The page lists 603 projects related to the topic "specialized".
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1 | GLAM | Laser Multiplexed Biosensor | 2015 |
2 | MycoSynVac | Engineering of Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a broad-spectrum animal vaccine | 2015 |
3 | URDNA | Origin and Protection of Unstable Repetitive DNA Elements During Sexual Reproduction | 2015 |
4 | PAMPA | Plastic Components for Advanced Microwave Equipment of New Generation SatCom PAyloads | 2015 |
5 | SAT406M | An EGNSS application providing an end-to-end solution based on the SAR/Galileo service and particularly using the Return-Link-Message (RLM), to improve the mobility and safety of citizens | 2015 |
6 | SIMDEQ | SIngle Molecule DEtection and Quantification (SIMDEQ): A new platform for genetic and epigenetic analysis | 2014 |
7 | FlowMachines | Flow Machines | 2015 |
8 | EECIPInnoman | Provision of services to enhance the innovation management capacities of SMEs in the East of England - 2014 | 2014 |
9 | MISTRALE | Monitoring of SoIl moiSture and wateR-flooded Areas for agricuLture and Environment | 2015 |
10 | CREEP | Complex RhEologies in Earth dynamics and industrial Processes | 2015 |
11 | ANTIVIRALS | European Training Network on Antiviral Drug Development | 2015 |
12 | AdapTT | Real time therapy planning for Thermal based therapy modalities in oncology care. | 2015 |
13 | TRACKWAY | Training of Innovative, Creative and Entrepreneurial Researchers in Waterborne Dispersed Polymers | 2015 |
14 | MetaRNA | RNA-based technologies for single-cell metabolite analysis | 2015 |
15 | EDEN | European Dry Eye Network | 2015 |
16 | KAMWAL | Assessing and improving the innovation management capacity of Walloon SMEs through specialized EEN services | 2014 |
17 | SYNCHRONICS | SupramolecularlY eNgineered arCHitectures for optoelectRonics and photONICS: a multi-site initial training action | 2015 |
18 | GalacteaplusKam | Services for enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME’s in the Spanish regions of Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León and Galicia | 2014 |
20 | BSNinnoSME | BSN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs | 2014 |
21 | INNOVSUPPWALES | Action “Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network” | 2014 |
22 | InvestHorizon | Boosting Investment Readiness of SMEs and Small Midcaps - InvestHorizon | 2014 |
23 | Sound of Vision | Natural sense of vision through acoustics and haptics | 2015 |
24 | IOSTACK | Software Defined Storage for Big Data | 2015 |
25 | Flourish | Aerial Data Collection and Analysis, and Automated Ground Intervention for Precision Farming | 2015 |
26 | AutoPost | Deformable Surface Tracking and Alpha Matting for the Automation of Post-production Workflows | 2015 |
27 | POSEIDON | Plasmonic-based autOmated lab-on-chip SEnsor for the rapid In-situ Detection of LegiONella | 2015 |
28 | reTHINK | Trustful hyper-linked entities in dynamic networks | 2015 |
29 | MAT4TREAT | Enhancing water quality by developing novel materials for organic pollutant removal in tertiary water treatments | 2015 |
30 | CRIC | Cultural Narratives of Crisis and Renewal | 2015 |
31 | INCAS | Understanding institutional change in Asia: a comparative perspective with Europe | 2015 |
32 | NANOLEAP | “Nanocomposite for building constructions and civil infraestructures: European network pilot production line to promote industrial application cases.” | 2015 |
33 | Bioenergy4Business | Uptake of Solid Bioenergy in European Commercial Sectors (Industry, Trade, Agricultural and Service Sectors) – Bioenergy for Business | 2015 |
35 | SmartPatch | Use of a cost effective smart skin sensor system for remote Structural Health Monitoring and post event structural damage assessment in Soft Urban Targets and Critical Infrastructures Protection | 2014 |
36 | CONCEPT | CONductive fast Charge system for Electric buses in Public Transport | 2014 |
37 | SMARTGEARBOX | Development of a new gearbox without lubricants for low OM costs, higher efficiency, and oiless applications | 2014 |
38 | EUROCATED | Innovative services and platform for sustainable transport based on ecodriving techniques | 2014 |
40 | QUALIGRAIN | Increasing grain quality through advanced oxidation treatment during storage | 2014 |
41 | PRIVACY FLAG | Enabling Crowd-sourcing based privacy protection for smartphone applications, websites and Internet of Things deployments | 2015 |
42 | AutophagosomeSealing | Ymr1 role in the Atg proteins release from complete autophagosomes | 2015 |
43 | SmartCloudsODC | SmartClouds Orbital Dynamics and Control | 2016 |
44 | TANYFEEDNEURONS | Gliotransmission and shuttling of metabolic signals to feeding neuronal circuits by tanycytes | 2015 |
45 | MicroEcoEvol | Ecological and evolutionary forces shaping microbial diversity in freshwater blooms | 2015 |
46 | RvD3-RAVIS | Novel Resolvin D3: its Role and Actions in the Resolution of Aortic Valvular Inflammation and Stenosis | 2015 |
47 | HspAdhesion | Role of cell membrane associated Hsp70 in cancer cell adhesion and metastasis | 2015 |
48 | NETIA | Neolithic textiles and clothing industries in the Aegean | 2015 |
49 | HJMIGRA | Single-molecule analysis of Holliday-junction (HJ) migration by the human double-HJ dissolvasome | 2015 |
50 | ORC-PLUS | Organic Rankine Cycle - Prototype Link to Unit Storage | 2015 |
51 | NEUROMITO | Mitochondrial Dynamics and Local Protein Synthesis in Dendrites | 2016 |
52 | HARPOCRATES | Smart phononic crystals for aircraft noise reduction | 2015 |
53 | NanoBragg | Nanofiber-based atomic Bragg structures | 2015 |
54 | TWISTER | ToWards the Identification of Sesquiterpene TransportERs | 2015 |
55 | Cyanolichens | Genetic diversity of cyanobacterial symbionts of lichens and of free-living populations of Nostoc in biological soil crust communities of threatened alvar grasslands | 2015 |
56 | nAChR PAM-to-gate | Gating mechanism and pharmacological modulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors | 2015 |
57 | SEEING FROM CONTEXT | The neural basis of visual interaction between scenes and objects | 2016 |
58 | MEMOTION | Changing the course of cognitive decline in normal aging with positive emotions by training brain plasticity | 2016 |
59 | BluGram | Identification of genetic factors which determine host specificity in the wheat-powdery mildew pathosystem | 2015 |
60 | BIPHA | Bio-physical processes around marine snow aggregates | 2015 |
61 | BrainiAnts | Evolution of the social brain: How social complexity affects individual cognition in ants | 2015 |
62 | DrugsUP | Solute carrier proteins and the uptake of cytotoxic approved drugs | 2015 |
64 | PULVERCOAT | Low Curing Temperature Powder Coatings for Outdoor Applications | 2015 |
65 | IDEAL | InDustrializing Elcogen’s Affordable and durabLe SOFC stack | 2015 |
66 | BLUE IODINE | Boost BLUE economy trough market uptake an innovative seaweed bioextract for IODINE fortification | 2015 |
67 | THEMOTION | TheMotion: Revolution in Motion | 2015 |
68 | VR-Suit | VR-Suit : MultiModal experiences in a Virtual World | 2015 |
69 | VETBIOMAT | Advanced material for the regeneration of joints in veterinary medicine | 2015 |
70 | BrainWorkloadReader | Generation of a business plan for the production of a compact and reliable device able to measure in real-time the cerebral workload state of high responsibility operators in the transport domain | 2015 |
71 | WISE | WISE – Wide Instantaneous Support Equipment | 2015 |
72 | GY | GameYourself - Create a virtual 3D model of a person’s face based on a short video taken with any smartphone cam. | 2014 |
73 | GaSeS | First low cost handheld infrared camera for fugitive emissions, early detection and location, increasing energy efficiency in industrial plants, infrastructures and utilities | 2015 |
74 | Neural Designer | A high performance solution for predictive analytics | 2015 |
75 | FREE-D | CNC dynamic mold for producing freely curved glass panels | 2015 |
76 | Delirium Monitor | Objective delirium detection with an innovative EEG-based spot monitor | 2015 |
