The page lists 471 projects related to the topic "degradation".
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1 | IN2RAIL | Innovative Intelligent Rail | 2015 |
2 | 20SComplexity | An integrative approach to uncover the multilevel regulation of 20S proteasome degradation | 2015 |
3 | CrIC | Molecular basis of the cross-talk between chronic inflammation and cancer | 2015 |
4 | MoNaLISA | Long-term molecular nanoscale imaging of neuronal function | 2015 |
5 | Autophagy in vitro | Reconstituting Autophagosome Biogenesis in vitro | 2015 |
6 | REMEMBER | Adaptive immunity in prokaryotes: how Bacteria do not forgive and do not forget their enemies | 2015 |
7 | COREGAL | Combined Positioning-Reflectometry Galileo Code Receiver for Forest Management | 2015 |
8 | HypoTRAIN | Hyporheic Zone Processes – A training network for enhancing the understanding of complex physical, chemical and biological process interactions | 2015 |
9 | BiodivERsA3 | Consolidating the European Research Area on biodiversity and ecosystem services | 2015 |
10 | GrowMeUp | GrowMeUp | 2015 |
11 | ALABO | Advanced laser ablation barrier films for organic and large area electronic devices | 2015 |
13 | INTELUM | International and intersectoral mobility to develop advanced scintillating fibres and Cerenkov fibres for new hadron and jet calorimeters for future colliders | 2015 |
14 | SMARCOAT | Development of Smart Nano and Microcapsulated Sensing Coatings for improving of Material Durability/Performance | 2015 |
15 | HYMADE | Hybrid Drug Delivery Systems upon Mesoporous Materials, Self Assembled Therapeutics and Virosomes | 2015 |
16 | MACIVIVA | MAnufacturing process for Cold-chain Independent VIrosome-based VAccines | 2015 |
17 | TRACES | Tracing ancient microbial cells embedded in silica | 2015 |
18 | RINGE3 | Structural and mechanistic insights into RING E3-mediated ubiquitination | 2015 |
19 | WILLOW | WIreLess LOWband communications: massive and ultra-reliable access | 2015 |
20 | UbiProPox | Modulation of the Ubiquitin Proteasome System During Multiple Stages of the Poxvirus Lifecycle | 2015 |
21 | TherVIS | A Thermal-Visual Integrated System Mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for 3D energy performance mapping and forecasting and damage evaluation | 2014 |
22 | Ultramelt | An innovative, disruptive, advanced technology for ultrasonic flow enhancement of injection moulding that significantly reduces cooling times improves productivity | 2014 |
23 | HIPINDMOULD | Optimized Industrial HIPIMS system for coating Plastic Injection Moulds | 2014 |
24 | GelSwimming | Bacterial motion in polymer solutions and biogels | 2016 |
25 | ALifeInSOFCs | Augmented Lifetime of Infiltrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cells | 2015 |
26 | AutophagosomeSealing | Ymr1 role in the Atg proteins release from complete autophagosomes | 2015 |
27 | RhomBioID | Molecular mechanisms of rhomboid-like proteins in human immunity | 2015 |
28 | MicroCity | Microbes in the city: a metagenomic trait-based analysis of microbial metacommunity structure along urbanization gradients | 2015 |
29 | HAP4MARBLE | Multi-functionalization of hydroxyapatite for restoration and preventive conservation of marble artworks | 2015 |
30 | Inflammafish | Cross-talk between inflammation and autophagy in tuberculosis | 2016 |
31 | SYNPT | The role of autophagy in presynaptic protein turnover | 2015 |
32 | SAT STABILIS | Nonlinear Sampled-data Attitude Stabilization of Underactuated Spacecraft | 2015 |
33 | EMCOP9CRL | Structural basis of Cullin-RING ligase regulation by the COP9 signalosome | 2015 |
34 | AlFHoNSo | Analysing Forest Hydrocarbons with Networks of Sensors | 2015 |
35 | BICSA | Biophysical Changes in the Sahel: Ground and Satellite Based Evidence Across Scales and Disciplines | 2015 |
36 | MECHANOPROTEASES | Single Molecule Study of Protease Mechano-Specificity | 2015 |
37 | KEME | Knitting early modern Europe: materials, manufacture and meaning | 2015 |
38 | FOREST 3D - ECOCARB | Integration of innovative remote sensing techniques for optimum modelling of tropical forest primate habitat and carbon storage | 2015 |
39 | PERMTHAW | Permafrost thaw – decadal responses to climate change | 2016 |
40 | 2G BIOPIC | Second Generation BIoethanol sustainable production based on Organosolv Process at atmospherIc Conditions | 2015 |
41 | MHAtriCell | Hyaluronan-rich matrices crosslinked with collagen-like peptides for 3D culture of ovarian cancer cells | 2015 |
42 | Micropod | MICROPOrous Devices for next-generation therapeutic delivery | 2015 |
43 | YIELDFACTOR | Using SP1 to control plastid development and yield in cereals | 2016 |
44 | TRANSFORMERS | Creating transformation-stable microstructures through shared crystallographic motifs | 2015 |
45 | MatrixMacrophages | Matrix degrading macrophages in cancer growth and invasion | 2015 |
46 | FreshwaterMPs | The environmental fate and effects of microplastics in freshwater ecosystems | 2015 |
47 | UVMWREACT | Design, fabrication and optimization of a novel integrated UV-microwave assisted catalytic reactor for the continuous flow treatment of wastewater | 2015 |
48 | NETPAC | Microbial networks for PAC cycling in polluted soils | 2015 |
49 | QSIPP | Exploring bacterial Quorum Sensing Infochemicals and hydrolytic Proteins linked to marine Particle degradation | 0 |
50 | UbiGABA | The role of ubiquitination in stability and plasticity of the GABAergic synapse | 2015 |
51 | DEW | Detachment of water: Light triggered water droplet release from biomimetic honeycomb-structured polymer surfaces | 2016 |
52 | MDLab Ginestra | A novel characterization- and reliability-oriented simulation software for dielectric-based nano-electronic devices | 2015 |
53 | BilletPro | Development of a harvesting machine for short rotation plantations for the production of billets with advantageous properties in terms of handling, drying and storing | 2015 |
54 | TRANSREGEN | Portable thermal fluid regeneration system for Solar Thermal Plants | 2015 |
55 | CORE | Camelina Oil for Sustainable Salmon Aquafeed | 2015 |
56 | GReen Desalination | GReen Desalination: A closed-loop technology for full recovery of water and raw materials from the wastewater effluent | 2015 |
57 | Myelination | Cell biology of myelin wrapping, plasticity and turnover | 2015 |
59 | DRIVE | Diabetes Reversing Implants with enhanced Viability and long-term Efficacy | 2015 |
60 | NANORESTART | NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART | 2015 |
61 | EXTMOS | EXTended Model of Organic Semiconductors | 2015 |
