# | ||||
1 | SMELL-MODEL Modelling of VOCs in heritage collections using CFD | 0 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
2 | COSMIC ACCELERATION Understanding Cosmic Acceleration: Connecting Theory and Observation | 2007 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
3 | EURIPIDES EUropean Research initiative to develop Imaging Probes for early In-vivo Diagnosis and Evaluation of response to therapeutic Substances | 2008 | 9˙086˙523.00 | 6˙994˙850.00 |
4 | ANTICARB Monoclonal ANTIbody-targeted CARBon nanobues against cancer | 2008 | 3˙987˙793.00 | 2˙967˙008.00 |
6 | EURO-PADNET The Pathophysiology and Natural Course of Patients with Primary Antibody Deficiencies (PAD) | 2008 | 3˙942˙625.00 | 2˙986˙998.00 |
7 | GENORN The genetic basis of an exaggerated sexual ornament in the stalk-eyed fly Teleopsis dalmanni | 2008 | 169˙390.00 | 169˙390.00 |
8 | VPH NoE Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence | 2008 | 9˙595˙662.00 | 7˙999˙367.00 |
9 | NONLIN Nonlinear Pricing in Vertically Related Industries | 2008 | 170˙142.00 | 170˙142.00 |
10 | DA AND DECISIONS The role of dopamine and novelty in decision-making in humans: behavioral and neuroimaging studies | 2008 | 169˙390.00 | 169˙390.00 |
11 | INTERMIG Migration and integration of GABAergic interneurons into the developing cerebral cortex: a transgenic approach | 2008 | 1˙250˙000.00 | 1˙250˙000.00 |
12 | CP-AMPAR TRAFFICKING Molecular mechanisms regulating the trafficking of calcium-permeable and -impermeable AMPA receptors in synaptic plasticity | 2008 | 168˙256.00 | 168˙256.00 |
13 | CODING_IN_V1 How visual information is represented by neuronal networks in the primary visual cortex | 2008 | 1˙080˙000.00 | 1˙080˙000.00 |
14 | QUANTUMCRASS Towards a fully quantum ab initio treatment of chemical reactions at solid surfaces | 2008 | 912˙916.00 | 912˙916.00 |
15 | CLIP Mapping functional protein-RNA interactions to identify new targets for oligonucleotide-based therapy | 2008 | 900˙000.00 | 900˙000.00 |
16 | CUE INTEGRATION How well can humans perform: Testing human cue integration across multiple systems | 2008 | 75˙000.00 | 75˙000.00 |
17 | MEMORY CAPACITY Investigating the neural correlates of working memory capacity using functional magnetic resonance imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation | 2008 | 181˙142.00 | 181˙142.00 |
18 | LVFM "Learning and volatility in financial markets: theory, experiments and empirics" | 2008 | 765˙000.00 | 765˙000.00 |
19 | HUMANIS Human Motion Analysis from Image Sequences | 2008 | 1˙478˙208.00 | 1˙478˙208.00 |
20 | ABSHA A biomimetic synthesis of Haouamine A and analogues | 2008 | 169˙390.00 | 169˙390.00 |
21 | BRIO Bounded Rationality in Industrial Organization | 2008 | 1˙098˙636.00 | 1˙098˙636.00 |
22 | MUGPCEE Modeling Urban Growth Patterns in Central and Eastern Europe with Agent Based Systems and Cellular Automata | 2008 | 245˙536.00 | 245˙536.00 |
23 | TBSUSGENT Sustaining research momentum over the coming decades: mentoring the next generation of researchers for tuberculosis | 2008 | 1˙121˙393.00 | 999˙909.00 |
24 | NEUROFEEDBACK Investigating Visual Perception with Neurofeedback | 2009 | 177˙740.00 | 177˙740.00 |
25 | NANOSCULPTURE Exploration of strains in synthetic nanocrystals | 2009 | 2˙500˙000.00 | 2˙500˙000.00 |
26 | S-SARCOMERE Sarcomeric-Simulation AppRoach in a COmputational Multiscale EnviRonmEnt | 2009 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
27 | STEPS STrengthening Engagement in Public health research | 2009 | 737˙375.00 | 661˙000.00 |
28 | ESCONET ESConet Trainers | 2009 | 609˙778.00 | 543˙827.00 |
29 | CHAIN Collaborative HIV and Anti-HIV Drug Resistance Network | 2009 | 13˙016˙641.00 | 9˙998˙092.00 |
30 | CORTEX Computations by Neurons and Populations in Visual Cortex | 2009 | 2˙499˙921.00 | 2˙499˙921.00 |
31 | HYBRID ENERGY Electronic Structure Modeling of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Semiconductors | 2009 | 183˙618.00 | 183˙618.00 |
32 | NEUROTIME Neural bases of temporal processing in the human brain | 2009 | 0.00 | 182˙484.00 |
33 | HELIO The Heliophysical Integrated Observatory | 2009 | 4˙482˙679.00 | 3˙100˙000.00 |
34 | LOADATCMC08 Perceptual load and neural competition. Determinant factors in selective attention | 2009 | 183˙618.00 | 183˙618.00 |
35 | INDUCT Investigating Normative and Descriptive Uses of Confirmation Theory | 2009 | 53˙632.00 | 53˙632.00 |
