# | ||||
1 | ACWIND Advanced Control Approaches for Airborne Wind Energy Technologies | 0 | 192˙622.00 | 192˙622.00 |
2 | RE-ROUTE Identifying crucial functions in E. coli metabolism for the re-routing of carbon source from cell growth to product formation | 0 | 199˙317.00 | 199˙317.00 |
3 | NCCHROMICS Mechanisms underlying epigenetic regulation by small non-coding RNAs | 0 | 275˙362.00 | 275˙362.00 |
4 | INCAF DOT1 Structural analysis of the interaction of the chromatin associated factor Dot1 with chromatin and mixed-lineage-leukemia fusion proteins | 0 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
5 | LAKESIDE ZURICH Researchers’ Night 07 at the Zurich lakeside - A celebration of European Research in Switzerland | 2007 | 149˙600.00 | 70˙000.00 |
6 | GWAT-LCA Revising the Role of Groundwater in Life Cycle Assessment | 2008 | 178˙927.00 | 178˙927.00 |
7 | MRM-YEAST METABOLISM A Systems Biology Approach to Elucidate the Yeast Metabolic Network | 2008 | 178˙163.00 | 178˙163.00 |
8 | LAKESIDE NIGHT Researchers' Night at the Zurich lakeside - a science festival for all senses | 2008 | 288˙729.00 | 110˙000.00 |
9 | BUNYAVIRIDAE ENTRY Cellular factors and pathways in the entry of Bunyaviridae | 2008 | 177˙596.00 | 177˙596.00 |
10 | NMU-LIPIDS Biomimetic Lipid Structures on Nano- and Microfluidic Platforms | 2008 | 1˙941˙000.00 | 1˙941˙000.00 |
11 | LAGUNA Design of a pan-European Infrastructure for Large Apparatus studying Grand Unification and Neutrino Astrophysics | 2008 | 2˙456˙286.00 | 1˙700˙000.00 |
12 | ADIPODIF Adipocyte Differentiation and Metabolic Functions in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes | 2008 | 1˙607˙105.00 | 1˙607˙105.00 |
13 | 4DVIDEO 4DVideo: 4D spatio-temporal modeling of real-world events from video streams | 2008 | 1˙757˙422.00 | 1˙757˙422.00 |
14 | FRONTIERS OF RNAI The role of RNA silencing in immunity and development in eukaryotes | 2008 | 900˙000.00 | 900˙000.00 |
15 | MESEL Metabolomics of single eukaryotic cells | 2008 | 178˙163.00 | 178˙163.00 |
16 | ASMENA Functional assays for membrane protein on nanostructured supports | 2008 | 5˙435˙545.00 | 3˙940˙098.00 |
17 | SSM-ILOPSH Single spin manipulation in locally oxidized p-type semiconductor heterostructures | 2008 | 178˙163.00 | 178˙163.00 |
18 | FOCUS-BALKANS "Food Consumer Science in the Balkans: Frameworks, Protocols and Networks for a better knowledge of food behaviours" | 2008 | 3˙043˙334.00 | 2˙614˙110.00 |
19 | DYSTEM Dynamics and Structure of the Earth’s Mantle: a multidisciplinary approach | 2008 | 259˙642.00 | 259˙642.00 |
20 | CORYPHEE Cold Rydbergs: photoionization, electronic spectroscopy and electrostatic trapping | 2008 | 1˙192˙395.00 | 1˙192˙395.00 |
21 | QON Quantum optics using nanostructures: from many-body physics to quantum information processing | 2008 | 2˙300˙000.00 | 2˙300˙000.00 |
22 | BIOMOL. SIMULATION "Development of multi-scale molecular models, force fields and computer software for biomolecular simulation" | 2008 | 1˙320˙000.00 | 1˙320˙000.00 |
23 | MAGMA Mass transfer of metals and sulfur between mafic silicate melts and volatiles: an interdisciplinary approach | 2008 | 237˙981.00 | 237˙981.00 |
24 | FIRM Mathematical Methods for Financial Risk Management | 2008 | 880˙560.00 | 880˙560.00 |
25 | sFly Swarm of Micro Flying Robots | 2009 | 3˙358˙251.00 | 2˙550˙000.00 |
26 | VIRNA Cellular biology of virus infection | 2009 | 2˙498˙400.00 | 2˙498˙400.00 |
