The page lists 394 projects related to the topic "magnitude".
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1 | HEROIC | High-frequency printed and direct-written Organic-hybrid Integrated Circuits | 2015 |
2 | COALA | Comprehensive molecular characterization of secondary organic aerosol formation in the atmosphere | 2015 |
3 | TIME-BRIDGE | Time-scale bridging potentials for realistic molecular dynamics simulations | 2015 |
4 | FoQAL | Frontiers of Quantum Atom-Light Interactions | 2015 |
5 | UPTIME | Real-TIME probing of Ultrafast Phenomena | 2015 |
6 | BetaDropNMR | Ultra-sensitive NMR in liquids | 2015 |
8 | BrainFrame | Automated framework for rapid simulations of high-detail brain models | 2015 |
9 | INTERDOT | INTERconnects enhanced by colloidal qDOT based optical amplifiers | 2015 |
10 | COREGAL | Combined Positioning-Reflectometry Galileo Code Receiver for Forest Management | 2015 |
11 | COSSIM | A Novel, Comprehensible, Ultra-Fast, Security-Aware CPS Simulator | 2015 |
12 | POSEIDON | Plasmonic-based autOmated lab-on-chip SEnsor for the rapid In-situ Detection of LegiONella | 2015 |
13 | TIAMO | Trapping Ions in Atoms and Molecules Optically | 2015 |
14 | BODY-UI | Using Embodied Cognition to Create the Next Generations of Body-based User Interfaces | 2015 |
15 | BeadCAP-DNA | BeadCAP-DNA: 30-minute on-site DNA test kit | 2014 |
16 | USIFlux | Unveiling Stomata 24/7: Using Stable Isotopes and COS to quantify diurnal and nocturnal carbon and water vegetation-atmosphere Fluxes under future climate scenarios | 2016 |
17 | PhenoMeNal | PhenoMeNal: A comprehensive and standardised e-infrastructure for analysing medical metabolic phenotype data | 2015 |
18 | Phonetic Processing | Phonetic Processing in Bilinguals: Investigation of the bilingual advantage hypothesis in phonetic processing | 2015 |
20 | UltraTherMicroscope | Ultra-sensitive Thermal Nanoscale Microscope | 2015 |
21 | EXTREME | Do extreme climatic events facilitate plant invasions? | 2016 |
22 | SingMet | Development of MRI contrast agents based on long-lived singlet states | 2015 |
23 | EcoSwing | EcoSwing - Energy Cost Optimization using Superconducting Wind Generators - World’s First Demonstration of a 3.6 MW Low-Cost Lightweight DD Superconducting Generator on a Wind Turbine | 2015 |
24 | DENDRONUTRIENT | Disentangling the effects of CO2 fertilization, nutrient limitation and water availability on forest ecosystem processes: Estimating their long-term consequences on SW European forests | 2016 |
25 | FUDACT | FUll Duplex Active Cancellation for wireless communication and co-exisTence | 2015 |
26 | TRAIT | Exploring the biogeography of thermal acclimation in heterotrophic microbes | 2015 |
27 | SEADOG | Sea ice across Dansgaard-Oeschger events in Greenland | 2015 |
28 | SIBG | Strongly Interacting Bose Gases | 2015 |
29 | ENMMCL | Efficient Numerical Modeling of Moving Contact Lines under Non-isothermal Conditions | 2015 |
30 | PALECOEVOL | Paleo-ecogenomics in Daphnia: developing a model for studying evolutionary impacts of climate and environmental change | 2015 |
31 | ACPNMR | Structural dynamics of acyl carrier protein complexes through combined solution and solid-state NMR | 2015 |
32 | Graphene Membranes | Ultrapermeable Atomically-Thin Membranes for Molecular Separations | 2015 |
33 | STABLE_FABRY | Calibration of Astronomical Spectrographs with Stabilized Fabry-Perot Etalons | 2016 |
34 | Emu Cam | Engineered multi-scale carbon materials | 2015 |
35 | HIGGS-BSM-EFT | Higgs and Beyond the Standard Model Effective Field Theory, systematic developments. | 2015 |
36 | OsciLEDs | New Disruptive Platform Technology for Water Treatment and Process Intensification | 2015 |
37 | NETEEG | Spatial super-resolution of electrophysiological measurements | 2015 |
38 | 2D-Ink | Ink-Jet printed supercapacitors based on 2D nanomaterials. | 2015 |
39 | CHIRALSENSE | CHIRALSENSE : Sensing Chirality using cavity-enhanced polarimetry: advances in sensitivity and time-resolution | 2015 |
40 | ThforPV | New Thermodynamic for Frequency Conversion and Photovoltaics | 2015 |
41 | iTPX | In-cavity thermophotonic cooling | 2015 |
42 | LOFAR | Searching for The Origin of Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos with LOFAR | 2015 |
43 | HOMOVIS | High-level Prior Models for Computer Vision | 2015 |
44 | Dementia | DNA rEpair impaired Mice with accElerated Neurodegeneration as Tool to Improve Alzheimer therapeutics | 2015 |
45 | GATIPOR | Guaranteed fully adaptive algorithms with tailored inexact solvers for complex porous media flows | 2015 |
46 | PhotoniX | PHOtonic Transmitters for Optical Networks and Interconnects in energy-efficient datacentres, supercomputers and homes based on VCSELs | 2015 |
47 | DIMINU | Decentralised diminished mineralization incineration unit for dewatered sewage sludge lends resource efficient low-carbon electricity generation | 2015 |