36 | NEXT EARTH Non Extensive Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics in Earthquake Physics & rock fracture | 2009 | 246˙983.00 | 246˙983.00 |
37 | HEART DEVICE IMAGING Advancing percutaneous heart valve repair in children through the development of new cardiac imaging strategies | 2009 | 171˙300.00 | 171˙300.00 |
38 | MEDDICA Medical Devices Design in Cardiovascular Applications | 2009 | 2˙903˙444.00 | 2˙903˙444.00 |
39 | PROTDNABINDSPEC Inferring DNA binding specificities through in silico folding of natively unstructured protein regions | 2009 | 0.00 | 163˙702.00 |
40 | INTERPLASTICITY Long-term synaptic plasticity in interneurons: mechanisms and computational significance | 2009 | 2˙500˙000.00 | 2˙500˙000.00 |
41 | OXICELLCYCLE Coordination of Oxidative Stress Signalling with Forkhead-Regulated Transcription during the Fission Yeast Cell Cycle | 2009 | 0.00 | 171˙867.00 |
42 | HIGGS-ZAP Understanding the Origin of Mass with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider | 2009 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
43 | NEMO Treatment of NEonatal seizures with Medication Off-patent: evaluation of efficacy and safety of bumetanide | 2009 | 7˙020˙774.00 | 5˙370˙802.00 |
44 | FIBRE Textile Fibre in Italy Before Roman Empire | 2009 | 0.00 | 236˙933.00 |
45 | ANTIRESDEV The effects of antibiotic administration on the emergence and persistence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in humans and on the composition of the indigenous microbiotas at various body sites | 2009 | 7˙080˙080.00 | 5˙368˙088.00 |
46 | C7 "Cerebellar-Cortical Control: Cells, Circuits, Computation, and Clinic" | 2009 | 3˙662˙669.00 | 3˙662˙669.00 |
47 | CO2PIPEHAZ Quantitative Failure Consequence Hazard Assessment for Next Generation CO2 Pipelines | 2009 | 2˙725˙645.00 | 2˙067˙377.00 |
48 | ENVISION Enriched Network-aware Video Services over Internet Overlay Networks | 2010 | 5˙712˙608.00 | 3˙585˙831.00 |
49 | HORAB Source and efficacy of human olfactory ensheathing cells in the repair of brachial plexus avulsion | 2010 | 1˙600˙000.00 | 1˙600˙000.00 |
50 | REFRESH Adaptive Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change on European Freshwater Ecosystems | 2010 | 9˙895˙943.00 | 6˙997˙746.00 |
51 | BRAINPOWER Brain energy supply and the consequences of its failure | 2010 | 2˙499˙946.00 | 2˙499˙946.00 |
52 | QUASER Quality and safety in European Union hospitals: A research-based guide for implmeenting best practice and a framework for assessing performance | 2010 | 3˙927˙104.00 | 2˙999˙842.00 |
53 | MTLE-HS Genomic sequence variants that correlate with gene expression and different epigenetic patterns modify risk for mTLE+HS | 2010 | 56˙250.00 | 56˙250.00 |
54 | POPCODE Statistical methods for modelling population activity in visual cortex | 2010 | 165˙040.00 | 165˙040.00 |
55 | CULTRWORLD The evolution of cultural norms in real world settings | 2010 | 1˙801˙978.00 | 1˙801˙978.00 |
56 | SKCDM Self-Knowledge in Consumer Decision Making | 2010 | 183˙618.00 | 183˙618.00 |
57 | EUROEVOL Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe | 2010 | 2˙000˙000.00 | 2˙000˙000.00 |
58 | DENDRITE Cellular and circuit determinants of dendritic computation | 2010 | 2˙416˙078.00 | 2˙416˙078.00 |
59 | CASSIS Coordination Action for the integration of Solar System Infrastructures and Science | 2010 | 434˙448.00 | 395˙000.00 |
60 | GEMELLI "Gene networks controlling embryonic polarity, regulation and twinning" | 2010 | 1˙997˙899.00 | 1˙997˙899.00 |
61 | MECHANICITY "Morphology, Energy and Climate Change in the City" | 2010 | 2˙336˙805.00 | 2˙336˙805.00 |
62 | PDCTHERAPY Development of universal vaccinal dendritic cells lines for cancer treatment | 2010 | 150˙681.00 | 150˙681.00 |
63 | HUMSENTPROC Uncovering the nature of human sentence processing: a computational/experimental approach | 2010 | 179˙603.00 | 179˙603.00 |
64 | UTILITARIANFICTION Utilitarian Fiction: Bentham's View of Language in its Theoretical and Historical Context | 2010 | 232˙589.00 | 232˙589.00 |
65 | COMMUNITY FOLKS Identification and exploitation of user communities for efficiently handling large-scale folksonomies | 2010 | 131˙427.00 | 131˙427.00 |
66 | HEARING LANGUAGE Speech Perception and Language Acquisition in Hearing-Impaired Children | 2010 | 171˙740.00 | 171˙740.00 |
