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H2020 projects about "charge"

The page lists 506 projects related to the topic "charge".

# achronym  title  year 
1 dasQ Atomic-Scale Dynamics of Quantum Materials 2015
2 OMICON Organic Mixed Ion and Electron Conductors for High-Energy Batteries 2015
3 HEROIC High-frequency printed and direct-written Organic-hybrid Integrated Circuits 2015
4 Q-CEOM Quantum Cavity Electro- and Opto-Mechanics 2015
5 ULEED Observing structural dynamics at surfaces with Ultrafast Low-Energy Electron Diffraction 2015
6 NAPOLI Nanoporous Asymmetric Poly(Ionic Liquid) Membrane 2015
7 RELOS Reducing empiricism in luminescence geochronology: Understanding the origins of luminescence from individual sand grains 2015
8 European IPR Helpdesk The European IPR Helpdesk 2015
9 SKPLUS Super-Kamiokande plus 2014
10 PHEBE New paradigms for high efficiency blue emitters for white OLEDS 2015
11 HyMedPoly Drug-Free Antibacterial Hybrid Biopolymers for Medical Applications 2015
12 KAMWAL Assessing and improving the innovation management capacity of Walloon SMEs through specialized EEN services 2014
13 SOLEDLIGHT Solution Processed OLEDs for Lighting 2015
14 MagIC MagIC – Magnonics, Interactions and Complexity: a multifunctional aspects of spin wave dynamics 2015
15 NanoPilot A Pilot Plant for the Production of Polymer based Nanopharmaceuticals in Compliance with GMP 2015
16 TUNEMEM Externally Tuneable Separations for Membrane Reactors 2015
17 EXMAG Excitonic Magnetism in Strongly Correlated Materials 2015
18 SOLACYLIN A preparative approach to geometric effects in innovative solar cell types based on a nanocylindrical structure 2015
19 CNT-QUBIT Carbon Nanotube Quantum Circuits 2015
20 IN-BEE Assessing the intangibles: the socioeconomic benefits of improving energy efficiency 2015
21 TripOD Advanced Analytics for Trip Origin-Destination Matrices 2014
22 CONCEPT CONductive fast Charge system for Electric buses in Public Transport 2014
23 SURVEIRON SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures 2014
24 MIGOSA Modified Internal Gate image sensor for low light optimised Out-door Security surveillance Applications 2014
25 MPerS Sustainable Mixed-ion Layered Perovskite Solar Cells 2015
26 ESPRIT Easily diStributed Personal RapId Transit 2015
27 PWP Power and Powerlessness 2015
28 SINHOPSI Single-Hole Pumping in Silicon 2016
30 UFOX Unveiling complexity in Functional hybrid OXides 2015
31 DIGIPHASE Development of Maximum Efficiency Phase Contrast Electron Microscopy 2015
32 DEMONH DEsign of Multifunctional 2D-OrgaNic Hybrids 2016
33 2DInterFOX Integration of two-dimensional nanomaterials with functional oxide nanostructures 2015
34 SPIN3 Spin triplet pairings in ferromagnet Josephson junctions 2015
35 NanoCuI Nano-Copper Iodide: A New Material for High Performance P-Type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells 2015
36 HORIP Higher-Order Rewriting for Intensional Properties of Programs and Circuits 2015
37 WO for solar fuels Integrating molecular water oxidation catalysts with semiconductors for solar fuels generation 2015
38 NeutronOPV New neutron techniques to probe bulk heterojunction solar cells with graded morphologies – understanding the link between processing, nanostructure and device performance 2015
39 ENEFOR Forecasting oil prices, oil price volatility and economic policy uncertainty 2015
40 PerovskiteHTM New Hole-Transport Materials to Enhance Perovskite Solar Cells 2016
41 EpiAnodes Heteroepitaxial α-Fe2O3 photoanodes for solar water splitting 2015
42 ExTRyG Excitonic transport in cold Rydberg gases 2015
43 SpinMan Electrical Spin Manipulation in Atoms and Molecules 2016
44 APTALAPS Investigation of the interaction of mesenchymal stem cells with aptamer modified surfaces using Light-Addressable Potentiometric Sensors (LAPS) 2015
45 QuantumPhotosynth Quantum coherence in photosynthesis: towards single-molecule light-conversion devices 2015
46 UNRAVELS UNderstanding, descRibing And Visualizing Electronic charge in noveL oxide heteroStructures 2015
47 AccuCT Accurate characterization of charge-transfer excited states 2016
48 SUPERSOL Solution processed low-dimensional oxide semiconducting structures and devices 2015
49 GEOCA Geometry and Computational Anatomy 2015
50 MagicTin Exploring the shell structure of exotic Sn isotopes with an Active Target 2016
51 ColdPeak PCM-based cold storage as peak shaving for air conditioning units 2015
52 MultiCharge Feasibility Study for the Development of a PFC Harmonic Filter Missing Link for Creation of Simultaneous Multi-Point Fast Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles 2015
53 MDLab Ginestra A novel characterization- and reliability-oriented simulation software for dielectric-based nano-electronic devices 2015
54 2D-Ink Ink-Jet printed supercapacitors based on 2D nanomaterials. 2015
55 GT Green battery-less Tire Pressure Monitoring System 2015
56 XER-HSA Engineered materials scale-up at industrial level for highest energy density ultracapacitors 2015
57 LESS Lift Energy Saving System for Residential Buildings (LESS) 2015
59 VIBCONTROL Vibronic control of organic electronic devices 2015
60 EXTMOS EXTended Model of Organic Semiconductors 2015
61 AEDMOS Attosecond Electron Dynamics in MOlecular Systems 2015
62 ICONICAL In control of exciton and charge dynamics in molecular crystals 2015
63 Dermtest An empowering toolkit for general practitioners to prevent, detect and treat melanoma (Dermtest) 2015
64 First InnovativeWeek This 3 day conference will be focused to the financial instruments, facilities and measures launched under Horizon 2020 to enhance access to finance for research, innovation and SMEs. 2015
65 Project Buffer Project Buffer ― a new solution to fast charging electrical vehicles “on the road”. 2015
66 DYNAMO Energy and charge transfer nonadiabatic dynamics in light-harvesting molecules and nanostructures 2015
