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H2020 projects about "description"

The page lists 371 projects related to the topic "description".

# achronym  title  year 
2 i3-Food Process integration for rapid implementation of sustainable innovative food processing 2015
3 WASCOSYS Wavefunctions for strongly correlated systems 2015
4 gRESONANT Resonant Nuclear Gamma Decay and the Heavy-Element Nucleosynthesis 2015
5 NanoSOFT Fluid transport at the nano- and meso- scales : from fundamentals to applications in energy harvesting and desalination process 2015
6 ProbDynDispEq Probabilistic and Dynamical Study of Nonlinear Dispersive Equations 2015
7 BSMFLEET Challenging the Standard Model using an extended Physics program in LHCb 2015
8 Hi-EST Holistic Integration of Emerging Supercomputing Technologies 2015
9 MESOPROBIO Mesoscopic models for propagation in biology 2015
10 CorticALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis from a cortical perspective: towards alternative therapeutic strategies 2015
11 SENSEI Sequence-Enabled Single cEll Identification device 2015
12 openMedicine openMedicine 2015
13 SSICLOPS Scalable and Secure Infrastructures for Cloud Operations 2015
14 SINGWAVES Singularity formation in nonlinear evolution equations 2015
15 CosTesGrav Cosmological Tests of Gravity 2015
16 ChronHib Chronologicon Hibernicum – A Probabilistic Chronological Framework for Dating Early Irish Language Developments and Literature 2015
17 QLev4G Quantum control of levitated massive mechanical systems: a new approach for gravitational quantum physics 2015
19 iMoHEALTH iMoHEALTH: A pan-national collaborative analytics platform for the exploration of population health. 2014
20 FAANon A functional analytic approach for the analysis of nonlinear transmission problems 2015
21 HoogsCG Development of a multiscale modeling strategy to decipher how hybrid DNA/RNA triplexes and G-quadruplexes affect gene expression regulation 2015
22 HydroCat Understanding the Collective Behaviour of Catalytically-Driven, Self-Propelled Colloids: From Fine-Grained Hydrodynamic Simulations to Effective Field-Theoretical Descriptions 2015
23 EXPMFSG Search for an experimental test of the mean-field theory of simple glasses 2015
24 DTI4micro Quantitative characterization of cardiac tissue microstructure from Diffusion Tensor Imaging 2015
25 HQSTS High-Quality voice model for STatistical parametric speech Synthesis 2015
26 MecaMorphEME Four-dimensional physical modeling and numerical simulation of the early mouse embryo morphogenesis. 2015
27 nanoCAVa Formation of nano-scale clusters from atmospheric vapors 2015
28 FRAMAB Flood Risk Assessment and mitigation for Masonry Arch Bridges 2015
29 ASTROMULTISCALE Multiscale dynamics of astrophysical plasmas: pressure-anisotropy-driven instabilities and large-scale dynamical processes 2015
30 Constructions Construction Grammar meets Typology: From Theory to Teaching 2016
31 NEW4NEW New methods for new materials 2015
32 Als-on-a-chip A tissue-on-a-chip platform for systems-level studies of ALS pathology and drug screening 2015
34 STEPDYN H2 and CH4 Dissociation Dynamics on Stepped Metal Surfaces via First-Principles Simulations 2016
35 AdvancedStarForm Global and local star formation with state-of-the-art physics 2015
36 NCDIFFGEO Models of noncommutative differential geometries 2016
37 SynBiol-DynHet Diversity in Synthetic Biological Systems 2015
38 DENE Dynamical effects on neutral excitations 2015
39 AccuCT Accurate characterization of charge-transfer excited states 2016
40 OCTANT Modeling the chronology of deep ocean circulation changes during abrupt climate transitions 2016
41 HotCoalgebras Homotopy theory of cosimplicial unstable (co-)algebras over the Steenrod algebra 2015
42 COSMOS Optical point of care system for heart failure mass screening 2015
43 INAS Integra A/S – Service provider of drones for civil use 2015
44 IDIU Integrated and Detailed Image Understanding 2015
45 SPECTRUM Spectral theory of random operators 2015
46 MultiScaleNeurovasc Quantifying the structure-function of the neurovascular interface: from micro-circuits to large-scale functional organization 2015