67 | TALC-EMT The role of Tumour suppressor of lung cancer 1 (TSLC1) signalling in lung repair and cancer-associated epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMTs) | 2010 | 1˙489˙715.00 | 1˙489˙715.00 |
68 | BIG_IDEA Building an Integrated Genetic Infectious Disease Epidemiology Approach | 2010 | 1˙483˙080.00 | 1˙483˙080.00 |
69 | RIBS RESILIENT INFRASTRUCTURE AND BUILDING SECURITY | 2010 | 4˙406˙966.00 | 3˙321˙957.00 |
70 | IRPHRCSTP Investigating the role of pre-synaptic HCN1 channels in regulating cortical synaptic transmission and plasticity | 2010 | 1˙400˙547.00 | 1˙400˙547.00 |
71 | MICRONANOTELEHAPTICS "Micro/Nano Exploration, Manipulation and Assembly: Telehaptics and Virtual Reality System Development and Investigation of Biomechanics and Neuroscience of Touch" | 2010 | 3˙264˙188.00 | 3˙264˙188.00 |
72 | SOMABIO Easy and rapid generation of light-emitting somatic-transgenic mice to monitor specific disease states and to screen effective drugs | 2010 | 1˙471˙272.00 | 1˙471˙272.00 |
73 | BILATERAL MODULATION Modulating interhemispheric interaction in physiology and disease | 2011 | 180˙103.00 | 180˙103.00 |
74 | AVIAN DIMORPHISM The genomic and transcriptomic locus of sex-specific selection in birds | 2011 | 1˙350˙804.00 | 1˙350˙804.00 |
75 | EUROCOORD European Network of HIV/AIDS Cohort Studies to Coordinate at European and International Level Clinical Research on HIV/AIDS | 2011 | 15˙955˙344.00 | 11˙999˙955.00 |
76 | THECOSINT Theory of Quantum Computation and Many-Body Simulation with Novel Quantum Technologies | 2011 | 165˙540.00 | 165˙540.00 |
77 | TASMANIA TheoreticAl Study of MoleculAr Spin PlAsmonics for Nanoscale CommunIcAtions | 2011 | 172˙403.00 | 172˙403.00 |
78 | CCMEBAZ Molecular basis of cell communication during a migratory event that establishes brain asymmetry in zebrafish | 2011 | 181˙103.00 | 181˙103.00 |
79 | CompLACS Composing Learning for Artificial Cognitive Systems | 2011 | 5˙853˙582.00 | 4˙427˙284.00 |
80 | BRONZE AGE European Bronze Age Cultures and technical evolution: a Phylogenetic Approach | 2011 | 200˙049.00 | 200˙049.00 |
81 | ANDYN THE ANDES-NAZCA DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHY EXPERIMENT | 2011 | 241˙289.00 | 241˙289.00 |
82 | HE&GS "The role of Glutamine synthetase in Liver Failure: Molecular, Functional and Therapeutic modulation" | 2011 | 271˙636.00 | 271˙636.00 |
83 | EXOMOL ExoMol: molecular line lists for exoplanet atmospheres | 2011 | 2˙472˙032.00 | 2˙472˙032.00 |
84 | IMAGINT HER Imaging and Molecular Interaction Mapping in Breast Cancer | 2011 | 7˙411˙567.00 | 5˙683˙589.00 |
85 | FuturICT The FuturICT Knowledge Accelerator: Creating Socially Interactive Information Technologies for a Sustainable Future | 2011 | 2˙161˙567.00 | 1˙900˙000.00 |
86 | GNS_CELLS Biochemical and functional studies of lineage-specific transcription factor complexes in glioblastoma-derived stem cells | 2011 | 200˙049.00 | 200˙049.00 |
87 | ACTSELECTCONTEXT Action Selection under Contextual Uncertainty: the Role of Learning and Effective Connectivity in the Human Brain | 2011 | 1˙341˙805.00 | 1˙341˙805.00 |
88 | NANONEUROHOP Assessment of the hazard and opportunities of using carbon nanotubes as a new nanocarrier for drug delivery in neural tissue | 2011 | 199˙549.00 | 199˙549.00 |
89 | FORCEDTRUST "Forced Trust: Emotional Bonds between People and State in Soviet Russia (1917-1991), A History of Trust and Mistrust" | 2011 | 209˙592.00 | 209˙592.00 |
90 | ONCOA "Online Communication Analysis: Methods for Multimodal, Networked Communication" | 2011 | 141˙148.00 | 141˙148.00 |
91 | LOADEMVS10 The Role of Human Motivation in Visual Attention and Awareness under Load | 2011 | 201˙049.00 | 201˙049.00 |
92 | DISCIPULUS Digitally Integrated Scientific Data for Patients and Populations in User-Specific Simulations | 2011 | 1˙573˙537.00 | 1˙392˙999.00 |
93 | STIMVISION The effect of functionally targeted optical stimulation on visual perception | 2011 | 200˙049.00 | 200˙049.00 |
94 | XXDNAM How does the X chromosome regulate DNA methylation in pluripotent stem cells? | 2011 | 1˙497˙710.00 | 1˙497˙710.00 |
95 | ENERGYSURF Surfaces of Energy Functional Metal Oxides | 2011 | 2˙364˙681.00 | 2˙364˙681.00 |
96 | HRMCB Hidden role of the meiotic chromosomal bouquet | 2011 | 1˙500˙000.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
97 | ERAS Enhanced Research Activities in Stratigraphy | 2011 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