77 | HW2000 | Hydrowashr 2000 | 2015 |
78 | HardALU | Fluidised Bed Heat Treatment Furnace for HPDC engine blocks and other transport components offering new opportunities for lightweight, cost competitiveness and energy saving | 2015 |
79 | Enabling Excellence | Graphene-based nanomaterials for touchscreen technologies: Comprehension, Commerce and Communication | 2015 |
80 | INPACT | Innovative peptides against cancer and pathogenic bacteria, with advances in science, biopharmaceutical drug development, product market targeting, training , and communication. | 2015 |
81 | Testforall | FOOD SAFETY CONTROLS FOR ALL | 2015 |
82 | KERS-P | Development of a universal kit to be installed on existing and new High Tonnage Hot ForgingPresses, for a potential strong reduction of energy consumption of the European installed fleet. | 2015 |
83 | ANGELS | Advanced Next GEneration Landing System | 2015 |
84 | HybridMiX | Genetic Mapping of Evolutionary Developmental Variation using Hybrid Mouse in vitro Crosses | 2015 |
85 | WiVi-2020 | Wireless Visionaries for 2020 | 2015 |
86 | ECOFISH | Researches on the potential conversion of conventional fish farms into organic by establishing a model and good practice guide | 2015 |
87 | AdLibYeast | Synthetic platforms for ad libitum remodelling of yeast central metabolism | 2015 |
88 | VINCO | Visegrad Initiative for Nuclear Cooperation | 2015 |
89 | nuClock | Towards a nuclear clock with Thorium-229 | 2015 |
90 | Q-Room | Q-Room – Quintetto’s Holographic Telepresence Room | 2015 |
91 | Respiratory Analyzer | Validation of calibrated RIP (respiratory inductive plethysmography) based biomarker for diagnosis of SDB (sleep-disordered breathing) and the identification of an accessible screening solution | 2015 |
92 | FunGLASS | Centre for functional and surface-functionalized glasses | 2015 |
93 | ReguloBac-3UTR | High-throughput in vivo studies on posttranscriptional regulatory mechanisms mediated by bacterial 3'-UTRs | 2015 |
94 | NANOPDICS | Optoelectrical Dynamics of Ion channel Activation in Calcium Nanodomains | 2015 |
95 | PaRaDeSEC | Expanding Potential in Particle and Radiation Detectors, Sensors and Electronics in Croatia | 2015 |
96 | UFSD | Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors: Enabling Discoveries | 2015 |
97 | SWORD | Advanced Analytics Platform for Stroke Patients Rehabilitation | 2015 |
98 | AppIOS | AppIOS: Platform for Building Next Generation Enterprise Software | 2015 |
99 | HEIRRI | HEIRRI (Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation) | 2015 |
100 | SENSORTHALAMUS | Thalamic control of Neuroplasticity | 2015 |
101 | ICaRO | Ion Channels and Receptors Operation | 2016 |
102 | SWARMs | Smart and Networking UnderWAter Robots in Cooperation Meshes | 2015 |
103 | LEONID | Lung cancEr fusiOn geNes: a new dIagnostic Device | 2015 |
104 | EXTRA | Exploiting eXascale Technology with Reconfigurable Architectures | 2015 |
105 | WATERGUARD | Safeguarding Water Distribution Systems from Contamination Threats using the SmartTap Platform | 2015 |
106 | PANIPLAST | Industrial Development of PANIPLAST Process Poly(aniline) Conductive Polymers | 2015 |
108 | GalacteaplusKam | Services for enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME’s in the Spanish regions of Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León and Galicia | 2015 |
109 | Synchronverter | Smart Synchronous inverter for grid’s stability | 2015 |
110 | Troy Stem Cells | Troy+ stomach stem cells in homeostasis, repair and pathogenesis | 2015 |
111 | NEURO-PATTERNS | How neuronal activity patterns drive behavior: novel all-optical control and monitoring of brain neuronal networks with high spatiotemporal resolution | 2015 |
112 | KAMWAL 2.1 | EEN Advanced Support Services for Walloon SMEs 2015-2016 | 2015 |
113 | EVOluTION | European Vascular Interventions and Therapeutic Innovation Network | 2016 |
114 | RoVi | Robotic manipulator with visuo-haptic sensing | 2015 |
115 | INFINITE | INnovative laser machine For INdustrial engravIng and 3d TExturing | 2015 |
116 | MICROMAN | European Training Network on “Process Fingerprint for Zero-defect Net-shape MICROMANufacturing” | 2015 |
117 | EGRET-Plus | European Glaucoma Research Training Program-Plus | 2016 |
118 | Biomarkers for PD | Validation of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for Parkinson disease | 2015 |
119 | chemREPEAT | Structure and Dynamics of Low-Complexity Regions in Proteins: The Huntingtin Case | 2015 |
120 | Diversity6continents | Ecological determinants of tropical-temperate trends in insect diversity | 2015 |
121 | SYSMET | Systems Biology of Membrane Trafficking | 2016 |
122 | EENinnoSMES | EEN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs | 2015 |
123 | XS2I4MS | Access to I4MS | 2015 |
124 | ONCOCHECK | A simple blood test to monitor disease progression in patients undergoing cancer therapy | 2015 |
125 | RoadWriter | Computer-aided road marking machine - RoadWriter | 2015 |
126 | ComaWare | COMmunication and Assessment With Adaptive Realtime Environments | 2015 |
127 | ECOSHIELD | Ecologic Smart system for Housing and Innovative Electronic Large Defence | 2015 |
128 | NETIK | Smart sensor metering using cloud storage and PLC communication for efficient energy management | 2015 |
129 | VanderSat | High Resolution Soil Moisture Mapping | 2015 |
130 | GEM in-wheel | GEM in-wheel motor | 2015 |
131 | Bsmart - Pro | Smart integrated digital contents and educational platform | 2015 |
132 | MEDEAS | Guiding European Policy toward a low-carbon economy. Modelling Energy system Development under Environmental And Socioeconomic constraints | 2016 |
133 | META-REFLECTOR | Next generation meta-material based Optical Solar Reflectors | 2016 |
134 | ECARS | East European Centre for Atmospheric Remote Sensing | 2016 |
135 | REGothicVaultElements | Late Gothic vaults and their complex stone members: Recovering historical design procedures, implementing knowledge in restoration practice | 2016 |
136 | SMARTGEARBOX | Development of a new gearbox without lubricants for low OM costs, higher efficiency, and oiless applications | 2016 |
137 | PhotoFluo | Synthesis and photopolymerisation of new fluorinated macromonomers for the obtaining of high performance fluoropolymers | 2016 |
138 | MyeliNANO | Myelinic nanochannels in neurodegenerative diseases | 2016 |
139 | SEE.4C | SpatiotEmporal ForEcasting: Coopetition to meet Current Cross-modal Challenges | 2016 |
140 | DESIREE | Decision Support and Information Management System for Breast Cancer | 2016 |
141 | Bi-Stretch-4-Biomed | BIaxial STRETCHing of PLLA-WS2 nanocomposites FOR thinner and stronger BIOMEDical scaffolds | 2016 |
142 | CHEM2NATURE | Enabling precision chemical methodologies applied to natural-based systems for the development of multifunctional biomedical devices | 2016 |
143 | IMMUNE-EXPRESS | Proteasome-Mediated Gene Expression in Plant Immunity | 2016 |
144 | TRANSITION ZERO | Make Net Zero Energy refurbishments for houses a mass market reality | 2016 |
145 | ERXOS | ElectroRheological fluid based eXOSkeleton devices for physical upper limb rehabilitation | 2016 |
146 | MONTEX | MONKS, NUNS AND TEXTILES: Production, Circulation, and Distribution of Textiles in the Monastic Environment in Egypt (4th-8th Centuries AD) | 2017 |
147 | FastFlowSim | Fast particle-based time integrator for incompressible flows simulations | 2016 |
148 | PAPAstudy | Podocyte Adaptation Proliferation and Ageing | 2016 |
149 | PROFIT | Promoting Financial Awareness and Stability | 2016 |
151 | ENUBET | Enhanced NeUtrino BEams from kaon Tagging | 2016 |
152 | SPIN-MA | Schizophrenia Psychological Interventions Network Meta-Analysis of randomized evidence | 2016 |
153 | GranD Cities | Green and Diverse Cities. The social impact of urban policies for sustainability in comparative perspective. | 2016 |
154 | Expectancy | Unveiling expectancy neuronal coding in the cerebral cortex induced by naturalistic tactile stimuli | 2017 |
