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H2020 projects about "six"

The page lists 458 projects related to the topic "six".

# achronym  title  year 
1 ReN2014-15 2014-2015 Researchers' Night: The Greek events 2014
2 Power2Nights Malopolska Researchers' Night 2014-2015 2014
3 ULTRADIAN Dynamic hormone diagnostics 2015
4 EDEN ISS Ground Demonstration of Plant Cultivation Technologies and Operation in Space for Safe Food Production on-board ISS and Future Human Space Exploration Vehicles and Planetary Outposts 2015
5 FracRisk Furthering the Knowledge Base For Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Shale Gas Development (FracRisk) 2015
6 SteamBio Flexible Superheated Steam Torrefaction and Grinding of Indigenous Biomass from Remote Rural Sources to Produce Stable Densified Feedstocks for Chemical and Energy Applications 2015
7 aidsocpro Aiding Social Protection: the political economy of externally financing social policy in developing countries 2015
8 EPICUP Development of a ncRNA DNA Methylation Kit for the Diagnosis of Cancer of Unknown Primary 2015
9 Swennis SweNet Innovation Specialist and Key Account Manager Service 2014
10 ANTIVIRALS European Training Network on Antiviral Drug Development 2015
11 SUSPOL European Joint Doctorate in Organocatalysis and Sustainable Polymers 2015
12 AWESCO Airborne Wind Energy System Modelling, Control and Optimisation 2015
13 MetaRNA RNA-based technologies for single-cell metabolite analysis 2015
14 SPARCARB Lightning protection of wind turbine blades with carbon fibre composite materials 2015
15 NanoHeal Nano-tailoring organo-mineral materials -Controlling strength and healing with organic molecules in mineral interfaces 2015
16 INNO-EEN 2014 Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO-EEN 2014) 2014
17 InnoSME-LV SME Instrument for Innovative Companies from Latvia 2014
18 SCIENCE Stem Cell therapy in IschEmic Non-treatable Cardiac diseasE (SCIENCE) 2015
19 ARISE Aortic Valve Replacement using Individualised Regenerative Allografts: Bridging the Therapeutic Gap 2015
20 ENACT Enhancing sustainable chemical technologies through the synergy of computer simulation and experiment 2015
21 FREME Open Framework of E-Services for Multilingual and Semantic Enrichment of Digital Content 2015
22 FabSurfWAR Design and Fabrication of Functional Surfaces with Controllable Wettability, Adhesion and Reflectivity 2015
23 Muscle stress relief Muscle Stress Relief: An integrated research program linking together basic research on secondary myopathies in stress states to innovative translation in applied myology. 2016
24 AMMODIT Approximation Methods for Molecular Modelling and Diagnosis Tools 2015
25 ELSA Energy Local Storage Advanced system (ELSA) 2015
26 SECURECHAIN Securing future-proof environmentally compatible bioenergy chains 2015
27 Triangulum Triangulum: The Three Point Project / Demonstrate. Disseminate. Replicate. 2015
28 SymplecticEinstein The symplectic geometry of anti-self-dual Einstein metrics 2015
29 MOVE Mapping mobility – pathways, institutions and structural effects of youth mobility in Europe 2015
30 PROF-TRAC PROFessional multi-disciplinary TRAining and Continuing development in skills for NZEB principles 2015
31 SOLIDUS SOLIDUS: “Solidarity in European societies: empowerment, social justice and citizenship” 2015
32 ULTRABOAT Ultrasonic System for Antifouling Protection of Ships 2014
33 ARCGATE ARCGATE: maximizing the potential of Arctic Ocean Gateway array 2015
34 DOGANA aDvanced sOcial enGineering And vulNerability Assesment Framework 2015
35 Unity Unity 2015
36 FUTURES Energy Futures of the High North: Assessing Intermediary Expertise and New Valuation Practices that Guide Arctic Hydrocarbon Development 2016
37 SOS-Nano Structure – Oxidative Stress relationships of metal oxide nanoparticles in the aquatic environment 2015
38 APGAR Air Pollution, Growing brAin and cognitive disordeR in children 2015
39 ViGOTHIC Towards a typology of Visigothic script: the Beatus British Library Add. 11695 and its potential for dating and localising Visigothic script manuscripts 2015
40 Carnap and the Limits of Metaphysics Carnap and the Limits of Metaphysics 2015
41 CortexVisionBehavior Neocortical circuits underlying visually-guided behaviors in mice. 2016
42 BioEnergyTrain BioEnergyTrain 2015
43 MOPIGRASFIT Motion Picture Grammatical Rating System for Infants and Toddlers 2015
44 INPATH-TES PhD on Innovation Pathways for TES 2015
45 BURK-6 Investigation of the Type VI secretion system-associated toxins of Burkholderia thailandensis 2015
47 Social Jet Lag Social Jet Lag: Avian Solutions to Misalignment between Circadian Clocks and Social Cues 2016
48 WALKEr Robot-induced Error Augmentation for improving pre-gait and gait rehabilitation in stroke survivors 2015
49 BayesianHumanCortex Bayesian computations in the human neocortex: deciphering the neuronal mechanisms of perceptual and syntactic inferences. 2015
50 CONTESSA COuNt data TimE SerieS Analysis: significance tests and sequencing data application 2015
51 SENSITIVITYMARKERS Clinical validation of prognostic biomarkers of chemotherapy response in liquid biopsies 2015
52 Smartlifts Making Lifts Smart for More Connected and Intelligent Services. 2015
53 ADA Accelerating the Dissemination of Agluna(R), a clinically proven innovative silver ion based anti-microbial surface technology, from orthopaedics sector into the dental implant sector 2015
