# | ||||
1 | SEDENTEXCT Safety and Efficacy of a New and Emerging Dental X-ray Modality | 2008 | 3˙070˙361.00 | 2˙449˙461.00 |
2 | SEQUENCING Reaction Sequencing: A concise asymmetric approach to the antibacterial pleuromutilin | 2008 | 169˙390.00 | 169˙390.00 |
3 | EVRAMUS Understanding the virtual: integrated evaluation of ICT applications in museums | 2008 | 30˙000.00 | 30˙000.00 |
4 | NANOXID NanoPorous Anodic Oxides for Functionalization of Metal Surfaces | 2008 | 178˙307.00 | 178˙307.00 |
5 | HAMACSIS Hamiltonian Actions and Their Singularities | 2008 | 161˙225.00 | 161˙225.00 |
6 | EUROGLYCOARRAYS Development of carbohydrate array technology to systematically explore the functional role of glycans in healthy and diseased states | 2008 | 4˙066˙971.00 | 4˙066˙971.00 |
7 | DEHALORES "Breathing chlorinated compounds: unravelling the biochemistry underpinning (de)halorespiration, an exciting bacterial metabolism with significant bioremediation potential" | 2008 | 1˙148˙522.00 | 1˙148˙522.00 |
8 | FARHORIZON Use of Foresight to Align Research with Longer Term Policy Needs in Europe | 2008 | 282˙532.00 | 217˙874.00 |
9 | CACOPHOS Cage Complexes With Phosphonates | 2008 | 169˙957.00 | 169˙957.00 |
10 | IKNOW "interconnecting Knowledge for the early identification of issues, events and developments (e.g. wild cards and associated weak signals) shaping and shaking the future of STI in the ERA" | 2008 | 1˙094˙260.00 | 839˙861.00 |
11 | ERG Exact Renormalisation Group and Phases of Many Fermion Systems | 2008 | 360˙213.00 | 360˙213.00 |
12 | ANDIST Anisotropy Distributions in Nanomagnetic Arrays for Patterned Media | 2008 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
13 | GRAPHENE Physics and Applications of Graphene | 2008 | 1˙775˙044.00 | 1˙775˙044.00 |
14 | WALKINGMOLS Synthetic Molecules that Walk Down Tracks: The First Small-Molecule Linear Motors | 2009 | 2˙256˙401.00 | 2˙256˙401.00 |
15 | EURO-URHIS 2 European Urban Health Indicators Part Two: Using indicators to inform policy | 2009 | 3˙613˙864.00 | 2˙915˙121.00 |
16 | LEAP Large European Array for Pulsars | 2009 | 2˙455˙285.00 | 2˙455˙285.00 |
17 | INLADE Integrated numerical modelling of laser additive processes | 2009 | 329˙529.00 | 329˙529.00 |
18 | EURECIA Understanding and Assessing the Impact and Outcomes of the ERC Funding Schemes | 2009 | 537˙276.00 | 479˙906.00 |
19 | NEWSYN Internalist vs externalist evolutionary biology: do we need a New Synthesis? | 2009 | 230˙110.00 | 230˙110.00 |
20 | STEM CELLS FOR DMD Novel strategies for the cell therapy of muscular dystrophies | 2009 | 1˙900˙000.00 | 1˙900˙000.00 |
21 | LINNEAUS EURO -PC Learning from International Networks about Errors and Understanding Safety in Primary Care | 2009 | 2˙760˙332.00 | 2˙461˙250.00 |
22 | FERAL Functional characterization of a novel rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility locus on chromosome 6q | 2009 | 0.00 | 171˙867.00 |
23 | SANDERA The Future Impact of Security and Defence Policies on the European Research Area | 2009 | 777˙888.00 | 599˙758.00 |
24 | INFORM Integrating Nanomaterials in Formulations | 2009 | 2˙042˙792.00 | 1˙700˙000.00 |
26 | LINKRINGS LINKING RINGS INTO COMPLEX STRUCTURES | 2009 | 178˙874.00 | 178˙874.00 |
27 | RISK Risk Management and Risk Reporting | 2009 | 3˙726˙930.00 | 3˙726˙930.00 |
28 | TEUS "The Earth Under Surveillance. Climate Change, Geophysics and the Cold War Legacy." | 2009 | 1˙367˙751.00 | 1˙367˙750.00 |
29 | ATTRACT Advanced Teaching and TRaining for Adoptive Cell Therapy | 2009 | 2˙838˙539.00 | 2˙838˙539.00 |
30 | CMBFOREGROUNDS Accurate foreground characterisation for future CMB experiments | 2009 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
