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H2020 projects about "ready"

The page lists 733 projects related to the topic "ready".

# achronym  title  year 
1 ERNI2014 European Researchers' Night 2014 and 2015 in Israel 2014
2 CARBALIVE Clinical evaluation of carbons of controlled porosity as a new therapeutic for the treatment of liver cirrhosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 2015
3 BeyondSeq Genomic diagnostics beyond the sequence 2015
4 CoachCom2020 CoachCom2020 – a coaching community enhancing impact of the H2020 SME Instrument 2014
5 STARLIGHT Steering attosecond electron dynamics in biomolecules with UV-XUV LIGHT pulses 2015
6 DCM Distributed Cryptography Module 2014
7 Cancer-Targeted PolyIC Treatment of EGFR over-expressing cancers by targeted non-viral delivery of PolyIC 2015
8 CEMCAP CO2 capture from cement production 2015
9 EWIT EWIT: Developing an e-waste implementation toolkit to support the recycling and the secondary raw material recovery strategies in metropolitan areas in Africa 2015
10 ArcInTex ETN ArcInTex ETN 2015
11 PIANO Policies, Innovation And Networks for enhancing Opportunities for China Europe Water Cooperation 2015
12 AWESCO Airborne Wind Energy System Modelling, Control and Optimisation 2015
13 ZENCODE-ITN Computational and functional annotation of genomic elements during development of the model vertebrate zebrafish 2015
14 MED4INNO French MEDiterranean Support for INNOvative SMEs 2014
15 InvestHorizon Boosting Investment Readiness of SMEs and Small Midcaps - InvestHorizon 2014
16 POINT POINT: iP Over IcN - the betTer ip 2015
17 AEROWORKS Collaborative Aerial Robotic Workers 2015
18 PING Printed Intelligent NFC Game cards and packaging 2015
20 BigDataEurope Integrating Big Data, Software and Communities for Addressing Europe’s Societal Challenges 2015
21 EU-XCEL Accelerating Entrepreneurial Learning across European Regions 2015
22 MECANEX Multimedia Content Annotations for Rapid Exploitation in Multi-Screen Environments 2015
23 FANCI Face and body Analysis Natural Computer Interaction 2015
24 BISON BIg Speech data analytics for cONtact centres 2015
25 MMT MMT will deliver a language independent commercial online translation service based on a new open-source machine translation distributed architecture 2015
26 Film265 Improving European VoD Creative Industry with High Efficiency Video Delivery 2015
27 CHEQUERS Compact High pErformance QUantum cascadE laseR Sensors 2015
28 SmartHELMET Intersectoral Network for Innovation on Smart Thermal Solutions for Bicycle Helmets 2015
29 BLACK SEA HORIZON Enhanced bi-regional STI cooperation between the EU and the Black Sea Region 2015
30 RNArepair Site-directed RNA Editing to Manipulate RNA and Protein Function 2015
31 SUNShINE Save your bUildiNg by SavINg Energy – towards 202020m2 of deeply renovated multifamily residential buildings 2015
32 BUStoB BUILD UP Skills to Business 2015
33 ANAPRINT Additive Printing for Cell-based Analysis 2014
34 ASTHMAPOC Disposable nitric oxide POC (point-of-care) test for home care easy management of asthma in chronic patients 2014
35 ALGAEPRINT Algae Products' Internationalization 2014
36 SO2SAFE Enzymatic SO2 biosensor for rapid food safety monitoring 2014
37 GO4APP Graphene oxide for advanced polymer applications 2014
38 Global PERES Bringing a breakthrough e-nose solution on global markets for portable and reliable food safety and quality control 2014
39 SliceWatch Monitoring Meat Texture To Optimize Slicing Yield And Reduce Wasted Meat In High-Speed Slicing Lines 2014
40 AGRISPIN Space for Agricultural Innovation 2015
41 eCAIMAN Electrolyte, Cathode and Anode Improvements for Market-near Next-generation Lithium Ion Batteries 2015
42 ECOCHAMPS European COmpetitiveness in Commercial Hybrid and AutoMotive PowertrainS 2015
43 LoCO2Fe Development of a Low CO2 Iron and Steelmaking Integrated Process Route for a Sustainable European Steel Industry 2015
44 EntreLab The Entrepreneurial Laboratory for teachers’ training. A Capability Approach for Entrepreneurship Education in Vocational education 2015
45 EuroCirCol European Circular Energy-Frontier Collider Study 2015
46 SHARE Shared Emotions, Group Membership, and Empathy 2016
47 SolHyPro Water splitting by solar energy: From lab-scale to prototype devices 2015
48 STABLE_FABRY Calibration of Astronomical Spectrographs with Stabilized Fabry-Perot Etalons 2016
49 ORSETOSY Organocatalysis at the service of total synthesis: Madangamine alkaloids 2015
50 NEDRATS New Enantioselective Desymmetrization Reactions in Alkaloid Total Synthesis 2015
51 EmotionalActions Understanding Emotional Actions 2015
52 COMPLEX-fastMAS-NMR Structure of a large non-crystalline multiprotein assembly by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance with ultra-fast magic-angle spinning 2016
53 ReMix Developing a novel light-weight Ready Mixed Concrete 2015
54 GALiVMS Galileo based inshore-VMS for fisheries 2015
55 ID_MOBILE Solution to authenticate and read ID documents using mobile devices at point of origin in real-time, eliminating manual handling and providing better, more secure services. 2015
56 FreshInk Colour-code labelling for continuous monitoring of quality and safety of packed chicken meat 2015
57 VisuaLook Novel clothing e-commerce application for reliable size assignment and realistic fitting visualization 2015
58 AB ENGINE Advanced Back end as a service Engine 2015
59 VR-Suit VR-Suit : MultiModal experiences in a Virtual World 2015
60 MeRIT MeRIT - Maximising Renewable Energy Integration 2015
61 WHEY2VALUE Whey2Value: valorising waste whey into high-value products 2015
62 Springwave2014 Transitioning to microalgae as a sustainable, high-quality large-scale food source through launching the first daily drink containing spirulina 2015
63 OP3C On board Processing for Compression and Clouds Classification in hyperspectral data 2015
64 LEGEND LEGEND, Sport goes viral 2015
65 MSCA FIRE MSCA FIRE: Fellows with Industrial Research Enhancement 2015
66 I-DISC Development of a Novel, Intelligent Down the Hole Disconnect Tool 2015
68 SDO-MET Automatic Rail Safety Solution 2015
69 PCT Plant CT - Making Plants Healthier 2015
70 IRWES Integrated Roof Wind Energy System 2015
71 ADHESION Development of new biotech AdvanceD materials based on Hyaluronic acid and nanoparticlEs to prevent Surgical adhesIons and pOst surgical infectionNs 2015
72 USODA Upscaling Synthesis of Ordered mesoporous silica material for Drug delivery Applications 2015
73 BrainPEER Brain Performance Enhancement Revolution - Advanced Cognitive Training System for Football Players 2015
74 NUVEA The premium green multi-cloud management and optimization tool 2015
75 Lipid The untapped potential of omega-3; from fish oil to healthy bowels 2015
76 EcoSpacePropulsion Piloting and upscaling the unique on site and mobile production plants for highly concentrated Hydrogen peroxide (HTP) production for space industry applications 2015
77 Cryoshelter Bringing a new LNG-tank technology to industrial readyness 2015
78 SPM Strawberry Processing Machine 2015
79 GReen Desalination GReen Desalination: A closed-loop technology for full recovery of water and raw materials from the wastewater effluent 2015
80 Enabling Excellence Graphene-based nanomaterials for touchscreen technologies: Comprehension, Commerce and Communication 2015
81 SLA-Ready SLA-Ready: Making Cloud SLAs readily usable in the EU private sector 2015
82 CLOUD-VAS Cloud based Vessel Allocation Decision Support System for Vessel Chartering 2015
83 MLSYSTEM MLSYSTEM - heatable, integrated photovoltaics with insulated glass units 2015
84 REGROUND Colloidal Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for the REclamation of Toxic Metal Contaminated GROUNDwater Aquifers, Drinking Water Wells, and River Bank Filtrations 2015
85 CENTAUR Cost Effective Neural Technique for Alleviation of Urban Flood Risk 2015
86 iMETland iMETland: A new generation of Microbial Electrochemical Wetland for effective decentralized wastewater treatment 2015
87 ECWRTI ECOLORO: Reuse of Waste Water from the Textile Industry 2015
88 Starlight Demonstration of a High Definition Low Light Sensor (Starlight) for use in the Surveillance and Protection of Urban Soft Targets and Critical Infrastructures. 2015
89 Phoenix Exploring the Unknown through Reincarnation and Co-evolution 2015
90 RAIL Radiomics of lung cancer (RAIL): non-invasive stratification of tumour heterogeneity for personalised cancer therapy 2015
91 SULTAN SUstainabLe Tunnel Agriculture with light cascade techNology 2015
92 HTMD Feasibility assessment of a cloud application platform for rational drug design using high throughput molecular dynamics 2015
