | 2018 |
599 | NUCLEAR | Nuclear Weapons ChoicesGoverning vulnerabilities between past and future | 2018 |
600 | NEW_DEMOCRACY | Meeting Great Expectations Through Democratic Innovations | 2018 |
601 | SEA | The Social Epistemology of Argumentation | 2018 |
602 | SpaceLaw | Law, Governance and Space: Questioning the Foundations of the Republican Tradition | 2018 |
603 | JUSTINT | Justice Interactions and Peacebuilding: From Static to Dynamic Discourses across National, Ethnic, Gender and Age Groups | 2018 |
604 | RURALIMAGINATIONS | Imagining the Rural in a Globalizing World | 2018 |
605 | ASIAPAST | From herds to empire: Biomolecular and zooarchaeological investigations of mobile pastoralism in the ancient Eurasian steppe | 2018 |
606 | HEforR Forum | Third Sector Involvement in Higher Education for Refugees - a Forum Theatre Approach | 2019 |
607 | PERSONA | Privacy, ethical, regulatory and social no-gate crossing point solutions acceptance | 2018 |
608 | IMMIGINTEGR | The Role of the Welfare State in the Integration of Immigrants: Comparative Analysis of Latino Communities in Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States | 2018 |
609 | FMSystem | The European Fiscal-Military System 1530-1870 | 2018 |
610 | Genealogical thought | Genealogical Thinking in Nietzsche's Wake (19th-21st Centuries) | 2019 |
611 | SurvCom | Surveilling Communities: Public office holders and popular control in Southern Europe (13th-15th century) | 2018 |
612 | Lingua | The Early Romantic Theory of Language: Experimental linguistics around 1800 | 2019 |
613 | NUCLITEX | Producing transnational nuclear expertise in Italy (1955-1987): a historical-ethnographic approach | 2019 |
614 | R-I PEERS | Pilot experiences for improving gender equality in research organisations | 2018 |
615 | PRO-RES | PROmoting integrity in the use of RESearch results | 2018 |
616 | ReMedPsy | Re-emerging Magic Molecules: The Medicalization of Psychedelics in the United States | 2018 |
617 | SAFVEN | West meets East in Venice: Cross-cultural interactions and reciprocal influences between theSafavids and Venetians | 2019 |
618 | GO Religioscapes | Churches, Arks of Migratory Narratives: A Comparative Study of the Greek-Orthodox Religioscapes in Germany and Great Britain | 2018 |
619 | SOCRES | Social Republicanism in XIXth c. Spain | 2019 |
620 | POPULARITAS | Popularitas : pursuit of consensus and populism in ancient Rome | 2018 |
621 | ILLR | Intellectual Life and Learning on Rhodes (168BC-AD44) | 2018 |
623 | GenderQuotas | Gender Quotas and the Democratic Quality of Local Decision-Making Processes in Clientelistic Regimes | 2018 |
624 | AnticipatoryLedgers | Anticipatory design and ethical framework for Distributed Ledger Technologies (blockchain or DAG) and applications (smart contracts, IoTs and supply chain) | 2018 |
625 | ARTDEL | The Art of Deleting: A Study of Erasure Poetry, Practices of Control, Surveillance, and Censorship | 2018 |
626 | FORAGEKID | Foraging Behavior in children: A new way to understand attentional development | 2018 |
627 | ANTICORPOL | New dimensions and approaches to anti-corruption policy | 2018 |
628 | Queer Muslim Spaces | Queer Muslim Asylum Spaces: Between Righfulness and Rightlessness within Germany's Hetero- and Homonormative Asylum System | 2018 |
629 | PEDAS | The Political Economy of Data: Comparing the Asian Giants | 2018 |
630 | ION | Information Diffusion on Networks | 2019 |
631 | ROMPAST | Two Paths of a Shared Past: Memory and Representation of the Nazi Genocide of Roma in Belarus and Lithuania | 2018 |
632 | MInMUS | Migration Policy in Multilevel Political Settings. City Network in Europe and North America | 2018 |
633 | MigRural | Return mobilities to rural Portugal: an assessment of the production of place | 2018 |
634 | TokAthe | Tokens and their Cultural Biography in Athens from the Classical Age to the End of Antiquity | 2018 |
635 | PFoGMH | The Prussian Fathers of Greek Military History | 2018 |
636 | Humanist Marxism | “The Humanist Marxist Tradition”: The Humanist Legacy of Marx’s 1844 Manuscripts | 2018 |
637 | TENUMECA | The technopolitics of nuclear megaproject pathologies, economic controversies and varieties of socioeconomic appraisal | 2019 |
638 | ArcticLabourTime | Investing in the Arctic: the affective and temporal contradictions of work, mobility and inequality in northern peripheries | 2018 |
639 | IDCLOTHING | Clothing, fashion and nation building in the Land of Israel | 2019 |
640 | WPMF | Women, Politics and Media Framing (WPMF) in the UK and in Israel – Tackling Western Democracies' Gender Inequality in Politics | 2018 |
641 | MATISSE | Post-crisis urban transformations in Madrid and Athens; a comparative approach | 2019 |
642 | WONT-HATE | Online Hate against European Women Leaders: a Corpus-Assisted Multimodal Critical Analysis | 2019 |
643 | FIRE | Fighting Insurgency, Ruining the Environment: towards an understanding of the causal relationship between conflict and forest fires | 2018 |
644 | TRANSIMAMS | Spreading Whose Word? Transnational Imams, Religion and Politics in Turkey’s Mosques Abroad (France, UK, USA) | 2018 |
645 | PISA | Political Instruction in the Soviet Armed Forces: Civil-Military Relations in War and Socialist Construction, 1918-1942 | 2018 |
646 | PolArist | The Fragmentary Constitutions of Aristotle | 2019 |
647 | MIGREMOV | Movements, Migration and Emotion: East/West Mobility, Transnational Bonding, and Political Identities in Polish Activists' Biographies | 2018 |
