The page lists 850 projects related to the topic "risks".
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1 | BIOCYCLE | BIOlogical therapy CYCLEs towards tailored, needs-driven, safer and cost-effective management of Crohn’s disease | 2015 |
2 | EuroMix | EuroMix | 2015 |
3 | GermAge | The aging germ cell – biological pathways, risk factors and mechanisms underlying an increasing medical and socio-economic problem | 2015 |
4 | ParaFishControl | Advanced Tools and Research Strategies for Parasite Control in European farmed fish | 2015 |
5 | EYE-RISK | Exploring the combined role of genetic and non-genetic factors for developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A systems level analysis of disease subgroups, risk factors, and pathways | 2015 |
6 | EDC-MixRisk | Integrating Epidemiology and Experimental Biology to Improve Risk Assessment of Exposure to Mixtures of Endocrine Disruptive Compounds | 2015 |
7 | BRIDGES | Breast Cancer Risk after Diagnostic Gene Sequencing (BRIDGES) | 2015 |
8 | MycoSynVac | Engineering of Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a broad-spectrum animal vaccine | 2015 |
9 | DexROV | Dexterous ROV: effective dexterous ROV operations in presence of communication latencies. | 2015 |
10 | HIPSTER | Deployment of high pressure and temperature food processing for sustainable, safe and nutritious foods with fresh-like quality | 2015 |
11 | FUTURE-FOOD | Faster Upcoming Technology Uptake Relevant for the Environment in FOOds Drying | 2015 |
12 | SENIORS | Safety-ENhancing Innovations for Older Road userS | 2015 |
13 | RDRECON | Risky Decisions: Revealing Economic Behaviour | 2015 |
14 | Disasters | Market Beliefs and Optimal Policy in the Presence of Disasters | 2015 |
15 | VASCFLAP | A new reconstructing technique using tissue engineering methods to create an engineered autologous vascularized tissue flap | 2015 |
16 | RED-Heat-to-Power | Conversion of Low Grade Heat to Power through closed loop Reverse Electro-Dialysis | 2015 |
17 | M4ShaleGas | M4ShaleGas: Measuring, monitoring, mitigating managing the environmental impact of shale gas | 2015 |
18 | LatinOCR | Digital Bridge: Optical Character Recognition for Early Printed Books in Latin | 2015 |
19 | VEGFDANI | Novel enhancers of functional recovery after stroke | 2015 |
20 | SHEER | SHale gas Exploration and Exploitation induced Risks | 2015 |
21 | ShaleXenvironmenT | Maximizing the EU shale gas potential by minimizing its environmental footprint | 2015 |
22 | Nano-Tandem | Nanowire based Tandem Solar Cells | 2015 |
23 | WETFEET | Wave Energy Transition to Future by Evolution of Engineering and Technology | 2015 |
24 | BINGO | Breeding Invertebrates for Next Generation BioControl (BINGO) | 2015 |
25 | PREDICTABLE | Understanding and predicting developmental language abilities and disorders in multilingual Europe | 2015 |
26 | InnoMan_NRW | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany | 2014 |
27 | MSFF-DYN-FRAC-PR | Multi-Scale Fluid Flow in DYNamically FRACtured Porous Reservoir | 2015 |
28 | WAKEUPCALL | Applied mathematics for risk measures in finance and insurance, in the wake of the crisis | 2015 |
29 | ARISE | Aortic Valve Replacement using Individualised Regenerative Allografts: Bridging the Therapeutic Gap | 2015 |
30 | PAL | Personal Assistant for healthy Lifestyle (PAL) | 2015 |
31 | openMedicine | openMedicine | 2015 |
32 | AEROWORKS | Collaborative Aerial Robotic Workers | 2015 |
33 | CPSELabs | CPS Engineering Labs - expediting and accelerating the realization of cyber-physical systems | 2015 |
34 | FURNIT-SAVER | Smart Augmented and Virtual Reality Marketplace for Furniture Customisation | 2015 |
35 | DANCE | Dancing in the Dark | 2015 |
36 | GEO-RAMP | Geohazards: Risk Assessment, Mitigation and Prevention | 2015 |
37 | DIGIWHIST | The Digital Whistleblower. Fiscal Transparency, Risk Assessment and Impact of Good Governance Policies Assessed | 2015 |
38 | SeeingNano | Developing and Enabling Nanotechnology Awareness-Building through the Creation and Exchange of enhanced Communication and Visualisation Tools and Guidance for ‘Seeing at the Nanoscale’ | 2014 |
40 | 3D-LEAP | 3 Dimensional Light Sensor for Advanced Portable Devices | 2014 |
41 | ADEMU | A Dynamic Economic and Monetary Union | 2015 |
42 | EXCEPT | Social Exclusion of Youth in Europe: Cumulative Disadvantage, Coping Strategies, Effective Policies and Transfer | 2015 |
43 | BRISKEE | Behavioural Response to Investment Risks in Energy Efficiency | 2015 |
44 | Solar Bankability | Improving the Financeability and Attractiveness of Sustainable Energy Investments in Photovolatics: Quantifying and Managing the Technical Risk for Current and New Business Models | 2015 |
45 | TripOD | Advanced Analytics for Trip Origin-Destination Matrices | 2014 |
46 | 16gAirTest | Development of replacement method for all kind of 16g dynamically tested aircraft cushions. | 2014 |
47 | SURVEIRON | SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures | 2014 |
48 | SMARTGEARBOX | Development of a new gearbox without lubricants for low OM costs, higher efficiency, and oiless applications | 2014 |
49 | BLEticket | Mobile ticketing system for urban transport | 2014 |
50 | Stefy | Sensor Technology for Food analYsis | 2014 |
51 | TM Field Analyzer | Developing a monitoring system for urban gas pipelines by utilizing state of the art accelerometers, advanced signal processing, and advanced intelligent algorithm based recognition | 2014 |
52 | HiCompost | Novel business based on high efficiency composting technology | 2014 |
53 | MARGIN | Tackle Insecurity in Marginalized Areas | 2015 |
54 | TRILLION | TRusted, CItizen - LEA coILaboratIon over sOcial Networks | 2015 |
55 | WISER | Wide-Impact cyber SEcurity Risk framework | 2015 |
56 | PRIVACY FLAG | Enabling Crowd-sourcing based privacy protection for smartphone applications, websites and Internet of Things deployments | 2015 |
57 | RESOLUTE | RESilience management guidelines and Operationalization appLied to Urban Transport Environment | 2015 |
58 | DOGANA | aDvanced sOcial enGineering And vulNerability Assesment Framework | 2015 |
59 | FireAndRiskPrevention | When the smoke clears: predicting and preventing catastrophic erosion and flooding after wildfires in volcanic terrains | 2015 |
60 | EcoSwing | EcoSwing - Energy Cost Optimization using Superconducting Wind Generators - World’s First Demonstration of a 3.6 MW Low-Cost Lightweight DD Superconducting Generator on a Wind Turbine | 2015 |
61 | EBUCAI | European Banking Union and Current Account Imbalances | 2016 |
62 | GEOTeCH | Geothermal Technology for €conomic Cooling and Heating | 2015 |
63 | River-HMV | River hydraulics, morphology, and vegetation: A case for improved knowledge and numerical model capabilities | 2015 |
64 | PromoTeRapy | Haploinsufficiency and Intractable Epilepsy Rescue Increasing Endogenous Gene PromoterEfficiency | 2016 |
66 | MEBA | Molecular epidemiology of Bacillus anthracis: novel data and techniques for local surveillance in Tanzania | 2015 |
67 | StentFEM | Advanced Finite Element Modeling of Arterial Stent Placement Procedures | 2015 |
68 | PRe-FActo | Periodontal Regeneration through Femtosecond laser Action | 2016 |
69 | eADAM | Ultra-small electrochemical aptasensors for specific dopamine real-time monitoring | 2016 |
70 | AdoDigitFamX | Adolescents, Parents and Digital Media: Looking for the pattern that dis/connects | 2015 |
71 | TONEURENDO | In search for endothelial mechanisms of TPO-induced neuroprotection | 2015 |
72 | ECOHYDRY | Advancing dryland ecohydrology: factors and mechanisms determining catastrophic shifts | 2016 |
73 | NanoERA | Nanomaterials Ecological Risk Assessment: A study of the long-term effects and risks of nanoscale Iron Oxide used in plastic composites in the aquatic environment | 2015 |
74 | NEARCONTROL | NEARshore geological CONTROL on coastal morphodynamics: monitoring and modelling in high-resolution | 2016 |
75 | ReMix | Developing a novel light-weight Ready Mixed Concrete | 2015 |
76 | FETAL MONITORING | Safe and accurate fetal monitoring | 2015 |
77 | Smartlifts | Making Lifts Smart for More Connected and Intelligent Services. | 2015 |
78 | St. Bernard | St. Bernard - Emergency EEG and auditory evoked potentials for earlier diagnostics and treatment planning of unconscious patients | 2015 |
79 | CFMEBR | Carbon fiber microelectrodes for human brain research and clinical applications | 2015 |
80 | RoadCast | Dynamic Road Sign Casting | 2015 |
81 | QUIST | Quick Sepsis Test | 2015 |
82 | GroupEstate | GroupEstate Feasibility Study | 2015 |
83 | BIOCURE | Novel Biomaterial for Improved and Cost-efficient Wound Healing | 2015 |
84 | SPACEFIT | SPAce-CompatiblE- Filters_in_dIelectric waveguide Technology | 2015 |
85 | SMARTER | Surveillance of Maritime Surroundings through Laser Technology | 2015 |
86 | Hydrofaction | Resource and Cost Effective Conversion of Biomass to HydrocarbonTM Oil | 2015 |
87 | ADR1EN | First European System for Active Debris Removal with Nets | 2015 |
88 | CoMPi | Coastal and shallow-water monitoring through innovative low-cost technologies for blue growth in the Mediterranean | 2015 |
89 | WETPaC | Water – Electricity – Telecommunication Package | 2015 |
90 | STERILISE | Safe sustainable reliable in-office processing of medical waste | 2015 |
91 | PROTOCOL | New processing technology for colistmethate sodium, leading to improved and cost-effective formulations for pharmaceutical and veterinary markets | 2015 |
92 | Cydar PaaS | Disrupting the real-time medical imaging market, and accelerating innovation, with cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) | 2015 |
93 | PFMaker | PFMaker, the Advanced Interactive Video Tool | 2015 |
94 | HELMO | Cardiovascular Diseases Diagnoses by means of Smart Remote Monitoring System based on known Heart Activity Biomarkers | 2015 |
95 | EPIC | Electric Propulsion Innovation and Competitiveness | 2014 |
96 | LIFES 50plus | Qualification of innovative floating substructures for 10MW wind turbines and water depths greater than 50m. | 2015 |
97 | REGROUND | Colloidal Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for the REclamation of Toxic Metal Contaminated GROUNDwater Aquifers, Drinking Water Wells, and River Bank Filtrations | 2015 |
98 | IMPREX | IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremes | 2015 |
99 | CRESCENDO | Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, kNowledge, Dissemination and Outreach | 2015 |
100 | TRANSrisk | Transitions pathways and risk analysis for climate change mitigation and adaption strategies | 2015 |
101 | SMART GEMS | Smart Grids Energy management Staff | 2015 |
102 | NANORESTART | NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART | 2015 |
104 | RESIN | Climate Resilient Cities and Infrastructures | 2015 |
105 | CIMEC | Cooperative ITS for Mobility in European Cities | 2015 |
106 | City.Risks | Avoiding and mitigating safety risks in urban environments | 2015 |
107 | HERACLES-CP | HERACLES-CP: Towards the Conversion of High Performance Research Reactors in Europe | 2015 |
