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Horizon2020 projects coordinated by "POLITECNICO DI MILANO"

# project acronym  year  total cost  totalcontribution 
1 PERSEUS Promoting excellence and recognition seal of European aerospace Universities 2014 673˙316.00 600˙000.00
2 MEDEA Molecular Electron Dynamics investigated by IntensE Fields and Attosecond Pulses 2015 3˙896˙490.00 3˙896˙490.00
3 CREA Network of summer academies for the improvement of entrepreneurship in innovative sectors 2015 1˙559˙422.00 1˙468˙896.00
4 CLEAN-GAS Combustion for Low Emission Applications of Natural Gas 2015 3˙832˙293.00 3˙832˙293.00
5 SUSTAIN-OWNER Sustainable Design and Management of Industrial Assets through Total Value and Cost of Ownership 2015 450˙000.00 450˙000.00
6 MUSICARE MUltiSectoral Integrative approaches to CArdiac care 2015 3˙835˙204.00 3˙835˙204.00
7 PSYMBIOSYS Product-Service sYMBIOtic SYStems 2015 5˙996˙303.00 5˙996˙303.00
8 NICHOID Mechanobiology of nuclear import of transcription factors modeled within a bioengineered stem cell niche. 2015 1˙903˙330.00 1˙903˙330.00
9 VIBRA Very fast Imaging by Broadband coherent RAman 2015 1˙822˙500.00 1˙822˙500.00
10 MISSION Mid Infrared SpectrometerS by an Innovative Optical iNterferometer 2015 149˙625.00 149˙625.00
11 RESCUE REsistive-Switch CompUting bEyond CMOS 2015 1˙998˙113.00 1˙998˙113.00
12 BIONICO BIOgas membrane reformer for deceNtralIzed hydrogen produCtiOn 2015 3˙396˙640.00 3˙147˙640.00
13 ANTAREX AutoTuning and Adaptivity appRoach for Energy efficient eXascale HPC systems 2015 3˙115˙251.00 3˙115˙251.00
14 ENSURE Exploring the New Science and engineering unveiled by Ultraintense ultrashort Radiation interaction with mattEr 2015 1˙887˙500.00 1˙887˙500.00
15 PHOEBUS PHOto-induced Energy flow in Bio-inspired molecular circuits probed with Ultrafast two-dimensional Spectroscopy 2015 244˙269.00 244˙269.00
16 BEINCPPS Business Experiments in Cyber Physical Production Systems 2015 9˙517˙642.00 7˙999˙485.00
17 CITY4AGE Elderly-friendly City services for active and healthy ageing 2015 4˙472˙750.00 4˙472˙750.00
18 POLIS Studying the bricks of microbial cities: characterization and structural properties of exopolysaccharides and their interaction with proteins and cations in anammox granular sludge 2015 168˙277.00 168˙277.00
19 SPARK Spatial Augmented Reality as a Key for co-creativity 2016 3˙180˙242.00 3˙180˙242.00
20 SHAPE Structure-dependent microkinetic modelling of heterogeneous catalytic processes 2016 1˙496˙250.00 1˙496˙250.00
21 COMPASS Control for Orbit Manoeuvring through Perturbations for Application to Space Systems 2016 1˙499˙020.00 1˙499˙020.00
22 GECO Data-Driven Genomic Computing 2016 2˙500˙000.00 2˙500˙000.00
23 RAMSES Internet Forensic platform for tracking the money flow of financially-motivated malware 2016 3˙785˙931.00 3˙532˙000.00
24 L.I.F.E. LIVING IN A FRINGE ENVIRONMENT - Investigating occupation and exploitation of desert frontier areas in the Late Roman Empire 2016 1˙994˙932.00 1˙994˙932.00
25 LINCOLN Lean innovative connected vessels 2016 7˙808˙691.00 6˙343˙600.00
26 HEAT4COOL Smart building retrofitting complemented by solar assisted heat pumps integrated within a self-correcting intelligent building energy management system. 2016 7˙934˙577.00 5˙703˙012.00
27 SWING Patterning Spin-Wave reconfIgurable Nanodevices for loGics and computing. 2016 244˙269.00 244˙269.00
28 NITROS Network for Innovative Training on ROtorcraft Safety 2016 3˙146˙893.00 3˙146˙893.00
