# | ||||
1 | HTREACTA A High-Throughput Approach for Chemical Reactivity Profiling and Physical Organic Chemistry | 0 | 209˙033.00 | 209˙033.00 |
2 | EMIME Effective Multilingual Interaction in Mobile Environments | 2008 | 4˙329˙472.00 | 3˙050˙000.00 |
3 | CHINA EU STANDARDS China EU Information Technology Standards Research Partnership | 2008 | 495˙225.00 | 370˙060.00 |
4 | NIPUI Natural Interaction with Projected User Interfaces | 2008 | 169˙390.00 | 169˙390.00 |
5 | ADMIRE Advanced Data Mining and Integration Research for Europe | 2008 | 4˙241˙573.00 | 3˙001˙662.00 |
6 | POLISH IMMIGRANTS "Post-enlargment MIgration, Integration and Education: Polish Immigrants in Scotland" | 2008 | 128˙602.00 | 128˙602.00 |
7 | EQUIMAR "Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact." | 2008 | 5˙482˙036.00 | 3˙990˙024.00 |
8 | OBJECTIVE SCIENCE Quantifying Objectivity in the Natural and Social Sciences | 2008 | 161˙792.00 | 161˙792.00 |
9 | WALLS FOR FREEDOM? "Walls for Freedom? Divided cities in a global age: Padua, Ceuta & Melilla, Belfast and Berlin" | 2008 | 170˙709.00 | 170˙709.00 |
10 | ONUPS Organocatalysis for Natural and Unnatural Product Synthesis | 2008 | 155˙104.00 | 155˙104.00 |
11 | SYNPROC Synchronous Linguistic and Visual Processing | 2008 | 1˙126˙000.00 | 1˙126˙000.00 |
12 | CPCE Constituent political cultures of Europe | 2008 | 235˙103.00 | 235˙103.00 |
13 | MECHPROCMOLS A Synthetic Molecule that can Walk down a Track! | 2008 | 178˙874.00 | 178˙874.00 |
14 | AORVM The Effects of Aging on Object Representation in Visual Working Memory | 2008 | 500˙000.00 | 500˙000.00 |
15 | EUBN The EU and the Building up of its Neighbors: Effects on Regional Development of Reforms in “Employment and Social” and “Industrial and Enterprise” Policies in Turkey and Ukraine | 2008 | 245˙384.00 | 245˙384.00 |
16 | SEXANTSEL Determinants of sexually antagonistic selection in a wild mammal population | 2008 | 168˙823.00 | 168˙823.00 |
17 | SCIENCE IN MAGAZINES "Scientific Discoveries and the Public Debate on ‘The Human Condition’ in Victorian Britain: An Analysis of Periodicals for Young Readers, 1847-1900" | 2009 | 170˙142.00 | 170˙142.00 |
18 | MERCURY Multilateralism and the EU in the Contemporary Global Order | 2009 | 1˙975˙910.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
19 | LI-B CYCLE Light lithophile elements as tracers for crust-mantle recycling: the behaviour of lithium and boron during subduction of basaltic crust | 2009 | 178˙307.00 | 178˙307.00 |
20 | 'RIBOSOME MM' A Synthetic Molecular Machine Capable of Complex Task Performance: Processive Sequence-Selective Synthesis | 2009 | 0.00 | 172˙434.00 |
21 | SUPRAMOLORGANOCAT Applications of Organocatalysis to Supramolecular Chemistry | 2009 | 0.00 | 172˙434.00 |
22 | PPIDESIGN Thermodynamic basis of the inhibition of protein-protein interactions: design principles for the next generation of medicines | 2009 | 216˙857.00 | 216˙857.00 |
23 | ICONZ Integrated control of neglected zoonoses: improving human health and animal production through scientific innovation and public engagement | 2009 | 7˙620˙060.00 | 5˙994˙998.00 |
24 | CITSEE The Europeanisation of Citizenship in the Successor States of the Former Yugoslavia | 2009 | 2˙240˙000.00 | 2˙240˙000.00 |
25 | CO2SOLSTOCK Biobased geological CO2 storage | 2009 | 2˙963˙463.00 | 2˙283˙345.00 |
26 | ACSELFASSEMBLY Self assembly of active colloids | 2009 | 172˙434.00 | 172˙434.00 |
27 | CHROMATIN MOTILITY An innovative system to impose altered features on a defined chromosome region and investigate its movement by fluorescence microscopy in the nucleus of a cell | 2009 | 171˙300.00 | 171˙300.00 |
