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H2020 projects about "inputs"

The page lists 296 projects related to the topic "inputs".

# achronym  title  year 
1 TRACE Opening the cycling and walking tracking potential 2015
2 COSMOS Camelina & crambe Oil crops as Sources for Medium-chain Oils for Specialty oleochemicals 2015
3 PRIMCHEM Primitive chemistry in planetary atmospheres: From the upper atmosphere down to the surface 2015
4 MAShES Multimodal spectrAl control of laSer processing with cognitivE abilities 2014
5 DATASET2050 Data driven approach for a Seamless Efficient European Travelling in 2050 2014
6 FRESHER FoResight and Modelling for European HEalth Policy and Regulation 2015
7 eNHANCE eNHANCE - intention based enhancement of reaching and grasping in physically disabled people - personalized to maximize user performance 2015
9 COCOHA Cognitive Control of a Hearing Aid 2015
10 DIGISTART Support Ecosystems for Digital Startups 2015
11 iBoard Large scale interactive multi-touch displays 2014
12 AirWatt Feasibility study of a microturbine for delocalized electrical energy, off-grid generation 2014
13 RepHorm A device that will dramatically improve the protection of babies during birth. It will monitor the child continuously with better acuity, resulting in better clinical outcomes at a lower cost. 2014
14 VULCAN Vulnerability of soil organic carbon to climate change in permafrost and dryland ecosystems 2015
15 PREDICTIVEMEMORY Multimodal neuroimaging of mechanisms supporting memory-based predictions in the human brain 2015
16 EACISD Embodied and Abstract Concepts in Sensory-motor Deprivation 2015
17 COUPCAT Coupling dimerisation and metathesis reactions to produce propene from ethanol using heterogeneous catalysts and microreactor systems 2015
18 OSS Spatio-temporal control of the Src kinase activation through Optogenetics in Cell invasion 2016
19 ZPVMH Synaptic integration in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus in aggressive behaviour 2015
20 PBIGP Plant-Bacillus Interaction: Gain of Function Project 2016
21 OPTIMAPIC Mapping the neuronal representation in dorsal inferior colliculus through optical imaging, stimulus optimization and optogenetics 2015
22 DENDRITESONBORDERS Neuronal and dendritic recruitment on neocortical area borders 2016
24 GRAPHEEN Green and Straightforward process for the synthesis of Graphene based-nanomaterials for energy applications 2015
25 EngineeringPercepts Reverse engineering sensory perception and decision making: bridging physiology, anatomy and behavior 2015
26 ACCORD Algorithms for Complex Collective Decisions on Structured Domains 2015
27 SENSORTHALAMUS Thalamic control of Neuroplasticity 2015
28 DynaSens Understanding the neural mechanisms of multisensory perception based on computational principles 2015
31 MicroArctic Microorganisms in Warming Arctic Environments 2016
32 NoMaD The Novel Materials Discovery Laboratory 2015
33 REinEU2016 Re-Industrialisation of the European Union 2016 2015
34 SPIRE Stars: dynamical Processes driving tidal Interactions, Rotation and Evolution 2015
35 RETMUS The interpretation of retinal activity by the visual thalamus. 2015
36 EFFICIENT Environmentally Friendly Fire Suppression System for Cargo using Innovative Green Technology 2016
37 Plants for Plants From plants for plants: enhancing crops potential and resilience by reliable new generation biostimulants 2016
38 RemoteMyApp Platform to efficiently stream anything (focusing on games, SME and B2B applications), anywhere (to any mobile device) 2016
40 D3 Smart propulsive device for controlled satellite decommissioning and reentry. 2015
41 BRAVIUS Brain-viscera interactions underlie subjectivity 2015
42 CAPSELLA Collective Awareness PlatformS for Environmentally-sound Land management based on data technoLogies and Agrobiodiversity 2016
43 FUCAM FUture Cabin for the Asian Market 2016
44 SMARTER TOGETHER Smart and Inclusive Solutions for a Better Life in Urban Districts 2016
45 VIAWORD From speech and print to meaning: an integrated account of word recognition in young and older adults. 2016
