The page lists 540 projects related to the topic "sound".
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1 | Light Night | Light Night | 2015 |
2 | EuroMix | EuroMix | 2015 |
3 | SOUND | Statistical multi-Omics UNDerstanding of Patient Samples | 2015 |
4 | MoTriColor | Molecularly guided trials with specific treatment strategies in patients with advanced newly molecular defined subtypes of colorectal cancer (MoTriColor) | 2015 |
5 | LeanShips | Low Energy And Near to zero emissions Ships | 2015 |
6 | NOVELOG | New cooperative business models and guidance for sustainable city logistics | 2015 |
7 | Built2Spec | Built to Specifications: Self-Inspection, 3D Modelling, Management and Quality-Check Tools for the 21st Century Construction Worksite | 2015 |
8 | EVERYSOUND | Computational Analysis of Everyday Soundscapes | 2015 |
9 | ISIFit | Individualised and self-adapting sound processing for cochlear implants | 2015 |
10 | GAIA-CLIM | Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV CLImate Monitoring | 2015 |
11 | DHaptics | DHaptics: Creating silent and sharp Mid-air Haptics using phased array of ultrasound transducers | 2014 |
12 | I2BENE | Innovation and Internationalisation services by BENE – I²BENE | 2014 |
13 | Sound of Vision | Natural sense of vision through acoustics and haptics | 2015 |
14 | FIESTA | Federated Interoperable Semantic IoT/cloud Testbeds and Applications | 2015 |
16 | BigDataEurope | Integrating Big Data, Software and Communities for Addressing Europe’s Societal Challenges | 2015 |
17 | COCOHA | Cognitive Control of a Hearing Aid | 2015 |
18 | TRANSLITERACY | Exploiting transmedia skills and informal learning strategies to improve formal education | 2015 |
19 | DIMR | Data Intensive Modelling of the Rhizosphere Processes | 2015 |
20 | ChronHib | Chronologicon Hibernicum – A Probabilistic Chronological Framework for Dating Early Irish Language Developments and Literature | 2015 |
21 | Earth core | Exploring Thermodynamic Properties of Earth’s Core-Forming Materials | 2015 |
22 | EUENGAGE | Bridging the gap between public opinion and European leadership: Engaging a dialogue on the future path of Europe. | 2015 |
23 | EURECA | Datacenter EURECA Project | 2015 |
24 | SeagateSail | 20% fuel saving for commercial vessels through a hybrid wind plus motor cruise mode. | 2014 |
25 | HTSew | Use of HTC technology as an innovative reuse method for sewage sludge | 2014 |
27 | Briareo | Implementation of a vertical axis micro-wind turbine capable of working at high efficiency even at a low wind speed. | 2014 |
28 | AGRISPIN | Space for Agricultural Innovation | 2015 |
29 | Respon-SEA-ble | Sustainable oceans : our collective responsibility, our common interest. Building on real-life knowledge knowledge systems for developing interactive and mutual learning media | 2015 |
30 | PROIntensAfrica | Towards a long-term Africa-EU partnership to raise sustainable food and nutrition security in Africa | 2015 |
31 | ARCGATE | ARCGATE: maximizing the potential of Arctic Ocean Gateway array | 2015 |
32 | METACLOAK | Broadband cloaking and shielding of elastic waves in solids. | 2015 |
33 | PRIVACY FLAG | Enabling Crowd-sourcing based privacy protection for smartphone applications, websites and Internet of Things deployments | 2015 |
34 | FLYELEC | Quantum Optics with single flying electrons | 2015 |
35 | Phonetic Processing | Phonetic Processing in Bilinguals: Investigation of the bilingual advantage hypothesis in phonetic processing | 2015 |
36 | SOS-Nano | Structure – Oxidative Stress relationships of metal oxide nanoparticles in the aquatic environment | 2015 |
37 | AUDICON | Neural mechanisms of spectral context effects on auditory processing | 2015 |
38 | Walgo | What is an Algorithm? Extensional and Intensional Equivalences between Programs | 2015 |
39 | HQSTS | High-Quality voice model for STatistical parametric speech Synthesis | 2015 |
40 | MultiFUNGtionality | Fungal diversity, ecosystem services and forest management: unravelling the role and dynamics of fungal communities in multifunctional Mediterranean forests. | 2016 |
41 | Safe and Sound Drive | Design of a serious game for cars to help increase driver skills and lower fuel consumption | 2015 |
42 | tRRACES | Resistance and Resilience of Ancient Agricultural Soils | 2015 |
43 | YAKUT | Genomics, epigenomics and transcriptomics of Yakutian horses, a unique domestic breed adapted to life in the Arctic | 2015 |
44 | YAKUT | Genomics, epigenomics and transcriptomics of Yakutian horses, a unique domestic breed adapted to life in the Arctic | 2015 |
45 | DEGASS | An experimental approach to understand inDuced sEismicity in GAS Shales | 2016 |
46 | HARPOCRATES | Smart phononic crystals for aircraft noise reduction | 2015 |
47 | AfterTheIce | After the Ice: using a hybrid zone as a window into the genes underlying species formation | 2015 |
48 | MULTISSOUND | Multisensory-Based Spatial Sound | 2015 |
49 | STAR | An Extended Local Scattering Theory for Acoustic-radiation and Receptivity of Trailing-edge Flows | 2016 |
50 | MUSICAL-MOODS | A mood-indexed database of scores, lyrics, musical excerpts, vector-based 3D animations, and dance video recordings | 2015 |
51 | HAPTIFEEL | Playing by feeling: an investigation of the role of haptic cues in the perceived quality of a musical instrument | 2016 |
52 | OPTIMAPIC | Mapping the neuronal representation in dorsal inferior colliculus through optical imaging, stimulus optimization and optogenetics | 2015 |
53 | MultiNav | Multisensory Navigation: Harnessing the Power of Multisensory Processing Optogenetic Stimulation to Aid The Blind | 2015 |
54 | ECOHYDRY | Advancing dryland ecohydrology: factors and mechanisms determining catastrophic shifts | 2016 |
55 | AccuCT | Accurate characterization of charge-transfer excited states | 2016 |
56 | CURAS | Cetacean Use of Representational Acoustic Signals | 2015 |
57 | FRAGMENTATION | State Fragmentation and Sub-State Actors in Comparative Perspective: Somalia and Afghanistan | 2015 |
58 | Bioprene | Bio-based high-purity isoprene through high-yield technology | 2015 |
59 | IVANCA | IntraVenous ANtibiotic Compounding Automation | 2015 |
60 | VETBIOMAT | Advanced material for the regeneration of joints in veterinary medicine | 2015 |
61 | SCATMET | Developing a multispectral volume scattering meter for measuring the optical properties of sea andocean water | 2015 |
62 | TruckSecurity | Truck Security_ Fuel and cargo theft detection alarm system | 2015 |
63 | BRAINSPECT | Ultra high resolution Single Photon Computed Emission Tomography for the molecular imaging of brain disease | 2015 |
64 | eKuore | eKoure: the world´s first wireless stethoscope of the mhealth market. | 2015 |
65 | DRAGON-STAR Plus | Dragon - Sustaining Technology And Research Plus (EU-China Collaboration) | 2015 |
66 | MgSpa | A highly efficient and eco-friendly electric shower offering health benefits through magnesium sulphate | 2015 |
67 | ELECTHANE | Microbiological conversion of renewable electricity and CO2 to a natural gas quality bio-fuel | 2015 |
68 | DTHPS | Sound and Materialism in the 19th Century | 2015 |
69 | BINGO | Bringing INnovation to onGOing water management – A better future under climate change | 2015 |
70 | Integrating Turkish | Beyond East and West: Developing and Documenting an Evolving Transcultural Musical Practice | 2015 |