648 | SHIPWORM | 'A transregional and interdisciplinary study of the societal impact of the shipworm epidemic in the North Sea region in the eighteenth century' | 2018 |
649 | REGinTRAN | Advanced manufacturing and the transition of regional economies: institutions, social regulation and development in Apulia and Lower Silesia | 2018 |
650 | INRES | Inquiring gaps, discrepancies and contradictions in response to domestic gender-based violence. Gender relationships, practical norms and public services in Senegal. | 2018 |
651 | FSCF | Alternative Families Social Change: An interdisciplinary and cross-national study | 2018 |
652 | EUSKOR | Europe, the United States and the Crisis on the KORean Peninsula: Between a Rock and a Hard Place | 2018 |
653 | TRANSURBICIDE | Transition urbicide: Post-conflict reconstruction in post-socialist Belgrade | 2018 |
654 | TRANSPHILEUR | TOWARD A PHILOSOPHICAL RETHINKING OF TRANSLATION: Effects of Translation in aContemporary European Space | 2018 |
655 | MRRI-MENA | Migrant and Refugee Rights Index for the Middle East and North Africa | 2019 |
656 | PEREDEP | Promoting E-Rulemaking in the EU through Deliberative Procedures | 2018 |
657 | SEU-FER | Southern Europe and low fertility: micro and macro determinants of a crucial demographic and cultural revolution | 2018 |
658 | Stories | Inside/Out: using storytelling to understand the politics of exclusion in Europe and South Africa | 2018 |
659 | GlobaLISe | Global Value Chains and Local Innovation Systems in Southern Europe:The Coevolution of Technology, Trade and Finance, and the Technological Divide | 2018 |
660 | LAST_LETTERS | Last Letters from the World Wars: Forming Italian Language, Identity and Memory in Texts of Conflict | 2018 |
661 | VEILA | Identifying the source of unknown volcanic eruptions in Late Antiquity | 2019 |
662 | NeOtStraTurkBalk | Neo-Ottomanism? New Strategies of Turkey and the Impact of Foreign Aid to Post-War Cultural Reconstruction in the Balkans | 2018 |
663 | UNISECO | Understanding and improving the sustainability of agro-ecological farming systems in the EU | 2018 |
664 | JOLT | Harnessing Data and Technology for Journalism | 2018 |
665 | NewsEye | NewsEye: A Digital Investigator for Historical Newspapers | 2018 |
666 | FORCe | Forensic Culture. A Comparative Analysis of Forensic Practices in Europe, 1930-2000 | 2018 |
667 | HRP-IAEA | Living with Radiation: The Role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the History of Radiation Protection | 2019 |
668 | DRONETHICS | Emergent Ethics of Drone Violence: Toward a Comprehensive Governance Framework | 2018 |
669 | EUSOL | Solidarity in the European Union | 2018 |
670 | LIDD | Popular Sovereignty vs. the Rule of Law? Defining the Limits of Direct Democracy | 2018 |
671 | ORDINARY | The Political Economy of African Development. Ethnicity, Nation, and History | 2018 |
672 | LawsOfSocRep | Laws of Social Reproduction | 2018 |
673 | RECAGE | How to best meet the needs of people with dementia with severe behavioural disturbances. Toward a respectful and cost-effective model | 2018 |
674 | CRAACE | Continuity and Rupture in Central European Art and Architecture, 1918-1939 | 2018 |
675 | BANK-LASH | Banks, Popular Backlash, and the Post-Crisis Politics of Financial Regulation | 2018 |
676 | ACCUPOL | Unlimited Growth? A Comparative Analysis of Causes and Consequences of Policy Accumulation | 2018 |
677 | ZooRoMed | Supplying ancient empires and medieval economies: Changes in animal husbandry between the Late Roman period and the Early Middle Ages in the Rhine Valley | 2018 |
678 | GENHIS-AFRICA | Rethinking African Gender Histories: Time, Change, and the Deeper Past in Northern Mozambique | 2019 |
679 | J. Heyrovsky Chair | ERA Chair at J. Heyrovsky institute Institute of Physical chemistry AS CR – The institutional approach towards ERA | 2018 |
680 | GlobalGoals | Global Governance through Goals? Assessing and Explaining the Steering Effects of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals | 2018 |
681 | ENPMUC | Elites, networks, and power in modern urban China (1830-1949). | 2018 |
682 | MMPPF | Modern Marronage? The Pursuit and Practice of Freedom in the Contemporary World | 2018 |
683 | ISLAM-OPHOB-ISM | Nativism, Islamophobism and Islamism in the Age of Populism: Culturalisation and Religionisation of what is Social, Economic and Political in Europe | 2019 |
684 | ATTACK | Pressured to Attack: How Carrying-Capacity Stress Creates and Shapes Intergroup Conflict | 2018 |
685 | ELHO | The Age of Hostility: Understanding the Nature, Dynamics, Determinants, and Consequences of Citizens' Electoral Hostility in 27 Democracies | 2019 |
686 | IMPLEMENT | Improving Local Energy and climate policy through quality management and certification | 2018 |
687 | EUXDAT | European e-Infrastructure for Extreme Data Analytics in Sustainable Development | 2017 |
688 | DLEDA | Do Legislatures Enhance Democracy in Africa? | 2018 |
689 | NoVaMigra | Norms and Values in the European Migration and Refugee Crisis | 2018 |
690 | MiMus | Ioculator seu mimus. Performing Music and Poetry in medieval Iberia | 2018 |
691 | Governmigration | Governing irregular immigration through detention: discourses and practices from an interdisciplinary approach | 2018 |
692 | WIRE2018 | Smart Choices für innovative regional ecosystems. The Power of Connectivity, Entrepreneurship and Science & Research. | 2018 |
693 | GenderedPeace | A Gendered International Law of Peace | 2018 |
694 | VillageInvest | Village Invest: Low Cost Loans for Unbanked People in Risky Political Economies | 2018 |