28 | HINECOP Hydrodynamic interactions in non-equilibrium colloidal phenomena | 2009 | 172˙434.00 | 172˙434.00 |
29 | NETWORK MODULATION Protein interaction interference: linking chemical biology to short linear motifs | 2009 | 178˙307.00 | 178˙307.00 |
30 | TSURF Quantifying the effects of vegetation change on surface temperature change | 2009 | 172˙434.00 | 172˙434.00 |
31 | BEST-STEM CELLS Biochemically Equivalent Substitutive Technology for Stem Cells | 2009 | 3˙983˙495.00 | 2˙999˙067.00 |
32 | MIA-CP Mechanically Interlocked Actuating Conjugated Polymers | 2009 | 237˙595.00 | 237˙595.00 |
33 | SCG Systematic Chemical Genetic Interrogation of Biological Networks | 2009 | 2˙400˙000.00 | 2˙400˙000.00 |
34 | DASZIF Rational Design and Synthesis of Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks (ZIFs): an experimental and statistical approach | 2009 | 172˙434.00 | 172˙434.00 |
35 | FLU-MACROPHAGE Alveolar macrophage involvement in the pathogenesis of influenza A virus | 2009 | 180˙216.00 | 180˙216.00 |
36 | PLANETHPC Partnership, Leadership and Assessment Network for HPC | 2009 | 421˙302.00 | 300˙000.00 |
37 | PARDEM PARticle Systems: Training on DEM simulation for industrial and scientific applications | 2009 | 3˙243˙311.00 | 3˙243˙311.00 |
38 | ERIS Experimental Resource for the Investigation of dialogue procesSes | 2010 | 237˙878.00 | 237˙878.00 |
39 | FUNCTIONALEDGE Determining the roles of the nuclear periphery in mammalian genome function | 2010 | 1˙701˙090.00 | 1˙701˙090.00 |
40 | EUROSTEMCELL European Consortium for Communicating Stem Cell Research | 2010 | 848˙428.00 | 830˙238.00 |
41 | E PIAF Enhanced Protective Immunity Against Filariasis | 2010 | 6˙634˙715.00 | 5˙000˙000.00 |
42 | TIMET Linking the clock to metabolism | 2010 | 7˙652˙635.00 | 5˙844˙329.00 |
43 | CHACT New C-H activation chemistry for complex heterocycle synthesis | 2010 | 173˙240.00 | 173˙240.00 |
44 | CHOMP A Complete History of Massive Proto-Galaxies | 2010 | 2˙317˙255.00 | 2˙317˙255.00 |
45 | AMASA Accessing Medicines in Africa and South Asia | 2010 | 3˙888˙729.00 | 2˙995˙790.00 |
46 | ZEBRAFISH MYELIN Analysis of myelinated axon development in zebrafish | 2010 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
47 | GRAMPLUS Grammar-Based Robust Natural Language Processing | 2010 | 1˙910˙998.00 | 1˙910˙998.00 |
48 | DRIBAC DNA Repair in Individual BActerial Cells | 2010 | 205˙099.00 | 205˙099.00 |
49 | RADICALELECTRONICS Paramagnetic Metal Complex Transistors | 2010 | 173˙240.00 | 173˙240.00 |
51 | GRPN Gene Regulation at the Nuclear Periphery | 2010 | 180˙103.00 | 180˙103.00 |
52 | WEG Wild Evolutionary Genomics | 2010 | 2˙500˙000.00 | 2˙500˙000.00 |
53 | MIPC Microsphere Based Cellular Manipulation – From Protein Delivery to Intracellular Palladium Catalysis | 2010 | 181˙103.00 | 181˙103.00 |
54 | GRNES Analysis of the gene regulatory network controlling ES cell identity | 2010 | 181˙103.00 | 181˙103.00 |
55 | Fish4Knowledge Supporting humans in knowledge gathering and question answeringnw.r.t. marine and environmental monitoring through analysis of multiple video streams | 2010 | 2˙537˙075.00 | 1˙915˙000.00 |
56 | SMARTPTDRUGS Fluorescent nanocrystals for activation and delivery of platinum drugs | 2010 | 173˙240.00 | 173˙240.00 |
57 | RCYCSS Rhodium-Catalysed Ynamide Carbometallation for Stereoselective Synthesis | 2010 | 181˙103.00 | 181˙103.00 |
58 | ROADTOIPS Dissection of molecular signature transformation during the process of pluripotency induction | 2010 | 1˙359˙000.00 | 1˙359˙000.00 |