29 FLEDGED FLExible Dimethyl ether production from biomass Gasification with sorption-enhancED processes 2016 5˙569˙330.00 5˙306˙455.00
30 ENCOMPASS Collaborative Recommendations and Adaptive Control for Personalised Energy Saving 2016 3˙312˙589.00 2˙000˙350.00
31 INTENT Structured Reactors with INTensified ENergy Transfer for Breakthrough Catalytic Technologies 2016 2˙484˙648.00 2˙484˙648.00
32 SOLUS Smart optical and ultrasound diagnostics of breast cancer 2016 3˙815˙260.00 3˙815˙260.00
33 AMATHO A.dditive MA.nufacturing for T.iltrotor HO.using 2016 3˙321˙160.00 1˙749˙999.00
34 SONAR Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in doped semiconductor nanocrystals 2017 1˙107˙000.00 742˙500.00
35 INTER Innovative Neutron source for non destructive TEsting and tReatments 2017 149˙375.00 149˙375.00
36 MINERVA MIcrobiota-Gut-BraiN EngineeRed platform to eVAluate intestinal microflora impact on brain functionality 2017 1˙999˙194.00 1˙999˙194.00
37 CHIMERA A novel instrument to identify chiral molecules for pharmaceutics and bio-chemistry. 2017 149˙375.00 149˙375.00
38 ESPLORE Extending the science perspectives of linear wires of carbon atoms from fundamental research to emerging materials 2017 1˙981˙875.00 1˙981˙875.00
39 NICHOIDS Nichoid: nanoengineered three-dimensional substrate for stem cell expansion 2017 150˙000.00 150˙000.00
40 FIBEREUSE Large scale demonstration of new circular economy value-chains based on the reuse of end-of-life fiber reinforced composites. 2017 11˙943˙963.00 9˙793˙548.00
41 NESTORE Novel Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activities 2017 4˙977˙000.00 4˙977˙000.00
42 HEART Holistic Energy and Architectural Retrofit Toolkit 2017 6˙638˙687.00 5˙669˙012.00
43 MICROSPIRE micro-crystals Single Photon InfraREd detectors 2017 3˙106˙381.00 3˙106˙381.00
44 MY-ATRIA MultidisciplinarY training network for ATrial fibRillation monItoring, treAtment and progression 2017 3˙056˙990.00 3˙056˙990.00
45 IHEART An Integrated Heart Model for the simulation of the cardiac function 2017 2˙351˙544.00 2˙351˙544.00
46 PASSION Photonic technologies for progrAmmable transmission and switching modular systems based on Scalable Spectrum/space aggregation for future agIle high capacity metrO Networks 2017 8˙393˙075.00 7˙535˙747.00
47 RESHEALIENCE Rethinking coastal defence and Green-Energy Service infrastructures through enHancEd-durAbiLIty high-performance fiber reinforced cement-based materials. 2018 5˙557˙595.00 5˙557˙595.00
48 MINIRES A Minimalist Peptide Elastomer 2018 150˙000.00 150˙000.00
49 RECIPE REliable power and time-ConstraInts-aware Predictive management of heterogeneous Exascale systems 2018 3˙290˙800.00 3˙285˙300.00
50 LASER OPTIMAL Laser Ablation: SElectivity and monitoRing for OPTImal tuMor removAL 2018 1˙499˙575.00 1˙499˙575.00
51 SISCODE Society in Innovation and Science through CODEsign 2018 3˙999˙268.00 3˙999˙268.00
52 GRAINS Gravitation of Rubble-pile Asteroid with Internal N-body Structure 2018 176˙203.00 176˙203.00
53 CHARISMA CHARge transport in Intermediate-Sized Molecules on Attosecond time scales 2018 168˙277.00 168˙277.00
54 ALPHA-STEM Advanced Laboratory Phantoms for Soft Tissues in Engineering and Medicine: ALPHA-STEM 2018 244˙269.00 244˙269.00
55 IDERPLANE Innovative DEsign for Reliable PLANEt bearings 2018 761˙593.00 749˙968.00
56 FLUO Industrial implementation of a step-change technology to measure fluorescence 2018 150˙000.00 150˙000.00