93 EcoForm An innovative, energy-efficient two-step manufacturing process, EcoForm, to produce CPET (Crystalline Polyethylene Terephthalate) trays for use in the food packaging industry. 2015
94 REALISE GroLaS Runway independent automatic launch and landing system for civil UAV based on GroLaS 2015
95 BELS Building European Links toward South East Asia in the field of GNSS 2015
96 DBSModel Multiscale Modelling of the Neuromuscular System for Closed Loop Deep Brain Stimulation 2015
98 HybridBatteryPack Hybrid Battery Pack 2015
99 MEDMICO Moving to Efficient Diabetes care: Multimode Integrated CO-morbidity diagnostics platform 2015
100 Calcivis CAIS Validation of clinical performance and pre-commercial development of a novel diagnostic for dental caries assessment 2015
101 Invest INtelligent Video analytics to analyse complex scenes and Enhance Security of critical infrastructure and urban soft Targets 2015
102 RABIOPRED RABIOPRED - Clinical validation of BIOmarker assay to PREDict treatment response in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients 2015
103 FRESCO Efficient, Flexible Synthesis of Molecules with Tailored Shapes: from Photo-switchable Helices to anti-Cancer Compounds 2015
104 RUNSAFER Market introduction of an innovative wearable device, consisting of a novel running shoe with embedded electronics providing real-time biomechanical feedback to reduce risk of injuries 2015
105 BINPICKING 3D Generalized bin picking system for automatic handling of unsorted parts in industrial applications 2015
106 E6 Evolution Dual Fuel Euro6 Engine Conversion Feasibility Study 2015
107 DABCAST Integrated, economical cloud-based service for digital radio broadcasting 2015
108 Mobile E-Admini Increase of awareness, activity and confidence of local residents in area of municipal administration and the reduction of barriers to access information in the age of mobility and e-government 2015
109 CSC-IS Development of a more effective and safer therapeutic antibody for cancer treatment with a dual mechanism of action to eliminate CSCs and reactivate the tumour’s immune system. 2015
110 ComPat Computing Patterns for High Performance Multiscale Computing 2015
111 FCL Upgrading a commercially-available Fault Current Limiter to a more cost-effective device for enabling additional capacity and improving energy efficiency, by limiting destructive fault currents 2015
112 LEONID Lung cancEr fusiOn geNes: a new dIagnostic Device 2015
113 STILAVIA Disruptive On-line Stylist Engine 2015
114 RotaxHEC Click to Lock: Mechanically Interlocked Architectures as Hydrogen Evolving Catalysts 2015
115 intime Prototyping 'intime' - a NINAAT-based self testing platform to detect infectious diseases 2015
116 INTERTWINE Programming Model INTERoperability ToWards Exascale (INTERTWinE) 2015
117 DEPURGAN Swine-farm revolution 2015
118 OUTCOME The outstanding challenge in solid mechanics: engineering structures subjected to extreme loading conditions 2016
120 ADDIA Validation of a fast and simple peripheral blood diagnostic biomarker kit for Alzheimer’s disease 2015
121 WHEYCOM Validation and market uptake of a natural disinfection whey-based formula for whole and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables 2015
122 Titin Signals Molecular dissection of titin-based mechanisms in charge of cardiomyocyte dysfunction in terminal feart failure 2016
123 EISCAT3D_PfP EISCAT_3D: Preparation for Production 2015
124 MED4INNO French MEDiterranean Support for INNOvative SMEs 2015
125 SINGEK Promoting SINgle cell GEnomics to explore the ecology and evolution of hidden microeuKaryotes 2016
126 IbD Intensified by Design® for the intensification of processes involving solids handling 2015
127 WATTsUP WATTsUP Electric flight to future 2015
130 SYNPRIME Presynaptic Regulatory Principles in Synaptic Plasticity, Neuronal Network Function, and Behaviour 2015
131 LiVoX Magic angle coil spinning NMR on living voxels - LiVoX 2015
132 VIMpay VIMpay- an one-size-fits-all mobile based solution for cashless payment for Europe 2015
133 i-LiveRest Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure ulcer risk by real time measuring of tissue viability and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context 2015
135 EPIGEN EPIGEN: A New Predictive Response Test for Non Small Cells Lung Cancer Treatment 2015
136 DISLIFE Liveable disabilities: Life courses and opportunity structures across time 2016
137 KAM2EastPoland Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland 2015
138 MapCOM Geographic mapping of radio signals 2016
139 Peer-BIT Peer learning in business innovation tools for SMEs 2015
140 NANOTUN3D Development of the complete workflow for producing and using a novel nanomodified Ti-based alloy for additive manufacturing in special applications. 2015
141 AM-SENSE A Rapid Point-of-Care Breath Ammonia Sensor for Diagnosis of Helicobacter Pylori 2015
142 NEMAQUA Nematodes as the world first pathogen free, ready-to-use and sustainable live feed for larval aquaculture industry 2015
143 FishDirector Automatic Scalable VM Management for Data Centre Optimisation 2015
144 ANAPRINT Additive Printing for Cell-Based Analysis 2015
145 PSR94 Commercialisation of 94GHz Phase Shifting Radar (PSR94) 2015
146 MSmed Mass spectrometric technology for next generation proteomics in systems medicine 2015
147 KMaaS Key Management as-a-Service 2016
149 RCC-TEST A breakthrough in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Personalized RCC-Test 2016
150 PRIFOG PRIFOG - A technology-powered producer responsibility initiative for fat, oil and grease compliance for food service outlets 2015
151 SuperHD-ToolBox Next generation Image Processing Engine to support the creation, processing, deployment and transmission of super high definition images for large format ‘smart’ digital displays and signage 2015
152 MemMOFs Hybrid Membranes Incorporating Metal-Organic Frameworks 2015
153 NanoSol Accelerating Commercialization of Nanowire Solar Cell Technologies 2016
154 CHEOPS Production technology to achieve low Cost and Highly Efficient phOtovoltaic Perovskite Solar cells 2016
155 DuoTrainer New robotic medical device for autonomous, home-based gait neurorehabilitation and weight-bearing leg exercise, aimed at adults with loss of standing and walking function 2015
156 NEWCORT Novel Processes and Equipment in Composite Repair Technology 2016
157 DISTRACTION Design against DISTortion of metallic aerospace parts based on combination of numeRical modelling ACTivities and topology optimisatION 2016
158 SAFE-CTS Efficient and cost-effective intermodal road-rail container freight system 2015
159 NET4TRAIN Revamping trains with the most advanced broadband communication system 2015
160 IN-SKA Square Kilometre Array: Infrastructure Detailed Design for SKA Phase 1 2016
161 ACT Accellerating CCS technologies as a new low-carbon energy vector 2016
162 ARCFIRE Large-scale RINA benchmark on FIRE 2016
163 Re-Deploy Re-deployable solar boilers based on concentrating solar collecotors for ESCO type sale of thermal energy to industrial processes. 2016
164 F-Interop FIRE+ online interoperability and performance test tools to support emerging technologies from research to standardization and market launch The standards and innovations accelerating tool 2015
165 SCIDNET DevelopIng Genetic medicines for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) 2016
166 TAT-CF Novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of cystic fibrosis based on small molecule transmembrane anion transporters 2016
167 AUTOSTEM Development of closed, scalable and AUTOmated robotic systems for therapeutic STEM cell manufacturing: aseptic systems from “Donor-to-Patient” 2016
168 ALTAIR Air Launch space Transportation using an Automated aircraft and an Innovative Rocket 2015
169 ORPHEUS Object-based broadcasting – for European leadership in next generation audio experiences 2015
170 PROTEUS Scalable online machine learning for predictive analytics and real-time interactive visualization 2015
171 AGILE Adoptive Gateways for dIverse muLtiple Environments 2016
173 nanoBAT Enhanced brown adipose tissue activity using nanotechnology approaches 2016
174 PReDicT Predicting Response to Depression Treatment 2015
175 WInspector Advanced shearography kit and a robotic deployment platform for on-site inspection of wind turbine blades 2016
176 SLICEWATCH Monitoring meat texture to optimize slicing yield and reduce wasted meat in high-speed slicing lines 2016
177 eSHaRk eco-friendly Ship Hull film system with fouling Release and fuel saving properties 2015
178 REScoop Plus REScoop Plus 2016