46 ECOHERB Drivers and impacts of invertebrate herbivores across forest ecosystems globally. 2016
47 REFLEX Studying the role of the retrosplenial cortex in flexible learning 2016
48 STC Synaptic Tagging and Capture: From Synapses to Behavior 2016
49 CA3RECURRENTPLASTIC In vivo dynamics and plasticity of networks within CA3 of the hippocampus: effects of optogenetic stimulation and natural learning. 2016
50 Expectancy Unveiling expectancy neuronal coding in the cerebral cortex induced by naturalistic tactile stimuli 2017
51 AQUAHYDRO Aquatic-terrestrial linkages in Afrotropical lakes and rivers using stable hydrogen isotopes 2016
52 MYCLIMATE Methodologies Yielding CLimate IMpact Assessments Through Economics 2017
53 ECogNeT Embodied Cognitive Neuromorphic Technology 2016
54 Thalamic Circuits Circuit analysis of thalamic visual processing and its modulation by long-range projections 2017
55 IN VIVO MOSSY Is the hippocampal mossy fiber synapse a detonator in vivo? 2016
56 xPRINT 4-Dimensional printing for adaptive optoelectronic components 2016
57 SmartCast Smart casting of concrete structures by active control of rheology 2016
58 Super-DENSE Superfluid dynamics of neutron star crusts and cores 2016
59 GenderJust Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the Political Economy of Gender Justice: Discursive Power, Authority and the Subaltern 2017
60 DITOs Doing It Together science (DITOs) 2016
61 SMART-map RoadMAPs to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies 2016
62 LIPA A unified theory of finite-state recognisability 2016
63 UrBAN-WASTE Urban strategies for Waste Management in Tourist Cities 2016
64 GUIDESIGINT Competitive assembly dynamics of the DCC receptor with its guidance cues integrates signals for cellular steering 2017
65 VisNav Vision and Navigation in Mouse Cortex 2016
66 bioSPINspired Bio-inspired Spin-Torque Computing Architectures 2016
67 DISPMIC Dispersal limitation and colonization of new land by symbiotic microorganisms 2016
68 MechBiolRep Mechanobiology of Bovine Reproduction 2016
69 INTERMODEL EU Simulation using Building Information Modeling Methodology of Multimodal, Multipurpose and Multiproduct Freight Railway Terminals Infrastructures. 2016
70 BioSeedMat A labour-efficient, organic herbicide-free and micronutrient infused seed tape and delivery mechanism aiding the growth and harvest of agri-products 2016
71 TARGIS-VRA TARGIS - Variable Rate Smart Fertilizing System in Precision Agriculture 2016
72 DENDRITECIRCUITS The origins of dendritic computation within mammalian neural circuits 2016
73 NEWRON New and mature neurons in adult circuits: telling memories apart 2016
74 NEUROPOP Large-scale analysis of neuronal population activity 2016
75 INTEGRAL Signal Integration by Gene Regulatory Landscapes 2016
76 HippAchoMod Deciphering the cholinergic modulation of the hippocampal place code. 2016
77 3DPLASTICITY Plasticity of dendritic computations during active network states 2017
78 SPLASH Sail PLAn service for energy efficient SHipping (SPLASH) - innovative and revolutionary sail planning 2016
79 DouxSweet Novel Flavour Delivery Technology for Sugar Reduction 2016
80 PRIORS Neural circuit dynamics underlying expectation and their impact on the variability of perceptual choices 2016
81 DNA Dendritic integration by nanoscale neuroanatomy 2016
82 CarbonNext The Next Generation of Carbon for the Process Industry 2016
83 MPC-. GT Model Predictive Control and Innovative System Integration of GEOTABS;-) in Hybrid Low Grade Thermal Energy Systems - Hybrid MPC GEOTABS 2016
84 NeuroSyntax The cerebral representation of sequences and roles : investigating the origins of human uniqueness. 2016
85 SKIN Short supply chain Knowledge and Innovation Network 2016
86 InterWiring Wiring up the SomatoSensory Cortex 2016
87 HKADeC Human Capital Accumulation in Developing Countries: Mechanisms, Constraints and Policies 2016
88 ORIENT Goal-directed eye-head coordination in dynamic multisensory environments 2017