108 | IVMR | In-Vessel Melt Retention Severe Accident Management Strategy for Existing and Future NPPs | 2015 |
109 | FLOATMAST | An Innovative Wind Resource Assessment Tension Leg Platform for combined Cup Anemometer and Lidar Reliable and Bankable Wind Measurements for Offshore Wind Parks | 2015 |
110 | DAFAP | Development of Advanced Functional Absorbent Products | 2015 |
111 | MEWi-B | More Efficient Wind Blades | 2015 |
112 | CLEAN-HEAT | A highly efficient intelligent industrial microwave heating system based on high power solid state technology | 2015 |
113 | S-Gearbox | The Development of a »New« Planocentric Gearbox with a Closed Cage and S-gear Tooth Flank | 2015 |
114 | DECI | Digital Environment for Cognitive Inclusion | 2015 |
115 | METALS | Formation and Characterization of Protein Post-Translational Modifications and Assessment of Cellular Responses by Application of Metals in Biological Systems | 2015 |
116 | HYDRACTVAL | Low-energy leak-proof double seat control valve based on a water hydraulic actuator system | 2015 |
117 | GSTT | GMSPAZIO Satellite Tracking Toolkit | 2015 |
118 | SilkByPass | Develop simple tissue regeneration technologies for the benefits of humanity by leveraging the biomimetic properties and the mechanical advantages of a new silk manufacturing nanotechnology. | 2015 |
119 | Kurata Systems | High Quality Fuel Production System from Plastics, Industrial Oil and Refinery Residues. | 2015 |
120 | INSWITCH | InSwitch – Ultra-Compact Electronic Solid-State Device for Induction Motor Starting and Performance Improvement | 2015 |
121 | BIOXYARN | In vitro evaluation of the biocompatibility of nanofibrous yarns from an oxidative stress perspective | 2015 |
122 | ADVANTAGE | ADvanced Validation of A Novel TB Active disease diagnostic to address Global unmet needs: a European consortium approach | 2015 |
123 | ACEP | Airlander Civil Exploitation Project | 2015 |
124 | SoHo3X | Introducing a novel concept of solar photovoltaic module in the market | 2015 |
125 | EcoBlade | EcoBlade: Eco-efficient decommissioning of wind turbine blades through on-site material shredding and separation | 2015 |
126 | TB-ACCELERATE | Integrating genomics, epidemiology and evolution to accelerate tuberculosis eradication | 2015 |
127 | ToxicExpertise | Toxic Expertise: Environmental Justice and the Global Petrochemical Industry | 2015 |
128 | ADIPOR | Molecular and structural pharmacology of adiponectin receptor: towards innovative treatments of obesity-related diseases. | 2015 |
129 | CITRIMACC | Circulation Pilot with Continuous Control of Multi-Modal Air Cargo Containers | 2015 |
130 | WATERGUARD | Safeguarding Water Distribution Systems from Contamination Threats using the SmartTap Platform | 2015 |
131 | Baby Beat | Providing Clarity of Fetus Heartbeat Through Baby Beat Bracelet Measuring Fetal Arterial Pulse Wave | 2015 |
132 | InnoMan_NRW_2 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany | 2015 |
133 | SafeSky | SafeSky - Integrated system for critical infrastructure and personal sphere monitoring and protection against aerial threats | 2015 |
134 | Predictive Vision | Predictive Vision Saving lives in dangerous working environments with Predictive Risk Management software | 2015 |
135 | DATACTIVE | Data activism: The politics of big data according to civil society | 2015 |
136 | WHEYCOM | Validation and market uptake of a natural disinfection whey-based formula for whole and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables | 2015 |
137 | CONCERT | European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research | 2015 |
138 | BayesianMarkets | Bayesian markets for unverifiable truths | 2016 |
139 | SYSTEM-RISK | A Large-Scale Systems Approach to Flood Risk Assessment and Management | 2016 |
140 | EMBRYOandLATERHEALTH | Embryonic origins of cardiovascular health in later life: disentangling early causal pathways in a lifecourse perspective | 2015 |
141 | MITIGATE | Multidimensional, IntegraTed, rIsk assessment framework and dynamic, collaborative Risk ManaGement tools for critical information infrAstrucTurEs | 2015 |
142 | UnPrEDICT | Uncertainty and Precaution: Environmental Decisions Involving Catastrophic Threats | 2015 |
143 | RELEVANCE | Regulation of red cell life-span, erythropoiesis, survival, senescence and clearance | 2015 |
144 | ANSWER | ANtibioticS and mobile resistance elements in WastEwater Reuse applications: risks and innovative solutions | 2015 |
145 | COEGSS | Center of Excellence for Global Systems Science | 2015 |
146 | PERFoRM | Production harmonizEd Reconfiguration of Flexible Robots and Machinery | 2015 |
147 | NANO2ALL | Nanotechnology Mutual Learning Action Plan For Transparent And Responsible Understanding Of Science And Technology | 2015 |
148 | piur tUS | A cost effective 3D tomographic ultrasound technology for vascular diagnostics | 2015 |
149 | DrugsInPregnancy | Effects of Medication Use in Pregnancy on Infant Neurodevelopment | 2015 |
150 | ICEYE | Microsatellite radar network for fast update Arctic ice surveillance. | 2015 |
151 | WELL | Wind, Efficient, Light, Lifter | 2015 |
152 | Bosolog | Bosolog – Multi-sensors and Assets' Log Monitoring and Management Software | 2015 |
153 | SIZE | Size matters: scaling principles for the prediction of the ecological footprint of biofuels | 2015 |
154 | CARISMAND | Culture And RISkmanagement in Man-made And Natural Disasters | 2015 |
155 | ObesityDevelop | Effects of maternal gestational adiposity on fetal development and perinatal, postnatal and next generation health. | 2015 |
156 | INSOMNIA | Insomnia’s Negative Sequelae On Mood: from Neuroscience to Intervention in the Aged | 2015 |
157 | HORSE | Smart integrated Robotics system for SMEs controlled by Internet of Things based on dynamic manufacturing processes | 2015 |
158 | BetaCellTherapy | Beta Cell Generation by Stem Cell-Derived Implants in Diabetes | 2015 |
159 | SMART Guide | Guided dental surgery fitting into daily clinical routine | 2015 |
160 | TULIPP | Towards Ubiquitous Low-power Image Processing Platforms | 2016 |
161 | COCOA CLOUD | COllaborative CO-creation of web Applications on the CLOUD | 2015 |
163 | habITAT | Internet of Things Air Tester as a new standards based wearable monitoring station for personalized indoor and outdoor air quality real-time assessment | 2015 |
164 | IMERSO | IMERSO - Virtual Reality System | 2015 |
165 | CHEOPS | Production technology to achieve low Cost and Highly Efficient phOtovoltaic Perovskite Solar cells | 2016 |
166 | Residue2Heat | Renewable residential heating with fast pyrolysis bio-oil | 2016 |
167 | MultiCoop | Multidisciplinary approach to strengthen cooperation and establish novel platform for comprehensive assessment of food and feed safety | 2016 |
168 | SMARTGEARBOX | Development of a new gearbox without lubricants for low OM costs, higher efficiency, and oiless applications | 2016 |
169 | ORISON | Innovative infrastructure for astronomical research based on stratospheric balloons | 2016 |
170 | i-PROGNOSIS | Intelligent Parkinson eaRly detectiOn Guiding NOvel Supportive InterventionS | 2016 |
171 | BlueHealth | Linking Up Environment, Health and Climate for Inter-sector Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in a Rapidly Changing Environment | 2016 |
172 | HemAcure | Application of combined gene and cell therapy within an implantable therapeutic device for the treatment of severe hemophilia A | 2015 |
173 | PIBD-SETQuality | Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Network for Safety, Efficacy, Treatment and Quality improvement of care | 2016 |
174 | CIVILWARS | Social Dynamics of Civil Wars | 2016 |
175 | EHVA | European HIV Vaccine Alliance (EHVA): a EU platform for the discovery and evaluation of novel prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine candidates | 2016 |
176 | Climateurope | European Climate Observations, Modelling and Services - 2 | 2015 |
177 | Digi-NewB | Non-invasive monitoring of perinatal health through multiparametric digital representation of clinically relevant functions for improving clinical intervention in neonatal units (Digi-NewB) | 2016 |
178 | City4Age | Elderly-friendly City services for active and healthy ageing | 2015 |
179 | ECO-COMPASS | Ecological and Multifunctional Composites for Application in Aircraft Interior and Secondary Structures | 2016 |
181 | DESTRESS | Demonstration of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs | 2016 |
182 | ERAofART | Epigenetic Risk Assesment of Assisted Reproductive Technologies | 2016 |
183 | Hydrolowhead | PROFITABLE LOW HEAD HYROPOWER | 2015 |
184 | Mobile-Age | Mobile Age | 2016 |
185 | DIMONTEMP | Distributed Monitoring of HTF Temperature at Solar Thermal Power Plants | 2016 |
187 | BESTF3 | Bioenergy Sustaining the Future (BESTF) 3 | 2016 |
188 | my-AHA | My Active and Healthy Aging | 2016 |
189 | GEMCLIME | Global Excellence in Modelling of Climate and Energy | 2016 |
190 | VIVALDI | Preventing and mitigating farmed bivalve diseases | 2016 |
191 | INLANE | Low Cost GNSS and Computer Vision Fusion for Accurate Lane Level Navigation and Enhanced Automatic Map Generation | 2016 |
192 | EASY Pv | EGNSS high Accuracy SYstem improving PhotoVoltaic plants maintenance | 2016 |
193 | WeGovNow | Towards We-Government: Collective and participative approaches for addressing local policy challenges | 2016 |
194 | CERES | Climate change and European aquatic RESources | 2016 |
195 | Sea Litter Critters | A compact, unmanned, renewables-powered and self-sufficient vessel able to pick up marine litter and to treat it on board for volume reduction and energy recovery | 2016 |
196 | FruitWatcher | FruitWatcher: Monitoring traceability assessment for fresh products transport conditionsWatcher: Monitoring traceability assessment for fresh products transport conditions | 2016 |
197 | TVP-eNext | Torque Vectoring Platform for Next Generation of Electric Driven Vehicles | 2016 |
198 | ASTROCIT | Development and validation of an innovative nutritional solution to fight muscle atrophy during human space flights, application of the acquired knowledge to prevent muscle degeneration down on earth | 2016 |
199 | SAL ETHVI | Innovative, easily applicable vaccine for poultry industry against five Salmonella serovars: Enteritidis, Typhimurium, Hadar, Virchow and Infantis – SAL ETHVI | 2016 |
200 | ALTERFOR | Alternative models and robust decision-making for future forest management | 2016 |
201 | SEESWIND | SEESWIND, Silent, Efficient and Economic Small Wind Energy. | 2016 |
202 | ClimeFish | Co-creating a decision support framework to ensure sustainable fish production in Europe under climate change | 2016 |
203 | NanoStreeM | NANOmaterials: STRategies for Safety Assessments in advanced Integrated Circuits Manufacturing | 2016 |
204 | FERTINNOWA | Transfer of INNOvative techniques for sustainable WAter use in FERtigated crops | 2016 |
205 | HEAT-SHIELD | Integrated inter-sector framework to increase the thermal resilience of European workers in the context of global warming | 2016 |