48 | ToothPic | ToothPic, a large-scale camera identification system based on compressed fingerprints | 2015 |
49 | BioFUNC | Maintenance of species diversity and the stability of ecosystem functioning | 2016 |
50 | MucoVac | Unravelling the mode of action of mucosal adjuvants | 2016 |
51 | deepSLice | Deciphering the greenhouse gas record in deepest ice using continuous sublimation extraction / laser spectrometry | 2015 |
52 | HYPHEN | HYPHEN: Hybrid Photonic Engines for Massive Cloud Connectivity | 2015 |
53 | ASICA | New constraints on the Amazonian carbon balance from airborne observations of the stable isotopes of CO2 | 2015 |
54 | LAA-THz-CC | Lens Antenna Arrays for Coherent THz Cameras | 2015 |
55 | Com4Com | Collective modes in 4d-metal compounds and heterostructures | 2016 |
56 | BCELLMECHANICS | Regulation of antibody responses by B cell mechanical activity | 2015 |
57 | MIMAS | Multi-dimensional interferometric amplification of ultrashort laser pulses | 2015 |
58 | PICOPROP | Photo Induced Collective Properties of Hybrid Halide Perovskites | 2015 |
59 | ULTIMA | ULTrafast Imaging sensor for Medical Applications | 2015 |
60 | FOREMAT | Finding a needle in a haystack: efficient identification of high performing organic energy materials | 2015 |
61 | ACES | ACES: Air Cargo Explosive Screener | 2015 |
62 | ARRAY SEQ | Array-tagged single cell gene expression by parallel linear RNA amplification and sequencing | 2015 |
63 | MUSE | Muon campus in US and Europe contribution | 2016 |
64 | SV2 | Machine vision system for road safety inspection- SV2 | 2015 |
65 | VIGI-LEAK | A Smart Technology Trained for Preventing Leakages from Sewer Systems | 2015 |
66 | SWAPOUT | Smart Wireless Access Point with Objective User-Targeting | 2015 |
67 | HERCULES | High-Performance Real-time Architectures for Low-Power Embedded Systems | 2016 |
68 | COSMICC | CmOs Solutions for Mid-board Integrated transceivers with breakthrough Connectivity at ultra-low Cost | 2015 |
69 | NanoPP | Large Scale Protein Library Screening Biosensor | 2016 |
70 | HURMUR | Human Rights – MUtually Raising excellence | 2016 |
71 | QDLight | Quantum-dot doped polymer fibers for cheap and bright light sources. | 2016 |
72 | FluctEvol | Fluctuating selection, evolution, and plasticity in random environments | 2016 |
73 | TEMPDEP | Ecological and evolutionary constraints on the temperature dependence of the carbon cycle | 2016 |
74 | MagneticYSOs | Interpreting Dust Polarization Maps to Characterize the Role of the Magnetic Field in Star Formation Processes | 2016 |
75 | ICT-STREAMS | Silicon Photonics Transceiver and Routing technologies for High-End Multi-Socket Server Blades with Tb/s Throughput interconnect interfaces | 2016 |
76 | PETMEM | Piezoelectronic Transduction Memory Device | 2015 |
77 | FEVER | Forecasting the recurrence rate of volcanic eruptions | 2016 |
78 | NetMoDEzyme | Network models for the computational design of proficient enzymes | 2016 |
80 | CONCLIMA | Constraining large-scale climate feedbacks in the Earth system using paleo data | 2017 |
81 | QUNS | Quantum-Statistical Methods for Nuclear Singlet States in Complex Fluids | 2016 |
82 | VoidTrap | Advanced studies of trapping and rotation of nanoparticles in vacuum | 2016 |
83 | MISFIT | Mass-Independent SulFate IsoTopes | 2016 |
84 | DAPP | Data-centric Parallel Programming | 2016 |
85 | ENUBET | Enhanced NeUtrino BEams from kaon Tagging | 2016 |
87 | REDRAF | Assessing the aerosol radiative impact employing advanced methods to reduce uncertainties in the aerosol optical properties | 2016 |
88 | BRISOACTIONS | To understand the redox variations and interactions between hydro-, bio- and atmosphere: the power of bromine stable isotopes. | 2016 |
89 | HYPERBIO | Hybrid Particle-Field Approach Including Electrostatics for Large-Scale Simulations of Biological Systems | 2016 |
90 | Rockslope_failures | Improve our understanding of Rock Slope Failures using calving events | 2016 |
91 | SYNC | Synchronizing Palaeoclimate data for better understanding of the Solar effect on European Climate | 2016 |
92 | THERMOSTALL | High Performance Seasonal Solar Energy Latent Heat Thermal Storage Using Low Grade, Low Melting Temperature Metallic Alloys | 2016 |
93 | DURO | DURO: Deep-memory Ubiquity, Reliability and Optimization | 2016 |
94 | MIRACLS | Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of radionuclides | 2017 |
95 | VISONby3DSTIM | Restoration of visual perception by artificial stimulation performed by 3D EAO microscopy | 2016 |
96 | SmartGraphene | Graphene based smart surfaces: from visible to microwave | 2016 |
97 | NeuroPsense | Embedded Neuromorphic Sensory Processor | 2016 |
98 | WADI | WADI | 2016 |
99 | TOPVAC | From Topological Matter to Relativistic Quantum Vacuum | 2016 |
100 | SOILBIODIV | Beyond the limits of scale: a novel pipeline for the measurement of soil arthropod biodiversity | 2016 |