89 CResPace Adaptive Bio-electronics for Chronic Cardiorespiratory Disease 2017
90 DYNAFREIGHT Innovative technical solutions for improved train DYNAmics and operation of longer FREIGHt Trains 2016
91 INTERSTELLAR Building the next generation high-speed data converters to strengthen European excellence and competitiveness on space applications and beyond 2016
92 SAPEA Science Advice for Policy by European Academies 2016
93 3D-Plant2Cells Exploring the Impact of Pesticide on the 3D Metabolome and the Microbiota from the Whole Plant to the Cell Scale 2017
94 is3DMIMO indoor small-cell Networks with 3D MIMO Array Antennas 2017
95 TO-REACH Transfer of Organisational innovations for Resilient, Effective, equitable, Accessible, sustainable and Comprehnsive Health Services and Systems. 2016
96 ventralHippocampus Neuronal circuits for emotions in the ventral CA1 hippocampus 2017
98 FIBER Understanding soil fertility impacts on terrestrial biomass production in a changing environment 2017
99 MicroCyFly Microcircuitry of the Drosophila visual system 2017
100 FUNGISEI Liquid biopesticide for integrated and effective pest control 2017
101 VestibVis Visual and vestibular processing in secondary visual cortex 2017
102 PEAC Provably-Correct Efficient Algorithms for Clustering 2017
103 NeuroModSense Peptidergic Neuromodulation of Sensory Representation in the Brain 2017
104 ANTARES Centre of Excellence for Advanced Technologies in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security 2017
105 ConCorND Connectivity Correlate of Molecular Pathology in Neurodegeneration 2017
106 IndiVISUAL Role of individual retinal ganglion cell types in visual computation and behaviors 2018
107 BIOSTISYM Investigation of plant biostimulating properties of feather protein hydrolyzate and the effects on symbiotic microorganisms 2017
108 CerebellumTherapy Sensorimotor plasticity in the cerebellar microcircuit and its therapeutic potential 2017
109 RSCHD Functional dissection of the head-direction circuit in mouse retrosplenial cortex. 2017
110 Global India Explaining Global India: a multi-sectoral PhD training programme analysing the emergence of India as a global actor 2017
111 SynID Activity-dependent modulation of synapse identity 2017
112 ColourFish Zebrafish colour vision: a functional approach to studying outer retinal wiring strategies 2017
113 GRECO Groundwater effects on coastal ecosystems 2017
114 BALTIC KLEMS Baltic Countries Capital, Labour, Energy, Material and Service inputs 2017
115 LIVEWELL Living Well: Provisioning Systems for Sustainable Resource Use and Human Well-Being 2017
116 DNCSS Decoding neural circuits controlling sleep drive and sedation 2018
117 EXPECTATION Emerging Visual Expectation in the Brain 2018
118 TNT Transformations with Neutrals and Turbo analyses 2017
119 StoiCa Resilience of Soil Stoichiometry in subartic soils under Temperature-Induced Soil Carbon Losses: Where does the N go? 2017
120 CODE4Vision Computational Dissection of Effective Circuitry and Encoding in the Retina for Normal and Restored Vision 2017
121 SUBDECODE Dendritic encoding of movement in space 2017
122 SAFE-10-T Safety of Transport Infrastructure on the TEN-T Network 2017
123 Spontaneous activity Functional role of neuronal spontaneous activity for sensory processing 2018
124 POLBUSNETWORKS Political and Business Networks 2017
125 Opto-Sleep All-optical deconstruction of thalamic control of sleep-wake states. 2017
126 HYMEFCECS Hydrogen production by membrane free chemical – electrochemical systems 2017
127 InSPIRES Ingenious Science shops to promote Participatory Innovation, Research and Equity in Science. 2017
128 SEDNA Safe maritime operations under extreme conditions: the Arctic case 2017
129 QGP tomography A novel Quark-Gluon Plasma tomography tool: from jet quenching to exploring the extreme medium properties 2017
130 ENTOMICSBLUEGROWTH Investigating the commercial feasibility of a novel biological enhancement technology for creating a sustainable, high value, insect-derived protein supplement for the EU aquaculture market 2017