54 GroupEstate GroupEstate Feasibility Study 2015
55 EMBRYON EMBRYON - Develop and commercialize a highly innovative diagnostic-imaging product, improving success rates in the Assisted Reproduction IVF sector 2015
56 EFFECTIVE Exploiting Factory of the Future projects through Enhanced Clustering towards Technology Transfer, Innovation and Value creation for European industry. 2015
57 PRACE-4IP PRACE 4th Implementation Phase Project 2015
58 WeChangEd Agents of Change: Women Editors and Socio-Cultural Transformation in Europe (1710-1920) 2015
59 CD-LINKS Linking Climate and Development Policies - Leveraging International Networks and Knowledge Sharing 2015
61 ADWICE Advanced Wireless Technologies for Clever Engineering 2015
62 BELS Building European Links toward South East Asia in the field of GNSS 2015
63 RG Reading Global. Constructions of World Literature and Latin America 2015
64 BIOCAPAN BIOactive implantable CApsule for PANcreatic islets immunosuppression free therapy 2015
65 EVOMESODERM The evolution of mesoderm and its differentiation into cell types and organ systems 2015
66 NEUROSPECT Neurological application validation for photon counting spectral CT 2015
67 HEIRRI HEIRRI (Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation) 2015
68 APRIL Applications of Personal Robotics for Interaction and Learning 2016
69 InForMed An integrated pilot line for micro-fabricated medical devices 2015
70 HAP-PHEN From haplotype to phenotype: a systems integration of allelic variation, chromatin state and 3D genome data 2015
71 BigDataFinance Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management 2015
72 Tendon Therapy Train Engineering in vitro microenvironments for translation of cell-based therapies for tendon repair 2016
73 BIGCHEM Big Data in Chemistry 2016
74 IND2016 IND2016: KETs as drivers for the future of industry 2015
75 MADE Migration as Development 2015
76 COMTESSA Camera Observation and Modelling of 4D Tracer Dispersion in the Atmosphere 2015
77 oCPS Platform-aware Model-driven Optimization of Cyber-Physical Systems 2015
78 SyMBioSys Systematic Models for Biological Systems Engineering Training Network 2015
79 CONDUCT Cost efficient thermal management in motors using next generation nanomaterials 2016
80 JPsustaiND Coordination Action in support of the sustainability and globalisation of the Joint Programming Initiative on Neurodegenerative Diseases 2015
81 EMILK Food treatment process based on high voltage nanopulsed electric discharges in liquid phase 2015
82 Becoming Men Becoming Men: Performing responsible masculinities in contemporary urban Africa 2015
83 CARISMAND Culture And RISkmanagement in Man-made And Natural Disasters 2015
84 Diversity6continents Ecological determinants of tropical-temperate trends in insect diversity 2015
85 ScienceSquared ERC = ScienceSquared 2015
86 TB and Tobacco Tobacco cessation within TB programmes: A ‘real world’ solution for countries with dual burden of disease 2015
87 XPRESS XPRESS ENGINE - The Future of Affective Market Research 2015
88 LIFE-BATTERY Long lifespan battery for hybrid vehicles 2015
89 WIDENLIFE Widening the Scientific Excellence for Studies on Women’s and Fetal Health and Wellbeing 2016
90 FEAT Future and Emerging Art and Technology 2015
91 ARMOUR Large-Scale Experiments of IoT Security Trust 2016
92 Q4HEALTH Quality of Service and prioritisation for emergency services in the LTE RAN stack 2016
93 EINSTAIN Engine INSTallation And INtegration 2016
94 HYP The Hatha Yoga Project: Mapping Indian and Transnational Traditions of Physical Yoga through Philology and Ethnography 2015
95 ChiLTERN Children’s Liver Tumour European Research Network 2016
96 SUMMA Scalable Understanding of Multilingual Media 2016
97 Digi-NewB Non-invasive monitoring of perinatal health through multiparametric digital representation of clinically relevant functions for improving clinical intervention in neonatal units (Digi-NewB) 2016
98 FORMILK Innovative technology for the detection of enzyme activity in milk 2016
99 AniAge High Dimensional Heterogeneous Data based Animation Techniques for Southeast Asian Intangible Cultural Heritage Digital Content 2016
100 Bi-Stretch-4-Biomed BIaxial STRETCHing of PLLA-WS2 nanocomposites FOR thinner and stronger BIOMEDical scaffolds 2016
101 EXANDAS Exploitation of aromatic plants’ by-products for the development of novel cosmeceuticals and food supplements. 2016
102 FOODstars Innovative Food Product Development Cycle: Frame for Stepping Up Research Excellence of FINS - FOODstars 2015
103 FEUTURE The Future of EU-Turkey Relations. Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios 2016
104 EU-STRAT EU-STRAT - The EU and Eastern Partnership Countries: An Inside-Out Analysis and Strategic Assessment 2016
105 OpenGovIntelligence Fostering Innovation and Creativity in Europe through Public Administration Modernization towards Supplying and Exploiting Linked Open Statistical Data 2016
106 EULAC Focus Giving focus to the Cultural, Scientific and Social Dimension of EU – CELAC Relations 2016
107 EduMAP Adult Education as a Means for Active Participatory Citizenship 2016
108 LEFAPO Lead free automotive SLI power 2015
109 MARSU MARine atmospheric Science Unravelled: Analytical and mass spectrometric techniques development and application 2016
110 SuPREME Twinning for a Sustainable, Proactive Research partnership in distributed Energy systems planning, Modelling and managEment 2015