206 | DIALOY | Mosaic loss of chromosome Y (LOY) in blood cells - a new biomarker for risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease in men | 2016 |
207 | SATBIM | Simulations for multi-level Analysis of interactions in Tunnelling based on the Building Information Modelling technology | 2016 |
208 | JUSECON | Legal rights and the political economy of debt and austerity in Europe | 2017 |
209 | poro sos | Efficient numerical methods for deformable porous media. Application to carbon dioxide storage. | 2016 |
210 | GlobalPolicyUncertainty | Global Policy Uncertainty and International Asset Markets | 2016 |
211 | FREYA | Forecasting RangE dYnamics of Alien species under climate change. | 2016 |
212 | | European early warning system for systemic risk. | 2016 |
213 | OPTBIOMAN | Optimal Decision Making under Uncertainty in Biomanufacturing Operations | 2016 |
214 | MPIPETrace | Clinical performance validation of a novel biomarker for quantitative imaging of coronary artery disease. | 2015 |
215 | SURVEIRON | SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures | 2016 |
216 | t-Clinic | An innovative medical device for early diagnosis based on a disruptive body temperature monitoring and analysis scheme-t-Clinic | 2016 |
218 | AMASS | Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems | 2016 |
219 | PROTON | Modelling the PRocesses leading to Organised crime and TerrOrist Networks | 2016 |
220 | STORM | Safeguarding Cultural Heritage through Technical and Organisational Resources Management | 2016 |
221 | CANVAS | Constructing an Alliance for Value-driven Cybersecurity | 2016 |
222 | BRIGAID | BRIdges the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilience | 2016 |
223 | LIQUEFACT | Assessment and mitigation of liquefaction potential across Europe: a holistic approach to protect structures / infrastructures for improved resilience to earthquake-induced liquefaction disasters | 2016 |
224 | SHADOWBANKING | Monetary Policy and Shadow banking: global micro-evidence from ABCPs | 2016 |
225 | DrugSense | Ribo-regulators that sense trace antibiotics | 2016 |
226 | GenoPri | Quantifying and Protecting the Privacy of Genomic Data | 2016 |
227 | caLIBRAte | Performance testing, calibration and implementation of a next generation system-of-systems Risk Governance Framework for nanomaterials | 2016 |
228 | SCENT | Smart Toolbox for Engaging Citizens into a People-Centric Observation Web | 2016 |
229 | TUNE | Testing the Untestable: Model Testing of Complex Software-Intensive Systems | 2016 |
230 | ANYWHERE | EnhANcing emergencY management and response to extreme WeatHER and climate Events | 2016 |
231 | RANGER | RANGER: RAdars for loNG distance maritime surveillancE and SaR opeRations | 2016 |
232 | STEFY | Sensor Technology for Food analYsis | 2016 |
233 | BAR2LEGAB | Women travelling to seek abortion care in Europe: the impact of barriers to legal abortion on women living in countries with ostensibly liberal abortion laws | 2016 |
234 | BoneImplant | Monitoring bone healing around endosseous implants: from multiscale modeling to the patient’s bed | 2016 |
235 | NoAW | Innovative approaches to turn agricultural waste into ecological and economic assets | 2016 |
236 | DENSE | aDverse wEather eNvironmental Sensing systEm | 2016 |
237 | DEFORM | Define the global and financial impact of research misconduct | 2016 |
238 | SOILBIODIV | Beyond the limits of scale: a novel pipeline for the measurement of soil arthropod biodiversity | 2016 |
239 | VAMOS | The value of mothers to society: responses to motherhood and child rearing practices in prehistoric Europe | 2016 |
240 | FORESIGHT | Foreseeing Opportunities, Risks and Emergent Science Issues for the next Generation: Highlighting Trends | 2016 |
241 | VegAlert | Low cost, early Phytosanitary monitoring and alert service for horticultural farmers | 2016 |
242 | ULISENS | Ultra Legionella Inmunoanalysis System for Early Sensing | 2016 |
243 | SCALABLA | SCALABLA: a platform for elastic multimedia communications enabling natural social interaction and personalization | 2016 |
245 | k-NOW-casting | k-NOW-casting | 2016 |
246 | AVELEDA Fruit Wine | AVELEDA Fruit Wine | 2016 |
247 | NEPTUN | Novel closed-cage system for high-value marine aquaculture | 2016 |
248 | WhiteBox EEG | Big Data EEG Recording and Analysis platform | 2016 |
249 | SAP-Nano | A disruptive technology for vaccines manufacturing based on Self-Assembled Polymeric Nanoparticulate systems | 2016 |
250 | CDRONE | Towards un-subsidised solar power – Cleandrone, the inspection and cleaning solution | 2016 |
251 | SwiftBuild | Swiftty web mobile builder | 2016 |
252 | FETAL MONITORING | Safe and accurate fetal monitoring | 2016 |
253 | RADIcAL | Non-invasive rapid assessment of chronic liver disease using Magnetic Resonance Imaging with LiverMultiScan | 2016 |
254 | ENGINENCY | A Holistic System for Building Inspection and Energy Efficiency Management | 2016 |
255 | Teraki | Making Big Data Small for the Internet of Things | 2016 |
256 | ASYFAIR | Fair and Consistent Border Controls? A Critical, Multi-methodological and Interdisciplinary Study of Asylum Adjudication in Europe | 2016 |
257 | MiTSoPro | Migration and Transnational Social Protection in (post-)crisis Europe | 2016 |
258 | PROSOCIAL | The neural basis of prosocial development in adolescence | 2016 |
259 | MoralisingMisfortune | Moralising Misfortune: A comparative anthropology of commercial insurance | 2016 |
260 | ADASANDME | Adaptive ADAS to support incapacitated drivers Mitigate Effectively risks through tailor made HMI under automation | 2016 |
261 | VI-DAS | Vision Inspired Driver Assistance Systems | 2016 |
262 | RUC-APS | Enhancing and implementing Knowledge based ICT solutions within high Risk and Uncertain Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems | 2016 |
263 | FLOOD-serv | Public FLOOD Emergency and Awareness SERVice | 2016 |
264 | SCOUT | Safe and COnnected aUtomation in road Transport | 2016 |
265 | SMARTER-2 | Surveillance of MARiTime surroundings through lasER technology | 2016 |
267 | King of App | Launching the First Open Source Mobile Content Management System for Apps | 2016 |
268 | azoomee | A Truly Disruptive Entertainment and Educational Digital Application for Primary School Aged Children | 2016 |
269 | LOOP | Disrupting Logistics in Smart Cities and Regions through an Advanced Logistics Platform. | 2016 |
270 | Quality2Cells | TimeLapseReader for Quality Control of Immune Cells used for Cell-Based Therapies | 2016 |
272 | Ocean artUp | Ocean Artificial Upwelling | 2017 |
273 | CERAMENT-BC | A novel bone implant with enhanced bone healing capacity | 2016 |
274 | CAPRI | Children and Adolescents with PaRental mental Illness: Understanding the ‘who’ and ‘how’ of targeting interventions | 2016 |
275 | VERDI | polyValent mEsopoRous nanosystem for bone DIseases | 2016 |
276 | GreenSolRes | Demonstration of solvent and resin production from lignocellulosic biomass via the platform chemical levulinic acid | 2016 |
277 | EC4SafeNano | European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation in Nanomaterials Nanotechnologies | 2016 |
278 | COFFERS | Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators | 2016 |
279 | FMF-Dia | Immunological Diagnosis of Familial Mediterranean Fever | 2016 |
280 | WATER DROP | Droughts and Water Scarcity in the EU: Economic Impact, Adaptation, Policy Implications and Integrated Assessment Modelling | 2016 |
281 | TORC | Truck with an Organic Rankine Cycle | 2016 |
282 | JAM | JAM: vehicle predictive maintenance through Artificial Intelligence | 2016 |
283 | LIVE INCITE | Lifestyle intervention in the perioperative process through digital service | 2016 |
284 | MUSES | Multi-Use in European Seas | 2016 |
285 | EUGENIUS | European Group of Enterprises for a Network of Information Using Space | 2016 |
286 | Ps2Share | Participation, Privacy and Power in the Sharing Economy | 2017 |
287 | WELFAREPRIORITIES | Welfare state politics under pressure: Identifying priorities, trade-offs and reform opportunities among citizens, political and economic elites | 2017 |
288 | IMPaCT | Integrated Modular Plant and Containerised Tools for Selective, Low-impact Mining of Small High-grade Deposits | 2016 |
289 | PJ03b SAFE | Airport Safety Nets | 2016 |
290 | CyanoAlert | Space Based Cyanobacteria Information & Services | 2016 |
291 | K-PLEX | Knowledge Complexity | 2017 |
292 | RAID | A Veterinary Decision Support System by Rapid Bacterial Infection Detection (RAID) | 2016 |
293 | NAIAD | NAture Insurance value: Assessment and Demonstration | 2016 |
294 | | Data-driven research addressing aviation safety intelligence | 2016 |
296 | STARCELL | Advanced strategies for substitution of critical raw materials in photovoltaics | 2017 |
297 | OpenRiskNet | OpenRiskNet: Open e-Infrastructure to Support Data Sharing, Knowledge Integration and in silico Analysis and Modelling in Risk Assessment | 2016 |
299 | IProBoard | Intellectual Property Right Dashboard | 2016 |
300 | GlucoTab | A Novel ICT Assistant Solution for de-Risked Management of Insulin Dosing and Blood Glucose Levels in Hospitalized Patients with Type 2 Diabetes | 2016 |
301 | MEDimprove | A novel online service to support self-care and responsible self-medication | 2016 |
302 | Wonderlogix STUDIO | Wonderlogix STUDIO: Towards Seamless Industrial Control | 2016 |
303 | DiGas Dual fuel | A novel dual fuel system for diesel locomotive modernisation to CNG or LNG operation | 2016 |
304 | ORBIT | Aerodynamic rigs for VHBR IP turbine | 2017 |
305 | INTERFUTURE | From microbial interactions to new-concept biopesticides and biofertilizers | 2016 |
306 | BESTOFRAC | Environmentally best practices and optmisation in hydraulic fracturing for shale gas/oil development | 2017 |
307 | GRETA | Green REcyclable Tanks made of innovative resin rilene | 2016 |
308 | CLEANI-Rad | Effective and Resource efficient cleaning system for X-Ray Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | 2016 |
309 | CM | Prevention of Cosmetic-Induced Non-Communicable Diseases and Micro Plastics entering Food Chains with the CosmEthics- Health App | 2016 |
310 | SHiELD | European Security in Health Data Exchange | 2017 |
311 | GeoERA | Establishing the European Geological Surveys Research Area to deliver a Geological Service for Europe | 2017 |
313 | ANASTACIA | Advanced Networked Agents for Security and Trust Assessment in CPS/IOT Architectures | 2017 |
314 | SAFERtec | Security Assurance FramEwoRk for neTworked vEhicular teChnology | 2017 |
315 | EU-SEC | The European Security Certification Framework | 2017 |
316 | RECAP preterm | RECAP preterm: Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm | 2017 |
317 | ALICE | AcceLerate Innovation in urban wastewater management for Climate changE | 2017 |
318 | ColdNano-X | ZnO-nanotech cold cathode x-ray tube for the security market | 2016 |
319 | SmartGuide | Smart Biopsy Tool for Real-Time Cancerous Cell Characterization at the Tip of the Needle | 2017 |
320 | U2PIA | Universal application 2 conduct Privacy Impact Assessment analysis and reports | 2016 |