62 | NANO-CATHEDRAL | Nanomaterials for conservation of European architectural heritage developed by research on characteristic lithotypes | 2015 |
63 | HELIS | High energy lithium sulphur cells and batteries | 2015 |
64 | MOSTOPHOS | Modelling stability of organic phosphorescent light-emitting diodes | 2015 |
65 | BIODESERT | Biological feedbacks and ecosystem resilience under global change: a new perspective on dryland desertification | 2016 |
66 | Scan4Reco | Multimodal Scanning of Cultural Heritage Assets for their multilayered digitization and preventive conservation via spatiotemporal 4D Reconstruction and 3D Printing | 2015 |
67 | PhotoniX | PHOtonic Transmitters for Optical Networks and Interconnects in energy-efficient datacentres, supercomputers and homes based on VCSELs | 2015 |
68 | HISPOB | HISPOB- High Speed Potato Breeding: securing healthy food for the future | 2015 |
69 | MF-RADAR | Multi-frequency RADAR imaging for the analysis of tropical forest structure in the Amazon | 2016 |
70 | INCEFA - PLUS | INcreasing Safety in NPPs by Covering gaps in Environmental Fatigue Assessment | 2015 |
71 | SmartLi | Smart Technologies for the Conversion of Industrial Lignins into Sustainable Materials | 2015 |
72 | US4GREENCHEM | Combined Ultrasonic and Enzyme treatment of Lignocellulosic Feedstock as Substrate for Sugar Based Biotechnological Applications | 2015 |
73 | PUFOOTCO2 | Sustainable Polyurethane Elastomers for Footwear based on CO2 with improved properties | 2015 |
74 | SilkByPass | Develop simple tissue regeneration technologies for the benefits of humanity by leveraging the biomimetic properties and the mechanical advantages of a new silk manufacturing nanotechnology. | 2015 |
76 | D-FENS | Dicer-Dependent Defense in Mammals | 2015 |
77 | BIOXYARN | In vitro evaluation of the biocompatibility of nanofibrous yarns from an oxidative stress perspective | 2015 |
78 | FICKLEFORMS | Fickle Formulas. The Political Economy of Macroeconomic Measurement | 2015 |
79 | HEALTH-CODE | Real operation pem fuel cells HEALTH-state monitoring and diagnosis based on dc-dc COnverter embeddeD Eis | 2015 |
80 | WARNTRAK | Rail track monitoring system - Wireless Autonomous On-Board System measuring vibration with continuous reporting to reduce maintenance costs and enhance reliability and safety. | 2015 |
82 | AutoRecon | Molecular mechanisms of autophagosome formation during selective autophagy | 2016 |
83 | ADMONT | Advanced Distributed Pilot Line for More-than-Moore Technologies | 2015 |
84 | SElySOs | Development of new electrode materials and understanding of degradation mechanisms on Solid Oxide High Temperature Electrolysis Cells. | 2015 |
85 | NEGEVBYZ | Crisis on the margins of the Byzantine Empire: A bio-archaeological project on resilience and collapse in early Christian development of the Negev Desert | 2015 |
86 | EcOILogy | Microbial life in oil | 2015 |
87 | VOLCANO | Microbiology of extremely acidic terrestrial volcanic ecosystems | 2016 |
88 | BlueBRIDGE | Building Research environments for fostering Innovation, Decision making, Governance and Education to support Blue growth | 2015 |
89 | NANO | Intelligent Low-Cost Real-Time Nanomagnetooptical Integrity Monitoring and Sensing System for Asset Integrity Management | 2015 |
90 | FAST-DEVELOPS | Developing new therapeutics for Friedreich ataxia | 2015 |
91 | SafeAST | Continuous structural condition tank integrity monitoring of Above Ground Storage Tanks, aka “SafeAST, no entry: no empty.” | 2015 |
92 | RNAREG | Single molecule observation and manipulation of gene expression dynamics to dissect mechanisms of cell cycle entry | 2016 |
93 | RivRNAStructureDecay | Investigating the role of in vivo RNA structure in RNA degradation | 2016 |
94 | CODIC | COmmercializing first-in-class dCTPase Inhibitors for treatment of hematological Cancers | 2016 |
95 | MIGRATE | Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices | 2016 |
96 | ATLAS | Bioengineered autonomous cell-biomaterials devices for generating humanised micro-tissues for regenerative medicine | 2015 |
97 | EOMonDis | Bringing Earth Observation Services for Monitoring Dynamic Forest Disturbances to the Users EOMonDis | 2016 |
98 | IMPEDE | Immunomodulatory effects of sustained pantethine release in inflammatory diseases | 2016 |
99 | DIMONTEMP | Distributed Monitoring of HTF Temperature at Solar Thermal Power Plants | 2016 |
100 | BATMAN | Development of Quantitative Metrologies to Guide Lithium Ion Battery Manufacturing | 2016 |
101 | IMMUNE-EXPRESS | Proteasome-Mediated Gene Expression in Plant Immunity | 2016 |
102 | HNV-Link | High Nature Value Farming: Learning, Innovation and Knowledge. | 2016 |
103 | QUAFORD | Towards a Worldwide Quantification of Forest Degradation | 2017 |
104 | ERAD_SELMA | Mechanisms of protein translocation in ER-associated protein degradation and the related protein import into the apicoplast of Plasmodium falciparum | 2016 |
105 | FLEXTURBINE | Flexible Fossil Power Plants for the Future Energy Market through new and advanced Turbine Technologies | 2016 |
106 | MatTypeEvol | Evolution of fungal mating-type chromosomes | 2016 |
107 | Agricolus DSS | Agricolus Decision Support System | 2016 |
108 | SynDegrade | The Role of Local Protein Degradation in Neurotransmitter Release and Homeostatic Plasticity | 2016 |
109 | TOCNeT | Teaching Old Crypto New Tricks | 2016 |
110 | DOLORES | Degradation of Lifetime of fuel cell Resistance by Electrochemical impedance Spectroscopy | 2016 |
111 | DEMETROPIS | Degradation of ozone-depleting methyl halides in the troposphere characterized by isotopes | 2016 |
112 | GEOCRETE | Long-term performance simulation of geopolymer concrete under coupled carbonation and chloride transport | 2016 |
113 | SmartCubes | An innovative class of nanoparticles (“SmartCubes”) for the targeted delivery of protein therapeutics | 2016 |
114 | FlexBatteries | Flexible Li ion Batteries via Nanocrystal-Nanocarbon Scaffolded Structures | 2016 |
115 | PrOBiEM | Characterization of the anaerobic degradation of phenanthrene by a novel sulfate-reducing enrichment culture for the development of bioremediation methods | 2016 |
116 | PELIG | Characterisation of a Novel Pathway for Lignin Fragment Degradation in Rhodococcus jostii | 2016 |
117 | Multi-SIP Hydrogel | A multifunctional self-immolative hydrogel for accelerating the healing of chronic wounds | 2017 |
118 | Cleanup-MOFs | Decontamination of emerging pollutant using porous Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and silica-MOFs composites | 2016 |
