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H2020 projects about "century"

The page lists 704 projects related to the topic "century".

# achronym  title  year 
1 Light Night Light Night 2015
2 PLATINUM Papyri and LAtin Texts: INsights and Updated Methodologies.Towards a philological, literary, and historical approach to Latin papyri 2015
3 RiP Rationality in Perception: Transformations of Mind and Cognition 1250-1550 2015
4 STIGMATICS Between saints and celebrities. The devotion and promotion of stigmatics in Europe, c.1800-1950 2015
5 CASTELLANY ACCOUNTS Record-keeping, fiscal reform, and the rise of institutional accountability in late-medieval Savoy: a source-oriented approach 2015
6 SoSGlobal Stories of Survival: Recovering the Connected Histories of Eastern Christianity in the Early Modern World 2015
7 OPT4SMART Distributed Optimization Methods for Smart Cyber-Physical Networks 2015
8 MindBendingGrammars Mind-Bending Grammars: The dynamics of correlated multiple grammatical changes in Early Modern English writers 2015
9 LatinOCR Digital Bridge: Optical Character Recognition for Early Printed Books in Latin 2015
10 SUPER-RESOL Extracting Super-Resolution from Classical Fluorescence Microscopy 2014
11 GermanSlavery The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and its Slaves 2015
12 G MOTIT Galileo-Enhanced MOTIT: an electric scooter sharing service for sustainable urban mobility 2015
13 SAF21 Social Science Aspects of Fisheries for the 21st Century 2015
14 GEO-C Joint Doctorate in Geoinformatics - Enabling Open Cities 2015
15 CHIBOW Children Born of War - Past, Present and Future 2015
16 COLLDENSE Hybrid Colloidal Systems with Designed Response 2015
17 C-CASCADES Carbon Cascades from Land to Ocean in the Anthropocene 2015
18 SUNFISH SecUre iNFormation SHaring in federated heterogeneous private clouds 2015
19 ODINE Open Data INcubator for Europe 2015
20 RoMaNS Robotic Manipulation for Nuclear Sort and Segregation 2015
21 CRIC Cultural Narratives of Crisis and Renewal 2015
22 SALEACOM Overcoming Inequalities in Schools and Learning Communities: Innovative Education for a New Century 2015
23 NANOREACTOR Multiscale modelling of stimuli-responsive nanoreactors 2015
24 CHILE A Comparative History of Insurance Law in Europe 2015
25 CWASI Coping with water scarcity in a globalized world 2015
27 CULTURALBASE Social Platform on Cultural Heritage and European Identities 2015
28 COLUMBUS COLUMBUS - Monitoring, Managing and Transferring Marine and Maritime Knowledge for Sustainable Blue Growth 2015
29 ARCGATE ARCGATE: maximizing the potential of Arctic Ocean Gateway array 2015
30 CLEANLIB Cleansing the Library: the Expurgatory Censorship of Books in Europe (Science and Humanities, 16th-18th cent.) 2016
31 STRATNARRA Russia's strategic narrative of the West: A study of influence in Ukraine 2015
32 EuroCirCol European Circular Energy-Frontier Collider Study 2015
33 GETUI Gestures in Tangible User Interfaces 2015
35 SAAB 'Science as Applied to Building' : Science, Construction, and Architectural Acoustics (1914-1954) 2015
36 ICELANDIC SCRIBES Scribal networks in 17th-century Iceland: The patronage of Magnús Jónsson í Vigur 2016
37 PHOEBUS PHOto-induced Energy flow in Bio-inspired molecular circuits probed with Ultrafast two-dimensional Spectroscopy 2015
38 AdaptClim Genomic and epigenomic signatures of climate-mediated selection in cattle 2015
39 COPAST The Colours of the Past in Victorian England 2016
40 CHENGEN An integrated framework to investigate the genetics of changing environments 2015
41 HISTHEOL History and Theology 2015
42 Leucophyl Total Synthesis of Leucophyllidine 2015
43 ADRIA Adriatic Perspectives: Memory and Identity on a Transnational European Periphery 2016
44 ZEPHYROS The dawn of writing in Western Mediterranean: a comparative approach to the Iberian epigraphic corpus 2015
45 KEME Knitting early modern Europe: materials, manufacture and meaning 2015
46 RIDEC Rwenzori Ice Dynamics and Environmental Changes 2015
47 TEACHPOL Freedom of Teaching and Political Control: The Case of Thomas Aquinas’ Assimilation in William of Peter Godin’s Lectura Thomasina (14th C.) 2015
48 MIGMED Migration in the early modern world: the Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land as afacilitator of the circulation of people in the Mediterranean 2016
49 ICONOPHILIA Religion, Politics and the Arts in Early Medieval Italy Against the Background of the ‘Image Struggle’ (680-850) 2015
50 PATH Pathways to Heritage: Community heritage and the archaeology of movement in the Adelphi Forest, Cyprus 2016
51 SuSiPOD Broadband Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors 2015
52 STARMAS Structured Training and Advanced Research in Marine Active Structures 2016
53 ABRUPT Quantifying Abrupt Biotic Responses to Palaeoclimate Change 2016
54 NORNS Northern Narratives: The Poetics of Cultural Contact between Germany and Scandinavia in the Middle Ages 2015
55 CHRISLAS Christian Diversity in Late Antique Sirmium (ca 350 – ca 450): A Historical, Literary and Theological Study 2016
56 ERIN Europe's Reception of the Irish Melodies and National Airs: Thomas Moore in Europe 2015
57 ClimatCon Climate-resilient pathways for the development of concrete infrastructure: adaptation, mitigation and sustainability 2015
58 THESUNKIN Thessaly under the Kings: Religion, Society and the Politics of Multiculturalism in Mainland Greece 2015
59 COCLIMAT Fusion of Alternative Climate Models By Dynamical Synchronization 2015
60 HAHPEC House and home: physical and emotional comfort in the country house, England and Sweden c.1680-1820 2015
61 SocForVul The impact of supplementary feeding on the food searching strategies and social behaviour in anendangered top scavenger 2015
62 Pathologies Pathologies of temporality. Abnormal experiences of time in mental disorders 2016
63 Adapting Dickens Dickens, Adaptation, and the Nineteenth-Century European Theatre 2016
64 Imperial Recipes Food in the Spanish and British Caribbean in the Nineteenth Century: Encounters, Exchanges, Identities 2015
65 PATRIMONiT PATRIMONiT. From Cheap Print to Rare Ephemera: 16th-Century Italian 'Popular' Books at the British Library 2016
66 SPERONI Sperone Speroni (1500-1588) and the Rebirth of Sophistry in the Italian Renaissance 2015
67 Transpacific Assembling the Transpacific: Indigenous Curatorial Practices, Material Cultures and Source Communities 2015
68 CHAP The transnational mobility of cheap print: British chapbooks in Italy, 1800-1850 2015
69 NeuroEE Delineation of a brain circuit regulating energy expenditure to impact body weight 2016
70 PLIOTRANS PLIOcene TRANSient Climate Modelling: Towards a global consensus between ice volume, temperature and relative sea level for the Late Pliocene 2015
71 SQZOMS Squeezed Light Enhancement of Optomechanical Systems 2015
72 SiPhoN Single-Photon Non-Locality 2015
73 DRESSINGTHENEWWORLD Dressing the New World. The Trade and the Culture of Clothing in the New Spanish Colonies (1600-1800) 2015
74 BIFLOW Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works (ca. 1260 - ca. 1416) 2015
75 DOS Domestic Servants in Colonial South Asia 2015
76 HInDI The historical dynamics of industrialization in Northwestern Europe and China ca. 1800-2010: A regional interpretation 2015
77 DTHPS Sound and Materialism in the 19th Century 2015
78 LTI Long-Term Investment 2015
79 MenWomenCare Men, Women and Care: The gendering of formal and informal care-giving in interwar Britain 2015
80 VITAL The Vitality of Disease - Quality of Life in the Making 2015
81 CRESCENDO Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, kNowledge, Dissemination and Outreach 2015
82 9 SALT Reassessing Ninth Century Philosophy. A Synchronic Approach to the Logical Traditions 2015
83 IRIS Infrared imaging and sensing: the single-photon frontier 2015
84 NEMF21 Noisy Electromagnetic Fields - A Technological Platform for Chip-to-Chip Communication in the 21st Century 2015
85 Waste to Resource Commercialisation of WarwickFBR™ technology which can recycle Mixed Plastic Waste into a hydrocarbon product, the Plaxx™ 2015
86 Smart firearm safety Project iP9 Smart firearm safety Introduction of the first smart firearm safety to the institutional market (police) 2015
87 OTTOCONFESSION The Fashioning of a Sunni Orthodoxy and the Entangled Histories of Confession-Building in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire, 15th-17th Centuries 2015
88 EUROHERIT Legitimation of European cultural heritage and the dynamics of identity politics in the EU 2015
89 HICONO High-Intensity Coherent Nonlinear Optics 2015
90 GLOBAL INHERITANCES Global Inheritances: Personal Identification and Inheritance Rights in the Early Modern Spanish Empire 2015
91 CEITER Cross-Border Educational Innovation thru Technology-Enhanced Research 2015