27 | Opportunity Activity and Context Recognition with Opportunistic Sensor Configurations | 2009 | 1˙987˙456.00 | 1˙508˙768.00 |
28 | PPEPSI Precipitation pattern effects on plant-soil microbial interactions | 2009 | 246˙186.00 | 246˙186.00 |
29 | PROTEOMICS V3.0 "Proteomics v3.0: Development, Implementation and Dissemination of a Third Generation Proteomics Technology" | 2009 | 2˙400˙000.00 | 2˙400˙000.00 |
30 | MECHANOCHEM SWITCHES Switching the structure-function relationship of proteins by mechanical forces: physiological and technological implications | 2009 | 2˙499˙990.00 | 2˙499˙990.00 |
31 | PROTENGENCTRANS Protein engineering for encapsulation and intracellular transport | 2009 | 0.00 | 181˙368.00 |
32 | PHOTONANOFLUIDIX Self-assembly of confined colloidal objects for the study of nano-optic phenomena | 2009 | 250˙701.00 | 250˙701.00 |
33 | SHARE Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe | 2009 | 4˙114˙266.00 | 3˙200˙000.00 |
34 | ZURICH MEETS EUROPE Researchers' Night 2009 in the heart of Zurich - Zurich meets Europe | 2009 | 392˙100.00 | 150˙000.00 |
35 | HYBRIDQED Hybrid Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Atoms and Circuits | 2009 | 1˙954˙464.00 | 1˙954˙464.00 |
36 | ACTIVIN AND CANCER Roles and mechanisms of action of activin in skin cancer | 2009 | 181˙368.00 | 181˙368.00 |
37 | CANCER KINOME Systems Biology of Cancer Kinome | 2009 | 0.00 | 191˙431.00 |
38 | BFTERRA Biogenesis and Functions of Telomeric Repeat-containing RNA | 2009 | 1˙602˙600.00 | 1˙602˙600.00 |
39 | KINETOCHORE MAP Analysis of the kinetochore architecture and dynamics using a mass spectrometry based integrative structural approach | 2010 | 0.00 | 190˙297.00 |
40 | SUSTAINCITY Micro-simulation for the prospective of sustainable cities in Europe | 2010 | 3˙884˙803.00 | 2˙695˙652.00 |
41 | NSP Nonlinear spectral problems and wave propagation in crystals | 2010 | 0.00 | 152˙831.00 |
42 | LEAP Lean Development – new principles for innovation management and a more time and cost efficient development of novel products | 2010 | 913˙061.00 | 913˙061.00 |
43 | OPTELOMAC Opto-Electronic Organic Materials by New Acetylene Chemistry | 2010 | 1˙690˙200.00 | 1˙690˙200.00 |
44 | SQMS Synthetic Quantum Many-Body Systems | 2010 | 2˙000˙000.00 | 2˙000˙000.00 |
45 | PDECP Partial differential equations of Classical Physics | 2010 | 1˙278˙000.00 | 1˙278˙000.00 |
46 | RWPERCRI "Random Walks, Percolation and Random Interlacements" | 2010 | 583˙092.00 | 583˙092.00 |
47 | BARRAGE "Cell compartmentalization, individuation and diversity" | 2010 | 2˙200˙000.00 | 2˙200˙000.00 |
48 | MFECE Magnetostrophic Flow in Experiments and the Core of the Earth | 2010 | 3˙116˙900.00 | 3˙116˙900.00 |
49 | PALMSEP Septin organization by multiparameter photoactivated localization microscopy | 2010 | 173˙065.00 | 173˙065.00 |
50 | RHEA RHeophysics and Energy of mAgmas | 2010 | 250˙142.00 | 250˙142.00 |
51 | ECO-GHP Multi-criteria assessment and optimization of geothermal heat pump systems | 2010 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
52 | SALINAME Self-assembly of magnetic core-shell nanoparticles at liquid-liquid interfaces for the fabrication of ultra-thin responsive membranes | 2010 | 173˙065.00 | 173˙065.00 |
53 | PA_EXP_EVOL Siderophore production in the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa: a model trait to study the evolution of cooperation and virulence | 2010 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
54 | EUKARYOTIC RIBOSOME Structural studies of the eukaryotic ribosome by X-ray crystallography | 2010 | 2˙446˙725.00 | 2˙446˙725.00 |