119 | INTO | Inorganic therapeutic nanoparticles for osteoporosis | 2016 |
120 | Cyano4REST | Cyanobacteria for restoration of degraded soils | 2016 |
121 | BiominAB-3D | Revealing the composition and formation mechanism of carcinogenic asbestos bodies in human lungs | 2016 |
122 | FRESHRAP | Feasibility study for an innovative “Regenerative Atmosphere Packaging” for fresh chicken | 2016 |
123 | SafeWood | Novel bio-inspired environmentally-friendly process for producing durable and dimensionally-stable wood | 2016 |
124 | ECOFRY | Demonstration of a healthy and sustainable fry-technology for fast processing of food | 2016 |
125 | FCSSSLP | First Chemoselective Synthesis and Structural Studies of Lasso Peptides | 2016 |
126 | CYgnaling | Probing the role of orphan Cytochrome P450 oxygenases in signaling compounds biosynthesis in plants by a comparative genomics and gene conservation approach | 2016 |
127 | ChondUb | Identification and characterisation of novel WWP2 substrates and their role in chondrogenesis and osteoarthritis | 2016 |
128 | MINIMA | MItigating Negative Impacts of Monitoring high levels of Automation | 2016 |
129 | PHOSPHOTRAC | Speciation, sources, and fate of atmospheric organic phosphorus over the Mediterranean Sea: A missing piece of the P cycle? | 2016 |
130 | DEGLUMINATE | Light-Responsive Adhesives for Debond-on-Demand Solutions | 2016 |
131 | MIDLAND | Developing middle-range theories linking land use displacement, intensification and transitions | 2016 |
132 | ReArrhenius | Re-evaluation of temperature correction in microbial biodegradation kinetics | 2016 |
133 | SafeWaterAfrica | Self-Sustaining Cleaning Technology for Safe Water Supply and Management in Rural African Areas | 2016 |
134 | pArg_deg_signal | No stress with pArg: Mechanisms of a distinct phospho-mark to coordinate stress response and protein quality control | 2016 |
135 | NEOBALLAST | New high-performant and long-lasting ballast for sustainable railway infrastructures | 2016 |
136 | Giantleap | Giantleap Improves Automation of Non-polluting Transportation with Lifetime Extension of Automotive PEM fuel cells | 2016 |
137 | GrInHy | Green Industrial Hydrogen via Reversible High-Temperature Electrolysis | 2016 |
138 | ECo | Efficient Co-Electrolyser for Efficient Renewable Energy Storage - ECo | 2016 |
139 | INSPIRE | Integration of Novel Stack Components for Performance, Improved Durability and Lower Cost | 2016 |
140 | SIAM | Source Integration for Agriculture Management | 2016 |
141 | LIGNOFLAG | Commercial flagship plant for bioethanol production involving a bio-based value chain built on lignocellulosic feedstock | 2017 |
142 | HEATSTACK | Production Ready Heat Exchangers and Fuel Cell Stacks for Fuel Cell mCHP | 2016 |
143 | StemProteostasis | Mediation of stem cell identity and aging by proteostasis | 2016 |
144 | Totipotency | Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of Totipotency in Mouse Early Embryos. | 2016 |
145 | RAMBO | Mitochondrial DNA degradation and sterile inflammation in the heart | 2016 |
146 | ERCOPE | The ER located master regulation of endosomal positioning and further movements | 2016 |
147 | IsoMet | Bacterial isoprene metabolism: a missing link in a key global biogeochemical cycle | 2016 |
148 | ChromADICT | Chromatin Adaptations through Interactions of Chaperones in Time | 2016 |
149 | CHESS | Cegasa Portable Hybrid Energy Storage Solution | 2016 |
150 | THERMCP | Construction of microcompartments in thermophilic Geobacillus thermoglucosidasius as nano-bioreactors for advanced biofuels production at high temperature | 2016 |
151 | INCLUDE | Indigenous Communities, Land Use and Tropical Deforestation | 2016 |
152 | LYSOSOMICS | Functional Genomics of the Lysosome | 2016 |
153 | HOXA9 degradome | Deciphering the machinery involved in stability of the transcription factor HOXA9. | 2016 |
154 | ASPAir | Accelerated Synthesis of Nanoporous Photocatalysts for Indoor Air Purification | 2016 |
155 | SOLAR-TRAIN | Photovoltaic module life time forecast and evaluation | 2016 |
156 | PINTA | IP1 Traction TD1 and Brakes TD5 – Phase 1 | 2016 |
157 | REPRISE | Reliable Electromechanical actuator for PRImary SurfacE with health monitoring | 2016 |
158 | IN2SMART | Intelligent Innovative Smart Maintenance of Assets by integRated Technologies | 2016 |
159 | IN2TRACK | Research into enhanced tracks, switches and structures | 2016 |
160 | TheraPD | TheraPD: Smart and safer automated peritoneal dialysis by means of sterile connectivity, bio-sensors control systems and more biocompatible solutions for preventing rapid degradation of peritoneal mem | 2016 |
161 | CORREL-CT | Correlative tomography | 2016 |
162 | ELECTRON4WATER | Three-dimensional nanoelectrochemical systems based on low-cost reduced graphene oxide: the next generation of water treatment systems | 2017 |
163 | SELMUS | The Formex® raft: Towards the revolution of the European mussel farming | 2016 |
164 | INFARM | The vertical farming revolution, urban Farming as a Service. | 2016 |
165 | GoSAFE RAIL | GoSAFE RAIL – Global Safety Management Framework for RAIL Operations | 2016 |
166 | DPC_REPAIR | Mechanism of DNA-protein cross-link repair in S phase | 2017 |
167 | SupraCarrier | Supramolecular hydrogels as local controlled drug delivery carriers | 2017 |
168 | MoveCare | Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARgiver for the Elder | 2017 |
169 | ULPIoT | Ultra-Low Power and Highly-Scalable Interfaces for the Internet of Things | 2017 |
170 | BIOMULCH | Integrated solution for innovative biodegradation control of agricultural plastic mulches. | 2016 |
171 | ALS-Networks | Defining functional networks of genetic causes for ALS and related neurodegenerative disorders | 2017 |
172 | WeThaw | Mineral Weathering in Thawing Permafrost: Causes and Consequences | 2017 |
173 | EVOMICROCOMM | Evolving interactions in microbial communities | 2017 |
174 | GasPlaNt | Gas sensing in plants:Oxygen- and nitric oxide-regulated chromatin modification via a targeted protein degradation mechanism | 2017 |
175 | ExtremoChem | Chemically synthesised novel compounds for the stabilisation of biologics | 2016 |
176 | PECSYS | Technology demonstration of large-scale photo-electrochemical system for solar hydrogen production | 2017 |
177 | INSIGHT | ImplementatioN in real SOFC Systems of monItoring and diaGnostic tools using signal analysis to increase tHeir lifeTime | 2017 |
178 | BONEPHAGY | Defining the role of the FGF – autophagy axis in bone physiology | 2017 |