71 | RAYGEN | A unique innovative utility scale solar energy technology that utilises a field of low cost heliostat collectors to concentrate sunlight onto an ultra-efficient multi-junction photovoltaic cell array | 2015 |
72 | NAV4VIP | 3D Sound Navigator Assistant for Visually Impaired People | 2015 |
73 | ECLAIR | Emulation of subgrid-scale aerosol-cloud interactions in climate models: towards a realistic representation of aerosol indirect effect | 2015 |
74 | APA | Filter-less air pollution abatement system able to clean a wide range of pollutants at ground level for a healthier workplace and more sustainable environment. | 2015 |
75 | HyCloud | Hybrid Cloud solution based on a disruptive method for data redundancy and a network attached storage device, to store, access and back-up digital content safer, faster and cheaper. | 2015 |
76 | FERROHUB | FERROHUB | 2015 |
77 | eMurmur | eMurmur, a software based, clinically tested medical device for automated heart murmur detection | 2015 |
78 | ScalinGreen | Innovative solutions to scale-up urban green surfaces across Europe | 2015 |
79 | Soltile | A roof integrated solar tile system to develop cost-effective distributed solar power generation. | 2015 |
80 | RobustSENSE | Robust and Reliable Environment Sensing and Situation Prediction for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Automated Driving | 2015 |
81 | HTCycle | Sewage sludge reuse Phosphate recovery with an innovative HTC technology (HTCycle) | 2015 |
82 | SafeTrain | Piloting and industrial validation of autonomous and sustainable animal deterring system for the rail transport | 2015 |
83 | I2 BENE 2015-2016 | Innovation Internationalisation services by BENE 2015-2016 – I²BENE 2015-2016 | 2015 |
84 | NEURO-PATTERNS | How neuronal activity patterns drive behavior: novel all-optical control and monitoring of brain neuronal networks with high spatiotemporal resolution | 2015 |
85 | ArchSci2020 | Archaeology on the Edge: Northern Europe and the Circumpolar World | 2016 |
86 | PERFoRM | Production harmonizEd Reconfiguration of Flexible Robots and Machinery | 2015 |
87 | REPHLECT | Recovering Europe´s PHotovoltaics LEadership through high Concentration Technology | 2015 |
88 | LANGDYN | Language dynamics: a neurocognitive approach to incremental interpretation | 2015 |
89 | ROMIA | Research on Microeconometrics: Identification, Inference, and Applications | 2016 |
90 | MALMECC | Music and Late Medieval European Court Cultures: Towards a Trans-Disciplinary and Post-National Cultural Poetics of the Performative Arts | 2016 |
91 | URBAVENTO | An innovative, small footprint, vertical axis wind turbine for decentralized energy-production designed for urban areas, which is cheap to maintain and ensures energy production even at low wind speed | 2015 |
92 | CAGIX | An online software platform for effectively matching investors with start-ups, focused on boosting the cleantech sector | 2015 |
93 | GIDROM | Drone-based integrated monitoring system for early detection of crop pathology and pest control in high tech greenhouse agriculture. | 2015 |
94 | papabuild | Advanced physical-acoustic and psycho-acoustic diagnostic methods for innovation in building acoustics | 2016 |
95 | COMPSULE | COMPostable capSULE for instant coffee delivery based on an innovative chemical functionalization of biobased plastics | 2015 |
96 | JOS | JOS, the first electrified Energy Surface with high efficiency, high power and high energy savings for the wireless charging of all low voltage devices. | 2015 |
97 | MPAT | Multi-platform application toolkit | 2015 |
98 | MIRPHAB | MidInfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications | 2016 |
100 | BioCarbon | Rapid tree-planting through the use of remote sensing and unmanned vehicle planting technologies for large scale reforestation | 2015 |
101 | SnowRESolution | All Weather Snow machine driven by Renewable Energy Sources | 2015 |
102 | TRACKSCAN | A practical, portable and robust scanning system using infrastructure inspection radar (IIR) for the investigation of rail track substructure, ballast and tunnel infrastructure | 2015 |
103 | META-REFLECTOR | Next generation meta-material based Optical Solar Reflectors | 2016 |
104 | DELASTI | DEvelopment of advanced LASer based technologies for the manufacturing of TItanium HLFC structures | 2016 |
105 | ClearPEMplus | Enhanced Silicon Photomultiplier-based detectors for high-resolution Positron Emission Mammography. | 2015 |
106 | ACO | The Proceedings of the Ecumenical Councils from Oral Utterance to Manuscript Edition as Evidence for Late Antique Persuasion and Self-Representation Techniques | 2016 |
107 | Digital Keys | A groundbreaking smartlock system to increase security and control of entry points | 2015 |
108 | L-SID | Light and sound waves in silicon and nonlinear glass waveguides | 2016 |
109 | PROPTER | Support to aerodynamic analysis and design of propellers of a compound helicopter | 2015 |
110 | OptoHear | Cochlear Optogenetics for Auditory Research and Prosthetics | 2015 |
111 | AudioCommons | Audio Commons: An Ecosystem for Creative Reuse of Audio Content | 2016 |
112 | Making Sense | Making Sense | 2015 |
113 | Digi-NewB | Non-invasive monitoring of perinatal health through multiparametric digital representation of clinically relevant functions for improving clinical intervention in neonatal units (Digi-NewB) | 2016 |
114 | MOBILITY4EU | Action Plan for the future of Mobility in Europe | 2016 |
115 | ALT | Adaptation, learning and training for spatial hearing in complex environments | 2016 |
116 | ABC DJ | Artist-to-Business-to-Business-to-Consumer Audio Branding System | 2016 |
117 | SIMPLA | SIMPLA - Sustainable Integrated Multi-sector PLAnning | 2016 |
118 | Evopark | A disruptive software solution guiding users to available parking spots and making interactionwith the parking infrastructure quick and easy | 2016 |
120 | SEFIPA | Sustainable Energy Financing Plattform in Austria | 2016 |
121 | FURADO | Full Fairing Rotor Head Aerodynamic Design Optimization | 2016 |
122 | MycoKey | Integrated and innovative key actions for mycotoxin management in the food and feed chain | 2016 |
123 | RICHFIELDS | Research Infrastructure on Consumer Health and Food Intake using E-science with Linked Data Sharing | 2015 |
124 | GPS-Bat | Foraging Decision Making in the Real World – revealed from a bat’s point of view by on-board miniature sensors | 2016 |
125 | ENERFUND | An ENErgy Retrofit FUNDing rating tool | 2016 |
126 | Science2Society | Improving university, industry and society interfaces to boost the throughput capacity of Europe's innovation stakeholders | 2016 |
127 | RobSpear | Robust Speech Encoding in Impaired Hearing | 2016 |
128 | FERTISSIMO | Oxidative Stress as a biomarker for Embryo Selection in IVF Process | 2016 |
130 | BIASTRESS | Neural mechanisms of cognitive bias and its role in the triggering of the stress response in zebrafish | 2016 |
131 | FOIPO | Functional optical probes for otology | 2017 |
132 | SDchirnanocat | Sputtering-deposition of metallic nanoparticles onto chiral ionic liquids andapplications in enantioselective hydrogenation | 2016 |
133 | ITPF | Interfaces in Turbulent Premixed Flames (ITPF) | 2016 |
134 | RATE | RATE: Respiratory Acoustics To estimate Energy in wild cetaceans | 2017 |
135 | MANAN | Mannan-related enzymes of wheat endosperm | 2016 |