55 | METABOLOMIRS Elucidation of MicroRNAs as Regulators of Metabolism and Targets for Therapeutic Intervention | 2010 | 2˙021˙235.00 | 2˙021˙235.00 |
56 | DNA-AMP DNA Adduct Molecular Probes: Elucidating the Diet-Cancer Connection at Chemical Resolution | 2010 | 1˙500˙000.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
57 | ICIEMSET "Innovative Control, Identification and Estimation Methodologies for Sustainable Energy Technologies" | 2010 | 247˙027.00 | 247˙027.00 |
58 | EURIBIO Dissecting the biogenesis of eukaryotic ribosomal subunits | 2010 | 1˙500˙000.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
59 | MoVeS Modeling, verification and control of complex systems: From foundations to power network applications | 2010 | 2˙220˙852.00 | 1˙648˙682.00 |
60 | RNDNET R&D Network Life Cycles | 2010 | 232˙504.00 | 232˙504.00 |
61 | SKINTERMINOMICS Matrix metalloproteinase degradomics at the epidermal-dermal interface | 2010 | 75˙000.00 | 75˙000.00 |
62 | NERA Network of European Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Risk Assessment and Mitigation | 2010 | 12˙014˙028.00 | 9˙000˙000.00 |
63 | ITERQCD Iterative solution of the QCD perturbative expansion | 2010 | 995˙300.00 | 995˙300.00 |
64 | GEQIT Generalized (quantum) information theory | 2010 | 1˙288˙792.00 | 1˙288˙792.00 |
65 | MTORC IN MYELINATION The functions of mTOR complex subunits Rictor and Raptor in myelination | 2011 | 174˙065.00 | 174˙065.00 |
66 | FOLDTOX Understanding the cytotoxicity of aberrantly folded proteins in neurodegeneration | 2011 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
68 | NUSIRALS Novel Ultra-Sensitive Infra-Red Absorption Laser Sensors | 2011 | 121˙241.00 | 121˙241.00 |
69 | ETHFELLOWS ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship Program | 2011 | 12˙427˙200.00 | 4˙970˙880.00 |
70 | DISC-MS “DiSC-MS” - Direct Single cell Mass Spectrometry: a novel analytical platform for monitoring the metabolism at single-cell level | 2011 | 186˙028.00 | 186˙028.00 |
71 | MIGROS Microscopy of Interacting fermi-Gases : high-Resolution Imaging and Statistical properties | 2011 | 177˙601.00 | 177˙601.00 |
72 | B10NONABBLCKSETH Representation Theory of Blocks of Group Algebras with Non-abelian Defect Groups | 2011 | 170˙901.00 | 170˙901.00 |
73 | BOTMED Microrobotics and Nanomedicine | 2011 | 2˙498˙043.00 | 2˙498˙043.00 |
74 | DESIGNING CATALYSIS Designing catalysis: Nitrogen-carbon ylids as methylene donors | 2011 | 178˙101.00 | 178˙101.00 |
75 | SOC-MP-ES Stochastic Optimal Control of multiscale processes with applications to energy systems | 2011 | 170˙901.00 | 170˙901.00 |
76 | S-CH PERTURBATION Stress and chemical perturbation around mineral inclusions | 2011 | 177˙601.00 | 177˙601.00 |
77 | CLIMB Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate Projections including Biogeochemical Feedbacks | 2011 | 165˙865.00 | 165˙865.00 |
78 | RESIST Resistance systems and population structure of parasites | 2011 | 2˙100˙000.00 | 2˙100˙000.00 |
79 | LYVICAM Lymphatic Vessels in Inflammation and Cancer Metastasis | 2011 | 2˙493˙300.00 | 2˙493˙300.00 |
80 | PORTA Railway Stations as Interface between The Global and The Local | 2011 | 240˙205.00 | 240˙205.00 |
81 | TAGGING PROTEOLYSIS Detecting protease substrates using unnatural amino acids | 2011 | 248˙905.00 | 248˙905.00 |
82 | RUBINET Regulation of cell growth and division by selective degradation mechanisms | 2011 | 2˙426˙976.00 | 2˙426˙976.00 |
