Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Karolinska institutet"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 SPINAL CORD REPAIR Spinal locomotor circuits: organization and repair after injury 2008 3˙935˙200.00 2˙998˙000.00
2 APO-SYS "Apoptosis systems biology applied to cancer and AIDS. An integrated approach of experimental biology, data mining, mathematical modelling, biostatistics, systems engineering and molecular medicine" 2008 14˙780˙447.00 11˙000˙000.00
3 LACTOBODY Production and delivery of antibody fragments against gastrointestinal pathogens by lactobacilli 2008 5˙555˙220.00 3˙988˙019.00
5 EUCAAD European Consortium for Anticancer Antibody Development 2008 7˙862˙359.00 5˙989˙862.00
6 SME RECEPTOR SME-Academia Nuclear Receptor Knowledge Transfer 2008 1˙659˙159.00 1˙659˙159.00
7 APO-HSV-2/HIV Double infection by HSV-2 and HIV: how does HSV-2 infection facilitate for HIV infection? 2008 232˙646.00 232˙646.00
8 SELECT-AND-ACT "The role of striatum in selection of behaviour and motor learning - neuronal code, microcircuits and modelling" 2008 3˙253˙587.00 2˙495˙781.00
9 GIFT Graft engineering to improve allogeneic stem cell transplantation 2008 179˙588.00 179˙588.00
10 INFLAMMATIONPAIN Role of spinal anti-inflammatory lipid mediators in inflammation and arthritis-induced pain 2008 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
11 NANOMMUNE Comprehensive assessment of hazardous effects of engineered nanomaterials on the immune system 2008 4˙310˙500.00 3˙358˙500.00
12 GENOMIC STABILITY Genomic stability -chromosome segregation and repair 2008 900˙000.00 900˙000.00
13 NEOOPIOID No Pain during infancy by adapting off-patent medicines 2008 2˙881˙489.00 2˙299˙164.00
14 HOMITB Host and microbial molecular dissection of pathogenesis and immunity in tuberculosis 2008 3˙931˙510.00 2˙998˙251.00
15 HIVIND The antiretroviral roll out for HIV in India - strengthening capacity to promote adherence and patient follow-up in the context 2008 3˙881˙494.00 2˙946˙420.00
16 INCOMB "Combating incontinence, from basic science to clinical practice" 2008 4˙035˙977.00 2˙908˙693.00
17 BODY-OWNERSHIP Neural mechanisms of body ownership and the projection of ownership onto artificial bodies 2008 909˙850.00 909˙850.00
18 EURO-GENE-SCAN European Genetic Disease Diagnostics 2009 3˙822˙299.00 2˙913˙807.00
19 INUTERAL Influence of the in utero environment on the risk of allergy development for the child 2009 177˙887.00 177˙887.00
20 ICEBERG Discovery of Type 2 Diabetes Targets 2009 2˙500˙000.00 2˙500˙000.00
21 NKT IN HERPES The role of natural killer T cells in the early stages of the herpes simplex virus infection in skin 2009 179˙588.00 179˙588.00
22 MIGBTB Molecular mechanisms of germ cell migration across the mammalian blood-testis barrier 2009 242˙672.00 242˙672.00
23 SEYLE Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe: Promote health through prevention of risk-taking and self-destructive behaviors 2009 4˙781˙263.00 2˙983˙941.00
24 SENSORY NEURONS CODE Defining the transcription factors code directing sensory lineage diversification and connectivity 2009 178˙454.00 178˙454.00
25 STEMRENEWAL Identification of a new mechanism of stem cell self-renewal; direct implications on self-repair and tumor initiating cells in the brain 2009 2˙492˙593.00 2˙492˙593.00
26 GROWTHCONTROL Dissecting the transcriptional mechanisms controlling growth during normal development and cancer 2009 2˙200˙000.00 2˙200˙000.00
27 ALK7 Metabolic control by the TGF-² superfamily receptor ALK7: A novel regulator of insulin secretion, fat accumulation and energy balance 2009 2˙462˙154.00 2˙462˙154.00
28 COGS Collaborative Oncological Gene-environment Study 2009 16˙703˙903.00 11˙715˙501.00