111 Agricolus DSS Agricolus Decision Support System 2016
112 SEESWIND SEESWIND, Silent, Efficient and Economic Small Wind Energy. 2016
113 Strength2Food Strengthening European Food Chain Sustainability by Quality and Procurement Policy 2016
114 TIMBER Northern Europe's timber resource - chronology, origin and exploitation 2016
115 REFLEX Analysis of the European energy system under the aspects of flexibility and technological progress 2016
116 EGYWINE Ancient Egypt’s Wine Rebirth 2016
117 NUTBIO-DIAB Nutritional biomarkers to advance understanding of association between diet and type 2 diabetes 2016
118 LIPSYNING Eat me microglia: lipid scrambling as a signal for synaptic pruning 2016
119 THERAGEL Development of a chemotherapeutic gel for glioblastoma multiforme treatment 2016
120 AgriCloud P2 Demonstration of a cloud-based precision farming management system for a sustainable and intensive agriculture to secure long-term food supply in Europe - Phase II 2016
121 EUROSTUDENTS Constructing the Higher Education Student: a comparative study of six European countries 2016
122 EUROSTUDENTS Constructing the Higher Education Student: a comparative study of six European countries 2016
123 CLAiR-CITY Citizen Led Air pollution Reduction in Cities 2016
124 ESPREssO Enhancing Synergies for disaster PRevention in the EurOpean Union 2016
125 DSMM “(De) Securitising Muslims in Cyber space: Social Media, Civil society and Marginalisation After Charlie Hebdo and the Islamic State” 2016
126 BIJOU Biomolecular Identification of Ornaments 2017
128 AS-ABA Alternative splicing and SR proteins in ABA-mediated plant stress responses 2017
129 EASTMED-PALEOTSUNAMI Towards a paleotsunami chronology in the southern Aegean and Levantine seas, Eastern Mediterranean 2016
130 SPuMP SpacePharma Microgravity Miniature Pump 2016
131 INTERCLOUDS Using the Magellanic Clouds to Understand the Interaction of Galaxies 2016
132 REPAiR REPAiR - REsource Management in Peri-urban AReas: Going Beyond Urban Metabolism 2016
133 GPU-WEAR GPU-WEAR, Ultra-low power heterogeneous Graphics Processing Units for Wearable/IoT devices 2016
134 Ground Truth 2.0 Ground Truth 2.0 - Environmental knowledge discovery of human sensed data 2016
135 EFFORTI Evaluation Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in Research and Innovation 2016
137 RiNG-16-17 European Researchers' Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2016-2017 2016
138 HPEM2GAS High Performance PEM Electrolyzer for Cost-effective Grid Balancing Applications 2016
139 SET - Chronic Pain SET – The defibrillator for Chronic Pain 2016
140 MEDIA4SEC The emerging role of new social media in enhancing public security 2016
141 3D-Forensics/FTI Mobile high-resolution 3D-Scanner and 3D data analysis for forensic evidence fast track to innovation 2016
142 PRIZM2016 Soft launch for the first thinbking music player 2016
143 CLASS Cross-Linguistic Acquisition of Sentence Structure: Integrating Experimental and Computational Approaches 2016
144 SEXHUM Sexual Humanitarianism: understanding agency and exploitation in the global sex industry 2016
145 EPP-Am The Early Peopling of Amazonia and the Beginning of Plant Domestication 2016
146 HOUSREG Social Art as a Tool for Empowerment: Housing Deprivation and Citizen Initiatives for Change 2016
147 6D STRINGS Tensionless strings of six-dimensional superconformal theories 2016
148 DYCON Dynamic Control and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations 2016
149 INCLUSIVE Smart and adaptive interfaces for INCLUSIVE work environment 2016
150 LASIMM Large Additive Subtractive Integrated Modular Machine 2016
151 ForZDM Integrated Zero Defect Manufacturing Solution for High Value Adding Multi-stage Manufacturing systems 2016
152 Wise-IoT Worldwide Interoperability for SEmantics IoT 2016
153 GlySign Exploitation of Glycosylation Signatures for Precision Medicine 2016
154 ETHOS Towards a European THeory Of juStice and fairness 2017
155 MultiPACK Demonstration of the next generation standardised integrated cooling and heating packages for commercial and public buildings based on environment-friendly carbon dioxide vapour compression cycles. 2016
156 FR8RAIL Development of Functional Requirements for Sustainable and Attractive European Rail Freight 2016
157 X2Rail-1 Start-up activities for Advanced Signalling and Automation Systems 2016
158 ICN2020 ICN2020: Advancing ICN towards real-world deployment through research, innovative applications, and global scale experimentation 2016
159 SheepNet Sharing Expertise and Experience towards sheep Productivity through NETworking 2016
160 EPIPHARM Development of a ncRNA DNA Methylation Kit for Treatment Guidance in Cancer of Unknown Primary 2017
161 EOMORES Earth Observation based services for Monitoring and Reporting of Ecological Status 2016
162 CA-RES3 Concerted Action supporting the transposition and implementation of Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RES Directive) 2016
163 ECoLaSS Evolution of Copernicus Land Services based on Sentinel data 2017
164 CROSSMINER Developer-Centric Knowledge Mining from Large Open-Source Software Repositories 2017
165 NATURVATION Nature Based Urban Innovation 2016
166 AGATM A Global Anthropology of Transforming Marriage 2017
167 ECSASDPE European and Chinese Platform for Stacked Aero-Structure Drilling Process and Equipment 2017
168 SCIENCEatHOME Let's Celebrate Cutting-Edge Science at Home! 2016