695 | SpoilsofWAR | Spoils of War: The Economic Consequences of the Great War in Central Europe | 2019 |
696 | RePAST | Strengthening European integration through the analysis of conflict discourses: revisiting the past, anticipating the future | 2018 |
697 | RECONNECT | Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and Rule of Law | 2018 |
698 | ArsNova | European Ars Nova: Multilingual Poetry and Polyphonic Song in the Late Middle Ages | 2019 |
700 | CLaSS | Climate, Landscape, Settlement and Society: Exploring Human-Environment Interaction in the Ancient Near East | 2019 |
701 | PREFET | Proactive FET Observatory for early trends, project building and social responsibility | 2018 |
702 | SINDAM | Sunlight-Induced Nonadiabatic Dynamics of Atmospheric Molecules | 2019 |
703 | MOVES | Migration and Modernity: Historical and Cultural Challenges | 2019 |
704 | OPTNETSPACE | Optimal Transport Networks in Spatial Equilibrium | 2019 |
705 | DYMOLAMO | Dynamic Modeling of Labor Market Mobility and Human Capital Accumulation | 2018 |
706 | BANOS CSA | Towards the joint Baltic Sea and the North Sea research and innovation programme | 2018 |
707 | MARIPOLDATA | The Politics of Marine Biodiversity Data: Global and National Policies and Practices of Monitoring the Oceans | 2018 |
708 | GULAGECHOES | Gulag Echoes in the “multicultural prison”: historical and geographical influences on the identity and politics of ethnic minority prisoners in the communist successor states of Russia Europe. | 2018 |
709 | MIDA | Mediating Islam in the Digital Age. Present issues and past experiences of technological revolutions | 2019 |
710 | IMPACT HAU | The Hau of Finance: Impact Investing and the Globalization of Social and Environmental Sustainability | 2019 |
711 | QualiChain | Decentralised Qualifications' Verification and Management for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation | 2019 |
712 | PLUS | Platform Labour in Urban Spaces: Fairness, Welfare, Development | 2019 |
713 | SecRHC-ETIP | Secretariat of the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling | 2018 |
714 | DEMOS | Democratic Efficacy and the Varieties of Populism in Europe | 2018 |
715 | CityxChange | Positive City ExChange | 2018 |
716 | EventRights | Addressing inequality, enhancing diversity and facilitating greater dialogue in the hosting of sporting mega events. | 2018 |
717 | Euro-Argo RISE | Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement | 2019 |
718 | MIICT | ICT Enabled Public Services for Migration | 2018 |
719 | SUPER_MoRRI | Scientific Understanding and Provision of an Enhanced and Robust Monitoring system for RRI | 2019 |
720 | GANGS | Gangs, Gangsters, and Ganglands: Towards a Global Comparative Ethnography | 2019 |
721 | RUSTRANS | The Dark Side of Translation: 20th and 21st Century Translation from Russian as a Political Phenomenon in the UK, Ireland, and the USA | 2019 |
722 | DAFINET | Dynamic Attitude Fixing: A novel theory of opinion dynamics in social networks and its implications for computational propaganda in hybrid social networks (containing humans and bots) | 2018 |
723 | COSMOLOCALISM | Design Global, Manufacture Local: Assessing the Practices, Innovation, and Sustainability Potential of an Emerging Mode of Production | 2019 |
724 | RIVERS | Water/human rights beyond the human?Indigenous water ontologies, plurilegal encounters and interlegal translation | 2019 |
725 | NestIOr | Who gets to live forever? Toward an Institutional Theory on the Decline and Death of International Organisations | 2019 |
726 | OFF-SITE | Violence, State formation and memory politics: an off-site ethnography of post-revolution Iran | 2019 |
727 | CONTROL | Behavioral Foundations of Power and Control | 2019 |
728 | CONSULTATIONEFFECTS | Effects of stakeholder consultations on inputs, processes and outcomes of executive policymaking | 2019 |
730 | CLD | China, Law, and Development | 2019 |
731 | CLIC | Classical Influences and Irish Culture | 2019 |
732 | PaCE | Populism And Civic Engagement – a fine-grained, dynamic, context-sensitive and forward-looking response to negative populist tendencies | 2019 |
733 | InDivEU | Integrating Diversity in the European Union | 2019 |
734 | BRaVE | Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism and Polarisation | 2019 |
735 | EU3D | EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy | 2019 |
736 | EU IDEA | EU Integration and Differentiation for Effectiveness and Accountability | 2019 |
737 | Governance | Democratic governance in a turbulent age | 2018 |
738 | CARe | Career Advancement for Refugee Researchers in Europe | 2019 |
739 | LoGov | Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay | 2019 |
741 | EXTREME | The Rise and Fall of Populism and Extremism | 2019 |
742 | JustSites | The Global Sites of International Criminal Justice | 2019 |
743 | TechChild | Just because we can, should we? An anthropological perspective on the initiation of technology dependence to sustain a child’s life | 2019 |
744 | LORAX | The Lorax Project: Understanding Ecosystemic Politics | 2019 |
745 | CONCISE | Communication role on perception and beliefs of EU Citizens about Science | 2018 |
746 | Comedy and Politics | The Comedy of Political Philosophy. Democratic Citizenship, Political Judgment, and Ideals in Political Practice. | 2018 |
747 | POAB | The Psychology of Administrative Burden | 2019 |
748 | PROFECI | Mediating the Future: The Social Dynamics of Public Projections | 2019 |
749 | CULTIVATE MSS | Cultural Values and the International Trade in Medieval European Manuscripts, c. 1900-1945 | 2019 |
