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H2020 projects about "innovations"

The page lists 831 projects related to the topic "innovations".

# achronym  title  year 
1 RiNG-14-15 European Researchers' Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2015 2014
2 ULTIMATE Ultra Low emission Technology Innovations for Mid-century Aircraft Turbine Engines 2015
3 DiscardLess DiscardLess – Strategies for the gradual elimination of discards in European fisheries 2015
4 EmPowerPutida Exploiting native endowments by re-factoring, re-programming and implementing novel control loops in Pseudomonas putida for bespoke biocatalysis 2015
5 DiViNe Sustainable downstream processing of vaccines through incorporation of nanobiotechnologies : novel affinity ligands and biomimetic membranes 2015
7 WRIST Innovative Welding Processes for New Rail Infrastructures 2015
8 REWARD REal World Advanced Technologies foR Diesel Engines 2015
9 CIPTEC Collective Innovation for Public Transport in European Cities 2015
10 PLATINUM Papyri and LAtin Texts: INsights and Updated Methodologies.Towards a philological, literary, and historical approach to Latin papyri 2015
11 HEARTOFSTROKE The heart of stroke: Pipes, Perfusion, Parenchyma 2015
12 GlioVac Validation of a conceptually new treatment for glioblastoma multiforme with an IP protected small molecule 2015
13 WAPITI Water-mass transformation and Pathways In The Weddell Sea: uncovering the dynamics of a global climate chokepoint from In-situ measurements 2015
14 CHROMTISOL Towards New Generation of Solid-State Photovoltaic Cell: Harvesting Nanotubular Titania and Hybrid Chromophores 2015
15 INFO TECHNOLOGY Information Technology and Institutions Supporting Human Capital Accumulation and Exchange 2015
16 complexNMR Structural Dynamics of Protein Complexes by Solid-State NMR 2015
17 INVEST IN-orbit Validation of European Space Technologies 2015
18 ButaNexT Next Generation Bio-butanol 2015
19 ShaleXenvironmenT Maximizing the EU shale gas potential by minimizing its environmental footprint 2015
20 CEMCAP CO2 capture from cement production 2015
21 GEO VISION GNSS driven EO and Verifiable Image and Sensor Integration for mission-critical Operational Networks 2015
22 CloseWEEE Integrated solutions for pre-processing electronic equipment, closing the loop of post-consumer high-grade plastics, and advanced recovery of critical raw materials antimony and graphite 2014
23 BRODISE BROWNFIELD Decontamination In Southern Europe. Preparing PCP to R+D for efficient, cost effective and innovative solutions for brownfields decontamination 2015
24 ArcInTex ETN ArcInTex ETN 2015
25 PIANO Policies, Innovation And Networks for enhancing Opportunities for China Europe Water Cooperation 2015
26 SMEINNOAUSTRIA Establishing SME Innovation Management Services in the Austrian Enterprise Europe Network 2014
27 EIIRCBG_H2020 Establishing services Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in Bulgaria 2014
28 SMART2D A people-centred approach through Self-Management and Reciprocal learning for the prevention and management of Type-2-Diabetes 2015
29 DiCoMo Direct conversion hybrid-organic X-ray detectors on metal oxide backplane 2015
30 POINT POINT: iP Over IcN - the betTer ip 2015
31 LOMID LOMID - Large cost-effective OLED microdisplays and their applications 2015
32 LORIX Large Organic Robust Imager for X-ray sensing 2015
33 ProsocialLearn ProsocialLearn - Gamification of Prosocial Learning for Increased Youth Inclusion and Academic Achievement 2015
35 NEAT A New, Evolutive API and Transport-Layer Architecture for the Internet 2015
36 CloudTeams Collaborative Software Development Framework based on Trusted, Secure Cloud-based Pool of Users 2015
37 AquaSmart Aquaculture Smart and Open Data Analytics as a Service 2015
38 PaaSword A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Platform-as-a-Service Framework Introducing Distributed Encrypted Persistence in Cloud-based Applications 2015
39 VITAL VIrtualized hybrid satellite-TerrestriAl systems for resilient and fLexible future networks 2015
40 CP-SETIS Towards Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering Tools Interoperability Standardisation 2015
41 BISON BIg Speech data analytics for cONtact centres 2015
42 ECRYPT-CSA European Coordination and Support Action in Cryptology 2015
43 women entrepreneurs Transforming European Women’s Entrepreneurship: The Education and Training for Success Programme 2015
44 INEXCA Excellent research and expertise of quality of cancer care by internationally trained staff 2015
45 RISE_BPM Propelling Business Process Management by Research and Innovation Staff Exchange 2015
46 ENviSION EmpoweriNg (European) SME business model InnovatiON 2015
47 ENF2015 EuroNanoForum 2015 2014
48 Flex4Grid Prosumer Flexibility Services for Smart Grid Management 2015
49 PROSAFE Promoting the Implementation of Safe by Design 2015
50 TUNEMEM Externally Tuneable Separations for Membrane Reactors 2015
51 InnoSI Innovative Social Investment: Strengthening communities in Europe (InnoSI) 2015
52 IIT Industrial Innovation in Transition 2015
53 ADEMU A Dynamic Economic and Monetary Union 2015
54 RE-InVEST Rebuilding an Inclusive, Value-based Europe of Solidarity and Trust through Social Investments 2015
55 COMBI Calculating and Operationalising the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency Improvements in Europe 2015
56 iMoHEALTH iMoHEALTH: A pan-national collaborative analytics platform for the exploration of population health. 2014
57 usenns Neurotechnology to understand the emotions of customers in market research 2014
58 PICOMB Photonic Integrated Comb Source: An Economic Feasibility Study 2014
59 WINETWORK Network for the exchange and transfer of innovative knowledge between European wine-growing regions to increase the productivity and sustainability of the sector 2015
60 Hennovation Practice-led innovation supported by science and market-driven actors in the laying hen and other livestock sectors 2015
61 AGRISPIN Space for Agricultural Innovation 2015
62 eCAIMAN Electrolyte, Cathode and Anode Improvements for Market-near Next-generation Lithium Ion Batteries 2015
63 HDGAS Heavy Duty Gas Engines integrated into Vehicles 2015
64 ECOCHAMPS European COmpetitiveness in Commercial Hybrid and AutoMotive PowertrainS 2015
65 RESOLVE Range of Electric SOlutions for L-category VEhicles 2015
66 OSEM-EV Optimised and Systematic Energy Management in Electric Vehicles 2015
67 iNEXT Infrastructure for NMR, EM and X-rays for translational research 2015
68 SETRIS Strengthening European Transport Research and Innovation Strategies 2015
69 JERICO-NEXT Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories 2015
70 NICHE Navigating and Innovating in Complex Healthcare Ecosystems 2015
71 InnoMarket Innovation in the road freight transportation chain facilitating sustainability and low cost: A socio-technical perspective on work and development of road freight transport markets. 2015
72 Polyphemus Towards a new framework for reception: Gongora’s poetics, ‘new’ readers and the material world 2015
73 FITINV Fitness consequences of chromosome inversion polymorphism in mimetic butterflies 2015
74 NETIA Neolithic textiles and clothing industries in the Aegean 2015
75 MINDFLY Mid-IR ultrabroadbaNd thulium-doped Fiber Laser sYstems 2016
76 MEROXRE Understanding the fate of Arctic atmospheric mercury (Hg) deposition – A Hg stable isotope investigation of redox processes and Hg re-emissions 2015
77 EvoNovo Genetic architecture of an evolutionary novelty: the development of the male-specific turban-shaped eyes of Cloeon dipterum 2016
78 FRAMING_EFFECTS Experimental Analysis of Framing Effects via Observation of Decision-Making Processes to Improve the Real-World Applicability of Decision Research in Economics 2015
79 SIBG Strongly Interacting Bose Gases 2015
80 N-SHEAD Nanoarrays: Self-assembled Hotspots for Enhanced Analyte Detection 2015
81 MWMI Mesoscopic characterization of human white-matter: a computational in-vivo MRI framework 2015
82 CuPESS Catchments under Pressure: Ecosystem Service Solutions 2015
83 BIPHA Bio-physical processes around marine snow aggregates 2015
84 PARADOXGREATLAKES Security Paradoxes in the Great Lakes: Between the Military-Capable and the Good-Governed State 2015
85 GALiVMS Galileo based inshore-VMS for fisheries 2015
86 GWAFH Emulsar: give the world appetite for health. 2015
87 Free power supply Stand-alone power supply saving low-speed fluid energy available around us 2014
88 COLOMBUS-1 COmposite repair solutions for aeronautical BUSiness development – Phase 1 2015
89 SOMA Analytics Chronic Stress Biomarkers for Early Detection and Prevention of Burnout 2014
90 EMBRYON EMBRYON - Develop and commercialize a highly innovative diagnostic-imaging product, improving success rates in the Assisted Reproduction IVF sector 2015
91 HEALTH-TECH Centre of Excellence in Science and Technology for Healthy Ageing 2015
92 TRADECOM TRADECOM: Trader communication, collaboration and compliance system 2015
93 PASSIONATE Providing Active Safety Shoes based On Nano Technologies 2015
94 FUSION NIGHT Find Your Passion for Science on Researchers Night 2014
95 SEDEUF Sedicii Innovative Authentication 2014
96 ENTRUST Energy System Transition Through Stakeholder Activation, Education and Skills Development 2015
97 KDRP KiWi Power Limited’s Revolutionary, Low Cost, Demand Response Platform (KDRP) 2015
98 HiLASE CoE HiLASE Centre of Excellence 2015
99 DTHPS Sound and Materialism in the 19th Century 2015
100 GREEN-WIN Green growth and win-win strategies for sustainable climate action 2015
101 SUBSOL bringing coastal SUBsurface water SOLutions to the market 2015
102 SPRINT Social Protection Innovative Investment in Long Term Care 2015
103 MMAC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical Modeling and Advanced Computing 2015
104 ISTScholar International IST Doctoral Program 2015
105 SURI Novel concept of a modular Shelter Unit for Rapid Installation 2015
107 e-Awake New Generation ADAS for Enhanced Driving Experience 2015
108 TCBL TCBL – Textile and Clothing Business Labs Transformative Business Models for the Textile Clothing Sector 2015