31 | THE SPACE OF CRISIS The Space of Crisis: Towards a Critical Geography of Complex Humanitarian Emergencies | 2009 | 221˙830.00 | 221˙830.00 |
32 | AMBIOCAS AMINE SYNTHESIS THROUGH BIOCATALYTIC CASCADES | 2010 | 3˙466˙757.00 | 2˙524˙792.00 |
33 | FLIGHT-NOISE Advanced Turbofan-Equipped Aircraft Noise Model | 2010 | 329˙924.00 | 247˙443.00 |
34 | CAPER/BREAST CANCE CAPER in Invasive Breast Cancer | 2010 | 1˙500˙000.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
35 | B2BRELATIONSHIPS Developing business relationships by SMEs in the intercultural environment | 2010 | 0.00 | 91˙525.00 |
36 | VELOCIRAPTOR Development of Synthetic Jet Actuator Hardware for the Green Regional Aircraft Low Noise Configuration | 2010 | 145˙682.00 | 109˙261.00 |
37 | REPLIXCEL Highly efficient new generation synthetic RNA-replicon based vaccine | 2010 | 2˙591˙172.00 | 2˙591˙172.00 |
38 | COGS Capitalizing on Gravitational Shear | 2010 | 1˙400˙000.00 | 1˙400˙000.00 |
39 | NIMBL "Nuclease Immune Mediated Brain and Lupus-like conditions (NIMBL): natural history, pathophysiology, diagnostic and therapeutic modalities with application to other disorders of autoimmunity" | 2010 | 6˙978˙247.00 | 5˙396˙993.00 |
40 | DYNAMICBRAINNETWORKS A Bayesian Model of EEG Source Dynamics and Effective Connectivity | 2010 | 173˙403.00 | 173˙403.00 |
41 | GLYCOBIOM Tools for the Detection of Novel Glyco-biomarkers | 2011 | 6˙806˙915.00 | 5˙199˙099.00 |
42 | BIONEXGEN Developing the Next Generation of Biocatalysts for Industrial Chemical Synthesis | 2011 | 10˙639˙428.00 | 7˙774˙883.00 |
43 | MATFUN Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation | 2011 | 2˙069˙119.00 | 2˙069˙119.00 |
44 | GENTOPHEN Linking genotype to phenotype for the rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility locus 6q23: beyond genome wide association studies | 2011 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
45 | ROCOCO CONFORMATIONAL COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL | 2011 | 2˙426˙106.00 | 2˙426˙106.00 |
46 | MELOVISION Melanopsin-based vision in health and disease | 2011 | 2˙499˙636.00 | 2˙499˙636.00 |
47 | MYPLACE "Memory, Youth, Political Legacy And Civic Engagement" | 2011 | 9˙968˙172.00 | 7˙994˙449.00 |
48 | GRAPHENEGASSENSORS Graphene-Based Ultra-Sensitive Gas Sensors | 2011 | 280˙680.00 | 280˙680.00 |
49 | MAKEITSIMPLE Make it simple: towards a new era for organic synthesis | 2011 | 1˙493˙855.00 | 1˙493˙855.00 |
50 | ALIGNED E2E Ionisation of aligned atoms and molecules by low energy electron impact | 2011 | 202˙049.00 | 202˙049.00 |
51 | SIMEAD Suite of integrated models for electrical aircraft drives | 2011 | 348˙602.00 | 261˙451.00 |
52 | FLIGHT-NOISE-II Turboprop and Propfan-Equipped Aircraft Noise Emission Model | 2011 | 348˙870.00 | 261˙652.00 |
53 | CO2VOLC CO2VOLC: Quantifying the global volcanic CO2 cycle | 2012 | 1˙720˙999.00 | 1˙720˙999.00 |
54 | PFPMWC Probing fundamental physics with multi-wavelength cosmology | 2012 | 1˙424˙269.00 | 1˙424˙269.00 |
55 | ARABCOMMAPH Arabic Commentaries on the Hippocratic Aphorisms | 2012 | 1˙499˙968.00 | 1˙499˙968.00 |
56 | PROMINENT Progression factors in melanoma leading to novel therapeutic targets | 2012 | 1˙498˙500.00 | 1˙498˙500.00 |
57 | SWARMDESIGNTOOLS Swarm Intelligence Simulations as Tools for Molecular Design of Better Medicines | 2012 | 200˙549.00 | 200˙549.00 |
58 | HYBROQUBITS developing hybrid organic-inorganic rotaxanes for quantum information processing | 2012 | 200˙371.00 | 200˙371.00 |
59 | IDMSEBE Intelligent Decision Making Systems in European Business and Economics | 2012 | 200˙371.00 | 200˙371.00 |