92 ATOM Attention to Marketing (ATOM): Application of eye-tracking to the online market for advertising 2015
93 TRUST Creating and enhancing TRUSTworthy, responsible and equitable partnerships in international research 2015
94 ACHILLES-HEEL Crop resistance improvement by mining natural and induced variation in host accessibility factors 2015
95 TVOF The values of French language and literature in the European Middle Ages 2015
96 SaveEUSaffron Sales and production acceleration of EU saffron through an innovative cultivation and crop system that allows European producers to increase eco-efficiency, production and processing 2015
97 AYURYOG Medicine, Immortality, Moksha: Entangled Histories of Yoga, Ayurveda and Alchemy in South Asia 2015
98 Intimacy Doing Intimacy: A Multi-sited Ethnography of Modern Chinese Family Life 2015
99 MaGRaTh Matter and strong-field gravity: New frontiers in Einstein’s theory 2015
100 LAA-THz-CC Lens Antenna Arrays for Coherent THz Cameras 2015
101 SHARS Small HeteroAromatic Ring Synthesis: A Unified Approach 2015
102 nEU-Med Origins of a new Economic Union (7th to 12th centuries): resources, landscapes and political strategies in a Mediterranean region 2015
103 MIMESIS Development of biomaterials through mimesis of plant defensive interfaces to fight wound infections 2015
104 TRANSPOP The Transformation of Popular Politics in Europe’s Long Nineteenth Century 2015
105 AnCon A Comparative Anthropology of Conscience, Ethics and Human Rights 2015
106 ETFA Enough to feed an army. Carthaginian rural exploitation during the late third century BC 2015
107 switchlet A multi-resolution theory for systems and control across scales 2015
108 SyDAD Synaptic Dysfunction in Alzheimer Disease 2015
109 BioSmartTrainee Training in Bio-Inspired Design of Smart Adhesive Materials 2015
110 ArtEmpire An ARTery of EMPIRE. Conquest, Commerce, Crisis, Culture and the Panamanian Junction (1513-1671) 2016
111 PANINI Physical Activity and Nutrition INfluences In ageing 2016
112 Econ_Prejudice The Economics of Ethnic Prejudice 2015
113 SHARECITY SHARECITY: Assessing the practice and sustainability potential of city-based food sharing economies 2015
114 DISABILITY Rethinking Disability: the Global Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Historical Perspective 2015
115 EQuO Electron Quantum optics in quantum Hall edge channels 2015
116 ExpoSEED Exploring the molecular control of seed yield in crops 2016
117 AntibioDx AntibioDx: A groundbreaking in vitro diagnostic device with a billion-dollar sales potential 2015
118 p-DRIVE Pyrolysis of Derived Residues of waste, providing Improved gas for Vehicle Engines 2015
119 TopDyn Probing topology and dynamics in driven quantum many-body systems 2016
120 Loc8torHC A disruptive healthcare monitoring solution that by nature of what and how it monitors (IoT) improves home safety, user wellbeing and provides early warning to help avoid critical admissions 2016
121 StableChaoticPlanetM Stable and Chaotic Motions in the Planetary Problem 2016
122 SICLE Saadian Intellectual and Cultural Life 2016
123 TAX4INNO OECD Study on the Incidence and Impact of Tax Support for Research and Innovation 2016
124 DYNAMIQS Relaxation dynamics in closed quantum systems 2016
125 SCALEFORES SCALEFORES: Scaling Rules For Ecosystem Service Mapping 2016
126 WORKINMINING Reinventing paternalism. The micropolitics of work in the mining companies of Central Africa 2015
127 EuroPOND Data-driven models for Progression Of Neurological Disease 2016
128 EMPATIA Enabling Multichannel PArticipation Through ICT Adaptations 2016
129 EU4HIVCURE Accelerating HIV Cure in Europe 2016
131 I-Media-Cities Innovative e-environment for Research on Cities and the Media 2016
132 UNREST Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe 2016
133 PREWArAs The Dark Side of the Belle Époque. Political violence and Armed Associations in Europe before the First World War 2016
134 EcoFunc4Cast Forecasting Change in Vegetation Dependant Ecosystem Functions. 2017
135 THALEA II THALEA II - Telemonitoring and Telemedicine for Hospitals Assisted by ICT for Life saving co-morbid patients in Europe As part of a Patient personalised care program of the EU 2016
136 War and Supernature War and the Supernatural in Early Modern Europe 2016
137 DIGITAL ALFIERI Digital Alfieri. Dynamic Digital Editions: Case study Alfieri 13 2016
138 MBM Making Biological Minds 2016
139 ROMAINE Ovid as Historian. The reception of classical mythology in medieval France and Spain 2017
140 ALTERFOR Alternative models and robust decision-making for future forest management 2016
141 POSE Poetics of Statelessness in Twentieth-Century France and Europe 2016
142 HiggsEFTatNLO Precise Higgs Properties in the LHC Era 2017
143 TEMPO Terrestrial vertebrates and the evolutionary origins of morphological diversity 2016
144 EVODIS Exploiting vortices to suppress dispersion and reach new separation power boundaries 2016
145 NEURICE New commercial EUropean RICE (Oryza sativa) harbouring salt tolerance alleles to protect the rice sector against climate change and apple snail (Pomacea insularum) invasion 2016
146 PAPAstudy Podocyte Adaptation Proliferation and Ageing 2016
147 INDEX Rigidity of groups and higher index theory 2016
148 Hidden Galleries Creative Agency and Religious Minorities: ‘hidden galleries’ in the secret police archives in 20th Century Central and Eastern Europe 2016
149 DIPLOFACE Diplomatic Face-Work - between confidential negotiations and public display 2016
150 SpeedInfTradeoff Speed-Information Tradeoffs: Beyond Quasi-Entropy Analysis 2016
151 BOPNIE Boundary value problems for nonlinear integrable equations 2016
152 FACELOOK Identity Management on Social Media by Diasporic LGBTQs 2016
153 ArtMedGIS Analysis of the Artistic Exchanges in the Medieval Mediterranean between 12th and 15th Centuries through the Geographical Information Systems (GIS): A Critical Review of Centre and Peripheries 2016
154 HALO Understanding Halophytes for an Agriculture Worth its Salt 2016
155 GoldOpera Carlo Goldoni and Europe's New Opera Theatre 2016
156 AGENTSEGET Itinerant Cultural Agents in Early Modern Europe and the Scotsman Thomas Seget: A Case-Study 2016
157 Garibaldinism Garibaldinism and radicalism: Traditions of transnational war volunteering in Southern Europe, 1861-1936 2016
158 SILYCAT Asymmetric Catalysis with Chiral Silylium Cations 2017
159 Labour and Migration British workers emigrating to industrialising Europe, 1815-c.1870 2016
160 Ex Anatolia lux Ex Anatolia lux. The Linguistic Origins of Europe: Word-formation and Lexicon in Anatolian and Core Indo-European. 2016
161 Exile and Technology Austro-German exile in America 1930-45: interrogating the relationship between science, technology and modern selfhood in cultural and musical discourses. 2016
163 MARDIV 'Marriage and Cultural Diversity in the German Empire' 2016
164 ChroMoLEME The Character of Monastic Landscapes in Early Medieval Europe 2016
165 FaGEng Fashioning Georgian Englishness: Race, National Identity, and Codes of Proper Behaviour 2017
166 PopClandSATYRICON Popular readers and clandestine literature: the case of an early modern translation of Petronius’ Satyricon into Italian (17th C.) 2016
167 FusionSystems Simple fusion systems and linking systems 2016
168 DUSC3 DUSt, Climate and Carbone Cycle 2016
169 CLIMCONFLICT Historical Dynamics of Violence, Conflict and Extreme Weather in Medieval Ireland 2016
170 BEST Postdoctoral Programme in Bioengineering Excellence Scientific Training 2017
171 eoFRESH Earth Observation freshwater monitoring services 2016
172 Forgery Forging Ahead: Faking Sagas and Developing Concepts of Cultural Authenticity and National Identity in 17th- and 18th-Century Scandinavia 2017
173 RTHRIEL The Rhyme: Theory and History of the rhyme in Italian and European literature 2016
174 UrbanOccupationsOETR Industrialisation and Urban Growth from the mid-nineteenth century Ottoman Empire to Contemporary Turkey in a Comparative Perspective, 1850-2000 2016
175 DECOR Decorative Principles in late Republican and early Imperial Italy 2016
176 ESTIA Exponential sums, translation invariance, and applications 2016
177 OSCA Ozone Sensitivity of Crops in Africa 2016
178 SeQuCom Secure Quantum Communication and Computation 2017
179 MESO-JBIR-102 Development of the aza-Prins reaction; synthesis and biological evaluation of JBIR-102 2016
180 Back2theFuture Back to the Future. Perceiving the future and the development of early modern capitalism, 1500-1700 2016
181 GlobalMass Global land ice, hydrology and ocean mass trends 2016
182 TReX Transient Relativistic eXplosions 2016
183 BroWoun Brothers in Wounds: Italy's Disabled Veterans in Transnational Perspective (1917-1939) 2016