179 SCODEV Scooping Device for Aerial Forest Fire Suppressant 2016
180 GIDDB New practices of Grassroots Innovation for Demand Driven Businesses 2016
181 SMART Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade 2016
182 BEVSTREAM High Pressure Processing (HPP) equipment for large beverage productions 2016
183 my-AHA My Active and Healthy Aging 2016
184 EUFRUIT EU Fruit Network 2016
185 PEAKapp Personal Energy Administration Kiosk application: an ICT-ecosystem for Energy Savings through Behavioural Change, Flexible Tariffs and Fun 2016
186 SGSOFT Antimicrobial wound care solution to prevent and cure wound infections and cut health care costs 2016
187 ERXOS ElectroRheological fluid based eXOSkeleton devices for physical upper limb rehabilitation 2016
188 InstaGreen Bringing Local and Sustainable Produce Back to the City 2016
190 TRUEPIVOT Advanced engineering analytics for the detection of errors in the structural design of critical urban infrastructure. 2016
191 APTASENS A new generation of AptaSensors 2016
192 High_Performance_TC Development of high performance turbocharger for aeronautical application 2016
193 GreenChalcoCell Green and sustainable chalcopyrite and kesterite nanocrystals for inorganic solar cells 2016
194 ReadyToGo Analysis of the regulation of stress tolerance and growth to improve stress responses under water scarcity in crops 2016
195 DIVAS Distributed vibrational and acoustic sensing technology 2016
196 BiOp-FibEnd Biopsy equivalent Optical Fiber multifunctional Endoscope 2016
197 QuardCard Powered smart card with a biometric one time password system 2016
198 ELR1K Enhancing Large-scale chemical Reactions based on Elementary Kinetics 2016
199 DIDSON Paracoustics : System active sound reducing system against noise pollution due to transport 2016
200 iSCAPE Improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe 2016
201 DANTE Detecting and ANalysing TErrorist-related online contents and financing activities 2016
202 ATENA Advanced Tools to assEss and mitigate the criticality of ICT compoNents and their dependencies over Critical InfrAstructures 2016
203 BRIGAID BRIdges the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilience 2016
204 ifoodbag gen2 Unique, low-cost, low-footprint, reusable hybrid carrier bag system that enables food to be kept cold/frozen for up to 24 hours 2016
205 Quartzene Quartzene - Market uptake of the world's first low cost aerogel-type nano-material 2016
206 WHIPLASH WHat next? an Integrated PLanetary Atmosphere Simulator: from Habitable worlds to Hot jupiters 2016
207 IoSense Flexible FE/BE Sensor Pilot Line for the Internet of Everything 2016
208 NUHGD Non Uniform Hyperbolicity in Global Dynamics 2016
209 MAGTOOLS Software tools for fast, reliable analysis of magnetic materials in the electron microscope 2016
210 ULISENS Ultra Legionella Inmunoanalysis System for Early Sensing 2016
211 Hilet Highly linear efficient technology for wireless data transmission for 4G, 5G, wifi and beyond 2016
212 REFOCUS ‘Plug And Play’ Forest Asset Monitoring Service For Small and Medium Forest Owners based on Sentinell 2016
213 NORMOPERF Normothermic perfusion devices for renal and hepatic preservation and viability assessment 2016
214 PRODRIVE Production-Ready Oriented Development of Radically Innovative Vehicle Electric drive 2016
215 ANSWER Adaptive Nozzle valve system for Solar Water powered desalination 2016
216 MYA MYA, the innovative diagnostics platform for the full mapping of personal allergies 2016
217 USONIPRO Ultrasonic technology for bioprocess enhancement 2016
218 FLUSENSOR FLUSENSOR - innovative, ultra-sensitive, fast and cheap micro-test to detect influenza virus 2016
219 3D-Forensics/FTI Mobile high-resolution 3D-Scanner and 3D data analysis for forensic evidence fast track to innovation 2016
220 MAGELLAN MAGELLAN. The World, Your Playground! 2016
221 willpower willpower – make your own fuel from CO2 2016
222 LIBI Lightning Interception Blade Implant 2016
224 Polarsol Phase Two Polarsol - a disruptive hybrid heat management solution for global markets 2016
225 King of App Launching the First Open Source Mobile Content Management System for Apps 2016
226 SMILE Slimming and Memory-Booster MIcroaLgae Extract 2016
227 Fox-IT Fitting-to-Outcome eXpert for semi-automated cochlear implant fine-tuning 2016
228 Quality2Cells TimeLapseReader for Quality Control of Immune Cells used for Cell-Based Therapies 2016
229 Plasmapower PlasmaPower: hydro-catalytic plasma gasification for high-efficiency energy generation 2016
231 BMX-11 Providing Antifouling Additives for Marine Paints Inspired by Nature and Engineered for Industries 2016
232 QTOOL Commercialization of Single-Photon Light Sources 2016
233 EBFZ Float zone silicon from electron beam grown rods 2016
234 QUIBIM QUantitative Imaging Biomarkers Medice 2016
235 ERNI2016 Reaserchers' Night Project 2016-2017 in Israel 2016
236 ReFocuS The Road to Friday of Science 2016
237 HEATSENS_S Lab-on-a-chip microfluidic device based on plasmonic driven thermal nanobiosensing for rapid detection of Salmonella in chicken meat. 2016
238 LowCostTracking Low cost tracking and data management solution for biopharma cold chain logistics 2016
239 PlaMatSu Plant-inspired materials and surfaces 2016
240 INDEED Innovative Nanowire DEvicE Design 2017
241 GreenProtein Revalorisation of vegetable processing industry remnants into high-value functional proteins and other food ingredients 2016
242 COSMIC European Training Network for Continuous Sonication and Microwave Reactors 2016
243 H2ME 2 Hydrogen Mobility Europe 2 2016
244 ES-Cat Directed Protein Evolution for Synthetic Biology and Biocatalysis 2017
246 FRESH FRESH - Fully bio based and bio degradable ready meal packaging 2017
247 EJDFoodSci Food science, technology and engineering - European Joint Doctorate training towards knowledge, skills and mobility 2016
248 INNOVIP Innovative multi-functional Vacuum-Insulation-Panels (VIPs) for use in the building sector 2016
249 THERMOSS Building and district thermal retrofit and management solutions 2016
250 OnTrack Innovative solutions for increasing efficiency and reducing environmental impacts of future wood supply 2016
251 P2Endure Plug-and-Play product and process innovation for Energy-efficient building deep renovation 2016
252 xMEMSDBS Dried Blood Spot sampling at home in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 2016
253 RAM RAM is a revolutionary magneto-optical technology platform, outperforming current solutions in accuracy, cost, and time to diagnosis, when assessing human blood cells for Malaria presence 2016
254 CENSUS Cell-Based Models for Neurodegeneration Study and Use in Screening 2016
255 MIMODETECT Improved detection of underground pipes by Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar for The Radar Networks 2016
256 ITECCO Demo Demonstration and market replication of Innofreight’s innovative rail logistics equipment for the raw material supply of the steel industry 2016
257 QUATERMAIN Quaternary Amino Acids on Scale for Medicine and Agroscience 2016
258 ARGO Highly accurate, flexible, robust and scalable multicamera system for spacecraft autonomous attitude determination through low cost cameras 2016
259 JAM JAM: vehicle predictive maintenance through Artificial Intelligence 2016
260 ECHOES Energy CHOices supporting the Energy union and the Set-plan 2016
261 LUVMI Lunar Volatiles Mobile Instrument 2016
262 REELER Responsible Ethical Learning with Robotics 2017
263 ARDITO Access to rights data via identification technologies optimisation 2017
264 GENIALG GENetic diversity exploitation for Innovative macro-ALGal biorefinery 2017
265 iMuSciCA Interactive Music Science Collaborative Activities 2017
266 InToTidal Demonstration of Integrated Solution for offshore Tocardo Tidal power plants. 2017
267 GoSAFE RAIL GoSAFE RAIL – Global Safety Management Framework for RAIL Operations 2016
268 EPRISE Empowering Photonics through Regional Innovation Strategies in Europe 2017
269 ESOMAVOD Enantioselective Synthesis of Madangamine Alkaloids via Organocatalytic Desymmetrization 2016
270 AARC2 Authentication and Authorisation For Research and Collaboration 2017
271 Morpheos MORPHotype EcOSystem – design remote definition based on big data morphology and use ecosystem for creative industries 2017
272 INTERCOME INTERnational COmmercialization of innovative products based on MicroalgaE 2016
273 MIMESIS A novel systems biology approach to develop preclinical assets from innovative drug discovery starting points inspired by viruses 2016
274 TENBRIN Application of high power ultrasounds (HPUs) to improve the sustainability in meat TENderize and BRINe processes 2016