67 DAFNEOX Designing Advanced Functionalities through controlled NanoElement integration in OXide thin films 2015
68 UFSD Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors: Enabling Discoveries 2015
69 See-1D-Qmatter Unravelling Fragile 1D Quantum States of Matter Through Ultra-sensitive Imaging 2016
70 DIVI Direct Visualization of Light-Driven Atomic-Scale Carrier Dynamics in Space and Time 2015
71 HyMAP Hybrid Materials for Artificial Photosynthesis 2015
72 SPIN-PORICS Merging Nanoporous Materials with Energy-Efficient Spintronics 2015
73 ARTIST Advancing Rechargeable-Batteries Through In Situ Techniques 2015
74 MOvE-ECG Moving from genome wide association to elucidating causal mechanisms of electrocardiographic traits 2015
75 INSULATRONICS Controlling Electric Signals with Insulating Antiferromagnets and Insulating Ferromagnets 2015
76 IPERION CH Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure ON Cultural Heritage 2015
77 HiGRAPHINK Highly Conductive Graphene Ink 2015
78 Titin Signals Molecular dissection of titin-based mechanisms in charge of cardiomyocyte dysfunction in terminal feart failure 2016
79 EEN H2020 Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs under H2020 programme in the Enterprise Europe Network «Normandie-Picardie» 2015
80 INFORM Interfaces in opto-electronic thin film multilayer devices 2015
81 SiGrAM Pre-Commercial Production Demonstration of Very High Capacity Silicon Anode for High Performance and Low Cost Li-Ion Batteries 2015
82 Supramol Towards Artificial Enzymes: Bio-inspired Oxidations in Photoactive Metal-Organic Frameworks 2015
83 EQuO Electron Quantum optics in quantum Hall edge channels 2015
84 EXMOLS Excited electronic states in extended molecular systems 2015
85 EENINNOAUSTRIA Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network 2015
86 tCat WorkStation New adaptable equipment for geometric auscultation of railways and overhead lines 2015
87 TELEOLIVA Real time and online monitoring of the debittering stage in the table olive processing 2015
88 LIFE-BATTERY Long lifespan battery for hybrid vehicles 2015
89 INCH INteractive CHarging 2015
90 SORBET Spin Orbitronics for Electronic Technologies 2015
91 HUNTER Advanced Humidity to Electricity Converter 2015
92 CB Container SpeedUp Conexbird Wind speed up containers and prevent damages 2015
93 ORZEL Boosting the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in organic electronics of the Silesian University of Technology 2016
94 GSOP-SC Feasibility assessment on the GreenFlux Service Operations Platform for Smart Charging (GSOP-SC) 2015
95 DOPING-ON-DEMAND Doping on Demand: precise and permanent control of the Fermi level in nanocrystal assemblies 2016
96 INTER-IoT Interoperability of Heterogeneous IoT Platforms 2016
97 LEMON LEMON Less Energy More OpportuNities 2016
98 LockAndCharge Ground-breaking and convenient electronic bicycle fleet management system available for the mass adoption. 2016
99 BATMAN Development of Quantitative Metrologies to Guide Lithium Ion Battery Manufacturing 2016
100 CyclAr Cyclic Arylenevinylene Polymers 2016
101 InvisiblesPlus InvisiblesPlus 2016
102 ENERFUND An ENErgy Retrofit FUNDing rating tool 2016
103 BATH A Probe for Environment Properties in Open Quantum Systems: Accessing Spectral Densities with Multi-Dimensional Coherent Spectroscopy 2017
104 SOCISS Spin-Orbit Coupling at Interfaces from Spintronics to new Superconducting effects 2016
105 ARIADNE ARgon ImAging DetectioN chambEr 2016
106 E-TSIN Modular, scalable, multi-funtional, high power density power controller for electrical taxi 2016
107 Supra spin-selection Spin-Selection using Chirality: A Supramolecular Approach 2016
108 Icarus Bringing Personalized Knowledge to Students in Public Schools Through Artificial Intelligence in ELearning 2016
109 DRIVOME Multi-modal interrogation of instinctive behaviours and intrahypothalamic connectivity 2016
110 INTERTRAP Integrated absolute dating approach for terrestrial records of past climate using trapped charge methods 2016
111 CONTREX Controlling Triplet Excitons in Organic Semiconductors 2016
112 Quaco QUAdrupoleCOrrector 2016
113 AsLife Life in Arsenic rich environments: a challenge or an opportunity? 2016
114 ThermalDFT Density-Functional Theory for Thermoelectric Phenomena 2016
115 BosQuanTran Quantum simulation of transport properties in arbitrary shaped potential landscapes with ultracold bosonic atoms 2016
116 FlexBatteries Flexible Li ion Batteries via Nanocrystal-Nanocarbon Scaffolded Structures 2016
117 MOPTOPus Metal oxide nanocrystals as optically driven dynamic manipulators of local (opto)electronic properties 2016
118 THERMOSTALL High Performance Seasonal Solar Energy Latent Heat Thermal Storage Using Low Grade, Low Melting Temperature Metallic Alloys 2016
119 CONJUGATION Synthesis of CONJUGAted Two-DimensIonal Supramolecular POlymers for ElectroNics 2016
120 BrightPhoton Black phosphorus interlayer coupling in heterostructures with boron nitride for photonics 2016
121 SPINSOCS Spin Transport in Interacting Spin-Orbit Coupled Systems 2016
122 SpinReMag Molecular Spintronics using Isolated Rare Earth Magnets 2017
123 Tribocharge Control of Triboelectricity from Micro to Macro as a Principle ofSticking, Particulate Contamination and ESD Prevention of Micromachines 2016
124 2D-EG-FET Printed Optoelectronic Devices from Nanosheet Network Electrochemically-gated Field Effect Transistors 2016
125 SURVEIRON SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures 2016
126 NedraEV A lightweight, fast charging, EV platform to be utilised on Car Share and Urban Mobility Systems 2016
127 ELUSIVES The Elusives Enterprise: Asymmetries of the Invisible Universe 2016
128 MIRACLS Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of radionuclides 2017