47 NanoDome Nanomaterials via Gas-Phase Synthesis: A Design-Oriented Modelling and Engineering Approach 2015
48 C9ND C9orf72-mediated neurodegeneration: mechanisms and therapeutics 2015
49 VINCO Visegrad Initiative for Nuclear Cooperation 2015
50 HTMD Feasibility assessment of a cloud application platform for rational drug design using high throughput molecular dynamics 2015
51 SURI Novel concept of a modular Shelter Unit for Rapid Installation 2015
52 DYNAMO Energy and charge transfer nonadiabatic dynamics in light-harvesting molecules and nanostructures 2015
53 Phonton Phon(t)on-induced phase transitions 2015
54 MorePheno Collider Phenomenology and Event Generators 2015
55 SONATA Service Programing and Orchestration for Virtualized Software Networks 2015
56 NICENAV NICENAV Navigation-grade ITAR-free Certifiable Equipment for the Navigation of manned and unmanned Air Vehicle, based on FOG technology 2015
57 MaGRaTh Matter and strong-field gravity: New frontiers in Einstein’s theory 2015
58 IChaos Intermediate Chaos 2016
59 SElySOs Development of new electrode materials and understanding of degradation mechanisms on Solid Oxide High Temperature Electrolysis Cells. 2015
60 QUEST Quantum Algebraic Structures and Models 2015
61 PLANETDIVE Planetary diversity: the experimental terapascal perspective 2016
62 AMVA4NewPhysics Advanced Multi-Variate Analysis for New Physics Searches at the LHC 2015
63 SurfaceInhibition The role of 5HT3a inhibitory interneurons in sensory processing 2015
64 switchBoard In the eye of the observer: Visual processing at the heart of the retina 2015
65 PolarNet Principles of Polarity – Integrating genetic, biophysical and computational approaches to understand cell and tissue polarity 2015
66 FrEBT Improving diagnostics of respiratory diseases and boosting the COMAC MEDICAL Ltd. competitiveness and growth by validation of fractional EBT biomarker through new method of measurement and device 2015
67 EQuO Electron Quantum optics in quantum Hall edge channels 2015
68 FASTNET FAST Nuclear Emergency Tools (FASTNET) 2015
69 NuQFT The Hall Plateau Transition and non-unitary Quantum Field Theory 2015
70 hybridFRET hybridFRET - deciphering biomolecular structure and dynamics 2015
71 NGTMod Next generation technologies for modeling the full complexity of living and designed structures 2016
72 EDAX Beating Complexity through Selectivity: Excited state Dynamics from Anti-Stokes and non-linear resonant inelastic X-ray scattering 2016
73 MEDIuM Mobile wireless Device microcantilever-based biosensor to identify and measure the aflatoxin B1 in animal food and M1 in the milk-chain 2015
74 TopDyn Probing topology and dynamics in driven quantum many-body systems 2016
75 FLIRT Fluid Flows and Irregular Transport 2016
76 StableChaoticPlanetM Stable and Chaotic Motions in the Planetary Problem 2016
77 MULTISCALE Precision Multi-Scale Predictions for the LHC: Higgs, Jets and Supersymmetry 2016
78 STRIGES Escaping from the Franck-Condon region : a theoretical approach to describe molecular STructural ReorganIzation for reversible EnerGy and information storage at the Excited State 2015
79 OXTOP Low-dimensional topology in Oxford 2016
80 MagneticYSOs Interpreting Dust Polarization Maps to Characterize the Role of the Magnetic Field in Star Formation Processes 2016
81 CIVILWARS Social Dynamics of Civil Wars 2016
82 MIREL MIREL - MIning and REasoning with Legal texts 2016
83 REDOXCYCLE The molecular interface between cell cycle and redox regulation 2016
84 ArchAIDE Archaeological Automatic Interpretation and Documentation of cEramics 2016
85 UNREST Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe 2016
86 SOCISS Spin-Orbit Coupling at Interfaces from Spintronics to new Superconducting effects 2016
87 GREinGC General Relativistic Effect in Galaxy Clustering as a Novel Probe of Inflationary Cosmology 2016
88 F-ATPase Towards a Complete Quantitative Model of the FOF1 ATP Synthase 2016
89 TAME-Plasmons a Theoretical chemistry Approach to tiME-resolved molecular Plasmonics 2016