59 | Help4Mood A Computational Distributed System to Support nthe Treatment of Patients with Major Depression | 2011 | 3˙599˙074.00 | 2˙819˙993.00 |
60 | APOS-EU Application Performance Optimisation and Scalability-EU | 2011 | 1˙596˙629.00 | 1˙200˙000.00 |
61 | JAMES Joint Action for Multimodal Embodied Social Systems | 2011 | 3˙747˙367.00 | 2˙860˙000.00 |
62 | S.P CENP-A Mechanisms of CENP-A Assembly and Propagation at Fission Yeast Centromeres | 2011 | 201˙049.00 | 201˙049.00 |
63 | METALWALKER Synthetic kinesin analogues: A transition metal complex that can walk | 2011 | 200˙549.00 | 200˙549.00 |
64 | EVOCHANGE Complex adaptation in photosynthetic microbes evolving in response to global change | 2011 | 1˙492˙338.00 | 1˙492˙338.00 |
65 | NEUROSCHEMA The neurobiology of schemas: knowledge acquisition and consolidation | 2011 | 3˙051˙404.00 | 3˙051˙404.00 |
66 | ELABORATE Elucidation of the molecular and functional basis of disease phenotypes in the rat model | 2011 | 2˙476˙108.00 | 2˙476˙108.00 |
67 | MONSOON Role of the Indian Monsoon on Global Climate Change | 2011 | 280˙680.00 | 280˙680.00 |
68 | ACTIVEDYNAMICS Dynamics of Active Suspensions | 2011 | 211˙092.00 | 211˙092.00 |
69 | POCKETSPPI Discovering and exploiting hidden pockets at protein-protein interfaces | 2011 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
70 | CIPL New Tools for Real-Time Cellular Imaging and Protein Labelling | 2011 | 203˙049.00 | 203˙049.00 |
71 | MUSICMOVES Let the music move you: involvement of motor networks of the brain in music processing | 2011 | 200˙049.00 | 200˙049.00 |
72 | MONARHEMAN Molecular Nanomagnets based on Rhenium(IV) and Manganese(III) | 2011 | 209˙092.00 | 209˙092.00 |
73 | CRESTA Collaborative Research into Exascale Systemware, Tools and Applications | 2011 | 11˙874˙424.00 | 8˙570˙000.00 |
74 | PHYBEHI Physical built environments and health inequalities | 2011 | 1˙399˙570.00 | 1˙399˙570.00 |
75 | SIMPLE4ALL Speech synthesis that improves through adaptive learning | 2011 | 3˙990˙615.00 | 3˙100˙000.00 |
76 | CASMACAT Cognitive Analysis and Statistical Methods for Advanced Computer Aided Translation | 2011 | 3˙216˙696.00 | 2˙500˙000.00 |
77 | NESS Listening to the Future: Next-generation Sound Synthesis through Simulation | 2012 | 1˙477˙477.00 | 1˙477˙477.00 |
78 | MosesCore Moses Open Source Evaluation and Support Co-ordination for OutReach and Exploitation | 2012 | 1˙250˙960.00 | 1˙200˙000.00 |
79 | INZI Investigating Networks of Zoonosis Innovation | 2012 | 1˙539˙785.00 | 1˙539˙785.00 |
80 | SAFESCHOOLS "Teaching in the 21st Century: Responding to Bullying and Safeguarding Issues in Scotland's Schools, a Longitudinal Study of Teacher Trainees" | 2012 | 87˙500.00 | 87˙500.00 |
81 | ICSMAGC Innovative Catalysis and Small Molecule Activation: Toward 'Green' Chemistry | 2012 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
82 | THERMAPOWER Thermal Management of High Power Microsystems Using Multiphase Flows | 2012 | 445˙200.00 | 401˙100.00 |
83 | PERSIA Persia and its Neighbours: the Archaeology of Late Antique Imperial Power in Iran | 2012 | 2˙488˙003.00 | 2˙488˙003.00 |
84 | OFFGAS OFFshore GAs Separation | 2012 | 252˙000.00 | 252˙000.00 |
85 | EPIGENE INFORMATICS Machine learning approaches to epigenomic research | 2012 | 209˙033.00 | 209˙033.00 |
86 | CANCERINNOVATION Using novel methodologies to target and image cancer invasion and therapeutic resistance | 2012 | 2˙499˙000.00 | 2˙499˙000.00 |
87 | EPIFM Evaluation Practices in Financial Markets | 2012 | 2˙175˙252.00 | 2˙175˙252.00 |