750 | UNMAKING | Societal transformation to sustainability through the unmaking of capitalism? A comparative study of radical grassroots innovations in Europe | 2019 |
751 | WelfareStruggles | Welfare for Migrant Factory Workers: Moral Struggles and Politics of Care under Market Socialism | 2019 |
752 | RISE_SMA | RISE Social Media Analytics | 2019 |
753 | EuQu | The European Qur'an. Islamic Scripture in European Culture and Religion 1150-1850 | 2019 |
754 | DigitalValues | The Construction of Values in Digital Spheres | 2019 |
755 | REAL | Rights and Egalitarianism | 2019 |
756 | PoliticsOfPatents | Politics of Patents: Re-imagining citizenship via clothing inventions 1820 - 2020 | 2019 |
757 | UnRef | Unlikely refuge? Refugees and citizens in East-Central Europe in the 20th century | 2019 |
758 | INSCONS | Addressing Global Challenges through International Scientific Consortia (INSCONS); Case studies in biomedicine, the geosciences, and nuclear fusion research | 2019 |
759 | FIAT | The Foundations of Institutional AuThority: a multi-dimensional model of the separation of powers | 2020 |
760 | ConnecCaribbean | Connected worlds: the Caribbean, origin of modern world | 2019 |
761 | TRUTHCHECK | Fake News Recognition applying Service-based Cross-Media Analytics | 2019 |
763 | IMAGINE | Geographical imaginations and the (geo)politics of volcanic risk: cultures, knowledges, actions | 2019 |
764 | DISINTEGRATION | The Mass Politics of Disintegration | 2019 |
765 | HORIZON-STE | Implementation of the Initiative for Global Leadership in Solar Thermal Electricity | 2019 |
767 | ReligSpace | The Effect of Manifestations of Religion in the Public Space on Sociopolitical Integration of Minority-Religion Immigrants | 2019 |
768 | INTEGRATE | Identifying the Impact of Asylum Polices on Refugee Integration and Political Backlash in Host Communities | 2018 |
769 | VictPart | Righting Victim Participation in Transitional Justice | 2019 |
770 | SECURITY FLOWS | Enacting border security in the digital age: political worlds of data forms, flows and frictions. | 2019 |
771 | EMUSIG | Emotional Musical Signals | 2019 |
772 | LIMES | The Hardening and Softening of Borders: Challenges for Europe and the World | 2019 |
773 | The Damned | Algeria, antifascism, and Third Worldism: An anticolonial genealogy of the Western European New Left (Algeria, France, Italy, 1957-1975) | 2020 |
774 | ArCarib | Archaeology of Informal Maritime Commerce in the Colonial Caribbean | 2019 |
775 | T-LICS | Transfer of Linguistic Intonation in Contact Situations | 2019 |
776 | PoliticalPrisoners | Political prisoners: a transnational question in 19th century Italy | 2019 |
777 | SOCIALEU | The missing pillar. European social policy and Eurosceptic challenges (SOCIALEU) | 2019 |
778 | MeMuRu | Places of Remembrance in Muslim Russia: Islamic Heritage and Moral Landscapes | 2019 |
779 | Humane AI | Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us | 2019 |
780 | MAGYC | MigrAtion Governance and asYlum Crises | 2018 |
781 | Domesticities | Gender, Infrastructure and the Production of Domesticity in the (Post)Communist City | 2019 |
782 | COART-INT | Decentralizing Conceptual Art's Internationalism: Latin American artists in Western Europe, 1968-1979 | 2019 |
783 | PEER | The Political Economy of E-Residency | 2020 |
784 | ImagiDem | Imagi(ni)ng Democracy: European youth becoming citizens by visual participation | 2019 |
785 | SOLID | Policy Crisis and Crisis Politics. Sovereignty, Solidarity and Identity in the EU post 2008. | 2019 |
786 | ReVeAL | Regulating Vehicle Access for improved Livability | 2019 |
787 | PLEDGEDEM | Pledges in democracy | 2019 |
788 | RICONTRANS | Visual Culture, Piety and Propaganda: Transfer and Reception of Russian Religious Art in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean (16th to early 20th Century) | 2019 |
789 | LUBARTWORLD | Migration and Holocaust: Transnational Trajectories of Lubartow Jews Across the World (1920s-1950s) | 2019 |
790 | PmNC | Policy-making of early nature conservation. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom compared, 1930-1960 | 2019 |
791 | CHIBRIT | Is There No Such Thing As Childhood? New Childhoods in Britain and Turkey between 1976 and 1997 | 2020 |
792 | DIVLAW | How God Became a Lawgiver: The Place of the Torah in Ancient Near Eastern Legal History | 2020 |
793 | Plant Phenome | Plant Phenome | 2019 |
794 | CLEFNI | The choral life in the cities of Bern and Fribourg in the long nineteenth century | 2019 |
795 | FORMSofLABOUR | Forms of Labour: Gender, Freedom and Experience of Work in the Preindustrial Economy | 2019 |
796 | NucSat | Satellites and nuclear information. Production, communication and reception of nuclear-related information generated with satellites. | 2019 |
797 | ROMETRANS | Rome Transformed: Interdisciplinary analysis of political, military and religious regenerations of the city's forgotten quarter C1-C8 CE | 2019 |
798 | CReDItIs | Critique and Reformation of Doctrine in International Investment Law: Legal Theory and Empirical Legal Studies | 2020 |
799 | DISMAC-Y | State disintegration in the context of macroeconomic crisis - the case of Yugoslavia | 2019 |
801 | VOTEF | Voting on the future: Imaginaries and motivations in referendum decisions against extractive industries in Colombia. | 2020 |
802 | ItalianWoolf | Virginia Woolf and Italian Readers | 2019 |
803 | HARBOR | HARBOR. Humanitarianism and Refugees at the Border: A Transnational Feminist Analysis of Nonprofit Organizations | 2019 |