101 | SPICE | Spintronic-Photonic Integrated Circuit platform for novel Electronics | 2016 |
102 | IMCIS | Individualised medicine in chronic inflammatory skin diseases | 2016 |
103 | ABSOLUTESPIN | Absolute Spin Dynamics in Quantum Materials | 2016 |
104 | ENRICO | Enrichment of Components at Interfaces and Mass Transfer in Fluid Separation Technologies | 2016 |
105 | C-SENSE | Exploiting low dimensional models in sensing, computation and signal processing | 2016 |
106 | TeraTrace | A Compact Terahertz Trace Gas Detector | 2016 |
107 | HRMEG | HRMEG: High-resolution magnetoencephalography: Towards non-invasive corticography | 2016 |
108 | ULT-MAS-DNP | Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at ultra-fast sample spinning and ultra-low temperature | 2016 |
109 | MOLEQULE | Unraveling molecular quantum dynamics with accelerated ab initio algorithms | 2016 |
110 | FLOOD-serv | Public FLOOD Emergency and Awareness SERVice | 2016 |
111 | HEXTREME | Hexahedral mesh generation in real time | 2016 |
112 | DYNURBAN | Urban dynamics: learning from integrated models and big data | 2016 |
113 | QED-PROTONSIZE | The Proton Size Puzzle: Testing QED at Extreme Wavelengths | 2016 |
114 | GreenDrive | A molecular fuel modifier for ships able to reduce the costs related to fuel and maintenance for fleet operators. | 2016 |
115 | Cathedral | Post-Snowden Circuits and Design Methods for Security | 2016 |
116 | SQuaPh | Scalable Quantum Photonics with Ultra Bright Photon Sources | 2016 |
117 | MANTEL | Management of Climatic Extreme Events in Lakes Reservoirs for the Protection of Ecosystem Services | 2017 |
118 | IMPACT | The giant impact and the Earth and Moon formation | 2016 |
119 | MMPCURSRT | A multi-method perspective on children's use of rehearsal in serial recall tasks | 2016 |
120 | NuWaSim | On a Nuclear Waste Deep Repository Simulator | 2016 |
121 | RACE | Rate of Adaptation in a Changing Environment | 2017 |
122 | CC4SOL | Towards chemical accuracy in computational materials science | 2017 |
123 | HiperLoc-EP | High performance low cost electric propulsion system development | 2017 |
124 | OPRECOMP | Open transPREcision COMPuting | 2017 |
125 | GENOMIS | Illuminating GENome Organization through integrated MIcroscopy and Sequencing | 2018 |
126 | Bio4Comp | Parallel network-based biocomputation: technological baseline, scale-up and innovation ecosystem | 2017 |
127 | MADIA | Magnetic DIagnostic Assay for neurodegenerative diseases | 2017 |
128 | CERBERO | Cross-layer modEl-based fRamework for multi-oBjective dEsign of Reconfigurable systems in unceRtain hybRid envirOnments | 2017 |
129 | Bonseyes | Platform for Open Development of Systems of Artificial Intelligence | 2016 |
130 | MassLOC | Massive MIMO Localization for 5G Networks | 2017 |
131 | PREDATORS | Plate-rate experimental deformation: Aseismic, transient or seismic fault slip | 2017 |
132 | SYNERGY | Plugplay gasification plant for onsite conversion of otherwise unusable waste into renewable energy | 2016 |
133 | M-PAC | Miniature beam-driven Plasma ACcelerators | 2017 |
134 | TRAPLAB | Lab Based Searches for Beyond Standard Model Physics Using Traps | 2016 |
135 | SMART | Structured nonlinear Metamaterials for efficient generation and Active functional control of Radiation of THz light | 2017 |
136 | GALFOR | The formation of the Galaxy: constraints from globular clusters | 2017 |
137 | BeyondBlackbox | Data-Driven Methods for Modelling and Optimizing the Empirical Performance of Deep Neural Networks | 2017 |
138 | OptiMalVax | Optimizing a deployable high efficacy malaria vaccine | 2017 |
139 | AMADEUS | Next GenerAtion MateriAls and Solid State DevicEs for Ultra High Temperature Energy Storage and Conversion | 2017 |
140 | CLONETS | CLOck NETwork Services: Strategy and innovation for clock services over optical-fibre networks | 2017 |
141 | ULTRACHIRAL | Ultrasensitive chiral detection by signal-reversing cavity polarimetry: applications to in-situ proteomics, single-molecule chirality, HPLC analysis, medical diagnostics, and atmospheric studies | 2017 |
142 | MUMPS | Next Generation Digital Mock-Ups for Multi-Physics Simulation | 2016 |
143 | ADVANTAG5 | Advanced Wide-Band Transceiver Architectures for Beyond 5G Wireless Systems | 2017 |
144 | TOPIOS | Tracking Of Plastic In Our Seas | 2017 |
145 | DarkMix | Illuminating the dark side of surface meteorology: creating a novel framework to explain atmospheric transport and turbulent mixing in the weak-wind boundary layer | 2017 |
146 | RECEPT | Real-time precision tests of lepton universality | 2017 |
147 | PhotonICSWARM | Photonic Integrated Circuits using Scattered Waveguide elements in an Adaptive, Reconfigurable Mesh. | 2017 |
148 | FEMTOTERABYTE | Spinoptical nanoantenna-assisted magnetic storage at few nanometers on femtosecond timescale | 2017 |
149 | COSIF | Carbonyl sulfide and sun-induced fluorescence as joint constraints on terrestrial carbon cycling | 2018 |
