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H2020 projects about "construction"

The page lists 933 projects related to the topic "construction".

# achronym  title  year 
1 EUROfusion Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium 2014
2 SUCCESS Sustainable Urban Consolidation CentrES for conStruction 2015
4 INMARE Industrial Applications of Marine Enzymes: Innovative screening and expression platforms to discover and use the functional protein diversity from the sea 2015
5 INSITER Intuitive Self-Inspection Techniques using Augmented Reality for construction, refurbishment and maintenance of energy-efficient buildings made of prefabricated components 2014
6 AMANAC Advanced Material And NAnotechnology Cluster 2015
7 SatisFactory A collaborative and augmented-enabled ecosystem for increasing SATISfaction and working experience in smart FACTORY environments 2015
10 HOMESKIN HOMES Key INsulating material 2015
12 ISOBIO Development and Demonstration of Highly Insulating, Construction Materials from Bio-derived Aggregates 2015
13 ACCEPT Assistant for Quality Check during Construction Execution Processes for Energy-efficienT buildings 2015
14 ECO-Binder Development of insulating concrete systems based on novel low CO2 binders for a new family of eco-innovative, durable and standardized energy efficient envelope components 2015
15 SWIMing Semantic Web for Information Management in Energy Efficient Buildings 2015
16 Built2Spec Built to Specifications: Self-Inspection, 3D Modelling, Management and Quality-Check Tools for the 21st Century Construction Worksite 2015
17 RIBuild Robust Internal Thermal Insulation of Historic Buildings 2015
18 BLOC Mathematical study of Boundary Layers in Oceanic Motions 2015
19 STIGMATICS Between saints and celebrities. The devotion and promotion of stigmatics in Europe, c.1800-1950 2015
20 SYNTECH Synthesis Technologies for Reactive Systems Software Engineers 2015
21 LimitMDR Utilizing evolutionary interactions to limit multidrug resistance 2015
22 DCM Distributed Cryptography Module 2014
23 STEPWISE SEWGS Technology Platform for cost effective CO2 reduction the in the Iron and Steel Industry 2015
24 CAPTure Competitive SolAr Power Towers – CAPTure 2015
25 flora robotica Flora Robotica: Societies of Symbiotic Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids as Social Architectural Artifacts 2015
26 ThermoDrill Fast track innovative drilling system for deep geothermal challenges in Europe 2015
27 FlexiFuel-SOFC Development of a new and highly efficient micro-scale CHP system based on fuel-flexible gasification and a SOFC 2015
28 QuProCS Quantum Probes for Complex Systems 2015
29 BlueStep Blue Combustion for the Storage of Green Electrical Power 2015
30 SKPLUS Super-Kamiokande plus 2014
31 TreatRec Interdisciplinary concepts for municipal wastewater treatment and resource recovery. Tackling future challenges 2015
32 SENECA Software ENgineering in Enterprise Cloud Applications systems 2015
33 NanoHeal Nano-tailoring organo-mineral materials -Controlling strength and healing with organic molecules in mineral interfaces 2015
34 SecondHands SecondHands: A Robot Assistant For Industrial Maintenance Tasks 2015
35 SAFURE SAFety and secURity by design for interconnected mixed-critical cyber-physical systems 2015
36 fromROLLtoBAG Consumer Driven Local Production with the Help of Virtual Design and Digital Manufacturing 2015
37 LUMENTILE LUMinous ElectroNic TILE 2015
38 WiMUST Widely scalable Mobile Underwater Sonar Technology 2015
39 REMINE Reuse of mining waste into innovative geopolymeric-based structural panels, precast, ready mixes and insitu applications 2015
40 SUPERCONCRETE SUstainability-driven international/intersectoral Partnership for Education and Research on modelling next generation CONCRETE 2015
41 C-FOOT-CTRL Developing on line tools to monitor, control and mitigate GHG emissions in WWTPs 2015
42 NANOLEAP “Nanocomposite for building constructions and civil infraestructures: European network pilot production line to promote industrial application cases.” 2015
43 UPGRID Real proven solutions to enable active demand and distributed generation flexible integration, through a fully controllable LOW Voltage and medium voltage distribution grid 2015
44 SINGWAVES Singularity formation in nonlinear evolution equations 2015
45 Euler systems Euler systems and the Birch--Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture 2015
46 CC Combinatorial Construction 2016
47 UQMSI Uncertainty Quantification and Modern Statistical Inference 2015
48 Re.Cri.Re. Between the representation of the crisis and the crisis of representation. How crisis changed the symbolic background of European societies and identities. Implication for policies and policy making 2015
49 RE-InVEST Rebuilding an Inclusive, Value-based Europe of Solidarity and Trust through Social Investments 2015
50 PROF-TRAC PROFessional multi-disciplinary TRAining and Continuing development in skills for NZEB principles 2015
51 EMU Choices (former EMU_SCEUS) The Choice for Europe since Maastricht. Member States' Preferences for Economic and Financial Integration 2015
52 MEnS Meeting of Energy Professional Skills 2015
53 TherVIS A Thermal-Visual Integrated System Mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for 3D energy performance mapping and forecasting and damage evaluation 2014
54 SMARTGEARBOX Development of a new gearbox without lubricants for low OM costs, higher efficiency, and oiless applications 2014
55 GEOAPPS APPS for geotechnical field work 2014
56 VEZ VEZ 2014
57 NDTMF New Drying Techniques for Moulded Fibres 2014
58 MOSART Advanced Automated Process for Low Cost Efficient Custom Mosaic Manufacturing 2014
59 Robotic insulation Fast and economic insulation of buildings using robotic systems 2014
60 Insuwaste Recycling of hard-to-treat, post-consumer textile wastes and conversion to insulation material for construction industry using a novel conversion technology. 2014
61 TRACKANT Mobile Smart Tracking Antenna System for Remotely Piloted Aircrafts 2014
62 USIFlux Unveiling Stomata 24/7: Using Stable Isotopes and COS to quantify diurnal and nocturnal carbon and water vegetation-atmosphere Fluxes under future climate scenarios 2016
63 METACLOAK Broadband cloaking and shielding of elastic waves in solids. 2015
64 FOX Forever Open infrastructure across (X) all transport modes 2015
65 REFINET REthinking Future Infrastructure NETworks 2015
66 GREST Getting Ready for EST 2015
67 ACTRIS-2 Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure 2015
68 SoNDe Solid-State Neutron Detector - A new Neutron Detector for High-Flux Applications 2015
69 SustBracedMHaz Sustainable steel braced frame for multi-hazard mitigation 2015
70 SAAB 'Science as Applied to Building' : Science, Construction, and Architectural Acoustics (1914-1954) 2015
71 DAM-NET Dam-nations? A study on dams, nation-building and transboundary water relations through case-studies from Ethiopia and Tajikistan 2015
72 DTI4micro Quantitative characterization of cardiac tissue microstructure from Diffusion Tensor Imaging 2015
73 DaRe Data Reliability in Networks and Storage Memories 2015
74 Baltic Mikrorayon Past, Present, and Future Lives of Soviet Housing Estates in the Baltic States 2016
75 ADRIA Adriatic Perspectives: Memory and Identity on a Transnational European Periphery 2016
76 BBLOCK Stereocontrolled synthesis of polypropionates based on building block assembly strategies by lithiation-borylation methodologies 2015
77 ISHTAR The travelling astronomers. International collaborations after World War II and the reorganization of European astronomy (1953-1985) 2015
78 LAGRANGE LAte Glacial RANGe Expansion 2016
79 MODFIN Model theory of finite and pseudofinite structures 2016
80 MagProtoCell Magnetic micromachines based on protocell design and engineering 2015
81 FEAT The role of Fluid pressure in EArthquake Triggering 2015
82 GEOTeCH Geothermal Technology for €conomic Cooling and Heating 2015
83 AluminiumScrapDbase Aluminium Scrap: Open access database for impurity levels-microstructure-property and methods to recover properties in high impurity scrap 2015
84 ASB Amplitudes, String and Branes 2015
85 MOLCLICK Molecular 'Click-tronics': Surface-based synthesis of single-molecule electronic components 2015
86 PEERS Peer effects and endogenous network formation 2015
87 TOP-DOL Topological physics in tunable optical lattices 2015
88 NITEC NITEC: a Negative Ion Time Expansion Chamber for directional Dark Matter search 2015
89 PTALLENEST Platinum-Catalysed Reaction of Bis-Allenes with Nucleophiles: Mechanistic Insights and Future Applications 2015
90 Constructions Construction Grammar meets Typology: From Theory to Teaching 2016
91 Eco-LWG Eco-lightweight granules for energy efficient applications 2015
92 HELICOMBX Quantum spin Hall insulator with two dimensional crystals 2015
93 EMPIREHURIGHTS Empire and Human Rights: Colonization and Sovereignty in a global Iberian Empire (1580-1640) 2016
94 NEOMEDPOT Technological change at the South-western limits of the Mediterranean basin during Neolithic and early Chalcolithic times: pottery production and consumption 2015
95 Transnational Localism Transnational Localism and Music after the two World Wars: the case of Francis Poulenc 2015
96 Imperial Recipes Food in the Spanish and British Caribbean in the Nineteenth Century: Encounters, Exchanges, Identities 2015
97 CLIMAGNET How is the external climatic forcing affected by the Earth’s magnetic field? 2016
98 CSDP Construction of Self-Dividing Protocells 2015
99 ORSETOSY Organocatalysis at the service of total synthesis: Madangamine alkaloids 2015
100 LoStPReCon Long-term structural performance of pre-stressed concrete bridges: A risk-based monitoring informed framework for life-cycle asset management 2015
101 NEDRATS New Enantioselective Desymmetrization Reactions in Alkaloid Total Synthesis 2015
102 ALIS Associating Literature and the Imaginary with Science: Early Years Education 2016
103 FOLDASYNBIO Bioinspired Nanostructures by Self-assembly of Amphiphilic Non-peptide Helical Foldamers in Aqueous Environment 2015
104 POLYCOMP POLYmer-COntrolled Mesocrystal application-oriented Production: a combined theoretical and experimental approach. 2015
105 INFANT MICROBIOTA Elucidating how Bifidobacteria shapes the microbiota in response to infant diet. 2015
106 Res2Pel Innovative treatment process for biogenic waste and residual materials to manufacture compactedfuels as pellets or briquettes 2015
107 ReMix Developing a novel light-weight Ready Mixed Concrete 2015
108 Mubic Mushroom and biogas production in a circular economy 2015
110 CSAR Ensuring pipeline integrity using Earth Observation Data 2015
111 BAMBENG New BAMboo ENGineered bio-material for sustainable building components 2015
112 SAFETY4WORKERS Breakthrough for outdoor autonomous heavy machines: Safety-directed collision avoidance system for workers based on UWB radios with performance level 2015
113 SUNIGENT Intelligent sunlight system for energy efficient indoor lighting 2015
114 WATLY An autonomous and mobile water treatment plant powered by solar energy 2015
115 eco-railjacket Total Full Ecologic Embedded Railways Jacket System 2015
116 InnoRenew CoE Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation centre of excellence (InnoRenew CoE) 2015
117 HYDRER A Solar-Powered Hydrolyzer 2015
118 uDAS An Automatic Microfluidic Device Assembly System 2015