98 | SOCIALCHANGEHEALTH "Health Effects of Social Change in Gender, Work & Family: Life Course Evidence from Great Britain" | 2011 | 681˙582.00 | 681˙582.00 |
99 | OPTIMAX Optimal Imaging with Present and Future Coherent X-ray Sources | 2011 | 1˙498˙917.00 | 1˙498˙917.00 |
100 | CHAOSNETS "Building Scalable, Secure, and Reliable ""Chaotic"" Wireless Networks" | 2011 | 1˙457˙675.00 | 1˙457˙675.00 |
101 | EPIPGX Epilepsy Pharmacogenomics: delivering biomarkers for clinical use | 2011 | 7˙838˙258.00 | 5˙997˙996.00 |
102 | ASCENT Advanced materials and devices for hybrid spin coherent technologies | 2011 | 1˙875˙550.00 | 1˙875˙550.00 |
104 | ECONPUBLIC "Economics in the Public Sphere: USA, UK, France, Brazil and Argentina since 1945" | 2012 | 1˙458˙041.00 | 1˙458˙041.00 |
105 | DEVSPACE The development of the hippocampal spatial representation system | 2012 | 1˙491˙930.00 | 1˙491˙930.00 |
106 | BIOMAGSCAR Biodegradable Magnetic Stent for Coronary Artery Luminal Regeneration | 2012 | 6˙816˙054.00 | 5˙299˙478.00 |
107 | RAPT Is Religion Special? Reformulating Secularism and Religion in Legal and Contemporary Theory | 2012 | 1˙200˙000.00 | 1˙200˙000.00 |
108 | ORACEAF The origins of the Acheulean in East Africa | 2012 | 1˙500˙000.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
109 | EPOCHS Egyptian Periodisation - Object Categories as Historical Signatures | 2012 | 193˙349.00 | 193˙349.00 |
110 | MAKAN Moving Archaeological Knowledge Away from Neo-colonialism | 2012 | 193˙349.00 | 193˙349.00 |
111 | ZFISHSLEEP Resolving the Neuropharmacology and Genetics of Zebrafish Sleep | 2012 | 1˙902˙750.00 | 1˙902˙750.00 |
112 | STAT3-SCHWANN CELLS Role of the transcription factor STAT3 in Schwann cells in the processes of degeneration and regeneration in damaged nerves | 2012 | 200˙549.00 | 200˙549.00 |
113 | FUELLINGSYNAPSES Regulation of neuronal connectivity and plasticity by activity-dependent mitochondrial trafficking to synapses | 2012 | 1˙997˙567.00 | 1˙997˙567.00 |
114 | NEUROGAIN Nonlinear synaptic integration in morphologically simple and complex neurons | 2012 | 2˙499˙710.00 | 2˙499˙710.00 |
115 | MOTOGLIA "Axoglial synapses, adult myelination and motor skills learning" | 2012 | 2˙476˙931.00 | 2˙476˙931.00 |
116 | AISMA An anthropological investigation of muscular politics in South Asia | 2012 | 1˙200˙000.00 | 1˙200˙000.00 |
117 | MYCMACS Role of c-Myc in atherosclerotic macrophages | 2012 | 50˙000.00 | 50˙000.00 |
118 | BRAINENERGYCONTROL Quantifying control of brain energy supply by the neuron-glia-vasculature unit | 2012 | 200˙049.00 | 200˙049.00 |
119 | RODATTN Mechanisms of attentional modulation of neural responses in visual cortex of mice | 2012 | 200˙371.00 | 200˙371.00 |
120 | DARTRIX DARPin Targeted Magnetic Hyperthermic Therapy for Glioblastoma | 2012 | 7˙731˙609.00 | 5˙998˙134.00 |
121 | ACTION AND TIME Perception of Time during Action Preparation | 2012 | 210˙092.00 | 210˙092.00 |
122 | UB-DECODED Deciphering the ubiquitin code of the TNF receptor signalling complex and its functional role in inflammation and immunity | 2012 | 2˙367˙337.00 | 2˙367˙337.00 |
123 | TOUCHANDACTION Touch and action in spatial perception | 2012 | 200˙371.00 | 200˙371.00 |
124 | SOCNET SOCIAL NETWORK SITES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE | 2012 | 2˙475˙376.00 | 2˙475˙376.00 |
125 | TESTDE Testing the Dark Energy Paradigm and Measuring Neutrino Mass with the Dark Energy Survey | 2012 | 2˙416˙388.00 | 2˙416˙388.00 |
126 | GRASP CONTROL & BMI Grasp-Related Neuronal Activity in Monkey and Human and Its Applicability in BMI | 2012 | 209˙092.00 | 209˙092.00 |
127 | BIOCHARGE Investigation into the Biological Cost and Adaptation of the Host to Antibiotic Resistance on mobile Genetic Elements in Enterococcus species | 2012 | 210˙092.00 | 210˙092.00 |
128 | RID-RTI Rapid Identification of Respiratory Tract Infections | 2012 | 7˙752˙692.00 | 5˙997˙737.00 |
129 | PATHSEEK Automated Next Generation Sequencing for Diagnostic Microbiology | 2012 | 7˙627˙116.00 | 5˙887˙033.00 |
130 | QUANTUM METROLOGY Measuring Magnetic Monopoles Using Quantum Metrology in Diamond | 2012 | 271˙943.00 | 271˙943.00 |
131 | ABCIT Advancing Binaural Cochlear Implant Technology | 2012 | 5˙279˙350.00 | 4˙000˙000.00 |
132 | EUROFARM Transmission of innovations: comparison and modelling of early farming and associated technologies in Europe | 2012 | 1˙499˙832.00 | 1˙499˙832.00 |