131 ReMIX Redesigning European cropping systems based on species MIXtures 2017
132 BREEDCAFS BREEDing Coffee for AgroForestry Systems 2017
133 Diverfarming Crop diversification and low-input farming across Europe: from practitioners engagement and ecosystems services to increased revenues and chain organisation 2017
134 Gestoos The first Behavior Recognition Open Platform 2017
136 TransAID Transition Areas for Infrastructure-Assisted Driving 2017
137 MECHIDENT Who is that? Neural networks and mechanisms for identifying individuals 2017
138 Connections Oligopoly Markets and Networks 2017
139 FIRMNET Firms and Their Networks 2017
140 FunCoSpeedSpine Mapping the functional connectome for speed control in spinal motor circuits 2018
141 SCONE Simulations of CrOr and fan broadband NoisE with reduced order modelling 2017
142 MCircuits Connectivity, plasticity and function of an olfactory memory circuit 2017
143 MIDNIGHT Neural mechanism underlying vocal interactions in duetting nightingales 2018
144 HANDmade How natural hand usage shapes behavior and intrinsic and task-evoked brain activity. 2018
145 CoSpaDD Competition for Space in Development and Diseases 2018
146 PANTHEON Precision Farming of Hazelnut Orchards 2017
147 AstroNeuroCrosstalk Astrocyte-Neuronal Crosstalk in Obesity and Diabetes 2018
148 NOCTURNO Non-Conventional Wave Propagation for Future Sensing and Actuating Technologies 2018
149 Life-Cycle Life-like Supramolecular Materials based on Reaction Cycles with Designed Feedback 2018
150 PredictingPain Deconstructing pain with predictive models: from neural architecture to pain relief 2018
151 CERDEV Transcriptional controls over cerebellar neuron differentiation and circuit assembly 2018
152 NOISE Noise-Sensitivity Everywhere 2018
153 DRIVER GLASS Terrestrial Traffic Mixed Reality Navigation 2017
154 IntelHeat Intelligent control system for railway points heating with supreme saving of electicity 2017
155 Spectrophotometer The proposal is an introduction to an innovative measurement device that can detect deficiency or excess of nutrients in plants by harnessing light spectra 2018
156 COFBMIX Cortical feedback in figure background segregation of odors. 2018
157 FeelAgain Restoring natural feelings from missing or damaged peripheral nervous system by model-driven neuroprosthesis 2018
158 LSO Liver Spatial Omics 2018
159 NEUROFISH Whole-brain circuits controlling visuomotor behavior 2018
160 CBCLASER Revolutionizing Industrial Materials Processing with Optical Phased Array Coherent BeamCombined High Power, Digitally controlled Lasers. 2018
161 VR-FS Virtual Reality in high fidelity Flight Simulation 2018
162 DeCode Dendrites and memory: role of dendritic spikes in information coding by hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons 2018
163 AutoClean Cell-free reconstitution of autophagy to dissect molecular mechanisms 2018
164 The insect cochlea The Insect cochlea: a non-invasive path towards enhanced sound detectors 2018
165 GABASSEMBLY The role of GABAergic circuits in the orchestration of hippocampal neuronal assemblies 2019
166 Browsec Foundations and Tools for Client-Side Web Security 2018
167 CORNEA Controlling evolutionary dynamics of networked autonomous agents 2018
168 CPA-EST Mind-wandering in everyday event comprehension: Memory, attention, and the brain 2018
169 CRASCI Spatial-temporal characteristics of Cortical Reorganization after Spinal Cord Injury and the role of interneurons and astrocytes 2018
170 CuCAN Asymmetric Copper Catalyzed Multicomponent Coupling 2018
171 DYCOCIRC Basal ganglia circuit mechanisms underlying dynamic cognitive behavior 2018
172 SynBioBrain Building biological computers from bacterial populations 2018
173 FeedHypNet Dynamic regulation of feeding behaviors in health and disease by top-down control of hypothalamic networks 2018
174 DAWN4IoE Data Aware Wireless Networks for Internet of Everything 2017
175 LiveSEN In-Field Live Sensing of Nitrate in Crops for Real-Time Fertilization Adjustment 2018
176 TLIINCSEFFR Towards Low Impact and Innovative New Concrete Structures: Exploitation of FRP Fabric Reinforcement 2018