90 QBH Quantum Black Holes: A macroscopic window into the microstructure of gravity 2016
91 RGDQG Renormalisation Group methods for discrete Quantum Gravity 2016
92 PRIMASE_NMR Visualizing Primase Initiating DNA Replication using NMR Spectroscopy 2016
93 SynDegrade The Role of Local Protein Degradation in Neurotransmitter Release and Homeostatic Plasticity 2016
94 SIRPOL Strongly interacting Rydberg slow light polaritons 2016
95 MIMIC Modeling microgels: from microscopic design to macroscopic description 2016
96 HIGGSBNDL Higgs bundles: Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Geometry 2016
97 LEGA-C The Physics of Galaxies 7 Gyr Ago 2016
98 NIMBqUS Novel Inroads into Many-Body Quantum Systems 2016
99 NIOBE Non-Leptonic Three-Body B Decays: Theory and Phenomenology 2017
100 CSASG Comparative Study on Ancient Syriac Grammars 2016
101 PCCDX Breaking the curse of dimension in heavy-element chemistry 2016
102 INDRO Remote sensing INdicators for DROught monitoring 2017
103 TRIA Transitivity in Indo-Aryan: A diachronic syntactic data base of valence-changing categories 2017
104 TopOutEq Topological and Correlated Quantum Systems out of Equilibrium 2017
105 FRoST The Foreshock and its Role in Solar-Terrestrial relations 2017
106 ZC Torsion units of integral group rings 2016
107 ITPF Interfaces in Turbulent Premixed Flames (ITPF) 2016
108 SPINSOCS Spin Transport in Interacting Spin-Orbit Coupled Systems 2016
109 MIGRATE Cosserat phase field modelling and simulation of viscoplasticity induced grain boundary migration and recrystallisation in metallic polycrystals 2016
110 Microbiota and aging Interaction between gut-microbiota and the central stress system in cognitive alterations associated with aging. 2016
111 HAZEL HAZEL: Commercialization of a novel, high efficiency equipment for the determination of hazardous atmospheric pollutants 2016
112 AggregationKinetics Emergence of Large Particles in Cluster-Cluster Aggregation 2017
113 AGRICADOPT Environmental indicators for agricultural adoption, success, and continuity in the Nile Delta 2016
114 NIRV_HOST_INT Population genomics of co-evolution between non-retroviral RNA viruses and their hosts 2016
115 CLIM Computational Light fields IMaging 2016
116 MIDOC Multimodal Imaging of Disorders of Consciousness 2016
117 NUHGD Non Uniform Hyperbolicity in Global Dynamics 2016
118 AQUAMS Analysis of quantum many-body systems 2016
119 AstroLakes Bio-analysis of subglacial volcanic lakes as exoplanet analogues 2016
120 NUTS Nuclei Using Topological Solitons 2016
121 CombiCompGeom Combinatorial Aspects of Computational Geometry 2016
122 EVOLOR Cognitive Ageing in Dogs 2016
123 MACROTRADE Research on Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Trade 2016
124 MILESTONE Multi-Scale Description of Non-Universal Behavior in Turbulent Combustion 2016
125 MINDPICS When a Profile is worth more than a Thousand of Hashtags: Automatic Inference of Personality Traits based on Images Shared in Social Networks 2016
126 NLPRO Natural Language Programming: Turning Text into Executable Code 2016
127 CHANGE New CHallenges for (adaptive) PDE solvers: the interplay of ANalysis and GEometry 2016
128 EntangleGen Entanglement Generation in Universal Quantum Dynamics 2016
129 REGPROP Regularity properties, definability and combinatorics on the real line. 2017
130 SAFE-FLY European industrial doctorate for damage modelling and online detection in aerospace composite structures 2017
131 INSPIRE Towards growth for business by flexible processing in customer-driven value chains 2016
132 Burst3D Type I bursts in 3D 2016
133 NET4IQ Network Techniques for Interaction Quenches 2016
134 DalitzCPviolation Understanding matter-antimatter asymmetries in B meson decays to three particles 2016
135 inSSIght In-depth support for innovation and exploitation in Smart Systems Integration 2017
136 MUSTANG Multi-scale Star Formation Across Nascent Galaxies 2017
137 CholAminCo Synergy and antagonism of cholinergic and dopaminergic systems in associative learning 2017
138 MUTR Multipurpose test rig for transmissions gearboxes. 2016
139 MODHET Modelling 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructures 2017