133 | SPGSV Some Problems in Geometry of Shimura Varieties | 2012 | 697˙037.00 | 697˙037.00 |
134 | FALSEPOVERTY "False Poverty: The Cultural, Political and Historical Implications of Literary Accounts of 'Social Passing'" | 2012 | 209˙033.00 | 209˙033.00 |
135 | POLFREE Policy Options for a Resource-Efficient Economy | 2012 | 3˙711˙473.00 | 2˙928˙069.00 |
136 | CONTESTED MIX Contested mix: towards a reframing of spatial policies in multi-ethnic environments | 2012 | 209˙105.00 | 209˙105.00 |
137 | ECAP Efficient Cryptographic Arguments and Proofs | 2012 | 1˙346˙074.00 | 1˙346˙074.00 |
138 | PACOMANEDIA Partially Coherent Many-Body Nonequilibrium Dynamics for Information Applications | 2012 | 1˙245˙078.00 | 1˙245˙078.00 |
139 | CANCERPHAGY Autophagy as a cancer treatment | 2012 | 1˙453˙219.00 | 1˙453˙219.00 |
140 | IDENTIFICATION "Identification, Estimation and Implementation of Structural Economic Models" | 2012 | 1˙067˙000.00 | 1˙067˙000.00 |
141 | EPI-FEM-CARE EPIGENETICS FOR FEMALE PERSONALIZED CANCER CARE | 2012 | 7˙649˙836.00 | 5˙875˙387.00 |
142 | AR3WS "Acquiring and Responding to the 3D World, Smartly" | 2012 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
143 | SKIP-NMD A phase I/IIa clinical trial in Duchenne muscular dystrophy using systemically delivered morpholino antisense oligomer to skip exon 53 | 2012 | 7˙527˙838.00 | 5˙512˙424.00 |
144 | GLASS GLASS: Glass in Late Antiquity: Science and Society | 2012 | 200˙371.00 | 200˙371.00 |
145 | MOPHIM Molecular photoacoustic imaging during ultrasound-guided interventions | 2012 | 1˙499˙231.00 | 1˙499˙231.00 |
146 | EVERREST Does vascular endothelial growth factor gene therapy safely improve outcome in severe early-onset fetal growth restriction? | 2013 | 7˙766˙109.00 | 5˙998˙984.00 |
147 | NEUROCODEC Neurobiological basis of collective decision making in the human brain | 2013 | 1˙486˙197.00 | 1˙486˙197.00 |
148 | INTERACT Understanding Mechanisms of Human Social Interaction using Interactive Avatars | 2013 | 1˙383˙371.00 | 1˙383˙371.00 |
149 | HOMEOSTASIS_IN_VIVO Mechanisms of homeostatic plasticity in the intact mouse visual cortex | 2013 | 1˙494˙473.00 | 1˙494˙473.00 |
150 | MIGRATION The Economics of Mass Migration: Theory and Evidence | 2013 | 1˙136˙850.00 | 1˙136˙850.00 |
151 | COSMICDAWN Understanding the Origin of Cosmic Structure | 2013 | 1˙493˙066.00 | 1˙493˙066.00 |
152 | FISICA Far Infra-red Space Intereferometer Critical Assessment: Scientific Definition and Technology Development for the Next Generation THz Space Interferometer | 2013 | 2˙594˙403.00 | 1˙996˙585.00 |
153 | FUSION Future Service Oriented Networks | 2013 | 4˙234˙922.00 | 2˙846˙000.00 |
154 | GACD Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases | 2013 | 134˙580.00 | 120˙000.00 |
155 | ALCOHOLLIFECOURSE Alcohol Consumption across the Life-course: Determinants and Consequences | 2013 | 1˙032˙815.00 | 1˙032˙815.00 |
156 | WMOSPOTWU What makes our subjective perception of the world unique? | 2013 | 1˙294˙840.00 | 1˙294˙840.00 |
157 | HUBBOR "Human Rights Beyond Borders: The extraterritorial application of international human rights law - comparative legal, historical and theoretical approaches" | 2013 | 1˙111˙752.00 | 1˙111˙752.00 |
158 | SPILL Identifying Spillovers in the Labour Market | 2013 | 707˙716.00 | 707˙716.00 |
159 | CALENDARS Calendars in late Antiquity and the Middle Ages: standardization and fixation | 2013 | 2˙499˙006.00 | 2˙499˙006.00 |
160 | GENOPHILIA AAV-mediated Gene Therapy for Haemophilia A | 2013 | 173˙462.00 | 173˙462.00 |
161 | CO2QUEST Techno-economic Assessment of CO2 Quality Effect on its Storage and Transport | 2013 | 3˙985˙399.00 | 2˙922˙477.00 |
162 | SERPINOPATHIES Determination of the structure of the pathological neuroserpin polymer and development of an intrabody strategy to prevent disease-associated inclusions in cell and animal models of disease | 2013 | 200˙371.00 | 200˙371.00 |
164 | KIBINDING Improving the selectivity of kinase inhibitors: Characterizing binding mechanisms of inhibitors targeting inactive states and allosteric sites | 2013 | 168˙896.00 | 168˙896.00 |
165 | MORPHOCORDIV The inherent morphological potential of the actin cortex and the mechanics of shape control during cell division | 2013 | 1˙500˙000.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
166 | SMARTTAP Tapping 802.11 Access Point Infrastructure for Fine-Grained Indoor Location | 2013 | 167˙370.00 | 149˙238.00 |