29 MAMMAHOGLGR Understanding Hedgehog signalling in breast cancer and mammary gland stem cells using tissue specific expression of Gli1 the main effector of the Hedgehog pathway 2009 179˙223.00 179˙223.00
30 AISAT Development of a new high throughput automated imaging system to carry out drug sensitivity measurements on primary leukemia/lymphoma cells to assist individualized assay guided therapy 2009 178˙089.00 178˙089.00
31 MCI_AD PIB-PET_FMRI Alterations in Memory Networks in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: Relating the Impact of Amyloid Burden with PIB-PET on Neuronal Activation as Assessed with fMRI 2009 221˙369.00 221˙369.00
32 TORNADO Molecular Targets Open for Regulation by the gut flora – New Avenues for improved Diet to Optimize European health 2009 7˙771˙046.00 5˙895˙601.00
33 TREG SUPPRESSION Deciphering the molecular basis of regulatory T cell suppression 2009 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
34 CHEMO-IMMUNE THERAPY A translational approach evaluating novel strategies using chemotherapy to enhance immune-mediated anti-tumor activity 2009 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
35 IMMUNOSWITCH Switch recombination: a model system for DNA editing and repair in human lymphocytes with relevance for primary immunodeficiency and cancer formation 2009 1˙888˙166.00 1˙888˙166.00
36 DC-MTB INTERACTIONS Visualization of Dendritic cell IL-12 production and engagement with antigen-specific T cells during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in vivo 2010 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
37 3DMIG Use of high resolution imaging to elucidate cell migration dynamics within 3D environments 2010 0.00 173˙167.00
38 SINGLE-CELL GENOMICS Single-cell Gene Regulation in Differentiation and Pluripotency 2010 1˙654˙383.00 1˙654˙383.00
39 ISSC An integrated surveillance system for infectious disease in rural China: generating evidence for early detection of disease epidemics in resource-poor settings 2010 3˙898˙390.00 2˙967˙837.00
40 ANGIOFAT New mechanisms of angiogenesis modulators in switching between white and brown adipose tissues 2010 2˙411˙547.00 2˙411˙547.00
41 IGF1RHC Targeting IGF-1 receptor in liver cancer with focus on its mechanistic role in transcription and its interaction with the cell cycle machinery 2010 0.00 236˙351.00
42 PREVENTRA "Genes, environment and immunity in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis" 2010 2˙000˙000.00 2˙000˙000.00
43 WASPSTINGS Unravelling the mechanism for development of WASP-associated primary immunodeficiency 2010 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
44 TMP53COMPMIX Transcriptional mutagenesis in mammalian cell systems: p53 signaling as a probe of cellular effects 2010 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
45 WE-STAY Work Toghether to Stop Truancy Among Youth 2010 3˙670˙569.00 2˙995˙947.00
46 DOPAMINE NEURON CODE Developmental Transcription Factors in Dopamine Neuron Maintenance 2010 180˙669.00 180˙669.00
47 INDEFIC Identification of New Genetic Determinants of Plasma Fibrinogen Concentration 2010 181˙669.00 181˙669.00
48 FERFLU EXPRESS Investigation of influenza immune responses and vaccine efficacy correlates by global expression profiling and immunological analyses in the ferret model of influenza 2010 239˙693.00 239˙693.00
49 DKK3 T2DM Wnt agonist Dickkopf 3 (DKK3) is a type 2 diabetes susceptibility gene 2010 75˙000.00 75˙000.00
50 EQUIP Expanded Quality management Using Information Power for Maternal and Newborn Health in Africa 2010 3˙885˙475.00 2˙998˙406.00
51 NK IN HLH Molecular mechanisms of pediatric immunodeficiency syndromes affecting natural killer cell cytotoxicity 2010 181˙669.00 181˙669.00
52 SYSCOL Systems Biology of Colorectal Cancer 2011 16˙615˙047.00 11˙999˙996.00