88 | LABORHETEROGENEITY Labor Heterogeneity in Search Markets | 2012 | 1˙170˙000.00 | 1˙170˙000.00 |
89 | SMARTPLANT Environmental control of carotenoid biosynthesis: a novel strategy to improve photosynthetic capacity | 2012 | 75˙000.00 | 75˙000.00 |
90 | UEDIN-DSZ-BIO Synthesis and Biological Target Identification of the Potent Tubulin Inhibitor Disorazole C1 and Novel Heterocyclic Analogues | 2012 | 209˙033.00 | 209˙033.00 |
91 | IBD-BIOM Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for inflammatory bowel disease IBD-BIOM | 2012 | 8˙550˙991.00 | 5˙999˙611.00 |
92 | CityFlow OpenFlow City Experiment – Linking Infrastructure and Applications | 2012 | 878˙015.00 | 668˙778.00 |
93 | GENEPAD Genetic and Epigenetic Determinants of Paget's Disease of bone | 2012 | 1˙493˙543.00 | 1˙493˙543.00 |
94 | ILSDD Implicit Learning in Specific Developmental Disorders | 2012 | 271˙943.00 | 271˙943.00 |
95 | MLCS Machine learning for computational science: statistical and formal modelling of biological systems | 2012 | 1˙421˙944.00 | 1˙421˙944.00 |
96 | SAILINGFLUIDS An EU - New Zealand Research Collaboration to Develop Synergies and Make Cutting-edge Breakthroughs in Yacht Engineering | 2012 | 84˙000.00 | 84˙000.00 |
97 | DECIMA Detection and Characterization of Individual Micro- and Nanoparticles | 2012 | 278˙807.00 | 278˙807.00 |
98 | COBWEB Citizen Observatory Web | 2012 | 8˙509˙615.00 | 6˙549˙522.00 |
99 | HARP High capacity network Architecture with Remote radio heads & Parasitic antenna arrays | 2012 | 4˙643˙292.00 | 3˙158˙000.00 |
100 | HUMGENSIZE Cellular pathways determining growth and human brain size | 2012 | 1˙499˙666.00 | 1˙499˙666.00 |
101 | EIGER Exploring the Inception of Galaxies and the Epoch of Reionization | 2012 | 1˙176˙273.00 | 1˙176˙273.00 |
102 | OPERAS Operational Potential of Ecosystem Research Applications | 2012 | 11˙459˙749.00 | 8˙997˙909.00 |
103 | IBD-CHARACTER Inflammatory Bowel Disease CHARACTERization by a multi-modal integrated biomarker study | 2012 | 7˙852˙821.00 | 5˙989˙346.00 |
104 | RSDYN Ribosome dynamics analysed by novel cross-linking/mass spectrometry | 2012 | 209˙033.00 | 209˙033.00 |
105 | VESSEL Vascular Endothelial interactionS and SpEciaLization | 2013 | 4˙086˙572.00 | 4˙086˙572.00 |
106 | VISCUL Visual Culture for Image Understanding | 2013 | 1˙481˙516.00 | 1˙481˙516.00 |
107 | BIOSYNCEN Dissection of centromeric chromatin and components: A biosynthetic approach | 2013 | 1˙755˙959.00 | 1˙755˙959.00 |
108 | RULE Rule-Based Modelling | 2013 | 2˙084˙316.00 | 2˙084˙316.00 |
109 | TITAN Transition into the Anthropocene: learning about the climate system from the 19th and early 20th century | 2013 | 2˙445˙546.00 | 2˙445˙546.00 |
110 | DEBAO The Dark Energy Imprint on the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations | 2013 | 200˙371.00 | 200˙371.00 |
111 | IMMRSRGE Identifying molecular mechanism responsible for spatial reorganisation of the genome during embryogenesis | 2013 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
112 | COSMICISM "Characterising the interstellar medium of bright, lensed, star-forming galaxies across cosmic time" | 2013 | 2˙071˙721.00 | 2˙071˙721.00 |
113 | QUANTICOL A Quantitative Approach to Management and Design of Collective and Adaptive Behaviours | 2013 | 3˙363˙303.00 | 2˙605˙000.00 |
114 | STRUCTMITO Structural Basis for the Molecular Mechanisms Involving the Ska Complex in Establishing Stable Kinetochore - Microtubule Attachments | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