167 | CODIP "Cortical Disorganization in Psychosis. Neurophysiological, clinical and genetic factors" | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
168 | HUMVOL "Human Volition, Agency and Responsibility" | 2013 | 1˙984˙927.00 | 1˙984˙927.00 |
169 | DMEA The Dynamics of Migration and Economic Adjustment | 2013 | 1˙129˙428.00 | 1˙129˙428.00 |
170 | MAXPCI Maximizing sensitivity and resolution in edge illumination - based X-ray phase-contrast imaging methods | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
171 | FEEDBACKMOUSEVISION The functional role of feedback signals to mouse primary visual cortex | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
172 | LABCAXPCI Laboratory- Based Coded Aperture X-ray Phase-Contrast Imaging | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
173 | NETSIGNAL Signal Formation in Synaptic Circuits with Astroglia | 2013 | 2˙497˙690.00 | 2˙497˙690.00 |
174 | MESENCHYMAL COLL MOT Physical forces involved in collective migration of mesenchymal versus epithelial cells | 2013 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
175 | COMPAG Comparative Pathways to Agriculture: the archaeobotany of parallel and divergent plant domestications across world regions | 2013 | 2˙041˙992.00 | 2˙041˙992.00 |
176 | STATNET Statistical Foundations for Network Modelling and Inference | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
177 | XENOTURBELLA "The evolution of simplicity: comparative morphology, embryology and genomics of Xenacoelomorpha, the fourth phylum of deuterostome." | 2013 | 2˙151˙540.00 | 2˙151˙540.00 |
178 | PI3K-C2-SIG Signalling mechanisms of the class II isoforms of PI 3-kinase | 2013 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
179 | P2X IN PAIN Optochemical control of P2X receptor ion channels: dissecting their role in pain signalling | 2013 | 282˙561.00 | 282˙561.00 |
180 | FIRMWARE multimode FIber Radio technology for cost-efficient indoor Mm-WAve REmote antenna systems | 2013 | 309˙235.00 | 309˙235.00 |
181 | MANIPULATENEURALCODE "Determination of the neural code, or how the brain processes and stores information, by recording and stimulating neural activity in awake behaving mice" | 2013 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
182 | ISLAMICFASHION Islamic fashion and the politics of belonging in contemporary Turkey | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
183 | PRANA Protein-RNA networks ALS | 2013 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
184 | NEVANLINNA Some novel Nevanlinna type results in different branches of mathematics | 2013 | 299˙558.00 | 299˙558.00 |
185 | MULTIMOSSY Multimodal mossy fiber input and its role in information processing in the cerebellar granule cell layer | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
186 | TOMCAT "Theory of Mantle, Core and Technological Materials" | 2013 | 2˙720˙000.00 | 2˙720˙000.00 |
187 | PHOTOSURF Investigating the 2D Self-Assembly of Photo-sensitive Molecules on Semiconductor and Insulating Surfaces | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
188 | CASEPS Comparative Archaeological Study of Egyptian Predynastic Settlements | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
189 | RACCOM Regional Absorptive Capacity and the Contribution of Multinational Corporations to Knowledge Production in the Local Economy within a Developing Economy Context: The Case of China | 2013 | 266˙506.00 | 266˙506.00 |
190 | JOINUS Joint Inference with the Universal Schema | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
191 | FLUTCORE Development of a universal influenza vaccine based on tandem core technology | 2013 | 5˙063˙520.00 | 3˙872˙919.00 |
192 | AGORA ATMP GMP Open Access Research Alliance - AGORA | 2013 | 554˙970.00 | 497˙432.00 |
193 | CHROMATINRNA The role of CpG island RNAs and Polycomb-RNA interactions in developmental gene regulation | 2013 | 1˙499˙094.00 | 1˙499˙094.00 |
195 | LUNG INFLAMMATION An investigation into the differential mechanisms and regulation of leukocyte clearance from the human lung across two distinct barriers: the bronchial epithelium versus the alveolar epithelium | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
196 | INTERMETRIX Econometric Analysis of Interaction Models | 2013 | 1˙028˙780.00 | 1˙028˙780.00 |
197 | MICROTOMILLI Scaling-up multiphase microchemical reactors | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