321 | AWARENET | The World´s First Application-Aware Network: Enabling Dynamic Bandwidth Management and Guaranteed Data Connection Quality in Mobile Networks | 2017 |
322 | SAFEnano | Effect of water and wastewater treatment on the properties of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in context of their fate, toxicity and interaction with other contaminants | 2017 |
323 | SEX_FIGHT_SLEEP | A model to study how social interaction modulates sleep in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster | 2017 |
324 | PhytoPharm | Phytotoxicological Risk of pharmaceuticals in soils | 2017 |
325 | Speedingrisk | Applying risk communication strategies to reduce speeding-related risks | 2017 |
326 | XYL-EID | Determinants of Xylella fastidiosa host specificity | 2016 |
327 | DarkMix | Illuminating the dark side of surface meteorology: creating a novel framework to explain atmospheric transport and turbulent mixing in the weak-wind boundary layer | 2017 |
328 | DroneHopper | DroneHopper: an innovative solution for firefighting through remote-controlled aircrafts. | 2017 |
329 | AORTA | Alginor`s Ocean Refining Total utilizing technology | 2017 |
330 | Oblow | Oblow, an effective solution in the reduction of stress | 2017 |
331 | CORDIAL | Collaborative OWA robots for drilling and fasteners insertion in assembly lines | 2017 |
332 | CIC | Context, Identity and Choice: Understanding the constraints on women's career decisions | 2017 |
333 | GAIT | From symptom relief to disease modifying allergy treatment with Glycan-Allergen Immunotherapy | 2017 |
335 | PREGNABIT | PREGNABIT – the world’s first complex telemedical mobile CTG system for pregnancy examination | 2017 |
336 | BriScrew | BioResorbable Ostheosynthesis Implant | 2017 |
337 | SEACRIFOG | Supporting EU-African Cooperation on Research Infrastructures for Food Security and Greenhouse Gas Observations | 2017 |
338 | DEXCORE | The Digest and the Exploitation of the Countryside in the Western Roman Empire (2d cent. BC-3rd cent. AD). Evidence of the water control | 2017 |
339 | SHARKS-XT | Shark extinctions: past and present | 2018 |
340 | MODIO | Numerical modelling of the structural controls on Irish Zn-Pb ore deposits | 2017 |
341 | EnvFate | Study of the environmental impact of insecticides by metabolomic foot-printing approach | 2017 |
342 | AVAST | Advanced Volcanic Ash characteriSaTion | 2017 |
343 | CANCERSCREEN | Screening for cancer in the post-genomic era: diagnostic innovation and biomedicalisation in comparative perspective | 2017 |
344 | CustomCOF | New strategies for the formation of two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks (2D-COFs) on surfaces. | 2017 |
345 | ColoFILM | Multifunctional polymeric film-based drug delivery system for oral anti-TNF-alpha-based inflammatory bowel disease therapy | 2017 |
346 | CHINO | The Health Data Security Platform for EU Developers Enterprises | 2017 |
347 | SLATE | Submarine LAndslides and Their impact on European continental margins | 2017 |
348 | PROGLUTASIS | Protection of cardiometabolic inflammation by modulation of myeloid glutamine homeostasis | 2017 |
349 | CaseXtreme | ChAnges in the Statistics of EXTremes Events in cliMatE | 2017 |
350 | MindSElS | Resilience, Mindfulness and Medication Safety with Electronic Systems | 2018 |
351 | LABOREP | Labor Market Segmentation and Political Participation | 2018 |
352 | SUPERSPIN | Superconducting Spintronics for Highly Energery Efficient Cryogenic Memory Applications | 2017 |
353 | QSB | Quantum Sensing for Biology | 2017 |
354 | TRANSRISK | Vulnerability and risk assessment of transportation systems of assets (SoA) exposed to geo-hazards | 2017 |
355 | ISEBI | Individual Specialisation in Established Biological Invasions: importance and Ecological Impact | 2017 |
356 | PROM | Pregnancy and Reproduction Organ-on-a-chip Models | 2017 |
357 | VESPER | Volcanoes: eruptive style, pre-eruptive evolution and risk | 2018 |
358 | GICA | Geolocalisation of Individuals in Critical Areas | 2017 |
359 | PIONEER | Peri-Ocularly Navigated Exteroceptive Snake Robot for Novel Retinal Interventions | 2017 |
360 | Mideast Med | A regional history of medicine in the modern Middle East, 1830-1960 | 2017 |
361 | CrowdHEALTH | Collective wisdom driving public health policies | 2017 |
362 | HARM | High Attenuation Recycling Materials as sustainable barriers for waste disposal sites | 2018 |
363 | SMART-WORKFLOW | Development of a smart workflow based on high resolution mass spectrometry for the assessment of the performance of wastewater treatment technologies | 2018 |
364 | THEMIS | Protecting Human Rights and Public Health in Global Pandemics: A Map of the Standards Applied by EU and US Courts | 2018 |
365 | CALLIRHEO | Multi-scale computational hemodynamics in obese children and adolescents: enabling personalised prediction of cardiovascular disease | 2018 |
366 | SAREE | The Social Anthropology of Rabies Epidemiology and Elimination | 2018 |
367 | NOSUDEP | A Wearable Electronics Approach To Reduce Mortality in Epilepsy | 2017 |
369 | GLOBALMACRO | Global Production Networks and Macroeconomic Interdependence | 2017 |
370 | EuroBioTox | European programme for the establishment of validated procedures for the detection and identification of biological toxins | 2017 |
371 | PATECH | Public Administration and Technology | 2017 |
372 | BAoBaB | Blue Acid/Base Battery: Storage and recovery of renewable electrical energy by reversible salt water dissociation | 2017 |
373 | SECOPS | An Integrated Security Concept for Drone Operations | 2017 |
374 | DATATRANS | PROVENTA Smart Database Transformation Framework | 2017 |
375 | VISCA | Vineyards´ Integrated Smart Climate Application | 2017 |
376 | InnoMan.NRW_3 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2017 -2018 | 2017 |
377 | HERMENEUT | Enterprises intangible Risks Management via Economic models based on simulatioN of modErn cyber-aTtacks | 2017 |
378 | STOP-IT | Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of water Infrastructure against cyber-physical Threats | 2017 |
379 | FORTIKA | FORTIKA - Cyber Security Accelerator for trusted SMEs IT Ecosystems | 2017 |
380 | Pericles | Policy recommendation and improved communication tools for law enforcement and security agencies preventing violent radicalisation | 2017 |
381 | CYBECO | Supporting Cyberinsurance from a Behavioural Choice Perspective | 2017 |
382 | SMILE | SMart mobILity at the European land borders | 2017 |
383 | SMILE | SMart mobILity at the European land borders | 2017 |
384 | ORION | Open Responsible research and Innovation to further Outstanding kNowledge. | 2017 |
385 | OPTISOCHEM | OPTimized conversion of residual wheat straw to bio-ISObutene for bio based CHEMicals | 2017 |
386 | MOTIVATE | Matrix Optimization for Testing by Interaction of Virtual And Test Environments | 2017 |
387 | WEGOOI | Wind Energy Generator Onshore and Offshore Inspector | 2017 |
388 | KEEN | KEEN Quality Keeper - A Competence and Quality Assurance System representing a totally new standard for the health care sector | 2017 |
389 | Previble | Previble - The Previsualization Tool | 2017 |
390 | PREVENT | “Alcohol-impaired driving PREVENTion and personal authentication by a vehicle ignition interlock system“ | 2017 |
391 | QStamp | Introducing Smart Wireless Monitoring Stickers Adaptable to Any Surface And Bending Angle for Food Tracking | 2017 |
392 | C2C-NewCap | Towards a safe, reliable and cost competitive transport sector in Europe | 2017 |
393 | Nutri4g | A disruptive nutrigenetic solution for ageing well | 2017 |
394 | AUTOMEATIC | Automated system for packaging fresh meat with reduced waste/giveaway, processing time, human involvement and contamination | 2017 |
395 | LiquidHouseCycle | A Unified Framework of Business Cycles and Household Portfolios: Income Risks, Asset Liquidity, and Inequality | 2017 |
396 | PALE-Blu | Understanding pathogen, livestock, environment interactions involving bluetongue virus | 2017 |
397 | Diverfarming | Crop diversification and low-input farming across Europe: from practitioners engagement and ecosystems services to increased revenues and chain organisation | 2017 |
398 | GROW GREEN | Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments | 2017 |
399 | CLARA | Climate forecast enabled knowledge services | 2017 |
400 | DRIVEN | Field driven materials for functions, dissipation, and mimicking Pavlovian adaptation | 2017 |
401 | NAFTI | Noise Abatement Fms with Tactile Interface | 2017 |
402 | BreathSpec | A rapid, non-invasive, cost-effective, analytical device for bacterial or viral infection diagnosis through ultra-high sensitivity breath analysis. | 2017 |
403 | NOA | NOA, a disruptive portable device to monitor asthma | 2017 |
404 | INNO PV-SWITCH | Innovative Fireman's Switch for Photovoltaic Systems: towards large-scale production | 2017 |
405 | CellFoam | A novel tissue remodelling biomaterial to offer a revolutionary solution for treating Urinary Incontinence in dogs | 2017 |
406 | iSAFE | iSAFE Internet Safety Awareness for European primary school children | 2017 |
408 | P2PCS | Peer-2-peer Car Sharing | 2017 |
409 | KERASTOP | A big jump in preventing problems in refractive surgery for myopia | 2017 |
410 | JETSCREEN | JET Fuel SCREENing and Optimization | 2017 |
411 | SMESEC | Protecting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises digital technology through an innovative cyber-SECurity framework | 2017 |
412 | LEU-FOREvER | Low Enriched Uranium Fuels fOR REsEarch Reactors | 2017 |
413 | NARSIS | New Approach to Reactor Safety ImprovementS | 2017 |
414 | StressGene | The Genetics of Morbidity and Survival in Response to Significant Life Stressors | 2017 |
415 | ARIESS | Augmented Reality and Indoor Navigation for Enhanced ASSembly | 2017 |
416 | PIUR tUS | Tomographic 3D Ultrasound for Safe and More Cost Effective Vascular Diagnostics and Treatment Planning | 2017 |
417 | HPGen | On-site Hydrogen Peroxide Generator for effective, safe and sustainable irrigation water treatment | 2017 |
418 | INOVER21 | Mass-customisation of custom-made medical implants | 2017 |
419 | 3ants | Enhancing security of digital property rights and citizens’ awareness through an innovative anti-piracyframework of digital content based on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence | 2017 |
420 | Hubble | Hubble – smart workplace allocation platform | 2017 |
421 | CBRNE STNDS 2017 | ERNCIP CBRNE STANDARDS 2017 and 2018 – support to Mandate 487 | 2017 |
422 | LEDiR | LEDiR: A Ground-breaking Manufacturing Process to Yield a Unique Prosthesis for Lumbar Endoscopic Disc Replacement | 2017 |
423 | PROBIOTEARS | Probiotic-based Ophtalmologic treatment for Bacterial and Allergic Conjunctivitis | 2017 |
424 | STREAM | STREAM - Sonar Technology for Remote Environmental Monitoring | 2017 |
425 | Autonomous | Autonomous – Novel Smart Home and facility management solution from embedded robots and indoor navigation | 2017 |