140 PREDATORS Plate-rate experimental deformation: Aseismic, transient or seismic fault slip 2017
141 QCDforfuture QCD for the Future of Particle Physics 2017
142 UfastU Theory of ultra-fast dynamics in correlated multi-band systems 2017
143 WRAM Wave-based Room Acoustics Modeling 2016
144 CollectSwim Individual and Collective Swimming of Active Microparticles 2017
145 HyLEF Hydrodynamic Limits and Equilibrium Fluctuations: universality from stochastic systems 2016
146 ACEnano Analytical and Characterisation Excellence in nanomaterial risk assessment: A tiered approach 2017
147 TraX Stability and Transitions in Physical Processes 2017
148 FIRST virtual Factories: Interoperation suppoRting buSiness innovaTion 2017
149 NanoArray Optical lattices around a nanofiber waveguide 2016
150 KM3NeT - INFRADEV Astroparticle and Oscillations Research with Cosmics in the Abyss (ARCA and ORCA) 2017
151 MagBURST Exploding stars from first principles: MAGnetars as engines of hypernovae and gamma-ray BURSTs 2017
152 SkyLight SkyLight: Innovations in titanium investment casting of lightweight structural components for aero engines 2017
153 HyLAW Identification of legal rules and administrative processes applicable to Fuel Cell and Hydrogen technologies’ deployment, identification of legal barriers and advocacy towards their removal. 2017
154 MERCURY Modeling the European power sector evolution: low-carbon generation technologies (renewables, CCS, nuclear), the electric infrastructure and their role in the EU leadership in climate policy 2017
155 RECEPT Real-time precision tests of lepton universality 2017
156 SYSTEMATICGRAPH Systematic mapping of the complexity landscape of hard algorithmic graph problems 2017
157 DREAM Design and Realization of equipped engine compartments including cowling for a fast compound rotorcraft 2017
158 CONSCIOUSNESS Towards a neural and cognitive architecture of consciousness 2017
159 GlassUniversality Universal explanation of low-temperature glass anomalies 2017
160 MMUSCLES Modification of Molecular structure Under Strong Coupling to confined Light modES 2017
161 GroIsRan Growth, Isoperimetry and Random walks on Groups 2017
162 DICTUM Divide and Collect: Understanding Method in Plato 2017
163 FEDCIT Federal state against cities: Immigrant incorporation in the context of new immigrant reception 2018
164 HumRobManip Robotic Manipulation Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration on Forceful Manufacturing Tasks 2017
165 BH-STRING-HOLO Black Holes in String Theory and Holography 2017
166 VESPER Volcanoes: eruptive style, pre-eruptive evolution and risk 2018
167 AFFINITY Amplitudes and form factors via integrability 2018
168 MOSK Gravity and Kinematic Space 2017
169 TRAIN SPOTTING Mapping the Intraflagellar Transport - A High-resolution Study of Intraflagellar Transport Trains in Chlamydomonas Cells 2017
170 SCARCE Sustainable Chemical Alternatives for Re-use in the Circular Economy 2017
171 MycoIndoor Deciphering the mycobiome of indoor environments by high-throughput sequencing 2018
172 SedSulphOx Quantification of oxidative sulphur cycling in marine sediments 2017
173 BogomolovMultiplier Bogomolov Multiplier 2017
174 PROIRICE Proton-Irradiated Ice: Dynamics and Chemistry from First Principles 2017
175 ACCLIM Acclimatization scenarios and early warning system of temperature-related mortality in Europe 2017
176 SpinSolar Characterisation method for spin-dependent processes in solar energy technology 2017
177 HBVssNMR Investigating the structural role of the Hepatitis B virus core protein C-terminal domain in assembly and maturation using solid-state NMR 2017
178 Filaments to stars The origin of the IMF through multi-scale analysis of molecular clouds: unification of PDF and power spectrum analysis 2018
179 EXPHON Exciton-Phonon Coupling from First Principles 2017
180 MMoBEER Mathematical models of bone externally excited remodelling 2017
181 MultiCAMS Multi-level Model Calibration for the Assessment of Historical Masonry Structures 2017