198 | NEUROSYMMASYMM Specification of left-right symmetry and asymmetry in the nervous system | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
199 | EEC EURO EWING Consortium – International Clinical Trials to Improve Survival from Ewing Sarcoma | 2013 | 7˙556˙053.00 | 5˙697˙830.00 |
200 | INNOVANTI Innovative tools to examine the development of antisocial behaviour from early childhood to adolescence: Genetically informative designs and propensity score matching | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
201 | ANGIOBLOCK Testing a novel target for anti-angiogenesis therapy in the eye | 2013 | 149˙779.00 | 149˙779.00 |
202 | COFIRE Analysis of the correlation between fitness and resistance in Staphylococcus aureus | 2013 | 299˙558.00 | 299˙558.00 |
203 | SMARTGEOMETRY Structure-Aware Geometry Processing | 2013 | 1˙499˙130.00 | 1˙499˙130.00 |
204 | AXOTRANSMAP Assembling a functional map of axonal signalling endosomes | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
205 | STEMRD Generation of stem cell derived photoreceptors for the treatment and modelling of retinal degeneration | 2013 | 2˙438˙482.00 | 2˙438˙482.00 |
206 | PVPITM Gain controls in parallel visual pathways of the mouse | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
207 | ATECT Advanced T-cell Engineered for Cancer Therapy | 2013 | 7˙780˙342.00 | 5˙931˙151.00 |
208 | EMBalance A Decision Support System incorporating a validated patient-specific, multi-scale Balance Hypermodel towards early diagnostic Evaluation and efficient Management plan formulation of Balance Disorders | 2013 | 4˙740˙776.00 | 3˙523˙000.00 |
209 | IMARS "iMars: Analysis of Mars multi-resolution images using auto-coregistration, data mining and crowd source techniques" | 2013 | 2˙553˙278.00 | 2˙014˙171.00 |
210 | URBANWAVES Urban Waves: evaluating structure vulnerability to tsunami and earthquakes | 2014 | 1˙911˙315.00 | 1˙911˙315.00 |
211 | TAW "A Theory of Asymmetrical Warfare: normative, legal, and conceptual issues" | 2014 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
212 | CLOC Cultured Liver Organoids for Investigation and Treatment of Inherited Cholestatic Diseases | 2014 | 1˙500˙000.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
213 | DEVELOPâ€LEARNING Developmental trajectories for model-free and model-based reinforcement learning: computational and neural bases | 2014 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
214 | TOUCHCELL Telehaptic Micromanipulator System | 2014 | 168˙218.00 | 149˙995.00 |
215 | HIVINNATE Characterisation and Manipulation of Primate Lentiviral Interactions with Innate Immunity | 2014 | 2˙499˙643.00 | 2˙499˙643.00 |
216 | MICROCONLAB Microeconometrics of Consumer and Labour Supply Behaviour | 2014 | 2˙250˙280.00 | 2˙250˙280.00 |
217 | WASHSCGENETHERAPY Preclinical studies in mouse hematopoietic stem cells for gene therapy of Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome | 2014 | 309˙235.00 | 309˙235.00 |
218 | HNAEPISOME Directed evolution of a synthetic episome based on hexitol nucleic acids (HNA) | 2014 | 1˙188˙594.00 | 1˙188˙594.00 |
219 | TRANSLATE Specificity of translational control during unfolded protein response | 2014 | 1˙999˙435.00 | 1˙999˙435.00 |
220 | QURAM A Quantum RAM Using Superconducting Circuits and Donors in Silicon | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
221 | GBMTARGET Targeting Glioblastoma Signalling | 2014 | 309˙235.00 | 309˙235.00 |
222 | SPECTRO-POS Spectroscopy of positronium: atom control and gravity measurements | 2014 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
223 | COSMICDAWN21CM Probing the cosmic dawn and the epoch of reionization with the history and fluctuations of the hydrogen 21-cm line | 2014 | 299˙558.00 | 299˙558.00 |
224 | SAVINGS AND RISKS Savings and Risks Over the Lifecycle: Theory and Evidence | 2014 | 1˙216˙477.00 | 1˙216˙477.00 |
225 | CANCER SIGNALLING Identification and characterization of novel EGFR interactors and their implication in cancer signalling | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
226 | HETEROICE Towards a molecular-level understanding of heterogeneous ice nucleation | 2014 | 1˙915˙083.00 | 1˙915˙083.00 |
227 | SENSMOD Microcircuits for behavioral modulation of sensory cortex | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
228 | OCEANDATAMODELS Statistical modelling and estimation for spatiotemporal data with oceanographic applications | 2014 | 294˙219.00 | 294˙219.00 |