169 OPEN SESAME Opening Synchrotron Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East 2017
170 MarketStudy-OV Market Research for Oceanvolt zero-carbon emission marine electric propulsion system 2016
171 CliniTrial Enhancement of an advanced clinical trial recruitment platform for Europe to ensure maximum intake of eligible consenting patients for participation 2016
172 ColOpt Collective effects and optomechanics in ultra-cold matter 2017
173 InterFlex Interactions between automated energy systems and Flexibilities brought by energy market players 2017
174 BAMOS Biomaterials and Additive Manufacturing: Osteochondral Scaffold innovation applied to osteoarthritis 2017
175 SMARTTS Smart Tanks for Space 2017
176 KONFIDO KONFIDO - Secure and Trusted Paradigm for Interoperable eHealth Services 2016
177 DESIR DARIAH ERIC Sustainability Refined 2017
178 ReGenHeart Clinical development and proof of principle testing of new regenerative VEGF-D therapy for cost-effective treatment of refractory anginaA phase II randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study 2017
179 PECSYS Technology demonstration of large-scale photo-electrochemical system for solar hydrogen production 2017
180 MEMPHYS MEMbrane based Purification of HYdrogen System 2017
181 MultipleMS Multiple manifestations of genetic and non-genetic factors in Multiple Sclerosis disentangled with a multi-omics approach to accelerate personalised medicine 2017
182 GETM3 Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3 2017
184 NEIGHBOURCHANGE Social innovation and urban revitalization in hyperdiverse local societies 2017
185 NewSOL New StOrage Latent and sensible concept for high efficient CSP Plants 2017
186 SMILE Synchrotron Miniaturization enabling Innovative Laboratory Equipment in soft x-ray tomography. 2017
187 MULTIZONAL SCAFFOLD Multizonal scaffold system based on collagen and copper doped mesoporous bioactive glass microspheres for dual release of growth factors for application as wound dressing material. 0
188 CORDIAL Collaborative OWA robots for drilling and fasteners insertion in assembly lines 2017
189 X-Pulse ZNMF Pulsed Jet-based Active Flow Control of the UHBR-induced Flow through High Fidelity CFD 2017
190 INNO EEN-M Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M) 2017
191 Magyc Integrated rational design of cell factories for high value compounds 2017
193 BCSC-ST Breast cancer stem-like cells specific vulnerabilities: focus in HER2 over-expression and protein glycosylation 2017
194 VINe Social Vulnerability and its Intersections: The role of gender in a comparative perspective 2017
195 ADAPTOMICS Adaptations to temperature regimes in sponges: Genomic insights into the developmental and physiological evolutionary changes of early-branching metazoans 2017
197 SHARE Seizing the Hybrid Areas of work by Re-presenting self-Employment 2017
198 Global India Explaining Global India: a multi-sectoral PhD training programme analysing the emergence of India as a global actor 2017
199 ASSP Advanced Self-sorting and Supramolecular Polymers 2017
200 INCluSilver Innovation in personalised Nutrition through Cluster cooperation in the Silver economy 2017
201 RESILIENCE Understanding the resilience of Amazonian floodplain ecosystems 2017
202 AFOREST Effects of common European tree species on interactions between C and N processes in soil and soil biota 2018
203 WEAP The Western European Acheulian Project 2017
204 SELFCONTROLHEALTH Childhood Self-Control, Social Conditions, and Adult Health 2018
205 ELWar Electoral Legacies of War: Political Competition in Postwar Southeast Europe 2017
206 E-RIHS PP The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Preparatory Phase 2017
207 TENGEAD Tribo-Electric-Nanogenerator for Energy Autonomous Devices 2017
208 Urban Informality Capital Accumulation Through Informal Urbanization in India 2017
209 SHERPACK Innovative structured polysaccharides-based materials for recyclable and biodegradable flexible packaging 2017
210 InsideLoops Colour and Kinematics of Quarks and Gluons inside Loops 2017
211 PASS A Place for the Asylum Seekers. European migration policies and their socio-spatial impacts 2018
212 FRESCOatCNAP FrontierResearchCompentences@CNAP 2017
213 AgeConsolidate The Missing Link of Episodic Memory Decline in Aging: The Role of Inefficient Systems Consolidation 2017
214 ULP.PILAEMA Urban Landscapes of Power in the Iberian Peninsula from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages 2018
215 EvoCellFate Evolution of cell fate decision during development 2017
216 DEEP-EST DEEP - Extreme Scale Technologies 2017
217 Pilots4U A network of bioeconomy open access pilot and multipurpose demo facilities 2017
218 Rhodoshop Rhodoshop – a pilot programme to facilitate investment in energy efficiency by creation of One-Stop-Shop in Rhodope Region of Bulgaria. 2017
219 QStamp Introducing Smart Wireless Monitoring Stickers Adaptable to Any Surface And Bending Angle for Food Tracking 2017
220 GLOBALFIRMS Global Firms and Global Value Chains: Measurement and Mechanisms 2018
221 DIVERSify Designing InnoVative plant teams for Ecosystem Resilience and agricultural Sustainability 2017
222 FarFish Responsive Results-Based Management and capacity building for EU Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement- and international waters 2017
223 Diverfarming Crop diversification and low-input farming across Europe: from practitioners engagement and ecosystems services to increased revenues and chain organisation 2017