53 SYSTEMS MICROSCOPY Systems microscopy – a key enabling methodology for next-generation systems biology 2011 15˙964˙673.00 11˙986˙690.00
54 EUROCANPLATFORM A European Platform for Translational Cancer Research 2011 15˙561˙005.00 11˙998˙454.00
55 GAMETE RECOGNITION Molecular Basis of Mammalian Egg-Sperm Interaction 2011 1˙499˙281.00 1˙499˙281.00
56 ENDOSWITCH Network Principles of Neuroendocrine Control: Tuberoinfundibular Dopamine (TIDA) Oscillations and the Regulation of Lactation 2011 1˙493˙958.00 1˙493˙958.00
57 CANCERTIME The biological clock and cancer 2011 250˙773.00 250˙773.00
58 GENECADD GEnetic NEtworks as a tool for anti-CAncer Drug Development 2011 2˙500˙000.00 2˙500˙000.00
59 OPTO-REW Optogenetic investigation of GABAergic interneurons in the limbic system during reward and addiction 2011 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
60 CASCADE-FELLOWS The CASCADE International Fellowship Programme 2011 12˙482˙120.00 4˙992˙848.00
61 HUFATREG Adipose tissue mass regulation in lean and obese individuals 2011 1˙500˙000.00 1˙500˙000.00
62 ARCADE HSSR African Regional Capacity Development for Health Systems and Services Research 2011 2˙193˙184.00 1˙978˙424.00
63 MATIND Large scale innovative pro-poor programs focused on reducing maternal mortality in India: a proposal for impact evaluation 2011 3˙905˙283.00 2˙969˙172.00
64 TRANSLATOMICS Painting the landscape of translational control of gene expression through meta-analysis of genome wide data sets 2011 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
65 NEURAL RENEWAL Neurogenesis in the adult human brain 2011 2˙491˙235.00 2˙491˙235.00
66 CAFTECH Unraveling the therapeutic potential of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) in cancer using cell-specific targeting technology 2011 50˙000.00 50˙000.00
67 COMMHERE Communication of European Health Research 2011 2˙249˙134.00 1˙998˙441.00
68 HUMAN IPS IN SCI Human iPS cell therapy for spinal cord injury 2011 194˙766.00 194˙766.00
69 ARCADE RSDH Asian Regional Capacity Development for Research on Social Determinants of Health 2011 2˙201˙583.00 1˙996˙595.00
70 VTHAND-CENTRED SPACE Visuo-tactile cortical mechanims for a hand-centred spatial representation in humans 2011 186˙464.00 186˙464.00
71 META-PREDICT Developing predictors of the health benefits of exercise for individuals 2011 7˙928˙818.00 5˙998˙406.00
72 DDPDGENES Identification of genes important for human midbrain dopamine neuron development and Parkinson’s disease 2012 3˙700˙382.00 2˙817˙939.00
73 AGING STEM CELLS Mechanisms of stem cell proliferation and senescence in the aged and damaged mouse brain 2012 195˙766.00 195˙766.00
75 SENSTRIATUM Sensory Integration in the Striatal Microcircuit 2012 1˙494˙445.00 1˙494˙445.00
76 BIOTRACHEA Biomaterials for Tracheal Replacement in Age-related Cancer via a Humanly Engineered Airway 2012 5˙464˙792.00 3˙999˙300.00
77 STAGED "Stress and the aging brain: the interplay between genetic susceptibility, aging and psychosocial stress on early symptoms of dementia" 2012 136˙063.00 136˙063.00
78 GENOMIC INTERACTIONS B-cell development and gene regulation in three dimensions 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
79 PRACTICE Prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis in Practice 2012 156˙000.00 144˙300.00
80 BRAINPROP Brain mechanisms of human limb movement sense 2012 174˙016.00 174˙016.00
81 MOLMECHSNKTOX Molecular Mechanisms of Natural Killer cell Cytotoxicity 2012 181˙418.00 181˙418.00
82 MUSC ADAP XRCS Mechanisms of skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise and their implications in health and disease 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
83 DARMEC Drug adverse reactions predictability: exploring the mechanisms underlying the unexplained interindividual differences in drug metabolism and transport 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