136 | ELR1K | Enhancing Large-scale chemical Reactions based on Elementary Kinetics | 2016 |
137 | HyTile | Sensitive integrated Solar Hybrid Roofing for historical buildings. | 2016 |
138 | ESSENCE | Innovative espresso machine with new water heating and boiler design to improve efficiency and coffee quality | 2016 |
139 | Insight | An accounting integrated carbon management tool for supply chain decarbonisation of SMEs. | 2016 |
140 | eoFRESH | Earth Observation freshwater monitoring services | 2016 |
141 | DIDSON | Paracoustics : System active sound reducing system against noise pollution due to transport | 2016 |
142 | AggregationKinetics | Emergence of Large Particles in Cluster-Cluster Aggregation | 2017 |
143 | MOPSA | Modular Open Platform for Static Analysis | 2016 |
144 | IL-E-CAT | Enhancing electrocatalysis in low temperature fuel cells by ionic liquid modification | 2016 |
145 | VicInAqua | Integrated aquaculture based on sustainable water recirculating system for the Victoria Lake Basin (VicInAqua) | 2016 |
146 | EFFECT | Effective environmental policies in Europe in the context of rebound effects | 2017 |
147 | DENSE | aDverse wEather eNvironmental Sensing systEm | 2016 |
148 | YnotSing | Evolution of sexual dimorphisms: all about losing not choosing? | 2016 |
149 | EFFORTI | Evaluation Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in Research and Innovation | 2016 |
150 | FLAMENCO | A Fully-Implantable MEMS-Based Autonomous Cochlear Implant | 2016 |
151 | iGOLDD | Commercialising MR-HIFU: an Image-Guided Local Drug-Delivery Platform | 2016 |
152 | CRO-INSPECT | Collaborative RObotic Solution for Advanced Inspection of Complex Composite parts | 2016 |
153 | MOBILE AUGMENTER | Mobile augmented reality platform for educative products | 2016 |
154 | BIOSKOH | BIOSKOH’s Innovation Stepping Stones for a novel European Second Generation BioEconomy | 2016 |
155 | biowater | AQANAT® biowater: Advanced sustainable residue free sanitation system for post-harvest food processing resulting in a 70% reduction in water usage and a 50% reduction in post-harvest losses | 2016 |
156 | USONIPRO | Ultrasonic technology for bioprocess enhancement | 2016 |
157 | Arctus | Turn-key modular aluminium smelter for a Zero Emission Production Process | 2016 |
158 | GravBHs | A New Strategy for Gravity and Black Holes | 2016 |
159 | COHERENCE | Exploiting light coherence in photoacoustic imaging | 2016 |
160 | TurboNoiseBB | Validation of improved turbomachinery noise prediction models and development of novel design methods for fan stages with reduced broadband noise | 2016 |
161 | FLOOD-serv | Public FLOOD Emergency and Awareness SERVice | 2016 |
162 | SENSOTRA | Sensory Transformations and Transgenerational Environmental Relationships in Europe, 1950–2020 | 2016 |
163 | CLASP | A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry | 2016 |
164 | SCOUTFermi2D | Strongly correlated ultracold fermions in two-dimensional tailored optical potentials: pairing, superfluidity and disorder | 2016 |
165 | BEU2016 | Organisation of the EU international Bioeconomy Stakeholders Conference - Utrecht 2016 | 2016 |
166 | Thomson Controller | The Thomson Controller is a fully pre-programmed vehicle and chassis smart control module designed to provide energy efficient and safe supervisory control to an electric vehicle powertrain. | 2016 |
167 | NPX-101 | NPX-101 is a portable home device for the treatment of moderate to severe depression, boasting more effective and safer outcomes, based on information deposited and received from the Cloud. | 2016 |
168 | PAT WRAP | oPtimized zero-defect high-tech AuTomatic WRAPping machine | 2016 |
169 | BioMicroGels | Innovative environmentally-benign wastewater treatment reagents offering a step change in efficiency in the cleaning of water from oils and metal ions and in liquidation of emergency oil spills | 2016 |
170 | MOON-MEMS speaker | Development of the most advanced audio systems enabling the production of a revolutionary generation of MEMS micro speakers that will be deployed in the world's top mobile applications | 2016 |
171 | ENOS | ENabling Onshore CO2 Storage in Europe | 2016 |
172 | ChiC | Creating high impact for CAPS | 2016 |
173 | Neuroimaging power | Effect size and power for neuroimaging. | 2016 |
174 | PhySound | Physically Based Simulation and Rendering of Thin Shell Sound | 2016 |
175 | ETIP Bioenergy-SABS | European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy – Support of Advanced Bioenergy Stakeholders 2016 - 17 | 2016 |
176 | HyproCell | Development and validation of integrated multiprocess HYbrid PROduction CELLs for rapid individualized laser-based production | 2016 |
177 | Planheat | Integrated tool for empowering public authorities in the development of sustainable plans for low carbon heating and cooling | 2016 |
178 | RAM | RAM is a revolutionary magneto-optical technology platform, outperforming current solutions in accuracy, cost, and time to diagnosis, when assessing human blood cells for Malaria presence | 2016 |
179 | MISTRAL | Communication Systems for Next-generation Railways | 2016 |
180 | PAPTIC | PAPTIC – The Good Conscience Alternative | 2016 |
181 | MARCO | MArket Research for a Climate Services Observatory | 2016 |
182 | EUCalc | EU Calculator: trade-offs and pathways towards sustainable and low-carbon European Societies | 2016 |
183 | CALC | Computer-Assisted Language Comparison: Reconciling Computational and Classical Approaches in Historical Linguistics | 2017 |
184 | SENSAGRI | Sentinels Synergy for Agriculture | 2016 |
185 | CyanoAlert | Space Based Cyanobacteria Information & Services | 2016 |
186 | K-PLEX | Knowledge Complexity | 2017 |
187 | LightKone | Lightweight Computation for Networks at the Edge | 2017 |
188 | LYT SONIC | Smart Home security device based on infrasound detection technology | 2016 |
189 | MONICA | Management Of Networked IoT Wearables – Very Large Scale Demonstration of Cultural Societal Applications | 2017 |
190 | Water4Cities | Holistic Surface Water and Groundwater Management for Sustainable Cities | 2017 |
191 | DESTINATE | Decision supporting tools for implementation of cost-efficient railway noise abatement measures | 2016 |
192 | CyberSure | CYBER Security InSURancE — A Framework for Liability Based Trust | 2017 |
193 | IFM nano thruster | A highly efficient propulsion system for micro- and nano-satellites able to double the mission lifetime and to position satellites with unprecedented accuracy | 2016 |
195 | PHONOMETA | Frontiers in Phononics: Parity-Time Symmetric Phononic Metamaterials | 2016 |
196 | LISTEN | Liaison in Scientific Training for European auditory Neuroscience | 2016 |
197 | Noke | A ground-breaking smart-lock for industrial storage, utilizing patented technology through Bluetooth 4.0, mobile apps, and a cloud platform. | 2016 |
198 | VERTIGO | Adding socio-economic value to industry through the integration of artists in research and open innovation processes. | 2016 |
200 | FAST | FAST (Film Archive Superior Transfer) – A new paradigm for digital preservation of audio visual heritage through fast and cost-efficient film digitization | 2016 |
201 | ExtremoChem | Chemically synthesised novel compounds for the stabilisation of biologics | 2016 |
202 | VISORSURF | VisorSurf - A Hardware Platform for Software-driven Functional Metasurfaces | 2017 |