129 Dynasore Dynamical magnetic excitations with spin-orbit interaction in realistic nanostructures 2016
130 SEEWHI Solar Energy Enabled for the World by High-resolution Imaging 2016
131 OMNES Open Many-body Non-Equilibrium Systems 2016
132 COCONIS Coherent multidimensional spectroscopy of controlled isolated systems 2016
133 DYNAMOX Charge carrier dynamics in metal oxides 2016
134 SISSDEN Secure Information Sharing Sensor Delivery event Network 2016
135 BAC-STAR Bacterial Adhesion Control through Surface TArgeted Regulation 2017
136 ODESI Optoelectronic detection of single spin in silicon 2016
137 MAtISSE Multichannel Investigation of Solar Modulation Effects in Galactic Cosmic Rays 2016
138 QSpec-NewMat Quantum Spectroscopy: exploring new states of matter out of equilibrium 2016
139 Milli-Tech Milli-Volt Switch Technologies for Energy Efficient Computation and Sensing 2016
140 LiRichFCC A new class of powerful materials for electrochemical energy storage: Lithium-rich oxyfluorides with cubic dense packing 2016
141 SOFTCHARGE Charge Carrier Transport in Soft Matter: From Fundamentals to High-Performance Materials 2016
142 MAGTOOLS Software tools for fast, reliable analysis of magnetic materials in the electron microscope 2016
143 CELSO Low-cost and high-performance pocket Automated Vehicle Monitoring system for Public Transport 2016
144 FF16_17 Researchers' Night in Sweden - ForskarFredag 2016-2017 2016
145 SmartRAIN SmartRAIN: an IoT-based solution for real time rain mapping 2016
146 ABSOLUTESPIN Absolute Spin Dynamics in Quantum Materials 2016
147 IsoMS Mass Spectrometry of Isomeric Ions 2016
148 FIRSTSTEP Synthesis of 2-D semiconductors with honeycomb nanogeometry, and study of their Dirac-type band structure and opto-electronic properties 2016
149 Rmat3 Theoretical study of cold and ultracold collisions in triatomic systems using inner-region nuclear motion wavefunctions and outer-region R-matrix propagation 2016
150 2016
151 GlobalBioIm Global integrative framework for Computational Bio-Imaging 2016
152 HITSUPERJU Higher-dimensional topological solids realized with multiterminal superconducting junctions 2016
153 srEDM Search for electric dipole moments using storage rings 2016
154 CHAMPAGNE Charge orders, Magnetism and Pairings in High Temperature Superconductors 2016
156 INSEETO In-situ second harmonic generation for emergent electronics in transition-metal oxides 2017
157 SURE Exploring Subtitle Reading Process with Eyetracking Technology 2016
158 CONCEPT CONductive fast Charge system for Electric buses in Public Transport 2016
160 SMJCY Single Molecule Junctions With Non-Conventional Architectures, Crafted In Silico 2016
161 PHONON-VALVE Designing Novel Phonon Valve Device through Ferroic Domain Wall Engineering 2016
163 Scientix 3 Scientix 3 2016
164 EMOTIVE Emotive Virtual cultural Experiences through personalized storytelling 2016
165 NANOPTO Novel processing of colloidal nanocrystals for optoelectronic applications 2016
166 DISC Double side contacted cells with innovative carrier-selective contacts 2016
167 MOFcat Fundamental and Applied Science on Molecular Redox-Catalysts of Energy Relevance in Metal-Organic Frameworks 2017
168 NURE Nuclear Reactions for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay 2017
169 E-motion Electro-motion for the sustainable recovery of high-value nutrients from waste water 2016
170 APPEL Approaching efficiency limits of perovskite solar cells by overcoming non-radiative recombination losses 2016
171 OSIRIS Organic Semiconductors Interfaced with Biological Environments 2017
172 p-TYPE Transparent p-type semiconductors for efficient solar energy capture, conversion and storage. 2017
173 MiTopMat Microstructured Topological Materials: A novel route towards topological electronics 2017
174 SME-SEALING A Peer learning based pilot scheme for using the H2020 Seal of Excellence at national level 2016
175 HiNaPc Sodium-ion pouch cells with high energy and power density 2017
176 HPSuper High-Pressure High-Temperature Superconductivity 2017
177 INTERSTELLAR Building the next generation high-speed data converters to strengthen European excellence and competitiveness on space applications and beyond 2016
178 MODHET Modelling 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructures 2017
179 HybridSolarFuels Efficient Photoelectrochemical Transformation of CO2 to Useful Fuels on Nanostructured Hybrid Electrodes 2017
180 EBAM Electric vehicle battery monitoring 2016
181 NextGEOSS Next Generation GEOSS for Innovation Business 2016
182 InRoad Towards better Synchronisation of Priority Settings and Evaluation Mechanisms for Research Infrastructures Beyond National Relevance 2017
183 ECO CARS Device for reduction of emissions and fuel consumption, optimizing combustion by treatment of fuel on the vehicle 2016
184 TRAPLAB Lab Based Searches for Beyond Standard Model Physics Using Traps 2016
185 REDOX SHIELDS Protection of Redox Catalysts for Cathodic Processes in Redox Matrices. 2017
186 Mobi The Mobi Charger, a novel mobile Electric Vehicle charging station that requires no installation costs, offers easy scalability and utility bill savings for users. 2016
187 COSMOS Control and measurement of single macromolecules in space and time 2018
188 JUMPING JIVE Joining up Users for Maximising the Profile, the Innovation and the Necessary Globalisation of JIVE 2016
189 STEM Structural energy harvesting composite materials 2016
190 BINAMA Biomimicking nanostructured materials via intra(inter)molecular folding of sequence-controlled polymers 2017
191 Terpy2DMat Tuning of 2D materials properties through controlled functionalization with opto-electroactive complexes 2017
192 MECHANICS Mechanics of cells: the role of intermediate filaments 2017
193 HEINSOL Hierarchically Engineered Inorganic Nanomaterials from the atomic to supra-nanocrystalline level as a novel platform for SOLution Processed SOLar cells 2017