178 Med-N-Change Assessing the Interactive Effects on N Addition and Climate Change on Soil Processes through the Biological Soil Crust in Mediterranean Ecosystems 2019
179 IVSTED In vivo super-resolution imaging of synapses in the hippocampus 2019
180 PREMOTHER PREvention of MOther-to-child Transmission of HIV and Syphilis using an Electrochemical Readout based on DNA Switches 2019
181 FATarget Drugs targets in sympathetic neurons controlling adiposity. 2019
182 FeaGatSu Feature-gating in superior colliculus 2018
183 STRIAVISE How the striatum contributes to visual-selection 2018
184 Target-N2O Targeting N2O emission hot-spots in dairy pastures for mitigation action: microbes, stable isotope methods and modelling 2018
185 HYBSPN Hybrid Learning Systems utilizing Sum-Product Networks 2018
186 REGinTRAN Advanced manufacturing and the transition of regional economies: institutions, social regulation and development in Apulia and Lower Silesia 2018
187 STRUDEL Information Theory beyond Communications: Distributed Representations and Deep Learning 2018
188 YAP MECHANO Elucidating the mechanism of mechanotransduction through YAP and TAZ 2019
189 MIMe The multisensory dimension of memory, from single neuron to neural network. A multiscale electrophysiological approach to reveal the mechanism of face-voice association for person identity recognition 2018
190 TWODPS TWO-Dimensional nanomaterial-based metasurfaces for enhanced Plasmonic Sensing 2018
191 SMARCOS Smart Modular Actuator for Robotic Compliant Systems 2018
192 Organic-PLUS Pathways to phase-out contentious inputs from organic agriculture in Europe 2018
193 RELACS Replacement of Contentious Inputs in organic farming Systems 2018
194 SUPER-G Developing SUstainable PERmanent Grassland systems and policies 2018
195 SympatimmunObesity Sympathetic and immune mechanisms underlying obesity 2019
196 DEVINCI Developmental principles for the functional specialisation of inhibitory circuits in neocortical areas 2018
197 FairSocialComputing Foundations for Fair Social Computing 2018
198 FindMEMO Functional contribution of visual features to hippocampal memory encoding 2019
199 ULTRACEPT Ultra-layered perception with brain-inspired information processing for vehicle collision avoidance 2018
200 BASILIC Decoding at systems-level the crosstalk between the T cell antigen receptor, the CD28 costimulator and the PD-1 coinhibitor under physiological and pathological conditions. 2018
201 EcoStack Stacking of ecosystem services: mechanisms and interactions for optimal crop protection, pollination enhancement, and productivity 2018
202 SMART TRAWLING Next-generation control system to enhance performance of commercial fishing trawlers 2018
203 freeCr6plat Chrome plating without toxic Cr(VI). An ecofriendly electroplating for automotive plastic parts. 2018
204 HuMaInn DataMall DataMall (Behavee) is an open ecosystem for the eCommerce cyberspace 2018
205 PariTorMod P-adic Arithmetic Geometry, Torsion Classes, and Modularity 2019
206 ARTTOUCH Generating artificial touch: from the contribution of single tactile afferents to the encoding of complex percepts, and their implications for clinical innovation 2019
207 FlyGutHomeostasis Identification of paracrine and systemic signals controlling adult stem cell activity and organ homeostasis 2019
208 EVOCELFATE Evolution of cell fate specification modes in spiral cleavage 2019
209 SPEC Secure, Private, Efficient Multiparty Computation 2019
210 ECORISK2050 Effects of global change on the emission, fate, effects and risks of chemicals in aquatic ecosystems 2018
211 FLAMMINGGOS Functional Links in Avian, Microbial, Macrophyte, and INvertebrate Greenhouse Gas Output Stimulation 2018
212 TERIFIC Targeted Experiment to Reconcile Increased Freshwater with Increased Convection 2018
213 eHONESTY Embodied Honesty in Real World and Digital Interactions 2018
214 ADORNO Aicraft Design and nOise RatiNg for regiOnal aicraft 2018
215 SYNCH A SYnaptically connected brain-silicon Neural Closed-loop Hybrid system 2019