184 GECEM Global Encounters between China and Europe: Trade Networks, Consumption and Cultural Exchanges in Macau and Marseille (1680-1840) 2016
185 AstroLakes Bio-analysis of subglacial volcanic lakes as exoplanet analogues 2016
186 SOFTCHARGE Charge Carrier Transport in Soft Matter: From Fundamentals to High-Performance Materials 2016
187 EMBEDDING CONQUEST Embedding Conquest: Naturalising Muslim Rule in the Early Islamic Empire (600-1000) 2017
188 CoupledIceClim Coupled climate and Greenland ice sheet evolution:past, present and future 2016
189 CityNet Cities in Global Financial Networks: Financial and Business Services and Developmentin the 21st Century 2016
190 ComparingCopperbelt Comparing the Copperbelt: Political Culture and Knowledge Production in Central Africa 2016
191 LUSH SPIKE Genetic and Molecular Determinants of Spikelet Survival in Cereal Crops 2016
192 COTCA Cultures of Occupation in Twentieth-century Asia 2016
193 ETI Epistemic Transitions in Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science: From the 12th to the 19th Century 2016
194 GC2.0 Global Change 2.0: Unlocking the past for a clearer future 2016
195 FuSEL FUnerals as public Services in long Eighteenth century London 2016
196 Persia and Babylonia Persia and Babylonia: Creating a New Context for Understanding the Emergence of the First World Empire 2017
197 GEMH Video games for the prevention of depression and anxiety: A 21st century approach to emotional and mental health in adolescents 2016
199 SuccessfulGovernance Success in Public Governance: Assessing and explaining how public problems are sometimes addressed remarkably effectively 2016
200 BodyCapital The healthy self as body capital: Individuals, market-based societies and body politics in visual twentieth century Europe. 2016
201 CC-TOP Cryosphere-Carbon on Top of the Earth (CC-Top):Decreasing Uncertainties of Thawing Permafrost and Collapsing Methane Hydrates in the Arctic 2016
202 MSG Making Sense of Games: A Methodology for Humanistic Game Analysis 2016
204 REGPROP Regularity properties, definability and combinatorics on the real line. 2017
205 SCI-ALL Science Unites ALL 2016
206 i-movo International productisation of a disruptive digital vouchering technology 2016
207 SEMENIZER Feasibility study of a fully automated, integrated and standardized computer aided semen analyzer system 2016
208 SLAB Signal processing and Learning Applied to Brain data 2016
209 BeyondtheElite Beyond the Elite: Jewish Daily Life in Medieval Europe 2016
210 MEDIATE Middlebrow Enlightenment: Disseminating Ideas, Authors, and Texts in 18th-century Europe 2016
211 PrivatePieties Private Pieties, Mundane Islam and New Forms of Muslim Religiosity: Impact on Contemporary Social and Political Dynamics 2016
212 NARRATIVENSCIENCE Narrative Ordering and Explanation in the Sciences: Historical Investigations and Perspectives 2016
213 CONCOM Control Over Noisy Communication Media 2016
214 ELENA Low energy ELEctron driven chemistry for the advantage of emerging NAno-fabrication methods 2016
215 City Platform as a Service - Integrated and Open 2016
216 UrbanHist History of European Urbanism in the 20th Century 2016
217 IN2TRACK Research into enhanced tracks, switches and structures 2016
218 PHA-ST-TRAIN-VAC Leveraging Pharmaceutical Sciences and Structural Biology Training to develop 21st Century Vaccines 2016
219 TREPISTEME Formal Truth in Epistemology 2016
220 Intersex Genealogy Postcolonial genealogy of intersexuality. Influence of US and Spanish scientific theories in the Colombian medical practices and discourses about intersexuality in the second half of twentieth century 2016
221 EUNADICS-AV European Natural Airborne Disaster Information and Coordination System for Aviation 2016
222 TRAPRODIG Trauma Studies in the Digital Age: The Impact of Social Media on Trauma Processing in Life Narratives and in Trauma Literature: the Case of Hungary 2016
223 CATAPULT Coupling ATomistics and mesoscAle Plasticity for toUghness of noveL hybrid maTerial 2017
224 RVCR KGYAT have developed the RVCR, the world’s first commercially viable Rotary Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) engine. 2016
227 Next-Lab Next Generation Stakeholders and Next Level Ecosystem for ColLaborative Science Education with Online Labs 2017
228 CONSTAMIS Connecting Statistical Mechanics and Conformal Field Theory: an Ising Model Perspective 2017
229 Habit Roman Catholic laywomen’s “turn to habit” as a strategy of developing modern pious womanhood: Catholic female social reformers in France, Germany and Partitioned Poland between 1878-1914. 2016
230 WELFAREPRIORITIES Welfare state politics under pressure: Identifying priorities, trade-offs and reform opportunities among citizens, political and economic elites 2017
231 eCraft2Learn Digital Fabrication and Maker Movement in Education: Making Computer-supported Artefacts from Scratch 2017
232 PHABLABS 4.0 PHotonics enhanced fAB LABS supporting the next revolution in digitalization 2016
233 GRANITE GRAvitational waves from Neutron stars: Investigating Transient Emission 2016
234 MASHQI Making Books Talk: The Material Evidence of Manuscripts of the Kitab al-Shifa by Qadi Iyad (d.1149) for the Reception of an Andalusian Biography of the Prophet between 1100 and 1900 2017
235 LISTLIT Lists in Literature and Culture: Towards a Listology 2017
236 DiGGeS Discrete Groups and Geometric Structures 2017
237 SSFENZYMES Feasibility study for the implementation of the production of organic, granulated enzymes for detergent application by automated solid-state fermentation and fluidised-bed technology 2016
238 LCLW Literary Communities and Literary Worlds 2017
239 GALFOR The formation of the Galaxy: constraints from globular clusters 2017
240 ACrossWire A Cross-Correlated Approach to Engineering Nitride Nanowires 2017
241 OPTINT OPTINT: Optimization-based Design of Interactive Technologies 2017
242 EoC Ethics of Coding: A Report on the Algorithmic Condition 2017
243 BeingL_S Being Lean and Seen: Meeting the challenges of delivering projects successfully in the 21st century 2017
244 KEAC-BSR Knowledge Exchange and Academic Cultures in the Humanities: Europe and the Black Sea Region, late 18th – 21st Centuries 2017
245 InjectoReducer Integrated reducer-filter-injector unit for natural gas engines 2016
246 COSMOS Control and measurement of single macromolecules in space and time 2018
247 L.I.F.E. LIVING IN A FRINGE ENVIRONMENT - Investigating occupation and exploitation of desert frontier areas in the Late Roman Empire 2016
248 CaPE The International Court of Justice and the Preservation of Peace in the 21st Century: Global Governance in Action 2016
249 INNOVATION Authority and Innovation in Early Franciscan Thought (c. 1220-56) 2017
250 CITIZINGLOBAL Citizens, Institutions and Globalization 2017
251 STRUCTURALISM The Roots of Mathematical Structuralism 2017
252 GRETPOL Greening the Poles: Science, the Environment, and the Creation of the Modern Arctic and Antarctic 2017
253 PATRIMONIVM Geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman World (from Augustus to Diocletian). 2017
254 CO-CREATION The Cohesive City: Addressing Stigmatisation in Disadvantaged Urban Neighbourhoods 2017
255 TransIt Translating science in the long Italian Eighteenth-Century. The role of translators and publishers as “cultural mediators” (1760-1790s) 2017
256 OHS On Human Shielding 2017
257 GlobalCitizenshipLaw Global Citizenship Law: International Migration and Constitutional Identity 2017
258 CholeraIndex Pathoecology of Vibrio cholerae to better understand cholera index cases in endemic areas 2018
259 DRAMATIC Development of Relevant Approaches to Mathematically Model Increasingly Complex Microbially-driven Processes 2017
260 TAILORCAT Towards the selective hydrodeoxygenation and hydrogenation of levoglucosenone using base metal heterogeneous catalysts modified by atomic layer deposition 2017
261 SSIIE Sanskrit Åšaiva Intellectuals in the Empire: Innovations, Textual Practices and Religious Interactions in the Late Vijayanagara Period 2017
262 MUSDEWAR Music in Detention during the (Post) Civil-War Era in Greece (1947-1957) 2017
263 ECHOES Exact Chronology of Early Societies 2017
264 SpheroPredict A 3D advanced test for prediction of drug response in secondary liver cancer 2017
265 StruViMan Structural Visualization of Medieval Manuscripts 2017
266 PEA Aluminium Portable Element Analyser 2016
267 MEME Memory Engram Maintenance and Expression 2017
268 MEM-DG Modular Electric Motor technology with integrated Digital Gears for increased driving performance 2017
269 MORA Muslim Antisemitism in Colonial Morocco 2017
270 StrainBooster Enforced ATP wasting as a general design principle to rationally engineer microbial cell factories 2017