119 HTPush Universal and compatible system for plumbing and heating 2015
120 FanBrake High heat dissipating Brake for heavy duty vehicles through an enabling annular disc Fan effect (FanBrake) 2015
121 ESW European Structural Wood - for sustainable building components 2015
122 Ecosheet-PRO An Environmentally-Friendly Alternative to Plywood made from Co-mingled Waste Plastic 2015
123 NZE Buildings Developing replicable and cost effective Nearly Zero-Energy' building solutions for small builders in Europe 2015
124 e2CORK Efficient and Eco-friendly Construction Of Revolutionary surfboard blanKs 2015
125 SBskin SBskin. Smart Building skin 2015
126 EcoSpacePropulsion Piloting and upscaling the unique on site and mobile production plants for highly concentrated Hydrogen peroxide (HTP) production for space industry applications 2015
127 FIBGLOW High insulating fiberglass window and curtain wall profiles 2015
128 ResMet Resampling methods for nonstationary stochastic processes 2015
129 HISER Holistic Innovative Solutions for an Efficient Recycling and Recovery of Valuable Raw Materials from Complex Construction and Demolition Waste 2015
130 SEEABLE An Innovative ICT Solution for Providing Bespoke Safety and Health Training to Workers in the Construction and Transportation Sectors. 2015
131 MLSYSTEM MLSYSTEM - heatable, integrated photovoltaics with insulated glass units 2015
132 HiLASE CoE HiLASE Centre of Excellence 2015
133 HybridFarm Eco-innovative housing solution for efficient production of slaughterpigs with limited environmental impact. 2015
134 CORSAIR Increasing the quality mindset of COnstruction workers involved in building Refurbishment processes through a Software Application capable of using among others visible or InfraRed pictures of defects 2015
135 ELECTHANE Microbiological conversion of renewable electricity and CO2 to a natural gas quality bio-fuel 2015
136 QuantGeomLangTFT The Quantum Geometric Langlands Topological Field Theory 2015
137 RESLAG Turning waste from steel industry into a valuable low cost feedstock for energy intensive industry 2015
139 BAMB Buildings as Material Banks: Integrating Materials Passports with Reversible Building Design to Optimise Circular Industrial Value Chains 2015
140 MANGO The determinants of cross-seeding of protein aggregation: a Multiple TANGO 2015
141 LIVIN Light-Vapour Interactions at the Nanoscale 2015
142 BRILLIANT Baltic Region Initiative for Long Lasting InnovAtive Nuclear Technologies 2015
143 JFB Jellyfish Barge - A floating greenhouse 2015
144 FLOATMAST An Innovative Wind Resource Assessment Tension Leg Platform for combined Cup Anemometer and Lidar Reliable and Bankable Wind Measurements for Offshore Wind Parks 2015
145 VOLCAPSE Volcano dome growth, collapse and coupled processes 2015
146 Train-to-NZEB Train-to-NZEB: The Building Knowledge Hubs 2015
147 AIRCRANE New building methodology for improved full-concrete wind towers for wind turbines. 2015
148 CoPS Coevolutionary Policy Search 2015
149 IDEM Immunity, DEvelopment and Microbiota: Understanding the Continuous Construction of Biological Identity 2015
150 AQUIRE Advanced QUadrature sensitive Interferometer REadout for gravitational wave detectors 2015
151 ELICOS Enantioselective Light-induced Catalysis for Organic Synthesis 2016
152 AMPYXAP3 Commercial introduction of the first Airborne Wind Energy system: Renewable energy at costs below fully depreciated coal fired power plants 2015
153 DS Products study Feasibility study of internationalisation of dust control products using innovative cleantech technology 2015
154 CleanTechBlock CleanTechBlock 2015
155 INSWITCH InSwitch – Ultra-Compact Electronic Solid-State Device for Induction Motor Starting and Performance Improvement 2015
156 HAS Harmonic Analysis and l-adic sheaves 2015
157 helioSTEAM A novel concentrated solar steam system for industrial applications with a high degree of pre-manufacturing at extremely low prices. 2015
158 SWARMs Smart and Networking UnderWAter Robots in Cooperation Meshes 2015
159 GENEVOSYN Reshuffling genes and genomes: from experimental evolution to synthetic biology in plants 2015
160 ABCvolume The ABC of Cell Volume Regulation 2015
161 TVOF The values of French language and literature in the European Middle Ages 2015
162 COMPOSKE Development of a new technology for production of Skeletons in composite materials for realization of pre-cast tunnel segments. 2015
163 SmartSite Optimisation, demonstration and implementation of an all-encompassing smart site management system for infrastructure construction and maintenance. 2015
164 SEFI Solar Energy for Food Industry 2015
165 ANICOLEVO Animal coloration through deep time: evolutionary novelty, homology and taphonomy 2016
166 ACT4INFRA Innovative Actuators for empowering smart pipeline infrastructures towards secure water, gas and heating supply 2015
167 CTA-DEV Cherenkov Telescope Array: Infrastructure Development and Start of Implementation 2015
168 BrightnESS Building a research infrastructure and synergies for highest scientific impact on ESS 2015
169 PANIPLAST Industrial Development of PANIPLAST Process Poly(aniline) Conductive Polymers 2015
170 SINE2020 World class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe 2020 – SINE2020 2015
171 QUEST Quantum Algebraic Structures and Models 2015
172 EISCAT3D_PfP EISCAT_3D: Preparation for Production 2015
173 Privacy.Us Privacy and Usability 2015
174 TERRE Training Engineers and Researchers to Rethink geotechnical Engineering for a low carbon future 2015
175 BuildHEAT Standardised approaches and products for the systemic retrofit of residential Buildings, focusing on HEATing and cooling consumptions attenuation. 2015
176 ECO-LOGIC GREEN FARM Design of an agricultural greenhouse for intensive growing of microalgae in fresh / sea water with a syngas production plant and organic farming of chickens and pigs outdoors. 2015
177 BioSmartTrainee Training in Bio-Inspired Design of Smart Adhesive Materials 2015
178 Supramol Towards Artificial Enzymes: Bio-inspired Oxidations in Photoactive Metal-Organic Frameworks 2015
179 EMBRIC European Marine Biological Research Infrastructure Cluster to promote the Blue Bioeconomy 2015
180 SWLCONNECTIVITY Sheep, Wool, Landscape and Connectivity 2016
181 STREAM Smart Sensor Technologies and Training for Radiation Enhanced Applications and Measurements 2016
182 WEY-CRISP Well-being among European youth: The contribution of student teacher relationships in the secondary-school population 2016
183 MC-SUITE ICT Powered Machining Software Suite 2015
184 IZADI-NANO2INDUSTRY Injection moulding, casting and coating PILOTS for the production of improved components with nano materials for automotive, construction and agricultural machinery. 2015
185 ERINHA2 European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents 2 2016
186 MUSE Muon campus in US and Europe contribution 2016
187 NANOxCOMP Synthesis and Performance Optimization of a Switching Nano-crossbar Computer 2015
188 MODBRIDGE Modular 100% Carbon Fibre Footbridge 2015
190 REUSABLE NGS LIBRARY Reusable Back-up Library Construction and Storage Technology for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in Clinical Diagnostics 2015
191 SE-NBW Demonstration of a self-erection system for wind turbine towers 2015
192 LiraTower Novel concept of cost-effective and simplified in-situ concrete tower of 140m for harnessing higher and more consistent wind velocities and enhancing the power output of wind turbines 2015
193 PRIGeoC Partnership for Research in Geopolymer Concretes 2016
194 RecRoad From Aquileia to Singidunum (Belgrade), reconstructing the paths of Roman travelers 2016
195 ELITRANS ELITRANS-Facilitating the transformation of ELI from ERDF funded, distributed infrastructures towards a unified ELI-ERIC. 2015
196 INSUPanel Building the green way: wide take-up of a versatile, proven, energy and cost efficient insulation technology 2015
198 HELIOtube Inflatable solar collectors for a low cost CSP Plant with irreducibly small carbon footprint 2015
199 HIGHER HIGHER: “High performance Engine for Light Sport Aircraft 2015
201 MULTILAT Multi-phase Lattice Materials 2016
202 RegoLight Sintering Regolith with Solar Light 2015
203 HScan Inspection Sensor and Evaluation Criteria for Assessing the Inner Surface Quality of Holes in CFRP Parts 2016
204 DEMOGRAVI3 Demonstration of the GRAVI3 technology – innovative gravity foundation for offshore wind 2016
205 iMPACT innovative Medical Protons Achromatic Calorimeter and Tracker 2016
206 SMARTGEARBOX Development of a new gearbox without lubricants for low OM costs, higher efficiency, and oiless applications 2016
207 IN-SKA Square Kilometre Array: Infrastructure Detailed Design for SKA Phase 1 2016
208 NANOGRAPHOUT Design, synthesis, study and applications of distorted nanographenes 2016
209 DYNAMIQS Relaxation dynamics in closed quantum systems 2016
210 FlexiFuel-CHX Development of a fuel flexible and highly efficient ultra low emission residential-scale boiler with coupled heat recuperation based on flue gas condensation 2016
211 COMPROP Computational Propaganda:Investigating the Impact of Algorithms and Bots on Political Discourse in Europe 2016
212 EuPRAXIA Proposal for a Horizon 2020 Design Study on the “European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications“ (EuPRAXIA) 2015
213 CIVILWARS Social Dynamics of Civil Wars 2016
214 ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC implementAtion anD OPeration of the gateway for healTh into BBMRI-ERIC 2015
215 QUANTUM Quality management for building performance - improving energy performance by life cycle quality management 2016
216 SUMMA Scalable Understanding of Multilingual Media 2016
217 UNEXMIN Autonomous Underwater Explorer for Flooded Mines 2016
218 ISAAC Increasing Social Awarness and ACceptance of biogas and biomethane 2016
219 FloTEC Floating Tidal Energy Commercialisation project (FloTEC) 2016
220 ABRACADABRA Assistant Buildings’ addition to Retrofit, Adopt, Cure And Develop the Actual Buildings up to zeRo energy, Activating a market for deep renovation 2016
221 INCASI Global trends in social inequalities in Europe and Latin America and exploring innovative ways to reduce them through life, occupational and educational trajectories research to face uncertainty 2016
222 MedReset MEDRESET.A comprehensive, integrated,and bottom-up approach to reset our understanding of the Mediterranean space, remap the region,and reconstruct inclusive, responsive,and flexible EU policies in it 2016
223 PEARL Periodically bent crystals for crystalline undulators 2016
224 SPQRel Entanglement distribution via Semiconductor-Piezoelectric Quantum-Dot Relays 2016
225 TRANSITION ZERO Make Net Zero Energy refurbishments for houses a mass market reality 2016
226 ROC-CO2 Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by rock-derived organic carbon oxidation 2016
227 PIANOSILICA Pianosilica – new, eco-friendly and fire-resistant construction materials. 2016
228 Sensolweighs Solar energy and pressure sensor based solution for truck weighing 2016
229 Bots2ReC Robots to Re-Construction 2016
230 DefAlgS Deformation theory of algebraic structures 2016
231 Recyclatrack 100% recovery and RECYCLing of construction vehicle crAwler TRACKs into constituent rubber and steel for sustainable raw material supply 2016
232 LONGPOP Methodologies and Data mining techniques for the analysis of Big Data based on Longitudinal Population and Epidemiological Registers 2016