83 | V-Charge V-Charge - Autonomous Valet Parking and Charging for e-Mobility | 2011 | 8˙694˙872.00 | 5˙630˙000.00 |
84 | CNTCONTACT Doped semiconductor contacts for low resistance contacts to carbon nanotubes | 2011 | 179˙101.00 | 179˙101.00 |
85 | JM_ETHZ_IEF_2009 Function and regulation of CRL4s-based ubiquitin-dependent processes for mitotic progression | 2011 | 172˙565.00 | 172˙565.00 |
86 | NEUROCMOS Seamless Integration of Neurons with CMOS Microelectronics | 2011 | 2˙498˙000.00 | 2˙498˙000.00 |
87 | QUANTUMDOTS Experimental generation of distant quantum dot spin entanglement | 2011 | 187˙028.00 | 187˙028.00 |
88 | PBDR The population biology of drug resistance: Key principles for a more sustainable use of drugs | 2011 | 2˙272˙403.00 | 2˙272˙403.00 |
89 | DNAECLIB Drug Discovery using DNA-encoded Chemistry | 2011 | 186˙028.00 | 186˙028.00 |
90 | LAGUNA-LBNO "Design of a pan-European Infrastructure for Large Apparatus studying Grand Unification, Neutrino Astrophysics and Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillations" | 2011 | 10˙174˙113.00 | 4˙900˙000.00 |
91 | ANERAUTOHI Analytic and ergodic aspects of automorphic forms on higher rank groups | 2011 | 165˙865.00 | 165˙865.00 |
92 | MOVE-R Improving the Realism of Mobility and Cooperation Models in Opportunistic Networks | 2011 | 239˙977.00 | 239˙977.00 |
93 | SYMPATI Symbolic Pattern Recognition in Drug Design - Statistical Models and Scientific Insight | 2011 | 170˙401.00 | 170˙401.00 |
94 | CMPTIMSMS Cancer metabolic profiling through ion mobility and mass spectrometric-based methods | 2011 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
95 | CELLCONTROL Synthetic regulatory circuits for programmable control of cell physiology | 2011 | 1˙479˙008.00 | 1˙479˙008.00 |
96 | DIAMOND Discovery and Insight with Advanced Models Of Nanoscale Dimensions | 2011 | 1˙728˙576.00 | 1˙728˙576.00 |
97 | CRYSTALZEO Crystallography-assisted synthesis of zeolites with tailored acid site distributions | 2011 | 178˙601.00 | 178˙601.00 |
98 | RNPNET """RNPnet"" - RNP structure, function and mechanism of action" | 2011 | 4˙246˙947.00 | 4˙246˙947.00 |
99 | SPEQUACHIRAL2 "Spectroscopy, Quantum Dynamics and Electroweak Parity Violation in Chiral Molecules" | 2011 | 1˙579˙600.00 | 1˙579˙600.00 |
100 | EMLNPRGT Enhancing motor learning and neural plasticity in robotic gait training | 2012 | 187˙028.00 | 187˙028.00 |
101 | ELBM Frontiers for multi-scale computational fluid dynamics | 2012 | 1˙656˙800.00 | 1˙656˙800.00 |
102 | MAZPROTEC Two-Step-Strategy towards an Orthogonal Bio-System | 2012 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
103 | FLYGLYGAN Systematic Isolation of Glycosyltransferases in Drosophila melanogaster Using The Toxicity of Fungal Lectins | 2012 | 256˙364.00 | 256˙364.00 |
104 | ASTRIR Argonaute-associated factors required for translational repression in plant RNA silencing | 2012 | 177˙601.00 | 177˙601.00 |
105 | SRNAS REMYELINATION The role of small RNAs in remyelination | 2012 | 179˙101.00 | 179˙101.00 |
106 | CCICO Coupled and Competing Instabilities in Complex Oxides | 2012 | 1˙999˙999.00 | 1˙999˙999.00 |
107 | FORECOFUN-SSA Assessing climate change impacts over large areas of primary forests in southern South America | 2012 | 174˙380.00 | 174˙380.00 |
108 | SPECRESEVO Specificity of Antibiotic Resistance Evolution | 2012 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
109 | CME Concurrency Made Easy | 2012 | 2˙482˙957.00 | 2˙482˙957.00 |