426 | EnergyMatching | Adaptable and adaptive RES envelope solutions to maximise energy harvesting and optimize EU building and district load matching | 2017 |
427 | Crux Agribotics | Crux Agribotics: The future of cucumbers harvesting - robot for automated agriculture labors | 2017 |
428 | abcdeSIM-VR | The flight simulator for Medical and Health Professionals | 2017 |
429 | BRIOAGRO | Intelligent low-cost, scalable, adaptive ecosystem for intelligent irrigation and fertilization ensuring high performance and quality crops | 2017 |
430 | DeviceHub | The next generation of internet-of-thing (IoT) connectivity. | 2017 |
431 | Therapnea | Therapnea: Novel Therapy to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea based on Thomas Oro-Pharyngeal Stent | 2017 |
432 | KTX-20 | Mass production platform for L-EVs | 2017 |
433 | P-TEV | Personalized Tissue-Engineered Veins as the first Cure for Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency | 2017 |
434 | Plant.ID | Molecular Identification of Plants | 2018 |
435 | PRO_PHAGE | Impact and interaction of prophage elements in bacterial host strains of biotechnological relevance | 2018 |
436 | ShuttleCat | Shuttle Catalysis for Reversible Molecular Construction | 2018 |
437 | ALGOCom | Novel Algorithmic Techniques through the Lens of Combinatorics | 2018 |
438 | HyFlexFuel | Hydrothermal liquefaction: Enhanced performance and feedstock flexibility for efficient biofuel production | 2017 |
439 | S4CE | Science for Clean Energy | 2017 |
440 | EU-LISTCO | Europe's External Action and the Dual Challenges of Limited Statehood and Contested Orders | 2018 |
441 | TRANSAFELOAD | The European Leader Equipment for Packaging Testing | 2017 |
442 | WATER4AGRI | Securing water for food and safety with the world's most advanced soil moisture information derived from satellites | 2017 |
443 | InsularAnxiety | Insular cortical circuits controlling fear and anxiety | 2018 |
444 | SOPHIE | Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe (SOPHIE): a Strategic Research Agenda for Europe and Beyond | 2017 |
445 | eForcis and BeForcis | Wave Energy Generators for Marine Buoys and Aquaculture Fish Farms | 2017 |
446 | CRISS | CRISPR Gene Correction for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Caused by Mutations in Recombination-activating gene 1 and 2 (RAG1 and RAG2) | 2017 |
447 | N-T-AUTONOMY | Non-Territorial Autonomy as Minority Protection in Europe: An Intellectual and Political History of a Travelling Idea, 1850-2000 | 2018 |
448 | GRACIOUS | GRACIOUS: Grouping, Read-Across, CharacterIsation and classificatiOn framework for regUlatory risk assessment of manufactured nanomaterials and Safer design of nano-enabled products | 2018 |
449 | MYPACK | Best markets for the exploitation of innovative sustainable food packaging solutions | 2017 |
450 | TechTIDE | Warning and Mitigation Technologies for Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances Effects | 2017 |
451 | NADiRA | Nurturing Africa Digital Revolution for Agriculture | 2017 |
452 | DIDO-MS | Commercialization of a first in class multiple sclerosis drug | 2018 |
453 | CIO | Common Interactive Objects | 2017 |
454 | CONVINCE | The Comparison of High-Dose Heamodiafiltration (HDF) versus Haemodialyse | 2018 |
455 | WorkOD | Work on Demand: Contracting for Work in a Changing Economy | 2018 |
456 | AGEnTh | Atomic Gauge and Entanglement Theories | 2018 |
457 | BLOCKCHAINSOCIETY | The Disrupted Society: mapping the societal effects of blockchain technology diffusion | 2018 |
458 | CHIC | Chicory as a multipurpose crop for dietary fibre and medicinal terpenes | 2018 |
459 | PANBioRA | Personalized And/Or Generalized Integrated Biomaterial Risk Assessment | 2018 |
460 | Nunataryuk | Permafrost thaw and the changing arctic coast: science for socio-economic adaptation | 2017 |
461 | COACCH | CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs | 2017 |
462 | MED-GOLD | Turning climate-related information into added value for traditional MEDiterranean Grape, OLive and Durum wheat food systems | 2017 |
463 | REPO-TRIAL | An in silico-based approach to improve the efficacy and precision of drug REPurpOsing TRIALs for a mechanism-based patient cohort with predominant cerebro-cardiovascular phenotypes | 2018 |
464 | HYFLIERS | HYbrid FLying-rollIng with-snakE-aRm robot for contact inSpection | 2018 |
465 | SPIRIT | A software framework for the efficient setup of industrial inspection robots | 2018 |
466 | SerIoT | Secure and Safe Internet of Things | 2018 |
467 | BIRAN | IP TurBIne Rear Stage Aero/Noise Rigs | 2018 |
468 | CorreAssess | A novel Holistic Automated Analytics System for IT infrastructure management that proactively identifies and prevent IT operational threats. | 2017 |
469 | agroCYAN ECO | Highly efficient protein rich biofertilizer, 100% spirulina based, for agricultural yield increase and crop quality traits enhancement | 2017 |
470 | HandBiblio | HandBiblio – Semantic Search Engine for Handwritten Documents - Enabling an effective andautomatic access to contents of handwritten documents, stored as digital images. | 2017 |
471 | STIM-MC | Sacrificial Thermoplastic Injection Moulding platform for manufacturing small and complex metal and ceramic components | 2017 |
472 | V-SPHERE | Vulnerability Search and Prevention through Holistic End-to-end Risk Evaluation | 2018 |
473 | Aerobits | Aerobits - world smallest ADS-B receivers to safely integrate drones into European airspace | 2017 |
474 | SECCOPA | The socio-economic consequences of temporary employment: A comparative panel data analysis | 2018 |
475 | COMPLEX-FISH | Complex eco-evolutionary dynamics of aquatic ecosystems faced with human-induced and environmental stress | 2018 |
476 | YAKSHA | Cybersecurity Awareness and Knowledge Systemic High-level Application | 2018 |
477 | CRREM | Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor - Framework for science based decarbonisation pathways, toolkit to identify stranded assets and push sustainable investments | 2018 |
478 | M-Benefits | Valuing and Communicating Multiple Benefits of Energy-Efficiency Measures | 2018 |
479 | mPOWER | Municipal Action, Public Engagement and Routes Towards Energy Transition | 2018 |
480 | ICTUS | Instrumented engine Cradle for the TUrboprop demonstrator ground teSt | 2018 |
481 | AccuWater | High accuracy water leakage and apparent loss detection | 2018 |
482 | TrueTalent | TrueTalent - Creating the new artist economy | 2018 |
483 | Tangi0 | Touch and pressure sensitive material without electronic sensors for intuitive and eye-free control of a car’s features while driving | 2018 |
484 | BlindTouch | Eye-Free user interface to give full access to smart devices for blind and visually impaired people | 2018 |
485 | LIPOFABRIK | LIPOFABRIK: A ground-breaking biomolecular production platform for safer, more efficient and sustainable pest control and crop health management. | 2018 |
487 | TFM | The First Integrative Fisheries Management System | 2018 |
488 | SensUS | SensUS: A non-invasive and quantitative ultrasound (QUS) device for an objective monitoring of the childbirth labour process. | 2018 |
489 | EKOGRID | EKOGRID™, the first technology to clean water and underwater sediments with electrokinetic oxidation | 2018 |
490 | SLADCORE | SLADCORE as the new generation table sugar | 2018 |
492 | SISCAN | Single-shot dispersion-scan device for the characterization of ultrashort laser pulses | 2018 |
493 | gridBox | A smart energy management system for energy transfers and improved grid efficiency | 2018 |
494 | ColiSense Online | Online and automated E. coli monitoring for 100% safe drinking water | 2018 |
495 | LifeCall | LifeCall Wearable EKG Heart Health Monitoring, Analysing and Warning System | 2018 |
496 | HIPERFAN | HIgh PERformance Journal Bearing Technology for new geared TurboFAN generations | 2018 |
497 | ALBORA | Next-generation navigation technologies for autonomous vehicles | 2018 |
498 | SIZE | The role of size in the sustainability of irrigation systems | 2019 |
499 | BTBnano | Do Particle Properties Modulate bioaccumulation, Trophic Transfer and biomagnifications of engineered nanomaterials: Role of Particles size, shape and surface coating? - BTBnano | 2018 |
500 | ORIGINSOFTRUST | The Psychological Origins of Trust-Based Cooperation | 2018 |
501 | One Health EJP | Promoting One Health in Europe through joint actions on foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and emerging microbiological hazards. | 2018 |
502 | B4EST | Adaptive BREEDING for productive, sustainable and resilient FORESTs under climate change | 2018 |
503 | BridgeScan | Laser Scanning for Automatic Bridge Assessment | 2019 |
504 | COMFECTION | Communication for Food Protection | 2019 |
505 | SuPerCom | Sustainable Performance for High-Performance Embedded Computing Systems | 2018 |
506 | PANDORA | Paradigm for Novel Dynamic Oceanic Resource Assessments | 2018 |
507 | ESC2RAD | Enabling Smart Computations to study space RADiation effects | 2018 |
508 | DTOceanPlus | Advanced Design Tools for Ocean Energy Systems Innovation, Development and Deployment | 2018 |
509 | NISIHealth | Digital Nudges, Incentives and Social Influence in Habit Formation of a Global Health Behaviour | 2019 |
510 | PAPAYA | PlAtform for PrivAcY preserving data Analytics | 2018 |
511 | PROTAX | New Methods to PRevent, Investigate and Mitigate COrruption and TAX Crimes in the EU | 2018 |
512 | PERSONA | Privacy, ethical, regulatory and social no-gate crossing point solutions acceptance | 2018 |
513 | NUCLITEX | Producing transnational nuclear expertise in Italy (1955-1987): a historical-ethnographic approach | 2019 |
515 | REWOFUEL | REsidual soft WOod conversion to high characteristics drop-in bioFUELs | 2018 |
516 | STARFLOOD | Space-Time scAling of the Rainfall to FLOOD transformation | 2018 |
517 | TUBEURB | Tunnelling beneath piled structures in urban areas | 2018 |
518 | PS | Predicting Suicide | 2018 |
519 | LowD-CT | Low-dose Computed Tomography for pediatric applications | 2019 |
520 | ToxEcoGraphene | Assessment of ecocorona acquired by Graphene Family Nanomaterials during exposure to biofilms and fate following uptake | 2018 |
521 | Human Glymphatics | Effects of sleep deprivation and adrenergic inhibition on glymphatic flow in humans | 2018 |
522 | PreSTO | Pilot scale hybrid Photocatalytic Processes for the simultaneous removal of Pathogens and Pharmaceuticals from wastewaters | 2018 |
523 | SafePack | Assessing safety of food packaging through computational toxicology | 2018 |
525 | SECCON | Security controversies: exploring the governance of knowledge, innovation and techno-scientific risks | 2018 |
526 | SATYRANDO | Insults in Italian City States.Criminal Literary History | 2019 |
527 | BIORIMA | BIOmaterial RIsk MAnagement | 2017 |
528 | SECURe | Subsurface Evaluation of Carbon capture and storage and Unconventional Risk | 2018 |
529 | PERICLES | PrEseRvIng and sustainably governing Cultural heritage and Landscapes in European coastal and maritime regionS | 2018 |
530 | HEY BABY | Helping Empower Youth Brought up in Adversity with their Babies and Young children | 2019 |