233 BASE-platform Bathymetry Service Platform 2015
234 TFS Tunnel fire stopper or TFS shortly 2016
235 GaugedBH Black holes in gauged Supergravity: Supersymmetric and Holographic properties 2017
236 MULTIMAT A multiscale approach towards mesostructured porous material design 2016
237 LiKo From Liouville to Kolmogorov: 2d quantum gravity, noise sensitivity and turbulent flows 2016
238 BioCircuit Programmable BioMolecular Circuits: Emulating Regulatory Functions in Living Cells Using a Bottom-Up Approach 2016
239 CAVE Challenges and Advancements in Virtual Elements 2016
240 MMS-II The Mamlukisation of the Mamluk Sultanate II: historiography, political order and state formation in fifteenth-century Egypt and Syria 2017
241 RustBelt Logical Foundations for the Future of Safe Systems Programming 2016
242 GEOCRETE Long-term performance simulation of geopolymer concrete under coupled carbonation and chloride transport 2016
243 SF-QFT Fundamental physics with intense laser fields 2016
244 By-BM By-products for Building Materials 2016
245 FORT2 Forward Trigger for the CMS phase-2 2016
246 SATBIM Simulations for multi-level Analysis of interactions in Tunnelling based on the Building Information Modelling technology 2016
247 NCR Visible Light-Mediated Synthesis of Nitrogen-Centered Radicals: New Reactivity via Photoredox Catalysis and Electron-Transfer Complexes 2017
248 SmartCubes An innovative class of nanoparticles (“SmartCubes”) for the targeted delivery of protein therapeutics 2016
249 NOSTA Nanostructured Oxide and Silicide Materials for Thermoelectric Device Applications 2017
250 MOFMAP Tailored Metal-Organic Framework: From Hybrid to Multifunctional Flame Retardant Polymer Nanocomposites 2017
251 STUSOCSTA Students, social change and the construction of the post-independence Algerian state, 1962-1978 2016
252 Coupled Constitutive and numerical modelling of saturated and unsaturated soils 2017
253 FaGEng Fashioning Georgian Englishness: Race, National Identity, and Codes of Proper Behaviour 2017
254 Perceptual Dominancy Using Psychophysical And Neuroimaging Tools To Identify The Mechanism Underlying Perceptual Dominancy In Vision 2016
255 OneClickLCA One Click LCA – transforming the construction industry through automated, affordable and scalable solution for assessing and improving the environmental impacts of construction projects and products 2016
256 ELR1K Enhancing Large-scale chemical Reactions based on Elementary Kinetics 2016
257 DIGITALIA Disruptive process for the construction of railway transition zones, reducing drastically construction and maintenance costs 2016
258 CORNposite Valorisation of corn processing by-products into plastic bio-composites 2016
259 S.M.A.S. Sustainable Modular Architectural System 2016
260 ESSENCE Innovative espresso machine with new water heating and boiler design to improve efficiency and coffee quality 2016
261 eoFRESH Earth Observation freshwater monitoring services 2016
262 COLEDISO Corporate Legitimacy in Digital Society: The Role of Citizens’ Judgments in Social Media 2016
263 TibArmy The Tibetan Army of the Dalai Lamas (1642-1959) 2016
264 MOPSA Modular Open Platform for Static Analysis 2016
265 CITADEL Critical Infrastructure Protection using Adaptive MILS 2016
266 LIQUEFACT Assessment and mitigation of liquefaction potential across Europe: a holistic approach to protect structures / infrastructures for improved resilience to earthquake-induced liquefaction disasters 2016
267 DivMeanBody Divergent Meanings: understanding the postmortem fate of human bodies found in Neolithic settlements from the Balkan area in light of interdisciplinary data 2016
268 CHISEL Church Building as Industry in Early Medieval Western Europe 2016
269 INSTINCT Inhibiting Stress in the Construction Industry 2017
270 GROUNDHR Challenges of Grounding Universal Human Rights. Indigenous epistemologies of human rights and intercultural dialogue in consultation processes on natural resource exploitation 2016
271 BigPicnic Big Picnic:Big Questions - engaging the public with Responsible Research and Innovation on Food Security 2016
272 DEGLUMINATE Light-Responsive Adhesives for Debond-on-Demand Solutions 2016
273 METAFLUIDICS Advanced toolbox for rapid and cost-effective functional metagenomic screening - microbiology meets microfluidics. 2016
274 MODCOMP Modified cost effective fibre based structures with improved multi-functionality and performance 2016
275 YouthCult The Cultural Experience of International Students: Narratives from North and South Europe 2016
276 ProPApp New PTFE Production Process for High Value Applications 2016
277 HIEXP High Dimensional Expanders, Ramanujan Complexes and Codes 2016
278 PSI-FELLOW-II-3i International, Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral Postdocs 2016
279 ACTECH Ancient ConstructionTECHniques between East and West. Building traditions, technological innovations and workmanship circulation: from Roman Arabia to Medieval Europe. 2017
280 IceXL IceXL: Advanced modeling and slicing software for additive manufacturing 2016
281 ProGeo ProGeo 2016
282 INNEQUAL Interactions between von Neumann algebras and quantum algebras 2016
283 HOMInG The Home-Migration Nexus: Home as a Window on Migrant Belonging, Integration and Circulation 2016
284 beSCIENCEd beSCIENCEd - Bringing science and research directly to the young people 2016
285 S.D.S. an innovative system for building hulls for recreational and work boats 2016
286 Ugypsum Up-cycling manufacturing waste from the composite industry 2016
287 NEPTUN Novel closed-cage system for high-value marine aquaculture 2016
288 LOOWATT European Expansion for Circular Economy Off-Grid Toilets 2016
289 SOLVE new machine tool for SimultaneOus pLate beVElling on all material types 2016
290 WHEKEE Smart modular panels for hotel and retail shop construction and refurbishment which reduces embodied energy by 30% respect to state of the art systems 2016
291 CUBETTO New CUBic shElter concepT TO foster living responses 2016
292 SOLID Search for a new form of matter: the sterile neutrino 2016
293 GREEN EPILE Green Epile: Development and implementation of a new generation of energy piles 2016
294 TagIt A Minimal-Tag Bioorthogonal Labelling Approach to Protein Uptake, Traffic and Delivery 2016
295 BEGMAT Layered functional materials - beyond 'graphene' 2016
296 DomEQUAL A Global Approach to Paid Domestic Work and Social Inequalities 2016
297 BIO4SELF Biobased self-functionalised self-reinforced composite materials based on high performance nanofibrillar PLA fibres 2016
298 RAGTIME Risk based approaches for Asset inteGrity multimodal Transport Infrastructure ManagEment 2016
299 100 Archaic Genomes Genome sequences from extinct hominins 2016
301 PETRIFYING WEALTH Petrifying Wealth. The Southern European Shift to Masonry as Collective Investment in Identity, c.1050-1300 2017
302 6D STRINGS Tensionless strings of six-dimensional superconformal theories 2016
303 AM4INFRA Common Framework for a European Life Cycle based Asset Management Approach for transport infrastructure networks 2016
305 PROMETHEUS-5 Energy efficient and environmentally friendly multi-fuel power system with CHP capability, for stand-alone applications. 2016
306 SPA4ROADS Sustainable polymers application for preventive maintenance and upgrading of resilient and secure roads 2016
307 SYNBIOMAN Demonstration of a synthetic biology-driven biomanufacturing platform for adaptable cost-effective production of high-value low volume biologics opportunities. 2016
308 Ufloor Suspended timber floor insulation project 2016
309 ASSIMILES Advanced Spectroscopy and Spectrometry for Imaging Metabolism using Isotopically-Labeled Endogenous Substrates 2016
310 Young-Italian 2015 Dangerous Masculinities: Young Men in Italian Cinema of the 1940s-1960s 2016
311 EFIResources Resource efficient construction towards Sustainable Design 2016
312 Protoeukaryotes Multicompartmental Designs For Protocells 2016
313 Wall-ACE Wall insulation novel nanomaterials efficient systems 2016
314 REHAP Systemic approach to Reduce Energy demand and CO2 emissions of processes that transform agroforestry waste into High Added value Products. 2016
315 HINDCON Hybrid INDustrial CONstruction through a 3D printing “all-in-one” machine for large-scale advanced manufacturing and building processes 2016
316 LASIMM Large Additive Subtractive Integrated Modular Machine 2016
317 InnoWEE Innovative pre-fabricated components including different waste construction materials reducing building energy and minimising environmental impacts 2016
318 FUNGUSCHAIN Valorisation of mushroom agrowastes to obtain high value products 2016
319 PAcMEN Predictive and Accelerated Metabolic Engineering Network 2016
320 RE4 REuse and REcycling of CDW materials and structures in energy efficient pREfabricated elements for building REfurbishment and construction 2016
321 SPAIN Smart Panels for SAT Aircrafts Cabin Insulation 2016
322 PRINTSolar Printable Perovskite Solar Cells with High Efficiency and Stable Performance 2016
323 4RinEU Robust and Reliable technology concepts and business models for triggering deep Renovation of Residential buildings in EU 2016
324 Intersex Genealogy Postcolonial genealogy of intersexuality. Influence of US and Spanish scientific theories in the Colombian medical practices and discourses about intersexuality in the second half of twentieth century 2016
325 Eclipse Ecological Low Impact Production Sport Elastomer 2016
326 MIMODETECT Improved detection of underground pipes by Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar for The Radar Networks 2016
327 HiEff-BioPower Development of a new highly efficient and fuel flexible CHP technology based on fixed-bed updraft biomass gasification and a SOFC 2016
328 CSEM The Collaborative Seismic Earth Model Project 2017
329 HALODRUGSYN Innovative Strategies towards Halogenated Organic Molecules: From Reaction Design to Application in Drug Synthesis 2017
330 CosNeD Radio wave propagation in heterogeneous media: implications on the electronics of Cosmic Neutrino Detectors 2016
331 STAMP Software Testing AMPlification 2016
332 SMARTSAND Transforming fly ash waste from coal-fired power plants into lightweight engineered sand formultiple applications 2016
333 HEPHAESTUS Highly automatEd PHysical Achievements and PerformancES using cable roboTs Unique Systems 2017
334 ESOMAVOD Enantioselective Synthesis of Madangamine Alkaloids via Organocatalytic Desymmetrization 2016
335 CERBERO Cross-layer modEl-based fRamework for multi-oBjective dEsign of Reconfigurable systems in unceRtain hybRid envirOnments 2017
336 MONICA Management Of Networked IoT Wearables – Very Large Scale Demonstration of Cultural Societal Applications 2017
337 ERA-MIN 2 Implement a European-wide coordination of research and innovation programs on raw materials to strengthen the industry competitiveness and the shift to a circular economy 2016
338 IRESCO Innovative REtrofitting for Substandard COnstruction 2016
339 MAGENTA MAGnetic nanoparticle based liquid ENergy materials for Thermoelectric device Applications 2017
340 PLATYPUS PLAsticiTY of Perceptual space Under Sensorimotor interactions 2017
341 UFPCC Scale up of the Continuous Production Method for Nano-sized Precipitated Calcium Carbonate, and market Introduction for Industrial End Use 2016
342 SYNERGY Plugplay gasification plant for onsite conversion of otherwise unusable waste into renewable energy 2016