229 | ALBIMEH Atlantic Late Bronze Age Interaction through Metal Hoards | 2014 | 299˙558.00 | 299˙558.00 |
230 | IRONWORKS Geochemical Provenance Mapping of Pre-Roman Ironworking sites in Britain | 2014 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
231 | RUN Rethinking Urban Nature | 2014 | 2˙384˙238.00 | 2˙384˙238.00 |
232 | AMD_CNV_HIF Investigating the role of HIFs in myeloid cells during experimental choroidal neovascularisation | 2014 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
233 | H3.3CANCER The histone H3.3 variant in brain cancer pathogenesis | 2014 | 1˙999˙998.00 | 1˙999˙998.00 |
234 | EXOLIGHTS Decoding Lights from Exotic Worlds | 2014 | 2˙080˙502.00 | 2˙080˙502.00 |
235 | PRIME "PReventing, Interdicting and Mitigating Extremist events: Defending against lone actor extremism" | 2014 | 3˙590˙953.00 | 2˙842˙878.00 |
236 | VISION AND DECISION Decision-Making from Visual Cortex to Midbrain | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
237 | HTR Towards the structural understanding of human telomerase | 2014 | 299˙558.00 | 299˙558.00 |
238 | CARP "Making Selves, Making Revolutions: Comparative Anthropologies of Revolutionary Politics" | 2014 | 1˙854˙472.00 | 1˙854˙472.00 |
239 | PINS The neural representations of person identity information: fMRI and neuropsychological investigations | 2014 | 282˙109.00 | 282˙109.00 |
240 | NEUROCRYSP Regulation of cryptic splice sites in neuronal differentiation and disease | 2014 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
241 | RICHMOL Optical activity of molecules with rotational chirality: Theoretical study of the novel effect | 2014 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
243 | HMRI Non-Invasive In-Vivo Histology in Health and Disease Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) | 2014 | 2˙000˙000.00 | 2˙000˙000.00 |
244 | EULOBBYING "Interests, demands and network ties in Brussels: explaining interest groups' lobbying success across EU policy areas." | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
245 | EMERGING SUBJECTS Emerging Subjects of the New Economy: Tracing Economic Growth in Mongolia | 2014 | 1˙658˙373.00 | 1˙658˙373.00 |
246 | PROTONSPOTSCANMET Improving physical dosimetry and developing biologically-relevant metrology for spot-scanned proton therapy beams | 2014 | 249˙575.00 | 249˙575.00 |
247 | MEKIMI Molecular Electronics aKIn MIcroelectronics | 2014 | 299˙558.00 | 299˙558.00 |
248 | FRACCINGFUNDAMENTALS Fundamental Studies to Enable the Environmentally Conscious Application of Hydraulic Fracturing in Shale Formations | 2014 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
249 | MITOTRAFFICBYMIRO Differential role of atypical Rho GTPases Miro-1 and Miro-2 for controlling mitochondrial dynamics and transport | 2014 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
250 | INTENT Information-Centric Network Management and Traffic Engineering | 2015 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
251 | PDCMPCARGR Politics of difference: Child marriage and prestige consumption among the Romanian Gabor Roma – with a special focus on the post-socialist transformation | 2015 | 309˙235.00 | 309˙235.00 |
252 | IBESUP Towards the simulation of breast surgical lumpectomy and surgery planning through an isogeometric numerical analysis approach | 2015 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
253 | CARDIO MEF Cardiac electro-mechanical coupling in relation to ventricular arrhythmias in the intact human heart: from cardiac mapping and speckle tracking echocardiography to biomarkers | 2015 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
254 | ADMIP Activity-Dependent Maturation of Inhibitory Processing in the Spinal Dorsal Horn | 2015 | 294˙219.00 | 294˙219.00 |
255 | GLIMPSE GLIMPSE: Understanding the dark universe through 3D weak lensing reconstructions | 2015 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
256 | AXONGLIAPLASTICITY Identifying the cellular correlates of white matter plasticity | 2015 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
257 | GRIP General Reasoning for Imperative Programs | 2015 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
258 | PHENOSELF Understanding the Concept of Self as a Phenomenal Concept | 2015 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
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