203 | Levitate | Levitation with localised tactile and audio feedback for mid-air interactions | 2017 |
204 | MagBURST | Exploding stars from first principles: MAGnetars as engines of hypernovae and gamma-ray BURSTs | 2017 |
205 | I-MUST | A handheld, ultra-sensitive device for rapid contactless explosive vapour detection in open air, based on Ion Mobility Universal Sensor Technology | 2016 |
206 | LYO-CHECK | Automatic inspection of lyophilized preparations through innovative ICT control system | 2016 |
207 | ACTRIS PPP | ACTRIS PPP - Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project | 2017 |
208 | TEMPTATION | Thermometry and Photoacoustic-Imaging Outstanding Nanoprobes | 2017 |
209 | CHEMO-RISK | Chemometers for in situ risk assessment of mixtures of pollutants | 2017 |
210 | HEGEL | High Cycle Fatigue Prediction Methodology for Fibre Reinforced Laminates for Aircraft Structures in CROR Environment – Development and Validation | 2017 |
211 | RINGO | Research Infrastructures - Needs, Gaps and Overlaps | 2017 |
212 | SWORD | Security Without Obscurity for Reliable Devices | 2017 |
213 | Pitstop PLUS | RFID-based feeder for giving dairy cows access to additional mineral supplements in a restricted and targeted way during the critical transition period of the lactation cycle | 2017 |
214 | EYE21 | EYE2021. Glasses to see with 3D sound, arrival to market. | 2017 |
215 | PANTREAT | Pancreatic cancer as a treatment target of Dwarfbody-Therapeutics | 2017 |
216 | FluCoMa | Fluid Corpus Manipulation: Creative Research in Musical Mining of Large Sound/Gesture Datasets through Foundational Access to the Latest Advances of Signal Decomposition. | 2017 |
217 | EOW | A micro dual-axis vertical wind turbine providing an alternative low carbon energy solution capable of working at high efficiency in low wind speeds for use in urban environments. | 2017 |
218 | Cetacean Inner Ear | Cetacean Inner Ear | 2017 |
219 | FASDEM | Failing and Successful Sequences of Democratization | 2017 |
220 | ARTIV1 | An Artificial Visual Cortex for Image Processing | 2017 |
221 | APOLLO | consumer grade Ambient assisted living Product family for OLder adult based on indoor LOcation technologies | 2017 |
222 | REsiliENCe | Research and development of innovative Enamels and Nanocoatings for the Cooking appliances market | 2017 |
223 | TRAVELLING SOUNDS | Travelling Sounds: A cultural analysis of sonic artefacts in postcolonial Europe | 2018 |
224 | Sounds Delicious | Sounds Delicious: A historical anthropology of listening and sound in Danish and French cooking | 2018 |
225 | PICKLE | Planetary Interiors Constrained by Key Laboratory Experiments | 2017 |
226 | HARM | High Attenuation Recycling Materials as sustainable barriers for waste disposal sites | 2018 |
227 | AMONTRACK | Acoustic monitoring of railway track quality | 2018 |
228 | EPISUS | What Epistemology for Sustainability Science? Experiments and Theories for Social Transformation | 2017 |
229 | INTIMAL | Interfaces for Relational Listening: body, telematics, memory, migration | 2017 |
230 | MechanoSystems | How to build a brain? Engineering molecular systems for mechanosensation and -protection in neurons | 2017 |
231 | IBiDT | Individualized Binaural Diagnostics and Technology | 2018 |
232 | SENSIS | The Senses of Islam: A Cultural History of Perception in the Muslim World | 2017 |
233 | DysTrack | Brain-speech tracking in noisy conditions: towards the identification and remediation of dyslexia. | 2017 |
235 | VirBAcous | Virtual building acoustics: a robust and efficient analysis and optimization framework for noise transmission reduction | 2017 |
236 | ACASIAS | Advanced Concepts for Aero-Structures with Integrated Antennas and Sensors | 2017 |
237 | GoSMEs | Governance and value-creation in SMEs in a service-dominant logic | 2017 |
238 | Spontaneous activity | Functional role of neuronal spontaneous activity for sensory processing | 2018 |
239 | EPPIC | Emitter-mediated Photon-Phonon InteraCtion | 2017 |
240 | VRAASP | using Virtual Reality and Archaeoacoustic Analysis to Study and exhibit Presence | 2017 |
241 | ASPIRE | Assessment Strategy for Upstream Plant Inspection and Repair | 2017 |
242 | AgriLink | AgriLink. Agricultural Knowledge: Linking farmers, advisors and researchers to boost innovation. | 2017 |
243 | ROCK | Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities | 2017 |
244 | DATASOUND | DATASOUND: Understanding data with sound | 2017 |
245 | IAHP | Intelligent Active Hearing Protection | 2017 |
247 | ALEXANDRIA | Large-Scale Formal Proof for the Working Mathematician | 2017 |
248 | cool innov | Turning the concept of magnetocaloric cooling on its head | 2017 |
249 | SynVaccine | Rational Design and Construction of Viral Based Products | 2017 |
250 | PET-Yield | A new manufacturing method, monitoring platform and material equipment to carry out a more efficient production of plastic bottles, reducing its waste. | 2017 |
251 | IMOVE | Unlocking Large-Scale Access to Combined Mobility through a European MaaS Network | 2017 |
252 | INSPYRE | Investigations Supporting MOX Fuel Licensing in ESNII Prototype Reactors | 2017 |
253 | SMARTSOUND | Pre-Commercialisation of Sound Recognition for Surveillance Applications | 2017 |
254 | IRiMaS | Interactive Research in Music as Sound:Transforming Digital Musicology | 2017 |
255 | EASYTV | Easing the access of Europeans with disabilities to converging media and content | 2017 |
256 | DESIGNSCAPES | Building Capacity for Design enabled Innovation in Urban Environments | 2017 |
257 | N2N | European industrial doctorate for advanced, lightweight and silent, multifunctional composite structures | 2018 |
258 | ECOLACTIFILM | A Water-Soluble Packaging to Unlock New Markets | 2017 |
259 | DABCAST | Digital radio game changer | 2017 |
260 | MammoWave | The first ultra-high sensitive breast imaging device based on non-ionizing safe microwave | 2017 |
261 | Repro-light | Re-usable and re-configurable parts for sustainable LED-based lighting systems | 2017 |
262 | STREAM | STREAM - Sonar Technology for Remote Environmental Monitoring | 2017 |
263 | BP24 | A unique life-saving smart-watch for high quality, not-invasive, continuous blood pressure monitoring. | 2017 |
264 | ConCare | Leveraging the scalability of mobile devices to improve the outcome of all critically ill patients: a multi-faceted health platform to enable the continuum of care from ICU to home. | 2017 |
265 | TIN-ACT | Research School for TINnitus Assessment, Causes and Treatments | 2017 |
266 | UNFRAUD | An advanced online anti-fraud software equipped with deep learning Artificial Intelligence thatcan face and detect, current fraudulent techniques and their continued evolution in a cost effective man | 2017 |
267 | WIDE | Wide Incremental learning with Discrimination nEtworks | 2017 |
268 | Wind-Drone | A powerful UAV-based ICT solution allowing safe, reliable and effective inspections of wind turbines | 2017 |
269 | WinWind | Winning social acceptance for wind energy in wind energy scarce regions | 2017 |
270 | CLAIRPORT | Clean Sky 2 - Airport Environmental Impact Assessments for Fixed-wing Aircraft | 2017 |
271 | EASITrain | European Advanced Superconductivity Innovation and Training | 2017 |
272 | MACULA2 | Commercialising a novel diagnostic panel for patient stratification in Age-related MACULAr Degeneration | 2017 |
273 | SSID | Soundscape Indices | 2018 |