804 | LangMix | Language switching and script mixing: multilingual landscapes of medieval Scandinavia | 2019 |
806 | ReFraMed Histories | Rewriting and (Re-)Framing Memory in Late Medieval Historiography. The Case of Brabant (14th-15th c.) | 2019 |
807 | MEMORIGHTS | Cultural Memory in LGBT Activism for Rights | 2019 |
808 | TOK | The Creation of Tokens in Late Antiquity. Religious 'tolerance' and 'intolerance' in Fourth and Fifth Centuries AD | 2019 |
809 | NeT-HiDeA | New Times at Work. Rethinking History and Politics through Delay and Anticipation | 2020 |
810 | WomenWritingSaints | Women Writing Saints: Proto-feminist Discourses in Religious texts written by Women in Counter-Reformation Italy | 2019 |
811 | MariBet | La MaMa Experimental Theatre: a lasting bridge between cultures | 2019 |
812 | BODICON | BODIes of CONtact: Identity negotiations and biocultural effects in the Roman colonies of Macedonia, Greece | 2020 |
813 | COLLECTITUDE | Building the collective at times of precarity: precarious labour and its countermovements | 2020 |
814 | Narratives4Change | Capitalising Public Narratives in the organising of Grassroots Roma Women | 2019 |
815 | EEURSOCFEM | The Intellectual Heritage of Feminist Political Thought during Early State Socialism. The Cases of the GDR, Hungary and Yugoslavia | 2019 |
816 | PPPCM | The Impact of Political Parties on Public Claim Making in European Democracies | 2020 |
817 | RESILIENCE | RESILIENCE: Understanding the role of resources in building resilience in marketing systems of refugee-run businesses in Europe | 2019 |
818 | ROBERT | (Inter-)nationalism and the new Turkey: the rise and fall of international education at Istanbul's Robert College, c. 1913-1933 | 2019 |
819 | IaM NUBIAN | Identity and Memory in Christian Nubia: A study on strategies of (self-)presentation and preservation of the past in medieval African society | 2019 |
820 | GENI | Gender, emotions and national identities: a new perspective on the abortion debates in Italy (1971-1981). | 2019 |
821 | MYTH | Making national identity. The construction of Germanic Mythology in 19th century. | 2020 |
822 | PROSPER | Politics of Rulemaking, Orchestration of Standards, and Private Economic Regulations | 2019 |
823 | YOUTH-HOME | Migrant male youth home-making in Ireland | 2019 |
824 | IQRS | Imperial Queers, Republican Subjects: The Politics of Queer Historiography in Turkey | 2019 |
825 | CULTUS | Public Cults in Private Hands: the Appropriation of cult sites from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD | 2019 |
826 | CYBERCULT | Strategic Cultures of Cyber Warfare | 2019 |
827 | PALP | Pathiana Archaeological Landscapes Project | 2019 |
828 | SONNET | SOCIAL INNOVATION IN ENERGY TRANSITIONS: Co-creating a rich understanding of the diversity, processes, contributions, success and future potentials of social innovation in the energy sector | 2019 |
829 | 2D_PHOT | Two Dimensional Materials for Photonic Devices | 2020 |
830 | BeyondOpposition | Opposing Sexual and Gender Rights and Equalities: Transforming Everyday Spaces | 2019 |
831 | EFFECT | Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting | 2019 |
832 | SACRASEC | Sacralizing Security: Religion, Violence and Authority in Mega-Cities of the Global South | 2019 |
833 | MODFaBe | Modelling individual farmer behaviours in Coupled Human Natural Systems under changing climate and society | 2020 |
834 | MAPPOLA | Mapping out the poetic landscape(s) of the Roman empire: Ethnic and regional variations, socio-cultural diversity, and cross-cultural transformations | 2019 |
835 | CRITICAL-CHAINS | IOT- & Blockchain-Enabled Security Framework for New Generation Critical Cyber-Physical Systems In Finance Sector | 2019 |
836 | SCRIBSCIE | Scribal Science: Naturalists' Paper Empire in France ca. 1660-1770 | 2019 |
837 | COMPLIT | Complicity: A Crisis of Participation in Testimonies of Totalitarianism in Contemporary German-language Literatures | 2019 |
838 | VoiCED | VOtIng Citizens and the Ethics of Democracy | 2019 |
839 | MUSLIMWOMENFILM | Locating the Storyteller: Muslim Women’s Auto/Biographical Cinema from the Islamic World | 2020 |
840 | Theatre ReDefined | Redefining the Agency: Post-1989 Crises of Czech and Former East German Theatre | 2019 |
841 | VISUAL | The Visual Politics of Recognition: Understanding the Role of Images in Recognition Encounters | 2020 |
842 | VIR MAXIMUS | Moral & Intellectual Qualities of the Political Man in the Translations of Gracián's Work (XVII-XXI cent.) | 2019 |
843 | EUSOCDIV | Public attitudes towards Social Europe: Diverging interpretations and support within and across EU member states? | 2019 |
844 | CLIMACY | Practices of Climate Diplomacy and Uneven Policy Responses on Climate Change on Human Mobility | 2020 |
845 | BIZPOL | Business as political actor – evolving practice, emerging norms and shifting expectations for a pivotal determinant of public trust in both business and democracy (BIZPOL) | 2019 |
846 | CRUCIATA | Uses and meanings of the word crusade in the late Middle Ages | 2019 |
847 | MEDPOL | The fourth estate? media, frames and political behaviour towards the EU in comparative perspective | 2019 |
848 | WATCH | Wessex–Armorica: Territories, Connections and Hierarchies | 2019 |
849 | UCONCRI | Universality, Conflict, and Social Critique in Jean-Francois Lyotard and the Frankfurt School | 2020 |
850 | Sus.Post-Med | Tracking the path of the Agricultural Revolution from England to Continental Europe: changes in pig husbandry from the Late Medieval to Early Modern period as a marker of socio-economic transformation | 2020 |