224 Climate-fit.City Pan-European Urban Climate Services 2017
225 PATHS The Paths of International Law: Stability and Change in the International Legal Order 2017
226 Net-UBIEP Network for Using BIM to Increase the Energy Performance 2017
227 ResearchLeaders2025 Research Leaders 2025 - A Fellowship Programme developing the Next Generation of Agri-Food Research Leaders 2018
228 LMUResearchFellows The LMU Research Fellowship Program: Promoting excellent early-stage postdoctoral researchers at LMU Munich 2017
229 ISTplus ISTplus - Postdoctoral Fellowships 2017
231 MUV Mobility Urban Values 2017
232 CASCAde Confidentiality-preserving Security Assurance 2017
233 DissectPcG Dissecting the Function of Multiple Polycomb Group Complexes in Establishing Transcriptional Identity 2017
234 Hubble Hubble – smart workplace allocation platform 2017
235 Morse Model-based optimisation for efficient use of resources and energy 2017
236 MUSTEC Market uptake of Solar Thermal Electricity through Cooperation 2017
237 SIMDAS Upgrade of CaSToRC into a Center of Excellence in Simulation and Data Science 2017
238 SPRING Setting the framework for the enhanced impact of SPIRE projects 2017
239 TrACE The Establishment of a Transport Analytics Centre of Excellence in Cyprus (TrACE) 2017
240 BAM Becoming A Minority 2017
241 HPCForEVs High Power Charger For Electric Vehicles 2017
242 Eco-sleeve Eco-sleeve is a propellant-free technology for Aerosols, generating high pressure to provide the familiar consumer experience of continuous dispensing. 2017
243 SYN1002 A New Therapeutic Option to Protect Central Nervous System against Acute Ischemic Stroke 2017
244 SynCrop Synthetic Circuits for Robust Orthogonal Production 2018
245 vCare Virtual Coaching Activities for Rehabilitation in Elderly 2017
246 YEASTDOC Yeast Biotechnology Doctoral Training Programme 2017
247 HEAR-ECO HEAR-ECO Innovative Hearing Aid Research - Ecological Conditions and Outcome Measures 2017
248 EVWRIT Everyday Writing in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt (I - VIII AD). A Socio-Semiotic Study of Communicative Variation 2018
249 NANOSTEM New nanomaterials for neural stem cells drug delivery 2018
250 IASI-FT IASI - Flux and temperature 2017
251 eTRANSAFE Enhacing TRANslational SAFEty Assessment through Integrative Knowledge Management 2017
252 SuperGenE Supergene evolution in a classic plant system - bringing the study of distyly into the genomic era 2018
253 COMICS Children in Comics: An Intercultural History from 1865 to Today 2018
254 TEMPO TEMPerature Optimisation for Low Temperature District Heating across Europe 2017
255 CoSIE Co-creation of service innovation in Europe 2017
256 SYMBIOSIS A Holistic Opto-Acoustic System for Monitoring Marine Biodiversities 2017
258 CLATHROPROBES Chiroptical, optical and magnetic probes for protein sensing based on cage metal complexes 2018
259 MOMIT Multi-scale Observation and Monitoring of railway Infrastructure Threats 2017
260 ARICE Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium: A strategy for meeting the needs for marine-based research in the Arctic 2018
261 EU_FT-ICR_MS European Network of Fourier-Transform Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance Mass Spectrometry Centers 2018
262 ME-WE Psychosocial Support for Promoting Mental Health and Well-being among Adolescent Young Carers in Europe 2018
263 RefugeesWellSchool Preventive school-based interventions to promote the mental well-being of refugee and migrant adolescents 2018
264 ATOMICAR ATOMic Insight Cavity Array Reactor 2018
265 CESYDE Ceramide Synthases in Diabetic Beta Cell Demise 2018
266 ReSHEALience Rethinking coastal defence and Green-Energy Service infrastructures through enHancEd-durAbiLIty high-performance fiber reinforced cement-based materials. 2018
267 ProSurf High Precision Process Chains for the Mass Production of Functional Structured Surfaces 2018
268 RESISTANCE Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries 2018
269 HYDRAITE Hydrogen Delivery Risk Assessment and Impurity Tolerance Evaluation 2018
270 FANFAR Reinforced cooperation to provide operational flood forecasting and alerts in West Africa 2018
271 I-Cuvette Smart cuvette and portable Time-Resolved FRET for fast analysis of milk 2017
272 ImmuneHunter Bioinformatics platform for profiling of health: allowing early and accurate detection of multiple diseases simultaneously 2017
273 Glyco-DeCon Decontamination by glycosylation based wipes 2018
274 RIGHTS The bargaining power of sending countries in influencing the rights of their low skilled migrant workers 2018
275 DEFEAT DiseasE-FreE social life without Antibiotics resisTance 2018
276 NUCLEARWATERS Putting Water at the Centre of Nuclear Energy History 2018
277 DEEDS DialoguE on European Decarbonisation Strategies 2017
278 ESI Europe Driving Investment in Energy Efficiency through Energy Savings Insurance in Europe 2018
279 HAPPI Housing Association’s Energy Efficiency Process Planning and Investments 2018
280 LABMASTER LUCIA Labmaster Lucia - revolutionizing blood diagnostics with rapid accurate low-cost point-of-care tests 2018
281 KYTERA COMPANION Disrupting the elderly home care with contextual analysis software 2018
282 OriginIoT OriginIoT - novel platform for increased utilization of GNSS constellations via outdoor IoT products 2018
283 InnoForESt Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services 2017