194 PROSANCT Bombs, Banks and Sanctions: A Sociology of the Transnational Legal Field of Nuclear Nonproliferation 2017
195 Uniting PV Applying silicon solar cell technology to revolutionize the design of thin-film solar cells and enhance their efficiency, cost and stability 2017
196 GREENLOC A High-Sensitive Green Localization System for High-Speed Self-Driving Vehicles 2017
197 FibrillarMICROSTRUCT Controllable Growth and Charge Carrier Transport of Fibrillar Microstructure of Semiconducting Polymers in Field-Effect Transistors and Photovoltaics 2017
198 MACOLAB Towards a mathematical conjecture for the Landau-Ginzburg/conformal field theory correspondence and beyond 2017
199 SMASH Smart Sharing 2017
201 SimVisTec Validation of SimVis Technology 2017
203 PerovSAMs Molecular glues for perovskite materials 2018
204 NanoEAscopy Mapping Nanoscale Charge Separation at Heterojunctions with Ultrafast Electroabsorption Microscopy 2017
205 GeoElectricMixing Geophysical Signature of Subsurface Reactive Mixing 2017
206 BOB Business Opportunity for innovative Biostimulant platform 2017
207 EPIC2D Engineering Electron-Phonon Interactions of Two-Dimensional Materials from First-Principles 2017
208 DiracEntangler Cooper pair splitter based on Dirac materials 2017
209 AntibioPICs Enzyme-Degradable Polyion-Complex (PIC) Particles for the Treatment and Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2018
210 CO2 Intermediates From CO2, Water and Sunlight to Valuable Solar Fuels: Tracking Reaction Intermediates in Solar Fuel Generation with Ultrafast Spectroscopy for More Efficient Catalysis 2017
211 GRAMAS Graphene-Manganite Nanostructures for Novel Pulsed Magnetic Field Sensors 2017
212 RMTBRC Redox-responsive Magnetic Materials based on Polynuclear Organometallics 2017
213 ODORPREP Real time, automatic and remote-activated sampling system for industrial odour emissions compliant with the European Standard EN 13725 2017
214 SOFT-PHOTOCONVERSION Solar Energy Conversion without Solid State Architectures: Pushing the Boundaries of Photoconversion Efficiencies at Self-healing Photosensitiser Functionalised Soft Interfaces 2017
215 BATCA Batteries based on Calcium: from electrolyte development to full cell proof-of-concept 2017
216 DELICE Device oriented molecular spin filter based interfaces 2017
217 exciTitania Excitonic quasiparticles in Titania 2017
218 SmartNurse Bringing persuasive computing training assistance for healthcare personnel from lab experiments to educational practice 2017
219 NEDM The Neutron Electric Dipole Moment: pushing the precision to understand the matter-antimatter asymmetry 2017
220 SmartCells Smart Lab-On-Chips for the Real -Time Control of Cells 2017
221 TENGEAD Tribo-Electric-Nanogenerator for Energy Autonomous Devices 2017
222 MCD 2017 Researchers without borders 2017
223 SpinSolar Characterisation method for spin-dependent processes in solar energy technology 2017
224 IMME-NEM Imaging the Motion of Magneto-Excitons in New Emerging Materials 2017
225 POSITS High Performance Wide Bandgap and Stable Perovskite-on-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells 2017
226 VHPC Optical valley Hall effect in gapped graphene for infrared and terahertz light photodetection 2017
227 PhotoHeatEffect Heat Transport and its Effects on the Performance of Nanostructured, Photonic Materials 2017
228 PEROPTO Single Crystalline Halide Metal Perovskites Based Optoelectronics 2018
229 ELECTRO-HEAL Electroactive Materials based Bandage for Accelerated Wound Healing 2018
230 No-LIMIT Boosting Photovoltaic Performance by the Synergistic Interaction of Halide Perovskites and Semiconductor Quantum Dots 2017
231 PROFILE How should automated profiling be regulated? 2018
232 SUPER2D Superlattices and proximity effects in 2D materials/molecules hybrid van der Waals heterostructures 2017
233 TheONE The Janus-face of the localized carrier in cuprates: Generating the pseudogap and high temperature superconductivity 2017
234 ILEAnet Innovation by Law Enforcement Agencies networking 2017
235 B-PhosphoChem Exploration of the 2D-Chemistry of Black Phosphorous 2017
236 SMel Electric field imaging of single molecular charges by a quantum sensor 2017
237 FERROVOLT For a better understanding and design of ferroelectric photovoltaics: First-principles study of optical absorption and charge-carrier transport at ferroelectric domain walls in BiFeO3 2017
238 LIB STRESS In situ stress analysis of lithium-ion battery cell 2018
239 SuPERPORES Structure-performance relationships in porous carbons for energy storage 2017
240 HPC-EUROPA3 Transnational Access Programme for a Pan-European Network of HPC Research Infrastructures and Laboratories for scientific computing 2017
241 PHOTMAT Photonically fused molecular materials 2017
242 Xenoscope Towards a multi-ton xenon observatory for astroparticle physics 2017
243 INDIS Indra HVDC Distribution system 2017
244 PACS Pantograph Active Control System for e-Highways 2017
245 XUV-COMB High Resolution Extreme Ultraviolet Laser Spectroscopy 2017
246 ZapGoCharger Rapid charging of cordless appliances using graphene-based supercapacitors 2017
247 Precision4Life Precision mass spectrometry to leverage applications in life and environmental sciences 2017
248 EEN Normandie h2020 Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs under H2020 programme in the Enterprise Europe Network Normandie 2017
249 TX3 High speed and high torque electric transaxle enabling unprecedented use in agricultural applications 2017
250 VIRIDIS MIST A toxin-free, food-safe, autonomous mobile misting disinfection system that eradicates pathogenswithin 5 minutes and gives residual protection for 24 hours reducing the need for water and antibiotics 2017
251 TEM TEKLAB Evaporator Management system for energy efficient refrigeration 2017