115 | COIMBRA Combinatorial methods in noncommutative ring theory | 2013 | 1˙406˙551.00 | 1˙406˙551.00 |
116 | CLEDEPOLY Tissue Specific Delivery via Cleavable and Degradable Polymers | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
117 | FORTISSIMO Factories of the Future Resources, Technology, Infrastructure and Services for Simulation and Modelling | 2013 | 21˙657˙380.00 | 16˙000˙000.00 |
118 | COMBATTRAUMA From warfare to welfare: a comparative study of how combat trauma is internalized and institutionalized | 2013 | 1˙492˙086.00 | 1˙492˙086.00 |
119 | COMET On the Correlation between Meta skills in Trainers and the Learning Increase in Participants of short-term Experiential Education Programmes | 2013 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
120 | ENDOIMAGE Activatable Fluorescent Probes as Smart Diagnostic Tools for Microendoscopy Imaging | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
121 | MULTI-PART Multicentre Preclinical Animal Research Team | 2013 | 557˙480.00 | 497˙781.00 |
122 | ADEPT Adressing Energy in Parallel Technologies | 2013 | 3˙608˙565.00 | 2˙719˙000.00 |
123 | TRANSPORET Transmembrane Molecular Machines | 2013 | 1˙499˙780.00 | 1˙499˙780.00 |
124 | MMROP-NEWMAT "Metal-mediated Ring-opening Polymerizations: New Monomers, Catalysts and Materials" | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
125 | NEWLIGHT New Light on Chemical Dynamics | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
126 | GECOMPL Generalised Continuum Models and Plasticity | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
127 | THYMISTEM Development of Stem Cell Based Therapy for Thymic Regeneration | 2013 | 7˙748˙982.00 | 5˙996˙455.00 |
128 | JUDGEPOL "Judging Political Violence: Histories, Norms and Contestations" | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
129 | IMAGFIB Imaging Fibrosis - Chemistry and Optical Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy | 2013 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
130 | DTOCEAN Optimal Design Tools for Ocean Energy Arrays | 2013 | 6˙181˙699.00 | 4˙178˙231.00 |
131 | ESSENCE Evolution of Shared Semantics in Computational Environments | 2013 | 3˙990˙183.00 | 3˙990˙183.00 |
132 | BENELEX Benefit-sharing for an equitable transition to the green economy - the role of law | 2013 | 1˙481˙708.00 | 1˙481˙708.00 |
133 | WALLXBIRGEOM Wall-crossing and Birational Geometry | 2013 | 1˙282˙912.00 | 1˙282˙912.00 |
134 | ADEL Advanced Dynamic spectrum 5G mobile networks Employing Licensed shared access | 2013 | 3˙698˙172.00 | 2˙571˙000.00 |
135 | EBDD Beyond structure: integrated computational and experimental approach to Ensemble-Based Drug Design | 2013 | 1˙382˙202.00 | 1˙382˙202.00 |
136 | ROCKIT Roadmap for Conversational Interaction Technologies | 2013 | 1˙646˙561.00 | 1˙488˙000.00 |
137 | MITDYN Studies on the role of Plk1 localization and activity in the regulation of microtubule dynamics during mitosis | 2014 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
138 | MINIMAL Miniature Insect Model for Active Learning | 2014 | 3˙019˙057.00 | 2˙297˙522.00 |
139 | ADVANTAGE ADVanced communicAtions and iNformaTion processing in smArt Grid systEms | 2014 | 3˙596˙493.00 | 3˙596˙493.00 |
140 | PRODIA "Transnational Protest: Social Movements and Political Mobilisation Across Ireland and the Irish Diaspora, 1879-1903" | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
141 | NUDGE-IT The Neurobiology of Decision-Making in Eating - Innovative Tools | 2014 | 11˙789˙324.00 | 8˙984˙471.00 |
