# | ||||
1 | DECODE Understanding of Degradation Mechanisms to Improve Components and Design of PEFC | 2008 | 5˙653˙155.00 | 3˙699˙996.00 |
2 | SEA-EU-NET Facilitating the Bi-Regional EU-ASEAN Science and Technology Dialog | 2008 | 4˙721˙545.00 | 4˙099˙999.00 |
3 | HYCYCLES Materials and components for Hydrogen production by sulphur based thermochemical cycles | 2008 | 5˙123˙432.00 | 3˙748˙823.00 |
4 | WHERE Wireless Hybrid Enhanced Mobile Radio Estimators | 2008 | 5˙551˙112.00 | 4˙046˙843.00 |
5 | NET4SOCIETY Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points for Socio-economic sciences and the Humanities | 2008 | 3˙097˙847.00 | 2˙595˙215.00 |
6 | SADE Smart High Lift Devices for Next Generation Wings | 2008 | 7˙093˙862.00 | 4˙969˙975.00 |
7 | ASSET ASSET – Aeronautic Study on Seamless Transport | 2008 | 3˙640˙096.00 | 2˙291˙255.00 |
8 | COSMOS Coordination of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services | 2008 | 2˙203˙341.00 | 1˙999˙996.00 |
9 | NANOSICON High-temperature stable nano-structured silicides for highly efficient thermogenerators and their contacting technology | 2008 | 159˙828.00 | 159˙828.00 |
10 | BILAT-RUS Enhancing the bilateral S&T Partnership with the Russian Federation | 2008 | 597˙076.00 | 492˙888.00 |
11 | HAMLET Human ModeL MATROSHKA for Radiation Exposure Determination of Astronauts | 2008 | 1˙382˙975.00 | 1˙067˙614.00 |
12 | FLOCON Adaptive and Passive Flow Control for Fan Broadband Noise Reduction | 2008 | 5˙277˙681.00 | 3˙562˙536.00 |
13 | Idealist2011 Trans-national cooperation among ICT National Contact Points | 2008 | 3˙525˙882.00 | 2˙995˙160.00 |
14 | STIFF Enhancing biomorphic agility through variable stiffness | 2009 | 3˙890˙520.00 | 2˙953˙710.00 |
15 | KORA-NET An Initiative to Intensify and Strengthen the Regional S&T-Cooperation between Korea and the ERA | 2009 | 2˙857˙667.00 | 2˙398˙321.00 |
16 | ERA.NET RUS Linking Russia to the ERA: Coordination of MS´/AC´ S&T programmes towards and with Russia | 2009 | 2˙998˙400.00 | 2˙597˙408.00 |
17 | VIACTORS Variable impedance actuation systems embodying advanced interaction behaviours | 2009 | 4˙503˙559.00 | 3˙350˙000.00 |
18 | GRAMMAR Galileo Ready Advanced Mass MArket Receiver | 2009 | 2˙656˙414.00 | 1˙999˙581.00 |
19 | DESIREH "Design, Simulation and Flight Reynolds Number Testing for Advanced High-Lift Solutions" | 2009 | 7˙078˙825.00 | 4˙992˙335.00 |
20 | ATAAC Advanced Turbulence Simulation for Aerodynamic Application Challenges | 2009 | 5˙653˙951.00 | 3˙791˙012.00 |
21 | MONITOR Monitoring System on the Development of Global Air Transport | 2009 | 757˙170.00 | 529˙011.00 |
22 | IPHASEFLOW The new technology of intermetallic phases treatment by fluid flow in Al-Si casting alloys | 2009 | 230˙288.00 | 230˙288.00 |
23 | AUS-ACCESS4EU Supporting EU access to Australian research programmes | 2009 | 597˙132.00 | 499˙955.00 |
24 | EUGENE "Improving coordination, visibility and impact of European GEOSS contributions by establishing a EUropean GEoss NEtwork (EUGENE)" | 2009 | 925˙409.00 | 735˙038.00 |
25 | APORTA Supporting EU Access to Brazilian National research programmes - Acesso por Ciência e Technologia no Brasil | 2009 | 692˙627.00 | 499˙476.00 |
26 | AIRTN Air Transport Net (AirTN) | 2010 | 2˙090˙537.00 | 1˙900˙000.00 |
27 | REACT4C Reducing Emissions from Aviation by Changing Trajectories for the benefit of Climate | 2010 | 4˙166˙717.00 | 3˙195˙555.00 |