155 | FPGA Accelerators | Energy Efficient FPGA Accelerators for Graph Analytics Applications | 2016 |
156 | RecInRep | Beyond double-strand break repair: specific mechanisms of homologous recombination at stressed replication forks. | 2016 |
157 | UPR | Unconditional parental regard: Its nature and its consequences | 2016 |
158 | SPARk | Adding Pieces to the Puzzle of Sexual Differentiation In P. falciparum: A Systematic Analysis of RNA Processing | 2016 |
159 | INSPUR | In-Situ Polyurethane Resins | 2016 |
160 | NaMeS | “Interdisciplinary NAnoscience School: from phenoMEnology to applicationS” | 2016 |
161 | COCOAPRO | COCOA In Vitro PROpagation | 2016 |
163 | LiveIT | x66 optimized APIs real-time transformation in just 4 hours | 2016 |
164 | IRRISAVE | Smart Irrigation Control System with 40% Savings in Water for Universal Use | 2016 |
165 | RELOAD | REciprocal LOcal ADapatation: the genetic, behavioural and chemical study of the evolutionary maintenance of a mutualism | 2016 |
166 | Mechan-of-Chromo | Unfolding the Mechanism of Chromosome Cohesion and Condensation using Single-Molecule Biophysical Approaches | 2016 |
167 | EDU-DEM | Democratization through Education? The role of education in strengthening civil agency and voice in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Case study: Uganda) | 2016 |
168 | YoungInnovative | Young and Innovative: how to help young entrepreneurs be more innovative – a peer learning project | 2016 |
169 | Immune Regulation | How Infection History Shapes the Immune System: Pathogen-induced Changes in Regulatory T Cells | 2016 |
170 | POSTDATA | Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data | 2016 |
171 | SIFRm | Semantic Indexing of French Biomedical Data Resources - mobility | 2016 |
172 | TRACER | Tree Roots: an analytical ‘culture’ of economy and religion – case-study Egypt 2050-1550 BC. | 2016 |
173 | IoSense | Flexible FE/BE Sensor Pilot Line for the Internet of Everything | 2016 |
174 | pArg_deg_signal | No stress with pArg: Mechanisms of a distinct phospho-mark to coordinate stress response and protein quality control | 2016 |
175 | Magnetic Universe | Unveiling interstellar and intergalactic magnetic fields with radio polarimetry and theoretical astrophysics | 2017 |
176 | Lumiblast | A paradigm shift in cancer therapy – using mitochondria-powered chemiluminescence to non-invasively treat inaccessible tumours | 2016 |
177 | ICARUS | Innovative Coarsening-resistant Alloys with enhanced Radiation tolerance and Ultra-fine -grained Structure for aerospace application | 2016 |
178 | NanOQTech | Nanoscale Systems for Optical Quantum Technologies | 2016 |
179 | MechBiolRep | Mechanobiology of Bovine Reproduction | 2016 |
180 | MAGTOOLS | Software tools for fast, reliable analysis of magnetic materials in the electron microscope | 2016 |
181 | U-SPEC | A novel platform for user-friendly spectroscopy at very low temperatures and under strong magnetic fields | 2016 |
182 | ULISENS | Ultra Legionella Inmunoanalysis System for Early Sensing | 2016 |
183 | OZONELASER | Cost and time-effective universal medical device for treatment of onychomycosis by combining several technologies | 2016 |
184 | EXPANDCUSTOM | Expanding and widening customized design-based consumer goods access | 2016 |
185 | PhyMeBa | The Physical Mechanics of Swimming Bacteria | 2016 |
186 | LIBI | Lightning Interception Blade Implant | 2016 |
187 | HERO | High Efficiency electrical motor | 2016 |
188 | PRIZM2016 | Soft launch for the first thinbking music player | 2016 |
189 | ConvergeAnt | An Integrative Approach to Understanding Convergent Evolution in Ant-eating Mammals | 2016 |
190 | NOVAMOX | Novel niches for anaerobic methane oxidation and their biogeochemical sigificance | 2016 |
191 | INVERTIDAL | Chromosomal rearrangements and diversification on environmental gradients | 2016 |
192 | CONCEPT | CONductive fast Charge system for Electric buses in Public Transport | 2016 |
193 | SMARTHE | Smart thermostat èvolution | 2016 |
194 | Blue Iodine II | Boost BLUE economy trough market uptake an innovative seaweed bioextract for IODINE fortification II | 2016 |
196 | e-SPACE monitoring | e-Solar Performance Analysis and data Collection for Energy Monitoring: an innovative solution based on measures correlation between an autonomous ground-based solar sensor and Earth observation data | 2016 |
197 | X-10 Pathology | X-10 Pathology, Empowering diagnostics | 2016 |
198 | CardAPcells | Cell therapy for patients with chronic heart failure with proprietary cardiac-derived cells (CardAP cells) – “From the Heart to the Heart” | 2016 |
199 | ICECHILLING | Ice Chilling System for Enhanced Food Cooling | 2016 |
200 | HIPER | Heterogeneous Integrated Platform for Electronic system Redistribution: A revolutionary I/O Planning Solution for Micro/Nano 2.5-D Electronic Systems Design | 2016 |
201 | CoDiS | Compact, high-power, frequency-converted diode laser systems (CoDiS) | 2016 |
202 | EnzOx2 | New enzymatic oxidation/oxyfunctionalization technologies for added value bio-based products | 2016 |
203 | SMaRT | Sand Mitigation around Railway Tracks | 2017 |
204 | EJDFoodSci | Food science, technology and engineering - European Joint Doctorate training towards knowledge, skills and mobility | 2016 |
205 | RADSAGA | RADiation and reliability challenges for electronics used in Space, Avionics, on the Ground and at Accelerators | 2017 |
206 | 5GPagoda | A network slice for every service | 2016 |
207 | eHealth Hub | eHealth Hub, The European Hub for eHealth Business Support | 2016 |
208 | DN-CARTILOGEL | Design of double network polycarbonate-based hydrogels by simultaneous reactions: scaffolds for load-bearing soft tissue regeneration | 2016 |
210 | PigHeat | Utilizing Pig By-products as Heat Source to Save Recycling and Energy Cost. | 2016 |
211 | LIVE INCITE | Lifestyle intervention in the perioperative process through digital service | 2016 |
212 | LINCOLN | Lean innovative connected vessels | 2016 |
213 | EUGENIUS | European Group of Enterprises for a Network of Information Using Space | 2016 |
214 | MicroBeeOme | Evolution of the honey bee gut microbiome through bacterial diversification | 2017 |
215 | CoSI | Functional connectomics of the amygdala in social interactions of different valence | 2016 |
216 | DeMMYR | Decoding the molecular mechanisms driving host adaptation of yellow rust on cereal crops and grasses | 2017 |
217 | ROPOD | Ultra-flat, ultra-flexible, cost-effective robotic pods for handling legacy in logistics | 2017 |
218 | PLATIRUS | PLATInum group metals Recovery Using Secondary raw materials | 2016 |
219 | SONNET | Self-OrganizatioN towards reduced cost and eNergy per bit for future Emerging radio Technologies | 2017 |
220 | RAMSES | Reactivity and Assembly of Multifunctional, Stimuli-responsive Encapsulation Structures | 2016 |
221 | IMAGO | Image Analysis Online Services for in-vitro experiments | 2017 |
222 | FACCESS | Enabling the large-scale deployment of Facial Recognition in banking security | 2016 |
223 | E-SHUTTER | A novel Smart Glass integrating multi-zone switchable glass and touch panel control functions into a durable and sustainable insulated glazing to provide energy-efficiency and privacy in buildings | 2016 |
224 | 3DMP | Disruptive 3D printing technology for metalworking SMEs | 2016 |
225 | NEOSURANCE | Neosurance's objective is to propose innovative short-term insurance policies,proposed to the client a few hours before an event he is going to participate,through an advanced machine learning engine | 2016 |
227 | OptoBETA | Multicellular regulation of insulin secretion from pancreatic islets | 2017 |
228 | BrainDyn | Tracking information flow in the brain: A unified and general framework for dynamic communication in brain networks | 2017 |
229 | LISTEN | Liaison in Scientific Training for European auditory Neuroscience | 2016 |
230 | XPECAM | A New Portable Spectral Camera System for the Cultural Heritage Conservation Market | 2017 |