343 CHASSY Model-Based Construction And Optimisation Of Versatile Chassis Yeast Strains For Production Of Valuable Lipid And Aromatic Compounds 2016
344 DiGGeS Discrete Groups and Geometric Structures 2017
345 FASTSCALE Fast-Beam - Novel modular repair and newbuilding system for concrete bridges 2016
347 NEPTUNE New cross sEctorial value chains creation across EuroPe faciliTated by clUsters for SMEs's INnovation in BluE Growth 2016
348 XSPECT Expecting Ourselves: Embodied Prediction and the Construction of Conscious Experience 2017
349 LatinNow The Latinization of the North-western Roman Provinces: Sociolinguistics, Epigraphy and Archaeology 2017
350 OptoBETA Multicellular regulation of insulin secretion from pancreatic islets 2017
351 FLAG-ERA II The Flagship ERA-NET 2016
352 NEWEX Investigation and development of a new generation of machines for the processing of composite and nanocomposites materials 2017
353 GeoDust Utilization of secondary raw material in geopolymers production 2017
354 INCAT Innovative production system for work boat catamarans 2016
355 ELG-blocks Sustainable production of lightweight thermal concretes and concrete blocks with use of recycled industrial waste for construction of energy-efficient and/or highly seismic-safe masonry buildings 2017
356 PTO-SAFE innovative yoke for Power Take-Off SAFEty 2016
357 ECOMOBI Eco-friendly Modification of Bitumen (ECOMOBI) - Recycling end of life tyres into an efficient bitumen modifier 2016
358 FLOWSPA Floating Offshore Wind Support Platform and Assembly Solution 2017
359 SLIM Strong, Lightweight and Indestructible Marble 2016
360 HydroNanoCoating Hydrophobic Nano Coating for Cardboard Food Packaging with a 40% increased resistance to water and 3x times longer durability 2016
361 FlexBuild Market maturation of innovative Flexible modules for temporary sealing of construction Buildings 2016
362 AMICI Accelerator and Magnet Infrastructure for Cooperation and Innovation 2017
363 IN-POWER Advanced Materials technologies to QUADRUPLE the Concentrated Solar Thermal current POWER GENERATION 2017
364 PRE-EST Preparatory Phase for the European Solar Telescope 2017
365 IPFLOW Inverse Problems and Flows 2017
366 STILORMADE Highly efficient non-standard solar modules manufactured through an automated, reconfigurable mass production processes delivering 30% reduction in costs 2017
367 ARIES Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society 2017
368 Q-Air Sustainable Prefabricated Glass Façade with Performance Exceeding State-of-the-art Glass Façades 2017
369 PROCSYS Towards programmable cyber-physical systems: a symbolic control approach 2017
370 CaTs n DOCs Chemically and Thermally Stable Nano-sized Discrete Organic Cage Compounds 2017
371 MAFRAN Mathematical Frontiers in the Analysis of Many-particle Systems 2017
372 OCEAN_2G Second Generation technologies in ocean Energy 2017
373 EMSO-Link Implementation of the Strategy to Ensure the EMSO ERIC’s Long-term Sustainability 2017
374 Adaptive Simulations Bringing to market an open source CFD framework as a fully automated simulation service with high performance computing cloud-based access 2016
375 MotionMapper A real-time ground motion disaster mitigation system based on satellite, drone and ground radar images for industry safety and efficiency 2017
376 M2M mapKITE to market 2017
377 SOLACE Housing System of production and delivery self-assembly, carbon neutral, energy positive and income generating house which reduces housing overburden declining inequality gap. 2017
378 MEM-DG Modular Electric Motor technology with integrated Digital Gears for increased driving performance 2017
379 YawSTOP First stabilisation device to enable rotation-free and rotation-controlled lifting and loading of cargo and goods by cranes or helicopters to make transportation more efficient, reliable and safe 2017
380 STRISOC Mass Strikes and Social Movements in India and Brazil 2017
381 RoboCat Molecular Robotics for Synthesis and Catalysis 2017
382 INWELCHAV Intersectional Analyses of Welfare Chauvinism in Europe 2017
383 EUTWIC European Travel Writing in Context. The Socio-Political Dimension of Travelogues 1760-1850 2017
384 DOMINO The Development of a Multiscale Modeling Framework for Investigating Marine Soft Clays 2018
385 HiLASE CoE HiLASE Centre of Excellence 2017
386 GroIsRan Growth, Isoperimetry and Random walks on Groups 2017
387 InstantScope Development of high-resolution, high-throughput microscopy 2017
388 DataSci4Tapoi Data Science for Tapoi 2017
389 GRIDAMUS Greek Identity in Art Music since the Early Nineteenth Century: Towards an Interdisciplinary Methodology 2018
390 AfriVeg Assessment of African Vegetation Resources: New Perspectives from Satellite Passive Microwave Datasets 2018
391 PE-FECATS Pasteur's Empire - French Expertise, Colonialism, and Transnational Science 2017
392 TeenEduGoals Adolescents’ education transitions: Multiple insights into the process dynamics of goal-construction and youth actions over time 2017
393 AMAM Ageing Multiphysics of Asphalt Materials 2017
394 nanoHPcs Sustainable nanoHVOF and nanoaxialPlasma coating solutions against wear problems of extrusion machines allowing an eco-efficient use of materials and the increase of recycling in the plastics industry 2017
395 DIGITALIA 2 Disruptive process for the construction of railway transition zones, reducing drastically construction and maintenance costs 2017
396 ULTIMATE Towards the ultimate dark matter detector 2017
397 CriticalGZ Critical Slope Gross-Zagier formula and Perrin-Riou's Conjecture 2017
398 DualFun Dual Function Polymer Materials for Blood Contacting Applications 2017
399 RF-MAFS Novel RF Driven MRI Magnet for Imaging Enhancement 2017
400 Womenswriting Women’s Plague Writing in Early Modern England 2017
401 InSpeCo Inside Speakers' Corner. Late Medieval Italian Anchoresses in European Context. 2017
402 TWOSENS Towards Highly-Efficient Two-Photon Absorbing Sensitizers within a Confined Chromophore Space:From Computer-Aided Design to New Concepts and Applications 2018
403 HARM High Attenuation Recycling Materials as sustainable barriers for waste disposal sites 2018
404 GEOHEAL Self-healing geological construction materials and structures 2018
405 SCRIBE Reading the genetic history of parchment manuscripts. 2017
406 TEMPOMATH Temporal delays in mathematical models of cell biology processes 2017
407 TimePresCompBridge Time-dependent design and assessment of prestressed steel-concrete composite bridges with external FRP tendons 2017
408 YEFF Comprehensive analysis of yeast expression-fitness functions (EFFs) 2018
409 MoroccoMasculinities Masculinities, Youth and Violence in the Moroccan Underclass: Young Men and Their Future Selves. 2017
410 PV-TE-MCHP A Novel Hybrid Photovoltaic–Thermoelectric Power Generation System Employing the Flat-plate Micro-channel Heat Pipe 2017
411 PresWoodenHeritage Preserving Wooden Heritage. Methods for monitoring wooden structures: 3D laser scanner survey and application of BIM systems on point cloud models 2017
412 HYPER TOWER Design of Hyper Tall Onshore Wind Turbine Towers 2017
413 Road Diplomacy Road Diplomacy: International Infrastructure and Ethnography of Geopolitics in 21st Century Asia 2018
414 BVCGA The BV Construction: a Geometric Approach 2017
415 BRASILIAE Indigenous Knowledge in the Making of Science: Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648) 2018
416 GEOCOND Advanced materials and processes to improve performance and cost-efficiency of Shallow Geothermal systems and Underground Thermal Storage 2017
417 GalaxyDance Dance of galaxies: testing General Relativity and alternatives using galaxy velocity fields 2017
418 GLARE Exploring Gender in Children's Literature from Cognitive Corpus Stylistic Perspective 2017
419 TICOH Taming Irregular Computations On Heterogeneous processors 2017
420 WASPSNEST Wavelength tunable Advanced Single Photon Sources Non-laboratory Environment Specification and Testing 2017
421 SILENT RUBBER PAVE Accelerate the commercialization of RARX technology process in the global markets of ECOLOGICALLY FRIENDLY SILENT RUBBER PAVEMENTS 2017
422 PCELLS Synthetic Cellularity via Protocell Design and Chemical Construction 2017
423 REGAIN REGionalism And INstututional dynamics in the EU 2017
424 FINCAP Fuel INjector Coking and Autoxidation Prediction 2017
425 COMPCON Competition under (niche) construction 2017
426 ULP.PILAEMA Urban Landscapes of Power in the Iberian Peninsula from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages 2018
427 QFPROBA Quantum Fields and Probability 2017
428 BIMplement Towards a learning building sector by setting up a large-scale and flexible qualification methodology integrating technical, cross-craft and BIM related skills and competences 2017
429 BIMEET BIM-based EU -wide Standardized Qualification Framework for achieving Energy Efficiency Training 2017
430 NEWCOM New competence for building professionals and blue collar workers – certified qualification schemes to upgrade the qualification for building nZEBs 2017
431 A-ZEB Affordable zero energy buildings 2017
432 SVAP Next generation solar active facade element Solar ventilation air preheater SVAP 2017
433 MEDEA-CHART The Medieval and Early Modern Nautical Chart: Birth, Evolution and Use 2017
435 STAR-ProBio Sustainability Transition Assessment and Research of Bio-based Products 2017
437 SERA Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe 2017
438 VISAGE Visible Attributes through Genomics: Broadened Forensic Use of DNA for Constructing Composite Sketches from Traces 2017
439 CRAVEzero Cost Reduction and market Acceleration for Viable nearly zero-Energy buildings 2017
440 SEMANTAX Form-Independent Semantics for Natural Language Understanding 2017
441 NANOCHEM Nanopores for New Molecular Nitrogen Chemistry 2017
442 H-E Interactions Increasingly Anthropogenic Landscapes and the Evolution of Plant-Food Production: Human - Environment Interactions during the Final Pleistocene and Early Holocene in the Levant. 2017
443 ECOXY Bio-based recyclable, reshapable and repairable (3R) fibre-reinforced EpOXY composites for automotive and construction sectors. 2017
445 QUESCA Quantum Enhanced Sensing with Cold Atoms 2017
446 NERO Cost reduction of new Nearly Zero-Energy Wooden buildings in the Northern Climatic Conditions 2017
447 MossTree A new smart city climate infrastructure with a capacity for reducing air pollution equivalent to 275 normal trees 2017
448 WATEC Development of a novel wave tidal energy converter (WATEC) to lower renewable electricity generation costs. 2017
449 SEAMLESS Surface Catalysed Adhesive for Low Temperature Joining of Lightweight Materials and Components 2017
450 BTPin Commercialising Innovative and Market Disruptive Pin Technology for Improving Heavy Machine Operations in Port, Mining and Construction Industries. Phase 1. 2017
451 Steammatic Detergent free steam cleaning system for modular conveyor belts in the food industry 2017
452 TranSim The Next Generation Simulation-Based Training System for Optimal Transportation Systems 2017
453 PAPERCHAIN New market niches for the Pulp and Paper Industry waste based on circular economy approaches 2017
454 ALEXANDRIA Large-Scale Formal Proof for the Working Mathematician 2017
455 BIO-H-BORROW Biocatalytic Amine Synthesis via Hydrogen Borrowing 2017
456 BIOMOTIVE Advanced BIObased polyurethanes and fibres for the autoMOTIVE industry with increased environmental sustainability 2017