851 | BHR_EU | The EU as a leading global actor in Business and Human Rights: Towards a coherent policy framework | 2019 |
852 | CosmopolitanCare | On the frontiers of public health. Care for refugee sex workers in Paris as a case of internationalization of cities. | 2019 |
853 | Gentime | Eschatological time as women’s time? Gendered temporality and female holiness in Early Christianity and Byzantium | 2019 |
854 | CrowdLawLab | CrowdLaw: Towards a More Inclusive Lawmaking Through Technology | 2020 |
855 | HomicidesLACcities | Understanding the drivers and impacts of homicides in 4 major Latin American cities. | 2020 |
856 | GLOBALGUNS | Guns for a Global Empire: Deployment of Artillery Technology in the Iberian Colonial Space (1580-1640) | 2019 |
857 | COMLIB | Communists into Liberals: The Transformation and Demise of the Left as Precursor to the Illiberal Turn in Poland | 2019 |
858 | HoMe | Historical Grounding of Migration Decisions of the People at Environmental Risks | 2020 |
859 | CEJaMS | Choreographing Emigration: Japanese Tango Musicians in Shanghai, 1920-1945 | 2019 |
860 | NIWGE | New industrial workers of a globalizing Europe: Right-wing populism, working-class power and the legacy of state socialism in East Germany and Hungary | 2020 |
861 | LIBORG | EU Externalization of Migration and Border Management to Libya: the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations and Human Rights Implications | 2019 |
862 | LitRivus | Assessment of riverine litter (plastics) inputs to the marine environment | 2020 |
863 | CuDiCy | Power through Attraction: British, Greek and Turkish Cultural Diplomacy in Cyprus, 1945-1974 | 2019 |
864 | WILDTRADE | Quantifying the global patterns and trends of the illegal wildlife trade: from artificial intelligence to financial market analysis | 2019 |
865 | CASCADES | CAScading Climate risks: towards ADaptive and resilient European Societies | 2019 |
866 | Water-Cultures | The Water Cultures of Italy, 1500-1900 | 2019 |
867 | MCLPS | The Migration Challenge: Labour Markets, Policy Reforms, and Social Cohesion | 2019 |
868 | VIAMEDIAITALICA | The Scholar, the Jurist, the Priest: Moderation on the Italian Peninsula, 1700-1750 | 2020 |
869 | PEMB | The Political Economy of Media Bias | 2019 |
870 | KW Rebel Integration | The International Rebel Integration Toolkit Revisited: What Approaches Work for the Successful and Sustainable Incorporation of Former Rebel Groups after Civil War? | 2019 |
871 | SMERUPOL | Analysing Politicisation around Sports Mega Events (SME) in contemporary Russia | 2020 |
872 | SET PLAN ENVE 2019 | SET Plan/ENVE Conference 2019 | 2019 |
873 | CoReco | Cost competitive process for recycling Cobalt from end of life Li-ion batteries | 2019 |
874 | EEW4 | Energy Efficiency Watch 4 | 2019 |
875 | TRASC | Trade Agreements and Supply Chains | 2019 |
876 | FACETS | Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies | 2019 |
877 | MIRAGE | Independence and quality of mass Media in the InteRnet AGE | 2018 |
878 | RELEVANT REALISM | Relevant Realism - Truth, Power, and Action for 21st Century Societies | 2019 |
879 | EcoNoMy | Economy of Non-Elite Mycenaeans | 2019 |
880 | HaLO | How Language Oppresses | 2019 |
881 | MINORLEGMOB | Assessing the agency of national minorities through court cases: mapping legal mobilization patterns in CEE | 2019 |
882 | WildRice | Wild Rice Culture and Indigenous Food Sovereignty in North America | 2020 |
883 | BUNT | Colorful Indications of (Ex)Change. | 2020 |
884 | G20LAP | G20 Legitimacy and Policymaking | 2019 |
885 | PopulistFP | The Populist Politics of Foreign Policy | 2019 |
886 | INREPOSA | Indigenous Research, Institutionalisation and Neo-Politicisation: A Conjunctural Analysis of Sami Research in Finland | 2019 |
887 | MESSIAH | Authoritarianism and Messianic Conceptions of Politics in Turkey 1850-2015 | 2019 |
888 | CNM-MOVES | Consensual Non-Monogamies and Social Movements: A Comparative Study of Activism in Portugal and the UK | 2019 |
889 | DIGIACT | Digital Authoritarian Practices: Internet Surveillance and Repression against Transnational Activist Networks | 2019 |
890 | UNITE | Unification Through Law: The Court of Justice of the European Union as Cultural-Moral Agent | 2019 |
891 | history textbooks | Stereotypes in History Textbooks: A Study of their Origins and Continuity | 2020 |
892 | POPGEO_BG | Population Geography of Bulgaria, 1500- 1920: A Historical Spatial Analysis | 2019 |
893 | ZARAH | Women’s labour activism in Eastern Europe and transnationally, from the age of empires to the late 20th century | 2020 |
894 | MIGREC | Migration, Integration and Governance Research Centre | 2019 |
895 | SInnoPSis | ERA-Chair in Science and Innovation Policy and Studies | 2019 |
896 | DiCED | Digital Campaigning and Electoral Democracy | 2020 |
897 | MIRNet | Twinning for excellence in migration and integration research and networking (MIRNet) | 2019 |
898 | EMME-CARE | Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East – Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre | 2019 |
899 | TRANSTEM | TRANSTEM: ERA Chair in Translational Stem Cell Biology | 2019 |
900 | ECePS | ERA Chair in E-Governance and Digital Public Services | 2019 |
901 | SfaxForward | Cultural heritage in South Tunisia. A twinning project promoting interdisciplinary and participatory sciences for an inclusive society. | 2019 |
902 | HYPOSO | Hydropower solutions for developing and emerging countries | 2019 |
903 | REGATRACE | REnewable GAs TRAde Centre in Europe | 2019 |