109 PROMINENT Protein Mining of Cereal side-streams Exploring Novel Technological Concepts 2015
110 TransGeno The ERA Chair for Translational Genomics and Personalized Medicine 2015
111 CEITER Cross-Border Educational Innovation thru Technology-Enhanced Research 2015
112 SESAME Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services 2015
113 SPEED-5G quality of Service Provision and capacity Expansion through Extended-DSA for 5G 2015
114 ATOM Attention to Marketing (ATOM): Application of eye-tracking to the online market for advertising 2015
115 CREEV Novel Compound Rotary Engine Range Extender for Electric Vehicles 2015
116 NANOSHOCK Manufacturing Shock Interactions for Innovative Nanoscale Processes 2015
117 SWARMs Smart and Networking UnderWAter Robots in Cooperation Meshes 2015
118 Nano-xfield-1000 nanotech x-ray tube 2015
119 SaveEUSaffron Sales and production acceleration of EU saffron through an innovative cultivation and crop system that allows European producers to increase eco-efficiency, production and processing 2015
120 PEMP Political Economy with Many Parties: Strategic Electorate and Strategic Candidates 2015
121 AYURYOG Medicine, Immortality, Moksha: Entangled Histories of Yoga, Ayurveda and Alchemy in South Asia 2015
122 3Ccar Integrated Components for Complexity Control in affordable electrified cars 2015
123 Mont-Blanc 3 Mont-Blanc 3, European scalable and power efficient HPC platform based on low-power embedded technology 2015
124 Baby Beat Providing Clarity of Fetus Heartbeat Through Baby Beat Bracelet Measuring Fetal Arterial Pulse Wave 2015
125 IntelServBus Intelligent Hydraulic Systems Enabling Service Business in Heavy Transport 2015
126 WEIGHTANDVALUE Weight metrology and its economic and social impact on Bronze Age Europe, West and South Asia 2015
127 LASERLAB-EUROPE The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures 2015
128 HaS-DARIAH Humanities at Scale: Evolving the DARIAH-ERIC 2015
129 VRE4EIC A Europe-wide Interoperable Virtual Research Environment to Empower Multidisciplinary Research Communities and Accelerate Innovation and Collaboration 2015
130 ETN-FPI European Training Network on Full Parallax Imaging 2015
131 MAYA Multi-disciplinArY integrated simulAtion and forecasting tools, empowered by digital continuity and continuous real-world synchronization, towards reduced time to production and optimization 2015
132 Eco-Solar Eco-Solar Factory - 40%plus eco-efficiency gains in the photovoltaic value chain with minimised resource and energy consumption by closed loop systems 2015
133 I-ThERM Industrial Thermal Energy Recovery Conversion and Management 2015
134 FineSol Assembly of miniaturized PCBs by using low cost hyper-fine solder powders 2015
135 GlassRoutes Mapping the First Millennium Glass Economy 2015
136 PLOTINA Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation and training 2016
137 eMicrobevol Early Microbial Evolution 2015
138 EENINNOAUSTRIA Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network 2015
139 FRESH AIR Free Respiratory Evaluation and Smoke-exposure reductionby primary Health cAre Integrated gRoups 2015
140 SKHINCAPS SKin Healthcare by Innovative NanoCAPsuleS 2015
141 DSI4EU Digital Social Innovation for Europe 2016
142 PHRESCO PHotonic REServoir COmputing 2015
143 ESEV-4-GR Electric Smart Eco Vacuum Pump For Green Cars 2015
144 BIOAGRIBOOSTER Agrobiological products for crop production improvement: a novel approach towards a sustainable agriculture 2015
145 JPM Jensen Predictive Maintenance (JPM System) of district heating pipes 2015
146 TELEOLIVA Real time and online monitoring of the debittering stage in the table olive processing 2015
147 Smooth Reader Universal PlugPlay OEE Data Capture Equipment to improve the efficiency of industrial processes 2015
148 L3MATRIX Large Scale Silicon Photonics Matrix for Low Power and Low Cost Data Centers 2015
149 CONNECT CarbON Nanotube compositE InterconneCTs 2016
150 BlendIn oneTap e-paper business card wearable gadget to create a real meeting LinkedIN equivalent 2015
151 CORTIME CorTime, a Cloud-based intelligent optimization engine for 3D-CAD 2015
153 CargoList Freight Auction, reinvented 2016
154 SERBIA FOR EXCELL SERBian- Austrian-Italian (SAI) partnership FORcing EXCELLence in ecosystem research 2016
155 NEWCORT Novel Processes and Equipment in Composite Repair Technology 2016
156 GRICAS Galileo MEOSAR RLS Improvement for Better Civil Aviation Security 2016
157 INSERTRONIC Development of highly-efficient low-emission log wood-fired closed fireplace INSERts thanks to an automated elecTRONIC control system 2016
158 HERMES HERMES - High Efficiency Real-time Multithreading Engine for Space Applications 2016
159 SUN-to-LIQUID SUNlight-to-LIQUID: Integrated solar-thermochemical synthesis of liquid hydrocarbon fuels 2016
160 ComMUnion Net-shape joining technology to manufacture 3D multi-materials components based on metal alloys and thermoplastic composites 2015
161 DevTMF Development of Experimental Techniques and Predictive Tools to Characterise Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Behaviour and Damage Mechanisms 2016
162 MIGRATE Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices 2016
163 HYP The Hatha Yoga Project: Mapping Indian and Transnational Traditions of Physical Yoga through Philology and Ethnography 2015
164 IDentIFY Improving Diagnosis by Fast Field-Cycling MRI 2016
165 INPUT Intuitive Natural Prosthesis UTilization 2016
166 EMPATIA Enabling Multichannel PArticipation Through ICT Adaptations 2016
167 STARS4ALL A Collective Awareness Platform for Promoting Dark Skies in Europe 2016
168 RurInno Social Innovations in Structurally Weak Rural Regions: How Social Entrepreneurs Foster Innovative Solutions to Social Problems 2016
169 FloTEC Floating Tidal Energy Commercialisation project (FloTEC) 2016
170 SmartEIZ Strengthening scientific and research capacity of the Institute of Economics Zagreb as a cornerstone for Croatian socioeconomic growth through the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategy 2016
171 SIC Social Innovation Community 2016
172 SONNETS SOcietal Needs aNalysis and Emerging Technologies in the public Sector 2016
173 GIDDB New practices of Grassroots Innovation for Demand Driven Businesses 2016
174 YOUNG_ADULLLT Policies Supporting Young People in their Life Course. A Comparative Perspective of Lifelong Learning and Inclusion in Education and Work in Europe 2016
175 EuroDairy A Europe-wide thematic network supporting a sustainable future for EU dairy farmers 2016
176 HNV-Link High Nature Value Farming: Learning, Innovation and Knowledge. 2016
177 OPERA Open Sea Operating Experience to Reduce Wave Energy Cost 2016
178 INAPEM International Network on Advanced high energy Permanent Magnets 2016
179 FabSpace 2.0 The Fablab for geodata-driven innovation - by leveraging Space data in particular, in Universities 2.0 2016
181 WASTE2FUELS Sustainable production of next generation biofuels from waste streams 2016
182 TEMPO Terrestrial vertebrates and the evolutionary origins of morphological diversity 2016
183 VERAM Vision and Roadmap for European Raw Materials 2015
184 PRISTINE Improved production of low cost silver nanowires 2016
185 ERIFORE Research Infrastructure for Circular Forest Bioeconomy 2016
186 POLICIES_FOR_PEACE The economics of lasting peace: The role of policies and institutions 2016
187 NOVAMAG NOVel, critical materials free, high Anisotropy phases for permanent MAGnets, by design. 2016
188 GoldOpera Carlo Goldoni and Europe's New Opera Theatre 2016
189 ZeoSynMech Spatiotemporal and In-situ Spectroscopic Crystallization Studies of Microporous Materials 2016
190 URBANet Urban networks: multidisciplinary research into the formation of early urban societies in Campania (Italy) 2016
191 Phenclass Ancient Philosophy and the Emergence of European Thought: Phenomenology in Conversation with Classical Studies 2016
192 EvoNIN Unraveling key genetic innovations behind the emergence of the root-nodule symbiosis 2017
193 Exile and Technology Austro-German exile in America 1930-45: interrogating the relationship between science, technology and modern selfhood in cultural and musical discourses. 2016
194 SustUrbanFoods Integrated sustainability assessment of social and technological innovations towards urban food systems 2016
195 TACT Towards an objective and quantitative Assessment of human Corneal Transparency 2017
196 INTERHYTHM Rhythms In Social Interaction 2016
197 I4FUTURE Novel Imaging and Characterisation Methods in Bio, Medical, and Environmental Research and Technology Innovations 2016
198 SHARE-DEV3 Achieving world-class standards in all SHARE countries 2015
199 PALEODEM Late Glacial and Postglacial Population History and Cultural Transmission in Iberia (c.15,000-8,000 cal BP) 2016
200 SKYOPENER SKYOPENER - establishing new foundations for the use of Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Systems for civilian applications. 2016
201 PROTON Modelling the PRocesses leading to Organised crime and TerrOrist Networks 2016
202 CLISEL Climate Security with Local Authorities (CLISEL) From insecurity takers to security makers: mobilizing local authorities to secure the EU against the impacts of climate change in Third Countries 2016
203 FTI Cocoon Optimization of the production line of an innovative biodegradable water reservoir to be applied in efficient landscape-scale ecosystem restoration plans 2016
204 BRIGAID BRIdges the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilience 2016
205 CADENT Competitive Advantage for the Data-driven ENTerprise 2016
206 2for1-SingletFission 2 for 1: Quantum Dynamics of Singlet Fission 2016
207 Nano-PieZoelecTrics Novel Nanoporous PZT Materials for Efficient Utrasonic Biomedical Sensors 2016
208 TWINN-LC-SMEs Towards Innovative Low Carbon SMEs 2016
209 SE2B Solar Energy to Biomass - Optimisation of light energy conversion in plants and microalgae 2016
210 REvivED water Low energy solution for drinking water production by a REvival of ElectroDialysis systems 2016