231 | IHS | water and energy efficient Induction Humidification System for textile applications | 2016 |
232 | SOX2-Cloud | Integrated Safety Engineering Platform for electrical and electronic systems for transportation | 2016 |
233 | PTO-SAFE | innovative yoke for Power Take-Off SAFEty | 2016 |
234 | ADIBAS | Auotmatic Digital Biometry Analysis System for musculoskeletal disorders rehabilitation | 2017 |
235 | SLIM | Strong, Lightweight and Indestructible Marble | 2016 |
236 | POWERICE | Organic Rankine Cycle Cogeneration Plant of one-farm size using rice straw as single fuel | 2017 |
237 | AMICI | Accelerator and Magnet Infrastructure for Cooperation and Innovation | 2017 |
238 | qSOFC | Automated mass-manufacturing and quality assurance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell stacks | 2017 |
239 | VISORSURF | VisorSurf - A Hardware Platform for Software-driven Functional Metasurfaces | 2017 |
240 | RadioNet | Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe | 2017 |
241 | ArrestAD | 3-O-sulfated heparan sulfate translocation in altered membrane biology: A new strategy for early population screening and halting Alzheimer’s neurodegeneration | 2017 |
242 | AutoLiqHand | A Compact and Automated Liquid Handling Platform for Biomedical Assays | 2017 |
243 | Matryoshka | Fast Interactive Verification through Strong Higher-Order Automation | 2017 |
244 | time-data | Time-Data Trade-Offs in Resource-Constrained Information and Inference Systems | 2017 |
245 | LACEGAL | Latin American Chinese European Galaxy Formation Network | 2017 |
246 | MecMy | Mechanisms of Myelination – Elucidating the Diversity of Oligodendroglial Precursors and their Local Axon-Glia Interactions | 2017 |
247 | FITTOM | PVC-O Fittings based on MOLECOR’s Molecular Orientation TOM® technology | 2017 |
248 | Adaptive Simulations | Bringing to market an open source CFD framework as a fully automated simulation service with high performance computing cloud-based access | 2016 |
249 | AQUOLIVE | Improving Aquaculture production with bioactives from olive oil processing by-products. | 2017 |
250 | AltaGram 4.0 | Launching the First One-Stop Video Game Culturalization Management Platform | 2017 |
251 | KUDURA | Upscaling of a portable hybrid solution for power supply, smart waste-to-energy | 2017 |
252 | NEOFIBRIN | Advanced material for the regeneration of oral mucosa injuries | 2017 |
253 | BikeABS | Bicycle Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) for Cycling Industry | 2017 |
254 | RAINOLVE | Accurate irrigation controller with multi-sensoring and interactive cloud-based platform to evaluate real plant needs and save up to 80% of water | 2017 |
255 | APMAV | Innovative drone-based solution for agriculture | 2017 |
256 | Ground Drone | Affordable Robots to Democratize Film and Video Motion Control | 2017 |
257 | iMDx | Microfiber Electrofluidics for Integrated Molecular Diagnostics | 2017 |
258 | INFRAVEC2 | Research Infrastructures for the control of vector-borne diseases | 2017 |
259 | Nod2Root | Keeping nodules in check: Interplay of rhizobial and host factors controlling nodule morphogenesis and identity in legume plants. | 2017 |
260 | PolySolv | Polymer Solvation with COSMO-RS | 2017 |
261 | HarshEnergy | Perpetual Sensing in Harsh Environments: Self-powered sensors for the Oil Gas industry | 2017 |
262 | Urban Innovation Lab | Innovation Associate for Urban Innovation Lab project | 2017 |
263 | OKHAERS | Ontology-based Knowledge Access for the higher education and research sector | 2017 |
264 | NET | Nanoreactivity at drastically Extended Timescales | 2017 |
265 | SimVisTec | Validation of SimVis Technology | 2017 |
266 | KAMWAL 2.2 | EEN Innovation services for Walloon SMEs 2017-2018 | 2017 |
267 | EENinnoSMES2 | EEN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs | 2017 |
268 | NESTOR | Next gEneration Sequence sTORage | 2017 |
269 | PRIMASKOTI | PReparing Introduction to MArket of SKOTI (PRIMASKOTI) - a breakthrough solution for real-time studies of cytoskeletal motors at single-molecule resolution | 2017 |
270 | ITC | Revolutionary instant thread colouring technology for industrial embroidery | 2017 |
271 | BOB | Business Opportunity for innovative Biostimulant platform | 2017 |
272 | CriticalGZ | Critical Slope Gross-Zagier formula and Perrin-Riou's Conjecture | 2017 |
273 | PRE-PSYCH | The Prelude to Psychosis: Brain network analysis in emerging schizophrenia | 2017 |
274 | CONVGENOMS | The genomic basis of convergent evolution in modern sloths (Xenarthra, Mammalia) | 2017 |
275 | DENPH | Dental anthropology at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition – insights on lifestyle and funerary behaviour from Neolithic Liguria (Italy) | 2017 |
276 | VIVIR | VIsual representations of VIew Relations to support effective data analysis on large and high-resolution displays | 2017 |
277 | Galactea-PlusKam | Services for enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME’s in the Spanish regions of Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León and Galicia | 2017 |
278 | COTETHERS | Molecular characterization of vesicle tethering complexes as novel regulators of collagen trafficking | 2017 |
279 | WORK-CHRIST | The Young Christian Workers Movement and the radicalization of Social Conflict in Mediterranean Europe: France, Italy and Spain (1963-1978) | 2017 |
280 | PhthaloSupra | Exploiting supramolecular interactions in phthalocyanine chemistry | 2017 |
281 | REMES | Regulation and Metabolic Engineering of Saponins for use as bio-pesticides. | 2017 |
282 | DRAPer | Dressing Robotic Assistants for Persons with Reduced Mobility | 2018 |
283 | MechanoSystems | How to build a brain? Engineering molecular systems for mechanosensation and -protection in neurons | 2017 |
284 | ACCLIM | Acclimatization scenarios and early warning system of temperature-related mortality in Europe | 2017 |
285 | BCRdangerCOMPETITION | The role of danger signal and cellular competition in the elimination of B cells lacking the B cell receptor. | 2017 |
286 | LessThanWagonLoad | Development of ‘Less than Wagon Load’ transport solutions in the Antwerp Chemical cluster | 2017 |
287 | MITODYN | Role of calcium fluxes in mitochondrial dynamics | 2017 |
288 | ZNEOPSIN_II | The role of novel opsins in non-visual light detection in the zebrafish brain | 2018 |
289 | BaskAtax | Modulation of Basket cell microcircuits in cerebellar cortex paroxysmal ataxia disorders | 2017 |
290 | SILENT RUBBER PAVE | Accelerate the commercialization of RARX technology process in the global markets of ECOLOGICALLY FRIENDLY SILENT RUBBER PAVEMENTS | 2017 |
291 | ENCIRCLE | European Cbrn Innovation for the maRket CLuster | 2017 |
292 | MyTherapyTools | SME Innovation Associate: matching MyTherapyTools up with a talented researcher | 2018 |
293 | D-TECT | Does dust triboelectrification affect our climate? | 2017 |
294 | D-TECT | Does dust triboelectrification affect our climate? | 2017 |
295 | MedAID | Mediterranean Aquaculture Integrated Development | 2017 |
296 | SIMS | Sustainable Intelligent Mining Systems | 2017 |
297 | EUSMI | European infrastructure for spectroscopy, scattering and imaging of soft matteer | 2017 |
298 | BIOPEN | BIOPEN | 2017 |
299 | UNIGEM | Next Generation ‘Unified Guest Engagement System’ for Smart Hospitality Services and Unparalleled Guest Loyalty. | 2017 |
300 | SOURCE | Self Organization in Competition and Diversity | 2017 |
301 | EPiR | The Chemical Basis of RNA Epigenetics | 2017 |
302 | Fit-to-nZEB | Innovative training schemes for retrofitting to nZEB-levels | 2017 |
303 | Wimper | Windshield with improved bird-strike, erosion, de-fogging, de-icing and IR performance | 2017 |
304 | EUNORS | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in Republika Srpska | 2017 |
305 | MovEAID | A novel wearable medical device and eHealth system to improve the mobility of patients withhemiparesis | 2017 |
306 | Gestoos | The first Behavior Recognition Open Platform | 2017 |
307 | EASED3D | Early screening of eye diseases using automated diagnosis of high-fidelity 3D images | 2017 |