285 OSMOSE Optimal System-Mix Of flexibility Solutions for European electricity 2018
286 REFITT Rare Earth Free Innovative Truck Traction 2018
287 B4EST Adaptive BREEDING for productive, sustainable and resilient FORESTs under climate change 2018
288 BetweenTwoBrains Between Two Brains: Brain oscillatory basis of human collaboration 2018
289 COINE Counterfeiting Empire: Money, Crime, and Politics in the British Atlantic World 2018
290 cureCD Function of long non-coding RNA in Crohn Disease Ulcer Pathogenesis 2018
291 DREAM Drafting and Enacting the Revolutions in the Arab Mediterranean.In search of Dignity, from the 1950’s until today 2018
292 FMSystem The European Fiscal-Military System 1530-1870 2018
293 LIV.IN LIVING INNOVATION - Implementing RRI through co-creation of smart futures with industry and citizens 2018
294 RRING Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally 2018
295 Work-STeP Workforce Sustainability Testing Platform 2018
297 GOPV Global Optimization of integrated PhotoVoltaics system for low electricity cost 2018
298 Amplitudes Bootstrap The Bootstrap Method for General Amplitudes 2018
299 EXTINCT The interaction of environmental conditions and species traits as drivers of species extinctions and community homogenisation 2019
300 THALLMORPHAL Insight into the Symbiotic Chemical Communication of Algae and Bacteria: Thallusin and Dedicated Analogues 2018
301 I2-ICIQ Impulsion ICIQ Impulse for Talented Postdoctoral Fellows 2019
302 COASTAL Collaborative lAnd Sea inTegration pLatform 2018
303 ENSEMBLE ENabling SafE Multi-Brand pLatooning for Europe 2018
304 STRATOFLY Stratospheric Flying Opportunities for High-Speed Propulsion Concepts 2018
305 HySeas III Realising the world's first sea-going hydrogen-powered RoPax ferry and a business model for European islands 2018
306 HEY BABY Helping Empower Youth Brought up in Adversity with their Babies and Young children 2019
307 SPACE-UP Assisting European SPACE Start-ups in scaling UP 2018
308 OpenHeritage Organizing, Promoting and ENabling HEritage Re-use through Inclusion, Technology, Access, Governance and Empowerment 2018
309 GrapheneCore2 Graphene Flagship Core Project 2 2018
310 MENTICA The Middle East Neolithic Transition: Integrated Community Approaches 2018
311 DEVINCI Developmental principles for the functional specialisation of inhibitory circuits in neocortical areas 2018
312 PALAEO-RA A Palaeoreanalysis To Understand Decadal Climate Variability 2018
313 CowficieNcy Upgrading and implementing mathematical models to increase nitrogen use efficiency of lactating dairy cows. 2018
314 Pharma-Factory Building the product pipeline for commercial demonstration of Plant Molecular Factories 2017
315 EXICOM 3D experience anywhere, at any time 2018
316 ReSOLUTE Research empowerment on solute carriers (ReSOLUTE) 2018
318 Child-MHO Genetics of metabolically healthy obesity (MHO) and metabolically unhealthy normal weight (MUNW) in children, and the childhood predictors of adulthood MHO and MUNW 2018
319 SIKB The Development of Students' Identities as Knowledge Builders 2018
320 SHERPA Shaping the ethical dimensions of smart information systems (SIS) – a European perspective 2018
321 SHERIF reSearcH is sERIous Fun 2018
322 ASCTN-Training Training on Advanced Stem Cell Technologies in Neurology 2018
323 Neo-PRISM-C Neo-PRISM-C: NEurodevelopmental Optimal-Predictors, Risk factors, and Intervention from a Systems approach to Maladjustment in Children 2018
324 ABC-EU-XVA Valuation Adjustments for Improved Risk Management 2018
325 SINNCE Strengthening Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research at CEITEC 2018
326 WON Wideband Optical Networks 2019
327 WINK Women's Invisible Ink: Trans-Genre Writing and the Gendering of Intellectual Value in Early Modernity 2019
328 CEWASTE Voluntary certification scheme for waste treatment 2018
329 PANELFIT Participatory Approaches to a New Ethical and Legal Framework for ICT 2018
330 FLAMMINGGOS Functional Links in Avian, Microbial, Macrophyte, and INvertebrate Greenhouse Gas Output Stimulation 2018
331 Stance4Health Smart Technologies for personAlised Nutrition and Consumer Engagement 2018
332 PASQuanS Programmable Atomic Large-Scale Quantum Simulation 2018
333 GEORISK Developing geothermal and renewable energy projects by mitigating their risks. 2018
334 IMPACT HAU The Hau of Finance: Impact Investing and the Globalization of Social and Environmental Sustainability 2019
335 EMBEDDIA Cross-Lingual Embeddings for Less-Represented Languages in European News Media 2019
336 DISCE Developing Inclusive & Sustainable Creative Economies 2019
337 GreenCorrosionStop Commercialisation of a unifying green VCI anti-corrosion paper for the manufacturing industry and logistics companies 2018
339 SPEAR Supporting and Implementing Plans for Gender Equality in Academia and Research 2019
340 BIOTRAFO Raising knowledge and developing technology for the design and deployment of high-performance power transformers immersed in biodegradable fluids“BIOTRAFO” 2019
341 EXCELLERAT The European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications 2018
342 CroP Leveraging predictive technologies to increase operational & cost efficiencies in the European cargo claims value chain. 2018
344 GRACE Grounding RRI Actions to Achieve Institutional Change in European Research Funding and Performing Organisations 2019
345 DeepHealth Deep-Learning and HPC to Boost Biomedical Applications for Health 2019