179 | NANO | Low-Cost Real-Time Nanomagnetooptical Integrity Monitoring Tool and Intelligent Asset Integrity, Risk and Performance Management Software | 2017 |
180 | COSMHYC | COmbined hybrid Solution of Multiple HYdrogen Compressors for decentralised energy storage and refuelling stations | 2017 |
181 | CATHDFENS | CATHode Development For Enhanced iNterfacial Studies (CATH-DFENS) | 2016 |
182 | PILOT | varnish and sol-gel multifunctional ProtectIve cLear cOat for aeronauTics | 2017 |
183 | MEAQUAS | Automated and objective characterization of comminuted meat properties for valorization of high quality processed meat | 2017 |
184 | FIBRANET | Fibres in Ancient European Textiles | 2017 |
185 | TEDCIP | Targeting epigenetic demethylases: development of covalent inhibitors and PROTACs (Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras). | 2017 |
186 | LIGER | Identification of novel substrates for ubiquitin ligases involved in cell cycle and cell migration | 2017 |
187 | COMPLEX | The Degradation of Complex Modern Polymeric Objects in Heritage Collections: A System Dynamics Approach | 2017 |
188 | ChiPyrNMR | Better tools for combating insect borne diseases by understanding influences on the fate of common pesticides in paint formulations | 2017 |
189 | EndoMitTalk | Endolysosomal-mitochondria crosstalk in cell and organism homeostasis | 2017 |
190 | ZIPgeting | Quantitative understanding of target recognition on DNA based on directional zipping processes | 2017 |
191 | Ti-EM | Methodological developments for time-resolved single particle cryo-EM | 2017 |
192 | UBIMAPS | Ubiquitin-dependent regulation of the microtubule cytoskeleton | 2017 |
193 | HiddenLife | Understanding the role of environmental and climatic changes in shaping subterranean diversity to preserve Europe’s unique hidden biodiversity | 2017 |
194 | ColoFILM | Multifunctional polymeric film-based drug delivery system for oral anti-TNF-alpha-based inflammatory bowel disease therapy | 2017 |
195 | MOMIMIC | Multi-layered biomimetics of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases | 2018 |
196 | BENDER | BiogENesis and Degradation of Endoplasmic Reticulum proteins | 2017 |
197 | QSB | Quantum Sensing for Biology | 2017 |
198 | FiTTeR | Developing a Fibrosis Targeting and Tissue Reparative (FiTTeR) Therapy for the Infarcted Myocardium via an Injectable Functionalized Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel | 2017 |
199 | AntibioPICs | Enzyme-Degradable Polyion-Complex (PIC) Particles for the Treatment and Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa | 2018 |
200 | CReScenDo | Combining Remote Sensing Technologies for Peatland Detection and Characterization | 2017 |
201 | EsterPep | Polyester/Polypeptide hybrid biomaterials for biomedical scaffolds | 2017 |
202 | Justhood | (Un)Just Neighbourhoods Socio-Spatial Justice in Urban Neighbourhoods | 2018 |
203 | ARTFUL | Structure-activity relationships of an emerging family of fungal lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases | 2017 |
204 | D-Noise | Distributed Network of Active Noise Equalizers for Multi-User Sound Control | 2017 |
205 | PIONEER | The effect of seagrass bed habitat quality on selected ecosystem services | 2018 |
206 | MER-CURE | Using global marine metagenomics to understand MERcury microbial associated processes: finding a CURE for mercury contaminated environments | 2018 |
207 | EwiSarc | A novel in vivo platform to study and target undruggable Ewing onco-chimera. | 2017 |
208 | RTKPalm | Modulating and Profiling Receptor Tyrosine Kinase S-palmitoylation in Breast Cancer | 2017 |
209 | FOUNDATION | Fusarium oxysporum mediated underpinning of cell type-specific modulation in multiple host interaction | 2018 |
210 | MUC | The microbial degradation and utilization of mucin by Bacteroides in ulcerative colitis | 2017 |
211 | IMMUNO-RQC | Role of Listerin ubiquitin ligase in MHC-I antigen presentation | 2017 |
212 | MINORG | The role of minerals in the oceanic carbon cycle | 2017 |
213 | INCAGE | In vitro reconstitution and single cell analysis of the Shigella-septin cage. | 2017 |
214 | PVMINDS | Bottom-up PV module energy yield and integrated reliability model for site-specific design optimization | 2018 |
215 | PFIMDULA | Post-translational modifications during floral initiation: molecular dissection of the UFO-dependent LFY activation | 2017 |
216 | MET-PEST | Multi-approach determination of metal based pesticides in food | 2017 |
217 | Domognostics | Intelligent Building Automation Diagnostics | 2017 |
218 | LIB STRESS | In situ stress analysis of lithium-ion battery cell | 2018 |
219 | ALMAGIC | Aluminium and Magnesium Alloys Green Innovative Coatings | 2017 |
220 | SENSEE | Replicating the SUN through affordable, efficient and accurate LEDs | 2017 |
221 | ITHACA | An Information Theoretic Approach to Improving the Reliability of Weather and Climate Simulations | 2017 |
222 | NANOCHEM | Nanopores for New Molecular Nitrogen Chemistry | 2017 |
223 | BTPin | Commercialising Innovative and Market Disruptive Pin Technology for Improving Heavy Machine Operations in Port, Mining and Construction Industries. Phase 1. | 2017 |
225 | EXORICO | Exosome and ribosome coupling | 2017 |
226 | PyroProf | Chemical Profiling of Inorganic and Pyrotechnic Explosives | 2017 |
227 | OSMOFOOD | Eco-innovative high efficient process for the concentration of fruit juice using forward osmosis. | 2017 |
228 | KERASTOP | A big jump in preventing problems in refractive surgery for myopia | 2017 |
229 | ATLASplus | Advanced Structural Integrity Assessment Tools for Safe Long Term Operation | 2017 |
230 | MEACTOS | Mitigating Environmentally Assissted Cracking Through Optimisation of Surface Condition | 2017 |
231 | TeaM Cables | European Tools and Methodologies for an efficient ageing management of nuclear power plant Cables | 2017 |
232 | GEMMA | GEneration iv Materials MAturity | 2017 |
233 | NOMAD | Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) System for the Inspection of Operation-Induced Material Degradation in Nuclear Power Plants | 2017 |
234 | NanoScreen | Disruptive portable device for pre-screening of Persistent Organic Pollutants –POPs- in food products and water | 2017 |
235 | MECHIDENT | Who is that? Neural networks and mechanisms for identifying individuals | 2017 |
236 | RELATE | Environmental Spaces and the Feel-Good Factor: Relating Subjective Wellbeing to Biodiversity | 2017 |