275 SYNERGY Plugplay gasification plant for onsite conversion of otherwise unusable waste into renewable energy 2016
276 PANDA Production of Advanced Nano Diamond Additives (PANDA) for various industries, science and medicine 2016
277 COMPOSELECTOR Multi-scale Composite Material Selection Platform with a Seamless Integration of Material Models and Multidisciplinary Design Framework. 2017
278 B-SMART Brain-Specific, Modular and Active RNA Therapeutics 2017
279 DataBio Data-Driven Bioeconomy 2017
280 QUASYModo Symmetric Cryptography in the Post-Quantum World 2017
281 FORCE Formulations and Computational Engineering 2017
282 FASTSCALE Fast-Beam - Novel modular repair and newbuilding system for concrete bridges 2016
283 ECO CARS Device for reduction of emissions and fuel consumption, optimizing combustion by treatment of fuel on the vehicle 2016
284 MyTherapyTools ABI telerehabilitation system with high impact in patient’s wellbeing at limited cost 2016
285 Xepholution Artificial General Intelligence software enabling workforce relief for optimised results and increased efficiency 2016
286 CliniTrial Enhancement of an advanced clinical trial recruitment platform for Europe to ensure maximum intake of eligible consenting patients for participation 2016
287 GEOTHERMICA GEOTHERMICA - ERA NET Cofund Geothermal 2017
288 CO-LAB Improving collaborative working between correctional and mental health services 2017
289 PVCLOUD Innovative Cloud-Based PV Workflow for Semiconductor Foundries 2017
290 XPECAM A New Portable Spectral Camera System for the Cultural Heritage Conservation Market 2017
292 T-TAG Innovative tag system providing affordable time-temperature quality control of individual temperature sensitive products 2016
293 InjectoReducer Integrated reducer-filter-injector unit for natural gas engines 2016
294 VirtualNet VirtualNet 2016
295 3DCC Ready-to-use 3D Cell Cultures for early de-risking in drug development 2016
296 ReGenHeart Clinical development and proof of principle testing of new regenerative VEGF-D therapy for cost-effective treatment of refractory anginaA phase II randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study 2017
297 qSOFC Automated mass-manufacturing and quality assurance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell stacks 2017
298 AMTRAS Adaptive Multifunctional Test Rigs for Aeronautical Structures 2017
299 ALFA Advanced Low Flying Aircrafts Detection and Tracking 2017
300 ERIDIAN Ensured Randomness Integrity in Device-Independent Networks 2016
301 GasApp Making Complex Gas Analytics Friendly and Available ASAP 2017
302 RadioNet Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe 2017
303 BINCI Binaural Tools for the Creative Industries 2017
305 PJ27 IOPVLD Flight Object Interoperability VLD Demonstration 2016
306 NESPINT NEutron Spectrometry to Prevent Illicit Nuclear Trafficking 2017
307 NZi-VITAL Novel Smart Motorcycle helmet with integrated health monitoring system, accident detection and eCall compliance. 2017
308 CH2P Cogeneration of Hydrogen and Power using solid oxide based system fed by methane rich gas 2017
309 ACTRIS PPP ACTRIS PPP - Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project 2017
310 AWARENET The World´s First Application-Aware Network: Enabling Dynamic Bandwidth Management and Guaranteed Data Connection Quality in Mobile Networks 2017
311 SEaSiDE SEaSiDE (Smart Electro-expulsive System for SAT Aircrafts De-Icing) 2017
312 OCEAN_2G Second Generation technologies in ocean Energy 2017
313 RocketChip High Speed, Cost Effective Optical Communications Module Enabling the Next Generation of Ethernet 400 GbE 2016
314 CryoBiopsy CryoBiopsy: a bi-modal temperature sample preservation device for standardized breast cancer biopsy 2017
315 Bronchomycn First in class epithelial Barrier-enhancing medicine for respiratory diseases 2017
317 We teach to walk The Prodrobot authomatized gait trainer software developement and the EU market research 2017
318 SPG Seafarm Pulse Guard 2017
319 SmartECG The world's first universally compatible algorithm and platform for automatic interpretation of electrocardiogram analysis data 2017
320 EYE21 EYE2021. Glasses to see with 3D sound, arrival to market. 2017
321 KWIDO_TELECARE Multidevice software platform for caring elderly patients at home 2017
322 BikeABS Bicycle Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) for Cycling Industry 2017
323 VisionBot Innovative and Affordable Pick and Place Robots with 10µm high mechanical accuracy and Advanced Computer Vision Algorithms for automatic electronics assembly manufacturing 2017
324 CBIT Customisable Bioink Technology Platform 2017
325 HarvPell Upscale and redesign of a mobile harvesting and pelletizing disruptive all-in-one machine 2017
326 CitizenLab CitizenLab 2017
327 REJUVENATION Repair of Junctional Atrioventricular Conduction and Impulse Formation 2017
328 ELIQED Exploring Laser Interaction with Matters in the Quantum Electrodynamics Regime 2017
329 DNPMAT Studies of Materials and Catalysts by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced Solid-state NMR 2017
330 ICE Intelligent Control of Energy Storage for Smart Buildings and Grids 2017
331 CF-Web ClowdFlows Data and Text Analytics Marketplace on the Web 2017
332 TracVac Developing a Chlamydia Trachomatis vaccine 2017
333 SKDWONTRACK Room temperature stabilization and all-electrical manipulation of chiral spin structures in metallic multilayers 2018
334 CAP-SAliPharm Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) sterilization of powdered products: optimization and validation at alimentary and pharmaceutical levels 2018
335 TEROPPLATE Testing the role of thermo-chemical piles in the generation and continuation of plate tectonics 2018
336 I2C8 Inspiring to Create 2017
337 SEQ Scientists and Engineers for the Quantum world 2017
338 QSB Quantum Sensing for Biology 2017
339 FIT-UTI Fully Integrated Technology based on quantitative polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of Urinal Tract Infection 2017
340 GEMS Gluten Epitope Molecularly imprinted polymer Sensor 2018
341 IMforFUTURE Innovative training in methods for future data 2017
342 mPOWER Mobile platform to empower cancer patients with fatigue 2017
343 Mofina Mobile Filovirus Nucleic Acid Test – Sofia ref.: 115848 2015
344 PHAGO Inflammation and AD: modulating microglia function focussing on TREM2 and CD33 - Sofia ref.: 115976 2016
345 E-RIHS PP The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Preparatory Phase 2017
346 SELFCEPTION Robotic self/other distinction for interaction under uncertainty 2017
347 nanoPhotoMat Development of nano-Photocatalytic Materials for Indoor Air Purification and Odour Elimination 2017
348 INTER Innovative Neutron source for non destructive TEsting and tReatments 2017
349 CreepUT An ultrasonic non-destructive testing system for detection and quantification of early stage subsurface creep damage in the thermal power generation industry 2017
350 e-walk Biomechanical engineer for robotic healthcare solutions 2017
351 GlucoTear Non-Invasive Fluorescence-based Tear Glucose Sensor Integrated to a Smartphone 2018
352 ELCOREL Electrochemical Conversion of Renewable Electricity into Fuels and Chemicals 2017
353 A-ZEB Affordable zero energy buildings 2017
355 BRAVE BRidging gaps for the adoption of Automated VEhicles 2017
356 CoEXist 'AV-Ready' transport models and road infrastructure for the coexistence of automated and conventional vehicles 2017
357 COMPACT COmpetitive Methods to protect local Public Administration from Cyber security Threats 2017
358 I3CP Industrial and Infrastructure Investor Confidence Project 2017
359 Rib-ON Innovative Stamping Die for Aluminium Ribs Hot Stamping 2018
360 OpSec Goodmill - Operational Security Through Ensured Connectivity 2017
361 QuardCard Powered smart card with a biometric one time password system 2017
362 KEEN KEEN Quality Keeper - A Competence and Quality Assurance System representing a totally new standard for the health care sector 2017
363 HP-MOSES Solar assisted high temperature heat pumps for molten salt energy storage applications. 2017
364 ReMIX Redesigning European cropping systems based on species MIXtures 2017
365 Fit-to-nZEB Innovative training schemes for retrofitting to nZEB-levels 2017
366 IMMOVA Novel Immunotherapeutic Vaccine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease 2017
367 Domo4mAI Domo4m: Scalable Intelligent home office automation for energy savings 2017
368 MCodaq Mcodaq is a new benchtop instrument for fraud detection in cosmetics, perfumes, candles and other consumer products, based on NMR and used by technicians without specific analytical chemistry skills 2017