182 GLARE Exploring Gender in Children's Literature from Cognitive Corpus Stylistic Perspective 2017
183 QUSON Quantum Sensing with Quantum Optical Networks 2018
184 DenseMatter High-density QCD matter from first principles 2017
185 REINVENT REsummation-Improved moNtecarlo eVEnt geNeraTor 2017
186 AutoCode Programming with Big Code 2017
187 NNNPDF Proton strucure for discovery at the Large Hadron Collider 2017
188 COMPECON Complexity and Simplicity in Economic Mechanisms 2017
189 GRAPES Galactic cosmic RAy Propagation: an Extensive Study 2017
190 VULCAN.ears Volcano-seismic Unsupervised Labelling and ClAssificatioN Embedded in A Real-time Scenario 2017
191 MARQUESS Multiscale Analysis of AiRframe Structures and Quantification of UncErtaintieS System 2017
192 NAFTI Noise Abatement Fms with Tactile Interface 2017
193 LATTE Full Fairing for Main Rotor Head of the LifeRCraft demonstrator 2017
194 DISCO Modern spent fuel dissolution and chemistry in failed container conditions 2017
195 SQP Bringing to Market the Single Quantum Photondetector 2017
196 ADSNeSP Active and Driven Systems: Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics 2017
197 CHIMO Chiral Morphogenesis - Physical Mechanisms of Actomyosin-Based Left/Right Symmetry Breaking in Biological Systems 2018
198 ImAc Immersive Accessibility 2017
199 N2N European industrial doctorate for advanced, lightweight and silent, multifunctional composite structures 2018
200 INTERSTELLAR The Interstellar Medium of High Redshift Galaxies 2017
201 CerQUIT Certifying Large-scale Quantum Information Technologies 2018
202 FuSuMaTech Future Superconducting Magnet Technology 2017
203 VisTrans Visualising transport dynamics of transmembrane pumps 2017
204 DIAGRASS Differential adaptation capacity of dryland grasses to directional changes in water availability (DIAGRASS). 2018
205 Daphne Circuits of Visual Attention 2017
206 BioMeTRe Biophysical mechanisms of long-range transcriptional regulation 2018
207 APES Accuracy and precision for molecular solids 2018
208 Imaging-XChem Imaging-XChem: A computational package for ultrafast electronic control in chemistry 2017
209 ATMEN Atomic precision materials engineering 2017
210 DecodingInfection Decoding the host-pathogen interspecies crosstalk at a multiparametric single-cell level 2017
211 NewPhysLat Search for new physics through lattice simulations 2017
212 PrecisionNuclei Strong interactions for precision nuclear physics 2018
213 CHAOS-PIQUANT Universality and chaos in PT-symmetric quantum systems 2018
214 CORFRONMAT Correlated frontiers of many-body quantum mathematics and condensed matter physics 2018
215 MuDiLingo A Multiscale Dislocation Language for Data-Driven Materials Science 2017
216 CriBLaM Critical behavior of lattice models 2018
217 PALaC Pre-Classical Anatolian Languages in Contact 2018
218 ERIEH Exact Results in Extended Holography 2018
219 FLAVE Energetics of natural turbulent flows: the impact of waves and radiation. 2018
220 MicroBar Microsatellite Barcoding: reconstructing the family tree of hematopoietic cells 2018
221 HHQM Hydrodynamics, holography and strongly-coupled quantum matter 2018
222 ToMeTuM Towards the Understanding a Metal-Tumour-Metabolism 2018
223 3DCellPhase- In situ Structural Analysis of Molecular Crowding and Phase Separation 2018
224 OaSIS Optimizing Support for Innovating SMEs 2017
225 MeMAD Methods for Managing Audiovisual Data: Combining Automatic Efficiency with Human Accuracy 2018
226 NewtonStrat Newton strata - geometry and representations 2018
227 ANTSolve A multi-scale perspective into collective problem solving in ants 2018
228 StabCondEn Stability Conditions, Moduli Spaces and Enhancements 2018
229 SIMDAMA Strong-interaction matter coupled to electroweak probes and dark matter candidates 2018
230 DyNET Dynamical river NETworks: climatic controls and biogeochemical function 2018
231 MSCIH Moduli spaces of curves and integrable hierarchies 2018
232 SELEs Stochastic Ericksen-Leslie Equations 2019
233 EnvironMetal How does the Earth stop global warming? Using metal isotopes to understand climate recovery processes 2018
234 GOKNOT Modelling the formation of a gordian knot in Human Ubiquitin Hydrolase 2018