28 | GeRT Generalising Robot Manipulation Task | 2010 | 3˙691˙311.00 | 2˙822˙797.00 |
29 | PASODOBLE Promote Air Quality Services integrating Observations – Development Of Basic Localised Information for Europe | 2010 | 7˙172˙415.00 | 4˙999˙304.00 |
30 | WHERE2 Wireless Hybrid Enhanced Mobile Radio Estimators - Phase 2 | 2010 | 7˙446˙518.00 | 5˙257˙776.00 |
31 | IDIHOM Industrialisation of High-Order Methods – A Top-Down Approach | 2010 | 5˙659˙942.00 | 4˙166˙569.00 |
32 | AIM² Advanced In-flight Measurement Techniques 2 | 2010 | 5˙120˙454.00 | 3˙754˙447.00 |
33 | ALASCA Advanced Lattice Structures for Composite Airframes | 2010 | 3˙431˙752.00 | 1˙350˙260.00 |
34 | TEAM_PLAY Tool Suite for Environmental and Economic Aviation Modelling for Policy Analysis | 2010 | 5˙265˙893.00 | 3˙867˙496.00 |
35 | SACOMAR Technologies for Safe and Controlled Martian Entry | 2011 | 690˙530.00 | 499˙484.00 |
36 | NEARS New European Aviation Research Strategy | 2011 | 557˙211.00 | 470˙375.00 |
37 | NET4SOCIETY2 Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points for Socio-economic sciences and the Humanities (SSH NCPs) | 2011 | 2˙221˙550.00 | 1˙799˙739.00 |
38 | A4A Alert for All | 2011 | 4˙909˙483.00 | 3˙497˙469.00 |
39 | LIROC Laser Ignition Technology for Rocket Engines | 2011 | 827˙654.00 | 481˙827.00 |
40 | COFRET Carbon footprint of freight transport | 2011 | 2˙836˙460.00 | 1˙993˙909.00 |
41 | IFARS International Forum for Aviation Research Support Action | 2011 | 231˙316.00 | 200˙000.00 |
42 | COPORI Communication and Policy development for Research Infrastructures in Europe | 2011 | 551˙986.00 | 450˙000.00 |
43 | Idealist2014 Trans-national cooperation among ICT NCPs | 2011 | 4˙775˙575.00 | 3˙999˙000.00 |
44 | RESELYSER Hydrogen from RES: pressurised alkaline electrolyser with high efficiency and wide operating range | 2011 | 2˙888˙957.00 | 1˙484˙358.00 |
45 | TCSPOWER Thermochemical Energy Storage for Concentrated Solar Power Plants | 2011 | 4˙421˙226.00 | 2˙849˙240.00 |
46 | CHATT Cryogenic Hypersonic Advanced Tank Technologies | 2012 | 4˙237˙230.00 | 3˙225˙681.00 |
47 | NEOSHIELD A Global Approach to Near-Earth Object Impact Threat Mitigation | 2012 | 5˙843˙115.00 | 3˙963˙009.00 |
48 | NEMESIS2+ New Method for Superior Integrated Hydrogen Generation System 2+ | 2012 | 3˙393˙341.00 | 1˙614˙944.00 |
49 | ERA-NET NEURON II Network of European funding for Neuroscience research | 2012 | 2˙206˙402.00 | 2˙000˙000.00 |
50 | SINPLEX Small Integrated Navigator for PLanetary EXploration | 2012 | 2˙614˙981.00 | 1˙998˙619.00 |
51 | DESICOS New Robust DESIgn Guideline for Imperfection Sensitive COmposite Launcher Structures | 2012 | 3˙098˙287.00 | 1˙997˙700.00 |
52 | PRECISE Chemical-µPropulsion for an Efficient and Accurate Control of Satellites for Space Exploration | 2012 | 2˙830˙429.00 | 1˙829˙367.00 |
53 | ADFLICO Adaptive Flight Control for Advanced Aircraft Concepts | 2012 | 228˙104.00 | 228˙104.00 |
54 | SimpleFleet Democratizing Fleet Management | 2012 | 1˙909˙815.00 | 1˙409˙000.00 |
55 | COSMOS+ Continuation Of the cooperation of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services | 2012 | 1˙175˙196.00 | 999˙978.00 |
56 | ARTHEROSPACE Arthero-Space project: A model based exploration of the regulatory mechanism of the microcirculation for the prevention of orthostatic intolerance | 2012 | 221˙718.00 | 221˙718.00 |
57 | STOLARFOAM Thermochemical Storage of Solar Heat via Advanced Reactors/Heat exchangers based on Ceramic Foams | 2012 | 224˙462.00 | 224˙462.00 |