904 | DEMOSERIES | Shaping Democratic Spaces: Security and TV Series | 2020 |
906 | MATE | The First Industrial-Scale Commercially Viable & Environmentally Sensitive System For Empty Fruit Bunch Waste Disposal | 2019 |
908 | INIA | Intersex- New Interdisciplinary Approaches | 2020 |
909 | C-PlaNeT | Circular Plastics Network for Training | 2020 |
910 | FEINART | The Future of European Independent Art Spaces in a Period of Socially Engaged Art | 2020 |
911 | Ethno-ISS | ETHNO-ISS: An Ethnography of an Extra-terrestrial Society: the International Space Station | 2019 |
912 | EoPPP | A Global Comparative Ethnography of Parliaments, Politicians and People: representation, relationships and ruptures | 2019 |
913 | RRUSHES-5 | Commodity & land rushes and regimes: Reshaping five spheres of global social life | 2019 |
914 | DISTRACT | The Political Economy of Distraction in Digitized Denmark | 2020 |
915 | CENTRAL ASIAN LAW | Legal Cultures and Business Environments in Central Asia | 2020 |
916 | RUSINFORM | The Consequences of the Internet for Russia's Informational Influence Abroad | 2019 |
917 | RE-SOURCING | Global Stakeholder Platform for Responsible Sourcing | 2019 |
919 | TRANSLATING MEMORIES | Translating Memories: The Eastern European Past in the Global Arena | 2020 |
920 | CORE | CORE - Children Online: Research and Evidence. A knowledge base on children and youth in the digital world | 2020 |
921 | ArtsAutonomy | The Arts of Autonomy: Pamphleteering, Popular Philology, and the Public Sphere, 1988-2018 | 2020 |
922 | HumMingBird | Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective | 2019 |
923 | FUME | Future Migration Scenarios for Europe | 2019 |
924 | EUROSHIP | Closing gaps in social citizenship. New tools to foster social resilience in Europe | 2020 |
925 | EnTrust | Enlightened trust: An examination of trust and distrust in governance – conditions, effects and remedies | 2020 |
926 | WelcomingSpaces | Investing in 'Welcoming Spaces' in Europe: revitalizing shrinking areas by hosting non-EU migrants | 2020 |
927 | EUSOCIALCIT | The Future of European Social Citizenship | 2020 |
929 | ROSA | Religion and Its Others in South Asia and the World: Communities, Debates, Freedoms | 2019 |
930 | PolicyCLOUD | Policy Management through technologies across the complete data lifecycle on cloud environments. | 2020 |
931 | SMARTDEST | Cities as mobility hubs: tackling social exclusion through ‘smart’ citizen engagement | 2020 |
932 | TiGRE | Trust in Governance and Regulation in Europe | 2020 |
933 | PAVE | Preventing and Addressing Violent Extremism through Community Resilience in the Balkans and MENA | 2020 |
934 | UNCHARTED | UNCHARTED: Understanding, Capturing and Fostering the Societal Value of Culture | 2020 |
935 | ARTIS | Art and Research on Transformations of Individuals and Societies | 2020 |
936 | PEriTiA | Policy, Expertise, and Trust in Action | 2020 |
937 | REDEM | Reconstructing Democracy in Times of Crisis: A Voter-Centred Perspective | 2019 |
938 | POLIVERNACULARS | India's Politics in Its Vernaculars | 2020 |
939 | MIDEBT | The Micro-foundations of Debt Crises | 2020 |
940 | N-EXTLAW | Law as Vehicle for Social Change: Mainstreaming Non-Extractive Economic Practices | 2020 |
941 | UrbTerr | Urban Terrorism in Europe (2004-2019): Remembering, Imagining, and Anticipating Violence | 2019 |
942 | LAWHA | Lebanon's Art World at Home and Abroad: Trajectories of artists and artworks in/from Lebanon since 1943 | 2020 |
943 | DISSECT | DISSECT: Evidence in International Human Rights Adjudication | 2020 |
944 | LITCOM | Literary Activism in sub-Saharan Africa: Commons, Publics and Networks of Practice | 2020 |
945 | ANTIGONE | Archaeology of shariNg pracTIces: the material evidence of mountain marGinalisatiON in Europe (18th- 21st c. AD) | 2020 |
946 | GEOCEP | Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies | 2020 |
947 | WeCount | WeCount: Citizens Observing UrbaN Transport | 2019 |
948 | PRODIGEES | Promoting Research on Digitalisation in Emerging Powers and Europe towards Sustainable Development | 2020 |
949 | OCSEAN | OCeanic and South East Asian Navigators. | 2020 |
950 | WorkFREE | Slavery, Work and Freedom: What Can Cash Transfers Contribute to the Fight for Decent Work? | 2020 |
951 | 4 | 4 - Leveraging Asia for European GNSS | 2020 |
952 | AtlanticExiles | Refugees and Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1770s-1820s | 2020 |
953 | NeoliberalTerror | Neoliberal Terror: The Radicalisation of Social Policy in Europe | 2020 |
954 | POPULIZATION | Behavioral Foundations of Populism and Polarization | 2020 |
955 | INVISIHIST | Challenging the Liberal World Order from Within: The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South | 2020 |
956 | DESPO | De-industrializing Societies and the Political Consequences | 2020 |
957 | GloQur | The Global Qur’an. Shared Traditions, Imperial Languages and Transnational Actors | 2020 |
958 | JustCity | The Just City: The Ciceronian Conception of Justice and Its Reception in the Western Tradition | 2020 |
959 | FEATHERS | FEATHERS (FE / MALES AND THEIR SCRIBES): Authorship and the Mediation of Voices, c. 1558-1642 | 2020 |
960 | CORPORATOCRACY | The Business Corporation as a Political Actor | 2020 |
961 | FRRAnt | Ordering, Constructing, Empowering: Fragments of the Roman Republican Antiquarians | 2020 |
962 | DigitalGovernance | Governing with Data: Local Experimentation in Authoritarian China | 2020 |
963 | Worlds of Lithium | A multi-sited and transnational study of transitions towards post-fossil fuel societies | 2020 |