211 INCOVER Innovative Eco-Technologies for Resource Recovery from Wastewater 2016
212 AquaNES Demonstrating synergies in combined natural and engineered processes for water treatment systems 2016
213 NoAW Innovative approaches to turn agricultural waste into ecological and economic assets 2016
214 SYBAWHEY Industrial symbiosis for valorising whey and banana wastes and by-products for the production of novel foods 2016
215 ASTONISH Advancing Smart Optical Imaging and Sensing for Health 2016
216 EnSO Energy for Smart Objects 2016
217 pArg_deg_signal No stress with pArg: Mechanisms of a distinct phospho-mark to coordinate stress response and protein quality control 2016
218 POWVER Power to the People. Verified. 2016
219 BIOCOMPLACK Eco-friendly food packaging with enhanced barrier properties 2016
220 HBIS The Human Behavioral Immune System: Consequences for Health and Innovation 2016
221 CHILDROBOT Children and social robots: An integrative framework 2017
222 DeCISIoN Drug CandIdates ScreenINg 2016
223 HPEM2GAS High Performance PEM Electrolyzer for Cost-effective Grid Balancing Applications 2016
224 T2gE Transition to the Green Economy 2016
225 ASURI Advanced Surgical Implants (ASURI) 2016
226 GW-FortyForty Gaia-Wind's Advanced Small Wind Turbine FortyForty 2016
227 PACE Pathway to a Competitive European FC mCHP market 2016
228 MONESE Innovative banking model for improved financial and economic inclusion of population groups that find it difficult to open a traditional bank account 2016
229 RNEst16-17 Researcher's Night 2016-2017 in Estonia 2016
230 3DTTool Next Generation of Cutting Tools Using Additive Manufacturing Technology I, Phase 1 2016
231 LAURA Efficient photobioreactor for the production of algae-based chemical resources 2016
232 SUPERBIO SUpport and PartnERship for the development of multiple sustainable and market ready value chains in the BIObased economy 2016
233 CIVITAS SATELLITE Support Action Towards Evaluation, Learning, Local Innovation, Transfer and Excellence 2016
234 SOCIETY in Search Of Certainty - Interactive Event To inspire Young people 2016
235 iNTACT Commercialisation of the world’s first iNTelligent Access Cover Technology for the protection of ALL underground infrastructure. 2016
236 HERO High Efficiency electrical motor 2016
237 SILCI Social Influence and Disruptive Low Carbon Innovations 2016
238 MoralisingMisfortune Moralising Misfortune: A comparative anthropology of commercial insurance 2016
239 VITAL MEDIA Vision, Insights and Trends for Awareness and Leadership in Media 2016
240 AutoMate Automation as accepted and trustful teamMate to enhance traffic safety and efficiency 2016
241 Scale-FreeBack Scale-Free Control for Complex Physical Network Systems 2016
242 Reaching out demonstRation of EU effective lArge sCale tHreat and crIsis maNaGement OUTside the EU 2016
243 optiTruck optimal fuel consumption with Predictive PowerTrain control and calibration for intelligent Truck 2016
244 HIOS Highly Integrated Optoelectronic Sensor 2016
245 COLOMBUS-2 COmposite repair solutions for aeronautical BUSiness development – Phase 2 2016
246 CREEV Novel Compound Rotary Engine Range Extender for Electric Vehicles 2016
247 ESCaPE A game-changing light aircraft enabled by advanced materials and novel production menthods 2016
248 DEBS Dall Energy Biomass System 2016
249 SPLASH Sail PLAn service for energy efficient SHipping (SPLASH) - innovative and revolutionary sail planning 2016
250 ENRICH Enriched communication across the lifespan 2016
251 EFIResources Resource efficient construction towards Sustainable Design 2016
252 MAESTRO Modular laser based additive manufacturing platform for large scale industrial applications 2016
253 INCLUSIVE Smart and adaptive interfaces for INCLUSIVE work environment 2016
255 5G CHAMPION 5G Communication with a Heterogeneous, Agile Mobile network in the Pyunchang wInter Olympic competioN 2016
256 H2ME 2 Hydrogen Mobility Europe 2 2016
257 PaREGEn Particle Reduced, Efficient Gasoline Engines 2016
258 ALLIANCE AffordabLe LIghtweight Automobiles AlliaNCE 2016
259 RURACTION Social Enterpreneurship in Structurally Weak Rural Regions: Analysing Innovative Troubleshooters in Action 2016
260 DREAM Driving up Reliability and Efficiency of Additive Manufacturing 2016
261 SAFIRE Cloud-based Situational Analysis for Factories providing Real-time Reconfiguration Services 2016
262 ZAero Zero-defect manufacturing of composite parts in the aerospace industry 2016
263 NITROS Network for Innovative Training on ROtorcraft Safety 2016
264 SCALAiR Scaled Test Aircraft Preparation and Qualification 2016
265 EJDFoodSci Food science, technology and engineering - European Joint Doctorate training towards knowledge, skills and mobility 2016
266 DIGICOR Decentralised Agile Coordination Across Supply Chains 2016
267 ImageInLife Training European Experts in Multilevel Bioimaging, Analysis and Modelling of Vertebrate Development and Disease 2017
268 PAcMEN Predictive and Accelerated Metabolic Engineering Network 2016
269 HyproCell Development and validation of integrated multiprocess HYbrid PROduction CELLs for rapid individualized laser-based production 2016
270 INSPIREWater Innovative Solutions in the Process Industry for next generation Resource Efficient Water management 2016
271 BIOrescue Enhanced bioconversion of agricultural residues through cascading use 2016
272 FFL4E Future Freight Loco for Europe 2016
273 OnTrack Innovative solutions for increasing efficiency and reducing environmental impacts of future wood supply 2016
274 X2Rail-1 Start-up activities for Advanced Signalling and Automation Systems 2016
275 NEWBITS NEW Business models for ITS 2016
276 NextBase Next-generation interdigitated back-contacted silicon heterojunction solar cells and modules by design and process innovations 2016
277 SPLICECODE Alternative Splicing Codes for Synaptic Specificity 2016
278 DiReC-IL Computer Simulation of the Dissolution and Regeneration of Cellulose from Ionic Liquids 2017
279 Forwarder2020 Smart Forwarder for sustainable and efficient forest operation and management 2016
280 Inno4Grass Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe 2017
281 CERERE CEreal REnaissance in Rural Europe: embedding diversity in organic and low-input food systems 2016
282 SODA Scalable Oblivious Data Analytics 2017
283 VIRT-EU Values and ethics in Innovation for Responsible Technology in EUrope 2017
284 BigDataOcean BigDataOcean - Exploiting Ocean's of Data for Maritime Applications 2017
285 SLIPO Scalable Linking and Integration of Big POI data 2017
286 DeNovoImmunoDesign Computational Design of Novel Functional Proteins for Immunoengineering 2017
287 EU-MACS European Market for Climate Services 2016
288 DECIDE DEvOps for trusted, portable and interoperable Multi-Cloud applications towards the Digital singlE market 2016
289 STORIES Stories of Tomorrow - Students Visions on the Future of Space Exploration 2017
290 5GINFIRE Evolving FIRE into a 5G-Oriented Experimental Playground for Vertical industries 2017
291 IMPaCT Integrated Modular Plant and Containerised Tools for Selective, Low-impact Mining of Small High-grade Deposits 2016
292 CHROMIC effiCient mineral processing and Hydrometallurgical RecOvery of by-product Metals from low-grade metal contaIning seCondary raw materials 2016
293 REINVENT Realising Innovation in Transitions for Decarbonisation 2016
294 MARINE-EO Bridging Innovative Downstream Earth Observation and Copernicus enabled Services for Integrated maritime environment, surveillance and security 2017
295 GaNOMIC GaN in One Module Integrated Converter for EP systems 2016
296 SCALE Production of Scandium compounds and Scandium Aluminum alloys from European metallurgical by- products 2016
297 FLICs Enabling flexible integrated circuits and applications 2017
298 BrainCom High-density cortical implants for cognitive neuroscience and rehabilitation of speech using brain-computer interfaces. 2016
299 WRAM Wave-based Room Acoustics Modeling 2016
300 KRG-250 A fuel saving, emission reducing and cost effective Continuosuly Variable Transmission for European passenger vehicles 2016
301 STARCELL Advanced strategies for substitution of critical raw materials in photovoltaics 2017
302 GoOpti GoOpti – Profitable, Smart and Professional DRT over Long Distances 2016
304 SISCERA Smart Implants from Safe CERAmics 2017
305 IProBoard Intellectual Property Right Dashboard 2016
306 ORBIT Aerodynamic rigs for VHBR IP turbine 2017
307 INNOLABS INNOvative LABS for leveraging cross capacity building between ICT, Health, BIO and Medicine sectors for new emerging industries in personalized health 2017
308 CARER-AID Controlled Autonomous Robot for Early detection and Rehabilitation of Autism and Intellectual Disability 2017
309 Fed4FIREplus Federation for FIRE Plus 2017
310 FIRST virtual Factories: Interoperation suppoRting buSiness innovaTion 2017
311 Smart OEE Universal PlugPlay OEE Data Capture Equipment to improve the efficiency of industrial processes 2016
312 Force Servo Force Servo 2017
313 OLEA Outdoor Lean Elderly Assistant 2017
314 EN-SUGI Eranet Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative 2016
315 SURG-Africa Scaling up Safe Surgery for District and Rural Populations in Africa 2017
316 SCHIP Social CHallenges and Innovation Platform 2016
317 AMTRAS Adaptive Multifunctional Test Rigs for Aeronautical Structures 2017
318 COMPUSAPIEN Computing Server Architecture with Joint Power and Cooling Integration at the Nanoscale 2017
319 BINCI Binaural Tools for the Creative Industries 2017
320 Cold Energy Industrialization and path to commercialization of a patented innovative industrial kit to modify COLD cycle in order to drastically reduce ENERGY consumption 2017
321 TOOP The Once Only Principle Project 2017
322 BIOROBURplus Advanced direct biogas fuel processor for robust and cost-effective decentralised hydrogen production 2017
323 PULSe Pervasive Ubiquitous Lightwave SEnsor 2017
324 SSIIE Sanskrit Åšaiva Intellectuals in the Empire: Innovations, Textual Practices and Religious Interactions in the Late Vijayanagara Period 2017