60 | PROTEASIX A novel bioinformatics’ platform to identify key proteasic pathways involved in kidney diseases | 2012 | 104˙516.00 | 104˙516.00 |
61 | UIC Understanding Institutional Change: A Gender Perspective | 2012 | 2˙166˙090.00 | 2˙166˙090.00 |
62 | GRAPHENE Graphene Ribbon-based Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage | 2012 | 209˙033.00 | 209˙033.00 |
63 | COMPOSER Composition and Management of Polymorphic Services | 2012 | 209˙105.00 | 209˙105.00 |
64 | EFENIS Efficient Energy Integrated Solutions for Manufacturing Industries | 2012 | 7˙369˙313.00 | 3˙974˙502.00 |
65 | LAB-SMART "Lewis Acidic Borocations: improving Suzuki couplings, Material synthesis, Alkylation and Radical Transformations" | 2012 | 1˙267˙160.00 | 1˙267˙160.00 |
66 | ATTACK Adoptive engineered T cell Trials to Achieve Cancer Killing | 2012 | 8˙260˙833.00 | 6˙000˙000.00 |
67 | PECOAT Novel Coating Systems For Power Electronics In Aerospace Environments | 2012 | 484˙233.00 | 363˙175.00 |
68 | RADIANT Rapid development and distribution of statistical tools for high-throughput sequencing data | 2012 | 4˙675˙174.00 | 3˙672˙249.00 |
69 | SYSMEDIBD Systems medicine of chronic inflammatory bowel disease | 2012 | 15˙727˙548.00 | 11˙999˙998.00 |
70 | MCNETITN Training Network for Monte Carlo Event Generators for LHC Physics | 2013 | 3˙947˙348.00 | 3˙947˙348.00 |
71 | SPRITE Supporting Postgraduate Research with Internships in industry and Training Excellence | 2013 | 3˙537˙036.00 | 3˙537˙036.00 |
72 | RADIOFOREGROUNDS Enabling cosmology with radio astronomy surveys: dealing with foreground contamination | 2013 | 1˙493˙227.00 | 1˙493˙227.00 |
73 | LODESTONE LODESTONE: Unifying the Radio Spectrum to Map the Magnetic Universe | 2013 | 1˙928˙368.00 | 1˙928˙368.00 |
74 | CRE8TV.EU Creativity for Innovation & Growth in Europe | 2013 | 3˙218˙703.00 | 2˙499˙168.00 |
75 | MOLFACTORY Towards a ‘molecular factory’: Processive sequence-selective synthesis with a synthetic molecular machine | 2013 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
76 | EVALUATE Energy Vulnerability and Urban Transitions in Europe | 2013 | 1˙426˙677.00 | 1˙426˙677.00 |
77 | ARCHOFCON The Architecture of Consciousness | 2013 | 1˙477˙483.00 | 1˙477˙483.00 |
78 | IFAAM Integrated Approaches to Food Allergen and Allergy Risk Management | 2013 | 12˙161˙314.00 | 8˙999˙969.00 |
79 | T1-IFN Definition and characterization of type I interferonopathies | 2013 | 1˙498˙906.00 | 1˙498˙906.00 |
80 | BIMPC Biologically-Inspired Massively-Parallel Computation | 2013 | 2˙399˙761.00 | 2˙399˙761.00 |
81 | MIGROM "The immigration of Romanian Roma to Western Europe: Causes, effects, and future engagement strategies." | 2013 | 3˙278˙504.00 | 2˙487˙903.00 |
82 | MAGNANOVES "Magnetically responsive nanoparticle-vesicle hydrogels as ""smart"" biomaterials for the spatiotemporal control of cellular responses" | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
83 | ARTIMATTER "Lego-Style Materials, Structures and Devices Assembled on Demand from Isolated Atomic Planes" | 2013 | 2˙200˙000.00 | 2˙200˙000.00 |
84 | TRANSICAP Labour trajectories in UK and Spain. Analysis of capabilities in transitions using a mixed-method approach | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
85 | AZNETAC A zebrafish model of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor to test resistance to antiangiogenic compounds | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
86 | HIGGSWBF A path to understanding: precision studies of the Higgs boson through Weak Boson Fusion | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