271 RE-FASHIONING Re-fashioning the Renaissance: Popular Groups, Fashion and the Material and Cultural Significance of Clothing in Europe, 1550-1650 2017
272 FEM1970 The Discovery of Pleasure. Female Sexuality and Value Change in West Germany and Italy in the Long Seventies 2017
273 ImpChar Using charcoals as a proxy to estimate energy released from small Impact cratering processes 2017
274 DENTADFE Dendron and Dendrimer Derived Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters for Solution-Processed Non-Doped Device 2017
275 EUTWIC European Travel Writing in Context. The Socio-Political Dimension of Travelogues 1760-1850 2017
276 SARCOM Selection for antimicrobial resistance in a complex community context 2017
277 WARCAP Fiscal capacity and warfare in Europe and Latin America in the long nineteenth century (1789-1913). 2017
278 FLUDD Late Stage Fluorination and its Applications to Drug Discovery 2017
279 HETEROPOLITICS Refiguring the Common and the Political 2017
280 INSPIrE Intellectuals in History: Political Process and Cultural Impacts in Medieval Europe (14th and 15th centuries) 2017
281 GRIDAMUS Greek Identity in Art Music since the Early Nineteenth Century: Towards an Interdisciplinary Methodology 2018
282 PE-FECATS Pasteur's Empire - French Expertise, Colonialism, and Transnational Science 2017
283 AJAPP Writing Jewish History: Ancient Judaism as a Political Problem in Central Europe at the Rise of the Nation State 2017
284 EXPERTISE models, EXperiments and high PERformance computing for Turbine mechanical Integrity and Structural dynamics in Europe 2017
285 SEQ Scientists and Engineers for the Quantum world 2017
286 ATRA Atlas of Renaissance Antiquarianism 2017
287 HISTPLAY The History Play and the British Enlightenment, 1750-1815 2017
288 PriWa Prisoners of war between Bourbon nations and United Kingdom during the 18th Century: ways of life and humanity in misfortune 2017
289 BIRTHBRAZIL Birthing Abolition: Reproduction and the Gradual End of Slavery in Brazil 2017
290 netdis Medicine, Heresy and Freedom of Thought in sixteenth-century Italy: a Network of Dissident Physicians in the Confessional Age 2017
291 ARTFUL Structure-activity relationships of an emerging family of fungal lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases 2017
292 ILBIB Ireland and Late-Georgian British Imaginings of Belonging: With Particular Reference to William Wordsworth 2017
293 GYSIART A cultural history of comparative art practices and receptions in Cold War Europe (1945-1991) 2018
294 LODALORD Local Diversity and Long-Run Development 2017
295 ALFA Shaping a European Scientific Scene : Alfonsine Astronomy 2017
296 Mideast Med A regional history of medicine in the modern Middle East, 1830-1960 2017
297 METROMOD Relocating Modernism: Global Metropolises, Modern Art and Exile 2017
298 WEALTHPOL The Politics of Wealth Inequality and Mobility in the Twenty-First Century 2017
299 Act-EPR Active Resonator Development for nano-EPR of single crystal proteins 2017
300 DigiFlor Digital Edition of the Roman de Florimont 2017
301 ChromoDrive Investigating how anaphase chromosomal motion is generated during mitosis and meiosis 2017
302 ATLANTIC_ANGOLA Race, Church, and Colonial Government in the Atlantic: the case of Angola in the age of Enlightenment 2017
303 AFOREST Effects of common European tree species on interactions between C and N processes in soil and soil biota 2018
304 IPACE Iceland: Physical Anthropology of Colonization and Evolution 2017
305 GASAC Gender Aspects of Screen Adaptations of the British Nineteenth-Century Female Literary Canon 2017
306 ESPSI Eruption Source Parameters for Explosive Eruptions in Iceland Over the Last 3 ka 2017
307 DEBBIE A database of experimental biomaterials and their biological effect 2018
308 SLLB Sacred Landscapes in Late Byzantium 2018
309 CLH What is comparative legal history? Legal historiography and the revolt against formalism, 1930-60 2017
310 BBEB Barbara Bodichon's Epistolary Bildung 2017
311 FIEC Fiction, Imagination, and Early Cinema 2017
312 COPE-50 Global Climate change impact on phenOtype and ePigenomE stability: Accessing plant adaptability through a 2050 simulation model 2017
313 ELITE Exploring LIfestyle Transitions: a molecular and physical anthropology approach of ancient Yakut people 2017
314 PEROPTO Single Crystalline Halide Metal Perovskites Based Optoelectronics 2018
315 Road Diplomacy Road Diplomacy: International Infrastructure and Ethnography of Geopolitics in 21st Century Asia 2018
316 CLCLCL Civil Law, Common Law, Customary Law: Consonance, Divergence and Transformation in Western Europe from the late eleventh to the thirteenth centuries 2017
317 QUSMI Translating quantum sensing into cost-effective molecular imaging 2017
318 PanePowerSW Transparent Solar Panel Technology for Energy Autonomous Greenhouses and Glass Buildings 2017
319 MEDEA-CHART The Medieval and Early Modern Nautical Chart: Birth, Evolution and Use 2017
321 Wealth-Taxation Optimal Taxation of Wealth 2017
322 NePLeP Netherlandish Paintings in Ledreborg Palace: A Multi-Disciplinary Research of circa 600 Paintings 2017
323 WorldlyMatter Worldly Matter: The Materials of Conceptual Art 2017
324 GreQuE Grenoble Quantum Engineering Doctoral Programme 2017
325 Big Mac Microfluidic Approaches mimicking BIoGeological conditions to investigate subsurface CO2 recycling 2017
326 ARENA Aligned Roll-to-Roll Shear Coating of Nanotubes 2017
327 HCG Honour in classical Greece: esteem, status, identity, and society in ancient Greek literature, life, and thought 2018
328 FeedSax Feeding Anglo-Saxon England: The Bioarchaeology of an Agricultural Revolution 2017
329 NEWBREED Training a new breed of interdisciplinary researchers to respond to the opportunities and challenges of ageing 2017
330 EMODHEBREW The emergence of Modern Hebrew as a case-study of linguistic discontinuity 2017
331 ATLASplus Advanced Structural Integrity Assessment Tools for Safe Long Term Operation 2017
332 NO-ESKAPE Addressing Antibiotic Resistance: New Strategies for Overcoming the ESKAPE Pathogens 2017
333 THUNDERR Detection, simulation, modelling and loading of thunderstorm outflows to design wind-safer and cost-efficient structures 2017
334 ECCLES Emergent Constraints on Climate-Land feedbacks in the Earth System 2017
335 Lyfta Lyfta: an immersive educational storyworld platform 2017
336 PainCells Decomposition of pain into celltypes 2017
337 Rural Riches Rural Riches. The bottom-up development of Post-Roman Northwestern Europe (450-640) 2017
338 EarlyModernCosmology Institutions and Metaphysics of Cosmology in the Epistemic Networks of Seventeenth-Century Europe 2017
339 AnonymClassic The Arabic Anonymous in a World Classic 2018
340 ACOSA Breaking the Ice: INGOs as Arctic Council Observer Status Applicants 2018
341 TAPAS TArgeting Platelet Adhesion receptors in thrombosiS 2018
342 ASSEMBLE Plus Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories Expanded 2017
343 CaReSyAn Combatting the CardioRenal Syndrome: towards an integrative Analysis to reduce cardiovascular burden in chronic kidney disease 2018
344 EASITrain European Advanced Superconductivity Innovation and Training 2017
345 SSID Soundscape Indices 2018
346 COLSOC The Legacy of Colonialism: Origins and Outcomes of Social Protection 2018
347 TUCAS Tuneable Catalyst Surfaces for Heterogeneous Catalysis – Electrochemical Switching of Selectivity and Activity 2018
348 PhilAnd The origin and early development of philosophy in tenth-century al-Andalus: the impact of ill-defined materials and channels of transmission. 2017
349 MIRA Next Generation Machine Intelligence for Medical Image Representation and Analysis 2018
350 PrecisionNuclei Strong interactions for precision nuclear physics 2018
351 Aftermath THE AFTERMATH OF THE EAST ASIAN WAR OF 1592-1598. 2018
352 RISK Republics on the Stage of Kings. Representing Republican State Power in the Europe of Absolute Monarchies (late 16th - early 18th century) 2018
353 GESHAEM The Graeco-Egyptian State: Hellenistic Archives from Egyptian Mummies 2018
354 MuDiLingo A Multiscale Dislocation Language for Data-Driven Materials Science 2017
355 Aural Paris Aural Paris: The Changing Identities of The City of Sound in Music, Film and Literature, 1870-1940. 2018
356 HD-App New horizons in homogeneous dynamics and its applications 2018
357 CALLIOPE voCAL articuLations Of Parliamentary Identity and Empire 2018
358 CriBLaM Critical behavior of lattice models 2018
359 PALaC Pre-Classical Anatolian Languages in Contact 2018
360 N-T-AUTONOMY Non-Territorial Autonomy as Minority Protection in Europe: An Intellectual and Political History of a Travelling Idea, 1850-2000 2018
361 COMICS Children in Comics: An Intercultural History from 1865 to Today 2018