325 DarkMix Illuminating the dark side of surface meteorology: creating a novel framework to explain atmospheric transport and turbulent mixing in the weak-wind boundary layer 2017
326 DART Feasibility study for market introduction of the T-Minus DART research rocket system 2017
327 MARGHERITA Pizza Vending Machine with Innovative oven and refrigerated storage technology for improved performance and operations 2017
328 IoT4ALL Global cellular connectivity for small and medium-sized IoT device makers 2017
329 DEFENDER DEsign, development, manufacture, testing and Flight qualification of nExt geNeration fuel storage system with aDvanced intEgRated gauging and self-sealing capabilities 2018
330 SmartECG The world's first universally compatible algorithm and platform for automatic interpretation of electrocardiogram analysis data 2017
331 Part-up Phase1 - the open competence platform with high social impact 2017
332 Ro-Boost Inno SMEs RO-Boost Inno SMEs – Boosting the Innovative Potential of Romanian SMEs 2017
333 N4I_CLUSTERS Networking for innovation: how entrepreneurs' network behaviours help clusters to innovate 2017
334 DNPMAT Studies of Materials and Catalysts by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced Solid-state NMR 2017
335 EPICC Experimental Programme Investigating Cumulative Culture 2017
336 WARCAP Fiscal capacity and warfare in Europe and Latin America in the long nineteenth century (1789-1913). 2017
337 NanoComSol Nanocomposite Solutions 2017
338 ESA 2.0 Pushing forward irradiation monitoring efficiency in the PV industry 2017
339 MULTIFLEXO Hierarchical multiscale modeling of flexoelectricity and related materials properties from first principles 2017
340 WHO-ITU-mHealth WHO - ITU mHealth Hub in EU 2017
341 REsiliENCe Research and development of innovative Enamels and Nanocoatings for the Cooking appliances market 2017
342 BARBARA Biopolymers with advanced functionalities for building and automotive parts processed through additive manufacturing 2017
343 MYSOBIO MYcenaean SOcial BIOarchaeology: Deciphering the interplay of funerary treatment and social dynamics in the Mycenaean period 2018
344 Art and Ethics Art and Ethics: Restarting and Advancing a Stalled Debate 2017
345 ALDing Novel industrial processes using the Atomic Layer Deposition technique 2017
346 EVOMA The influence of Environmental Variability On Mussel Aquaculture and adaptation in the context of global ocean change 2017
347 TPANN Tensor Processing on FPGAs for Artificial Neural Networks 2017
348 SOFT-PHOTOCONVERSION Solar Energy Conversion without Solid State Architectures: Pushing the Boundaries of Photoconversion Efficiencies at Self-healing Photosensitiser Functionalised Soft Interfaces 2017
349 RAMP RAtionalising Membrane Protein crystallisation 2017
350 EENINNOAUSTRIA2 Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network 2017
351 CMRPredict Patient specific magnetic resonance image guided biomechanical modelling of the heart – Anovel tool towards personalized medicine in heart failure 2017
352 mPOWER Mobile platform to empower cancer patients with fatigue 2017
353 ERA Expanding Rights in an Age of Retrenchment: Women, Social Movements and the Politics of Family Leave 2017
354 POLARGOV From an environmental to a resource regime? Institutional innovation for the management of Tourism and Marine Protected Areas within the Antarctic Treaty governance 2017
355 SARSESNA Sustaining A Regional Screen Ecosystem In A Small Nation: Aarhus and the West Danish Film Fund, 2002-2019 2018
356 ACASIAS Advanced Concepts for Aero-Structures with Integrated Antennas and Sensors 2017
357 GenomMed Genomics and Mechanisms in Translational Medicine Doctoral Programme 2017
358 VALUEMAG Valuable Products from Algae Using New Magnetic Cultivation and Extraction Techniques 2017
359 SHERPACK Innovative structured polysaccharides-based materials for recyclable and biodegradable flexible packaging 2017
360 INFRACLIMATE Infrastructural path dependence and irreversible investment in the integrated assessment of energy and climate policies 2017
361 ENCIRCLE European Cbrn Innovation for the maRket CLuster 2017
362 CanFaster The Translational Cancer Faster Forward doctoral programme – CanFaster 2017
363 AIMS Automated Integrated Monitoring System 2017
364 SolACE Solutions for improving Agroecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use 2017
365 InGRID-2 Integrating Research Infrastructure for European expertise on Inclusive Growth from data to policy 2017
366 HERMENEUT Enterprises intangible Risks Management via Economic models based on simulatioN of modErn cyber-aTtacks 2017
367 eNOTICE European Network Of CBRN TraIning CEnters 2017
368 I-LEAD Innovation - Law Enforcement Agencies Dialogue 2017
369 DAREnet DAnube river region Resillience Exchange network 2017
370 M and M Generalization in Mind and Machine 2017
371 GEECCO Gender Equality in Engineering through Communication and Commitment 2017
372 Pilots4U A network of bioeconomy open access pilot and multipurpose demo facilities 2017
374 PERCAL Chemical building blocks from versatile MSW biorefinery 2017
375 Fresh Solutions Fresh Solutions –‘A fresh approach to food packaging’ 2017
376 ReLaDe Reusable Laundry Detergent 2017
377 Ghost Boat A new way to own, drive and maintain a boat 2017
378 DiverIMPACTS Diversification through Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple cropping, Promoted with Actors and value-Chains Towards Sustainability 2017
379 TAKEMI5 Technology Advances and Key Enablers for Module Integration for 5 nm 2017
380 2DNanoSpec Nanoscale Vibrational Spectroscopy of Sensitive 2D Molecular Materials 2017
381 CESEAND InnoAses3 Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2017-18. 2017
382 VIDEO HOLOGRAPHY video-rate holographic projection by novel meta-materials 2017
383 LMUResearchFellows The LMU Research Fellowship Program: Promoting excellent early-stage postdoctoral researchers at LMU Munich 2017
384 ESTEEM Advanced Energy STorage and Regeneration System for Enhanced Energy Management 2017
385 MediaRoad MediaRoad – European Media Ecosystem for Innovation 2017
386 COLDTRACK New cloud-base SW for ensuring the Cold Chain during Food Transportation 2017
387 MCodaq Mcodaq is a new benchtop instrument for fraud detection in cosmetics, perfumes, candles and other consumer products, based on NMR and used by technicians without specific analytical chemistry skills 2017
388 Metamorphosis Transformation of neighbourhoods in a child-friendly way to increase the quality of life for all citizens. 2017
389 EMODHEBREW The emergence of Modern Hebrew as a case-study of linguistic discontinuity 2017
390 VERSUS Violence Elites and Resilience in States Under Stress 2017
391 lending Drivers of Growth in Bank Lending and Financial Crises 2017
392 AMPLIPORE Understanding negative gas adsorption in highly porous networks for the design of pressure amplifying materials 2017
393 Enhancement SGA2 Enhancing Innovation Management Capacities and Key Account Management (KAM) services for Greek SMEs 2017
394 VALEMA VALidation tests of ElectroMechanical Actuators and its dedicated control units at TRL 6 level 2017
395 AccesSME Peer Learning of Innovation Agencies for Services of Access to Finance for Innovative SMEs 2017
396 EPIC Enabling Practical Wireless Tb/s Communications with Next Generation Channel Coding 2017
397 5G-MoNArch 5G Mobile Network Architecture for diverse services, use cases, and applications in 5G and beyond 2017
398 NGPaaS Next Generation Platform as a Service 2017
399 TERAPOD Terahertz based Ultra High Bandwidth Wireless Access Networks 2017
400 FuturePulse FuturePulse: Multimodal Predictive Analytics and Recommendation Services for the Music Industry 2017
401 TERRANOVA Terabit/s Wireless Connectivity by TeraHertz innovative technologies to deliver Optical Network Quality of Experience in Systems beyond 5G 2017
402 HRadio Hybrid Radio everywhere for everyone 2017
403 SLICENET End-to-End Cognitive Network Slicing and Slice Management Framework in Virtualised Multi-Domain, Multi-Tenant 5G Networks 2017
404 Content4All Personalised Content Creation for the Deaf Community in a Connected Digital Single Market 2017
405 INVITE Co-designing and piloting demand-driven mechanisms, skill-sets and measures for stimulating and facilitating open innovation across European innovation systems 2017
406 DESIGNSCAPES Building Capacity for Design enabled Innovation in Urban Environments 2017
407 PropSafe Disruptive design innovation for safe and lower cost implementation of the alternative to the ozone-depleting gases in the heat pump heating and cooling systems 2017
408 ePatriot Evolved Sky Patriot – Phase 1 Feasibility Study 2017
409 FFITT Fish Flow Innovations Tidal Turbine 2017
410 innocult Centre of Excellence for Cultural and Creative Innovations in Lithuania 2017
411 InnoITeam Centre of Excellence in IT Science and Technology 2017
412 NOBEL Mobilising the European nano-biomedical ecosystem 2017
413 PROPHESY Platform for rapid deployment of self-configuring and optimized predictive maintenance services 2017
414 SCALER Scaling European Resources with Industrial Symbiosis 2017
415 SLICE3D Slovenian Centre of Excellence on 3D geodata 2017
416 SPRING Setting the framework for the enhanced impact of SPIRE projects 2017
417 Clinnova Centre of Excellence in Digital Health and Personalised Medicine 2017
418 BBCE Baltic Biomaterials Centre of Excellence 2017
419 CECM Centre for New Methods in Computational Diagnostics and Personalised Therapy 2017
420 DSS Deaf Smart Space 2017
421 evapEOs2 New cold and low-energy concentration technology (evapEOs2) for liquid food products 2017
422 vCare Virtual Coaching Activities for Rehabilitation in Elderly 2017
423 AMable AdditiveManufacturABLE 2017
424 ANNULIGhT Annular Instabilities and Transient Phenomena in Gas Turbine Combustors 2017
425 COPAC Coherent Optical Parallel Computing 2017
426 GRETEL GREen Turboprop Experimental Laminar Flow Wind Tunnel Testing 2017
427 HiReach High reach innovative mobility solutions to cope with transport poverty 2017
428 HiTIMe High Frequency Topological Insulator devices for Metrology 2018