346 SHIKIFACTORY100 Modular cell factories for the production of 100 compounds from the shikimate pathway 2019
347 InteropEHRate Interoperable EHRs at user edge 2019
348 QUEFORMAL Quantum Engineering for Machine Learning 2019
349 LEE-BED Innovation test bed for development and production of nanomaterials for lightweight embedded electronics 2019
350 SCENE Smart City on the Edge Network Enhancements 2018
351 LoGov Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay 2019
352 DONORS Who gives life? Understanding, explaining and predicting donor behaviour 2019
353 WATERMAX First European Aeration Systems based on NANOBUBBLES TECHNOLOGY for Waste Water Treatment 2019
354 INITIO INnovative chemIcal sensors for enanTioselective detectIon of chiral pOllutants 2019
355 QuantumBirds Radical pair-based magnetic sensing in migratory birds 2019
357 HBP SGA2 Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 2 2018
358 EuQu The European Qur'an. Islamic Scripture in European Culture and Religion 1150-1850 2019
359 ACO AstroChemical Origins 2019
360 FIAT The Foundations of Institutional AuThority: a multi-dimensional model of the separation of powers 2020
361 iLIVE Living well, dying well. A research programme to support living until the end 2019
362 MeningoSpeed A unique cost-effective and point of care (PoC) kit for the non-invasive rapid in vitro diagnosis of meningococcal disease 2019
363 MI_DICE Market Impact through Disruptive Innovation in Clean Energy Technologies 2019
364 FIN-TECH A FINancial supervision and TECHnology compliance training programme 2019
365 Cr Free REAL Development and testing of innovative Cr Free solution for REmoval of Anodic Layers 2019
366 SQP Opening new markets for Single Quantum Photodetectors 2019
367 BlockchainKYC Blockchain-based, 100% automated KYC (Know Your Customer) service 2019
368 INSULAE Maximizing the impact of innovative energy approaches in the EU islands 2019
369 TeRRIFICA Territorial RRI fostering Innovative Climate Action 2019
370 Safe4RAIL-2 Safe architecture for Robust distributed Application Integration in roLling stock 2 2018
371 ConvergeAnt Uncovering the genomic underpinnings of the convergent evolution of a major social trait 2019
372 ReVeAL Regulating Vehicle Access for improved Livability 2019
373 COMETS COllective action Models for Energy Transition and Social Innovation 2019
374 PHOTOCATALYSIS Recyclable Metal-free Photocatalysts for Synthetic Chemistry based on Covalent Organic Frameworks 2019
375 EndoReproTox Embodied Ecologies: An Ethnographic Study of Reproductive Toxicity, Infertility, Endometriosis and Delayed Childbearing 2019
376 SONNET SOCIAL INNOVATION IN ENERGY TRANSITIONS: Co-creating a rich understanding of the diversity, processes, contributions, success and future potentials of social innovation in the energy sector 2019
377 Contracts2.0 Co-design of novel contract models for innovative agri-environmental-climate measures and for valorisation of environmental public goods 2019
378 LIFEMODE Possible Life: The Philosophical Significance of Extending Biology 2019
379 PANI WATER Photo-irradiation and Adsorption based Novel Innovations for Water-treatment 2019
380 NEW MARKETS New Market: an exploration into the changing nature of business environments, informal barriers and emerging markets in the post-Soviet region 2019
381 EEPLIANT3 Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 3 2019
382 WASEABI Optimal utilization of seafood side-streams through the design of new holistic process lines 2019
383 WoMent 'Mad for Him'. Women, Religion and Mental Illness in the Late Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Age 2019
384 4F4REJUVENGLIA 4F-induced rejuvenation of glia into neural stem cells for brain repair 2019
385 IUCCF An intelligent design of user-centric cell-free massive MIMO: A deep learning approach 2020
386 LIBORG EU Externalization of Migration and Border Management to Libya: the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations and Human Rights Implications 2019
388 SUMP-PLUS Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning: Pathways and Links to Urban Systems 2019
389 HARMONY Title: Holistic Approach for Providing Spatial & Transport Planning Tools and Evidence to Metropolitan and Regional Authorities to Lead a Sustainable Transition to a New Mobility Era 2019
390 FOX Innovative down-scaled FOod processing in a boX 2019
391 SoildiverAgro Soil biodiversity enhancement in European agroecosystems to promote their stability and resilience by external inputs reduction and crop performance increase 2019
392 AQUA-FAANG Advancing European Aquaculture by Genome Functional Annotation 2019
393 CREAToR Collection of raw materials, Removal of flAme reTardants and Reuse of secondary raw materials 2019
394 CityLoops Closing the loop for urban material flows 2019
395 TURNkey Towards more Earthquake-resilient Urban Societies through a Multi-sensor-based Information System enabling Earthquake Forecasting, Early Warning and Rapid Response actions 2019
396 QUSTEC QUSTEC: international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral doctoral programme in Quantum Science and Technologies 2019
397 ARDRE Ageing, Regeneration, and Drug Research 2019
398 OSTOFORM Novel Device for Improving Ostomy Skin Condition 2019
399 Prognolite The first holistic restaurant forecasting tool to reduce food waste by predicting future demand 2019