84 ADOLESCENT DEV Genetics and physiology of adolescent development in telencephalic interneurons 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
85 ELSI Emotional Learning in Social Interaction 2012 1˙498˙243.00 1˙498˙243.00
86 LGR6MAMMARYSC The role of Lgr6 as a marker of progenitor cells and cancer-initiating cells in the mammary gland 2013 181˙418.00 181˙418.00
87 INFECT Improving Outcome of Necrotizing Fasciitis: Elucidation of Complex Host and Pathogen Signatures that Dictate Severity of Tissue Infection 2013 15˙678˙988.00 11˙913˙591.00
88 NOVEL_MYOKINE Irisin - a novel myokine protective against metabolic disease 2013 1˙999˙433.00 1˙999˙433.00
89 PERICYTESCAR The role of pericytes in central nervous system scarring and fibrosis 2013 1˙750˙000.00 1˙750˙000.00
90 EPIOPC Role of chromatin-modifying enzymes in oligodendrocyte precursor state in development and multiple sclerosis 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
91 MEMORYSTICK Plasticity and formation of lasting memories in health and disease. Genetic modeling of key regulators in adult and aging mammals and in neurodegenerative disease 2013 2˙330˙974.00 2˙330˙974.00
92 SEQ-CYTOTOX Next generation sequencing for detection of human primary immunodeficiency syndromes characterized by impaired cytotoxic lymphocyte function 2013 1˙499˙996.00 1˙499˙996.00
93 OBINNSC1 The Physiological Control of Stem Cells: Obesity, Insulin, and Neural Stem Cell Dynamics 2013 181˙418.00 181˙418.00
94 SIZE MATTERS Size Matters: investigating the link between affective and perceptual body representations using multisensory illusions and brain imaging 2013 206˙350.00 206˙350.00
95 F12 Factor XII and the contact system: cross-talk between thrombosis and inflammation 2013 1˙488˙780.00 1˙488˙780.00
96 NCAT Nudix hydrolases in Cancer Therapy 2013 197˙811.00 197˙811.00
97 IMPLEMENT A research agenda on implementation research in chronic care 2013 549˙835.00 500˙000.00
98 AD BIOMARKERS Combining sensitive biomarkers for early diagnosis of AD: A multi-modal approach 2013 197˙811.00 197˙811.00
99 HUMAN "Health and the Understanding of Metabolism, Aging and Nutrition" 2013 16˙155˙448.00 11˙994˙553.00
100 COUNTERSTROKE Treating stroke with Affibody molecules targeting the inflammatory mediator HMGB1 2013 7˙843˙758.00 5˙989˙631.00
101 ITREGDIFFERENTIATION Kinetic analysis of molecular profiles during human induced regulatory T cell (iTreg) differentiation: an integrative study 2014 197˙811.00 197˙811.00
102 NEURODYNAMICS Inhibition and neuromodulation in oscillation and synchrony 2014 275˙138.00 275˙138.00
103 COGOPTO The role of parvalbumin interneurons in cognition and behavior 2014 1˙400˙000.00 1˙400˙000.00
104 BETAIMAGE An in vivo imaging approach to understand pancreatic beta-cell signal-transduction 2014 2˙499˙590.00 2˙499˙590.00
105 POCUMINT Proof Of Concept Use of MTH1 Inhibitors as New Treatments for cancer 2014 164˙795.00 150˙000.00
106 INTERDRUG Epigenetic mechanisms underlying inter-individual differences in drug response and hepatic disease 2014 206˙350.00 206˙350.00
107 MECHCOMM Mechanotransduction in Cell-to-Cell Communication 2014 2˙292˙100.00 2˙292˙100.00
108 P75NTR Understanding death-receptor signaling and physiology in the nervous system: A roadmap for the development of new treatments to neurodegenerative diseases and neurotrauma 2014 2˙500˙000.00 2˙500˙000.00
109 REBOOT Releasing the brakes on adult plasticity 2014 1˙918˙069.00 1˙918˙069.00
110 DENDRITICDEV Molecular Regulation of Dendritic Tree Formation during Neocortical Development 2014 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
111 RNASEBGLAND Regulation of gene expression in sebaceous glands 2015 206˙350.00 206˙350.00

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