237 | EcoImmuneCosts | Immunity in Ecology and Evolution: 'Hidden' costs of disease, immune function and their consequences for Darwinian fitness | 2017 |
238 | GEMINI Plus | Research and Development in support of the GEMINI Initiative | 2017 |
239 | RHYP | A new hope for early gonarthrosis treatment using a biotechnological therapeutic drug to regenerate cartilage by intra-articular knee injection | 2017 |
240 | MATCRACK | Industrialization of software and libraries for crack propagation in material and structures using the Thick Level Set method | 2017 |
241 | QUARRYSMART | Smart software platform for the economic and sustainable exploitation of dimension stone quarries | 2017 |
242 | INCAP | Infusion Cap Technology for a healthy nutrition on-the-go produced in a fully automated single-step process | 2017 |
243 | PROPHESY | Platform for rapid deployment of self-configuring and optimized predictive maintenance services | 2017 |
244 | TelMetab | Telomere metabolism in Genome Stability and Disease | 2017 |
245 | CartiLube | Lubricating Cartilage: exploring the relation between lubrication and gene-regulation to alleviate osteoarthritis | 2017 |
246 | evapEOs2 | New cold and low-energy concentration technology (evapEOs2) for liquid food products | 2017 |
247 | AQUAlity | Interdisciplinar cross-sectoral approach to effectively address the removal of contaminants of emerging concern from water | 2017 |
248 | EmpoweredLifeYears | The Demography of Sustainable Human Wellbeing | 2017 |
249 | ERICA | Engineered Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates for Applications | 2017 |
250 | MataMoss | Development of a growing and delivery process for mass producing sphagnum moss for peatland restoration and cultivation as an economical and sustainable growing media | 2017 |
251 | POWERSTORE | MikroMasch Powerstore for renewables microgeneration: scaling up the next generation battery technology for residential and commercial energy storage systems | 2017 |
252 | ED-ARCHMAT | European Doctorate in ARchaeological and Cultural Heritage MATerials science | 2018 |
253 | LD_Biogenesis | Identification and characterization of sites of lipid droplet biogenesis in the ER | 2018 |
254 | NANONC | Nanomaterials in Oncology: Exploiting the Intrinsic Cancer-Specific Toxicity of Nanoparticles. | 2018 |
255 | LOTER.CO2M | CRM-free Low Temperature Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to Methanol | 2018 |
256 | GREENPATROL | Galileo Enhanced Solution for Pest Detection and Control in Greenhouse Fields with Autonomous Service Robots | 2017 |
257 | RECOPHARMA | Removal and Recovery of Pharmaceutical Persistent Pollutants from Wastewater by Selective Reagentless Process | 2018 |
258 | GRAPHENART | Graphene as effective anti-fading agent for the protection of artworks | 2017 |
259 | MANANDNATURE | Man and Nature in Developing Countries | 2017 |
260 | PINNACLE | Perovskite Nanocrystal-Nanoreactors for Enhanced Light Emission | 2018 |
261 | NEMOSINE | Innovative packaging solutions for storage and conservation of 20th century cultural heritage of artefacts based on cellulose derivate | 2018 |
262 | ReSHEALience | Rethinking coastal defence and Green-Energy Service infrastructures through enHancEd-durAbiLIty high-performance fiber reinforced cement-based materials. | 2018 |
263 | FotoH2 | Innovative Photoelectrochemical Cells for Solar Hydrogen Production | 2018 |
264 | DECAF | Deforestation – Climate –Atmospheric composition – Fire interactions and feedbacks | 2018 |
265 | InSilc | InSilc: In-silico trials for drug-eluting BVS design, development and evaluation | 2017 |
266 | FUTURES | Forefront UAV Technology for Underpinning Rainforest Environmental Sustainability | 2018 |
267 | NanoFEED | Nanostructured carriers for improved cattle feed | 2018 |
268 | Nano-OligoMed | Hybrid Nanostructured Oligonucleotide Platforms for Biomedical Applications | 2017 |
269 | VERNE | Guided (Ultra)sonic Waves for High Performance Deepwater Pipeline Inspection | 2017 |
270 | Soraprazan | Soraprazan - a new regenerative therapy for Stargardt's disease | 2017 |
271 | CRESCENDO | Critical Raw material ElectrocatalystS replacement ENabling Designed pOst-2020 PEMFC | 2018 |
272 | ID-FAST | Investigations on degradation mechanisms and Definition of protocols for PEM Fuel cells Accelerated Stress Testing | 2018 |
273 | SDK4ED | Software Development toolKit for Energy optimization and technical Debt elimination | 2018 |
274 | HealMastitis | Heal Mastitis in Dairy Cattle | 2017 |
275 | PEGASUS | PEMFC based on platinum Group metAl free StrUctured cathodeS | 2018 |
276 | FFSize | Why farm and field size matters: Exploring their role for food security and sustainable agriculture in South America | 2018 |
277 | BIOPLAS-PRO | high-performance BIOPLAStic PROducts for new markets and applications | 2017 |
278 | AutoClean | Cell-free reconstitution of autophagy to dissect molecular mechanisms | 2018 |
279 | CLAReTE | Combinatorially Led Advanced Research on Transparent Electrodes | 2018 |
280 | CROSSGRASS | Cross-border analysis of grassland greenness in Asia: Climate variations, grazing pressure, and land policy change | 2018 |
281 | NutriCoRe | An RNA-based mechanism for the nutritional control of bacterial DNA replication initiation | 2018 |
282 | xFATE | The Fate of Excitation Energy in Photoinhibited Chloroplasts | 2018 |
283 | CabaKarst | Between degradation and conservation: The carbon balance of the Chinese karst ecosystem | 2018 |
284 | ChemRAS | Chemical probing of transcriptional RAS effectors | 2019 |
285 | DMSWet | Microbial Dimethylsulfide Degradation in Anoxic Wetland Sediments | 2019 |
286 | NEURODIAM | High density full diamond cortical implant for long life time implantation | 2018 |
287 | TARGETMENISCUS | Targeting Meniscus Degradation in Osteoarthritis | 2018 |
288 | FUN POLYSTORE | FUNctionalized POLYmer electrolytes for energy STORagE | 2018 |
289 | XFab | Xene Fabrication for a Two-Dimensional Nanotechnology Platform | 2018 |
290 | VORTEX | Plastic in the Ocean: Microbial Transformation of an ‘Unconventional’ Carbon Substrate | 2018 |
291 | ESC2RAD | Enabling Smart Computations to study space RADiation effects | 2018 |
292 | DeepInternal | Going Deep and Blind with Internal Statistics | 2018 |
293 | MHCIbiopic | MHC-I biogenesis and degradation at the endoplasmic reticulum membrane | 2019 |
294 | FADAMES | Fatigue damage at mesoscopic level. Fatigue life prediction in conjunction with acoustic emission signals | 2018 |
295 | 4D STENT | 4D shape memory polymers via microstereolithography for production of thermally responsive stents | 2018 |