369 SIMPLE FEAST HEALTHY TAKE-AWAY ON SUBSCRIPTION - delicious, organic, plant-based food in season whenever you need it. To promote good health of the European Union’s population. 2017
370 EPSS 2 Enabling Chemical Propulsion System for the Growing Small Satellite Market 2017
371 PassivDom Feasibility study for PassivDom – autonomous self-learning 3D-printed modular house 2017
372 iEBDD A Software Interface for Interactive Ensemble-Based Drug Design 2017
373 HRadio Hybrid Radio everywhere for everyone 2017
375 INVITE Co-designing and piloting demand-driven mechanisms, skill-sets and measures for stimulating and facilitating open innovation across European innovation systems 2017
376 GlobalBLED Ecosystem of Advanced ICT-based Services Personalised Training for Efficient Secure Driving 2017
377 Hi-OMICS High Performance Genomics for Software Defined Infrastructures 2017
378 OLDIAS2 On-line Dialysis Sensor Phase2 2017
379 PRIDIKTIV Pridiktiv - Exploring European expansion through 4 pilot studies 2017
380 PROBIOTEARS Probiotic-based Ophtalmologic treatment for Bacterial and Allergic Conjunctivitis 2017
381 CerQUIT Certifying Large-scale Quantum Information Technologies 2018
382 CECM Centre for New Methods in Computational Diagnostics and Personalised Therapy 2017
383 BIOO Panel Green Electricity from plants’ photosynthesis 2017
384 EMOT Electromagnetic to Optics Transducer 2018
385 DEMETO Modular, scalable and high-performance DE-polymerization by MicrowavE TechnolOgy 2017
386 CleanPack UltraCLEAN thermoforming equipment for food PACKaging, a cost-effective alternative to clean rooms 2017
387 BEEOXAL Treatment against honeybee varroosis based on highly effective application of oxalic acid through sublimation 2017
388 ERICA Engineered Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates for Applications 2017
389 GLOMO Global mobility of employees 2018
390 InnoDC Innovative tools for offshore wind and DC grids 2017
391 ModulED Modular Electric Drivetrains 2017
392 NUOVOpb A unique Lead Acid Battery (LAB) recycling technology to reduce CO2 emissions by 89%, reduce waste by 81%, and transform the battery recycling industry 2017
393 Ovage OvAge: an innovative, user-friendly digital methodology that quantifies ovarian reserve by integratingclinical, biochemical and 3D-sonographic data to help decision-making in all phases of woman life 2017
394 QUIBIM Precision QUantitative Imaging Biomarkers Medicine 2017
395 SUPREME Sustainable and flexible powder metallurgy processes optimization by a holistic reduction of raw material resources and energy consumption. 2017
397 GHOST InteGrated and PHysically Optimised Battery System for Plug-in Vehicles Technologies 2017
398 Efficoil Integrating Punching and Laser Coil Technology for Metal Manufacturing Industry 2017
399 iNanoBIT Integration of Nano- and Biotechnology for beta-cell and islet Transplantation 2017
400 SoCaTel A multi-stakeholder co-creation platform for better access to long-term care services 2017
401 PANACEA A thematic network to design the penetration PAth of Non-food Agricultural Crops into European Agriculture 2017
402 Hi-FLY High-Speed Integrated Satellite Data Systems For Leading EU IndustrY 2018
403 LEA The first Large European Antenna with a diameter larger than 5 meters 2017
404 MASTER Multiple ASpects TrajEctoRy management and analysis 2018
405 ACTPHAST 4.0 ACceleraTing PHotonics innovAtion for SME’s: a one STop-shop-incubator 2017
406 ProteaseNter Disseminating N-terminomics to Advance Protease Research 2018
407 GET READY GET READY - a unique intervention addressing activity reduction co-designed with Care Home residents and University students, following a service-learning methodology 2018
408 MOODSTRATIFICATION Immune Signatures for Therapy Stratification in Major Mood Disorders 2018
409 WU TANG Selective Conversion of Water and CO2 Using Interfacial Electrochemical Engineering 2017
410 ReSOMA Research Social platform On Migration and Asylum 2018
411 ExoplANETS A Exoplanet Athmosphere New Emission Transmission Spectra Analysis 2018
412 FLAMINGO Fulfilling enhanced Location Accuracy in the Mass-market through Initial GalileO services 2017
413 TWIGA Transforming Weather Water data into value-added Information services for sustainable Growth in Africa 2018
414 Signa2.0 Signaturit 2018
415 FLHYSAFE Fuel CelL HYdrogen System for AircraFt Emergency operation 2018
416 IRSUS Innovation Radar Support Services 2017
417 FENTEC Functional Encryption Technologies 2018
418 WAZIHUB Accelerating Open IoT and Big Data Innovation in Africa 2018
419 OmnImmune Manufacturing and testing of an allogeneic gamma delta T cell therapy for the treatment of cancer 2017
420 PREDESA Non-invasive technology for remote screening and personalised therapy of sleeping disorders: EU piloting and commercialisation project 2017
421 VoLTE-DM VoLTE device management platform: enabler for the transition to full-LTE mobile networks and more efficient use of the scarce radio spectrum 2017
422 EXACT-dna EXtended Analysis of Circulating Tumour DNA to improve cancer management strategies 2017
424 SARA Search And Rescue Aid and Surveillance using High EGNSS Accuracy 2018
425 IMASAT IMA (Integrated Modular Avionics) for Small Air Transport 2018
426 POHP Combined waste heat recovery and compact cooling with Pyroelectric-Oscillating Heat Pipe (POHP) system for low temperature thermal to electrical energy conversion 2018
427 CBCLASER Revolutionizing Industrial Materials Processing with Optical Phased Array Coherent BeamCombined High Power, Digitally controlled Lasers. 2018
428 Mega-Inliner High tech Inliner for ISO tank containers 2018
429 ODALISS Optical Data Payload for Small Satellites – A complete satellite platform with integrated optical communications system for increased data transfer rates. 2018
430 NextGen-O2k Next Generation instrument for in-depth mitochondrial status analyses 2018
431 NCN Nite Carbon Nanoclusters, a natural antioxidant for the food industry made from agricultural waste 2018
432 BTech Novel human neurodegenerative disease specific 3D cell-models with applications in drug development and toxicity testing 2018
433 CAALA CAALA - Computer Aided Architectural Life-cycle Assessment 2018
434 SIA System for vehicle-infrastructure Interaction Assets health status monitoring 2018
435 MEPAFUS Metitalia prototype tooling for fuselage panel 2018
436 KEEP-IT-UP KEEP-IT-UP: Redefining shelf life monitoring in the global food industry with a new intelligent Time-Temperature Indicator for perishable products 2018
437 3DProSeed 3DProSeed: the first ready-to-use, pre-assembled, hydrogel microtiter plate for 3D cell culturess 2018
438 FlexOne FlexOne - Unbreakable cables 2018
439 NIRCOThera Spatiotemporal, near-infrared light controlled carbon monoxide delivery for cancer immunotherapy 2018
440 FINDER FINDER: FIghtiNg DEngue viRus, a novel strategy for the development of fully protective antiviralsthat act by disrupting the DENV NS3/NS5 interaction 2018
441 STAR Safe, Transparent, Active and Reliable mineral sunscreen technology 2018
442 BROWSE_PLUS Beam-steered Reconfigurable Optical-Wireless System for Energy-efficient communication – Proving the Concept 2018
443 C-SERVEES Activating Circular Services in the Electric and Electronic Sector 2018
444 CliRSnow Statistically combine climate models with remote sensing to providehigh-resolution snow projections for the near and distant future. 2018
445 CRYOSTEM Solvent free Cryopreservation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells 2018
446 ECOBREED Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding 2018
447 REACT REactively Defending against Advanced Cybersecurity Threats 2018
448 CLAP Natural Hands for Intuitive Virtual 3D Interaction 2019
449 EPSKS Efficient pore-scale kinetic simulation of gas flows in ultra-tight porous media 2018
450 EuSuper Superconducting Magnetic RAM for Next Generation of Supercomputers 2018
451 TRuST TRanscriptomic analysis improving models to predict microbial SafeTy of ready-to-eat foods 2019
452 SiBaToGA The influence of stress in the bones and teeth of great apes 2018
453 MAGNET-CELLPATCH Multimodal magnetic cellular-patches with synergistic effects for high performance theranostics 2019
454 SafePack Assessing safety of food packaging through computational toxicology 2018
455 ESCAPE-2 Energy-efficient SCalable Algorithms for weather and climate Prediction at Exascale 2018
456 EPEEC European joint Effort toward a Highly Productive Programming Environment for Heterogeneous Exascale Computing (EPEEC) 2018
457 MagElastic Magneto-elastic technologies for point-of-care diagnostics 2018