110 | DIBAROR Bile acids targeting Retinoic Related Orphan Receptor gamma for the Treatment of Obesity associated Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes | 2012 | 159˙065.00 | 145˙697.00 |
111 | EARLYEARTH Accretion and Differentiation of Terrestrial Planets | 2012 | 1˙994˙545.00 | 1˙994˙545.00 |
112 | ACAD Asymmetric Chlorofunctionalization of Activated carbon-carbon Double bonds | 2012 | 221˙173.00 | 221˙173.00 |
113 | FLUOPET Late Stage Fluorination for Positron Emission Tomography Applications | 2012 | 264˙112.00 | 264˙112.00 |
114 | PHENOFIX Biological Function and Evolution of Phenotypic Noise in N2-fixation on the Single-cell Level | 2012 | 178˙101.00 | 178˙101.00 |
115 | SIMCOFE Simulating correlated fermions | 2012 | 2˙023˙980.00 | 2˙023˙980.00 |
116 | VARCITY Variation & the City | 2012 | 2˙441˙893.00 | 2˙441˙893.00 |
117 | FIBRILLATION The structure-based design of a blocker of formation of amyloid fibers of the segment AADTWE in the mutant D38A of the protein transthyretin, which causes familial amyloidosis | 2012 | 275˙362.00 | 275˙362.00 |
118 | DRIMTIM Deciphering RNAi machineries required for miRNAs Cell-to-Cell Transfer in Mammals | 2012 | 192˙622.00 | 192˙622.00 |
119 | MANAQA Magnetic Nano Actuators for Quantitative Analysis | 2012 | 3˙621˙536.00 | 2˙775˙302.00 |
120 | CLIMBP Into the Icehouse - Ocean temperatures from CLumped Isotopes in Benthic and planktic foraminifera across the Eocene-Oligocene climate transition | 2012 | 192˙622.00 | 192˙622.00 |
121 | ICE^2 ICEphobicity for severe ICing Environments | 2012 | 192˙622.00 | 192˙622.00 |
122 | IMODEL Intelligent Shape Modeling | 2012 | 1˙497˙441.00 | 1˙497˙441.00 |
123 | SOURCELEG Sources of Legitimacy in Global Environmental Governance | 2012 | 2˙076˙244.00 | 2˙076˙244.00 |
124 | ATTOSCOPE Measuring attosecond electron dynamics in molecules | 2012 | 1˙999˙992.00 | 1˙999˙992.00 |
125 | COMPCARDMECH Computational Tools for Cardiac Mechanics | 2012 | 275˙362.00 | 275˙362.00 |
126 | TANDEM Talent and Extended Mobility in the European Innovation Union | 2012 | 337˙591.00 | 278˙628.00 |
127 | NANOMRI Three-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging at Molecular Resolution | 2012 | 1˙500˙000.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
128 | MELTARC Modelling and geochemical implications of intra-arc melting: consequences for the composition of the continental crust | 2012 | 144˙466.00 | 144˙466.00 |
129 | SCADAPT "Large-scale Adaptive Sensing, Learning and Decision Making: Theory and Applications" | 2012 | 1˙499˙900.00 | 1˙499˙900.00 |
130 | PHASEX Phase contrast X-ray imaging for medicine | 2012 | 1˙499˙300.00 | 1˙499˙300.00 |
131 | PRIAT Profiling Responders In Antibody Therapies | 2012 | 3˙879˙646.00 | 2˙967˙485.00 |
132 | ECOWAX Evaluating the variability of ecosystem water vapour fluxes and spatiotemporal effects of extreme events | 2012 | 264˙112.00 | 264˙112.00 |
133 | NANOSOLID Chemically Engineered Nanocrystal Solids | 2012 | 1˙490˙318.00 | 1˙490˙318.00 |
134 | CASAA Catalytic asymmetric synthesis of amines and amides | 2012 | 1˙500˙000.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
136 | FFLOWCCS Fluid Flow in Complex and Curved Spaces | 2013 | 2˙200˙000.00 | 2˙200˙000.00 |
137 | CFRFSS Chromatin Fiber and Remodeling Factor Structural Studies | 2013 | 2˙500˙000.00 | 2˙500˙000.00 |
138 | PROTRO Dynamical processes in the tropopause region and their impact on the distribution of atmospheric trace gases | 2013 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