296 | MIDAS | Microbial Degradation of Jellyfish-Derived Substrates | 2018 |
297 | MoCRIV | Modeling critical reliability issues in VLSI technologies beyond 2020 | 2018 |
298 | RNAfate | RNAfate- revealing regulation of cellular “noise”. | 2019 |
299 | SiPoMorph | Genetic control and molecular mechanisms of cell wall modifications during sieve pore morphogenesis in the phloem of the plant vascular system | 2019 |
300 | Proteasome in cancer | Identification of the proteasome machinery targets in human cancer | 2018 |
301 | FIRE | Fighting Insurgency, Ruining the Environment: towards an understanding of the causal relationship between conflict and forest fires | 2018 |
302 | SEARCh | SurfacE structure-Activity-Relationship in atomically-defined, ultrathin film perovskite Catalysts | 2018 |
303 | THALLMORPHAL | Insight into the Symbiotic Chemical Communication of Algae and Bacteria: Thallusin and Dedicated Analogues | 2018 |
304 | PHOTO-FLUOR | Enantioselective Carbon-Fluorine Bond Formation: A Molecular Editing Approach toward Drug Discovery | 2018 |
305 | DETRIMODE | DEgradation TRIggered by MOdular DEsign | 2018 |
306 | TreEsilience | Global patterns of intraspecific variation in tree resilience to drought | 2018 |
307 | FASTEST | Fully Air-Processable and Air-Stable Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Inorganic Metal Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals | 2018 |
308 | MicroMAM | The mammalian intracellular response to Microsporidia infection | 2019 |
309 | INSULYSOSOME | The role of CD63 in lysosomal degradation of insulin granules in pancreatic beta cells in T2D diabetes | 2018 |
310 | M-Lysosomes | Identification of a novel function of lysosomes in mitosis for cancer therapy | 2019 |
311 | TissueMaps | Elemental imaging of human tissue: clinical therapy support and development of new diagnostics | 2018 |
312 | MAPoPHAGY | Maturation of plant autophagosomes: mapping the route to sustainability | 2018 |
313 | FlocDOM | A broad ecological approach to study the biological uptake of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and DOM-flocculates in the rapidly changing Arctic coastal ecosystems | 2019 |
314 | LANDSUPPORT | Development of Integrated Web-Based Land Decision Support System Aiming Towards the Implementation of Policies for Agriculture and Environment | 2018 |
315 | INTERFACE | paINTed mEtal aRteFActs ConsErvation | 2018 |
316 | BiodivScen | Promoting and implementing joint programming at the international level to reinforce research on the development of scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services | 2017 |
317 | EditMHC | How MHC-I editing complexes shape the hierarchical immune response | 2019 |
318 | GLOBEGOV | The Rise of Global Environmental Governance:A History of the Contemporary Human-Earth Relationship | 2018 |
319 | SAMS | SAMS - International Partnership on Innovation in Smart Apiculture Management Services (Apiculture = Beekeeping) | 2018 |
320 | IonDrive | A novel cost effective industrial process for dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes on electrode materials for Li-Ion Batteries | 2018 |
321 | STABLE | STructural stABiLity risk assEssment | 2018 |
323 | SELFIE | SELF-sustained and Smart Battery Thermal Management SolutIon for Battery Electric Vehicles | 2018 |
324 | MgSafe | Promoting patient safety by a novel combination of imaging technologies for biodegradable magnesium implants | 2018 |
325 | TADFlife | Using the smart matrix approach to enhance TADF-OLED efficiency and lifetime | 2018 |
326 | BioImplant ITN | European Training Network to develop Improved Bioresorbable Materials for Orthopaedic and Vascular Implant Applications | 2019 |
327 | IGNITE | High performance generation channel Integration and Testing | 2018 |
328 | HERILAND | Cultural HERItage and the planning of European LANDscapes | 2019 |
329 | REDDCopernicus | Capacity for Copernicus REDD+ and Forest Monitoring Services | 2019 |
331 | B-LigZymes | Bacterial Enzymes and Bioprocesses for Lignin Valorisation | 2019 |
332 | RESEARCH | REmote SEnsing techniques for ARCHaeology | 2018 |
333 | SPECTROINLETS | The first equipment to enable real-time liquid analysis for mass spectrometers | 2018 |
334 | REMIND | Targeting pathological synaptic pruning by microglia in neurodegeneration | 2019 |
335 | Consentio | Boosting conversations to disrupt horticulture trading | 2018 |
336 | HY-NANO | HYbrid NANOstructured multi-functional interfaces for stable, efficient and eco-friendly photovoltaic devices | 2019 |
337 | HERA | Integrating Environment and Health Research: a Vision for the EU | 2019 |
338 | RESTORE | User-centred smart nanobiomaterial-based 3D matrices for chondral repair | 2019 |
339 | WhoP | Whales of Power: Aquatic Mammals, Devotional Practices, and Environmental Change in Maritime East Asia | 2019 |
340 | ELECTRA | Electricity driven Low Energy and Chemical input Technology foR Accelerated bioremediation | 2019 |
341 | 3D-nanoMorph | Label-free 3D morphological nanoscopy for studying sub-cellular dynamics in live cancer cells with high spatio-temporal resolution | 2019 |
342 | ProteoNE_dynamics | Surveillance mechanisms regulating nuclear envelope architecture and homeostasis | 2019 |
343 | ENZEYE | Bringing automated, real-time process control into the starch-based industry | 2019 |
344 | triboREMEDY | The triboreactor as breakthrough remediation strategy for safeguarding human and environmental health | 2019 |
345 | SPIRE | A Photovoltaic Plant with thermal co-generation | 2019 |
346 | APACHE | Active & intelligent PAckaging materials and display cases as a tool for preventive conservation of Cultural Heritage. | 2019 |
347 | CollectionCare | Innovative and affordable service for the Preventive Conservation monitoring of individual Cultural Artefacts during display, storage, handling and transport | 2019 |
348 | SensMat | Preventive solutions for Sensitive Materials of Cultural Heritage | 2019 |
349 | ProDAP | Protein Dynamics in Antiviral Processes | 2019 |
350 | ENCORE | ENergy aware BIM Cloud Platform in a COst-effective Building REnovation Context | 2019 |
351 | BATTERY 2030 | BATTERY 2030+ At the heart of a connected green society | 2019 |
352 | Sound Health | Acoustic Intelligence and AI, the Next Frontier. Listen, detect, predict. | 2019 |
353 | KUBBI | Cost- and Climate-Efficient Milk Cooling Using Slurry Ice and Natural CO2 | 2019 |
354 | ABT | AXVIRIUM BIOACTIVE TECNOLOGY_ The first medical device able to eliminate the fluids biological hazard | 2019 |