153 | CaseXtreme | ChAnges in the Statistics of EXTremes Events in cliMatE | 2017 |
154 | VLS-QPP | Very-Large-Scale Quantum Photonic Processing | 2017 |
155 | TESTINF | Testing Cosmic Inflation and Reheating in the Very Early Universe | 2017 |
156 | ESPSI | Eruption Source Parameters for Explosive Eruptions in Iceland Over the Last 3 ka | 2017 |
157 | SUPER-Lion | Surface Promoted Enhanced Transport of Li-ions | 2017 |
158 | PlaN | Vibrational Polariton Nonlinear Optics and Chemistry | 2017 |
159 | FLIGHT | The true costs of bird flight: From the laboratory to the field | 2017 |
160 | NEDM | The Neutron Electric Dipole Moment: pushing the precision to understand the matter-antimatter asymmetry | 2017 |
161 | MassiveCosmo | Massive Gravity and Cosmology | 2017 |
162 | LIFEINEQ | Lifespan Inequalities: Why the age-at-death distribution varies between countries and socioeconomic groups | 2017 |
163 | NUMELAT | Numbers in the brain: the impact of brain lateralization on numerical abilities | 2018 |
164 | BilProcess | French-English bilinguals' processing of morphosyntactic structures: the case of cross-linguistic transfer | 2017 |
165 | PINQS | Photonic integrated quantum transceivers | 2017 |
166 | PHOTON-NeuroCom | Photonic-assisted Neuromorphic Computing system | 2017 |
167 | GEOSTICK | Morphodynamic Stickiness: the influence of physical and biological cohesion in sedimentary systems | 2017 |
168 | DDD | Diffusive Droplet Dynamics in multicomponent fluid systems | 2017 |
169 | FASTER | Faster magic-angle spinning leads to a resolution revolution in biological solid-state NMR | 2017 |
170 | PEVIA | PAN EBOLA VACCINE INNOVATIVE APPROACH – Sofia ref.: 116088 | 2017 |
171 | lending | Drivers of Growth in Bank Lending and Financial Crises | 2017 |
172 | AXION | Axions: From Heaven to Earth | 2017 |
173 | CompactDating | A compact radioisotope dating device for rapid sample analysis | 2017 |
174 | iSIM | Integrated Standard Imager for Earth Observation Microsatellites | 2017 |
175 | ASPIN | Antiferromagntic spintronics | 2017 |
176 | MEMCARB | Separation membranes for carbon dioxide removal from gas streams | 2018 |
177 | Photoclin | Advanced clinical photoacoustic imaging systems based on optical microresonator detection | 2017 |
178 | BURSTREG | Single-molecule visualization of transcription dynamics to understand regulatory mechanisms of transcriptional bursting and its effects on cellular fitness | 2018 |
180 | REACT | Realizable Advanced Cryptography | 2017 |
181 | BioNet | Dynamical Redesign of Biomolecular Networks | 2018 |
182 | MajorNet | Majorana neutrino discovery strategy with CMS | 2018 |
183 | ELECTRIC | Chip Scale Electrically Powered Optical Frequency Combs | 2018 |
184 | TEQ | Testing the Large-Scale Limit of Quantum Mechanics | 2018 |
185 | PETER | Plasmon Enhanced Terahertz Electron Paramagnetic Resonance | 2018 |
186 | MAGNITUDE | Bringing flexibility provided by multi energy carrier integration to a new MAGNITUDE | 2017 |
187 | MIRASPEC | Miniature on-chip Raman spectrometer for personal volatile organic compound (VOC) monitoring | 2018 |
188 | LIFEGATE | Holographic super-resolution micro-endoscopy for in-vivo applications | 2017 |
189 | 3DMOSHBOND | Three-Dimensional Mapping Of a Single Hydrogen Bond | 2018 |
190 | PrecisionNuclei | Strong interactions for precision nuclear physics | 2018 |
191 | Q-ROOT | Quantum optomechanics at ROOm Temperature | 2018 |
192 | ReVolusions | Quantifying Recycling Fluxes of Earth Surface Materials and Volatiles in Subduction Zones using Melt Inclusions | 2018 |
193 | Plume Air Cloud | Plume Air Cloud – Air Quality Data Crowdsourcing Platform for Environmentally-friendly Cities | 2017 |
194 | sCENT | Cryptophane-Enhanced Trace Gas Spectroscopy for On-Chip Methane Detection | 2018 |
195 | ANTNAM | Optical NanoActuators for Nanomachines and Microfluidic Chips | 2018 |
196 | FLAVE | Energetics of natural turbulent flows: the impact of waves and radiation. | 2018 |
197 | ATMO | Atmospheres across the Universe | 2018 |
198 | MC2 | Mixed-phase clouds and climate (MC2) – from process-level understanding to large-scale impacts | 2018 |
199 | ONEDEGGAM | The search for new physics through precision measurements of the CKM angle gamma | 2018 |
200 | ATOMICAR | ATOMic Insight Cavity Array Reactor | 2018 |
201 | DECAF | Deforestation – Climate –Atmospheric composition – Fire interactions and feedbacks | 2018 |
202 | EWC | Enabling Weak lensing Cosmology | 2018 |
203 | BeyondPlanck | Beyond Planck -- delivering state-of-the-art observations of the microwave sky from 30 to 70 GHz for the next decade | 2018 |
204 | ESSnuSB | Feasibility Study for employing the uniquely powerful ESS linear accelerator to generate an intense neutrino beam for leptonic CP violation discovery and measurement. | 2018 |
205 | HYFLIERS | HYbrid FLying-rollIng with-snakE-aRm robot for contact inSpection | 2018 |
206 | LEGaTO | Low Energy Toolset for Heterogeneous Computing | 2017 |