139 | INFIMAS The study of Initial limiting steps for fimbrae assembly in E.coli | 2013 | 256˙364.00 | 256˙364.00 |
140 | DESERTECTION Social challenges of trans-Mediterranean renewable power cooperation | 2013 | 1˙470˙698.00 | 1˙470˙698.00 |
141 | MLPM2012 Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine | 2013 | 3˙758˙056.00 | 3˙758˙056.00 |
142 | TRAFALOGY Functional analysis of transcription factors in L-cell biology | 2013 | 192˙622.00 | 192˙622.00 |
143 | DIPLAT Enabling advanced functionalities of Diamond and other ultra-hard materials by Integrated Pulsed Laser Ablation Technologies | 2013 | 5˙108˙606.00 | 3˙199˙685.00 |
144 | SOILLIFE The Hidden Frontier: Quantitative Exploration of Physical and Ecological Origins of Microbial Diversity in Soil | 2013 | 2˙196˙632.00 | 2˙196˙632.00 |
145 | CAUSALHIGHDIM Causal Statistical Inference from High-Dimensional Data | 2013 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
146 | MEVISP "Genetic, biochemical and cell biological mechanisms of virus silencing in plants" | 2013 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
147 | 3D MULTICELL GROWTH How mechanical forces regulate tissue growth in defined 3D geometries | 2013 | 192˙622.00 | 192˙622.00 |
148 | AS_ETHZ_IEF_2012 The Role of Atg8 Posttranslational Modifications in Autophagy | 2013 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
149 | ATTOCLOCK Clocking fundamental attosecond electron dynamics | 2013 | 2˙319˙795.00 | 2˙319˙795.00 |
150 | EPCABO Engineered Protein Capsids as Artificial Bacterial Organelles | 2013 | 1˙889˙200.00 | 1˙889˙200.00 |
151 | SIEAVD Systems Imaging of Emerging Asymmetry in Vertebrate Development | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
152 | CQPMAMP "Chirped quasi-phasematching gratings for optical parametric chirped pulse amplification: physics, devices, and applications" | 2013 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
153 | CHLIP "Understanding Halogenated Lipids: Synthesis, Mode of Action, Structural Studies, and Applications" | 2013 | 2˙233˙240.00 | 2˙233˙240.00 |
154 | SUNFUELS SOLAR THERMOCHEMICAL PRODUCTION OF FUELS | 2013 | 2˙187˙650.00 | 2˙187˙650.00 |
155 | TIPTGSVSR Biochemical characterization of RNA silencing mechanisms and their alteration by viral proteins in plant cell-free systems | 2013 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
156 | SRSR Deciphering small RNA mechanisms during sexual reproduction in Arabidopsis | 2013 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
157 | MICROSOCIOGENOMYX Quantifying the roles that evolutionary forces play in shaping genomic and social divergence in natural populations of the cooperative bacterium Myxococcus xanthus | 2013 | 192˙622.00 | 192˙622.00 |
158 | NUCENV "Nuclear Envelope Biogenesis, Function and Dynamics" | 2013 | 2˙500˙000.00 | 2˙500˙000.00 |
160 | MCSK "Moduli of curves, sheaves, and K3 surfaces" | 2013 | 2˙167˙997.00 | 2˙167˙997.00 |
161 | PRONET ProNet - Prosthetic Transgene Networks for the Treatment of Metabolic Disorders | 2013 | 2˙498˙800.00 | 2˙498˙800.00 |
162 | FUNCTOPROLASYMMCAT Application of Functionalised Oligoprolines in Asymmetric Catalysis | 2013 | 192˙622.00 | 192˙622.00 |
163 | CSN Multimodal Regulation of Cullin-RING Ligases by CSN | 2013 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
164 | MOMENTUM Modeling the Emergence of Social Complexity and Order: How Individual and Societal Complexity Co-Evolve | 2013 | 2˙498˙831.00 | 2˙498˙831.00 |