308 | in.nav | Advanced Intra-Operative Navigation in Arthroscopy Surgery | 2017 |
309 | MOWOOT | Integral Intestinal Transit Management System for chronic constipation | 2017 |
310 | QUARRYSMART | Smart software platform for the economic and sustainable exploitation of dimension stone quarries | 2017 |
311 | W2W - Wind and Solar | Innovative system for medium scale water desalination 100% powered by renewable energies | 2017 |
312 | NeuroRibo | Specialized Ribosomes for Neuronal Protein Synthesis | 2017 |
313 | SENSE | Affordable CFD simulation software for SMEs in the transportation industry | 2017 |
314 | ConCare | Leveraging the scalability of mobile devices to improve the outcome of all critically ill patients: a multi-faceted health platform to enable the continuum of care from ICU to home. | 2017 |
315 | TIN-ACT | Research School for TINnitus Assessment, Causes and Treatments | 2017 |
316 | ANIMATAS | Advancing intuitive human-machine interaction with human-like social capabilities for education in schools | 2018 |
317 | CLOUD-MOTION | CLOUD-MObility, Training and InnOvation Network | 2017 |
318 | COPAC | Coherent Optical Parallel Computing | 2017 |
319 | COSMICS | Concepts and tools in molecular spintronics | 2017 |
320 | FRONTHAL | Specificity of cortico-thalamic interactions and its role in frontal cortical functions | 2017 |
321 | PAY-ME-ATTENTION | Disrupting the Communication between Humans and Computers - Understanding the Key Message in Simultaneous Conversations Through Voice Biometrics | 2017 |
322 | PHOTO-EMULSION | Towards Next-generation Eco-efficient PHOTO and EMULSION Polymerisations Imparting Synergy to Process, Products and Applications | 2017 |
323 | RobustHormoneTrans | Robustness and specialization among hormone transporters: Redundant and unique roles | 2018 |
324 | Efficoil | Integrating Punching and Laser Coil Technology for Metal Manufacturing Industry | 2017 |
325 | DecodingInfection | Decoding the host-pathogen interspecies crosstalk at a multiparametric single-cell level | 2017 |
326 | X-TAM | Dissecting Cross-Regulatory Interplays in Tumor-Associated Macrophages | 2018 |
327 | SilkFUSION | Genetically engineered human pluripotent stem cells, functionalized silk-fibroin platforms and bio-inks: a novel solution for large-scale ex-vivo platelet production, transfusion and drug research | 2017 |
328 | SCALESCRAPERS | SCALESCRAPERS - how to support the growth of scale-ups to only sky is the limit | 2017 |
329 | CTFF | Control of turbulent friction force | 2017 |
330 | DEEP-HybridDataCloud | Designing and Enabling E-infrastructures for intensive Processing in a Hybrid DataCloud | 2017 |
331 | RobotUnion | Stimulate ScaleUps to develop novel and challenging TEchnology and systems applicable to new Markets for ROBOtic soLUTIONs | 2018 |
332 | MORPHIC | Mems-based zerO-power Reconfigurable PHotonic ICs | 2018 |
333 | LEGaTO | Low Energy Toolset for Heterogeneous Computing | 2017 |
334 | MOLOKO | Multiplex phOtonic sensor for pLasmonic-based Online detection of contaminants in milK | 2018 |
335 | I-Cuvette | Smart cuvette and portable Time-Resolved FRET for fast analysis of milk | 2017 |
336 | BioAhead | BioAhead – an innovative optimization algorithm for amino acid chain analytics | 2017 |
337 | CleanCoat | Development of eco-friendly architectural coil coatings for clean buildings and pollution-free air | 2017 |
338 | Timber Shuttle | The novel wood-harvesting system for mechanical steep-slope logging | 2017 |
339 | roometric3D | A disruptive smartphone application to measure three-dimensional spaces to digitally evaluate and view associated surface data | 2017 |
340 | NPC-BUILD | The Nuclear Pore Basket – Functional Architecture of a Membrane Remodeling Machine | 2018 |
341 | Magnetic Fluids | A Key Enabling Technology for metals recovery and water management based on functionalized magnetic particles for galvanic industry | 2018 |
342 | TechnocaP | Innovative technology for capsule filling machines to boost the pharmaceutical manufacturing process | 2018 |
344 | REBOOT | Toolbox of multipotent bioactive composite implants for the full functional regeneration ofbones after a trauma | 2018 |
345 | Traipler | An Anytime, Anywhere and Any-budget platform to boost the digital VIDEO marketing for SMEs | 2018 |
346 | BTech | Novel human neurodegenerative disease specific 3D cell-models with applications in drug development and toxicity testing | 2018 |
347 | BLUESKY | Robust kit to convert diesel vehicles to Natural Gas and Biogas for extended life and reducedcontaminants emission | 2018 |
349 | YinYang | Hypothalamic circuits for the selection of defensive and mating behavior in females | 2018 |
350 | ASTRASY | Avantis STructural Rod Adjustment SYstem | 2018 |
351 | IMBALS | IMage BAsed Landing Solutions | 2018 |
352 | CALLAX | What is the role of the axonal connections between the hemispheres in sensory processing? | 2018 |
353 | LYSOBONE | Cellular and molecular analysis of the skeletal pathologies associated with mucopolysaccharidosis-VI (MPS-VI) | 2018 |
354 | MYCOMOSS | Mosses as a gateway of nitrogen into northern ecosystems | 2018 |
355 | BiT-XLMS | Development of comprehensive and user-friendly bioinformatics tools to study protein structures and interactions in mass spectrometry-based chemical cross-linking | 2019 |
356 | IPACBIS | Identifying preclinical Alzheimer´s disease in the community using a panel of biomarkers among individuals with Subjective Memory Complaints | 2018 |
357 | CROWDASSAY | Folding Pathways of DNA G-quadruplexes in Crowding Conditions, and Implications for Mass Spectrometry-based Ligand Screening Assays | 2018 |
358 | EnCAge | Progeria models to study endothelial cell ageing: implications for organ regeneration and fibrosis | 2020 |
359 | ResolveStroke | Stroke diagnostic imaging performed with ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy (uULM) | 2018 |
360 | NucleolusChromatin | Analysis of the nucleolus in genome organization and function | 2018 |
361 | GENESIS | Generic semiclassical transport simulator for new generation thermoelectric materials | 2018 |
362 | ReMoVE | Rendezvous Modelling Visiting and Enhancing | 2019 |
363 | scTRYPseq | Understanding the initiation virulence gene expression in African trypanosomes | 2019 |
364 | MECEDGE | Transgenic dissection of the neural circuitry of memory and dementia | 2018 |
365 | iNtoPoreAge | Assessing transcriptional and nuclear pore aging in age-equivalent and rejuvenated induced neurons from Alzheimer patients | 2019 |
366 | SiBaToGA | The influence of stress in the bones and teeth of great apes | 2018 |
367 | MAJORdom | Intersections of class and ethnicity in paid domestic and care work: theoretical development and policy recommendations based on the study of 'majority workers' in Italy and in the USA | 2018 |
368 | Smart BioSense | Smart engineered Bioreceptors for developing BioSensors | 2018 |
369 | ItohRibo | Structural study on mitochondrial ribosome assembly in human cells | 2018 |
370 | MAPoPHAGY | Maturation of plant autophagosomes: mapping the route to sustainability | 2018 |
371 | NeuroPred | Identification of different neuro-cognitive mechanisms of prediction in language comprehension | 2019 |
372 | iHand | The First Soft Robotic Glove for Hand Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation | 2018 |
373 | HyCool | Industrial Cooling through Hybrid system based on Solar Heat | 2018 |
374 | SILKNOW | SILKNOW. Silk heritage in the Knowledge Society: from punched cards to big data, deep learning and visual / tangible simulations | 2018 |
375 | CONCHA | The construction of early modern global Cities and oceanic networks in the Atlantic: An approach via OceaN’s Cultural HeritAge | 2018 |
376 | Ecol of interactions | Developing the predictive ecology of plant-animal interactions across space and time | 2018 |
377 | UPRmt | The Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response | 2018 |
378 | HITSCIL | How intraflagellar transport shapes the cilium: a single-molecule systems study | 2018 |