207 | DRIVER GLASS | Terrestrial Traffic Mixed Reality Navigation | 2017 |
208 | PICOMETRICS | Picometer metrology for light-element nanostructures: making every electron count | 2018 |
209 | ULTRA | Increasing the Spatial Correlation of Logical Units of Data to Enable an Ultra-Low Latency Internet | 2018 |
210 | SPANC | Evolution and Variability of Climate Sensitivity and Polar Amplification during CeNozoic Warm Climates SPANC | 2018 |
211 | DarkSERS | Harvesting dark plasmons for surface-enhanced Raman scattering | 2018 |
212 | UFLNMR | Ultrafast Laplace NMR | 2018 |
213 | WasteShark | Marine Litter Prevention with Autonomous Water Drones | 2018 |
214 | FRECOM | Nonlinear-Distortion Free Communication over the Optical Fibre Channel | 2018 |
215 | ELECTRO-POM | From discovery to scale up of cluster based electrolytes for Ultra-high energy storage flow batteries | 2018 |
216 | ShaMROCk | Superconductive MiR phOton Counter | 2018 |
217 | 3DPROTEINPUZZLES | Shape-directed protein assembly design | 2018 |
218 | FoodLoss | Food Loss in History. Insights into the food produced but never consumed | 2019 |
219 | FINDER | FINDER: FIghtiNg DEngue viRus, a novel strategy for the development of fully protective antiviralsthat act by disrupting the DENV NS3/NS5 interaction | 2018 |
220 | Bits2Cosmology | Time-domain Gibbs sampling: From bits to inflationary gravitational waves | 2018 |
221 | SAFECARE | SAFEguard of Critical heAlth infrastructure | 2018 |
222 | BROWSE_PLUS | Beam-steered Reconfigurable Optical-Wireless System for Energy-efficient communication – Proving the Concept | 2018 |
223 | CAPPERAM | Contrast Agents for Protontherapy PET Range Monitoring | 2018 |
224 | COBADIM | Characterizing Congo Basin Drought resilience: an Integrative Modelling approach | 2019 |
225 | COBOM | Convective Boundary Mixing in Stars | 2018 |
226 | CONSEQUENT | Coherent Optomechanical Nonlinear Systems for Evolving Quantum and Electronic Nano- Technologies | 2018 |
227 | HydroSocialExtremes | Uncovering the Mutual Shaping of Hydrological Extremes and Society | 2018 |
228 | MAGALOPS | The MAgnetic field in the GALaxy, using Optical Polarization of Stars | 2018 |
229 | CARENET | Content-Aware Wireless Networks: Fundamental Limits, Algorithms, and Architectures | 2018 |
230 | PhoW | Photon High Way - Integrated single-photon sources: crossing the chasm | 2018 |
231 | RuZn | Ru–Zn Heterobimetallic Complexes | 2018 |
232 | RNAmpMax | Maximization of amplification of next-generation RNA replicon vaccines through synergistic molecular and formulation design | 2019 |
233 | PAMpeR | Patroller monocytes as modulators of diabetic retinopathy | 2018 |
234 | EuSuper | Superconducting Magnetic RAM for Next Generation of Supercomputers | 2018 |
235 | RESOLVE | Remote sensing of photosynthetic traits for high latitude plant productivity modelling | 2018 |
236 | COLOVOC | Reliable and specific urinary biomarkers for colorectal cancer | 2019 |
237 | MRI COMIQSUM | MRI COntrast using MIcrobubbles in Quantitative SUsceptibility Mapping | 2018 |
238 | VARIO | The influence of natural pH VARIability on ecosystem response to Ocean acidification | 2019 |
239 | RECIPE | REliable power and time-ConstraInts-aware Predictive management of heterogeneous Exascale systems | 2018 |
240 | ThermoQuantumImage | Thermal imaging of nano and atomic-scale dissipation in quantum states of matter | 2018 |
241 | PREMOL | At the crossroad of molecular physics, quantum optics and spectroscopy:ultra-high-precision molecular spectroscopy for fundamental physics | 2018 |
242 | Couplet | Transient climate change in the coupled atmosphere--ocean system | 2018 |
243 | DMIDAS | Astrophysical constraints on the identity of the dark matter | 2018 |
244 | INNOVATION | Innovation and opportunity in the evolution of life | 2018 |
245 | HARMoNIC | HierARchical Multiscale NanoInterfaces for enhanced Condensation processes | 2018 |
247 | DAMIC-M | Unveiling the Hidden: A Search for Light Dark Matter with CCDs | 2018 |
248 | PanScales | Spanning TeV to GeV scales for collider discoveries and measurements | 2018 |
249 | GENBIO | Reducing the cost, time, and ethical burden of preclinical research in the pharmaceutical industry | 2018 |
250 | QUPIC | Ultra-fast and Cost-effective Quantum Random Number Generator Photonic Integrated Chip | 2018 |
251 | ASM | Novel concept of cost-effective hybrid concrete/steel Auxiliary Shielding Module for enhancing the Radiological, Thermal and Structural behaviour of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage metallic casks | 2018 |
252 | IonDrive | A novel cost effective industrial process for dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes on electrode materials for Li-Ion Batteries | 2018 |
253 | Rosalind | Scale-up for Next Generation Enzymatic DNA Synthesis | 2018 |
254 | UltraLiquid | Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Ultradilute Liquids | 2019 |