165 | NEURO-COMM Inter-areal cortical communication: investigating the relationship between hemodynamic and electrophysiological measurements | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
166 | HELICALLENES Helical Alleno-Acetylenic Oligomers with High Chiroptical Activity | 2013 | 192˙622.00 | 192˙622.00 |
167 | CANSEL Highly selective customizable therapy for metastatic tumors | 2013 | 165˙840.00 | 149˙499.00 |
168 | CRAG "A coupled ice sheet - ocean model for calibrated prediction of the future contribution to sea level change from the Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica" | 2013 | 381˙525.00 | 381˙525.00 |
169 | FRONTIERS OF RNAI-II High resolution and chemical genetic approaches to RNA silencing mechanisms | 2013 | 2˙251˙600.00 | 2˙251˙600.00 |
170 | PLANET HUNTING Planet Hunting: Exploration and research at the leading edge of high-contrast imaging | 2013 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
171 | BBOT Characterizing the Phase Transitions of Single Organic Aerosols in an Optical Trap | 2013 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
172 | FLUIDEQ A new equation of state for solutes in high-temperature fluids | 2013 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
173 | IMMUNOPEPTIDOMICS Global immunopeptidome landscape of normal and Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected human cells | 2013 | 192˙622.00 | 192˙622.00 |
174 | IQDOTPV All-Inorganic Quantum Dot Films for Photovoltaic Applications | 2013 | 192˙622.00 | 192˙622.00 |
175 | SYNPEPTIDE Synthetic Biology for the production of functional peptides | 2013 | 7˙170˙757.00 | 5˙558˙781.00 |
177 | SINGLECELLDYNAMICS Optofluidic toolkit for characterizing single-cell dynamics in systems immunology | 2013 | 1˙499˙165.00 | 1˙499˙165.00 |
178 | MADE-IN-EARTH Interplay between metamorphism and deformation in the Earth’s lithosphere | 2013 | 1˙499˙820.00 | 1˙499˙820.00 |
179 | STREST Harmonized approach to stress tests for critical infrastructures against natural hazards | 2013 | 3˙975˙006.00 | 3˙000˙000.00 |
180 | QMES Quantum Mesoscopics with Vacuum Trapped Nanoparticles | 2013 | 2˙499˙471.00 | 2˙499˙471.00 |
181 | E-MOBILE Enhanced Modeling and Optimization of Batteries Incorporating Lithium-ion Elements | 2013 | 1˙492˙800.00 | 1˙492˙800.00 |
182 | MINT From micro-scale interaction networks to ecosystem-level processes in microbial communities | 2013 | 1˙940˙085.00 | 1˙940˙085.00 |
183 | IDP BRIDGES IDP Bridging Plant Science and Policy | 2013 | 3˙710˙295.00 | 3˙710˙295.00 |
184 | BACCHUS Impact of Biogenic versus Anthropogenic emissions on Clouds and Climate: towards a Holistic UnderStanding | 2013 | 11˙463˙091.00 | 8˙746˙587.00 |
185 | SCION "Scalability, Control, Isolation on Next-generation Networks" | 2014 | 1˙889˙684.00 | 1˙889˙684.00 |
186 | BONEMIMIC 3D tissue-engineered model of bone adaptation | 2014 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
187 | ACID Analytical Chemistry Instrumentation Development | 2014 | 915˙986.00 | 915˙986.00 |
188 | PHYPD New phylogenetic methods for inferring complex population dynamics | 2014 | 1˙471˙582.00 | 1˙471˙582.00 |
189 | QUADOPS Quantum-Dot Plasmonics and Spasers | 2014 | 2˙500˙000.00 | 2˙500˙000.00 |
190 | REPROTAG ReproTag - Targeting reproductive traits for more efficient forage grass breeding | 2014 | 75˙000.00 | 75˙000.00 |
191 | TUNGSTEN "Formation of a giant tungsten deposit: Metal sources and fluid evolution at Panasqueira, Portugal" | 2014 | 199˙317.00 | 199˙317.00 |