252 CAPaCITy Designing Conjugated Polymers for Photocatalysis and Ion Transport 2017
253 HPCForEVs High Power Charger For Electric Vehicles 2017
254 ELVITEN Electrified L-category Vehicles Integrated into Transport and Electricity Networks 2017
255 EMERGE Tuning Emergent Phases in 2D Materials 2017
256 HiTIMe High Frequency Topological Insulator devices for Metrology 2018
257 KDD-CHASER Knowledge Discovery in Data as Collaboration of Human and Software Actors 2018
258 PHOTO-EMULSION Towards Next-generation Eco-efficient PHOTO and EMULSION Polymerisations Imparting Synergy to Process, Products and Applications 2017
259 MOLEMAT Molecularly Engineered Materials and process for Perovskite solar cell technology 2017
260 CoMMaD Computational Molecular Materials Discovery 2018
261 eSCALED European School on Artificial Leaf : Electrodes Devices 2018
262 InDEStruct Integrated Design of Engineering Structures 2018
263 GHOST InteGrated and PHysically Optimised Battery System for Plug-in Vehicles Technologies 2017
264 2D-TOPSENSE Tunable optoelectronic devices by strain engineering of 2D semiconductors 2018
265 SpinMelt Visualizing melting magnetic order and spin fluctuations in the cuprates 2017
266 NanoOsmDiode Development of a high-performance nanofluidic osmotic diode for efficient voltage-driven desalination and pumping 0
267 CASTLES Charge And Spin in TopologicaL Edge States 2018
268 OCTA Organic Charge Transfer Applications 2018
269 HHQM Hydrodynamics, holography and strongly-coupled quantum matter 2018
270 MASTRO Intelligent bulk MAterials for Smart TRanspOrt industries. 2017
271 ISCQuM Imaging, Spectroscopy and Control of Quantum states in advanced Materials 2019
272 ESSnuSB Feasibility Study for employing the uniquely powerful ESS linear accelerator to generate an intense neutrino beam for leptonic CP violation discovery and measurement. 2018
273 COTTON Capacity Optimisation in TrajecTory-based OperatioNs 2018
274 ZAP ZAPINAMO – Affordable, future-proof rapid charging infrastructure for electric vehicles from stored[clean and economical] energy 2017
276 BATTERY PLUS High performing batteries for accelerated uptake of hybrid and electric vehicles 2018
277 SNM4P2PE Connect the unconnected: smart nanogrid management for peer-to-peer energy sharing 2017
278 e-See Single electron detection in Transmission Electron Microscopy 2018
279 QUANtIC Quantum Nanowire Integrated Photonic Circuits 2019
280 APOGEE Atomic-scale physics of single-photon sources. 2018
281 ElIonT Electron- and Ion Transfer at the Interface: a Hyphenated Dynamic Multi-Frequency Approach 2018
282 PEGASUS PEMFC based on platinum Group metAl free StrUctured cathodeS 2018
283 INDUCE Towards a sustainable agro-food INDUstry: Capacity building programmes in Energy efficiency 2018
284 Ellum AC System An advanced air conditioning system for Electric Vehicles 2018
285 ATTOLIQ Attosecond X-ray spectroscopy of liquids 2018
286 OPTOvanderWAALS Optoelectronics with Complex van der Waals Heterostructures 2018
288 SEMS Smart Energy Management System 2018
289 VILT-DEV Virtual Instructor-Led IT Developer Training Program 2018
290 TechNovatorXE TechNovator XE remote wireless charging 2017
291 quMercury Ultracold mercury for a measurement of the EDM 2018
292 CHARISMA CHARge transport in Intermediate-Sized Molecules on Attosecond time scales 2018
293 TRIBOSC Towards Radically Innovative Materials for Better and Sustainable Organic Solar Cells 2018
294 MagicFACE Magnetic Hybrid Metal-Organic Interfaces 2018
295 MOOiRE Mix-in Organic-InOrganic Redox Events for High Energy Batteries 2018
296 PARADA Parallel Donor and Acceptor Semiconductor Crystals for Organic Field Effect Transistors 2018
297 StrongLights Controlling Photoinduced Transitions with Strong Light Pulses in Condensed Matter. 2018
298 ECOMAT Encapsulation and contacting of two-dimensional materials 2018
299 XQCR Electronic structure and energy descriptors for molecular crystals from quantum crystallography and X-ray charge density analysis 2018
300 CHEM2D Chemistry of 2D materials: Intercalation and surface functionalization 2019
301 CUPRES High pressure study of pairing or competing orders in high Tc cuprates 2018
302 CYMEIT Cyanated macrocycles for electron and ion transport 2018
303 ELECNANO Electrically Tunable Functional Lanthanide Nanoarchitectures on Surfaces 2018
304 HybridRetina Hybrid Retinal Prosthesis: High-Resolution Electrode Array Integrated with Neurons for Restoration of Sight 2018
305 FUNNANO Functional Nanoscale Imaging: New Techniques to Probe Living Cells 2018
306 Mo-IoNT Molecular Communications for Internet of Nano-Things 2018
307 NeuPES Inducing Neural Plasticity Using Electrical Stimulation Delivered by Nano-Structured Electrodes: A Critical Step Toward Post-Stroke Recovery 2018
308 MFCPF Multifunctional cellulose photonic films 2018
309 MOSPhotocat Application of Metal Oxide Semiconductors in Photocatalysis 2018
310 RETAIN Routing Energy Transfer via Assembly of Inorganic Nanoplatelets 2018
311 PolyBact Identifying Chemical Cues in the Polymer-Mediated Engineering of Microorganisms 2019
312 MolDesign Molecule design for next generation solar cells using machine learning approaches trained on large scale screening databases 2018
313 MSP Magnetite surface properties in the various conditions of power plant water steam cycle 2018
314 TCDL Topological Colloidal Double Layers 2018
315 HYBRICYL Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Heterojunctions in Extremely Thin Absorber Solar Cells Based on Arrays of Parallel Cylindrical Nanochannels 2018
316 SOT-2DvdW Spin-Orbit Torque in 2D van der Waals Heterostructures 2018
317 ARTEMIS Graphene Molecule Interfaces for Spintronics 2019
318 ESTIMA Electronics and Spintronics of Topological Insulator/MAgnetic Insulator heterostructures 2019