355 | DALI | Demonstrator for Aircraft heat exchanger LIfe prediction | 2019 |
356 | MICTEST | Biocontamination survey for Microbially Influenced Corrosion exposure TEST | 2019 |
357 | FluidER | Real time Optoelectronic Sensors for Electro-Actuator Hydraulic Fluid Contamination Monitoring | 2019 |
358 | AgePhagy | An integrated high-throughput human cell and Drosophila screening platform for the expedited discovery of anti-ageing compounds | 2019 |
359 | ULTIMATE | ULtra-ThIck Multi-mAterial baTtery Electrodes | 2019 |
360 | IRF4 Degradation | Using a novel protein degradation approach to uncover IRF4-regulated genes in plasma cells | 2019 |
361 | RENASCENCE | The Role of European National Health Services in the enhancement of sustainable food systems | 2019 |
362 | PLASTICERA | Plastic ceramic films to improve safety of modern nuclear energy | 2019 |
363 | AD ASTRA | HArnessing Degradation mechanisms to prescribe Accelerated Stress Tests for the Realization of SOC lifetime prediction Algorithms | 2019 |
364 | LOWCOST-IC | Low Cost Interconnects with highly improved Contact Strength for SOC Applications | 2019 |
365 | PINTA2 | IP1 Traction TD1 and Brakes TD5 – Phase 2 | 2018 |
366 | TERMINATOR | Ribosomal frameshifts as a novel mechanism to control RNA turnover in stress | 2019 |
367 | CHEMICROS | CHEmically-mediated MICRobial Interactions maintained by the toxic dinoflagellate OStreopsis cf. ovata | 2019 |
368 | 3D-FOGROD | Understanding forest growth dynamics using novel 3D measurements and modelling approaches | 2019 |
369 | UbiGolD | Deciphering ubiquitin-dependent regulation of Golgi homeostasis control in neurodegeneration | 2019 |
370 | New GeneSS | New Generation Design Methods for Stainless Steel Structures | 2019 |
371 | StabPerov | Stable Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals for Efficient Optoelectronic Devices | 2019 |
372 | Degradation_ID | The role of protein degradation in FBXO11-related intellectual disability | 2019 |
373 | BIONA4ART | BIO-inspired NAcre-like materials FOR the next generation of conservation treatments in stone ART works | 2019 |
374 | ADOQ | Adaptive Optics for Quantum Communication | 2019 |
375 | LipTransProMet | The multi-omics role of lipid transfer proteins in lipid metabolism | 2019 |
376 | DEEPCAT | Degradable Polyolefin Materials Enabled by Catalytic Methods | 2019 |
377 | STRICt | Sustainable development Transition through Regulation-Induced technological Change | 2020 |
378 | SSHelectPhagy | Regulation of Selective autophagy by sulfide through persulfidation of protein targets. | 2019 |
379 | HES-PSC-FCTL | High efficiency and stability perovskite solar cells based on the functionalized charge transport layers | 2019 |
380 | PullEd-MS | Finding unknown endocrine disrupting compounds through target pull-down assay filtration, effect direct analysis and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry for a comprehensive efficient workflow. | 2019 |
381 | CarbEx | Tracing carbon exchanges/fluxes between Arctic and Atlantic basins | 2019 |
382 | LIBED-PDs | Light Induced Bipolar Electrochemical Doping in Perovskite Devices | 2020 |
383 | SOLFORPLAS | A solution for plastic waste pollution | 2019 |
384 | SUPREME | Sustainable Polyesters and Renewable Terpenoid Monomers | 2019 |
385 | AGENT | Ancient genetics (AGENT): Capturing signatures of nutrient stress tolerance from extant landraces to unlock the production potential of marginal lands | 2020 |
386 | SENSE | BioSensing and rhizospherE – eNdosphere geochemical microprofiling of polychlorinated byphenils degradation by Soil microbiota upon stimulation of root Exudates | 2019 |
387 | Stable PeLEDs | Towards Stable Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes | 2019 |
388 | CEED | Circular Economy Entrepreneurship in Denmark | 2019 |
389 | PeriGO | Peripheral nerve Gel-based Orientation (Peripheral nerve injury recovery using Gel-based Orientation) | 2019 |
390 | ABSREF | Activity Based System Reliability Evaluation Flow | 2019 |
391 | UreaCa | Deciphering the metabolic roles of the urea-cycle pathway in carcinogenesis for improving diagnosis and therapy | 2019 |
392 | MINKS | Conserving our wildlife heritage: comparative biomechanics of feeding in native and introduced minks | 2019 |
393 | ISOTOPEST | ISOtope TOols for assessing PESticide faTe in the environment | 2019 |
394 | LABandFAB | Enabling the scalable and cheap production of efficient and stable organic-based photovoltaic technology realized via printing techniques, for electricity generation | 2020 |
395 | CHROME | Linking Chemical diversity and Reactivity of Arctic dissolved Organic Matter for its integration in Earth system models | 2020 |
396 | TCFLAND2SEA | Thawing Carbon From LAND to SEA: Microbial Degradation of Organic Matter and Response to Thawing Permafrost in the Northeast Siberian Land-Shelf System | 2020 |
397 | TargetDUBs | Targeting ubiquitin processing in cancer and fibrosis: novel probes for the Ubiquitin Carboxy-Terminal Hydrolases | 2019 |
398 | SPFPs | Photo-Fenton degradation of Persistent Organic Pollutants present in Real Contaminated Waters using Solar pilot plant Reactors | 2020 |
399 | RTTOPHAGY | """Investigating autophagy enhancement as a therapeutic approach for the treatment of Rett syndrome.""" | 2019 |
400 | Biotem | Innovative solution for maintenance and storage of Biospecimens at Room Temperature | 2019 |
401 | SynProAtCell | Delivery and On-Demand Activation of Chemically Synthesized and Uniquely Modified Proteins in Living Cells | 2019 |
402 | ASSO | Adhesive Connection for Secondary Structures in Offshore Wind Installations | 2019 |
403 | SUMO-PCDH10 | Physiological consequences of Protocadherin-10 sumoylation on neuronal function. | 2019 |
404 | CHAMPION | Cartilage Healing Approach Merging Polymer InnOvation with Nature | 2019 |
405 | PantEOn | A Multi-Scale Earth Observation Indicator System for Land Degradation Assessment of Transitional Mediterranean Climates | 2020 |
406 | 3D-NANOFOOD | Advancing frontiers in personalised foods for seniors through nanotechnology and 3D printing aiming enhanced nutrition and superior flavor | 2020 |
407 | NewSiest | Enhancement of UV stability of thermally modified wood through envelope impregnation with nano-based stabilisers | 2019 |
408 | GeoSmart | Technologies for geothermal to enhance competitiveness in smart and flexible operation | 2019 |
409 | BATNMR | Development and Application of New NMR Methods for Studying Interphases and Interfaces in Batteries | 2019 |