457 CoNZEBs Solution sets for the Cost reduction of new Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings - CoNZEBs 2017
458 Fit-to-nZEB Innovative training schemes for retrofitting to nZEB-levels 2017
459 CLEANTECHBLOCK2 Market maturation of CleanTechBlock technology 2017
460 NextWind Harvesting airborne wind energy using rigid kites. 2017
461 CoupledNC Coupled Nanocrystal Molecules: Quantum coupling effects via chemical coupling of colloidal nanocrystals 2017
462 GEMMA GEneration iv Materials MAturity 2017
463 ADVISE ADVanced Inspection of Complex StructurEs 2017
464 ECOSHEET-PRO An Eco-Innovative Alternative to Plywood 2017
465 iPROCELL Commercial validation of iPROCELL: a novel modular assembly practice 2017
466 PassivDom Feasibility study for PassivDom – autonomous self-learning 3D-printed modular house 2017
467 PRACTICIES Partnership against violent radicalization in the cities 2017
468 ALGSTRONGCRYPTO Algebraic Methods for Stronger Crypto 2017
469 THUNDERR Detection, simulation, modelling and loading of thunderstorm outflows to design wind-safer and cost-efficient structures 2017
470 GLOBAL-HOT A Global History of Technology, 1850-2000 2017
471 PUZZLE_DIE PUZZLE_DIE: an innovative solution for a faster and cheaper car weight reduction to help carmakers to meet European limits to CO2 emissions. 2017
472 STUNNING SusTainable bUsiNess models for the deep reNovation of buIldiNGs 2017
474 LEAP home LEAP home, a new home for a sustainable future. A functional and aesthetic answer to a liberated living. 2017
475 PORTAFACT Sustainable, Ecological PolyUrethane Foam Panel Construction System, integrated into an Innovative Portable Factory Solution 2017
476 REZBUILD REfurbishment decision making platform through advanced technologies for near Zero energy BUILDing renovation 2017
477 SAFETY 4.0 Launching working environment safety systems based on UWB connectivity aimed at the 4.0 INDUSTRY 2017
478 Biocrete Biocrete – Bio-inspired bacteria-based stress-responsive concrete. 2017
479 IBIS Platform for label-free quantitative detection of single proteins and extracellular vesicles 2017
480 DEMETO Modular, scalable and high-performance DE-polymerization by MicrowavE TechnolOgy 2017
481 HOPE-ON Holistic Open Platform for Energy control and monitoring and facility digitalizatiON 2017
482 UNIFY A Unified Framework for the Assessment and Application of Cognitive Models 2018
483 3D-Roving Deposition Directed and three-dimensional placement of continuous fibres with the direction of forces enabling asignificant reduction of costs and weight in carbon fibre components 2017
484 COSINE Training network for COmputational Spectroscopy In Natural sciences and Engineering 2018
485 ERICA Engineered Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates for Applications 2017
486 FuSuMaTech Future Superconducting Magnet Technology 2017
487 HEART Holistic Energy and Architectural Retrofit Toolkit 2017
488 HYBRID Innovative Training Network towards raising and supporting the next generation of creative and entrepreneurial cross-speciality imaging experts 2017
489 INTAC The International Register of Academic Job Categories. Facilitating Careers in the European Research Area 2017
490 MIDRAULICS Modular Intelligent Hydraulics 2017
491 Plant.ID Molecular Identification of Plants 2018
492 QuSCo Quantum-enhanced Sensing via Quantum Control 2017
493 SLIM SLIM: Strong, Lightweight and Indestructible Marble 2017
494 BORDER Towards a decentred history of the Middle East: Transborder spaces, circulations, frontier effects and state formation, 1920-1946 2017
496 AMPLITUDES Manifesting the Simplicity of Scattering Amplitudes 2018
497 EuroAgeism An international, multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral training network on ageism 2017
498 CLEANKER CLEAN clinKER production by Calcium looping process 2017
499 DNA-Robotics DNA-Based Modular Nanorobotics 2018
500 Madaster Towards a circular economy: Eliminate waste through an open platform that facilitates material passports 2017
501 ARTIST Artificial cell-cell interactions for light switchable cell organization and signaling 2018
502 PrecisionNuclei Strong interactions for precision nuclear physics 2018
503 SPEECHREPORTING Discourse reporting in African storytelling 2018
504 TRAC Tailor-made Recycled Aggregate Concretes 2018
505 soundproof4win Soundproof window with ventilation function 2017
506 ZephyCloud-2 Making Wind Energy More Profitable...Faster! 2017
507 DYNASSEMBLY Dynamic control of assembly, directonnality and chirality in hydrogen bond networks. 2018
508 EUROMIX Regulating mixed intimacies in Europe 2017
509 NEBULAR Novel Blueprints for the Visible-Light-Mediated Assembly of C–N Bonds via Nitrogen Radicals 2018
510 DYNAVERSITY DYNAmic seed networks for managing European diVERSITY 2017
511 NEXUS Towards Game-changer Service Operation Vessels for Offshore Windfarms 2017
512 RealTide Advanced monitoring, simulation and control of tidal devices in unsteady, highly turbulent realistic tide environments 2018
513 ARICE Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium: A strategy for meeting the needs for marine-based research in the Arctic 2018
514 HD-DittoGraph HD-DittoGraph: a digital human Embryonic Stem Cell platform for Huntington's repeats 2018
515 GWsFromEMRIs Gravitational waves from extreme mass-ratio inspirals 2018
516 CoQuake Controlling earthQuakes 2018
517 InnovaConcrete Innovative materials and techniques for the conservation of 20th century concrete-based cultural heritage 2018
518 HoliFAB Holistic digital-to-physical prototyping and production pilot for microfluidic MEMS 2017
519 CROSS-MIGRATION Current European and Cross-National Comparative Research and Research Actions on Migration 2018
520 COLLECTORS waste COLLECTiOn systems assessed and good pRacticeS identified 2017
521 POSIDON POlluted SIte DecontaminatiON - PCP 2018
522 ESSnuSB Feasibility Study for employing the uniquely powerful ESS linear accelerator to generate an intense neutrino beam for leptonic CP violation discovery and measurement. 2018
523 FunFiCO Fundamental fields and compact objects: theory and astrophysical phenomenology 2017
524 REMIX Regenerative Medicine Innovation Crossing - Research and Innovation Staff Exchange inRegenerative Medicine 2017
525 e.THROUGH Thinking rough towards sustainability 2018
526 ESMERA European SMEs Robotics Applications 2018
527 MEMMO Memory of Motion 2018
528 BIOGASTIGER BIOGASTIGER® system – turning global organic waste streams into smart and clean energy 2017
529 Aerial BCP A 1Gpixel Camera to Open the Markets of Aerial Data Acquisition 2017
531 DINTRA Innovative railway sleeper design increasing track lateral resistance, reducing significantly costs related to track misalignment events 2017
532 PRECOPAL Zero Corrosion Sheet Pile Elements with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars 2017
533 QLEX Creo QLEX Creo – Bringing reach to the drone market. 2017
534 Timber Shuttle The novel wood-harvesting system for mechanical steep-slope logging 2017
535 FuRIC Future Recycled Inert Concrete Made of Steelworks Residues 2017
536 Enterprise BIM Enterprise BIM digitization platform feasibility verification 2017
537 HIL PT System Revolutionary, cost effective, spatially efficient, proton therapy system for cancer treatment. 2017
538 MECHABLASTO Morphogenesis during pre-implantation development: molecular and mechanical regulation 2018
539 ReCO2ST Residential Retrofit assessment platform and demonstrations for near zero energy and CO2 emissions with optimum cost, health, comfort and environmental quality. 2018
540 PASIPHAE Overcoming the Dominant Foreground of Inflationary B-modes: Tomography of Galactic Magnetic Dust via Measurements of Starlight Polarization 2018
541 D-SynMA Distributed Synthesis: from Single to Multiple Agents 2018
542 HAPPEN Holistic AProach and Platform for the deep renovation of the med residential built ENvironment 2018
543 peLabDisk Point-of-care molecular diagnostics of psoriasis and eczema – peLabDisk 2018
544 Nanodevice Nanostructure-based label-free biomolecular binding kinetics assay 2018
545 SPEED-EU Damping device to solve the pantograph-line capture problems, especially for the EU high-speed railways lines 2018
546 OMNISCIENT Prediction and optimisation platform for the mobile assets management 2018
547 HouseBuildR Build your house exactly as you imagined it 2018
548 CAALA CAALA - Computer Aided Architectural Life-cycle Assessment 2018
549 R3FIBER Eco-innovation in Composites Recycling for a Resource-Efficient Circular Economy 2018
550 Stringlandscape Deconstructing the string landscape 2018
551 ENIGMA Supervisor Control for ENhanced electrIcal enerGy MAnagement 2018
552 SPotEU Sugar Pot manufacture in western Europe in the medieval and post-medieval period (11th-16th centuries AD) 2018
553 BIOPLAS-PRO high-performance BIOPLAStic PROducts for new markets and applications 2017
554 TRIBOSC Towards Radically Innovative Materials for Better and Sustainable Organic Solar Cells 2018
555 GlueCore Mapping the 3-dimensional gluon structure of the proton 2018
556 Black Cinema-Going Black Cinema-Going in New York of the Interwar Period 2018
557 FULFIL Fulfilling the Law: Medieval Intellectuals and the Christian Making of Jewish Identity 2018
558 IMBIO Innovative Manure Biofertilizers 2018
559 BridgeScan Laser Scanning for Automatic Bridge Assessment 2019
560 CINDERELA New Circular Economy Business Model for More Sustainable Urban Construction 2018
561 Constr-HaVi Construction techniques, experimentation and innovative architectural solutions atHadrian’s Villa (Tivoli, Italy) 2019
562 Construye2020_Plus A new boost for green jobs, growth and sustainability 2018
563 CuCAN Asymmetric Copper Catalyzed Multicomponent Coupling 2018
564 D5S Direct Statistical Simulation of the Sun and Stars 2018
565 JUSTEMOTIONS The construction of objectivity - An international perspective on the emotive-cognitive process of judicial decision-making 2018
566 NEMO Near-zero-waste recycling of low-grade sulphidic mining waste for critical-metal, mineral and construction raw-material production in a circular economy 2018
567 TRAINEE TowaRd market-based skills for sustAINable Energy Efficient construction 2018
568 SIRENA Novel electric stair climber to break barriers in transport of disabled people and goods through a safe, quick and comfortable movement 2018
569 LEGOTOP From Local Elements to Globally Ordered TOPological states of matter 2018
570 HMAM Healing Multiphysics of Asphalt Materials 2018
571 SINGREP Linking singularity theory and representation theory with homological methods 2018
572 GO Religioscapes Churches, Arks of Migratory Narratives: A Comparative Study of the Greek-Orthodox Religioscapes in Germany and Great Britain 2018
573 WAEE Women at the Edge of Empire: Female Social Identity in the Lower Danube in 4th-6th Centuries AD 2018
574 SiDMACIB Structurally informed Design of Masonry Assemblages Composed of Interlocking Blocks 2018
575 ORO A General Strategy for the Generation and Use of Oxygen Centered Radicals in Organic Synthesis 2018
576 SUPER PV CoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systems 2018
577 VEHICULA VEhicles as High-status Indicators in the CUlture of Late Antiquity 2018
578 TLIINCSEFFR Towards Low Impact and Innovative New Concrete Structures: Exploitation of FRP Fabric Reinforcement 2018
579 OFFSHORE TALL TOWER Structural safety improvement of offshore tall wind turbines under wind and wave loadings 2019