429 HYCOAT A European Training Network for Functional Hybrid Coatings by Molecular Layer Deposition 2018
430 IBEX QDR IBEX QDR: A Ground-breaking Technological Upgrade based on Quantitative Digital Radiography to Exploit the Full Diagnostic Potential of Standard Digital X-Ray 2017
431 ImmerSAFE Immersive Visual Technologies for Safety-critical Applications 2018
432 L4MS Logistics for Manufacturing SMEs 2017
433 MIDIH Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs 2017
434 PAY-ME-ATTENTION Disrupting the Communication between Humans and Computers - Understanding the Key Message in Simultaneous Conversations Through Voice Biometrics 2017
435 ProTechTion Industrial decision-making on complex production technologies supported by simulation-based engineering 2018
436 ADVANCEFUEL Facilitating market roll-out of RESfuels in the transport sector to 2030 and beyond 2017
437 AEROFLEX Aerodynamic and Flexible Trucks for Next Generation of Long Distance Road Transport 2017
438 X2RAIL-2 Enhancing railway signalling systems based on train satellite positioning, on-board safe train integrity, formal methods approach and standard interfaces, enhancing Traffic Management System functions 2017
439 RUN2Rail Innovative RUNning gear soluTiOns for new dependable, sustainable, intelligent and comfortable RAIL vehicles 2017
440 TOPBALAT Setting up high-value sea cucumber chain in Europe through a new fishing gear with no environmental impact and advanced processing equipment 2017
441 SYNCOG Syntax shaped by cognition: transforming theories of syntactic systems through laboratory experiments 2018
442 FraMEPhys A Framework for Metaphysical Explanation in Physics 2018
443 Multicellularity The genetic basis of the convergent evolution of fungal multicellularity 2018
444 CARBAFIN Carbohydrate-based fine chemicals: Development of a glycosylation platform cell factory and optimization of downstream processing for the sustainable production of glycosides. 2018
445 TEMPO TEMPerature Optimisation for Low Temperature District Heating across Europe 2017
446 Co-VAL Understanding value co-creation in public services for transforming European public administrations 2017
447 CoSIE Co-creation of service innovation in Europe 2017
448 RadHard Ultra High Efficiency Radiation Hard Space Solar Cells on Large Area Substrates 2018
449 RECOPHARMA Removal and Recovery of Pharmaceutical Persistent Pollutants from Wastewater by Selective Reagentless Process 2018
450 AirKit Citizen Sense Air Monitoring Kit 2019
451 CHARIOT Cognitive Heterogeneous Architecture for Industrial IoT 2018
452 INLINETEST In-line quality inspection system for smart production of micro and nanoelectronic components 2018
453 SmartCow SmartCow: an integrated infrastructure for increased research capability and innovation in the European cattle sector 2018
454 CoopCat Cooperative Catalysis: Using Interdisciplinary Chemical Systems to Develop New Cooperative Catalysts 2018
455 ORGANOMICS Reconstructing human cortex development and malformation with single-cell transcriptomics 2018
456 ReSEED Rescuing seeds’ heritage: engaging in a new framework of agriculture and innovation since the 18th century 2018
457 HoliFAB Holistic digital-to-physical prototyping and production pilot for microfluidic MEMS 2017
458 FotoH2 Innovative Photoelectrochemical Cells for Solar Hydrogen Production 2018
460 SOGNO Service Oriented Grid for the Network of the Future 2018
461 INFACT Innovative, Non-invasive and Fully Acceptable Exploration Technologies 2017
462 ROSEWOOD European Network of Regions On SustainablE WOOD mobilisation 2018
463 WATSON FrameWork methodology for SME innovATion policy SuppOrt within RD tax credits and inceNtives schemes in the EU (WATSON) 2017
464 PIVOT Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2017
465 Mont-Blanc 2020 Mont-Blanc 2020, European scalable, modular and power efficient HPC processor 2017
466 IRSUS Innovation Radar Support Services 2017
467 E2DATA European Extreme Performing Big Data Stacks 2018
468 ENACT Development, Operation, and Quality Assurance of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems 2018
469 MERLIN Methodologies for Researcher Led INnovations 2017
470 3PEAT 3D Photonic integration platform based on multilayer PolyBoard and TriPleX technology for optical switching and remote sensing and ranging applications 2018
471 SUITCEYES Smart, User-friendly, Interactive, Tactual, Cognition-Enhancer that Yields Extended Sensosphere - Appropriating sensor technologies, machine learning, gamification and smart haptic interfaces 2018
472 BIRAN IP TurBIne Rear Stage Aero/Noise Rigs 2018
473 PalREAD Country of Words: Reading and Reception of Palestinian Literature from 1948 to the Present 2018
474 DeepSPIN Deep Learning for Structured Prediction in Natural Language Processing 2018
475 InnoForESt Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services 2017
476 Mat4Rail Designing the railway of the future: Fire resistant composite materials and smart modular design 2017
477 NEPTUNE Next Generation PEM Electrolyser under New Extremes 2018
478 HousEEnvest Energy Efficiency Investments in multifamily houses 2018
479 ECO2 Energy Conscious Consumers 2018
480 mPOWER Municipal Action, Public Engagement and Routes Towards Energy Transition 2018
481 IMASAT IMA (Integrated Modular Avionics) for Small Air Transport 2018
482 GigaFemto Towards matchbox-size GHz femtosecond lasers for frequency combs generation: ‘a femtosecond laser fabricating a femtosecond laser’ 2018
483 SpeechTech4Literacy Multilingual Children’s Speech Assessment Platform for Literacy and Language Learning 2018
484 TARASOL TARASÓL - The pioneering bio-marine liposomal Sunscreen released to the skin upon sunlight exposure 2018
485 LABMASTER LUCIA Labmaster Lucia - revolutionizing blood diagnostics with rapid accurate low-cost point-of-care tests 2018
486 DAPHNE Innovative system for Bioinspired Atmospheric Water Generation without Input Energy 2018
487 InnoForESt Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services 2017
488 INDILANGHISTCULT Indigenous Language, History and Culture: Politics, Writing and the Decolonization of Knowledge amongst the Maya in Chiapas, Mexico, 1970-2015 2018
489 quMercury Ultracold mercury for a measurement of the EDM 2018
490 SINCERE Spurring INnovations for Forest ECosystem SERvices in Europe 2018
491 PALACE Pump Architecture Linked to Aircraft Cooling Expectations 2018
492 cLEvER Lightweight and rEliable Emergency exits and cabin footstep for fast Rotorcraft 2018
493 HARP (Harmonised Amphenol Radiall Project) - A next generation high density modular electrical interconnect solution. 2018
494 ADAPTEM Adaptive transmission electron microscopy: development of a programmable phase plate 2018
495 FRAGMENT FRontiers in dust minerAloGical coMposition and its Effects upoN climaTe 2018
496 NEW_DEMOCRACY Meeting Great Expectations Through Democratic Innovations 2018
497 MegaRoller Developing the PTO of the first MW-level Oscillating Wave Surge Converter 2018
498 COREALIS Capacity with a pOsitive enviRonmEntal and societAL footprInt: portS in the future era 2018
499 ECOBREED Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding 2018
500 MAGALOPS The MAgnetic field in the GALaxy, using Optical Polarization of Stars 2018
501 SOCSEMICS Socio-Semantic Bubbles of Internet Communities 2018
502 Nutri2Cycle Transition towards a more carbon and nutrient efficient agriculture in Europe 2018
503 ReSuNiCo Inverted Reactive Spray Processes for Sulphide/Nitride High Surface Area Electrode Coatings 2019
504 LIV.IN LIVING INNOVATION - Implementing RRI through co-creation of smart futures with industry and citizens 2018
505 SISCODE Society in Innovation and Science through CODEsign 2018
506 SELECT SEmiconductor disk Lasers for EffiCient Terahertz generation 2019
507 SOLWARIS Solving Water Issues for CSP Plants 2018
508 SUPER PV CoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systems 2018
509 GEO4CIVHIC Most Easy, Efficient and Low Cost Geothermal Systems for Retrofitting Civil and Historical Buildings 2018
510 SCIENCE-MINQ Developing Rapid Inquiry as a pedagogical framework for multimodal interactions in informal science settings 2019
511 FBD_BModel A Knowledge-based business model for small series fashion products by integrating customized innovative services in big data environment (Fashion Big Data Business Model) 2017
512 gaitDCODE Decoding impairments of gait and balance from local field potentials in patients with Parkinson's disease. 2018
513 WEBOING UWB wearable apparatus for bone fracture imaging and recovering monitoring 2018
514 INTENSS INformation-Theoretic analysis of Embodied and Situated Systems 2018
515 MoMenT Modelling and Measurement of Thermal Phenomena in Metal Cutting 2018
516 MEXOM Development and characterization of extracellular vesicles an innovative cell-free therapeutical product for treatment of stroke 2018
517 FASTMAGNETS Ultrafast Demagnetization Dynamics Using Novel Table-top X-ray Source 2018
518 3D-SITS 3D Stretchable Inductive Tactile Sensors for Soft Artificial Touch 2018
519 Quake QBeast Utility Analysis to marKet and Enterprise 2018
520 InnTense Development of new approach for supporting the application of the Open Innovation in SMEs through the Peer-to-Peer leering 2018
521 SHui Soil Hydrology research platform underpinning innovation to manage water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems 2018
522 HealthyLivestock Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance through improved livestock Health and Welfare 2018
523 SMARTCHAIN Towards Innovation - driven and smart solutions in short food supply chains 2018
524 VIRTUAL Open access virtual testing protocols for enhanced road users safety 2018
525 Park4SUMP Actions demonstrate how Park4SUMP will lead to achieve sustainable transport in urban areas by strategically integrating innovative parking management solutions into SUMP policies. 2018
526 SILKNOW SILKNOW. Silk heritage in the Knowledge Society: from punched cards to big data, deep learning and visual / tangible simulations 2018