319 FASTEST Fully Air-Processable and Air-Stable Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Inorganic Metal Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals 2018
320 PATCHES Protein Adsorption onTo CHarged surfacES 2018
321 HMST-PC Synthesis of Hybrid Metal-Semiconductor Tetrapod Photocatalysts for Improved Water Splitting 2018
322 QuESt Quantum Enhanced Organic Photovoltaics by Strong Coupling of IR Vibrations to an Optical Cavity 2018
323 ReMorphOPV Recombination in Organic Photovoltaics: Impact of Morphology and Long-Range Non-Equilibrium Transport 2019
324 HYTEC Hybrid Organic Thermoelectrics: an Insight into Charge Transport Physics towards High-Performance Organic Thermoelctric Generators 2018
325 FlocDOM A broad ecological approach to study the biological uptake of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and DOM-flocculates in the rapidly changing Arctic coastal ecosystems 2019
326 GreenCharge GreenCharge 2018
327 MEISTER Mobility Environmentally-friendly, Integrated and economically Sustainable Through innovative Electromobility Recharging infrastructure and new business models 2018
328 SILICOFCM In Silico trials for drug tracing the effects of sarcomeric protein mutations leading to familial cardiomyopathy 2018
329 SHADOKS Active nanofluidics towards ionic machines 2018
330 PREMOL At the crossroad of molecular physics, quantum optics and spectroscopy:ultra-high-precision molecular spectroscopy for fundamental physics 2018
331 TopSupra Engineered Topological Superconductivity in van der Waals Heterostructures 2018
332 ProMotion Probing Majorana quasi-particles and ballistic spin-momentum locking in topolocical insulatornanostructures 2018
333 SUPRAWOC Supramolecular Architectures for Ruthenium Water Oxidation Catalysis 2018
334 ExQuiSid Extreme Quantum Matter in Solids 2018
335 HYDRIDE4MOBILITY Hydrogen fuelled utility vehicles and their support systems utilising metal hydrides 2017
336 DAMIC-M Unveiling the Hidden: A Search for Light Dark Matter with CCDs 2018
337 MedicalPhant An advanced 3D simulator to generate 3D-personalized tissue and organ models for diagnosis, planning and pre-treatment of medical vascular interventions 2018
338 ibbu Connecting expert enthusiasts with potential shoppers within a shared economy model 2018
339 HiVOLT HIGH-VOLTAGE LITHIUM STORAGE - secure + efficient battery storage solution of the next generation 2018
340 IonDrive A novel cost effective industrial process for dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes on electrode materials for Li-Ion Batteries 2018
341 CV4RE Computer vision with an eye For Real Estate 2018
342 DART Diagnostics Saving Time, Money and Lives Through Rapid Plug & Play Salmonella Diagnostics 2018
343 SAW-SPIN Pure SPIN currents generated by Surface Acoustic Waves 2019
344 BioGraphING Biomolecule Sensing with Graphene-Integrated Nanogaps 2018
346 POWERSPIN Low-power spin-wave-based computing 2018
347 TrueProactive ROMAD TrueProactive - a next generation cyber defence software for European SMEs 2018
348 FF18_19 European Researchers' Night in Sweden - ForskarFredag 2018-2019 2018
350 SAILCLEAN SAIL&CLEAN – A complete solution for sea cleaning: marine litter removal and optimal algal bloom harvesting 2018
351 Capacitoxx Innovative and advanced manufacturing process to produce biological nanomaterial super-capacitors for superior battery performance in smart devices 2018
352 VillageInvest Village Invest: Low Cost Loans for Unbanked People in Risky Political Economies 2018
353 COINFLIP Coupled Organic Inorganic Nanostructures for Fast, Light-Induced Data Processing 2019
354 TESLA Living on the Edge: Tunable Electronics from Edge Structures in 1D Layered Materials 2019
355 STABLE STructural stABiLity risk assEssment 2018
356 Sleepiz Contactless, Multidimensional Sleep Monitoring and Assessment Solution 2018
357 MaMBoQ Macroscopic Behavior of Many-Body Quantum Systems 2019
358 EMAGIN2D Electrical control of magnetism in multiferroic 2D materials 2018
359 Treat-HSP Development of new therapy for rare motor neuron diseases 2018
360 SELFIE SELF-sustained and Smart Battery Thermal Management SolutIon for Battery Electric Vehicles 2018
361 ENDURUNS Development and demonstration of a long-endurance sea surveying autonomous unmanned vehicle with gliding capability powered by hydrogen fuel cell 2018
362 DIGISMART Multifunctional Digital Materials Platform for Smart Integrated Applications 2019
364 BioInspired_SolarH2 Engineering Bio-Inspired Systems for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Hydrogen 2019
365 TMCS Topological Matter and Crystal Symmetry: From Microscopic Structure to Phenomenology 2019
366 RadNu Radio detection of the PeV - EeV cosmic-neutrino flux 2019
367 Stance4Health Smart Technologies for personAlised Nutrition and Consumer Engagement 2018
368 FITGEN Functionally Integrated E-axle Ready for Mass Market Third GENeration Electric Vehicles 2019
369 Matrix Charging Matrix Charging: Novel, automated charging infrastructure for electric vehicles 2018
370 PASQuanS Programmable Atomic Large-Scale Quantum Simulation 2018
371 beyondRCFT Beyond Rationality in Algebraic CFT: mathematical structures and models 2019
372 BIM-SPEED Harmonised Building Information Speedway for Energy-Efficient Renovation 2018
373 SKYTOP Skyrmion-Topological insulator and Weyl semimetal technology 2018
375 NETCHER NETwork and digital platform for Cultural Heritage Enhancing and Rebuilding 2019
376 ERICE Super hydrophobic and erosion resistant coating for turbine scroll and downstream pipe 2018
377 STADY STADY: Autonomous intelligent cleaning robot for stables 2018
378 Medicortex Launching the First Non-Invasive Point of Care Diagnostic Test for Traumatic Brain Injury 2018
379 Data Market Services / DMS Accelerator Supporting the European data market providing free support services to data-centric SMEs and start-ups 2019
380 RESEARCH REmote SEnsing techniques for ARCHaeology 2018