274 | InterAccent | Human interaction and the evolution of spoken accent | 2017 |
275 | PHONUIT | Phononic Circuits: manipulation and coherent control of phonons | 2018 |
276 | MEMETRE | From processes to modelling of methane emissions from trees | 2018 |
277 | MICRONEX | Microbioreactor platforms as in vivo-like systems to probe the role of Neuroblastoma-derived Exosomes in cancer dissemination | 2017 |
278 | TOPP | Topological phononics through nano-optomechanical interactions | 2018 |
279 | Big Policy Canvas | Big Policy Canvas - Needs, Trends and ICT Tools for Advanced Data-Driven Public Sector | 2017 |
280 | soundproof4win | Soundproof window with ventilation function | 2017 |
281 | TRANSDESIGN | Design of Phase Transition Kinetics in Non-Equilibrium Metals | 2018 |
282 | PhonPred | Constructing a theory of phonotactic processing during speaking | 2018 |
283 | Aural Paris | Aural Paris: The Changing Identities of The City of Sound in Music, Film and Literature, 1870-1940. | 2018 |
284 | MEMORISING | Remembering the Sound of Images: Cross-cultural study of rock art soundscapes and knowledge transmission in the New and Old Worlds. | 2018 |
285 | ALDREN | ALliance for Deep RENovation in buildings (ALDREN) Implementing the European Common Voluntary Certification Scheme, as back-bone along the whole deep renovation process | 2017 |
286 | CALLIOPE | voCAL articuLations Of Parliamentary Identity and Empire | 2018 |
287 | STARSTEM | NanoSTARS imaging for STEM cell therapy for arthritic joints | 2018 |
288 | DARWIN | Dual capillary waveguide endoscope | 2018 |
289 | HEFT | Hidden Emissions of Forest Transitions: GHG effects of socio-metabolic processes reducingpressures on forests | 2018 |
290 | EVOTONE | The emergence and evolution of linguistic tone | 2018 |
291 | InnovaConcrete | Innovative materials and techniques for the conservation of 20th century concrete-based cultural heritage | 2018 |
292 | OpenGTN | Open Ground Truth Training Network : Magnetic resonance image simulationfor training and validation of image analysis algorithms | 2018 |
293 | ExoplANETS A | Exoplanet Athmosphere New Emission Transmission Spectra Analysis | 2018 |
294 | JIVE 2 | Joint Initiative for hydrogen Vehicles across Europe 2 | 2018 |
295 | CLASS | Edge and CLoud Computation: A Highly Distributed Software Architecture for Big Data AnalyticS | 2018 |
296 | ISSD | The Implantable Subcutaneous String Defibrillator, an innovative subcutaneous cardioverterdefibrillator for a new paradigm in cardiac rhythm management. | 2017 |
297 | CorreAssess | A novel Holistic Automated Analytics System for IT infrastructure management that proactively identifies and prevent IT operational threats. | 2017 |
298 | Sana | Sleep on Command: a breakthrough technology for sleep, pain relief, enhanced performance and regenerative health. | 2017 |
299 | CyanoKit | CyanoKit®, the fastest and easiest test for reliable on-site cyanide detection. | 2017 |
300 | S-PARCS | Envisioning and Testing New Models of Sustainable Energy Cooperation and Services in Industrial Parks | 2018 |
301 | PICOPROP4CT | Commercial feasibility assessment of the first single-photon detector for CT | 2018 |
302 | SRSensor | A breakthrough high resolution, real-time, industrial molecular analyser for advanced process control in the biogas production industry | 2018 |
303 | SCAN-TMS | Scalable and Customizable Power Transformer Monitoring System | 2018 |
304 | Tangi0 | Touch and pressure sensitive material without electronic sensors for intuitive and eye-free control of a car’s features while driving | 2018 |
305 | BlindTouch | Eye-Free user interface to give full access to smart devices for blind and visually impaired people | 2018 |
306 | Verbatizer | A cutting edge transcription process and technology revolutionizing the transcription industry. | 2018 |
307 | neuronSW | Early detection and prediction of mechanical malfunction of machinery by sound analysis | 2018 |
308 | NRGDriver | A breakthrough LED driver that brings a smaller, cheaper, lighter and more environmentally friendlysolution to the LED lighting industry. | 2018 |
309 | EKOGRID | EKOGRID™, the first technology to clean water and underwater sediments with electrokinetic oxidation | 2018 |
310 | Blinkers | Next generation bicycle lights. Be visible, understood and expected by other vehicles, whatever the weather, angle and situation. | 2018 |
311 | 3Bee Hive-Tech | 3Bee Hive-Tech | 2018 |
312 | DARETOMODEL | DAta-dRivEn, low-rank, jeT-nOise MODELling | 2018 |
313 | FFSize | Why farm and field size matters: Exploring their role for food security and sustainable agriculture in South America | 2018 |
314 | POWERSWAP | Fully robotic system for swapping electric car batteries within 3 minutes. | 2018 |
315 | SELEs | Stochastic Ericksen-Leslie Equations | 2019 |
316 | The insect cochlea | The Insect cochlea: a non-invasive path towards enhanced sound detectors | 2018 |
317 | SPITFIRE | SPatial variability and Implications of the Timing of FIsh Responses to the Environment | 2018 |
318 | US-E AntiRacism | Catholicism and the “Negro Question”: Religion, Racism, and Antiracism in a Transnational Perspective (United States and Europe, 1934-1968) | 2019 |
320 | FINSEC | Integrated Framework for Predictive and Collaborative Security of Financial Infrastructures | 2018 |
321 | BriCoFra | New ideas for the Variational Approach to Brittle and Cohesive Fracture | 2018 |
322 | Browsec | Foundations and Tools for Client-Side Web Security | 2018 |
323 | SOUNDSCENE | How does the brain organize sounds into auditory scenes? | 2018 |
324 | SuPerCom | Sustainable Performance for High-Performance Embedded Computing Systems | 2018 |
325 | SONORA | The Spatial Dynamics of Room Acoustics | 2018 |
326 | STOP | Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy | 2018 |
327 | NEXT | New Exploration Technologies | 2018 |
328 | Interfaces | Manipulating Acoustic wavefronts using metamaterials for novel user interfaces | 2018 |
329 | BioMusic | BioMusical Instrument | 2018 |
330 | LIGHTCODESWORDS | Illuminating every sound with lasers, coding words and complex sounds with light. | 2018 |
331 | GuEst | New Directions in Guaranteed Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and Their Applications toChemical Engineering Problems | 2018 |
332 | SiDMACIB | Structurally informed Design of Masonry Assemblages Composed of Interlocking Blocks | 2018 |
333 | NOISE | NOise Impacts of whale-watching boatS on cEtaceans | 2018 |
334 | ITS A DIVE | Individual Three-dimensional Spatial Auditory Displays for Immersive Virtual Environments | 2019 |
335 | TEMPNET | Climate change and phenology: long-term temporal dynamics of mutualistic ecological networks | 2018 |
336 | HelpingHAND | A 3D printed, affordable myoelectrical prosthetic hand of personalizeable size for optimal comfort and functionality | 2018 |
337 | SECURe | Subsurface Evaluation of Carbon capture and storage and Unconventional Risk | 2018 |
338 | STRATOFLY | Stratospheric Flying Opportunities for High-Speed Propulsion Concepts | 2018 |
339 | INSCRIBE | INvention of SCRIpts and their BEginnings | 2018 |
340 | POSITION-II | A pilot line for the next generation of smart catheters and implants | 2018 |
341 | VOICI | Solutions for voice interaction towards natural crew assistant | 2018 |
342 | SAPHIR | Scalable DSP algorithms for high performance hardware applied to 5G MaMi systems | 2018 |