379 | PITBUL | Point-of-Care implementation of TB testing with ultra-fast Local Heating PCR | 2017 |
380 | AgrowFab | Far Infrared Radiation Smart Fabric Heating Element for GreenHouses | 2018 |
381 | MedicalPhant | An advanced 3D simulator to generate 3D-personalized tissue and organ models for diagnosis, planning and pre-treatment of medical vascular interventions | 2018 |
382 | Better Dairy | A diagnostic tool for endometritis in cows, based on a portable automated image recognition software | 2018 |
383 | PreciSen | PreciSen, the next generation of position sensing technology | 2018 |
384 | EVE | Eve – From ‘black box’ to yellow box: full insight technology for chicken hatcheries | 2018 |
385 | Care300 | A mango-based food ingredient, for food supplements and functional foods, that helps maintaining a healthy metabolism and an optimal body composition while preventing glucose intolerance | 2018 |
386 | BEMYEYES | Be My Eyes - The mobile platform that allows sighted people to lend their eyes to the blind and visually impaired | 2018 |
387 | INNOWIND | Low-cost and low-maintenance innovative mid-power horizontal axis wind turbine operable with low winds and small installation areas. | 2018 |
389 | Sensa | Effortlessly Diagnosing Sleep Apnea with the Sensa Platform | 2018 |
390 | TOBeATPAIN | Targeting neuroinflammation to combat pathological pain in neurodegenerative diseases and chronic pain syndromes | 2018 |
391 | SEAGEM | Developing a process to bring a unique Icelandic natural food sea gem worldwide | 2018 |
392 | AIASGA | The Unparalleled AI Platform using High-Performance Computing to Scale Industrial Operations | 2018 |
394 | PowerData | Energy Data Management system to support the smart grid | 2018 |
395 | M-H70 | M-H70 2.0 Hydrogen pressure gas regulators specifically designed for Fuel Cell Vehicles | 2018 |
396 | Signs For Europe | A new social business model for Europe to promote the integration of deaf people in the professional market | 2018 |
397 | E-FREE | E-FREE (Smart Solutions): Towards a more ECO, HEALTHY and SAFE environment in every single lighting scenario. | 2018 |
398 | ADAFARM | Small scale farmers’ sustainable adaptation strategies to climate change based on ecosystem services | 2018 |
399 | TUgbOAT | Towards Unification of Algorithmic Tools | 2018 |
400 | PCAPIP | Towards understanding non-canonical phosphatidylinositol kinases in the maintenance of prostate metabolism. | 2018 |
401 | CARBIDE2500 | The first 2500°C industrial furnace, for higher efficiency and up to 5 times higher strength materials | 2018 |
402 | XPECAM | A New Portable Spectral Camera System for the Cultural Heritage Conservation Market | 2018 |
403 | EQUALITY | Efficient QUantum Light for TechnologY | 2018 |
404 | 4CWhite | The first high-precision Computer-Controlled Collarbone Cutter for Whitefish | 2018 |
405 | SmartDtd | Smart Household Waste Management | 2018 |
406 | Redwave | Redwave: the future of blood pressure measurement | 2018 |
407 | PANDA | The Game Changer of Physiotherapy towards Arthrosis Prevention | 2018 |
408 | FESTA | Flexible Euv SpecTrometer for Attosecond science | 2018 |
409 | TRUST | Twinning foR indUstrial SustainabiliTy | 2018 |
410 | COLLHEAR | 3D printed COLLagen type I-Hydroxyapatite prostheses for the middle EAR | 2018 |
411 | IMPLAGUIDE | Smart & Autonomous Guidance System for Citizen Security in Public Transport and large facilities | 2018 |
412 | BB6S Active | Anti-lock braking system for e-bikes able to avoid the front wheel locking and the rear wheel lifting increasing cyclist safety during braking | 2018 |
413 | ASCTN-Training | Training on Advanced Stem Cell Technologies in Neurology | 2018 |
414 | ROLL-IT | Radically innovative technology for efficient manufacturing of preforms for ceramic matrix composite (CMC) brake disks | 2018 |
415 | CUBE | New approach to decentralized production of electricity, water supply and Internet connection, in full autonomy and off-grid | 2018 |
417 | LUOS | A platform to boost robotic innovation by enabling fast development cycles, reduced cost and low barrier to entry. | 2018 |
418 | SWEET CROSSTALK | Training interdisciplinary glycoscientists to get a molecular-level grip on glycocodes at the human mucosa–microbiota interface | 2019 |
419 | IROCSIM | Integrated high-resolution on-chip structured illumination microscopy | 2019 |
420 | Treat-HSP | Development of new therapy for rare motor neuron diseases | 2018 |
421 | GREAT | Grating Reflectors Enabled laser Applications and Training | 2019 |
422 | TerAqua | Compact and powerful strong-field terahertz light source for exploring water in new regimes | 2019 |
423 | SHERLOCK | Seamless and safe human - centred robotic applications for novel collaborative workplaces | 2018 |
424 | ImmunoCode | Digital Single Cell Immunology: Decoding Cellular Interactions for Improved Immunotherapy | 2018 |
425 | RiboInflam | Assessing the role of ribosomes and mRNA translation in shaping the inflammatory response | 2019 |
426 | UPSCALE | Upscaling Product development Simulation Capabilities exploiting Artificial inteLligence for Electrified vehicles | 2018 |
427 | VOLUMICO | VOLUMe Induced micro-COgenerator for high energy efficiency of gas distribution networks | 2018 |
428 | ALFOAM | Turning non-recyclable aluminum waste into metal foams with multiple applications | 2019 |
429 | APICUS | Artificial Intelligence approach for Product Inspection through the use of Cobot enabling quality control of Unshaped products Solution | 2018 |
430 | BIOTRAFO | Raising knowledge and developing technology for the design and deployment of high-performance power transformers immersed in biodegradable fluids“BIOTRAFO” | 2019 |
431 | ChEESE | Centre of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth | 2018 |
432 | DigiMAT | Smart solution for connecting process with material characteristics to achieve new generation of digital materials for the automotive industry. | 2019 |
433 | TransTempoFold | A need for speed: mechanisms to coordinate protein synthesis and folding in metazoans | 2019 |
434 | PD_Pal | Palliative care in Parkinson’s disease | 2019 |
435 | NATURELLA | The unique high-performance biodegradable leather tanned with natural elements | 2018 |
437 | SYNPATH | Regulation of synaptic development and plasticity by molecular pathways linked to human evolution | 2019 |
438 | Orgasome | Protein synthesis in organelles | 2019 |
439 | IBERIA XRF | Compact X-Ray Fluorescence borehole probe for uniquely flexible, efficient and complete underground material analysis | 2019 |
440 | Mercurius Connect | Mercurius Connect | 2019 |
441 | DELOX | Next generation decontamination: fast, effective, cheap and non-toxic | 2019 |
442 | Aladyn System Ph1 | A compact and versatile kit for wireless power supply | 2018 |
443 | CFA | The Clinical Flexible Analyzer- a new generation IVD testing device aimed to increase the competitiveness of local healthcare vs. large laboratories | 2018 |
444 | WELMO | Wearable Electronics for Effective Lung Monitoring | 2019 |
445 | ResisTEST | Developing a rapid diagnostic kit for antibiotic resistance | 2019 |
446 | BANTURIVERS | At a Crossroads of Bantu Expansions: Present and Past Riverside Communities in the Congo Basin, from an Integrated Linguistic, Anthropological and Archaeological Perspective | 2019 |
447 | MOBILIZE | Improving health in people with multimorbidity: a paradigm shift in health care from disease-based curative models to personalized exercise therapy and self-management | 2019 |
448 | Neurovulnerability | Molecular mechanisms underlying selective neuronal death in motor neuron diseases | 2019 |
450 | InPulse | Indium-Phosphide Pilot Line for up-scaled, low-barrier, self-sustained, PIC ecosystem | 2019 |
451 | TBMED | A testing bed for the development of high-risk medical devices | 2019 |
452 | ThinAirWater | Providing water for everyone with water-from-air technology | 2018 |
453 | NCLas | NanoCrystals in Fibre Lasers | 2019 |