362 Desert Networks Into the Eastern Desert of Egypt from the New Kingdom to the Roman period 2017
363 GHAIA Geometric and Harmonic Analysis with Interdisciplinary Applications 2017
364 GRAPHENART Graphene as effective anti-fading agent for the protection of artworks 2017
365 EIRENE Post-war trasistions in gendered perspective: the case of the North-Eastern Adricatic Region 2017
366 TRANSGANG Transnational Gangs as Agents of Mediation: Experiences of Conflict Resolution in Street Youth Organizations in Southern Europe, North Africa and the Americas 2018
367 FRONTIERPEACE On the Frontiers of Peace. Cross-cultural Peacebuilding on the Global Frontiers of the Iberian Empires (1500-1580) 2018
368 GEMS The World of the Gáidhealtachd and the origins of the Early Modern British State, 1513-1594. 2018
369 THEKAISERSMOSQUES Islamic architecture and Orientalizing style in Habsburg Bosnia, 1878-1918 2018
371 LANGARCHIV Hausa and Kanuri languages as archive for the history of Sahara and Sahel in 18th and 19th century 2018
372 DISCOMPOSE Disasters, Communication and Politics in South-Western Europe: the Making of Emergency Response Policies in the Early Modern Age 2018
373 ReSEED Rescuing seeds’ heritage: engaging in a new framework of agriculture and innovation since the 18th century 2018
374 InnovaConcrete Innovative materials and techniques for the conservation of 20th century concrete-based cultural heritage 2018
375 GO-GA Go-Lab Goes Africa, Deploying Contextually Engaging Digital Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Educative Content in Africa by Adapting the Proven Go-Lab Ecosystem to Local Needs 2018
376 SHINE Seeing hydrogen in matter 2018
377 Machine Vision Machine Vision in Everyday Life: Playful Interactions with Visual Technologies in Digital Art, Games, Narratives and Social Media 2018
378 DICTATOREXPERIENCE Dictatorship as experience: a comparative history of everyday life and the 'lived experience' of dictatorship in Mediterranean Europe (1922-1975) 2018
379 GlycoSkin Dissection of Glycan Function by Engineered Tissue Models 2018
380 PanePowerSW Transparent Solar Panel Technology for Energy Autonomous Greenhouses and Glass Buildings 2018
381 READCHINA The Politics of Reading in the People’s Republic of China 2018
382 DIS-ABLED Past Lifeways and Deathways of the Disabled in 14th-18th Century Central Europe: an Interdisciplinary Study 2018
383 ForceMorph The integration of cell signalling and mechanical forces in vascular morphology 2018
384 CogLit Literature as a Cognitive Object; Cognitive infrastructure and human cultural transmission 2018
385 CALLAX What is the role of the axonal connections between the hemispheres in sensory processing? 2018
386 PublicApp Revolutionise and enhance citizen engagement through a unique dedicated public platform 2018
387 MICMAC Bridging MICroevolution and MACroevolution in sticklebacks 2019
388 DYNAVOLC Transitions in Rheology and Volatile Dynamics of Magmas: Mapping the Window to Explosive Volcanism 2018
389 SPACES Sex, disPlacements, And cross-Cultural EncounterS 2018
390 AxiBAU Axions as the Origin of the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe 2019
391 OROARAB The Orosius Arabicus and the Arab Vision of the Graeco-Roman World: Researches on theMediterranean Responsiveness 2018
392 CAPSICE CAPSizing ICE caps: identifying tipping points through global modelling 2019
393 CaMMEgy Christians among Muslims in Medieval Egypt 2018
394 CATENA Commentary Manuscripts in the History and Transmission of the Greek New Testament 2018
395 ChildPro Child prodigies: on giftedness and child celebrities in modern France 2019
396 CIOP Centrifugal Instability in the Orkney Passage 2018
397 COINE Counterfeiting Empire: Money, Crime, and Politics in the British Atlantic World 2018
398 CoMoRoC Comic Motifs in Romances of Chivalry of Spanish Golden Age 2018
399 DenCity Density assemblages: intensity and the city in a global urban age 2018
400 DiCrEd Towards a Digital Critical Edition of The Works of Giuseppe Verdi 2019
401 NeoplAT Neoplatonism and Abrahamic Traditions. A Comparative Analysis of the Middle East, Byzantium and the Latin West (9th-16th Centuries) 2018
402 SafeHouse Housing, Finance and the Macroeconomy, 1870-2015 2018
403 Reprogram-Diabetes In vivo drug discovery for cellular reprogramming to β-cells – towards a future regenerative therapy for diabetes 2018
404 PhenomeNal Inheritance, expressivity and epistasis hidden behindthe phenotypic landscape of natural populations 2018
405 SOS Smooth dynamics via Operators, with Singularities 2018
406 SurvCom Surveilling Communities: Public office holders and popular control in Southern Europe (13th-15th century) 2018
407 GODELIANA The Gödel Enigma: Unveiling a Hidden Logical Heritage 2018
408 Re-Leaf Environment-coupled metabolic models for engineering high-temperature and drought REsistant LEAF metabolism. 2018
409 FHNR Charting the process of getting forgotten within the humanities, 18th – 20th centuries: a historical network research analysis 2018
410 GENTES Genesis of Ethnicities and Nations in Textual Evidence for Scandinavia, c. 750-c. 1000 2018
411 NINEDOMA New insights into the ecology of the dodo using a multidisciplinary approach 2018
412 KeepTimeWithTheHeat Keeping in time with the heat: how oscillating temperatures set the plant circadian clock 2018
413 IceDynamO The dynamics of sea ice variability – role of the oceans 2018
414 PiCoBoo 19th-Century European Picture-Books in Colour 2018
415 MARIA Marian Apocryphal Representations in Art: From Hagiographic Collections to Church Space and Liturgy in Fourteenth-to-Sixteenth-Century France 2018
416 MMSA Molecular Motors for Surface Applications 2018
417 USPAIN Suffering America: Writing Pain in Nineteenth-Century United States Literature 2019
418 STARFLOOD Space-Time scAling of the Rainfall to FLOOD transformation 2018
419 MARKS-MEDICI Marks and the Medici: Branding and Trademarks in Renaissance Global Business 2019
420 PEDAS The Political Economy of Data: Comparing the Asian Giants 2018
421 TRANSACT Book History and Translation History: Copyright, Wages, Censorship, and the (Proto-)Professionalisation of Translators in Nineteenth-Century Britain and Ireland 2018
422 GAE Genomics of Ageing in Elephants: Genomic architecture of senescence in a long-lived mammal 2018
423 Humanist Marxism “The Humanist Marxist Tradition”: The Humanist Legacy of Marx’s 1844 Manuscripts 2018
424 PhotSol Towards the Photonic Solar Cell-In-Situ Defect Characterization in Metal-Halide Perovskites 2019
426 MEDLAND_HORN.AFRICA Medieval landscapes in the Horn of Africa. State, territory and materiality of the Adal Sultanate (15th-16th centuries AD). 2018
427 OttMed Reassessing Late Ottoman Literatures within a Mediterranean Framework 2018
428 OilandEmp Crude Empire. British 'Oil Imperialism' and the making of the modern Middle East (c.1901-c.1935). 2019
429 HoBi Hegel's Philosophy of Biology 2018
430 Gender identity Alone against Secularisation? Gender identity in Anglican and Catholic women (England-Spain, 1960-2015) 2019
431 MediterraneanGypsies Mediterranean Gypsies. A forgotten history beyond diaspora, nomadism, marginality in three Western Mediterranean areas of the Spanish Crown (Andalusia, Sicily, Sardinia, 16th- early 18th century) 2018
432 Gut-AnorexiaNervosa Metagenomics and metabolomics studies of patients with Anorexia Nervosa to identify intestinal microbial mechanisms contributing to pathogenesis 2018
433 SHIPWORM 'A transregional and interdisciplinary study of the societal impact of the shipworm epidemic in the North Sea region in the eighteenth century' 2018
434 NeuroVU NeuroVU: Real-time Sensing in Microfluidic Models of the Neurovascular Unit 2018
435 VARIO The influence of natural pH VARIability on ecosystem response to Ocean acidification 2019
437 SEU-FER Southern Europe and low fertility: micro and macro determinants of a crucial demographic and cultural revolution 2018
438 PLaTONE PLasmonics@Transparent cONductive oxidEs 2018
440 SATYRANDO Insults in Italian City States.Criminal Literary History 2019
441 INADEC Impacts of the North Atlantic Decadal variability on European Climate: mechanisms and predictability 2018
442 VEILA Identifying the source of unknown volcanic eruptions in Late Antiquity 2019
443 SHOGANAI World´s first real-time solution for controlling airplane operating costs 2018
444 NEXTFOOD Educating the next generation of professionals in the agrifood system 2018
445 NewsEye NewsEye: A Digital Investigator for Historical Newspapers 2018
446 BabyRhythm Tuned to the Rhythm: How Prenatally and Postnatally Heard Speech Prosody Lays the Foundations for Language Learning 2018
447 CONCHA The construction of early modern global Cities and oceanic networks in the Atlantic: An approach via OceaN’s Cultural HeritAge 2018