343 | H-Reality | Mixed Haptic Feedback for Mid-Air Interactions in Virtual and Augmented Realities | 2018 |
344 | ARTSOUNDSCAPES | The sound of special places: exploring rock art soundscapes and the sacred | 2018 |
345 | GDS | A safe and effective non-surgical and reversible procedure for weight loss | 2018 |
346 | STETHOTELEPHONE | Device for improving the value of the Classic/Mechanic stethoscope – An innovative device for improvement, digitization and recording of the sound. | 2018 |
347 | NovaTests | The first predictive test for radio-sensitivity. A step towards an improved and personalised radiation therapy cancer treatment. | 2018 |
348 | Datumate | Field data analytics cloud platform using drone-photogrammetry and computer vision algorithms for construction infrastructure planning, execution and delivery | 2018 |
349 | PLASMAFIL | Efficient and cost-effective PLASMA surface treatment method Efficient and cost-effective PLASMA surface treatment method for flexible FILtration materials used in the separation of immiscible liquids | 2018 |
350 | LEAD | Miniature colon spectral scanner that gives real-time automatic alerts for pathological findings. | 2018 |
351 | Mimica Touch | Bioreactive food expiry label that mimics the actual decay of food for a reliable and accurate method of reducing food waste | 2018 |
352 | TRILLIO | TRILLIO, a porTable pRescription assistant Improving heaLth of Europeans citizens by increasing therapeutic adherence in eLderly people and in patIents affected by chrOnic diseases | 2018 |
353 | Sonarc Speaker | Sonarc - The world's first full audio frequency range, massless speaker technology platform, providing immersive and powerful sound from a smaller size. | 2018 |
354 | Anatomy Next | Advanced 3D augmented reality technology providing a more accurate, effective and efficient method of medical education | 2018 |
355 | plasmaCare | A small, portable cold plasma device for the treatment of chronic and acute wounds. | 2018 |
356 | Pozyx RTLS | An ultra-wideband-based location system that allows highly accurate positioning in indoor environments. | 2018 |
357 | RF Beamformer | Ultra-low-cost terminals that meet the special requirements of all satellite operators allowing them to access markets currently inaccessible due to terminal economics. | 2018 |
358 | Voico | Development of a telephone headset with voice diminishing technology | 2018 |
359 | OptimalFetch | Highly scalable, easily integrated pre-fetching technology that provides instant content while saving on battery, data and bandwidth usage. | 2018 |
360 | MOMENTS | Multi-sensory experiences for in-home therapy and entertainment | 2018 |
361 | TreeVoice | Artificial Intelligence and IoT for tree health monitoring | 2018 |
362 | ARCHIMEDES | Feasibility study for the further development and market launch of the Archimedes Universal Decision Support System for irrigated crops growers | 2018 |
363 | HTCycle | Sewage sludge reuse with Phosphate recovery and heavy metal absorption with an innovative HTC technology. | 2018 |
364 | denovoSkin | Personalized, bio-engineered skin grafts for the permanent treatment of skin defects. | 2018 |
365 | Stoock | An Innovative Integrated Field Sensor system providing a precise farming tool to reduce productioncosts and water wastage. | 2018 |
366 | SHAPINGENERATIONS | How changing social contexts shape solidarity and adjustment between generations | 2019 |
368 | EXCornsEED | Separation, fractionation and isolation of biologically active natural substances from corn oil and other side streams | 2018 |
369 | eDCaseMAN | Defendable legal cases through an affordable, easy, integrated and reliable case management software | 2018 |
370 | MadridERN 2018-2019 | Researchers, key drivers of growth in Europe | 2018 |
371 | ISSD | The Implantable Subcutaneous String Defibrillator (ISSD), an innovative subcutaneous cardioverter defibrillator for a new paradigm in cardiac rhythm management. | 2018 |
372 | Nello One | Self-installable device that converts intercoms into a smart keys to allow access from anywhere. | 2018 |
373 | Capacitoxx | Innovative and advanced manufacturing process to produce biological nanomaterial super-capacitors for superior battery performance in smart devices | 2018 |
374 | Smartmushroom | Smart MAnagement of spent mushRoom subsTrate to lead the MUSHROOM sector towards a circular economy | 2018 |
375 | ETIP-B-SABS 2 | European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy - Support of Renewable Fuels and Advanced Bioenergy Stakeholders 2 | 2018 |
376 | HONEXT | Bringing HONEXT to the market | 2018 |
377 | denovoSkin | Personalized, bio-engineered skin grafts for the permanent treatment of skin defects | 2018 |
378 | E-CLIPS | Effects of Cross-Linguistic Interactions on Perception of Speech | 2019 |
379 | ElectroPros | Training research pioneers by utilizing and validating the promise of electroporation for minimal invasive oncological treatments. | 2019 |
380 | BEST4SOIL | Boosting 4 BEST practices for SOIL health in Europe | 2018 |
381 | NEUME | Neuroplasticity and the Musical Experience | 2018 |
382 | ARCADE | Aligning Research & Innovation for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe | 2018 |
383 | CEWASTE | Voluntary certification scheme for waste treatment | 2018 |
384 | XILforEV | Connected and Shared X-in-the-loop Environment for Electric Vehicles Development | 2019 |
385 | POWER4BIO | emPOWERing regional stakeholders for realising the full potential of european BIOeconomy | 2018 |
387 | ASArt-DATA | Ancient Saharan Art – Decoding Art through Theoretically-sounded Archive | 2019 |
388 | TOROS | A Theory-Oriented Real-Time Operating System for Temporally Sound Cyber-Physical Systems | 2019 |
389 | infra4Dfuture | Infrastructure for the Future | 2018 |
390 | RE-CITY | Reviving shrinking cities – innovative paths and perspectives towards livability for shrinkingcities in Europe | 2018 |
391 | OLIVE-SOUND | Ultrasound reactor - The solution for a continuous olive oil extraction process | 2019 |
392 | SALUTE | Smart Acoustic Lining for UHBR Technologies Engines | 2018 |
393 | ACOSPECTOR | The first Acoustic Chemometer for intelligent fluids analysis | 2018 |
394 | recalm ANC headrest | Accelerating market introduction of Active Noise Cancelling headrest solutions | 2018 |
395 | TRINITY | Digital Technologies, Advanced Robotics and increased Cyber-security for Agile Production in Future European Manufacturing Ecosystems | 2019 |
396 | PROTECT | Personnel Location and Tracking for Safety, Security and Protection | 2018 |
397 | OptiMEMS | The world’s highest Signal-to-Noise ratio MEMS microphone | 2018 |
398 | QUEST | QUality and Effectiveness in Science and Technology communication | 2019 |
399 | RECIPES | REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders | 2019 |
400 | TinniMizer | TinniMizer : A Patient-specific Novel Approach for Tinnitus Treatment | 2018 |
401 | PerformB | Innovative digital platform based on machine learning to analyze large databases, aggregate them and provide results to questions made in natural language. | 2018 |
402 | SoundCombplus | The first wall-integrated, ecologic sound absorbing panel | 2018 |
403 | TripIod | Development of Triptycene-Based New Hypervalent Iodine Reagents for Selective Organic Synthesis | 2019 |
404 | DURAFRESH | Advanced multi effect device to prevent fruit and vegetables ripening | 2019 |