57 CONVERGE CarbON Valorisation in Energy-efficient Green fuels 2018 5˙087˙031.00 5˙087˙031.00
58 MOAB Miniaturised optically accessible bioreactor for drug discovery and biological research 2018 150˙000.00 150˙000.00
59 LIGHTME An Open Innovation Ecosystem for upscaling production processes of lightweight metal alloys composites 2019 12˙943˙298.00 11˙057˙990.00
60 BIM4EEB BIM based fast toolkit for Efficient rEnovation in Buildings 2019 6˙993˙942.00 6˙993˙940.00
61 HI-PHRET High-resolution Imaging with Phase Retrieved Tomography 2019 180˙277.00 180˙277.00
62 SCARABEUS Supercritical CARbon dioxide/Alternative fluids Blends for Efficiency Upgrade of Solar power plants 2019 4˙950˙266.00 4˙950˙266.00
63 PAIDEIA PlAsmon InduceD hot Electron extraction with doped semiconductors for Infrared solAr energy 2019 1˙815˙445.00 1˙815˙445.00
64 ROCS Rotorcraft Certification by Simulation 2019 2˙999˙768.00 2˙842˙172.00
65 CIRCUS Crosspoint In-memoRy CompUting Systems 2019 149˙463.00 149˙463.00
66 PURENANO A purification/regeneration process of spent plating baths base on functionalized magnetic nanoparticles. 2019 4˙246˙490.00 4˙246˙490.00
67 UKNEEVERSAL uKNEEversal: a miniaturized 3D in vitro model of human joint to gain new knowledge on Osteoarthritis pathophysiology 2019 171˙473.00 171˙473.00
68 REMOVE Rendezvous Modelling Visiting and Enhancing 2019 168˙277.00 168˙277.00
69 DIGIPLACE Digital Platform for Construction in Europe 2019 999˙132.00 999˙132.00
70 EMPATHY use of multiscale modElling to Minimize coke ProducTion during the methanol-to- HYdrocarbon process 2019 171˙473.00 171˙473.00
71 SINERGIA advanced technologieS for drug dIscovery and precisioN mEdicine: in vitRo modellinG human physiology and diseAse 2019 3˙951˙996.00 3˙951˙996.00
72 BIOGAS2SYNGAS Rational Design for Coke-resistant Dry Reforming Catalyst using Combined Theory and Operando Raman Experiments 2019 171˙473.00 171˙473.00
73 CHIRALSCOPY Probing Ultrafast Stereochemical Dynamics by Femtosecond Electronic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy 2019 171˙473.00 171˙473.00
74 PROVA Pitot probe for non-ideal compressible flows of organic fluids for renewable energy applications 2019 0.00 150˙000.00
75 EASYRIGHTS Enabling immigrants to easily know and exercise their rights 2020 3˙519˙000.00 3˙088˙350.00
76 DIGIPRIME Digital Platform for Circular Economy in Cross-sectorial Sustainable Value Networks 2020 19˙257˙130.00 15˙963˙173.00
77 AUDACE Attosecond Dynamics in Advanced Materials 2020 1˙466˙250.00 1˙466˙250.00
78 RECYCLE Removal and Mitigation of Pollution from the Use of Pesticides: Prevention, Recycling and Resource Management 2020 1˙347˙800.00 1˙347˙800.00
79 PROTECHT Providing RObust high TECHnology Tags based on linear carbon nanostructures 2020 0.00 150˙000.00
80 POSHGOAT Potential-dependent Second-Harmonic Generation in Optical Antennas measured Time-resolved 2020 137˙604.00 137˙604.00
81 U-HARWARD Ultra High Aspect Ratio Wing Advanced Research and Designs 2020 2˙510˙938.00 2˙510˙938.00
82 DIANA Organ-on-a-chip Drug screenIng device to tArget braiN diseAse 2020 0.00 150˙000.00
83 EXTREMA Engineering Extremely Rare Events in Astrodynamics for Deep-Space Missions in Autonomy 2020 1˙972˙837.00 1˙972˙837.00
84 MODFABE Modelling individual farmer behaviours in Coupled Human Natural Systems under changing climate and society 2020 171˙473.00 171˙473.00

More Horizon 2020 projects

The Institution POLITECNICO DI MILANO has been involved also in the following Horizon 2020 projects.