235 MagicFACE Magnetic Hybrid Metal-Organic Interfaces 2018
236 MulArEffect Theoretical description of the multifaceted aromaticity and resonance effects in the ground- and excited-state molecular systems 2018
237 UPWARDS Understanding of the Physics of Wind Turbine and Rotor Dynamics through an Integrated Simulation Framework 2018
238 StrongLights Controlling Photoinduced Transitions with Strong Light Pulses in Condensed Matter. 2018
239 INTEREP Do cortical feedback connections store statistical knowledge of the environment? 2018
240 SEG Anatomical and functional characterization of the neural circuits controlling ejaculation 2019
241 DeciGUT A Grand Unified Theory of Decidability in Logic-Based Knowledge Representation 2018
242 NEMO New states of Entangled Matter Out of equilibrium 2018
243 NoMePaCa Novel Metabolic Pathways in Cancer 2018
244 NOTAE NOT A writtEn word but graphic symbols. NOTAE: An evidence-based reconstruction of another written world in pragmatic literacy from Late Antiquity to early medieval Europe. 2018
245 LIFETimeS Light-Induced Function: from Excitation to Signal through Time and Space 2018
246 EU-SENSE European Sensor System for CBRN Applications 2018
247 ACB The Analytic Conformal Bootstrap 2018
248 LLPS-NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of liquid-liquid phase separation 2018
249 Re-Leaf Environment-coupled metabolic models for engineering high-temperature and drought REsistant LEAF metabolism. 2018
250 LikelyStructures Accounting for correlated errors with maximum likelihood in crystallography and cryo-EM 2018
251 InflaBoot Bootstrapping Inflationary Cosmology 2018
252 HIV VCC Interference Characterisation of single molecule dynamics within HIV-1 reservoirs as a target for interference with virus persistence and immune evasion 2019
253 Supra-Nat A principal-based EU challenge to East Central European judicial interpretation of constitutional identity 2019
254 MoCRIV Modeling critical reliability issues in VLSI technologies beyond 2020 2018
255 SCOUT Supporting Causal Conclusions from Observational Survival Studies 2018
256 MECoCaM Human gut Microbiome, gene Expression and Colorectal Cancer: Assigning causal roles from a novel Mendelian randomization perspective. 2018
257 MOFdynamics Investigating metal-organic frameworks using excited-state dynamics and theoretical spectroscopy 2018
258 ReMorphOPV Recombination in Organic Photovoltaics: Impact of Morphology and Long-Range Non-Equilibrium Transport 2019
259 FSI in hadron decays Final state interactions in heavy flavour decays 2019
260 ExaQUte EXAscale Quantification of Uncertainties for Technology and Science Simulation 2018
261 MechaDynA Multi-scale mechanics of dynamic leukocyte adhesion 2018
263 QBH Structure The Quantum Structure of Black Holes and the Recovery of Information 2019
264 HyArchi Targeting Root Hydraulic Architecture to improve Crops under Drought 2018
265 Green Radar An advance Multi-Side Boating Platform working with Passive Radar technology boosting a new emerging market 2018
266 PermeAbility PermeAbility - A non-invasive, side-effect-free diagnostic kit for intestinal disorders 2018
267 UltraLiquid Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Ultradilute Liquids 2019
268 Qosmology Quantum Effects in Early Universe Cosmology 2018
269 GENESE 17 Geometries of Exotic NuclEar StructurE 17 2018
270 AutoCheMo Automatic generation of Chemical Models 2018
271 collectiveQCD Collectivity in small, srongly interacting systems 2019
272 FLORA FLOw control in RAdial compressor 2018
273 Self-Control Interplay between genetic control and self-organization during embryo morphogenesis 2018
274 PartonicNucleus Understanding the Quark and Gluon Structure of the Nucleus 2018
275 EATEEM Experimental Aero- and Thermal investigation for a next generation Engine Exit Module 2018
276 EllipticPDE Regularity and singularities in elliptic PDE's: beyond monotonicity formulas 2019
277 NONABVD Nonadiabaticity in Biomolecular Vibrational Dynamics 2019
278 LIFT Lightweight Innovative Generator for Future Air Transportation 2018