448 CRAACE Continuity and Rupture in Central European Art and Architecture, 1918-1939 2018
449 FunctionalProteomics Proteomic fingerprinting of functionally characterized single synapses 2018
450 OCAL Optimal Control at Large 2018
451 ALPHA Alpha Shape Theory Extended 2018
452 HisTochText History of the Tocharian Texts of the Pelliot Collection 2018
453 BioELCell Bioproducts Engineered from Lignocelluloses: from plants and upcycling to next generation materials 2018
454 ReAct Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe 2019
455 QuantCom Ubiquitous Quantum Communications 2018
456 NATURA Reassessing Realism over Universals in the Time of Peter Abelard 2020
457 IPaDEGAN Integrable Partial Differential Equations: Geometry, Asymptotics, and Numerics. 2018
458 MACI Moduli, Algebraic Cycles, and Invariants 2018
459 CRYOSOCIETIES Suspended Life: Exploring Cryopreservation Practices in Contemporary Societies 2019
460 ENPMUC Elites, networks, and power in modern urban China (1830-1949). 2018
461 AllergyExplorer Automation of novel multi-parameter allergy test that is cost-efficient and delivers instantly correct results 2018
462 DiaMOND personalised Diabetes Management using lOw-cost Needle-free multiple-biomarkers monitoring Device 2018
463 RF Beamformer Ultra-low-cost terminals that meet the special requirements of all satellite operators allowing them to access markets currently inaccessible due to terminal economics. 2018
464 720IEQ Increasing the productivity of knowledge workers through better indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in office buildings 2018
465 SPOTT Pioneering ICT-platform setting the new standard on advertising and how consumers shop 2018
466 AirBrush A fast non-intrusive vapour detection system that rapidly identifies explosives in public areas 2018
467 GLOBESCAPE Enabling transformation: Linking design and land system science to foster place-making in peri-urban landscapes under increasing globalization 2018
468 INNOPRICK Digitalization and analysis of skin surfaces for a fast and automated allergic diagnosis 2018
469 PEA aluminium Portable Element Analyzer 2018
470 SILVER Silver and the Origins of the Viking Age 2019
471 ELDORADO Electrophilicity-Lifting Directed by Organochalcogen Redox-Auxiliaries and Diversiform Organocatalysis 2019
472 CHANGE Climate, Hydrology, and Alpine Glaciers 2018
473 LoCoMacro Local Control of Macroscopic Properties in Isolated Many-body Quantum Systems 2019
474 MUSIQ Multiphoton Microscopy and Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Imaging meets Quantum 2019
475 GREASE Radicalisation, Secularism and the Governance of Religion: Bringing together European and Asian Perspectives 2018
476 TerraNova The European Landscape Learning Initiative: Past and Future Environments and Energy Regimes shaping Policy Tools 2019
477 ArsNova European Ars Nova: Multilingual Poetry and Polyphonic Song in the Late Middle Ages 2019
478 DissectingSociety Nineteenth-Century Sociographic Journalism and the Formation of Ethnographic and Sociological Knowledge 2020
479 Microrobots Engineering Biohybrid MicroRobots from Magnetic Swimmers and S-layers 2018
480 MetaScience The Metaphysical Unity of Science 2018
481 MacaroNight Macaronesia’s Researchers' Night 2018
482 Active-DNA Computationally Active DNA Nanostructures 2018
483 OceaNice Paleoceanography of the Ice-proximal Southern Ocean during Past Warm Climates 2019
484 MLFPM2018 Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine 2019
485 JEWTACT Jewish Translation and Cultural Transfer in Early Modern Europe 2019
487 COEVOPRO Drivers and consequences of coevolution in protective symbiosis 2019
488 EllipticPDE Regularity and singularities in elliptic PDE's: beyond monotonicity formulas 2019
489 SHIVADHARMA Translocal Identities. The Åšivadharma and the Making of Regional Religious Traditions in Premodern South Asia 2018
490 SUSTINNO Sustainability Innovations in Global Production Networks – Addressing Socio-Ecological Challenges in the Global Economy 2018
491 TERIFIC Targeted Experiment to Reconcile Increased Freshwater with Increased Convection 2018
492 HERILAND Cultural HERItage and the planning of European LANDscapes 2019
493 CoAct Communication in Action: Towards a model of Contextualized Action and Language Processing 2018
494 EPOQUE Engineering post-quantum cryptography 2018
495 MIDA Mediating Islam in the Digital Age. Present issues and past experiences of technological revolutions 2019
496 TPTF_ERN Techno-Past Techno-Future: European Researchers' Night 2018
497 TerrACE Terrace Archaeology and Culture in Europe 2018
498 DUNES Sea, Sand and People. An Environmental History of Coastal Dunes 2018
499 Cyanobacteria Developing a process for the production of an organic hydroponic fertilizer using nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria 2018
500 ERINHA-Advance Advancing European Research Infrastcuture on Highly Pathogenic Agents 2019
501 DIGITENS DIGITal ENcyclopedia of European Sociability 2019
502 RIVERS Water/human rights beyond the human?Indigenous water ontologies, plurilegal encounters and interlegal translation 2019
503 LO-ACT Low Carbon Action in Ordinary Cities 2019
504 FREENERGY Lead-free halide perovskites for the highest efficient solar energy conversion 2019
505 Vinarom Development of an innovative and resource-efficient starter culture for the baking industry to enhance flavour diversity 2018
506 T-REX Developing healthy crops for EU: T3SS-Recognition EXploration (T-REX) for plant immunity against bacteria 2019
507 DIDONE The Sources of Absolute Music: Mapping Emotions in Eighteenth-Century Italian Opera 2019
508 CCR Rotative Cylinder Compressor for energy efficient industrial compression process 2019
509 CONSULTATIONEFFECTS Effects of stakeholder consultations on inputs, processes and outcomes of executive policymaking 2019
510 EMPOWER Medium Voltage Direct Current Electronic Transformer 2019
511 TREG TREG – innovative cell therapy targeting Diabetes Type 1 2018
512 MapModern Social Networks of the Past: Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1898-1959 2018
513 CEAD Contextualizing Evidence for Action on Diabetes in low-resource Settings: A mixed-methods case study in Quito and Esmeraldas, Ecuador. 2019
514 INFOSAMPLE Information Sampling in Multiattribute Choice 2018
515 CULTIVATE MSS Cultural Values and the International Trade in Medieval European Manuscripts, c. 1900-1945 2019
516 SOS.aquaterra Respecting safe operating spaces: opportunities to meet future food demand with sustainable use of water and land resources 2019
517 cFLOW Coherent ultraFast Long Wave infrared communications 2019
518 PEPLUM Development of a fully customised, repairable and recyclable polypropylene umbrella that is easy to assemble 2019
520 ReNewQuantum Recursive and Exact New Quantum Theory 2019
521 THOR TeraHertz detection enabled by mOleculaR optomechanics 2019
522 OPENFLUX Societal openness, normative flux, and the social modification of heritability 2019
523 CHROMOTOPE The 19th century chromatic turn - CHROMOTOPE 2019
524 CREATIVE IPR The History of Intellectual Property Rights in the Creative Industries 2019
525 DigitalValues The Construction of Values in Digital Spheres 2019
526 AFRISCREENWORLDS African Screen Worlds: Decolonising Film and Screen Studies 2019
527 DEChriM Deconstructing Early Christian Metanarratives: Fourth-Century Egyptian Christianity in the Light of Material Evidence 2019
528 PoliticsOfPatents Politics of Patents: Re-imagining citizenship via clothing inventions 1820 - 2020 2019
529 UnRef Unlikely refuge? Refugees and citizens in East-Central Europe in the 20th century 2019
530 VINCULUM Entailing Perpetuity: Family, Power, Identity. The Social Agency of a Corporate Body(Southern Europe, 14th-17th Centuries) 2019
531 iLIVE Living well, dying well. A research programme to support living until the end 2019
533 CoDisEASe Communicable Disease in the Age of Seafaring 2018
534 PURE-WATER Improved Estimation Algorithms for Water Purification and Desalination Systems 2019
535 LEWIATH LEveraging WInd-Assisted THrust 2019
536 LifeTime Revolutionizing Healthcare by Tracking and Understanding Human Cells during Disease 2019
537 VALUE-Dx The value of diagnostics to combat antimicrobial resistance by optimising antibiotic use 2019
538 ArCarib Archaeology of Informal Maritime Commerce in the Colonial Caribbean 2019
539 SPORTDIPL Postcolonial Diplomacy and the Public Culture of Sport: Britain and India, 1946-1996 2019
540 PoliticalPrisoners Political prisoners: a transnational question in 19th century Italy 2019
541 REBELLION Light-REsponsive Nanomachines for Targeted Eradication of BactErial Pathogens in LocaLised InfectIONs 2020
542 InProV An inventory of the prosimetra in vulgar tongue in the early centuries of Italian Literature (1250-1500) 2019