531 | RECONECT | RECONECT- Regenarating ECOsystems with Nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk rEduCTion | 2018 |
532 | AFarCloud | Aggregate Farming in the Cloud | 2018 |
533 | PROFILE | Data Analytics, Data Sources, and Architecture for Upgraded European Customs Risk Management | 2018 |
534 | sFilm-FS | Fibrin sealant for anastomotic leaks and haemostasis | 2018 |
535 | BIO4A | Advanced sustainable BIOfuels for Aviation | 2018 |
536 | ECODIS | Effects of co-infections on the emergence of an avian disease Mycoplasma gallisepticum | 2018 |
537 | GOLF | EC-Asia Research Network on Integration of Global and Local Agri-Food Supply Chains Towards Sustainable Food Security | 2018 |
538 | HERCULES | towards geoHazards rEsilient infRastruCtUre under changing cLimatES | 2018 |
539 | SWEET | Sweeteners and sweetness enhancers: Impact on health, obesity, safety and sustainability | 2018 |
540 | ENVISION | Novel mechanisms of early defense against virus infections | 2018 |
541 | SAMS | SAMS - International Partnership on Innovation in Smart Apiculture Management Services (Apiculture = Beekeeping) | 2018 |
542 | Have a BLaST | Disruptive Bike Logistic Smart Trailer for efficient, painless and zero nuisance last mile delivery in cities | 2018 |
543 | botconnect | Collaboration of humans and AI in the enterprise | 2018 |
544 | FODBASA | Advanced System for Foreign Object Debris and Bird-Aircraft Strike Avoidance | 2018 |
545 | REGENERA | Helping cancer survivors restoring their natural breast with resorbable implants inducing selfâ€tissue regeneration | 2018 |
546 | ONDINE | Development of the first Water-based industrial chiller cooled by ambient air | 2018 |
547 | HypoSkin | Unique breakthrough ex vivo human skin model to predict efficacy and toxicity of subcutaneous drugs | 2018 |
548 | ENIT Agent 2.0 | The world's first edge computing solution for SMEs enabling energy efficiency, Industry 4.0 and new business models for the energy sector | 2018 |
549 | FACT | Falex Application Center for Tribology | 2018 |
550 | PEN-CP | Pan-European Network of Customs Practitioners | 2018 |
551 | plasmaCare | A small, portable cold plasma device for the treatment of chronic and acute wounds. | 2018 |
552 | Be12 | A cyphered cloud based DataBank for the corporate sector | 2018 |
553 | STstent | Short Term Stent - A composite removable sinus stent for functional endoscopic sinus surgery that improves patient outcomes and reduces revision surgeries | 2018 |
554 | FAIR VALUE | The most accurate Fintech tool for valuation of start-ups, based on artificial intelligence | 2018 |
555 | AMBIENCE | disruptive capturing and revalorisation system of AMmonia for BIogas plants ENhancing Circular Economy | 2018 |
556 | Bob | Creating the French Dyson: European leader on home appliances for tomorrow’s households. | 2018 |
557 | PICARD | Disruptive GPCR Lead Discovery Platform Delivering New and Safer Therapeutics | 2018 |
558 | STET CLEAN | Disinfecting the Stethoscope membrane through a hi-tech UV device | 2018 |
559 | Composite Gloves | Protective Composite Gloves for Health Care | 2018 |
560 | OUTLIVE | OUTLIVE: a disruptive non-invasive ultrasound therapy to treat all patients affected with aortic stenosis. | 2019 |
561 | cPET | Tackling the global plastic waste issue, by upcycling no value streams into 100% virgin material and enabling new plastic circular economy | 2018 |
563 | KAM Patch | KAM Patch, the Smart Sweat Patch: a breakthrough platform for hydration monitoring | 2018 |
564 | ORTO | Ocean Reef Tower Oases: Feeding the World, Restoring the Oceans | 2018 |
565 | Safe SAD | "First ""All-in-one"" and Adjustable Supraglottic Airway Device for a Safely Clinical Airway Management" | 2018 |
566 | Intigriti | The Ethical Hacking Platform - Sharing Economy for Security Testing | 2018 |
567 | Phusicos | PHUSICOS: 'According to nature' - solutions to reduce risk in mountain landscapes | 2018 |
568 | OPERANDUM | OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage environmental risks | 2018 |
569 | EMPCONSFIN | Empirical Analyses of Markets for Consumer Financial Products and their Effects | 2018 |
570 | LiionFire | Automated e-buses Lithium Ion Battery Early Warning and Fire Suppression System | 2018 |
571 | SeroStrat | The first blood test for the early detection and prognosis of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia | 2018 |
572 | FORESEE | Future proofing strategies FOr RESilient transport networks against Extreme Events | 2018 |
573 | TERRIFFIC | Tools for early and Effective Reconnaissance in cbRne Incidents providing First responders Faster Information and enabling better management of the Control zone | 2018 |
574 | LIVECITIES | Crowdsourcing platform for open city innovation challenges | 2018 |
575 | DeCAS | The first real-time monitoring device able to determine the impact area of space vehicles’ fragments during re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere and minimize risks for people and property | 2018 |
576 | uEcologies | Urban Ecologies: governing nonhuman life in global cities | 2018 |
577 | INVI | INVI self-defense bracelet: feel empowered | 2018 |
578 | Capacitoxx | Innovative and advanced manufacturing process to produce biological nanomaterial super-capacitors for superior battery performance in smart devices | 2018 |
579 | ATLAS | AuTonomous intraLuminAl Surgery | 2019 |
580 | LAST-JD-RIoE | Law, Science and Technology Joint Doctorate: Rights of the Internet of Everything | 2019 |
581 | REFIND | Remote strategies for fossil finding: multispectral images and species distributional modelling applications for large-scale palaeontological surveys. | 2018 |
582 | StrEnQTh | Strong Entanglement in Quantum many-body Theory | 2018 |
583 | GEOENVI | Tackling the environmental concerns for deploying geothermal energy in Europe | 2018 |
584 | BIOFIT | Bioenergy retrofits for Europe’s industry | 2018 |
585 | RNADIAGON | Excellence in research and development of non-coding RNA DIAGnostics in ONcology | 2019 |
586 | CLARA | Chemical Looping gAsification foR sustainAble production of biofuels | 2018 |
587 | Pulp and Fuel | Pulp and Paper Industry Wastes to Fuel | 2018 |
588 | CONVERGE | CarbON Valorisation in Energy-efficient Green fuels | 2018 |
589 | Watch and Give | Reinventing the way donations are being made | 2018 |
590 | KG Pro 2.0 | The world’s first remote, automated training tool and autonomous diagnostics solution for independent and OEM car dealerships and automotive education centers | 2018 |
591 | ECORISK2050 | Effects of global change on the emission, fate, effects and risks of chemicals in aquatic ecosystems | 2018 |
592 | SULTAN | European Training Network for the remediation and reprocessing of sulfidic mining waste sites | 2018 |
593 | TInnGO | Transport Innovation Gender Observatory | 2018 |
594 | HAZARDOmics | Liquid Chromatography-Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry and Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry as ground-breaking approaches to expand the boundaries of metabolomics in chemical risk assessment | 2018 |
595 | SkewPref | Skewness Preferences – Human attitudes toward rare, high-impact risks | 2019 |
596 | EROSS | European Robotic Orbital Support Services | 2019 |
597 | CO3 | Digital Disruptive Technologies to Co-create, Co-produce and Co-manage Open Public Services along with Citizens | 2019 |
598 | QualiChain | Decentralised Qualifications' Verification and Management for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation | 2019 |
599 | BEACON | Boosting Agricultural Insurance based on Earth Observation data | 2019 |
600 | QUICK | Quick Disconnect System | 2018 |
601 | OFF-WEGO | OFF-network Wireless communications for Emergencies and General Operations | 2018 |
602 | UECGA2 | Use of Ethanol Containing Gasoline in Aviation | 2018 |
603 | GASTEJO | Decentralized Travel Apartment Distribution Platform | 2018 |
604 | Medicortex | Launching the First Non-Invasive Point of Care Diagnostic Test for Traumatic Brain Injury | 2018 |
605 | SPACELOOP | Space made easy. A personal satellite communication system for those who just need to stay connected. | 2018 |
606 | WorkingAge | Smart Working environments for all Ages | 2019 |
607 | SmartWork | Smart Age-friendly Living and Working Environment | 2019 |
608 | | Raising Awareness on Cybersecurity in Hospitals across Europe and Boosting Training Initiatives Driven by an Online Information Hub | 2018 |
609 | Norrdigi | NorrDigi revolutionary Energy Saver | 2018 |
610 | sustAGE | Smart environments for person-centered sustainable work and well-being | 2019 |
611 | FASTEN | Fine-Grained Analysis of Software Ecosystems as Networks | 2019 |
612 | RESEARCH | REmote SEnsing techniques for ARCHaeology | 2018 |
613 | HiSea | High Resolution Copernicus-Based Information Services at Sea for Ports and Aquaculture | 2019 |
614 | RECIPES | REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders | 2019 |
615 | DNAFoil | Rapid DNA screening to secure the global food supply chains | 2018 |
616 | HY-NANO | HYbrid NANOstructured multi-functional interfaces for stable, efficient and eco-friendly photovoltaic devices | 2019 |
617 | ProTego | Data-protection toolkit reducing risks in hospitals and care centers | 2019 |
619 | AutoFlyMap | AUTOnomous FLYing Robots in GNSS denied environments for 3D Underground infrastructure MAPping and inspection. | 2019 |
620 | ECCO95 | The world’s fastest high definition 3D stereo laser scanner for highest quality in modern production environments | 2019 |
621 | Skye | Redefining Drone Safety and Autonomous Operation for Indoor Commercial Applications | 2018 |
622 | NaturalDyers | Textile mass-personalisation and process-automation, integrating the textile value-chain to deliver scalable ‘Virtual Giga Factory’ production of biodegradable woven textiles. | 2018 |
623 | CARDIACSENSE | A new clinically proven and reliable medical solution for continuous heart arrhythmia and blood pressure monitoring | 2018 |
624 | MIAMi | Refactoring monoterpenoid indole alkaloid production in microbial cell factories | 2019 |
625 | Panda Guide | Panda Guide | 2019 |
626 | FOReSEE | Market replication of a cutting-edge FlOod Risk ScrEEning Tool | 2019 |
628 | RiskGONE | Risk Governance of Nanotechnology | 2019 |
629 | NANORIGO | Establishing a Nanotechnology Risk Governance Framework | 2019 |
630 | SERUMS | Securing Medical Data in Smart Patient-Centric Healthcare Systems | 2019 |
631 | ImpactVision | A new standard for food safety and quality | 2019 |
632 | GLOBE | Global Governance and the European Union: Future Trends and Scenarios | 2019 |
633 | Minespider | Blockchain protocol for responsible mineral sourcing | 2018 |
634 | FeatureCloud | Privacy preserving federated machine learning and blockchaining for reduced cyber risks in a world of distributed healthcare | 2019 |
635 | CAPSEL | Cellulose Aluminium Polymer multi-ions composite Solid-electrolyte | 2019 |
637 | CUREX | seCUre and pRivate hEalth data eXchange | 2018 |