580 TUBEURB Tunnelling beneath piled structures in urban areas 2018
581 ALATA The Making of Angels in Late Antiquity: Theology and Aesthetics 2018
582 REUSE Reusable precast steel-concrete composite floors 2019
583 MFOptBF Multi-fidelity design optimization of long-span bridges considering probabilistic wind-induced instabilities of flutter and buffeting and hydrodynamics 2018
584 TENUMECA The technopolitics of nuclear megaproject pathologies, economic controversies and varieties of socioeconomic appraisal 2019
585 MapDung Dung as Construction Material During the Emergence of Animal Domestication: A Multi-Proxy Approach 2018
586 Gender identity Alone against Secularisation? Gender identity in Anglican and Catholic women (England-Spain, 1960-2015) 2019
587 REMES Chiral Flame Retardant Materials: Design, Synthesis and Study of Chirality-Flame Retardancy Relationship between the (R)-Enantiomer and (S)-Enantiomer 2019
588 GEOBACTICON The efficiency of bio-self-healing concrete within ground conditions 2018
589 MOCCA Metal-Organic Cages for Catalysis Applications 2018
590 TRANSURBICIDE Transition urbicide: Post-conflict reconstruction in post-socialist Belgrade 2018
591 Gold3Cat (P,C) and (O,O) well-defined gold(III) complexes for the development of new gold(III) catalytic processes 2018
592 SPEctRUM Seismic Plus EneRgy Upgrading of Masonry Buildings using Advanced Materials 2018
593 EthnoCODICES Oracles of the Other World: Using Ethnography to Study Depictions of Human Remains in Mexican Precolonial Codices 2018
594 AIRCRANE New Concrete-Towers Assembly system for taller Wind Turbines. 2018
595 LANDSUPPORT Development of Integrated Web-Based Land Decision Support System Aiming Towards the Implementation of Policies for Agriculture and Environment 2018
596 HyCool Industrial Cooling through Hybrid system based on Solar Heat 2018
598 TrAM Transport: Advanced and Modular 2018
599 MeSoMat Metabolic soft matter with life-like properties 2018
600 PaDC Property and Democratic Citizenship: The Impact of Moral Assumptions, Policy Regulations, and Market Mechanisms on Experiences of Eviction 2018
601 Loops and groups Loops and groups: Geodesics, moduli spaces, and infinite discrete groups via string topology and homological stability 2018
602 The Blue Growth Farm Development and demonstration of an automated, modular and environmentally friendly multi-functional platform for open sea farm installations of the Blue Growth Industry 2018
603 RemovAL Removing the waste streams from the primary Aluminium production and other metal sectors in Europe 2018
604 GeoRes Geomaterials: from Waste to Resource 2018
605 CraftEdu Setting up national qualification and training scheme for craftsmen in the Czech Republic and developing the further offer of training courses in Slovakia, Austria and Bulgaria 2018
606 PaVeS Parametrized Verification and Synthesis 2018
607 IMMUNEDIVERSITY Defining of human adaptive immune gene diversity and its impact on disease 2018
608 INNOVATION Innovation and opportunity in the evolution of life 2018
609 ArcNames Individuals, social identities and archetypes – the oldest Scandinavian personal names in an archaeological light 2019
610 CIRGEN Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies 2019
611 AeroArch Fostering Knowledge and Applications of New Aerogel Superinsulation in Architecture and Construction 2018
612 EVERYWH2ERE Making hydrogen affordable to sustainably operate Everywhere in European cities 2018
613 ICEDIG Innovation and consolidation for large scale digitisation of natural heritage 2018
614 Mycotaff A renewable bio-based material that enables efficient, cost-effective production of high-quality insulation, packaging, dry-wall, and other building materials 2018
615 ConcTest Development and commercialisation of the hand-held smart testing equipment for the instantaneous quality control of the concrete and cement 2018
616 Datumate Field data analytics cloud platform using drone-photogrammetry and computer vision algorithms for construction infrastructure planning, execution and delivery 2018
617 CABLESMART Innovative cable car for urban transport 2018
618 INNOWIND Low-cost and low-maintenance innovative mid-power horizontal axis wind turbine operable with low winds and small installation areas. 2018
619 TS3.0 New Technology for Multi-Axial, Slim and High Performance Timber Structures 2018
620 AutoTADes Automating Timed Automata Design 2018
621 ADDPRIME Multifunctional smart inhibitors for anti-corrosive coatings, enabling a significant reduction of maintenance costs on metallic surfaces 2018
622 MINAPATH MINAPATH: A novel and unique method to diagnose and prevent diseases that are caused by exposure and accumulation of inorganic mineral dusts. 2018
624 CLEAN CABINET A unique and innovative cleanliness test bench that allows to increase test efficiency and reduce costs for cleanliness assessment of hydraulic, automotive and aeronautic components and systems 2018
626 POFSensor Novel polymer optical fiber sensors for structural engineering 2018
627 GLAZER A breakthrough laser technology for all types of glass processing (ordinary, laminated, tempered, smart, low-energy and other) 2018
628 MYRES Innovative biotechnology using mycorrhizal fungi to restore and remediate damaged soils 2018
629 ASM Novel concept of cost-effective hybrid concrete/steel Auxiliary Shielding Module for enhancing the Radiological, Thermal and Structural behaviour of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage metallic casks 2018
630 ACT Low energy aeration solution for waste water treatment plants using hydrodynamic cavitation technology. 2018
631 MATTERHORN Electronic Thruster Controller for Underwater Vehicles and Robots 2018
632 LocateIT Locate IT - accurate self-learning IoT asset tracking 2018
633 Apollo Novel electric turbines to power the VTOL drone & aircraft revolution 2018
634 DeLiver FISH-LIVER-HARVESTER (FLH) Project - an automated fish liver harvesting machine 2018
635 AFISYS The new generation of Automated active Fire Protection Systems 2018
636 Woodoo Woodoo Augmented Wood - transforming wood into construction material strong as concrete and translucent as amber 2018
637 POMOC Charles IV and the power of marvellous objects 2019
638 POLINGO The Politics of Legitimacy: Non-partisan global governance and networked INGO power in the global governance of post-war states 2018
639 CARBIDE2500 The first 2500°C industrial furnace, for higher efficiency and up to 5 times higher strength materials 2018
640 MORE Multi-modal Optimisation for Road-space in Europe 2018
641 ICRI 2018 International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) 2018 in Vienna 2017
642 VERTEX Swarms of underwater robots for fast & accurate water quality measurements 2018
643 DETER A Decision Support Tool to Manage Earthworks along Road and Rail Networks 2018
644 BLINK Satellite Data Acquisition in the Blink of an Eye 2018
645 EFFECTIVE Advanced Eco-designed Fibres and Films for large consumer products from biobased polyamides and polyesters in a circular EConomy perspecTIVE 2018
646 HONEXT Bringing HONEXT to the market 2018
647 MaCChines Molecular machines based on coiled-coil protein origami 2018
648 REPAC Repetition, Parallelism and Creativity: An Inquiry into the Construction of Meaning in Ancient Mesopotamian Literature and Erudition 2019
649 EVOdrops directed EVOlution in DROPS 2018
650 MicroQC Microwave driven ion trap quantum computing 2018
651 ReInvent Novel Products for Construction and Automotive Industries Based on Bio Materials and Natural Fibres 2018
652 CUBE New approach to decentralized production of electricity, water supply and Internet connection, in full autonomy and off-grid 2018
654 ProtoMet Protometabolic pathways: exploring the chemical roots of systems biology 2018
655 HOP House Printing. Additive manufacturing technology for disaster areas. 2018
656 COCLICAN COllaborative Consortium for the early detection of LIver CANcer 2018
657 NextGenRoadFuels Sustainable Drop-In Transport fuels from Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Low Value Urban Feedstocks 2018
658 ISOPREP Ionic Solvent-based Recycling of Polypropylene Products 2018
659 i4Offshore Integrated Implementation of Industrial Innovations for Offshore Wind Cost Reduction 2018
660 SPHERE Service Platform to Host and SharE REsidential data 2018
661 BIM4REN Building Information Modelling based tools & technologies for fast and efficient RENovation of residential buildings 2018
662 KAPIBARA Homotopy Theory of Algebraic Varieties and Wild Ramification 2019
663 SPA4AstroQIT Broadband Quantum-Limited Parametric Amplifier for Astronomy and Quantum Information Technology 2019
664 RadNu Radio detection of the PeV - EeV cosmic-neutrino flux 2019
665 BIMERR BIM-based holistic tools for Energy-driven Renovation of existing Residences 2019
666 DuRSAAM PhD Training Network on Durable, Reliable and Sustainable Structures with Alkali-Activated Materials 2018
667 INTEGRADDE Intelligent data-driven pipeline for the manufacturing of certified metal parts through Direct Energy Deposition processes 2018
668 BIM-SPEED Harmonised Building Information Speedway for Energy-Efficient Renovation 2018
669 GULAGECHOES Gulag Echoes in the “multicultural prison”: historical and geographical influences on the identity and politics of ethnic minority prisoners in the communist successor states of Russia Europe. 2018
670 CAFYR Constructing Age for Young Readers 2019
671 MMAtwo Second generation Methyl MethAcrylate (MMAtwo) 2018
672 DroneGrid Simplifying Aerial Intelligence 2018
673 WEAFING Wearable Electroactive Fabrics Integrated in Garments 2019
674 PVadapt Prefabrication, Recyclability and Modularity for cost reductions in Smart BIPV systems 2018
675 BIPVBOOST Bringing down costs of BIPV multifunctional solutions and processes along the value chain, enabling widespread nZEBs implementation 2018
676 wecHomeAI wecHomeAI – The first AI-powered interior designer 2018
677 IPAC The first insulating, loadbearing cardboard material for construction applications 2018
678 FreshIndex Trust and Transparency for The Food Supply Chain 2018
680 recalm ANC headrest Accelerating market introduction of Active Noise Cancelling headrest solutions 2018
681 Modules New Technology for High Resistant and Flexible Fabric Structures 2018
682 ATHENA Assays for the identification of Thyroid Hormone axis-disrupting chemicals: Elaborating Novel Assessment strategies 2019
683 RI-VIS Expanding research infrastructure visibility to strengthen strategic partnerships 2019
684 EventRights Addressing inequality, enhancing diversity and facilitating greater dialogue in the hosting of sporting mega events. 2018
685 BEATS Beamline for Tomography at SESAME 2019
686 i-Contour An innovative 3D Free-form manufacturing technology for the construction industry 2018
687 SMARTUNNEL The longest-life & energy-saving emergency LED lighting system for underground infrastructures 2018
688 Smart Cylinder Smart Cylinder: Breakthrough hydraulic solution to boost productivity, increase energy efficiency and lower emissions in heavy-duty industrial applications 2018
690 AutoFlyMap AUTOnomous FLYing Robots in GNSS denied environments for 3D Underground infrastructure MAPping and inspection. 2019
691 MOCEAN INTELLIGENCE Empowering SMEs to take part in the Ocean Industry with an Intelligent Platform that will support their Business decisions 2018
692 ZDMP Zero Defect Manufacturing Platform 2019