87 | NOFUN Novel antifungals to treat resistant organisms | 2013 | 6˙106˙868.00 | 4˙550˙286.00 |
89 | IONTOX Safe green solvents for the future: in silico predictive chemometric models for selected toxicity endpoints of ionic liquids | 2013 | 309˙235.00 | 309˙235.00 |
90 | REQUITE Validating predictive models of radiotherapy toxicity to improve quality-of-life and reduce side-effects in cancer survivors | 2013 | 7˙821˙718.00 | 5˙997˙408.00 |
91 | BIOOX Developing a validated technology platform for the application of oxygen dependent enzymes in synthesis and transformation of alcohols | 2013 | 7˙412˙764.00 | 5˙247˙567.00 |
92 | FUNGIBRAIN Sensing and integration of signals governing cell polarity and tropism in fungi | 2013 | 3˙909˙543.00 | 3˙909˙543.00 |
93 | PDMAN Partial Discharge Management In Compact Insulation Systems | 2013 | 482˙359.00 | 361˙769.00 |
94 | AGE-FRIENDLY Promoting Active Ageing: Developing Age-Friendly Cities | 2013 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
95 | TAMPTING The biogenesis of tail-anchored membrane proteins: knowledge and exploitation | 2013 | 3˙421˙158.00 | 3˙421˙158.00 |
96 | HETERO2D Novel materials architecture based on atomically thin crystals | 2013 | 13˙352˙308.00 | 13˙352˙308.00 |
97 | STC A Sociology of the Transnational Constitution | 2014 | 1˙212˙670.00 | 1˙212˙670.00 |
98 | COLORTTH The Higgs: A colored View from the Top at ATLAS | 2014 | 1˙163˙755.00 | 1˙163˙755.00 |
99 | SAVYP "Understanding the determinants of suicidal behaviour, serious accidents and violence in young people" | 2014 | 1˙498˙312.00 | 1˙498˙312.00 |
100 | MOLFACTORY Machinery for Molecular Factories | 2014 | 2˙142˙556.00 | 2˙142˙556.00 |
101 | MAGIC MAGnetic Innovation in Catalysis | 2014 | 3˙523˙100.00 | 3˙523˙100.00 |
102 | ADAPT Life in a cold climate: the adaptation of cereals to new environments and the establishment of agriculture in Europe | 2014 | 2˙492˙963.00 | 2˙492˙963.00 |
103 | CATCHCHEM New Catalytic C-H Activation and Decarboxylation Chemistry | 2014 | 299˙558.00 | 299˙558.00 |
104 | RELOADPEPSYN A Reloadable Molecular Peptide Synthesizer | 2014 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
105 | LINKQUBITS Assembling molecular components for future quantum devices | 2014 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
106 | ABC Harnessing Carboxylic Acids via ABC – Asymmetric Boronic acid-based Catalysis | 2014 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
107 | ENOLAR Arylation and Vinylation of Enolates: New Reactivity from the Urea Linkage | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
108 | AU-DOUBLEC-H Gold-catalysed dehydrogenative cross-coupling of arenes | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
109 | CLOCKS AND BURSTS Searching for nature's best clocks and extragalactic millisecond transients with large interferometric arrays: from the GMRT to the SKA | 2014 | 309˙235.00 | 309˙235.00 |
110 | NOFEAR New Outlook on seismic faults: From EARthquake nucleation to arrest | 2014 | 1˙963˙800.00 | 1˙963˙800.00 |
111 | EAAS Early Acquisition of Argument Structure | 2014 | 231˙283.00 | 231˙283.00 |
113 | ITALIANIRISH The Reception of Irish Literature in Italy: 1900-1950 | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
114 | AVATAR Animated 3D digital reconstructions of early European birds: a new window on the origin of avian flight using “state-of-the-art” techniques on exceptional fossils | 2014 | 309˙235.00 | 309˙235.00 |
115 | FAST TRANSIENTS A Panchromatic Approach to Unlocking the Transient Radio Universe | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
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