638 | SOS.aquaterra | Respecting safe operating spaces: opportunities to meet future food demand with sustainable use of water and land resources | 2019 |
639 | PETER | Pan-European Training, research and education network on Electromagnetic Riskmanagement | 2019 |
640 | M-NBS | Smart, flexible, decentralized water treatment | 2019 |
641 | FOTOKITE-SME-P1 | Aerial Situational Awareness for Every Firefighter | 2019 |
642 | Vezics | Highly efficient, scalable chromatography platform for high-quality exosome isolation | 2019 |
643 | AMIGOclimate | Customised climate index insurance services for agriculture | 2019 |
644 | XEND | Clinical assessment of PILA PHARMA’s TRPV1 antagonist, XEN-D0501, as a novel type of oral anti-diabetic agent | 2019 |
645 | Innovation.NRW_1 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2019 | 2019 |
646 | NanoInformaTIX | Development and Implementation of a Sustainable Modelling Platform for NanoInformatics. | 2019 |
647 | SensMat | Preventive solutions for Sensitive Materials of Cultural Heritage | 2019 |
648 | EQOP | Socioeconomic gaps in language development and school achievement: Mechanisms of inequality and opportunity | 2019 |
649 | DrivenByPollinators | Driven by mutualists: how declines in pollinators impact plant communities and ecosystemfunctioning | 2019 |
652 | AURORAX | Advancing cancer detection through metabolism-based diagnostics | 2019 |
653 | HomeSafe | Non-Invasive, Private and Ultra-Low Cost 24/7 Health Care Monitoring for the Elderly Community | 2019 |
654 | MYRIAD | Airborne Artificial Intelligence for more efficient, safer and sustainable inspection and surveying of energy industrial areas | 2019 |
655 | BATTERY 2030 | BATTERY 2030+ At the heart of a connected green society | 2019 |
656 | IPC | Intelligent Pest Control – a first-line defence system against rats’ infestation | 2019 |
658 | MP-101 | a novel drug for prevention and treatment peripheral neuropathy symptoms | 2019 |
659 | iLifebuoy | iLifebuoy - saving human lives without endangering the lives of savers | 2019 |
660 | DACTREOC | Disruptive Attitude Control Technology foR Earth Observation Competitiveness | 2019 |
661 | ABT | AXVIRIUM BIOACTIVE TECNOLOGY_ The first medical device able to eliminate the fluids biological hazard | 2019 |
662 | Archii | Unrivalled AI powered document handling and data extraction system | 2019 |
663 | MAKERSITE | Makersite - The Product Intelligence Platform | 2019 |
664 | DISINTEGRATION | The Mass Politics of Disintegration | 2019 |
665 | FIN-TECH | A FINancial supervision and TECHnology compliance training programme | 2019 |
666 | GREENER | InteGRated systems for Effective ENvironmEntal Remediation | 2019 |
667 | ELCOCOS | Enhanced Low-cost COmplex COmposite Structures | 2019 |
668 | ERGOVIAkinematix | New wearable measurement devices for Industry 4.0 based on gaming motion-capture system | 2018 |
669 | TuneFork | Mobile technology that brings personalized audio into your life | 2018 |
670 | FODBASA | Advanced System for Foreign Object Debris, Drone and Bird-Aircraft Strike Avoidance | 2019 |
671 | SESAME | Smart European Space Access thru Modern Exploitation of Data Science | 2019 |
672 | ICARUS | Higher-order constitutive relations for granular materials: a multi-scale approach | 2019 |
673 | High Risk Leadership | High Risk Leadership in Latin America: Women's Pursuit of Gender Justice in Violent Contexts | 2020 |
674 | FLEX-RAIL | Paradigm shifts for railway – Technology uptake strategies for a lean, integrated and flexible railway system | 2018 |
675 | MEDIATOR | MEdiating between Driver and Intelligent Automated Transport systems on Our Roads | 2019 |
676 | SafeCEREAL | Safe Copper Engineered for Release and Efficacy on Agricultural Land | 2019 |
677 | EENVEST | Risk reduction for Building Energy Efficiency investments | 2019 |
678 | ULTRADISS | Ultra-sensitive mechanical dissipation in classical, quantum and non-equilibrium nanocontacts | 2019 |
679 | NucSat | Satellites and nuclear information. Production, communication and reception of nuclear-related information generated with satellites. | 2019 |
680 | Pre-COSH | Models of Practice in the Management of Occupational Safety and Health Risks During the Pre-Construction Phases of Construction Projects | 2019 |
681 | MImETIC INDiRECT | MIcrovascularizED Tumour-on-chip for Cellular ImagiNg of Drug Response and Cell moTility | 2019 |
682 | SNNO | Strategic Narrative of Nuclear Order | 2019 |
683 | PTANOIS POSIN | Following the paths of itinerant professionals of the arts in the epigraphic sources of the Hellenistic period | 2020 |
684 | INF-CVD | Chronic inflammation and cardiovascular risk | 2019 |
685 | EFFECT | Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting | 2019 |
686 | FaultScan | Passive seismic scanning of the preparation phase of damaging earthquakes | 2019 |
687 | NEW MARKETS | New Market: an exploration into the changing nature of business environments, informal barriers and emerging markets in the post-Soviet region | 2019 |
688 | PROACTIVE | PReparedness against CBRNE threats through cOmmon Approaches between security praCTItioners and the VulnerablE civil society | 2019 |
689 | FORESIGHT | Advanced cyber-security simulation platform for preparedness training in Aviation, Naval and Power-grid environments | 2019 |
690 | RADIOFREPOLIS | An Innovative and Energy-Efficient Radio Frequency Pretreatment on Emerging Micropollutants and Transformation Products in Anaerobic Sludge Digestion for Waste Reuse | 2019 |
691 | MeNDD | Metaphorical Narratives in Dementia Discourse | 2019 |
692 | HoMe | Historical Grounding of Migration Decisions of the People at Environmental Risks | 2020 |
693 | CitizEE | Scaling up Public Energy Efficiency Investments via Standardising Citizen Financing Schemes | 2019 |
694 | 3DX-LIGHT | 3D X-ray Light-Field: low-dose X-ray imaging with X-ray wavefront sensors | 2019 |
695 | SenseGuard | SenseGuard – A breakthrough respiratory monitoring device incorporating novel nanotechnology-based sensors | 2019 |
696 | SensoGenic | SensoGenic: empower food allergy sufferers and their families with the freedom to enjoy eating safely everywhere & anytime | 2019 |
697 | WaMoS | Wastewater Treatment Monitoring and Advisory System | 2019 |
698 | PERCEPTIONS | Understand the Impact of Novel Technologies, Social Media, and Perceptions in Countries Abroad on Migration Flows and the Security of the EU & Provide Validated Counter Approaches, Tools and Practices | 2019 |
699 | EXHAUSTION | Exposure to heat and air pollution in EUrope – cardiopulmonary impacts and benefits of mitigation and adaptation | 2019 |
700 | RECEIPT | REmote Climate Effects and their Impact on European sustainability, Policy and Trade | 2019 |
701 | AlSiCal | Towards sustainable mineral and metal industry: ZERO Bauxite Residue and ZERO CO2 from co-production of Alumina, Silica and precipitated Calcium carbonate by the Aranda-Mastin technology | 2019 |
702 | TiPES | Tipping Points in the Earth System | 2019 |
703 | CASCADES | CAScading Climate risks: towards ADaptive and resilient European Societies | 2019 |
704 | CIRCULAR FLOORING | New products from waste PVC flooring and safe end-of-life treatment of plasticisers | 2019 |
705 | PureNano | A purification/regeneration process of spent plating baths base on functionalized magnetic nanoparticles. | 2019 |
706 | ENGAGE | Exploring National and Global Actions to reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions | 2019 |
707 | InnoRate | Data-driven tools for supporting and improving the decision-making processes of investors for financing innovative SMEs | 2019 |
708 | WhiteMech | White-Box Self-Programming Mechanisms | 2019 |
709 | MALAGA | Applying Machine Learning to Cyber Risk Analysis and Mitigation | 2019 |
710 | Triple-A | Enhancing at an Early Stage the Investment Value Chain of Energy Efficiency Projects | 2019 |
711 | QUEST | Quality Management Investments for Energy Efficiency | 2019 |
712 | INNOVEAS | INNOVativing the uptake of Energy Auditing Schemes for SMEs | 2019 |
713 | hivepoll | Polling beehives to monitor parasitic infestations and gather pollination information | 2019 |
714 | HEMOSNOW | HEMOSNOW: A revolution in haemostatic technology to stop bleeding in delicate surgery and enhance patient recovery | 2019 |
715 | PLATYPIS | Creating High Performance Insect Breeds via a Platform for Typing of Insect Strains | 2019 |
716 | GAMMA | The Artificial Intelligence Code Analysis & Recommendation Engine to drive software development speed & reliability for global corporations | 2019 |
717 | Dignum | Innovative toilet assistive device enabling people with reduced mobility to become independent | 2019 |
718 | spike | Unique Virtual Reality solution recreating live indoor sports to increase audience | 2019 |
719 | Multicursor | Feasibility study for Multicursor - a non-contact sensor for curing quality control | 2019 |
720 | SAFEMODE | Strengthening synergies between Aviation and maritime in the area of human Factors towards achieving more Efficient and resilient MODE of transportation | 2019 |
721 | WearHealth | Worker 4.0 – Connected. Empowered. Safe and Healthy. The first intelligent and interoperable platform based on AI and wearable/IoT devices for real-time workers safety and health monitoring | 2019 |
722 | CGACE | Development of a business model to commercialise GPU accelerated workstations for European hardware providers | 2019 |
723 | COMP4DRONES | Framework of key enabling technologies for safe and autonomous drones’ applications | 2019 |
724 | PREVISION | Prediction and Visual Intelligence for Security Information | 2019 |
725 | TurtleHyb | Reconstructing hybridization events between sea turtle species separated by 30 million years: genomic patterns and evolutionary consequences | 2019 |
727 | CHAMPION | Cartilage Healing Approach Merging Polymer InnOvation with Nature | 2019 |
729 | FIVE-G | Functional Improvement & Validation of next Generation Equipment - Pulsed Laser Deposition for High Volume Manufacturing of enhanced piezo thin film materials enabling 5G data communication | 2019 |
730 | Healthybiota | Microbiota-host interactions for integrative metabolic health reprogramming | 2019 |
731 | HYSOTIB | Global dynamics of hydro-sociality in river heritage landscapes of the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau. | 2020 |
732 | lanloss | Landscapes of Loss: Mapping the Affective Experience of Deforestation Among Diverse Social Groups in the South American Chaco | 2020 |
733 | CLIMEX | Climate Exposure Tool for Financial Risk Analysis | 2019 |
734 | FABER-Net | FABER-Net: A unique network of labs dedicated to the diagnosis of allergies using the innovative FABER test | 2019 |
735 | Pexaconnect | The First Global Renewable Trading Platform | 2019 |
736 | HIGH HYDRAULIC | High-efficient digitalized portable hydraulic equipment | 2019 |
737 | Invoice Exchange | Invoice Exchange, safe digital peer-to-peer banking for SMEs | 2019 |
738 | COREWIND | COst REduction and increase performance of floating WIND technology | 2019 |
739 | GeoSmart | Technologies for geothermal to enhance competitiveness in smart and flexible operation | 2019 |