255 | MEMS0P | “Microelectromechanical System wake-up receiver for Zero-Power sensor nodes” | 2019 |
256 | Quakebots | Artificial Intelligence and IoT for seismic monitoring | 2018 |
257 | OAlipotherapy | Long-retention liposomic drug-delivery for intra-articular osteoarthritis therapy | 2018 |
258 | LC-SOLAR | Low cost solar energy conversion to electricity | 2018 |
259 | BB6S Active | Anti-lock braking system for e-bikes able to avoid the front wheel locking and the rear wheel lifting increasing cyclist safety during braking | 2018 |
260 | DINAMIX | Real-time diffusion NMR analysis of mixtures | 2019 |
261 | CATPERCCOL | Perception of signals under varying conditions: implications of proportional processing of signal magnitude for signal design | 2019 |
262 | DIGIMAN4.0 | DIGItal MANufacturing Technologies for Zero-defect Industry 4.0 Production | 2019 |
264 | EUVPLASMA | Laser-driven plasma sources of extreme ultraviolet light for nanolithography | 2019 |
265 | COYOTE | Coherent Optics Everywhere: a New Dawn for Photonic Networks | 2019 |
266 | WINDMILL | Integrating wireless communication engineering and machine learning | 2019 |
267 | RISeR | Rates of Interglacial Sea-level Change, and Responses | 2019 |
268 | RESOLUTION | Radiocarbon, tree rings, and solar variability provide the accurate time scale for human evolution and geoscience | 2019 |
269 | EPI-X4Health | Therapeutic potential of optimized derivatives of an endogenous CXCR4 antagonist for the treatment of cancers and inflammatory diseases | 2018 |
270 | HERMES-SP | High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites, Scientific Pathfinder | 2018 |
271 | PIONEERS | Planetary Instruments based on Optical technologies for an iNnovative European Exploration Using Rotational Seismology | 2019 |
272 | ORIONAS | Lasercom-on-chip for next generation, high-speed satellite constelation interconnectivity | 2018 |
273 | SPACELOOP | Space made easy. A personal satellite communication system for those who just need to stay connected. | 2018 |
274 | Caladan | Micro assembled Terabit/s capable optical transceivers for Datacom applications | 2019 |
275 | INTENSE | INTENSE: particle physics experiments at the high intensity frontier, from new physics to spin-offs. A cooperative Europe - United States - Japan effort. | 2019 |
276 | ANTI-ATOM | Many-body theory of antimatter interactions with atoms, molecules and condensed matter | 2019 |
277 | NU-CLEUS | Exploring coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering with gram-scale cryogenic calorimeters | 2019 |
278 | INTERSECT | Interoperable Material-to-Device simulation box for disruptive electronics | 2019 |
279 | Mu-MASS | Muonium Laser Spectroscopy | 2019 |
280 | ADVERSARY | Digital platform for hands-on cybersecurity training | 2018 |
281 | cFLOW | Coherent ultraFast Long Wave infrared communications | 2019 |
282 | PATHOS | Photonic and nAnomeTric High-sensitivity biO-Sensing | 2019 |
283 | PETACom | Petahertz Quantum Optoelectronic Communication | 2019 |
284 | Q-AFM | Quantum Limited Atomic Force Microscopy | 2019 |
285 | IQubits | Integrated Qubits Towards Future High-Temperature Silicon Quantum Computing Hardware Technologies | 2019 |
286 | GuidedNW-PV | High-Voltage Micro-Photovoltaic Cells and Photodetectors Based on Guided Nanowires for On-Chip Powering of Autonomous Microsystems | 2019 |
287 | QuantumBirds | Radical pair-based magnetic sensing in migratory birds | 2019 |
288 | UpTEMPO | Ultrafast tunneling microscopy by optical field control of quantum currents | 2019 |
289 | EMC2 | Extreme-scale Mathematically-based Computational Chemistry | 2019 |
290 | FICOMOL | Field Control of Cold Molecular Collisions | 2019 |
291 | EU-STANDS4PM | A European standardization framework for data integration and data-driven in silico models for personalized medicine | 2019 |
292 | STOP-COPD | PulseHaler™: A Novel Treatment Device for COPD. | 2019 |
293 | QSEIF | QSEIF: The new pathogen, DNA and immunological testing platform | 2019 |
294 | XSOCCER | Real Time Soccer Analysis System | 2019 |
295 | DNACom | Compartmentalized DNA Computers for In-Vitro Diagnostic Applications | 2019 |
296 | ULISSES | Ultra low-power integrated optical sensor systems for networked environmental multichannel gas Sensing | 2019 |
297 | aiSim | Accelerating Autonomous Vehicle Development with Photorealistic, Virtual AI Training and Testing Simulation | 2019 |
298 | HOLOMAN | Holographic acoustic assembly and manipulation | 2019 |
299 | Cosmoglobe | Cosmoglobe -- mapping the universe from the Milky Way to the Big Bang | 2019 |
300 | GSYNCOR | Graphene-syncronized coherent Raman scattering laser and microscope | 2019 |
301 | INHuMAN | Intra-tumoral heterogeneity in NRAS-driven metastatic melanoma | 2019 |
302 | RESWITCH | Redox-Controlled Resistive Switching in Hybrid Metal-Organic Thin Films towards Neuromorphic Computing | 2019 |