58 | SEA-EU-NET II SEA-EU-NET 2 - EU-ASEAN S&T cooperation to jointly tackle societal challenges | 2012 | 4˙552˙949.00 | 3˙998˙565.00 |
59 | CAESIE Connecting Australian-European Science and Innovation Excellence | 2012 | 2˙711˙670.00 | 1˙440˙220.00 |
60 | BILAT USA 2.0 Bilateral Coordination for the Enhancement and Development of S&T Partnerships between the European Union and the United States of America | 2012 | 1˙904˙069.00 | 1˙499˙783.00 |
61 | BILAT-RUS-ADVANCED Advancement of the bilateral Partnership in scientific Research and Innovation with the Russian Federation | 2012 | 1˙787˙511.00 | 1˙497˙798.00 |
62 | EVOLVE "Evolved materials and innovative design for high-performance, durable and reliable SOFC cell and stack" | 2012 | 5˙805˙373.00 | 3˙105˙093.00 |
63 | IMPACT Improved Lifetime of Automotive Application Fuel Cells with ultra low Pt-loading | 2012 | 9˙144˙498.00 | 3˙902˙403.00 |
64 | COLOMBO Cooperative Self-Organizing System for low Carbon Mobility at low Penetration Rates | 2012 | 2˙908˙491.00 | 2˙131˙000.00 |
65 | JPI CLIMATE CSA Joint Programming Initiative Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe - Coordination and Support Action | 2013 | 2˙418˙753.00 | 1˙997˙191.00 |
66 | RECORD Research on Core Noise Reduction | 2013 | 5˙935˙211.00 | 4˙008˙962.00 |
68 | ABLAMOD Advanced Ablation Characterization and Modelling | 2013 | 2˙737˙272.00 | 1˙981˙906.00 |
69 | NET4SOCIETY3 Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points for Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities (SSH NCPs) | 2013 | 1˙200˙933.00 | 999˙566.00 |
70 | A-PIMOD Applying Pilot Models for Safer Aircraft | 2013 | 4˙772˙266.00 | 3˙472˙661.00 |
71 | PERMED Personalized Medicine 2020 and beyond – Preparing Europe for leading the global way (PerMed) | 2013 | 645˙115.00 | 497˙378.00 |
72 | CEADSE Controlled Environment Agriculture Development for Space and Earth | 2013 | 168˙794.00 | 168˙794.00 |
73 | ECOMISE Enabling Next Generation Composite Manufacturing by In-Situ Structural Evaluation and Process Adjustment | 2013 | 5˙366˙449.00 | 3˙549˙744.00 |
74 | CROSS DRIVE Collaborative Rover Operations and Planetary Science Analysis System based on Distributed Remote and Interactive Virtual Environments | 2013 | 3˙586˙759.00 | 2˙493˙427.00 |
76 | SOAR diStributed Open-rotor AiRcraft | 2013 | 782˙889.00 | 591˙214.00 |
77 | ERANET-LAC "Network of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean Countries on Joint Innovation and Research Activities" | 2013 | 2˙864˙869.00 | 2˙495˙746.00 |
78 | ERA.NET RUS PLUS Further linking Russia to the ERA: Coordination of MS/ AC S&T programmes towards and with Russia | 2013 | 31˙154˙999.00 | 3˙500˙000.00 |
79 | INNO INDIGO Innovation driven Initiative for the Development and Integration of Indian and European Research | 2013 | 2˙927˙975.00 | 2˙499˙829.00 |
80 | POLARBEAR Production and Analysis Evolution For Lattice Related Barrel Elements Under Operations With Advanced Robustness | 2013 | 3˙419˙215.00 | 1˙195˙734.00 |
81 | SOCTESQA "Solid Oxide Cell and Stack Testing, Safety and Quality Assurance" | 2014 | 3˙212˙186.00 | 1˙626˙373.00 |
82 | 3D-MIFS 3D-Monitoring of Ice and Forest from Space | 2014 | 161˙968.00 | 161˙968.00 |
83 | INSIDE In-situ Diagnostics in Water Electrolyzers | 2014 | 3˙656˙756.00 | 2˙176˙624.00 |
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