740 | SPIDER | a cyberSecurity Platform for vIrtualiseD 5G cybEr Range services | 2019 |
741 | ColiSense Online | Online and automated E. coli monitoring for 100% safe drinking water | 2019 |
742 | SiNfONiA | Safety in NanOmaterials & NAnotechnology | 2019 |
743 | D-FENCE | D-FENCE: Deceptive Monitored Environments for Cybersecurity in Enterprises | 2019 |
744 | PROTECT | Protecting Personal Data Amidst Big Data Innovation | 2019 |
745 | EnergyShield | Integrated Cybersecurity Solution for the Vulnerability Assessment, Monitoring and Protection of Critical Energy Infrastructures | 2019 |
746 | CompuLaw | Computable Law | 2019 |
747 | HYPATIA | Privacy and Utility Allied | 2019 |
748 | CLIMFOR | Accurate Seasonal Forecasts for Boosting Renewable Energy Generation and Improving Current Disaster Risk Management | 2019 |
749 | VIEW | World first self-responsive emergency call system | 2019 |
750 | CAARESYS | CAARESYS: vehicle passenger monitoring system based on contactless low emission radio frequency radar. | 2019 |
751 | YesElf | We help employees to adopt digital solutions | 2019 |
752 | EpiShuttle 2.0 | EpiShuttle: Isolation and Transportation of Infectious Disease Patients | 2019 |
753 | Nano-Edison | The most viable stationary energy storage solution for grid applications | 2019 |
754 | Vertical Sky | Vertical Sky, the next generation wind turbine for sustainable, silent and decentralized energy production. | 2019 |
755 | Recover4Benefit | Industrial scale recovery of high-grade proteins from food-processing by-products | 2019 |
756 | Fluidly | Intelligent cashflow management and forecasting platform providing insights for financial decision making of SMEs | 2019 |
757 | ChemChain | Blockchain Platform to Track Chemicals along the Value Chain | 2019 |
758 | ESPS | Epileptic Seizure Prediction System (ESPS) - Predicting and preventing epileptic seizures based on respiratory biofeedback & machine learning. | 2019 |
759 | VOTIS | Vascular Optical Tomographic Imaging System” We help diabetics keep their feet | 2019 |
760 | Terrabio | The first portable genetic analyser for crop pathogen detection | 2019 |
761 | EHS | Thermo-adjustable endoscope heater system to solve problems of fogging during surgical interventions | 2019 |
763 | NanoPhosTox | Nanocomposite Engineered Particles for Phosphorus Recovery and Toxicological Risk Assessment for the Aquatic Environment | 2020 |
764 | PrevictDrugs | Smartphone Measured Eye-Based Digital Biomarkers for Drug Use Detection | 2019 |
765 | ATLANT3D | ATomic LAyer NanoprinTer, for rapid micro- and nanoprototyping of complex multi-material 2D/3D structures with high-resolution | 2019 |
767 | PERFORCE3 | Innovative Training Network on PER and polyfluorinated alkyl substances towards the Future Of Research and its Communication in Europe 3 | 2020 |
768 | SOLOCLIM | Solutions for outdoor climate adaptation | 2019 |
769 | SmartFi | Smart methods to improve the performance of financial instruments for SMEs | 2019 |
770 | SiC-MOSFET | Gas Sensors for future Ultra Low NOx Emission Legislation – Euro 7 | 2019 |
771 | DohART-NET | Periconceptional Programming of Health Training Network | 2019 |
772 | NoBIAS | Artificial Intelligence without Bias | 2020 |
773 | Comm4CHILD | Communication for Children with Hearing Impairment to optimise Language Development | 2020 |
774 | CVTVT | A Non-Surgical Treatment to Restore Heart Valve Function | 2019 |
775 | VETEX | Deep Vein Thrombosis; A Paradigm Change in Treatment through Drug-Free Clot Removal | 2019 |
776 | SIHS | QOOWEAR, Advanced Connected Worker Technologies: World’s first Smart Interconnected Heating Suite for sub-zero Oil&Gas workers. | 2019 |
777 | Mirnagreen | First scalable food-grade technology for the direct extraction and purification of miRNAs-rich extracts from plants | 2019 |
778 | ECRC | Developing a diverse portfolio of vaccine candidates for Rift Valley Fever, Chikungunya and Ebola | 2019 |
779 | MOTOR5G | MObility and Training fOR beyond 5G Ecosystems | 2019 |
780 | MONPLAS | The training of early stage researchers for the development of technologies to monitor concentrations of micro and nanoplastics in water for their presence, uptake and threat to animal and human life. | 2020 |
781 | PyroLife | PyroLife - training the next generation of integrated fire management experts | 2019 |
782 | FieldTwin | First centralized data platform for efficient and collaborative development of offshore energy projects | 2019 |
783 | SpectraHow | SpectraHow. Smart Raman sensor to speed up biopharma manufacture | 2019 |
784 | CAST | Active Monitoring of Cancer As An Alternative To Surgery | 2019 |
785 | CoCi | Co-Evolving City Life | 2020 |
787 | NOMAD | Novel Organic recovery using Mobile ADvanced technology | 2019 |
788 | FLEXGRID | A novel smart grid architecture that facilitates high RES penetration through innovative markets towards efficient interaction between advanced electricity grid management and intelligent stakeholders | 2019 |
789 | Mines-In-Time | Monitoring System of rock stability in mines based on Advanced 4D seismic analysis. | 2019 |
792 | FOSC | Food System and Climate (FOSC): Assessing the impact of climate change on food and nutrition security and designing more sustainable and resilient food systems in Europe and beyond | 2019 |
793 | CARAMEL | Artificial Intelligence based cybersecurity for connected and automated vehicles | 2019 |
794 | TailSurf | Rear End Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Studies | 2019 |
795 | SongNeuroGen | Species discrimination in birds: A behavioural-neurogenomics approach to auditory learning | 2019 |
796 | SHExtreme | Estimating contribution of sub-hourly sea level oscillations to overall sea level extremes in changing climate | 2020 |
797 | INSA | Integrated Nitrogen Studies in Africa | 2020 |
798 | AquaticPollutants | Risks posed to human health and the environment by pollutants and pathogens present in water ressources | 2020 |
800 | Neuron-AFib | Commercialising cardiac autonomic modulation to treat Atrial Fibrillation | 2019 |
801 | CADISS | A medical device for the selective dissection of pathological tissues and fibrosis | 2019 |
802 | PILOTING | PILOTs for robotic INspection and maintenance Grounded on advanced intelligent platforms and prototype applications | 2020 |
803 | BD4QoL | Big Data Models and Intelligent tools for Quality of Life monitorinBig Data Models and Intelligent tools for Quality of Life monitoring and participatory empowerment of head and neck cancer survivors | 2020 |
804 | PLMSAT | Power line vegetation monitoring and maintenance optimization with satellite imagery | 2019 |
807 | ySKILLS | Youth Skills | 2020 |
808 | EUROSHIP | Closing gaps in social citizenship. New tools to foster social resilience in Europe | 2020 |
810 | FLOURISH | Creating a sustainable, flourishing industry: digitizing the traditional cut-flower industry | 2019 |
811 | IBDetect | Point of Care Diagnostic Test for the Differential Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease | 2019 |
812 | SafeGlov | Safety Gloves for Protection of Health Care Professionals | 2019 |
813 | OPSI19 | Making innovation a consistent, reliable and strategic resource for governments | 2020 |
814 | UCL | Unmanned Chemical Lab (UCL): autonomous control system for the remote management of soluble and emulsifiable metalworking fluids | 2019 |
815 | SALICROP | Overcoming the salinity barrier | 2019 |
816 | AERAS | A CybEr range tRaining platform for medicAl organisations and systems Security | 2019 |
817 | PRISAR2 | proactive monitoring of cancer as an alternative to surgery | 2020 |
818 | PJ02-W2 AART | Airport airside and runway throughput | 2019 |
820 | EPIDEMIC | Experimental Epidemiology in Ant Societies | 2020 |
821 | ExocyTher | Extracellular vesicle production and engineering by turbulence for fistula therapy in thermoreversible hydrogels | 2020 |
822 | PEROXIS | ground-breaking PEROvskite technologies for advanced X-ray medical Imaging Systems | 2020 |
823 | DigiFed | Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) federation for large scale adoption of digital technologies by European SMEs | 2020 |
824 | LONGITOOLS | Dynamic longitudinal exposome trajectories in cardiovascular and metabolic non-communicable diseases | 2020 |
825 | REMEDIA | Impact of exposome on the course of lung diseases | 2020 |
826 | CUDI | Implementation of contrast-ultrasound dispersion imaging for better prostate cancer care | 2020 |
827 | PatientDataChain | PatientDataChain - Blockchain approach to disrupt patient-provider medical records data exchange | 2020 |
828 | Daego | Secure, reliable machine learning based technology platform for the creation and authentication of Digital Identities to enable safe digital transactions across Europe | 2019 |
829 | DFD | Deep Forestry Drones - revolutionising forestry mapping and analysis with artificial intelligence | 2020 |
830 | PROFID | Implementation of personalised risk prediction and prevention of sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction | 2020 |
831 | PRIVATETRACK | PRIVATETRACK: Privacy-friendly, low-power intelligent room occupancy detection and people counting. | 2019 |
832 | PIPESCANNER | Precise Condition Assessment of Metallic Pipes Dramatically Reducing Maintenance and Investment Cost in District Heating and Drinking Water Pipe Networks by pinpointing Pipe Segments to be replaced | 2020 |
833 | AdjustNet | Self-Adjusting Networks | 2020 |
834 | COLLABS | A COmprehensive cyber-intelligence framework for resilient coLLABorative manufacturing Systems | 2020 |
835 | SecureTracker | New-generation bifacial solar tracker with integrated wind protection system for large scale photovoltaic arrays | 2019 |
836 | DigitalGovernance | Governing with Data: Local Experimentation in Authoritarian China | 2020 |
837 | Innovation.NRW | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2020-21 | 2020 |
839 | EndoSolve | A novel medical device for the treatment of Endometriosis | 2021 |
840 | eLTER PPP | eLTER Preparatory Phase Project | 2020 |
841 | urbisphere | urbisphere - coupling dynamic cities and climate | 2020 |
843 | SWEET JAZ | Tackling plant growth-defense trade-offs by characterizing the role of PRL1 in Jasmonate responses | 2020 |
844 | HaloCat | Elemental Halogen-Free Reversible Construction and Deconstruction of 1,2-Dihalides via Shuttle Catalysis | 2020 |
845 | AISLES | Archipelagic Imperatives: Shipwreck and Lifesaving in European Societies since 1800 | 2020 |
846 | PSust-MOF | Metal-Organic Frameworks as multifunctional materials toward P-sustainability | 2020 |
847 | DynFish | How the dynamics of personality variation, food intake and social interactions determine anti-predator escape | 2021 |
848 | PAREAT | Pediatric Avoidant and Restrictive Eating: A biopsychosocial investigation | 2020 |
849 | Matthew | Expanding the Gospel according to Matthew: Continuity and Change in Early Gospel Literature | 2020 |
850 | CAESAR | Integrating Safety and Cybersecurity through Stochastic Model Checking | 2020 |