303 | NESSC | Local training network: Netherlands Earth System Science Centre: “NESSC” | 2019 |
304 | 3D-FOGROD | Understanding forest growth dynamics using novel 3D measurements and modelling approaches | 2019 |
305 | MERIR | Methane related iron reduction processes in sediments: Hidden couplings and their significance for carbon and iron cycles | 2019 |
306 | GRINP | Action-based routes for numbers: unveiling the core networks of reaching, grasping and number processing in brain damaged and healthy individuals. | 2019 |
307 | CoCoUnit | CoCoUnit: An Energy-Efficient Processing Unit for Cognitive Computing | 2019 |
308 | TOPSPIN | Topotronic multi-dimensional spin Hall nano-oscillator networks | 2019 |
309 | HEGS | Hydrologic Extremes at the Global Scale: teleconnections, extreme-rich/poor periods, climate drivers and predictability | 2019 |
310 | VOLCPRO | Volcanic Forcing in Climate Model Projections: Towards a New Paradigm. | 2020 |
311 | INSPIRE | In Situ Probing of transition metal-oxide heteroInterfaces for high-peRformance solid-state Energy devices | 2019 |
312 | ARCTICO | Uncovering the Magnitude of Arctic Climate Change | 2019 |
313 | CF-CO2R | Catholyte-free flow cell enables high efficiency electroreduction of CO2 to C2 fuels | 2019 |
314 | CIGNUS | CuInGaSe Nanowires Under the Sun | 2019 |
315 | ExTaSea | EXtreme upper TAil of SEA level rise: constraints from geological records | 2020 |
316 | PreCoASD | Assessing the predictive coding accounts of autism spectrum disorders | 2019 |
317 | MOSTAPDE | MOde-localized mass Sensors with Thermal Actuation and Piezoresistive DEtection | 2020 |
318 | FaultScan | Passive seismic scanning of the preparation phase of damaging earthquakes | 2019 |
319 | MarshFlux | The effect of future global climate and land-use change on greenhouse gas fluxes and microbial processes in salt marshes | 2020 |
320 | NumBraInf | The Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Functional Brain Organization of Number Processing in Infants | 2019 |
321 | ECAW-ISO | Past, present and future Exchanges of CArbon and Water between the vegetation and the atmosphere: new insights from analysis and modelling of stable carbon ISOtope data | 2019 |
322 | NeSt | Neural mechanisms of perceptual Stability in magnitude perception | 2019 |
323 | ACCORD | Accelerated Ordering Service for Distributed Ledgers | 2019 |
324 | WILDTRADE | Quantifying the global patterns and trends of the illegal wildlife trade: from artificial intelligence to financial market analysis | 2019 |
325 | UEMHP | Unravelling Earth’s magnetic history and processes | 2019 |
326 | ISAC | International Study on Age-related disparity in Cancer patient survival | 2019 |
327 | PEAR | Plasmonic Electronically Addressable super-Resolution: Accelerating the in-depth understanding of biomedical processes at the nanoscale via a novel real-time, optical limit-breaking imaging technology | 2019 |
328 | DEVOCEAN | Impact of diatom evolution on the oceans | 2019 |
329 | Breakborder | Breaking borders, Functional genetic screens of structural regulatory DNA elements | 2019 |
330 | 5G-SOLUTIONS | 5G Solutions for European Citizens | 2019 |
331 | ANDANTE | AttributioN of DynAmic and thermodyNamic components in exTreme weather and climate Events | 2020 |
332 | CUSTOMER | Customizable Embedded Real-Time Systems: Challenges and Key Techniques | 2019 |
333 | GATHERS | Integration of Geodetic and imAging TecHiques for monitoring and modelling the Earth's surface defoRmations and Seismic risk | 2019 |
334 | D-FENCE | D-FENCE: Deceptive Monitored Environments for Cybersecurity in Enterprises | 2019 |
335 | FANO | Fano Photonics | 2019 |
336 | TECTONIC | The physics of Earthquake faulting: learning from laboratory earthquake prediCTiON to Improve forecasts of the spectrum of tectoniC failure modes: TECTONIC | 2020 |
337 | SpreadMRI | Ultra-Fast, Spread-Spectrum Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 2019 |
338 | ATOP | Atomically-engineered nonlinear photonics with two-dimensional layered material superlattices | 2019 |
339 | ConnectToBrain | Connecting to the Networks of the Human Brain | 2019 |
340 | i-LiDAR | metasurface-Integrated Light Detection and Ranging | 2019 |
341 | FUNGAR | Fungal architectures | 2019 |
342 | ADAM^2 | Analysis, Design, And Manufacturing using Microstructures | 2020 |
343 | QUARTET | Quantum readout techniques and technologies | 2019 |
344 | UltraFastNano | Electronic generation and detection in nanoelectronic devices at the picosecond scale | 2020 |
345 | QuanTELCO | Quantum Emitters for Telecommunication in the O-Band | 2019 |
346 | PRIMOGAIA | Prepolarized MRI at Earth Field to seek new contrasts linked to molecular events for very early detection of pathologies | 2019 |
347 | CMBLENS | CMB Lensing at Sub-Percent Precision: A New Probe of Cosmology and Fundamental Physics | 2020 |
348 | NIRD | Nanoelectromechanical Infrared Detector | 2019 |