279 PARAMIR Investigating micro-RNA Dynamics using Paramagnetic NMR Spectroscopy 2019
280 3D-FABRIC 3D Flow Analysis in Bijels Reconfigured for Interfacial Catalysis 2019
281 FEASIBLe Finding how Earthquakes And Storms Impact the Building of Landscapes 2019
282 ANALYST EM compatibility ANALYsis Statistical Techniques in aeronautics 2018
283 REFRACT Repeat protein Function Refinement, Annotation and Classification of Topologies 2019
284 hipQCD Highest Precision QCD predictions for a new era in Higgs boson phenomenology 2019
285 ANTI-ATOM Many-body theory of antimatter interactions with atoms, molecules and condensed matter 2019
287 HQMAT New Horizons in Quantum Matter: From Critical Fluids to High Temperature Superconductivity 2019
288 SensifAI Understanding Videos Automatically with the SensifAI Deep Learning Technology 2018
289 SCARE Side-Channel Aware Engineering 2018
290 ContentMAP Contentotopic mapping: the topographical organization of object knowledge in the brain 2019
291 DisConn Neural drivers of functional disconnectivity in brain disorders 2019
292 HydraMechanics Mechanical Aspects of Hydra Morphogenesis 2019
293 ReNewQuantum Recursive and Exact New Quantum Theory 2019
294 FanCY Flow and Deformation of Cancer tumours near Yielding 2019
295 DYNASNET Dynamics and Structure of Networks 2019
296 GEMS General Embedding Models for Spectroscopy 2019
297 EMP European Microkelvin Platform 2019
298 MOnACO Manufacturing of a large-scale AM component 2019
299 PURE-WATER Improved Estimation Algorithms for Water Purification and Desalination Systems 2019
300 perovskites-NMR Atomic-level characterization of multi-component perovskite materials for optoelectronic applications 2019
301 AD ASTRA HArnessing Degradation mechanisms to prescribe Accelerated Stress Tests for the Realization of SOC lifetime prediction Algorithms 2019
302 DiaEthic Map value transformations in a global interconnection. How sensory experiences and cultural interpretations shape concepts of “ethical diamond” and “mining work ethic”. 2019
303 PD-MitoQUANT PD-MitoQUANT – A quantitative approach towards the characterisation of mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson's disease 2019
304 ENGRAVINg Engaging Grammar and Visual Networks 2019
305 WISEFLOW Whole-plant Assessment of Innovative, Sustainable and Energy-efficient Future Layouts of Wastewater Treatment Plants 2019
306 PhoQuS-G Phononic Quantum Sensors for Gravity 2019
307 SyLeNCe Synapses between Leukaemia and its Neighbouring Cells 2020
308 RAMBEA Realistic Assessment of Historical Masonry Bridges under Extreme Environmental Actions 2019
309 BigTime Big Time Series Analytics for Complex Economic Decisions 2019
310 STAND4HERITAGE New STANDards for seismic assessment of built cultural HERITAGE 2019
311 DIEinPEACE Double Incremental Expansion in Potential Energies from Automized Computational Exploration 2019
312 DEBOGAS Dilute Bose Gases at Positive Temperature 2019
313 LADIE Investigation of nonlinear stimulated emission in optically excited dielectrics 2020
314 NEUTON NEUTrino OscillatioN analysis at T2K and SuperKamiokande experiments: Can neutrinos explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe? 2019
315 TAURUS Theory for A Unified descRiption of nUclear Structure 2019
316 AXIONRUSH Rethinking Ultraviolet Scenarios for Hunting the AXION 2019
317 NanoEnHanCeMent Nanoparticle Enhanced Hadron-therapy: a Comprehensive Mechanistic description 2020
318 ChromaSTORM Visualising how proteins fold DNA into topologically associating domains in single human cells 2020
319 X-SUGRA eXceptional Solutions and U-folds in quantum GRAvity 2020
320 Origins From Planet-Forming Disks to Giant Planets 2019
321 2DMAGICS Two-dimensional magnetism in correlated systems 2020
322 CROWDY Toward the microscopic simulations of cell-like environments. 2019
323 MIMIC Mapping and modulating integrin mediated interactions 2020
324 BabyBayes Bayesian Learning in the Infant Brain 2019
325 NeuroFreezing Biophysical Properties of the Neuronal Cytosol and their Dynamics upon Nutrient Starvation, Aging, and in Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2019