543 REL-NET Entangled Interfaith Identities and Relations from the Mediterranean to the United States: The St James Association and Its Transnational Christian-Jewish Network in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 2019
544 COFFEE Controlling and Observing Filaments For Enhanced memristive Elements 2019
545 RICONTRANS Visual Culture, Piety and Propaganda: Transfer and Reception of Russian Religious Art in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean (16th to early 20th Century) 2019
546 LUBARTWORLD Migration and Holocaust: Transnational Trajectories of Lubartow Jews Across the World (1920s-1950s) 2019
547 PmNC Policy-making of early nature conservation. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom compared, 1930-1960 2019
548 CHIBRIT Is There No Such Thing As Childhood? New Childhoods in Britain and Turkey between 1976 and 1997 2020
549 CLEFNI The choral life in the cities of Bern and Fribourg in the long nineteenth century 2019
550 FARMACCOUNTA Farm Accountancy Data as a Source for the History of European Agriculture 2019
551 NIKOMEDIA New Tetrarchic Reliefs from Nikomedia: Uncovering the Colorful Life of Diocletian’s Lost Capital 2019
552 HEGS Hydrologic Extremes at the Global Scale: teleconnections, extreme-rich/poor periods, climate drivers and predictability 2019
553 kelbus2 Experimental and numerical study of long runout landslides 2020
554 EMESAS Early Modern Exchanges in Sanskrit Astral Sciences 2019
555 LawLove The origins of the legal protection of heritage. Legislation on the safeguard of monuments and artworks issued in 15th- to 18th-century Europe. 2019
556 REEFCLAM GSnapshots of tropical Pacific climate variability during the time of Lapita ocean voyaging: giant clam fossils from Fijian shell middens as high resolution archives of climate information. 2020
557 BB-SLM Polychromatic digital optics for structured light 2020
558 INFINITY Infinity in Mathematics: A Philosophical analysis of Critical Views of Infinity 2019
559 PapalEmotions Emotions, gender, and authority at the curia of Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) 2019
560 EPOSSCIGOV From Barataria to Utopia: Economic-Positivism, Scientific Governance, and Colonial Discourses of International Order, 1880-1940 2019
561 SOLFORPLAS A solution for plastic waste pollution 2019
562 DIRAE A new edition and commentary on the pseudo-Virgilian Dirae 2019
563 QIPID Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ion Qudits 2020
564 HANSEALTAR The Mobility, Meaning, Mercantile Connections of Altarpieces between Germany and Scandinavia across the Hanse Network in the Fifteenth Century 2019
565 FED Feeding, Educating, Dieting: a Transnational Approach to Nutrition Discourses in Children’s Narratives (Britain and Italy, 1850-1900) 2019
566 Makyaverri Machiavelli and Machiavellism in Japan: 1868-1968. For an Intellectual History of Realism from its Outskirts 2020
567 TOK The Creation of Tokens in Late Antiquity. Religious 'tolerance' and 'intolerance' in Fourth and Fifth Centuries AD 2019
568 ReMedIt Between rediscovery and recreation: Renaissance accounts of medieval Italian vernacular literary tradition (1476-1530) 2019
569 TRANSMODERN Untranslatable Modernity: Modern Literary Theory from Europe to Iran 2019
570 IaM NUBIAN Identity and Memory in Christian Nubia: A study on strategies of (self-)presentation and preservation of the past in medieval African society 2019
571 ModernShip Project The structures of the Early Modern Mediterranean shipbuilding 2019
572 LISHCCAD The Living Image of Sherlock Holmes: The Cult of Celebrity in the Age of Disenchantment 2020
573 ClassRockED Rocking in the Midwest: Transmitting and Performing Social Class in Rock Music Education 2019
574 BeyondOpposition Opposing Sexual and Gender Rights and Equalities: Transforming Everyday Spaces 2019
575 MAPPOLA Mapping out the poetic landscape(s) of the Roman empire: Ethnic and regional variations, socio-cultural diversity, and cross-cultural transformations 2019
576 SATIE Security of Air Transport Infrastructure of Europe 2019
577 BELVAU Brick vaults and beyond: the transformation of a historical structural system (1830-1930) 2019
578 TACOMO Transatlantic Cowgirl Mobilities and the Western Show 2020
579 ARCVIS Arctic Visible: Picturing Indigenous Communities in the Nineteenth-Century Western Arctic 2019
580 TamCatHoly Becoming a Martyr in Early Modern South India: The Memory of Tēvacakāyam between Jesuit Mission and Tamil Popular Culture. 2020
581 REVERE Revisiting the Seventeenth-Century Republic of Letters 2019
582 CRUCIATA Uses and meanings of the word crusade in the late Middle Ages 2019
583 CATALYSTNH3SYNTHESIS Synthetically Tuned Atomic Ordering and Electronic Properties of Nano-Intermetallic Compounds for the Ammonia Synthesis. 2019
584 BoundModProbAG Boundedness and Moduli problems in birational geometry 2019
585 secretPOL The PIDE and Portuguese Society under the Salazar Dictatorship 1945-1974: Fear, Self-Policing, Accommodation. 2019
586 Sus.Post-Med Tracking the path of the Agricultural Revolution from England to Continental Europe: changes in pig husbandry from the Late Medieval to Early Modern period as a marker of socio-economic transformation 2020
587 DIGDEEP Digging deeper into genes to track infectious disease outbreaks 2020
588 NUTRIENT Identification of physiological and molecular mechanisms mediating the response of Nitrogen nutrition to eCO2 2020
589 NITRATE Nitrate Imbalance-control by TRAnsformative Technologies that are Electrochemically-driven 2019
590 CID Cuban-Irish Diasporas: Gender, Race and Ethnic Whitening Strategies 2020
591 Gentime Eschatological time as women’s time? Gendered temporality and female holiness in Early Christianity and Byzantium 2019
592 CALCULATORES Imaginable Impossibilities and Thought Experiments. The Tradition of the Oxford Calculators and its Influence on Early-Modern Logic and Natural Philosophy 2019
593 PaintOdor “Intoxicated by turpentine”: An Olfactory History of Painting (1750-1939) 2019
594 MigrEnAb Encoding, Absorption and Abandonment of Cultural Material during Migration: : The Case of Judeo-Spanish Songbooks 2020
595 MOBILISE-D Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement 2019
596 CONSTRAIN Constraining uncertainty of multi decadal climate projections 2019
597 ENGAGE Exploring National and Global Actions to reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions 2019
598 NEUMACS Neuron-associated macrophages in the gut as novel target for the treatment of enteric neuropathies 2019
599 Water-Cultures The Water Cultures of Italy, 1500-1900 2019
600 FlexMod A Flexible, Data-driven Model Framework to Predict Soil Responses to Land-use and Climate Change 2020
601 Drought Drought coping strategies in southern Africa 1966-2016 2020
602 VIAMEDIAITALICA The Scholar, the Jurist, the Priest: Moderation on the Italian Peninsula, 1700-1750 2020
603 PnuBioVax PnuBioVax™: next-generation vaccine for a personalised and effective immune response against Streptococcus pneumoniae. 2019
604 AmInnovation Disruptive Innovation to Treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases: new target, new patented drug, new therapeutic strategy. 2019
605 ARCHCAUCASUS Technical and Social Innovations in the Caucasus: between the Eurasian Steppe and the Earliest Cities in the 4th and 3rd millennia BC 2019
606 MESSIAH Authoritarianism and Messianic Conceptions of Politics in Turkey 1850-2015 2019
607 Thorkelin An Icelander among the Gaels: A Study of Grímur Thorkelin (1752-1829) and his Gaelic Manuscripts 2020
608 Waterjade Waterjade: the global platform to predict water resources 2019
609 VERTEXCULT Vernacular Textual Cultures in Dante’s Tuscany: Education and Literary Practices in Context (ca. 1250 - ca. 1321) 2019
610 CATCH-22 High temperature superconductivity and the Catch-22 conundrum 2019
611 SEAS Science education for action and engagement towards sustainability 2019
612 SlaveVoices Slave Testimonies in the Abolition Era. European Captives, African Slaves and Ottoman servants in 19th century North Africa 2019
613 THE GREEN FACTORY Avant-garde R&D platform and demonstration plant towards efficient industrial biotechnologies 2019
614 DeMol Deconstructing the past: Modelling the locomotion of Miocene hominoids through computational techniques 2020
615 GreenTRIBOS GreenTRIBOS 2020
616 OPTAPHI European Joint Doctorate Programme on Optical Sensing using Advanced Photo-Induced Effects 2020
617 CCIMC Coordination chemistry inspires molecular catalysis 2020
618 QUDOT-TECH Quantum Dots for Photonic Quantum Information Technologies 2020
619 AIVA AI that composes complex instrumental music for movies, games, advertising and other types of digital media 2019