454 | PRIME | Advanced and versatile PRInting platform for the next generation of active Microfluidic dEvices | 2019 |
455 | Neural Grader | Neural Grader - Digitizing the Wood Industry | 2019 |
456 | ID.Conference | ID.Conference – New event management experience for regulated conferences | 2019 |
457 | F-BioIce | Fundamentals of Biological Ice Nucleation | 2019 |
458 | GalacteaPlusKam | Services for enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME’s in the Spanish regions ofAsturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León and Galicia | 2019 |
459 | Capsulight | The first ingestible capsule for eradicating Helicobacter pylori infection through photodynamic therapy | 2019 |
460 | WATCH | Well-Aging and the Tanycytic Control of Health | 2019 |
461 | ACO | AstroChemical Origins | 2019 |
462 | ULTIMATE | Bottom-Up generation of atomicalLy precise syntheTIc 2D MATerials for high performance in energy and Electronic applications – A multi-site innovative training action | 2019 |
463 | CollectionCare | Innovative and affordable service for the Preventive Conservation monitoring of individual Cultural Artefacts during display, storage, handling and transport | 2019 |
464 | CellularLogistics | Cellular Logistics: Form, Formation and Function of the Neuronal Microtubule Cytoskeleton | 2019 |
465 | CiliaTubulinCode | Self-organization of the cilium: the role of the tubulin code | 2019 |
466 | MyPal | MyPal: Fostering Palliative Care of Adults and Children with Cancer through Advanced Patient Reported Outcome Systems | 2019 |
467 | PINT | Ultrastrong Composites through Polymers Interlocked with carbon NanoTubes | 2019 |
468 | 4CWhite | 4CWhite -The first high-precision Computer-Controlled Collarbone Cutter for Whitefish | 2019 |
469 | SettleMint | The distributed Blockchain middleware that allows business worldwide to build business solutions with Blockchain technology | 2019 |
470 | SafeCHIP2 | "A software platform used by electronic-chip designers to add ""Functional Safety"" to their chips to meet the highest safety requirements of the Automotive Functional Safety standard ISO-26262, ASIL-D" | 2019 |
471 | RAINOLVE | Accurate irrigation controller with multi-sensoring and interactive cloud-based platform to evaluate real plant needs and save up to 80% of water | 2019 |
472 | DOCKNROLL | Tackling Idleness and Under-utilization of Heavy-Machinery with a new fully Automated and Versatile Docking System | 2019 |
473 | CKDSens | A novel healthcare tool for the active ageing with chronic kidney disease | 2019 |
474 | Pictogram | Pictogram: a Digital Environment for Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment & Management | 2019 |
475 | KUBBI | Cost- and Climate-Efficient Milk Cooling Using Slurry Ice and Natural CO2 | 2019 |
476 | EENinnoSMES3 | EEN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs EENinnoSMEs3. | 2019 |
477 | EUNORS | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in Republic of Srpska | 2019 |
478 | ScarLessWorld | A WORLD WITHOUT SCARS: Regenerating wounded skin rather than patching with scars | 2019 |
480 | Lipofabrik | A ground-breaking biomolecular production platform for safer, more efficient and sustainable pest control and crop health management | 2019 |
481 | GSYNCOR | Graphene-syncronized coherent Raman scattering laser and microscope | 2019 |
482 | CHEMICROS | CHEmically-mediated MICRobial Interactions maintained by the toxic dinoflagellate OStreopsis cf. ovata | 2019 |
483 | Safe4RAIL-2 | Safe architecture for Robust distributed Application Integration in roLling stock 2 | 2018 |
484 | BIONA4ART | BIO-inspired NAcre-like materials FOR the next generation of conservation treatments in stone ART works | 2019 |
485 | EvolvAnt | Natural selection during the recurrent evolution of a major social trait | 2019 |
486 | AEROSIMULAT | High-performance aerodynamics and aeroacoustics simulations of the new generation of high-speed gas turbines via high-order Galerkin methods | 2020 |
487 | DriveToTheFuture | Needs, wants and behaviour of 'Drivers' and automated vehicle users today and into the future | 2019 |
488 | DECOMPACT | Development of Collagenase Polymeric nanocapsules as Therapeutics | 2019 |
489 | AllergenDetect | Comprehensive allergen detection using synthetic DNA libraries | 2019 |
490 | EDAO | Example-Driven Analytics of Open Knowledge Graphs | 2019 |
491 | CODEV | Co-diversification and co-evolution of human populations and cereals in Africa | 2019 |
492 | PRESQUE | A predicting platform for designing semiconductor quantum devices | 2019 |
493 | ScanRights | Economic and Social Rights in Scandinavian Diplomacy at the United Nations, 1970-2000 | 2019 |
494 | 4D-Biogel | 3D and 4D Bioprinting: Additive Manufacturing of Smart Biodegradable Hydrogels | 2019 |
495 | UNBIAS | UNravelling BIvAlve Shell chemistry: Advanced Techniques for Accurate Reconstructions of Sub-annual Climate | 2020 |
496 | GAiNS | Gibberellic acid signaling and dynamics during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and rhizobial-legume symbiosis | 2020 |
497 | Food-PPP-NAFLD | Discovery and characterization of food bioactive compounds modulating the Pentose Phosphate Pathway against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. | 2019 |
498 | BELENUS | Lowering Costs by Improving Efficiencies in Biomass Fueled Boilers: New Materials and Coatings to Reduce Corrosion | 2019 |
499 | CRUCIATA | Uses and meanings of the word crusade in the late Middle Ages | 2019 |
500 | HarmonizATforms | Defining the antithrombin measurand: role of proteoforms in harmonisation of diagnostic tests in thrombosis | 2019 |
501 | EVAPO-CONTROL | EVAPO-CONTROL: System for avoiding evaporation losses in Agriculture dedicated water reservoirs | 2019 |
502 | INTRA | The first ultrasound-compatible cranial prosthesis enabling diagnostic and therapeutic use of ultrasound in brain pathologies | 2019 |
503 | SMASH | The first non-invasive device for continuous, real-time monitoring of glucose and lactate through sweat analysis | 2019 |
504 | InScope | Integrated analysis of regulatory networks modulating seed coat permeability in natural accessions | 2019 |
505 | PonD | Particles-on-Demand for Multiscale Fluid Dynamics | 2019 |
506 | GHSO | Generation of human steroid-producing organoids: a new approach to treat adrenal insufficiency | 2019 |
507 | EVER | Evolution of VEnom Regulation | 2019 |
508 | VECTRACK | Earth observation service for preventive control of insect disease vectors | 2019 |
509 | Nocturne | The eye as a window to the brain, extending lifelong brain health | 2019 |
510 | TSS | The definitive solution to prevent fuel theft in road goods transport | 2019 |
511 | Modvion | Modular wood-made wind turbine towers | 2019 |
512 | ePANC-SPLICE | Regulation and Function of Endocrine-Specific Splicing Programs in Pancreas and their Role in Diabetes | 2020 |
513 | Clock-SAM | Transcriptional reprogramming of Clock at Shoot Apical Meristem in regulating plant organogenesis and growth. | 2019 |
514 | MEMORIES | Mapping dEndritic inforMation prOcessing in behaving mice using simultaneous spatio-tempoRal voltage and calcium Imaging and wholE-cell electrophySiology | 2020 |
515 | RepDiff | Revealing novel molecular mechanisms linking DNA replication and cell fate decisions | 2020 |
516 | ALTAGRAM4.0 | First One-Stop Video Game Culturalization Management Platform | 2019 |
517 | iTrust | In-time TReatment of acUte ischaemic STroke | 2019 |
518 | DynapIP | Innovative and ultra-low power neuromorphic unit for advanced signal processing in wearable medical devices | 2019 |
519 | TWIND | Twinning for an Offshore Wind Energy Partnership | 2019 |
520 | CA3ViAR | Composite fan Aerodynamic, Aeroelastic, and Aeroacoustic VAlidation Rig | 2019 |
521 | ADRONE4LIFE | An electronic drone pilot and cargo custodian for blood and medical courier services | 2019 |
522 | Food Monitor | Inline real-time 4.0 quality monitoring in food production | 2019 |
523 | EpiShuttle 2.0 | EpiShuttle: Isolation and Transportation of Infectious Disease Patients | 2019 |