216 MICROPROD Raising EU Productivity: Lessons from Improved Micro Data 2019
217 SunHorizon Sun coupled innovative Heat pumps 2018
218 DTEU Decarbonising Transport in Europe 2018
219 PEGGASUS Pilot Eye Gaze and Gesture tracking for Avionics Systems using Unobtrusive Solutions 2019
220 GONDOLA Automated Mechanical Peripheral Stimulation for motor rehabilitation in people living with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) 2018
221 BioFlex Second life of wood: technology to dissolve waste wood to get raw materials 2018
222 MAIA Mapping and Assessment for Integrated ecosystem Accounting (MAIA) 2018
223 MeaningfulMobility Meaningful Mobility: a novel approach to movement within and between places in later life 2019
224 MOCEAN INTELLIGENCE Empowering SMEs to take part in the Ocean Industry with an Intelligent Platform that will support their Business decisions 2018
225 Hydrogreen Towards local circular economy: biomass-based pyrogasification process for the production of green hydrogen 2018
226 ALL Animated Language Learning Ltd 2018
227 SINTEC Soft intelligence epidermal communication platform 2019
228 CONSULTATIONEFFECTS Effects of stakeholder consultations on inputs, processes and outcomes of executive policymaking 2019
229 GIOTTO Active aGeIng and Osteoporosis: The next challenge for smarT nanobiOmaterials and 3D technologies 2019
230 VarPL Specificity or generalization? Neural mechanisms for perceptual learning with variability 2019
231 justITSELF Just-in-time Self-Verification of Autonomous Systems 2019
232 PrefrontalMap Organization and learning-associated dynamics of prefrontal synaptic connectivity 2019
233 A-FRO Actively Frozen - contextual modulation of freezing and its neuronal basis 2019
234 Rhythm and Brains How musical rhythm moves humans: functionalmechanisms of entrainment and perception-action coupling 2019
235 BRAINMINT Brains and minds in transition: The dark side of neuroplasticity during sensitive life phases 2019
236 MICROREAL Microbial Remediation of Agricultural Land 2018
237 AmygdalaNeuroMod Unraveling the combinatorial logic of amygdala neuromodulation in decision-making and learning. 2020
238 DRYSOM Unraveling long-term soil organic matter dynamics under drought in forest soils and their link to ecosystem properties 2019
239 ASTRALIS ASTRocyte Adrenoceptors: Light on Intracellular Signaling 2019
240 incerta2cortex Neocortical long-range inhibition for learning and memory 2020
241 NeuroSens Neuromodulation of Sensory Processing 2019
242 NeuroTick The neuroscience of tickling: cerebellar mechanisms and sensory prediction 2019
243 SEDILAND Sediment regime disturbance of river catchments in a changing land cover context: Geoenvironmental and population dynamics 2019
244 PROACTIVE PReparedness against CBRNE threats through cOmmon Approaches between security praCTItioners and the VulnerablE civil society 2019
245 SecureGas Securing The European Gas Network 2019
246 ALGOCERT Devising certifiable and explainable algorithms for verification and planning in cyber-physical systems 2019
247 TEMPO Combining Tectonics and Machine Learning to Constrain Plate Reconstruction Models Through Time 2019
248 UNCERTHAIN Unraveling the consequences of early cerebellothalamic dysfunction and its role in autism spectrum disorder symptoms 2019
249 GenSPaD Genomic Selection for Pasture Digestibility 2020
250 VINCI The Value of Information and Choice to Improve Control. 2020
251 ECO-DEKS External knowledge sourcing strategies for environmental innovation in the industrial sector of Nigeria 2019
252 LitRivus Assessment of riverine litter (plastics) inputs to the marine environment 2020
253 MemTrain Cell Membrane Training to Advance Industrial Processes 2019
254 KATA The therapy app for more air and health 2019
255 SoildiverAgro Soil biodiversity enhancement in European agroecosystems to promote their stability and resilience by external inputs reduction and crop performance increase 2019
256 Pop-Machina Collaborative production for the circular economy; a community approach 2019