458 RebelRocket RebelRocket: 10x better Wi-Fi for the passenger transportation industry 2018
459 Ventura Habitat Commercialisation of Ventura Habitat - a novel wind turbine blade maintenance enclosure tomaximize downtime productivity 2018
460 NEXTFOOD Educating the next generation of professionals in the agrifood system 2018
461 LIAISON Better Rural Innovation: Linking Actors, Instruments and Policies through Networks 2018
462 SMARTER SMAll RuminanTs breeding for Efficiency and Resilience 2018
463 proGIreg productive Green Infrastructure for post-industrial urban regeneration 2018
464 GeoRes Geomaterials: from Waste to Resource 2018
465 H-Reality Mixed Haptic Feedback for Mid-Air Interactions in Virtual and Augmented Realities 2018
466 DTA3 Extended University Alliance Doctoral Training Alliance in Energy, Applied Biosciences for Health and Social Policy DTA3 2018
467 IVS Affordable airless packaging system to disrupt the airless packaging market 2018
468 F3D-Fastsight-PoC We enable safe and smarter urban transportation with laser imaging of surroundings, avoiding collisions with pedestrians and enabling autonomous navigation. Our single chip implementation delivers 2018
469 GI-BCT Disruptive imaging technology for accurate and painless breast cancer diagnosis 2018
470 PUPILOSCOPE Pupiloscope, a Neuro-Critical Care Device, Enabling Quantitative, Real-Time, Pupillary Monitoring and Assessment of Patients with Neurotrauma and Head Injuries. 2018
471 EXOTRAIL Miniaturised Hall effect propulsion for small satellites 2018
472 HypoSkin Unique breakthrough ex vivo human skin model to predict efficacy and toxicity of subcutaneous drugs 2018
473 UCRxF A novel ulcerative colitis treatment - A phase III ready feasibility study 2018
474 DiaMOND personalised Diabetes Management using lOw-cost Needle-free multiple-biomarkers monitoring Device 2018
475 FOODINIPRO FoodiniPro: the connected 3D Food Printer appliance for every kitchen 2018
476 Is it fresh Is it fresh. Keeping it fresh digitally 2018
478 CAtALySt NeurescueTM: Computer- controlled aortic occlusion device for the treatment of cardiac arrest 2018
479 Sex-Assault-ID Crime Scene Presumptive Sperm Identification Test for Sexual Assault Evidence and DNA Collection 2018
480 IoTree IoTree, a cutting edge low-cost, low-energy and highly sensitive solution for early detection of pests attacking trees. 2018
481 EMBRACE Electric space propulsion Matures the Booming technology space RACE 2018
482 HYBRiX Hybrid fuel-electric multicopter RPAS with 10 times more flight time than current solutions in the market 2018
483 Bob Creating the French Dyson: European leader on home appliances for tomorrow’s households. 2018
484 OUTLIVE OUTLIVE: a disruptive non-invasive ultrasound therapy to treat all patients affected with aortic stenosis. 2019
486 HiVOLT HIGH-VOLTAGE LITHIUM STORAGE - secure + efficient battery storage solution of the next generation 2018
487 Barbara-IoT Barbara is an Operating System Software Platform which enables IoT device manufacturers to boost their level of security, reduce time-to-market, and reduce costs. 2018
488 MYRES Innovative biotechnology using mycorrhizal fungi to restore and remediate damaged soils 2018
489 SkinKer Absorbable and wearable keratin-based nanofibers for wound healing and skin reconstruction 2018
490 MATTERHORN Electronic Thruster Controller for Underwater Vehicles and Robots 2018
491 Stibiox Innovative antimony recovery process from lead and plastics wastes. 2018
492 DeLiver FISH-LIVER-HARVESTER (FLH) Project - an automated fish liver harvesting machine 2018
494 TETUS Tissue-engineered oral mucosa cells for treatment of urethral strictures 2018
495 M-H70 M-H70 2.0 Hydrogen pressure gas regulators specifically designed for Fuel Cell Vehicles 2018
496 CB1-18 CB1-18 Chatbot tool for automatic job interview 2018
497 Woodoo Woodoo Augmented Wood - transforming wood into construction material strong as concrete and translucent as amber 2018
498 SMR Stroke Management through RGTA®: SMR 2018
499 Quakebots Artificial Intelligence and IoT for seismic monitoring 2018
500 SIGAGuard Cybersecurity anomaly detection solution for critical infrastructures 2018
501 oilywatertreat The most effective and economically attractive solution for treating oily waste water on vessels and keeping our oceans cleaner 2018
502 COMBO A diagnostics platform for dengue fever and mosquito-borne diseases 2018
503 OmniBot OmniBot: Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing Bot platform 2018
504 XPECAM A New Portable Spectral Camera System for the Cultural Heritage Conservation Market 2018
505 G4SEMI Graphene for Semiconductor Industry 2018
506 OpenSuperQ An Open Superconducting Quantum Computer 2018
507 PGplant The Facade of Industrial Internet 2018
508 ICT-BIOCHAIN ICT-BIOCHAIN - ICT Tools in Efficient Biomass Supply Chains for Sustainable Chemical Production 2018
509 SeafoodTrace SeafoodTrace: Intelligent Traceability Platform enabling full transparency in the Seafood supply chain 2018
511 SYST-iMYC Development of an effective and safe systemic Myc inhibitor for the treatment of multiple cancer types. 2018
512 SMIMS Single Molecule Imaging Mass Spectrometry 2018
514 VillageInvest Village Invest: Low Cost Loans for Unbanked People in Risky Political Economies 2018
515 VacPath Novel vaccine vectors to resist pathogen challenge 2019
516 SOMIT Leveraging a novel platform technology to develop a first-in-class immunotherapy for Celiac Disease 2018
517 CORRO STOP EDS 2500 - Cold degassing of boiler water for a corrosion-free water pipeline network to minimize repair costs 2018
518 BEST4SOIL Boosting 4 BEST practices for SOIL health in Europe 2018
519 AgroBioHeat Promoting the penetration of agrobiomass heating in European rural areas 2019
520 DeltaScan Public private partnership to revolutionize delirium care in hospitals 2018
521 SKOPA Skin friction and fiber-optics-based surface pressure measurements for aircraft applications 2018
522 REACH Renewable Energy and Connectivity Hub 2018
523 CLARITY Bringing social impact to markets - Social Impact rating agency and AI powered SaaS tool for investors to optimize the social impact of their investment portfolios. 2018
524 SERENiTi Software Enhanced Research iN Transient kinetics 2018
525 Phys2BioMed Biomechanics in health and disease: advanced physical tools for innovative early diagnosis 2019
526 iqClock Integrated Quantum Clock 2018
527 G-IMAGER New Graphene Imager based on Graphene-on-wafer 2018
528 infra4Dfuture Infrastructure for the Future 2018
529 EURAKNOS Connecting Thematic Networks as Knowledge Reservoirs: towards a European Agricultural Knowledge Innovation Open Source System 2019
530 FITGEN Functionally Integrated E-axle Ready for Mass Market Third GENeration Electric Vehicles 2019
531 RedStroke Smart ICT-solution to cost-efficiently detect atrial fibrillation to Reduce Europe’s burden of Stroke 2018
532 HUMAN TEXTILES Human, Woven, Tissue-Engineered Blood Vessels (TEBV) Exclusively from Cell-Assembled Extracellular Matrix (CAM). 2018
533 CHARMING Chemical Engineering Immersive Learning 2018
534 NUTRIMAN Nutrient Management and Nutrient Recovery Thematic Network 2018
535 LiveRest Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure injury risk by real time measure of tissue viability, and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context 2018
536 PCSCT Photon Counting Spectral Computed Tomography 2018
537 EVC1000 Electric Vehicle Components for 1000 km daily trips (EVC1000). 2019
539 CIRCLES Controlling mIcRobiomes CircuLations for bEtter food Systems 2018
540 C2C4LMB Gigstarter — A C2C Solution for Live Music Bookings 2018
541 MagnoBeads Removing endotoxins during sepsis: a blood purification platform using magnetic nanoparticles 2018
542 ColorSensing A quantitative, multifunctional, non-invasive and cost-effective food freshness indicator to reduce food waste 2018
543 evaGuide Security Management Platform for enhanced situation awareness and real-time adaptive evacuation strategies for large venues for sports and entertainment 2018
544 LEDGER decentraLizEd Data Governance for nExt geneRation internet 2018
545 LeanLab Next Generation Lean Lab Digital Platform combining AI, Visual Management Tools & Touch Screen Technology (LeanLab) 2018
546 GyroGlove Development and Commercialisation of an Intelligent Wearable Platforms to Stabilise Hand Tremors in Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor 2018
547 WAVESHIELD Re-inventing Paint – A Pioneering, Dry Paint Film for Radio Frequency Identification applications 2018
548 ECOFER ECOFER: Next Generation Slag and Mineral Processing Technology 2018