964 | eLTER PPP | eLTER Preparatory Phase Project | 2020 |
965 | MIGMAG | Migration and the Making of the Ancient Greek World | 2020 |
966 | LOSS | Narratives of Loss: Unravelling the Origins of Support for Socially Conservative Political Agendas | 2020 |
967 | SmartForests | Smart Forests: Transforming Environments into Social-Political Technologies | 2020 |
968 | CHANGINGELITES | Changing elites: how social and institutional change has altered the processes of elite formation over time? | 2020 |
969 | AUTONORMS | Transforming Norms Research through Practices: Weaponised Artificial Intelligence, Norms, and Order | 2020 |
970 | EVaP | Elections, Violence, and Parties | 2020 |
971 | CLEAN | Clean evidence on dirty deeds | 2020 |
972 | ISICD | Exploring the identity construction of IS members through linguistic markers in online discourse | 2020 |
973 | SIND | The Social INdividual’s Decisions: how are they shaped by group affiliation during collective decisions? | 2021 |
974 | HumanLand | Human Landscapes: agricultural intensification and peasant resilience in medieval Southern Greater Syria. | 2021 |
975 | TMIM | Textiles and the Making of Israeli Modernism: From the Zionist Bauhuas to Feminist Art | 2020 |
976 | PolyCRomA | Polychromy: the meaning of Colour in Roman African statues | 2020 |
977 | IMACTIS | Fostering Critical Identities Through Social Media Archival Images | 2020 |
978 | GROUT | Governing ResOurce UrbanisaTion (GROUT): Multi-stakeholder governance of extractive industries in the era of planetary urbanisation | 2020 |
979 | DINA | Towards a System of Distributional National Accounts | 2020 |
980 | PARTYOPINION | The Informational Role of Political Parties in Citizens’ Opinion Formation | 2020 |
981 | Goods of the Earth | All the Goods of the Earth: Making and Marketing in the Pre-Mongol Islamic World | 2021 |
982 | Cartesian Networks | Cartesian Networks in Early Modern Europe: A Quantitative and Interdisciplinary Approach | 2020 |
983 | LONintLAW | The League of Nations and the development of international law: from promotion strategies to giving shape to international legal instruments | 2021 |
984 | FuturePowerFlow | Exploiting the full integration potential of fluctuating renewable energies in power grid operation by new predictive technologies | 2020 |
985 | BV | Building Vienna | 2020 |
986 | SPELLFLICT | Understanding spelling conflicts. A case study of new standard languages in the former Yugoslavia in the European context | 2020 |
987 | ULTRA-VIOLENCE | Ultras in Portugal: Narratives of Violence, Politics and Gender | 2020 |
988 | SOJUFOW | Social Justice and the Future of Work | 2020 |
989 | WeCanIt | We Can Do It! Women’s labour market participation in the maritime sector in the Upper Adriatic after the two World Wars in an intersectional perspective | 2020 |
990 | ACU-AHvE | Multiculturalism in the work of Aldo and Hannie van Eyck. Rethinking universalist notions in architecture. | 2021 |
991 | NATIONAL-SUBJECTS | Nation – Power – Subjectivity: The Making of National Subjects in Late Medieval Bohemia and Brabant (1300-1450) | 2020 |
992 | CitIndus | The ‘Citizenship Industry’: Commodified citizenship, the corporate sector and global inequality | 2020 |
993 | WiseWomen | Wise Women: Beliefs and Networks of Female Spiritual Figures in Central European Vernacular Religion | 2020 |
994 | ArCAN | An Archaeology of Exchange Networks in Central Africa. The Cases of the Copperbelt and Niari Basin Copper Deposits | 2020 |
995 | RESEE | Revisiting Europeanization in Southeast Europe. An Historical Approach | 2020 |
996 | EUDIC | EU Foreign Policy Differentiation and Integration: Informal Groups in EU Approach to Conflicts and Crises | 2021 |
997 | EMOFORTE | Emotions in the Foreign Policy of Turkey towards the European Union | 2021 |
998 | PhantomAiD | Phantom Possession. The New Authoritarian Personality and its Domains. | 2020 |
999 | PresentingParliament | Presenting Parliament: Parliamentarians' visions of the communication and role of parliament within the mediated democracies of Britain, Belgium and the Netherlands, 1844-1995 | 2020 |
1000 | EUROCBH | Europe and Its Central Banks: Lessons from History | 2021 |
1001 | PHASE | How is Populism and Health Associated in Europe (PHASE)? A multilevel analysis of the bi-directional interrelationship between populism and ill health | 2020 |
1002 | PROMET-H2 | Cost-effective PROton Exchange MEmbrane WaTer Electrolyser for Efficient and Sustainable Power-to-H2 Technology | 2020 |
1003 | ERITNet | English Republican Ideas and Translation Networks in Early Modern Germany, c 1640-1848 | 2020 |
1004 | REWA | Resource wars in an unequal world: international law and beyond | 2020 |
1005 | DEMOcrises | Demographic consequences of humanitarian crises in Latin America | 2020 |
1006 | REPTARQ | Ecstatic Utopias: Reorienting audiovisual Evocations of Place Towards A Relational Queer future | 2021 |
1007 | RAP | Sub beati Petri et nostra protectione suscipimus: Re-framing the relations between Rome and the kingdoms of Portugal and Aragon (eleventh-thirteenth centuries) | 2020 |
1008 | SECULAR | The Secularization Theorem in the Long Nineteenth Century | 2020 |
1009 | FASHION IN IR | The Dematerialization of Fashion and France's Couture Propaganda during the 1960s and 1970s | 2020 |
1010 | GENCARGAP | Gender Career Gap and Firm Composition | 2020 |
1011 | KBMSCACAR | Pentecostalism and Social media in Brazil: Faith and the digital production of gendered, racialized and class-based Pentecostal bodies | 2021 |