381 SPECTROINLETS The first equipment to enable real-time liquid analysis for mass spectrometers 2018
382 ChEESE Centre of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth 2018
383 TheBatteries A novel manufacturing method to bring solid-state thin-film batteries to mass market 2018
384 FREENERGY Lead-free halide perovskites for the highest efficient solar energy conversion 2019
385 AutoFlyMap AUTOnomous FLYing Robots in GNSS denied environments for 3D Underground infrastructure MAPping and inspection. 2019
386 HERO Hidden, entangled and resonating orders 2019
387 CTS Enertechnos Capacitive Transfer System for efficient electricity transmission and distribution. 2018
388 LISA Lithium sulphur for SAfe road electrification 2019
389 TRIFECTs Trions and sp3-Defects in Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes for Optoelectronics 2019
390 FORWARD Fostering research excellence in EU Outermost Regions 2019
391 Mu-MASS Muonium Laser Spectroscopy 2019
392 LRC Laser Resonance Chromatography of Superheavy Metals 2019
393 QuidProQuo True digitalisation of all transactional administration in the trade value chain through smart legal contracts. 2018
394 4D Designing Devices by Doping on Demand 2019
395 ThinAirWater Providing water for everyone with water-from-air technology 2018
396 E.T.PACK Electrodynamic Tether Technology for Passive Consumable-less Deorbit Kit 2019
397 UpTEMPO Ultrafast tunneling microscopy by optical field control of quantum currents 2019
398 miniX MINIaturitzed coherent soft X-ray source for research and industry 2019
399 QUCUBE 3D integration technology for silicon spin qubits 2019
400 TheHiggsAndThe7Tops Mirror Mirror on the Wall, which Higgs is the oddest of them all: Exploring the Top-Higgs Interconnection with ATLAS 2019
401 CRYSTAL CLEAR CRYSTAL CLEAR: determining the impact of charge on crystal nucleation 2019
402 T2DCP Development of Thiophene Based Conjugated Polymers in Two Dimensions 2019
403 LIGHTYEAR Developing the electric car that charges itself: Lightyear One 2019
404 DuraCap The first ultra-thin, flexible and durable pseudocapacitor fully integrated in a device for low power applications 2019
405 EEN Normandie H2020 Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in Normandy - EEN Normandy H2020 2019
406 CITRES Chemistry and interface tailored lead-free relaxor thin films for energy storage capacitors 2019
407 SLOW_SOURCE Finding the Origin of the Slow Solar Wind 2019
408 InterPol Interfacing interacting Rydberg polaritons: From few- to many-body interactions 2019
409 HOCOM A Transparent Hole Conductor by Combinatorial Techniques for Next-Generation Energy Conversion Devices 2019
410 DOLPHIN Disruptive PEMFC stack with nOvel materials, Processes, arcHitecture and optimized Interfaces 2019
411 WavyRibbons Wavy N-doped Graphene Nanoribbons for Single Molecule Electronics 2019
412 SpinScreen Screening of an electron spin by an epitaxial superconducting island in a semiconductor nanowire 2019
413 ONTOP On-demand Non-hermitian TOPology 2019
414 BIOVIB Electric Interactions and Structural Dynamics of Hydrated Biomolecules Mapped by Ultrafast Vibrational Probes 2019
415 ZWIPE Zwipe is a technology provider that enables ultra-low-power biometric authentication solutions for Financial Services. Mission is to “Make Convenience Secure” for banks, merchants and consumers. 2019
416 ANYONIC Statistics of Exotic Fractional Hall States 2019
417 PoSHGOAT Potential-dependent Second-Harmonic Generation in Optical Antennas measured Time-resolved 2020
418 OXWALD 2D Oxide and van der Waals layered devices 2019
419 HES-PSC-FCTL High efficiency and stability perovskite solar cells based on the functionalized charge transport layers 2019
420 GRISOTO GRaphene-Interfaced heterostructures for Spin Orbit TOrques 2020
421 2DvdWHs Layer-by-layer Assembly of Two-dimensional Polymer/ Graphene Heterostructures as Wafer-scale Flexible Opto-electronics 2019
422 BIOMOSAIC From Biopigments to BIOelectronics: MOdelling Semiconducting EumelAnin-based InterfaCes 2020
423 iEXTRACT Information Extraction for Everyone 2019
424 MajoranasAreReal Search for mechanisms to control chiral Majorana modes in superconductors 2019
425 MMQIP Molecular Magnets: Coordination Cages, Frameworks and Multifunctional Materials 2020
426 FunI Revealing Fundamental Interactions and their Symmetries at the highest Precision and the lowest Energies 2019
427 COMPASS2020 Coordination Of Maritime assets for Persistent And Systematic Surveillance 2019
428 LEAPh Light-modulated organic Electrolyte-gAted Phototransistors 2020
429 FreeDigital The impact of 'free' digital offers on individual behavior and its implications for consumer and data protection laws 2019
430 SMOLAC Theoretical design of non-fullerene small molecule acceptors for organic solar cells with improved efficiency. 2019
431 QMKPFM Quantum approach to modelling high resolution Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy 2020
432 Blue-PeLEDs Efficient and Stable Blue Quasi-2D Halide Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes 2020
433 Utilizing Urban Tech to Power Smarter Cities 2019
434 NOCK NOCK: Real time safety for our senior relatives. 2019
436 ULTRA-LUX Ultra-Bright Thin-Film Light Emitting Devices and Lasers 2019
437 PERICLeS PERovskIte Coherent Light Sources 2020
438 TalentMondo Connecting families with optimal homecare providers through a real-time machine learning matching platform. 2019
439 BALLISTOP Revealing 1D ballistic charge and spin currents in second order topological insulators 2020
440 UHMob Ultra-high Charge Carrier Mobility to Elucidate Transport Mechanisms in Molecular Semiconductors 2019
441 ANAERGY Advanced Multistage Sequential Wastewater Treatment Technology 2019
442 DINEMOS Discovery of New Molecular Semiconductors 2019
443 RAPTOR RIS And Purification Traps for Optimised spectRoscopy (RAPTOR) 2019