257 PARSEC Promoting the internAtional competitiveness of European Remote Sensing companies through Cross-cluster collaboration 2019
258 M-POWER The Aggregate Implications of Market Power 2019
259 NETCONTROLOGY Controllability of biological networks 2020
260 G20LAP G20 Legitimacy and Policymaking 2019
261 ACoDM Affective Control of Decision Making 2019
262 REMAT A new patented technology to turn currently non-recyclable waste into recyclable composite products for a truly circular economy 2019
263 ProCEedS Promoting Circular Economy in the Food Supply Chain 2019
264 MrDoc Development and commercialization of a semi-supervised learning AI for robust diagnosis in real world settings. 2019
265 HYGGii The therapist in your pocket - AI assisted ecosystem for enabling a patient-centric approach to mental health 2019
266 PHArA-ON Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing 2019
267 I-GENE In-vivo Gene Editing by NanotransducErs 2019
268 BIOFRUITNET Boosting Innovation in Organic FRUIT production through strong knowledge NETworks 2019
269 SHERPA Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors 2019
270 CodeSan Code Sanitization for Vulnerability Pruning and Exploitation Mitigation 2020
271 CLAUSTRUM Optical interrogation of the claustrum from synapses to behavior 2019
272 CN Identity Comprehensive anatomical, genetic and functional identification of cerebellar nuclei neurons and their roles in sensorimotor tasks 2019
273 sociOlfa Learning from social scents: from territory to identity 2020
274 SYNBIO.ECM SYNBIO.ECM: Designer extracellular matrices to program healthy and diseased cardiac morphogenesis 2020
275 FIDELITY Full field Imaging for Damage Evaluation in Lightweight structures under Impact TYpe Loading 2020
276 Synthetic T-rEX A synthetic biology approach for T cell exhaustion 2020
277 IN2SMART2 Intelligent Innovative Smart Maintenance of Assets by integRated Technologies 2 2019
278 SBTech Innovative Stirring Blade Technology to increase profitability in the industry of algae culture based on CFD techniques (SBTech) 2019
279 PJ19-W2 CI PJ.19 W2 Content Integration, Performance Management and Business Case Development 2019
280 FURTHER-FC Further Understanding Related to Transport limitations at High current density towards future ElectRodes for Fuel Cells 2020
281 PAPER SOLUTIONS PAPER SOLUTIONS: Providing the switch from plastic to paper packaging 2020
282 HEAVENN Hydrogen Energy Applications for Valley Environments in Northern Netherlands 2020
283 LINX4RAIL System architecture and Conceptual Data Model for railway, common data dictionary and global system modelling specifications 2019
284 SELECTCO2 Selective Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to High Value Chemicals 2020
285 SPATEMP From spatial relationships to temporal correlations: New vistas on predictive coding 2020
286 SweetVision Envisioning the Reward: Neuronal circuits for goal-directed learning 2020
287 PIPE Learning Pixel-Perfect 3D Vision and Generative Modeling 2020
288 B-HUB FOR EUROPE Blockchain HUB FOR EUROPEan startups acceleration and growth 2020
289 CISBOOM Convergence of Information from Separate Brain Areas to Orchestrate Orienting Movements 2021
290 NEUSEQBOT NEUro cerebellar recurrent network for motor SEQuence learning in neuroroBOTics 2020
291 Nano-axo-syn Nanoscale organisation of axo-axonic synapses along the axon initial segment of cortical pyramidal neurons in health and disease. 2020
292 RhinalMultiSense Circuits for multisensory integration in the perirhinal cortex 2020
293 comfortA A better understanding of thermal Alliesthesia and thermal Adaptation for correctly predicting dynamic thermal comfort 2021
294 StartAct Controlling forelimb actions through basal ganglia to brainstem signaling 2021
295 InProSMod Cholinergic and NMDAR-dependent recruitment of Layer 1 Interneuron shapes cortical motor Processing through network States Modulation 2021
296 ALGALVANISE ALGAL biorefinery of biogas digestate to high VAlue fuNctional IngredientS through circular approachEs 2020