405 | TORCH | ThermoacOustic instabilities contRol in sequential Combustion cHambers | 2019 |
406 | WELMO | Wearable Electronics for Effective Lung Monitoring | 2019 |
407 | TERI | Teaching Robots Interactively | 2019 |
409 | Gov4Nano | Implementation of Risk Governance: meeting the needs of nanotechnology | 2019 |
410 | Metasonics | Examining the use of Metamaterials for acoustic applications | 2019 |
411 | SonicEdge | A New Way of Generating Sound - The new loud speaker component and technology | 2019 |
412 | EMC2 | Extreme-scale Mathematically-based Computational Chemistry | 2019 |
413 | DYNASNET | Dynamics and Structure of Networks | 2019 |
414 | VRACE | VRACE - Virtual Reality Audio for Cyber Environments | 2019 |
415 | MARSoluT | Managed Aquifer Recharge Solutions Training Network | 2019 |
416 | MAGNESIA | The impact of highly magnetic neutron stars in the explosive and transient Universe | 2019 |
417 | BrightEyes | Multi-Parameter Live-Cell Observation of Biomolecular Processes with Single-Photon Detector Array | 2019 |
418 | WoodCircus | Underpinning the vital role of the forest-based sector in the Circular Bio-Economy | 2018 |
420 | CHBTECH | Sulphur-free production method for non-food biopolymers (dissolving pulp, hemicellulose and lignin) | 2019 |
421 | Hearing Contacts | Contact Lenses for the Ear - Invisibly providing natural hearing experience for Europe's 52 million hearing-impaired people | 2019 |
422 | Sound Health | Acoustic Intelligence and AI, the Next Frontier. Listen, detect, predict. | 2019 |
423 | Anima | Anima is an advanced AI system that analyses the child’s emotional and mental development through his/her artwork. | 2019 |
424 | SoundID | The Smart Broadcast Monitoring and Management System | 2019 |
425 | Metachip | A pan-cancer diagnostic platform based on nanobiotechnology and machine learning for simple and accessible early cancer detection | 2019 |
426 | IntelliGen | Advanced control platform for next generation Free Piston Engines (FPEs) for clean and efficient power generation | 2019 |
427 | EGM | A disruptive life-saving solution for early detection of lung edema in heart failure patients | 2019 |
428 | BIT-ACT | Bottom-up initiatives and anti-corruption technologies: how citizens use ICTs to fight corruption | 2019 |
429 | ComfDemo | COMFort in the cabin DEMOnstrator | 2019 |
430 | SWALLIS | SWALLIS - a disruptive wearable device that uses sound patterns to diagnose and monitor swallowing disorders | 2019 |
431 | HOLOMAN | Holographic acoustic assembly and manipulation | 2019 |
432 | SOPs4RI | Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity | 2019 |
433 | TuneFork | Mobile technology that brings personalized audio into your life | 2018 |
434 | SLING | Efficient algorithms for sustainable machine learning | 2019 |
435 | InWingSpeak | From Insect Wings to Miniature Loudspeakers - A Bionic Modelling Approach | 2019 |
436 | FALCon | Formation flight for in-Air Launcher 1st stage Capturing demonstration | 2019 |
437 | ElectroThermo | New Paradigm in Electrolyte Thermodynamics | 2019 |
438 | CrossLingference | Cross-Linguistic statistical inference using hierarchical Bayesian models | 2019 |
439 | AutoPlayPig | Automatic detection of play behaviour in young pigs as a measure of positive affective states. | 2020 |
440 | RESILOC | Resilient Europe and Societies by Innovating Local Communities | 2019 |
441 | WASEABI | Optimal utilization of seafood side-streams through the design of new holistic process lines | 2019 |
442 | VEHICLE | Valorise Extensive quantities of HemIcellulosic and Cellulosic sugars from Lignocellulosic biomass into high-value End products | 2019 |
443 | ISOTOPEST | ISOtope TOols for assessing PESticide faTe in the environment | 2019 |
444 | INGREEN | Production of functional innovative ingredients from paper and agro-food side-streams through sustainable and efficient tailor-made biotechnological processes for food, feed, pharma and cosmetics | 2019 |
445 | TEG AGS | Incorporation of Thermoelectric Generator into Advanced Glazing Systems and Vacuum Glazing Systems | 2020 |
446 | Language Use | Languages and Language Use | 2019 |
447 | TVSM | Teotihuacan Virtual Sound Map: Exploring the Sonic Sphere of the City of the Gods, Mexico | 2019 |
448 | CitizEE | Scaling up Public Energy Efficiency Investments via Standardising Citizen Financing Schemes | 2019 |
449 | SRSensor | A breakthrough high resolution, real-time, industrial molecular analyser for advanced process control and energy optimization | 2019 |
450 | Vetherapy | Regenerative medicine for cost- and time-efficient pet treatment | 2019 |
451 | SenseGuard | SenseGuard – A breakthrough respiratory monitoring device incorporating novel nanotechnology-based sensors | 2019 |
452 | ION4RAW | Ionometallurgy of primary sources for an enhanced raw materials recovery | 2019 |
453 | AlSiCal | Towards sustainable mineral and metal industry: ZERO Bauxite Residue and ZERO CO2 from co-production of Alumina, Silica and precipitated Calcium carbonate by the Aranda-Mastin technology | 2019 |
454 | GTBB | General theory for Big Bayes | 2019 |
455 | ASSO | Adhesive Connection for Secondary Structures in Offshore Wind Installations | 2019 |
456 | PadovaFIT Expanded | Expanding PadovaFIT! Home Solutions | 2019 |
457 | RetroFeel | A ground-breaking, nanotechnology sensor-based platform for highly accurate predictive maintenance of industrial equipment. | 2019 |
458 | His-Li mouse | His-Li mouse, the unique humanized mouse model resembling human liver and immune systems | 2019 |
459 | Coldab | An innovative Pulsed Laser Deposition process for next generation of Li-ion batteries | 2019 |
460 | Foresight | Foresight: Autonomous machine monitoring and prognostics system for the Oil and Gas and Maritime sectors | 2019 |
461 | LOUISA 3D | Innovative 3-dimensional optoacoustic imaging for safe breast cancer screening | 2019 |
462 | DynaLight | Light-driven atomic dynamics in solids and liquids – from fundamentals of optics to engineering of novel photonics technologies | 2019 |
463 | RecBord | Recording the Borders: Sounding Displacement and Integration in Europe | 2019 |
464 | ANDANTE | AttributioN of DynAmic and thermodyNamic components in exTreme weather and climate Events | 2020 |
465 | XMOS | Multimodal context and voice recognition for seamless voice control technology interfaces with low upfront cost | 2019 |
466 | RICH-2 | The Research Infrastructures Consortium of NCPs for H2020 | 2019 |
467 | Bio-Plan | Bio-Inspired Microfluidics Platform for Biomechanical Analysis | 2019 |
468 | PRESENT | Photoreal REaltime Sentient ENTity | 2019 |
469 | BE Therapy | A revolutionary digital therapeutics platform for personalized and effective neurocognitive rehabilitation | 2019 |
470 | Digital speakers | Next generation digital MEMS loudspeakers by USound | 2019 |
471 | NEUROTWIN | Pan-European twinning to re-establish world-level Neuroscience Centre in Kiev (NEUROTWIN) | 2019 |
472 | Promitil | Promitil® - a new ‘smart’ nanomedicine for cancer chemo-radiotherapy. | 2019 |
473 | EQUIVert | Worldwide unique biofeedback system for non-invasive vertigo therapy and fall prevention | 2019 |
474 | HIVE-TECH | Artificial Intelligence revolution in beekeeping sector: the “Internet of Bees” | 2019 |
475 | Vertical Sky | Vertical Sky, the next generation wind turbine for sustainable, silent and decentralized energy production. | 2019 |