444 PRIUS-TE Printing Ultrasound Stimulated piezoelectric materials for Tissue Engineering 2020
445 E2DRIVER Training on energy audits as an Energy Efficiency DRIVER for the automotive sector 2019
446 5GROWTH 5G-enabled Growth in Vertical Industries 2019
447 Optium Smart charger device to increase smartphones’ battery lifetime, prevent fire accidents, and provide cross-brand flexibility 2019
448 B-Lock The first Physical Access Control that uses uncopiable keys based on butterfly scales 2019
449 FRESCO FeRroElectric control of Spin-charge interCOnversion 2020
450 OpCo Operation Co-Pilot: Healthcare Process Improvement through Patient Empowerment 2019
451 iNNOGING Remote and Offline Ultrasound Image Analysis Platform 2019
452 GreenVerter Greenverter a revolutionary power converter technology to reduce environmental and economic losses due to electro pollution 2019
454 HIFLEX HIgh storage density solar power plant for FLEXible energy systems 2019
455 Zero1 A unique suite of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to battle cashflow problems in SMEs 2019
456 SMART-X Study of carrier transport in MAterials by time-Resolved specTroscopy with ultrashort soft X-ray light 2020
458 BeMAGIC Magnetoelectrics Beyond 2020: A Training Programme on Energy-Efficient Magnetoelectric Nanomaterials for Advanced Information and Healthcare Technologies 2019
459 InVIGO INtake Vortex Ingestion on Ground Operations 2019
460 SCAN and WORK Full Stack Digital Plant Scan and Work 2019
461 UltraFastNano Electronic generation and detection in nanoelectronic devices at the picosecond scale 2020
462 DROP-IT DRop-on demand flexible Optoelectronics & Photovoltaics by means of Lead-Free halide perovskITes 2019
463 Raylap RAYLAP, innovative springy cranks for bikes to foster sustainable urban mobility 2019
464 EuGeNeS Euraxess Georgia Network Startup 2019
465 PolyHelix Helically-Locked π-Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers with Tunable Twist 2019
466 ULTRAIMAGE Advanced EUV/soft X-ray microscopy in the ultrafast regime: imaging functionality of nanomaterials across length scales 2020
467 BISANCE Biphasic Heat Transport integration for efficient heat exchange within Composite materials Nacelle 2019
468 THEIA Design and engineering of porous nitride-based materials as a platform for CO2 photoreduction 2020
469 TWISTRONICS Probing topological valley currents by angular layer alignment in van der Waals heterostructures 2020
470 Light-DYNAMO Light driven hybrid nanocrystal TMDC capacitors 2020
471 FC2DMOF Development of Functional Conjugated Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Frameworks 2020
473 NoBiasFluors Non-biased fluorescent dyes as markers of drugs for optical in cellulo and in vivo imaging 2020
474 TEM Teklab Evaporator Management system (TEM) for increasing energy efficiency in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Cost effective, highly technological and innovative but easy to understand and install 2019
475 AQUAGARLIC An innovative dual action (antimicrobial & immunomodulator) product for the aquaculture feed additives market 2019
476 DEMAND Density Modulated Silicon Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries 2019
477 HYDROTRONICS Hydrodynamic electronics 2019
478 Light UP Visible Light Ultrafast Photodetector for Optical Wireless Communication Technology 2020
479 BATTERY PLUS High performing batteries for accelerated uptake of hybrid and electric vehicles 2019
480 ELNANO Charge transport in nanochannels 2019
481 TWIST Twisted Perovskites - Control of Spin and Chirality in Highly-luminescent Metal-halide Perovskites 2020
483 EOSC Enhance Enhancing the EOSC portal and connecting thematic clouds 2019
484 LOCATE Locomotive bOgie Condition mAinTEnance 2019
485 ATTIDA Attosecond space-time imaging of coherent quantum dynamics 2020
487 SENSES Making Sense of Electrical Noise by Simulating Electrolyte Solutions 2020
488 SECANS Solar-to-Chemical Energy Conversion with Advanced Nitride Semiconductors 2020
489 Navigato CaaS – Car Charging as a Service for Smart Mobility 2019
490 ConTROL Charge-TRansfer states for high-performance Organic eLectronics 2020
491 ThoriumNuclearClock Thorium nuclear clocks for fundamental tests of physics 2020
492 COALA COpernicus Applications and services for Low impact agriculture in Australia 2020
493 SEED Solvated Ions in Solid Electrodes: Alternative routes toward rechargeable batteries based on abundant elements 2020
494 OptoNanoFlow Investigation of the mesoscale couplings in nanofluidics using nonlinear optical techniques 2021
495 REGIOFLU Regioselective Hydrogen Bonding Phase Transfer Catalysis 2020
496 LightForNuLAND Scintillation Light For New Physics with Liquid Argon Neutrino Detectors 2021
497 STMICRO Space-time visualization of microelectronic chip operation with femtosecond electron microscopy 2020
498 C[Au]PSULE Crystal phase engineering of Au nanoparticles for enhanced solar fuel generation 2020
499 SAInTHz Structuration of aqueous interfaces by Terahertz pulses: A study by Second Harmonic and Sum Frequency Generation 2020
500 2DTriCat4Energy 2D Trifunctional Catalysts for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage 2020
501 Electroscopy Electrochemistry of All-solid-state-battery Processes using Operando Electron Microscopy 2020
502 MaP Material properties in the strong light-matter coupling regime 2021
503 SMILIES Two-dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides as Charge Transporting Layers for High Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells 2020
504 PolySolar Synthesis and nanostructuration of a Pi-conjugated polymer for dye sensitized solar cells 2021
505 RCE-OPP Resonant-Cavity-Enhanced Organic Photo-detectors and Photovoltaics 2020
506 SILVERPATH A silver path to a new generation of quantum materials. 2020