549 NUMA-SCALE Enabling Large-Scale GMP-ready Peptide Production with a new, reliable and cost-efficient Bioprocess 2018
550 Aerosint Reinventing 3D printing into a true multi-material process 2019
551 ReaxPro Software Platform for Multiscale Modelling of Reactive Materials and Processes 2019
552 LISA Lithium sulphur for SAfe road electrification 2019
553 INTERSECT Interoperable Material-to-Device simulation box for disruptive electronics 2019
554 SimDOME Digital Ontology-based Modelling Environment for Simulation of materials 2019
555 LightCoce Building an Ecosystem for the up-scaling of lightweight multi-functional concrete and ceramic materials and structures 2019
556 MaX MAterials design at the eXascale. European Centre of Excellence in materials modelling, simulations, and design 2018
557 ACEPOL Agent-based Computational Economics for Policy Analysis 2019
558 OVO Habitat Sustainable, affordable and code compliant 3D printed houses 2018
560 Revotree An automated, machine learning, IoT agronomic platform for optimal irrigation, pesticide and fertilizer utilization at farms. 2018
561 Pret-a-LLOD Ready-to-use Multilingual Linked Language Data for Knowledge Services across Sectors 2019
562 iGame Multi-dimensional Intervention Support Architecture for Gamified eHealth and mHealth Products 2019
563 TERMINUS in-built Triggered Enzymes to Recycle Multi-layers: an INnovation for USes in plastic-packaging 2019
564 CIRCUS Crosspoint In-memoRy CompUting Systems 2019
565 cFLOW Coherent ultraFast Long Wave infrared communications 2019
567 NG-EGSE Next Generation Modular EGSE Architecture 2019
568 SCAUT Ser-Col; from finger to laboratory; personalized and automated serum collection for laboratory diagnostics 2019
569 SOLARNET Integrating High Resolution Solar Physics 2019
570 GOLIATH Beating Goliath: Generation Of NoveL, Integrated and Internationally Harmonised Approaches for Testing Metabolism Disrupting Compounds 2019
571 DIFFUSION A device enabling quantification of molecular and nanoparticle diffusion within thin solvated films 2019
572 BioMensio BioMensio mobile biosensing platform: the first truly palm-sized and accurate digital multi-drug test 2019
573 IMIR-UP Scale-up of INNER MAGIC and INNER REFLECTION: Virtual Ultrasound Sensors for Smart Devices. 2019
574 SeaBest Launching first large-scale organic seaweed-to-food cultivation and processing in EU 2019
575 LEGO A “movement digitisation” sensor as a brick for disruptive IoT services 2019
576 INVIOO INVIOO – data-driven decision-making apps for everyon 2019
577 Lakhesys Lakhesys: building the machine to make the medicines of tomorrow 2019
578 AutoRay New solution for fully automated analysis and reporting of routine musculoskeletal X-rays 2019
579 Eco-Closure Eco-Smart Twist & Pop Closure System to Control Bubbles in Carbonated Beverages 2019
580 EPS55 Electric Propulsion System for the Air Transportation of Tomorrow 2019
581 SUSTONABLE From bottle to stone. Recyclable engineered stone for countertops. 2019
582 SyntheticPaper Enabling high performance and cost-efficient Point-of-Care diagnostics using a new innovative synthetic lateral flow substrate 2019
583 2021 GRIP Crouzet Next Grip Generation 2019
584 SMAGRINET Smart grid competence hub for boosting research, innovation and educational capacities for energy transition 2019
585 LIFEBOTS Exchange LIFEBOTS Exchange - creating a new reality of care and welfare through the inclusion of social robots. 2019
586 CRC-MTOs Colorectal Cancer Mouse Tumor Organoids as Pre-clinical Models for Therapeutical Testing 2018
587 NanoWelds NanoWelds:First nanotechnology for the electronic industry based on a room-temperature welding process 2018
588 VILB Very high temperature HVDC busbar (180 - 240°) with reliable and cost effective technology 2018
589 BIOCONTACT Contact Mechanics of Soft and Complex Biological Tissues 2019
590 PANTERA Pan European Technology Energy Research Approach 2019
591 BIOMAP Biomarkers in Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis 2019
592 EngPTC2 Exploring new technologies for the next generation pulse tube cryocooler below 2K 2019
593 ULTRADISS Ultra-sensitive mechanical dissipation in classical, quantum and non-equilibrium nanocontacts 2019
594 CF-CO2R Catholyte-free flow cell enables high efficiency electroreduction of CO2 to C2 fuels 2019
595 5G-ACE Beyond 5G: 3D Network Modelling for THz-based Ultra-Fast Small Cells 2019
596 InnoDAF Innovative model-based design and operational optimization of Dissolved Air Flotation 2019
597 MCRD Development Of Microfluidic Based Low Cost Industrial Cryo-Ready Devices For Preservation Of Living Cells 2020
598 PHOTOCYLINDER Photodynamic therapy enabled DNA-fork-binding metallo-cylinders: drugs and release triggers 2019
599 iProcureNet innovation by developing a European Procurer Networking for security research services 2019
600 MANDALA The transition of MultilAyer/multipolymer packagiNg into more sustainable multilayer/single polymer products for the fooD and phArma sectors through the deveLopment of innovative functional Adhesives 2019
601 3DX-LIGHT 3D X-ray Light-Field: low-dose X-ray imaging with X-ray wavefront sensors 2019
602 Vetherapy Regenerative medicine for cost- and time-efficient pet treatment 2019
603 FreezeM Revivable freezing solution for the insect farming market 2019
605 VARIANT Multiband miniature antenna for Open Hardware IoT Platforms 2019
606 RAPID The first effective remedy for acute pancreatitis disease 2019
607 e-pack 3D The intelligent online platform for lean packaging eco-design 2019
608 TARANTULA Recovery of Tungsten, Niobium and Tantalum occurring as by-products in mining and processing waste streams 2019
609 UltimateGaN Research for GaN technologies, devices, packages and applications to address the challenges of the future GaN roadmap 2019
610 CEGUM Coordination for Efficient and Green Urban Mobility 2019
611 StepUP Solutions and Technologies for deep Energy renovation Processes UPtake 2019
612 COMMER-CELL Commercialisation of neuronal cell co-cultures 2019
613 OSTOFORM Novel Device for Improving Ostomy Skin Condition 2019
614 Forsway Next Gen Hybrid Networks for Global Internet Access 2019
616 HEMOSNOW HEMOSNOW: A revolution in haemostatic technology to stop bleeding in delicate surgery and enhance patient recovery 2019
617 ZETAMIX ZETAMIX, the first Desktop Ceramic 3D printer on the market 2019
618 PRO-SCT PROducing Stem Cells for improved Treatment of patients 2019
619 SE3DPASTE Structurally Engineered 3D Printed Architectures for Scalable Tissue Engineering 2019
620 CHAMPION Cartilage Healing Approach Merging Polymer InnOvation with Nature 2019
621 FIVE-G Functional Improvement & Validation of next Generation Equipment - Pulsed Laser Deposition for High Volume Manufacturing of enhanced piezo thin film materials enabling 5G data communication 2019
622 GHZ-BURST Industrial GHz repetition rate, burst mode, ultrashort pulsed fiber laser for high speed volume-ablation micromachining applications 2019
623 PayLead Smart Loyalty Program: Using Data Science to Inspire the Next Purchase 2019
624 EBiSC2 EBiSC2 – A sustainable European Bank for induced pluripotent Stem Cells 2019
625 LAUNCH LAUNCH: sustainable energy assets as tradable securities 2019
626 EVERIFIN EU-wide internet banking application for managing more accounts from multiple banks in one place 2019
627 NEXIM A Next-generation targeted immuno-oncology therapy 2019
628 Monopoly Baeyer Villiger Monooxygenases as Biocatalytic Parts for Monomers of New Lactone-based Polymeric Materials 2019
629 ENERXICO Supercomputing and Energy for Mexico 2019
630 ALSEOS Technology to turn waste from rapeseed oil production into valuable food protein. 2019
631 Stoli Catalysts Disrupting fine chemicals manufacturing with catalyst-coated tube reactors 2019
632 Anti-L1CAM Anti-L1CAM antibody: A novel efficacious immunotherapy for pancreatic and ovarian cancer patients 2019
633 SmartPhotonics Facilitating photonics innovation, through a modular, integration technology platform 2019
634 MMEM Miniaturized Matrixed Enthalpy Metter - Portable, affordable, easy to operate, diagnostic device enabling a rapid & accurate diagnosis of a patient infected by antibiotic-resistant bacteria 2019
635 PhoMEC Photonic Integrated Microcombs as Multi-wavelength Sources for Edge Data Centers 2019
636 THINK THINK: TeraHertz emitting INK 2019
637 EQUIVert Worldwide unique biofeedback system for non-invasive vertigo therapy and fall prevention 2019
638 PWS Polyurethane Window System: energy efficient monolithic windows towards Europe’s energy transition 2019
639 QUBE Quantum technology with carbon nanotUBEs 2019