527 BIORECAR Direct cell reprogramming therapy in myocardial regeneration through an engineered multifunctional platform integrating biochemical instructive cues 2018
528 RemovAL Removing the waste streams from the primary Aluminium production and other metal sectors in Europe 2018
529 TAPES3 Technology Advances for Pilotline of Enhanced Semiconductors for 3nm 2018
530 IFDG INNOVATION, FIRM DYNAMICS AND GROWTH: what do we learn from French firm-level data? 2018
531 NO FEAR Network Of practitioners For Emergency medicAl systems and cRitical care 2018
532 NeuralCellTypeEvo Cellular innovation driving nervous system evolution 2018
533 LAKEBOS The role of cattle at Prehistoric lake-dwelling sites in Switzerland: an investigation of husbandry practices and the spread of cultural influence. 2018
534 Sage2 Percipient Storage for Exascale Data Centric Computing2 2018
535 PIEDMONS Portable Ion Devices for Mobile-Oriented Next-generation semiconductor Technologies 2018
536 GAIN Green Aquaculture Intensification in Europe 2018
537 ICEDIG Innovation and consolidation for large scale digitisation of natural heritage 2018
538 TE2 GAM 2018 Technology Evaluator 2 - GAM 2018 2018
539 ZWEM The Development The Zero Waste Electronic Market (ZWEM) For Industrial Equipment 2018
540 PAWES Predictive Analysis on the Worldwide Energy Sector 2018
541 Lab-on-Skin Lab-on-Skin: A wearable medical device for improved clinical trial monitoring 2018
542 Sonarc Speaker Sonarc - The world's first full audio frequency range, massless speaker technology platform, providing immersive and powerful sound from a smaller size. 2018
543 Proteus 25 Developing the world’s first food wrapping machine with organic film 2018
544 PEN-CP Pan-European Network of Customs Practitioners 2018
545 DRAGON Data Driven Precision Agriculture Services and Skill Acquisition 2018
546 GRoW The first high-performance robotic system for automated harvesting of vegetables greenhouses 2018
547 FOGSCREEN MINI FogsScreen Mini - breakthrough laminar air purification technology with stunning interactive images 2018
548 FAERSK FAERSK – Innovative fish processing and logistics solution 2018
549 VirtualGrasp Speeding up the virtual reality revolution with realistic & real-time animation of hand-to-object interaction 2018
550 TPRPK PpSC developing Topical Platelet-rich plasma Kit (TPRPK) in order to facilitate the further development, adoption and implement. of PRP for Healthcare with initial specialisation on cell rejuvenation 2018
551 CapCO2 Intensified Process for CAPturing CO2 2018
553 HuMaInn DataMall DataMall (Behavee) is an open ecosystem for the eCommerce cyberspace 2018
554 Phusicos PHUSICOS: 'According to nature' - solutions to reduce risk in mountain landscapes 2018
555 BITEXT Building conversational chatbots faster using NLP and machine learning 2018
556 OpenRIs RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES FLAGSHIP CONFERENCE Enhancing Long Term Sustainability and Opening Up RIs to Society and Industry 2017
557 SeafoodTrace SeafoodTrace: Intelligent Traceability Platform enabling full transparency in the Seafood supply chain 2018
558 Cr VI FREE COATING Development of an innovative alternative to the use of hexavalent chromium in the aerospace coating 2018
559 MEDEA Mediterranean practitioners’ network capacity building for effective response to emerging security challenges 2018
560 Sci4all Science is for all of us 2018
561 WeCreate European Researchers' Night We Create Science and History 2018
563 SCENT Smart Cities EMC Network for Training 2018
564 AROBMACH Cognibotics: driving the revolution in accurate robotic machining 2018
565 DIGIMAN4.0 DIGItal MANufacturing Technologies for Zero-defect Industry 4.0 Production 2019
566 EUVPLASMA Laser-driven plasma sources of extreme ultraviolet light for nanolithography 2019
567 DOC-3D-CERAM Development Of Ceramics 3D-Printing, Additive Manufacturing 2018
568 FIT4FoF Making our Workforce Fit for the Factory of the Future 2018
569 NextWave Wave Energy Technology Made Mainstream 2018
570 SmartCOOLBOX Smart modular passive cool boxes for sustainable logistics 2018
571 WrightBroS Working in a Collaborative Factory of the Flight Simulators Branch of RISE 2019
572 ISOPREP Ionic Solvent-based Recycling of Polypropylene Products 2018
573 PERFORM PowerPlatform: Establishment of platform infrastructure for highly selective electrochemical conversions 2019
574 QUANT A Quantitative Approach to Neolithic Plant-working Techniques: From Assessing Tool Use to Modelling Human Dispersals 2018
575 CytoPro A breakthrough cancer diagnostic instrument to save 3000 years of human lives annually and up 2018
576 Lung EpiCheck Blood Samples and DNA-an Innovative Technique for Lung Cancer Diagnostics 2018
577 INNOVATEDIGNITY Training the next generation of leaders to deliver innovations in dignified sustainable care systems for older people 2019
578 5G-DRIVE 5G HarmoniseD Research and TrIals for serVice Evolution between EU and China 2018
579 sosclimatewaterfront Linking Research and Innovation on Waterfront through Technology for Excellence of Resilience to face Climate Change 2019
580 Watch and Give Reinventing the way donations are being made 2018
581 iFishIENCi Intelligent Fish feeding through Integration of ENabling technologies and Circular principle 2018
582 AquaIMPACT Genomic and nutritional innovations for genetically superior farmed fish to improve efficiency in European aquaculture 2019
583 FAIRshare FAIRshare. Farm Advisory digital Innovation tools Realised and Shared 2018
584 PREFET Proactive FET Observatory for early trends, project building and social responsibility 2018
585 GECKO Governance principles and mEthods enabling deCision maKers to manage and regulate the changing mObility systems 2018
586 UCOM Ultrasound Cavitation in Soft Materials 2018
587 BREAK BIOFILMS Breaking Bad Biofilms. Innovative Analysis and Design Rules for Next-Generation Antifouling Interfaces 2019
588 AdaptiveResponse The evolution of adaptive response mechanisms 2018
589 5GENESIS 5th Generation End-to-end Network, Experimentation, System Integration, and Showcasing 2018
590 FutureEUAqua Future growth in sustainable, resilient and climate friendly organic and conventional European aquaculture 2018
591 INTEGRADDE Intelligent data-driven pipeline for the manufacturing of certified metal parts through Direct Energy Deposition processes 2018
592 Secreters A new generation of microbial expression hosts and tools for the production of biotherapeutics and high-value enzymes 2019
593 Matrix Charging Matrix Charging: Novel, automated charging infrastructure for electric vehicles 2018
594 HACE Making wave energy competitive with wind and solar energy 2018
595 SmartAgriHubs Connecting the dots to unleash the innovation potential for digital transformation of the European agri-food sector 2018
596 SUSTINNO Sustainability Innovations in Global Production Networks – Addressing Socio-Ecological Challenges in the Global Economy 2018
597 GramAdapt Linguistic Adaptation: Typological and Sociolinguistic Perspectives to Language Variation 2019
598 NUTRIMAN Nutrient Management and Nutrient Recovery Thematic Network 2018
600 POLYNSPIRE Demonstration of Innovative Technologies towards a more Efficient and Sustainable Plastic Recycling 2018
601 TInnGO Transport Innovation Gender Observatory 2018
602 ANALYST EM compatibility ANALYsis Statistical Techniques in aeronautics 2018
603 MIDA Mediating Islam in the Digital Age. Present issues and past experiences of technological revolutions 2019
604 PANDA Powerfull Advanced N-Level Digitalization Architecture for models of electrified vehicles and their components 2018
605 DIAMOND Revealing fair and actionable knowledge from data to support women’s inclusion in transport systems 2018
606 EMBEDDIA Cross-Lingual Embeddings for Less-Represented Languages in European News Media 2019
607 TECHNEQUALITY Technological inequality – understanding the relation between recent technological innovations and social inequalities 2019
608 PLUS Platform Labour in Urban Spaces: Fairness, Welfare, Development 2019
609 PVadapt Prefabrication, Recyclability and Modularity for cost reductions in Smart BIPV systems 2018
610 EnviroLENS Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support 2018
611 E-BRAKE Design, Manufacturing and Qualification up to TRL5 of Innovative Electro-Mechanical BRAKE actuation System for SAT Application 2018
612 BEACON Boosting Agricultural Insurance based on Earth Observation data 2019
613 FLEXGAN Ka-band GaN-based SSPA for flexible payloads and multicarrier operation for 5G satellite concept 2018
614 DIMES Development of Integrated MEasurement Systems 2019
615 MMT Moving Marketing Technology (MMT) – Autonomous infotainment display that creatively combines digital media with robotics to produce innovative public engagement 2018
616 DIH² A Pan‐European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production 2019
617 HEcoPerMed Healthcare- and pharma-economic models in support of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine 2019
618 EULAC-PerMed Widening EU-CELAC policy and research cooperation in Personalised Medicine 2019
619 5G-MOBIX 5G for cooperative & connected automated MOBIility on X-border corridors 2018
620 ADVANCE Addressing Verification and Validation Challenges in Future Cyber-Physical Systems 2019
621 CityxChange Positive City ExChange 2018
622 MARTE Medically Assisted Reproduction: The Effects on Children, Adults and Families 2019
623 ARCSAR Arctic and North Atlantic Security and Emergency Preparedness Network 2018
624 RUSTRANS The Dark Side of Translation: 20th and 21st Century Translation from Russian as a Political Phenomenon in the UK, Ireland, and the USA 2019
625 C-MORPH Noninvasive cell specific morphometry in neuroinflammation and degeneration 2018
626 SYS2WHEEL Integrated components, systems and architectures for efficient adaption and conversion of commercial vehicle platforms to 3rd generation battery electric vehicles for future CO2-free city logistics 2019
627 Wotan One orchestrator for all kinds of clouds 2018