476 | Fluidly | Intelligent cashflow management and forecasting platform providing insights for financial decision making of SMEs | 2019 |
477 | GlobalOrthodoxy | Rewriting Global Orthodoxy Oriental Christianity in Europe between 1970 and 2020 | 2019 |
478 | SpreadMRI | Ultra-Fast, Spread-Spectrum Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 2019 |
479 | SWIP | Extended short-wave infrared pulsed fibre laser | 2019 |
480 | AQUA4D | AQUA4D, for an efficient use of irrigation water | 2019 |
481 | Dynamic BC | Dynamic Bright Code: Delivering digital content in offline environments by connecting unique LEDbased optical tags with mobile devices. | 2019 |
482 | AlgaHealth | AlgaHealth: novel cultivation technologies of unique microalgae strains for high quality of fucoxanthin-based products. | 2019 |
483 | SCMS | ScreenCancer Mole Scanner - Easily accessible mole scanning service for early detection of skin cancer. | 2019 |
484 | IRIS Phase-1 | A revolutionary blood test to easily diagnose and prevent deadly complications of organs and tissue transplants. | 2019 |
485 | LMM | A revolutionary Lithography-based Metal Manufacturing (LMM) machine for 3D printing of high-quality functional metal parts | 2019 |
486 | 200SMEchallenge | Design-driven Open Innovation Challenge for 200 SMEs | 2019 |
487 | MORPH | From Timbre Perception to the Creative Exploration of Musical Instrument Sound Morphing | 2020 |
488 | ECO DRIVE | Noise and vibration in eco-efficient powertrains | 2020 |
489 | LimnoPlast | Microplastics in Europe's freshwater ecosystems: From sources to solutions | 2019 |
490 | SoundParticles | Sound Particles - The Revolution in 3D Audio Software | 2019 |
491 | HeatNMof | Heating triggered drug release from nanometric inorganic-metal organic framework composites | 2020 |
492 | CULTURAL-E | Climate and cultural based design and market valuable technology solutions for Plus Energy Houses | 2019 |
493 | Mirnagreen | First scalable food-grade technology for the direct extraction and purification of miRNAs-rich extracts from plants | 2019 |
494 | MYCure | Innovative cancer therapy through Myc inhibition: taking OMO-103 to market | 2019 |
495 | myPAL-NET | Underwater passive aquatic listening network system for smart monitoring of high impact weather events - myPAL-NET | 2019 |
496 | REPLACE | Making heating and cooling for European consumers efficient, economically resilient, clean and climate-friendly | 2019 |
497 | Extr3Me | Extreme Mechanics of Metamaterials: From ideal to realistic conditions | 2020 |
498 | METACOUSTIC | Computational design and prototyping of acoustic metamaterials for tailored insulation of noise | 2019 |
499 | TAMING CORROSION | Towards mastering the long-standing challenge of ageing infrastructures in corrosive environments | 2020 |
500 | FOCALSPEC | Solving the Root Cause of Battery Short Circuits:FocalSpec high-speed 3D imaging sensors revolutionise industrial quality control | 2019 |
501 | SIPAR | A revolutionary gait analysis system for smart injury and performance management. | 2019 |
502 | ThermoTON | Thermophone - a novel heat transfer based approach to global TOnal Noise cancellation in aviation | 2020 |
503 | ABODYFORCE | High Throughput Microfluidic Cell and Nanoparticle Handling by Molecular and Thermal Gradient Acoustic Focusing | 2019 |
504 | INNODEC | Innovation Radar Data-based Identification & Commercialisation | 2019 |
505 | GEMS | Genetically Evolving Models of Science | 2019 |
507 | ReDS | A disruptive, life-saving solution for home monitoring and management of lung fluid congestion in heart failure patients | 2019 |
508 | cs-BIPV-FS | Next-generation transparent PV for Building Integrated Photovoltaics | 2019 |
509 | CHILDPHOTOARCHIVE | Children’s Photography Archive: a curriculum for child-authored, multimodal citizenship education in primary schools | 2020 |
510 | BIGPROD | Addressing productivity paradox with big data: implications to policy making | 2019 |
512 | CURE | Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe | 2020 |
513 | EVIE 2.0 | A slow release insemination that doubles the success rate of the most common first line treatment of infertility. | 2019 |
514 | PHOMETAPAN | PHOMETAPAN- Meta-materials for Green High-Performance Soundproofing | 2019 |
515 | TrojanDC | TrojanDC | 2019 |
516 | TRANSFORM | Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of S3 through new Forms of Open and Responsible decision-Making | 2020 |
517 | PLAST2bCLEANED | PLASTtics to be CLEANED by sorting and separation of plastics and subsequent recycling of polymers, bromine flame retardants and antimony trioxide | 2019 |
518 | SIAM | Scaling Up Innovation through Analogy Mining | 2020 |
519 | OPSI19 | Making innovation a consistent, reliable and strategic resource for governments | 2020 |
520 | EHRI-PP | European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Preparatory Phase | 2019 |
521 | B2BMarketplace | The first B2B marketplace for Fast Moving Consumer Goods, connecting all brand manufacturers and retailers globally | 2019 |
522 | UNITI | Unification of treatments and Interventions for Tinnitus patients | 2020 |
523 | EduSelect | Edu*Select: Developing a Commercial Platform to Deliver Teacher Selection Tools | 2019 |
524 | UNDERTREES | Creating knowledge for UNDERsTanding ecosystem seRvicEs of agroforEStry systems through a holistic methodological framework | 2020 |
525 | TRANSIT | Train pass-by noise source characterization and separation tools for cost-effective vehicle certification | 2019 |
526 | Centurion 3 | Innovative offshore safety system to protect the body from cold shock in extreme conditions | 2019 |
527 | ClearPlasma | ClearPlasma is an innovative medical device that enhances coagulation properties for improved treatment of excessive bleeding. | 2019 |
528 | BlueDot | A long-acting, constant release ocular implant for the sustained delivery of biologics and small molecules for the treatment of retinal diseases. | 2019 |
529 | IS_MIRRI21 | Implementation and Sustainability of Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure for 21st Century | 2020 |
530 | METAFOAM | Towards acoustic metafoams for broad-range sound insulation | 2020 |
531 | ESS-SUSTAIN-2 | Next Steps in Securing the Sustainability of the European Social Survey, European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS-SUSTAIN-2) | 2020 |
532 | SLANG | How the brain learns to see language | 2020 |
533 | eLTER PPP | eLTER Preparatory Phase Project | 2020 |
534 | Programmable Matter | New materials enabled by programmable two-dimensional chemical reactions across van der Waals gap | 2020 |
535 | CLOSER | Bringing Cognitive Linguistics and Language Teaching Closer Together | 2020 |
536 | PAST | Phytolith Analysis and Stone Tools: A socio-ecological analysis of stone tools assemblage of North-Western South Asia | 2020 |
537 | CoL | Climates of Listening: Amplifying Pacific Experiences of Environmental Crisis | 2021 |
538 | SmartSAST | Non-covalent photoresponsive tags for photoacoustic imaging: Giving voice to living matter | 2020 |
539 | REPTARQ | Ecstatic Utopias: Reorienting audiovisual Evocations of Place Towards A Relational Queer future | 2021 |
540 | SilentProp | Development of computational and experimental noise assessment and suppression methodologies for the next generation of silent distributed propulsion configurations | 2020 |