410 | PANTROP | Biodiversity and recovery of forest in tropical landscapes | 2019 |
411 | CallMechanics | The Impact of Callose Metabolism on the Mechanical Properties of Cell Wall during Tomato Ripening | 2020 |
412 | PROPHET | oPtoelectROnic Properties of Hybrid pErovskiTes | 2020 |
413 | AGRICAM | AGRICAM – reducing the usage of antibiotics and increasing animal welfare through advanced thermal imaging system for detecting early cases of mastitis in dairy cows | 2019 |
414 | EcoFLEXY | Innovative nanocellulose bioplastic film from fruit waste | 2019 |
415 | InnovEOX | Training of a new generation of researchers in Innovative Electrochemical OXidation processes for the removal and analysis of micro-pollutants in water streams | 2019 |
416 | PUSHH | Palaeoproteomics to Unleash Studies on Human History | 2020 |
417 | SMART | StiMuli-responsive reActoRs for waTer purification | 2019 |
418 | OptEIon | Defect Engineering, Advanced Modelling and Characterization for Next Generation Opto-Electronic-Ionic Devices | 2020 |
419 | RIBES | RIver flow regulation, fish BEhaviour and Status | 2020 |
420 | SAND | Secretion, Autophagy and their role in Neurodegeneration | 2019 |
421 | AUTO-MEA | AUTOmated Manufacturing of wound components for next generation Electrical mAchines | 2019 |
423 | ARCTRACK | Assessment of arc tracking hazards in high voltage aerospace systems | 2019 |
424 | CSI AurkA-MYC | Conformational Shift Inducers (CSI): An atomistic level investigation of Aurora kinase A (AurkA)–MYC interaction and its distortion by CSI compounds | 2019 |
425 | BioICEP | Bio Innovation of a Circular Economy for Plastics | 2020 |
426 | MIX-UP | MIXed plastics biodegradation and UPcycling using microbial communities | 2020 |
427 | 123STABLE | Towards Nanostructured Electrocatalysts with Superior Stability | 2020 |
428 | ECO2LIB | Ecologically and Economically viable Production and Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries | 2020 |
429 | NanoGut | Exploiting the pathophysiology of the gut towards innovative oral peptide delivery strategies | 2020 |
430 | DIONE | DIONE: an integrated EO-based toolbox for modernising CAP area-based compliance checks and assessing respective environmental impact | 2020 |
432 | Waste reduction | Freshness and expiration date measurement | 2019 |
433 | OCTOBER | Control of cell identity in pluripotent and germline cells by OCT4 orchestration of chromatin binding and enhancer regulation | 2019 |
434 | DecodeDegRNA | Post-transcriptional regulation of RNA degradation in early zebrafish development | 2020 |
435 | BALIHT | Development of full lignin based organic redox flow battery suitable to work in warm environments and heavy multicycle uses. | 2019 |
437 | UCL | Unmanned Chemical Lab (UCL): autonomous control system for the remote management of soluble and emulsifiable metalworking fluids | 2019 |
438 | GALIRUMI | Galileo-assisted robot to tackle the weed Rumex obtusifolius and increase the profitability and sustainability of dairy farming | 2019 |
439 | PROTEOFIT | Adapting protein fate for muscle function and fitness | 2019 |
440 | AutoCRAT | Automated Cellular Robot-Assisted Technologies for translation of discovery-led research in Osteoarthritis | 2020 |
441 | DNA DS | DNA Data storage | 2019 |
442 | SEER | A “Smart” Self-monitoring composite tool for aerospace composite manufacturing using Silicon photonic multi-sEnsors Embedded using through-thickness Reinforcement techniques | 2020 |
443 | MultiPLHY | Multimegawatt high-temperature electrolyser to generate green hydrogen for production of high-quality biofuels | 2020 |
444 | BiodivClim | Promoting and implementing joint programming to reinforce transnational research at the crossroad between biodiversity and climate change | 2019 |
445 | HyperCube | HyperCube: Gram scale production of ferrite nanocubes and thermo-responsive polymer coated nanocubes for medical applications and further exploitation in other hyperthermia fields | 2020 |
446 | SAPIENTIAM | Secondary organic Aerosols Production in pre and post-Industrial-like ENvironments : The Impact of biogenic and Anthropogenic emissions on cliMate | 2020 |
447 | Glue2Degrade | Therapeutic hijacking of E3 Ligases | 2020 |
448 | EJP SOIL | Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils | 2020 |
449 | UV-LASE | Out of the blue: membrane-based microcavity lasers from the blue to the ultraviolet wavelength regime | 2020 |
450 | Fluodamage | Fluorescent Molecules to see when and where Molecules Break during Mechanical Fatigue | 2020 |
451 | PCOMOD | Targeting the Plant Cysteine Oxidases to Regulate Plant Stress Tolerance | 2020 |
452 | SOTMEM | Topological Insulator-Based Spin Orbit Torque MEMories | 2020 |
453 | NanoBioMade | Bioinorganic intracellular synthesis of photo-responsive bio-camouflaged nanomedicines | 2021 |
454 | ExploDProteins | Exploiting the DNA damage response to induce degradation of proteins | 2020 |
455 | RECOBIN-PROTACs | Reversible Covalently Binding PROTACs Technology for Protein Degradation in Cancer Therapy | 2020 |
456 | SMART POP | SMART POwder and Products | 2020 |
457 | SUPERB | StructUral ProtEins foR Biomedical materials | 2020 |
458 | C.A.R.E. OA | Cross-linking Adenosine Receptors - Estrogen receptors for OA treatment | 2021 |
459 | PJ09-W2 DNMS | Digital Network Management Services | 2019 |
460 | StressRhomboid | Trapping intramembrane protease substrates in living cells: focus on RHBDL4 role in ERAD | 2020 |
461 | CASMOX | Analysis of the oxidative modifications on casein micelles exposed to different oxidative sources: determining the impact of these modifications at a structural and nutritional level | 2020 |
462 | MANTARGET | Super resolution imaging of nanoPMOs for cancer drug delivery | 2021 |
463 | DECOMPOSE | Degradable commodity plastics from metallosupramolecular polymers | 2020 |
464 | RED-OPEN | Unravelling Discoloration Mechanisms of Red Organic Pigments in Historical Art Works. | 2021 |
465 | PFCsByPlasCat | Perfluorinated Organic Compounds (PFCs) Degradation using Non-Thermal Plasma Enhanced by Boron Doped Graphene Oxide as Catalyst | 2020 |
466 | M3R | Microfluidic Multi-Micropollutant Remediation | 2021 |
467 | BEEP | Biodiversity Erosion in European medicinal Plants | 2020 |
468 | RW3D-US | Lagrangian Modeling of Denitrification and Nitrous Oxide Production in Soils | 2021 |
470 | MICROSCOPE | Molecular dIffusion of organiCs in secondaRy Organic aeroSols and impaCts On Particle chEmistry | 2020 |
471 | UTPE PEB | Ultrahigh-throughput protein evolution for polyethylene biodegradation | 2020 |