693 BIONIC Personalised Body Sensor Networks with Built-In Intelligence for Real-Time Risk Assessment and Coaching of Ageing workers, in all types of working and living environments 2019
694 OASIS Open Access Single entry point for scale-up of Innovative Smart lightweight composite materials and components 2019
695 BIM4EEB BIM based fast toolkit for Efficient rEnovation in Buildings 2019
696 WarmHive SMART thermotherapy solution for varroa mite treatment. 2019
697 PT-SMS Novel structural monitoring solution for safe and sustainable post-tensioned infrastructure 2019
698 4DPHOTON Beyond Light Imaging: High-Rate Single-Photon Detection in Four Dimensions 2019
699 EXPLO Exploring the dynamics and causes of prehistoric land use change in the cradle of European farming 2019
700 OVO Habitat Sustainable, affordable and code compliant 3D printed houses 2018
701 MataDOR Medium Density Fibreboard Recovery 2019
702 Homes4Life Certified smart and integrated living environments for ageing well 2018
703 SYNTHESYS PLUS Synthesis of systematic resources 2019
704 PROFECI Mediating the Future: The Social Dynamics of Public Projections 2019
705 HiCoShiVa Higher coherent coholomogy of Shimura varieties 2019
706 PRO-ACT Planetary RObots Deployed for Assembly and Construction Tasks 2019
707 LYNXIGHT Deep vision learning for swimmer safety and analytics 2019
709 SmartBuild A real-time adaptive projected augmented reality of 3D blueprints on top of the physical construction site that improves both productivity and safety 2019
710 EXTRU-PUR Reactive Extrusion Technology for Thermoset Polyurethane Resins to Provide High Performance and Sustainable Plastic Materials in Construction and Related Industrial Markets. 2019
711 Carbon8 Capturing and adding value to CO2 & hazardous waste to produce valuable aggregates for construction 2019
712 ReNewQuantum Recursive and Exact New Quantum Theory 2019
713 LHCtoLISA Precision Gravity: From the LHC to LISA 2019
714 GeoTherm SWS The First Truly Mobile Geothermal Drilling Rig 2019
715 ECOHELIX Adding high value to wasted raw material from pulping industry 2019
716 ZEOCAT-3D Development of a bifunctional hierarchically structured zeolite based nano-catalyst using 3D-technology for direct conversion of methane into aromatic hydrocarbons via methane dehydroaromatization 2019
717 DigitalValues The Construction of Values in Digital Spheres 2019
718 VINCULUM Entailing Perpetuity: Family, Power, Identity. The Social Agency of a Corporate Body(Southern Europe, 14th-17th Centuries) 2019
719 WallCrossAG Wall-Crossing and Algebraic Geometry 2019
720 ENCORE ENergy aware BIM Cloud Platform in a COst-effective Building REnovation Context 2019
721 WoodCircus Underpinning the vital role of the forest-based sector in the Circular Bio-Economy 2018
722 BTPin Market Disruptive Pin Technology for Improving Heavy Machinery Operations and Safety 2019
723 SRRP A disruptive pre-assembled Self-Regenerating solvent Recovery Plant based on the vapor recompression principle in order to diminish the emission of volatile organic compounds to environment. 2019
724 BATTERY 2030 BATTERY 2030+ At the heart of a connected green society 2019
725 MORA Making Optimised Resistant and durable mArble 2019
728 INSPECS Improved Nano-Structure for Photocatalytic Efficient Cleaning of Surfaces 2019
729 PassiveShowerEcoTray The First Energy Saving Shower Tray with Graphene 2019
730 AIRSHADE Sustainable Responsive Shading System 2019
731 MLU250 The Game Changer Two Stage Micro Liquefaction Unit for (Bio) LNG 2019
732 MAYA MAnufacturing of the lining panel using hYbrid technologies; Additive manufacturing, injection moulding and thermoforming 2019
733 MAYURB Understanding ancient urbanism: site planning and unintended consequences of the Classic Maya city as a model 2020
734 LEAFINNOX Development of the Lean Azimuthal Flame as an Innovative aviation gas turbine low-NOX combustion concept 2019
735 IN2TRACK2 Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2 2018
736 LHP-C-H-PLATE-4-DC A Novel Loop-Heat-Pipe (LHP)-based Data Centre Heat Removal and Recovery System Employing the Micro-channels Cold/Hot Plates 2019
737 PoliticalPrisoners Political prisoners: a transnational question in 19th century Italy 2019
738 New GeneSS New Generation Design Methods for Stainless Steel Structures 2019
739 FORCE Molecular basis underlying the QTL responsible for the genetic control of flowering time in chickpea: an integrative approach 2019
740 LiBAT Development of a High Voltage Lithium BATtery 2018
741 FLAG-ERA III The Flagship ERA-NET — FLAG-ERA III 2018
742 SICILYWAR Culture Heritage in Danger: Archaeology and Communities in Sicily during the Second World War (1940–45) 2019
743 N-STRAINED Nitrogen-Radical-Based Radical Strain-Release Strategies for the Divergent Assembly of Polyfunctionalized 3D-Building Blocks 2019
744 X-MIXING Efficient mixing method at the microscale for Time-Resolved Serial Femtosecond Crystallography 2019
745 IPQNet Information Processing in Future Quantum Networks 2019
746 STRESS-Mums Study on TRansition and Exclusion in Society of Single-Mums 2019
747 RAMBEA Realistic Assessment of Historical Masonry Bridges under Extreme Environmental Actions 2019
748 BALANCE Mapping Dispersion Spectroscopically in Large Gas-Phase Molecular Ions 2019
749 SO-ReCoDi Spectral and Optimization Techniques for Robust Recovery, Combinatorial Constructions, and Distributed Algorithms 2019
750 CHROMPART Partition calculus on graphs, digraphs and hypergraphs with uncountable chromatic number 2020
751 PROTOBAC Engineering of complex protocells by micro-compartmentalization of living bacteria 2019
752 Pre-COSH Models of Practice in the Management of Occupational Safety and Health Risks During the Pre-Construction Phases of Construction Projects 2019
753 QuantGMC Quantum Field Theory with Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos 2020
754 BioPhoCS Bio- & Photo-Catalytic Methods for the Construction of Enantiomerically Pure C-S Bonds in Thiols and Sulphides 2020
755 ReFraMed Histories Rewriting and (Re-)Framing Memory in Late Medieval Historiography. The Case of Brabant (14th-15th c.) 2019
756 AtropFluoPhoto Stereoselective Synthesis of Atropisomeric Fluorophores for Asymmetric Photocatalysis 2019
757 AXIONRUSH Rethinking Ultraviolet Scenarios for Hunting the AXION 2019
758 COLLECTITUDE Building the collective at times of precarity: precarious labour and its countermovements 2020
759 DarkSphere Search for light Dark Matter with a Spherical Proportional Counter 2019
760 Ultra-LightCon-3D Ultra-Lightweight Concrete for 3D printing technologies 2019
761 qCHROMDEK Quantitative insight into chromatin nanoscale structure: sub-nuclear organisation of oncoprotein DEK 2019
762 DIS2 Disability and Disease during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Implications for Preparedness Policies 2019
763 WIRED Wired: The Role of Infrastructure in the Tibetan Buddhist Revival in Contemporary China 2019
764 MYTH Making national identity. The construction of Germanic Mythology in 19th century. 2020
765 DamBuckler Material damage and buckling instability: towards a unifying general theory 2019
766 ClassRockED Rocking in the Midwest: Transmitting and Performing Social Class in Rock Music Education 2019
767 C-ALM AOHE Compact - Additive Layer Manufactured Air Oil Heat Exchanger 2019
768 MMQIP Molecular Magnets: Coordination Cages, Frameworks and Multifunctional Materials 2020
769 SecureGas Securing The European Gas Network 2019
770 BELVAU Brick vaults and beyond: the transformation of a historical structural system (1830-1930) 2019
771 FASTER First responder Advanced technologies for Safe and efficienT Emergency Response 2019
772 VAMOS Value added materials from organic waste sugars 2019
773 VEHICLE Valorise Extensive quantities of HemIcellulosic and Cellulosic sugars from Lignocellulosic biomass into high-value End products 2019
775 GenALMA Kinship, Alliance and Urban Space: the Genoese 'alberghi' in the Late Middle Ages (c. 1150 - c. 1450) 2019
776 PERFoRM Passive layER FailuRe Mechanisms for Steel Embedded in Alkali-Activated Slag Materials 2019
777 MAIRWEN Mapping Argument Structure in Early Irish and Welsh 2019
778 LOBSTER Development of Photochemical Strategies for the Generation and Use of Sulfur Radicals in the Assembly of C-S Bonds 2019
779 REVERE Revisiting the Seventeenth-Century Republic of Letters 2019
780 INdifference The Interpretation of Differentia during Late Antique and Early Christian Thought 2020
781 NITRATE Nitrate Imbalance-control by TRAnsformative Technologies that are Electrochemically-driven 2019
782 Gentime Eschatological time as women’s time? Gendered temporality and female holiness in Early Christianity and Byzantium 2019
783 X-tendo eXTENDing the energy performance assessment and certification schemes via a mOdular approach 2019
784 MigrEnAb Encoding, Absorption and Abandonment of Cultural Material during Migration: : The Case of Judeo-Spanish Songbooks 2020
785 SANDLINKS Framing sand sustainability in a telecoupled world 2019
786 BioProMarL Bio-inspired Protection of Marble with Lasers 2019
787 FLEXBUILD Market maturation of innovative Flexible modules for temporary sealing of construction Buildings 2019
788 TANKRETE A breakthrough concrete mega tank for thermal fluids storage over 500ºC in thermal solar energy generation 2019
789 LEKAEH A novel, cost-, time- and energy-efficient, electric hammer to replace the traditional hydraulic hammer 2019
790 E-ODD Extending On-Demand wheel Drive to On-Road applications 2019
791 Hyalcis Hyaluronic-Cisplatin Film for Implant in Malignant Mesothelioma Recurrence 2019
792 QCAux Optimized auxiliary electronics system for Quantum Computing (QC) research 2019
793 SMARTER SMARTER Finance for Families–Improving Citizens’ Health, Comfort and Financial Well-Being by Supporting Banks, Residential Investors and Solution Providers with Green Homes and Green Mortgage programs 2019
794 CREAToR Collection of raw materials, Removal of flAme reTardants and Reuse of secondary raw materials 2019
795 SCOREwater Smart City Observatories implement REsilient Water Management 2019
796 WOOL2LOOP Mineral wool waste back to loop with advanced sorting, pre-treatment, and alkali activation 2019
797 CityLoops Closing the loop for urban material flows 2019
798 CIRCuIT Circular Construction In Regenerative Cities (CIRCuIT) 2019
799 Life-Inspired Life-inspired complex molecular systems controlled by enzymatic reaction networks 2019
800 Water-Cultures The Water Cultures of Italy, 1500-1900 2019
801 POSPORI Polymer Optical Sensors for Prolonged Overseeing the Robustness of civil Infrastructures 2019
802 SMERUPOL Analysing Politicisation around Sports Mega Events (SME) in contemporary Russia 2020
803 QUEST Quality Management Investments for Energy Efficiency 2019
804 CivDrone CivDrone – fast, remote and reliable staking solution 2019
805 RecycLoo The water recycling bio toilets 2019
806 Bufferblock Water buffering and drainage in urban areas by using drainage blocks under the road 2019
807 BRC Brextor - The horizontal forces concrete pile removal head for high-precision piles preparation 2019
808 RE_CREATE Eco-innovative building products for sustainable construction 2019
809 UDIGITAL The Digital Marketplace to empower SMEs for the digital transformation 2019
810 SRoCS A Swarm Robotics Construction System 2019
811 ARtwin An AR cloud and digital twins solution for industry and construction 4.0 2019