628 SLM-Tools EPP manufacturing evolution: Using SLM techniques, advance EPP manufacturing shape complexity possibilities and create efficiencies that reduce industry production costs by 16% 2019
629 Si-DRIVE Silicon Alloying Anodes for High Energy Density Batteries comprising Lithium Rich Cathodes and Safe Ionic Liquid based Electrolytes for Enhanced High VoltagE Performance. 2019
630 i-TRIBOMAT Intelligent Open Test Bed for Materials Tribological Characterisation Services 2019
631 PushQChem Pushing Quantum Chemistry by Advancing Photoswitchable Catalysis 2019
632 TETRA Technology harvest & transfer for an Open Internet initiative 2019
633 MDOT Medical Device Obligations Taskforce 2019
634 STARS Strengthening training of academia in regulatory sciences and supporting regulatory scientific advice (STARS) 2019
635 FeatureCloud Privacy preserving federated machine learning and blockchaining for reduced cyber risks in a world of distributed healthcare 2019
636 CardioReGenix CardioReGenix: Development of Next-Generation Gene Therapies for Cardiovascular Disease 2019
637 MICADO Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards 2019
638 CEAD Contextualizing Evidence for Action on Diabetes in low-resource Settings: A mixed-methods case study in Quito and Esmeraldas, Ecuador. 2019
639 A-Patch Autonomous Patch for Real-Time Detection of Infectious Disease 2019
640 EUNOMIA User-oriented, secure, trustful & decentralised social media 2018
641 UNMAKING Societal transformation to sustainability through the unmaking of capitalism? A comparative study of radical grassroots innovations in Europe 2019
642 CESEAND InnoAses4 Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2019. 2019
643 EENINNOAUSTRIA3 Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network Austria 2019
644 Innovation.NRW_1 Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2019 2019
645 YMPACT The Yamnaya Impact on Prehistoric Europe 2019
646 ETOPIA European Training network Of PhD researchers on Innovative EMI analysis and power Applications: ETOPIA 2019
647 INEXTVIR Innovative Network for Next Generation Training and Sequencing of Virome 2019
648 CHROMOTOPE The 19th century chromatic turn - CHROMOTOPE 2019
649 TechChange Technological Change: New Sources, Consequences, and Impact Mitigation 2019
650 DiSeTCom Dirac Semimetals based Terahertz Components 2019
651 SSHOC Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud 2019
652 MAIL Identifying Marginal Lands in Europe and strengthening their contribution potentialities in a CO2sequestration strategy 2019
653 REACH REACH: Russian European Alliance for research among women, Children and adolescents impacted by HIV, TB and HCV 2019
654 Tydo-Stimulant An Effective Microwave-Assisted Extraction Process for a Natural Biostimulant Blend 2019
655 InsurFarm Oko's mobile-centric micro insurance protecting small farmers in developing countries from climate risks 2019
656 RO-BOOST INNO SMES 3 RO-Boost Inno SMEs – Boosting the Innovative Potential of Romanian SMEs 2019
657 FIN-TECH A FINancial supervision and TECHnology compliance training programme 2019
658 EoCoE-II Energy Oriented Center of Excellence : toward exascale for energy 2019
659 Enhancement SGA3 Enhancing Innovation Management Capacities and Key Account Management (KAM) services for Greek SMEs 2019
660 SECURITY FLOWS Enacting border security in the digital age: political worlds of data forms, flows and frictions. 2019
661 InWingSpeak From Insect Wings to Miniature Loudspeakers - A Bionic Modelling Approach 2019
662 LOWCOST-IC Low Cost Interconnects with highly improved Contact Strength for SOC Applications 2019
663 IN2TRACK2 Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2 2018
664 SSST-BD Smart Specialization Strategy Tools with Big Data 2019
665 PivotBuoy PivotBuoy - An Advanced System for Cost-effective and Reliable Mooring, Connection, Installation & Operation of Floating Wind 2019
666 NEWCOMERS New Clean Energy Communities in a Changing European Energy System (NEWCOMERS) 2019
667 FLEX-RAIL Paradigm shifts for railway – Technology uptake strategies for a lean, integrated and flexible railway system 2018
669 CARES City Air Remote Emission Sensing 2019
670 NEMMO Next Evolution in Materials and Models for Ocean energy 2019
671 PAVITRA GANGA Unlocking wastewater treatment, water re-use and resource recovery opportunities for urban and peri-urban areas in India 2019
672 RENAISSANCE RENewAble Integration and SuStainAbility iN energy CommunitiEs 2019
673 THERMES A new generation high temperature phase change microemulsion for latent thermal energy storage in dual loop solar field 2019
674 STRICt Sustainable development Transition through Regulation-Induced technological Change 2020
675 TURANDOT Tunable Radiation Tolerant 2D Terahertz bolometer 2019
677 ItalianWoolf Virginia Woolf and Italian Readers 2019
678 EPOSSCIGOV From Barataria to Utopia: Economic-Positivism, Scientific Governance, and Colonial Discourses of International Order, 1880-1940 2019
679 BODICON BODIes of CONtact: Identity negotiations and biocultural effects in the Roman colonies of Macedonia, Greece 2020
680 LightBosons Search for Higgs boson decays into Light Bosons in Boosted Hadronic final states 2019
681 SONNET SOCIAL INNOVATION IN ENERGY TRANSITIONS: Co-creating a rich understanding of the diversity, processes, contributions, success and future potentials of social innovation in the energy sector 2019
682 BELVAU Brick vaults and beyond: the transformation of a historical structural system (1830-1930) 2019
683 PREVENT PRocurEments of innoVativE, advaNced systems to support security in public Transport 2019
684 MANDALA The transition of MultilAyer/multipolymer packagiNg into more sustainable multilayer/single polymer products for the fooD and phArma sectors through the deveLopment of innovative functional Adhesives 2019
685 SMARTBOX Selective Modifications of ARomatics through Biocatalytic Oxidations 2019
686 Apple-Biome The origin, distribution, and dissemination of the apple microbiome 2020
687 3DX-LIGHT 3D X-ray Light-Field: low-dose X-ray imaging with X-ray wavefront sensors 2019
688 ANTHROPOID Great ape organoids to reconstruct uniquely human development 2019
689 MIND STEP Modelling INdividual Decisions to Support The European Policies related to agriculture 2019
690 RURALIZATION The opening of rural areas to renew rural generations, jobs and farms 2019
691 INVITE INnovations in plant VarIety Testing in Europe to foster the introduction of new varieties better adapted to varying biotic and abiotic conditions and to more sustainable crop management practices 2019
692 Hybrid-BioVGE Hybrid Variable Geometry Ejector Cooling and Heating System for Buildings Driven by Solar and Biomass Heat 2019
693 ENGAGE Exploring National and Global Actions to reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions 2019
694 InnoRate Data-driven tools for supporting and improving the decision-making processes of investors for financing innovative SMEs 2019
695 DIGI-B-CUBE Digital Enterprise Innovations for Bioimaging, Biosensing and Biobanking Industries 2019
696 PIN3S Pilot Integration of 3nm Semiconducter technology 2019
697 NIVA A New IACS Vision in Action 2019
698 FABLABIA FabLab as Entrepreneurship supporting tool for innovation agencies 2019
699 TailWind Revolutionary electric plane technology that can be used for new build aircraft as well as to convert existing non-electric turboprops into fully electric aircraft. 2019
700 AxleRing Breakthrough self-charging remote monitoring device for smart rail freight wagons to enhance sustainability of railway sector 2019
701 CIFTRESS Climatic Impact on Food Trade RESilience and Security 2019
702 OPEN DEI Aligning Reference Architectures, Open Platforms and Large Scale Pilots in Digitising European Industry 2019
703 Power2Power The next-generation silicon-based power solutions in mobility, industry and grid for sustainable decarbonisation in the next decade. 2019
704 NewControl Integrated, Fail-Operational, Cognitive Perception, Planning and Control Systems for Highly Automated Vehicles 2019
705 TEMPO Technology and hardware for neuromorphic computing 2019
706 DEXSAGE Daily Experiences of Successful Ageing 2019
707 5G-HEART 5G HEalth AquacultuRe and Transport validation trials 2019
708 TaxiDriver The EU platform to reinforce traditional taxi drivers and face the challenging competition of digital era 2019
709 ARCHCAUCASUS Technical and Social Innovations in the Caucasus: between the Eurasian Steppe and the Earliest Cities in the 4th and 3rd millennia BC 2019
710 TRI-HP Trigeneration systems based on heat pumps with natural refrigerants and multiple renewable sources. 2019
711 SIMULTANEOUS DBTMI Preclinical and Pilot Co-Clinical Evaluation of Simultaneous Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Mechanical Imaging 2019
712 TOMORROW TOwards Multi-stakehOldeRs transition ROadmaps With citizens at the centre 2019
713 BoostUrCAreer Boosting PhD employability @UCA 2019
714 XSpectra XSpectra: The Most Advanced Real Time Food Contaminants Detector 2019
716 MEANINGFUL Miniaturised Energy harvester for AutoNomous INdustrial, Global retail and FUture smart-cities appLications 2019
717 MaxiMem Dramatic hardware and energy savings in computer servers by doubling memory capacity and bandwidth using novel general-purpose compression 2019
718 Weekend Shop Reinventing FMCG Market Research with Real-Life Product Testing 2019
719 Evo Constructor A fully Robotic and 3D Printing solution for large scale building delivery 2019
720 MicroCoating Boosting the Performances of Wind Turbines thanks to Microstructure Coating 2019
721 COREWIND COst REduction and increase performance of floating WIND technology 2019
722 INNovaSouth Implementation of workplace innovation scheme in Southern European SMEs 2019
725 MAU Making Africa Urban: The transcalar politics of large-scale urban development 2019
727 agROBOfood agROBOfood: Business-Oriented Support to the European Robotics and Agri-food Sector, towards a network of Digital Innovation Hubs in Robotics 2019
728 HYDRACTFLEX Full-scale demonstration of a flexible inline production concept for breweries, drawing on water hydraulics 2019