349 | SHADES | Scintillator-He3 Array for Deep-underground Experiments on the S-process | 2020 |
350 | SiC nano for PicoGeo | SiC optical nano-strain-meters for pico-detection in Geosciences (SiC nano for picoGeo) | 2019 |
351 | ARCTRACK | Assessment of arc tracking hazards in high voltage aerospace systems | 2019 |
352 | NIFTI | Non-Intrusive Flow distortion measurements within a Turbofan Intake | 2020 |
353 | NANO4LIFE | High-throughput 4D imaging for nanoscale cellular studies | 2020 |
354 | FutureLSS | Fundamental physics from the large-scale structure of the Universe | 2020 |
355 | Global-ANSWER | Global social work and human mobility: comparative studies on local government and good social work practices in the euro-mediterranean region | 2020 |
356 | POLYQUANT | Theoretical developments for precision spectroscopy of polyatomic and polyelectronic molecules | 2020 |
357 | MAARvEL | A Missing Key Property in Atmospheric AeRosol ChEmistry: the Laplace Pressure | 2020 |
359 | FORCEDMIGDEV | Forced Migration and Development | 2020 |
360 | TAPPXSSAI | Development of a system for automatic ad insertion into on-demand streaming video to provide new monetization mechanisms to the media industry | 2019 |
361 | NEoteRIC | NEuromorphic Reconfigurable Integrated photonic Circuits as artificial image processor | 2020 |
362 | PlasmoniAC | Energy- and Size-efficient Ultra-fast Plasmonic Circuits for Neuromorphic Computing Architectures | 2020 |
363 | MeM-Scales | Memory technologies with multi-scale time constants for neuromorphic architectures | 2020 |
364 | WINTHER | Fast optoacoustic mesoscopy, using the skin as a window for therapeutic monitoring of local and systemic disease. | 2020 |
365 | EPHOR | Exposome project for health and occupational research | 2020 |
366 | GAP SIMULATOR | Novel Calculation and Analysis Method, Planning and Application Platform That Personalizes the Mathematical Definition of Spinal Alignment and Shape (GAP Simulator) | 2020 |
367 | MAGSHAKE | Shaken and stirred: Terahertz electric field control of magnetism | 2020 |
368 | ProExcer | Projectile exciter for noiseless environment | 2020 |
369 | FluxWIN | The role of non-growing season processes in the methane and nitrous oxide budgets in pristine northern ecosystems | 2020 |
370 | LIFEPLAN | A Planetary Inventory of Life – a New Synthesis Built on Big Data Combined with Novel Statistical Methods | 2020 |
371 | TORI | In-situ Topological Reduction of Scientific 3D Data | 2020 |
372 | PODCAST | Predictions and Observations for Discs: Planetary Cores and dust Aggregates from non-ideal MHD Simulations with radiative Transfer. | 2020 |
373 | Hot Milk | Flows of hot plasma connecting the Milky Way centre to the corona, halo and beyond | 2020 |
374 | RandomMultiScales | Computational Random Multiscale Problems | 2020 |
375 | FRRAnt | Ordering, Constructing, Empowering: Fragments of the Roman Republican Antiquarians | 2020 |
376 | GyroSCoPe | Geomorphic and Sedimentary responses to Climate Periodicity | 2020 |
377 | NeXource | Next-generation Plasma-based Electron Beam Sources for High-brightness Photon Science | 2020 |
378 | MATTER | MAcroscopic quantum Transport maTERials by nanoparticle processing | 2020 |
379 | DEEP-MAPS | Deep Earth Mantle Phase Transition Maps: Studied by Time-Resolved Experiments | 2020 |
380 | SPINHALL | Computing with mutually synchronized topological insulator based spin Hall nano-oscillators | 2020 |
381 | SHADE | Spin Hall-Based Analog to Digital Encoder for Ultra-Compact Sensor Nodes | 2020 |
382 | H2O-SurfaceProbe | High Throughput Second Harmonic Method to Probe Biological Surfaces at Real-World Conditions | 2020 |
383 | HERCULES | HEterodyne RefraCtive index sensor Using photonic crystal LaSers | 2020 |
384 | DeepSeep | Deep Serpentinization, H2, and high-pressure abiotic CH4 | 2021 |
385 | NMRCement | Zero-CO2 cement concept evaluated with novel Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) | 2021 |
386 | GLADIUS | Gravitational Lensing Analysis for Data Intensive Upcoming Surveys | 2020 |
387 | FINSEIS | Quantitative analysis of the structural controls of faults on induced seismicity magnitude | 2021 |
388 | AETSOM | Engineering a solution to the “resolution gap” problem for probing local optoelectronic properties in low-dimensional materials | 2021 |
389 | MXTRONICS | MXene Nanosheets For Future Optoelectronic Devices | 2020 |
390 | FuelVesicles | Commercialization of open vesicles to fuel downstream reaction networks | 2020 |
391 | DhostHunt | A new avenue in the hunt for dark energy | 2020 |
392 | NanoBat | GHz nanoscale electrical and dielectric measurements of the solid-electrolyte interface and applications in the battery manufacturing line | 2020 |
393 | DECRYPT | Drivers of Ecosystem Collapse and RecoverY across the Permo-Triassic | 2021 |
394 | PAST | Paleoenvironmental Assessment of climate and other STressors on long-term dynamics of waterbird populations. | 2020 |