620 ADAM^2 Analysis, Design, And Manufacturing using Microstructures 2020
621 W2W - Water to Water The first off-grid water desalination system 100% powered by renewable energies 2019
622 Back2theFuture Back to the Future: Future expectations and actions in late medieval and early modern Europe, c.1400-c.1830 2020
623 AQUACOMBINE Integrated on-farm Aquaponics systems for co-production of fish, halophyte vegetables, bioactive compounds, and bioenergy 2019
624 NanoGraphy Plasmon Enhanced Photocatalytic Nano Lithography 2020
625 IsoCAN Isolation and Evolution in Oceanic Islands: the human colonisation of the Canary Islands 2020
627 PeVSPACE Direct Detection of TeV--PeV Cosmic Rays in Space 2020
628 TiNT Titles of the New Testament: A New Approach to Manuscripts and the History of Interpretation 2020
629 MEDICAL Medical Treatments in Medieval Leprosaria. Exploring Healing Remedies through Dental Calculus Analysis 2020
630 Bug-Flash Coherent Back-Lasing from Atmospheric Insects 2020
631 PANTROPOCENE PANTROPOCENE: Finding a Pre-industrial, Pan-tropical ‘Anthropocene’ 2020
632 TRANSLATING MEMORIES Translating Memories: The Eastern European Past in the Global Arena 2020
633 Assessing the State of the Art and Supporting an Evidence-Based Uptake and Evolution of Open Service Platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing Domain 2020
634 EMOTIONACCULTURATION Emotional Acculturation: Emotions as Gateways to Minority Inclusion 2020
635 SHExtreme Estimating contribution of sub-hourly sea level oscillations to overall sea level extremes in changing climate 2020
636 VIETNAMICA Historical Research and Data Processing on Ancient Vietnamese Inscriptions 2019
637 WaterSENSE Making SENSE of the Water value chain with Copernicus Earth Observation, models and in-situ data 2020
638 Oralis Oralis, The first oral human insulin treatment for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 2019
639 FAMWAR The Family at War in French Culture, 1870-1914 2020
640 ATLOMY Anatomy in Ancient Greece and Rome: An Interactive Visual and Textual Atlas 2020
641 SIBMOB Social Class Mobility in Comparative Perspective: Bringing Siblings In 2021
642 OPSI19 Making innovation a consistent, reliable and strategic resource for governments 2020
643 ALIGNING MINDS When, and how, do team members’ minds align? A dynamic perspective on shared mental models in teams with different levels of task and outcome interdependence 2020
644 P4 Plight of Pelagic Primary Producers in a Changing Marine Environment 2020
645 SMIC Formal Models of Social Meaning and Identity Construction through Language 2020
646 Mag-Spin A novel material for watch crystals and watch cases: Mg-spinel transparent ceramics 2019
647 MAGSHAKE Shaken and stirred: Terahertz electric field control of magnetism 2020
648 OrgMIGRANT How Work Organizations Shape Ethnic Stratification across Immigrant Generations: Assimilation, Segregation, and Workplace Contexts 2020
649 PSYDISC Developing and Testing the Psychological Distance to Science Model 2020
650 LiLI Later Life Intimacy: Women’s Unruly Practices, Spaces and Representations 2020
651 INVISIHIST Challenging the Liberal World Order from Within: The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South 2020
653 GloQur The Global Qur’an. Shared Traditions, Imperial Languages and Transnational Actors 2020
654 CORPORATOCRACY The Business Corporation as a Political Actor 2020
655 PERTURB Using periodic orbits to quantitatively describe and control 3D fluid turbulence. 2020
656 FRRAnt Ordering, Constructing, Empowering: Fragments of the Roman Republican Antiquarians 2020
657 ELISA The Emergence of Language in Social Interaction 2020
658 MYCOREV A Mycorrhizal Revolution: The role of diverse symbiotic fungi in modern terrestrial ecosystems 2020
659 Niche4NbS Beyond assuming co-benefits in Nature-based Solutions: Applying the niche concept for optimizing social and ecological outcomes 2020
660 ICE_PACK Polymer Materials for Cryogenic Storage and Distribution of Biologics 2020
661 NATURE-ETN Nucleic Acids for Future Gene Editing, Immunotherapy and Epigenetic Sequence Modification 2020
662 CHANGE CHANGE. The development of the monetary economy of ancient Anatolia, c. 630-30 BC. 2020
663 PreventALL Prevention of childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia immunology links oncology 2020
664 ABIONYS Artificial Enzyme Modules as Tools in a Tailor-made Biosynthesis 2020
665 TMIM Textiles and the Making of Israeli Modernism: From the Zionist Bauhuas to Feminist Art 2020
666 HESSP Hippocampus Extracellular Space Simulator Project (HESSP) 2020
667 SNeX The origins of thermonuclear supernova explosions 2020
668 Shades of Black The Darker Shades of Black. The Value of Skin Colour in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Slave and Labour Markets, 1750-1886 2021
669 trans-argentina Was Sex Inflexible? Practices, Knowledge, Techniques, and Technologies of “Sex Change” Embodiment in Argentina during the Twentieth Century 2020
670 SUFISM Contemporary Sufi spirituality of the middle classes - global forms and regional peculiarities 2021
671 LONintLAW The League of Nations and the development of international law: from promotion strategies to giving shape to international legal instruments 2021
672 RE-GENESis GENome Editing and delivery Strategies for REcoding the mammalian genome 2020
673 NEMOSID Next-generation Modeling of Sedimentary Ice-sheet Dynamics 2020
674 READESCARTES Reading Descartes: A Reassessment of the Shaping and Transmission of Knowledge in the Seventeenth Century 2021
675 ULTRA-VIOLENCE Ultras in Portugal: Narratives of Violence, Politics and Gender 2020
676 DiStRes Disentangling the stringent response to engineer novel anti-persister drugs 2020
677 MIGKNOW Migrating Knowledge: The Global Knowledge Networks of German Medic, Botanist and Migration Commissioner Wilhelm Hillebrand in Hawai‘i (1821-1886) 2020
678 BMPARK Development of BMP2 Neurotrophic Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease 2020
679 VegSciLif The Emergence of a Science of Vegetation in Early Modern Natural Philosophy and the Sciences of Life: From Cesalpino to Malpighi 2021
680 TRANSFA Translating the 'Father of Translation'. Linguistic and Cultural Transfers in Byzantium 2021
681 BONEZ Baltic Paganism, Osteology, and New Examinations of Zooarchaeological Evidence 2021
682 WeCanIt We Can Do It! Women’s labour market participation in the maritime sector in the Upper Adriatic after the two World Wars in an intersectional perspective 2020
683 NATIONAL-SUBJECTS Nation – Power – Subjectivity: The Making of National Subjects in Late Medieval Bohemia and Brabant (1300-1450) 2020
684 CARBOFLOW Streamlined carbon dioxide conversion in ionic liquids – a platform strategy for modern carbonylation chemistry 2020
685 ArCAN An Archaeology of Exchange Networks in Central Africa. The Cases of the Copperbelt and Niari Basin Copper Deposits 2020
686 RED-OPEN Unravelling Discoloration Mechanisms of Red Organic Pigments in Historical Art Works. 2021
687 RESEE Revisiting Europeanization in Southeast Europe. An Historical Approach 2020
688 RoCCAA Roman Coin Circulation in Ancient Armenia 2020
689 EUROCBH Europe and Its Central Banks: Lessons from History 2021
690 NanoBat GHz nanoscale electrical and dielectric measurements of the solid-electrolyte interface and applications in the battery manufacturing line 2020
691 2DTriCat4Energy 2D Trifunctional Catalysts for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage 2020
692 APOCRYPHA Storyworlds in Transition: Coptic Apocrypha in Changing Contexts in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods 2020
693 SURGE Sinofinancialization and urban change in Addis Ababa and Nairobi: an ethnography of private Chinese capital in African cities. 2020
694 ERITNet English Republican Ideas and Translation Networks in Early Modern Germany, c 1640-1848 2020
695 REWA Resource wars in an unequal world: international law and beyond 2020
696 EURO IMJIN European Literature and the “First East Asian War” of 1592-1598 (EURO-IMJIN) 2020
697 MotivicCircleMethod A motivic circle method 2020
698 LyrA Lyric Authority: Editing and Rewriting Dante’s Lyric Poetry (14th – 16th c.) 2020
699 SPECTACLE The lure of the foreign stage: Italian art and artistry serving the French and European spectacle. 2020
700 OriGen Origen on Gender. The feminine as an intellectual category in the works of Origen of Alexandria. 2020
701 SECULAR The Secularization Theorem in the Long Nineteenth Century 2020
702 SEAFLOWER Strategies for the Exploitation of Anchors for FLoating Offshore Wind Energy Reaping 2020
703 THEIA Themistius, Heavens and Elements. Interpretations of Aristotle’s Cosmology Across the Ages 2020
704 UTPE PEB Ultrahigh-throughput protein evolution for polyethylene biodegradation 2020