640 oculavis SHARE oculavis SHARE: The Remote Service Platform for B2B service processes based on Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence Technologies 2019
641 AGRICAM AGRICAM – reducing the usage of antibiotics and increasing animal welfare through advanced thermal imaging system for detecting early cases of mastitis in dairy cows 2019
642 Medusa Innovative technology for Geomechanical and Geophysical Stability Analysis in Tailings Dams 2019
643 APS On-site and On-demand Flexible Packaging System 2019
644 TWO-BIRDS A feasibility study for SYT-510, a first-in-class drug to treat neuropsychiatric disorders through restoring overall balance in brain chemistry 2019
645 EuroSheep European Network for interactive and innovative knowledge exchange on animal health and nutrition between the sheep industry actors and stakeholders 2020
646 TRACER TRAF-STOP therapy to reduCe inflammation in athERosclerosis. 2020
647 Cortx Intelligent debt recovery platform. 2019
648 MANTICA Fully Scalable Platform for Neuroscience Consumer Research and Product Development, Based on User-Friendly EEG-Headset and Cloud-Based Data Storage/Analysis. 2019
649 VOROCO KOBOT – a VOice-responsive RObot for the COnstruction floor 2019
650 FLEXIGRID Interoperable solutions for implementing holistic FLEXIbility services in the distribution GRID 2019
651 SoundParticles Sound Particles - The Revolution in 3D Audio Software 2019
652 Plan2fix Nitrogen-enriched plasma activated water, an unparalleled plant feeding system 2019
653 EcoFLEXY Innovative nanocellulose bioplastic film from fruit waste 2019
654 MAGELIA A disruptive Magnetically Enhanced Library preparation platform for Next Generation Sequencing 2019
655 BlockStart Helping SMEs take the first steps into the Blockchain 2019
656 POWERSKIN PLUS Highly advanced modular integration of insulation, energising and storage systems for non-residential buildings 2019
657 LAACat Large Area Aerogel Catalyst 2019
658 preSENSE IoT-ready radar sensors with micrometer-level accuracy for safe human-machine collaboration 2019
659 JUSTINMIND-XR Justinmind XR: The First Code-Free Rapid Prototyping Platform for eXtended Reality (VR/AR/MR) and Spatial Computing 2019
660 TubInTrain Tuning Tubulin Dynamics and Interactions to Face Neurotoxicity: a Multidisciplinary Approach for Training and Research 2019
661 GW4SHM Guided Waves for Structural Health Monitoring 2020
662 CLIPE Creating Lively Interactive Populated Environments 2020
663 SELMA Trial Ready Small Vessel MRI Markers: Proof of Concept 2019
664 SWIFTLY Sharing-economy matching platform to revolutionize last-mile logistics 2019
665 Didimo Humanity in Digital Communication 2019
666 VACDIVA A safe DIVA vaccine for African Swine Fever control and eradication 2019
667 BIOFRUITNET Boosting Innovation in Organic FRUIT production through strong knowledge NETworks 2019
668 CustomerServiceAI CustomerServiceAI: Fully language-independent AI platform for automated and augmented customer service 2019
669 METACOUSTIC Computational design and prototyping of acoustic metamaterials for tailored insulation of noise 2019
670 OriginIoT OriginIoT - Expediting Cellular IoT Device Development 2019
671 eggXYt A novel approach for sexing chicken embryos on day one before incubation - saving them from being hatched and disposed of. 2019
672 CL Platform Powering simplified and scalable mortgage application processing. 2019
673 AUTO-RST Flexible automated manufacturing of RST Facets: High Performance Solar Reflectors for CSP industry 2019
674 ONEIO The Intelligent Service Network Operator 2019
675 4Gen Light Aircraft Revolutionizing the general aviation industry thanks to a disruptive technology born in ocean racing to deliver a safer, environment-friendly, cost-saving and versatile new generation of aircrafts. 2019
678 HemaXis DX A patient-friendly blood collection device that produces pure plasma samples for simple laboratory analysis 2019
679 NanoEX Nanoextraction, separation and detection of micropollutants in one single and simple step 2019
680 CARLA The European Photonics CAReer LAunch Path 2020
681 IOTI4.0 Integral Open Technology for Industry 4.0 2019
682 Cenya Ex vivo cell labelling for in vivo imaging applied to cell therapeutics 2019
683 SWOP The first non-toxic bio-based polymer resin to revolutionize the wood panel industry 2019
684 BacterOMIC Intelligence for precision therapies against antimicrobial resistance: The first diagnostic panel that probes all the clinically relevant antibiotics at once 2019
685 ART-AI AI-powered Adaptive radiation dosimetry: An innovative solution for safer and precise MRI guided RadioTherapy 2019
686 AMPERE A Model-driven development framework for highly Parallel and EneRgy-Efficient computation supporting multi-criteria optimisation 2020
687 AiforCancerDX Deep learning AI in cancer diagnostics 2019
688 MULTIPLE Multimodal spectral sensors and orchestrated deep models for integrated process optimisation 2019
689 PLMSAT Power line vegetation monitoring and maintenance optimization with satellite imagery 2019
691 SnapEarth Fostering Earth Observation market uptake thanks to natural and holistic access to added value data generated through cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence technologies 2019
692 KRAKEN Brokerage and market platform for personal data 2019
693 PJP Plasma Jet Pack 2020
694 UNICOM Up-scaling the global univocal identification of medicines 2019
695 DUET Digital Urban European Twins for smarter decision making 2019
696 Ecofarming Synergy Holistic Smart Integrated Pest Management by combining unique real-time smart pheromone based pest monitoring trap (ecoberTRAP) with novel cost-effective European pheromone production (ecoberSYTHESIS) 2019
697 In-Heal Standardised administration device for raw medical herbs 2019
698 LT LaserTrain 2019
699 SUSTAINABLEMEAT Addressing the rising global meat demand while protecting the environment: developing Europe’s first competitive “cell-based meat” product 2019
700 AARN Ascend Avian Radar Network 2020
701 SAAT2020 Scoring crops with Agricultural Artificial intelligence Technologies 2019
702 EU-PEARL EU Patient- cEntric clinicAl tRial pLatform 2019
703 PJ05-W2 DTT PJ05-W2 Digital Technologies for Tower 2019
704 RLICS Robust Lightweight Cardan Shaft 2019
705 DemDX Next generation clinical decision-support & education 2019
706 ROG Real Organ Generation 2019
708 MOOD MOnitoring Outbreak events for Disease surveillance in a data science context 2020
709 Photopharm Photopharmacology: From Academia toward the Clinic. 2020
710 DPR-VAX Dipeptide-Repeat Vaccine to prevent ALS and FTD in C9orf72 mutation carriers 2020
711 READY Getting ready to treat human patients with nanobody-targeted photodynamic therapy 2020
712 ECOBIOMASS Achieving unique wines through an efficient production process 2019
713 PROSKit Prostate cancer urinary diagnostic kit based on RNA biomarkers 2020
714 ARON Assay-Ready Organ Network 2020
715 ECOPUMP Feasibility study for low-carbon emission Heat Pump 2020
717 INCIT-EV Large demonstratIoN of user CentrIc urban and long-range charging solutions to boosT an engaging deployment of Electric Vehicles in Europe 2020
718 FEATHERS FEATHERS (FE / MALES AND THEIR SCRIBES): Authorship and the Mediation of Voices, c. 1558-1642 2020
719 SIPhoDiAS Space-grade Opto-electronic Interfaces for Photonic Digital and Analogue Very-high-throughput Satellite payloads 2020
720 Scaleup4Europe The establishment of cross-border operating “Scaleup Labs” to increase the efficiency of the scaling support in specific industry verticals: Health, AgTech, Smart Region and Agile Manufacturing. 2020
722 SUSTONABLE From bottle to stone. Recyclable engineered stone for kitchen countertops. 2019
723 SIND The Social INdividual’s Decisions: how are they shaped by group affiliation during collective decisions? 2021
724 SulPure Exhaust Gas Purification System 2020
725 SoBigData-PlusPlus SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics 2020
726 feelware Computational Design Solutions for Touch Interfaces 2020
727 GUT3D-PLATE Ready-to-use cell culture plates for gut 3D models 2020
728 A.L.I.B.I. Helping Children to Make the Best of their Transition to High School 2020
729 Heart Fi-Re HEART FIne REgulation through mechanosensing in myosin filaments: merging theory and experiments into a multi-scale heart simulator 2021
730 GrindCore Liquid-Assisted Grinding - from Fundaments to Applications 2021
731 Hydra Hybrid power-energy electrodes for next generation litium-ion batteries 2020
732 SILVERPATH A silver path to a new generation of quantum materials. 2020
733 FLAMINCO FLAmeless, affordable & high efficiency MIcro turbine system for sustainable residential COgeneration 2020