142 | TOTALPHOTON A Total Photon Camera for Molecular Imaging of Live Cells | 2014 | 2˙280˙232.00 | 2˙280˙232.00 |
143 | PHYSAPS The Physics of Active Particle Suspensions | 2014 | 2˙491˙601.00 | 2˙491˙601.00 |
144 | ARYLATOR New Catalytic Reactions and Exchange Pathways: Delivering Versatile and Reliable Arylation | 2014 | 2˙114˙223.00 | 2˙114˙223.00 |
145 | ORBITMOL 'Orbital molecules' - self-organised states for orbitronics | 2014 | 2˙315˙142.00 | 2˙315˙142.00 |
146 | LTSPD Learning and Testing Structured Probability Distributions | 2014 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
147 | MAINGROUPACT Low-valent main-group systems for reversible small molecule activation | 2014 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
148 | EGF-R FOR IMMUNITY Use of EGF-R antagonists for the treatment of chronic infections and tumor growth | 2014 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
149 | T-MAPPP Training in Multiscale Analysis of multi-Phase Particulate Processes (T-MAPPP) | 2014 | 4˙046˙406.00 | 4˙046˙406.00 |
150 | BRUS The end-Cretaceous extinction and Paleogene recovery of mammals: evolution during a period of intense environmental change | 2014 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
151 | IN VIVO PLASTICITY Neuronal circuits and synaptic mechanisms of experience-dependent plasticity | 2014 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
152 | ALUNIF Algorithms and Lower Bounds: A Unified Approach | 2014 | 1˙274˙496.00 | 1˙274˙496.00 |
153 | SEPTOENTOCIRCUITS The Influence of parvalbumin neurons from the medial setum and diagonal band complex on medial entorhinal cortex activity | 2014 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
154 | TROPICALCARBON Tropical forest soil carbon storage and microbial diversity under climatic warming | 2014 | 282˙561.00 | 282˙561.00 |
155 | PHOCATSORS Photoredox Catalysis for Sustainable Organic Synthesis | 2014 | 282˙109.00 | 282˙109.00 |
156 | ATRUN The influence of DNA sequence on the epigenome | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
157 | MEMORY PERSISTENCE Molecular Mechanisms of Memory Persistence | 2014 | 299˙558.00 | 299˙558.00 |
158 | ACCA Atmospheric Carbon Capture | 2014 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
159 | SEROTONIN IN ACTION Serotonergic modulation of cortical activity in vivo: from neurons to networks and implications for autism spectrum disorders | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
160 | LIVPAC Living Patchy Colloids | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
161 | BET-HUIDOBRO Investigating epigenetic silencing mechanisms within cancer | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
162 | VASCMIR Vascular remodelling and miRNA therapeutics | 2014 | 2˙494˙944.00 | 2˙494˙944.00 |
163 | ENLIFE "Engineering life: ideas, practices and promises" | 2014 | 1˙559˙389.00 | 1˙559˙389.00 |
164 | POSIN Practical Organic Synthesis Inspired by Nature | 2014 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
165 | NONPLANAR Simplifying the non-planar sector of gauge theory | 2014 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
166 | PAXBRAIN Control of gene expression in developing diencephalon by the transcription factor Pax6 | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
167 | ADREEM Adding Another Dimension – Arrays of 3D Bio-Responsive Materials | 2014 | 2˙310˙884.00 | 2˙310˙884.00 |
168 | DENOVOHSC Blood regeneration: de novo development of human hematopoietic stem cells | 2015 | 2˙500˙000.00 | 2˙500˙000.00 |
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