400 OPEN DEI Aligning Reference Architectures, Open Platforms and Large Scale Pilots in Digitising European Industry 2019
401 RETHEIR The return of the heirs 2019
402 BoostUrCAreer Boosting PhD employability @UCA 2019
403 MASMA Magnetic measurement with Absolute Single digit Micron Accuracy 2019
404 VagX Diagnostic tool for Vaginitis 2019
405 DUEL Fighting with Words: Poetic Duelling and its Performance across the Mediterranean 2019
406 SEAS Science education for action and engagement towards sustainability 2019
407 Undersee Enabling Precision Aquaculture with multi-variable real-time sensing and Copernicus Earth Observation data 2019
408 DepoSIt Development and testing of the European Innovation Audit tool for Social Innovation 2019
409 StreptoMANIAC Cost and benefit of beta-lactam resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae: interplay between the resistance determinants and the cell elongation/division components 2019
410 Perfuze A simple, repeatable way to completely remove a clot from the brain in one pass 2019
411 ChinaUrban Rethinking China’s Model of Urban Governance 2020
412 ENHAnCE European training Network in intelligent prognostics and Health mAnagement in Composite structurEs 2020
414 iPRODUCE A Social Manufacturing Framework for Streamlined Multi-stakeholder Open Innovation Missions in Consumer Goods Sectors 2020
415 DIMOFAC Digital Intelligent MOdular FACtories 2019
416 Mendel KBASE Developing Natural Language Processing and machine learning algorithms for the most comprehensive knowledge base to speed up diagnosis of rare disease patients 2019
417 PHArA-ON Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing 2019
418 EoPPP A Global Comparative Ethnography of Parliaments, Politicians and People: representation, relationships and ruptures 2019
419 VACDIVA A safe DIVA vaccine for African Swine Fever control and eradication 2019
420 FlexPlan Advanced methodology and tools taking advantage of storage and FLEXibility in transmission and distribution grid PLANning 2019
421 MIX-UP MIXed plastics biodegradation and UPcycling using microbial communities 2020
422 mfloDx Adaptable Multiflow Diagnostic Platform to Genetically Identify Drug Resistant Infection 2019
423 POLYQUANT Theoretical developments for precision spectroscopy of polyatomic and polyelectronic molecules 2020
424 CHILDPHOTOARCHIVE Children’s Photography Archive: a curriculum for child-authored, multimodal citizenship education in primary schools 2020
425 ySKILLS Youth Skills 2020
426 EQUAL4EUROPE Gender Equality Standards for AHMSSBL institutions throughout Europe 2020
427 PLUTO One-of-a-kind therapy for crossed eyes. Helping families to reduce emotional and financial burden of eye therapy. 2019
428 MediaMotorEurope Media Motor Europe 2020
429 STEPforGGR Solar up-draft tower to enable atmospheric photocatalysis for non-CO2 greenhouse gases removal: an emerging negative emission technology 2020
430 ENCAP4HEALTH Innovative sustainable ENCAPsulation systems for improving human HEALTH and well-being 2020
431 EnviroCitizen Citizen Science for Environmental Citizenship: Backyard Birding and the Potential for Cultivating Green Engagement 2020
432 NGTax Next Generation Taxonomy: Ciliophora and their bacterial symbionts as a proof of concept 2020
433 PHABULOUS Pilot-line providing highly advanced & robust manufacturing technology for optical free-form micro-structures 2020
434 BRAINTIME Molecular atlas of the brain across the human lifespan 2020
435 HIGGS Hydrogen In Gas GridS: a systematic validation approach at various admixture levels into high-pressure grids 2020
436 BlueDot A long-acting, constant release ocular implant for the sustained delivery of biologics and small molecules for the treatment of retinal diseases. 2019
437 NewSOC Next Generation solid oxide fuel cell and electrolysis technology 2020
438 oncNGS NGS diagnostics in 21st century oncology: the best, for all, at all times 2020
439 State Silence The Silence of States in International Law 2020
440 LIFEPLAN A Planetary Inventory of Life – a New Synthesis Built on Big Data Combined with Novel Statistical Methods 2020
441 ELISA The Emergence of Language in Social Interaction 2020
442 ATTEST Advanced Tools Towards cost-efficient decarbonisation of future reliable Energy SysTems 2020
443 DYNOME Barcoding gene expression dynamics at single-molecule resolution 2020
444 PIVOT2 Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2 2019
445 INNODK IV Innovation Services for Danish SMEs IV 2020-2021 2020
449 NEMABOX Deciphering the cyst nematode parasitic program by uncovering how their virulence is orchestrated 2020
450 HumanLand Human Landscapes: agricultural intensification and peasant resilience in medieval Southern Greater Syria. 2021
451 SUFISM Contemporary Sufi spirituality of the middle classes - global forms and regional peculiarities 2021
452 S4DX The world’s first “digital data-fingerprint” for human blood samples. 2020
454 ASINA Anticipating Safety Issues at the Design Stage of NAno Product Development 2020
455 CAPRI Cognitive Automation Platform for European PRocess Industry digital transformation 2020
456 APRIL multipurpose robotics for mAniPulation of defoRmable materIaLs in manufacturing processes 2020
457 ViRMA Virtual Reality Multimedia Analytics: An interactive approach to large-scale multimedia analysis in a virtual environment 2020
458 FIOLENCE FIOLENCE: A New Research Space at the Food/Violence Nexus 2020