524 | MYODM-FSMP | New food for special medical purposes to nutritionally manage Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 | 2019 |
525 | HydSOS | Irrigation water saving by replacing the traditional irrigation system by an Adjusted Regulated Deficit Irrigation one | 2019 |
527 | BLACK HAT | An eco-friendly ultrasonic system to control and prevent algal blooms and zebra mussel invasion in small and large water surfaces | 2019 |
528 | Smart Farm 4.0 | the eye and ears of the farmer - Smart monitoring system for intensive livestock farming management | 2019 |
529 | LMM | A revolutionary Lithography-based Metal Manufacturing (LMM) machine for 3D printing of high-quality functional metal parts | 2019 |
530 | DeMol | Deconstructing the past: Modelling the locomotion of Miocene hominoids through computational techniques | 2020 |
531 | BEMYEYES | Specialized Help from Be My Eyes – harnessing technology to connect companies directly with their blind and visually impaired users | 2019 |
532 | Archimede | An Archimedes-inspired sit-to-stand desk to tackle workplace sedentarism | 2019 |
533 | CLARIFY | CLoud ARtificial Intelligence For pathologY | 2019 |
535 | TOM-E | TOM-E is the first GPS navigation device that is the less expensive on the market and multimodal. With Tom-E, riding has never been easier. | 2019 |
536 | KissAndSpitRhoptry | Unravelling the secretion machinery for virulence factors in apicomplexan parasites | 2020 |
537 | i-CONN | Interdisciplinary connectivity: Understanding and managing complex systems using connectivity science | 2019 |
538 | MOSAICS | Hearing Matters: European Industrial Doctorate to train experts in auditory implants for minimised outcome spread and maximized participation in society | 2019 |
539 | InVIGO | INtake Vortex Ingestion on Ground Operations | 2019 |
540 | Schrott24 | Leveraging online services to enhance the efficiency and transparency of recycling and trading of metal throughout the EU. | 2019 |
541 | EMP | Motion planning technology for autonomous driving | 2019 |
542 | FLIX | FLow chemistry for Isotopic eXchange | 2020 |
543 | ETIQMEDIA | Counterfeiting and Piracy will not affect to our firms in the EU any longer. | 2019 |
544 | SKELETONID | Fast, Unbiased & Accurate Human Identification: Artificial Intelligence at the service of Physical and Forensic Anthropology | 2019 |
545 | TACK | Communities of Tacit Knowledge: Architecture and its Ways of Knowing | 2019 |
546 | CLIPE | Creating Lively Interactive Populated Environments | 2020 |
547 | BioCombs4Nanofibers | Antiadhesive Bionic Combs for Handling of Nanofibers | 2019 |
548 | BEEP | Bio-inspired and bionic materials for enhanced photosynthesis | 2020 |
549 | WiPLASH | Architecting More Than Moore – Wireless Plasticity for Heterogeneous Massive Computer Architectures | 2019 |
550 | UNLOCK-EDD | UNLOCKing next generation computer-guided Enzyme Discovery and Design. | 2019 |
551 | CellularBiographies | Global views of cell type specification and differentiation | 2020 |
552 | POWER-PATCH | Self-Powered Skin Patch for Cystic Fibrosis Diagnosis | 2020 |
553 | ChromoSOMe | Canonical and Non-canonical modes of Chromosome Segregation in Oocyte Meiosis | 2020 |
554 | AVANGARD | Advanced manufacturing solutions tightly aligned with business needs | 2019 |
555 | CMD-COAT | Bioactive coating to prevent catheter infection and thrombosis | 2019 |
556 | SynLink | Molecular Structure and Engineering of Synaptic Organizer Proteins in Health and Disease | 2020 |
557 | LIP-ATG | The missing link: how do membrane lipids interplay with ATG proteins to instruct plant autophagy | 2020 |
559 | TEM | Teklab Evaporator Management system (TEM) for increasing energy efficiency in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Cost effective, highly technological and innovative but easy to understand and install | 2019 |
560 | AQUAGARLIC | An innovative dual action (antimicrobial & immunomodulator) product for the aquaculture feed additives market | 2019 |
561 | SYNVIVO | Revealing dendritic cell-CD4+ T cell communication by using synthetic biology in vivo | 2020 |
562 | TEACHING | A computing toolkit for building efficient autonomous applications leveraging humanistic intelligence | 2020 |
563 | GRECA | GRECA: Revolution in corporate transactions | 2019 |
564 | FACE | FACE: A real-time facial analysis software to improve the skincare e-commerce. | 2019 |
565 | Self-Brett 2.0 | Self-test2, wine analysis kit for Brettanomyces yeast identification | 2019 |
566 | B6VitaStat | A diagnostic device for personalized determination of vitamin B6 status and health | 2019 |
568 | HUGODECA | Human Gonad Developmental Cell Atlas | 2020 |
569 | Predictive sigma | Predictive maintenance platform for industrial assets based on AI and IoT | 2019 |
570 | DATASET | Advanced manufacturing though data analytics and intelligent insights | 2019 |
571 | ROG | Real Organ Generation | 2019 |
573 | TYPEWIRE | Reconstructing wiring rules of in vivo neural networks using simultaneous single-cell connectomics and transcriptomics | 2020 |
574 | StuDySARCOMERE | Structure and Cellular Dynamics of the Sarcomere | 2020 |
575 | E-Optimum | Energy leading-edge technology for high performance gear shaping machines | 2020 |
577 | PROSKit | Prostate cancer urinary diagnostic kit based on RNA biomarkers | 2020 |
578 | LightAtLHC | Search for Axion-Like Particles at the LHC | 2020 |
579 | Scaleup4Europe | The establishment of cross-border operating “Scaleup Labs” to increase the efficiency of the scaling support in specific industry verticals: Health, AgTech, Smart Region and Agile Manufacturing. | 2020 |
580 | MyeRIBO | Deconstructing the Translational Control of Myelination by Specialized Ribosomes | 2020 |
581 | THERA | Therapeutic Drug Monitoring with Smartphone-integrated Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy | 2020 |
582 | DIANA | Organ-on-a-chip Drug screenIng device to tArget braiN diseAse | 2020 |
583 | NIMBUS4CIP | Effective management of pregnant cancer patients through a cloud-based integrative and highly specialized advisory board platform | 2020 |
584 | EENinnoSMES4 | EEN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs | 2020 |
585 | CELLULO-EPI | Celluloepidemiology: a novel paradigm for modeling T-cell responses on a population level. | 2020 |
586 | IBERIA XRF | Compact X-Ray Fluorescence probe for uniquely flexible, efficient and accurate underground material analysis | 2020 |
587 | G-LEAD | Giga-Hertz Laboratory Experiment for Axion Dark Matter | 2020 |
588 | H2O-SurfaceProbe | High Throughput Second Harmonic Method to Probe Biological Surfaces at Real-World Conditions | 2020 |
589 | SHE | The most profitable Solar collector on the market to supply Heat and Electricity | 2020 |
590 | NINI | Neuronal Information through Neuronal Interactions | 2020 |
591 | UCUPA | Unraveling the Molecular Changes that Drive the Repression of the Unfolded Protein Response with Ageing | 2020 |
592 | CellSorb | Cost-efficient and safe cellulosic food pad | 2020 |
593 | RE-NUP | Spousal Reunification and Integration Laws in Europe | 2020 |
595 | GUT3D-PLATE | Ready-to-use cell culture plates for gut 3D models | 2020 |
596 | RENOPROTECT | Targeting tubular reabsorption for kidney protection | 2020 |
597 | EUDIC | EU Foreign Policy Differentiation and Integration: Informal Groups in EU Approach to Conflicts and Crises | 2021 |
598 | POMOLIM | Polycystic ovarian syndrome: novel molecular characterization and personalized in vitro maturation protocol. | 2020 |
599 | TOC-maker | The assembly and structure of the chloroplast protein import machinery in plants | 2020 |
600 | SPHERES | Lipid droplet hypertrophy : the link between adipocyte dysfunction and cardiometabolic diseases | 2020 |
601 | SIGNAL | Sensing Neuro-immune Activation in the Lung microenvironment | 2020 |
602 | CiliaCircuits | Molecular Principles of Mammalian Axonemal Dynein Assembly | 2020 |
603 | OSIRIS | Automatic measurement of speech understanding using EEG | 2020 |