192 | PROTEOTOXNET Unraveling the cellular responses to aberrantly-folded and aggregated proteins | 2014 | 1˙500˙000.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
193 | MCCLDMS Mechanisms and parameters controlling cell-to-cell and long-distance movement of plant small RNAs | 2014 | 199˙317.00 | 199˙317.00 |
194 | ORGANET From Isolated Compartments to Intracellular Networks: Deciphering Interorganelle Communication | 2014 | 1˙494˙503.00 | 1˙494˙503.00 |
195 | MACS The contribution of cellular adhesions to matrix remodeling in health and disease | 2014 | 199˙317.00 | 199˙317.00 |
196 | NUAGO1 Exploring Nuclear Localization and Functions of Arabidopsis AGO1 | 2014 | 184˙709.00 | 184˙709.00 |
197 | SMPCBCSG "Stochastic Model Predictive Control, Energy Efficient Building Control, Smart Grid" | 2014 | 178˙233.00 | 178˙233.00 |
198 | FMCOBE Fluid Mechanics in Collective Behaviour: Multiscale Modelling and Applications | 2014 | 2˙498˙800.00 | 2˙498˙800.00 |
199 | NOMSUPPRESSCH4 Assessing suppression of methanogenesis in wetlands by electron accepting and polyphenolic moieties in natural organic matter | 2014 | 207˙928.00 | 207˙928.00 |
200 | MUSIC Quantum Metamaterials in the Ultra Strong Coupling regime | 2014 | 2˙496˙560.00 | 2˙496˙560.00 |
201 | FGFMIR FGF-regulated miRNAs and their roles in skin inflammation and cancer | 2014 | 199˙317.00 | 199˙317.00 |
202 | FIRST Functional Imaging and Robotics for Sensorimotor Transformation | 2014 | 277˙296.00 | 277˙296.00 |
203 | PTM-FLEX Synthetic biology approach for the design of new-to-nature peptide-based antibiotic molecules | 2014 | 199˙317.00 | 199˙317.00 |
204 | GLYCAN HETEROGENEITY Influence of the protein sequence and structure on the glycan micro-heterogeneity | 2014 | 199˙317.00 | 199˙317.00 |
205 | SNAP SnAP Reagents for Accelerating Drug Discovery | 2014 | 161˙377.00 | 149˙528.00 |
206 | GAUGEGRAVSYM Extended Symmetries in Gauge and Gravity Theories | 2014 | 1˙660˙804.00 | 1˙660˙804.00 |
207 | FIRST "Fundamental investigations of high-resolution LA-ICPMS: Fast Imaging – Resolution, Sensitivity, and Time (FIRST)" | 2014 | 207˙928.00 | 207˙928.00 |
208 | SOLID_NMR_DYNAMICS Development of solid state NMR methods at 100 kHz magic angle spinning frequency for the study of internal protein dynamics and the application to membrane proteins | 2014 | 199˙317.00 | 199˙317.00 |
209 | PARQUERY Video-Based Smart Parking System | 2014 | 162˙100.00 | 149˙490.00 |
210 | SUPERQUNET Superconducting Quantum Networks | 2014 | 3˙242˙977.00 | 3˙242˙977.00 |
211 | DROUGHT-HEAT Land-Climate Interactions: Constraints for Droughts and Heatwaves in a Changing Climate | 2014 | 1˙952˙285.00 | 1˙952˙285.00 |
212 | NORMCOMMIT Origins and Effects of Normative Commitments | 2014 | 1˙591˙939.00 | 1˙591˙939.00 |
213 | 2LOOPACCURACY4LHC 2LoopAccuracy4LHC | 2014 | 199˙317.00 | 199˙317.00 |
214 | CELL FATE Single-Cell Epigenetics in Cell Fate Determination | 2015 | 270˙964.00 | 270˙964.00 |
215 | SEMORE-CP Identifying structural and functional biomarkers of the brain indicating SensoriMotor Recovery in Cerebral Palsy | 2015 | 199˙317.00 | 199˙317.00 |
216 | SOPRIS Stochastic Optimal Planning for Renewable energy sources Integration in power Systems | 2015 | 270˙964.00 | 270˙964.00 |
217 | QUANTMEDCOMMGEO New approaches in media and communication geography: Quantitative methods for analyzing geographical mobility | 2015 | 207˙928.00 | 207˙928.00 |
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