729 Innovation Principle Developing an Innovation-Friendly Legislative Culture – the Innovation Principle at Work 2019
730 XPRESS Support for Public Procurements to facilitate the collaboration between SMEs and public sector for the development and adoption in renewables in regions 2019
731 Terra SmartHDD Worldwide unique automated mixing and dosing technology for precise dosed and homogenous mixed drilling fluids for horizontal directional drilling with AI-based soil type and wear detection 2019
732 DAICY Design and AI for sustainable and safe motorCYcles 2019
733 CITRUS-PORT Global advisory DSS platform for citrus fruit growers 2019
734 EuroSheep European Network for interactive and innovative knowledge exchange on animal health and nutrition between the sheep industry actors and stakeholders 2020
735 SPOT Smart Process Optimised Tool (SPOT), an Industry 4.0 world first approach for reliable and repeatable crimping and cutting hand tool technology 2019
736 Archimede An Archimedes-inspired sit-to-stand desk to tackle workplace sedentarism 2019
737 THERADNET International NETwork for training and innovations in THErapeutic RADiation 2019
738 PREMUROSA Precision medicine for muscoloskeletal regeneration, prosthetics and active ageing 2020
739 ArtMoMa Artificial Molecular Machines 2020
741 MOSAICS Hearing Matters: European Industrial Doctorate to train experts in auditory implants for minimised outcome spread and maximized participation in society 2019
742 EUROVA European Oocyte Biology Research Innovation Training Net 2019
743 TIPAT Training towards Personalized Antibiotic Treatment 2020
744 InnovEOX Training of a new generation of researchers in Innovative Electrochemical OXidation processes for the removal and analysis of micro-pollutants in water streams 2019
745 FoodSHIFT2030 Food System Hubs Innovating towards Fast Transition by 2030 2020
746 RISE-WELL Critical solutions for elderly well-being 2020
747 Raylap RAYLAP, innovative springy cranks for bikes to foster sustainable urban mobility 2019
748 SEMANTIC end-to-end Slicing and data-drivEn autoMAtion of Next generation cellular neTworks with mobIle edge Clouds 2020
750 MechAnt Behavioural biomechanics of insect herbivory - a case study on leaf-cutter ants 2020
751 INNODEC Innovation Radar Data-based Identification & Commercialisation 2019
752 CanFaster-Postdoc The Translational Cancer Faster Forward postdoctoral programme – CanFaster-ER 2020
753 AVANGARD Advanced manufacturing solutions tightly aligned with business needs 2019
754 BioICEP Bio Innovation of a Circular Economy for Plastics 2020
755 SHAPES Smart and Healthy Ageing through People Engaging in Supportive Systems 2019
756 5G-CLARITY Beyond 5G multi-tenant private networks integrating Cellular, WiFi, and LiFi, Powered by ARtificial Intelligence and Intent Based PolicY 2019
757 PhantoMinds Better and faster innovations with PhantoMinds’ instant automated recruiting tool for open innovators 2019
758 AMPERE A Model-driven development framework for highly Parallel and EneRgy-Efficient computation supporting multi-criteria optimisation 2020
759 TheFSM The Food Safety Market: an SME-powered industrial data platform to boost the competitiveness of European food certification 2020
760 BD4OPEM Big Data for OPen innovation Energy Marketplace 2020
761 MOVING TOGETHER MOVING TOGETHER – reimagining mobility worldwide 2019
762 Go2Space-HUBs Generating new sOlutions 2 and from Space through effective local start-up HUBs 2019
763 ESCF European Social Catalyst Fund 2020
764 TRACTION Opera co-creation for a social transformation 2020
765 CreaTures Creative Practices for Transformational Futures 2020
766 WelcomingSpaces Investing in 'Welcoming Spaces' in Europe: revitalizing shrinking areas by hosting non-EU migrants 2020
767 AID Artificial Intelligent Dentistry for cost-efficient X-ray analysis and diagnosis 2019
768 TIMAN262O A new generation of dry & quiet street sweepers 2019
769 CHERRIES Constructing Healthcare Environments through Responsible Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategies 2020
770 3beLiEVe Delivering the 3b generation of LNMO cells for the xEV market of 2025 and beyond 2020
771 innosabi GALAXY The Agile Innovation solution to revolutionise the way people connect, collaborate and create disruptive innovations throughout a company’s ecosystem to unlock its full potential 2019
772 PRO-Ethics Participatory Real Life Experiments in Research and Innovation Funding Organisations on Ethics 2020
773 ASTRABAT All Solid-sTate Reliable BATtery for 2025 2020
774 INFINITE 2.0 Revolutionary laser machine for industrial engraving & 3D texturing 2019
775 KlimaFacade Feasibility analysis for the development and market introduction of an innovative and multi-functional façade. 2019
776 MIDEBT The Micro-foundations of Debt Crises 2020
777 EENClientInnoJourney The extended EEN innovation support service for innovative SMEs in Serbia — EEN Client Inno Journey 2020
778 MediaMotorEurope Media Motor Europe 2020
779 XEUROPE X-Europe 2020
780 GRoW Greenhouse Robotic Worker - The first high-performance robotic system for automated harvesting of vegetables in greenhouses 2019
781 FogProtect Protecting Sensitive Data in the Computing Continuum 2020
782 GEOCEP Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies 2020
783 ReACTIVE Too Reliable Electronics for Tomorrow’s Active Systems 2020
784 OPTIMIST OPTIMised video content delivery chains leveraging data analysis over joint multI-accesS edge computing and 5G radio network infrasTructures 2020
786 RECOMBINE Research Collaboration and Mobility for Beyond 5G Future Wireless Networks 2020
787 AutoCRAT Automated Cellular Robot-Assisted Technologies for translation of discovery-led research in Osteoarthritis 2020
788 MISTRAL Microbiome-based stratification of individuals at risk of HIV-1 acquisition, chronic clinical complications,antimicrobial drug resistance,and unresponsiveness to therapeutic HIV-1 vaccination 2020
789 NEoteRIC NEuromorphic Reconfigurable Integrated photonic Circuits as artificial image processor 2020
790 MeM-Scales Memory technologies with multi-scale time constants for neuromorphic architectures 2020
791 EXPANSE EXposome Powered tools for healthy living in urbAN SEttings 2020
792 LONGRUN Development of efficient and environmental friendly LONG distance powertrain for heavy dUty trucks aNd coaches 2020
793 HEDIMED Human Exposomic Determinants of Immune Mediated Diseases 2020
794 SAFELiMOVE advanced all Solid stAte saFE LIthium Metal technology tOwards Vehicle Electrification 2020
795 PICOMB Photonic Integrated Comb Source 2020
797 ANIONE Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis for Renewable Hydrogen Production on a Wide-Scale 2020
798 eSSIF-Lab European Self Sovereign Identity Framework Laboratory 2019
799 INDIGO Effective and Affordable Flu Vaccines for the World 2020
800 INCIT-EV Large demonstratIoN of user CentrIc urban and long-range charging solutions to boosT an engaging deployment of Electric Vehicles in Europe 2020
801 NEXTGEAR NEXT generation methods, concepts and solutions for the design of robust and sustainable running GEAR 2019
802 Ro-Boost Inno SMEs 4 RO-Boost Inno SMEs – Boosting the Innovative Potential of Romanian SMEs 2020
803 EMPOCI Governing sustainable energy-mobility transitions: multi-level policy mixes, transformative capacities and low-carbon innovations 2020
804 AdjustNet Self-Adjusting Networks 2020
805 LightAtLHC Search for Axion-Like Particles at the LHC 2020
806 SENSATE Low dimensional semiconductors for optically tuneable solar harvesters 2020
807 MNEMOSYNE Magnetic non-volatile Random Access Memory for SPACE with Serial interface 2020
808 iNEXT-Discovery Infrastructure for transnational access and discovery in structural biology 2020
809 LASERLAB-EUROPE The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures 2019
810 SmartDegrees First anti-fraud plataform for the registration and certification of diplomas and academic certificates based in blockchain 2020
811 OUTOFPAPUA Papuans on the move. The linguistic prehistory of the West Papuan languages. 2020
812 Scaleup4Europe The establishment of cross-border operating “Scaleup Labs” to increase the efficiency of the scaling support in specific industry verticals: Health, AgTech, Smart Region and Agile Manufacturing. 2020
813 Innovation.NRW Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2020-21 2020
814 EENINNOAUSTRIA4 Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network Austria 2020
815 STEP4WIND Novel deSign, producTion and opEration aPproaches for floating WIND turbine farms 2020
816 OPTIMAL Coming-of-age of Process Research: Connecting Theory with Measurement and Modelling 2020
817 EPN-2024-RI Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure 2020
818 CESEAND InnoAses5 Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2020/2021. 2020
819 B-HUB FOR EUROPE Blockchain HUB FOR EUROPEan startups acceleration and growth 2020
820 SILENT Seismic Isolation of Einstein Telescope 2020
821 FI4P Flow and Iron for Pharma 2020
822 MaCDAC Machining and Commercialising Diamond Anvil Cells 2020
823 GENPOP Genes, genealogies and the evolution of demographic change and social inequality 2020
824 BFHA 2020 Innovation for better ageing 2019
825 WiseWomen Wise Women: Beliefs and Networks of Female Spiritual Figures in Central European Vernacular Religion 2020
826 APPLICAL Assessing the technical and business feasibility of Callose Enriched Plant Biomass as a solution for improving Biorefinery Industry processes and profit margins 2020
827 FairPersonalization Personalized commercial practices and digital market manipulation: enhancing fairness in consumer protection 2020
828 PROMET-H2 Cost-effective PROton Exchange MEmbrane WaTer Electrolyser for Efficient and Sustainable Power-to-H2 Technology 2020
829 DEMOcrises Demographic consequences of humanitarian crises in Latin America 2020
830 HYPERDIVERSE Keys to evolutionary success: untangling drivers of hyperdiversification 2020
831 ALGALVANISE ALGAL biorefinery of biogas digestate to high VAlue fuNctional IngredientS through circular approachEs 2020