812 ProgNanoRobot Programmable NanoRobotics for Controlled Manipulation of Molecular Cargoes 2019
813 HIBOO HIBOO, the data platform to visualize and predict the industrial world 2019
814 GOLIATH PRO The first portable and automated milling robot tool enabling professional manufacturers to produce large-size objects in whatever place 2019
815 TANDEM Tuneable Acoustic Noise DampEning Material 2019
816 RECON Reprogramming Conformation by Fluorination: Exploring New Areas of Chemical Space 2019
817 GRE.A.TE.R.S. GREen Advanced TEchnologies for the Retrofitting of masonry Structures 2019
818 RETRY Resilience and Resignation among Transnational Roma and non-Roma Youths 2019
819 PAV-DT A disruptive technology that enables low cost real-time monitoring of road pavement condition by any ordinary vehicle circulating on the road, and automatically designs plans for predictive maintenance. 2019
820 Evo Constructor A fully Robotic and 3D Printing solution for large scale building delivery 2019
821 HIGH HYDRAULIC High-efficient digitalized portable hydraulic equipment 2019
822 Yetitablet Yetitablet - the most intuitive and versatile giant tablet 2019
823 SPE Silicon-Carbide-Fiber Pilot-production in Europe 2019
824 MatManager MatManager - New standard in road construction efficiency 2019
826 DigiPLACE Digital Platform for Construction in Europe 2019
827 Wooden Tower Wooden structured telecommunications tower for the complete mobile network coverage 2019
828 IMPRESS Innovative Method for PREStressing and post-tensioning technique addressing more Sustainable and secure concrete buildings 2019
829 cloudsensing Internet of Things (IoT) platform for concrete strength measurement and Machine Learning (ML) predictions in construction. 2019
830 TECTONIC The physics of Earthquake faulting: learning from laboratory earthquake prediCTiON to Improve forecasts of the spectrum of tectoniC failure modes: TECTONIC 2020
831 PuppetPlays Reappraising Western European Repertoires for Puppet and Marionette Theatres 2019
832 MORE Educating Europe`s Future Engineers in Next Generation Heavy Duty Mobile Machinery: Artificial Intelligence driven Robotisation, Energy Efficiency and Process Optimisation 2020
833 WMT A scalable, low cost solution for healthy mineralization of drinking water 2019
834 ngCon Building concrete solutions. A unique additive for the ideal concrete. 2019
836 CERES Cognitive Empowerment Resulting in Environmental Sustainability Improvement (CERES+). Human-Machine interaction in Industrial Vehicles through an innovative Augmented Reality System. 2019
837 MATE The First Industrial-Scale Commercially Viable & Environmentally Sensitive System For Empty Fruit Bunch Waste Disposal 2019
839 ESMOS Efficient, Safe and Multi-Functional Operation of Solar-Roads 2019
840 3DEPLAN Platform for 3D planning of future energy and linear network connected with augmeted reality for improved public participation 2019
841 CLEAN-Photo-TEX Advanced photocatalytic textiles to remediate urban air pollution 2019
842 Nomoko A Digital Copy Of The Earth 2019
843 VOROCO KOBOT – a VOice-responsive RObot for the COnstruction floor 2019
844 VITRIMAT Training in VITRImers: high performance MAterials and Trainees for cutting-edge industrial applications 2020
845 SOCRATIC SOCRATIC: A real-time effluent management software based on artificial intelligence and industrial automation, specific for the prevention of combined sewage overflow 2019
846 UPTEKO First Fully Integrated Drone System for Maritime Operations 2019
848 syn.ikia Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods 2020
849 SCAN and WORK Full Stack Digital Plant Scan and Work 2019
850 RTExD Intelligent acoustic sensor for real-time monitoring of large infrastructures 2019
851 FRGeo-Crete Natural Fibre Reinforced Crack-resistant and spalling-controlled sustainable Geopolymer Concrete 2019
852 FUNGAR Fungal architectures 2019
853 BASAJAUN BASAJAUN - Building A SustainAble Joint between rurAl and UrbaN Areas Through Circular And Innovative Wood Construction Value Chains 2019
854 myPAL-NET Underwater passive aquatic listening network system for smart monitoring of high impact weather events - myPAL-NET 2019
855 TCTOOL Innovative Tooling, End-Effector Development and Industrialisation for Welding of Thermoplastic Components 2019
856 SHERPA Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors 2019
857 HMS Homological mirror symmetry, Hodge theory, and symplectic topology 2020
858 MOTHIF Model Testing of High Lift system 2020
859 METACOUSTIC Computational design and prototyping of acoustic metamaterials for tailored insulation of noise 2019
860 RECYCLES Recovering carbon from contaminated matrices by exploiting the nitrogen and sulphur cycles 2020
861 NANOCELL A DNA NANOtechology toolkit for artificial CELL design 2020
863 LEGO-3D Learning Generative 3D Scene Models for Training and Validating Intelligent Systems 2020
864 SWOP The first non-toxic bio-based polymer resin to revolutionize the wood panel industry 2019
865 RESSPICAC Rational Engineering of Synthetic Systems for Propagation of Information via Catalytic Assembly of Copies 2019
867 AMPERE A Model-driven development framework for highly Parallel and EneRgy-Efficient computation supporting multi-criteria optimisation 2020
868 PHOMETAPAN PHOMETAPAN- Meta-materials for Green High-Performance Soundproofing 2019
869 AUTOSITE100 Autonomous cranes based on computer vision and AI to increase productivity and safety on construction sites 2019
870 SeCoIIA Secure Collaborative Intelligent Industrial Assets 2019
871 KlimaFacade Feasibility analysis for the development and market introduction of an innovative and multi-functional façade. 2019
872 EU-CELAC ResInfra Towards a new EU-CELAC partnership in Research Infrastructures 2019
873 BioPetrify Turning soils into stone 2019
874 stalkIT NB-IoT Robust Tracking and Monitoring Solution 2019
875 BATTERY PLUS High performing batteries for accelerated uptake of hybrid and electric vehicles 2019
876 SAFE-PUR Disruptive polyurethane foams with improved passive fire protection to increase energy efficiency & safety in buildings, houses and transport. 2019
877 PRO-S PRO-S: The first highly energy efficient and eco-friendly bio based-photovoltaic module that works without sunlight or battery consumption for Smart buildings 2019
878 GALIRUMI Galileo-assisted robot to tackle the weed Rumex obtusifolius and increase the profitability and sustainability of dairy farming 2019
879 ELNANO Charge transport in nanochannels 2019
880 FEST Future Experiments seek Smart Technologies 2020
881 RLICS Robust Lightweight Cardan Shaft 2019
882 HEGIAS The World’s First Browser-based and Automated High-end Virtual Reality Content Management System 2020
884 Xtend "Xtend - ""Extending Reality Skywards""" 2020
885 ERABID Enabling Robot Adaptive Behaviours for NDT Inspections in Dynamic Contexts 2020
886 MINDUP Mental Health Promotion and Intervention in Occupational Settings: MINDUP 2020
887 SMIC Formal Models of Social Meaning and Identity Construction through Language 2020
888 DigiPrime Digital Platform for Circular Economy in Cross-sectorial Sustainable Value Networks 2020
889 ICRI 2020 International Conference on Research Infrastructures 2020
890 ShipFC Piloting Multi MW Ammonia Ship Fuel Cells 2020
891 MultiPLHY Multimegawatt high-temperature electrolyser to generate green hydrogen for production of high-quality biofuels 2020
892 RePLAy Reinventing bioplastic: CO2 + sunlight = PLA 2019
893 TPV 2500 High performance hydraulic pump for off road mobile equipment 2020
894 SVELTE State-of-the-art solution for efficient manufacturing of complex geometry panels 2020
895 OXA Material solution for sustainable and affordable housing 2020
896 EVERCAM Intelligent Vision System for Improved Communication and Higher Productivity in Construction 2020
898 NEXTGEAR NEXT generation methods, concepts and solutions for the design of robust and sustainable running GEAR 2019
899 PERCISTAND Development of all thin-film PERovskite on CIS TANDem photovoltaics 2020
900 LightAtLHC Search for Axion-Like Particles at the LHC 2020
901 CRISPRcombo Interrogating native CRISPR arrays to achieve scalable combinatorial screens and dissect genetic redundancy 2020
902 FRRAnt Ordering, Constructing, Empowering: Fragments of the Roman Republican Antiquarians 2020
903 DONES-PreP IFMIF-DONES Preparatory Phase 2019
904 GUARDIAN Eco-friendly smart doors for non-residential building fire protection 2020
905 OUTOFPAPUA Papuans on the move. The linguistic prehistory of the West Papuan languages. 2020
906 InfoNet Informational properties of networks under communication constraints 2020
907 CLEANH2 Chemical Engineering of Fused MetalloPorphyrins Thin Films for the Clean Production of Hydrogen 2020
908 NeXource Next-generation Plasma-based Electron Beam Sources for High-brightness Photon Science 2020
909 DiSSCo Prepare Distributed System of Scientific Collections - Preparatory Phase Project 2020
910 MCT Metacomputational Complexity Theory 2020
912 SMARTSTAIR Robotic Production of EPS Formwork for cost-effective Concrete Stairs 2020
913 QUANTUMGRAIN Quantum Chemistry on Interstellar Grains 2020
914 ISICD Exploring the identity construction of IS members through linguistic markers in online discourse 2020
915 TMIM Textiles and the Making of Israeli Modernism: From the Zionist Bauhuas to Feminist Art 2020
916 AMI Animals Make identities. The Social Bioarchaeology of Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Cemeteries in North-East Europe 2020
917 ALCO2-FUNC A Remote-carboxylation Strategy for Alcohols via a Dual-catalytic System 2020
918 NANOMORT Development of a novel and ecologic mortar based on nanoparticles of lime and organic additives for the repair of Built Heritage and new construction 2020
919 BV Building Vienna 2020
920 SoBigData-PlusPlus SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics 2020
921 CLOSER Bringing Cognitive Linguistics and Language Teaching Closer Together 2020
922 ciTTub Molecular Basis of Tubulin Transport During Cilium Formation 2020
923 CYBERGEN Negotiating gender across online and offline social spaces. A study of cyber-mediated gendered norms, practices and aspirations among women of Moroccan and Turkish descent in France and Germany. 2021
924 MinusMicro Biopolymer Assisted Remediation of Microplastics from Fresh and Saline Water Environments using an Integrated Technology of Coagulation-Ultrasonication/Cavitation 2020
925 vPERFORM Developing advanced vibration performance assessment for new generation of lightweight pedestrian structures using motion platform and virtual reality environments 2020
926 CuZnSyn Understanding Copper–Zinc Synergy for Carbon Dioxide Hydrogenation 2020
927 BIOIMD Bioresorbable Self-powered Implantable Device 2020
928 LyrA Lyric Authority: Editing and Rewriting Dante’s Lyric Poetry (14th – 16th c.) 2020
929 MulHaRes A probabilistic decision framework for MULti-HAzard RESilience of residential building portfolios subjected to floods and landslides 2020
930 Quad2BIM A cooperative approach which brings completeness and inclusiveness to the scan-to-BIM modeling process within the historical buildings life cycle. 2020
931 CiliaCircuits Molecular Principles of Mammalian Axonemal Dynein Assembly 2020
932 SILVERPATH A silver path to a new generation of quantum materials. 2020
933 KBMSCACAR Pentecostalism and Social media in Brazil: Faith and the digital production of gendered, racialized and class-based Pentecostal bodies 2021