327 BrainInformationFlow Principles underlying information flow across the entire brain of the zebrafish 2020
328 JDIL Joint Dynamics During Infant Learning 2020
329 X-tendo eXTENDing the energy performance assessment and certification schemes via a mOdular approach 2019
330 HighResCells A synergistic approach toward understanding receptor signaling in the cell at very high resolution 2019
331 AVIATOR Assessing aViation emission Impact on local Air quality at airports: TOwards Regulation 2019
332 HIEIC Heavy ion collisions: collectivity and precision in saturation physics 2019
333 POLAR Polarization and its discontents: does rising economic inequality undermine the foundations of liberal societies? 2020
334 AMAREC Amenability, Approximation and Reconstruction 2019
335 CanISeeQG Can I see Quantum Gravity? 2019
336 NHNME Networked Holiness: New Media Entrepreneurship of Catholic Monastic Communities 2019
337 HIPSAM HIgher Polylogarithms and String AMplitudes 2020
338 InDiQE Infinite-dimensional quantum effects 2019
339 DynaLight Light-driven atomic dynamics in solids and liquids – from fundamentals of optics to engineering of novel photonics technologies 2019
341 CHRONO Chronotype, health and family: The role of biology, socio- and natural environment and their interaction 2019
342 NoMaMemo Non-Markovian Memory-Based Modelling of Near- and Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamical Systems 2019
343 VALIDATE Verifying Authenticity with Liquid crystal-Derived Anti Theft Encoding 2019
344 RUTTER Making the Earth Global: Early Modern Nautical Rutters and the Construction of a Global Concept of the Earth 2019
345 PersonalizeAF Personalized Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation. A Translational Approach 2020
346 FIBRING Fibring of manifolds and groups 2020
347 DEEP-RADAR Learning efficient millimeter wave radar imaging for autonomous vehicles 2019
348 MetaboDevo Metabolic Coupling During Bacterial Development 2020
349 Corr-NEQM Correlated Non-Equilibrium Quantum Matter: Fundamentals and Applications to Nanoscale Systems 2019
350 PRD-Trigger Precipitation triggered rock dynamics: the missing mesoscopic link 2020
351 AlgoQIP Beyond Shannon: Algorithms for optimal information processing 2020
352 STAREX STARs at the EXtreme 2020
353 AMPERE A Model-driven development framework for highly Parallel and EneRgy-Efficient computation supporting multi-criteria optimisation 2020
354 QUABODYP QUAntum Black hOle DYnamics and Phenomenology 2020
355 ELNANO Charge transport in nanochannels 2019
356 ErgThComplexSys Ergodic theory for complex systems: a rigorous study of dynamics on heterogeneous networks 2020
357 SPAWN Simulating particle acceleration within black hole magnetospheres 2020
358 DYNANSE Righting the Wrongs. A Life Course Dynamics Approach for Non-Standard Employment 2020
359 PERTURB Using periodic orbits to quantitatively describe and control 3D fluid turbulence. 2020
360 InstrAct From instructions to actions: characterizing the spatiotemporal neural signatures of instructions following. 2020
361 QUANTUMGRAIN Quantum Chemistry on Interstellar Grains 2020
362 RTTT Real-Time ThermoTronics: handling fluctuations, dynamics and dissipation for smart radiative thermal management 2020
363 VAREG Variational approach to the regularity of the free boundaries 2020
364 OptoNanoFlow Investigation of the mesoscale couplings in nanofluidics using nonlinear optical techniques 2021
365 PROCESS REASONING Reasoning about processes: a logico-philosophical investigation 2021
366 DINAMIC A digestion and absorption mimicking bench-top intestinal model 2020
367 OTTOLEGAL The Making of Ottoman Law: The Agency and Interaction of Diverse Groups in Lawmaking, 1450–1650 2020
368 BRICDOQ Bridging Integrability and Chaos to Decipher Out-of-equilibrium Quantum Matter 2020
369 Heart Fi-Re HEART FIne REgulation through mechanosensing in myosin filaments: merging theory and experiments into a multi-scale heart simulator 2021
370 EnFoRCe Effects of Electric Fields on tuRbulent Combustion 2021
371 COUPE COUPE - COUPling Excitations 2020